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Genetic Algorithm For Integrated Models of Continuous Berth Allocation Problem and Quay Crane Scheduling With Non Crossing Constraint

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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(32), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i32/92140, November 2015 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Genetic Algorithm for Integrated Models of

Continuous Berth Allocation Problem and
Quay Crane Scheduling with
Non Crossing Constraint
Azyanzuhaila Hasan Basri1*, Zaitul Marlizawati Zainuddin2 and Nurhidayu Idris1
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science,UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru,Johor,
Malaysia; azyan_z@yahoo.com, nhidayu5@gmail.com
UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia - Centre of Industrial and AppliedMathematics and Department of Mathematical
Sciences, Faculty of Science, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310, Johor Bahru, Johor,
Malaysia; zmarlizawati@utm.my

Background/Objectives: This paper focused on integrated Continuous Berth Allocation Problem (BAPC) and Quay
Crane Scheduling Problem (QCSP) by considering non-crossing constraint to make it more realistic. Methods/Statistical
analysis: Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a metaheuristic method that has been used extensively in Berth Allocation Problem
(BAP). Crossover and mutation are selected as operators in this paper. Findings: The integrated model is formulated as a
Mix Integer Problem (MIP) with the objective to minimize the sum of the processing times. A vessel's processing time is
measured between arrival and departure includingwaiting time to be berthed and servicing time.The new algorithm of GA
arecompatible with the integrated model and useful for finding near-optimal solutions. Three phase new algorithms of GA
are proposed and provide a wider search to the solution space. Application/Improvements: Three phase of GA is another
significant and promising variant of genetic algorithms in BAPC and QCSP. The probabilities of crossover and mutation
determine the degree of solution accuracy and the convergence speed that GA canobtain. By using fixed values of crossover
and mutation, the algorithm utilize the population information in each generation and adaptively adjust the crossover and
mutation. So, the population diversity and sustain the convergence capacity is maintained.

Keywords: Continuous Berth Allocation, Genetic Algorithm, Non Crossing,Quay Crane Scheduling

1. Introduction as a feasible solution of assigning ship to berthing

position while minimizing the total processing times
The efficient management of berth allocation and between arrival and departure of the ship. The terminal
Quay Crane (QC) at container terminal systems give operators first determine a berth schedule based on
great impact on the operation’s improvement and estimate total berthing time of each vessel, then quay
customer satisfaction. Berth scheduling and quay crane crane will be allocated based on holds within each vessel.
scheduling problems are the most important part of A vessel’s processing time is measured between arrival
terminal operation because they are interfaces between and departure of vessels. To enhance the productivity
landside and seaside. The efficient management systems of the terminal, the processing time should be reduced.
in container terminals plays an importance role to raise This paper concentrated on Integrated Continuous Berth
up productivity and it is one of the complex problems Allocation Problem and Quay Crane Scheduling Problem
encountered in transportation engineering1. (IBAPCQCSP) with non-crossing constraint.
The berth allocation problem in a terminal is defined

* Author for correspondence

Genetic Algorithm for Integrated Models of Continuous Berth Allocation Problem and Quay Crane Scheduling with Non
Crossing Constraint

2. Related Works heuristic procedures. In the second phase, the objective

is to minimize the distance of QC’s movement. The real
There are more papers used metaheuristic methods data are used and tested by using GA. Computational
compared to the other methods such as optimization testing indicated the impact of rising congestion levels on
algorithm iterative method and heuristic method. problem complexity as well as the ability of the proposed
Although metaheuristic methods do not certain that a algorithm to solve large-scale problem instances within
globally optimal solution can be found on some class of acceptable computational time.
problems. By the way, compare to optimization algorithms, In7 are extended the study of multiple quay cranes for
iterative methods, or simple heuristics, metaheuristics the dynamic and continuous Berth Allocation Problem.
can find better solutions with less computational effort. GA is applied as solution method and a local search
The metaheuristic methods are useful approaches for procedure is used to improvise the solutions produced
optimization problems and gave a good performance in by GA. In8 also extended study on dynamic but focus on
solving the IBAPCQCSP. discrete berth allocation bi-objective model. The model is
Some researchers choose Genetic Algorithm (GA) to minimize daytime priorities and the delayed workloads
when deal with different situation/environment of BAP in daytime and nights. A multi-objective of GA is
and QCSP. In2 examined on stochastic arrival of vessel developed to solve the bi-objective model. The sensitivity
and container handling time. This study focused on the analysis is examined on the algorithmic parameters
simultaneous model of berth allocation problem and and tradeoffs between daytime priorities and delayed
quay crane scheduling. In this issue, QC in operation workloads. Another researchers focus on dynamic
can be replaced with other QC after it task completed. A problem whether continuous or discrete and chose GA as
simulation based on genetic algorithm search procedure solution method such as9–12.
is used to generate robust berth and proactive QC
schedule. In3 also formulated a simultaneous model for
berth and crane allocation problem. By employing GA, an
3. Problem Descriptions
approximate solution for the problem is solved. The fitness There are various models for IBAPCQCSP based on their
value of a chromosome is obtained by QC scheduling. problem. However, the basic model is explained in this
While, in4 proposed stochastic environment for berth section to give a clear picture for the integrated model.
and quay crane allocation model. The model is capable The loading and unloading process of container at a berth
of efficiently and dynamically allocating berths and is related to quay cranes schedule. First, a berth schedule
quay cranes to calling containerships in real stochastic using estimates of total berth time for each vessel need to
environments and reflects the risk preference of decision determine, and then try to split cranes among the vessels
maker. The proposed Genetic Algorithm obtained planned to dock simultaneously. Terminal operators
satisfactory solutions, which is significantly improved by can develop a better operational plan if actual crane
greedy algorithms. requirements are considered while determining berth
In5 are applied a revised GA and a Branch-and-Bound schedules. The recent literature shown trend for integrated
method (B&B) to the solutions of upper and lower level solution approaches for berth allocation problem and
problems. Bi-Level Programming (BLP) model is studied quay crane scheduling. The following assumptions are
which is BAP is set as the upper-level programming described for basic model of IBAPCQCSP:
problem and the QCSP as the lower-level problem. They This section proposed the assumptions of the model:
found that, the first optimal berth allocation produced • Multiple vessels can moor at the berth and receive
best result, having shortest berthing time for all incoming services as soon as possible.
vessels. • Vessel processing time depends on the number of
In6 presented two phase solution for a dynamic BAPC QCs assigned to the vessel.
and QCSP by using a hybrid Genetic Algorithm. At the • A vessel is considered processed once a QC has
first phase, vessels are allocated at berthing areas and QCs completed the work on a set of holds identical.
are assigned to vessels based on novel crane assignment • Vessels can arrive at the terminal during the planning
heuristics. The solution process of the first phase is process but cannot be handled before it’s arrive time.
governed by the genetic algorithm that incorporates

2 Vol 9 (32) | November 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Azyanzuhaila Hasan Basri, Zaitul Marlizawati Zainuddin and Nurhidayu Idris

• Each vessel is divided along its length into holds 3 or xlk+xkl ≤ 1 ∀k ,l ∈V and k<l (3)
4 container rows. ylk+yk ≤ 1 ∀k ,l ∈V and k<l (4)
• Work needs to continue on a hold until completion tl ≥ ck+(xkl-1)M ∀k ,l ∈V and k<l (5)
when it’s started. bl ≥ bk+hk+(ykl-1)M ∀k ,l ∈V and k<l (6)
• A vessel can leave the port only after the proses of tk ≥ ak ∀k ∈V ∀k ∈V (7)
t t
loading and unloading container is completed on tl ≥ tz ki+(1- z ki)T ∀k ∈V∀i ∈{ 1,…..,hk}∀t ∈{1,…,T}
every hold. (8)
t i
• Only one QC can work on a hold at a given time ck ≥ tz ki+p k ∀k ∈V∀i ∈{ 1,…..,hk }∀t
period. ∈{1,…,T} (9)
ck ≥ tz ki+p max
∀k ∈V (10)
• QCs are on the same tracks and cannot cross each t
∑Tt=1z ki=1 ∀k ∈V ∀i ∈{ 1,…..,hk }
• QC can be shifted from hold to hold both within t i
∑Tt=1 ∑hki=1 ∑ft=f-pi +1 z ki ≤ Q∀t ̅∈{p k..., T} (12)
vessels and between vessels, as long as QCs are not bk≤B - hk+1
∀k ∈V (13)
cross one another. bk≥1 ∀k ∈V (14)
i t
L t ≤ L i+1- 1 ∀k ∈V (15)
4. Model Formulation
1≤ L i ≤ B ∀k ∈V (16)
xlk∈{0,1},ylk∈{0,1}, ∀k,l ∈V and k≠l (17)
This section proposed mathematical formulation for ztki ∈ {0,1} ∀k ∈V∀i ∈{ 1,…..,hk }∀t ∈{1,…,T}
IBAPCQSP. The study concentrated on the dynamic (18)
arrival where a set V of vessels with known arrival times, Constraints (2) through (4) guarantee that no vessel
where n = |V |. For each vessel k ∈ V, the study defines: rectangles overlap. Constraints (5) and (6) ensure that
the selected berthing times and berthing positions are
B: Set of berths equal size sections. consistent with the definitions of xlk and ylk, where M is
Q: A set of identical quay cranes operating on a single set a large positive scalar. Constraint (7) forces berthing to
of rails. make sure no earlier than arrival time, and Constraint (8)
T: Time period of vessels. forces hold processing to start after berthing. Constraint
v: A set of vessels with known arrival time. (9) ensures that vessels depart only after all holds are
M: A large positive scalar. processed, and Constraint (10) is a valid inequality that
: Location of crane i at time period t. provides a lower bound on ck given tk. Constraint (11)
hk: Number of holds of vessel k. ensures that work starts on each hold of each vessel and
: Processing time of hold iof vessel k Constraint (12) ensures that no more than Q quay cranes
: Maximum hold processing time for vessel k (pkmax : maxi are used at any time period. Constraints (13) and (14)
pi }). guarantee that all vessels fit on the berth. Constraint (15)
ak: Arrival time of vessel k. and (16) ensure that cranes cannot cross over each other.
bk: Berthing position of vessel k. The objective ∑nk=1(ck - ak) + ∑nk=1fk(ck - dk) is to minimize
tk: Berthing time of vessel k. the sum of processing time, where a vessel’s processing
ck: The earliest time that vessel k can depart. time is measured between arrival and departure time
tk: Berthing time of vessel k. including waiting times to be berthed and servicing time.

xlk = { 0
1 if vessel k berth after vesselldeparts
5. Genetic Algorithm
if vessel k berth completely above vessel l onthe time -space diagram
Genetic algorithms are based on population mechanisms.
y lk = { 01 otherwise ;
Every two parent solutions mate produced two child

{ 1 if vessel k berth after vfessel l departs solutions which transferred a new combination of genes
z ki = 0 otherwise ; to form of new chromosomes13. To create the populations,
chromosomes are generated randomly and proceeds for
next generations.
xlk+xkl+ylk+ykl ≥ 1 ∀k, l ∈V and k<l (2) Firstly, initial solution (L0, B0) is generated randomly

Vol 9 (32) | November 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Genetic Algorithm for Integrated Models of Continuous Berth Allocation Problem and Quay Crane Scheduling with Non
Crossing Constraint

and evaluated. To produce next generation, the genetic

operators of selection, reproduction and replacement is
applied for parent one. The operators are independent
from each other and can be implemented in a variety
The paper applied crossover and mutation as operators.
Single point crossover is randomly choose from a point
in the first line of chromosome and employed for every
vessels. The genes before that point are inherited from
parent 1 and genes after that point are copied from parent
Figure 1 shows the first phase of algorithm and there is
containing second phase algorithm (Figure 2). In Figure
3, show the flow of third phase.

Figure 2. Flow chart algorithm (second phase).

Figure 1. Flow chart algorithm (first phase).

Figure 3. Flow chart algorithm (third phase).

4 Vol 9 (32) | November 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Azyanzuhaila Hasan Basri, Zaitul Marlizawati Zainuddin and Nurhidayu Idris

These three phase algorithm of GA is significant and

produced new GA in BAPC and QCSP. In order to maintain
the population diversity and sustain the convergence
capacity, the value of cross over and mutation are fixed.
The population information in each generation are used
and the adaptively adjust for cross over and mutation.

6. Numerical Example
The small problem in Table 1 is used for the model, where
B = 7 and Q = 4. Commercial software, LINGO 14.0 was
Figure 4. Initial solution of IBAPCQSP on time space
adopted in this research for validation process. In this
problem, each vessel is divided into equal size sections that
we call holds. The length of a vessel can be represented by Time space diagram in Figure 4 represented processing
the number of holds it has. Furthermore, the length of a time for vertical axis and berth section for horizontal
hold is also set equal to the length of a berth section, and axis. The location of cranes in any holds illustrated using
it is assumed that the berth is B holds in total length. Each a solid and empty square. Solid square means crane in
hold consists of 3 or 4 container rows. Multiple vessels can processing activities (loading or unloading) and empty
moor at the berth and receive service simultaneously but square means cranes in idle situation.
only one QC can work on a hold at a given time period. Table 2 shows the optimal solution for this problem.
Each hold requires a known processing time to allocate The ordered list is L = (2,4,1,3,5) and B = (1,1,5,4,1).
QC for every hold. A vessel can leave the port only after The objective function values of the optimal solution is
loading and unloading process is completed on every 26 hours. Figure 5 shows time space diagram for optimal
hold. solution of the problem.

Table 1. A small instance for Table 2. Optimal solution for

K 1 2 3 4 5 k 1 2 3 4 5
2 1 3 2 1 bk 1 1 5 4 1
tk 3 1 5 2 7
2 3 3 4 4 ck 7 3 9 5 11
3 2 2 3 3

4 2 4 1 2

- 2 1 0 2

- - - 1 4

Initial solution is randomly generated (Figure 4).

Each vessel can be selected only once and quay crane will
be allocated based on holds within each vessel. In this
problem, quay crane is allowed to move from one hold of
Figure 5. Optimal solution of IBAPCQSP on time space
a vessel to another with the condition all works in initially
assigned hold is completed. The ordered list L for the
initial solution is (2,5,1,4,3) and B is (1,1,1,3,4). From This model considered non crossing constraint. As
Table 2, the objective function values of initial solution illustrated in Figure 6, the lines belonging to a QC should
is 31 hours. not crossover line other QCs and each berth section

Vol 9 (32) | November 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Genetic Algorithm for Integrated Models of Continuous Berth Allocation Problem and Quay Crane Scheduling with Non
Crossing Constraint

handled by one QC. In this problem, the travel time of a CIAM) for their financial funding through FRGS vote
QC not considered. number R.J130000.7809.4F470, the UTM. This support is
greatly acknowledged.

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6 Vol 9 (32) | November 2015 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology

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