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A Differential Evolution Algorithm Based On Multi-Population For Economic Dispatch Problems With Valve-Point Effects

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Received June 14, 2019, accepted July 2, 2019, date of publication July 9, 2019, date of current version August

2, 2019.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2927574

A Differential Evolution Algorithm Based on

Multi-Population for Economic Dispatch
Problems With Valve-Point Effects
School of Electrical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Corresponding author: Xueping Li (lixueping@ysu.edu.cn)
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61473246, in part by the Natural
Science Foundation of Hebei Province under Grant E2015203294, and in part by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation under Grant

ABSTRACT Economic dispatch (ED) problem with valve-point effects of generation units is a non-smooth
and non-convex problem. This paper presents a differential evolution algorithm based on multi-population
(MPDE) to solve ED problems with valve-point effects. The proposed MPDE algorithm employs the
evolutional methodology of multiple populations to overcome the limitations of the traditional differential
evolution algorithm. In multiple populations, each population has its mutation strategy and parameters to
enhance the searching ability. Moreover, information exchange among multiple populations to increase
the diversity of individuals in a single population. In addition, the algorithm also introduces the normal
distribution function to dynamically adjust the scaling factor and crossover rate to accelerate convergence
speed. The proposed algorithm is tested on the 13-, 40-, 80-, and 140-unit test systems. The simulation
results show that the MPDE algorithm can achieve much smaller variances compared with other intelligent
algorithms. The proposed algorithm has significant performance in accuracy for solving economic dispatch
problems with valve-point effects.

INDEX TERMS Differential evolution, multi-population, economic dispatch problems, valve-point effects.

I. INTRODUCTION In order to overcome the limitations of conventional

Economic dispatch (ED) is a typical optimization problem mathematical methods, many researchers focus on heuris-
of economic operation and optimal dispatch, which aims tic intelligence optimization algorithms including swarm
to improve the operation economy and reliability of power intelligence algorithms that simulate the behavior of bio-
system effectively. The purpose of ED problem is to optimize logical swarms, evolutionary algorithms that simulate the
output power of each unit and minimize power system gen- evolution of biological organisms and simulated ecosystem
erating cost. When considering the valve-point effects [1], algorithms. In recent years, some researchers have used
the characteristic curve of generation unit becomes nonlinear. these heuristic algorithms to solve ED problems, such as
In addition, there are a great many power generation units differential evolution algorithm (DE) [5], particle swarm
in the power system., which can increase the difficulty of optimization (PSO) [6], ant colony optimization algorithm
the calculation and easily fall into local optimum solutions. (ACO) [7], genetic algorithm (GA) [8], simulated anneal-
Because economic dispatch has a series of problems such as ing (SA) [9], Hopfield neural network (HNN) [10], tabu
non-linearity, non-convexity and multi-dimensionality, some search (TS) [11], bacterial foraging (BF) [12], cuckoo search
mathematical methods cannot solve ED problem well, for algorithm (CS) [13], bee colony optimization (BCO) [14],
example, linear programming algorithm (LP) [2], quadratic and bio-geography based optimization (BBO) [15]. For
programming algorithm (QP) [3] and dynamic programming the purpose of improving the global optimization ability
algorithm (DP) [4]. and search efficiency, many researchers developed a vari-
ety of modification and hybridization of these intelligent
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and
methods. On the basis of the traditional cuckoo search
approving it for publication was Wei Wei. algorithm (CS), Zhao et al. [16] added the adaptive step

VOLUME 7, 2019 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ 95585
X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

size and a neighbor strategy to form the MCSA algorithm. have improved on the basis of the traditional DE algorithm
Cai et al. [17] proposed a chaotic particle swarm optimiza- and used the improved algorithm to solve the ED problem.
tion algorithm (CPSO), which combines particle swarm opti- Amjady and Sharifzadeh [32] presented a modified differ-
mization algorithm (PSO), adaptive weighting factor and ential evolution algorithm (MDE), where the mutation factor
fusion chaotic local search optimization method to solve ED and the crossover rate are dynamically adjusted, and the
problem. Adarsh et al. [18] proposed a bat algorithm that mutant vector is produced by two mutation operators and a
uses chaotic sequences to enhance its performance, called modified repair operation regulating variables. Bhattacharya
the chaotic bat algorithm (CBA). Park et al. [19] applied and Chattopadhyay [33] introduced a hybrid technique com-
the dynamic search space reduction strategy to the PSO bining differential evolution with biogeography-based opti-
to form the MPSO algorithm that speeds up the optimiza- mization (DE/BBO), which is a combination of DE and BBO
tion process. Jadoun et al. [20] proposed a new Modulated to improve the quality of solution and convergence speed.
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (SMPSO). Unlike Roy et al. [34] proposed a new hybrid difference algorithm
MPSO, SMPSO introduces a truncated sinusoidal contraction (HCR-DE), which combines DE with CRO and utilizes the
function to change the particle velocity for a larger search advantages of HCR and DE to improve the convergence
range. Chaturvedi et al. [21] introduced a time varying speed. Niknam et al. [35] proposed a hybrid algorithm which
acceleration coefficient to PSO algorithm (PSO_TVAC) to combines variable DE with fuzzy adaptive particle swarm
improve the local and global search efficiency and stabil- optimization (FAPSO-VDE) to solve the ED problem with
ity of PSO. He et al. [22] applied the differential evolu- valve-point effects. Zou et al. [36] presented an improved
tion algorithm (DE) and sequential quadratic programming differential evolution algorithm (IDE), where randomiza-
(SQP) techniques to the GA algorithm to form the HGA. tion is incorporated into IDE to overcome the premature
In the HGA algorithm, DE and SQP adjust the GA opti- convergence.
mized solution. Xiong et al. [23] proposed a multi-strategy Srinivasa Reddy and Vaisakh [37] proposed a hybrid shuf-
ensemble biogeography-based optimization (MsEBBO) to fled differential evolution algorithm (SDE), which combines
effectively balance the global exploration and the local the advantages of hybrid hopping algorithm and differential
exploitation. evolution algorithm, and designed a new mutation strat-
The differential evolution algorithm (DE) is an intelli- egy: DE/Memeplexbest/2. The algorithm divides the pop-
gent optimization algorithm that simulates the evolution of ulation into several subpopulations, each subpopulation is
natural organisms, which was proposed by Storn and Price updated by DE/Memeplexbest/2, and after a certain number
in 1995 when studying the Chebyshev polynomial fitting of predefined memetic evolutions, all individuals are col-
problem [24]. The DE algorithm has a strong search abil- lected from each subpopulation and shuffled. Wu et al. [38]
ity, so it has been improved by many some researchers. proposed a multi-population ensemble differential evolu-
Draa et al. [25] proposed a sinusoidal differential evolu- tion algorithm (MPEDE). The population is divided into
tion (SinDE), which uses the new sinusoidal formulas to three smaller indicator subpopulations of the same size
automatically adjust the scaling factor and the crossover rate and a larger reward subpopulation. The three indicator
to balanced global search and local search. Mohamed [26] subpopulations use different mutation strategies, and the
presented an improved differential evolution (IDE) algorithm. reward subpopulation selects the best mutation strategy
The algorithm introduces a new triangular mutation rule and among the three populations for mutation operation. This
adopts a restart mechanism to overcome premature conver- paper proposes a multi-population differential evolution
gence. Li et al. [27] designed a new framework that named algorithm (MPDE), and each population adopts different
HMJCDE by combining MJADE and MCoDE. They are mutation strategies. In the process of evolution, informa-
operated alternatively according to the improvement rate of tion exchanges among the three populations. SDE, MPEDE
the fitness value. Mohamed and Mohamed [28] presented and MPDE algorithms all introduce the concept of multi-
adaptive guided differential evolution algorithm (AGDE) that population, but there are some differences in some respects.
introduces a new mutation scheme to maintain effectively For example, the three algorithms are different in the selec-
the balance between the global search and local search abil- tion of mutation strategies. MPDE chooses three different
ities. Cui et al. [29] presented an adaptive multiple-elites- mutation strategies: DE/rand/1, DE/rand/2 and DE/rand-
guided composite differential evolution algorithm with a to-best/1. The three indicator populations in MPEDE
shift mechanism (AMECoDEs), the purpose of this shift select DE/rand/1, DE/current-to-best/1 and DE/current-to-
mechanism is to solve the problems of search stagnation rand/1 respectively. All subpopulations in the SDE algorithm
and premature convergence. Wu et al. [30] proposed a use the DE/Memeplexbest/2 mutation strategy to update indi-
multi-population based on framework (MPF) to realize the viduals. In addition, in order to improve the diversity of
ensemble of multiple DE variants to derive a new algorithm individuals in the single population, MPDE algorithm uses
named EDEV. Mohamed et al. [31] presented a new semi- a multi-population learning strategy, in which multiple pop-
parameter adaptation approach to effectively adapt the value ulations can learn and exchange information with each other.
of the scaling factor of the differential evolution algorithm to Das et al. [39] used a linearly decreasing strategy to adjust
enhance search capability. In recent years, some researchers the scaling factor. Qin et al. [40] introduced the distribution

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function to control parameters in the SaDE algorithm. A. INITIALIZATION

The scaling factor satisfies the distribution with a mean There are multiple individuals in the population, and each
of 0.5 and a standard deviation of 0.3. The crossover rate individual can be considered as a solution in the search space.
satisfies the distribution with a mean of σ and the standard If there are NP individuals in the population, the population
deviation of 0.1. The σ is adjusted every other period. Zhang can be expressed as:
and Sanderson [41] proposed the JADE algorithm, in which n o
the scaling factor and crossover rate are adaptively adjusted Pt = xmt |xmt = (xm,1
, xm,2
, xm,3
, · · · , xm,D
)T ,
according to the search experience during the evolution pro- m = 1, 2, · · · , NP (1)
cess. Ali and Torn [42] keep the crossover rate unchanged
in DE algorithm and adjust the scaling factor dynamically where t is the current number of evolutions; Pt is the popula-
according to the fitness of individuals in the current popu- tion at the t − th generation; xmt is the m-th individual vector;
lation. The magnitude of scaling factor and the magnitude D is the number of dimensions of the individual vector.
of crossover rate have a large impact on the performance The initial population needs to cover the entire search
of the DE algorithm at different stages of evolution. Based space as much as possible, so the algorithm uses a uniformly
on this, the linear decrement and increment method are used distributed random function to generate the initial solutions.
0 is calculated as follows:
to dynamically adjust the mean value of the normal distri-
bution function of the algorithm parameters. This method xm,n = xnmin + rand(0, 1) × (xnmax − xnmin ) (2)
can provide appropriate mean value of the parameters for 0 is the value in the n-th dimension of the individual
individuals of the population in different evolutionary peri- where xm.n
ods, and at each iteration, the parameters of individuals in m; rand(0, 1) is a uniformly distributed random number in
the population will be generated randomly according to the the interval (0, 1); xnmax is the maximum boundary value of
current means and standard deviations, which increases the the n-th dimension of the individual and xnmin is the minimum
diversity of parameters and is conducive to the convergence boundary value of the n-th dimension of the individual.
of the population to the optimal solution. Compared with the
existing studies, the salient contributions of this paper may be
listed as below: In the DE, the mutation operation is the creation of a mutation
vector for each individual of the current population by a
1) A multi-population strategy is proposed. Different random perturbation method. The differential evolution algo-
mutation strategies and parameters combinations in rithm maintains the diversity of the population through muta-
each population will produce different search charac- tion operation. The most widely used DE mutation strategies
teristics. Multi-population strategy combines different are shown as follows [2], [43]:
mutation strategies skillfully to enhance the searching DE/rand/1:
2) A learning strategy among populations was designed. vtm = xrt1 + Fmt × (xrt2 − xrt3 ) (3)
This strategy promotes information exchange among
populations to increases the diversity of individuals in
the single population, and avoid the single population vtm = xrt1 + Fmt × (xrt2 − xrt3 ) + Fmt × (xrt4 − xrt5 ) (4)
falling into local optimum solution.
3) The normal distribution function is applied to dynam-
ically adjust the scaling factor and crossover rate to vtm = xbest
+ Fmt × (xrt1 − xrt2 ) (5)
accelerate convergence speed.
4) In the test of 13-, 40-, 80- and 140- unit test systems,
the MPDE algorithm can converge to the optimal value vtm = xbest
+ Fmt × (xrt1 − xrt2 ) + Fmt × (xrt3 − xrt4 ) (6)
and has a smaller standard deviation.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the
traditional differential evolution algorithm. Section III pro- vtm = xmt + Fmt × (xbest
− xmt ) + Fmt × (xrt1 − xrt2 ) (7)
poses the MPDE algorithm. Section IV implements MPDE DE/rand-to-best/1:
algorithm to solve the ED problem. Section V is dedicated to
simulation results and analysis. Section VI summarizes the vtm = xrt1 + Fmt × (xbest
− xrt1 ) + Fmt × (xrt2 − xrt3 ) (8)
conclusion of this work. where vtm (the donor vector) represents the mutant vector of
individual m at the t − th generation; r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 are five
II. THE TRADITIONAL DE ALGORITHM random integers in the range [1, Np ] and r1 6 = r2 6 = r3 6=
In the DE algorithm, there are four main operating proce- t
r4 6 = r5 ; xbest is the individual vector with the best fitness
dures: initialization, mutation operation, crossover operation in the current population at the t − th generation; Fmt is the
and selection operation. scaling factor of individual m at the t − th generation.

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xmt generates vtm through mutation operation, and the DE
algorithm performs crossover operation based on xmt and vtm
to generate utm (the trial vector). Compare the random number
and the crossover rate to generate each dimension of the trial
vector. The updating equation is given by:
vt If rand(0, 1) ≤ CRtm or n = nrand
um,n = m,n t
xm,n Otherwise
where rand(0, 1) is a uniformly distributed random number
in the interval (0, 1); nrand is a random integer in the interval
[1, D]; CRtm is the crossover rate of individual m at the t − th

The DE algorithm uses the greedy selection method to per- FIGURE 1. The framework of population division.

form the selection operation. By comparing the fitness func-

tion values corresponding to the xmt and the vtm , the vector with
better fitness value is selected as the next generation of indi- ability. pop3 adopts DE/rand-to-best/1 (8) mutation strategy,
vidual. Therefore, the selection operation can be defined as: which has a relatively balanced performance in global search
( and local search. The DE/best/1 (5) and DE/best/2 (6) muta-
utm f utm ≤ f xmt
xm = t (10) tion strategies are based on the optimal individual vector to
xm Otherwise perform mutation operation, so it is easy to fall into local
optimum for complex problems. The DE/current-to-best/1
The above is the four steps of the traditional DE algorithm.
(7) mutation strategy is not stable enough to solve complex
problems and has poor robustness.
In this paper, a differential evolution algorithm based on
multi-population (MPDE) is proposed, the MPDE algorithm
In the MPDE algorithm, we use qm to track the num-
improves the traditional DE algorithm in the two aspects.
ber of consecutive failures of individual m during evolu-
tion. If f (um ) ≤ f (xm ), the individual m completes an
update, qm = 0. If f (um ) > f (xm ), the individual m fails
The core of the MPDE algorithm is the multi-population
to update, qm = qm + 1. The formula is expressed as
co-evolution. In this paper, a multi-population strategy is
designed for the DE algorithm, and each population uses (
different mutation strategies. In order to increase the diversity 0 If f (um ) ≤ f (xm )
of the single population, multiple populations can learn from qm = (11)
qm + 1 Otherwise
each other by exchanging information.
In this paper, the value Qt that allows the individual to
1) THE MULTI-POPULATION DIVISION STRATEGY continuously fail is set. Information exchange among pop-
Fan and Zhang have proposed differential evolution algo- ulations can neither be too frequent or too less. It is impor-
rithms for a variety of different mutation strategies [3]. tant to choose the suitable Qt for the population to evolve.
Different mutation strategies have different search charac- In the early stage of evolution, due to the better individual
teristics. Based on this, this paper sets up three equal-sized diversity of the single population, the number of consec-
populations and each population adopts different mutation utive failures of individuals is small. In the later stage of
strategies to perform the mutation operation, as shown in evolution, the individual differences of the single population
Figure 1. become smaller, and the number of consecutive failures of
pop1, pop2 and pop3 contain the same number of indi- individuals will increase. This paper adopts a nonlinear incre-
viduals, and each population has NP individuals. The MPDE mental method to dynamically adjust Qt . Qt is computed as
algorithm assigns different mutation strategies to the cor- follows:
responding population. pop1 uses DE/rand/1 (3) mutation t 3.5
strategy that is the most commonly used, all individuals in the Qt = Qmin + (Qmax − Qmin ) × ( ) (12)
mutation strategy formula are randomly generated, so there
is no specific search direction. The DE/rand/2 (4) mutation where Qt is the number of times individuals is allowed to fail
strategy is applied to pop2. The DE/rand/2 strategy has rela- consecutively in the t − th generation; Qmax is the maximum
tively good stability for disturbance, and strong global search value of Qt and Qmax = 18; Qmin is the minimum value of

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FIGURE 2. The schematic diagram of the MPDE algorithm.

Qt and Qmin = 5; t is the current number of iterations; tmax If the individual m belongs to the population pop2,
is the maximum iteration number. the updating equation is given by:
For the purpose of increasing the individual diversity of
the single population, individuals can select not only pater- vtm
nal individual vectors in their own population, but also the (
x t + Fmt × (xrt2 − xrt3 ) + Fmt × (xrt4 − xrt5 ) If qm ≤ Qt
paternal individual vectors in other populations to perform = rt1
the mutation operation. When qm ≤ Qt , all paternal indi- xj1 + Fmt × (xjt2 − xjt3 ) + Fmt × (xjt4 − xjt5 ) Otherwise
vidual vectors of individual m have to be selected from (14)
its own population. When qm > Qt , the target vector is
selected in the population to which individual m belong, the where r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 are five random integers in the range
other individual vectors are selected randomly in the three [NP + 1, 2NP ] and r1 6 = r2 6 = r3 6 = r4 6 = r5 ; j1 is
populations. one random integer in the range [NP + 1, 2NP ]; j2 , j3 , j4 , j5
If the individual m belongs to the population pop1, are four different random integers in the range [1, 3NP ] and
the donor vector vtm can be described as follows: j1 6 = j2 6 = j3 6 = j4 6 = j5 .
( If the individual m belongs to the population pop3, the for-
x t + Fmt × (xrt2 − xrt3 ) If qm ≤ Qt mula is expressed as follows:
vm = rt1
xj1 + Fmt × (xjt2 − xjt3 ) Otherwise
where r1 , r2 , r3 are three random integers in the range [1, NP ], (
t −x t )+F t × (x t −x t ) If q ≤ Qt
x t +Fmt ×(xbest m
and r1 6 = r2 6 = r3 ; j1 is one random integer in the range = rt1 r1 m r2 r3
t −x t )+F t × (x t −x t ) Otherwise
[1, NP ]; j2 , j3 are two random integers in the range [1, 3NP ], xj1 +Fmt × (xbest j1 m j2 j3
and j1 6 = j2 6 = j3 . (15)

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X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

FIGURE 4. The convergence characteristics for case 1.

TABLE 3. Output power of generators in the best result for the case 1.

FIGURE 3. The flow chart of MPDE algorithm in solving ED problem.

TABLE 1. The parameters of the MPDE algorithm for solving the unit ED

TABLE 2. Input parameters and the brief introduction to test cases.

FIGURE 5. The convergence characteristics for case 2.

where r1 , r2 , r3 are three random integers in the range [2NP +

1, 3NP ] and r1 6 = r2 6 = r3 ; j1 is one random integer in the mechanism enhances the search ability of the single popula-
range [2NP + 1, 3NP ]; j2 , j3 are two random integers in the tion. Figure 2 shows the schematic diagram of the exchange
range [1, 3NP ] and j1 6 = j2 6 = j3 ; xbest is the best individual among populations. This information exchange mechanism
vector with the best fitness in the population pop3. has two characteristics. On the one hand, it makes the sin-
Individuals of different populations can learn from indi- gle population have certain independence, and exchanging
viduals in other populations, and this information exchange information too frequently among populations will cause a

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TABLE 4. The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 1.

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TABLE 4. (Continued) The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 1.

population to have too much influence on the other two popu- individuals in the single population and facilitates the indi-
lations, resulting in rapid convergence of three populations to vidual to escape from the local optimum.
local optimum. On the other hand, the greater the number of
consecutive failures of individual continuous update, which B. DYNAMICALLY ADJUST ALGORITHM PARAMETERS
indicating that the individual may fall into local optimum In the DE algorithm, the scaling factor and crossover rate
or that the paternal individuals in the population to which have an important influence on the global search ability and
the individual belongs cannot meet the requirement of the convergence speed of the algorithm. The control parameters
individual to perform the mutation operation, and from other in the traditional DE algorithm are selected from fixed values,
populations, it is possible to find paternal individuals suitable so the diversity of parameters is relatively poor, for some
for the individual to perform the mutation operation. The special problems, the effect of fixed parameters is not very
information exchange mechanism enhances the diversity of good. This paper proposes a method of dynamically adjusting

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TABLE 5. Friedman ranks test for the case 1.

TABLE 6. Output power of generators in the best result for the case 2.

parameters, in which the control parameters are converted where N (αt , βt ) represents the normal distribution function
from fixed to dynamic. with a mean of αt and a standard deviation of βt ; αmax is the
maximum value of αt ; αmin is the minimum value of αt .
If the value of the scaling factor is larger, the global search
ability of the algorithm is stronger, if the value of the scaling
factor is smaller, the convergence speed of the algorithm is 2) DYNAMICALLY ADJUST THE CROSSOVER RATE
faster. In the early stages of evolution, a larger scaling factors The crossover rate has a great influence on the diversity of
enhance global search ability of the algorithm, in the later the population. When the value of the crossover rate is large,
stages of evolution, a smaller scaling factor speeds up the it can be seen from the formula (9) that most of the elements
convergence of the algorithm. This paper uses a nonlinear of the trial vector uti come from the donor vector vti , the
decrement method to dynamically adjust the scaling factor. probability of individual changes in the population is greatly
The scaling factor is given by: improved, the algorithm is easy to search for the optimal
solution. If the crossover rate is small, most of the elements
Fmt = N (αt , βt ) (16) of the trial vector uti come from the xit , which is beneficial for
t × (αmax − αmin ) the algorithm to perform a stable search in space. This paper
αt = αmax − βt = 0.1 (17)
tmax uses a nonlinear incremental method to dynamically adjust

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TABLE 7. The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 2.

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TABLE 8. Friedman rankstest for case2.

TABLE 9. Friedman ranks test for dataset2(13−unit). .

FIGURE 6. The convergence characteristics for case 3. FIGURE 7. The convergence characteristics for case 4.

the crossover rate. The crossover rate is calculated as:

CRtm = N (µt , δt ) (18)
t × (µmax − µmin )
µt = µmin + δt = 0.1 (19) The section III proposes the MPDE algorithm. This
tmax section introduces the application of MPDE algorithm
where N (µt , δt ) represents the normal distribution function in solving ED problems. Its main contents include
with a mean of µt and a standard deviation of δt ; µmax is the the objective function, constraints and constraints han-
maximum value of µt ; µmin is the minimum value of µt . dling of ED problem. In addition, the specific steps of

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TABLE 10. Output power of generators in the best result for the case 3. B. CONSTRAINTS
The output power of each generator unit should meet the
inequality constraint (22), it shall not be greater than the
maximum of power output of the generator unit and not less
than the minimum of power output of the generator unit.

j ≥ Pj ≥ Pmin
j (22)

where Pmax
j is the maximum power of the generator
unit j.

The actual operating range of all the online units is restricted
by their corresponding ramp rate limits. The ramp-up and
ramp-down constraints can be written as follows:

Pj − P0j ≤ URj and P0j − Pj ≤ DRj (23)

j , Pj
max(Pmin , P0j
− DRj ) ≤ Pj ≤ min(Pmax
j + URj ) (24)

where P0j is the previous generation of unit j; DRj and URj are
down and up ramp rate limits.


Due to the physical limitations of generators, the system
should include prohibited operating zones. POZs constraints
are given by:
 min l
Pj ≤ Pj ≤ Pj,1

Pj ∈ Puj,k−1 ≤ Pj ≤ Plj,k , k = 2, 3, . . . , gj (25)
Pj,gj ≤ Pj ≤ Pmax
 u


where gj is the number of the POZs for unit j; Plj,k and Puj,k
applying the MPDE algorithm to the ED problem are are the lower and upper bounds of the k-th POZs of unit j.
A. OBJECTIVE FUNCTION The total of all power of the generator unit is equal to the
The purpose of the ED is to optimize the power output of sum of load demand and the transmission loss. The equality
generator unit while satisfying the constraints of the power constraints can be formulated as follows:
system, thereby minimizing the total power generation cost.
The cost function when considering the valve-point effects X
can be formulated as follows: Pj = PD + PLoss (26)
  j=1
X 
min F = min Fj (Pj ) (20) PLoss =
Pj Bji Pi +
B0j Pj + B00 (27)
 
j=1 i=1 j=1

Fj (Pj ) = aj P2j + bj Pj + cj + |ej sin(fj (Pj − Pmin

j ))| (21) where PD is the total load demand; PLoss is the transmission
where F is the total power generation cost of the power losses; Bji , B0j , B00 are the losses coefficients; Pi is the power
system; Fj (Pj ) is the power consumption characteristic of output of unit i.
the power generation unit j; M is the total number of the
power generation units; Pj is the output power of the power C. CONSTRAINTS HANDING
generation unit j; aj , bj , cj , ej , fj are the cost coefficients of the 1) INEQUALITY AND RAMP-RATE CONSTRAINTS HANDING
generator unit j; Pmin
j is the minimum power of the generator The new individual vector generated by the algorithm after
unit j. the crossover operation may not satisfy the inequality and
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TABLE 11. The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 3.

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TABLE 11. (Continued). The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 3.


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TABLE 11. (Continued). The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 3.

TABLE 12. Friedman ranks test for case 3.

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TABLE 13. Output power of generators in the best result for the case 4. 3) EQUALITY CONSTRAINTS HANDLING
This paper takes a new method to deal with equality con-
straints. The difference is distributed to each generation unit
by calculating the difference between the current total output
and the demand output. In this way, not only the genera-
tor unit can be corrected to satisfy the equality constraints,
but also the output power of the generator unit can be
changed less, and the influence due to the variation of the
output power can be reduced. The specific steps are analyzed
Step 1: If Pj violates formula (24) or satisfies formula (25),
set the transition variable Tj = 0, else Tj = Pj .
Step 2: Calculate the difference 1 between the current total
output and the demand output.
1= Pj − PD − PLoss (30)

If |1| > 0, Perform Step 3, else Perform Step 4.

Step 3: Modify the output of Pj in order to satisfy the
equality constraints (26) with following formula:
Pj = Pj − 1 × PM (31)
j=1 Tj
Step 4: Check all the modified Pj , if there is any violation
of the inequality constrains, Perform Formula (28) and (29),
back to step 1.


In this part, the procedure of the MPDE algorithm for solving
ED problem is described. The specific steps analyzed below:
Step 1: Parameters preparation. The total number of power
generation units (M ).The cost coefficients of the generator
units. The maximum and minimum capacity constraints of all
generator units. The total load demand (PD ). The maximum
and minimum vales of αt , µt and Qt . The number of individ-
uals in one population (NP ). The maximum iteration number
(tmax ).
ramp-rate constraints. When this happens, the modified out- Step 2: Initialization. The power output of each individual
put power of each generator unit is calculated as: vector is derived from formula (32). Modify the individual
     vector that violates equality constraints and inequality con-
max P min , P0 −DR P ≤ max P min , P0 −DR straints. Evaluate the fitness value of the individual according
j j j
 j j  j j

   to formula (20) and (21).
Pj = min Pmax j , P0
j +UR j Pj ≥ min P max
j , P0
j +UR j
Pm,j = Pmin + rand(0, 1) × (Pmax − Pmin

j ) (32)

Pj Otherwise j j

(28) where Pm.j represents the output power of the j − th power
generator unit of the individual m.
2) PROHIBITED OPERATING ZONE CONSTRAINTS HANDING Step 3: Population division. According to the multi-
If the generator units of the new individual vector generated population strategy shown in Figure 1, the population is
by the algorithm are in prohibited operating zones, the output divided into three equal-sized populations.
power of each generator unit is adjusted as follows: Step 4: Information exchange among populations. Qt is
    adjusted by formula (12). Judge the population to which
Plj,k If Pj − Plj,k ≤ Puj,k − Pj the individual m belongs and according to formulas (13)-
Pj = (29) (15) the parental individuals and mutation strategy are
Puj,k Otherwise selected to perform the mutation operation, so as to realize

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X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

information exchange among populations. The Fmt is obtained DHS and HIS, IDE algorithm in terms of mean cost, max-
by using (16) and (17). imum cost, standard deviation. The maximum, minimum,
Step 5: Obtain CRtm according to formulas (18) and (19). mean, and standard deviation of the MPDE algorithm are
Perform crossover operation and generate the trial vector. the best. Although the running time of the DEC-SQP algo-
Modify the trial vector that violates equality constraints and rithm is faster than the running time of the MPED algorithm,
inequality constraints. Evaluate the fitness value of the indi- the MPDE algorithm is far superior to the DEC-SQP algo-
vidual according to formulas (20) and (21). rithm in terms of accuracy. For DataSet2(13−unit) ), MABC,
Step6: Perform selection operation and update qm by FAPSO-VDE, MsEBBO and MPDE can obtain the lowest
using (11). cost. The maximum, minimum and mean values of MPDE
Step 7: If the maximum number of iterations is reached, are equal. The stability of MPDE is stronger than MABC,
the algorithm terminates. Output the global optimal fitness FAPSO-VDE and MsEBBO. In addition, the running time
value, else go to step 4. of MPDE is shorter than that of MABC and FAPSO-VDE.
Although ST-HDE, NSEO and CBA are superior in time to
MPDE, MPDE is superior to them in other respects. By com-
V. SIMULATION RESULTS AND ANALYSIS paring the results of the MPDE algorithm with other intelli-
In order to test the comprehensive performance of the gent algorithms, the proposed algorithm has great advantages
improved algorithm, we tested six cases of 13-, 40-, 80- in solving case 1.
and 140- unit test systems with this algorithm. All cases are Table 5 depicts the ranks computed through the Friedman
coded in C++ and implemented in Visual Studio 2013, which test [65], [66] and the Friedman test is implemented by
are tested on a PC with Intel i5 2.3GHz processor, 4GB of the software SPSS. Calculate the fuel consumption cost of
RAM and Windows 10 Professional, each case runs 50 times each generator unit for each algorithm (The cost is accurate
independently and we compare them with the results of other to 0.0001$/h.). Rank the algorithms for each generator unit,
intelligent algorithms. and average the ranks obtained in all generator units for
each algorithm. The algorithm with the smaller mean ranking
A. SETTING ALGORITHM PARAMETERS performs better. As can be seen from Table 5, the MPDE ranks
The MPDE algorithm is sensitive to parameters. The parame- the first. MPDE is superior to all algorithms.
ters of the MPDE algorithm for solving the ED problems are
shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The brief introduction to the
test cases is also shown in Table 2, including the valve-point C. CASE 2
effects (VPE), transmission losses (TL), prohibited operating Case 2 is one of the 13- unit test system, which considers
zones (POZs) and ramp rate limits (RRL). the valve-point effects and the transmission losses. Its load
demand is 2520 MW There are four sets of data are used
for the case 2. The first data set (DataSet1(13−unit) ) uses for
B. CASE 1 the loss coefficients B are given in Table A-1 of Appendix A
Case 1 is one case in the 13- unit test system, which considers and the cost coefficients are refer to [4]. The second data set
the valve-point effects, and its load demand is 1800 MW. (DataSet2(13−unit) ) uses for the loss coefficients B are given
there are two sets of data are used for the fuel consumption in Table A-I of Appendix A with correction B0,11 = 0.0017
cost coefficients. The first data set (DataSet1(13−unit) ) uses for and the cost coefficients are refer to [4]. The third data
the fuel consumption cost coefficients and generation limits set (DataSet3(13−unit) ) uses for the loss coefficients B are
are refer to [44]. The second data set (DataSet2(13−unit) ) given in Table A-I of Appendix A with correction B1,10 =
uses for the fuel consumption cost coefficients and generation 0.0005 B00 = 0.0055 and the fuel consumption cost coeffi-
limits are refer to [4]. The difference between them is the e cients are refer to [4]. The fourth data set (DataSet4(13−unit) )
fuel consumption cost coefficient of 3-th unit. uses for the loss coefficients B are given in Table A-I of
Case 1 was run independently for 50 times with the MPDE Appendix A with correction B1,10 = 0.0005 B00 = 0.0055
algorithm. Figure 4 shows the convergence characteristics of and the cost coefficients are refer to [44].
the MPDE algorithm when solving case 1. Table 3 shows Case 2 was run independently for 50 times with the MPDE
the output of each generator unit at the lowest total algorithm. Figure 5 shows the convergence characteristics of
generation cost with the different fuel consumption cost the MPDE algorithm when solving case 2. Table 6 shows the
coefficients. output of each generator unit.
Table 4 shows the results of the MPDE algorithm and other Table 7 shows the results of the MPDE algorithm and
intelligent algorithms to test case 1, including the minimum other intelligent algorithms to test case 2, including the min-
cost, mean cost, maximum cost, standard deviation value, imum cost, mean cost, maximum cost, standard deviation
time and NFE (NFE= NP ∗ tmax ). As can be seen from value, time and NFE. As can be seen from Table 7, for
Table 6, for DataSet1(13−unit) ), HIS, CSOMA, DHS, IDE and DataSet1(13−unit) ), MABC, MCSA, MSOS and MPDE can
MPDE can get the lowest cost and DHS takes less time, get the lowest cost and their maximum, minimum and mean
but the MPDE algorithm is far superior to the CSOMA, values are equal. In terms of time, MPDE is better than

VOLUME 7, 2019 95601

X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

TABLE 14. The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 4.

95602 VOLUME 7, 2019

X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

TABLE 15. Output power of generators in the best result for the case 5.

FIGURE 8. The convergence characteristic for case 5.

−0.1301 < 0, the total power generation cost of the MPDE

is lower than that of FPSOGSA.

Case 3 is one case in the 40- unit test system, which considers
the valve-point effects, and its load demand is 10500 MW.
There are two sets of data are used for the fuel consumption
cost coefficients. The first data set (DataSet1(40−unit) ) uses for
the fuel consumption cost coefficients and generation limits
are refer to [4]. The second data set (DataSet2(40−unit) ) uses
for the fuel consumption cost coefficients and generation
limits are refer to [48]. The difference between them is the e
fuel consumption cost coefficient of 7-th unit.
Case 3 was run independently for 50 times with the MPDE
algorithm. Figure 6 shows the convergence characteristics of
the MPDE algorithm when solving case 3. Table 10 shows
the output of each generator unit at the lowest total generation
Table 11 shows the results of the MPDE algorithm and
other intelligent algorithms to test case 3, including the min-
MABC and MSOS, but it is a bit worse than MCSA. Although imum cost, mean cost, maximum cost, standard deviation
HDE, STHDE, ICA-PSO, value, time and NFE. It can be seen from Table 11, for
BBO, SOS, CS and DE/BBO have strong competitiveness DataSet1(40−unit) ), only EMA, MCSA, NSEO and MPDE
in time, they are worse in accuracy. For DataSet2(13−unit) ), can get the lowest cost, MCSA takes less time than MPDE,
MSOS and MPDE can get the lowest cost and their but MPDE has good performance in terms of the mean
maximum, minimum and mean values are equal, and cost, the maximum cost and the standard deviation. Rela-
MPDE takes less time than MSOS. For DataSet3(13−unit) tively speaking, MPDE is relatively stable. HDE, DE/BBO,
and DataSet4(13−unit) , the MPDE has the best perfor- FAPSO–VDE and CBA are better than MPDE in time,
mance in terms of the maximum, minimum, mean val- but in other respects, MPDE is superior to them. For
ues and time, the MPDE algorithm is significantly better DataSet2(40−unit) ), DHS and MPDE can get the lowest cost
than other algorithms. Table 8 depicts the ranks computed and DHS is better than MPDE in terms of time, but the MPDE
through the Friedman test. As can be seen from Table 8, has the best performance in terms of the maximum, minimum
for DataSet1(13−unit) , DataSet3(13−unit) and DataSet4(13−unit) and mean value. By comparing the results of the MPDE algo-
the MPDE has the smallest mean ranking so it ranks rithm with other intelligent algorithms, the proposed algo-
the first. Table 9 depicts the Friedman ranks test for the rithm outperforms other intelligent algorithms in solving case
DataSet2(13−unit). As can be seen from Table 9, RMPDE10 > 3. Table 12 depicts the ranks computed through the Friedman
10 12 12 13 13 test. As can be seen from Table 12, for DataSet1(40−unit) and
only RMPDE
11 , so the mean rank of MPDE is DataSet2(40−unit) the MPDE has the smallest mean ranking so
bigger than that of FPSOGSA. But T10 +T11 + T12 + T13 = it ranks the first.

VOLUME 7, 2019 95603

X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

TABLE 16. The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 5.

E. CASE 4 Case 4 was run independently for 50 times with the MPDE
Case 4 is one case in the 40- unit test system, which considers algorithm. Figure 7 shows the convergence characteristics of
the valve-point effects and the transmission losses. Its load the MPDE algorithm when solving case 4. Table 13 shows
demand is 10500 MW. there are two sets of data are used the output of each generator unit at the lowest total generation
for the fuel consumption cost coefficients in the 40- unit test cost.
system. The first data set (DataSet1(40−unit) ) uses for the cost Table 14 shows the results of the MPDE algorithm and
coefficients and generation limits are refer to [5]. The second other intelligent algorithms to test case 4, including the
data set (DataSet2(40−unit) ) uses for the fuel consumption minimum cost, mean cost, maximum cost, standard devia-
cost coefficients and generation limits are refer to [48]. The tion value, time, and NFE. As can be seen from Table 14,
B-loss coefficients are refer to [72]. for DataSet1(40−unit) ), the minimum cost, mean cost and

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X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

TABLE 17. Output power of generators in the best result for the case 6.

FIGURE 9. The convergence characteristic for case 6.

the maximum cost of MPDE are superior to the results of

other intelligent algorithms. The stability and accuracy of
MPDE are stronger than all intelligent algorithms in the table.
Some intelligent algorithms take less time than MPDE, but
MPDE is more accurate than them in terms of minimum cost,
mean cost and maximum cost. For DataSet2(40−unit) ), MPDE
is superior to AGWO in all respects. the statistical results
obtained by MPDE are highly competitive compared to these
by the other intelligent algorithms.

Case 5 is one case in the 80- unit test system, which considers
the valve-point effects and the prohibited operating zones.
Its load demand is 21000 MW. This large-scale system is
created by expanding the 40 generating unit system. The fuel
consumption cost coefficients and generation limits are refer
to [4] and The prohibited operating zones are refer to [90].
Case 5 was run independently for 50 times with the MPDE
algorithm. The lowest generating cost is 242794.729463$/h.
Figure 8 shows the convergence characteristic of the MPDE
algorithm when solving case 5. Table 15 shows the output of
each generator unit at the lowest total generation cost.
Table 16 shows the results of the MPDE algorithm and
other intelligent algorithms to test cases 5, including the
minimum cost, mean cost, maximum cost, standard deviation
value, time, and NFE. As can be seen from Table 16, the min-
imum cost, mean cost and the maximum cost of MPDE are is 49342 WM. All the data of valve point cost coefficients and
superior to the results calculated by other intelligent algo- generation limits for each unit are refer to [92].
rithms. The stability and accuracy of MPDE are stronger Case 6 was run independently for 50 times with the MPDE
than all intelligent algorithms in the table. Some intelligent algorithm. The lowest generating cost is 1559708.807042$/h.
algorithms take less time than MPDE, but MPDE is more Figure 9 shows the convergence characteristic of the MPDE
accurate than them in terms of minimum cost, mean cost and algorithm when solving the case 6. 1559708.807042$/h is the
maximum cost. the statistical results obtained by MPDE are minimum value that can be found so far. It can be seen that
highly competitive compared to these by the other intelligent the MPDE algorithm has a good performance in solving the
algorithms. case 6. Table 17 shows the output of each generator unit at
the lowest total generation cost.
G. CASE 6 Table 18 shows the results of the MPDE algorithm and
Case 6 is one of the 140- unit test system, which considers the other intelligent algorithms to test cases 6, including the
valve-point effects and the ramp rate limits. Its load demand minimum cost, mean cost, maximum cost, standard devia-

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X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

TABLE 18. The results obtained by different intelligent algorithms in solving case 6.

TABLE A-1. B-Loss coefficients for the case2.

tion value, time and NFE. As can be seen from Table 18, OWGO, CCPSO, KGMO, and GWO have an advantage in
MPDE can get the lowest cost. The maximum, minimum, terms of time and OGWO is better than MPDE in the standard
and mean of the MPDE algorithm are the best. Although deviation, they are not as good as MPDE in terms of accuracy,

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X. Li et al.: MPDE for ED Problems With Valve-Point Effects

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