Finite Element Analysis of Frame With Soil Structure Interaction
Finite Element Analysis of Frame With Soil Structure Interaction
Finite Element Analysis of Frame With Soil Structure Interaction
For the analysis of a building frame, the columns at the foundation level are considered as fixed. But in real condition it is not the
case. While considering soil in the analysis of building frame 100% fixity may not be ensured. Because of the settlement and
rotation of foundation, shear force and bending moment in superstructure get altered. This effect is called as Soil Structure
Interaction Present work is to study behavior of bare frame & in-filled frame having soil beneath. In these cases three types of
soils are considered, soft, medium stiff and hard. Also in-filled panel is of brick masonry only. Various cases frames are studied.
The following are the cases:
1] Analysis of bare frame with soil.2] Analysis of In-filled frame with Soil.3] Analysis of Bare frame without Soil.4] Analysis of
In-filled frame without Soil Frame with different combinations mentioned above (with/without infill panel, with/without soil) is
analyzed by using ANSYS 14.5. These results are comprised with SSI and without SSI.
Volume: 04 Issue: 1 | Jan-2015, Available @ 91
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Analysis of in-filled frames to resist lateral loads on
buildings in terms of their failure modes, failure loads, and
initial stiffness tested by previous author Riddington is
verified. This verification is made by comparing the results
of the analytical procedures of the previous authors with
those of a finite element model for in-filled frames, which
are verified using ANSYS14.5. [12]
Volume: 04 Issue: 1 | Jan-2015, Available @ 92
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Table -3 Bare frame with Soil: Maximum Displacement Table 6 In-filled frame with soil: Maximum Bending
DISPLACEMENT Moments, Axial Force and Shear Force in beam and column
Soil Column Beam
Soft Soil Medium Stiff Hard Soil
Type Type of
Along X 27.27 mm 19.39 mm 16.84 mm Soil Moment Force Moment Force
Along Y 4.3 mm 1.22 mm 0.32 mm (KNm) (KN) (KNm) (KN)
Rot @ Z 0.0035 0.0045 rad 0.0042 Soft 2.04 60.4 2.01 60.4
rad rad
Medium 2.042 60.5 2.042 60.5
Table 4 Bare frame with soil: Maximum Bending Moments,
Axial Force and Shear Force in beam and column Hard 2.04 60.6 2.04 60.6
Column Beam
Type of Moment Force Moment Force 5. LINEAR ANALYSIS OF BARE FRAME & IN-
Soil (KNm) (KN) (KNm) (KN)
Soft 75.3 49.98 75.05 49.98
In this case linear analysis of in-filled frame & bare frame
Medium 75.4 50.14 74.8 49.8
without soil is carried out and results are compared. An in-
Hard 75.5 49.72 74.7 49.72
filled frame is idealized using four noded isoparametric
elements. The two dimensional plane frames with soil
4.2 Case 2: Linear Analysis of In-filled Frame with including infill is analyzed by ANSYS 14.5. The infill is
Soil modeled as four noded quadrilateral isoparametric elements.
The thickness of infill is taken as 0.23 m.
The two dimensional plane frames with soil including infill
is analyzed by ANSYS 14.5. The thickness of infill is taken Table 7 In-filled & Bare Frame without Soil: Maximum
as 0.23 m. Rests of the structural characteristics are kept Displacement
same as considered in case 1. DISPLACEMENT
Bare frame In-filled Frame
Volume: 04 Issue: 1 | Jan-2015, Available @ 94
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Volume: 04 Issue: 1 | Jan-2015, Available @ 95