Dark Elves PDF
Dark Elves PDF
Dark Elves PDF
Embittered and cruel, the aelf Exiles Emerging from the darkened places of The warscrolls in this compendium
roam the Mortal Realms bringing death the realms, the Exile warbands engage allow you to use your Citadel
to every foe they meet. These swift and in lightning raids that leave ravaged Miniatures collection in fantastical
vicious warriors are ostensibly allies of corpses piled high in their wake. Then battle, whether telling epic stories set
Sigmar. In truth, they serve only the they vanish as quickly as they came, during the Age of Sigmar, or recreating
shadowy Malerion, and themselves. like smoke melting away on the breeze. the wars of the world-that-was.
Warscroll Key
6 4+ Attacks to Hit to Wound
hydra Blade Rend Damage
6 3+ 3+ -1
8 Cold Ones Ferocious Jaws
1" 2 3+ 4+
b R AV ERy -1 1
how fast, powerful and brave the model is, and how model. He is armed with a Hydra Blade tyrant Shield: You can re-roll failed
save Single-minded hunting Beasts: If
and carries a Tyrant Shield. He rides rolls for a Dreadlord with a Tyrant Shield. a
a Cold Dreadlord on a Cold One uses this ability,
One that is equipped with bladed barding, select a unit of Cold One knights
and which attacks with its Ferocious Bladed Barding: Whenever a Dreadlord or
Cold One Chariots within 14". Until
3. Description: The description tells you what weapons 5 kEYWOrDS OrDEr, AElF, ExilES, hErO, DrEADlOr
Witchstaff Damage
7 2" 1 4+ 3+
then the description will say how many models the unit
-1 D3
unit, you can still field one unit with as many models as
allies and boost her magical powers. Pain has a casting value of 7. If successfully
one spell in each enemy hero phase.
She cast, pick a visible unit within 16". Th
Abilities knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield at
and unit suffers a mortal wound. In addition,
Blood Sacrifice: In your hero phase, Word of Pain spells.
the your opponent must subtract 1 from
Sorceress can sacrifice an Exiles model any hit rolls for that unit until your
you have available). from your army within 3". If she does, next
that herophase.
model is slain but you can then add
2 to
all casting rolls for that Sorceress until
end of the hero phase.
The Destroyer
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Games
Ltd. 2015 to Hit
Range Workshop
3 3+
to Wound
3+ -1
4+ 4+
14 2"
during a game that are not covered by the standard
Seraphons Claws -2 D6
3" 3
9 Seraphons Fearsome Jaws
6 Wounds Suffered
Seraphons Fearsome Jaws
Seraphons Claws
12" 3+
4-6 4
10" 3+
7-9 3
8" 4+
10-12 2
6" 4+
Abilities Malekith is a wizard. He can attempt
description Amour of Midnight: Halve any wounds
Malekith the Witch King is a single
model. cast two different spells in each of your
that have a specific keyword. bears the Circlet of Iron upon his brow. that is
gas. If she does so, pick a target unit
Malekith rides the black dragon Seraphon, visible and roll one dice for each model
in soul steAler
a mighty beast which has slain kings
and roll of Tendrils of shadow writhe from the
that unit that is within 6". For each Kings fingers, draining the life-force
beggars alike with her Fearsome Jaws 6, that unit suffers a mortalwound.
andClaws. his victims and renewing his own vigour.
Soul Stealer has a casting value of 6.
commA nd Ability successfully cast, pick a visible unit
Absolute Power: If Malekith the Witch 14". That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Malekith the Witch King can fly. King uses this ability, Exiles units
from mortal
Malekith heals one wound for each
that is used to determine one or more of the models kEYWOrDS OrDEr, AElF, DrAgON, ExilES,
hErO, WizArD, MONStEr, MAlEkith
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Seraphons Fearsome Jaws 3" 3 3+ -2 D6
Wounds Suffered Move Seraphons Fearsome Jaws Seraphons Claws
0-3 14" 2+ 6
4-6 12" 3+ 5
7-9 10" 3+ 4
10-12 8" 4+ 3
13+ 6" 4+ 2
6 4+
sav e
5 4+
sav e
Chillblade 1" 3 3+ 3+ -1 D3
description Abilities
A Dreadlord is a single model. Some The Price of Failure: If any Exiles Exile Blades: A Dreadlord with two blades
Dreadlords enter battle carrying a from your army flee whilst within 3" is a whirlwind of death few can escape
viciously sharp Exile Blade and a Tyrant of a Dreadlord they are ruthlessly cut from. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for a
Shield, whilst others eschew the protection apart, flayed or otherwise murdered as an Dreadlord equipped with two Exile Blades.
of a shield and prefer to wade through example to those who would disappoint
battle wielding an Exile Blade in each him. If this happens, other Exiles units command Ability
hand. A few Dreadlords instead carry from your army do not need to take Cruel Tyrant: If a Dreadlord uses this
a single double-handed and deadly battleshock tests in the same phase if they ability, select an Exiles unit within 14".
Chillblade towar. are within 14" of your Dreadlord. Until your next hero phase you can re-roll
all failed wound rolls for that unit in the
Tyrant Shield: You can re-roll failed save combat phase.
rolls for a Dreadlord with a Tyrant Shield.
14 4+
sav e
Wounds Suffered Move Fearsome Jaws Claws
0-3 14" 2+ 6
4-6 12" 3+ 5
7-9 10" 3+ 4
10-12 8" 4+ 3
13+ 6" 4+ 2
6 4+
sav e
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Witchstaff 2" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
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Black Dragons Claws 2" 4+ 3+ -1 2
Black Dragons Fearsome Jaws 3" 3 4+ -2 D6
Wounds Suffered Move Fearsome Jaws Claws
0-3 14" 2+ 6
4-6 12" 3+ 5
7-9 10" 3+ 4
10-12 8" 4+ 3
13+ 6" 4+ 2
6 5+
sav e
Witchstaff 2" 1 4+ 3+ -1 D3
description Chillwind
A Sorceress on Cold One is a single model. model is slain but you can then The Sorceress assails her foes with a
A Sorceress carries a Witchstaff and a add 2 to all casting rolls for that Sorceress freezing gale. Chillwind has a casting value
dagger which she can use to sacrifice her until the end of that hero phase. of 5. If successfully cast, pick a visible
allies and boost her magical powers. She enemy unit within 18". Roll a number of
rides a Cold One which attacks with its MAGIC dice equal to the casting roll you made in
Ferocious Jaws. A Sorceress on Cold One is a wizard. order to cast this spell (for example, if the
She can attempt to cast one spell in each casting roll was 9, roll 9 dice); the target
Abilities of your own hero phases, and attempt unit suffers a mortal wound for each roll
Blood Sacrifice: In your hero phase, a to unbind one spell in each enemy hero of 6.
Sorceress can sacrifice an Exiles model phase. She knows the Arcane Bolt, Mystic
from your army within 3". If she does, that Shield and Chillwind spells.
2 4+
sav e
6 4+
sav e
description Abilities
A unit of Cold One Chariots can have any Scythed Runners: If a unit of Cold One
number of models. They are crewed by Chariots charges, roll a dice for each
Charioteers that fight with Barbed Spears enemy model that is within 1" of the unit
and Blades. The Charioteers can also after it is has completed its charge move;
shoot their foes from afar with a Repeater for each roll of a 6 that models unit suffers
Crossbow. Cold One Chariots are drawn a mortal wound.
by reptilian beasts that tear into foes not
cut down by the war machines scythed
runners with their Ferocious Jaws.
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Barbed Tail 2" 4+ 3+ - D3
Wounds Suffered Move Savage Jaws and Claws Barbed Tail
0-2 12" 3+ 3
3-4 10" 3+ 2
5-6 8" 4+ 2
7-8 6" 4+ 1
9+ 4" 5+ 1
description Abilities
A Beastmaster on Manticore is a single Spiteful Dominance: In your hero phase,
model. The Beastmaster is armed with a pick this model or a Monster from your
Great Scourge and wears a Sea Dragon army that is within 10". You can re-roll hit
Cloak, while its Manticore mount attacks rolls of 1 for that model until your next
with its Savage Jaws and Claws and swipes herophase.
its Barbed Tail.
Sea Dragon Cloak: You can re-roll save
rolls of 1 for a Beastmaster on Manticore in
the shooting phase.
5 4+
sav e
lokhir fellheart
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KEYWORDS Order, Aelf, exiles, Hero, Black Ark Fleetmaster, Lokhir Fellheart
1 5+
sav e
5 4+
sav e
KEYWORDS Order, Aelf, exiles, Hero, Totem, master with battle standard
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Cruel Dagger 1" 1 5+ 5+ - 1
dark riders
MISSILE WEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage
14" Repeater Crossbow 16" 3 5+ 4+ - 1
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2 5+
sav e
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Barbed Sword 1" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
description Abilities
A unit of Shades has 5 or more models. A Shadow Moves Unseen: Instead of
They are armed with Repeater Crossbows setting up this unit on the battlefield,
and Barbed Swords. you can place it to one side and say that
it is skulking in the shadows. After set-
up is complete, you can set this unit up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more
than 9" from any enemy models.
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Crew within 1" Move Reaper Bolts
2 models 4" 12
1 model 2" 6
No models 0 0
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description Abilities
A Reaper Bolt Thrower consists of a Crewed War Machine: A Reaper Bolt Reaper Bolts: Reaper Bolts are cruelly
vicious war machine that can loose deadly Thrower can only move if its Crew are barbed and can cause horrendous damage.
volleys of Reaper Bolts at the enemy, and within 1" at the start of the movement If you make a wound roll of a 6 or more for
a crew of two Dark Elves armed with phase. If its Crew are within 1" of the a Reaper Bolt, it inflicts 2 damage instead
DruchiiSwords. Reaper Bolt Thrower in the shooting phase, of1.
they can fire the war machine. The Reaper
Bolt Thrower cannot make charge moves,
does not need to take battleshock tests and
is unaffected by any attack or ability that
uses Bravery. The Crew are in cover while
they are within 1" of their war machine.
war machine
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description Abilities
A unit of Harpies has 5 or more models. Prey Upon the Weak: Roll a dice every
They are armed with razor-sharp Claws time an enemy model flees within 16" of
and Fangs. any Harpies. On a roll of 6 an additional
model from the same unit is pounced upon
Fly and devoured by theHarpies.
Harpies can fly.
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Hook-spears 2" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
Dark Steeds Vicious Bites 1" 4 4+ 5+ - 1
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Clawed Limbs 1" 2 3+ 3+ -1 1
Handlers Cruel Goads and Whips 2" 2 4+ 4+ - 1
Wounds Suffered Move Fiery Breath Razor Sharp Fangs
0-2 8" 6 6
3-5 7" 5 5
6-7 6" 4 4
8-9 5" 3 3
10+ 4" 2 2
description Abilities
A War Hydra is a single model. It tears at Sever One Head, Another Takes Its Place: Quick With The Lash: Before a War Hydra
the foe with Razor-sharp Fangs, swipes It is almost impossible to kill a Hydra, makes a charge move, its Beastmaster
them aside with its massive Clawed Limbs, for they regenerate wounds and regrow Handlers can apply the lash. If they do
and incinerates them with its Fiery Breath. severed heads at an alarming rate. A so, you can roll three dice and discard
The War Hydra is guided by a pair of WarHydra heals 3 wounds in each of your the lowest when determining the War
Beastmaster Handlers whose Cruel Goads herophases. Hydras charge distance. However, if you
and Whips flay flesh from bone. roll a triple then the whips have driven the
monster into a wild frenzy the charge
fails and this model suffers a mortal
wound as the Beastmasters are savaged by
2 5+
sav e
12 4+
sav e
Wounds Suffered Move Fanged Tentacles Spiked Tail
0-1 7" 6 2+
2-3 6" 5 3+
4-5 5" 4 4+
6-7 5" 3 5+
8+ 4" 2 6+
description Abilities
A Kharibdyss is a single model. Its Fanged Abyssal Howl: In your hero phase, a Quick With The Lash: Before a Kharibdyss
Tentacles snatch victims up one after Kharibdyss can unleash an abyssal howl. makes a charge move, its Beastmaster
another, while its heavy-set Clawed Limbs If it does, pick a unit within 10". That unit Handlers can apply the lash. If they do
stomp and trample. A Kharibdyss can also must subtract 1 from its Bravery until your so, you can roll three dice and discard the
cut a swathe through its foes with a swipe next hero phase. lowest when determining the Kharibdyss
of its Spiked Tail and unleash an abyssal charge distance. However, if you roll a
howl that leaves the foe panicked and Feast of Bones: Roll a dice each time a triple then the whips have driven the
terrified. It is goaded into battle by a pair of Kharibdyss slays a model with its Fanged monster into a wild frenzy the charge
Beastmaster Handlers whose Cruel Whips Tentacles; on a 6 it heals a wound. fails and this model suffers a mortal
crack andsnap. wound as the Beastmasters are savaged by
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6 4+
sav e
Heartrender 2" 2 3+ 3+ -1 D3
5 5+
sav e
Whisperclaw 1" 4 4+ 3+ - 1
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v Bloodwrack Spear 2" 1 3+ 3+ -1 D3
description Abilities
A unit of Bloodwrack Medusae can have Bloodwrack Stare: When making a
any number of models. Each slashes at Bloodwrack Stare attack, pick a visible
her enemies with her Whisperclaw before unit within range and roll a dice for each
impaling them upon a wickedly barbed model in that unit; for each roll of 6 or
Bloodwrack Spear. However, a Bloodwrack more that unit suffers a mortal wound as
Medusas stare is perhaps her most deadly they foolishly meet the Medusas deadly
weapon; should a victims eyes lock gaze. You can add 1 to these dice rolls if,
with hers for even a second its lifeblood between the time you declare the target of
violently rebels, flooding from every pore the attack and time you roll the dice, your
until its body collapses into a pool of gore. opponent looks you directly in theeye.
Whisperclaw 1" 4 4+ 3+ - 1
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Bloodwrack Spear 2" 1 3+ 3+ -1 D3
Shrinekeepers Goadstaves 2" 4+ 4+ - 1
Wounds Suffered Move Goadstaves Aura of Agony
0-2 6" 6 9"
3-5 5" 5 7"
6-8 4" 4 5"
9-10 3" 3 3"
11+ 2" 2 1"
description Abilities
A Bloodwrack Shrine is a single model. It is Bloodwrack Stare: When making a Aura of Agony: Bloodwrack Shrines emit
crewed by two Shrinekeepers who stab any Bloodwrack Stare attack, pick a visible an aura that wracks enemies with waves of
who approach with their Goadstaves. Atop unit within range and roll a dice for each agony. Roll a dice for each enemy unit in
the Shrine writhes a Bloodwrack Medusa, model in that unit; for each roll of 6 or range of the Aura of Agony at the start of
who slashes at her enemies with her more that unit suffers a mortal wound as your hero phase (the range of this ability
Whisperclaw before impaling them upon they foolishly meet the Medusas deadly is shown in the damage table above). On a
a Bloodwrack Spear. Should a victims gaze. You can add 1 to these dice rolls if, 6, that unit suffers a mortal wound as pure
eyes lock with hers for even a second its between the time you declare the target of agony courses through them.
lifeblood violently rebels, flooding from the attack and time you roll the dice, your
every pore until its body collapses into a opponent looks you directly in theeye.
pool of gore.
13 5+
sav e
Wounds Suffered Move Sacrificial Knives Bloodshield
0-2 6" 6 9"
3-5 5" 5 7"
6-8 4" 4 5"
9-10 3" 3 3"
11+ 2" 2 1"
description Abilities
A Cauldron of Blood is a single model. Bloodshield: The powerful magic that Amulet of Dark Fire: Hellebron can
It is crewed by two Witch Elves who leap fuels the Cauldron of Blood grants it attempt to dispel one spell in each enemy
from its dais to attack with their Sacrificial and any Exiles models from your army hero phase as if she were a wizard.
Knives. Most Cauldrons of Blood are also protection so long as they are within range
attended to by a Death Hag, who opens of the Bloodshield. The range of this ability Strength of Khaine: In your hero phase
the throats of her victims with a Blade of is shown in the damage table above. If any the Cauldron of Bloods attendant can pray
Khaine and gifts her followers with drafts of these models suffer a wound or a mortal to Khaine. If she does so, pick an Exiles
of Witchbrew from her Chalice. wound, roll a dice. Add 1 to the result if unit from your army within 14" and roll a
the model is a Witch Elf. If the roll is a dice; on a 1 the prayer is found unworthy
Hellebron 6 or more, that hit has been absorbed by and the Cauldron of Blood suffers a mortal
One Cauldron of Blood in your army the Bloodshield and the wound or mortal wound. On a roll of 2 or more, the unit you
may instead be attended to by Hellebron. wound is ignored. picked is infused with Khaines Strength;
Hellebron fights with Deathsword and until your next hero phase you can add
the Cursed Blade, and she also wears the Witchbrew: Witchbrew drives the 1 to any wound rolls for that unit in the
Amulet of Dark Fire. Hellebron also has imbibers into such an ecstasy of combatphase.
the Orgy of Slaughter command ability. destruction that they will fight on in the
face of impossible odds. In your hero command ability
phase, the Cauldron of Bloods attendants Orgy of Slaughter: If Hellebron uses this
or a unit of Witch Elves within 3" can ability, pick an Exiles unit within 14".
drink Witchbrew. If a unit does so, you can That unit is gripped by a bloody frenzy and
re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the unit and can be chosen to pile in and attack twice
it does not need to take battleshock tests that turn instead of only once.
until your next hero phase.
Order, Aelf, exiles, totem, hero, Priest, Witch Elves, Death hag,
cauldron of blood
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5 5+
sav e
Deathsword 1" 2 3+ 3+ -1 D3
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death hag
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A Death Hag is a single model. She wields a Rune of Khaine: The Death Hags Blade Witchbrew: Distilled from the blood of
Blade of Khaine in one hand and carries a of Khaine inflicts D3 damage instead of 1 Hag Queens, Witchbrew drives the imbiber
chalice filled with Witchbrew in the other. until your next hero phase. into such an ecstasy of destruction that
they will fight on in the face of impossible
Abilities Touch of Death: Select a unit within 3" and odds. In your hero phase, either the Death
Priestess of Khaine: In your hero phase, a then hide a dice in one of your hands. Ask Hag or a unit of Witch Elves within 3" of
Death Hag can pray to Khaine. If she does your opponent to pick a hand; if that hand her can drink Witchbrew. If a unit does so,
so, pick a power and roll a dice; on a 1 or is holding the dice, the unit you picked you can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the unit
a 2 the Death Hag is found unworthy and suffers D3 mortal wounds. and it does not need to take battleshock
suffers a mortal wound. On a roll of 3 or tests until your next herophase.
more, the power is carried out.
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Poison-coated Blades 1" 5 3+ 3+ - 1
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dark elves
Exiled blood cult
Organisation Abilities
An Exiled Blood Cult consists of Dark Venom: Exiled Blood Cults enact dark rituals prior to battle, coating their
the following units: blades in deadly venom. If the wound roll for a model in an Exiled Blood Cult is
a 6 or more, that weapon inflicts a mortal wound upon the target instead of its
1 Death Hag or Cauldron normalDamage.
3 units of Witch Elves Revelry in Slaughter: Freshly spilt blood and the prospect of spilling more drives
1 unit of Har Ganeth the warriors of an Exiled Blood Cult into a murderous frenzy. If a unit is wiped out
Executioners during the combat phase by an Exiled Blood Cult unit, you can add 1 to the Attacks
of all melee weapons used by other units from this battalion for the remainder of
that combat phase.
Unit Warscroll
Dreadlord on Dark Steed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master with Battle Standard on Dark Steed
Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreadlord on Cold One (this model can Fly)
Dreadlord on Manticore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beastmaster on Manticore
Dreadlord on Cold One Chariot. . . . . . . . . . . . . Cold One Chariot
High Beastmaster on Scourgerunner Chariot . Scourgerunner Chariot
High Beastmaster on Manticore. . . . . . . . . . . . . Beastmaster on Manticore
Kouran Darkhand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreadlord
Malekith (on foot). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreadlord
Malekith (on Cold One). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreadlord on Cold One
Malekith (on Cold One Chariot). . . . . . . . . . . . . Cold One Chariot
Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreadlord
Mengils Manflayers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shades
Supreme Sorceress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dark Elf Sorceress
Supreme Sorceress on Dark Steed. . . . . . . . . . . . Supreme Sorceress on Cold One
Supreme Sorceress on Dark Pegasus . . . . . . . . . Morathi
Sorceress on Manticore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sorceress on Black Dragon
Tullaris Dreadbringer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dreadlord