Princess Liner Scenarios
Princess Liner Scenarios
Princess Liner Scenarios
The Princess Class cruise liner was once a common site in the space around the Cradle World and close to the more picturesque spatial anomalies available to humanity at
the time. They were the hallmark of class and distinction among many at the time, and while most were used by the pleasure seeking masses, some were personal transports
for those able to afford such luxury and even as covers for covert diplomatic and espionage missions.
As with so many things, this ended quickly with the Scourge invasion. Ill-equipped to face up to even the lowliest Scourge frigate, Princess Class liners breaking orbit made
for tempting and easy targets for the aliens. Most of those seconded to the evacuation effort were easy prey for the Scourge; packed to the seams with refugees, they were
a cornucopia of pre-packaged hosts for the insidious race.
Those few liners that did escape only managed to do so due to their relatively low power output and small signature for a ship of their size – lacking high powered weapons,
shields or point defences, they create very little return ping on most sensors.
Today there is little call for sight-seeing pleasure cruises while the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. The vast majority of Princess Class cruise liners still in service are
have been retro-fitted for VIP transportation, as mobile prison hulks, or interplanetary logistics vehicles.
There are many more still hanging in the void – deserted, dormant, or endlessly orbiting the cradle worlds; the breath taking views they offer seen by none but the dead.
Special: Civilian Transport
Transports may never receive special orders, and unless otherwise stated in a scenario they always start in low orbit, and never suffer from orbital decay.
The transport may not be fired upon unless it is controlled by a player. Players may not fire upon a friendly transport. Civilian transports may not use the ramming rule.
Civilian Transports may be boarded in the same way that space stations may be boarded. If you begin the turn with either Armour or Infantry in a civilian transport and no enemy units in the transport, you
control the transport, and may more and fire with it as if it were a part of your fleet (command cards may not be played on the transport, or on units inside it).
It becomes a part of first friendly battlegroup that activates this turn, and stays as a part of that battlegroup as long as it is under your control. If you lose and then regain control of the transport, it becomes
a part of first friendly battlegroup that activates the turn after it is re-captured.
If there are enemy forces and friendly forces on the transport, it is not controlled by either side, and may not be moved or fire its weapons.
Due to their lack of military design and relatively low speed, Civilian Transports may be boarded during the launch assets phase, even if controlled by an enemy player, in the same way as a space station or
Sector HULL ARM VAL Special Rules
Commercial 8 4+ 1 N/A
Industrial 4 4+ 2 N/A
Moon (LSO)
Cluster (of Sectors)
Space Station
Players: 2
Duration: 6 Turns
Victory Conditions:
Space stations score as Medium Clusters. The Princess
Cruise liner scores as follows:
Hold: 4VP
Hold within 12” of your board edge: additional 2VP (for
a total of 6VP)
Contest: 2VP
Destroyed within 12” of the enemy board edge: 2VP
Destroyed at any other time: -2VP
Make the 12”
PLAYER 1 EDGE PLAYER 1 EDGE Additional rules: The Defender splits their
Cruise Liner Defenders. The remaining third
counts as the Station Defenders. They must
direct deploy in the area shown. round up the
It is critically important that the VIPs and their escorts get to the listening number of battlegroups in the station defender
stations in orbit around this large moon. Once they make sense of the data force if the battlegroups do not easily form
stored there, it can be used to cripple enemy movements and give use the thirds. The Cruise liner joins the first battlegroup
tactical advantage. But we have received word that the enemy has not been that the Cruise Liner Defence force deploys.
idle. Get the transport to the listening stations and deliver those VIPs before It starts the game with three friendly infantry
the enemy can stop you! tokens on board. The Cruise Liner may not be
boarded in this scenario.Each space station
starts with one of the Station Defender’s
Players: 2-3 infantry tokens on board each station.
Attacker – Distant
Defender – Station Defender: .
Cruiser Liner Defender: Column
Victory Conditions:
Space Stations Count as Large, with 1 laser armament and
1 missile armament each. They score as below:
The defenders gain 2VP each time they deploy an infantry
token from the Cruise Liner into a space station. They also
gain 1VP for each Space station controlled at the end of the
game. The Cruise Liner may only deploy one infantry token
per space station. The Defender(s) also gain 2VP at the end
of the game if the Cruise Liner is not destroyed. PLAYER 2 EDGE PLAYER 2 EDGE
The Attacker gains 2VP for each Space station destroyed at 12”
the end of the game. They gain 3VP for any Space station
they control at the end of the game. If the Cruise Liner is
destroyed, The Attacker gains 2VP.
Mass Exodus
Start line direct deploy – 6” on – column. End line 6” of end of board.
One Cruise Liner Per Battlegroup
Players: 2
Fleet list:
Attacker – Standard
Defender – Standard
– each Battlegroup the defender has includes one Civilian
transport (Cruise Liner). Each Cruise liner starts with the
following defender tokens in them: 2 Infantry and 2 Armour
Suggested Approach:
Centre line
Attacker – Distant. Battlegroups may deploy from either
table edge.
Defender – All Battlegroups Direct Deploy in the entry
area (up to 8” from the defender’s entry area).
Orbital Debris: Debris fields (2-4 Fine, 4-6 Dense).
Victory conditions:
The Attacker scores 2 VPs for each Cruiser Liner that is
destroyed. Cruise liners may be boarded; The Attacker
scores 3 VPs for each Cruise Liner that they control at
the end of the game, and 1 VP for each cruise liner that is
contested. The Defender scores 3VPs for each Cruise Liner
that is either controlled or contested that is in the exfiltration
zone (8” from the board edge – see map) at the end of
the game. At the end of the game, The Defender instead
scores 2VPs for each controlled Cruise liner that is not in the