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1k PHR

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Dropfleet Fleet List Builder https://dropfleetcommander.


1k PHR
Created using the Dropfleet Commander Fleet Builder by TTCombat.

Stats correct as of Nov 23, 2023, 10:55:33 AM

993 points of 999 points

Faction: PHR
Launch Value 8 of 10

Vanguard Battlegroup 1
Strategy Rating: 21

Admiral: Vice Director AV: 3

1 X Bellerophon Total Ship

Points Points
Heavy Cruiser 180 180

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Bellerophon 8" 6" 7" 14 3+ 5 1-1 H Launch

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Twin Supernova Laser 3+ 2 2 F(N) Burnthrough (6), Flash
Wasp Drones 3+ 3 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Fighters & Bombers 4

1 of 5 11/23/2023, 10:55 AM
Dropfleet Fleet List Builder https://dropfleetcommander.com/builder/builder/3

1 X Bellerophon Total Ship

Points Points
Heavy Cruiser 180 180

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Bellerophon 8" 6" 7" 14 3+ 5 1-1 H Launch

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Twin Supernova Laser 3+ 2 2 F(N) Burnthrough (6), Flash
Wasp Drones 3+ 3 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Fighters & Bombers 4

1 X Calypso Total Ship

Frigate Points 37 Points 37

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Advanced ECM
Calypso 8" 3" 10" 5 3+ 3 1-2 L
Suite, Rare

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Mosquito Drones 4+ 2 1 F/S/R Close Action
Once per turn, after an enemy group has allocated Attack Dice, you may pick a friendly ship within 4” of the
Calypso. Add 1 to the lock value of the groups Attack Dice allocated to this ship. Subsequent attacks by other
groups are not affected. In order to be affected, ships must be on the same orbital layer as the Calypso, in
addition the calypso can choose to target itself. This is cumulative with other Advanced ECM Suites. This
rule may not be used against Launch Assets nor weapons with the close action special rule

Line Battlegroup 1
Strategy Rating: 7

2 of 5 11/23/2023, 10:55 AM
Dropfleet Fleet List Builder https://dropfleetcommander.com/builder/builder/3

1 X Orpheus Total Ship

Assault Points Points
Troopship 135 135

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Orpheus 8" 6" 7" 13 3+ 5 1-1 M Launch

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Light Calibre Double Broadside 4+ 14 1 S(L) Calibre (L), Linked-1
Light Calibre Double Broadside 4+ 14 1 S(R) Calibre (L), Linked-1
Supernova Laser 3+ 2 1 F(N) Burnthrough (3), Flash
Wasp Drones 3+ 3 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Bulk Lander 2

2 X Medea Total Ship

Strike Carrier Points 78 Points 39

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Launch, Open,
Medea 8" 3" 10" 5 3+ 3 1-2 L

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Bombardment Turret 4+ 2 1 F/S Bombardment, Low Level
Mosquito Drones 4+ 2 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Dropships 1
Low Level: This weapon may be fired from atmosphere with no penalties to it's lock value.

Line Battlegroup 2
Strategy Rating: 7

3 of 5 11/23/2023, 10:55 AM
Dropfleet Fleet List Builder https://dropfleetcommander.com/builder/builder/3

1 X Orpheus Total Ship

Assault Points Points
Troopship 135 135

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Orpheus 8" 6" 7" 13 3+ 5 1-1 M Launch

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Light Calibre Double Broadside 4+ 14 1 S(L) Calibre (L), Linked-1
Light Calibre Double Broadside 4+ 14 1 S(R) Calibre (L), Linked-1
Supernova Laser 3+ 2 1 F(N) Burnthrough (3), Flash
Wasp Drones 3+ 3 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Bulk Lander 2

2 X Medea Total Ship

Strike Carrier Points 78 Points 39

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Launch, Open,
Medea 8" 3" 10" 5 3+ 3 1-2 L

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Bombardment Turret 4+ 2 1 F/S Bombardment, Low Level
Mosquito Drones 4+ 2 1 F/S/R Close Action

Load Launch Special

Dropships 1
Low Level: This weapon may be fired from atmosphere with no penalties to it's lock value.

Pathfinder Battlegroup 1
Strategy Rating: 4

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Dropfleet Fleet List Builder https://dropfleetcommander.com/builder/builder/3

3 X Pandora Total
Frigate 120
Points 40

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Pandora 8" 3" 10" 5 3+ 3 2-4 L

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Supernova Laser 3+ 2 1 F(N) Burnthrough (3), Flash
Mosquito Drones 4+ 2 1 F/S/R Close Action

1 X Ourania Total Ship

Swiftlink Points 30 Points 30

Name Scan Sig Thrust Hull A PD G T Special

Ourania 8" 3" 14" 5 4+ 2 1-3 L Outlier, Rare

Type Lock Attack Damage Arc Special

Targeting Link: If a friendly firing ship can measure its Weapons Range to this ship (discounting any spikes),
it may use this ship to extend the range of its attacks. If it does, it measures Weapons Range from the Ouriana
using the Ouriana’s Scan. Attacks made this way must still be in the weapon arc of the firing ship and can
only have range extended once this way. This rule has no effect on Close Action weapons and Bombardment
weapons and all penalties for shooting through Orbital Layers still apply to the firing ship.’

Type Thrust Lock Attack Damage Special

PHR Torpedoes 9" 2+ 4 2
PHR Bombers 12" 2+ 2 1

Type Thrust Point Defence Bonus

PHR Fighters 20" +4

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