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Babylon 5 A Call To Arms Ship Quick Lookup

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Class - Hermes Patrol Class - Starfury Patrol 3 Fligths Class - Hyperion RC Skirmish

Speed: 12 Crew 12/3 Troops: 1 Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: - Speed: 8 Crew 30/6 Troops: 3

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2168+ Turns: SM IS: 2244+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2246+

Hull: 4 Craft 1 Starfury Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft Starfury Flight 1

Damage: 10/3 SR: Interceptors 1, Jump Point Damage: - SR: Afterburner, dodge 2+, dogfight +1, fighter Damage: 24/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Missile Rack 30 F 2 Precise, Slow Loading, Super AP Uni-Puls Can 2 T 2 Twin-Linked Railguns 12 F 4 Ap, Double Damage

Particle Beams 5 F 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak Med Puls Can 10 P 6

Class - Thunderbolt Patrol 3 Flights
Particle Beams 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Med Puls Can 10 S 6
Speed: 10 Crew - Troops: -
Particle Beams 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Railguns 12 A 2 Ap, Double Damage
Turns: SM IS: 2259+

Class - Tethys Patrol Hull: 5 Craft -

Particle Beam 5 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Speed: 10 Crew 10/2 Troops: - Damage: - SR: Afterburner, Atmospheric, Dodge 2+,
Dogfight +0, Fighter Class - Hyperion MC Skirmish
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2246+
Weapon R A AD Special Speed: 8 Crew 30/6 Troops: 1
Hull: 4 Craft -
Missle Rack 4 T 2 AP Turns: 2/45 IS: 2217-2230
Damage: 8/2 SR: Interceptors 1
Gatling Pulse 2 T 2 Hull: 5 Craft Starfury Flight 1
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: 24/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Med Pulse Can 10 F 6 Class—Artemis Skirmish Weapon R A AD Special
Light Pulse Can 8 F 2 Speed: 10 Crew 22/6 Troops: 2
Missile Rack 20 F 3 Precise, Slow-Loading, Sup AP
Light Pulse Can 8 P 2 Turns: 2/45 IS: 2190-2248
Med Puls Can 10 F 6
Light Pulse Can 8 S 2 Hull: 5 Craft -
Missile Rack 20 P 2 Precise, Slow-Loading, Sup AP
Damage: 18/5 SR: Interceptors 2
Class - Tethys Laser Boat Patrol Med Puls Can 10 P 6
Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 8 Crew 10/2 Troops: - Missile Rack 20 S 2 Precise, Slow-Loading, Sup AP
RailGun 12 F 6 Ap, Double Damage
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2246+ Med Puls Can 10 S 6
Particle Beam 5 P 6 Anti-Fighter, Twin-Link, Weak
Hull: 4 Craft - Missile Rack 20 A 2 Precise, Slow-Loading, Sup AP
Particle Beam 5 S 6 Anti-Fighter, Twin-Link, Weak
Damage: 8/2 SR: Interceptors 1 Part Beams 5 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
RailGun 12 A 4 Ap, Double Damage
Weapon R A AD Special
Class Belerophon HDS Skirmish
Med Pulse Can 15 B 2 Beam, DD, Slow, Sup AP Class - Artemis Escort Skirmish
Speed: - Crew - Troops: -
Light Pulse Can 8 F 2 Speed: 10 Crew 22/6 Troops: 2
Turns: - IS: 2252+
Light Pulse Can 8 P 2 Turns: 2/45 IS: 2242-2248
Hull: 4 Craft -
Light Pulse Can 8 S 2 Hull: 5 Craft -
Damage: 12/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 2
Damage: 18/5 SR: Interceptors 2
Class Tethys Missle Boat Patrol Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 8 Crew 10/2 Troops: - Missile Rack 30 T 1 Sup AP, Precise, Slow-loading
Med Puls Can 10 F 10
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2246+ Hvy Las Can 12 T 1 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Part Beam 5 P 6 Anti-Fighter, Twin-link, Weak
Hull: 4 Craft - Lht Puls Can 8 T 2
Part Beam 5 S 6 Anti-Fighter, Twin-link, Weak
Damage: 8/2 SR: Interceptors 1
Med Puls Can 10 A 4
Weapon R A AD Special

Missile Rack 20 F 4 AP, Precise, Slow-Loading Class - Olympus Skirmish

Speed: 8 Crew 32/6 Troops: 3
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2202+
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1
Hull: 4 Craft -
Turns: SM IS: 2203+
Damage: 28/6 SR: Interceptors 1
Hull: 6 Craft -
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+
Missle Rack 30 F 2 Precise, Slow Load, Super AP
Weapon R A AD Special
Med Puls Can 10 F 6 Twin-Linked
Med Puls Can 10 P 6 Twin-Linked

Med Puls Can 10 S 6 Twin-Linked

Railgun 12 T 4 Ap, Double Damage

Earth Alliance 1/4

Priority Level: Patrol

Priority Level: Skirmish

Class - Chronos Raid Class - Hyperion-AC Raid Class - Oracle Raid
Speed: 8 Crew 18/5 Troops: 4 Speed: 8 Crew 25/6 Troops: 10 Speed: 12 Crew 22/6 Troops: -

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2262+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2230+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2216+

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 20/5 SR: Interceptors 3 Damage: 24/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump point, Shuttles 2 Damage: 16/5 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump P, Scout, Stealth 3+

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Railgun 12 T 6 AP, Double Damage Med Puls Can 10 F 6 Med Las ann 15 B 2 Beam, Super AP

Hvy Puls Can 12 F 8 Twin-Linked Med Plas Can 8 F 6 AP, Twin-Linked Missile Rack 30 T 2 Precise, Slow Loading, Sup AP

Hvy Puls Can 12 P 6 Twin-Linked Med Puls Can 10 P 6 Particle Beam 5 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Particle Beam 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Med Puls Can 10 S 6 Particle Beam 5 A 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Hvy Puls Can 12 S 6 Twin-Linked Med Puls Can 10 A 4 Particle Beam 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Particle Beam 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Particle Beam 5 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Particle Beam 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Hvy Puls Can 21 A 6 Twin-Linked

Class - Hyperion PC Raid Class - Sagittarius Raid
Class - Delphi Raid Speed: 8 Crew 30/6 Troops: 3 Speed: 6 Crew 26/6 Troops: 1

Speed: 12 Crew 37/8 Troops: - Turns: 2/45 IS: 2240+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2230+

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2261+ Hull: 5 Craft 1 Starfury Flight Hull: 5 Craft -

Hull: 5 Craft - Damage: 24/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point Damage: 28/7 SR: Interceptors 2

Damage: 25/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump P, Scout, Stealth 5+ Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Weapon R A AD Special Hvy Puls Can 12 F 8 Twin-Linked Missile Rack 30 F 6 Precise, Slow Loading, Sup AP

Med Puls Can 10 F 4 Med Puls Can 10 F 6 Missile Rack 30 A 2 Precise, Slow Loading, Sup AP

Med Puls Can 10 A 4 Med Plas Can 8 F 4 AP, Twin-Linked Missile Rack 30 P 2 Precise, Slow Loading, Sup AP

Particle Beam 5 P 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak Med Puls Can 10 P 6 Missile Rack 30 S 2 Precise, Slow Loading, Sup AP

Particle Beam 5 S 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak Med Puls Can 10 S 6 Particle Beam 5 T 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Hvy Puls Can 12 A 8 Twin-Linked

Class - Explorer Raid Med Puls Can 10 A 6
Speed: 4 Crew 50/12 Troops: 10
Particle Beam 5 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2225+

Hull: 4 Craft 6 Starfury Flights Class - Nova Raid

Damage: 140/ SR: Command, Interceptors 3, Jump Point Speed: 6 Crew 45/12 Troops: 2
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2220+
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 5 Craft 4 Starfury Flights
Hvy Puls Can 12 F 6 Double Damage, Twin-linked
Damage: 36/9 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Particle beam 5 F 6 Anti-fighter, Twin-link, Weak
Weapon R A AD Special
Particle beam 5 P 6 Anti-fighter, Twin-link, Weak
L/P Arrays 12 F 8 Twin-Linked
Particle beam 5 S 6 Anti-fighter, Twin-link, Weak
L/P Arrays 12 P 12 Twin-Linked
Particle beam 5 A 6 Anti-fighter, Twin-link, Weak
L/P Arrays 12 S 12 Twin-Linked

Class - Hyperion Raid L/P Arrays 12 A 8 Twin-Linked

Speed: 8 Crew 25/6 Troops: 3

Class - Olympus G Raid
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2246+
Speed: 6 Crew 32/6 Troops: 2
Hull: 5 Craft 1 Starfury Flight
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2229+
Damage: 20/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Hull: 4 Craft -
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: 28/6 SR: Interceptors 1
Hvy Las ann 18 B 2 Beam, Double Damage, SupAP
Weapon R A AD Special
Med Plas Can 8 F 4 AP, Twin-Linked
Med Las Can 18 B 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Med Puls Can 10 F 6
Particle Beam 5 F 4 Anti-Fighter
Med Puls Can 10 P 6
Particle Beam 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter
Med Puls Can 10 S 6
Particle Beam 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter
Hvy Las ann 18 Ba 2 Beam, Double Damage, SupAP

Med Plas Can 10 A 6

Particle beam 5 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Earth Alliance 2/4

Priority Level: Raid
Class - Apollo Battle Class - Hyperion CC Battle Class - Orestes Battle
Speed: 7 Crew 46/9 Troops: 2 Speed: 8 Crew 32/6 Troops: 4 Speed: 4 Crew 55/12 Troops: 2

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2262+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2246+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2249+

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 6 Craft 1 Starfury Flight Hull: 6 Craft 2 Star fury Flights

Damage: 38/8 SR: Interceptors 3, Jump Point Damage: 30/7 SR: Command 1, Interceptors 2, Jump Point Damage: 48/10 SR: Interceptors 1

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Adv Missile 30 F 8 Precise, Slow-Load*, Super AP Hvy Las Can 18 B 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP Hvy Las Can 25 B 3 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Adv Missile 30 A 2 Precise, Slow-Load*, Super AP Hvy Puls Can 12 F 6 Twin-Linked Med Las Can 15 B 3 Beam. Super AP

Particle Beam 3 T 6 Anti-fighter, Weak Med Puls Can 10 F 6 Railgun 12 F 4 AP, Double Damage

Med Puls Can 10 P 6 Med Puls Can 10 P 10 Twin-Linked

Class - Avenger Battle
Med Puls Can 10 S 6 Med Puls Can 10 S 10 Twin-Linked
Speed: 7 Crew 50/12 Troops: 6
Hvy Las Can 18 Ba 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP Med Las Can 15 Ba 3 Beam. Super AP
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2240-2261
Med Puls Can 10 A 6 Particle Beam 5 T 6 Anti-fighter, Weak
Hull: 5 Craft 8 Starfury Flights
Particle Beam 5 T 4 Anti-fighter, Weak
Damage: 40/10 SR: Carrier 4, Command 1, Fleet Carrier,
Interceptors 2, Jump Point, Shuttles 2
Class - Orion Starbase Battle
Class - Omega Battle Speed: - Crew - Troops: 35
Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 7 Crew 60/14 Troops: 4 Turns: - IS: 2240+
Med Plas Can 8 F 8 AP
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2250+ Hull: 5 Craft 8 Starfury Flights
Lht Puls Can 8 F 6
Hull: 6 Craft 4 Starfury Flights Damage: 600/ SR: Carrier 2, Command 1, Defense Network 6
Lht Puls Can 8 P 4
300/ Immobile, Interceptors 8, Space Station,
Damage: 40/10 SR: Interceptors 3, Jump Point 150 Targets 3
Lht Puls Can 8 S 4
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Lht Puls Can 8 A 6
Hvy Las Can 30 B 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP Missile Rack 40 T 2 Precise, Slow-load, Super AP
Babylon 5 Pre2259 Battle Hvy Puls Can 12 F 10 Twin-Linked Hvy Puls Can 24 T 8 Twin-Linked
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 25 Med Puls Can 10 P 4 Twin-Linked Railgun 20 T 4 AP, Double Damage
Turns: - IS: 2257-2259 Particle Beam 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter

Hull: 4 Craft 12 Starfury Flights Med Puls Can 10 S 4 Twin-Linked

Damage: 800/ SR: Immobile, Carrier 4, Command 1, Particle Beam 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter

400/ Defense Network 6, Interceptors 10,
200 Space Station, Targets 3 Hvy Las Can 30 Ba 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Weapon R A AD Special Med Puls Can 10 A 4 Twin-Linked
Quad Part Be 24 T 8 Twin-Linked

Particle Beam 5 T 6
Class - Omega PD Battle
Speed: 7 Crew 60/16 Troops: 4

Turns: 1/45 IS: 225+

Hull: 6 Craft 4 Starfury Flights

Damage: 40/12 SR: Interceptors 3, Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special

Hvy Puls Can 12 F 16 Twin-Linked

Med Puls Can 10 P 8 Twin-Linked

Particle Beam 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter

Med Puls Can 10 S 8 Twin-Linked

Particle Beam 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter

Med Puls Can 10 A 12 Twin-Linked

Earth Alliance 3/4

Priority Level: Battle
Class Babylon Post 2259 War Class - Shadow Omega War
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 40 Speed: 8 Crew 70/14 Troops: 3 Earth Alliance
Turns: - IS: 2259-2281 Turns: 1/45 IS: 2261 Only
Priority Level: Patrol
Hull: 4 Craft 12 Starfury Flights Hull: 6 Craft 4 Thunderbolt Flights
Breaching Pod
Damage: 800/ SR: Carrier 4, Command 2, Damage: 65/12 SR: Advance Jump Point, Flight Computer,
400/ Defense Network 10, Immobile, Interceptors 4, Self Repairing 1D6
200 Interceptors 14, Space Station, Targets 5 Hermes Class Transport
Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special Starfury Wing (3 Flights)
Mole Slicer B 35 B 6 Beam, Super AP, Triple D
Hvy Puls Can 28 T 10 Tethys Class Cutter
Hvy Phs Puls 12 F 8 AP, Double Damage
Quad Part Be 24 T 8 Twin-Linked
Lht phas cutt 8 P 8 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked Tethys-class Laser Boat
Particle Beam 18 T 8
Lht phas cutt 8 S 8 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked Tethys-class Missile Boat
Hvy Phs Puls 12 A 4 AP, Double Damage
Thunderbolt Wing (3 Flights)

Class - Omega CD War Class - Warlock War Priority Level: Skirmish

Speed: 8 Crew 80/20 Troops: 6 Artemis Class Heavy Frigate
Speed: 7 Crew 60/16 Troops: 6
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2261+
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2259+ Artemis-class Escort Frigate
Hull: 6 Craft 4 Starfury Flight
Hull: 6 Craft 4 Starfury Flights Belerophon Heavy Defense Satellite
Damage: 70/18 SR: Adv Jump Point, Command, Interceptors 4
Damage: 40/1 SR: Command 2, Interceptors 4, Jump Point Weapon R A AD Special Hyperion-class Missile Cruiser
Missile Racks 30 F 6 Precise, Slow-Load, Super AP Hyperion-class Rail Cruiser
Weapon R A AD Special
Hvy Part Can 25 B 4 Beam, Super AP, Triple D
Hvy Las Can 30 B 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP Olympus Class Corvette
Railgun 20 F 4 AP, Double Damage
Hvy Puls Can 12 F 12 Twin-Linked
Priority Level: Raid
Las/puls Arry 15 F 10 Twin-Linked
Med Puls Can 10 P 6 Twin-Linked
Las/puls Arry 15 P 6 Twin-Linked Chronos-class Attack Frigate
Particle Beam 5 P 6 Anti-Fighter
Las/puls Arry 15 S 6 Twin-Linked Delphi-class Advanced Scout
Med Puls Can 10 S 6 Twin-Linked
Railgun 20 A 4 AP, Double Damage Explorer Class Survey Ship
Particle Beam 5 S 6 Anti-Fighter
Las/puls Arry 15 A 6 Twin-Linked
Hvy Las Can 30 Ba 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP Hyperion-class Cruiser
Particle Beam 5 T 6 Anti-fighter, Weak
Hvy Puls Can 12 A 6 Twin-Linked Hyperion-class Assault Cruiser

Hyperion-class Pulse Cruiser

Class - Poseidon War
Speed: 5 Crew 120/30 Troops: 10
Nova Class Dreadnought

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2255+ Olympus-class Gunship

Hull: 4 Craft 16 Starfury Flights Oracle Class Scout Cruiser
Damage: 95/25 SR: Carrier 4, Command 3, Fleet Carrier,
Interceptors 6, Jump Point, Shuttles 2
Sagittarius Class Missile Cruiser

Weapon R A AD Special
Earth Alliance 4/4 Priority Level: Battle
Med Puls Can 10 F 6
Priority Level: War Apollo-class Bombardment Cruiser
Med Puls Can 10 P 6
Avenger Class Heavy Carrier
Med Puls Can 10 S 6
Babylon 5 Diplomatic Station (pre 2259)
Med Puls Can 10 A 6

Particle Beam 5 T 8 Anti-fighter, Weak

Hyperion-class Command Cruiser
Omega-class Heavy Destroyer

Earth Alliance Missile Variants Omega-class Pulse Destroyer

Type Range Special In Service Orestes Class System Monitor

Standard Anti-Ship Missile 30 Precise, Super AP 2165+ Orion Starbase

Flash Missile 30 AP, Double Damage, Precise 2229+ Priority Level: War
Heavy Missile 15 Precise, Triple Damage, Super AP 2225+ Babylon 5 Diplomatic Station Pre 2260
Anti-Fighter Missile 15 Anti-Fighter, AP 2231+ Omega-class Command Destroyer
Long-range Missile 40 AP, Precise 2225+ Poseidon Class Super Carrier
Multi-Warhead Missile 30 AP, Precise 2256+ Shadow Omega-class Adv Destroyer
HARM 15 Super AP 2248+ Warlock Class Advanced Destroyer
Any Earth Alliance ship equipped with missile racks can swap the standard missiles usually carried with one of the
variants below. Each missile rack on a ship may have just one missile type though a single ship with multiple missile racks
Flights: Any Ship Carrying one or more
may have a different missile variant in each rack system. Starfury Flights may replace any Num-
Thunderbolt flights may not use these variant missiles as they carry far smaller warheads than those used by larger capital ber of them for Thunderbolts, or Vice
When a missile variant is used, it will replace certain characteristics of the normal missile rack, as detailed below in its
Versa, as long as the scenario is set in
description, as well as possibly grant some special rules which are used when a ship is equipped with it. Each missile 2259 or Latter
variant will retain the fire arc and Attack Dice of the original missile rack, as well as the Slow-Loading trait, if applicable.
Earth Alliance Initiative: +1
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Defense Satellite Skirmish Class - Vorchan Skirmish
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: - Crew - Troops: - Speed: 14 Crew 20/6 Troops: 1

Turns: SM IS: 2157+ Turns: - IS: 2230+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2160+

Hull: 5 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft -

Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+ Damage: 12/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 2 Damage: 15/5 SR: Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

- Matter Can 15 T 4 AP Plas Accel 12 F 4 AP, Double Damage

Twin Part Arr 8 T 2 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-Linked

Class - Corvan Patrol
Speed: 12 Crew 12/4 Troops: 1 Class - Darkner Skirmish Class - Vorchar Skirmish
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2191+ Speed: 12 Crew 30/6 Troops: 2 Speed: 14 Crew 20/6 Troops: 1

Hull: 4 Craft 1 Sentri Flight Turns: 2/45 IS: 2249+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2267+

Damage: 12/4 SR: Interceptors 1, Jump P, Scout, Stealth 4+ Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft -

Weapon R A AD Special Damage: 25/6 SR: Jump Point Damage: 15/5 SR: Jump Point, Scout, Stealth 4+

Twin Part Arr 8 F 4 Twin-Linked Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Twin Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked Battle Laser 20 F 2 Bean, Double D, Super AP Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Twin Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked Matter Can 8 F 4 AP, Double Damage

Class - Vorchat Skirmish
Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-Linked
Class - Amar (Darkner) Skirmish Speed: 12 Crew 24/7 Troops: 2

Class - Haven Patrol Speed: 12 Crew 30/6 Troops: 2 Turns: 2/45 IS: 2189+

Speed: 12 Crew 6/2 Troops: 1 Turns: 2/45 IS: 2249+ Hull: 5 Craft 1 Sentri Flight

Turns: 2/90 IS: 2150+ Hull: 4 Craft 2 Sentri Flight Damage: 15/5 SR: -

Hull: 4 Craft - Damage: 25/6 SR: Jump Point Weapon R A AD Special

Damage: 8/3 SR: Dodge 5+ Weapon R A AD Special Battle Las 10 F 4 AP, Double Damage

Weapon R A AD Special Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-linked Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Matter Can 8 F 2 AP, Double Damage Twin Part Arr 4 P 4 Twin-Linked

Class - Kutai Skirmish
Twin Part Arr 4 F 3 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 4 S 4 Twin-Linked
Speed: 10 Crew 12/4 Troops: 1
Twin Part Arr 4 P 2 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 4 A 4 Twin-Linked
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2134+
Twin Part Arr 4 S 2 Twin-Linked
Hull: 4 Craft -
Twin Part Arr 4 A 3 Twin-Linked
Damage: 10/3 SR: Dodge 5+

Class - Razik Patrol 4 Flights) Weapon R A AD Special

Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: - Matter Can 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage

Turns: SM IS: 2105+ Twin Part Arr 4 F 6 Twin-linked

Hull: 2 Craft -
Class - Maximus Skirmish
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge2+,Dogfight+3,Fighter
Speed: 10 Crew 18/6 Troops: 1
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2191+
Lht Part Gun 2 T 2 Weak
Hull: 6 Craft -

Class - Rutarian Patrol 2 Flights Damage: 16/5 SR: 18/6

Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: - Weapon R A AD Special

Turns: SM IS: 2258+ Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked

Hull: 2 Craft - Particle Gun 4 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Damage: - SR: Dodge 3+, Dogfight+2, Fighter, Stealth 3+

Class - Morgrath Skirmish
Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 8 Crew 18/7 Troops: 1
Lht Part Gun 2 T 2 Weak
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2145+

Class - Sentri Patrol 4 Lights Hull: 5 Craft -

Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: - Damage: 16/5 SR: Interceptors 1

Turns: SM IS: 2202+ Weapon R A AD Special

Hull: 3 Craft - Matter Can 12 F 2 AP, Double Damage

Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge2+,Dogfight+2,fighter Plas Stream 10 F 2 AP, Beam

Weapon R A AD Special Twin part Arr 8 T 6 Twin-Linked, Weak

Lht Part Gun 2 T 3 Weak

Centauri Republic 1/3
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Class - Altarian Raid Class - Centurion Raid
Speed: 8 Crew 38/7 Troops: 3 Speed: 10 Crew 38/8 Troops: 4
Centauri Republic
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2150+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2202+ Priority Level: Patrol

Hull: 6 Craft 1 Sentri Flight Hull: 5 Craft - Breaching Pod

Damage: 34/6 SR: Jump Point Damage: 35/8 SR: Jump Point Corvan Class Scout
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Haven Class Patrol Boat
Matter Can 15 F 6 AP, Double Damage Battle Laser 25 F 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Razik Light Fighter
Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-linked Matter Can 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage
Rutarian (3 Flights)
Twin Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-linked Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked

Twin Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-linked Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-Linked Sentri Wing (5 Flights)
Matter Can 15 A 4 AP, Double Damage Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-Linked Priority Level: Skirmish
Twin Part Arr 8 A 6 Twin-Linked
Class - Dargan Raid Centauri Defence Satellite

Class - Elutarian Raid Speed: 10 Crew 30/7 Troops: 3 Darkner-class Attack Frigate
Speed: 8 Crew 38/7 Troops: 2 Turns: 2/45 IS: 2258+ Amar-class Fast Carrier
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2235+ Hull: 5 Craft 2 Sentri Flight
Kutai Class Frigate
Hull: 6 Craft 1 Sentri Flight Damage: 28/7 SR: Jump Point
Maximus Class Frigate
Damage: 34/6 SR: Jump Point Weapon R A AD Special
Morgrath Class Frigate
Weapon R A AD Special Battle Las 25 F 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Ballistic Torp 30 F 5 DD, Precise, Slow-L, Sup AP Matter Can 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage Vorchan Class Warship

Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-Linked Vorchat-class War Raider
Twin Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 8 P 8 Twin-Linked
Vorchar-class War Scout
Twin Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 8 S 8 Twin-Linked
Priority Level: Raid
Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 8 A 8 Twin-Linked
Altarian-class Destroyer
Class - Magnus Raid Class - Demos Raid
Elutarian-Bombardment Class
Speed: 10 Crew 34/6 Troops: 2 Speed: 10 Crew 22/7 Troops: 1
Magnus-class Destroyer
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2208+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2241+

Hull: 6 Craft 1 Sentri Flight Hull: 5 Craft - Balvarin-class Carrier

Damage: 30/6 SR: Jump Point Damage: 18/7 SR: Jump Point Centurion-class Attack Cruiser
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Prefect-class Armoured Cruiser
Battle Las 20 F 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP Ballistic Torp 15 F 2 Super AP, Triple Damage
Dargan-class Strike Cruiser
Matter Can 15 F 4 AP, Double Damage Plas Accel 12 F 4 AP, Double Damage
Demos-class Heavy Warship
Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked Heavy Array 8 F 6 Double Damage
Sulust-class Escort Destroyer
Twin Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked
Class - Prefect Raid
Twin Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked Priority Level: Battle
Speed: 8 Crew 38/8 Troops: 2
Matter Can 15 A 2 AP, Double Damage Balvarix-class Strike Carrier
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2243+
Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-Linked
Hull: 6 Craft - Centauri Colony

Class - Balvarin Raid Damage: 35/8 SR: Jump Point Primus-class Battlecruiser
Speed: 6 Crew 60/15 Troops: 4 Weapon R A AD Special
Primus-class Bombardment
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2192+ Battle Las 25 F 3 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Secundus-class Battlecruiser
Hull: 5 Craft 6 Sentri Flights Matter Can 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage

Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Secundus-class Bombardment
Damage: 55/14 SR: Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special Twin Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked Tertius-class Battlecruiser

Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-Linked Twin Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked
Tertius-class Bombardment
Twin Part Arr 8 P 8 Twin-Linked
Class - Sulust Raid Priority Level: War
Twin Part Arr 8 S 8 Twin-Linked
Speed: 10 Crew 38/7 Troops: 3 Ocutrion Class Battleship
Twin Part Arr 8 A 8 Twin-Linked
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2218+
Octurion-class Bombardment
Hull: 5 Craft -
Flights: No Special
Damage: 35/6 SR: Interceptors 2
Centauri and Narn: Centauri
Weapon R A AD Special
Vessels will never surrender to
Battle Las 25 F 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP the Narn and are immune to any
Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-Linked
effect that would require them to
surrender to Narn Vessels
Centauri Republic 2/3 Twin Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked
Centauri Republic Initiative:
Twin Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked
Priority Level: Raid +3
Class - Balvarix Battle Class - Secundus Battle Class - Octurion War
Speed: 5 Crew 60/15 Troops: 2 Speed: 8 Crew 65/19 Troops: 10 Speed: 6 Crew 85/24 Troops: 8

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2262+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2248+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2202+

Hull: 5 Craft 8 Sentri Flight Hull: 6 Craft -

Hull: 6 Craft 4 Sentri Flight
Damage: 55/14 SR: Carrier 2, Command 2, Fleet Carrier, Damage: 45/12 SR: Interceptors 3, Jump Point
Interceptors 2, Jump Point Damage: 70/18 SR: Command 2, Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Hvy Array 15 F 12 Double D, Twin-Linked
Matter Can 15 F 8 AP, Double Damage Battle Laser 35 F 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-linked Matter Can 12 F 10 AP, Double Damage
Twin Part Arr 8 P 10 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-linked Twin Part Arr 10 F 16 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 S 10 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-linked Matter Can 12 P 8 AP, Double Damage
Twin Part Arr 8 A 10 Twin-Linked
Matter Can 15 A 8 AP, Double Damage Twin Part Arr 10 P 10 Twin-Linked

Twin Part Arr 8 A 6 Twin-Linked Class - Secundus MD Battle Matter Can 12 S 8 AP, Double Damage

Speed: 8 Crew 65/19 Troops: 10 Twin Part Arr 10 S 10 Twin-Linked

Class - Colony Battle
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2248+ Battle Laser 35 A 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 20
Hull: 6 Craft - Matter Can 12 A 6 AP, Double Damage
Turns: - IS: 2200+
Damage: 45/12 SR: Interceptors 3, Jump Point Twin Part Arr 10 A 8 Twin-Linked
Hull: 4 Craft 8 Sentri Flights
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: 700/ SR: Carrier 4, Defence Network 4, Immobile, Class - Octurion MD War
350/ Space Station, Targets 3 Hvy Array 15 F 12 Double D, Twin-Linked
175 Speed: 6 Crew 85/24 Troops: 8
Mass Driver 10 F 8 AP, Slow-Load, Triple D
Weapon R A AD Special Turns: 1/45 IS: 2202+
Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked
Battle Las 30 T 1 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 P 10 Twin-Linked Hull: 6 Craft 4 Sentri Flight
Matter Cann 18 T 6 AP, Double Damage
Twin Part Arr 8 S 10 Twin-Linked Damage: 70/18 SR: Command 2, Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Twin Part Arr 15 T 8 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 A 10 Twin-Linked Weapon R A AD Special

Class - Primus Battle Battle Laser 35 F 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Class - Tertius Battle
Speed: 8 Crew 60/15 Troops: 5 Matter Can 12 F 10 AP, Double Damage
Speed: 8 Crew 75/20 Troops: 3
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2195+ Mass Driver 10 F 8 AP, Slow-Load, Triple D
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2263+
Hull: 6 Craft 2 Sentri Flights Mass Driver 10 F 8 AP, Slow-Load, Triple D
Hull: 6 Craft -
Damage: 45/12 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point Twin Part Arr 10 F 16 Twin-Linked
Damage: 45/12 SR: Interceptors 1, Jump Point
Weapon R A AD Special Matter Can 12 P 8 AP, Double Damage
Weapon R A AD Special
Battle Las 25 F 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP Twin Part Arr 10 P 10 Twin-Linked
Battle Laser 25 F 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-linked Matter Can 12 S 8 AP, Double Damage
Plas Accel 10 F 8 Double Damage, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-linked Twin Part Arr 10 S 10 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-linked Battle Laser 35 A 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-linked Matter Can 12 A 6 AP, Double Damage
Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 10 A 8 Twin-Linked
Class - Primus MD Battle Plas Accel 10 A 4 Double Damage, Super AP

Speed: 8 Crew 60/15 Troops: 5 Twin Part Arr 8 A 6 Twin-Linked

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2195+

Class - Tertius MD Battle
Hull: 6 Craft 2 Sentri Flights
Speed: 8 Crew 75/20 Troops: 3
Damage: 45/12 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2263+
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 6 Craft -
Battle Laser 25 F 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Damage: 45/12 SR: Interceptors 1, Jump Point
Mass Driver 10 F 8 AP, Slow-Load, Triple D
Weapon R A AD Special
Twin Part Arr 8 F 5 Twin-Linked
Battle Laser 25 F 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-Linked
Mass Driver 10 F 8 AP, Slow-Load, Triple D
Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-Linked
Plas Accel 10 F 8 Double Damage, Super AP
Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-Linked
Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-Linked

Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-Linked

Plas Accel 10 A 4 Double Damage, Super AP

Twin Part Arr 8 A 6 Twin-Linked

Centauri Republic 3/3
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: War
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - G’Sten Skirmish Class - T’Gan Satellite Skirmish
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 8 Crew 28/5 Troops: 4 Speed: - Crew - Troops: -

Turns: SM IS: 2172+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2260-2269 Turns: - IS: 2250+

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft 1 Frazi Flight Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+ Damage: 24/4 SR: Jump Point Damage: 15/4 SR: Immobile

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Hvy Puls Can 12 F 6 Double Damage, Twin-Linked Ion Torpedo 30 T 1 Precise, Super AP
Class - Frazi Patrol 3 Flights
Med Puls Can 10 F 10 Energy Mine 30 T 1 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading
Speed: 10 Crew - Troops: -
Lht Puls Can 8 P 4 Lht Puls Can 8 T 2
Turns: SM IS: 2249+
Lht Puls Can 8 S 4
Hull: 4 Craft - Class - Thentus Skirmish
Lht Puls Can 8 A 8
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge3+,Dogfight+0,Fighter Speed: 8 Crew 28/6 Troops: 4

Weapon R A AD Special Class - Ka’Toc Skirmish Turns: 2/45 IS: 2240+

Particle Gun 2 T 4 Speed: 10 Crew 27/6 Troops: 2 Hull: 5 Craft -

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2240+ Damage: 24/5 SR: -

Class - Gorith Patrol 3 Flights
Hull: 5 Craft 1 Frazi FLight Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 10 Crew - Troops: -
Damage: 20/5 SR: - Med Las Can 15 B 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Turns: SM IS: 2223+
Weapon R A AD Special Burst Beam 12 F 2 AP, Beam
Hull: 3 Craft -
Hvy Las Can 20 B 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP Twin Part Arr 8 F 4 Twin-Linked, Weak
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge2+,Dogfight+2,Fighter
Mag Gun 12 F 1 Beam, Super AP, Triple D Twin Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-Linked, Weak
Weapon R A AD Special
Lht Puls Can 8 F 6 Twin Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-Linked, Weak
Particle Gun 2 T 2
Lht Puls Can 8 P 6 Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-Linked, Weak

Class - Sho’Kos Patrol Lht Puls Can 8 S 6

Speed: 12 Crew 10/3 Troops: 1 Lht Puls Can 8 A 6

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2240+

Class - Ka’Tan Skirmish
Hull: 4 Craft -
Speed: 10 Crew 27/6 Troops: 1
Damage: 12/3 SR: Dodge 5+
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2243+
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 5 Craft 1 Frazi Flight
Med Puls Can 6 F 2
Damage: 20/5 SR: -
Burst Beam 4 F 2 Beam, Precise
Weapon R A AD Special
Lht Puls Can 4 T 4 Weak
Hvy Las Can 20 B 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Class - Sho’Kov Patrol Med Las Can 15 B 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Speed: 12 Crew 10/2 Troops: 1 Lht Puls Can 8 F 8

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2243+ Lht Puls Can 8 P 8

Hull: 4 Craft - Lht Puls Can 8 S 8

Damage: 12/3 SR: Dodge 5+ Lht Puls Can 8 A 8

Weapon R A AD Special
Class - Sho’Kar Skirmish
Ion Torpedo 20 F 1 Precise, Super AP
Speed: 10 Crew 25/5 Troops: 1
Lht Puls Can 40 T 4 Weak
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2240+

Class - G’Karith Skirmish Hull: 4 Craft 1 Frazi Flight

Speed: 8 Crew 28/5 Troops: 4 Damage: 18/4 SR: Jump Point, Scout, Stealth 3+

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2253+ Weapon R A AD Special

Hull: 4 Craft 1 Frazi Flight Burt Beam 12 F 3 AP, Beam

Damage: 24/4 SR: Jump Point Lht Puls Can 8 F 4

Weapon R A AD Special Twin Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked, Weak

Pulsar Mine 20 F 4 Energy Mine Lht Puls Can 8 P 2

Med Puls Can 10 F 10 Lht Puls Can 8 S 2

Lht Puls Can 8 P 4 Lht Puls Can 8 A 4

Lht Puls Can 8 S 4

Pulsar Mine 20 A 4 Energy Mine

Lht Puls Can 8 A 4

Narn Regime 1/3
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Class - Dag’Kar Raid Class - T’Rann Raid Class - Listening Post Battle
Speed: 5 Crew 38/8 Troops: 4 Speed: 8 Crew 90/21 Troops: - Speed: - Crew - Troops: 40

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2240+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2247+ Turns: - IS: 2230+

Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft 4 Frazi Flight Hull: 5 Craft 6 Frazi Flights

Damage: 30/6 SR: - Damage: 60/12 SR: Jump Point Damage: 1000/ SR: Carrier 2, Command 1, Defense Network 6
500/ Immobile, Space Station, Targets 3
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special 250

Ion Torpedoe 30 F 2 Precise, Super AP Med Puls Can 12 F 6 Double Damage Weapon R A AD Special

Energy Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Lht Puls Can 8 F 10 Hvy Las Can 30 T 1 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Energy Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Lht Puls Can 8 P 10 Lht Puls Can 20 T 8

Energy Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Lht Puls Can 8 S 10

Class - Var’Nic Battle
Energy Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Lht Puls Can 8 A 10
Speed: 9 Crew 58/14 Troops: 3
Class - Rongoth Raid Class - G’Quan Battle Turns: 2/45 IS: 2241+

Speed: 6 Crew 50/10 Troops: 5 Speed: 6 Crew 70/19 Troops: 8 Hull: 6 Craft 1 Frazi Flight

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2241+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2242+ Damage: 44/11 SR: Jump Point

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 6 Craft 2 Frazi Flight Weapon R A AD Special

Damage: 40/8 SR: - Damage: 55/13 SR: Jump Point Ion Torpedo 30 F 4 Super AP

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Med Las Can 20 B 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP

Hvy Puls Can 12 F 12 Energy Mine 30 F 6 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Hvy Puls Can 12 F 6

Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-Linked, Weak Energy Mine 30 F 6 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-linked, Weak

Lht Puls Can 8 P 6 Hvy Las Can 30 B 3 Beam, Double D, Super AP Lht Puls Can 8 A 6

Lht Puls Can 8 S 6 Lht Puls Can 8 F 6

Lht Puls Can 8 A 6 Twin part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked, Weak

Twin Part Arr 8 A 8 Twin-Linked, Weak Lht Puls Can 8 P 6

Twin part Arr 8 P 10 Twin-Linked, Weak

Class - Rothan Raid
Lht Puls Can 8 S 6
Speed: 6 Crew 48/10 Troops: 5
Twin part Arr 8 S 10 Twin-Linked, Weak
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2211+
Lht Puls Can 8 A 6
Hull: 6 Craft -
Twin part Arr 8 A 10 Twin-Linked, Weak
Damage: 37/8 SR: -

Weapon R A AD Special Class - G’Lan Battle

Hvy Plas Can 12 F 6 AP, Double Damage
Speed: 6 Crew 70/19 Troops: 6
Twin Part Arr 8 F 8 Twin-linked, Weak
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2259+
Lht Plas Can 8 A 6 AP
Hull: 6 Craft 2 Frazi Flight
Twin Part Arr 8 A 8 Twin-linked, Weak
Damage: 55/13 SR: Jump Point

Class - T’Loth Raid Weapon R A AD Special

Speed: 8 Crew 90/21 Troops: 12 Mag Gun 18 F 2 Beam, Super AP, Triple D

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2241+ Med Las Can 18 B 4 AP, Beam, Double D

Hull: 5 Craft 1 Frazi Flight Lht Puls Can 8 F 6

Damage: 60/12 SR: Jump Point, Shuttles 3 Twin part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked, Weak

Weapon R A AD Special Lht Puls Can 8 P 6

Hvy Plas Can 18 B 6 AP, Double Damage Twin part Arr 8 P 10 Twin-Linked, Weak

Lht Puls Can 8 F 10 Lht Puls Can 8 S 6

Lht Puls Can 8 P 10 Twin part Arr 8 S 10 Twin-Linked, Weak

Lht Puls Can 8 S 10 Lht Puls Can 8 A 6

Lht Puls Can 8 A 10 Twin part Arr 8 A 10 Twin-Linked, Weak

Narn Regime 2/3

Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle
Class - Bin’Tak War Class - G’Tal War
Narn Regime
Speed: 5 Crew 95/23 Troops: 8 Speed: 5 Crew 75/20 Troops: 7
Priority Level: Patrol
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2245+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2263+

Hull: 6 Craft 3 Frazi Flights Hull: 6 Craft 1 Frazi Flight

Breaching Pod 4 Flights

Damage: 85/17 SR: Command 1, Jump Point, Shuttles 2 Damage: 60/14 SR: Command 2, Jump Point Frazi Wing (3 Flights)

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Gorith Wing (3 Flights)

Ion Torpedo 30 F 4 Precise, Super AP Energy Mine 30 F 8 Energy Mine Sho’Kos Class Cutter
Energy Mine 30 F 8 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Energy Mine 30 F 8 Energy Mine
Sho'Kov-class Torpedo Cutter
Energy Mine 30 F 8 Energy Mine, Slow-Loading Hvy Las Can 30 B 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Priority Level: Skirmish
Hvy Las Can 25 B 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP Twin Part Arr 10 F 10 Twin-Linked
G’Karith Class Patrol Cruiser
Mag Gun 20 F 2 Beam, Super AP, Triple D Light Part arr 8 F 8

Lht Puls Can 8 F 8 Twin Part Arr 10 P 10 Twin-Linked G’Sten Class War Cruiser

Twin Part Arr 8 F 16 Twin-Linked, Weak Light Part arr 8 P 8 Ka'Toc-class Battle Destroyer
Lht Puls Can 8 P 6 Twin Part Arr 10 S 10 Twin-Linked Ka'Tan-class Escort Destroyer
Twin Part Arr 8 P 8 Twin-Linked, Weak Light Part arr 8 S 8 Sho’Kar Class Light Scout
Lht Puls Can 8 S 6 Twin Part Arr 10 A 6 Twin-Linked, Weak
T'Gan Orbital Satellite
Twin Part Arr 8 S 8 Twin-Linked, Weak Light Part arr 8 A 4
Thentus Class frigate
Hvy Las Can 25 Ba 4 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Narn Energy Mine Configurations
Priority Level: Raid
Lht Puls Can 8 A 4
Any Narn ship capable of firing energy mines may freely
Twin Part Arr 8 A 4 Twin-Linked, Weak
Dag’Kar Class Missile Frigate
select from the configurations listed below. Each energy
mine weapon system on a ship may only fire one type of Rongoth Class Destroyer
Class - G’Quonth War configuration and may only use that for the entire battle.
Different energy mine weapon systems on the same ship Rothan-class Plasma Destroyer
Speed: 5 Crew 70/19 Troops: 6
may choose different configurations and ships in a cam-
paign may freely change their configurations before the T’Loth Class Assult Cruiser
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2252+
start of each battle.
Hull: 6 Craft - T'Rann-class Heavy Carrier
The exception to this rule is the Short Charge configura-
Damage: 55/13 SR: Jump Point tion. Any energy mine equipped ship may use Short Priority Level: Battle
Charge at any time during a battle, regardless of what it is
Weapon R A AD Special
normally configured to fire. G’Quan Class Heavy Cruiser
Ion Torpedo 30 F 4 Precise, Super AP
Ionic Burst: The ionic burst gains the Weak trait but any G'Lan-class Mag Cruiser
Energy Mine 30 F 6 Energy Mine, Slow-loading enemy ship under its area while be unable to perform any
Special Actions in its next turn and have the effects of Narn Listening Post
Energy Mine 30 F 6 Energy Mine, Slow-loading
any existing Special Actions negated. Var’Nic Long Range Destroyer
Hvy Las Can 30 B 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Ship-Breaker: The energy mine’s Special Traits change Priority Level: War
Lht Puls Can 8 F 8
to Double Damage, Slow-Loading, Super AP (yes, it
Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked, Weak loses Energy Mine!). Its range is also halved Bin’Tak Class Dreadnought
Lht Puls Can 8 P 8 Short Charge: The energy mine loses its Slow-Loading G'Tal-class Command Cruiser
Twin Part Arr 8 P 10 Twin-Linked, Weak trait. However, it will also lose Attack Dice. Halve the
G'Quonth-class Attack Cruiser
number of Attack Dice used, rounding down. Range will
Lht Puls Can 8 S 8 also be reduced to 20”. Flights: No Special
Twin Part Arr 8 S 10 Twin-Linked, Weak
Wide Burst: Wide bursts roll their Attack Dice against Narn and Centauri: Narn Vessels
Lht Puls Can 8 A 8 every object within 5” of the target point instead of the will never surrender to the Centauri
normal 3” but gain the Weak trait. and are immune to any effect that
Twin Part Arr 8 A 10 Twin-Linked, Weak would require them to surrender to
Centauri Vessels

Narn Regime Initiative: +2

Narn Regime 3/3

Priority Level: War
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Ashinata Raid Class - Tigara Raid
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 12 Crew 42/7 Troops: 4 Speed: 12 Crew 36/6 Troops: 3

Turns: SM IS: 2046+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2236+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 1990+

Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft 1 Nial Flight

Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+, Stealth 3+ Damage: 38/6 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+ Damage: 24/5 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

- Fusion Can 18 F 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-linked Fusion Can 18 F 4 AP, Mini-Beam

Fusion Can 18 P 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-linked Mole Disrup 8 F 6 AP, Double Damage, Precise
Class - Flyer Patrol 2 Flights
Fusion Can 18 S 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-linked Antimat Can 4 F 6 Double Damage, Super AP
Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: -
Fusion Can 18 A 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-linked Fusion Can 18 P 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Turns: SM IS: 2004+
Mole Disrup 8 P 4 AP, Double Damage, Precise
Hull: 3 Craft - Class - Esharan Raid
Fusion Can 18 S 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric, Dodge 4+, Dogfight +1, Speed: 12 Crew 42/7 Troops: 4
Fighter, Stealth 5+ Mole Disrup 8 S 4 AP, Double Damage, Precise
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2066+
Weapon R A AD Special Fusion Can 18 A 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Hull: 5 Craft -
Lht Fus Can 2 T 3 AP Mole Disrup 8 A 4 AP, Double Damage, Precise
Damage: 38/6 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+

Class - Nial Patrol 1 Flight Weapon R A AD Special Class - Teshlan Raid

Speed: 15 Crew - Troops: - Fusion Can 18 F 6 AP, Mini-Beam Speed: 14 Crew 36/6 Troops: 3
Turns: SM IS: 2050+ Shock Can 5 F 4 Anti-Fighter, AP Turns: 2/45 IS: 2177+
Hull: 3 Craft - Fusion Can 18 P 4 AP, Mini-Beam Hull: 5 Craft 1 Nial Flight
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Dogfight +3, Shock Can 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter, AP Damage: 24/5 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+
Fighter, Stealth 4+
Fusion Can 18 S 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special
Shock Can 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter, AP Neutron Las 20 F 2 Beam, Double Damage,
Lht Fus Can 2 T 3 AP
Precise, Super AP
Fusion Can 18 A 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 F 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Class - Tishat Patrol 1 Flight Shock Can 5 A 4 Anti-Fighter, AP
Fusion Can 18 P 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Speed: 15 Crew - Troops: -

Class - Leshath Raid Fusion Can 18 S 6 AP, Mini-Beam

Turns: SM IS: 2031+
Fusion Can 18 A 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Hull: 3 Craft - Speed: 10 Crew 28/6 Troops: 3

Damage: - SR: Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Dogfight +4, Turns: 2/45 IS: 1995+
Fighter, Stealth 4+
Hull: 4 Craft 1 Nial Flight
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: 24/5 SR: Adv Jump P,Flight Comp, Scout Stealth 5+
Lht Fus Can 2 T 1 AP
Weapon R A AD Special

Class - Defense Satellite Skirmish Fusion Can 18 F 8 AP, Mini-Beam

Speed: - Crew - Troops: - Fusion Can 18 P 8 AP, Mini-Beam

Turns: - IS: 2240+ Fusion Can 18 S 8 AP, Mini-Beam

Hull: 4 Craft - Fusion Can 18 A 8 AP, Mini-Beam

Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Stealth 4+

Weapon R A AD Special

Fusion Can 12 T 4 AP, Mini-Beam

Class - Torotha Skirmish

Speed: 12 Crew 18/5 Troops: 2

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2006+

Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 16/5 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+

Weapon R A AD Special

Fusion Cann 12 F 4 AP, Mini-Beam

Mole Distup 6 F 4 AP, Double D, Precise

Fusion Cann 12 A 2 AP, Mini-Beam

Minbari Regime 1/2
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Class - Morshin Battle Class - Neshatan War Class - Sharoos War
Speed: 8 Crew 36/7 Troops: 4 Speed: 8 Crew 62/10 Troops: 5 Speed: 8 Crew 66/9 Troops: 5

Turns: 2/45 IS: 1995+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 1977+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2008+

Hull: 4 Craft 1 Flyer & 8 Nial Flights Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft 1 Flyer Flight

Damage: 38/6 SR: Adv Jump P, Carrier 4, Command 1, Fleet Damage: 56/8 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+ Damage: 60/8 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 5+
Carrier, Flight Computer, Stealth 5+
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special
Neutron laser 30 F 6 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP Neutron Las 30 F 4 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Fusion Can 18 F 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 F 8 AP, Mini-Beam Fusion Can 18 F 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 P 2 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 P 6 AP, Mini-Beam Neutron Las 30 P 2 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Fusion Can 18 S 2 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 S 6 AP, Mini-Beam Fusion Can 18 P 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 A 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Neutron laser 30 A 4 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP Neutron Las 30 S 2 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP

Class - Veshatan Battle Fusion Can 18 A 4 AP, Mini-Beam Fusion Can 18 S 4 AP, Mini-Beam

Speed: 12 Crew 62/10 Troops: 5 Neutron Las 30 A 2 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Class Norgath Starbase War
Turns: 1/45 IS: 1989-2207 Fusion Can 18 A 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 40
Hull: 5 Craft -
Turns: - IS: 2082+
Damage: 56/8 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+
Hull: 4 Craft 2 Flyer & 4 Nial Flights
Minbari Federation
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: 800/ SR: Carrier 2, Command 1, Defense Network Priority Level: Patrol
Neutron laser 25 F 4 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP 400/ 12, Immobile, Interceptors 6, Space
200 Station, Stealth 3+, Targets 4
Fusion Can 18 F 6 AP, Mini-Beam Breaching Pod
Weapon R A AD Special
Fusion Can 18 P 4 AP, Mini-Beam Flyer Wing (2 Flights)
Neutron Las 30 T 2 DD,MiniBeam,Precise,SupAP
Fusion Can 18 S 4 AP, Mini-Beam Nial Wing (1 Flights)
Fusion Can 18 T 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 A 4 AP, Mini-Beam
Tishat Wing (1 Flight)
Class - Sharlin War
Class - Thinashi Battle Priority Level: Skirmish
Speed: 8 Crew 66/9 Troops: 5
Speed: 10 Crew 42/7 Troops: 4
Turns: 1/45 IS: 1958+ Minbari Defence Satellite
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2020+
Hull: 5 Craft 1 Flyer & 4 Nial Flghts Torotha Class Assault Frigate
Hull: 5 Craft -
Damage: 60/8 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 5+
Damage: 38/6 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+ Priority Level: Raid
Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special
Neutron laser 30 F 6 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Leshath Class Heavy Scout
Neutron laser 25 F 4 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Fusion Can 18 F 8 AP, Mini-Beam Tigara Class Attack Cruiser
Fusion Can 18 F 8 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked
Fusion Can 18 P 8 AP, Mini-Beam Teshlan-class Fast Cruiser
Fusion Can 18 P 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked
Fusion Can 18 S 8 AP, Mini-Beam
Fusion Can 18 S 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked Ashinata-class Close Escort
Neutron laser 30 A 4 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Fusion Can 18 A 6 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked Esharan-class Anti-Fighter Frigate
Fusion Can 18 A 8 AP, Mini-Beam

Class - Shantavi Battle Priority Level: Battle

Class - Sharkaab War
Speed: 8 Crew 42/7 Troops: 3
Morshin Class Carrier
Speed: 8 Crew 66/9 Troops: 3
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2259+
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2261+ Shantavi-class Heavy Battle Frigate
Hull: 5 Craft -
Hull: 5 Craft 2 Nial Flights Tinashi Class war frigate
Damage: 38/6 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+
Damage: 60/8 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 5+ Troligan class armored Cruiser
Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special
Imp Neut Las 25 F 4 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD Veshatan - class Fast Gunship
Imp Neut las 36 F 4 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
Fusion Can 18 F 4 AP, Mini-Beam, Twin-Linked
Fusion Can 18 F 8 AP, Mini-Beam
Priority Level: War
Mole Disrupt 6 F 8 AP, Double Damage, Precise
Fusion Can 18 P 4 AP, Mini-Beam Neshatan Class Gunship
Class - Troligan Battle Fusion Can 18 S 4 AP, Mini-Beam Norgath Starbase
Speed: 7 Crew 64/7 Troops: 4 Neutron laser 30 A 4 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Sharkaan -Class Advanced Warcruiser
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2166+ Fusion Can 18 A 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Sharlin Class War Cruiser
Hull: 5 Craft 1 Flyer Flight
Sharoos-Class Heavy Warcruiser
Damage: 55/7 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Comp, Stealth 4+

Weapon R A AD Special Flights: Any Ship Carrying one or

Neutron laser 30 F 2 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP more Flyer Flights may replace any
Fusion Can 18 F 8 AP, Mini-Beam
Minbari Regime 2/2 Number of them for Nial, or Vice
Versa, as long as the scenario is set in
Fusion Can 18 P 6 AP, Mini-Beam Priority Level: Battle 2250 or Latter
Fusion Can 18 S 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Priority Level: War Minbari Federation Initiative: +4
Fusion Can 18 A 6 AP, Mini-Beam
Class - Starfury Patrol 3 Fligths Class - Babylon 5 (Post) War
Interstellar Alliance
Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: - Speed: - Crew - Troops:

Turns: SM IS: 2244+ Turns: - IS: 2259-2281 Priority Level: Patrol

Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft 12 Starfury Flights Starfury Wing (3 flights)
Damage: - SR: Afterburner, dodge 2+, dogfight +1, fighter Damage: 1000/ SR: Carrier 3, Command 2, Immobile,
500/ Interceptors 14, Targets 6 Thunderbolt Wing (3 flights)
Weapon R A AD Special 250

Uni-Puls Can 2 T 2 Twin-Linked Weapon R A AD Special Priority Level: Skirmish

Hvy Puls Can 28 T 10
Class - Thunderbolt Patrol 3 Flights Nial Wing (1 Flights)
Quad Part B 24 T 8 Twin-Linked
Speed: 10 Crew - Troops: -
Particle Beam 18 T 6 Priority Level: Raid
Turns: SM IS: 2259+
Lht Part B 6 T 2 Anti-fighter
Hull: 5 Craft -
White Star
Damage: - SR: Afterburner, Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Class - Victory War Priority Level: Battle
Dogfight +0, Fighter
Speed: 8 Crew 90/20 Troops: 4
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2266+
White Star 2
Missle Rack 4 T 2 AP
Hull: 6 Craft 3 Starfury & 3 Thunderbolt Flights Priority Level: War
Gatling Pulse 2 T 2
Damage: 75/15 SR: Adv Jump Point, Afterburner, Carrier 2,
Command +1, Flight Comp, Interceptors 4 Babylon 5 Diplomatic Station (Post)
Class - Nial Skirmish 1 Flight
Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 15 Crew - Troops: - Victory-class destroyer
Lighting Can 30 B 8 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
Turns: SM IS: 2050+
Neutron Las 30 F 6 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Flights: Any Ship Carrying one or
Hull: 3 Craft - more Starfury Flights may replace any
Neutron Las 30 A 2 Beam, DD, Precise, Super AP
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric, Dodge 2+, Dogfight +3, number of them for Thunderbolts
Fighter, Stealth 4+ Fusion Can 18 T 6 AP, Mini-Beam

Weapon R A AD Special Hvy Puls Can 12 T 12 Twin-linked Interstellar Alliance Initiative: +2

Lht Fus Can 2 T 3 AP

Class - White Star Raid

Speed: 15 Crew - Troops: 1

Turns: 2/90 IS: 2260+

Hull: 5 Craft 1 Nial Flight

Damage: 10/3 SR: Adaptive Amour, Adv Jump P, Dodge 3+

Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 1

Weapon R A AD Special

Imp Neut Las 18 F 1 Beam, precise, Super AP, TD

Mole Puls 10 F 5 Anti-fighter, AP, DD, Precise

Class - White Star 2 Battle

Speed: 12 Crew 12/3 Troops: 1

Turns: 2/90 IS: 2267+

Hull: 5 Craft 1 Nial Flight

Damage: 15/3 SR: Adp Armour, Adv Jump Point, Dodge 3+,
Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 2

Weapon R A AD Special

Missle Rack 30 F 2 Precise, Slow-Load, Super AP

Imp Neut Las 18 F 2 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD

Mole Puls 10 F 8 Anti-fighter, AP, DD, Precise

Interstellar Alliance
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: War
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Strike Carrier Skirmish
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 6 Crew 54/12 Troops: 3

Turns: SM IS: 2203+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2247+

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft 4 Delta-V Flights

Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+ Damage: 32/7 SR: Carrier 4, Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special The Raiders

- Med puls Can 10 F 8 Priority Level: Patrol
Particle Beam 4 F 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Class - Delta-V Patrol 6 Flights Breaching Pod 4 Flights
Med puls Can 10 P 4
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: -
Particle Beam 4 P 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak Delta-V Wing (6 flights)
Turns: SM IS: 2190+
Med puls Can 10 S 4 Double-V 4 Flight
Hull: 3 Craft -
Particle Beam 4 S 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge2+,Dogfight+0,fighter Modified Freighter
Particle Beam 4 A 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Weapon R A AD Special
Priority Level: Skirmish
Lht Part Gun 2 T 2 Weak Class - Battle Wagon Raid
Raider Defence Post
Speed: 6 Crew 40/10 Troops: 4
Class - Double V Patrol 4 Flights Strike Carrier
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2242+
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: -
Hull: 6 Craft 4 Delta-V Flights Priority Level: Raid
Turns: SM IS: 2190+
Damage: 35/8 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point Battle Wagon
Hull: 4 Craft -
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: - SR: Dodge 3+, Dogfight –1, Fighter Priority Level: Battle
Med Las Can 20 B 3 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Weapon R A AD Special Raider Base
Med Las Can 10 F 10
Missile Rack 4 T 2 AP
Particle Beam 4 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Flights: No Special
Twin Lht Part 2 T 4 Twin-Linked, Weak
Particle Beam 4 S 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Raider Initiative: +0
Class - Mod Freighter Patrol Particle Beam 4 P 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Speed: 4 Crew 12/3 Troops: 1 Twin Part Arr 8 A 6 Twin-Linked, Weak

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2190+ Particle Beam 4 A 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Hull: 5 Craft -

Damage: 12/3 SR: -

Class - Raider Base Battle
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 25
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: - IS: 2240+
Med Puls Can 8 F 3
Hull: 5 Craft 16 Delta-V Fligths
Med Puls Can 8 P 3
Damage: 800/ SR: Carrier 6, Defence Network 8, Immobile,
Med Puls Can 8 S 3
400/ Interceptors 10, Space Station, Targets 3
Med Puls Can 8 A 3
Weapon R A AD Special
Particle Beam 4 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Hvy Puls Can 24 T 6 Twin-Linked
Class - Defense Post Skirmish Railgun 20 T 4 AP, Double Damage
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 1 Particle Blast 15 T 6 Twin-Linked
Turns: - IS: 2255+

Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 2

Weapon R A AD Special

Med Puls Can 10 T 6

The Raiders
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: War
Class - Fighter Patrol 3 Flights Class - Heavy Cruiser War
Speed: 9 Crew - Troops: - Speed: 5 Crew - Troops: -
Vorlon Empire
Turns: SM IS: Until 2261 Turns: 1/45 IS: Until 2261 Priority Level: Patrol
Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft -
Vorlon Fighter (3 Flights)
Damage: - SR: Dodge 3+, Dogfight +0, fighter Damage: 100/0 SR: Adaptive Amour, Advance Jump Point,
Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 2D6 Priority Level: Skirmish
Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special Orbital Installation
discharge gun 3 T 1 anti-fighter, AP, Beam, Precise
Lighting Can 24 F 4 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
Class Orbital Installation Skirmish discharge gun 18 F 6 AP, Beam, Double D, Precise
Priority Level: Raid
Speed: - Crew - Troops: -
Class - Observation Post War
Turns: - IS: Until 2261 Destroyer
Speed: - Crew - Troops: -
Hull: 5 Craft - Priority Level: Battle
Turns: - IS: Until 2261
Damage: 25/0 SR: adap amour, Immobile, Self-Repairing 1d6
Hull: 5 Craft 6 Vorlon Fighter Flights Light Cruiser
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: 600/ SR: Adaptive Amour, Carrier 2, Defense Priority Level: War
discharge gun 12 T 2 AP, Beam Double D, Precise 300/ Network 6, Immobile, Self-Repairing 2d6,
150 Targets 4
Heavy Cruiser
Class - Transport Skirmish Weapon R A AD Special
Observation Post
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: - Lighting Can 24 T 1 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
Vorlon Empire
Turns: 1/90 IS: Until 2261 discharge gun 15 T 4 AP, Beam, Double D, Precise
Initiative: +6
Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 35/0 SR: Adaptive Amour, Advance Jump Point,

Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 2

Weapon R A AD Special

discharge gun 12 F 3 AP, Beam, Double D, Precise Vorlon Fleet Rules

Class - Destroyer Raid Damage Resistance: Based on highly advanced bio-technology, Vorlon
ships are organic creations and so do not have the same structure as other
Speed: 7 Crew - Troops: -
ships. Because of this, they take damage in a very different manner. Every
Turns: 1/90 IS: Until 2261 successful attack on a Vorlon ship that beats its Hull score will cause dam-
Hull: 5 Craft - age, without the need to roll for bulkhead and critical hits. Vorlon ships
Damage: 50/0 SR: Adaptive Amour, Advance Jump Point, are immune to critical hits, as no specific vital systems. For every hit a
Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 2 Vorlon ship suffers, roll one dice. This is how much damage it actually
Weapon R A AD Special suffers from the hit and is double or trebled as normal for weapons that
discharge gun 18 F 4 AP, Beam, Double D, Precise possess the appropriate traits. Precise weapons have no additional effect
but Adaptive Amour halves all incoming damage as normal. Vorlon ships
Class - Light Cruiser Battle have no effective Crew score, as the whole vessel is a single, living entity.
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: -
In addition, they never perform Damage Control and can never be Crip-
pled or reduced to a Skeleton Crew. A Vorlon ship that has been reduced
Turns: 1/45 IS: Until 2261
to 0 Damage has been destroyed and is simply removed form the table.
Hull: 5 Craft -

Damage: 70/0 SR: Adaptive Amour, Advance Jump Point,

Special Actions: Vorlon ships may use any Special Actions except All
Flight Computer, Self-Repairing 1D6 Hands to Deck!, Close Blast Doors and Activate Defense Grid!, Run Si-
Weapon R A AD Special lent! and Stand Down and Prepare to be Boarded.
Lighting Can 15 F 4 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
Superior Technology: The technical advances of the younger races pose
few problems for the Vorlons. They gain a +1 bonus to all rolls they make
in order to circumvent an enemy ships Stealth.

Vorlon Empire
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: War
Class - Shadow Fighter Patrol 3 Fights The Shadows The Shadow Fleet Rules
Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: -
Priority Level: Patrol Hyperspace Mastery: Shadow Scouts and Shadow Ships may enter
Turns: SM IS: Until 2261
realspace from hyperspace at any point, without risk of deviation.
Hull: 4 Craft - Shadow Fighter (3 Flights) They can move, attack and otherwise act normally during the turn it
Damage: - SR: Adv Jump Point, Atmospheric, Dodge 3+, leaves hyperspace. Shadow vessels must use the Initiate Jump Point!
Dogfight +0, Fighter Priority Level: Skirmish Special Action to enter hyperspace but no jump point counter is
Weapon R A AD Special placed on the table, thus no damage is caused. Instead, the Shadow
Shadow Orbital Satellite vessel is simply removed into hyperspace at the beginning of its next
Polarity Can 2 T 2 AP, Double Damage
turn. Shadow Fighter flights may also enter and leave hyperspace by
Priority Level: Raid
this method without having to take any Special Action.
Class - Orbital Satellite Skirmish
Shadow Scout Damage Resistance: Based on highly advanced bio-technology,
Speed: - Crew - Troops: -
Shadow vessels are organic creations and so do not have the same
Turns: - IS: Until 2261 Priority Level: Battle structure as other ships. Because of this, they take damage in a very
Hull: 5 Craft -
Shadow Hunter different manner.
Damage: 30/0 SR: Immobile, Self Repairing 1D6 Every successful attack on a Shadow vessel that beats its Hull score
Priority Level: War will cause damage, without the need to roll for bulkhead and critical
Weapon R A AD Special
hits. Shadow vessels are immune to critical hits, as they have no spe-
Mole Slicer B 12 T 1 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD Shadow Cloud cific vital systems. For every hit a Shadow vessel suffers, roll one
dice. This is how much damage it actually suffers from the hit and is
Class - Shadow Scout Raid Shadow Ship double or trebled as normal for weapons that possess the appropriate
Speed: 9 Crew - Troops: - traits. Precise weapons have no additional effect but Adaptive Amour
Flights: May initiate halves all incoming damage as normal.
Turns: SM IS: Until 2261
Jump Point Shadow vessels have no effective Crew score, as the whole ship is a
Hull: 5 Craft - single, living entity. In addition, they never perform Damage Control
Shadows and Hyper- and can never be Crippled or reduced to a Skeleton Crew. A Shadow
Damage: 58/0 SR: Adv Jump P, Flight Computer, Scout, Self-
Repairing 1d6, Stealth 4+ space: A Shadow vessel vessel that has been reduced to 0 Damage has been destroyed and is
Weapon R A AD Special
may enter realspace from simply removed form the table.
hyperspace at any point
phas puls can 8 F 6 anti-fighter, Double D, Sup AP Special Actions: Shadow vessels may only use the Initiate Jump
with no deviation. It will
Point Special Action.
Class - Shadow Hunter Battle also be able to move, attack
and act normally during the Superior Technology: The technical advances of the younger races
Speed: 7 Crew - Troops: -
turn it leaves Hyperspace. pose few problems for the Shadows. They gain a +1 bonus to all rolls
Turns: SM IS: Unknow they make in order to circumvent an enemy ships Stealth
Shadow vessels must user
Hull: 5 Craft 3 Shadow Fighter Flights the Initiate Jump Point SA Superb Maneuverability: Shadow vessels are supremely agile at
Damage: 100/0 SR: Adv Jump Point, Flight Computer, to enter hyperspace but no slow speeds but it is still important to keep track of their heading.
Self-Repairing 1D6
jump point counter is Instead of using the normal SM rules, a Shadow vessel may instead
Weapon R A AD Special placed on the board. turn up to 90o at the start of its movement and then move twice its
Fht disp tube 30 T Fighter Dispersal Tube Speed in a straight line.
The Shadows Initiative:
Mole Slicer B 12 F 4 Beam, Super AP, Triple D
+6 Jump Point Disruptor: A Shadow Ship may choose to use its Jump
Point Disruptor in place of any other weapons during its turn. This
Class - Shadow Cloud War may target any jump point leading to hyperspace within 18ö. This
Speed: - Crew - Troops: - attack will immediately shut down the jump point. In addition, every
Turns: - IS: Until 2261
ship that went through the jump point this turn or is within 4ö of its
forward arc must roll a dice. On a 1, it escapes destruction and sus-
Hull: 5 Craft 16 Shadow Fighter Flight tains 3d6 points of damage. On a 2-3, it suffers d6 critical hits, multi-
Damage: 800/ SR: Carrier 4, Defense Network 6, Immobile, plying all damage by three as if it had been hit by a Triple Damage
400/ Interceptors 14, Space Station, Targets 3
weapon. On a roll of 4-6, the ship is automatically destroyed. Auxil-
iary craft flights will always be destroyed on a roll of 2 or more.
Weapon R A AD Special

Thermo Miss 30 T 2 Precise, Super AP, Triple D

Fighter Dispersal Tube: Holding a swarm of fighters deep within
their organic hulls, Shadow Ships are capable of firing them great
Mole Slicer B 24 T 2 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
distances, where they instantly deploy. This allows the Shadows to
use their fighters to delay and distract their enemies while their main
Class - Shadow Ship War ships close range. A Shadow Ship that uses its Fighter Dispersal
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: - Tube may not use any other weapon in the same turn. Up to four
Turns: SM IS: Until 2261
Shadow Fighter flights may be placed anywhere within 30ö of the
launching ship. They must be placed within 3ö of one another and
Hull: 6 Craft 6 Shadow Fighter Flights
may not take any action in the turn they were launched in this fash-
Damage: 150/0 SR: Advance Jump Point, Flight Computer, ion.
Self-Repairing 2d6

Weapon R A AD Special
The Shadows
Fht Disper 30 T Fighter Dispersal Tube

JP Disruptor 18 T Priority Level: Patrol

Mole Slicer B 18 T 5 Beam, Precise, Super AP, TD
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: War
Class - Civilian Trader Patrol Class - Patrol Boat Patrol
Speed: 7 Crew 10/4 Troops: 1 Speed: 8 Crew 9/2 Troops: 1

Turns: 2/45 IS: ALL Turns: 2/45 IS: All

Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 8/3 SR: - Damage: 8/2 SR: - Other Craft Fleet

Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special Priority Level: Patrol
Lht Particle B 4 T 2 Weak Particle Gun 6 T 4 Weak
Civilian Trader
Particle Beam 2 T 1 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Class - Corporate Freighter Patrol Corporate Freighter
Speed: 4 Crew 12/3 Troops: 1 Class - Space Liner Patrol
Corporate Tanker
Turns: 1/45 IS: All Speed: 4 Crew 32/12 Troops: -
Patrol Boat
Hull: 4 Craft - Turns: 1/45 IS: All

Damage: 12/3 SR: - Hull: 3 Craft - Space Liner

Weapon R A AD Special Damage: 30/12 SR: - Space dock

Particle Beam 8 T 4 Weak Weapon R A AD Special
Civilian Initiative: -4
Particle Beam 6 F 4 Weak
Class - Corporate Tanker Patrol Particle Beam 6 P 4 Weak
Speed: 4 Crew 12/3 Troops: 1
Particle Beam 6 S 4 Weak
Turns: 1/45 IS: All
Particle Beam 6 A 4 Weak
Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 12/3 SR: -

Class - Spacedocks Patrol
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 10
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: - IS: All
Particle Beam 8 T 4 Weak
Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 300/ SR: Immobile, Interceptors 8, Space Station,

150/ Targets 3

Weapon R A AD Special

Missile Rack 30 T 1 Precise, Slow-Load, Super AP

Med Puls Can 15 T 6

Particle Beam 8 T 3 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Other Craft Fleet

Priority Level: Patrol
Class - Tzymm Patrol 3 Flights Class - Xixx Skirmish Class - Xeecra Trading Post Battle
Speed: 12 Crew - Troops: - Speed: 8 Crew 20/6 Troops: 1 Speed: - Crew - Troops: 25

Turns: SM IS: 2200+ Turns: 2/90 IS: 2150+ Turns: - IS: 2162+

Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft 12 Tzymm Flights

Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge3+,Dogfight+1,Fighter Damage: 18/6 SR: - Damage: 700/ SR: Carrier 4, Command 1,
350/ Defense Network 10, Immobile, Intercep-
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special 175 tors 8, Space Station, Targets 3

Lht Matt Can 4 T 2 AP Antipro Gun 5 F 2 Anti-Fighter Weapon R A AD Special

Twin Antipro 2 T 3 Twin-Linked, Weak Antipro Gun 5 P 2 Anti-Fighter Antimat Torp 30 T 2 DD, Precise, Slow-L, Super AP

Antipro Gun 5 S 2 Anti-Fighter Antimat Shr 12 T 2 Double Damage, Super AP

Class - Vaarl Patrol
Antipro Gun 5 A 2 Anti-Fighter
Speed: 10 Crew 12/4 Troops: 1 Vree Conglomerate
Antimat Torp 30 T 2 DD, Precise, Slow-L, Super AP
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2200+
Antimat Torp 30 T 2 DD, Precise, Slow-L, Super AP Priority Level: Patrol
Hull: 3 Craft -
Tzymm Heavy Fighter (3 Flights)
Damage: 10/3 SR: Jump Point, Scout, Stealth 5+ Class - Xoti Satellite Skirmish
Vaarl Class Scout Saucer (VA)
Weapon R A AD Special Speed: - Crew - Troops: -

Antimat Can 10 T 2 Super AP Turns: - IS: 2250+

Xaar-class Patrol Boat
AntiPro Gun 5 T 4 Anti-Fighter Hull: 4 Craft - Ximm Close Escort (XOv)
Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 1
Class - Xaar Patrol Priority Level: Skirmish
Weapon R A AD Special
Speed: 12 Crew 10/4 Troops: 1 Vaarka Escort Scout (VAv)
Antimat Can 10 T 3 Super AP
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2225+
Xixx - Torpedo Saucer (XOv)
Antipro Gun 5 T 4 Anti-Fighter
Hull: 4 Craft -
Xorr - War Saucer (XO)
Damage: 8/3 SR: Dodge 5+
Xoti Satellite
Weapon R A AD Special

Antimat Can 10 T 4 Super AP Priority Level: Raid

AntiPro Gun 5 T 4 Anti-Fighter Class - Xill Raid Xill - Battle Saucer (XI)
Speed: 8 Crew 35/8 Troops: 1 Priority Level: Battle
Class - Ximm Patrol
Turns: 1/90 IS: 2250+
Speed: 10 Crew 20/6 Troops: 1 Xeecra Trading Post
Hull: 5 Craft -
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2255+
Xaak Command Saucer (Xiv)
Damage: 30/7 SR: Jump Point
Hull: 4 Craft -
Weapon R A AD Special Flights: Flights of smaller craft
Damage: 18/6 SR: - may be purchased separately and
Antipro Gun 5 F 3 Anti-Fighter used unites in their own right.
Weapon R A AD Special
Antipro Gun 5 P 3 Anti-Fighter
Antimat Can 10 T 2 Super AP Vree Initiative: +2
Antipro Gun 5 S 3 Anti-Fighter
TL Antipro 5 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Twin-Linked
Antipro Gun 5 A 3 Anti-Fighter Vree Conglomerate Rules
Class - Vaarka Skirmish Antimat Shr 20 T 4 Double Damage, Super AP Telepathy: Due to their intra-species mental
Speed: 10 Crew 12/4 Troops: 1 Antimat Can 10 T 6 Super AP communications, all Vree gain a +1 bonus on
Turns: 2-90 IS: 2230+ all Crew Quality and Damage Control checks.
Class - Xaak Battle
Hull: 4 Craft - Super Maneuverability: Vree ships are ex-
Damage: 10/3 SR: Jump Point, Scout, Stealth 5+
Speed: 8 Crew 40/8 Troops: 2 tremely agile. All Vree ships may move as if
Turns: 1/90 IS: 2256+ they had the Super Maneuverable trait so long
Weapon R A AD Special
as they move no more than half their Speed in
Hull: 6 Craft -
Antimat Shre 12 T 2 Double Damage, Super AP a turn.
Damage: 38/7 SR: Command 1, Jump Point
Antipro Gun 5 T 6 Anti-Fighter
Conglomerate Backing: When the Vree un-
Weapon R A AD Special
Class - Xorr Skirmish dertake a major military action, they do so
Antipro Gun 5 F 4 Anti-Fighter with the support of their entire race and all
Speed: 10 Crew 20/6 Troops: 1 their resources. The Vree player has 10 bonus
Antipro Gun 5 P 4 Anti-Fighter
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2195+ RR points each campaign turn, but these bo-
Antipro Gun 5 S 4 Anti-Fighter
Hull: 4 Craft -
nus points can only be used to repair and re-
Antipro Gun 5 A 4 Anti-Fighter crew damaged ships. Any bonus points the
Damage: 18/6 SR: 20/6 Vree player does not use during the Repair
Antimat Torp 30 T 6 DD, Precise, Slow-L, Super AP
Weapon R A AD Special and Reinforcements step are lost at the end of
Antimat Shr 20 T 6 Double Damage, Super AP
Antipro Gun 5 F 2 Anti-Fighter
the current campaign turn.
Antimat Can 10 T 8 Super AP
Antipro Gun 5 P 2 Anti-Fighter

Antipro Gun 5 S 2 Anti-Fighter

Vree Conglomerate
Antipro Gun 5 A 2 Anti-Fighter Priority Level: Patrol
Antimat Can 10 T 4 Super AP
Priority Level: Skirmish
Twin Antimat 10 T 6 Super AP, Twin-Linked
Priority Level: Raid

Priority Level: Battle

Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Darkhawk Skirmish Drazi Freehold
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 12 Crew 16/5 Troops: 3
Priority Level: Patrol
Turns: SM IS: 2211+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2214+

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft - Breaching Pod (4 Flights)

Damage: - SR: Dodge 5+ Damage: 14/4 SR: - Sky Serpent (2 Flights)
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Star Snake (5 Flights )
- Missile Rack 30 F 4 Precise, Slow-Load, Super AP

Particle Cutt 12 B 2 AP, Beam

Sunhawk Battlecruiser (SH)
Class - Sky Serpent Patrol 2 Flights
Particle 4 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Guardhawk Battle Escort (SHv)
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: - Beam

Turns: SM IS: 2220+ Priority Level: Skirmish

Class - Jumphawk Skirmish
Hull: 5 Craft - Shodrama Armed Satellite
Speed: 12 Crew 18/5 Troops: 3
Damage: - SR: Dodge 4+, Dogfight –1, Fighter
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2206+ Darkhawk Missle Cruiser (SHv)
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 5 Craft - Jumphawk- Command Cruiser
Missle Rack 4 T 4 AP
Damage: 14/4 SR: Command 1, Jump Point
Twin part Arr 2 T 4 Twin-Linked Strikehawk Battle Carrier
Weapon R A AD Special
Warbird Class Cruiser (WB)
Class - Star Snake Patrol 5 Flights Particle Cann 15 B 4 Beam, Super AP

Speed: 14 Crew - Troops: - Particle Blast 8 B 6 Twin-Linked Priority Level: Raid

Turns: SM IS: 2210+ Particle Beam 4 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Solarhawk Battlecruiser (SHv)
Hull: 4 Craft -
Class - Warbird Skirmish Priority Level: Battle
Damage: - SR: Dodge 2+, Dogfight +0, Fighter
Speed: 12 Crew 20/5 Troops: 3 Brostilli Warbase
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2234+
Lht Part Gun 2 T 2 Weak Stormfalcon Heavy Cruiser (SF)
Hull: 6 Craft -

Class - Sunhawk Patrol Damage: 18/4 SR: -

Nightfalcom-class Heavy Carrier (SFv)
Speed: 12 Crew 16/5 Troops: 2 Weapon R A AD Special Flights: Flights of smaller craft may be
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2198+ Particle Cann 15 B 3 Beam, Super AP
purchased separately and used unites in
their own right.
Hull: 4 Craft - Particle Repe 10 B 8 Twin-Linked

Damage: 14/4 SR: 16/5 Particle Beam 4 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Drazi Initiative: +1/+2
Weapon R A AD Special
Class - Strikehawk Skirmish
Particle Cutt 12 B 2 AP, Beam
Speed: 12 Crew 24/6 Troops: 3
Particle Blast 8 B 4 Twin-Linked
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2220+
Particle Beam 4 F 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Hull: 6 Craft 1 Sky Serpent Flight

Class - Guardhawk Patrol Damage: 20/5 SR: -

Speed: 12 Crew 16/5 Troops: 2 Weapon R A AD Special

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2234+ Particle Cann 15 B 3 Beam, Super AP

Hull: 4 Craft - Particle Repe 10 B 6 Twin-Linked

Damage: 14/4 SR: -

Weapon R A AD Special

Particle Rep 12 F 2 Twin-Linked

Particle Beam 4 T 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Class - Shodrama Satellite Skirmish

Speed: - Crew - Troops: -

Turns: - IS: 2230+

Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 1

Weapon R A AD Special

Hvy Part Can 15 T 2 Beam, Super AP Drazi Freehold 1/2

Particle Beam 4 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Class - Warbird Raid Drazi Fleet Rules
Speed: 12 Crew 20/6 Troops: 2
Aggression: Drazi are an aggressive and belligerent race with a love of
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2258+
brawling and violence. More than any other race, they actively enjoy combat
Hull: 5 Craft -
for combat’s sake and are slow to surrender or flee even when a battle goes
Damage: 18/5 SR: Jump Point against them. The Drazi thus gain a +1 bonus to all Crew Quality checks
Weapon R A AD Special made for Give Me Ramming Speed! or Stand Down And Prepare To Be
Solar Cannon 18 B 6 Beam, Slow-L, Super AP, TD Boarded! Special Orders, whether the Drazi are the instigators or subjects of
Particle Beam 4 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
such an order.
Sky Hook Catapult: The Drazi make use of a catapult system to launch their
Class - Brostilli Warabse Battle Sky Serpent fighters from carriers, literally hurling the craft into space at high
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 50 velocity. When deploying Sky Serpents, a ship will place them up to 8” away
Turns: - IS: 2234+ in its front arc, rather than within 3” in any direction. Star Snakes are de-
Hull: 5 Craft 12 Star Snake & 6 Sky Serpent Flights
ployed normally.
Damage: 700/ SR: Carrier 6, Defense Network 6, Immobile, Tactics – Quick & Decisive: The Drazi mindset, tactics and ships all favour
350/ Interceptors 6, Space Station, Targets 3
175 quick, decisive strikes, hitting first and hitting hard. In any scenario where the
Weapon R A AD Special
Drazi are designated as the attacker, their Initiative bonus increases to +2.
However, in any scenario where the Drazi are designated as the defender (or
Hvy Part Can 24 T 2 Beam, Double D, Super AP
where this is not specified), their Initiative bonus decreases to +1.
Particle Cann 20 T 4 Beam, Super AP

Particle Blast 15 T 6 Twin-Linked

Class - Stromfalcon Battle

Speed: 10 Crew 60/18 Troops: 5

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2238+

Hull: 6 Craft 1 Sky Serpent & 2 Star Snake Flights

Damage: 48/12 SR: Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special

Solar Cannon 18 B 4 Beam, Slow-L, Super AP, TD

Particle Can 15 B 4 Bean, Super AP

Particle Repe 12 F 8 Twin-Linked

Hvy Part Blas 8 F 4 Double Damage

Class - NightFalcon Battle

Speed: 8 Crew 64/18 Troops: 4

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2258+

Hull: 6 Craft 3 Sky Serpents & 3 Star Snake Flights

Damage: 54/12 SR: Carrier 3, Command 1, Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special

Particle Can 15 B 6 Bean, Super AP

Twin Part Arr 8 F 10 Twin-Linked

Hvy Part Blas 8 F 4 Double Damage

Drazi Freehold 2/2

Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle
Class - Kotha Patrol 6 Flights Class - Miliani Skirmish Abbai Matriarchy
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: - Speed: 7 Crew 29/7 Troops: 1

Turns: SM IS: 2230+

Priority Level: Patrol
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2230+

Hull: 3 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft 4 Kotha Flights Kotha (6 Flights)

Damage: - SR: Dodge 3+, Dogfight +0, Fighter Damage: 26/6 SR: Interceptors 3 Shyarie-class Jammer Frigate
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Tiraca-class Attack Frigate
Lht part gun 2 T 1 Weak Combat Laser 12 F 3 AP, Beam, Precise

Quad Part Arr 8 F 6 Twin-Linked

Bisaria-class Escort Frigate
Class - Shyarie Patrol
Quad Part Arr 8 S 8 Twin-Linked Priority Level: Skirmish
Speed: 10 Crew 18/5 Troops: 1
Quad Part Arr 8 P 8 Twin-Linked
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2180+ Alanti Defence Satellite
Hull: 5 Craft - Class - Marata Skirmish Miliani-class Carrier
Damage: 15/4 SR: Interceptors 3, Scout Speed: 9 Crew 29/7 Troops: 1
Marata-class Diplomatic Transport
Weapon R A AD Special Turns: 1/45 IS: 2233+
Priority Level: Raid
Comm Distup 15 F 5 Super AP Hull: 6 Craft 2 Kotha Flights
Comm Distup 15 P 4 Super AP Damage: 26/6 SR: Interceptors 5 Bimith-class Defender
Comm Distup 15 S 4 Super AP Weapon R A AD Special Priority Level: Battle
Comm Distup 15 A 3 Super AP Quad Part Arr 8 F 4 Twin-Linked
Lakara-class Cruiser
Quad Part Arr 8 S 6 Twin-Linked
Class - Tiraca Patrol Pirocia Starbase
Quad Part Arr 8 P 6 Twin-Linked
Speed: 9 Crew 25/5 Troops: 1
Drazi Initiative: 2
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2231+ Class - Bimith Raid
Hull: 4 Craft -
Speed: 8 Crew 52/9 Troops: 2
Damage: 19/4 SR: Interceptors 2
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2246+
Weapon R A AD Special 5 -
Hull: Craft
Combat Laser 12 F 1 AP, Beam, Precise
Damage: 40/8 SR: Interceptors 3
Quad Part Arr 8 F 5 Twin-Linked
Weapon R A AD Special
Quad Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked
Quad Part Arr 8 F 12 Twin-Linked
Quad Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked Quad Part Arr 8 P 16 Twin-Linked

Quad Part Arr 8 S 16 Twin-Linked

Class - Bisaria Patrol
Quad Part Arr 8 A 12 Twin-Linked
Speed: 9 Crew 25/5 Troops: 1

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2235+ Class - Lakara Battle

Hull: 4 Craft -
Speed: 6 Crew 66/14 Troops: 2
Damage: 19/4 SR: Interceptors 2
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2230+
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 6 Craft -
Comm Distup 15 F 4 Super AP
Damage: 54/12 SR: Interceptors 8
Quad Part Arr 8 F 5 Twin-Linked
Weapon R A AD Special
Quad Part Arr 8 P 4 Twin-Linked
Combat Laser 12 F 6 AP, Beam, Precise
Quad Part Arr 8 S 4 Twin-Linked
Quad Part Arr 8 F 14 Twin-Linked

Class - Alanti Def Satellite Quad Part Arr 8 S 14 Twin-Linked

Quad Part Arr 8 P 14 Twin-Linked
Speed: - Crew - Troops: -
Quad Part Arr 8 A 14 Twin-Linked
Turns: - IS: 2230+

Hull: 4 Craft - Class - Pirocia Starbase Battle

Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 4
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 20
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: - IS: 2230+
Combat Laser 12 T 2 AP, Beam, Precise Abbai Matriarchy
Hull: 5 Craft 6 Kotha Flights
Quad Part Arr 8 T 4 Twin-Linked
Damage: 700/ SR: Carrier 2, Command 1, Priority Level: Patrol
350/ Defense Network 8, Immobile, Intercep-
175 tors 25, Space Station, Targets 3
Priority Level: Skirmish
Weapon R A AD Special

Combat Laser 24 T 2 AP, Beam, Precise

Priority Level: Raid
Quad Part Arr 15 T 8 Twin-Linked Priority Level: Battle
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Batrado Raid Brakiri Syndicaracy
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 6 Crew 68/10 Troops: 1

Turns: SM IS: 2211+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2238+

Priority Level: Patrol
Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 5 Craft - Breaching Pod (4 Flights)
Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+ Damage: 64/10 SR: Jump Point
Falkosi Flight (4 Flights)
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

- Graviton Puls 12 F 6 AP Priority Level: Skirmish

Graviton Puls 12 P 4 AP
Class - Falkosi Patrol 4 Flights Ikorta light Assault cruiser
Graviton Puls 12 S 4 AP
Speed: 16 Crew - Troops: -
Graviton Puls 12 A 2 AP
Brikorta- Light Carrier
Turns: SM IS: 2238+
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Tokrana Orbital Satellite
Hull: 3 Craft -

Damage: - SR: Dodge 2+, Dogfight +0, Fighter Class - Halik Raid Priority Level: Raid
Weapon R A AD Special Speed: 8 Crew 42/8 Troops: 3 Batrado-Armed Transport
Lht Grav Bolt 2 T 1 AP Turns: 2/45 IS: 2250+
Halik-class Frigate
Hull: 5 Craft -
Class - Ikorta Skirmish
Speed: 8 Crew 24/7 Troops: 10
Damage: 36/8 SR: - Haltona-class Frigate
Weapon R A AD Special
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2198+ Priority Level: Battle
Graviton Puls 12 F 10 AP
Hull: 5 Craft -
Graviton Puls 12 P 8 AP Alykent Guardpost
Damage: 22/6 SR: Interceptors 2, Shuttles 3
Graviton Puls 12 S 8 AP
Weapon R A AD Special Avioki- Heavy Cruiser
Graviton Puls 12 A 10 AP
Grav Cannon 18 F 2 Precise, Super AP
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Kaliva- Lance Cruiser
Graviton Puls 12 F 6 AP

Graviton Puls 12 P 4 AP
Brokados- Battle Carrier
Class - Haltona Raid
Graviton Puls 12 S 4 AP
Speed: 8 Crew 42/8 Troops: 3 Priority Level: War
Graviton Puls 12 A 2 AP
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2257+
Tashkat Advanced Cruiser
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Hull: 5 Craft -
Takata-class Mine Cruiser
Class - Brikorta Skirmish Damage: 36/8 SR: -

Speed: 8 Crew 24/7 Troops: 2

Weapon R A AD Special Brakiri Syndicaracy
Graviton Bea 18 F 6 Beam, Double D, Slow-Load Initiative: +0
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2232+
Graviton Puls 12 F 4 AP
Hull: 5 Craft 2 Falkosi Flight
Graviton Puls 12 P 4 AP
Damage: 22/6 SR: Carrier 2, Interceptors 2
Graviton Puls 12 S 4 AP
Weapon R A AD Special
Graviton Puls 12 A 2 AP
Med Las Can 20 F 2 Precise, Super AP
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Graviton Puls 12 F 4 AP

Graviton Puls 12 P 3 AP

Graviton Puls 12 S 3 AP

Graviton Puls 12 A 2 AP

Gravitic Bolt 3 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Class - Tokrana Satellite Skirmish

Speed: - Crew - Troops: -

Turns: - IS: 2250+

Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 2

Weapon R A AD Special

Graviton Puls 12 F 4 AP Brakiri Syndicaracy 1/2

Gravitic Bolt 3 T 3 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Class - Alykent Guardpost Battle Class - Tashkat War
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 30 Speed: 8 Crew 80/12 Troops: 5

Turns: - IS: 2198+ Turns: 2/45 IS: 2252+

Hull: 5 Craft 10 Falkosi Flight Hull: 6 Craft -

Damage: 600/ SR: Carrier 4, Command 1, Defence Network 8 Damage: 78/12 SR: Interceptors 5, Jump Point
300/ Immobile, Interceptors 12, Space Station,
150 Targets 3 Weapon R A AD Special

Weapon R A AD Special Graviton Bea 18 F 8 Beam, Double D, Slow-Load

Grav Cannon 24 T 4 Precise, Super AP Graviton Puls 12 F 10 AP

Graviton Puls 18 T 6 AP Graviton Shif 6 F Gravitic Shifter

Graviton Shif 6 F Gravitic Shifter

Class - Avioki Battle
Graviton Puls 12 P 10 AP
Speed: 6 Crew 68/10 Troops: 4
Graviton Puls 12 S 10 AP
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2250+
Graviton Puls 12 A 6 AP
Hull: 6 Craft -
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Damage: 64/10 SR: Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special
Class - Takata War
Graviton Bea 18 F 8 Beam, Double D, Slow-Load
Speed: 10 Crew 80/12 Troops: 5
Graviton Puls 12 F 10 AP
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2264+
Graviton Puls 12 P 4 AP
Hull: 6 Craft -
Graviton Puls 12 S 4 AP
Damage: 78/12 SR: Interceptors 5, Jump Point
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Weapon R A AD Special

Class - Brokados Battle Gravitic Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine

Gravitic Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine

Speed: 6 Crew 75/12 Troops: 4
Gravitic Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2254+
Gravitic Mine 30 F 4 Energy Mine
Hull: 5 Craft 4 Falkosi Flight
Graviton Puls 12 F 10 AP
Damage: 72/12 SR: Carrier 2, Command 1, Fleet Carrier,
Interceptors 1, Jump Point
Graviton Puls 12 P 10 AP
Weapon R A AD Special
Graviton Puls 12 S 10 AP
Hvy Las Can 20 B 2 AP, Beam, Double Damage
Graviton Puls 12 A 6 AP
Graviton Puls 12 F 6 AP
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Graviton Puls 12 P 6 AP

Graviton Puls 12 S 6 AP

Graviton Puls 12 A 2 AP

Gravitic Bolt 3 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Class - Kaliva Battle

Speed: 6 Crew 68/10 Troops: 4

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2260+

Hull: 6 Craft -

Damage: 64/10 SR: Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special

Grav Lance 35 F 4 Super AP, Triple Damage

Graviton Bea 18 F 4 Beam, Double D, Slow-Load

Graviton Puls 12 F 6 AP

Graviton Puls 12 P 6 AP Brakiri Syndicaracy 2/2

Graviton Puls 12 S 6 AP
Priority Level: Battle
Graviton Puls 12 A 2 AP

Gravitic Bolt 3 T 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Priority Level: War
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Carier Battle Drakh
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 6 Crew 48/8 Troops: 3

Turns: SM IS: 2260+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2260+

Priority Level: Patrol
6 - 4 Craft 3 Breaching Pods, 4 Heavy Raider
Hull: Craft Hull:
Breaching Pod Wing
Damage: - SR: Dodge 5+ Damage: 48/9 SR: Advance Jump Point, Flight Computer,
Gravitic Energy Grid 3, Huge Hangars 4
Weapon R A AD Special Scout
Weapon R A AD Special
Hvy Neut Cann 20 F 2 Beam,Double D,Precise,SuperAP Priority Level: Skirmish
Class - Drakh Scout Patrol Pulse Cannon 10 F 4 AP, Twin-Linked
Heavy Raider
Speed: 12 Crew 12/2 Troops: 1 Pulse Cannon 10 P 4 AP, Twin-Linked

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2260+ Pulse Cannon 10 S 4 AP, Twin-Linked Light Raider
Hull: 4 Craft - Pulse Cannon 10 A 4 AP, Twin-Linked

Damage: 12/3 SR: Flight Computer, Gravitic Energy Grid 1,

Priority Level: Raid
Scout, Stealth 4+ Class - Drakh Cruiser Battle
Weapon R A AD Special
Fast Destroyer
Speed: 8 Crew 38/7 Troops: 3
Pulse Cannon 10 F 6 AP
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2260+ Light Cruiser
Hull: 5 Craft -
Class - Heavy Raider Skirmish Priority Level: Battle
Damage: 38/8 SR: Advance Jump Point, Flight Computer,
Speed: 10 Crew 18/3 Troops: 1 Gravitic Energy Grid 3

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2260+ Weapon R A AD Special

Hull: 4 Craft - Hvy Neut Cann 25 F 4 Beam,Double D,Precise,SuperAP
Damage: 18/4 SR: Dodge 5+, Flight Comp, Gravitic Energy Pulse Cannon 10 F 6 AP, Twin-Linked
Grid 1
Pulse Cannon 10 P 6 AP, Twin-Linked Priority Level: War
Weapon R A AD Special
Pulse Cannon 10 S 6 AP, Twin-Linked
Hvy Neut Cann 8 F 2 Beam,Double D,Precise,SuperAP Mothership
Hvy Neut Cann 25 A 4 Anti-f,Beam,DD,precise,SuperAP

Class - Light Raider Skirmish Pulse Cannon 10 A 6 AP, Twin-Linked

Speed: 14 Crew 17/3 Troops: 1

Class - Mothership War
Turns: 2/90 IS: 2260+
Speed: 4 Crew 100/18 Troops: 4
Hull: 4 Craft -
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2260+
Damage: 17/4 SR: Dodge 4+, Flight Comp, Gravitic Energy
Grid 1 Hull: 4 Craft 4 Breaching Pods, 8 Heavy Raiders
Weapon R A AD Special Damage: 100/ SR: Adv Jump, Carrier 4, Command 2, Flight
20 Computer, Gravitic Energy Grid 4
Lht Neut Cann 8 F 2 Beam, Double Damage, Precise Hug Hangers 8

Weapon R A AD Special
Class - Fast Destroyer Raid
Med Neut Cann 20 F 2 Beam,Double D,Precise,SuperAP
Speed: 12 Crew 24/4 Troops: 2
Pulse Cannon 10 F 8 AP, Twin-Linked
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2260+
Pulse Cannon 10 P 8 AP, Twin-Linked
Hull: 4 Craft -
Pulse Cannon 10 S 8 AP, Twin-Linked
Damage: 24/5 SR: Advance Jump Point, Flight Computer,
Gravitic Energy Grid 3 Pulse Cannon 10 A 8 AP, Twin-Linked

Weapon R A AD Special

Hvy Neut Can 18 F 3 Beam,Double D,Precise,SuperAP

Pulse Cann 10 F 8 AP

Class - Light Cruiser Raid

Speed: 8 Crew 28/5 Troops: 2

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2260+

Hull: 5 Craft -

Damage: 28/6 SR: Advance Jump Point, Flight Computer,

Gravitic Energy Grid
Weapon R A AD Special

Hvy Neut Cann 18 F 3 Beam,Double D,Precise,SuperAP Priority Level: Patrol

Pulse Cannon 10 F 6 AP

Pulse Cannon 10 P 6 AP
Priority Level: Skirmish
Pulse Cannon 10 S 6 AP
Priority Level: Raid
Pulse Cannon 10 A 6 AP
Priority Level: Battle
Priority Level: War
Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Rohric Raid
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 5 Crew 32/6 Troops: 6

Turns: SM IS: 2218-2232 Turns: 2/45 IS: 2230-2232

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 6 Craft 1 Thorun Flight

Damage: - SR: Dodge 5+ Damage: 28/5 SR: -

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

None Disruptor Torp 20 F 6 AP, Double Damage, Slow-load

Heavy Bolters 15 F 8 AP, Double Damage

Class - Jashakar Patrol Mass Driver 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L,Triple D
Speed: 12 Crew 16/4 Troops: 2
Light Pulsars 8 F 5
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2218-2232
Light Pulsars 8 P 5
Hull: 4 Craft -
Light Pulsars 8 S 5
Damage: 14/2 SR: Jump Point, Scout
Light Pulsars 8 A 5
Weapon R A AD Special
Virus Bomb 6 T 4 Orbital Bomb
Light Bolters 5 F 6 Double Damage

Light Bolters 5 A 2 Double Damage

Class - Targrath Raid
Speed: 12 Crew 34/6 Troops: 4
Class - Thorun Patrol 3 Flights
Turns: 2/45 IS: 2230-2232
Speed: 16 Crew - Troops: -
Hull: 5 Craft -
Turns: SM IS: 2218-2232
Damage: 32/6 SR: Jump Point
Hull: 4 Craft -
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: - SR: Fighter
Disruptor Torp 20 F 4 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load
Weapon R A AD Special
Bolters 10 F 12 AP, Double Damage
Twin Bolt Cann 2 T 1 Double Damage, Twin-Linked
Energy Pulsars 10 A 4 Twin-Linked

Class - Ochlavita Skirmish Light Pulsars 8 T 6

Speed: 10 Crew 18/4 Troops: 3

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2228-2232

Hull: 5 Craft -

Damage: 22/4 SR: -

Weapon R A AD Special

Laser Cannon 20 B 1 Beam, Double Damage, Super AP

Energy Pulsars 10 F 4 Twin-Linked

Quad Pulsars 8 F 8 Twin-Linked

Bolters 10 A 2 AP, Double Damage

Scatter Pulsars 2 T 4 Anti-Fighter

Class - Skirmish
Speed: 12 Crew 22/5 Troops: 3

Turns: 2/45 IS: 2228-2232

Hull: 5 Craft -

Damage: 20/4 SR: -

Weapon R A AD Special

Disruptor Torp 20 F 4 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load

Pulsars 10 F 8

Light Pulsars 8 F 6

Light Pulsars 8 P 6

Light Pulsars 8 S 6

Light Pulsars 8 A 6

Dilgar Imperium 1/2

Priority Level: Patrol
Priority Level: Skirmish
Priority Level: Raid
Class - Garasoch Battle Class - Mankhat War
Speed: 4 Crew 60/10 Troops: 8 Speed: 7 Crew 56/8 Troops: 8

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2230-2232 Turns: 1/45 IS: 2224-2232 Dilgar Imperium
Hull: 5 Craft 10 Thorun Flight Hull: 6 Craft -
Priority Level: Patrol
Damage: 54/8 SR: Carrier 2, Jump Point Damage: 54/6 SR: Jump Point, Shuttles 2

Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special

Breaching Pod Wing(4 Flights)
Heavy Bolters 15 F 4 AP, Double Damage Disruptor Torps 20 F 8 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load Jashakar-class Scout Ship
Pulsars 10 F 8 Heavy Bolters 15 F 10 AP, Double Damage
Thorun Dartfighter Wing (3 Flights)
Light Pulsars 8 F 4 Mass Driver 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD

Light Pulsars 8 P 4 Light Pulsars 8 F 6 Priority Level: Skirmish

Light Pulsars 8 A 4 Heavy Bolters 15 P 10 AP, Double Damage
Ochlavita-class Destroyer
Light Pulsars 8 P 6
Class - Kahtrik Battle Omelos-class Light Cruiser
Heavy Bolters 15 S 10 AP, Double Damage
Speed: 4 Crew 50/8 Troops: 8
Light Pulsars 8 S 6 Priority Level: Raid
Turns: 1/45 IS: 226-2232
Heavy Bolters 15 A 10 AP, Double Damage
Hull: 6 Craft 2 Thorun FLights Rohric-class Assault Ship
Light Pulsars 8 A 6
Damage: 48/7 SR:
Virus Bomb 6 T 8 Orital Bomb
Targrath-class Strike Cruiser
Weapon R A AD Special

Disruptor Torps 20 F 4 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load Priority Level: Battle

Class - Mishakur War
Disruptor Torps 20 F 4 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load Garasoch-class Heavy Carrier
Speed: 8 Crew 52/8 Troops: 8
Heavy Bolters 15 F 10 AP, Double Damage
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2224-2232
Kahtrik-class Assault Ship
Pulsars 10 F 6
Hull: 6 Craft -
Mass Driver 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD
Damage: 45/6 SR: Command 1, Jump Point, Shuttles 2
Tikrit-class Heavy Cruiser
Mass Driver 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD
Weapon R A AD Special Wahant-class Heavy Assault Ship
Light Pulsars 8 F 6
Disruptor Torps 20 F 6 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load
Light Pulsars 8 P 6 Priority Level: War
Heavy Bolters 15 F 12 AP, Double Damaage
Light Pulsars 8 S 6 Pulsars 10 F 12 Mankhat-class Dreadnought
Light Pulsars 8 A 6 Mass Drivers 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD
Mishakur-class Dreadnought
Mass Drivers 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD
Class - Tikrit Battle
Light Pulsars 8 F 6
Speed: 10 Crew 44/5 Troops: 5
Light Pulsars 8 P 6
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2231-2232
Light Pulsars 8 S 6
Hull: 6 Craft -
Heavy Bolters 15 A 6 AP, Double Damage
Damage: 40/4 SR: Jump Point
Light Pulsars 8 A 6
Weapon R A AD Special

Heavy Bolters 15 F 12 AP Double Damage

Heavy Bolters 15 A 4 AP, Double Damage

Light Pulsars 8 T 4

Class - Wahant Battle

Speed: 4 Crew 56/8 Troops: 8

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2211-2232

Hull: 6 Craft 2 Thorun Flights

Damage: 50/8 SR: Jump Point

Weapon R A AD Special

Disruptor Torps 20 F 8 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load

Heavy Bolters 15 F 10 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load

Mass Driver 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD

Mass Driver 10 F 10 AP, Mass Driver,Slow-L, TripleD

Light Pulsars 8 F 10
Dilgar Imperium 2/2
Light Pulsars 8 P 10

Light Pulsars 8 S 10
Priority Level: Battle
Disruptor Torps 20 A 8 AP, Double Damage, Slow-Load Priority Level: War
Light Pulsars 8 A 10

Virus Bomb 6 T 6 Orbital Bomb

Class - Breaching Pod Patrol 4 Flights Class - Strike Carrier Skirmish Class Emdgame Dreadnought Battle
Speed: 6 Crew - Troops: 1 Speed: 6 Crew 54/12 Troops: 3 Speed: 5 Crew 40/11 Troops: 6

Turns: SM IS: 2203+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2247+ Turns: 1/45 IS: 2249+

Hull: 6 Craft - Hull: 4 Craft 4 Delta-V Flights Hull: 6 Craft 4 Delta-V Flights, 4 Double-V Flights

Damage: - SR: Breaching Pod, Dodge 5+ Damage: 32/7 SR: Carrier 4, Jump Point Damage: 48/14 SR: Carrier 4, Fleet Carrier, Interceptors 2, Jump
Weapon R A AD Special Weapon R A AD Special
Weapon R A AD Special
- Med puls Can 10 F 8
Med Laser Can 20 B 6 Beam, Double D, Super AP
Particle Beam 4 F 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Class - Delta-V Patrol 6 Flights Hvy Pulse Cann 12 B 8 Twin-Linked
Med puls Can 10 P 4
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: - Med Pulse Can 10 F 10
Particle Beam 4 P 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Turns: SM IS: 2190+ Missile Racks 30 P 4 Precise, Slow-Load, Super AP
Med puls Can 10 S 4
Hull: 3 Craft - Particle Beams 5 P 8 Anti-Fighter, Twin-Linked, Weak
Particle Beam 4 S 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge2+,Dogfight+0,fighter Lht Plasma Can 6 P 4 AP
Particle Beam 4 A 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Weapon R A AD Special Missile Racks 30 S 4 Precise, Slow-Load, Super AP

Lht Part Gun 2 T 2 Weak Class Assault Freighter Raid Particle Beams 5 S 8 Anti-Fighter, Twin-Linked, Weak

Speed: 5 Crew 30/9 Troops: 1 Lht Plasma Can 6 S 4 AP

Class - Delta-V2 Patrol 4 Flights
Turns: 1/45 IS: 2250+ Med Pulse Can 6 A 10
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: -
Hull: 5 Craft 8 Breaching Pods
Turns: SM IS: 2190+
Damage: 28/8 SR: Carrier 4, Shuttles 4
Hull: 3 Craft -
Weapon R A AD Special
Damage: - SR: Atmospheric,Dodge2+,Dogfight+0,fighter

Weapon R A AD Special
Med Pulse Can 10 T 4
Raiders - Argent's Crusaders
Lht Part Gun 2 T 2 Weak Class - Battle Wagon Raid Priority Level: Patrol
Ultra-Lht Puls 2 T 2 Twin-Linked, Weak Speed: 6 Crew 40/10 Troops: 4

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2242+

Breaching Pod Wing
Class - Double V Patrol 4 Flights
Speed: 8 Crew - Troops: -
Hull: 6 Craft 4 Delta-V Flights Delta-V Wing
Damage: 35/8 SR: Interceptors 2, Jump Point
Turns: SM IS: 2190+
Delta-V2 Wing
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: - SR: Dodge 3+, Dogfight –1, Fighter

Med Las Can 20 B 3 Beam, Double D, Super AP Double-V Wing
Med Las Can 10 F 10
Weapon R A AD Special Modified Freighter
Particle Beam 4 F 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Missile Rack 4 T 2 AP

Twin Lht Part 2 T 4 Twin-Linked, Weak

Particle Beam 4 S 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Priority Level: Skirmish
Particle Beam 4 P 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak
Defence Post
Class - Mod Freighter Patrol Twin Part Arr 8 A 6 Twin-Linked, Weak

Speed: 4 Crew 12/3 Troops: 1 Particle Beam 4 A 4 Anti-Fighter, Weak Strike_Carrier

Turns: 1/45 IS: 2190+
Class - Raider Base Battle Priority Level: Raid
Hull: 5 Craft -
Speed: - Crew - Troops: 25
Damage: 12/3 SR: - Assault Freighter
Turns: - IS: 2240+
Weapon R A AD Special
Hull: 5 Craft 16 Delta-V Fligths
Med Puls Can 8 F 3
Damage: 800/ SR: Carrier 6, Defence Network 8, Immobile,
Med Puls Can 8 P 3 400/ Interceptors 10, Space Station, Targets 3
Priority Level: Battle
Med Puls Can 8 S 3
Weapon R A AD Special
Endgame Dreadnought
Med Puls Can 8 A 3

Particle Beam 4 T 2 Anti-Fighter, Weak

Hvy Puls Can 24 T 6 Twin-Linked Raider Base
Railgun 20 T 4 AP, Double Damage

Class - Defense Post Skirmish Priority Level: War

Particle Blast 15 T 6 Twin-Linked

Speed: - Crew - Troops: 1 None

Turns: - IS: 2255+

Hull: 4 Craft -

Damage: 10/3 SR: Immobile, Interceptors 2 Raiders - Argent's Crusaders

Weapon R A AD Special
Priority Level: Patrol
Med Puls Can 10 T 6

Priority Level: Skirmish

Priority Level: Raid
Priority Level: Battle

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