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All Hands Naval Bulletin - Feb 1945

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landings on Mindoro and seized Marinduque; then, with the Japs apparently off-balance and thinking we were going to carry the ball across to Batangas in the south, an 800-ship convoy loomed off the west coast of Luzon, churned northward around the J a p concentrations and cut into Lingayen Gulf in their rear. Thus on 8 January 1945 began the invasion of the main island of the Philippines, .which the Japs had invaded 37 months before and where American and Filipino forces had fought one of the most valiant battles in all military history. Vengeful American troops were back now on this bloody soil, ready t o start another Death March of Bataan . . . only this time the death was to be for the Japs. While one fleet was putting the Army ashore, another was going about the task of seeing to it that this was going t o be strictly a private affair between Gen. MacArthurs men and the J a p defenders. No outsiders were to be permitted to butt in. Admiral Halseys 3rd Fleet carrierborne planes saw to that. It was more

was sort of reverse, I Twinding up S.like a adouble two new with wide sweep around end: U. troops made

than an air umbrella that they threw up; it was an awesome, sky-blackening awning that extended from French Indochina to the Ryukyu Islands. Fanning out like bullets from a swiveling machine-gun, Admiral Halseys planes swept over J a p naval bases on Formosa, China and Indochina, shattering freshly-formed convoys just nosing out to sea and balking attempts to form others. The carrier planes daring strikes carried even beyond the China coast inland to Canton. Unlike last October, when the J a p fleet came out to t r y t o smash our forces off Leyte, the Nips this-time did not hurry right out to do battle-even though General Masaharu Homma, who had led the J a p invasion forces in 1941, broadcast an invitation to the honorable Navy to come to the Imperial Armys assistance on Luzon. But the J a p navy apparently had no immediate desire to rush in again and mix i t with Admiral Kinkaids 7th Fleet and Admiral Halseys 3d. Fleet, which coordinated their efforts in support of the Luzon landing as they had a t Leyte and later in the Battle of the Philippines. Further p r o d that the Japs had suffered crushing losses in the latter engagement was offered

while the Luzon invasion was in its early days. Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz announced from Pearl ?arbor that the newest Japanese superbattleship, the 45,000-ton Musashi, had been destroyed by air attack last 24 October. Previously, it had been established that the Musashis sister ship, the Yamato, had been damaged by bombs in the same action. Although the Japs offered practically no naval resistance to the landings in Lingayen Gulf, they hurled furious blows from the skies at our invasion convoy a s it drove northward off the coast past Manila and again a s it entered Lingayen Gulf. The attacking J a p land-based planes concentrated their assaults on the escorting warships and managed to inflict some damage. The amphibious operation a t Lingayen Gulf was described by observers as the greatest of them all in a war that has played so much emphasis on such operations. Not so many men or ships were involved as in the successful assault upon the Normandy coast last June. But, in that operation, men and materials were seaborne a comparatively few miles across the English channel; in the Ltlzon invasion the convoy traveled many miles, mak-

Official U. S. Navy photograph

EYES UP: Naval gunners watch for the return of Jap bombers that set fire-.)$ the LST in the background dur-

ing the landing on Mindoro Island, which helped put our forces in position for last months assaulf on Luzon.


ing a daring passage through the Surigao Straits, the Mindanao and Sulu Seas, the Mindoro Strait and thence into the China Sea. Some 2,500,000 tons of combat and assault shipping was strung out over the blue Pacific waters f o r more than 80 miles, and upwards of 50,000 naval personnel manned these ships and fought off the Jap plane attacks. The 7th Fleet, under command of Vice Admiral Thomas C. Kinkaid, USN, shepherded the huge convoy on its perilous trip. According to press dispatches, Vice Admiral Jesse B. Oldendorf, USN, was in command of the heavy bombardment and fire-support group; Rear Admiral Russell s. Berkey, USN, commanded the close covering group; Vice Admiral Daniel E. Barbey, USN, directed the San Fabian Attack Force, which was directly concerned with landing troops a t the northern beachheads, and Vice Admiral Theodore S. Wilkinson, USN, led the Lingayen Attack Force, which landed troops a t the southern beachheads. Vice Admiral Wilkinson also was setOnd in command in the overall Operations to Vice Admiral Kinkaid. The overall strategy for liberation of this most prized of the Philippine. Islands was Dlanned by Fleet Admiral Nimitz and General of the Army MacArthur a t the latters headquarters on Leyte sometime just before Christmas. Soon after, the softening up of the J a p defenses and the confusing of the J a p strategists began. On 29 December, in the deepest penetration of the Jap-held Philippines bv Lt. Gen. George C. Kenneys land-based planes,

bombers and fighters raked shipping strike a t Formosa and a t Okinawa in in Lingayen Gulf. On the same day, the Ryukyu Islands, in which we Marine Corsairs strafed the Batangas sank or destroyed one large cargo area, blowing up an ammunition train, ship, one medium cargo ship, one small causing explosions in three others and cargo ship, one patrol craft, ten small smashing about 20 locomotives. The coastal cargo ships and 11 small craft following day Navy patrol planes at- and damaged one destroyer, four DES, tached to Gen. MacArthurs command six patrol craft, one landing ship, two struck a t Formosa, shooting down four landing craft, two large cargo ships, Jap planes and setting fire to five one medium cargo ship, 34 small cargo coastal freighters. ships, seven small craft. In sweeps a t Then, on 31 December, U. S. flyers ground installations during these atboomed a hearty farewell to the year tacks, the naval Planes destroyed 11 1944 with sweeping attacks up and locomotiveS, four tank cars, several down the entire western coast of trucks and freight cars, a railway Luzon, sinking or setting afire 25 J a p bridge Over the sui River, a railships, ranging from a 7,000-ton trans- road station a t OkaYama and buildport to a large trawler. Meanwhile, ing% warehouses, fuel and m ~ ~ - ~ ~ n i t i o n Marine flyers continued to hammer the all Over the ishnds. While deBatangas area, hitting railway , in- stroying 121 Planes, we lost only 17. stallations, barracks, reservoirs and Next, the 3rd Fleets fast carrier barges along the coast. task force swept down on Luzon on 5 me Japs attention was focused January, destroying enemy aircraft, more intently on this area, in the shipping and ground installations t o ~ the very next ~help , ~ ~ blast a boulevard to the beach for southern tip of L day - 1 jan. 1945 -when ~~~~i~~~ the invasion to come and to disrupt troops made an unopposed landing J a p preparations to block it. before dawn on the east coast of MinOn 6 January the carrier-based doro. At just about the same hour on planes continued their assaults on 2 January other troops landed unop- Luzon and accounted for 18 aircraft posed on the west coast of this island shot down, 93 destroyed on the just southwest of Luzon. On 3 J a m - ground, 117 damaged; 12 ships deary, making their third landing in as stroyed, 14 damaged; and, in attacks many days, troops seized control of on ground installations, destroyed one Marinduque Island, only 10 miles off locomotive, 15 freight cars, 46 trucks the lower Luzon coast. The stage and wiped out numerous barracks, seemed set for a drive across the strait buildings and fuel dumps. t o Batangas. Meanwhile, Tokyos radio began belIt was on 3 January that Fleet Ad- lowing reports of a large invasion fleet; miral Nimitz disclosed that the 3rd being sighted somewhere off the coast Fleets carrier-borne planes were at of Luzon and claimed that J a p forces that very moment staging a two-day had sunk or damaged a total of 32


Official U. S. Navy photograpt1

HISTORY. ( n o w reversed): Gen. Homma lands on Luzon 24 Dec. 1941 to lead J a p invaders of Philippines.
Pape 4

enemy war vessels, including six carriers and 18 transports. The Japs were partly right. There was, indeed, a huge U. S. convoy off Luzon, but it wasnt going to the bottom a s fast as the wishful-thinking Jap newcasters would have had you believe; instead, it was chugging undeterred right into the mouth of Lingayen Gulf, and the Japs were soon to feel the earth-shaking shock of broadsides from ships that they had sunk. In *its voyage up the coast, the convoy had.been subjected t o intense J a p air attacks. Communiques reported that the Japs made repeated and desperate attacks against our naval force formations in an endeavor to break the cohesion of our movement. These attacks continued even after our entrance into the Gulf and while our warships were blasting enemy shore defenses. The J a p air attacks were de by a newspaper correspondentthe bombardment groups lead ship: We have been hit in a Japanese attack for the second time in two day8 -this time way inside Lingayen Gulf just off the beachhead where American troops will go ashore. . . . We have helped bombard the entrances and beachhead. We have beaten or stag4 gered through the iqcreasingly persistent J a p air attacks and have seen J a p aviators g o flaming time after time into the sea as we have made history. We were the first big ship to sail into the China Sea since the early days o the war a s lead ship of this powerf ful advance bombardment group, including battleships, carriers and cruisers. We were the first big ship past Manila Bay with its Corregidor, carrying American armed might back to the place from which it was ejected after that gallant fight three years ago. We fired the first big shells a t the planned beachhead, clearing the way for troops. We sailed boldly ahead-spearhead of the mighty drive capable of deciding the fate of the war with Japan. We are just off the Lingayen Gulf landing beach. It is landing day-SS day-minus three and our battle lines have opened up, throwing heavy shells into the beach area and pounding enemy troops away from the shores. This is the second bombardment today and the invasion action against Luzon is on.

We are battered and scarred, mpurning our dead and individually shaken. We are t o live to hear the call Ships on the horizon! and we are to see the mighty landing armada finally comjng in behind us.- warships, carriers, command shlps and transports of all types crowding the sea. Men working with burned and bandaged hands will smile through faces covered with grease, We are to hear that our troops are safely ashore and .know our gallant vessel and others of the bombardment group that bore the first brunt of the Japanese air assault have made it easier for the American soldiers and done their job. But, right now, it is not hell, it is worse than hell as we burn topside with this ammunition-jammed steel casing threatening t o explode and many of our controls temporarily gone. This hit occurred on the starboard side of the flag bridge where the admiral is holding a hose with sailors against the blaze despite grievous burns. He has t o be physically ejected from the bridge by his chief of staff, who takes over the fight against the flames despite burned hands a n d shock. The crew is swiftly running hoses employing chemical equipment, electrical units are stringing wires and repairing communications, m e d i c a 1 corpsmen are aiding the wounded. Some of these stagger past, burned to the waist or all over. On the bridge, some men have been blown to pieces and others are burned so badly they are unrecognizable but still living. Even many of the wounded fight on. Killed in the pre-invasion duels be- tween U. S. ships and.Jap planes an& shore battdries were Rear Admiral Theodore E. Chandler, USN, Captain R. W. Fleming, USN, Lt. e n William Lumsden of the British Army, and William Chickering, correspondent of Time magazine. The bomb that killed Gen. Lumsden and Mr. Chickering also almost hit Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser, Commander in Chief of the British Fleet in the Pacific, who a : companied the invasion troops to, in

his words, get experience in the work in this part of the world. For three days American warships stood of the strip of beach selected for the landing assaults and pounded enemy emplacements. Then, on 8 January, the transports hove into the Gulf and began putting down their landing craft. Shortly after 0900 the naval and aerial barrages moved inland and the amphibious craft began zig-zagging shoreward under a blanket of fire from rocket craft. Overhead, 7th Fleet carrier-based planes kept the skies clear of J a p planes and strafed the beachhead sector in direct support of the landing troops. Then, as the troops dug into the beach, the planes moved inland, hitting installations at San Fernando, Baguio and Rosario. Many ammunltion and supply dumps, warehouses, barracks, defense works and motor vehicles were wrecked and numerous fires started. Opposition to our landing forces melted away and was practically nonexistent. One division reported it lost only two men during the landing operations, both by drowning near the beach. American patrols, who immediately began to finger their way inland, were bothered only by rearguarrl action, coming mainly from mortars and an occasional machine gun o r sniper. Supplies and wave upon wave of troops were landed under protection of naval guns. The march down the valley toward Manila was underway. Meanwhile, powerful Pacific Fleet carrier forces were pounding away a t enemy air, land and sea facilities over a wide area of the western Pacific in support of the amphibious operations. Ishigari and Miyako, i m p o r t a n t islands in the Sakishima group of the Ryukyus, were brought under attack 8 January in one of the fiercest assaults ever made by fleet carrier units. Formosa also was blasted, and so was Okinawa. Supporting the carrierbased planes were Superfortresses ofthe 20th Bomber Command frpm China bases. Tremendous havoc was wrought in the Formosa area. The attacking

. . . Naval AA fire dots sky above U. S. destroyer during landing on Mindoro.

planes destroyed two DDs or DES, one large cargo ship, one medium cargo ship, 27 smaller ships and 37 planes, and damaged one DD, five DES, two oilers, one tanker, five large cargo ships, three small cargo ships, 45 small ships, 42 small craft and 61 planes. Ground installations were mercilessly raked by the carrier planes, which destroyed an ammunition dump, chemical plant, two hangars, five locomotives and three tank cars; and damaged radio stations, an aluminum and nickel smelter and various shops. Their nearby bases thus neutralized, their local air forces shot out of the skies, their fleet shying away from

Official U. S. Navy photographs

battle, the. Japs tried desperate, almost childish methods to t r y - t o disrupt our landing operations in Lingayen Gulf. On the second night ?f the invasion, while the Gulf was stlll crowded with the greatest convoy in Pacific history, 12 little J a p swimmers paddled out toward the ships, pushing boxes of explosives ahead of them, hoping to torpedo the transports. All were killed o r captured without causing damage. Other Japs piled into small boats laden with explosives, stole into the transport area and attacked several ships. They caused negligible damage. And, so, troops and supplies con-

tinued to pour ashore. And, as Gen. MacArthurs men e x p a n d e d a n d joined their four beachheads and headed toward Manila, naval units attached to his command caught a Jap convoy on 11 January trying t o unload at San Fernando, north of the Lingayen landings, and all 46 ships were sunk o r badly damaged. A naval officer described the action as shooting ducks in a pond. After obliterating these J a p ships, the victorious U. S. forces then stood off shore and.shellcd the port of San Fernando, destroying three large ammunition dumps. As this action solidified the Luzon beachheads and eventual victory in the Philippines, dispatches from Pearl Harbor told of the first attack by Admiral Halseys 3d Fleet planes on the Indochina coast, 1,000 miles west of Luzon, on 11 January. Hundreds of carrier planes swooped down simultaneously on airfields and harbors a t Saigon, Camranh Bay, Cap St. Jacques, Cat-Lai and Qui-Nhon and shattered four convoys that had been organized to send to the relief of the Luzon Japs. Admiral Halsey seemed to have achieved almost complete surprise. Over Saigon, Indochinas commercial port and a J a p base since the fall of France in 1940, U. S. flyers encountered only 18 planes and shot down 10. The toll taken by the carrier planes was staggering. They sunk 41 ships, totaling about 127,000 tons, including a light cruiser, and damaged 28 ships, totaling 70,000 tons. They shot down a total of 15 planes, destroyed 77 on the ground and 20 on the water, and damaged 50 on the ground. Damage t o ground installations included destruction of a large dock a t Camranh

(Continzced on Page 70)

W e Have to Pay a Price for Big bains


Jan. 7 (Delayed)-A Marine guard stood a t present arms and the ships crew, lining the deck and the upper works, saluted as taps sounded from a battered bugle, while from under an American flag the body of Rear Admiral Theodore E.Chandler slipped into the ocean. In our ears the words repeated by the c h a p 1 a i n still rang: I am the resurrection a n t l the life. Admiral Chandler E v e r y o n e recalled how late yesterday afternoon the entire flag bridge was ablaze after a Japanese plane had scored a bomb hit. Many men were blown to bits or burned to death. From the c a u l d r o n a staggering figure emerged, shirt and trousers ablaze. A staff officer slapped out the flames of the shirt. Suddenly the figure was helping the sailors of the damage crew to man a hose playing on the



blaze. The figure was that of Admiral Chandler. He had to be physically ejected from the bridge and insisted on walking below by himself t o .the sick bay. The next afternoon, just before 6 p.m., he died after a magnificent fight. But last night his body was wreathed in bandages and grease, and liquid was being injected into his mouth by tube. He called for me. His first words, I being his guest, were: Are you all right? Then he said: We have to pay a price for big gains. My grandfather was a Secretary of the Navy; my father was an admiral. I had their traditions. One had to know t h a t this ship had been hit on the day before and had had a serious fire. It was the lead ship proceeding t o Lingayen GuIf days before the landing and had taken the brunt of the enemys air attacks; and one had to know how our nerves were strung tense to realize how truly wonderful was that real interest of a dying man in someone else.
Reprinted with permission fconz The New York Times

Ted was not one of those who foolhardily do not count risks. In fact, he said to me: Stay up here during the attacks if you like. Youll see some good dogfights, but remember you may get it any time. Nevertheless, he trod the deck fearlessly, keeping an eye on his division. Ted Chandler had a distinguished naval career after his graduation from Annapolis, where, as a Navy son, he was born. He was in the class of 1915. After having been commissioned a rear admiral in October 1942, he assumed command of all the forces in the Aruba-CuracaoNetherlands West Indies, part of what was termed the Caribbean Sea Frontier Command. There he demonstrated the diplomacy that was one of his special traits. He distinguished himself in action a s the task group commander in charg-e of the landing forces in southern France and then took a cruiser division there and saw action against the shore batteries. He had three battleships under his command that helped t o sink two Japanese battleships and other vessels in the southern battle off b y t e after the first Philippines landing.

Page 5

MOBILITY is the keyword of CASU organization. Here is a CASU machine-shop-on-wheels in action a t Kwaialein.

Official U. S. Navy photographs

Our Island Flattops

Stationary Carriers, Built and Manned by Acorns and CASUs, Multiply Striking Power of U.S. Naval Air Arm in the Pacific
AST month saw American L planes over3d Fleet airmencarrier the China coast for the first time as sliced Japans lifeline through Formosa Strait t o her stolen empire (see page 2 ) . Their strikes, closing the last gap in U. S. Navy air cover westward across the 6,000-mile breadth of the Pacific, fit neatly into a pattern shaped by the Pacific Fleets 1944 aerial offensive against the Ryukyu, Kuril and Bonin Islands to close the range on the enemy homeland from three sides. For more than two years the Japanese have been reeling back under our carrier blows. They knew that they were being hit and that American planes were hitting them. Beyond that, they must have been doing a lot of wondering : How could U. S. carrier task forces stay a t sea over extended periods and still have all the planes they needed for continuous operations? How did the carriers get new planes to replace their losses? How did they repair and recondition planes that were damaged or burned out from prolonged use? Answers t o the questions, about which the enemy was long kept in the dark, are found in the story that now can be told of two closely geared Navy outfits-the Acorn and the CASU. An Acorn is an advance airfield assembly, a typically American product of prefabrication, all packaged and ready t o follow our landing forces into enemy territory to set up an advance air base or convert a captured airstrip to our needs in a minimum of time. A CASU-Carrier Aircraft Service a commissioned, shore-based Unit-is unit composed of aviation maintenance, repair and ordnance personnel. It is one of several units attached t o the Acorn. (Another such unit is the CB, the now-famous Construction Battalion.) The CASU readies new planes for combat and keeps them ready, handling service jobs which would get in the way of other work aboard carriers but which are not big enough t o require the major overhaul facilities of assembly and repair shops of naval air stations. They support all flight operations, this support including the making of minor repairs and doing routine upkeep work, in addition t o performing necessary administrative duties. CASUs are a wartime product. Before the war each squadron had its own men and equipment for maintenance and repair. When war came, the Navy utilized all existing aviation facilities in the Pacific to handle its expanding air arm and began to build additional air bases on islands available to U. s. forces. Carrier planes went ashore at advance bases, followed by their own maintenance and repan crews. Trouble was, the planes got there first; and valuable time was lost in waiting for the ground crews and equipment. The solution was to send CASUs into the Pacific. But there were other problems. CASUs, it was found, were slowed down by having t o handle their own equipment, transporting it from island t o island, base to base, as operations moved westward. In the summer of 1942, therefore, the Acorn was created t o be the source of supply and housekeeper for the CASU. The CASU, reduced in simplest terms to personnel and, as one officer put it, what they have in their pockets and on their backs, became more mobile. The result was speed, efficiency and

Page G

more planes in the air-a story of naval aviation progress that is no longer a secret. The men of the Acorns, trained to the Nth degree in the art of packaging and loading, then unloading and assembling, formerly labored under a veil of secrecy. They worked, they fought and they built. They fought the Japanese and protected themselves and their equipment from enemy air raiders. They also fought the natural hazards of jungles and swamps. Each Acorn had its own Seabee unit that lays the airstrip and erects the buildings to replace the tents pitched when the Acorn first moves in. By plane or ship, the CASU comes in to base itself on the Aeorn. Carrier planes follow. Personnel of the squadron and CASU become the guests of the Acorn on the stationary carrier. Acorns and CASUs derive the nucleus of their aviation personnel from many sources-from Class A technical training schools for aviation ratings, from personnel of naval air stations, from the ranks of boot camp graduates trained by actual experience and personnel trained by the Advance Base Aviation Training Unit formerly at Norfolk, Va., but recently moved to St. Louis, Mo. CASU personnel repair and perform minor overhaul work on airplane engines and guns; rearm planes with bombs, machine-gun belts and torpedoes; fix their radios, and taxi them over the airstrips, dispersing and parking aircraft for protection against the weather and the enemy. Another CASU job is the disembalming of naval aircraft that have been treated, conditioned and packed so as to resist tropical climates in shipment to carriers and advanced bases. These aircraft must be unpacked, disembalmed a s it were, assembled and then put into condition, ready to fly away and fight. An Acorn, without a CASU, includes sufficient trained personnel t o maintain the runway and aviation facilities in operating condition; to opepate the control tower, field lighting, aerological unit, transportation and medical facilities, and to maintain the berthing and messing facilities to be used by the CASU and aircraft squadron crews when they report aboard. In addition to the original Seabee unit, the Acorn also has a Seabee Maintenance Unit (CBMU) which becomes the public works department of the base after the initial establishment is complete and the main force of Seabees has been withdrawn. In order to simplify the assembly, all personnel and material available for the entire advance base program have been grouped into what ,?re ,known as functional components. A functional component is composed of the technical o r professional personnel, equipment and workshops, buildings, materials and living quarters required tp do a particular type of job. A group of functional components is called an advance base unit. Acorns and CASUs fit into the logistic picture as two of the advance




hardly r e c o p b l e as being the Bame area which ad appeared as a mass of shambles, masonry and twisted iron a week before. Perhaps the most remarkable feature of these naval aviation units (and other functional components for advance bases) is their capability of producing something out of nothing. Men roam the dumps, crawling through masses of twisted iron and emerging with parts of a Japanese, crane or enough material to build a small hand truck, or even an overhead trolley for lifting out engines, the demolition units cooperating in the search. All units must necessarily proceed t o the new destinations with the smallest amount of handling ear and supplies consistent with t f e operation. They foilow in the combat wave, clean up, and with the aid of the Seabees, turn the airstrip or the seaplane apron into something which can be used almost immediately and which becomes an aircraft servicing activity a week or two later. During this time the officers and men are exhausted when darkness comes when they have to cease work, for lights may attract Japanese snipers o r bombs, but they a r e at it again at daylight because more planes ,:re arriving and the show must go on. A recent reorganization affects both the training and the mission of CASUs. The CASUs in the forward areas of the Pacific have now .become CASUs ( F ) , or Combat Aircraft Service Units (Forward), servicing and rearming land as well as carrier-based aircraft. Also changed to CASUs (F) a r e a number of PATSUs-Patrol Aircraft Service Units. Both Acorns and CASUS are established and trained at Port Hueneme and a t adjacent airfields under the jurisdiction of the Acorn Assembly and Trainin Detachment, Training Command, Pacific Fleet. The training program is conducted in cooperation with ComFairWest.

carriers, fer.he planes is sembly line.


Before Acorn personnel joins up with a CASU a s a team, the Acorn has accomplished several times in training the same job it will later do in action. At Port Hueneme, there are loading sheds whose interiors duplicate LST holds. An advance air base assembly is packaged in containers of uniform size, placed on pallets, loaded and unloaded. When men of the Acorn have mastered the loading job in the sheds, they move to the waterfront and repeat it on LSTs. Onve teamed together, the Acorn and the CASU go into operation training at a designated airfield, setting up an air base and aircraft maintenance facilities with the tools and equipment and under the conditions under which they will operate later on in the advanced area. When the big push comes-the real thing-the Navy plants an Acorn. The Acorn grows into an advance air base, into an airstrip with its own assembly and repair facilities, with a CASU on the line and squadrons of naval planes coming and going. And in this war, an Acorn matures t o a mighty oak in a very short time.

Dove), dis3nes guns )r combat.

Wars Are Won By People So Meet the Navy Bureau That Looks After Some 3,200,000 of Them-BuPers
HETHER you wear a rating Weggs ononyour cap, whether you badge your sleeve or scrambled affeoted by what goes on inside a long, warehouselike building overlooking Washingtons Potomac River. Officially, its the Bureau of Naval Personnel. Or, in shorter fonn, just BuPers. Its business is people-the more than 3,000,000 of them who, like yourself, help to make up the U. S. Navy. Its BuPers business to know who you are and where you go and what you do. It determines largely how you are trained and how your ship is manned and how good a crew you will be in battle. It brings you into the Navy, gives you training or indoctrination, assigns you to duty, arranges for your promotion, advancement or discipline, and looks after your transportation, recreation and welfare. Some day, it will be helping most of YOU return to civilian life again. From the day you come into the Navy to the day you go out, BuPers will somewhere, somehow have a hand in your life. So lets take a look at that hand.- What really goes on at BuPers? What do people do there, and how, and why, and who does what? What happens when you find yourself running a Navy 26 times as large as it was in 1939? What were some of the wartime problems, and what did they do about them?


a new base or be assigned to a new

ship. In some cases, fortunately feu-,

a large part of your life these days is

run a gun crew, an engine or a fleet,

the news is not so good: disciplinary action, notices of casualty status, loss of a ship and its men. Follow along behind the mail delivery truck as it starts its rounds and you can see some of the things that happen as pieces of paper are translated into action.

Machines a t Work
Few buildings contain more facts about more people than the Navys Arlington Annex, which houses BuPers. Each days mail brings new facts in, asks for facts from the Bureau, calls for decisions which can be made only on the basis of facts. To track down facts on a big scale, and do it accurately and swiftly, the Bureaus Records division unleashes a flock of mechanical bloodhounds known as sorters, collators, tabulators, interpreters, reproducers, key punchers and verifiers. Those machines in that room over there, for instance, clicking away as cards whirr through them by the thousand, are mechanical sorters. Suppose you were ready to retake Guam from the Japs and wanted to know the

Postman Rings 55,000 Times

Every day BuPers gets 55,000 pieces of mail about you. In addition, many of the envelopes are thick with enclosures; the enlisted personnel files section, for instance, sorts and puts into jackets more than 300,000 separate sheets of information every week. Each piece o mail that comes in is f on its way to someone in the Bureau within 35 minutes, on the average. That little piece of paper may be one that changes your life considerably. It may result in a different Navy assignment for you, a change in rate or a promotion in rank, orders t o travel t o

Page 10

ing out joint use of the latters facilities and .instructors.

Distributing Manpower
Faced with a constantly tightening manpower situation in the country, BuPers strove for economy in the use of the Navys own manpower, attempting to prevent increases in complements beyond those actually needed because of expanding jobs and new equipment, and attempting t o relieve the shortage of physically qualified male enlisted men by the use of wounded, limited-service personnel, and other substitutes for able-bodied fighting men. The most significant development here was the use of women in uniform. Following legislation initiated by the Bureau and passed by Congress on 30 July 1942, recruiting started immediately. Today the Womens Reserve, better known as the Waves, has released thousands of able-bodied fighting men for combat areas. (Waves have replaced 72% of the enlisted men on duty a t BuPers.) There are now on duty 8,744 officers and 73,000 enlisted Waves. By a change in legislation last year, Waves may now be sent outside the continental limits of the U.S. to restricted rear area bases. In the field of placement, BuPers was faced with one of the most tremendous personnel jobs in the history

of the country. Some 3,000,000 officers f and men, over 90% o whom were recently civilians, had to be screened and placed in naval jobs where they could make their best contribution to the war. The Navy also had a responsibility to the men themselves-to see to it that they were, a s f a r as possible, properly used and given tasks worthy of their ability and skill. No job of this magnitude has ever been done perfectly. The adjustment of a man to a job is always a delicate task. Further, there is in any war an inevitable degree of misplacement because the processes of war require great numbers of men in jobs for which nobody is trained in peacetime. It is few peoples civilian skill to carry a musket, yet millions must do so when war comes. What the Navy did t r y t o prevent was the type of misplacement which results simply from inefficiency or from a failure to analyze thoroughly the jobs to be filled and the men available t o fill them. A major device in officer placement was the fleeting-up system, which took advantage of the fact that junior officers aboard a ship or at an advance base gain additional knowledge and experience a s they perform their tasks. Then, to man new construction, the Navy would skim off the cream of the more experienced officers, fleeting-up the newer ones behind them into the

jobs so vacated. A similar technique was followed with enlisted men. Unlike officer uersonnel. whose assignments are -carefully controlled by RuPers, the placement of enlisted men is more decentralized, with the service force subordinate commands of the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets given wide latitude in the actual assignment of men to operating units and t o specific tasks. However, throughout the war the Bureau has been constantly revising and refining the rating structure in order that a mans rate may represent a more specific description of the duties for which he is qualified. Much progress has already been made in this, much yet remains to be done. In a continuing program of billet analysis, careful study is given by a group of highly qualified specialists to typical sample billets filled by officers and enlisted men. Their findings are then recorded and edited into manuals of job descriptions which are paying dividends in better placement and in better programs for training courses. Incidentally, officers in the fleet may sometimes wonder whether detailing officers at BuPers are sufficiently aware of conditions a t sea t o do a good job of assigning officers afloat. An occasional gripe will rise from the wardroom to the effect that assimments are made by shore-bound land-

lubbers who cant possibly have the officer in the field to reward his enough knowledge of the fighting men promptly and to rate his men up as needed to ~ . fronts and the moblems and vicissi- ~ _ _ ~ fill actual vacancies. In the field of discipline, the Navys tudes of sea ducy t o do a thoughtful major effort has been to maintain a job of detailing. A little investigation of the detail fairly realistic attitude, recognizing that the purpose of discipline is not t o office would quickly dispel that idea. Actually, one of the Bureaus best penalize people who violate rules, but sources of detail officers is the fleet to maintain morale and order in the itself. Of the 37 male officers directlv service. concerned with officer detailing, 2% Welfare wear a total of 1 decorations, from 1 Navy welfare activities fall into two Navy Cross down, and 70 service ;ibfundamental classes-services to you bons, including 46 area campaign yourself, and a series of broader meamedals with 54 engagement stars for sures which contribute to morale by this war. providing for your long-range welfare or that of your dependents. Performance Included in these services are the BuPers groups promotion and dis- provision of such things a s recreacipline together under the general tional and sports facilities and equipheading of performance on the the- ment, movies, libraries. camp shows, ory that neither reward nor discipline radio programs, V-Discs, ships sershould operate in a vacuum but should vice stores, officers messes and, inbe balanced to provide both the best cidentally, the INFORMATION BULLETIN incentive and the best control. itself. Each of these has been exThe major change in officer propanded into a major business, supplymotion was the securing of legisla- ing the needs of 3,000,000 people intion early in the war to set aside the stead of 100,000. permanent promotion system for the Other services include such produration in order to permit freer ac- grams as insurance, dependents benetion on promotions. fits and family allowances, and similar There has also, been an increasing basic provisions for the financial weldegree of decentralization of author- fare and peace of mind of naval perity to fleet and field commanders t o sonnel and their dependents. make promotions of enlisted men. More than two and a half million Such promotions, under overall poli- dependents of naval personnel are cies laid down by the Bureau, enable now receiving family-allowance bene-

fits monthly. Combined payments for family-allowance benefits to dependents of Navy personnel run more than $90,000,000 a month-more than $2,000 every minute of the day. In administering such services, BuPers attempts t o carry out the spirit as well as the letter of congressional action. F o r instance, Congress in 1943 amended the family allowance law t o include great numbers of personnel previously excluded. The amendment stipulated that all changes in procedures and rates should be accomplished within four months from the date of the act. At BuPers this involved authorizing over 125,000 allowances per month. By careful planning through the months while the amendment was being considered, BuPers was able t o have this operation entirely current 80 days after its effective date. Much of the night shift work a t BuPers occurs in two sections of the Dependents Welfare division, those which deal with benefits to dependents and with the processing and notification of casualty status. In these two sections, where prompt and accurate action means so much t o the families of Navy men, work has been at times on a three-shift basis where needed: at present it is on two shifts, with a staff of several hundred, most of them in the dependents benefits section, at work from 0730 to 2400.

SPECIAL A S f l f l A N 1

The Navys insurance business is one of the worlds largest, for of the 3,200,000 officers and men in the Navy, 95 out of every 100 carry National Service Life Insurance, with an average policy of well over $9,000. They are covered for the fairly astronomical sum of about $30,000,000,000! Even apart from ships service activities afloat, there are more than 400 ships service departments ashore, and a large number of branch departments. A long way from the early bumboat sales or financially haphazard canteen of other days, the modern ships service store is a big-business operation that brings its benefits down to every man and every officer in the Navy. Movies are seen by naval personnel all over the world. Outside continental limits, the Navys 35-mm. prints and 16-mm. prints (in cooperation with the Army), reach the furthest advance bases. Within the U. s., the optional naval district motionpicture plan permits Navy men to see pre-release pictures at little or no cost.

New Set-Up for District Personnel Staffs Parallels BuPers, Provides Close Liaison
A new and functional-type personnel organization, along lines similar to that of BuPers, has been provided or in all naval districts within the continental limits of the United f States, by a directive o the Vice Chief of Naval Operations. In place of the former set-up, which varied from district t o district, the directive sets up a standard District Personnel Staff organization, the purpose of which is to secure better administration of personnel matters by: -providing both BuPers and district commandants with more integrated and effective machinery for personnel administration ; -providing one officer on the staff of each district commandant t o whom BuPers can look for assistance on its problems; -providing on the staff of the district commandants an organization
action and five are prisonore O war f in Japanese prison camps. which parallels insofar as feasible the organization of BuPers in order that channels fer conduct of business may be clear and reasonab!y standard in all districts. The reorganization provides for the establishment of an assistant chief of staff for personnel in each district, and for the grouping under him of all district staff functions and officers dealing with personnel matters. These are regrouped into five divisions: distribution, training, welfare, discipline and chaplains. The new set-up covers personnel matters only. All BuPers field activities (except recruiting offices and offices of naval officer procurement) remain under the commandant and subject to his control the same as any other activity in his district. It is expected that the districts will have the new plan in operation this month.

An additional function which BuPers must discharge bears directly upon the religious interests and the morale of men in service and the peace of mind of their families. This is accomplished by providing religious services, spiritual guidance and religious counsel through the Chaplains Corps. The Chaplains Corps of the Navy has expanded from 206 officers in December 1941 to 2,379 on l January 1945. Their record has been one of the bright pages in the public history of the war, and men who have lived through combat know the full meaning of the contribution which they have made to the spiritual comfort and well-being of our officers and men. Four chaplains have given their lives in this war, two are missing in what steps it might take to enable it to do its job better. As a result, divisions and activitieg Records and Transportation were regrouped and a new funcTwo Bureau functions which affect tional type of organization set up. the millions of men and women in the For instance, there had been in the Navy are those of transporting naval old Bureau a Reserve Division, conpersonnel and their dependents within cerned with the recruiting, training the country, and maintaining adequate and employment of men of the Naval Reserve. There were many such litrecords of all personnel. More than 130 people are kept busy tle navies-each engaged in all or in the Transportation division attend- nearly all personnel functions for its ing to such tasks as arranging pas- o w n personnel. These were all merged in a series senger transport by rail, sea and air, including air priorities for personnel of new and functional divisions. One in U. S. and overseas.. .accumulating division was assigned the task of recruiting all enlisted personnel, andata on transportation expenses . obtaining refunds on unused tickets; ether division the task of getting all handling travel claims, including those officer personnel. A training division for dependents, and advising the ser- was assigned the job of training all vice at large as to their. rights -to types of personnel, and distribution transportation under varylng condi- divisions (officer and enlisted) were made responsible for distributing pertions. Before the war a job that could be sonnel to all types of activities. A welfare division was established t o addone by a dozen people, transportation has become a $100,000,000 travel busi- minister all programs designed for the ness. A major development has been ( C o n t h e d on page 55) a highly successful degree of cooperation with the Army in joint use of the railroads of the country. Keeping and filing the records of 3,000,000 men has taxed the space and facilities of the Bureau. The major developments have been the adoption ?f modern techniques of record keeping, some of which were described briefly earlier. All the tasks that have been outlined above called for a Bureau able and ready to take on a job for 3,000,000 men that it had formerly done on only a limited scale fcr a hundred thousand or so men. To meet that job, BuPers completely reorganized itself about three years ago.


Official U. S. Navy photograph

Reorganizing the Bureau

I n January of 1942 the Secretary of the Navy and the Chief of the Bureau asked one of the countrys leading firms of management engineers to come in and study the Bureau and make recommendations as to

RECRUITING of Waves by BuPers

freed thousands of men for combat areas, Girl applying here is now assigned to recruiting duty a t Lor Angeles, Calif., ONOP. /

Page 16

HILE a Navy Aloha, 203 en1iStea 1 Waves and 1 Wave o f f i c e r s f r o m 40 states filed down .the g a n g p l a n k of a transport a t Pearl Harbor on the morning of 6 Jan. 1944-the first large contingent of naval women reservists to report for duty outside continental United States. Wearing their Summer working uniforms of gray and white pin-stripe seersucker and the new garrison caps, the Waves came ashore in platoons of 40. Each girl carried a small musette or overnight bag and a raincoat. The latter proved an unnecessary precaution, the sun obligingly breaking through dull gray clouds to brighten the occasion. Their heavy gear, packed in seabags, was handled by a working party of willing sailors. When the Waves set foot on the pier, more sailors were there to greet them, waving their white caps and shouting, Aloha. First Wave ashore was Mary Babine, Slc, of Gloucester, Mass. E. R. Baker, PhoMlc, North Hollywood, Calif., was there to place a bright lei around her neck and t o give her the traditional kiss of welcome t o Hawaii. A~~~~ the arrivals was one girl who was particularly anxious to get a look at the islands which had inspired her name. s h e was Aloha M. cassity, y2c, Modesto, calif., whose parents was had visited ~ ~ before she ~ ~ born. In command of the contingent was Lt. Winifred Love, USNR, Moorefield, W. Va., who rendered a snappy salute to Capt. H. K. Lewis, USN, personnel officer of the 14th Naval District, a s she stepped ashore. Also on hand t o greet the Waves was Lt. Comdr. Eleanor Rigby, uSNR, District Director of Waves f o r the 14th Naval District.

After mustering in the pier sheds, the women reservists were loaded on buses for the trip to NAS, Honolulu, to get squared away before lunch. The menu consisted of that old favorite, Navy beans, with broiled weiners, hash brown potatoes, fresh Hawaiian pinepie, cocoa and Following chow, checking in was the first order of business, followed by assignments to duty a t NAS, Honolulu, and NAS, Puunene, on the Island Of Maui* The new arrivals included a medical officer, a technical medical specialist, two supply officers, and one officer on temporary duty, and enlisted ratings in most of the 30 fields in which they are needed in activities of the 14th N. D. They constitute the vanguard of a total of 5,000 which have been requested by the 14th Naval District to fill vacancies in complement or release men for duty at sea or in forward areas or for return to the U. S. under the rotation program. All were volunteers for duty outside the continental limits f o r a minimum of 18 months. The contingent of Waves went to Hawaii under the provisions of Public Law 441, 78th Congress, signed by the President on 27 Sept. 1944, making it possible for women reservists of the i i Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard t o be assigned anywhere in the American Area (including North and South America) and in the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, if they volunteer for such duty. (Regulations governing overseas duty for women reservists and procedure for making application were published in the November 1944 issue of the Information Bulletin, page 69.)

Prior t o embarkation from the U. s., the initial contingent of Hawaii-bound Waves had reported t o a West Coast naval training and distribution center t o make preparations for the trip. The program there included daily drills and classes in such subjects as war orientittion, the Hawaiian area, military courtesy, censorship, shipboard procedure, abandon-ship drill and deportment aboard ship. The Waves received the usual inoculations and physical examinations and also were taught how t o pack their gear in duffle bags. Uniforms were inspected for serviceability, and new items of uniform were acquired. Wave officers assisted in inspecting gear before it was packed and helped assemble records and attend t o last minute details. Recreational gear and such items as flashlights, cameras, radios, irons and other electrical appliances were boxed at TADCen and shipped with the draft. The voyage began with a s much secrecy as surrounds the embarkation of armed troops for overseas duty. And, like the men who had gone to the sea in ships before them, the girls found they had to wear or carry their life preservers at all times, and that smoking o r showing any light on open decks o r exposed portions of the transport was strickly forbidden. The women reservists scored almoslt 4.0 in seaworthiness on the voyage. Their days at sea were occupied by movies, music and games; only one or two admitted they had missed chow during the trip across. The transport crew said their seagoing ability compared favorably with any draft of troops the transport has carried.

Page 17


NeW Books Authorized C To P 301 Writing Talent Of All Ships &Stations
Every ship and every station should be able, in the near future, to have its own musical comedy . or dramaor vaudeville tic presentation show, whether or not it boasts an author or composer in its crew. Readymade entertainment will be theirs for the asking. They wont have to write a line or a note. All theyll have to do is read em and sing em. In an effort to make full use of the vast and barely tapped store of talent now in the Navy, BuPers has authorized publication in book form of selected scripts and musical scores which have been produced by and for naval personnel, and these books will be distributed to all activities interested in having them. The books will include comedy skits, dramatic sketches, songs, blackouts, parodies-scripts of all sorts and sizes suitable for presentation t o naval audiences. The program is similar to that set u p by the Army Special Services Divlsion, which has produced almost a score of booklets filled with various types of entertainment, to the great enjoyment of Army personnel. It is one of the biggest steps taken by the Navy to assure entertainment for its personnel, and is especially intended for the battle-weary aboard ships f a r from home and the boredombattling personnel a t far-flung overseas bases. ( F o r table showing all available recreation services and equipment and how to get them, see JanBULLETIN, u a r y 1945 INFORMATION page 70.) In the past, if a ship or a station had a particularly sharp-witted gagster o r a deft songwriter, that ship or station alone received the benefit of his talent. Under the new plan i t will be available to all, and a lot of material that has been filed away after one or two wildly cheered performances will relive again and again at other ships and stations. A musical comedy that tickled the ears at Great Lakes will re-echo under the palms of a Pacific Island; a blackout that panicked audiences at Norfolk will lay a crew in the aisles of a warships rec room; a dramatic skit that shivered

.... .

I How to Submit Material I

Authors and composers who desire to have their material reviewed for inclusion in the forthcoming entertainment booklets should send it to: Officer in Charge, Navy Liaison Unit, Entertainment Section, Special Services Division, A.S.F., 25 West 45th St., New York 18, N. Y., with a n information copy of written material to BuPers, Navy Department, Washington 25, D. C., attention of Special Services Division, Welfare Activity.

TYPICAL audience a t a remote Southwest Pacific base, soldiers and sailors like these will be supplied fresh scripts and music by Navy show booklet. the spines at San Diego will tingle sibly enjoy more performances than Abies Irish Rose. others in some European port. ship To make all this possible, naturally, to Eachout a and station is requested fill special form, enclosure the cooperation of authors and com- No. 2 of the circular letter. This posers is required. In BuPers Circ. form requests a detailed description Ltr. 382-44 (NDB, 31 Dec., 1944, 44- of the existing theatrical facilities a t 1452), which authorizes publication of that particular naval activity and the collection of entertainment mate- thus will be of value in determining rial, authors and composers are in- the most suitable material. vited t o submit all material they have. A board of competent critics, who Accompanying the material should by experience know what Navy men be any helpful information and sug- like in the way of entertainment, will gestions such a s dimensional stage carefully review all the material subdiagrams, prop lists, lighting plots, di- mitted and will select the best f o r inrection notes, playing time and SO clusion in the book. It is planned that the first book will forth. Of course, it is realized that, in many instances, original skits have in the main contain material that has been performed without any stage fa- been and can be produced with little cilities a t all. Even so, these skits o r no facilities. Thus, men at adshould be submitted, along with a vanced bases and aboard ships in comdescription of any improvisation that bat areas, where there are no scenes, was made by ingenious minds and props and such, will be able to profit hands. And, too, BuPers is interested quickly from the program and slap in material that perhaps has never a show together with a minimum of seen the footlight of day. If you have time, trouble and talent. Some faraway bases have good penned what you personally believe is a masterpiece of fun, or drama, o r show-making facilities. For instance, music, but those immediately around a t one Pacific base, the 95th CBs you dont agree, or you dont have the have just opened a huge open-air opportunity to present it to an audi- theater with a seating capacity of ence, send it in anyway. Maybe those 6,700 which they have fondly chrisin charge of the book will say aye- tened Radio City. At other bases, aye with you, and your opus will pos- show-minded CBs have pitched up half

Page 18

a Quonset hut, leaving off the front, to provide a perfect stage and bandstand. But the entertainment unit hopes its booklet will convince all that so-called theatrical facilities arent necessarily needed-that a show can sprout up anywhere, from the gunfringed flight deck of an aircraft carrier to the fantail of a destrover with a backdrop-of depthbomb ra<ks. The books will be compiled and dis. tributed as quickly a s possible, depending upon the promptness witk which authors and composers respond to the request for material. It is es. timated the first should be rolling ofl the presses by 1 March 1945. Any ship or station interested in obtaining the books may address requests to the Officer-in-Charge, Navy Liaison Unit, Entertainment Section, Special Service Division, A. S. F., 25 W. 45th St., New York 18, N. Y. Distribution will be restricted to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. No compensation of any kind for publication of the material, o r for any performances that result, can be paid to the authors or composers. However, each will reserve all commercial rights. It has been stipulated that no admission can be charged for perfbrmances in which the material is used. BuPers also assures contributors that it will apply for a copyright registration in the writers name on all accepted material. However, it is essential that the writer fill out a special form, enclosure No. 2 of the circular letter. The contributor will receive full credit for his material in the book, which also will note at what ship or station the skit was first pre. sented. In time, it is BuPers hope to be

> entertains aboard a Navy patrol craft.

ind the blue Pacific sky as a backdrop.

THE BAND of ComSerFc Hall. Soon they will be a 1

evenings entertainment. There will, of course, be no obligation to follow the material word-for-word, and each director will be free to alter the songs, gags or situations to suit local conditions. A wealth of top-flight material should be available for the book. Some really professional-like shows have been produced by naval personnel both ashore and a t sea. A carrier aircraft service unit presented a new and nautical musical comedy, Waves and Wolves, at NAS Norfolk. Waves of the 4th Naval District produced a revue entitled Barnacle Belles. Personnel at NTC, Sampson, N. Y., staged a star-studded revue, The Show is On. And the Waves at Corpus Christi, Tex., put on the USS Petticoat, a musical comedy which got rave notices a s f a r away as New York. At one advanced base personnel produced a variety show and costume party called Spook Night. A submarine base put on a musical production titled Night of Music. A Seabee unit in Europe staged Blow It Out! I n the Pacific, Bluejackets on Parade was such a hit a t its originating base that it was taken on tour to other bases, giving a total of 49 performances, not including bits that were staged in hospitals. Another Pacific show, Navy Showboat, enjoyed a run of five weeks. Lanny Ross, the radio singing star, enjoyed it so much that he joined up with it on tour and stayed for 10 performances, saying it was the best military production he had ever seen. No longer will only a comparative few enjoy these shows. Soon theyll come aboard each ship and station in booklet form, ready to be produced.

Page 19

The Wallop of

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in addition to supervisory naval personnel. It is hoped to have part of it in operation by 1 March 1945. The plant is named for the late Capt. Samuel R. Shumaker, USN, who, as head of the Research and Development Section of BuOrd, was one of the nation's leaders in rocket development. Rockets have proved their value in all theaters of this war. In combatting submarines, in attacking shipping, in slashing at enemy beach defenses to cover troop landings, in blasting shore establishments - in practically all types of offensive action they have been used with increasing success. The weapons are not, by any means, intended to supplant gunfire; they merely supplement it. Their primary advantage is in their lack of recoil, thus making i t possible t o assemble tremendous hitting power on small craft which could not stand the shivering shock of guns of equivalent destructiveness. Although rockets were not used in combat by the Navy until early in 1942, they are not new to the military world. Rockets a s war weapons are actually more than 700 years old. Developed first by the Chinese in.the 13th century, they were used in European wars from then until the 16th century, when the accuracy and mobility of cumbersome cannon were improved and the rockets went into dec!ine. In the 19th century the British renvelop the

0 Planes spitting with the fierce de* structiveness of warships. 0 Tiny amphibious craft, buckin!3 beachward, scattering a thunderou S barrage that would do justice to 22 battery of field guns. All this-and more, too-has bee11 made possible by the development an(1 use of rockets by the Navy in thi,s S war. So important have these weapon: become, BuOrd revealed recently, tha t before the middle of this year thce Navy will be s ending $100,000,000 iz month for rociet ammunition alone This is as much as was spent monthl: during the latter p a r t of 1944 on a11 types of naval ammunition, from side arm cartridges to 16-inch projectiles Tremendous numbers of amphibiou:3 craft will be equipped with multiplc?. banks of rocket launchers; hundred!3 of naval warplanes will have rocke't projectiles slung under their wings. To step up rocket production thc3 Navy has made the Naval Ordnancc Plant, Shumaker, near Camden, Ark. , the No. 1 item on its current produc tion and procurement program. Thil3 new plant will be the only naval ord nance plant working exclusively 011 rockets and-since the Navy pro cures most of the rockets for t c? h Army a s well as itself-the principa 1 rocket-loading, assembly and storagc?. plant for the entire country. The plant will cover approximatelj7 110 square miles-70,000 acres-anc 1 employ about 5,000 civilian workers



ms, using penhagen, ,ainst our 3altimore. ?merit has

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American ican War lost every led ,''rock-'




U. S. Navy photographs

ON THE WINGS of the Navy's carrnier planes, rockets provide highly mobile long-range artillery. Planes' speed adds to speed and accuracy of rockets.

iensely improved by derifled bores and fire conrocket's light as a war again dimmed. irld War I there Fere and ineffective instances. ig used as weapons. But, the military limited the i to signaling until 1941. year the airblitzed Britscatter and shatter the leets with antiaircraft during the summer, the ,eiled their famed and et launcher, Katusha, to nan hordes. ins, however, were the

Paae 20



Nazis ca and milii on ultra not long own p o ~ of the el reled sr troops, z named Whistlii For, ye scientisd been exp potential however, of a we Since 194 ets has b All Amei velopmen of the V workin Resear% pool of e perts m Working National groups, quarters of Technl tically a1

rocket work has been done at California Tech, and BuOrd unstintingly praises the civilian scientists there for their work in helping make the rocket the effective weapon that it is today. As simple in principle as the oldtime Fourth of July skyrocket, American rockets and launchers are artillery-like weapons: the rocket is the equivalent of a shell, plus the propellant powder charge; the launcher is the gun. Both rocket and launcher vary in length and diameter. The rockets have warheads that carry varying amounte of high explosives, or smoke or incendiary chemicals. The tube that extends a f t of the head contains the propellant-a material that, when electricalb ignited, generates expanding gas which propels the rocket forward by pushing against the head. Some rockets have fins, either fixed or folding, to stabilize flight. The size of the rockets is determined by the job cut out for them. The size of the head chamber depends upon the detonation desired, and the size of the propellant chamber depends upon the distance which the rocket must travel and its velocity.

le rocket tle more Nazi Uieir iron 3attle on 3em, the aircraft ivaluable Ift were ; late in orth Af1 operae manuCalifornd flown the bat, Ec a protval and cessarily assault ed from landing ath and machine in wait
1 .

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tremenage 21

used for



. . "


MANY HANDS are needed to load multiple rocket launch

that includes mines and barbwire entanglements. The birth of the Navy airborne rocket which is being used so effectively now came in late 1943. Some British airborne rockets were brought over to this country for tests. California Institute of Technology scientists and BuOrd experts developed a few necessary changes to make them more suitable for use by American aircraft. These rockets were fired with such effectiveness in experiments by naval flyers on the West Coast that BuOrd ordered manufacture begun a t once. The new 5.0-inch aerial weapon made its combat debut in March 1944 during an attack by Marine flyers on the huge J a p base at Rabaul. Among the targets struck was a 450-ton enemy ship. The flyers were most enthusiastic about the destructive power of the new weapon, and so satisfying have been its continuing performances that the Navy is now equipping many of its planes, both amphibious and carrier-based, with rockets. Navy rocket-equipped planes were unusually successful at Mille, the Palaus, Woleai, Hollandia and Truk. On one raid against a Japanese stronghold in the Palaus a naval torpedo plane squadron, combining rocket fire with skip bombing, accounted for five of 25 enemy ships destroyed. Rocketfiring carrier-based planes also combined use of the new weapon with bombs in the late October sea battle of the Philippines in which the central attacking force of the J a p fleet was driven back through the San Bernardin0 Strait with heavy losses. Equipped with r o c k e t s , fighter planes now have the of artillery, without, weight and recoil of As with landing craj are not intended to 1 armament but rather The customary pra a plane with eight four slung under ea eight such projectiles of the pilot, the atta proximates the blast light cruisers salvo. the cruisers guns wh and again during con rocket launchers just apiece and cannot be I Combining its own the forward motion plane, the airborne r o considerable velocity. creased speed makes f a r more accurate t from slow-moving or One of the most ir tages of the airborne enemy shipping and b antiaircraft gun emp fact that the attackin have to come in as clc a s when it is divebom gunning. Rockets can considerable accurac greater distance frc Thus pilots lives are much as on bombing E sions when they are trate a heavy blanket short-ranged protectii The Navy has carel its rocket program v Army in what is a pe cooperative procuremc

:raft. Note cylinder fin of this type.

successful bazooka, the 2.36-inch antitank weapon which weighs merely three and one-third pounds, yet can blast through steel armor plate, is strictly an Army product; but all other rockets used by the two services are produced under naval contracts with the Army furnishing the explosive and propellant powders and the Navy furnishing the metal parts, and doing the loading and assembly. The Army Air Forces have equipped P-38 Lightnings, P-39 Airacobras, P-40 Warhawks, P-47 Thunderbolts and P-51 Mustangs with rocket launchers. In the China-Burma-India theater P - 5 1 ~ )each carrying Army-type 4.5-inch rockets, fired 290 rounds and destroyed six large warehouses, 12 medium-sized warehouses, one foundry, four locomotives, 10 aircraft, two river boats and four native shacks, and damaged two medium-sized warehouses, five medium-sized buildings, one locomotive and 13 aircraft. In one sortie against a railroad yard in France, P-47s, in the first run, scored a direct hit on a flak tower, putting it out of action and then on subsequent runs destroyed 25 locomotives, three repair shops and a roundhouse. Such reports show why BuOrd now rates rocket weapons as a must production item; why rocket research and production have top priorities. For rockets success, in both Europe and the Pacific, have turned an ageless dream into a nightmare for our foes. The gadget which starry-eyed inventors once talked of firing at the Man in the Moon is now carrying the war ever closer to the little men behind the Rising Sun.

Page 23

Ward: What was the approximate distance and course of the submarine you sighted? Condor: The course was about what we were steering at the time, 020 magnetic and about 1,000 yards from the entrance. Ward: Do you have any additional information on the sub? Condor: No additional information. W a r d : When was the last time approximately that you saw the submarine? Condor: Approximately 0350 and he was apparently heading for the entrance. If the Condor people saw anything, it isnt out here now, Outerbridge concluded. Secure from quarters, Mr. Doughty. Set cypdition two and keep a sharp lookout. The bosun passed the word t o secure, and the ship relaxed. Those men not on watch straggled back to their sleeping quarters and hit the sack. Doughty returned to his bunk, and Outerbridge to his cot in the charthouse. Ensign Platt turned over the deck to Lt. (jg) 0. W. Goepner, USNR, a young Chicagoan who had entered the service via the naval ROTC unit a t Northwestern University. He was also gunnery officer of the destroyer. At 0637, Outerbridge was again awakened, this time by Goepner shouting: Come on the bridge, Captain! Come on the bridge! Outerbridge grumbled sleepily, as he swung his feet to the floor. But what Goepner had to say caused the destroyer captain to cancel his comment on overzealous young reserve of-

ficers. Hs grabbed his spectacles and Japanese kimona. On the bridge in the next instant he followed Goepners excited directions: off the port bow was the target ship Antares, towing her cumbersome raft to Pearl Harbor, and between ship and raft was a smaller object which had no right to be there. Weve been watching it, sir, and we think its moving, Goepner said. He hurriedly explained that the object had been first sighted to port as Ward and Antares came abreast, and that he had ordered the destroyers course reversed to bring it to closer view. Go to general quarters, instantly ordered Outerbridge. Go to general quarters-and bear a hand! One look at the suspicious object, and he knew that it was a submarine conning tower; he knew, too, it was unlike any submarines silhouette w i t t which he was familiar. And, with that, Antares blinker-messaged her suspicion that she was being followed. Later Outerbridge admitted to an awful moment when it occurred to him that the submarine might just possibly be one of our own; that if he attacked and sank it he would be sending some of his own brothers-in-arms to death. Whatever his thoughts, they caused no delay in his actions. He had his orders. He acted upon them. Outerbridge rang up full speed and ordered the helmsman t o come hard

years and no offenses indicating moral turpitude. For temporary appointment from CPO or POlc to ensign, one must: 1. Have had five years continuous active duty (afloat and. ashore) ; or equivalent experience in closely related civilian job; or two years of college, one year afloat; afloat and ashore, with waiver possible for inorganic defects which are not likely to interfere with performance of duty. Vision must be 15/20 in each eye (12/20 in exceptional cases), fully correctible ; 3. Have a t least two years high school ; 4. Have a clear Navy record with no offenses for five years, or for entire service if less than five years. From CPO and POlc t o temporary warrant : 1 Have had five years continuous . active duty afloat and ashore, or three years afloat since 7 Dee. 1941; or equivalent experience in civilian job; or two years of college and one year afloat; 2. Be physically fit, with waiver for defects which are not organic and not likely t o interfere in the performance of duty. Vision 8/20, fully correctible; 3. Be not more than 50 years old (men over 40 must be outstanding) ; 4. Have education sufficient t o do paper work; 5* Have Navy record for at least two years with no offenses showing weak character or moral turpitude on record.
7 --. RP
nhvsirnllv fit --- nll rliitiec fnr

4. Have clear Navy record for five



in the future calling for applications for such highly specialized jobs. For Permanent appointment. the candidate must submit an application to BuPers, via his co, Who Will retommend only the very best Prospects. If granted a commission, the man usually is sent t o an indoctrination school for two months or so. In exceptional cases a new officer may go directly to his billet without indoctrination. To be eligible to apply for temporary appointments, men must be rated petty officers first class or above, or be warrant officers. Appointment as temporary officer must be initiated by the CO and is based on the recommendation of CO, service record, civilian background and leadership qualities. There are no fixed educational requirements, and the age limit varies with the commission applied for. A certain amount of sea duty is required but this may be waived in exceptional cases, and shore duty outside the continental limits is sometimes accepted in lieu of sea duty. The difference between appointments to temporary and permanent commissions is that six months after the war the temporary officer reverts t o his former status. Full protection

of his permanent status is assured each enlisted man or warrant who accepts a temporary commisdon. Under the law, he shall not be prejudiced thereby in regards to promotion, advancement, o r appointment and his rights, benefits, privileges and gratuities shall not be lost,,or abridged in any respect whatever. If physical disability is incurred while serving in a temporary appointment in the line of duty the officer is entitled to retirement pay at the rate of 75% Of the duty pay Of his temporary rank. For temporary appointment from warrant o r chief warrant to ensign or lieutenant (jg) one must: 1. Have had 12 months continuous active duty, as warrant and/or chief warrant ;

F~~appointments requiring seanot going qualifications (such as carpenter (CEC) and personnel in the aviation category) service outside the continental limits may be considered equivalent of Sea duty; and, in exceptional cases, Certain types of service within the U.S. are acceptable.

Coast Guard
Like the Navy the Coast Guard is with the achievement Of former enlisted men who have risen to commissioned rank and t o warrant Continuing its Policy grade, and it of gleaning the ranks for the best available men t o fill officer billets whenever they are open. However, the Coast Guard does not participate in the V-5, V-7 or V-12 programs (except for V-12 medical or dental graduate work) and, a t present, is up to its full commissioned and warrant strength. Vacancies occur from time to time because of retirements, resignations or deaths of officers and thus a limited number of highly qualified enlisted men are sought for the Reserve Officer Training Course at the Coast

2. Be physically fit for all duties afloat and ashore, with waiver possible for defects which are not organic and not likely to interfere with performance of duty. Vision must be 15/20, with exceptionally qualified candidates accepted at 12/2~, correctible to 20/20. 3. Have had education sufficient so that he can do necessary paper work.

Page 28

1 Have reached his 21st, but not . his 34th, birthday at time application is made; 2. Meet regular Coast Guard physical requirements;
3. Not have been previously enrolled in the academy course and dropped out for any reason. Any eligible man desiring this training may make application to his CO, who will indicate by endorsement whether or not he recommends transfer. If he recommends the man, the CO will then arrange for administration of the new Officer Candidate Qualification Examination and the physical examination. Reports of these then will be forwarded with the mans application and the COs endorsement to Coast Guard Headquarters. If the man is not recommended, the CO will forward the application to headquarters with a statement of the reason why the man isnt recommended. The Coast Guard Academy course is a general one and graduates are commissioned f o r general duty only. Personnel retain their ratings throughout the course. Upon successful completion, members of the regular Coast Guard are promoted t o temporary officer status and members of the reserve receive reserve commissions. For selection of men t o fill vacancies in warrant grades, eligibility lists are maintained by the Coast Guard Procurement Office.



Under this system, when it becomes apparent that certain types of warrant officers will be needed-say, f o r instance, carpenters-an Alcoast is issued notifying COS that approved applications of qualified enlisted men will be accepted for consideration. The COs recommendations of these men are briefed by the Procurement Officer, a panel of officers grade the candidates and an eligibility list is established. The best available applicant is.placed at the top of this list, the next best is second; etc. Then when the need for a warrant carpenter arises, the top man on the list, if still qualified and available, will be selected and appointed. No warrant carpenter is appointed except from this list of enlisted men, and no other names are solicited or considered for the list until the original group is exhausted. This is true in the case of electricians, machinists, gunners, pay clerks, etc. Only exception is the warrant boatswain. Names of prospective warrant boatswains are not solicited by the Procurement Officer, since enough candidates are received without solicitation from COS. These names are kept available for consideration when need arises. In compiling eligibility lists the Coast Guard Procurement Office gives particular attention t o length of service, health and general experience (ashore and afloat). No applicant can be more than 50 years of age.

Marine Corps
Enlisted men of the Marine Corps are not only still participating in the

Platoon Commanders School (formerly pre-O.C.S.), leading t o further assignment t o the Platoon Commander School, formerly O.C.S. (Marine Corps Letter of Instruction 878). An applicant for transfer to the Platoon Commanders School, Marine Corps Schools, must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Be on active duty; 2. Have completed four months active service immediately prior to date when recommended by G O ; 3. Be a male citizen who hasreached his 19th birthday, but not his 32d, on date of application; 4. Be phvsicallv aualified for rnmmissioned rank, including minimQm vision of 15/20, correctible t o 20/20. 5. Have a minimum education of two years (four semesters) of college work successfully completed in an accredited institution; or a minimum of one year (two semesters) in college and one year service outside continental limits when application is made. 6. Have passed the Marine Corps GCT with a minimum standard score of 110.

7. Be recommended by his CO on the basis of clearly demonstrated officer-like qualities. The applicant should address his application in his own handwriting t o the Commandant, Marine Corps, and submit it via his CO along with birth certificate, physical report by Navy medical officer and certified transcript of college record. A warrant officer or enlisted man seeking appointment as a second lieutenant for aviation ground duty must be on active duty, be a citizen who has reached his 25th, but not his 40th birthday on date of applicatlon, and have two years college o r its equivalent. The application should be accomn n n i m l h x r ( 1 ) R letter from the canquesting a commission as aviation ground officer and outlining briefly his education, career and service record; (2) a birth certificate under the seal of office of issue; (3) a Navy medical officers certificate. All candidates recommended will be considered by a selection board at Marine Corps Headquarters. Those selected will be commissioned a s second lieutenants and, where necessary, ordered to the Aviation Ground Officers School a t Quantico, Va. Men appointed from the first three pay grades will receive temporary appointments in the Marine Corps or its reserve; those from below the first three grades will receive permanent appointments in the reserve.


. ... . _ ... . .

Ofc$. fi?l

S. Navy photograph

CAMPAIGN RIBBONS lend color t o group a t Purdue as V-12 trainees (left)

swap combat yarns with two veterans (right) assigned to unit as consultants.

Harvey had no sooner mentioned the camwa than all hell broke loose in the engme. Smoke started pouring from under the cowl, and the engine started running very rough. My cylinder-head temperature had jumped to 290 degrees. I noticed my windshield was well covered with oil, and my oil pressure had dropped to between 15 and 20 pounds. It suddenly dawned on me that w.2 had been hit and that our chances of ending up in the briny deep were good. Just as I was telling Harvey to prePare for a water landing and to get the raft out, I saw one of our boys go in. When I saw him he was at about 1.000 feet and going straight down. There was nothing but a big splash

Page 30

of traits or characteristics, which meant different things t o different people. The new form, NavPers 310A, is now being distiributed t o supersede the old fitness-report forms, NavPers 310 and 311. In addition to providing a more clearly delineated description of experience and performance, it is an improvement from the standpoint of efficient mechanics and has been geared into other BuPers procedures devel-

The revised form represents the work of many persons over a period of months, and reflects the comments and suggestions of more than a hundred officers of mature judgment t o whom i t was submitted for comment. The new rating factors are the boileddown result of more than 200 questions which were considered. Alnav No. 222-44 (NDB, 15 Dec. 1944, 44-1379), which announced the

Quarterly reports will continue to be submitted on captains and commanders who command units afloat, individual ships o r operating commands. Periods covered by these reports will be the three months ending on the last day of February, May, August and November. This arrangement of reporting dates was designed t o stagger paper work on ships and stations and to avert conflict with dates on which material, inventory and other periodic reparts are submitted. Existing instructions for submission of reports upon any change of permanent duty of the officer or his reporting senior aemain in effect.

Standard Symbols in Use by U.S. Forces

0 make maps, charts and similar pictorial material Tstandard symbolsthing been adopted foruse them,United mean the same to all men who a set of has use by
States forces all over the world. The complete set of symbols is reproduced on the two pages which follow. 9 These symbols are intended for use in connection with photographic interpretation reports, photographs, mosaics, overlays, overprints, target charts, damage assessments, beach studies, maps and map substitutes made from aerial photographs, three-dimensional terrain models, etc. Standard symbols are used to represent all kinds of information needed in military operations, such as terrain features, weapons, emplacements, obstacles, military areas, hydrography, damage, naval and air bases. Their adoption as standard practice follows an agreement by the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 2 Aug. 1944, and they were prepared under the direction of CNO (Photographic Intelligence Center), Navy Department, with the concurrence of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, War Department, and Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, W a r Department. The symbols were announced for immediate use in an OpNav letter dated 14 Dec. 1944 to all ships and stations, Navy Department bureaus and Commandant, U. S. Marine Corps (NDB, 15 Dec. 1944, 44-1386). In order to effect standardization of additional symbols required from time to time, proposed new symbols may be forwarded by initiating service agencies to the CNO (att: Op 16-V-P), Navy Department, Washington 25, D. C., for concurrencc and dissemination.

Official U. S. Navy photograph

ITS EASY to read a three-dimensional model like this, used here on way to invasion of Saipan. But most maps
have to take such information and put it in some recognizable symbol form. To see how, turn t o


Page 33

tetaining wall

whose home if is. Accurate detail, keenly observed and told with a sensitiveness that borders on fantasy. OUR JUNGLE DIPLOMACY William F. by Sands and J. M. Lalley. Revealing and provocative book about u. S.Latin American relations of forty before the days Of the years Good Neighbor policy.

Rock in the high Sierras with the 'potlight On the

These books are special editions of the best reading from old classics to the newest best sellers, published only for the Army and Navy. Their size and shape make them especially easy reading. They are to be freely used and passed from man to man so that they may be enjoyed by as many as possible. Send any commentsyou may have, or inquiries, to ~ ~ p


,0-17-Burnett = ~NOBODY' , sFOREVER~ ~ ~ "::~ ~ ~ , LIVES l N ~


,0-21-simeno;l ~ ~ ~ON~ ~ s , ~DANGER ":2'~-"~~ c ~ R I E s LINE




Books currently being shipped are:


0- 2-Gibran,' THE PROPHET 0- 3-Mulholland, THE ART O F ILLUSION 0- 4-Grayson, THEY PLAYED THE GAME 0-&-Hudson, TALESOF THE PAMPAS 0- 6-Faulkner. PLOWMAN'S FOLLY

0-22-Burroughs. THE RETURN TARZAN OF 0-23-Sturgis. MEN LIKE GODS 0-24-Hergesheimer. THE THREEBLACK ~ ~ . PEWNYS ~ 0-25-Spearman, SELWOOD SLEEPY OF CAT 0-26-Helmericks. WE LIVE IN ALASKA 0-27-Gaither. THE RED C C C O S OK R W 0-28-James, SELECTED GHOSTSTORIES 0-2g-Wi11iams* HER To HEAVEN 0-30-Kossak. BLESSED ARE THE MEEX 0-31-Wolfe. LOOK HOMEWARD, ANGEL O-32-Cannon. LOOK TO THE MOUNTAIN '

Page 36

3-Year-Old War Babies Have Important Role in Amphibious Operations
gear that can quickly be assembled into self-propelled barges, lighters, piers, floating drydocks o r tugs has played a vital role in nearly a!l our amphibious operations. The Navys present types of pontoon gear were designed three years ago and have proved so successful that no important changes in basic design have been required. n The pontoons are manufactured i two types. The standard section is rectangular in shape, five feet by seven and five feet deep. A second type, seven feet by seven and the same depth as the other, has one end curved for use as the prow on barges. Both types are of welded construction, capable of withstanding an internal pressure of 25 pounds per square inch and an external pressure submerged to a depth of 28 feet. Supplies of pontoons are placed aboard invasion-bound ships and are assembled en route by the Seabees. At the scene of operations the pontoon assemblies are put over the side and floated into position. (See Seabees, page 46.) When used as lighters, barges and tugs, the pontoons are fitted with special propulsion units of either _the outboard or inboard type. Such units can make up to eight knots. They get supplies ashore equally well on rockbound coasts or sandy beaches. A pontoon assembly which is used the first day of invasion as a temporary wharf can soon be converted into a lighter. A few men with wrenches can do the job. During the invasion of Kwajalein, according t o Rear Admiral Alva D. Bernhard, USN, now an atoll commander, pontoons manned by Seabees were lifesavers in getting heavy equipment, ordnance and material ashore with dispatch. There all material unloaded from LSTs traveled over pontoon causeways, and they have proved equally useful in other landings. One of the most ingenious uses of pontoons has been as floating drydocks for repairing small craft. Many vessels that otherwise could not have been repaired without towing them hundreds or thousands of miles have been repaired on the spot. To submerge the drydock, a controlled amount of water is admitted to the deck pontoons; to raise it, the water is ex:pelled by compressed air.
Official U. S Navy photograph .



AT IRIGHT: This floating highway of

pontoon sections was used to unload supplies a t Kwajalein.

As we renew our own efforts, the Home Front is putting on more steam too. Production quotas are being raised, steps are being taken to insure more war-job workers, civilian-goods output is be-

The year 1944 has brought success and added momentum to our advancing forces. But the Pacific is an ocean of fantastic distances. The road t o Tokyo is rough and long. While we are stepping up the pace, the enemy has just begun to defend his Home Empire.

0 Brig.

1. U. S. ships, B-29s, Liberators hit Iwo Jima (23 Dec.). 2. Americans take Palompon in Leyte landing (24 Dec.) 3. J a p battleship, cruiser damaged and 3 destroyers sunk attempting t o hit U. S. positions on Mindoro (26 Dec.) 4. U. S. troops relieved a t Bastogne (27 Dec.) ; Allies 5.

. .

Gen. Anthony C . McAulifle, USA, in answer to a German surrender ultimatum at Bastogne: NUTS ! 0 Fleet Admiral King: Our enemies are harassed on all fronts; we are taking advantage of every opportunity to destroy their war making machinery and their will to take freedom from the world. Nor do we now have to wait for opportunities to present themselves-we are arranging opportunities. 0 Gen. Masaham Homma, former Japanese commander in


halt Nazi offensive in Belgium and go over t o offensive (28 Dec.) ; Germans withdraw (20 Jan.). U. S. carrier planes attack Formosa and Okinawa Jima, destroying o r damaging 331 J a p planes, 95 ships (2-3 Jan.). 35 JaP ships sunk o r damaged by u. s. Planes in Subic Bay and Lingayen Gulf (2-3 Jan.). U. s. troops take Marinduque Island (4 Jan.). British-Indian troops, in amphibious operations along

blows a t enemy ships, planes and installations along a huge arc extending from the Ryukyu Islands southwest through Formosa and down the China coast from north of Hong Kong to Indochina. (For details of these COordinated offensives, see P. 2.) Prior to the Luzon landings General MacArthur announced that the Leyte-Samar campaign had been completed a t a cost t o the Japs of 113,221 men and 2,748 planes. Our personnel casualties were 11,217, including 2,623 killed.

F a r t o the northeast our surface forces, together with Army and Navy planes, battered J a p positions on Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands and on Chichi Jima and Haha Jima in the Bonins. And, at opposite ends of the long Pacific front, U.S. naval units shelled Paramushiru in the ICurils as British carrier planes smashed oil refineries on Sumatra. U.S. and British submarines operating in the Pacific came in for their share of the kill last month with U.S. subs sinking their first aircraft car-

_ .

Page 41

The 150th anniversary of Navy Supply will be observed on 23 February, marking the day in 1795 when the office of the Purveyor of Public Supplies was created. With the establishment of the U. S. Navy, ships had been authorized to carry a purser of military rank, but supply duties ashore were handled by civilians. The appointment of the Purveyor of Public Supplies was the beginning of the Navys supply and procurement system ashore. His first duty was to outfit ships to sail against the Barbary pirates. Later supply was handled by the Secretary of the Navy, later by a Board of Commissioners and still later by the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. In July 1892, after the office of Paymaster General of the Navy had already been created, the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts came into being. Since then, BuS&A has continued to grow, with new responsibilities being added such as messing aboard ship, until it has reached its present status, charged with procurement, storage and movement of supplies for the BULLETIN, Navy. (See INFORMATION January 1945, p. 12.) 0 Progressively closer price and profit controls by the Navy over war materials have resulted in an increase of over 25% in the purchasing power of the dollars appropriated t o the Navy by Congress as compared with the purchasing power in January 1942. In money value, the Navy is paying one million dollars less per destroyer than it did in 1942 and one type of landing craft has been reduced from $21,000 to $17,000. The record of steadily declining prices for the bulk of Navy war items is largely attributed to the fact that the initial cost of much new production a t the beginning o f the war was necessarily high. 0 Service Squadron 10, a giant net-

Official U.

s. Navy photograph

ABOARD AN LST a Navy doctor and two hospital corpsmen are shown
with a Filipino mother and her new-born baby, delivered in the ships sick bay during the voyage back to base after participating in invasion of Mindoro.

work of service ships which supply the needs of the Fleet in the forward areas of the Pacific, has been commended by Admiral William F. Halsey Jr., USN, Commander 3d Fleet, who sent this message to Commodore Worrall R. Carter, USN, its commander: A rousing well done to you and all your hard working gang. . Beans, bullets, black oil, bulk stores and even bulkheads have been promptly forthcoming upon each request

. . . .

Japanese Losses Inflicted by U. S. Submarines

Navy Department communiques and press releases through 20 Jan. 1945 repoFted the following losses inflicted on Japanese shipping by U. S. submarines : COMBATANT SHIPS Sunk Probably Sunk Damaged Totals -0 0 1 1 Battleships 1 2 2 5 Aircraft Carriers 14 2 6 22 Cruisers 45 5 6 56 Destroyers 0 0 0 0 Submarines 3 1 1 5 Tenders 40 1 0 41 Others


1 1

18 8 71 6

Totals Fleet Tankers Transports Cargo & Supply Miscellaneous

16 .

130 113 149 675

NON-COMBATANT SHIPS 94 1 136 5 587 17 38 3

47 -

Totals 855 26 103 984 Total Ships 958 37 119 1,114 of all Types The above announcements cover the sinking of more than 3,500,000 tons of Japanese shipping by U. S. submarines,

Twelve air groups and squadrons which helped rout the J a p battleship task force off Samar in the Philippines on 24 Oct. 1944 (INFORMATION BULLETIN, January, 1945, p. 2) have returned to the U. S. for rest and regrouping. They are: Air Group 13-which shot down 87% J a p planes and sank or damaged 148,500 tons of enemy combatant ships and 275,500 tons of merchant shipping while participating in 1 major strikes 1 from July through October 1944. Air Group 14-Sank o r damaged 292 J a p ships and shot down 158 planes from May through October. 660 J a p Air Group 15-Destroyed planes and 251,500 tons of enemy shipping in seven months of Pacific combat. Air Group 19-Destroyed 167 J a p planes in the air and sank 12 warships and 68 merchant ships in five months of action. Air Group 21-HeIped sink three enemy carriers and two cruisers and helped damage one battleship and two cruisers off Luzon on 24 October to complete four months of Pacific duty. Air Group 35-Participated in every majoi. amphibious operation in the Pacific during the last 13 months; destroyed or damaged 93 planes and 91 ships. Air Group 37-Took part in 10 amphibious attacks in 13 months in the Pacific. Air Group 60-Climaxed 13 months in the Pacific by scoring six torpedo hits on battleships and heavy cruisers and four direct and two probable bomb hits on cruisers and destroyers while helping t o turn back the enemy off Samar.

Page 44


Seabees Celebrate 3rd Birthday

The Seabees celebrated their third birthday 28 December with a record of having participated in every major U. S. amphibious operation of the war. Growing from an original force of 3,300 to on& of more than 234,000, they have fought shoulder to shoulder with the Army and Marines from Guadalcanal to the European and Philippine inva ns. They have been on the heels o evely U.S. invasion force, building advance bases t o keep pace with the needs of our fleet. Authorization for BuDocks to ricruit and train construction workers for military service came on 28 Dec. 1941, Skilled workmen from 60 trades answered the call. The first battalions were trained hurriedly, sketchily equipped with a combination of Army, Navy and Marine gear and rushed t o the South Pacific to build bases desperately needed t o hoId the Japs a t the Solomons line. In the two and a half years that followed, Seabees have become an integral part of any invasion force. Instead of being all-purpose battalions, they now have units and detachments specializing in such things as the handling and operations of pontoons, base maintenance automotive repair, fog generation, building petroleum facilities and stevedoring. Operations entrusted t o Seabees in a typical Marine assault include operation of pontoon causeways and barges and the unloading of ammunition, food, artillery, tanks, trucks, bulldozers and other equipment. Once ashore, they defend their own positions with infantry weapons. Putting airfields in shape in the midst of the fighting is an old story with the Seabees. Many a Seabee bulldozer operator has answered J a p sniper fire with his own carbine. On Saipan the Seabees put Isley field in operation by D-plus-seven despite bombs, mortar fire and snipers. On Guam their construction of airstnps was carried on so near the front

her modernization by 110%. Sumnerclass destroyers can lay down a barrage 216% greater than the old fourstacker class built in 1918. .Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, USN (Ret), returned to inactive duty for the third time on 26 Dec. 1944. He had been recalled to active duty for the second time in June 1 9 4 3 a n d since August 1943 had been on special duty in CNO. During his long naval c a r e e r Admiral Yarnell had been the first CO of the uss Saratoga, chief of the Bureau of Engineering a n d C o m m a n d e r in Chief of He was tic Fleet. the AsiaA d m i r a l Yarnell first transferred to the retired list on 1 Nov. 1939, was recalled to active. duty in the office of the Secretary of the Navy on 1 Nov. 1941 and released from active duty a second time on 15 Jan. 1943. An inventory of $6,500,000,000 worth of Navy supplies completed 31 Dec. 1944 will provide a complete accounting of field stocks and will facilitate more efficient utilization of storage space and save time in filling requisitions. The inventory, involving two million items, was completed in six months. On the basis of the inventory, stock records in all activities will be kept up to date in a newly promulgated standard form.
0 Planes of the Transport Air Group flew nearly 100,000 pounds of rations to marines on Peleliu Island in 48 fly. ing hours and evacuated scores of wounded men while bitter fighting still raged around the airstrip. Responding to an emergency dispatch, 14 Douglas Skytrains, each carrying 5,100 pounds of rations, and two Commandos, each loaded with 7,200 pounds of food, flew within fighter-plane range of the Japanese. A serious food shortage was averted, and wounded who could not be cared for adequately on Peleliu were taken to rear-line hospitals. The planes were borrowed from regularly scheduled transport trips.

Seabees blast coral for tropic airfield.


U. S.

Navy photographs

Seabeas shovel snow a t northern outpost.

linees that bulldozer operators found J a p tanks challenging their positions. It was from bases which Seabees and their Ciyil Engjrieer Cgrps officers hIped to build that much of the strength was concentrated for our assault on the Philippines. Combat supplies were issued from Seabee-built warehouses ; naval aircraft were fueled from Seabee-constructed fuel dumps; aircraft flew from Seabee-built airfields. Large-scale use of pontoon causeways was perfected by the Seabees in the European theater. Seabees rode trains of pontoons t o the shore and anchored them as bridges between supply ships and the beaches. Then, while the enemy shelled these exposed lines of supply, the Seabees landed eauinment and munitions. (See page 3j.j During the invasion of Normandy pontoonswere used as floating causeways within artificial harbors, where men and supplies were unloaded at all stages of the tides. At one beach, i t was estimated, 75% of all supplies unloaded during the first few weeks came ashore over Seabee pontoons. The artificiaI harbors, called Mulberries (INFORMATION BULLETIN, December 1944, p. l o ) , were manned by Seabees and Civil Engineer Corps officers fromthe time they were assembled in England until they were put in place and operating off the beaches of Normandy. While supplies flowed into the beaches, other Seabees helped bring the ports of Cherbourg and LeHavre back into operation. More recent Seabee handiwork has been the readying of airfields on Saipan, where giant B-29s now take off for the Japanese homeland. Secretary o f the Navy James Forrestal, in tribute to the Seab:es on their third anniversary, said: . . I extend my congratulations t o an organization which chose for its motto the words, Can Do, and then proceeded, by courage, skill and hard work, t o live up t o it.

Seven Navy material redistribution centers are now in operation in the U. S., and I1 others are being established, to provide facilities for the. orderly disposal of salvaged excess and residual materials. The Navy Material Redistribution and Disposal Administration, located in New York City, is responsible for the Navys redistribution program and will operate the centers, which are located at Buffalo, N. Y.; Chicago, Ill.; Eddystone, Pa.; Edgewater, N. J.; Irvington, Calif.; Point Pleasant, W. Va., and Alameda, Calif. Similar centers are planned a t Corpus Christi, Tex.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Lawrence, Mass.; Jeffersonville, Ind.; Torrance, Calif.; Steubenville, Ohio; Newburgh, N. Y.; Trenton, N. J.; Lonsdale, R. I., and Bellingham, Wash.

The uss Cebu has been away from the states for a long time-no one realized just how long until one day last month. The call had gone around the ship for all men who wished t o make additional allotments to report

A bronze plaque honoring the late Capt. Kenneth Whiting, USN, naval aviator No. 16, was unveiled last month by his daughter Moira Whiting, Sp(Y)3c, in ceremonies a t the NAAS, Whiting Field, Fla. The field was named in his honor. Capt. Whiting was CO of the first aeronautical unit to reach Europe in World War I. He helped convert the uss Jupiter into the uss Langley, first U.S. aircraft carrier, and is credited with the development and perfection of the arresting gear used aboard carriers. At the time of his death in April 1943 he was CO of NAS, Floyd Bennett Field, N. Y. Five hundred dollars was collected within a few hours among uniformed and civilian personnel a t the Navys Hydrographic Office, Suitland, Md., to provide for the family of a sailor whose four-year-old son died in a fire that destroyed a four-unit apartment house near the H.O. last month. More than 250 enlisted personnel from the H.O. fought the blaze which resulted in the death of thb child of Seaman First Class and Mrs. Milton A. Barham. Barham is stationed somewhere in the Pacific.

Official U. S. Navy photooraph

OIL SMOKE boils up from the tanker USS Mississinewa, set afire by enemy action in the Central Pacific. A small Navy float plane helped boats from
nearby vessels rescue 80 per cent of her crew by taxiing up to spreading rim of flames from the oil-coated waters and throwing a line to survivors.

0 President Roosevelt in his annual state of the Union message last month urged the new Congress t o enact a national service act. He cited a joint Army-Navy letter u r g i n g such action as essential to achieving full production. The President also asked : immediate legislation t o make use of the services of four million 4-Fs; an amendment to the Selective Service Act to provide for the induction of nurses; universal military training after the war; preparation for revision of the tax program when the war ends. The Presidents requests came at a time when industry was calling for 300,000 workers immediately and the armed forces for 900,000 men by 30 June. On the heels of the message, Selective Service asked for a reexamination of 364,000 deferred f a r m workers and announced that men up to 38 who leave jobs for which they were deferred without draft board consent will be inducted. Lower physical requirements were also established. I n other tightening-up moves, virtually all meat was placed on the ration list, race tracks were clqsed and cancellation was requested of conventions and trade shows involving more than 50 persons. In his budget message to the House of Representatives a few days after the state of the Union message the President set expenditures for the 1946 fiscal year a t 83 billion dollars, almost 17 billion less than the 1945

Page 47

ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE ON Mindoro: One of our heavy reconnaissance units damaged a 6.000-ton freightertransport off the northwest coast. leaving the vessel in flames. Mindanao : Medium bombers and pairoi planes attacking off Davao destroyed four coastal vessels and flve barges and damaged a 1.000-ton freighter.

Navy Department Communique No. 561
1 The uss Ward, a destroyer transport, . a n d the uss Mahan a destroyer were recently lost off Ley& Philippine islands having been hard hit by enemy aeriai torpedoes and later sunk by our own forces. 2. This action was reported in Southwest Paciflc Area communique 975. 3. There was no loss of life of personnel on t h e us8 Ward. 4. The next of kin of the casualties sustained on the uss Mahan have been informed.
ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS TAYTF . ON _ _- - . . Moluccas: Air and- naval pilots attacking small shipping bivouacs and supply dumps on Halmahera destroyed nine barges,. some carrying ammunition and suDulies. Lesser Xundas: Our mecliuni reconnaissance units discovered a southbound encniy troop convoy of two freighters escorted by a destroyer in the Randa Sea. Masthead bombing and strafing attacks resulted in the destruction of one 2,000-ton freighter and straflng hits on a second.

LONDON, Admiraltv communique ON LEYTE dro, troops of the Strong forces of enemy E-boats which 7th Division landed attempted to operate on a n Allied cona t Puerto Bello on voy route off the mouth of the S r h e l d ~ the west shore of Ormoc Bay and the 32d during the night of 22 December--w&e Division and 1st Cavalry Division a r e routed by His Majesty's ships and light rapidly moving west toward the coast coastal forces. Preliminary reports indiagainst Dracticallv no resistance. cate that at least two E-boats were sunk, The Leyte-Samar campaign can now two probably sunk and flve badlv dambe regarded as closed except for minor aged. mopping up. Our losses were, 2,623 killed, 24 DECEMBER 8,422 wounded 172 missing. total of ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE ON 11.217. The ehems's loss WAS 113.221. Mindanao: Heavy and medium bombers Of this 54,338 wkre abandoned dead: 18 500 estimated dead not yet collected attacked airdrome installations and shipadd those buried by th'e enemy. 493 prisping at Zamboanga and Davao. Thirteen oners; 30,000 estimated troop; sunk at small freighters were destroyed or damsea in the ten convoys attempting reinaged and hits were seen o n the jetty and in bivouac, supply and dispersal areas, forcement, and 9,890 naval ratings in the crews of the 4 1 transports of 164.250 tons followed by flres. ROME naval communique - A report and 27 warships suhk. from th'e south of France covering naval I n a i r battles 2,748 enemy planes were operations during the past 1 days states 1 destroyed in the Philippines from 20 Octhat effective gunflre support continues tober-1,515 by land-based aviation and to be ,given t? the right flank of the antiaircraft defenses and 1,233 by the 3d Army in the neighborhood of the FrancoFleet carriers. Italian frontier. Successful bombardments Miadanao: Naval units at night sank have been carried out against enemy bata n enemy motor-torpedo boat. Moteries and troop concentrations as well as luccas: Light naval patrols deslroyed a n upon motor transport a railway station and bridges. The U S' destroyers Hughes Niblack and Wooliey' were all in actiod together with the French cruiser Jeanne d'arc and the French destroyer L'AlcUon. The French patrol vessel Cinzeterre sank a human torpedo off Villefranche while another one was parked upon the beach nearhv CH~J~GKING 14th U. X A A F comnzun'ique-A P - 5 i attacked skpping at Hong Kong on 23 December. damncine 9 freighter and destroying two- "enemy planes in a i r combat. Fighters destroyed a Japanese destroyer in drydock at Hong Kong on 2 1 December. Moscow communzque-The a i r a r m of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet sank a German supply ship of 6 000 tons in the southeastern part of the' Baltic Sea.




U . S Pacific Fleet Communiaue No. 213 .

Ships of the United States Paciflc Fleet bombarded the enemy b a s e of Iwo Jima in the Volcanoes on 23 Decem-' ber. The attack was a j o i n t operation w i t h bombers a n d flghters of the Strategic Air Force Pacifle Ocean Areas and bomljers of thk 21st Bomber Comhand and Fleet Air Wing 1 . Coastal defenses were shelled by our surface units which encountered some enemy gunflrk but suffered no damage. Cur ships sank a n enemy destroyer escort a patrol craft and a medium-sized landing ship. Forces of Liberator bombers and Lightning flghters bombed and strafed airstrip installations and shore defenses. Our aircraft destroyed one enemy plane on tha ground and damaged six others, Two enemy flghters attacked our planes and meager antiaircraft Are was encountered. All our planes returned safely. Bombers of the Strategic Air Force on the same day bombed airstrip facilities on Chichi Jima in the Bonins. Fighters of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing attacked installations on Babelthuap in the Palaus on 23 December, setting several buildings aflre. Aircraft of .Fleet Air. Wing 2. and t h e 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued attacks on enemy bases in the Marshalls on 23 December, ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS ON LEYTE Leyte: The 77th Division h a s captured Palompon on t h e west coast by an amphibious movement from Ormoc. The landing in his rear%ook the enemy com-


25 December.


ON ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LEYTE Visavas: Light naval units at night sank a small freighter loaded with supplies in

enemv baree laden with ammunition and supplies aGd damaged another.. Moscow communzque - Ships of the Red Bannkr Baltic Fleet sank a n 8.000ton German supply ship in the Baltic.

/4/ 10 2'


U.S. Pacific Fleet Communiaue N o . 214

*Between 16 and 25 enemy planes.attacked a n airstrip on Saipan the night of 2 4 December. Our flghters shot down three planes. Antiaircraft flre destroyed a fourth. One of our planes was destroyed on the ground and several others damaged. Six men were injured. Liberators of the Strategic Air Force bombed airstrips and plane dispersal areas on Iwo Jima in .the Volcanoes 2 4 December. Meager antiaircraft Are was encountered. Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing attacked Rota in the Marianas on 24 December. Fighters of the 2d Marine Aircraft Wing sank a n enemy barge at Babelthuap in the Palaus 2 4 December. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS O N LEYTE Borneo: Air patrols in attacks on shipping at Brunei Bay sank a 2.000-ton cargo ship a smaller freighter and two barges, anh damaged a coastal vessel. CHUNGKING.14th. A A P communique Bomb-carrying P-51s struck at shipping in Hong Kong Harbor on 2 4 December, sinking a large tanker and probably sink-


See 21 December & 19 January.

Page 49

See G January.
12 JANUARY U . S. Pacific Fleet Communique N o . 230
Carrier aircraft of the Paciflc Fleet a r e now attacking the enemy off the coast of French Indochina between Saigon and Camranh Bay.

U. S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 231

Additional reports from forces of the United States Paciflc Fleet which struck at shipping along the coast of French Indochina 11 Janua r y show our carrier a i r c r a f t attacked four c o n v o y s and other scattered units sinking a total of 2g s h i p s , including a . Katori class light cruiser and several destroyers or destroyer escorts. Heavy damage was inflicted o n 13 additional vessels. Eighteen aircraft were observed airborne over Saigon. of which our flghters shot down 10. A bomber off the Indochina coast and eight of the 50 planes at Thanh Son Nhut a i r base north of Saigon Island were destroyed. Twenty flying boats and seaplanes in Camranh Cat-Lai, near Saigon, and Qui Nhon h a r l bor, about 250 miles northeast of Saigon, were also destroyed. At last reports our surface forces had suffered no damage and were continuing their attacks. Coaclusive evidence has been obtained which shows that on 24 Oct 1944 the Japanese battleship Musashi biew up and sank as the result of damaae inflirted on her b y aircraft attacks. These attacks 3d BB ADDED TO were made by car-

task force commanded by Vice Admiral M a r c A. Mitscher. The Musashi and her sister ship Yamato, which was damaced by bombs during the same action, were the-two most powerful battleships in the Japanese fleet. On 9-10 J a n u a r y Army Liberators of the Strategic Air Force bombed the airfleld and other installations on Iwo Jima in the Volcanoes. Torpedo planes of the 4th Aircraft Wing attacked a i r installations on Yap in the western Carolines 10 January. Marine flghter aircraft ranged over targets in the Palaus on the same date, sinking barges on Koror, destroying a n ammunition d u m p on Babelthuap and striking other targets on Urukthapel Island. 4th M a r i n e Aircraft Wing flghters bombed boat facilities a t Nauru through moderate antiaircraft Are 1 0 January. On the same date Marine flghters and divebombers made neutralizinn attacks on enemy bases in the Marshall; ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LUZON ON -During the day our naval units attacked a n enemy concentration of 46 small freighters and coastal vessels attempting to unload at San Fernando. north of Lingayen Gulf. All the enemy vessels were sunk or heavily damaged. The port was

Following the flrst carrier attacks in the vicinity of Saigon on 11 January numerous Ares were observed on shore especially at Thanh Son airbase anA at Port Nhabe. Six transports were included i n , t h e ships sunk at Saigon. At least six shlps were sunk in the harbor at Quinhon. Reports, of the United States Paciflc Fleet carrier aircraft strike against Formosa on 8 January have now been amplifled. They show t h a t the following damage was inflicted on the enemy in addition to that reported for the same attack in communique 228 : Shipping sunk: Two destroyers or destroyer escorts one oiler one large cargo ship, two medium cargd ships, 18 small craft. Communique 228 reported that 14 small ships not included in the above had been sunk. This figure is now reduced to nine. Shipping damaged : One destroyer. flve destroyer escorts two oilers flve large cargo ships,, t h r i e medium bargo ships, 28 small ships, 42 small craft. Aircraft: Two Zeros destroyed 44 damaged. I n addition to these ai;craft our search and patrol planes shot down seven other enemy planes on 9 and 1 0 January. Ground installations : An ammunition dump and chemical plant destroyed at Keelung two hangars flve locomotives and three tank cars destroyed at Heito. radio stations damaged at Giran. An aluminum and nickel smelter damaged a t Karenko. Shops damaged at Tainan, Heito. Kobi and Toyohara. Our forces lost four aircraft in comb a t during the attack on Formosa. It can now be announced that heavy bomber units of the 7th AAF assisting the Far Eastern Air Force have been operating from the Palau Islands agajnst targets in the PhilivDines in suaDort of operations of the Cdmmander in' Chief, Southwest Paciflc. Army Liberators of the 7th AAF have been engaged in attacking the enemy on Luzon, Cebu, Negros. and Mactan. I n addition. the same units have carried out attarkn in the Palaus and western -CaroiinesI--A---summary of operations from 1 Nov. 1 9 4 4 to 4 Jan. 1945, shows that 1,375 tons of bombs have been dropped on enemy targets in 714 sorties.

was encountered close inshore approaching Egzrsund harbor, south of Stavanger. The .convoy was illuminated by starshells and, His Majesty's ships opened Are. Preliminary repprts indicate t h a t during the short but brisk gun action which ensued three or four of the enemy ships. including the tanker and one of the minesweepers, a r e believed to have been sunk. Remaining ships of the convoy were severely damaged and left blazing. The enemy made use of shore searchlights and joined in the action with coastal batteries, but without effect. Later, during the daylight hours e n e m y torpedocarrying aircraft atthmpted to attack His Majesty's force. The attack w a s broken UP. ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS LUZON ON Cebu: Our motor-torpedo boats on night patrol sank two supply-laden luggers off the northeast coast. Leyte: Naval patrols intercepted and destroyed four westbound troop-laden barges off the northeast coast, inflicting heavy casualties. Moscow, communique-Ships of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet sank a n enemy supPly ship of 6,000 tons. I n the Memel p o r t area our coastal artillery sank a German transport of 4,000 tons.



15 JANUARY U . S. Pacific Fleet Communique No. 234

Further reports from United States Fleet forces which struck at shipping and other targets along the coast of French Indochina on 11 January show our carrier based aircraft inflicted the following damage on the enemy. (This report includes damage previously reported in communique 231.) Sunk: 41 ships, totaling about 127,000

U.S. Pacific Fleet Communiaue No. 233

1. Liberators of the 11th h F bombed airfleld facilities near Kurabu Saki a t the southern end of Paramushiru in the Kurils on 10 January. Six enemy fighters in the a i r and moderate antiaircraft flre were encountered, but all our aircraft returned safely. 2. On the following day 11th AAF Mitchells strafed and bombed installations on Torishima Retto, southeast of Paramushiry, starting extensive flres. The enemy sent up meager antiaircraft Are. Liberators of the 11th AAF on the same date struck installations in Suribachi on Paramushiru meeting moderate antiaircraft flre. FoGr enemy flghters attacked, of which one was damaged. All of our aircraft returned safelv from these oaerations. 3. Fighters of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing destroyed a building and supply dump on Babelthuap and bombed defenses on Urukthauel in the Palaus on 11 January.

ADVANCED HEADQUARTERS ON LUZON -Our medium flghter planes continued to maintain complete a i r supremacy. They struck enemy surface craft along the west

See 5, 13 January.
Page 53

n anders
?nt action. The rew retired un-

lasl sen Hoi

British Award Conferred O n 4 U. S. Naval Officers

Four U S naval officers have .. been made Companions of the Distinguished Service Order of Great Britain for distinguished service in operations which resulted in the capture of Sicily. They are Rear Admiral P a u l Hendren, U S N , Chapel Hill, N.C.; Commodore Robe r t W. Cary, USN, San Francisco, Calif.; Capt. Lorenzo S. Sabin Jr., u s N, Dallas, Tex., and Capt. Charles Wellborn Jr., USN, Los Angeles, Calif. Rear Admiral Hendren received the award from Admiral James Somerville, RN, head of the British Admiralty Delegation, at presentation ceremonies in Washington, D. C.


e, first submare the Medal of

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had previously and a gold star Navy Cross for in, and was CO : lost, when that ?d the Presidenipbell, Comman, led his fighter

of 80 Japanese bearing down on Battle of the e 1944. Striking >f our surface destroyed seven umbering attack irtually annihil!the Philippines ler McCampbell, L, daringly ate f 60 land-based shot down nine emainder to abIre a single airfleet. ipbell previously ross, the Distinand a gold star stinguished Fly-

For heroism and extraordinary achievement as leader of a squadron of carrier-based fighter planes in operations which resulted in the destruction of more than 130 Japanese aircraft, Comdr. William A. Dean Jr., USN, Coronado, Calif., has been awarded the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Flying Cross and gold stars in lieu of second and third Distinguished Flying Crosses. He received the Navy Cross for leading fighter attacks on enemy airfields and fleet units during the Saipan operation. On 1 June 1944 his 1 squadron shot down 23 enemy aircraft

Squadron Leader Wins Four Medals

Official U. S. Navy photooraphr

Aedai of Honor is and President watch.

assault elements a t the scheduled time. AComdr. John S. Mosher, USNR, Princeton, N. J.: While serving with the 7th Amphibious Force he obtained vital hydrographic data on the New Guinea area and prepared accurate maps and charts. He obtained the required information concerning enemy Japanese installations skillfully from aerial photographs. His keen foresight enabled the planning section to provide for all contingencies. Comdr. William B. Perkins, USN, Bon Air, Va.: As commanding officer of a submarine during a war patrol he withstood the constant danger of aerial bombing to accomplish his assigned mission in a most efficient manner. His skillful evasive tactics in avoiding detection by enemy antisubmarine measures enabled him to bring his ship safely t o port. Lieut. George S. Smith, USNR, SalISbUyy, Md.: second pilot of a Navy patrol plane in action against a n enemy submarine in the Atlantic he rendered gallant service during the aggressive depth-charge attack. He contributed materially to the severe damaging and probable sinking of the hostile vessel. Aldo F. Avidano, CPhM, USNR, San Francisco, Calif.: While attached t o the uss Seer on the occasion of the sinking of the uss Skill off the Gulf o f S a le r n o h e w o r k e d tirelessly ?nd with unwavering determination to care for the wounded. He skillfully treated maj o r fractures and severe cuts a n d burns and administered e f f e c t i v e first aid for shock. By his prompt action, expert proAvidan'* CPhM fessional a b i 1i t y and unselfish efforts on behalf of his shipmates, he





*Lt. Comdr. Herbert I- Mandel,

New London, Corm*: As assistant apRroach officer in a submarine* his exjudgment and thorough knowledge Of attack problems assisted his Officer in conducting successful torpedo attacks against escorted enemy shipping and units which rein the sinking Of tons Of shipping* His efficiency and contributed much to the sueof his ship in evading Severe e ~ emy counter measures. .kLieut- William L. Smith, USNR, New London, Corm.: In his performante of duty in a dXnarine during a war patrol his conduct throughoutwas an inspiration to officers and men.




Capt. Miles H. 'Imlay, USCG, New London, Conn.: As deputy commander of an assault group in the invasion of Normandy, undaunted by heavy enemy fire he took station Close to shore and coolly and promptly made spot decisions on reorganization, grouPlng and dispatching of craft t o the beach. Subsequently placed in charge of OPeratbns afloat as assistant t o the naval officer in charge of one of the beaches, he discharged his duties with distinctive professional ability. His brilliant leadership, broad knowledge of tactical warfare and gallant devotion t o duty were essential factors in the success of our invasion operations. *Lt. Comdr. Laurence B. Green, USN, New York, N. Y.: On the niffht of 29 Apnl 1944, as officer in tactical command of a patrol of two motor torped0 boats, he carried out an attack

and disregard for his own safety in remaining aboard the sinking LST 31 4 on 6 June 1944, to lash together all floatable gear, was responsible f o r saving the lives of many officers and men. While in the water with the survivors, his indomitable spirit, encouragement and example were instrumental in preserving the will to stay afloat until arrival of rescue vessel. *Lieut. Paul M. Henderson, USNE, Lakeland, ~ 1 (missing in action) : ~ . While piloting a carrier-based plane over Iwo Jima on 15 June 1944, Lieut. Henderson was attacked by an overwhelming number of Japanese aircraft. Engaging them in fierce com- bat and, fighting persistently and with outstanding skill, he blasted four from the sky. Lieut. William H. McCorkle, (ChC), USNR, Kingsport, Term.: Attached to a Marine defense battalion on Bougainville 1 Nov. 1943, he voluntarily went to the assistance of a corpsman who was administering medical aid to a wounded marine. When the corpsman was killed, although sustaining a wound himself, Lieut. McCorkle evacuated the injured marine to safety and returned immediatelv to the front lines. Lieut. Arthur W. Newlon, USN, Baltimore, Md.: As gunnery officer of a vessel during a war patrol in enemy-controlled waters, his conduct throughout was an inspiration t o officers and men. *Lieut. Robert G. Osborne, USNR, Knoxville, Tenn.: As naval gunfire liaison officer in the invasion of Sicily 10-11 July 1943, Lieut. Osborne completely disregarded his own safety, advancing with the invasiom forces in the face of intense enemy opposition, and, by his expert skill, sound judgment and splendid initiative, provided information vital to the effectiveness of the supporting gunfire. He thereby contributed materially to the success of this hazardous mission. *Lieut. William L. Smith, USNR, New


Page 60

London, Conn.: His performance of duty against the enemy a t his battle station in a submarine during three successful war patrols resulted in the sinking of an important amount of enemy shipping. Lt. (jg). William J. Godfrey, Jr., USNR, Manitowoc, Wisc.: As diving officer of a submarine, his high degree of skill and precise control of depth materially assisted in delivering aggressive and successful torpedo attacks which resulted in the sinking of more than 22,000 tons and the damaging of more than 20,000 other tons of enemy shipping. His high deLt. Godfrey gree of efficiency E n d coolness in emergencies contributed much to his shins successful evasion of enemy cointerattacks. *John E. Ball, CBM, USN, Valdosta, Ga.: As a member of a special reconnaissance party, Ball showed utter disregard of personal safety.. His fearless performance of duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service. *Charles M. Bragan, CEM, USN, Houlton, Me.: During a submarine war patrol, his careful training of the electrical force was of greatest benefit in maintaining the electrical plant at highest efficiency. His skillful operation of the controllers was instrumental in enabling his vessel to avoid being rammed by an enemy vessel. He contributed distinctly to the success of a commendable patrol under adverse weather conditions and against strong air and surface craft. Leslie J. Lindhe, CPhM, USN, Highland, N. Y.: As a member of the crew in a submarine, his professional ability, exceptional skill and tireless devotion to duty were of utmost assistance to the success of his vessels patrol during which the ship sank more than 17,000 tons of enemy shipping. His cool efficiency and leadership contributed much t o the success of the ship in evading severe enemy countermeasures. Frank D. Richmond Jr., CSM, USN, Houston, Tex.: During three war patrols of a submarine, Richmonds services on the bridge were invaluable

U. S. Navy Captain Given

High Peruvian Decoration
For his service as chief of staff and aide to the commandant of the 15th Naval District, Balboa, C. Z., Capt. Damon E. Cummings, USN, Park Ridge, Ill., has been awarded the Orden Militar de Ayacucho, one of Perus highest decorations. Captain Cummings, who also holds the Military Order of Avis from Portugal and the Medal of Distinction from Nicaragua, is now commanding officer of the V-12 unit at Dartmouth College and Medical School, Hanover, N. H.

in the successful prosecution of night large part responsible for success o l attacks which sank o r damaged a the crew in blowing a 50-yard gap large tonnage of enemy shipping. through the seaward band of obstacles. *Van L. Sadler, CPhM, USN, San When the man assigned t o carry the Rafael, Calif.: While out on patrol equipment was unable t o fulfill his with a Marine company on Guadal- duties, Buffiington himself took it. canal 8 Nov. 1942, he rushed t o the *John L. Farris, MoMMlc, usm, aid of a wounded man and success- Gastonia, N. C.: As a member of the fully evacuated him t o a nearby fox- 1st Beach Battalion during landing hole where he administered medical oDerations south of treatment. His courageous action Salerno 15 Sept. contributed t o the saving of a life. 1943, he voluntar*William P. Vrba. ily assisted British C E M, USN, Kirk: forces in relieving land, Ill.: As chief the congestion of electricians m a t e vehicles which were in charge of the stalled because of electrical departinadequate e x i t s, ment of a submaralthough the area ine during an agwas constantly subgressive and highly jected to a devastatsuccessful war paing barrage. When trol, his conduct an Army bulldozer throughout was in Farris. MoMM I C a r r i v e d. Farris keeping with t h e s t e a d f a s t l y rehighest traditions mained t o assist in fastening towVrba, CER of the naval ser- cables although many of the machines vice. received direct hits while leaving the *Harold F. Whitehead, CBM, USN, landing craft. Wilbur, Ore.: As coxswain of a tank Charles W. Giger, BMlc, USN, lighter in the amphibious assault a t Pittsfield, Ill.: As coxswain of the Salerno he unhesitatingly assumed the guide boat leading an assault wave to responsible duties when the boat of- the beach at Salerno 9-10 Sept. 1943, ficer of his craft was seriously he piloted the boats to a successful, wounded. He skillfully piloted the expeditious landing despite intense boat to the assigned landing point, enemy fire and the attack o a viciousf effecting successful, expeditious un- lv strafinp. olane. His skillful direction loading of vital cargo. Later, he vol- df machigelgun fire scored numerous unteered to serve as coxswain of a hits on enemy aircraft. tank landing craft: which had lost *Chester T. Hall, GMlc, USNR, Burmany of its crew. bank, Calif.: As a member of n naval *Eugene R. Bambrick, S F l c USNR, combat demolition unit which partiSyracuse, N. Y.: When troops were cipated in the Normandy invasion, he preparing t o disembark from his ship, successfully completed his mission in LST 336, during the invasion of Italy, the face of heavy gunfire and then Bambrick observed a small unexploded directed incoming craft to the beach, bomb lying in front of the ramp and, exposing himself on numerous occawith utter disregard for his own sions. safety, picked up the dangerous mis- *Edward J. Jackson, BMlc, USN, sile and threw it into the sea. Later, Duryea, Pa.: As coxswain of a landsubjected t o intense enemy machine- ing boat in the amphibious assault a t gun fire, he again risked his life in a Sicily he skillfully landed his damaged valiant attempt to light smoke pots boat on the assigned beach in the first on the beach to screen ships and un- assault wave and, despite heavy fire, loading operations. carried out an important hydrographic *Rommy B. Boyle, WTlc, USN, survey, obtaining information vital to Springfield, Ill.: While serving aboard efficiency of subsequent landings. the uss Duncan off Savo Island on the William T. Marshall, CMlc, USNR, 1 night of 1 Oct. 1942 he made per- Port Penn, Del.: As a member of the sistent attempts to prevent the spread 1st Beach Battalion during the amof fires around a fire room. With utter disregard for his own safety he succeeded in clearing flames away from the escape hatch of an engine room long enough to permit its crew to effect a safe exit. *James C. Bridges, BMlc, USN, Maynardville, Tenn.: As coxswain of a landing boat during the amphibious assault at Salerno, Bridges, on his second trip to the beach with troops, found that a large number of boats and amphibious trucks were being held off by extremely heavy artillery fire. Realizing the consequences of delay, he fearlessly directed his boat through the barrage, inspiring the waiting craft to follow and reestablish an essential flow of traffic. *Edmund M. F. Buffiington, Jr., MMlc, USNR, Shiremanstown, Pa. : A s a member of a naval combat demolition unit assigned to clear enemy obstacles from the beach in the Nor- 1 mandy invasion, Buffington was in (See.page 63)

Page 61

trell, though exposed to gunfire and air attack, worked continuously for more than 20 hours, dressing wounds, administering blood plasma and generally caring for the wounded, thereby contributing in a large measure to minimizing loss of life. *Thurman W. Poe, HAlc, USNR, Chattanooga.. Tenn.: As a member of a naval beach battalion in the Normandy invasion 6 June 1944, Poe disembarked from an LCT into deep water under heavy mortar fire with an Army captain. When the captain's life belt failed and he was in grave danger of drowning,- Poe went to . . --.,poe, HA^^

351 during the Italian invasion, Lut-

and brought him to the beach. throughout a period of almost con- *John E. Simmons Jr., Slc, USNR, tinual operations against the enemy. Elkins, W. Va.: When one of the He exercised extreme tact and cooptroop-laden boats of LST 374 was car- eration in relations with Army mediried away from the davits as it was cal authorities and in solving many being lowered during landing opera- joint problems encountered. tions off Sicily 15 Au 1943, SimCapt. Thomas B. Inglis, USN, mons swam to aid solcfers who had Houghton Lake, Mich.; Capt. Einar R. been plunged into the sea and were Johnson, USN, Rockford, Ill.; Comdr. trying to remove their heavy packs William S. Estabrook Jr., USN, FaySimmons continued his tireless efforts etteville, N. Y.; Comdr. Reid P. Fiala, until all the imperiled soldiers were USN, South Pasadena, Calif; Comdr. rescued. Seymour D. Owens, USN, Marblehead, *Stanley Tomaszewski, Slc, USNR, Mass. (posthumously), and Comdr. Philadelphia, Pa.: When one of the Walter C. Winn, USN, Little Rock, troop-laden boats of LST 374 was car- Ark.: As commanding officers of closeried away from the davits as it was in-fire support ships during the invabeing lowered in landing operations off sion of Saipan, they skillfully maneuSicily 15 Aug. 1943, Tomaszewski vered their ships through dangerous swam to aid soldiers who had been waters in the face of heavy enemy plunged into the sea and were trying gunfire. They directed accurate conto remove their heavy packs. He con- centrated fire against shore batteries tinued his tireless efforts until all the and contributed to the success of our imperiled soldiers were rescued. forces. Col. James E. Kerr, USMC, Quantico, Va.: As training officer on the staff ysszss of Commander, Landing Craft and Bases, 11th Amphibious Force, he exGold Star in Lieu o f Second ercised extraordinary professional abilBRONZE STAR MEDAL ity in supervising the training of perw sonnel aboard approximately 2,450 *Capt. Frederick C. Greaves, (MC) landing ships and craft. He apUSN, Bethesda, Md.: As medical ~ f f i c e r proached the difficult problem with opof a major naval task force during timism and determination and by the invasion of southern France he de- force crf character and meticulous atveloped sound and workable casualty tention to detail succeeded in developevacuation PI-, setting UP Proce- ing a high state of training. r dures by which casualties were exPeCapt. George M. Lyon, (MC) USNR, ditiously cleared from the assault Huntington, W. Va. : As chemical warbeaches and evacuated to base has- fare officer on the staff of Commander, pitals. His efforts in fitting out land- u. s. Naval Forces in Europe, from ing craft as hospital carriers, imProv- August 1942 until September 1944, he ing medical facilities in combat load- was largely responsible for the &velers and scheduling the m ~ e m e n t of opment and understanding of the poshospital ships contributed materially sibilities of chemical warfare. As a to the effective and Prompt manner in result of his indoctrination, naval which all casualties were handled dur- forces were prepared to take proper ing the invasion, precautions if they had been confronted with the use of chemical agents during the invasion of Normandy. *Capt. George E. Maynard, USN, BRONZE STAR MEDAL Hudgins, Va.: As commander of a beach assault unit during the invasion *Capt. William s. Campbell, USN, of southern France he formulated the New York, N. Y.; Comdr. William I. basic landing plan and led the assault Leahy, USN, Hartford, Conn., and to establish special service troops in Comdr. Roland B. Vanasse, uSN, An- enemy-held territory. With complete thony, R. I.: As commanding officers disregard for his own safety, he diof transports during the invasion of rected the beach organization on Ile du

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France, they compreted assault preparations while under a heavy bombing attack. However, they landed troops, vehicles and equipment on schedule under extremely hazardous conditions, thereby contributing materially to the success of this operation. Capt. Harry L. Goff, (MC) USN, Pembroke, Ga.: As medical officer on the staff of an amphibious force prior to and during the invasion of France, he maintained a high level of efficiency in the evacuation and care of both Army and Navy casualties. His able planning and resourcefulness contributed in a substantial manner to the success of the operation. Capt. Frederick C. Greaves, (MC), USN, Bethesda, Md.: As senior medical officer on the staff of Commander N a v a 1 Forces Northwest African Waters, p.rior to and during the invasion of Sicily and Italy he efficiently administered- medical facilities for


Levant and later the successful landing on the I. de Porpuerolles. His fearless and. aggressive leadership in this action was largely responsible for the prompt securing of these important islands commanding the approach to the port of Toulon. *Capt. Adrian 0. Rule Jr, USN, Coronado, Cslif.: As deputy chief of Staff for air to Commander, Caribbean Sea Frontier, and later in the additional capacity of commander of a fleet air wing from 10 Dec. 1942 to 18 Aug. 1944, he exercised sound judgment and initiative in directing anti submarine operations of the aircraft under his command during a period of vigorous enemy activity. Comdr. Harold Biesemeier, uSN, Modesto, Calif: As commanding officer of an assault transport during the invasion of Normandv. he successfully and without loss xebarked assault troops and despatched the as-

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beaches, despite unfavorable sea conditions. In accomplishing this task, he displayed outstanding leadership, initiative and keen insight into the problems of combined operations. *.Comdr. Marshall E. Dornin, USN, Mill Valley, Calif.: As a member of the staff of Commander Service Force Atlantic Fleet from June 1941 to July 1943 he contributed materially to the gunnery proficiency attained by ships of the Atlantic Fleet. From May 1943 until his detachment from the staff he served as force gunnery officer and aided and advised commanding and guqpery officers in the most effective and accurate utilization of their fire control equipment. Comdr. (then Lt. Comdr.) William H. Hilands, USN, El Monte, Calif.: A s a i r c r a f t material officer of a task force during combat operations in t h e Gilbert a n d Marshall I s l a n d s from 21 Oct. 1943 to 31 May 1944 he rendered invaluable service in the development of efficient aircraft maintenance organizaCorn&. Hilands tions a t advanced bases.


: *

Mainsheet (NTC, Bainbridge,


Page 6j

BRONZE STAR MEDAL cont Comdr. Charlton L. Murphy Jr., USN, New London, Conn.: As commanding officer of a submarine during a war patrol his conduct was an inspiration to his officers and men and in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service. *Lt. Comdr. Richard H. Bates, u S ~ R , Los Angeles, Calif: As executive officer of the uss Biscayne during the invasion of southern France he organized and administered the departments of his ship to function as the amphibious flagship of a task force. In the approach to the hostile shore he expertly guided, by exceptionally accurate navigation, the movements of the assault convoys*to the proper beaches. Lt. Comdr. Carl G. Drescher, (SC) USN, Washington, D. C.: Because of his unwavering devotion to duty in connection with operations in the Central Pacific from October 1943 to August 1944 under very trying conditions, including an enemy air attack, the supply of fuel to the fleet was acconiplished in an outstanding manner. *Lt. Comdr. John D. DuBois, USNR, Richmond, Va.: During his tour of duty at Port Moresby from 29 Aug. 1943 to 15 Feb. 1944, he displayed energy, skill, efficiency and organizing ability. He constantly gave an outstanding performance of duty and very materially contributed to the success of the 7th Fleet in operations against the enemy. *Lt. Comdr. Richard W. Emory, USNR, Richmond, Va.: WJlile serving as intelligence officer on the staff of CincPac from July 1942 to December 1944 his capable and efficient performance of very important duties assigned to him contributed to the successful prosecution of the war in the Pacific. *Lt. Comdr. Mary M. Heck, (NC) USN, Cumberland, Md.: As chief nurse at a naval base hospital in Eng-

I invasion of France.
of a large number of casualties. She effected t h e effic i e n t assignment inspiring them to render. the highest type of medical attention to the large numbers of patients hospitalized. Spontaneous expressions of appreciation from all patients and from medical officers of all services attest to her meritorious performance of duty. *Lt. Comdr. Edward G. Janeway, US", Oyster Bay, N. Y . : As commanding officer of a U. S. naval advanced amphibious maintenance base in England he exercised outstanding skill and ability in establishing the base and in supervising maintenance and logistical support of the landing ships and craft attached to it. His meticulous performance of this duty is considered to have contributed materially to the success of the invasion of Normandy.

*Lt. Comdr. Forrest A. Lees, USN, San Diego, Calif.: From November 1943 t o February 1944 he was arduous and exacting in duties concerned with the development, manufacture and testing of special landing craft equipment at a time when urgency was of utmost importance. While a t the same executing in a commendable manner his duties as aircraft squadron commander he developed methods for the .control of aircraft with industry, initiative and ingenuity. Lt. Comdr. James L. Middlebrooks, USNR, Birmingham, Ala.: As radio material officer on the staff of Commander, Landing Craft and Bases, 11th Amphibious F o r c e , he was charged with the maintenance and instdlation of radio and underwater sound gear. Through his foresight, broad technical knowledge and energetic administration of an organization functioning at widely separated bases, all ships and craft sailed for the invasion of France with this equipment in operative condition. *Lt. Comdr. Henry Montgomery Jr., USNR, Los Angeles, Calif.; Lieut. Stuart D. Cowan Jr., USNR, Orange, N. J.; Lieut. Appleton A. Mason Jr., USNR, Larchmont, N. Y., and Lt. (jg) Sigfred A. Nelson, USNR, Edmonds, Wash.: Attached to the staff of the commander of a destroyer squadron during the invasion of France, they w o r k e d skillfully under constant threat of enemy submarine, surface and aerial opposition. By their cool and courageous performance of duty in the face of frequent aerial attacks throughout the entire assault period, they contributed essentially to the success of their unit during these vital combat operations. *Lt. Comdr. William A. P. Pullman, USNR, Lake Forest, 111.: As personnel officer on the staff of Commander, Landing Craft and Bases, 11th Amphibious Force, he exercised outstanding executive ability in the administration of about 65,000 naval personnel attached to the 18 bases of this command. He established and directed a highly successful receiving barracks and system for efficiently handling survivors returning from the operation. *Lt. Comdr. John M. Wyckoff, USNR, Seattle, Wash.: As commanding officer of a minesweeper operating at Kwajalein and Saipan, he brought his ship through a hazardous sweep of several enemy minefields without casualty to ship, personnel o r gear and cleared channels and anchorages for our ships engaged in the occupation of these enemy-held bases. Lieut. Lyman W. Ballinger, USNR, San Diego, Calif.: As engineering offi-cer of a bombing squadron in the Central Pacific, he worked under primitive conditions with inadequate facilities and inexperienced personnel. By sheer force and energy he so inspired the personnel under him that operations against the enemy were maintained at a high level of efficiency despite bombing attacks and frequent air raid alerts. JrLieut. Raymond B. Brady, USNR, Gastonia, N.C.: His skillful analysis of target courses and speeds as torpedo data computer operator in a submarine during war patrol assisted

in the sinking of enemy ships for a total of over 17,000 tons. His efficiency and coolness contributed much t o the success of his ship in evading severe enemy countermeasures. *Lieut. Ralph Brown, USN, San Francisco, Calif. : When the uss Susan B. Anthony was sunk, he kept his vessel alongside under very adverse and dangerous conditions so that a large number of troops could be evacuated onto and across the decks of his ship. By keeping his vessel alongside until the last possible moment, manp crew members of the Susan B. Anthony were saved who might otherwise have been lost. *Lieut. Samuel A. Byrd, USNR, Mt. Olive, N. C.: As a beachmaster during the invasion of Normandy, he assumed command of an area adjacent to a beach exit road and directed the movement of traffic with such skill that the evacuation of casualties from the beach was tremendously expedited. Working under fire without rest o r relief for 36 hours, he set an excellent example for Army and Navy personnel. *Lieut. Walter H. Carter, USNR, Lynn, Mass.: As senior area fire protection officer of Service Force, 7th Fleet, he developed equipment and supervised fire fighting instruction with ability and diligence. His direction of combat fire-fighting teams during amphibious assault operations at Hollandia, Biak and Noemfoor reduced fire losses ashore and afloat to a minimum and contributed greatly t o the success of our operations. *Lieut. Thomas N. Creacy, USNR, Cherryville, Oreg.: Attached to the 81st Construction Battalion during the invasion pf Normandy, he was in charge of the operations of the first and second waves of ferries. With no rest during the first 60 hours, and despite repeated enemy air attacks, mine explosions and shell fire, he established contact between the ferries and ships to be ynloaded and maintained the unloading schedule. Lieut. Robert Halperin, USNR, Chicago, Ill.: While attached to the staff of an assault force commander during landings on Cherbourg peninsula, he


Beacon (Navy Yard, Phila., Pa d o n ' t see why they p u t me en mess d e h -I c a n ' t cook!"

Page 66

mandy, he took his craft in under terrific gun and shell fire after it had been severely damaged and successfully unloaded vital combat material. *Lt. (jg) Sylvester T. Harlin, USN, Norfolk, Va.: While attached to a task group during the invasion of Normandy, he sailed Salvage Landing Craft Mechanized Group 3 across the channel and beached his craft shortly after H hour on D day under heavy and d i r e c t s h e l l f i r e . He worked throughout the day and night without rest t o remove swamped craft and salvage Army mobile equipment. *Lt. (jg) Lawrence L. Heideman, USNR, Grosse Ile, Mich.: In command 1 of 1 naval combat demolition units during the invasion of Normandy, he was subjected to heavy enemy artillery and rifle fire which killed or wounded 40% of the personnel. However, units under his command were successful in clearing eight 50-yard gaps through enemy-placed obstacles on the beach. +Lt. (jg) Loren P. Herder, USNR Minneapolis, Minn.: As a naval gunfire liaison officer during the invasion of France he maintained a front-line observation post with communications to a supporting cruiser and displayed much initiative and resourcefulness in seeking out enemy positions. He and his party caused great damage to the enemy and eliminated many strong points that were holding up the attack. *Lt. (jg) Robert E. Huffman, uSNR, Bemidji, Minn.: When his landing craft was damaged and left burning during the invasion of Normandy, he swam about 150 yards to the beach which was raked by enemy artillery mortars, machine guns and snipers. After seeing that his men were properly dug in, he boldly exposed himself to enemy fire for several hours as he moved about the beach directing operations. *Lt. (jg) Robert 0. Johnson, USNR, Los Angeles, Calif.: As assistant operations officer and hydrographer on the staff of Commander 3d Amphibious Force from 15 July 1943 to 31 March 1944 he displayed. exceptional skill and worked tirelessly in the preparation of combat navigational charts used in the invasion of Vella Lavella, Treasury, Bougainville, Green and Emirau Islands. Lt. (jg) Paul R. Kohout, USNR, Chicago, 111.: As commanding officer of a close-in fire support vessel during the capture of a large enemy-held island in the Pacific in June 1944 he constantly exposed himself and his ship to enemy fire without regard to his personal safety. The vigorous and gallant offensive displayed by his command is a reflection of the leadership of the commanding officer. *Lt. (jg) D. J. Manchester, USNR, Buffalo, N. Y.: When the LST 3 4 was .8 sunk by two explosions off the Island of DeZammone, Italy, he organized damage control activities and, when it became necessary to abandon ship, directed the evacuation of the wounded. One of the last to leave the sinking ship, he continued to encourage and care for the critically injured until all were recovered by rescue vessels. *Lt. (jg) Henry S. McFall, USNR,

York, Pa.: Called in two days before the invasion of Normandy to replace a sick officer as naval gunfire liaison officer, he succeeded in setting up the designed fire-support communications during the assault. He designated targets which were fired upon by the uss Arkansas with marked effect. *Lt. (jg) Samuel c. Miller, BSNR, Narberth, Pa.: Serving with the 7th Beach Battalion during the invasion of Normandy, he noted the extreme difficulty which the medical personnel were having in transporting wounded men out of reach of the tide. He salvaged an abandoned Army jeep and drove the length of two beaches under terrific fire, picking up wounded and carrying messages. Later he led a firefighting party aboard a burning LCT and fought the fire until it was extinguished. *Lt. (jg) Jack S Sandkuhle, USNR, . Oakland, Calif. (posthumously) : In charge of a working party operating at Torkina beach on 23 November 1943, he refused to move to a sheltered area despite heavy enemy shelling. He carried out his tasks with unflinching determination until killed by hostile fire. *Lt. (jg) Robert E. Seabold, USNR, Dayton, Ohio: As commanding officer of the fourth wave of boats during evacuation o a Marine battalion f from behind Japanese lines on 29 Nov. 1943, he was forced to withdraw in his first attempt in the face of intense enemy opposition. On the second attempt, under a covering barrage from our ships, he assisted in the embarkation and departure of the entire battalion and remained in the danger area to make certain that no personnel had been left behind. *Lt. (jg) Robert L Smith, USNR, . Mountain View, Calif.: He was largely responsible for having a large percentage of gunfire-support craft o p erationally ready for the invasion of Normandy. His coolness and courage under fire and his mature advice were of great value to the task group commander. *Lt. (jg) Henry R. Stern, Jr., USNR, Manhaset$, N. Y.: As commanding officer of the SC 1354 during the invasion of Normandy, he arrived off his assigned beach prior to H hour and displayed extraordinary forethought in directing ships and small boats inta the beach. His ship took shore batteries under fire, making it possibl for the Army to get ashore.

Navy Decorates Oficer Of Public Health Service

For prompt and skillful treatment of more than a thousand casualties during the Saipan-Tinian invasions Lt. Comdr. Robert L. Griffith, of the U.S.Public Health Service, has been awarded the Navys Bronze Star Medal. Working zealously throughout long hours without rest he was exceptionally efficient in directing his medical staff and contributed to the saving of the lives of men wounded in combat.

+Lt. (jg) John C. Taylor, USNR, Charlotte, N. C.: As an assistant beachmaster during the invasion of Normandy, he kept his group intact and led them safely ashore through a withering fire from enemy artillery, mortars and machine guns. He directed his men in giving all possible assistance to the wounded, including removing them under fire from the reach of the incoming tide. *Lt (jg) Robert E. Turner, USNR, Platte City, Mo.: As naval gunfire liaison officer during the invasion of France, he coordinated the operations of three shore fire-control parties and contributed greatly to the advance up the Cherbourg peninsula. During the final assault on Cherbourg, he directed gunfire support so effectively that the infantry was able to capture the outer defenses of the city. *Lt. (jg) Milton C. White, USNR, Washington, D. C.: As commanding officer of the PC 479 which was escorting a convoy of LCTs engaged in the resupply of Arawe, he skillfully maneuvered his ship to protect the convoy when it was attacked by 14 Jap divebombers and fighters. He assisted in putting up a heavy barrage of antiaircraft fire which destroyed four enemy planes. *Lt. (jg) Frank R. Williams, USNR, Phoenix, Ariz.: As Armed Guard officer aboard the ss James B . Francis when the munitions-laden vessel was endangered by fire and explosions on a nearby landing craft a t Pearl Harbor on 21 May 1944, he remained aboard after orders had been given to abandon ship and directed a volunteer crew in fighting fires and in moving the vessel from her dock. He and his crew stayed a t their posts after a shower of incendiary shells had started a fire which threatened munitions and powder in the No. 1 hatch, and contributed to the saving of the ship. Lt. (jg) Robert B. Woodcock, USNR, Brooklyn, N. Y.: As commanding officer of the SC 738, while it was convoying LCTs engaged in the resupply of Arawe on 21 December 1943, he assisted in fighting off attacks by three formations of 45, 60 and 8 J a p divebombers and fighters. He assisted in putting up a heavy barrage of flak which prevented the enemy from carrying out a full-scale attack, and through his efforts no casualties or material damage was suffered. Lt. (jg) William A. Wulfman, (MC) USN, Huntington, W. Va.: Attached to the LST 54.8 when it was sunk off the Island of De Zammone, Italy, on 20 Feb. 1944, he skillfully and untiringly administered medical aid to the burned and injured and assisted in transferring them t o boats and life rafts until he was forced to abandon ship. He secured necessary medical supplies before leaving the sinking ship and continued to render medical and moral aid to those in a critical condition for several hours later. Ens. Davis H. Hart, USNR, Seymour, Mo.: As naval gunfire liaison officer with the 3d Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division, from 6 June to 30 June 1944 he conducted naval gunfire support for the advancing infantry and materially assisted

Page 68

of Normandy, he was in charge of a f e r r y that was bracketed by three enemy bombs and his t u g overturned. Although wounded by shrapnel, he directed the rescue of of 12 casualties and kept his ferry from being lost. He remained at his post, despite his painiul Chief C a r p e n t e r Wootten wounds, for eight hours and brought his crew and craft safely to the beach.

*Keith L. Reed, CTM, USN, Des Moines, Ia.: His oustanding skill while in charge of torpedoes and torpedo equipment aboard a submarine was materially responsible for hits which resulted in the sinking of enemy ships totaling over 18,000 tons and the damaging of an additional 6,000 tons. Benedict H. Schwab, CEM, USN, Dutchtown, Mo.: While in charge of the electrical department of a submarine he contributed materially t o the sinking of many thousands of tons of enemy shipping. His conduct throughout was an inspiration t o all with whom he served.

until he reached his assigned post of duty. Wounded in the head, he refused to be evacuated and remained at his post until his unit was withdrawn from the *Patrick W. Ryan, PhMlc, USNR, R o x b u r y , Mass. (posthumously) : While in charge of the medical section of a beach party during the invasion of Saipan, he directed his three corpsmen in seeking out, treating and evacuating casualties.


Page 69

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Applications Requested at Once from Men Eligible to Return to Flight Training

Personnel separated from flight training in good standing under the cutback announced in June 1944, when the scheduled output of aviators was drastically reduced, and who now desire to return as a result of the current expansion of the program, are required t o file applications for reentry immediately. It had previously been stated (JanBULLETIN,p. uary 1945 INFORMATION 73) that individual applications for return are not required. However, BuPers Circ. Ltr. 391-44 (NDB, .31 Dec. 1944, 44-1461), which contains all the details concerning re-expansion of flight training, directs each eligible candidate t o submit a written request for re-entry t o BuPers by 15 Feb. 1945 if possible. The previous report also stated that former aviation students assigned to Class A schools would not return t o flight training until they had completed their courses. Under the new directive, the question of whether or not the student finishes his Class A school course will be determined by the needs of the naval service. Some 7,000 students in TARMAC, flight-preparatory, CAA-WTS and pre-flight stages were affected by the June cutback. To be eligible for return, they must have been in good standing a t the time they were shifted or withdrew voluntarily t o other duties in the.Navy. Those students who exercised their option to withdraw from the naval service are not eligible for re-entry unless they reenlisted in the Navy prior to 29 Dec. 1944. A number of factors led to the Navys decision t o re-expand the

Its so nice to have you home for a few

days, dear.

flight training program. One is that the Navy plans to speed up the rotation of its fliers, thereby giving aviators more frequent periods in the U. S. for rehabilitation and refresher training in new equipment. Also, the war in the Pacific is now ahead of schedule, and as the Navy presses home the drive to Japan proper, it has to be prepared for the more difficult job of fighting a t accelerated tempo to keep the J a p constantly off balance. The upward revision in pilot training was not caused by an unexpected increase in the attrition rate. The procedure directed to implement the program is as follows: Each eligible candidate will have the opportunity to return. He should submit to BuPers immediately via official channels a written request for re-entry, which should be received by the Bureau wherever osslble by 15 Feb. 1945. Airmail sfould be used where receipt of the request in the Bureau will be expedited. COS will examine each applicants service record to determine his eligibility, which, in all cases, will .be indicated by the following ?:tation on Separated page 9 of the record: from flight training while in good standing and solely as a result of quota restrictions. Is fully qualified and is recommended for reassignment to flight training at a later date, if SO recommended by his CO, under any service quotas whlch may be established in the future. COS should inform all eligible personnel of their ppportunity to return to flight training. Requests from outside the continental limits should be by dispatch. Because he was prevlously selected for flight training, it is considered each candidate is still physically and otherwise fully qualified unless his CO considers the man has recently demonstrated unfitness for such training. In such a case, the CO will submit a notation as an endorsement to the ap-. plication when the latter is forwarded. I n case doubt exists as to physical qualifications, a physical examination (flight physical, if feasible) will be p v e n prior to forwarding applications. Applications (except those by dispatch) should be made on forms suggested by BuPers Circ. Ltr. 39Y-44 and give such information a s Navy courses of instruction completed, stages completed in flight training, the flight training activity from which the applicant was separated or withdrew, the date and whether this action was voluntary or the result of deselection. Eligible candidates will be re-en, tered in flight training at a stage commensurate with their previous progress, subject to necessary preflight refresher. In the case of stu-

dents who completed pre-flight school, this will be for one month. Those who have been commissioned since separation o r who will be commissioned prior t o the time of their return to flight training will be ordered to a naval air station, for primary flight training in the same manner a s officers returning from the

plete the course and receive commissions upon successful completion thereof .prior to being returned to flight

completion of four- terms of college work, including. anv terms completed

clude the date of expected completioh

aviation cadets. who, following their separation from flight training, married o r reached their 27th birthday.

Navy Nurses May N o w Marry Without Having to Resign ... Nurses- now in service may


suspends for the duration of the war

cember 1944 the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery received applications for resignation from 138 nurses who gave marriage as the reason for their action. Resignations for the same cause averaged more than 100 a month 1944, reaching a high of , , , ,


tially in achikving. the Nurse Corns

this branch have been-because of the

none the less, -to commission 4,000 additional nurses by 30 June 1945, in order to meet needs imposed by expanding, naval operations. Therq.is no change in present policy


Page 72

nk of fleet admiral. The sleeve i n s i s i a are one two-mch stripe with four F half - inch stripes above it. Insignia for the new rank, created by Public Law 484 of the 78th Congress, were an Circ. nounced Ltr. BuPers in 16-45 (NDB, 31 Jan. 1945) and incorporated into Uniform Regs. The silver stars for the pin-on insignia are to be of a size to be inscribed in a %-inch circle, with the surface of the stars to be plain, raised and rounded. The device is pinned on with the point of the vertex (top) star pointing upward. The shoulder mark is shown above. The three officers eligible to wear the insignia, having been nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate for promotion to fleet admiral, are William D. Leahy, USN (Ret), Chief of Staff to the Commander-inChief, U. S. Army and Navy; Ernest J. King, USN, Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Fleet, and Chief of Naval Operations, and Chester W. Nimitz, USN, Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas.

Unit sequent awards Of the mendation be indicated by bronze stars on the ribbon. The first star should be centered upon the ribbon and additional stars placed in a horizontal line close to and symmetrically about the center of the ribbon. This applies to both bronze and silver stars.

No embroidered aircrewinsigniahas been authorized or is contemplated, BuPers has announced following receipt of information that such insignia were being sold to naval personnel. The directive, BuPers Circ. Ltr. 395-44 (NDB, 31 Dec. 1944, 44-1465), states that the only authorized aircrew insignia is a metal pin-on device, which the letter describes.

On 15 Dec. 1944, the Attorney Genera1 of the United States held that the Servicemen's Voting Law (P.L. 277, 78th Congress) "applies to all elections at which federal, state, or local officials are elected and for which absentee balloting procedures are provided by the applicable laws." Accordingly, in 1945, the Navy Department will continue in effect its policy of giving maximum assistance to Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel eligible and desiring to vote by state absentee ballot, t o the extent Practicable and compatible with military operations. Similar assistance will also be given t o certain merchant marine personnel and t o certain attached civilians. Voting in 1945 will be only by state o r local ballot. There will be no voting by federal ballot because there is no general election for members of Congress this year. The same basic organization used t o administer the voting program for the 1944 elections will be continued in 1945. Each ship, station or unit will have a voting officer to carry out the duties of the commanding officer under. the latter's supervision. These duties include : (1) Make postcard applications (USWBC Form No. 1 ) available to personnel requesting them for use in 1946 elections. (2) Cooperate in attesting oaths in connection with postcard and state ballots. (3) Disseminate throughout the command election information furnished through official channels. (4) Take all reasonable measures to facilitate the expeditious handling, transmission, delivery, and return of postcards and balloting material by air. From time to time, information will be Dublished in the INFORMATION BULLETIN as to elections at which absent voting by servicemen is emitted. ~ n serviceman, y o P t h e merchant marine, or attached civilian who desires to vote by state absentee ballot in such elections may request a postcard from his commanding officer or designated voting officer. The postcard should be completely filled in and mailed to the secretary of state a t the state capital of the state of his voting residence. Information has been received as to the following forthcoming elections at which absent voting by servicemen is permitted: Illinois-A primary election will be held in the counties on io A p i l 1945. Michigan-A genera' for certain state and local Offices be held on 2 April 1945. The following state Offices are to be voted for: Two justices Of the Supreme Court, two regents Of the University Of Superintendent Of Instruction* member of the State Board of Education, two members of the State Board of Agriculture and a State Highway ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ New JerseY-A state primary e h tion will be held on 15 May 1945. be On 1945 in the localities:
Lyndhurst Township (Bergen County) Medford Lakes (Borough) M~~~~~~~~ Monmouth Beach (Borough) Newark Sea Isle City Vineland (Borough) West Cape May (Borough) Wildwood Crest (Borough)

Smaller Stars Authorized For Wearing on Ribbons

The size and manner of wearing stars on campaign and decoration ribbons has been standardized and clarified in a SecNav letter t o all ships and stations (NDB, 15 Jan. 1945, 45-7). All previously authorized stars, however, may continue to be worn in the manner previously prescribed until replaced by new ones. Under the new order, the size of the gold star worn upon a ribbon in lieu of an additional award of the same medal is set at 5/16 inch in diameter. (The old size, 3/8 inch, is retained only f o r wear upon the suspension ribbon of a medal.) A silver star of the same dimensions as the new gold star is created by the order for wear in lieu of five gold stars. The new silver star also is authorized for wear on campaign ribbons to rePlace five bronze stars. Size of the bronze star remains the same (3/16 inch) as before,

Asbury Park Auduborl Park Bordentown Cape May City


E ~ ~ Hackensack
Haddonfleld (Borough)


Vermont-Annual town meetings at which municipal officials are to be elected will be held in cities and towns in Vermont on 6 March 1945. Wisc0n.sin-A state election,will be held on 3 A m 2 1945 for State Superintendent of Schools, jusbice of the Supreme Court and other judicial officers. At the same time several municipalities in the state will elect local officers.

Page 73

Age N o Longer Factor I n Release of Oficers N o Longer Needed

Attainment of age 38 has been eliminated as a prerequisite for reserve and retired officers of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard who desire to submit requests for inactive duty. Formerly, officers under 38 who were considered eligible for reIease were required t o submit resignations. Officers submitting requests, however, still must be engaged in specialized activities that are being closed down or curtailed and must be men who are not qualified or cannot be retrained for duty elsewhere, according to a SecNav letter (NDB, 31 Dec. 1944, 44-1422) which sets forth the most recent details for termination of active duty. The letter states that there still exists a critical need for combat and seagoing officers and that this need will continue until the war with Japan is successfully concluded and, thus, there can be no large-scale demobilization of officer personnel. However, a s surveys of naval functions indicate that certain activities can be terminated without undue interference with the efficient prosecution of the war by naval forces, it will be possible to eliminate certain officer billets. Action taken on requests for termination of active duty will be entirely dependent upon needs of the service. Officers shall not be severed from the service o r placed on inactive duty when they are otherwise acceptable with or without retraining and when they are needed elsewhere. Resignations should be submitted to SecNav, via official channels including BuPers, or Commandant, Marine Corps, or Commandant, Coast Guard. Requests for inactive duty should be submitted to BuPers, or Commandant, Marine Corps, or Commandant, Coast Guard, via official channels. The: following information should be contained in the requests, paragraphed in this manner: Paragraph 1 : Whether request is f o r inactive duty or for acceptance of resignation.

Paragraph 2: (a) Months service during present term of continuous n r t-- v - diitv- (h\ months - - - .. nut-- i . p - - . , ,- , _._ . wrvice .. - ._ _-. side continental U. S.; (c) total leave taken during present term of continu-

Accumulated Leave Given


o f

R O C v u ~n~ J o e O g r D

c nt

Y l Y W


Their Active Duty

rations, letters of commendation and number of stars authorized on area ribbons. Attached to the letter requesting amroval of resignation must be a whether o r not he is indebted to the United States. No resignation will be considered without such a statement. Forwarding endorsements must indicate whether o r not the services of each individual can be spared without relief. COS will submit Special fitness reports to accompany requests covering service to date of request.

ready taken or &anted and t o be taken. Terminal leave mav not exceed the statutory limit oJ As pointed out in 282-44 f N T ) R . 31 T)w. 1944. 44-1453). leavk. It is the prerogative of the Chief of Naval Personnel t o grant such terminal leave in each individual case as is deemed appropriate. It is the desire of BuPers, however, to grant terminal leave as equitably as possible under wartime conditions. Due t o congested transportation systems, cessation of civilian passenger steamship travel, communications restrictions. exceDtiona1 mail and --- ---

Personnel Going Overseas

rations of gasoline are available for the return of a car from a port of embarkation to an owner,s residence. ln a letter of 4 Sept. 1944 to mandants of continental shore establishments, the Chief of Procurement and Material, N~~~ Department, urged that travel by private auto to embarkation ports be discouraged unless the individuals place of residence is in the vicinitv of the port o r unless he is moving his family to a permanent residence nearby or plans to store his car there. In many instances this warning was not heeded. Many officers and men

Tnls aeaY lnT0 computes leave from ficer reported for continuous active duty until separation or release orders are written. (For laws affecting the of reserve officers when on terminal leave, see January 1945 INFORMATION BULLETIN, P* 75.)

Sfiecial Train for Service personnp7 Fnm&7;0c Leaves West C ~ n c t h i h l

.+The Furloughee qhallenger, I..1 ,


none could be obtained, under OPA rules, these persons were forced t o sell their cars, o r place them in storage, and had to pay the unexpected

+ ,.


fhoir Jtmwndonts

Southern Paclfic Kal The train leaves Sa at 1830 daily and arr 0920 of the third day. Diners are provided f o r meal service. The all-coach facilitate the heavy movement of military personnel traveling on furlough Reservations must



rna1-lations barring extra gas mavel. the Chief of Procure-

--____ --_-----

___._ -

who authorize travel to ports of emOak Leaf (US, Oakland, Calif.) You dont think I LIKE to see you work, do you?

Page 74

Many naval reserve officers now may be entitled t o an additional $50 uniform gratuity, according to Alnav No, 14-45. The gratuity is payable four years from date of entitlement t o the $100 or previous $50 uniform gratuity, providing that the officer has been a member of the reserve for four years from date of entitlement and has performed no less than 112 days active duty. For purposes of payment, the date of entitlement is the date, in most cases, on which the officer reported for active duty. Claims shall be submitted in triplicate in letter form direct to Chief of. Field Branch, BuS&A (Special Payments Division), Cleveland 15, Ohio. The claimant should state his full name, rank, file number and the address t o which the check should be mailed. The claim should be set forth in this manner: I hereby submit claim for payment of $50 uniform gratuity, having last been entitled t o a uniform gratuity of (insert either $100 or $50) on (date) and having performed active duty separately as occurring if not continuous or insert none. Officers on the honorary retired list of the naval reserve and officers of the Coast Guard and Marine Corps are not entjtled to the gratuity.

Wheel Watch (NAS, Cape May, N. J.)

Okay, Murdock, the engines are turning over now!

Personnel Warned Against Unauthorized Service

Attempts are being made, according t o reports noted in BuPers Circ. Ltr. 389-44 (NDB, 31 Dec. 1944, 44-1459), t o sell to members of the naval service certificates or scrolls that, when signed by an officer, purport to be official recognition of faithful performance of war service in some particular area or theater of operation. The !etter states that the issuance o r signing of such unauthorized certificates by a CO or other person in the naval service is not permitted.

Officers ant? enlisted personnel, particularly those returning from theaters of war, are not permitted t o participate in press conferences or radio programs o r to talk t o reporters except after consultation with, and clearance by, a Navy public relations officer. Leave papers should contain the substance of these instructions or, if the standard leave form prescribed by BuPers Circ. Ltr. 288-44 (NDB, 30 Sept. 1944, 44-1137) is used for enlisted personnel, attention should be called to instructions regarding this subject printed on the reverse side.

Lapsed NSI Policies May Be Reinstated by Paying T w o Months Premiums


Following is the list of V-Discs contained in the February kit, Navy Release H, to be mailed the middle of the month to ships and naval activities outside continental limits and hospitals in U. S. treating battle casualties. For information on how t o get the discs, recorded exclusively for the armed forces, see table on pp. 70-71 of December or January issue.

52. 153.

141. ANCHORS AWEIGH MARINEHYMN : : SEMPER PARATUS: HAIL PURDUE Manhattan Beach C o a s t Guard Band. 142. WHISPERING: HAWAIIAN PARADISE 154. : ; W WHEN DAY IS DONE TEA FOR T O : EASY TO LOVE-Guy Lombardo: 155. P A G LA C C I - V E S T I LA GIUBBAI Vaughn Monroe. 143. 1 P R O M I S EY O U : WITH EVERY BREATHI TAKE: L O V E I S JUST 156. A R O U N D THE C O R N E R : JUNE IN JANFARY-Bing Crosby. 144. BOOGIE WOOGIE: S O N G O F INDIA157. Tommy Dorsey. 145. DONT FENCEME IN: THE CONTINENTAbThe Three Suns: THIS I S So NICEIT MVST BE ILLEGAL: MAR- 158. TINIQrE-Fa ts Waller. 146. M U S I C M A K E R S :C H E R R Y : T w o 159. OCLOCKJUMP-Harry James. 117. hALAO1TENA ; IMPRESSIONS O F BASIEKostelanetz. 148. SWEET GEORGIA BROWN: SHEIK O F ARABY-Benny Goodman : BACK 0 TOWN BLrEs-Louis Armstrong. 160. 149. I L L W I N . D : MOANIN Low-Lena Horne; THE DAY AFFER FOREVER:

Under a recent change inaugurated by the Veterans Administration, to remain in effect for the duration and six months thereafter, personnel in the service who have permitted their five-year level premium term National DONT SOU KNOW I C A R E - G ~ ~ W Service Life Insurance to lapse may, Simms. upon written application, reinstate N B D KNOWS THE T O B E Im OOY R UL SEEN-charlie Barnet ; OLD FASIX- their policies by paying two months IONED LOVE-Eddy Howard. premiums without interest. B ; N O B O D Y S A B Y THREE LITTLE W n R m - Tommv Dorsey : J U N G L E This rule, announced in BuPers DRUMS-Artie Shaw. Circ. Ltr. 393-44 (NDB, 31 Dec. 1944, MEMORIESO F YOU; LAZY BONEE44-1463) requires that the applicant OCRO Glen Gray : WARSAW C N E T Rreddv Martin. requesting reinstatement be in as good ACICENT-TCHU-ATE P O S I T I V E THE health on the date of application a s he Johnny Mercer: THERES FELLOW A was on the due date of the first pre-J u WAITINGIN POTIGHKEEPSIE n e mium in default and so state on his Hutton ; WALKIN I N THE LIGHT ; GET ON BOARDLITTLECHILLUNapplication. He must also give comDeep River Boys. plete information relative to any illB U G L EC A L L R A G : O N E OCLOCK ness, disease, injury or. treatment reJUMP-Benny Goodman. : T H E R E S o S O USOMEONE T O N ceived during the period when the inW A T C HO V E R ME-Frank Sinatra: ME BACKTO OLD VIRGINNY- surance was permitted to lapse. (VetCARRY erans Administration Form 353 is .Tn Staffnrrl. - - - __.-I _.. L I E B E S T O(Wagner). IMMOLATION D usually used for this purpose.) The OF BRUNNHILDE (Wagnek)-Toscanini Veterans Administration may require and the NBC Symphony Orchestra. a report of physical examination, when S R B ME MARfA WITH A B O I CU O GE AT BEAT-Will Bradley ; RELAXIN deemed necessary, in connection with THE T0r:RO: D I P P E R MOTJTH BLUESthe application for reinstatement. ~ u i g s y Spanier. MOONGLOW ; ADIOS, MARIQUITA LINDA As pointed out in the directive, re-Artie Shaw. instatement must be made prior to the OVER THE RAINBOW: 1 MAY BE WRONG BVT I THINK YOURE WONexpiration of the five-year term period. DERFUL -Judy Garland ; LET THE REST OF THE WORLDGo B Y : DEAR Unless all premiums in arrears with interest are paid, the policies have no LITTLE O O F MINE: A LITILE BIT BY O F HEAVEN-Dick Haymes. reserve value. An allotment should be : MOONLIGHTE R E N A D EDONT BE S registered promptly t o cover future THAT WAY ; BLUECHAMPAGNE-MPj. premiums. Glenn Miller.

Page 75


No. 225 - Announces incorporation of Subordinate Command Service Force Pacific Fleet into staff of Commander Western Sea Frontier, with resulting changes to be observed in hanf dling o mail and dispatches. Nos. 226, 227, 228-Contain Christmas greetings to armed forces. No. 229-Directs ships service activities afloat and ashore outside cpntinental U. S. t o obtain certain imported and rationed resale items through BuS&A effective 1 Jan. 1945. No. 230-Calls for immediate forwarding of applications for flight training of enlisted men qualified in accordance with BuPers Circ. Ltr. 13844 (NDB, 15 May 1944, 44-573); states that graduates of combat aircrewmen training and/or fleet-designated combat aircrewmen may apply while on temporary duty status and be transferred by selecting commands, without further authority, t o fill assigned quotas. No. 231-Deals with issuance of human plasma and serum albumin to ships, fleet marine force and activities outside continental U. S. No. 232-Provides that Army personnel entitled to payment of expenses for travel aboard naval ships shall have mess bills paid under appropriation Pay Subsistence and Transportation Navy Subhead 12 instead of Naval Working Fund. No. 233-Announces appointment of certain medical officers on active list of regular Navy and Naval Reserve, by name, t o the grade of surgeon with the rank of lieutenant commander. 1945 No. 1-Announces appointment to next higher rank, to rank from 1Jan. 1945, of those lieutenants (junior grade) and ensigns, line and staff corps, on active list of regular Navy

Ramp-Age (ATB, Coronado, Calif.) H e y , Morrissey, a r e you sure you gave m e the right message?

Navy Travel Instructions to provide that officers or enlisted personnel of or under training for NATS are not in whose dates of rank are within 2 Sept. travel status while on duty or training 1943 and 1 Oct. 1943 inclusive, and of those lieutenants (junior grade) and involving flying away from their perensigns, line and staff corps, of Naval manent station. No. 10-Establishes sources from Reserve and Womens Reserve whose dates of commencement of continuous which activities are to be furnished active duty in their respective ranks Identification Discharge Certificates are within the same period; also pro- for use in obtaining reduced one-way vides that Naval Reserve officers or- fares on buses and railroads upon disiginally commissioned in A-V ( N ) charge, release or retirement. classification who meet eligibility reNo. 11-Cancels BuPers Basegram quirements of continuous active duty 302005, June 1942, which authorized specified in this Alnav shall not con- advancement of qualified men to sonarsider such continuous active duty as man and radarman third class without having been interrupted by inactive regard to vacancies in complement, duty (not in excess of one day) oc- authorized advancement to sonarman casioned solely f o r purpose of effect- and radarman second class of qualified ing change in classification. operators to fill vacancies in compleNo. 2-Announces appointment t o ment and authorized advancement of chief warrant rank for temporary ser- qualified sonar school graduates t o vice, to rank from 1 Jan. 1945, of sonarman third class upon graduation. those warrant officers on active list No. 12-States that resignations of of regular Navy whose dates of rank members of regular and reserve Navy are within the period of 2 Sept. 1943 Nurse Corps will not be accepted and to 1 Oct. 1943 inclusive, and of those discharge accomplished solely because warrant officers of Naval Reserve of marriage (see p. 72). whose dates of commencement of conNo. 13-Calls attention to regulatinuous active duty are within same tions forbidding the quoting, verbatim, period. in unclassified orders portions of classNo. 3-States that provisions of Al- ified dispatches. nav 208-44 (NDB, 30 Nov. 1944, 44No. 14-Deals with payment of uni1311) on handling of beer and ale form gratuity (see page 75). shall not apply t o naval hospitals o r No. 15-States that pay accounts of on naval hospital reservations. Marine Corps personnel shall not be No. 4-States that orders t o officers reported on Navy payroll and money involving travel via air wholly out- list and gives instructions for handling side of U. s. should not stipulate per them. diem while in air travel status nor refer to Alnav 166 (which defined airRental-Allowance Rules travel status). No. 5-Provides for submission t o BuMed of finger impressions t o facilitate identification of unknown bodies. Without Dependents No. 6-Calls attention to inadequacy The U. S. Comptroller General has of pipe couplings on some CO2 fire ex- recently held that an officer without tinguishers, Stock No. 58-E-194, and dependents on permanent or temporary directs immediate replacement. duty a t any station within o r without No. 7-Directs forwarding person- the continental U. S., is on field duty nel effects, including valuables, of de- and not entitled to rental allowance ceased and missing personnel of unless his orders specifically say that Navy to OinC Naval Unit Personal he was necessarily required t o procure Effects Distribution Center, Naval quarters a t his own expense. The stateSupply Depot, Clearfield, Utah, from ment that no public quarters are availPacific area and to OinC Naval Sup- able is not sufficient to entitle him to ply Depot, Scotia, N. Y., from Atlan- the allowance. tic area; directs that such effects To eliminate any possible doubt as should not be forwarded to BuPers. to entitlement t o , rental allowafice No. 8-Calls for appIications by 1 where no Government quarters are June 1945 from Marine Corps Reserve available and conditions are such as to aviators for transfer t o regular Ma- require an officer to secure quarters at rine Corps during 1945. Candidates his own exDense. COS have therefore must have been less than 25 years of age upon completion of aviation cadet training and have prospects of com- to include the following recommended pleting by 30 June 1945 not less than statement in the endorsement of such 18 months continuous active service following completion of duty as aviaNo public quarters were available tion cadet. Officers who previously ap- and none were assigned to you from plied but were not selected must re(date) to (date), and during this period you were necessarily required apply. No. 9-Changes definition of travel t o procure quarters a t your own exstatus in Article 2501 ( c ) ( l ) ( c ) of pense.


Page 78

Changes Made i Wave n Uniform Regulations

those based on December 1944 sales. The complete report for 1 April through 31 December 1944 follows:
RECEIPTS A s s e s s m e n t s a n d Residual Funds Received . . . . . . . $1,747,243.58

. .


from the Chief of Naval Personnel, dated 28 Dec. 1944, to all naval activities in the U. S. and Commandant, 14th Naval District, are to be incorDorated in change No. 6 of Uniform Regs, Womens Reserve, USNR. The regulation providing for gilt buttons for CPQs is made effective by the letter. The others go into effect upon issuance of change No. 6.

12-Gauge Shotgun She,?,?S Available for Recreation

By arrangement of BuPers with BuQrd, 12-gauge shotgun shells N ~ 4 . and No. 6 chilled shot a r e now available t o ships purposes. and stations for recreational Procedure for obtaining them was announced by BuPers Circ. Ltr. 392-44 (NDB, 31 Dee., 44-1465). Distribution will be handled entirely by BuPers, and all orders must be forwarded by the CQ t o the Chief of Naval Personnel. Ships and outlying o r isolated bases will be given first call on the limited supply of the shells wherever nossible, after which orders from other naval activities will be filled. C o s are requested to limit their orders to 50 shells per interested man Price is 608 per box of 25. Payment may be made from funds allocated under the appropriation,&<Welfare and under the appropriation, Welfare and Recreation, Navy, from funds availfrom non-appropriated ship o r station welfare funds. Since the shells require special packing and shipping, ample time should be allowed f o r delivery, and all orders e should be placed well in advance.

accorded. In a letter to Secretary of the Navy Forrestal, in which the revised Policy was made known, Brig. Gen. Frank T. Hines, Administrator of Veterans Affairs, advised that applications should be made on Form 350a, which should be returned to the Veterans Administration, Washington 25, D. c. If a. new application is completed, a new allotment should be registered with the officer having custody of the pay accounts to provide for payment. of premiums. The month of first payment of the allotment must be the month prior to effective date, Since premiums are paid in advance. Thus, if allotment is deducted in February, Policy becomes effective in March. All individuals whose applications had been rejected will be notified.


. . . . .. . .. . ..


Total Disbursements $392,459.25 Cash a n d Investments in r ~s. . Securities on hand 31 Dee. 1944 * .. . .. . . $1,418,601.30 -

.. ... .. . . .. .


~~l~~~~ Sheet-31 December 1 9 4 4 ASSETS Cash and Investments in U. S. $1,418,601.30 ing .$325,290.88 Less Loan Remit~ ~ ~ ~ . ~800.00 l ~


. ... ......

Net L o a n s Outstanding . Total Assets




LIABILITIES s u ~ ~ $ ~ ~ .::p f :~ ~ $1,743,092.18 ~ u ~ { ) In the event of dissolution of the Fund. ~ ~ ~ ~ contributors. Verifled b y the Auditing Board and F o u n d Correct. (Signed)

Quarterly SikZtement Shows ~ i ~ Aid ~ ~ to ~ i

~ ~ gs $ b~ ~ ~ , t % ~ ~ $ \ (Signed) T. J. 0 BRIEN, Capt., USN Director of Welfare Bureau of Naval Personnel Senior Administrator Ships Service Contingent Fund 15 January 1 9 4 5

Ships Service Activities

Principal Use O the Ships Service f Contingent Fund since its establishmerit in 1944 has been lending money to new ships service activities, chiefly afloat, according t o the quarterly report submitted last month t o the Chief of Naval Personnel by the senior administrator of the fund* The fund was established by BuPers c k . Ltr. 117-44 (NDB, 30 April 1944, 44-498) as a means of protecting commanding officers and the Navy against financial difficulties arising Out O liquidation of ships service acf tivities ashore and afloat, and to provide for aid and assistance generally t o ships service activities. Receipts consist of money left upon liquidation of ships service departments ashore and of remittances ships service departments. The percentage remittances, however, have been temporarily suspended following

&k,FHEALY.) g7Ret H. T.
Lt. Cdr. (SC). USNR

Certain Cases with History

Veterans Administration will now, in certain cases, accept applications for Government insurance where evidence

Page 79



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