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All Hands Naval Bulletin - Apr 1943

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APRIL 1943



USN The Chief of Naval Personnel REAR ADMIRAL L E. DENPELD, USN . The Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel

Table o f Contents

The Navys Growth in Fiscal 1942. . . . . . . Excerpts of SecNav Fiscal 1942 Report. ... .One Subs War Against the Japs. . . . . . . . .. The U. S. S. Oregon is Scrapped. . . . . . . Guarding the Navys Eyes................. Solomons. Battles Get Names. . . . . . . . . . . . Action in the South Pacific. . . . . . . . . . . . . . V-Mail Gets Through-Always! ......... Eighty-Three Days on a Life Raft . . . . . . . . Combat P h o s Unit Set Up.. . . . . . . . . . . . . The War Around the World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legislative Matters. .................... New Navy, Coast Guard Equipment. . : . . . The Navys Short-Wave Programs. . . . . . . . Quarters and Family Allowances. . . . Scrap From the Battle Fronts. . . . . . . . . . . . : The Destroyer Escort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Casualty Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medals, Decorations, and Awards. . . . . . . . BuPers Bulletin Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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12 13 16 18 20 21 24 26 28 30 31 32



This magazine is published monthly Washington, in D. C., by the Public Relations Division of the Bureau of Naval Personnel for the information and interest of the Naval Service as a whole. Because copies cannot be furnished all personnel individuallyat present, it isrequested that eachcopybegivenaswide a It issuggested that readers circulationaspossible. pass along their copieswhenthey are finished. To further publicize the contents, ship and station papers maydesire to reprint pertinentmaterial from the Bulletin.activities keepBureau All should the informed ofhowmanycopias arerequired.While the Bulletin published is for the guidance of the Service, the authorityfor all informationcontained hereinis the particular order or directive on which the informationis based. Articles of general interest may be forwarded to the Editor via official channels.

I FISCAL 1942, Secretary Knox N reported, nearly

$7,000,000,000 was appropriated for aviatiom


. . . while the Nauy superwised alz 8-billion lend-lease

program, half of which



The Navys Growth in Fiscal 1942

Secretary Knoxs Annual Report Reveals Fleet will Be Permanently Enlarged
force will be in active service before the end of 1945, fully 2 years ahead of schedule, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox revealed in Marchinhisannualreporttothe President. Previously it had been expected that at least some of the new warships might notbe ready for combat until 1946 or 1947. Under the impact of unprecedented war, the Secretary of the Navy said, fiscal 1942 (period of time covered by the report) dissipated all previously conceived beliefs that a two-ocean Navy would be enough. Now it is realized that no Navy will be sufficient which permits less than the most ships and planes equipped with the hardest hittingweapons and manned by the best trained officers and men, in any area throughout the world where enemy forces may be met. Secretary Knox stated that the war had justified the ,combatmethods upon which the long-range planning of United Statesnaval aviation for years had been based. He continued that a vast program for the construction and conversion of

HE Navys seven-sea fighting

new aircraft carriers gave promise of on order, and $812,728,915worth delivered and paid for. the realization of these plans-the About 3,000 contracts and suppleachievement of the strongest striking force in thehistory of naval warfare. mentary agreements were awarded for shore construction, amounting to T h e Statistics $1,871,724,000. An additional $752,The Navy, duringthe fiscal year 431,000 was available for prospective spent or com- contracts at theclose of the year and ending June 30, 1942, mitted itself to spend $31,890,136,780, legislation to provide $794,634,000was pending in Congress. Navy ordnance alone spending more than $2,000,000,000-a 550 percent inThe Led-Lease Program crease over the previous year, the report stated. Under Navy supervision, an $8,000Private yards building Navy ships 000,000 lend-lease program, including a $3,900,000,000 shipbuilding program, increased from 108 to 293; theauthorized quota for planes was jumped- most of which was well under way from 15,000to 27,500,and the number before the year ended,was carried out, of pilots went from 4,525 to 11,240. the Secretary reported. The report showed that 235,378 The Navy procurement branch, Mr. more civilianswere hired, making a Knox said, on receiving authority in total of 462,388 civilian workers, in- March, 1942,from the War Production cluding industrial workers in plants Board to clear contracts, hadreviewed and shipyards. in the ensuing four months 3,222 conI n general terms, nearly $8,700,- tracts totaling $8,887,090,000. The 000,000 was Approved for ships during procurement branch was able to exthe year and also for defense installa- pand sources of supply, effect savings tions, while nearly $7,000,000,000 went in costs and save criticalmaterials for naval aviation. The aviation by revising specifications. Battleship building included launchprogram was analyzed as follows: $6,989,444,100inauthorizations: $3,- ing of the 35,000-ton Massachusetts 941,522,399 for aircraft and facilities andIndianaand commissioning of

Page 2

. . . and

two more 35,000-ton battleships of the class of the North Carolina (photo) werelaunched

.. .

. . . as the Nauys efforts were concentrated on fighting


proved by Congress soon afterthe European war began. The over-all ship production program was scheduled for completion in 1947, he continued, but speeded up construction has broken all previous records, and it is now expected that, except for some large units upon which work has been suspended due to material shortages and the length of time required to build, the entire authorized tonnage will have been commissioned and into put active service before the close of 1945. In the early months of the war in the Atlantic, Mr. Knox stated, the Navys ability to escort convoys was taxed to the utmost and that situation provided the opportunity for Axis submarines to inflict serious losses on coastwise shipping in American waters. These high merchant vessel losses were sustained up to the end of the fiscal year, by whichtime, however, the rush-production of antisubmarine vessels-both aid and surfacebegan to produce results.

Massachusetts, Indiana, and South Dakota, with theAlabama rapidly nearing completion.

TheSecretary of the Navy noted that the 1942 fiscal year had marked the end of the first six months of war, bittermonths in thechagrin over Pearl Harbors disaster on December
7, 1941.

He went on to relate how the Navy had won the victories of the Coral Sea and Midway Island and how the Japanese had lost their big chance to establish themselves closer to continental United States at the battle of Midway. The enemyslosses, including fouraircraftcarriers, were crippling, he stated. It would not be possible to overemphasize the value and the valor of naval aviations contribution to these first six months of the war, Mr. Knox continued. n Years of planning and training i naval aviationpaid dividends when they were most needed as our fliers and Marine their Corps comrades smashed the Japs bid to cash in on his PearlHarbor success by establishing himself menacingly closer to continental United States.

The Submarine War Mr. Knox reviewed the streamlining of thecentral naval command after Pearl Harbor, when the Commander in Chief of the United States Fleet was put in supreme command of all operating forcesof all the fleets.

Swept into asubmarine warfare of unprecedented viciousness, Secretary Knox said,theSeaFrontier forces fought with every available weapon and laid thefoundationin new building and new methods for the time when enemy submarines would be forced far out to sea and our coastwise traffic lanes would be almost immune from attack. Looking toward the post-war era, Mr. Knox stated that the Navy did not plan to shrink back to pre-war dimensions. He said that the civilian force wouldbe reduced to a level comparable with the needs of the departmentinthe exercise ?f itsnormal functions, but this is not to infer that we shall be able to return to the old low levels of 1938. Thedepartment must be guided in its plans for post-war retrenchment by the requirements of a permanently enlarged fleet, the Navy secretary said. All the Navys efforts, Mr. &ox said, have been concentrated on producing that total adequacy to fight and win whathe called thefourdimensional war of our enemys choosing-land, sea, air, the and blending of them all intotheamphibious. In the last two years, he noted, the construction of 5,675,000 tons of naval craft has been authorized, in addition to some small increases ap-

New-Model Planes Declaring that naval aviation became of age as this nation was suddenly plunged into a global war that has proved for all time the importance of air power in modern combat, Mr. Knox reported that new and improved models of all types of planes (Continued on page 34) Page 3

Excerpts from SecNav Fiscal 1942 Report

The following are direct quotations from Secretary Knox's report: The average age of new recruits for 18.69 years. the Regular ,Navywas The average age of enlisted men accepted for theNaval Reserve was 24.17 years. An adequate supply of pilots for the growing air force was supplied by theestablishment of aviation preflight schools at four colleges, and the operation of 15 naval reserve air bases providing primary flight training, two intermediate flight training stations, and 14 operational training centers. During the coming' academic year study of the Russian andJapanese languages will be added to the curriculum of the Naval Academy. The outstanding work of the naval radio stationat Corregidor should not go unnoticed. Until captured by the enemy it provided continuous communications between that place, the United States, and fleet units. The program has resulted in a gratifying surplus of applicants for Reserve commissions. There has been no difficulty in obtaining a sufficient number of specialists such as medical, dental, supply, civil engineer, and chaplain corps personnel, and of officers for line duty.

The issuance of ocean pilot charts to lifeboats was begun at the start The war has thrown upon the of the war by the Hydrographic Office to improve chances of rescue of surHydrographic Office such ademand vivors of torpedoings and other shipforairand navigation chartsthat wrecks. One of these charts is now, outputfor one month now exceeds that for any two former years in the by law, kept in every lifeboat of merSixty-five million words were sent history of the Navy. The Office chant and navalvessels. or received during the fiscal year by printed more than 13,000,000 charts Navy radio, Washington, 22 percent of and miscellaneous publications durAlthough the Navy is operating in which was for other Government de- ing the fiscal year. all parts of the world, in all climates, partments. I n view of the critical The commissioning of officers from and under the stresses of war, the . materials needed in the telephone incivilian life has been speeded up by health of the Navy in general has been dustry, every effort has been made to changing the method by which appli- exceptionally good. This is due in economize onthe number of newly cations handled. are The procure- part, no doubt, to thecareful physical leased telephone and teletype lines ment program was removed from the selection of the officers and men of which war conditions have necessithe Navy, and to constant efforts in supervision of thecommandantsin tated. the naval districts and placed directly the field of preventive medicine. During the year arrangements were under the supervision of the Bureau made with other Government depart- of Naval Personnel. Naval officer.proThe venereal disease rate is the ments and agencies to provide in- curement offices were established in lowest inthe history of the Navy. struction inconversational Spanish to each naval district in accessible loca(Comtinued om page 34) of tions in the centers population. Navy officers.

USN, 26, of Beaumont, Tex., had the deck, and they were surfaced, gliding through night, Jap the in waters. Presently there was a deepening of the blackness,in one direction. As Mendenhall watched it, it moved * * *. He let out a yellyou could hear all over the ship! Lieutenant Commander Chappell related. He said he had a ship-and he did! As the submarines qaptain apologetically put it they were young and foolish then, and unschooled in the ways of combat.They got two torpedoes into the ship, but the Jap maneuvered around, and managed to get away.

He Just Dropped His Nose

The submarine continued into port -and there they heard, for the first time, the fact of Pearl Harbor, and the way the war had been going those first couple of months. They left port in a black mood. They found the next Japanese ship a t 10 oclock one morning. At first we thought wed take a shot a t him right away, Lieutenant Commander Chappell said.But we couldnt get in position. He was on a regular patrol. We simply went to the spot where we figured hed be a t 5 oclock, and waited till 5 oclock. Sure enough, therehe was. We keptour bow on him untiltherange was right,and put a salvo of torpedoes into him. He just dropped his nose quietly under and sank. We dug down deep and got out. Butthey didnt go far. They believed there were big things cooking inside the bay, because the Japs were maintaining a strict vigil. Next dayLieutenant Commander Chappell,his eyeglued to the periscope and the periscope glued to the harbor entrance, was elated to see a big transport come steaming out. Thetransport was fast, however, andthesubmarine couldnt get in position for a solid shot. Thetorpedoes were launched, but missed. The Japs sent out a half a dozen boats after us, but we gaveem the slip, Lieutenant Commander Chappel1 said. It was dead certain, now, that if the force inside the bay could dispatch a fleet of destroyers tostalk asingle submarine, there were things still in there worth waiting for.

CARRYING the flag that bears replicas of Japanese flags for each enemy ship suak by his sub, Lt. Comdr. Lucius H . Chappell grins upon reaching home port.
CommanderChappellretiredtohis cabin and went to bed. Early in the morning, while it was yet very dark, thebluejacket on watch came down to the officer of the decks station and handed that officer a dispatch. The bluejacket said, Excuse me, sir-youd betterreadthis immediately. His voice was queer. The officer of the, deck took the disit. Japanese atpatch read and tacked Pearl Harbor this date. Exe* * *. cute orders The execution, as Lieutenant Commander Chappell described itlater, was a masterpiece of simplicity. We got to hell and gone out of there.
first weeks must have been fierce. Beyond the bare knowledge thatthe war was on, and the basic instructions necessary to carry out his mission, he knew nothing whatever of what was going on. The exigencies of the situation made silence imperative, andthe only news sourcehis submarine could tap was Radio Tokio, which, he suspected correctly, occasionally strayed from theunvarnished truth.

,The ShadowMoved Lieutenant Commander Chappell wont admit it for a minute, but those Page 6

When the subrharine had sunk the impressive total of 10 Jap cargo ships and three warships, Lieutenant Commander Chappell looked back a t those early months and flicked them aside as quiet duty-really no fun at all. A t the time, though, it didnt seem so quiet. There was that first contact. Lt. Corwin G . Mendenhall,

A few nights later, a procession of three ships came out under the watchful submarine periscope. An aircraft carrier, with the cruisers guardingher flanks. The submarine closed in for the attack. But the carrier, like the transport of a few days before, was churning the sea with all the might of her huge engines, and before the submarine could move into position . she was safely by. But one of the cruisers swept by in easy range, and Lieutenant Commander Chappell put his bow toward her and launched fish. The explohis sions shivered the submarine as two of the torpedoes connected. The cruiser didnt go down, but she was clearly in deep trouble as shemade off.

rrAs a Hound Poimts a Pheasamt

Lieutenant Commander Chappell, watching through the periscope, noticed that the threebig ships, instead of taking after him, scattered and fled in different directions, clearly anxious to get on their way. This, to a naval officer,was significant. It meant an operation was under way of such magnitude that a lone submarine could be written off as relatively of no importance. The submarines skipper nosed his boat back toward the harbor entrance. He didnt have long to wait. A detroyer soon came speeding out of the harbor,thenanother,andanother. There were six of them, all in a row. Lieutenant Commander Chappell then committed what he considers a grave strategical error. Heclosed in for an attack on the destroyers, and thereby missed a chance of the kind submarine men dream about. He was getting ready to pick off one of the destroyers when it spotted him. The destroyer pointed himas a hound BEARDS were worn after submarines long voyage by C. W . Thompson, TM2c, Tacoma, Wash., left;G . H .BOOS, M l c , Golconda, Ill., right. T points a pheasant, and the whole pack of destroyers bore down on him. The submarinesubmerged. And then, said Lieutenant Commander Chappell, Ihad probably the bitterest disappointment of my life. For as they lay there,inertand barely buoyant, with their presence known and six destroyers waiting for the first sign of her on the surface, theyheardthethrob of propellors muchheavier than any destroyerlouder and louder untilthey must have been directly overhead, then dying in the distance. Again they came, MORE OF THE CREW: Left t o right, J. W . Donaldson, TMI 28, Youngsc, and again and again. towm, Neu.; L. P . Larsom, TM3c, 21, N e w Brightom, Mimm.; Hemry VamAn entire Jap battle force passed Beest, S2c, 22, Fulda, Mimm.; R. L.DeMomge, TM2c, 21, Fayetteville, by them as they lay there and Ohio; R. 0 . Wyatt, GMSc, 23, Los Angeles, Calif.; Philip Dolatz, T M ~ c , couldnt move a muscle! When they Kings Park, Long Island, . Y . N

got to the surface, the fleet was gone, though every time hed touch anything a blue arc of current would and the bay was empty. snap out. Why he wasnt electroThe submarine moved on toanother position, surfacing by night, cuted, Ill never know. But he got it fixed up, and quick. For that piece skulking about by day with just the tip of the periscope out of the water, of work, he was promoted from chief watching and waiting and hoping. petty officer to warrant officer. There followed a session in which They saw an occasional small craft, nothing worth squanderingtorpedoes nothing exciting happened for a long time. They got down totheirlast on. torpedo, and went intoporttoreOne day a power line went deadfell snapped in two by vibration. The stock, came out again, and in with trouble was located in a live-wire a convoy of three ships. They sank control panel. There were two ends one and left another ina highly critiof a live wire dangling loose, ready to cal condition. spit 240 volts of jolting current on . Lookouts All Over the Ship contact. A few days later the submarine was But emergency repairs had to be in the South China Sea. The weather made immediately, Lieutenant Commander Chappell said. Somebody was calm and beautiful and a convoy had to go in there and work on that of three ships was plowing along unlive circuit. The man who volun- der themidafternoon sky. The unnose around and teered was my chief electricians derseas craft got her mate, John JosephPepersack, 42 of ,put a couple of torpedoes intothe big hole in Baltimore, Md. Without the least lead ship. They ripped a her side but didnt stor, her engines. hesitation he hopped into that panby, el-went right into it bodily. I was The submarine watched her @ass watching allthe time. It looked as (Comtimued om page 35)

Page 7

Back t o the wars: T h e U.S. S. rrOregon/ famed10,000ton battlship of the Spanish-American War, as she was towed by t w o stern-wheelers from Portland,

"Press Association.

Oreg., to Kalama,Wash.,where she i s being dismantled for scrap. Below, amast i s removed.

"official U. S. Navy Photographs.

ABOARD SHIP: Good eyes meansafety.

Guarding the Navy's Eyes

Above, and On-Even Under-the Sea, 2 0 / 2 0 Vision Is a Priceless Asset
essential to the efficiency of naval personnel. Whether it be watch duty, gunnery, computation, instrument readfng, machine work, or study in preparation for any of these orother navalduties,ability to see quickly and accurately and without undue strain to the visual apparatus is an almost continuous requirement. Candidates for the Navy aretherefore carefully selected with visual efficiency playing an important part inthe selective process. To realize the extent of this selection one need only visualize a group of 200,000 male industrial workers who are desirous of enlisting in theUnited States Navy. Upon examination of that group it is very likely that over 40 percent would have to be rejected because of diminished vision alone. Naval personnel must then consider themselves a selected group, endowed by nature with much better than average eyesight, and engazed in a type of work. which, though very demanding upon the eyes, nevertheless provides a well-balanced combination of close eye work alternating with periods of q'istant vision which should make the qlaintenance of nor-

OOD vision i.s absolutely

often seems to give temporary relief. The secondary result of such rubbing This article was prepared esis, pecially for the INFORMATION however, very apt to be increased congestion, infection of the conjuncBULLETIN by the Bureau of tivae with virus or bacteria, or infecMedicine and Surgery. mal vision perfectly possible quite late into life. The obvious duty of the individual is to protect andsafeguard in every way possible the eyesight with which he was so fortunately endowed, and for which the Navy has such urgent need.

Safeguarding Against Inf ections and Intoxications

The virus that causes keratoconjunctivitis, the virus that causes trachoma, the gonococcus which causes gonorrhea, and a host of other agents associated with colds, boils, grippe, and pneumonia may under a variety of conditions contaminate our hands. Transfer of these infections tothe eyes through the process of rubbing the eyes with the hands is a definite and preventable hazard.Itching of the eyelids and eyeballs is a very commoneye strain symptom and to rub the eyes when theyitchandburn

tion of the lid borders with staphylococci which produce pustules or generalized infection all along the edges of the .lids. Rubbing of the eyes with unwashed hands should be definitely avoided. If, however, the burning and itching are such as to demand action the use of boric acid eyewash in an eye cup or the use of clean cold water applied with clean hands to the closed lids will often give relief without any accompanying danger from infection. The relief from styes andother lid infections which so frequently follows the fitting of the eyes to a pair of glasses is very likely the result not only of reducing the eye strain and therefore the itching and the tendency to rub the eyes but also it is the result of having over the eyes in theform of the new glasses something that acts as a continuous deterrent to the eye-rubbing habit. Not all infections of the eye are the result, however, of transmission by hands. Viruses and bacteria are ofttimes present in themoisture droplets



Page 9

CLOSE W O R K shouldbe avoided whem eyes are tired.

coughed and sneezed into atthe mosphere. At one time we assumed that all such moisture droplets would quite promptly sink to the ground or floor and be no longer dangerous. Recent studies have shown, however, that those droplets less than 0.1 millimeter in diameter, underordinary atmospheric conditions, will often evaporate off their moisture before falling the height of a man. The remaining droplet nuclei may contain many thousandbacteria.or viruses and yet be light enough to float in the air for several hours or even days. Lighting upon the conjunctivae of the eye or the mucous membrane of a nose and throat such droplet nuclei with their contained infectious agents will be met, it is true, by tears and mucus which are antiseptic in their action, but the possibility of infection is undoubtedly a real one and points to the necessity forgeneral observance of the hygienic rule to catch. all coughs and sneezes in ones handkerchief. When infections occur in the eye in spite of precautions against them a visit to the medical officer should be promptly made and an accurate diagnosis established if possible. While many of these infectionsare comparatively benign and short-livedall of them call for certain temporary limitations in the of the eyes whilethey use are congested, many of them can be definitely hurried in their cure by the use of specific metallic salts, some (such as pneumococcus and gonococcus infections) tend to produce perforating ulcers in the cornea followed by permanent scarring, and a t least one (trachoma) tends to cloud the cornea and form bothersome granulations unless promptly and properly treated. Various drugs are known to have a selective and specific toxic effect upon the retina of the eye. Though the list

FOR NIGHT VZSZON, eat carrots, spimach, fish, milk.

of such drugs is a long one including chloral, iodoform, carbon disulphide, wood alcohol, cannabis indica, and others, the two that are of greatest importance are ethyl alcohol and nicotine. These two taken over a period of years in the form alcoholic of beverages and tobacco chewed or smoked, have been found to act together in certainpersons over 35 years of age to cause first dimness of vision, and then loss of the red-green color vision and eventually even more severe handicapping of vision. In view of the fact that thealcohol and tobacco tend to produce their first toxic effects upon that part of each retina which is the seat of highest visual activity, it is obvious that naval personnel, particularly on sea duty, cannot afford to use either alcohol or tobacco in large quantities or to experiment to find their limits tolerance. of

DARK GLASSES cut glare of the sea.

Safeguardimg Agaimst Imdustrial Eye Hazards If we define blindness as theinability to count fingers held three feet awayfrom the eyes, it has been estimated that there are approximately 100,000 blind persons in the United States. Of these 100,000 blind, approximately 15 percent are blinded as theresult of industrial accidents. The greatest hazard far is that of by flying particles striking in the and eye lodging on or imbedding in thecornea. Chips from emery wheels are aptto be red hotandtherefore sterile when they strike. The chief danger of such chips then is that in their attempted removal by a fellow worker who has dirty hands and perhapsonly a tooth pick or thecorner of a far-from-sterile handkerchief to work with, infection is introduced which will lead to ulceration, perforation, inflammation of the eyeball, and even total loss of the eye. Such foreign bodies should be

removed only with sterile instruments and underasepticprecautions. Chips . from thehead of a cold chisel or from any small hand tool that mushrooms are more dangerous than chips from emery wheels, first because they are not sterile when they strike, second because oxidation of either steel or brass particles results in the formation of products that are irritating and tend toward ulder formation. Chips of stone or splinters of wood are very apt to carry infection with them and they also offer the disadvantage of not being removable by the use of the electromagnet. Glass particles tend to be difficult to see, but they exert surprisingly little irritative action. Splashing liquids such as acids, alkalies, and molten metals are hazardous to the eyes. Particularly to be guarded against are the alkalies which tend to penetrate and spread out in the cornea, thus causing in turn large dense scars in the healing process and permanent interference with vision. Radiant energy in the form of heat rays or infrared rays is absorbed by the aqueous and vitreous humor and does not reach the retina of the eye. It does, however, penetrate both the cornea and lens. Over exposure of the eyes to such radiant energy from hot glass or metals if continued may result in the formationof permanent opacities or cataracts in thecornea or lens. Theshorterrayssuch as the roentgen rays, or the ultraviolet rays produced by the electric arc or quartzmercury lampstend to set up an acute conjunctivitis which in most instances subsides without permanent damage. Such is not always the case, however. The prevention of these industrial eye hazards consists in placing a suitable screeningdevice between the hazard and the eye. Where possible, the screen should be placed on the ma-

Page I O

Solomons Battles Get Names

Results of S i x M o n t h s Campaign Are Summarized
N THE MAP are shown the six main battles of the Solomons. Besides the big shows, there were seven little ones-all at the end of January or the first week in February: 7a, airandsurface, Rennell Islands,January 29-30; b7, airand surface, Northern Solomons, February 1; c7, air and surface, south of Savo Island, February 1; d7, air, PT boat, and surface, Cape Esperance, Pebruary 1; e7, air and surface,Kolombangara Islands, February 2; f7, air and surface, south of Choiseul, February 4; 87, airandsurface, off Rendova Island,February 7. These scattered engagements preceded and accompanied the final collapse o f Japanese resistance on Guadalcanal. What the Solomons campaign has

meant to us, and what it has meant to the enemy, is told in the Navy Department tabulations below: Battle of Savo Island, night of August 8-9,1942-United States: Three cruisers sunk; Japanese: unknown. Battle of the Eastern Solomons, August 23-25, 1942-United States: None; Japanese: damage to one battleship, two aircraft carriers, several cruisers, one destroyer, one transport, and four miscellaneous. Battle of Cape Esperance, October 11-12, 1942-United States: One destroyer sunk; damage to two cruisers; Japanese: four cruisers, four destroyers sunk; one destroyer probably sunk; one cruiser damaged. Battle of Santa Cruz Islands, October 26, 1942-United States: One aircraft carrier and one destroyer sunk.

Japanese: Damage to one battleship, three carriers, five cruisers. Battle of Guadalcanal, November 13-15, 1942 -United States: Two cruisers and seven destroyers sunk. Japanese: Two battleships, eight cruisers, six destroyers,eight transports, and fourcargo ships sunk; two battleships, one cruiser, seven destroyers damaged. Battle of Lunga Point, November 30-December 1, 1942-United States: One cruiser sunk; other vessels damaged. Japanese: Two large destroyers, four destroyers, two troop transports and one cargo ship sunk. Scattered Naval Actions, January 29-February 7 , 1943-United States: One cruiser, one destroyer, and three (Continued &z page 36)

Page 12

Official U. S. Alarine Corps Il~otograghs.

Sleep-Extra Ration:One U. S. Marinefighter pilot on Guadalcanal catches 40 winks while the catchircg is good. Other airmerc play cards while waiting for reports of l a p bombers approachiwg.
in November andset up positions under Jap shell fire, has been credited with neutralizing 20 Jap guns, with hits on three more; with demolishing six enemy ammunition and gasoline dumps, and with destroying or damaging a number of Jap roads and bridges. There is no way to determine thenumber of enemy troops killed by the blastof the shells. Big United States guns like these are prime objectives for the Millimeter Mikes (Jap artillery),Washing Machine Charleys (Jap night bombers), and snipers. Inthetradition of artillerymen, these lads write messages on their shells. Typical: A Red Hot Mamma for Yokohama, With Bursting Japs Love-To Tojo, Kiss the Goodby, From Mike to Mikado. when a,bunch of Japs made for a new airport the Skabees were constructing-and let me say right here that those Navy construction boys are tough cookies. We s c a t t e r e d 4 5 of us-and I found myself with a buddy who carried an automatic rifle; I had a machine gun. Separatedthe from others, we started back cautiously. At dusk we crawled behind a big log, huggingour weapons. A group of Japs came along the trail, stopped at thelog, and held what sounded like an auction, right above us. Finally they sat down on the log to continue the discussion. I had a grenadein each hand, my fingers hooked in the pins. If they found us, I intended to letthem have one of the grenades, and lie on the other-Marines Just dont surrender to Japs. But finally they went away, and we spent a sleepless night behind the log. Traveling adjacent to thetrail the next day, the two of us came to a clearing where we were ambushed by about 16 Japs. My buddy was mor7 in tally wounded. I was hitthe elbow, but carried on. As I passed close to themone Jap threw a grenade and shrapnel lodged in my legs and face. Nothing more of any consequence happened to me, but it took

Science i w the Jungle: A pharmacists mate in an improvised laboratory OH. Guadalcalzal.

five days more traveling to get back. In discussing earlier experiences, Pennington said: Our second day on the island found us closing with some Japs along the Tenaru River, knocking out three of their machine-gun nests, and killing 17 without losing a man ourselves. I remember Pvt. Lenny Barnes (of Emporium, Pa.). He was so sick from so much marching he couldnt stand up to fight when we got back to the Tenaru. So between spasms, sitting withhis back against a tree, Lenny traded shots withsnipers, and clipped them off right and left. We took a trip up the beach past the Matanikau River, landed, and made our way to the top of a hill. We were to fill-in the gap between a Marine raider outfit and a rifie group. When we got there, we couldnt make contact, found and ourselves right above an aggregation of about 2,000 Japs.There were 452 of us. The raiders on 0-ne side and the Marines on theother were shelling those Japs. So was a destroyer at sea. We were so near to theJaps that the shells from those Marine outfits were landing too close forcomfort. Moreover, there were fearsthat we would be surrounded by the Japs. One private threw,off his pack and I I

500 Yards, 500 Japs

San Diego, Calif.-Pvt. Orville E. Pennington, USMC, 19, of Columbus, Ohio, is recovering a t naval hospital here from wounds sustained on Guadalcanal. Alone in the jungle, wounded in the face, legs, and arms, Pennington traveled five days to get back to his unit after a lone companion was killed in an ambush. Said Pennington: I was wounded

Page 14

Official U. S. Marine Corps lhotoqraph.

T h e Emd of an Epic: After mopaths of fightiwg,

U. S. Marimes, relieved by the Army, leaveGuadalcalzal.


dashed through the Japlines, ran 500 yardstothe beach and swam 200 yards to the destroyer to ask its commander to hold his fire because we were coming through. Master Gunnery Sgt. Roy Fowel, Kinston, N. C., one of the best mortar men in the Corps, knocked off his destruction of the rice bags, and we sailed into them, bayonets fixed. What a run that was to the beach. Five hundred yards, and we made it through half a thousand Japs in15 minutes.

Do something about that

One at a Time

ugly, the colonel told Graddick.

The Colonels Dog

This is a tale about a Marine sergeant-a veteran of 11 years service in China, Cuba, Panama, the Philippines, Hawaii, Iceland, Nicaragua, Guam, and the Solomons-and about a mongrel named Zarro. The dog was presented to the colonel on Guadalcanal. The colonel sent it to Sergeant Russel Graddick with instructions to keep it and feed him fresh meat twice a day. Fresh meat? Graddick asked. Yes,replied the colonels messenger, the Colonel said that Zarro had to have fresh meat twice a day. Graddick fed the dog corned beef. Eventually, the dogs baying at the moon at night got on the colonels nerves.

The sergeant saluted returned and Soldiers of Nippon. tohisregular duties, considering theThis is a superior private who was taken prisoner yesterday by problem of Zarro. United States forces. I have He had a previous reputation for received excellent food, cigaresourcefulness getting in things rettes and the kindest treatment done. He went outandcaptured a imaginable. The N i p p o n e s e Japanese truck when no other vehicle forces in this valley are surwas available, and he had been orrounded by American forces. dered to get a truckload of gravel. You haveno chance of escape. And when he had been told that The Americans appeal to you some tents had to be put up and no to surrender and assureyou that manpower was available, he rounded you will be given kind and generup some Solomon Islanders and got ous treatment. them to work for nothing, fascinating If, you wish to surrender come them so with his gesticulations that forward one a t a time toward the they offered him the job of village American lines with your hands chief. up and your palmsforward. D O not try to enter these lines toAs for Zarro: night but do so a t any time beNobody in the regiment wanted the tween daybreak and 10 oclock dog, so he shouldered it and went tomorrow morning. to the bivouac area of a neighboring Over our loudspeakers set up in the regiment. He politely stopped the first junior officer walking by, clicked wilderness of Guadalcanal these Japto attention, saluted and announced: anese words rang through the jungle over a half-mile radius. Sir, withthe compliments of ColoThis prisoner, a superior privatenel.-. _ a rank between private first class and The dazed officer took the dog, and corporal-had been captured by gasped: United States soldiers. Plied with Did the colonel say what td with Warm food andcigarettes,he do soon the . . . the . . . fellow? abandoned his suspicions and fears. When he volunteered the informaYes, sir, replied the sergeant. tion that he was certain many Jap Zarro is to be given fresh meat twice (Comtimued om page S9) a day.
~~~ ~ ~ ~~

Page 15

How V-Mailworks:Left, stack of lettersphotographedNavy i s cocnstantly increasing nUm&er of V-mail makes roll of f l the i m size of that ita girls hand. statioms. Right, V-Mail s ecnlarged upocn reaching destination. i

V-Mail Gets Through-Always!

Score of New StationsIndicates New Service Proven Has Itself
ACILITIES for sending' V-mail to carried by ships, trains, and Planes. To reach men overseas and on shiM n a v a l personnel s c a t t e r e d throughoutthe world are being the V-letter is photographed on miexpanded,with 20 newly assembled crofilm. A roll of film that carries V-mail stations waiting a t ports of 1,800 letters is small and easily transported by air. Once overseas, the letembarkation to be shipped abroad. At the same time means of receiv- ter is reproduced, enlarged, and sent ing suchmail at remote foreign points on its way within a few hours. have been broadened with the development of small, portable machines, to develop and print from V-mail Why V-Mail negatives, that can be set up quickly in isolated areas. Should Be Used Thegreatly increasednumber of January In 1943: 61,202 men a t Navy shore establishments pounds of airmail were transand on ships has complicated the ported by steamship from the problems of mail delivery. ApproWest coast to Pacific islands; priate steps have been taken by the 8,149 pounds of air mail were Navy Department to see that letters transported by steamship from are promptly delivered and packages the East coast to England. of handled with the least amount conIn February 1943:25,724 fusion and delay. pounds of airmail were trans-. The use of V-mail cuts down the ported by steamship from the carrying weight about 98 percent for West coast to Pacific islands: overseas mail and 40 percent for mail 4,429 pounds of air mail were within the country. Extensive utilitransported by steamship from zation of V-mail will greatly aidin the the Eastcoast to England. solution of the problem as it will mean That is how much air mail is will receive thatthe flghting men sent beyond the capacity of their personal mail abroad by air inplanes to carryit. stead of waiting for surface ships. It will also relieve the heavy mail burden

Other notes onNavy mail: Parcel-post packages destined for men overseas and aboard shipwill be accepted up to5 pounds and not more 36 than 15 inches in length and inches girth combined, only inlengthand one such parcelper man being acceptable in one week. Second- and third-class matter such as advertising circulars will not be forwardedto men overseas. Perishable parcel post is not accepted. Improperly addressed letters to soldiers and sailers are causing needless confusion. Known as nixies these straying letters delay the mails and fail to reach their destination. All nixies endupinthe.dead-letter office of the Bureau. A good address, which will speed mail into the hands of .the man who is eager tohearfrom home should include: 1 f i l l name, . including middle name. 2. Rank or rating. 3. Serial number (enlisted men). 4. F u l l name or number of ship or unit. One of the highly desirable features of V-mail, in addition to its speed and conservation of va1uab.e space, is that

Page 16

the original letters are confidentially retained until a clearance is received from the receiving station. If the film is not received, another film can be made. Thus V-mail always gets through-it cannot be lost. Another fact of importance is t h a t because theselettersare so minute andthe space and weight required to transport them is so small that a n unlimited volume can be handled and because of their size they receive priority over all mail except that designated as official. In certain type planes now carrying M REACH OUR L ! OVERSEAS, THE V-MIL lETTER IS PHOTCORAPHED ofl E ! mail overseas, approximately 60,000 ?.ZCRO-FIUI. THE ROLL O LIICRD-FILM W I C H CA.9RIES THIS LETTER AND F SOL% 1800 OTHERS IS VERY SK4LI. AN3 CAN EASILY BE TRAIISFURTED O y E R s E l l s letters represent a normal load. X AIR. OI!CE OVERSEAS, THE LETTER IS REPRODUCES I N THE F m ATTACHED O These letters weigh about 1,300 EFEJITH AND SENT ON I T S WAY WITHIN A F W HOUAS. E pounds. I 1,300 pounds of microf AS V - U I L H S FIRST PRIORITYAFTER OFFICIAL IYIIL FOR OvHlSFILs A filmed mail were dispatched, it would DESTINATIONS, I T IS SURG TO BE FO~ARDHIBY FIRST AVAIIABLF A I R TRRMSFUitTATION. AT THE W E TDlE I T SAVES FAIL, P Q AND BOAT L !, E letters andonly contain over 4,000,000 FACILITIES BADLY NEEDEXl TO CARXY ESSENTIAL ViAR SUPPLIES. require 24 cubic feet of the planes YOU CAN HELP OUR WAR EFFORT BY HELPING TO FUFVL4RIZE V-MIL: cargo space. The 60,000 letters as 1 USE V-WLIL EOR W M I L To E N I N OUR AWdED FORCES . mentioned above would weigh only OVERSEAS. 19 pounds 6 ounces on microfilm and 2. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT V-MAIL. occupy 0.37 cubic feetorjust oneFOR THE C O I W I E N C E O NAVX DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL, V-WIL FORUS F third of a cubic foot of space. CAN BE OBTAINED FROM NAVY THE E 4 I L ROOE. THE FOX5 CAN ALU) BE It can easily be visualized how mail SECURED IKITHOUT CHARGE AT POST OFFICES, OR FOR A SWLLL CHAFGE AT STATIOnRY STORES. transportation can become almost a negligible item if anything near to the hope of the War and Navy Departments is attained on the use of V-mail. In December, only 75 percent of all air mail from San Francisco to Honolulu was carried by air due to shortage of plane cargo space. Theremainder was transported by surface craft. Had the entire volume of airmail been sent via V-mail, it would have been less than a single plane A V-Mail letter, actual size. load as compared with 64 plane loads in the original form. ruled that the inscription on Another comparative figure is that New York or SanFrancisco, it may be. 10, 1942, assumed that the addressee is over- letters mailed by members ,of the a mail bag filled with ordinary mail postage at the rate armed forces should be in the handcontains approximately 3,000 letters, seas and therefore, of six cents for eachone-half ounce o r writing of the sender in order to be while a similar bag loaded with film fraction thereof is applicable. If accepted free of postage. Previously would containinthe neighborhood air mail is addressed tonavalpera , number of activities prepared enof 200,000 letters. sonnel or otherswithinthe-contivelopes with the word free inscribed Mail to the armed forces is important. It is vital to the morale of the nental United States it is subject to thereon. The postmaster general then issued an order on August 17, men and it is hoped that V-mail will postage at the rate of six centsfor cards and 1942, orderingthatsuch eliminate any reason for ever having each ounce or fraction thereof. First-class letter mail sent by mem- envelopes already printed with the mail become a transportation problem that cannot be easily answered. bers of United States military or naval name of the sender, the rank or ratforces on active duty willbe trans- ing, descriptionof the service to which At the present time there are apmitted free of postage. This includes he belongs, and theword free would proximately 12 V-mail stations in operation at strategic points over the ordinary letters or post cards, but ex- be accepted for mailing until the supcludes airmail and packages or parply on hand was exhausted, with the world. By summer there will be cels. Lettersshould be inscribed as understandingthatthereafter these about 50 in operation. follows: Upper left-hand corner, inscriptions would be hand written. TJSN, upper right John Doe, S ~ C , In accordance with this ruling, memfree. This privi- bers of the naval service should reSome misunderstanding appears to corner the word exist as to the rate of postage on air lege does not apply to any matter sent member they are entitled to the free mail addressed to members of naval to members of armed forces by per- mailing privilege only when the letforces. When such matter is ad- sons not members thereof. ters are addressed in the handwriting The United States post omce on July of the sender. dressed in care of fleet postoffice



Page 17


Eighty-Three Davs on a Life Raft

Two Dutch Seamen and Navy Gunner Pull Through


0 THE tales of courage at sea, add this one:

1 . Rescue ship approaches the raft that has drifted aimlessly ouer 1,800 miles of the South Atlamtic.

United States On January 24, a Navy patrol boat on duty o f the Braf ziliancoastsightedaspeck on the horizon. Approaching warily because of a possible trap, the United States shipfound an 8 x 10 footlife raft riding on two oil drums. Aboard were three men, whose merchant vessel had been senttothebottom by a Germansubmarine on November 2, 83 days earlier. Originally there were five men on the raft. Only three, one an American Navy gunner, survived the long, hot days under a relentless sun, the cold nights, the storms, the otherdangers of the sea. Reduced to skin and bones by hunger, thirst, and exposure, the men hadexisted on what few raw fish they could catch, 25 or 30 blackbirds which they caught with their hands, rain and water. The two whodied, includingthe commanding officer of the Navy gun crew, first developed pains in their stomachs, thenbegan to go blind and turn deaf.They,wereburied a t sea. The men ran out of chocolate, hard tackafter 16 days. They fishedfor sharks, wiggled theirtoesforbait, caughtasharkina noose. On the 20th day they saw their first ship; on the 21st another. They burned flares but were not sighted. the On 23d . day they ran out of water. Later they caughtraininamakeshiftcanvas trough. On the 42d day they sighted another ship, but their only remaining flare was wet. When ship the disappeared over the horizon they began to wonder how far off death was. George Beazley, On the 67th day, Hambleton, Mo., a gun crewman, died. On the 77th day, Lt. James D. Maddox, Lafayette, Ind., gunnery officer aboard the torpedoed merchant ship, died. Planes were sighted the 82d day; next day came the rescue. After food and rest, the men posed for the photos on the opposite Page.

Page IS

i f

Heavy Allied raids om the "Fortress of Europe'j characterized the month's war mews, reviewed briefly on this Imformatiom Bulletim Chromomap.

Combat Photo Unit Set Up



In a program to obtain more complete photographic coverage of the war, the Navy has established a Combat Photographic Section, a cooperative activity of the Office of Public Relations and theBureau of Aeronautics. Ten officers at present are completinga special course of trainingfor this work.They,will take charge of units consisting of three enlisted men, two motion-picture cameramen, and one still photographer. These groups, called Combat Photographic Units, will be assigned throughout the world to current or potential theatres of operation. Their duty will be to supplement present Navy and civilian photographic co'verage of combat operations. After the films they make have been studied for military purposes by the interested bureaus of the Navy Department, all material compatible withsecurity willbe released to the public through the Office of Public Relations. In addition a new n'aval photographic laboratory, which will house the most modern and efficient facilities available in the world today, and be staffed by some of this country's finest photographic. technicians, will begin operation soon at the Naval Air

Station, Anacostia, Washington, D. C. specialists. Many of the finest exTo be known as the Naval Photoperts in thefield of photography have graphic Science Laboratory and con- been drawn from the motion-picture structed at the direction of the Secre- industry and from leading manufactary of the Navy to handle all photo- turers of photographic equipment to graphic problems for the entireNavy, participate with trained naval perthe new laboratory will fill the photo- sone1 in performing the laboratory's graphic requests of all bureaus and highly specialized work. naval establishments. Initially, it will be staffed by nearly 700 naval personnel,made up almost entirely of Officers Responding

By Discarding Swords
J. R. Anderson, now a cadet at the United States Navy West Preflight school, St. Mary's college, Calif., has established something of a record for participation in major battles during the war. Anderson, formerly a pharmacist's mate, first class, has seen action in seven battles to date. They include: Marshall Islands, Wake Island, Marcus Island, Battle of Midway, Tulagi- andGuadalcanal, Battleof Santa Cruz, and the second Rattle of the Solomons.

Responding to a suggestion by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, naval officers are turning their in swords to the scrap metal drive. The first officer to follow Secretary BULKnox's suggestion (INFORMATION LETIN, Dec., p. 3 7 ) , was Vice Admiral H. V. Butler, USN (Ret.), Administrative Officer of the Navy Department. Under revised regulations governingnaval uniforms, the sword, long ago outmoded as a combat Weapon, but retained as part of the uniform for formal occasions, has been discarded. As a symbol of the'fighting tradition of the Navy, however, the sword will not be put on inactiveduty. Melted down and remolded into weapons, it will see action on the-fightiiig fronts of the world.

Page 20

T h e W a Around the World: r

How One Nazi Sub Was Sunk

AUGHT in a barrage of 5-inch United shells laid down by a States destroyer, a German submarine prowling the Atlantic was completely destroyed. The submarinewas sighted a t night by the flagship of a destroyer division and the destroyer immediately closed upon the underseas craft,hermachine gun spraying the U-boat to prevent the German seamen from manning their deck gun. Atorpedo was fired by the subeffort marine from a stern tube in an to sink the destroyer, but by skillful seamanship the tin was avoided. fish Fk-antically twisting and turning, the submarine attemptedto escape. The destroyer, however, bore in with 5-inch guns blazing. Its fire took effect. One shdl tore into the submarines conning tower at the waterline. Destruction of the U-boat was complete. Six officers and enlistedmen, including the officer commanding the destroyer division, were decorated for outstanding performance of duty during the incident. They are: Capt. Stanley Cook Norton, USN, 48, 32 Sherman Street, Portland, Maine, commander of the destroyer division. He received the Navy Cross. .Commander Hamilton W. Howe, USN, 39, 8212 GlennMyrtle Avenue, Norfolk, Va., commanding officer of the destroyer. He received the Navy Cross. Lt. Comdr. William W. Vanous, USN, 33, Annapolis, Md., the destroyers executive officer. He was awarded the Silver Star Medal. Lt. Kenneth M. Tebo, USN, 23, 10 Grove Street, Marlboro, Mass. He received the Silver Star Medal. Jack Edwin Wright, chief boatswains mate, uSN, 41, 22 SanJuan Avenue, Montrose, Colo. He received the Silver Star Medal.

mander of a destroyer division when the flagship of his division madea successful attack uDon a German sub-

marine. * * * For distinguished service inthe line of his profession as commanding


.ksoc:a:io~~ 1Iwio:ru)lis.

Richelieu to fight again

An Allied gain; a Nazi loss-The 35,000-ton Richelieu, largest French warship, i s guided up New Yorks East River for repairs and refitting and will again fight against the Axis. But, below, the French cruiser Dupleix lists toward the calm water of Toulon harbor, following scuttlingtopreventcapturebytheNazis.TheDupleixmaynever see serviceagain. Theeight15-inchguns of theRichelieuareplainly visible. The Queen of the French fleet also has 15 six-inch guns, twelve 37-mm. antiaircraft guns and twenty-four13-mm.antiaircraftguns. She was disabled by depth charges and later torpedoed hy British aircraft at Dakar July 8,1940.

Harry Keyman, Coxswain, USN, 25, son of Jacob Heyman, 655 South 4th Street, Steelton, Pa. Heyman was awarded the Silver Star Medal. Thecitation issued with Captain Nortons medal praised him for distinguished service in the line of his profession, his cool and accurate judgment and hissound advice as com-

Page 21

officer of a United States destroyer, read the citation awarded with Commander Howes medal. With a singleness of purpose, hetracked,attacked,and completely destroyed a German submarine without injury to his vessel or its personnel. Lieutenant Commander Vanous citation commended him for courageous action andfor his efficient performance of duty by taking station on top of the flying bridge as soon
- . .

Air Base Built On Island of Upolu

as the chase of thesubmarine was begun, keeping the conning tower officer informed of his observations as to the movements of the submarine, directing the training of the searchlight and generally being of great assistance until the destruction of the German U-boat was accomplished. Lieutenant Tebo was officer-of-thedeck and was cited for courageous action. By his accurate conning of the ship during most of the chase, and by deeping the ship just clear of the submarines wake, he undoubtedly prevented thesubmarine from scoring a hit with a torpedo that was fired at the destroyer, his citation asserted. Wright was lauded for gallantry in action and meritorious devotion to dutyinthecitation accompanying his Silver .Star Medal. Wrights command of a machinegun, firing promptly and accurately, thereby preventing the enemy submarine crew from manning their deck gun, aided materially inthe completedestruction of the German U-boatwithout loss or damage to the United States destroyer or its personnel, the citation concluded. Heyman also was praised for gallantry in action and meritorious devotion to duty and his citation asserted that he displayed .extraordinary heroism in coolly and quickly spotting the shots on the target and, by securing a hit in theconning tower at the waterline, aided materially in the final destruction of the German submarine.

gun. The Americans fired only four shells, all they could retrieve from the ammunition boxes. Two of the shells scored hits. Then 400 rounds from a machine gun were fired into the sub. Oil and debris covered the water. The sub was sunk. The cargo ship was abandoned, but later a portion of the crew again boarded the vessel and aided in towing her back to port. Her cargo was saved.

Navy Blimp Operates From Outlying Base

One of t h e Navys nonrigid blimps has successfully completed a 3,000mile trip to an outlying base and is already conducting extensive submarine patrols. Nonrigid blimps have been patrolling bothcoasts of the continental United States since early in the war, but this is the first notification since this country entered the war of Navy nonrigid airship operating from a base outside the continental limitsof the United States. The flight was made as a ferry passage, with several routinestops, and required less than four days. Nonrigid airships were used extensively for patrol work during the first World war.

Fish Scratched Backs On His Raft

(delayed) .-The skill of a United States naval aviator made possible the rescue of Col. Max F. Schneider, 47, who spent 72 hours adrift ona life raft without water and with little food. The colonels rescuer, Lt. Murlin W. Alley, USNR, 29, of Freedom, Okla., landed his Consolidated Catalina flying boat alongside the raft despite a heavy ground swell. Colonel Schrieider, of Chevy Chase, Md., an aviation officer in- the Army for 25 years, suffered a slight concussion, lip lacerations, bruises and abrasions in his forced landing on the sea. His face and hands were burned severely by the sun and wind during his exposure. Lieutenant Alley was on routine patrol when his radioman, A. J. Nick, Kansas City, Mo., aviation radioman third class, USN,intercepted amessage, telling the location of the life raft,

Japanese Sub Commander Makes Last Mistake

The United States has built an air baseon the island of Upolu in the Samoan group, it was revealed by Secretary Knox. The island is approximately halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. The runway is so large, Secretary Knox said, that five fighter planes canland on it abreast. It is more than a mile long and 1,000 feet wide. The field was built of crushed volcanic rock which makes it harder the more it rains. Its geographical locatlon makes Upolu ideally suited for protecting the American supply line to Australia and New Zealand, particularly against attacks originating from the MarshallGilbert Islands, about 1,500 miles

REAT EXUMA, The Bahamas

How bringing his submarine to the surface proved fatalto aJapanese skipper: A heavily loaded Amehcan merchantman, carrying a valuable cargo, was torpedoed in the South Pacific. Flames, smoke, and debris filled the air. The vessels screw and 35 passengers prepared to abandon ship. The Japanese submarine commandersurfaced and a t a range of 200 yards sent alargeshell across the forward gun mount of the wounded merchantman. The sub then opened fire with machine guns. This was the opportunity, Lt. (jg) CharlesE. Southern, USNR, Nashville, Tenn., in charge of the Armed Guard crew, was waiting for. He opened fire with an aft gun. Another member of the gun crew fired the forward

Page 22

about 150 miles from here. The radio call which led tothe rescue, Colonel Schneider believed, came from a military transport plane which spotted the raft, fiewlowOver it but could not attempt a rescue because it was a land plane. He said he was unable to get the planes number, adding: But Im certainly grateful to the pilot. He dropped something in a Mae West (life preserver). I had tried to indicate that I was without water so I presume the parcel contained water. It sank before I could reach it. I had read of persons dying of thirst and I confess I didnt relish the idea. Colonel Schneider, a 6-footer with graying brown hair, said he was pretty woozy from a blow on the head after his plane was forced down. I had difficulty in getting aboard my life raft, he said. I presume I was more groggy than I suspected. I had to throw away my pistol.and twist out of my parachute pack to lighten the burden enough to get aboard. IS ingenuity In securing his little raft and making use of his scanty equipment enabled him to weather his experience in excellent shape and to conserve his strength so that he probably could have existed for several more days. from bombed Japanese positions om Kolombangara I hated to lose my parachute pack Smoke pours up Island im the New Georgia group of the Solomoms after a U . S . bomr because it containedan emergency bardment. About this raid, a Navy commumique,stated: Operatioms kit which would have provided me were successfully completed and fires from explosioms of fuel and amsome very useful equipment, the colmumitiom dumps imdicated thatthe ememy-held areawas completely sea onel said. I knew I needed a burned out. U . S . repeatedly has raided Kolombamgara as Southwest anchor to make my raft seaworthy. Pacific aerial attacks on Japs continued daily. I tried a bucket first, but when the line partedand I lost the bucket I raft to scratch their backs, but I was natives were very friendly and shared manufactured makeshift a anchor unable to catch them, he explained. their food with us. from my shoes, my cartridge belt, and I fashioned a hook from my fiashAfter about 8 .days no rescue had my pistol holster. the natives brought a light spring and baited it with a piece come. Then Colonel Schneider used his iron of cotton. The cotton lured fish for goat to us, slaughtered it and cut it rations, consisting mostly of fortified me once in Panama but I guess the up, hide and all, and threw it into a chocolate, for sustenance and to mark fish around here dont like medicated pot tomake a stew. That was too his name and rank on the life raft in bait. much. We got back in our lifeboats case I didnt make it and they found and sailed on. my empty :aft. Goat Stew? He also used hiscandy crayon to No Thanks! Jap Antisubmarine Vessel record the number of planes which Fresh goat stew, native style, was Sunk in Pacific Duel passed him by unseeing in his lonely vigil. No planes were sighted Mon- too much for crew members of a torA small Japanese antisubmarine day, when Colonel Schneiders plane pedoed American merchant ship who patrol vessel, raked with fire from the landed on the west coast of Africa. crashed; four were seen on Tuesday, Their vessel, a Liberty ship on its deck gun of a United States submafive on Wednesday, and four were seen maiden voyage, was struck by torpe- rine, was sent to the bottom in a 37today, including thetransportand minute duel in mid-Pacific waters. does three times before going down. rescue plane. The patrol craft, smashed by salvo We made our way to land in lifeafter salvo from the submarines lone The colonel tried to improve his lot boats, John Carey of Braintree, by fishing but had no luck. Mass., and Lyle Griswold of Lansing, gun, finally slid beneath the surface Some fish used the bottom of my Mich., Navy gun crewmen said. The (Comtimued om page 4 2 )

What operations successfully completed means in a Navy communique

Page 23

Legisla fiue Muttersof Interest to the Service

Rank of Commodore Asked bv Navv


Bill Is Reported by Senate Naval Affairs Committee

ESTORATION of the rank of commodore has been requested. by the Navy as temporaryfor the duration and legislation to carry out the proposal has been introduced in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The bill to restore the grade of commodore was reported by the Senate Naval Affairs Committee without extended debate, but with a n amendment which would insure that commodores be subject to Senate confirmation. The comparable r an kbrigadier general in the Army-is

COMMODORE FLAGS Thetop-rankingcommodore in a squadron flies a blue broad pennant with a white star upon it; the second-rankilzg commodore i n a squadron, a red pennalzt with star; the third-rankilzg commodore and other commodores present, a white pennant with white star. There are no commodores on active duty at present. Page 24

subject to Senate confirmation. Commodores, under the bill, would receive pay and allowance of a n officer of the sixth pay period. Another objective of the bill is to clarify the status of the Coast Guard under the Navys temporary promotion rank. Although no question has been raised as to the legality of application of the act to the Coast Guard it is felt desirable that all possibilities of sucha question being raised be set at rest. Secretary of Navy Knox, in a letter to Congress urging creation of the new rank, wrote: The war is being prosecuted in such a way as to involve a great many small command groups, some of which are on detached and some on semi-detached duty. These commands are not sufficient magnitude of to warrant their being commanded by a rearadmiral, yet they should be commanded by a flag officer. Rear admirals are often unavailablefor such commands. When a n officer is performing duty normally assigned to an officer of flag rank, he should be given not only the authority but also the rank commensurate with the responsibility. When joint Army and Navy operations are being undertaken there is a definite need for naval officers corresponding in rank to brigadier general. Further advantages include (1) the training in flag rank, attendant upon succession to this type of command while comparatively young; (2) the availability of captains out of range of selection for assignment to group command duties; and (3) the increased authority such officers would have in their dealings with other ntvies.

amends section 6 of the Pay Readjustment Actof 1942 to read as follows: No renta1 allowance shall accrue toan officer having no dependents while he is on field duty unless his commanding officer certifies that he was necessarily required to procure quarters a t his own expense, or while on sea duty, except for temporary periods of sea duty not exceeding 3 months,nor shall any rental allowance accrue to officer with or withan out dependents who is assigned quarters at his permanent station unless a Competent superior authority of the service concerned certifies that such quarters are not occupied because of being inadequate for the occupancy of the officer and hisdependents, if any, and such certifications shall be conclusive: Provided, That an officer although furnished with quarters shall be entitled to rental allowance as authorized in thissection if by reason of orders of competent authority his dependents are prevented from occupying such quarters.
This information was promulgated in Alnav No. 47, which is quoted as follows:

Rental Allowance For Officers

Public Law No. 5-Seventy-eighth 6, 1943, Congresslapproved March

Alnav 284-42 c a n c e l e d . Act March 6,1943,provides that rental allowance shall not accrue to officer without dependents while on field duty unless hiscommanding officer certifies he was necessarily required to procure quarters at his own expense. All duty withtroops considered field duty. Effective March 1, 1943, for officers without dependents statement will be added to certificate of nonassignment of quarters on S. and A. Form 201, Marine Corps Form 729, and Coast Guard Form 2662 as follows: and that he was necessarily required to -procure quarters at his own expense or on S. and A. Form 201B as follows: and that officers without dependents hereon listed were necessarily required to procure
(Continued on page 59)

HEAPED-UP barges and small boats bring in food and amnzunition for Americas fighters at a Mariwe base
ilz South Pacific. Boxes sometimes get rough handling.

New Containers Solve Shipping

Smaller Packages Makefor More Convenient Handling
ODERN warfare in faraway places and the continued submarine menace is leading to a drastic change in methods of preparing, .handling, and shipping of war materials to American troops and their allies. So intense has become the problem of logistics that the Navy has established a special organization to develop new containersand packaging methods to facilitate the delivery of the greatest volume of goods in usable condition in the shortest possible time. Iceland, the Solomon Islands, and North Africa, with their sharply contrasted conditions of climate, temperature, topography, and dock facilites, were laboratories from which have come new and novel methods of transportation and packaging of supplies for the armed forces. One group of marines on Guadalcanal complained because it was forced to eatcanned corn for five successive days; previous immersion in the surf during landing operations had washed the paper labels from the cans.


This problem wassolved by the embossing or printing of the identity of the contents directly on the can. The absenceof docking facilities in all theaters war and the of usual need for extremely hasty unloading, usually a t night, has necessitated the throwing of boxes of supplies overboard and either floating o r carrying them ashore. Ordinary wooden and cardboard cartons could not withstand falls fromtop decks and soon disintegrated. Other types of containers either would not float o r could not withstand the effects of salt water. To cope with this situation, Navy specialists, in cooperation with private manufacturers, &eveloped what is known as a V-board, from which it is possible to construct boxes that resist rough and unusual handling to a remarkable extent. At the same time the size and weight of various packages have been reduced to convenient proportions that can be handled not only even by women. This facilitates handling in production plants and foreign unloading

points, where the workers are likely to be predominately female, but provides handy packages for marines or soldiers to handle in floating or carrying ashore. Another means which the Navys Bureau of Supplies and Accounts has adopted in order to make 1 pound of shipping do the work of 2, is through the use of dual-purpose products. Gasoline containers have been developed thatlatercan be used as water containers. Another recently developed use for empty gasoline cans is for the construction of sheds, dugouts, and other structures. cans The are filled with sand and used in much the same manner as building blocks. Walls of sand-filled cans are said to provide unusual protection againstthe elements and bomb splinters. The wooden pallets, or platforms, which are used in the unloading of packaged supplies, now are designed for theadditional duty of serving as floors and walls for temporarysheltersfor both personnel and supplies a t ad(Corntinaed orn page 43)

Page 25

"Official U. S. Navy Photographs.

Navy Gets a Hydroplane Glider

Seaplane glider: Commander Ralph S. Barnaby, USN, the Navy's first glider pilot, is shown standing in the cockpit of the Navy's seaplane glider, the XLRQ-1, as it came through its initial tests at the Naval Aircraft


Factory at Philadelphia with flying colors. The glider, which can carry troops or cargo, is being manufactured by the Bristol Aeronautical Co. of New Haven, Conn. Later models of the plane willbe amphibian.

and 'a Fishing Kit for Life Boats

Page 26

New Weather Suit-Testedby Coast Guard

Harris and Ewing Photographs.

Life raft: Being tested on the Potomac.Rjver at Washington, D. C., is the newly approved Coast Guard liferaft.Notethesail,tiller, and other equipment which rafts the carry.

New weather suit: Vice Admiral Russell R. .Waesche, commandant of the U. S. Coast Guard, fastensone of the new weather suits the Coast Guard has approved for merchant marine members for use in the event of long periods of time spenton liferafts.Thesuithas been thorIt oughly tested and approved. keeps out weather elements and protects users from severe wetting by the seas.

Page 27

The Navys Short-Wave Programs

News Is Their Backbone but They Have Entertainment Too

HE Office of War Information, Overseas Forces Division, working incooperation with. the Navy Office of Public Relations (Radio Section), has developedtwo short-wave programs of interest to naval, marine corps, and coast guardpersonnel overseas. Each fulfills a special need-a need best answered through the medium of short-wave radio. Because it was felt to be important that men at sea and at shore bases overseas receive news regularly, and have the opportunity of learning abouC developments at home and in

othertheaters of war, thefirst of these two Navy radio programs is mainly a Navy news program. It is entitled Calling the Navy and is broadcast 6 days a week, three times a day. Callingthe Navy contains unclassified news of the Navy a t home; news from home training bases; news from the Navy Department; news of developments in the shipbuilding yards, at the recruiting centers; news of changes in uniforms, changes in pay, and everything else of personal interest to the men in blue.

O f f i c i a l U.

S. Navy Photograph.

Radio during chow aboard ship. Page 28

Through the means of spot recordings the program also contains, from time to time, ringside reports of prize fights, baseball scores, and recordings of the popular tunes of the moment; also eye-witness accounts by Navy men of their personal experiences in the Pacific, inthe Atlantic, andin every theater where the Navy is in action. In short, the producers of Calling the Navy each day shake out the Lucky Bag and report everything of interest to Navy men a t sea and at shore bases overseas. When Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker came back in one piece, he immediately went on Calling the Navy and thanked the Navy at large for saving him and his companions. After Captain Cone, of Pan-American Airways, flew the President to Africa and back, he told the men at sea of the details of the trip. When the new Yorktown slid down the ways a t Newport.News, a recording was made of Rear Admiral Buckmasters speech, climaxing with the actual sound of the champagne being broken on the carriers bow by Mrs. Roosevelt. The same day it was tailored into Calling the Navy and was heard by sailorsall over the globe. .The closing 4 minutes of eachprogram is made upof world news-news from Tunisia, from Russia, from China andfrom home-and this is changed three times a day, that the so men a t sea can have the very latest news available. The second radioprogram developed for men at war is called Tell It tothe Marines. This also is produced by the Ofice of War Information in cooperation with the Navy Departmentandthe United States Marine Corps. The program represents a new development inshortwave radio since it-istailor-made to fill a special need of a limited group of men-the Marines stationed in one area,theSouth Pacific. Thesemen receive their mail irregularly and, until the inception of this program, did not receive news from home as often as men stationed in many other parts of the world. Talks with men returning from this area established the fact that 7 p. m. South Pacific time is the best time for listening and would insure maximum



9650 7820 15330 15210 11790 15354



South Pacific and Australia.

Current TraDiv Letter

The currentissue of TraDiv the Lexter, distributed March 15, opens with a n article on the Local Defense School at Boston. The story places accent on the use at the school of model ships with detailed designations of parts andfittings-one model bearing as many as 52 labels. Audiovisual aids covering a variety of subjects fromgunnery to seamanship are also used at the school with marked success. Photographs illustrating the story are part of TraDivs article on Bulkheads forVisual Education, the story o f . Great Lakes employment Of bulkheads for visibly bringing home, day after day, features and facts of training as a complement to oral instruction. The TraDiv Letter also carries two articles on classification-one, Labels for Leathernecks detailing the new use of classification systems by the marines, and the other, Specialists (C) Take Over, relating the training and future activities of the Navysnew selection specialists who have just completed training and are getting to work as classification interviewers. The new use of metal-backed plywood, and model flotillas with magnets within their wooden hulls, for tactical demonstrations, as well as a cardboard sky punched with holes and backed by light to teach planets and constellations to navigators, are subjects of special articles.

i;: 24.4
19.5 18.9 32

Fndia and Scandinavia. ]NorthAtlantic and GreatBritain.

South Atlantic, Indian Ocean. Greenland, Iceland.

wcw . . . . . .


audiences. Thistime was, therefore, cleared and Tell It to the Marines i s broadcast five times a week by KGEI, San Francisco, a t 0100 P. W. T. on 7250 kc. (1900 South Pacific Zone time). Actually, the first 5 minutes of this 15-minute period are devoted to world news and Tell It to the Marines runsforthe following nine minutes, The program features Marine Corps news, entertainment and messages from the folks at home. Marine Corps news embraces all phases of the Corps activity at home and in other parts of the world, and keeps the men posted on promotions, commendations, new devolpments at Quantico, San Diego, Camp Lejeune, and other establishments. The entertainment portion of the programfeaturesthe countrys top names in this field. I n almost every element is ininstance a personal jected into the program with a view to making the Marines feel this program is reallyfor them,andthem only. This is accomplished by having the entertainers record special greetings directed solely to the Marines in the South Pacific. Messages fromthe folks a t home are really the core of the program and every effort is made to have these messages come from all parts of the country and cover a wide variety of topics. For example, here are a few typical messages taken at random from recent programs: Your father has sent your best you hunting knife. And since you have open season all year around down there, he is making another knife for you from an old bayonet. Your father is now in London with the American Red Cross. Your mother and your sister have received the snapshotof you and theGeneral. Captain Smith went to Spring-

field to deliver your Navy Cross to your mother * * * just before Christmas. Corporal Jones says that he will collect that $14 from you.However, if you care to settle in another manner, its 0.k. with him. Fourteen Japs will turn the trick. . Son born 3 p m. February 7. All of the.grandparents present. Wife and baby doing. fine. The Office of War Information has set up, through its regional offices throughout the country, facilities for receiving these messages. The names of all recipients of messages are cleared by the Navy Department and checked against the most recent casualty lists prior to broadcast. The program is purposely kept extremely flexible, and special speakers inserted whenever it is felt they will be of value tothe program.These speakers - are usually Marines, exmarines men or recently returned from the South Pacific area. Another feature of Tell It to the Marines is special shows. Jack Benny and FredAllen did one of these programs; A Jolson and Carol Bruce I another. It is planned to expand the use of these special shows in the future. A few months ago Capt. Leland P. Lovette, USN, Director, Office of Public Relations, Navy Department, said, Today, the United States Navy is one of the biggest news stories on earth. It is interestingto see how quickly radio is bringing that story to the men at sea and at shore bases overseas-to the menwho are really writing the story for all time.

The officers indoctrination schools at HarvardandDartmouthare reviewed, as well asthe Cooks and Bakers School at the Charleston Navy Yard. A story on the new WAVES school at Hunter College, Bronx, N. Y., includesa photograph of the sidegirls usheringAdmiral Randall T. Jacobs on board.

- .

Any officeor officer, ashore or afloat, who can make use of the type of information being covered in TraDiv Letter, will be forwarded a copy, or copies, upon writing totheBureau 3 of Naval Personnel, Washington, D. ( .

Page. 29

Quarters and
A n Explanation of - the Two Programs
HE law governing payment of quarters allowances to enlisted men of the upper three pay grades is much more rigid than the law providing family allowances for dependents of enlisted meninthe lower four pay grades. The differences between the Programs are not always understood, because they occasionally lead to unusual and illogical distinctions. Both programs are administered by the Casualties and Allotments Section of the Welfare Division intheBureau of Naval Personnel, in collaboration with the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Both laws were enacted in June 1942,the Servicemens Dependents Allowance Act on June 23 andthePay Readjustment Act on June 16. However, the family allowance law is purely a wartimeprogram,whereas the quarters allowance provisions were originallyenacted in 1940 as a continuing system. In effect the family allowance law is more general and more liberal than the provisions for money allowances in lieu of quarters. The family allowance law covers a broader range of relatives, including wives, children, parents, brothers and sisters, grandchildren, and formerdivorced wives. Quarters allowances apply only to wives, children, and parents. On a whole, too, the financial provisions for the families of men in the lower pay grades are more generous than the provisions for quarters allowances. Only one quarters allowance can be paid on account of the service of one enlisted man, whereas variouli relativesmay receive family allowances. The aggregate amounts payable to the relatives of a man in the lower grades is often more than double the amount that is paid as a quarters allowance, which is limited to $37.50 a month. Wives and children of men in service are eligible for either allowance without proof of financial support: their dependency is presumed, Parents areeligible for family allowances if they are dependent upon the man in service for a substantial portion of their support. A man may receive a quarters allowance on account of his


to determine their accuracy, and. information is also obtained from the relatives concerned to establish their eligibility. Misrepresentation gives rise to disciplinary action,which is entered in themans record.

Plaque Offered to Outstanding SC Boat



Elzlisted mem ~ K Z lower four pay the grades get family allowames;emlisted men ilz the upper three pay grades get quarters allowames. There is a real dividing line betweelz the two.
parents, however, only if they are in fact dependent uponhimfortheir chief support. Courts have interpreted chief support to mean over 50 percent. Because of these differences, in certain large families a man and his dependents may receive more if he is in if the fourth pay grade than he is promoted to the third paygrade. This unusual circumstance occasionally leads menwho are promoted to second class petty officer to file incorrect applications for money allowances in lieu of quarters, on the assumption that the program is as broad as the family allowance provisions. Other men fail to apply promptly for a quarters allowance, under the false impression that family allowances will continue or that a quarters allowance will be substituted for family allowances automatically. Another important distinction between the programs is more a matter of form than of substance. Whereas family allowances are payable directly to the dependent relative, quarters allowances are credited to the enlisted mansown account. Quarters allowances for dependent parents are authorized, however, only so long as the man continues to have an allotment in effect, payable tothe dependent relative, in an amount which is equal to or greater than the amount of the allowance. The Casualties and Allotments Section warns that the statements made in connection withapplicationsfor both programs are carefully checked

The plaque below, etched in silver and handsomely mounted on a wood base, has been presented by H. Liggett Gray of Riverside, Conn., a shipmate of the officers and men lost in the sinking of the SC 209 on August 27, 1918, to be awarded with suitable inscription to the first vessel of the Ilo-foot PC or similar class which distinguishes itself by outstandingaction against theenemy. Recommendations for award the should be made via the commandersin-chief of the fleets or the commandants of all naval districts to the Chief of Naval Personnel, who will make the award on the basis of the recommendations. Determination of the first outstanding action will be on the basis of the date of action. Only those actions should be submitted which are, by reason of special skill, initiative or heroism, outstanding from a standpoint of naval tradition. Contributiontosuchperformances may be made individually or by the combined efforts of all.

The Plaque

Page 30

Official U.S. Navy Photographs.

SCRAP FROM PEARL HARBOR: Left, a metal ~drslmfrom the battleship Arizona; right, a diver prepares go down to the Arizobato seek more salvage.


Scrap From the Battle Fronts

Under Enemys ..Nose,,N-av,al,.Supply Officers Gather. Materiabf&r,Armaments _



NITED STATES ships, returning from the war zones, are bringing back battle scrap at the rate of approximately 3,000 tons a month tobe turned intonew weapons. Scrap from Pearl Harbor, including much of themetal reclaimed from ships, airplanes, andshoreinstallations damaged December 7, 1941, has been a major item in the homeward flowof scrap metal. Damaged planes and other bulky materials have been melted down in furnaces in the Hawaiian Islands to make solid pigs of metal to be shipped as ballast inNavy ships home-bound from battle the areas. The most vital type of scrap coming back from the fighting zones is cartridge cases. The Bureau of Ordnance arsenals rework and reload such casings several times. When too badly damaged for reloading the casings are remelted. Second in importance is rubber of all kinds, such as can stripped from be cable or salvaged from the fuel tanks of wrecked planes. Tires and tubes from damaged vehicles are brought home for reprocessing. Heavy steel from damaged warships, or from the conversion of merchant ships to naval

hand. The debris of battle is systematiCallY gathered U P by SUPPlY officers on the scene of operations. Ships returning from the Southwest and South Pacific often bring home rough ore in their holds, if they do not carry scrap. With either type of cargo, the decisive factor in loading is the opportunity to do so without endangering the ship. Some battle salvage from the South Pacific is shipped to Australia under the same conditions which govern shipments to the United States. Offshore scrap co!lection stations have been set up at Argentia;,,Fewfoundland, Bermuda, Cuba;,,: and

salvage policy, is given to welfare agencies or needy families if it cannot be used by the Navy. Typewriter




ribbon spools and photographic spools are saved. Electric light bulbs yield brass; insulated wire and cable gives up cppper, rubber, and plastic; tin cans go to detinning plants and steel mills; fats and greases are Sent to the renderers; garbage is sold to piggeries; empty cable reels are used again and again; and scrap cordage is reprocessed into a tough fiber paper .which serves as a substitutefor silk in Sfflall Baf-achytes such as those used for dropping Plane flares.

Page 31

Puge 33

(Comtinued from page 3)
are taking to the air swarms to join in the fleet. Mentioning the quota increasefrom 15,000 to 27,500 planes,hesaid that the Navy had been diligent in inaugurating experimental projects and in capitalizing on combat experience from all sources. In addition to the increase of more than 6,700 pilotsinnavalaviation, with the number of enlisted men aeronauticalratingshadrisenfrom 12,432 to 31,106. Preflight training centers had been established a t four universities, with attendance a t each center scheduled a t 1,900 students, a total of 7,600 a t all times in 1943. Asserting that the Navy Bureau of Ordnance had proved during the year that it can and will provide the guns to beatthe Axis, Mr. Knox stated that the seven-ocean fleet will get the weapons it needs, while ordnance now in use will not only be kept firing but will be modernized. From our arsenals were coming weapons capable of shooting farther, higher,. harder and faster than any yet designed, as the production of ordnance kept pace with the output of ships and planes, he added. Naval personnel approached the million-mark at the end of June. The Marine Corps had also more than doubled its strength. Coast Guard strength had grown to 58,632 with a n additional 11,500 volunteer yacht and boat owners supplying 400 flotillas of 9,500 boats.

formed a t Anacostia to provide spe. cialists assignment for to combat areas. The Air Combat Intelligence School provides aviation specialists trained to collect, correlate, and disseminate information from the Fleet as an aid naval aviation toward evaluating equipment and the tactical application of the training syllabi.Withoutdelay, accordingly, the recorded experience of our naval aviators in action constantly being is translated into improvement of combat equipment and tactical doctrine. Several glider training stations are being built for the Marine Corps.

Lemme see-what did I do yesterday?

sioned during the spring of 1941, and the U. S. S. South Dakota had been launched in June 1941. By the end of the fiscal year the U. S. S. South Dakota, U. S. S. Massachusetts, and U. S. S. Indiana were all in commission, apd the U. S. S. Alabama was rapidly nearing its completion date. The experimentaldevelopment of large multi-engined seaplanes was featured by the launching and flight tcsting of the 140,000-pound Mars. Tests to dateon this model have dem: onstrated its soundness of design and aptitude long-range or for patrol transport missions.

Increased prices of cotton, wool, and leather have raised the value of the prescribed outfit issued to men on their first enlistment from $118.95 for the fiscal year 1942 to $133.81 for the fiscal year 1943. By the end of the year the enrollment of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, a voluntary nonmilitary organizationof yacht and motorboat owners, aggregatedapproximately 11,500. The organization had 9,500 boats in about 400 flotillas.

(Comtimued from page 4 )
The death rate, except for the battle casualties, has also been exceptionally low. An important advance was the creation of navy mobile hospitals which have proved exceedingly useful. Additional hospital ships have also been necessary.

Navy industries during the year produced war goods a t a rateapproaching a billion dollars per year. The production of these industries is varied. One of the yards a isgun factory. Among the naval airstations is a navalaircraft factorywhich is primarily engaged in developing new planes, rather than .in mass production. A t naval air stations equipIn addition to powered aircraft de- ment is developed for ,assembly and velopments, an accelerated glider pro- maintenance of aircraft. Employgram was undertaken.Included are ment at the nine navy yards in the types for amphibious tactical use by continental States United totaled the United States Marines. 350,000.

Lighter-than-air activities were intensified by legislation increasing the authorized strength from48 to 200 airships and by the operational requirements of the antisubmarinecampaign. Procurement was accelerated to equip the squadrons forming on both coasts. Fburantisubmarinesquadrons were commissioned during the year.

TIRING the 1942 flscal year the

U.S. S.Massachusetts, U.S. S. Indiana, and U.S. S. Alabama, the last three 35,000-ton battleships under construction, were launched. A The T .S. S. North Carolina and U.S. S.Washington had been commisPage 34

atTechnicallytrainedpersonnel tached to the aerology and photography divisions increasedgreatly as wartime needs for such information expanded. The Naval School of Photography at Pensacolaexpanded its training program, and a new Photographic School of Interpretation was

Navy yards repair and build ships as well as producearmament.They are operated by naval officers, and are manned by supervisors, civil service and civilian employees. In the case of the air stations,some of the actual operating forces are colnposed of enlistedmen and petty officers of the Navy, who thus gain valuable experience fltting them for work they may perform at advance air basesoron aircraftcarriers.
All of the industrialnavalestablishments specialize in the repair of Navy ships or planes. The navy yards,especially in wartime, devote 50 percent of their activity to shipbuilding.

Subs Trek
(Continued f r o m page 7 )
then turned her attention to the next vessel, a big tanker. But the tanker proved a warier foe. They had lookoutsswarmingall over the ship, Lieutenant Commander Chappell said. They didnt have any trouble spotting us, and they turned and fired at us. We went down and came back up after dark. We dogged themallnight. ,Finally we came up with the first one wed hit.Buthe was prettyjittery,and spotted us before we could get set, and chased us away. Then we found the tanker again, andthis time it was our turn. We got one or two torpedoes into her, I dont remember which, but was the he damnedest lookingmess you ever saw. He burned so beautifully I let theboys come up on the bridge and watch him. -Ofticid U. S. K a ~ Photogmplr. y The boys swore wed broken him in two. All I know is that he made a fine fire. The morning next one ship was A story in the March issue of T H E ZNFORMATZON BULI,ETZN ( p . 13) told how Chief Pharmacists Mate Thomas A . Moore of Chino Valley, gone entirely, the second was listing Ariz., performed an emergency appendectomy on Fireman George W . so badly she seemed aboutto turn Platter of Bufialo, N . Y., when the latter was stricken aboard the subover, the thirdwas still in good shape, marine Silversides i n enemy waters in the Pacific. Here is a photoso the captain of the submarine degraph of the underseas operation. Moore, left, is cutting the appendix cided to have a try at her.Buthe away from the colon. Chief Moore never had performed an appendeca cross-firefrom got tangledupin tomy before but felt confident he could do the operation. The badly both ships and had to give it up. inflamed appendix was removed after 5 hours work. Platter was back You Sink Ships W i t h Bow Shots on light duty after days. 8 A t this point the submarine was not especially anxious for violent acguesshe was loaded with ammuni- destroyer and theybore down on their tion, having only one fish left in her tion. quarry with boundless glee. But the forwardsection.There were plenty Completely out of bow torpedoes, destroyer picked them up and moved of torpedoes aft, but the shots are Lieutenant Commander C h a p p e 11 in for a fight. They had to submerge bow the one you sink ships with as a gen- started his submarine back toward a and escape. eral rule. Night work is a submarinessperefueling base. Thetrip home was completely without incidentexcept cialty, and in the case of this underThen a goodsized Jap cargo ship was spotted just off the entrance to that one night they ran into a convoy seas craft, as with most submarines, the bay. The submarine got in as of afreighter, a tanker,and a de- many of her conquests were after-dark close as it could, and launched its lone stroyer, and by sheer good luck escapades. bow torpedo. It was a good shot, picked off the tanker with the stern There was the time the submarine catching the freighter squarely. he picked up a good-sized convoy in the torpedoes. Burned beautifully, recalled. Tankers always do. He dead of night. A fat tanker was the Lieutenant Commander Chappell always feels elated when he picks off rearmost cargo. ship and a destroyer promptly squared off for a chase, antanker, because you know they was bringing up the rear, patrolling ticipating, that the Jap would either a cant run their fleet without oil. make for the bay or try to beach his back andforth like a dog tending ship. To his surprise, the Jap skipper Whentheygot back to port they sheep. did neither. Instead, the crew began learned the Guadalcanal show was 4,000 We hung around out there, pouring overboard and swimming opening up,and thatevents in general yards from the tanker, watching the away. were breakingbetter forthe home destroyer, the submarines captain We soon learned the reason, the team. said.Thedestroyercameoutuntil a very few captain related. After he They started the next trip with high was almost directly astern of us, minutes that ship blew up with the spirits.Onemorning their periscope and then headed back. As soon as he damnedest explosion I ever saw. I picked up a tanker with an escorting goton the oppositeside, we closed

One of Those Underseas Appendectomies

Page 35

range and got two torpedoes into the tanker.

Battle Names
(Comtimued from page 12)
motor torpedo boats sunk. Japanese: Two destroyers sunk; four destroyers probably sunk; eight destroyers, two cargo ships and one ship of miscellaneous classification damaged.
Total United States Losses the Solomons in
Owrdue Deand stroyed pre- topreDam-sumed vent Sunk aged lost capture Total Battleship._.---- . 0 0 0 0 0 . Aircraft carrier.. . 2 0 0 0 2 Heavy cruiser. . . 4 .. 1 0 0 5 Lightcruiser . . - 3 .. . 1 0 0 4 Destroyer --...---- 3 13 1 0 17 Submarine....-. 0 0 1 0 1 Miscellaneous. . . 10 0 0 0 10

Make Japs Fire om Each Other

The destroyer heard the commotion and turned around and cut across the column ahead of the tanker,looking for us. Meanwhile, the other destroyers which had been protecting the head.of the column came roaring back to see whatthe trouble was. They knew the direction the torpedoes had come from, but when they looked out there,all they saw was the silhouette of a destroyer. So they opened fire on her. We scooted out of there as fast as we could, but thefirst destroyer heard us, andstartedafter us. We were about to dive, but I kind of hated to. We were in a mood for a race, so we stayed on the surface and ran for it. h l d i i The Hoist n He kept misjudging our position, and his shots were always well astern of Does honorable admiral wish to us. He kept it up for a long time, but report slight damage? finally gave it upin disgust. That chase was the most fun of the whole succession of hair-breadth escapes inparty. terspersed with weeks of inactivity, suits the submarine man to a T, so A little later, the submarine orwas dered toreturn home again. Lieu- much so that hes intimidated at the tenant Commander Chappell was will- mere suggestion of other duty. ing, being down to his last four torpedoes. On the way he made contact Depth Charges? N o WorYy? . with a small cruiser couldnt resist and If they ever want to scare me to thetemptation. He tossed a single d e a t h , Lieutenant Commander torpedo, which he thinks must have death. It Chappell says, they just have to put scared the Japs half to missed the ship by 10 feet but it was me on one of those surface ships. so close that the wash from the pro- Up there, you often find yourself gopeller exploded it, and the blast ing in with 5-inch-guns againsta guy hoisted the stern out the water and with8-inch guns. That would terof let it drop with a splash. rify me, honestly. Down here, were Depth charges? Nothing to The Japanese ran around, scanning safe. the air for planes. Seconds later, they worry about a t all. Did you ever learned the direction of the danger. try to hit a fish with a rock? Same thing. A second torpedo struck them amidships. As for the enlisted manonthe But the Japs still had fight left in ship, his attitude is fairly exemplified them. We thought they were gon- by the man on the submarine who, ers, said Lieutenant Commander at a moment when a destroyer was Chappell, but that scoundrel got his prowling about in search of the uncannons working and came right after derseas craft, approached Lieutenant us, shooting to beat theband. He was Commander Chappell with a bland also trying to ram us, but misjudged countenance and said, Sir, we want us, and I gave him another torpedo before going down. When we got back permission to dedicate a theme song up he was sitting there, big blob of to that destroyer up there. one Lieutenant Commander Chappell smoke. gave permission, wondering what Theres something in the makeup he heard sweet of a submarine man thats different was up. Presently from the usual Navy man, some inde- harmonies arisingfrom the recordfinable qualitythatsets him apart. ing machine in the crews quarters, as a team blended their voices in The life, which toanordinaryina nerve-racking Mean to Me. dividual would be




Total Japanese Losses in Solomons


Battleships...- . . 2 . . . Aircraft carriprs. ... 0 Cruisers.----------9 Destroyers-. . ~ 26 ~ Tenders ..-.-.-...0 Others ... . . . . . ~~~.~ 0 Totals. . . . 37 81 ....

Probably sunk

:$ : Totals 6 4 25 42 ~ 2

0 0 0 9 ~ 0

., i


2 2

NONCOMBATANT SHIPS Fleet tankers. . . . 0 . . Transports . . . . . . . ~.13 Cargo and supply.. 9 Miscellaneous..-... 2 Totals. . .~.24 . Total ships of all types 61

1 0 0

4 5 14 4 27

4 19




Tis a Small World

Im a jay-jay-jay-jay-jayhawk up a t Lawrence on the Kaw, sang Lt. Albert Huber, on patrol duty over waters near Central America, just like he did when a student at theUniversity of Kansas. He had failed to disconnect his radio, and not far away another Navy patrolman, Ensign Robert L. Talmadge, picked up the song. A conversation started. The two officers found they live but a few blocks apart back in Kansas City, Mo. But they had never met and theyre stationed far enough apart they that havent met since.

Page 36


I-,S. X

a ~ y photogvaph.

N A V Y GETS A REST CENTER IN BERMUDA: Made available for $1 Q year by Mrs. Aglzes Pyme McLealz, daughter-in-law of Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean of Washington, D.C., this Bermuda home i s part of a relaxatiolz centerfor maual personlzel.
~~ ~~ ~ ~~

Navy's Eyes
(Continued from page 1 ) 1 100 footcandles may be found necessary. Under all circumstances the direct illumination should be directed from above and in back of the worker. Unbright der nocircumstancesshould sources of direct or reflected light be permitted in the field of vision. Marked contrast between the intensity of the general illumination in the compartment and the directed illumination on the work is to be avoided and where high intensities are necessary on the work there should be correspondingincreases in the general illumination. The use of desk or bench lamps is definitely unhygienic in that no matter where you put such a lamp on the deck or bench it is still in front of the eyes and is therefore bound to direct its light a t such a n angle as to strike the book or bench

and optical defects which may be a, cause of eye strain if the sunglasses are worn for long periods. It should be remembered that sunlight contains in addition to its visible rays,manywavelengths of heat Glare and infrared rays, and a fewwaveWhen one is directly exposed to lengths of actinic(ultraviolet) rays. very bright or tropical sunshine, ex- The vitreous humor of the eye abcessive light may enter theeyes either sorbs all solar ultraviolet rays under directly from the sun or by direct re- the wavelength of 270 millionths of flection from snow, sand, bright pave- a millimeter; the atmospheric enveabsorbs all ments, or water. The immediate re- lope surrounding the earth wavesult is apt to be excessive production solar ultraviolet rays under the of tears, spasm of the lids, and marked length of 292 millionths of a milliirritation of the conjunctivae and meter;the corneaabsorbs all solar under wavestyes, For protection against the di- ultraviolet rays the rect rays of the sun the wearing of a length of 295 millionths of a millibroad-brimmed hat or helmet or of a meter; the lens absorbs all solar ulvisor or visored cap is often adequate. travioletrays under the wavelength For protection against excessive light of 350 millionths of a millimeter. At reflected from water, sand, snow, or theother end of thespectrumthe pavement sun glasses are essential. acqueous and vitreous humors absorb infrared heat and rays longer The lenses of these glasses should not all only be suited to their purpose of ab- than 1,100 millionth of a millimeter. Consequently theretina is exposed sorbing unwanted radiation but they should also be free of irregularities only ( a ) to the visible rays (390 to and reflect directly into the eyes thus producing eye strain. Floor stand or hanging lampswhich can be placed in back of the worker are much to be preferred where their use is possible.

Page 37

770 millionths of milleter a in length) ; ( b ) to the infrared rays of wavelengths between 1,100 and 770 millionths of a millimeter; (c) to the ultraviolet rays between 350 and 390 millionths of a millimeter. Butthe absorption of excessive amounts of radiant energy even in this narrow band may give rise to permanent damage of the retina as if by a burn. Viewingof an eclipse or a welders torch for a n extended period without goggles or smoked glass may give rise to this type of retinal damage and eclipse blindness.

one will direct his line of vision somewhat above the horizon, any dim light will fall upon theperipheralretina and be noted even when nothing can be definitely visualized upon directing the gaze straight to the suspected spot and thus placing the image on the central area of the retina.
Fatigue a d Visual Reserve

Staccato ring of steel on steel, The flash of flame, the whir of. wheel, Where stalwart crews in denim clad, Do sweat and strain like demons mad. While dark and silent lie the subs -~ And gainst the dock the tender rubs, The tender crew in labors skilled, Will through thenight the boats rebuild. Boat crews relax, patrol at end, Repairmen work-the boats to mend. The shops are lighted through the night As men turn-to until dawns light. The roaring forge makes metal glow The blacksmith shapes it blow by blow, Bright molten metal glows like gold As founders pour it to the mold. While on the boat mechanics test The Diesel engines to their best; Lectricians check the monsters nerves Installing wires in crazy curves; Prismatic eyes and crystal ears Are carefullytuned as sailing nears. To overhaul a submarine Most every craft is on the scene. Theirs not the glory of the kill, The tale to which the people thrill, Theirs but the pride in work well done \ And peace of mind when war is won. c Their motto Do the job in hand, Forget the fanfare and the band. In shop and ship with forthright skill These men gird subs to make the kill. All hail! these men indungarees Whose skillcreates our victories.

I n view of

the fact that in


all close eye work the ciliary muscles

Night Visioe

When one goes directly from a

brightly lighted compartment to a

dimly lighted compartment or to the dark outdoors at night one can see little or nothing a t first. After about 10 minutes of adaptation to the dark thenormal eye begins to see very muchmore clearly and progressive improvement in function may be noted with prolongation of the stay in the dark up to a maximum of 40 minutes. Playing an important part in this adaptation is the pigment in the retina known as visual purple. This visual purple is composed partly of vitamin A and when the diet is deficient in vitamin A for an extended period dark adaptation is both slow and incomplete. Since rapid adaptaNaval Transport a keen night tiontodarknessand vision are so essential to naval per- Named Lejeune sonnel on watch duty and similar Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox duties, the prevention of vitamin A has approved the naming of a transdeficiency becomes of extreme import the U. S. S. Lejeune in honor of A is found in portance. Vitamin Lt. fat of milk the late Gen. John Archer Lejeune, large amounts the in (whole milk, cream,butter,and ice World War general, who served as Marine Corps cream), in colored vegetables such as Commandant of the carrots,spinach,and tomatoes, and from 1920 to 1929. The Lejeune was in eggs, liver, kidney, and fish. It is formerly named the U. S. S. Windhuk, very abundantin fish liver oils. If a vessel acquired from Brazil. She is forany reason the diet cannot be being refitted at an east coast navy made to provide about 4,000 Inter- yard. national Unitsof vitamin A a day the medical officer maysupplement the Carrier Essex Honored diet with vitamin capsules each containing approximately 2,500 InternaAmericas new aircraft carrier, the tional Units of vitamin A along with Essex, will carry with her into battle other essential vitamins. a replica of Englands famous Essex Another device that is helpful in Regiment eagle crest presented to the obtaining the maximum acuity of carrier by the officers and men of the night vision when on lookout is to Essex Regiment as a token of friendutilize thefactthattheperipheral ship, good hunting and good luck. portions of the retina outside the The carrier was named in honor of centralareasare more sensitive to Essex County, Mass. The Essex Regilight oflow intensity than are those ment, an historical fighting force for central areas. If, in looking for more thana century, hails fromEssex dimly lighted vessels on the horizon, County, England.
Page 38

of the eye must be in almost continuous activity, it is evident that excessive fatigue of these muscles must be very common.- To reduce the wear and tear on these muscles and increase their reserves, the following suggestions will be found helpful: (a) obtain as far as possible an adequateamount of sleep; ( b ) do not expect your eyes to have their normal visual reserve when you are physically overtired or have been forced to reduce markedly your hours of sleep; (c) in doing close eye work arrange for proper illumination (adequate in intensity and directed from behind) and restyour eyes by looking up from the closework and looking away at a distance, if possible, a t frequent intervals; ( d ) be moderate in the reading of newspaper print or other dimcult print at night when you are already tired.


Comdr. R. R. BURLEY, USN, repair officer.

Iwas scared, he admitted. I had no compass with me and I had failed to take any water along. I didnt even have any grenades. All I had was my (Corztirzued from page 15) rifle. Istarted back cautiously. I heard soldiers wanted to surrender, but were some Jap voices and ducked behind a afraid to do so because of their oftree, holding my breath for fear ficers, an officer asked him whether theyd hear me. It was a party of he would broadcast an appeal to his Japscarrying machine guns. I decomrades. He agreed. cided to lay low till they passed. I The nextday the loudspeakers were couldnt knock off many with my rifle placed ona ridge at the front. In and if I tried, Id never get back. the ravine below Jap snipers and maLinquist returned to his section exchine guns peppered away as soldiers hausted. He had been in Jap terriset up the apparatus. The shooting tory for 5 % hours. The battalion instopped the instant the prisoner telligence officer told him: Good started speaking. Not a bullet was work, Linquist, but dont get lost fired as he spoke. again. Standing by the microphone was a Marine officer who knew Japanese. He was ready to shut off the mike Porky & Co. the moment the prisoner showed any Back home the Hospital Corpsmen, sign of treachery. But the prisoner who are attached to every Marine spoke faithfully. company, are called swab jockeys The debates among theJap sol- by the Leathernecks.OnGuadalcadiers in the ravine can be guessed nal theyre known as DOC. only at. Not a shot was fired that afterThe usually hard-shelled Marines noon. Inthe morning, as day was make no attempt to conceal their adbreaking over Guadalcanal, eight miration of the men. Japs, their hands .up and the Palms Here are stories of some of the forward, walked up to ourlines. corpsmen : Within the hour American soldiers Hospital Apprentice First Class captured anothereight who put U P no Richard H. Painter, 18, of Detroit, resistance. Mich., was with a patrol pinned down by Jap machine gun fire. When a Sitting on a Log man was seriously wounded, Painter ran through the hail bullets to stop of Thinking he was going to the rear the flow of blood and apply bandages. of his own lines, Pvtlc Bernard Lin- Thecorpsman.was shot in the leg. quist, USMC, 20, of Albert Lea, Minn., Without tending himself, he carried wandered nearlya mile and a half into enemy territory. Linquist was working with another- company, and when its objective was reached, he left to report to own section. his Its easy to get lost in thejungles of Guadalcanal. So Linquist did not know he was heading in the wrong direction until hecame upon a Jap leisurely sitting on a log. I tbld him to surrender in the only Jap words I knew, Linquist said. Instead,>hestarted pulling a grenade on me. I figured I couldnt take him prisoner then, so I shot him through the head, before he had a chance to pull out the safety pin. Suspicion began to gnaw at Linquist as he climbed ridge after ridge without seeing marines. Finally he saw a Fa- Watch river which he knew was still held by heres a the Japs. The realization hit him Kitty got hitched-but coupla phone numbers her hushard-he was, about 2,500 yards in front of our front lines. band gave me.


the Marine to safety and then, saying that stretchers were needed for others, hobbled back to the first-aid station. In night fighting three corpsmen ranthrough fire to a ravine where a big Jap shell had fallen on a company of Marines, seriously wounding six. In darkness, while mortar shells exploded about themandtheJaps shoutedand banged knives against shell cases to lure the Marines into firingandthus disclose their location, the corpsmen rendered first aid. They gave the wounded cigarettes and used their helmets to cover the glowhelmets necessary for their own protection when shrapnel fell. The corpsmen were Pharmacists Mate Third Class Richard Seavers, 17, of Detroit, Mich.; Hospital Apprentice Rrst Class J. Roy Spence, 18, of Chowchilla, Calif., and Henry H. Sickler, 18, Mossyrock, Wash. On another sector, Pharmacists Mate Third Class Marion E. Porcupile, 18, of Seminole, Okla., left his foxhole to treat three wounded men, one of whom had a severely lacerated arm. For 45 minutesPorky, as he is known to the men, worked deftly inthe midst of falling shells. This morning thebattalion surgeontold him his speed had saved the life of the boy with the wounded arm. Porky was entitled to a rest after that,but,ashe explains it, some mortar shells fell next door and wounded three guys, and I went over to see what I could do. On another occasion, a hail of snipers bullets felled two men in a company which had just moved up to the front. A call for a corpsmanwent. down the line, and, oblivious to the bullets, he ran to the wounded, tossing his helmet away because it slowed him down. Meanwhile the men of t h e company fanned out into action. They blazed away with rifles and automatic weapons until the ravine ahead was clear of Japs. I cant hold those kids back, their commanding officer said. They hear a sniper and off they go. Theyve got guts. The two wounded men had received superficial though painful injuries. They lay silently,puffing on cigarettes their buddies placed between their lips, asthe corpsmen dressed their wounds. I carry morphine todeadenthe pain, thecorpsman said,but I havent given it to anyone yet. None of them will, admit theyre in pain.

Page 39

He Walked Back
The words of Maj. Ewart S. Laue, Seattle, Wash., tell the story of the heroism of Pvt. Lewis F. Franklin, Beaumont, Tex., against Japanese forces on Guadalcanal: When the other members of the crew were hit and out of action, the kid manned the machine gun singlehanded. From his position, it was impossible to work a traversing field of fire, so he picked up the gun, balanced it on his thigh, and sprayed lead. When the order came to fall back to a new line, he was stillfighting mad and had to be forcibly restrained. Corp. Oliver G. Cruickshank, of Bear Valley, Mariposa County, Calif., told of some other phases of the fighting. His squad was in a raiding party which was to knock out eight J a p field pieces. Caught in pocket of fire, only Corp. a Cruickshank and two others of his squad werent hit, butthose who could fought on. The number three gunner of my squad, said Cruickshank,was hit twice in thechest, but he helped other wounded out of the way, then set up his gun and, cool as a cucumber, Ared away until he used up twoboxes of ammunition. I know he knocked out one gun, maybe more. Hes Pvtlc DonaldCarlson, of Minneapolis. He -walked all the way back to the hospital without help.

Chop Down Treed Japs

A Marine regimental commander

A battle-scarredJapanesefioat-typeZero, shot down in the Pacific war zone, i s unloaded at Alameda, Calif.
cleared the way with a barrage, and ,accounted for two more machinegun emplacements and a 40-millimetergun. Thebarrage was so effective that the regiment suffered only two casualties in its advance. Jap snipersdesperatelysought to kill the tank-destroyer crews, but the Americans solved this problem by hurling their highly accurate, highly explosive projectiles a t trees sheltering the snipers, mowing down trees and occupants.

P r e s s Association.

commended histank-destroyer platoon for action as assault artillery in a three-day operation west of the Matanikau River. The tank destroyers, mobile half tracsor truckswith regularfront wheels andtractortreads for rear wheels, mount a heavy gun and a machine gun. In the operation, the half tracs were not opposed to Japanese tanks but they fired a preparatory barrage and helped smash stubborn Japanese defenses,driving on the second day into enemy territory toclear out three unyielding pockets and wipe out six machine gun nests. On the third day, the half tracs
Page 40

lines distributing cigarettes a n d matches when he went farther than he intended. Wandering about in the jungle, 6 foot-l%-inch Tiny, as he is known to the regiment, met a group of Marines and offered them smokes. Say, fellows,he asked, arent we pretty close to the front lines now? They looked at him with astonishment.OneMarinesaid: Front lines, hell. Theyre half a mile behind us. This is a patrol. The Marines got Tiny home safely.

Front-Line Tiny
Thomas S. Montgomery, 28, of Yuma, Ariz., an American Red Cross field director, was on one of his frequent trips to the Guadalcanal front

He Had P Busy Hour

Corp. Charles A. West, USMC, of Greenwood, S. C., volunteered to go forward and throw hand grenades into the enemy pillboxes while his

squad covered him. In a little more than an hour he wiped out 25 of the enemy positions. West is also credited with killing five enemy snipers.

WAVESWillWear Turbans
T h e WAVES will wear turbans with their aviation coveralls. The turban will be a protection to keep stray, flying locks in place. It willbe worn when working around motors in plants or factories.

If you wouldbe a sailors wife, His speech you must not spurn. Because to lead the Navy life, Youve simply got to learn: That bread is punk, and coffee mud, and water angel wine. That floors are decks, a billet a bunk, and hawser is a line. That oQcers are gold all braids and any lands the beach; That shoot the breeze describes the thing civilians call a speech That married sailors are lashed up9i f squared away or not; That if your has romance fouled out, its trouble that youve got. But theres this consolation for New wives of Gold and Blue, The Navy has no other words For Darling, I Love You! -The Bowline.

Thoughts of Pearl Harbor must have led him to shout Honolulu as the squad he was in killed two Japanese, says Sergeant Russell Stanley,. of Maynard, Iowa, and so Honolulu became a Marine war cry. Second Lt. John Priestly, of Pontiac, Mich., wasin chargeof the patrol, and with its battle yell of Honolulu it was credited with killing a t least 12 Japanese, capturing five machine guns, and as many 47-millimeter and 77-millimeter guns duringa 45-minute operation.

Marriage Regulations For WAVES Changed

Changes in regulations will allow women reservists in theNavy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard to marry men in theirown branches of the service a t any time except during indoctrination and training courses. Under the former ruling, women reservists had to resign upon marrying men intheir own branch of the service. The marriage regulations still bar women married to Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel from entering the same branch the of service as their husbands.

Cooks Tour
PFC Leland B. Simpson, 22, of Winnetka, Ill., decided that he couldnt fight this war from a galley all the time. Without a word, he laid aside his ladles after serving morning chow, picked up his rifle, a bandolier of ammunition, and three hand grenades, and slipped off toward the front. I was going along the side of a cliff in the jungle, he said, when I noticed a movement inthe bushes. I crawled up quietly to within 20 feet of the place and yelled: Get the hell outta there. A Jap stuck his head up. He still. had a look of surprise when I shot him dead. Simpson shouted again: Any more there? Hearing no reply, he pulled the pin from a grenade, counted up to .four so that no Jap could possibly toss it back at him, and threw it into a cave behind the bush. Insidethe cave Simpson said he found the mangled bodies of two Japs-one amajor. Upon his return to camp, the battalion commander smilingly reprimanded him for free lancing. The mess sergeant gave me hell for slipping off but promised me he wouldnt have me locked up, he added. Simpson couldnt sleep last night. The excitement of killing his first Jap was too much for him. This morninghe was back a t his job of preparingand ladling. out chow. But he wore a smile of deep satisfaction. He was one of the boys now.

Press Association.

The omce-proud Japanese limer Kilzucawa Maru? part of the invasiom fleet which was routed by Americas warships im the Battle of Guadalcanal, lies with her mose i m the a i r amd stern deep i m the water ofl Guadalcanal. A gum is barely visible om the bow of the ship. Page 41

(Corntirnued from page 23)
with the depth charges on her stern exploding as she sank. Sighting the enemy patrol ship early one morning, the submarine opened fire a t a distance of 2 miles. The sub was not materially damaged in the ensuing battle. The attack cost the life of one of the crew members, Herbert Andrew Calcaterra, MMMlc, USN, Stoneyford, Calif. Calcaterra was awarded the Silver Star medalposthumously for his part in the engagement. Five of his shipmates also received the Silver Star medal for conspicuous gallantry and intrepiditythe in encounter. They are Daniel James Schultz, CGM, USN, Waseca, Minn., Chester Phipps, M l c , USN, Beardsley, Kans., Lloyd F. Hern, GM2c, Brownville, Nebr., Robert F. Case, TM2c, Tenino, Wash., and Joseph Matthew Petrovsky, EMlc, USN, Johnson City N. Y.

his bandmasters post, because, as he expressed it: Music was fine in peacetime, but in wartime, shooters are needed more than tooters. My intention when I signed up with the Merchant Marine, said Captain Talbot, was to make a couple of trips, see some action, and then come back andretire on my pension. But, I wouldnt quit now for allthe money in the world. Im in this war now and Im going to stick it through to the end, because they cant keep a good Marine down.

Axis Bomb Helps-Us

The story of how enemy bombers actually aided invasion forces in North Africa is told by Chief Boatswains Mate Lloyd M. Morris of Vallejo, Calif., whowas awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received. Two supply boats, used in the landing operations, had been unloaded and were high and dry on abeach near Casablanca. It wasChief Morris problem, to get them afloat. Enemy bombers appeared pverhead and a bomb landed directly between the two heavy boats. A large crater was blasted in the sand and quickly filled with water, gently floating the boats. The enemy planes had saved about seven hours work.

New Aide to Secretary

Capt. Lyman Spencer Perry, USN, has assumed duty as aide to the Secretary of the Navy. He replaces Capt. Frank Edmund Beatty, USN, who has been given a command at sea. Captain Perry, of Jefferson, Ohio, has been stationed at the Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., since July 1940, first, as executive officer, and later as head of the department of physical training. Captain Beatty, Coronado, Calif., of has been aide to the Secretary since
April 1941.



Balboa, Canal Zone.-Sixty years old-too old to flght, he says he was told by theMarines-Capt. Horace gone to sea Talbot, USMC (retired), has as an ordinary Merchant Marine seaman. His object: To Geta couple of Japs, knock them cold, and bring back a necklace of teeth. Captain Talbot, whose home is in Boston, served over 30 years with the Marine Corps, including more than 10 years as bandmaster at SanDiego, Calif. He sayshe is findingexcitement in Merchant the Marine. For instance, last August the small boat on which he was standing while rigging a stern anchor on a disabled ship was sunk from under him. He spent 15 hours in the open sea before being rescued. He should know something about excitement. He says he was with The first Marines to go over and the last to come out, in the first World War. His decorations included: Three PurpleHearts, an Army decoration awarded men wounded in action; the Silver Star, also an Army award; and the Croix de Guerre, the French decoration, for gallantry beyond the call of duty. Last April Captain Talbots request for combat duty was refused. He joined the Merchant Marine, leaving

A Plane is Torpedoed .
The usual situation was reversed andan enemy aircraft was torpedoed by a British submarine for a unique victory somewhere in the Mediterranean. Submerged while on patrol duty, the commander of the Britishsub sighted an enemy supply ship escorted by three low-flying planes. A torpedo was fired. The result was a magnificent column of orange and white smoke rising 1,000 feet high. The submarine commander then noted with astonishment that only two enemy planes were in sight. The third had apparently been caught by the explosion from the supply vessel and had been destroyed.

Ship Is Awarded Plaque

Survivors of a torpedoed tanker, Bolivar, who were rescued the Esso by a Navy minesweeper ayear ago, have expressed their gratitudeby presenting a silver plaque to the rescue ship,the U. S. S. Endurance. The Esso Bolivar was attacked by an enemy submarine and its survivors landed a t a United States port by the

40 .
Boatswain W. J. Sullivan, USNR, of El Paso, Tex., who is attached to the Norfolk Field Office, accomplished an unusual feat on January 22, 1943, while shooting the qualification course for .45 caliber pistols at the Antiaircraft Training Center at Dam Neck, Va. He shot a perfect score.

Page 42

Infantry Journal Publications

The Infantry Journal, which is owned by the nonprofit United States Infantry Association, produces a number of books that are believed to be of interest naval to personnel, among them:

Ships Service Officers communicate

with the Infantry Journal, 1115 SevN W . , Washington, enteenth Street D. C., requesting Weir offering list and such other information as is desired concerning discounts, etc.

(Continued from page 25)
vanced bases after they have served their .original purpose. Meanwhile, considerable progress has been made in the conservation of valuable cargo space. Toilet tissues, usually a bulky article, now occupies from 30 to 35 percent less space than formerly as a result of crushing the spool on which the paper is wound. The new waterproofV-board, in addition to providing a strong container, is thinner than ordinary wooden boxes of the same capacity and consequently occupies less space. A recent example of space saving was accomplished by the shipment of 25,000,000 pounds of soap. Space occupied was 19 percent less thanthat previously taken for such a shipment. One of the most important instances of space saving has been the introduction of dehydrated foods. These are being acquired by the Navy in constantlyincreas- . ing quantities, although thesupply of these products is still insufficient. In the year ending June 30, 1943, the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts is expected 18,to purchase approximately 000,000 pounds, of dehydrated soups; 7,000,000 pounds of potatoes; 2,000,000pounds of applies; 1,000,000 pounds each of onions and cabbages; 600,000 pounds of cranberries, and 500,000 pounds each of carrots and turnips. To develop furthertheseimprovements in handling, packaging,andpreparation of various supply materials, the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts has established a Containers and Material Handling Section and is sponsoring a Navy Packaging School. a e school is located at the Forest Products Laboratory, operated by the Forestry Division of the Departmentof Agriculture at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. It will provide scientific training fornaval.personnel in the field of packaging and packdestined. ing of war materhls for the armed services and lendlease recipients.

What To Do Aboard the TransI port_------_~__------__-___ 25 I Casualties of the U. S. Naval Forces Infantry Drill Regulations-----50 (Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast The Fight at Pearl Harbor-_---- 25 Guard) from December 7, 1941 to How the Jap Army Fights------ 25 March 20, 1943,inclusive, total 24,522, Others available in the near future including dead, wounded, and missing. are: During the period from March 2 to March 20, inclusive, casualties rePsychology for Fighting the M a n - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _25 _ ported to __ next of kin totalled 686, Military and Naval History including 79 dead, 118 wounded, and of the United States By 489 missing. Fletcher Pratt _____________ 25 A break-down of the casualties by How to Shoot the U. S. Army service and classification follows: Rifle---------_____________ 25 Dead Wounded issing Total The list of publicationsavailable from or through the Infantry Journal Navy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5,340 2,189 10,766 18,295 5,980 comprises several hundred volumes, Marines _____ 1,522 2,431 2,027 and it is suggested that interested Coast Guard- 19 1 5 177 247


Prisoner of War Prisonnier d e Guerre Prisoners rank, full

Postage Free Franc du. Port

name, branch of service and or U. S. M. C.) Interned by Japan in the Philippine Islands c/o Japanese Red Cross, Tokyo Via New York,N. Y .

(U. S . Army, U. S . N.,


American Red Cross.

How to address a letter t o a prisoner in the Philippines. Leave space on to be added by the the front of the envelope for forwarding address Japanese Red Cross. For a ciuilan internee write for the second line of the address: American Civilian Internee held by Japan i n the Philippines. Whenevera definite prison or internment camp address is received, substitute it for rrc/oJapanese Red Cross, Tokyo. The name and address of the sender must be clearly indicated on the back of the envelope..Lettersshould be brief,purelypersonal, with no mention or defelzse, and should be of war, politics, shipping, war production, typewritten or printed in block capitals to avoid delay in foreign censorship offices. The JapaneseGovernment has toldtheInternational Red Cross Committee that it distributed 230,000 letters t o American ami United Natiom prisoners of war during 1942, ami is now distributing the bulk of mail receivedf o r prisoners from abroad.

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Brig. Gen. Laverne George Saunders, USA, of Washington, D.C., for leadinghisgroup of bombers in a daring daylight raid on enemy shipping in the face of severe antiaircraft and enemy fighter opposition in the Buin-Tonolei area of the Solomon Islands, November 18, 1942. A t least two 1,000-pound bomb hits were scored on enemy vessels and 12 enemy aircraft were destroyed. After his own airplane was badly damaged and it became necessary to landhis plane in enemy territory, he skillfully accomplished awater landingnearshore thereby permitting remaining the members of his crew to reach safety.

Navy Cross

Capt. Cassin Young, USN, of Coronado, Calif., who was killed in action .and who had previously been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor; Commander Thomas M. Stokes, uSN,. of Meridian, Miss., and Lt. Comdr, Jack W. Wintle, USN, of Shreveport, La., who was killed in action, for extraordinary heroism intheline of their profession duringactionwith enemy forces. The forces to which they were attached engaged a t close quarters and defeated superior a enemyforce, and.theirdaringand determination contributed materially to the victory which prevented the enemy from accomplishing its purposes.

" P r e s s Association.

Put. Albert A . Schmid, USMC, receives a Navy Cross from Col. A . E. Ram-

in three days while making repeated in lieu of a second NavyCross, for trips into thehazardous area in order sinking 15,250 tons of enemy shipping to deliver much needed supplies. On and seriously damaging an additional one occasion, with full knowledge that 5,750 tons, while commanding officer powerful enemy surface forces were of a submarine. His first Navy Cross in the vicinity, he returned to Guadal- was awarded for sinking24,227 tons of canal unescorted, with a cargoof sup- merchant shipping and a warship. plies urgently needed ashore. a

ating conditions and shortage of equipment during the period August 27 to September 25, 1942. In particular, on September 8, with units of his squadron,he covered the withdrawal of our raiding forces to their boatsin remarkably successful and complete evacuation operations.

Commander Henry C. Bruton, USN, of Little Rock, Ark.,whb received a Gold Star in lieu of a second Navy Cross, for accounting for 56,000 tons of merchant shipping and torpedoing a converted aircraftcarrierduring two war patrols of his submarine.

Lt. Comdr. Willis M. Thomas, USN, of Fresno, Calif., commanding officer of a submarine, forsinking a destroyer, a 9OO-ton patrol vessel, and 6,900 tons of merchant shipping.

Lt. Comdr. Arthur H.Taylor, USN, of Narberth, Pa., for sinking three largeJapanesemerchant ships totaling 21,136 tons during a patrol of his submarine.
$7 Lt. Comdr. Courtney Shands, USN, of Kirkwood, Mo., for leading his asfighter squadron in the initial air sault on Japanese positions on t h e Solomon Islands. His flight destroyed seven enemy fighters and 15 patrol planes. This victory eliminated all local air opposition in the area, thus greatly contributing to the successful ,occupation of the islands by American ground forces. Lieutenant Commander Shands personally shot down four Japanese fighters and two patrol planes.

Commander Peter M. Money, USN, of Cochran, Ga., for his action as commanding officer of awarshipwhich was attacked and damaged, in ordering all hands to battle stations the instanthe observed theattack was imminent, therebypreventing numerous casualties. He also maneuvered clear of the formation, at the same time capably directing damaged control organization in correcting list and trim. By his thoroughness of preparation, skill, and leadership, he was able to abandon the area of the attack and bring his ship safely into port.

Lt. Comdr. Leroy Coard Simpler, USN, of Harbeson, Del., for leading his fighter squadron against overwhelming formations of enemy Japanese aircraft in the Solomon Islands area, thereby contributing to the destruction of 17 Japanese planes, and Personally shooting down one Zero-type fighter. *His squadronaccounted for a total of 35 enemy planes during service in the area from. September 11 to October 6, 1942. (See also Distinguished Flying Cross.)

Commander Carol B. Jones, uSN, of Devils Lake, N. Dak., for leading his patrol squadron in repeated bombing and strafing attacks on Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor, despite adverse weather conditions and fire from antiaircraft and shore batteries. With his own plane pierced by shrapnel and lighter caliber projectiles from enemy fire, he was forced to fly blind pull-outs, avoiding the perilous cloud-obscured mountains.

Lt. Comdr. Willford M.Hyman, USN, of San Pedro, Calif., who was coma manding officer of the U. S. S'. Sims, destroyer lost intheBattle of the Lt. Comdr. Ernest M. Snowden, Coral Sea, for skillfully warding off USN, of Beaufort, N. C., forleadinghis thefirstraid of a hostile aircraft scouting squadron in 'three diveship bombing attacks against hostile posiattack on his vessel andthe which it was escorting, and,. in the tions on the Solomon Islands on Ausecond raid, when the Sims lay dead gust 7-8, 1942, and silencing the fire and crippled in the water, for keeping of an enemy battery opposing the apher guns blazing away until the last proach of our landing boats, thereby Zapanese plane had disappeared, contributing greatly tothe seizure then coolly directing salvage and .re- of the islands. Later, while engaged pair operations until the bridge of the in single combat, he successfully outsinking vessel was completely awash maneuvered andshot down a Japand he went down into thesea. He is anese seaplane fighter. listed as missing in action

Lt. Comdr. Thomas B. Klakring, of Annapolis, Md., whose submarine sank an 8,215-ton Japanese auxiliary warship, a total of 42,840 tons of Japanese merchant shipping, and d a m a g e d a 7,000-ton Japanese freighter.

Their submarines credited with sinking 54,277 tons of enemy merchant shipping and a warship, without casualty to personnel and with only minor material damage to one of the underseas craft, the following: Commander Creed C. Burlingame, USN, of Georgetown, Ky., credited with sinking 24,227 tons and the warship. Commander EdwardS. Hutchinson, USN, of Paris, Tex., 20,000 tons. Commander D o n a 1 d McGregor, USN, of Coronado, Calif., 10,050 tons.



Lt. Paul A. Holmberg, USN, of Brunswick, Mo., a Gold Star in lieu of a second Navy Cross, for launching an attack, while piloting a bombing plane, against an enemy Japanese aircraftcarrierinthe Solomon Islands area, contributingeffectively to the probable destruction of that vessel.
$ 7 '

Lt. Comdr. Creed C. Burlingame, USN, of Georgetown, Ky., a Gold Star

Maj. John Archibald Thompson, of Tacoma, Wash., foc leading his fighter squadronin determined bombing and ground strafing attacks on enemy troops ana surface forces, thereby contributing materially to the defense of Henderson Field despite the handicap of primitive operUSA,

Lt. Turner F. Caldwell, Jr., USN, of San Diego, .Calif., a Gold Star in lieu of a second Navy Cross, for the action of the bombing squadronunderhis command in making daily scouting flightswithout the loss of a single

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officer or man while flying from the partially completed Guadalcanal airfield, frequently under extremely adverse weather conditions; for contributing to the repulse of Japanese assaults by makingsuccessfulraids upon enemy shipping and troop contransport was centrations. A large sunk by their bombs, and they participated in attacks which sunk three destroyers demolished and a large concentration of landing barges loaded with enemy troops attempting t o reach Guadalcanal.

Lt. (jg) Kenneth M. Willett, USM, of Sacramento, Calif., commanding officer of an Armed Guard crew aboard a merchant ship which was attacked by enemy raiders in the South Atlantic, who is listed as missing in action, for manning his station as the first shell struck, and opening fire on the mostheavilyarmed of the two raiders.Although seriously wounded almost immediately, he kept up a sustained and rapid fire a t close range, hitting his targetalong the water line with most of the 35 shells fired. He maintained the defense of his ship until forced by the explosion of a Lt. William B. Mcfiacken, II, (MC) magazine to cease Aring. He went usm, of Berkeley, Calif., senior med- down upon the deck and was last seen ical officer of the landingforces of helping tocast loose life rafts in a the Marine Raider Expedition against desperate effort to save the lives of Japanese-held Makin Island, for per- others. Before his ship plunged into sonally carrying m a n Y of the the sea, her guns had inflicted serious wounded positions to of greater damageonboth enemy raiders and safety,thereby,enablinghimself to caused the probable destruction of administer early and effective aid, fol- one of them. lowing the first enemy air attack. 7k When his boat overturned, endangering the life of aseriously wounded Lt. (jg) Jack P. Barnum, USNR, of enlisted man during the first attempt Poland, Ohio, andLt. (jg) Eddy L. at evacuation, he risked his own life Fayle, usm, of Jersey City, N. J., for by holding the helpless .man's head contributing to thescoring of a direct above water and swimming ashore hit on a n enemy cruiserwhile particiwith him. pating, as pilots of planes in an aerial Afterreturning to hisship, Lieu- torpedo raid against a Japanese task tenant McCracken performed six ma- force inthe Solomon Islandscamjor operations under most difficult 'paign and pressing home their attack circumstances and, as a result of his through a bursting hail of fire from skillfulandtirelessefforts,hesuchostile antiaircraft batteries. ceeded in- bringingall of his cases back to base in excellent condition. Lt. (jg) Aaron Katz, USNR, of Cleve513 land, Ohio, pilot of a torpedo plane Lt. (jg) Robert H. Benson, USNR, Of during an attack on a Japanese task San Francisco, Calif., and Lt. (jg) force inthe Solomon IslandscamPhilip W. Cobb, USNR, of Saginaw, paign, for contributing to the relentMich., received Gold Stars in lieu of less fighting and spirit aggressive second Navy Crosses for launchingat- courage which enabledhisgroup to tacks against an enemy aircraft carrier, contributing effectively to its probable destruction, despite antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition. The action occurred operations during against a Japanese naval task force in the Solomon Islands area.

score one certain hit and two estimated hits on a n enemy aircraft carrier.

Lt. (jg) William A. Smith, urn, of Santa Paula, Calif., for volunteering to ascertainrectify and damage caused by enemy fireduringaction against Japanese forces. He was twice rendered unconscious while making his way through the intense heat andoverpowering smoke in compartments below deck. At great risk of life, he persisted in his careful investigation of all machinery and took steps toward its repair.

Ensign Bunyan R. Cooner, USNR, of Washington, D. C., posthumously, for participating in persistent and vigorous attacks against the Japanese invasion fieet in the Battle of Midway, defying antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition to do so.

Ensign Victor A. Lewis, usm, of Randolph, Mass., who listed as missis ing in action, for pressing home his torpedo-plane attack in the face of withering antiaircraft fire in the first attackagainstan enemy carrier of the Japanese forces in the Battle of Midway, thereby contributing to the success of our forces.

EnsignThomas W. Ramsay, USNR, of Perkinston, Miss., for pressing home attacksagainsttheJapanese invasion fleetin the Battle Midway of during theinitial dive-bombing attack .of our forces, although he was flying at a distance from his own forces which rendered return unlikely because of probable fuel exhaustion. Ensign Roger C. Crow, usm, of Cleveland, Ohio, forcontributing to the serious damaging of a Japanese aircraft carrier during a dive-bombing attack in the Solomon Island campaign. Aggressively attacking hostile aircraft during the return trip to his own carrier, he shot down three and effectively damaged two.

Lt. (jg) William T. Sorensen, usm, of. Bountiful,Utah(previouslypresented the Air Medal for action in the Aleutian Islands campaign), for daring dive-bombing attacks against Japanese ships and four-motored patrol planes in Kiska Harbor, which he carried out in the face antiaircraft of fire which, on oneoccasion,lefthis plane riddled more with than 100 shrapnel holes.


Ensign Peronneau B. Wingo, USNR, of Richmond, Va., who isreported missing in action, directingthe fire for of his antiaircraft battery and participating in operations of strategic importance in the Manila Bay area involving hazardous missions, while

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losses. Under his direction, the final phases of elimination of enemy resistance on the island of Guadalcanal were successfully accomplished.

Col. Gerald C. Thomas, USMC, of Greenville, N. C., who served as operations officer of the Marine Division the in Tulagi-Guadalcanal area. Limited as to time and faced with the difficulty of communicating with the widely scattered elements of the landing force, Colonel Thomas was completely successful in preparing operational plans and orders for the embarkation of the Division and for the subsequent occupation and defense of the seized area.

Commander Walter Ellsworth Linaweaver, USN, of San Pedro, Calif., for hisservice as FleetCommunication Officer to the Commander in Chief of the United States Asiatic Fleet. Meeting the challenge of rapidly changingconditionsduring the period prior to and following the outbreak of hostilities, Commander Linaweaver exercised profound judgment, tact, and energy in the formulating of effective plans necessary for maintaining reliable communications between the forces afloat and allied commands, as well as with the United States Army. He kept fully operative the communication channels, vital to operations a t sea and in the air, despite repeated relentless and enemy air attacks, and difficulties involving inadequate facilities, equipment, and personnel.

chairm& loo.& on.

eight othervessels despite antiaircraft exposed tofrequenthorizontaland dive-bombing attacks by enemy Jap- fire and aircraft opposition. anese air forces. His actions. oca curredduring the period March 18, Machinist Leland L. Davis, USN, of 1942, to April 9, 1942, while aboard a Hattisburg, Miss., for flying under exUnited States warship. tremely adverse conditionsand facing 7k heavy antiaircraftfire from enemy -. k Ensign Wilhelm G. Esders, uslo, Of ship and shore batteries to repeatedly Lt. Col. Charles L. Fike, USMC, of bomb andstrafeJapaneseshipsin Pensacola, Fla., for his actions while Pasadena, Calif., commanding officer Kiska Harbor. He failed to return participating in a torpedo plane asof the forward echelon of a Marine sault on Japanese naval units in the after making his usualattack on June AircraftGroup at HendersonField, . Battle of Midway. Upon observing 11, 1942. Guadalcanal, Solomon Island, August h i s squadron commander crash, in 20-30, 1942, organizing and estabfor flames,EnsignEsders took the lead lishing the air defense of the beach-' of the squadronand pressed home DISTINGUISHED head held by our forces on Guadalthe attack toa point where it became a canal, after having arrived with SERVICE MEDAL relatively certain that the successful flight of 19 fighter and 12 scoutaccomplishment of his mission would bomber aircraft. When he arrived entail a great loss of life. NevertheMaj. Alexander Gen. McCarrell there was a total lack of aircraft servless, he enabled his squadronto reach icing and maintenance equipment, its objective and score several hits on Patch, Jr., USA, who served as Com- shortage of ground personnel, and manding General, Guadalcanal area, enemy aircraft carriers. only a partially completed field. during operations against Japanese During operations, units under his k land, naval, and air forces, from Decommand destroyed 21 enemy bombto -Ensign Lave11M. Bigelow, USNR, of cember 10, 1942, February 9, 1943, ers, 39 Zero-type flghters, two cruiserunder his Provo, Utah, fordive-bombing attacks for employing theunits command with such coordination, en- type seaplanes, three destroyers, one against Japanese forces in Tulagi light cruiser, and transport, which one ergy, and determination that the Harbor on May 4 and for an attack proved a great factor in holding this Japaneselandforcesremainingon on a n enemy aircraft carrier in the Coral on Sea May 8, 1942. Ensign Guadalcanal were destroyed and Jap- strategic base. a Bigelow greatly assisted in the sink- anese naval and air forces supporting Major Dale D Brannon, USA, of . their ground positions suffered severe ing or damaging of the carrier and

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San Antonio, Tex., for his service as a fighting commanding officer of squadron based at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, in handicap August 1942. Despite the of shortage of ground personnel and operating equipment, MajorBrannon, immediately upon arrival at Guadalcanal, made himself, his pilots, and his aircraft available for defense of the base. He developed a specialized strafing and bombing technique which proved highly successful in combat.

on his duties as flag lieutenant and personal aide Rear to Admiral a Thomas C. Kincaid, USN, and as his Lt. Comdr. Elbert C. Wilson, USNR, assistantfor operations andtactics of Harford, Conn., for decisively out- and, later, on the staff of a carrier standing performance of duty during task force commander, during actions an attack by enemy planes upon the with enemy Japanese forces inthe ship to which he was attached. Be- Southwest Pacific area, from dangercause of the intensive drilling of his ously exposed battlestations where crew in emergency exercises, only a he was repeatedly subjected to viominute and a half was required after lent enemy aerial attacks. general quarters was sounded for the guns to manned and the be emergency squad, handling fire and boat equipLt. Chester W. Nimitz, Jr., USN, ment, to go into action. A bomb made who served as torpedo and gunnery a direct hit on a hatch,starting a officer and later as executive officer blaze in all sections of the hold. on two war patrols of asubmarine, Within five minutes the fire under for contributing greatly to the sucwas control and flaming canvas, debris, cess in the many actions his vessel, of and dunnage was being cleared from which resulted in sinking or greatly the decks. During this time, con- damaging much enemy shipping. stant machine-gun Are was main- During a third war patrol his subtained and the attacking plane was marine was ordered to, conduct a seen to drop, swerve, and finally was reconnaissance and rescue Royal Air Force personnel from a small island driven off. off theentrancetoTjilaiiap,Java, a surrounded by waters under Japanese Lt. Comdr. Carter L. Bennett, USN, control. Lieutenant Nimitz conducted of Nashville, Tenn., executive officer the reconnaissance with two men in of a submarine which sunk 29,600 a small boat and definitely detertons of enemy merchant shipping, for mined that the personnel were not his actions during the period of the there to be rescued. sinkings.

Capt. William H. Hartt, Jr., USN, of Portsmouth, Va., commander of the Minesweeping Group at the time of the original landing of our forces on Guadalcanaland,later, commander of the Screening Forcein the Guadalcanal-Tulagi area, for frequently entering that area under persistent Japanese bombing attacks in order to escort vessels bearing reinforcements and supplies to themarines established on theislands.

SILVER STARSection Base S w e e D i w

How about ten days leave, Captain?

damage control officer of the U.S. S. Sims, destroyer lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea, for coolly resuming his duties upon recovering after having been rendered unconscious by concussion from the first bomb which hit the ship, directing the securing of boilers, the jettisoning of topside weights to preserve stability and the preparations for repairs to save the vessel fromsinking. He is listed as missing in action.

Lt. Robert F. Sellers, USN, of Portland, Oreg., for boldly taking his submarine into, an enemy harbor,maneuvering it into firing position, and sinkinga 3,500-ton Japanese minelayer which was lying at anchor.

Lt. Comdr. Robert H. Taylor, USN, of Beverly Mills, Calif., for carrying

Lt. Max Silverstein, USN, of Baltimore, Md., who was engineer and

Sixteen enlisted men who were aboard the cruiser U.S. S. Sun Francisco in its fight against Japanese forces in the Battle of Guadalcanal. Although Rear Adm. Daniel Callaghan, USN, and Capt. Cassin Young, USN, commanding officerof the ship, were killed in the action and the ship was damaged by heavy shells from a Japanese battleship, the Sun Francisco continued in the battle line and inflicted majordamage upon enemy

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. The men: Albert C. McCullough, CBM, USN, of San Diego, Calif., for taking charge when the port battery officer was injuredand directing the fire of the guns so skillfully that a damaging hit was scored on a Japanese destroyer. Subsequentlyunderheavyfire from the enemy, he tirelessly directed the crew of the battery in fighting fires started by hits scored by enemy ships. Edmund E. McGuire, CFC, USN, of Greenup, Ky., for joining the fire fighters in the after part of the ship after his own battle station had been shotaway, and rescuing one of his officers who had been critically wounded, thereby saving his life. Willard C. Cannaday, BMlc, Jr., USN, of Hopewell, Va., who was in charge of the upper powder room, and who, when a shell hit ruptured the sprinkling system, deluging him, his crew, and the powder, wiped off the powder bags with rags, and dried them in order that the ammunition could be used. Later, when the lower powder room was flooded, he organized fire-fighting and rescue parties and contributed greatly to the preservation of the ship. BMlc, USN, of Robert J. 'Perry, Jackson, Wis., for his inspiring courage in taking charge of the starboard battery after theofficer in charge had been injured; rushing ammunition to the gunnersunderheavyshellfire; fighting fires started by enemy hits, and caring for the wounded. Charles L. Kinney, Jr., Cox., USN, of Kansas City, Mo., for disregarding a severe wound caused by a shell burst, and the heavy enemy fire, and persisting in attempting to load a projectile he held in his airms, until forced to desist by his injuries. Ralph H. Snell, Cox., USN, of Chowchilla,Calif., who was wounded by enemy shell fire, and had to be carried his station. from gun Despite his condition, struggled he to his feetand assistedincaring forand evacuating his wounded comrades throughoutthe action. H i s wounds later proved fatal. Lester K. Strickland, GM3c, USN, of Nichols, S. C., formakinghis way to the after port 1.1-inch clipping room-near a raging fire and in imminent danger of exploding-while enemy shells were still hitting in immediate proximity, and proceeding to flood the space. His alert presence

of mind and heroic conduct undoubtedly saved that portion of the vessel fromdamage and possible destruction. Temple T. Thornton,Jr., PhM3c, USN, of Fordyce, Ark., for working unaided inthe face of heavy enemy shelling,despiteabadscalp wound, and organizing a secondary dressing station where firstaidand surgical treatment were administered to the wounded. John R. Nichols, Slc, USN, of Denver, Colo., posthumously, for leaving his own gun to act as a replacement on a five-inch gun battery during the height of thebattleandlater proceeding tothe forward part of the ship to assist in fighting fires. USN, of AlhamJoseph P.Stark, Slc, bra, Calif., who is listed as wounded in action,forremaining a t hisgun and keeping up a steady blast of fire in an effort to destroy a n enemy torpedo plane which was already aflame and heading toward his station. USNR, William Gastelum, S ~ C , of Superior, Ariz., posthumously,forentering a burning compartment to assist in rendering first aid; in removing the wounded, and in fighting fires. Whileengaged inthis rescue work, he was killed by a burst of shrapnel. . USN, William E Gilcrease, S ~ C , of E Campo, Tex., for his action in carl rSring wounded shipmatestosafety althoughhe was seriously wounded and in great pain. USNR, Joseph J. Pastor, S ~ C , of Pana, lll., posthumously, volunteering for to lead a hose around a gun turret which was firing and into a hangar where a fire was raging. He lost his lifeinan effort to extinguish the blaze. Lewis Tarpley, G M ~ c USN, of High , Shoals, Ga., for remaining at his gun station and keeping up a steady blast of fire when a hostile torpedo plane, alreadyaflame,plungedtowardhis ship in headlong a dive. Tarpley showed utter disregard for the disasr terous consequences of an impending crash and was wounded in action. . USNR, of MeDonald E Harsh, S ~ C , chanicsburg, Ohio, for remaining on station to assist incaringforthe wounded and to fight fires, although he was sufferingfromserious face wounds. Carl Raymond Bauer, S ~ C , USNR, of Amhert, Colo., for continuing to fight ragingfirescaused by an explosion which had severely wounded him in the neck,untilhewasforciblyre-

moved from his station after which he collapsed from loss of blood.



Lt. Comdr. Leroy Coard Simpler. of Harbeson, Del., for leading his fighting squadron inan attack against an enemy air groupheadedtoward our' surface forcesduring the Solomon Islandscampaign,resultingin his squadron destroying 19 Japanese planes and damaging three more. He also received a Gold Star in lieu Distinguished Flying of a second 12 planes of his Cross for leading squadron in determined and repeated machine-gun strafing attacks against enemy land troops and sea installations, thereby assisting in effectively silencing Japanese opposition and assuring the consumation of our landing operations without undue casualties on August 7,1942. (See also Navy Cross.)

For service as commanders of patrol planes in bombing raids on Japanese shipping in Kiska Harbor, accomplishment of the raids entailing flying through clouds; dropping their bombs and strafing their targets from very low altitudes under withering fire from antiaircraft batteries, and then bringing their battered planes safely to base: Lt. Comdr. Herman L. R a y , USN, of Pontotoc, Miss. Lt. (jg) Russell C. Gish, USNR, of Waterville, Minn. Lt. (jg) Rolf L. Hagen, USNR,of Port Chicago, Calif. Lt. (jg) Emil B. Hanson, USNR, of Seattle, Wash. Ensign William J. Decker, u r n , of St. Louis, Mo.
4 . l

(See page51 ) Page 49

Ensign Herbert W. George, USNR, of Missoula, Mont.

Lt. Comdr. Louis J. Kirn, USN, of Milwaukee,Wis., for leading his scouting squadron in a vigorous and precise dive-bombing assaultagainst a Japanese naval task force in the face of antiaircraft fire and fighter opposihis tion, pressing home attack and returning his squadron intact its to carrier after contributing immeasurably tothe severedamaging of an the Soloenemy aircraftcarrierin mon Islands campaign.

Lt. Clark A. Hood, Jr., USN, of Nacona, Tex., who was killed in action, for voluntarily accomplishing the first bombing against Japanese vessels in KiskaHarbor,inaddition to flying all-night patrols in contact with the enemy during the Aleutian Islands campaign. But, sir, my girl insisted. that I bring her a souvenir from Africa.

HumHoldt Pawl

wounded. His superb airmanship and hm unyielding determination enabled i to bring his crippled plane back to its a base. a Lt. Jep. C. Jonson, USN, of GreenLt. (jg) Henry M.McDowell, USNR, rille, Ky., who was killed inaction of Aberdeen, Wash., for participating during the Aleutian Islands campaign, in persistentbombing and strafingatfor participating in bombing attacks tacks against enemy forces inthe on Japanese vessels in Kiska Harbor Battle of Midway, while faced with intheface of antiaircraft fire and tremendous antiaircraft Are. fighter opposition, and for flying all7% night patrols contact the in with enemy. Lt. (jg) James C. Clark, Jr., USNR, of North Hollywood, Calif., for brav-. a extreme weather conditions to Lt. Arthur L. Jacobson, USN, of Ta- ing carry out dive-bombing and strafing coma, Wash., and Lt. James A. Masagainst Japanese ships in terson, USN, of Berkeley, Calif., for attacks Kiska Harbor. He was forced by low bravingextremeweatherconditions ceiling to fly through clouds and, after to carry out attack missions against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor while- his attack, pull out into the clear at a very low altitude. He was subject to commanders of patrol planes in the antiaircraft fire from ship and shore Aleutian campaign. Islands They were forced by low ceiling to fly batteries and hisplane was riddled caliber prothrough the clouds, deliver their with shrapnel and lighter bombing and strafing attacks and pull jectiles. In one such attack, 350 miles out into the clear a t a very low alti- from base, his plane captain and sectude.Theirplanes were pierced by ond radioman were killed,his first radioman wounded, and his port enshrapnel and lighter caliberprojectiles by fire from shore and ship bat- gine and aileron completely disabled. (jg) Clark Nevertheless, Lieutenant teries. and his crew returned the plane to its a base. 7% Lt. (jg) Jack F. Litsey, USNR, of Lt. (jg) Milton R. Dahl, USNR, of Seattle, Wash., a Gold Star in lieu of a second Distinguished Flying Cross, Seattle, Wash., and Lt. (jg) Richard for continuing his on objective of G. Johnston, n s h , of Fullerton, Calif., photographing a large Japanese ves- forbravingextremeweathercondisel in Kiska Harbor, although he was tions to deliver dive-bombing and strafing attacks against Japanese numerically superior attacked by a in Harbor. They were force of enemy fighters and his patrol ships Kiska plane was riddled with 65 bullet holes; forced by low ceiling to fly through oneengine was completely disabled, clouds, deliver their attacks, and pull and two of his crew were mortally out at very low altitudes. Their

planes were riddled by shrapnel and lighter caliber projectiles by antiaircraft Are fromship and shore batteries. 72 Ensign Lloyd J. Mills, USNR, of Cove, Oreg., whowas killed in action, for participating in bombing raids against the Japanese in the Aleutian Islands campaigninaddition to flying allnight patrols and facing tremendous antiaircraft fire.

Ensign Gus G. Bebas,USNR, of Wilmette, Ill., posthumously, for piloting his bombing plane in persistent bombing and strafing attacks against fleeing enemy forces in the Battle Midof way, obtaining a damaging near-miss on an enemy vessel in theface of tremendous antiaircraft fire.

Jay W. Jenkins, M 3 c , USN, of Erie, Colo., who is listed as missing in action, successfully for defending his plane against fierce assaults of Japaby nese fighters the skillful and timely fire of his free machine guns, thereby aiding the pilot of his bombing plane to escape, after participating in the first dive-bombing attack against the invasion fleet in the Battle of Midway.


The following, all missing in action, who served as free gunners and radio operators of planes in a torpedo squadron in the Battleof Midway, for returning the fire of enemy Japanese fighters so asto enable their pilots to press home attacksagainst concentrated antiaircraft fire and violent fighter opposition:

Page 50

dition, he courageously performed essential operations which enabled the pilot to return to his own force.

David D. Berg, ARM3c, USN, of Kingston, Wash., and Grant Ulysses USN, of Lenoire, Tenn., Dawn, ARM~c, for disregarding the danger from intense antiaircraft fire while participating in dive-bombing attacks against enemy forces in the Battle of Midway, and continuing the defense of their planes, thereby contributing materially to the success of our forces. Both men, who acted as gunners in bombing-squadron planes, are missing in action.

Richard M. Hansen, ARM3c, USNR, of San Jose, Calif., for disregarding the danger from antiaircraft fire while .participatingasgunner of a torpedo-squadron plane in an attack against enemy naval forces inthe Battle of Midway, and assisting in repelling overwhelming fighter forces, thereby aiding his squadron inpressing home the attack.

Charles Tilden Grenat, ACRM, USN, of Cincinnati, Ohio. John Bates, Hail RMZc, USN, of Hebron, Ind. John Melville Blundell, ARM~c, USN, of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Wilburn Forrest Glenn, ARM2c, USN, of Austin, Tex. John Udell Lane, R m c , USN, of Esmond, Ill. Harold Francis Littlefield, ARMZc, USN, of Bennington, Vt. Edwin John Mushinski, ARM2c, USN, of Tampa, Fla. Gregory Joseph Durawa, ARM3c, USN, of Milwaukee, Wis.

achievements as gunner of a plane in theBattle of Midway. While participating in three dive-bombing attacks, he shot down one enemy fighter and drove off others with accurate and timely Are from his free machine guns.

Lt. Edward A. Michael, Jr., USN, of Jamestown, N. Y., for swimming through heavy seas and dangerous surf to the shore to rescue the weakened and injuredsurvivors of a patrol plane which had crashed on n island. a Although at the point of exhaustion from cold and exposure, he remained on the island directing the rescue operation, leaving only when officers and crew of the disabled plane had been removed.

For succeeding in defending their planes against fierce assaults of enemy fighters by skillful and timely fire of their free machine guns, thereby aiding their pilots to escape, after safe pull-outs from dives while participating inthefirst dive-bombing attack in the Battle of Midway, the following, all of whom are reported missing in action: Harry Williams Nelson, Jr., ARMlc, USN, of Salt Lake City, Utah. Glen Lester Holden, k?RM2c, USN, of Mauston, Wis. Samuel A. Muntean, RM3c, uSNR, of San Diego, Calif. Lee Edward John Keaney, Slc, USN, of Sandusky, Ohio.

'Forrendering valuable assistance to their pilots while gunners of planes squadron duringthe in a scouting Battle of Midway, by detailing continuous Specific and comprehensive information concerning the disposition and movements of enemy units, the following, all of whom are missing : 7 2 Bruno P. Gaido, A " l c , USN, of Milwaukee, Wis. Lt. Henry A. V. Post, usm, ofNew Thurman Randolph S w i n d e 11, York, N. Y., forrescuingalaborer ACMlc, USN, of Engelhard, N. C. from drowning in lower New York Louis Dale Hansen, RM2c, USN, Of Bay on November 3, 1942. A few secAmerican Falls, Idaho. David Bruce Craig, RM3c, USNR, Of Los Angeles, Calif. Frederick Jeck, Charles RM~c, USN, of Asbury Park, N. J.


Walter G. Chochalousek, ARNllc, USN, of San Diego, Calif., for his

Robert Boyd Brazier, ARMZc, USN, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who was killed in action while gunner of a torpedo plane engaging enemy Japanese forces in the Battle of Midway. Disregarding intense antiaircraft fire, Brazier defended hisplane by continuous gunfire against overwhelming fighter opposition until mortally wounded. After reporting conhis


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onds after the man had been struck unconscious and thrownover the side by a marker bouy, Lieutentant Post, although hampered by heavy winter clothing, dived into thewater, rescued the injured man before he could go down the second time and supported him against a strong tidal current until, withthe aid of a line, he was brought alongside a lighter. Lt. David R. Bell, USN, o f Washington, D. C., for sighting a 19,600-ton enemy tanker during the mid-watch while serving as Officer-of-the-Deck by on asubmarine, and expert maneuvering enabled his submarine to sink the tanker. Lt. John B. Currie, USN,of Washington, D. C., and Lt. John H. Cunningham, Jr., USN, of Brookline, Mass., for extremely heroic and courageous conduct during a highly successful and aggressive submarine war patrol in waters occupied by enemy combatant forces. Lt. (jg) John S. Burns, Jr., usm, of a d l a n d s , Calif., for rescuing four men from a stranded boat while serving aboard a warship. When a small patrol boat with crew of four became lost in the darkness and was tossed upon an isolated reef, coral Lieutentant (jg) Burns risked his life by swimming through the shark-infested waters to carry a lighter line from the rescue boat which, because of the dangerous surf, was prevented from approaching the stranded men. Lt. (jg) Thomas P. Lawton, usm, of Newport, R. I., for rescuing Joseph C. USNR, of Fort Myers, ma., Sumner, Slc, from drowning when he fell from a United States warship on May 21, 1942. Not knowing the extent of Sumners injuriesand realizing the danger of his being sucked into the turning propeller blades, Lieutentant (jg) Lawton immediately jumped into the water and pulled Sumner to safety. As a result of the officers action, Sumner suffered only a minor injury where otherwise he might have lost his life. Marvin J. Walker, EM2c, USN, of Detroit, Mich., for proceeding through an extremely dangerous area aboard the U. S. S. Lexington during the Battle of the Coral Sea to investigate the extent of damage caused by an explosion which had disrupted communications between the bridge and

Rinwldi i The Hoist n

the central station. . He then made his way to the bridge and .gave the captain the first report of conditions below decks, furnishing information of vital importance in the control of damage during a most crucial period of the battle.

Commander Douglas T. Day, Jr., USN, of Warrenton, Va., for leading a division of his squadron to theAleutian Area, and, immediately upon arrival, engaging inimportantsearch and attack missions, with but scant advance notice or time for preparation. Under his skillful leadership and direction, the continuance of aggressive and determined attacks on the enemy Japaneseconcentrations in Kiska Harbor was made possible.

Lt. Maurice A. Smith, USN, of Lodi. Calif., who is listed as missing in action, for sighting a Japanese carrier task force and immediately reporting theinformationtothe base, while commander of a patrol plane during the Battle of Midway. After sighting the task force, Lieutenant Smith proceeded to track it down in the face of antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition. His accurateand timely reports contributed immeasurably to the intelligent and successful direction of United States forces. in their subsequent attack. Lt. Winslow L. Pettingell, usm, of Amesbury, Mass., for landing his patrol plane in perilous seas to pick up several injured men who might nothave survived further existence. He was on a routine patrol flight and sighted a number of survivors drifting a t sea on life rafts. He reported their position to his base and signalled the survivors that they would be rescued the following day. Upon closer investigation, however, he observed the critical condition of some of the, men and landed his plane on the open sea. Hethen took aboard 11 of the most seriously injured and returned his heavily loaded plane to its base. Lt. Mark M. Bolin, USN, of Cordele. Ga., for bringing 13 survivors of a ship aboard his patrol plane during a

Lt. James H. Davies, USN, of San Diego, Calif.; Lt. (jg) Harold E. Belew, USNR, of Fresno, Calif.; Ens. Robert F. Keller, usm, of Wichita, Kdns., reported as missing inaction;and Machinist Weimar E. Neuzer, USN, of San Diego,Calif., listed as killed in action, for braving severe Alaskan weather and forcing their planes to fly through the clouds tocarryout attack missions against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor. Their planes were pierced by lighter caliberprojectiles when they were forced to pull out into the clear a t very low altitudes.

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heavy squall. While on patrol he sighted a burning and abandoned merchantmanand began an immediate search for survivors. Upon locating a boatload, he effected a precarious landing on a choppy sea. When unfavorable surface conditions andthe squall prevented the boat from pulling alongside his plane, he was compelled to float a line and rescue the 13 survivors one by one. After they had been taken aboard, he negotiated a successful take-off -from threatening swells, despite the extra weight, and flew back safely to his base.

Lt. Sumner E. Atherton, Jr., USNR, of West Lebanon, N. H., for carrying out a hazardous scouting mission. Flying over enemy-occupied territory, within therange of Japaneseanti, aircraft batteries, Lieutenant Atherton was attacked by three enemy seaplane fighters. Turning on his attackers,LieutenantAtherton succeeded in inflictingdamageonone of theplanes; probably caused the destruction of another, then successfully completed his scouting mission.
Ansoostia ROD Tim


Anacostia is thataway!

Lt. Gordon K.Ebbe, USM, of Waupaca, Wis., for his part in patrol and bombing operations, and for his two daring rescuesof otherNaval personnel. On one occasion he located and saved two men who had been stranded following thecrash of theirpatrol plane. Another time he landed his plane inexposed waters despite heavy, dangerous swells, picked up an officer from a grounded vessel who was suffering from injuries inflicted by the explosion of a flare and carried him to safety.

Lt. Willie M. Dickey, USN, of Rusk, Tex., and Ens. Benjamin J. Bingham, USNR, of Ogden, Utah, forflying under extremely hazardous conditions on dangerous scouting missions during enemy bombing as patrol-plane commanders and, in addition, participatinginall-nightaerialpatrolsand bombing attacks on Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor in the face of antiaircraft fire and fighter opposition during the Aleutian Islands campaign.

Ensign Leonard A. Dobler, USNR, of Rockford, Wash. Lt. Carl H. Amme, USN, of Charleston, S. C., second pilot of a patrol plane in action against enemy Japanese forces during the Aleutian Islands campaign, for assisting in determined dive-bombing and strafing attacks against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor, despite a low ceiling which forced him to fly his plane through clouds in order to carry *out the attack. His plane was pierced by shrapnel and lighter caliber projectiles.

* $

The following, all servingassecond pilots of patrol planes in the Aleutian Islands campaign, for forcing their planes to fly through clouds, despite a low ceiling and severe weather, to carry but attack missions against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor: Lt. William R. Stevens, USN, of Salem, Oreg. Lt. (jg) Hobart H. Throckmorten, u s m , of Des Moines, Iowa. Lt. (jg) Sherwood L. Nelson, USNR, of Pontiac, Mich. Lt. (jg) Jack Arnold, USNR, of Rexford,Mont. Ensign Harold K.Mantius, USNR, of New Canaan, Conn. Ensign Arne W. Havu, USNR, of Pontiac, Mich. Ensign Andy Glosecki, USNR, of Peoria, Ill.

Lt. Peter F Boyle, .


of Silvia,

Ill., for taking part in numerous night


Lt. Hamilton 0. Hauck, USN, of Seattle, Wash., for volunteering to search for a patrol plane lost at sea although he had been on duty almost constantly for the preceding 48 hours as commander of a patrol plane. Locating thelost craft on his first flight, Lieutenant Hauck was relieved by a stand-by while he flew back to base, refueled, and returned to remain overnight with the lost plane. As a result of this action he was in the air 24% hours out of 25, and contributed materially tothe rescue of thepatrol plane and its crew.

patrols the in presence of enemy units; for engaging in successful com-

(See page5 5 )

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bat hostile with aircraft, for and participating in bombing raids on Japanese installations, during the Aleutian Islands campaign. Lt. George C. Duncan, USN, of Arlington, Va., for successfully fighting off and damaging a n enemy fighter which attacked him while he was engaged in a spotting mission during the Aleutian Islands campaign.

patrol sel, in company with other planes. In spite of a heavy swell running,and in constantdangerfrom enemy action, he landed in the open harborandafter embarking the 35 remaining survivors,made a safe takeoff from rough seas with his heavily loadedplane and delivered the survivors ashore.

Lt. (jg) David A. Brough, USNR, of Pueblo, Colo., posthumously, for engaging in dangerous scouting missionsduring the enemy bombing of DutchHarbor and, in addition,for participating in all-night aerialpatrols and bombing attackson JapaneseshipsinKiskaHarbor inthe face of concentrated air and antiaircraft opposition.
$7 Lt. (jg) Julius A. Raven, USNR, of


Submerge a littlebit,Alex, ready to rime HOW!


Seattle, Wash., who is reported missing in action, for effecting a rescue a t sea. While returning from a combat mission and flying over an enemy controlled area, Lieutenant (jg) Raven sighted survivors of a grounded vessel. Disregarding the danger to his life and his plane, he landed in 15 of the the roughsea,embarked vessels crew, and took off without damage to h i s plane, then returned the survivors to their base. Lt. (jg) Mark K. Bright, USM, of Anderson, Ind., for shooting down an attacking enemy dive bomber and assisting in the destruction of another while serving as the pilot of a fighter planein the Solomon Islandscampaign.

in a dive-bombing attackagainst a Japanese carrier during the Solomon Islands campaign in which the vesselwas severely damagedand then, attacking a on h i s return flight, group of enemy planes. He shot down three of these and probably destroyed the fourth.

L . (jg) William T.ODowd, vsm, t

of Monticello, Ind., for proceeding to 8; point 390 miles from Midway Island-by skillful navigation and accurate estimation of thedrift of a rubber life raft-where he located five members of the crew of a patrol plane which had been shot down by enemy Japanese forces. He skillfully heavily effected a landing of his loaded aircraft in the open sea;. picked upthesurvivors, andmanaged a successful take-off, despitethe hazardous addition of excess weight.


Lt. (jg) Leon W. Haynes, mm,of Billings, Mont., for leading a division of fighter planes in an attack against a n overwhelming force of Zeros in which heshot down one Zero and damaged anotherthe in Solomon Islands campaign.

For carrying out the tasks assigned them during missions patrol and bombing attacks against Japanese ships in Kiska Harborin theAleutian Islands under most severe weather conditions and in the face of antiaircraft fire from enemy ship and shore batteries, the following: Lt. (jg) Ralland A. Bannister, USNR, of Seattle, Wash. Lt. (jg) George M. Davidson, USNR, of Kendrick, Idaho. Lt. (jg) John T Foster, uSNR, of . Charlevoix, Mich. Lt. (jg) William B. Garrison,Jr., USNR,of Seattle, Wash. Lt. (jg) Robert E. Erickson, USNR, of Seattle, Wash. Lt. (jg) Carl A. Larsen, usm, of Renton, Wash. Lt. (jg) Frederick A. McFarland. usm, of Seattle, Wash. Lt. Cjg) Vernon E. Scholer, USNR,of Kennewick, Wash. Ensign John J. Connors, Jr., USNR, of Seattle, Wash. Ensign Carl Dillon, USM, of Beaumont, Tex. Ensign CecilD. Kephart, uSNR, of Stockton, Kans. Ensign Oliver Ortman, U S M , of Chicago, Ill. Ensign Dixon B. Rice, usm, of Seattle, Wash.

For carrying out the tasks assigned

them during patrol missions and bombing attacks against Japanese ships in Kiska Harbor, under severe weatherconditions andintheface of antiaircraft fire from enemy ship and shore batteries, the following: Lt. (jg) Bradley A. Reynolds, Jr., USNR, of Helena, Mont. Lt. (jg) Dewey A. Ostrom, USM, of Seattle, Wash. Lt. (jg) Louis W. Fischer, USNR, of Portland, Oreg. Lt. (jg) Carl E Davidson, u r n , of . Hobart, Okla. Lt. (jg) Edward A. Arnold, Jr., usm, of Fkxford, Mont. Ensign George E. Thelen, USNR, of Billings, Mont.

Lt. (jg) Robert K. Campbell, USNR, of Kansas City, Mo., and Ehsign Alden W. Hanson, usm, of San Diego, Calif., for an assault against a hostile task force in the face of tremendous to opposition, thereby contributing the severe damaging of a Japanese 72 aircraftcarrierduringthe Solomon Lt.. (jg) Herbert W. George, usm, Islandscampaign. of Missoula, Mont., for making a hazardous flight o f 500 miles through zero Lt. (jg) William E. Henry, USM, of weatherto effect the rescue of the Bakersfield, Calif., forparticipating surviving membersof a grounded ves-

Lt. (jg) Carl F. Bagge, usm, of his Wynot, Nebr., for carrying out attack mission as commander of a patrol plane in the Aleutian Islands campaign, despite extremely adverse weather conditions. He was subjected to withering fire from shipand shore batteries during low-altitude attacks and his plane was pierced by shrapnel1 and lighter caliber projectiles.

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Ensign Albert D. Peterson, USNR, of Moscow, Idaho. Ensign Robert R. Larson, USNR, of Beverly Hills, Calif. Ensign Roy A. Evans, USN, of Elma, Iowa. Ensign Robert J. Brower, USNR, of Fullerton, Nebr. Ensign John E. Bermingham, Jr., USNR, of Fond Du Lac, Wisc.

Ensign Delbert W. Halsey, USNR, of Coeur dAlene, Idaho, who is listed as missing in action, for participating inthe Marshall Islandsattack, February 1, 1942, as pilot of the air attack group. He attacked enemy shore installationsthe in face of heavy antiaircraft fire, making a direct hit on, and demolishing, a large warehouse.

pher and one of the gunners. Despite the heavydamage, the plane completed its mission and returned to its base more than 500 miles away. I $ Ensign Benjamin F. Currier, USNR, of Raeford, N. C., for following enemy dive bombers down through the antiaircraft fire from his own ships during a hostile enemy assault against our surfaceforces, and pressing home his attack until he shot one into the sea, in the Solomon Islands campaign.

Section Base Sweepings

How about something cheaper? Hes just been reclassified 1A.

Ensign John L. Sampson, USNR, of Tacoma, Wash. Ensign Joseph P.Weibler, USNR, of Yakima, Wash. Ensign Earnest W. Williams, UsN, of San Diego, Calif.

Ensign Clifford R. Walters, USNR, of Streator, Ill., who is listed as missas a ing in action,forhisconduct pilot of the air-attack group in the Marshall Islands attack on February 1, 1942. He attacked enemy shore installations in the of heavy antiface aircraft fire, destroying a large hangarand a radio station powerhouse.

Lloyd M. Harris, CBM, USCG, of Vallejo, Calif., for wounds received in action when he was strafed with machine gun fire from an enemy plane while he wag landing with the ships beach party on November 8, 1942,. at Fedala, French Morocco, Africa.


Ensign James C. Erwin, u s m , of El Dorado, Ark., for volunteering to assist in the search for a patrol plane lost at sea about 250 miles off the Aleutian Islands, despite the fact that he had been on duty almost constantly for the preceding 48 hours. When the lost craft was found on the first flight, Ensign Erwins plane was relieved by a standby while he flew back to base, refueled, and returned to remain overnight with the lost plane under extremely hazardous weather condis tions. A a result of this action, he was in the air for 24% hours out of 25. Ensign Erwin also received a Gold Star inlieu of a second Air Medal for carrying out tasks assigned him during patrol missions and bombing attacks against Japaneseships in Kiska Harbor under most severe weather conditions and in theface of antiaircraft fire from enemy ship and shore batteries.

EnsignCharles C. Lovell, USN, of Pensacola, Fla., forhis part as copilot of a patrol plane during rescue operations of survivors from a torpedoed British tanker. Working in close cooperation and coordination with the senior pilot,Ensign Lovell skillfully handledthe engine throttles when his patrol plane landed in a rough sea and picked up nine shipwrecked men. He again demonstrated hissuperb airmanship when a successful take-offwas made with an overloaded and overcrowded plane.

Clair J. Fox, u r n , of Centralia, Wash., to chief yeoman, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged. Albert C. Gillespie, USN, of Rock River, Wyo., to shipfitter, first class, for utter disregard to his own safety and for outstanding performance of his duties when his ship was damaged. Hewaswounded in action.


EnsignStanley C. Eland, USNR, of Portland, Oreg., for participating, although wounded when his plane was strafed at Dutch Harbor by a Japanese attacker, inbombing forays made through snow, rain, and dense fog on Japanese installations a t Kiska Harbor.

McNeil T. Hankins, USN, of New York City, to officers steward, second class, for the exceptional qualities of leadership displayed in the outstanding performance of his duties under most trying and difficult conditions,

For serving as second pilots aboard patrol planes which successfully completed bombing and strafing attacks onJapaneseships in Kiska Harbor despite heavy antiaircraft fire which seriously damaged their planes: Lt. (jg) Orville A. Withee, USNR, Of Minneapolis, Minn.

Ensign Donald D. Duffy, USNR, of Kennewick, Wash., for his partin carrying to successful completion a reconnaissance mission. He was second pilot of a patrol plane dispatched to obtain photographs of a large Japanese vessel in Kiska Harbor. Severe antiaircraft fire was encountered which riddled the plane with.65 bullet holes; disabled one engine completely, and mortally wounded the photogra-

(Look mo further)
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and for working incessantly for more than 12 hours following a n action in which his ship was damaged. Simon Derrell Hartman, USN, of Big Spring, Tex., to gunners mate, first class, for outstanding devotion to duty under most trying and difficult conditions when his ship was damaged. Richard Robert Irvine, USN, of St. Paul, Minn., to gunners mate, first class, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged.
Y . C. Lane, USN, of Mulberry, Ark., to machinists mate,first class, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged.

Louis Clifford Shannon, USNR, of Sacramento, Calif., to chief radioman, for outstanding performance of duty during action against the enemy.

mind ih administering artificial respiration to a mess attendant for more than 30 minutes, thereby saving the mans life.

John LawrenceShauberger, USNR, of Sacramento, Calif., to gunners mate, thirdclass, for outstandingperformance of duty under most difficult and trying conditions and for volunteeringnumeroustimesfor hazardous duties. Owen Willard Smith, USN, of Springfield, Ohio, to yeoman, first class, for intelligentperformance of duty under the most trying conditions. He delivered all orders without mistake, anticipated the need for vital information, obtained it, and kept the conning officer constantly informed.
USN, of Salt Lake City, Utah, to chief radioman, for outstanding performance of duty during action against the enemy.

James Samuel Woods, USN, of Scotts Vzlley; Calif., to seaman, first class, for outstanding performanceof duty and intelligent leadership under most trying and difficult conditions.

* .

The following six United States Coast Guardsmen their to present ratings for, while under gunfire and strafing attacks, successfully operating ships landing boats and discharging troops and equipment in French Morocco, Africa, during November
1942 :

Edward John Lavalette, USN, of Great Barrington, Mas%.,to machinists mate, second class, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged.

+ Edward Leon Sowman, +

James Wesley Lucas, USN, of Altadena, Calif., to machinists mate, second class, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged. Jacob Edward Opp, USN, of Glen Ullin, N. Ikk., to chief electricians mate, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged.


George Lloyd Taylor, Jr., USN, of Oakland, Calif., to quartermaster, second class, for displaying exceptional alertness and intelligence during a period of more than six hours at steering control without a relief. Jim Williams, USN, of Sanger, Tex., to chief electricians mate,foroutstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged.

Christ Fulda Thompson, of Mahanoy City, Pa., coxswain. Edward Ralph Smarkol, of Cape May, N. J., coxswain. Elmer Leversett Russel, of Windsor, N. Y., boatswains mate, second class. Karl Ludwig Schwarz, of New York City, boatswains mate, first class. John Placos, of Washington, D. C., boatswains mate, second class. George Barber, ofNew York City, coxswain.

William Leroy ~ h l , USCG, of Arlington, Mass:, to motor machinists mate, first class, for assisting in discharging troops and equipment and in the retracting of landing boats while under enemy gunfire andstrafingattacks during landing the operations in French Morocco, Africa, in November

David Harold Parker, USN, of NorWood, N. C., to gunners mate, second class, for outstanding performanceof duty under most trying and difficult conditions during enemy action and for coolness in action and leadership.

Lincoln Albert Wheeler, m, of Porterville, Calif., to machinists mate, second class, for performing the duties of throttleman for 10 consecutive hourswithout relief.

Henry Glenn Penrod, USN, of Long Beach, Calif., to chief machinists mate, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged.

+ Andrew Edward Elliott Bazar,


Merrill Barrett Wood, USCG, of seaman, first Woodlynne, N. J., to class, for outstanding service in the African landing operations in November 1942.


William Edward Pritchett, USN, of Tillicum, Wash., to water tender, second class, for outstanding work in assisting in repairing damageto his ship. Charles Avery Rascoe, USN, of Beaumont, Tex., to coxswain, for leadership, courage, and thoughtfulness in theperformance of duty when his ship was damaged,

of Toledo, Ohio, to gunners mate, first class, for outstanding performance of duty when his ship was damaged. He also was wounded inaction. Howard Orville Bradley, USNR, of Independence, Mo., to shipfitter, third class, forriskinghislife above and beyond the call of duty when his ship was damaged.

Harold Robert Ryder, USN, of Brooklyn, N. Y . , towater tender, second class, for outstanding work in assisting inrepairing damage to his ship.

Oris Jack Caruthers, usm, of Shamrock, Okla., to fireman, second class, for outstanding performance of duty under most trying and difficult conditions, andfor his presence of

Lt. ThomasE. Delate, USNR, of Trenton, N. J., officer in charge of an Armed Guard crew aboard a United States merchantmanwhich suffered a near-miss, resultingin extensive damage to theafterpart of the ship. During the ensuing two months, the officers, merchant crew, andarmed


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guard units stood by this vessel and not only defended themselves against repeated heavy enemy attack but assisted materially in thedefense of the port. In battling the enemy, Lieutenant Delate, by his coolness under fire,inspiredhismenwithcourage and succeeded in warding off heavy attacks which couldhavedestroyed the ship. The efficiency and ingenuity in returning the ship a state of to completerepairearned the admiration of harbor officials.


Lt. George R. Henry, USN, of Philadelphia, Pa., who, while on a routine

flight, observed the crash of a training plane, and immediately landed in an extremely small area adjacent to the scene of the crash. The smallness of the ,area necessitatedimmediate application of the brakes which threw his airplane on its back. He hastened to the crash and with the assistance of another officer and an enlisted man, placed the burning aircraft under sufficient control to permit the transfer of the unconscious pilot from the plane and the removal ,of his burning clothing.


Lt. (jg) Blake Hughes, USNR, of New York City, N. Y., who was officerin-charge of the Armed Guard unit aboardUnited a States merchantman, for leading his men to combat severe aerial and submarine attacks, with the result thattheship was brought to port safely.

Ensign George W. Carlson, USM, of Waukegan, Ill., for organizing a ,party of eight enlisted men, upon observing the Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston, Mass., and proceeding to help in the removal of bodies. At his suggestion a garage acrossthe streetwas opened into which the bodies were carried,leaving all ambulancesfree to take victims who were still alive. He personally assisted in the removal of victims from the burning building which was filled with heavyfumes and smoke, remaining at this work as long as bodies could be found. Ensign MacAlfred Cason, usm, of a party of Atlanta, Ga., for leading enlisted men into the building housing the Cocoanut Grove, in Boston, Mass., on the occasion of the fire, and removing bodies which were literally piled inside the door.He and his men brokeopen the cloakroom window andbrought outmore vic-

tims and he personally gave artificial respiration to two smoke-stunned victims. Eventually he worked his way halfwayacross therestaurant, personally removing 15 or 16 bodies. He remained at his work until as long as bodies could be found. Ehsign George W. McCleskey, usm, of Rush Springs, Okla., for developing certain aids to be used in thelnstruction o f enlisted personnel firing machine guns and, in addition, for formulatingan outline and course of instructions. Donald R. Van Schoohoven, HAlc, USN, of Glendale, Calif., for saving, the life of a marinegunner whose plane crashed into the sea inthe South Pacific. Van Schoohoven, who was on duty on a crash boat, sprang into the sea and swam to the plane which had begun to sink. Disregarding the danger of being pulled to the bottom with the plane, he struggled under water to open the cockpit and release the pilot and gunner. He abandonedhis.effortsandsurfaced only after the craft sank to the bot-

tom. However, just as he climbed aboard the boatagain,themarine gunner floated to the surface. In spite of his utter exhaustion, Van Schoohoven dived into the sea, swam to the drowning man, broke a desperate stranglehold and carried him back tothe boat.Although he appeared when dead lifted from the water, the extremely skillful and steadfast administration of artificial respiration saved the marines life. For keeping attacking planes well above bombing level and entirely away from their ship by their expert anddeadlyfire;forcausing an enemy reconnaissance plane to alter its course with three near misses from their guns, and head inland where it eventually crashed, the following who served as members of an Armed Guard crew aboard a merchant ship during its voyage and while in an Allied port: Eaton Pleasants DeCottes, CBM, USNR, of Jacksonville, Fla. (Previously received the Silver Star Medal and a Commendation for Armed Guard service.)

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William John Kordelski, RMlc, USN, of Linden, N. J. Thomas Jackson Dixon, GM2c, USNR, of Jacksonville, Fla. (Previously received the Silver Star Medal and aCommendationfor Armed Guard service.) Joseph Matous, SM2c, USNR, of Vernon, N. Dak. Edwin Booth Newman, BM2c, USNR, of Jacksonville, Fla. (Previously received the Silver Star Medal and a Commendation for Armed Guard service.) William Powell Schaberg, RM2c, USNR, Of Quincy, 111. Gustav William Schill, Jr. GM2c, USNR, of Jacksonville, Fla. (Previously received the Silver Star Medal and a Commendation for Armed Guard service.) Edwin Earl Hartman,GM3c, USN, of Reading, Pa. Douglas Howell,. GM3c, USNR, of Alexandria, La. Clarence Edward Ingram, GM3c, USNR, of Fairmont, W. Va. Edward Joseph, Moskal, GM3c, uSNR, of Baltimore, Md. Burl Avery Allen, Slc, USN, of Brookford, N. C. Robert Lee Barnhardt, Slc, USN, of Kannapolis, N.C. James Wilson Diven, Slc, USN, of Baltimore, Md. Eugene Lamarr Eason, Slc, USN, of Murrells Inlet, S. C. W. J. Harper,Slc, USN, of West Point, Ga. USN, of Leonard Hutchins, Slc, Chipley, Fla. Wendell Alfred Kelley, Slc, USNR, of Williamson, Ill. Marvin Lillian Jones, S I C , USNR, of Dayton, Ohio. Thomas Nelson Reynolds, Slc, USNR, of Roanoke, Va. Rayford Leon Rhoden, Slc, USN, of Bartow, Fla. CarlEdwardSnodgrass, Slc, USN, of Doyle, Tenn. Hubert Leo Thomason, Slc, USN, of Natchitoches, La. Charles Henry Weir, Slc, USNR, of Independence, Mo. James Sylvester West, Slc, USN, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Luther Strauder Williams, Slc, USNR, of Fixer, Ky. Julius August Wipperman, Slc, USNR, of St. Louis, Mo. Edward ConnorHoban, GM2c, USNR, of Jacksonville, F 1a . (Previously awarded the Silver Star Medal and a Commendation for Armed Guard service.)

merge. Later when his ship was torpedoed without warning, he abandoned ship only when the operation of the guns became impossible.


?Now that Im here, who do I see about a girl ilz every port?

For shooting down five enemy planes and damaging another when the planesmade two attacks on a convoy, the following members of the Armed Guard crew on one of the merchant ships in theconvoy: USNR, Tommy Charles Aiken, S ~ C , a of Wichita Falls, Tex. The following members of the JohnJames Dixon, S ~ CUSNR, of Armed Guard crew of a merchant , Narberth, Pa. ship in a convoy attacked by numerRobert Alexander Donaghue, S ~ C , ous enemy aircraft, for their expert USNR, of Philadelphia, Pa. and accurate protective fire which EdwardThomas Doyle, S ~ C , USNR, was responsible for the convoy escapof Media, Pa. 1 ingdamageinthefirstattack by Pasco Buddy Enfield, S ~ C , USNR, of high-level bombers and torpedo Brown County, Tex. planes and sent one plane crashing Gilbert William Harris, RM3c, USN, into the sea. In a second attack their of Mexico, Mo. ship was hit andwhen the order came Jess Lawrence Jensen, S ~ C , of to abandon ship, all men conducted USN, McMillan, Wash. themselves in a highly efficient add USNR, James Joseph Jenkins, S ~ C , creditable manner: of Newark, N. J. Otto Bucholz, Jr., Slc, USN, of RedLuke Ernest Lofaro, S ~ C , USNR, of wood Falls,Minn. New York City, N. Y. Lyle Leroy Ensign, Slc, USN, of USNR, of New York Alfred Wolf, S ~ C , Olympia, Wash. City, N. Y. Francis Thomas Feeney, Slc, USNR, Robert Harold Wolff,. GM3c, USNR, of Parkersburg, W.Va. of Jacksonville, Fla. George Delroy Field, ,Slc, USNR, of 7% Reedsville, W. Va. Joseph John Chatterton, Jr., BM2c, Virgil Alan Mathile, Slc, USNR, of USNR, of Lynn, Mass., for the outstand- Harbor View, Ohio. ing courage and aggressive spirit with James Calvin Mattingly, Slc, USNR, which he performed the duties of of Cloverport, Ky. coxswain of the Armed Guard crew of Harvey McDermott, Cox, USNR, of a United States merchantman, when Jersey City, N. J. she was torpedoed andsunk by a Herbert Leroy McDonald, Slc, German submarine. He participated USNR, of Springfield, Ohio. more than four in a running battle for Joseph Arnold Meis, GM3c, USNR, days against the viciously persistent of Geddes, S. Dak. raids of an extraordinary number of . John Thomas Mikota, Slc, USNR, of enemy submarines. In the faceof al- Chicago, Ill. most continuous torpedo assaults on John Miller, S I C , USNR, of Las Anithe convoy of which his vessel was a mas, Colo. member, he was the first man to sight Albert Robert Ritchie, Slc, USNR, an attacking submarine 500 yards of Dorchester, Mass. astern and directed a tremendous Leland Samuel Sharrock, Cox, barrage of fire which forced it to sub- USNR, of Ypsilanti, Mich.

PeterPaulPelto, QM2c, USNR, of Baltimore, Md., for the efficient manner inwhich. he effected the rescue of a survivor of a torpedoed tanker. The vessel to which Pelto was attached was on patrol in the vicinity of two torpedoings. A lookout reported a man swimming in the water and the ship was brought about and headed toward the man but due to submarine dangera boat was not lowered. As soon as it was discovered that the man was too weak to leave the spar upon which he was supporting himself, Pelto suggested that a line be swum out to him and immediately volunteered for this duty. Pelto dived into the open sea and carried a line to the exhausted man who was brought safely on board.

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Winford Gordon Tommas, Slc, of Detroit, Mich. Bob Dean Triplett, .S2c, usm, of Detroit, Mich. . Charles Edward Underwood, Slc. USNR, of Williamsburg, Kans. USNR, of ToLouis John Vigh, S ~ C , ledo, Ohio. Thomas Ornemore Brouhard, Jr., Slc, USNR, of Washington, Kans.

Robert Calvin Makin, S ~ CUSN, of , Baltimore, Md., who is listed as missing in action, for participating for a period of four days in a running battle against the viciously persistent raids of enemy submarines while a member of the Armed Guard crew aboard a merchantman, and, when the ship was torpedoed without warning,for abandoning hisbattle station only after the operation of the gun became impossible.

Clinton Paul Frampton, Slc, USNR, of Huntington, W. Va. James Allen Holland, Slc, USN, of St. Petersburg, Fla. Bernard Leroy Peterman, Slc, USNR, of Sand Springs, Okla. Thomas Clarence Watkins, Jr. Slc, USNR, of Atlanta, Ga. USNR, of HenryDean Davis, S ~ C , Jacksonville, Fla. Durward D Banister, SM3c, USN, of ,McDonald, Kans. The following 10 members of an Armed Guard crew of a merchant ship, for participating for a period of four days in a running battle against the viciously persistent raids of enemy submarines: Bernard Byron Stamp, Cox., USNR, of Barberton, Ohio. Jerome Clement Starr, Cox., USNR, of Youngstown, Ohio. John Patrick Maher, Slc, USNR, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Hugh Leroy McDonald, Slc, USNR, of Jacksonville, Fla. Ruben Louis Smith,Slc, USN, of Clinton, Mo. Floyd Eugene Spohn, Slc, USNR, of Burton Township, Mich. Edward Joseph Quinn, S ~ C , USNR, of Watertown, Mass. Allen Hughley Hemley, SMSc, USNR, of El Paso, Tex. Charles RaymondStansfield, S ~ C , USN, of Mount Carmel, Ill. USNR, of Salem, Bruno Zlobik, S ~ C ,

quarters at their own expense. Act further provides that officers . without dependents are not entitled rental allowance while on sea duty unless the sea duty is temporary duty not exceeding 3months. Alnav 26742 modified accordingly. Paragraph 5 of Alnav 218-42 remains in effect. Officers of Womens ReservesNavy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard notentitled increased rental and subsistence allowances for dependents.


.Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm doth bind the restless wave, Who bidst the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; 0 hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.
0 Savior whose almighty word The winds and waves submissive heard, Who walkst on the foaming deep, And calm amid the rage didst sleep; 0 hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.

Frank Bryan McDonald, S ~ C , USNR, of Peach Creek, W. Va., who is listed as missing in action. After participating in a running battle againstenemy submarines for four days, the ship on which he was a member of the Armed Guard crew was torpedoed without warning and he only abandoned his battle station when operation of the gun was no longer possible. Because he insisted upon helping to lower other men in a lifeboat which he was unable to reach after it was on the water, he did not have time to obtain N. J. The vessel was torpedoed without a lifejacket for himself. warning and the men abandoned ship $r only when operation of the guns beFor thwarting an attack by an en- came impossible. They were rescued days in thecold, emy submarine in the North Atlantic,after four exhausting heavy seas of the North Atlantic. the following members of an Armed a Guard crew aboard a merchantman: Joe Lane Alston, Jr., Slc, USNR, of Forrepulsing a number of aerial Lake Butler, Fla. attacks and shootingdown one plane Patsy Amelio, Slc, USNR, of Queens, during the voyage of the merchantN. Y. man to which they were attached as Walker Beasley Bruce, Slc, USNR, of members of the Armed Guard crew, Dickson, Tenn. the following: Vernon Clark Case, Slc, USNR, of Thomas E.Berry, Slc, USNR, of Fort Jet, Okla. . Lauderdale,Fla. Harold Neal Causey, Slc, USNR, of USN, Jesse C. Brannen, Jr., S ~ C , of Alma, Ga. St. Petersburg, Fla. Jesse Junior Farnsworth, Slc, USNR, Albert R. Busbin, S ~ C , USNR, of Palm Beach, Fla. of Spelter, W. Va. Harold Thurman Fields, Slc, USNR, Robert L. Campbell, S ~ C , USN, of of Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville, Fla. Charles Edward Fischer, Slc, USNR, Richard T. Harris, S ~ CUSNR, of , of Norfolk, Va. Altoona, Pa. Boyd Franklin Floyd, Slc, USNR, of Charles Lee Wheatley, S ~ C , USNR, Fairmont, N.C. Philadelphia, Pa. Dallas Fowler, Slc, USNR, of BridgeWilliam R. Lawson, W 3 c , USNR; of port, W. Va. Cripple Creek, Va.

Upon the chaos dark and rude, Who badest its angry tumult cease, And gavest light and life and peace; 0 hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.

0 sacred spirit who didst brood

0,trinity oflove and power! Our brethrens shield in dangers hour; From rock and tempest, flre and foe, Protect them wheresoeer they Thus ever let there rise to Thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. -0ficial Hymn ofthe Naval Academy.

Page 59

.Expansion of the Waves
Expansion of the WAVES has been decided upon as a result of the highly sucessful replacement of men with women which has already taken place in every bureau of the Navy Department andevery naval district. Officials have expressed gratitude for this excellent record and report t h a t officers in charge of every type of shore establishment are requesting more and more Women Reservists, both officers and ratings. Women with only 2 years of high school or business school education may now enlist. Women between 20 and 36 years of age are eligible for ratings. For prospective officers, however, the age limits are from 20 to 50 andthe educationalrequirement in general is a college degree. Two years o f college plus excellent business experience is an acceptable substitute. WAVES and SPARS may now marry men in any branchof the armed services except their own, or be marof the ried to a man in any branch service except their own before enlisting. The course starts the first of May 1943 and is of 5 monthsduration. Applications should be forwarded via official channels to the Chief of Naval Personnel and should reach the Bureau not later than April 1, 1943. Applicationsshouldbearendorsements as to physical qualifications for the duty. ommendations for temporary promotionto commissioned rank of personnel currently assigned to duty involving flying as pilots who formerly. held o r now hold enlisted aviation pilotdesignation and who are now serving in chief warrant or warrant grades under either permanent or temporary appointmentor in thefirst or second pay grades. Careful consideration should be given and full comment expressed as tothe individuals qualifications in view of thefactthatheadquarters decision is based primarily on the present commanding officers recommendations of suitable officer material. Service may in some instances be considered to compensate for lack of a complete high school or higher education. E achrecommendation must be accompanied by a report of by a medical physical examination officerwho shall consult the health record of the man and comply with the provisions of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Manual (art. 1507) as modifled by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Circular Letter No, 33 if applicable. Personnel should not be recommended unless fully qualified physically to perform all duties in the field of grade or rank for which they are recommended.

Enlisted Marine Pilots May Obtain Commissions

Marine Corps enlisted pilots will have an opportunity commissioned for rank comparable to that of aviation cadets inthe Navy. Alnav No. 35, February 25, 1943, reads: To provide that Marine Corps personnel who have completed the full prescribed courses leading to designamay tion as enlistedaviationpilot have the opportunity for commissioned rank comparable to that assigned aviation cadets successfully completing the present Navy aviation cadet program, present commanding officers are requested to submit rec-

Training Periods in Navy YardsReduced

The trainingperiod for apprentices in mechanical trades in naval shore establishments has been shortened to three-quarters of its peacetime length and other revisions in the program made because of wartime demand for increased production schedules in navy yards. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Ralph Bard has forwarded to all naval shore establishments a letter outlining the causes for recently instituted changes in the Navys programfor training of apprentices in mechanical trades.


In order to avoidconsiderabledelay in thedelivery of mail it is. directed that all officers and men attached to this command notify their relatives and friends to address all mail to the proper mailing address of the ship or station to which attached, including the full name, rank, or rating ofeachman. All hands will benefit by cooperating with this request.
T h e Bureau suggests that the material in theabove box be reproduced in all ships am? stations in appropriate size a& posted in cornspicuousplaces. Md, . 16). p (See also story on

Donation of .Game Kits

The Bureau of Naval Personnel has received from the Coca-Cola Co. an offer to donate to any ship or station a set of indoor games which includes a game of darts, of Chinese checkers, of paddles, netand balls for pingpong, and a composite box containing dominoes, acey-ducey men and spare Chinese checkers, etc. The equipment included inthese sets carriesa minimum of advertising matter and appears tobe entirely acceptable for general use. Any ship or station desiring to take advantage of this offer should make application to the nearest local Coca-Cola bottlers and not to the Coca-Cola Co. nor to theBureau of Naval Personnel. No obligation is incurred by making such a request on the bottlers, and there is no charge for the supply of these sets of games.

Deep Sea Diving School

There are a limited number of openings remainingfor officers instruction in theDeep Sea Diving School at the Navy Yard, Washington, D C. .

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Personal Funds -of.Naval Personnel
by certificate of convoy finance officer as to origin. 5. All persons,includingmembers of the armed forces, arrivingin South 1 Bureau of Naval Personnel Cir. in cular Letter No. 2443,March 3, 1943, Africa, individually or small groups, will be required to declare the amounts published inthe Navy Department Bulletin, volume 2,- No. 6, advised of foreign currency in their possesnaval personnel of the control of im- sion, and United States currency in excess of $50 in possession of persons portationinto the UnitedStates of United States currencyin the cases not arriving direct from the United area of persons entering the United States States or from controlled sterling will be taken up by customs and imby commercial carrier from places African Reserve pounded by the South other than Mexico, Great Britain, Bank, subject to release upon appliBermuda, Canada, and Newfoundcation; provided that the importer land;andthatsuch personnel are establishes that it is free from Axis required to turn to customs authorities all such currency in their posses- taint. Va., to Cleveland, Ohio, beginning February 4. A delay in payment appearedinevitablesinceafull week out of the shortest month in the year was lost inthe move. In addition, the machinery used in the preparation of checks had to be set up and adjusted after the move: atotal of 330 inexperiencedclerks, had to be brought in to replace those who did not make the move with their division, andthenumber of individual checksto be paid was the.greatest ever handled.

Georgia Tech Alumni

A new service association,the Nautilians, has been inaugurated by the Naval Reserve Training Corps a t the Georgia School of Technology. Membership will comprisegraduates of .Georgia Tech who see active duty in this war as commissioned officers in theNavy-estimated as some 400 already-plus selected members of the unit on the campus. To become a member on the campus, studentsm u s t demonstrate officerlike qualities by service and conduct improving the morale and efficiency of theunit over and above strict scholastic requirements of the unit, and they must be approved by all officer instructors and the commanding officer. TheNautilus,publishedon the

sion in excess of $50. 2. United States currency in excess of $50 turned over to customs authoritiesinaccordancewith the abovementionedorderisimpounded in a Federal Reserve bank and may be released only upon authorization of the Treasury Departmentwhen the owner presents satisfactory evidence warranting a release of such funds. 3. To avoid inconveniencedue to the above regulations,allpersonnel leaving the United States, who expect to return by commercial carrier, are urged to provide themselves with some means of payment other than United States currency and not carry with them United States currency in excess of $50. Travelers checks, drafts, or telegraphic transfers are the best means of satisfyingfinancialneeds while traveling outside of the United States. 4. Subsequent to publication of Bureau of NavalPersonnelCircular Letter No. 24-43 the Department has been advised through the State Department that the South African Government has placed in effect control on importation and exchange of United States currency. TheSouth African Government stated that it is impracticabletoexamineindividual members of United States armed forces arriving in convoy or in large numbers, and desires that commanding officers of suchgroups exercise control over the amounts of currency to be brought ashore by individuals. Amounts in excess of $50 in possession of individuals should be accompanied

Bureau Manual (Revised Edition)

It will be noted that the October
1942 Revised Edition of the Bureau

of Naval Personnel Manual, which has recently been distributed to thenaval service, does not include parts F and Gforthe reason thatthe Hydrographic Office and theNaval Observatory were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Chief of Naval Operations by Executive Order No. 9126 of April
8, 1942.

The Hydrographic OfEce will continue to print and issue periodically the Hydrographic Station Catalog from which charts may be requested. It is understood that no other publication has been issued replacing part F of the old Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual. The Bureauof Ships Manual supersedes partG of the old Bureau of NavalPersonnel Manualpertaining to theNaval Observatory. The American Ephemeris, the American NauticalAlmanac, and the American Air Almanac will continue to be provided by the Naval Observatory.


Checks on Time

ie Navy allotment checks to dependents and for the payment of insurance premiums for February were mailedoutexactlyontimedespite the fact that the Allotment Division of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts was moved from Arlington,

Terminnl Tonics


Page 61

Commercial Insurance

of comparable ratingand equal in number. Members of the Womens Reserve are not ordered to activities unless there is suitableGovernment housing or adequate civil accommodations available. Since requests for enlisted WAVES exceed the present supply, it will be necessary. to delay thedetailing of WAVES to areas andactivities requiring numbers. small All requests, however, are filed in the Bureau and School Name Changed will be given consideration when sufTo avoid confusion with the Office ficient numbers of WAVES are availof Naval Intelligence, the nameof the able. In this connection, it is not the Naval Air Combat IntelligenceSchool, intention of the Bureau to send inatthe Naval Air Station, Quonset dividual WAVES or even small groups Point, R. I., was changed in February to anactivity. It is preferable to send to the Naval Air Combat Information not less than 50 enlisted WAVES and one o r more officer WAVES to accomSchool., pany this number. Although never officially so desigSince sea bags are not con side red^ nated, graduates of this school have suitable for storing WAVE uniforms, frequently been referred to air as will arrive attheir combat intelligence officers. It is pre- enlisted women sumed that thecustom will follow the stations with suitcases. Blankets and official change in designation, and mattresses usually brought by enlistedpersonnel are to be furnished that in the future these officerswill be informally known as air combat by the activity receiving enlisted women. information officers. To date no WAVE members of the Wave Assignments stewardsbranch have been enlisted Separate complements are not being and none are contemplated. established for enlisted members of Enlisted WAVES are detailed to the Womens Reserve. They will be duty by number and ratings and not included in the established comple- by name, the same as enlisted men. ment for the particular activity. The law requires that members of However, they are allowed to request the Womens Reserve relieve men for duty in the naval district they desire assignment to sea duty. Upon the or a specific activity therein, and fareporting of V-10 enlisted women, an vorableconsideration is given comequal number of men should be made mensurate with the needs of the servavailable to the Bureau of Naval Perice. These requests are made at the sonnel for assignment to sea duty and not assigned to other duties ashore. various schools, when WAVES are An overlap may be necessary in some availableforassignment.Individual cases where V-10 enlisted women are requests for enlisted WAVES by name assigned to replace enlisted men. are not desired. When this is the case, the Bureau will It is the Bureaus policy that transtake this into consideration in ordering the enlisted men to sea duty. fers of enlisted WAVES within a naval When all possible replacements have district be kept to a minimum. Such been made, and vacancies still exist transfers complicate existing and in an authorized complement, this projected housing plans, separate enBureau will consider requests for adlisted WAVES from the direct superditional V-10 enlisted women to fill vision of WAVE officers designated for^ those vacancies. Men who are released need not be of exactly the same that purpose, andfurtherinterfere rating as the women, but should be with the permanency of personnel. campus by the students, will bethe organ of the NautilianAssociation. The association will have no dues and the record and clerical workwill be performed by the NROTC office on the campus. Eventually officers of the association may be elected from officers inthe fleet. Whenever there are enough Georgia Tech graduates on ships in the same port, they will hold an association meeting ashore.

Of vitalconcern tothe members of the armed services and their dependents was a meeting called in New York on February 17 and 18 by various groups of commercial insurance representatives. Their principal purpose in arranging the conference was to obtaininformation on the background and operation of Public Law 490 (March 7 , 1942), as recently amended by Public Law 848 (December 24, 1942). It was the outgrowth of a common problem in relation to payments due because of death. Before its amendment Public Law 490, provided that a person placed in a status of missing should -be carried in that status for a period of 1 year, if there was no prima facie evidence of death. If, at the end of t h e 12-month period, there was no conclusive evidence of the actual status, he was to be automatically declared dead, and the benefits accruing to a missing person-mainly continuance of pay, allotments, and allowanceswere discontinued. The 6 months death gratuity and Government insurance were then to be paid. As amended by Public Law848, a carefuland detailed review of the case of each individual carried as missing mustmade be before 12 months have expired. I f it is determined from the available circumstantial evidence that there actually exists a reasonable possibility of a mans being still alive, the head of the departmentcanorder him continued in the status of missing, until later informationwarrants a declaration of death. Similarly, after evaluatingthe evidence, theSecretary of the Navy is empowered to find him to be dead; the presumed date of death is then set as the day following the absence of 12 months. These findings are of necessity the basis of monetary payments by the Government. This whole topic has been of intimate concern to the insurance companies, since many men in the armed services are carrying commercial life insurance. The concern grows out of two main factors-the provision for continuing allotments of missing men

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for the purpose of paying insurance premiums, and the payment of death claims after a finding of death by the Secretary of the Navy when the miss12 ing has status continued for months or longer. To explain and discuss the procedures used, the Army sent six officers; the Navy sent four, and the Marine Corps three officers; andthe Coast Guard was represented. About 100 officers of various leading life insurance companies attended, as well as representatives of theInternational Claim Association, theEastern Life Claim Conference, the American Life Convention, the Canadian Life Insurance Officers Association, the Institute of Life Insurance, the Life Office Management Association, and the War Claims Liaison Committee. The insurance group was interested and reassured to learn of the care with which the service departments were analyzing the circumstances surrounding the loss of the men who are in the statusof missing or missing in action. Reassurance thatthe findings of theheads of thedepartments concerned would not become haphazard or routine, that individual attention of would be given tothesituation each missing man, and that the inquiries about the basic facts would be answered insofar asthedictates of security will permit, was expressed in arecommendation of the executive committee of theInternational Claim Association. In effect it was stated that the findincg of death made by the head of the department would be accepted by theinsurance companies to establish both the facts of death and the date of death. The meetings were highly successful, and the implications for service personnel are obviously very broad. The principal objective of the service departments was attained-to assure that the finding of death in case of missing personsshould give rise to all the contractual benefits as well as governmental benefits which normally accrue from death. The insurance companies will not contest their obligations to pay insurance upon a finding of death, even though such a finding by the head of the department may not suffice to determine all financial and personalrelationships under the !awsof the various States.

Our Secret Weapon-Truth

Copies of the script of Our Secret Weapon-the Truth, an educational radio program designed to show the viciousness of the enemy by the exposure of Axis lies, are now available for general distribution throughout the Navy. Copies may be obtained by writingSue Taylor White, Freedom House, 32 East Fifty-first Street, New York, N. Y. The lies are supplied by the shortwave radio stations of the Axis nations and answers are given them by Rex Stout, writer and chairman. of the WritersWarBoard,ona program sponsored jointly by Freedom House and the Philco Corporation over the Columbia Broadcasting System. The scripts already are being mailed to six naval training stations 0 and more than 58 Army camps, plus thousands o f individuals who have requested them.

New Enlisted Training Courses

1. TheTraining Division, Bureau. a of Naval Personnel, is preparing new enlisted training course entitled GeneralTraining Course for Nonrated Men, which will replace the old Apprentice Seaman and A-N manuals. This new manual should be ready for distribution notlater than April 30, 1943. 2. Many letters are received from officers which statethatthey have received the pharmacists mate third class progress, test, and examination book but not the course, whereas, in reality, they have received the course but not the progress, test, and examination book. This mistake is caused by the following: (a) Through an error in printing, both the course and theprogress, test, and examination book have a red band.


( b ) Thematerialinthe course book appears somewhat similar to a progress, test, and examination book. In order to study the course book, it is also necessary to have the Handbook for the Hospital Corps. The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery states that this book is available to all pharmacists mates. A supply of progress, test, and examination books for pharmacists mate third class, which. have been out of stock for some time, are now available. 3. An enlisted training course for radiotechnician third class became available from the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Training Division, on March 15 and is now available from the Director of Training, Eleventh Naval District, and Director of Training, Fourteenth Naval District. This course was purchased from the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute and some enlisted men may now be taking thissame course from them at their own expense. No adjustment can be made on assignments already completed, but future assignments may be obtained fromthetraining officer by strikers for radio technician third class and technicians radio third class a t nocharge. The completed course as given by the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute is much longer than the portion used by the Navy forstudyingfor the rating of third class. The radio technician course, as given by the Navy, will have the assignments graded by the training officer rather than by the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute. The course for radio technician second class is under preparation but no date of completion canbe given at this time. To qualify for radio technician first class, or chief, it is necessary to attend a special school. 4. Inasmuch as Navy trailling schools frequently use enlisted training manuals for studyand may or may not use the progress, test, and examination books, it is suggested that all requests from Navy training schools specify as tothe number of enlisted training courses and progress, tests, examination and books they require. The normal procedure is to supply three times as manyprogress, test, and examination books as courses.

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Allowances,Quartersand . ,, Famdy . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bermuda, Navy GetsRest Center In ......................... Bupers Bulletin Board. . . . . . . . . Casualty Figures. . . .. . . . . . . . . . Chappell, Lt. Comdr. Lucius Henry, USN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago, U. S. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chronomap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coast Guard, tests new weather suit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Commodore, rank of,asked by Navy ...................... Containers, new, solve shipping problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Destroyer Escort, photographic layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dapleix , French Cruiser (photo) ... Eyes,GuardingtheNavys. Family and Quarters Allowances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fishing Kits for Life Boats. . . . F l a g s ,C o m m o d o r e( i l l u s tration). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,Glider, Hydroplane. . . . . . . . . .. Guarding the NavysEyes. . . . . How to care for your Eyes. . . . . .Hydroplane Glider. . . . . . . . . . . . Knox, Secretary Frank,report. . Life Boats, Fishing Kits for. . . . Life raft, 83 days on. . . . . . . . . .

Life raft, new Coast Guard THISMONTHS (photo). . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 COVER Navys Growth in Fiscal 1942, 37 , The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO, Nazisub, How one was Eliminated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 One Subs War Against the Japs . 5 Oregon, U. S. S., is scrapped. . . . . 13 Pacific Action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarters and Family Al20 lowances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radio Programs, Navys. . . . . . . 27 Rest Center, Navy Gets in Ber24 muda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R i c h e l i e a , F r e n c hW a r s h i p 25 (Photo). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scrap (From the Battle Fronts). . 32 Secretary of Navy Knox, Annual Twin-mounted .50 caliber ma21 chine guns, manned by bluejackets report of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 aboard the United States NavysPT Shipping Problems Solved by New Containers. . . . . . . . . . . . boats, carry devastating fire-power. 30 T h e g u n s are mounted t o swing i n Short Wave Programs. . . . . . . . . 26 a wide arc, will literally spray low- SolomonsBattles GetNames. . flying airplanes with slugs. O n the Solomons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 page opposite: The church pennant, South Pacific, Action in. . . . . . . 26 only emblem that ever flies above SubmarineSinks 13JapShips. . the American o n a United States flag 9 ship, ilzdicates that divine services TraDiv Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 are being held aboardas t h e rays of V-Mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 the morning sun cut a bright path Waesche,ViceAdmiralRussell 2 the water O f a vnited states . R, USCG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 port. (All cover pictures are official Weather Suit, New, Being 19 United states Navyphotographs*) Tested. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 2 21 5 8 13 30 28 37 21 31

25 28 12 12 13 5 29 16 27 27

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