Matching Monitoring, Risk Allocation and Geotechnical Baseline Reports
Matching Monitoring, Risk Allocation and Geotechnical Baseline Reports
Matching Monitoring, Risk Allocation and Geotechnical Baseline Reports
1 Introduction
Construction in, at and with the subsoil is still a serious risk factor for many Euro-
pean infrastructure projects. The subsoil literally will make, deform or even break
an infrastructure project. Many small and large projects run out of time or budget,
because of unforeseen behaviour of the subsoil.
In the Netherlands only, failure costs in the infrastructure construction industry
are assessed at 800 million euro per year (SBR 2003). Given the prominent role of
the subsoil in infrastructure projects, ground-related failure costs will be at least
several hundreds of million euro per year, in the Netherlands only. Extrapolating
these figures to a European scale results into ground-related failure costs of at
least a few billion euro per year.
Risk management can be considered as an effective tool to reduce these enor-
mous failure costs (Smith 1996). However, risk can be monitored and controlled
effectively only, if it is clear who is responsible for which risks. To be effective,
risk allocation should be made explicit and measurable. The Geotechnical Base-
line Report will be presented as a concept that can be applied for geotechnical risk
Robert Hack, Rag Azzam, and Robert Charlier (Eds.): LNES 104, pp. 786791, 2004.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004
Matching Monitoring, Risk Allocation and Geotechnical Baseline Reports 787
The left-hand side of Figure 1 presents the steps of the conventional risk manage-
ment proces: risk identification, risk analysis, risk allocation and risk control. The
right-hand side of Figure 1 shows two particular tools: the Geotechnical Baseline
Report as a tool for geotechnical risk allocation and the Monitoring Programme as
a tool for risk control. There are, of course, also tools for risk identification and
analysis, but these are beyond the scope of this paper.
Figure 1 is intended to demonstrate that the purpose of a monitoring pro-
gramme is risk control, and that a Geotechnical Baseline Report can define a
monitoring programme by its risk allocation. Any monitoring programme should
be driven by risk control. The required accuracy, reliability, frequency and usabil-
ity of the monitoring programme, given the expected soil conditions, should be
balanced with budget and time constraints.
The general definition of the term risk is the product of the likelyhood of occur-
ence of an event and the consequences of that event. Normally these events are
hazards, with the potential to have negative effects. In this paper risk is considered
by definition as potentially harmful. Risk management can be defined as the over-
all application of policies, processes and practices dealing with risk (Clayton
2001). Allocation of risk means that an identified risk becomes the explicit re-
sponsibility of a party or will be shared explicitly between parties as a joint re-
sponsibility (Smith 1996).
788 Martin Th. van Staveren and Ton J.M. Peters
If a certain identified risk is not explicitly allocated, none of the parties in-
volved in a project will have the drive to take responsibility for that particular risk.
This means probably that the risk will not be managed adequately. If that risk
occurs, a dispute will start about which party will bear the consequences and
should take action to minimise the effects of the risk.
risks. Geotechnical risks are the responsibility of either the owner or the main
contractor, depending on the risk allocation presented in the Geotechnical Base-
line Report.
The design of the geotechnical monitoring system should be driven by the an-
ticipated and allocated geotechnical risks. The major geotechnical risks to be
monitored should be derived from the risk identification and analysis steps in the
risk management process (see Figure 1). Geotechnical risks should therefore be
anticipated and allocated before the actual monitoring system is selected, installed
and operated.
Competence risks include all risks which are associated with selecting, install-
ing and operating the monitoring system, given the expected soil conditions as
presented in the Geotechnical Baseline Report. Failure of equipment during or
after installation, the influence of the instrument on the soil parameters (confor-
mance), the measurement frequency, the measurement range and the accuracy of
the instruments are typical examples of competence risk. Adequate control of
these risks should be achieved by choosing a competent party, the monitoring
contractor, to select, install and operate the monitoring system. The entire set of
competence risks should therefore be allocated to the monitoring contractor, as he
is able to control the monitoring competence risk.
The railway embankment varies between 1.5 m and 8 m height and is constructed
on very soft subsoil, using the hydraulic fill method. Geotextile is used to rein-
force the embankment. The sand will be deposited in several stages. It is a fast,
cost-effective method with long-term construction and environmental effects, due
to the slow consolidation process of the underlying soft soils. As the construction
planning and the post construction settlement are of critical importance, a slower
790 Martin Th. van Staveren and Ton J.M. Peters
Starting point for the design of the monitoring programme was the risk analysis in
the Geotechnical Baseline Report. Key risk drivers were defined. Examples are
the thickness of soft layers and their consolidation coefficients. For each key risk
driver, a prediction of the expected (best-guess) values was made. Next the
threshold value or baseline for unacceptable values was determined and the action
to be taken was defined, in case of reaching the baseline. For every key risk driver,
a suitable monitoring instrument and the required frequency of data acquisition
and processing was selected.
Matching Monitoring, Risk Allocation and Geotechnical Baseline Reports 791
7 Conclusions
The following general conclusions are supported by the very complicated and
successfully completed Sliedrecht Gorinchem section of the Betuwe Route.
A risk driven approach helps owners and contractors to define monitoring pro-
grammes with the best possible benefit-to-cost ratios.
Distinguishing geotechnical and competence monitoring risks appears to be
useful. It clarifies which party is responsible for what risk. The relatively new
concept of the Geotechnical Baseline Report serves as a useful document to iden-
tify and allocate responsibilities for differing soil conditions and associated risks.
The Geotechnical Baseline Report may therefore serve as basis for more effective
and efficiently operated monitoring programmes.
Clayton CRI (ed) (2001) Managing geotechnical risk: Improving productivity in UK build-
ing and construction. The Institution of Civil Engineers, London, 80 p.
Essex RJ (ed. (1997) Geotechnical baseline reports for underground construction. Technical
Committee on Geotechnical Reports of the Underground Technology Research Council,
American Society of Civil Engineers, 40 p.
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Molendijk WO et al (2003). Improved reliability of (rest) settlement predictions of em-
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