Introduction To Theoretical Linguistic Lyons PDF
Introduction To Theoretical Linguistic Lyons PDF
Introduction To Theoretical Linguistic Lyons PDF
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5 Grammatical Units
5.1 Introductory I7O
5.2 77* sentence 172
5.3 TTitf morpheme l8o
5.4 77i ;orrf 194
c;.; 77* notion of 'rank' 2O6
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6 Grammatical Structure
6.1 Immediate constituents page 209
6.2 Phrase-structure grammars
6.3 Categorial grammars 227
6.4 Exocentric and endocentric constructions 231
6.5 Context-sensitive grammars 235
6.6 Transformational grammar 247
7 Grammatical Categories
7.1 Introductory 270
7.2 Deictic categories 275
7.3 Number and gender 281
7.4 CVw 289
7.5 Tense, mood and aspect 34
7.6 The parts of speech 3i7
8 Grammatical Functions
8.1 Subject, predicate and adjunct 334
8.2 Transitivity and ergativity 350
8.3 FOM* 37i
8.4 Existential, locative and possessive constructions 388
10 Semantic Structure
10.1 Introductory 443
10.2 Synonymy 446
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10.3 Hyponymy and incompatibility page 453
10.4 Antonymy, complementarity and converseness 460
10.5 Componential analysis and universal semantics 470
Addenda 489
Bibliography 490
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John Lyons
This book was first published in 1968; it has been reprinted several times
and has been translated, so far, into 12 languages; and it is still as widely used
today in colleges and universities throughout the world as it was twenty
years ago. The fact that this is so is of course very gratifying. It is, however,
something that I never anticipated when I wrote the book.
It has been suggested to me that one of the reasons why Introduction to
theoretical linguistics (ITL) has become something of a classic (the term is
not mine) is that in writing it I took a broader view of the subject-matter
than the authors of most other textbooks of the period and emphasized, as
they did not, continuity rather than discontinuity in the development of
what I referred to in the original Preface as contemporary linguistic theory:
continuity between philology and linguistics; between traditional grammar
and modern (i.e., mid-twentieth-century) linguistics; between structur-
alism (European and American) and generativism.
It is arguable that, at certain points and in certain respects, I
overemphasized continuity. I did not appreciate the degree to which my
view of linguistics had been shaped by my own academic background,
which included a training in classical philology and philosophy, on the one
hand, and a certain amount of formal and computational linguistics, on the
other, and by my own research interests. In particular, I did not realize that
the classical philologist's understanding of traditional grammar was not the
same as that of someone whose understanding of it derived primarily from
its application to English and other modern, mainly European, languages.
Also, although I was well aware that traditional grammar is far less
homogeneous than it is commonly represented as being in textbook
accounts of the history of linguistics (and I made this fact explicit in my
own account of the history of linguistics in Chapter 1 and at relevant points
elsewhere in the book), I did not always give alternative traditional analyses
when I might have done. In some cases, this was simply due to ignorance,
on my part, of the work of those whose specialized expertise was greater
than mine. In other cases, it was a consequence of my more or less
deliberate adoption of what historiographers often refer to as Whiggism: a
concentration on those themes or issues which (independently of their
importance in their own historical context) can be seen with hindsight
(from the viewpoint of the winning side, the Whigs) to have prevailed and
to have brought us to where we are now.
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I make no apologies for the Whiggism or, more generally, for the
historicism that is implicit in my explanation of current attitudes and ideas.
I still think that a historicist account of contemporary linguistic theory - an
inevitably, but I trust responsibly, selective account - is both justifiable and
helpful. It is certainly better than a totally unhistorical account of the kind
that one all too often finds in introductory textbooks. And it is far better
than a revolutionary, not to say messianic, approach which exaggerates the
difference between one orthodoxy and its replacement. If I were rewriting
Chapter i today, there is much that I would change as far as the detail is
concerned. The historiography of linguistics has made enormous strides in
the past quarter-century and both the primary and the secondary sources
are correspondingly richer, more accessible and better indexed for ease of
reference than they were. The empirical database with which theoretical
linguistics operates is also richer and more reliable than it was, descriptively
and typologicaliy. This would obviously influence my choice of what to
include and what to exclude or my judgement of its significance. But I do
think it would be largely a matter of detail. On the whole, I stand by the
historical and interpretative generalizations that I made in 1968 (many of
which continue to be quoted or referred to in the more recent literature).
Students should be encouraged, however, not to take them on trust, but to
compare them with the generalizations made in other textbooks and to
weight them against the evidence that is now more readily available.
The fact that ITL is widely referred to in the literature and quotations
from it are often used as convenient starting-points for the further
discussion of particular theoretical issues means that, for some years now, I
have felt that I was not at liberty to amend or update the text, even in those
places where I was dissatisfied with the position that I had adopted earlier
or with my formulation of it. Over the years I have of course changed my
mind on several issues. I have also introduced and established a number of
terminological distinctions and typographical conventions, partly in
response to what are generally acknowledged to be advances made in
linguistic theory and partly as a consequence of trying to be more precise
about some of the topics that I have been particularly concerned with in my
own work. For example, I have come to see that the distinction between
sentences and utterances needs to be drawn more carefully than it is drawn
in ITL, as do the distinction between language and speech, the distinction
between forms and expressions (to use current terminology) and the
distinction between the use of a language and the product of the use of a
language (which is confused both in Saussure's terminological distinction
between 'langue' and 'parole' and in Chomsky's roughly comparable
distinction between 'competence' and 'performance'). It would be
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impossible to list here, still less to discuss, all the changes that would need
to be introduced into the text of ITL if these and other such terminological
distinctions were adopted. I would refer interested readers, and more
especially lecturers and instructors using ITL as a textbook in class, to some
of my more recent works, including Language and linguistics (1981; reissued
1995), Natural language and universal grammar (1991) and Linguistic
semantics (1995). Many of the topics dealt with in ITL are discussed there,
in greater or less detail, with what is intended to be greater precision and
with reference to the subsequent literature.
I should now say something about generative grammar and generativism.
ITL was probably the first relatively comprehensive textbook of general
linguistics to include, and to make central, an introduction to Chomskyan
transformational-generative grammar. I described this, at the time, as
'currently the most familiar and the most highly developed system [of
syntactic analysis based on generative principles]'. I did, however, make
clear that there were alternative approaches to the formalization of the
grammatical structure of languages which were, at least in principle,
generative (as I understood the term), but which did not necessarily respect
the primacy of particular Chomskyan axioms (notably the axiom of
concatenation and those pertaining to the definition of constituent-
structure in terms of dominance and bracketing). Since 1968, several of the
alternative systems of generative grammar which were then in prospect
have been developed, and others have appeared on the scene; and
Chomskyan generative grammar itself has passed through several stages of
modification and development.
In the context of present-day theories of generative grammar, what
might be referred to as the pre-classical version of Chomsky's own system
of transformational-generative grammar that is presented in ITL - the
original system of Syntactic structures (1957) - will strike many of today's
specialists as primitive in the extreme, not to say archaic. However, the very
simplicity of the original system may have its pedagogical virtues: it is
relatively easy to understand, and it can still serve satisfactorily for the
limited, but important, purpose of explaining the basic principles and
providing a solid base upon which to build. Paradoxically, perhaps, it may
serve more satisfactorily for this purpose than either the so-called standard
theory of Chomsky's Aspects of the theory of syntax (1965) or any of its
successors in a direct line of descent. Much of the detailed development of
Chomskyan transformational-generative grammar that took place in the
1970s and early 1980s, though historically important, can now be seen as
irrelevant, in the context, on the one hand, of the most recent, very radical,
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revisions of the system favoured by Chomsky himself (a system of
parameters and principles, rather than of fully generative rules) and, on the
other, of the increased number of competing systems of generative (or
partly generative) grammar that are now being discussed and compared in
the specialist literature.
In my exposition of the theory of generative grammar in 1968,1 was at
pains to distinguish the wood from the trees and the essential from the
inessential. In particular, I was careful to distinguish generative grammar as
such from what I have in more recent publications referred to as
generativism (cf. Language and linguistics, 1981, and, more especially, the
third edition of Chomsky, 1991). By 'generativism' I mean, briefly, a whole
cluster of philosophical and psychological doctrines (some, though not all,
of which are both theoretically exciting and empirically well supported)
which motivate many linguists' (including Chomsky's) interest in
generative grammar, as well as that of philosophers, psychologists and
others, but which are logically independent of it. Very few textbook
presentations of generative grammar draw the distinction, as they should,
between generative grammars as formal systems and generativism. Either
may yet survive independently of the other. Time will tell.
Not only generative grammar, but grammatical theory in general, has
moved on from where it was twenty or so years ago. Many of the topics
dealt with in the central chapters of ITL (e.g., grammatical categories,
deixis, transitivity and ergativity, morphological structure) have been
intensively researched during this period. As I said above, my own views
have changed on certain issues, but not to the point that I would wish to
retract or radically modify any of the generalizations that are made in
respect of them in ITL. I trust that what is said about them here will
continue to serve, as it has done for some time now, as an introduction to
more detailed and more specialized treatments and as a bridge between
traditional and more modern treatments of them.
As to semantics, the account that is given in ITL is also somewhat old-
fashioned in certain respects: it is restricted to lexical semantics (roughly,
the study of the meaning of words and phrases) and it does not exploit
properly the distinction between sentence-meaning and utterance-meaning
(to which I referred above). What is actually said about lexical semantics,
however, requires little or no modification in the light of the very
considerable advances that have been made recently in semantics (and
pragmatics). For my own approach to semantics on a broader front and in
the context of what is coming to be a more or less standard theoretical
framework readers are referred to Linguistic semantics (1995).
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I would like to reiterate my thanks to all those who helped me directly
or indirectly in writing ITL> especially to my four mentors, W. Sidney Allen
and Robert H. Robins (my PhD supervisors) and the late Charles E. Bazell
and Fred W. Householder. The passage of time has, if anything, made me
even more aware of how much I learned from them and how fortunate I
was to be introduced to modern linguistics by four scholars whose expertise
in their several areas of specialization was unrivalled and who combined an
interest in contemporary linguistic theory with a proper sense of its
diachronic and synchronic continuity. The influence of Noam Chomsky's
work, especially of Syntactic structures, is evident throughout ITLy but
especially of course in Chapter 4; I should none the less like to acknowledge
it formally, and gratefully, here, the more so as I have subsequently taken a
different view from his on certain aspects of what I have elsewhere referred
to as generativism. The other friends and colleagues who influenced my
views on linguistics in the late 1950s and the early 1960s are too numerous
to mention; the references both in ITL and in later works must suffice.
Finally, I must thank the current commissioning editor for linguistics at
Cambridge University Press, Judith Ayling, for encouraging me to reissue
ITL and to write a new Preface for it.
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John Lyons
1.1 Introductory
I.I.I Definition of linguistics
Linguistics may be defined as the scientific study of language. This
definition is hardly sufficient to give the reader any positive indication
of the fundamental principles of the subject. It may be made a little
more revealing by drawing in greater detail the implications contained
in the qualification 'scientific'. For the moment, it will be enough to
say that by the scientific study of language is meant its investigation
by means of controlled and empirically verifiable observations and
with reference to some general theory of language-structure.
i. i. 2 Linguistic terminology
It is sometimes suggested that the terminology, or 'jargon', of
modern linguistics is unnecessarily complex. This is a criticism which
need not detain us long. Every science has its own technical vocabu-
lary: it is only because the layman takes on trust the established
sciences, and especially the 'natural* sciences, that he does not
question their right to furnish themselves with special vocabularies.
The technical terms used by linguists arise in the course of their work
and are easily understood by those who approach the subject sympa-
thetically and without prejudice. It should not be forgotten that most
of the terms which the non-linguist employs to talk about language
('word', 'syllable', 'letter', 'phrase', 'sentence', 'noun', 'verb', etc.)
originated as technical terms of traditional grammar and are no less
'abstract' in their reference than the more recent creations of
linguists. If the contemporary linguist requires different terms,
instead of, or in addition to, those familiar to the layman, this is
accounted for partly by the fact that the non-technical employment of
many of the terms of traditional grammar has rendered them in-
sufficiently precise for scientific purposes and partly by the simple
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fact that modern linguistics has in certain respects advanced beyond
traditional grammar in its attempt to construct a general theory of
language-structure. The technical terms employed in this book will
be introduced gradually, with full explanation and as far as possible
with reference to traditional terms of general currency. As we shall
see, the use of a special vocabulary eliminates a good deal of ambi-
guity and possible misunderstanding in the discussion of language.
i. i. 4 History of linguistics
Nothing is more helpful to the layman or student making his first
acquaintance with the science of linguistics than some knowledge of
the history of the subject. Many of the ideas about language which
the linguist will question, if he does not abandon them entirely, will
seem less obviously self-evident if one knows something of their
historical origin. This is true not only of a good deal that is taught
formally at school, but also of much that at first sight might appear to
be a matter of downright common sense; for, as Bloomfield has
remarked of the common-sense way of dealing with linguistic matters,
' like much else that masquerades as common sense it is in fact highly
sophisticated, and derives, at no great distance, from the speculations
of ancient and medieval philosophers'. As instances of 'common-
sense ' attitudes to language which derive from what Bloomfield refers
to as 'the speculations of ancient and medieval philosophers' one may
cite the commonly-held belief that all languages manifest the same
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* parts of speech' (in the form in which this belief is usually held and
expressed). The traditional theory of 'the parts of speech', and the
standard definitions of classical grammar, reflect, as we shall see in
due course, ancient and medieval attempts to force together the
categories of grammar, logic and metaphysics. Other commonly held
views about language derive not so much from philosophical specu-
lation as from the subordination of grammar to the task of interpreting
written texts, and especially to that of interpreting works written in
Greek and Latin by the classical authors.
But the history of linguistics is of interest today not only in so far as
it enables us to free ourselves of certain commonly held misconcep-
tions about language. Linguistics, like any other science, builds on the
past; and it does so, not only by challenging and refuting traditional
doctrines, but also by developing and reformulating them. As an aid
to the understanding of the principles and assumptions governing
modern linguistics a knowledge of the history of the subject has
therefore a positive, as well as a negative, contribution to make. This
point will be abundantly illustrated in the course of the book. It is
stressed here because many recent works on linguistics, in describing
the great advances made in the scientific investigation of language in
the last few decades, have neglected to emphasize the continuity of
Western linguistic theory from earliest times to the present day.
It may also be pointed out here that what is generally referred to as
' traditional grammar* (and we shall continue to use this term) is
much richer and more diversified than is often suggested in the
cursory references made to it by many modern handbooks of lin-
guistics. Much of the earlier history of Western linguistic thought is
obscure and controversial. This is mainly due to the fact that most of
the original sources have disappeared: from what has survived it is
clear that, although one can trace a continuous line of development
from Plato and the Sophists to the medieval Schoolmen, throughout
this period there were many individual grammarians who were
capable of original thought. A definitive and comprehensive history of
traditional grammar' is yet to be written. Although the necessarily
brief outline of the history of linguistics which follows is intended
primarily as an introduction to the present state of the subject, we
shall try, as far as possible, to relate past developments in linguistic
theory to the social conditions and the philosophical ideas current at
the time.
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A different, though related, category comprised words {cuckoo,
peewit, etc.) which were 'imitative' of a particular kind of sound, but
which denoted the source of the sound, rather than the sound itself.
In both cases there is an obvious 'natural* connexion between the
physical form of the word and wThat it signifies. The technical term
employed for words belonging to these two categories, and still used
in this sense, was onomatopoeia. This was simply the Greek word for
* the creation of names \ The fact that it was restricted by grammarians
to words which 'imitate' the sounds they denote reflects the view
maintained by the Greek 'naturalists' (particularly the Stoic philo-
sophers) that such words form the basic set of 'names' from which
language has developed. The fundamental relationship between a
word and its meaning was that of' naming'; and originally words were
' imitative' of the things they named. Onomatopoeic words formed the
nucleus of the vocabulary.
But relatively few words are onomatopoeic. Others were demon-
strated to be of 'natural' origin by reference to one or more of their
constituent sounds. Certain sounds were held to be suggestive, or
' imitative', of particular physical qualities, or activities, being classified
as 'smooth', 'harsh', 'liquid', 'masculine', etc. For instance, one
might maintain, in the spirit of the 'naturalists', that I is a liquid
sound, and that therefore the words liquid,flow,etc., contain a sound
which is 'naturally' appropriate to their meaning. The modern term
for this kind of relationship between the constituent sounds of words
and their nreaning, in so far as it is asserted to be a feature of language,
is sound-symbolism.
After taking full account of onomatopoeia and sound-symbolism,
the Greek etymologists were still left with very many words to
explain. At this point they invoked various principles in terms of
which words could be derived from, or related to, one another; and
these were codified in time as the traditional principles of etymology.
We shall not go into these principles here, except to mention that
they fall into two types. First, the meaning of a word might be
extended by virtue of some 'natural' connexion between the original
and the secondary application: cf. the mouth of a river, the neck of a
bottle, etc. (These are examples of metaphor, one of the many terms
introduced by the Greeks which have passed into traditional grammars
and works on style.) Second, the form of a word might be derived
from that of another by the addition, deletion, substitution and trans-
position of sounds (granted some ' natural' connexion in the meanings
of the two words). It is only by a very free and uncontrolled use of the
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second set of principles, operating upon the form of a word, that the
' naturalists' could maintain their position, claiming to be able to
derive all words from a primary set of words of ' natural * origin.
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the Greek word for 'model' or 'example'). The anomalists did not
deny that there were regularities in the formation of words in
language, but pointed to the many instances of irregular words for the
formation of which analogical reasoning is of no avail (child: children,
etc.) and also to the multiplicity of different 'analogies' that had to be
recognized for words of the same class (this is more striking for
Greek or Latin than for English). They also drew attention to the fact
that the relationship between the form of a word and its meaning was
frequently 'anomalous': for instance the names of the cities Thebes
or Athens are plural nouns in Greek, although they denote single
cities; one of the Greek words for ' child' (paidion) is neuter in gender,
although children must be either male or female (cf. the German
word Kindy which is also neuter: examples of this kind of 'anomaly*
could be given from many languages). Another example of 'anomaly*
was afforded by the existence of synonymy (two or more words with
the same meaning) and homonymy (one form with two or more
meanings). If language were really a product of human 'convention'
one would not expect to find 'irregularities' of these various kinds;
and if they existed they should be corrected. The anomalists main-
tained that language, a product of' nature', was only partly susceptible
of description in terms of analogical patterns of formation, and that
due attention had to be given to 'usage', however 'irrational' a
particular fact of 'usage' might be.
That the dispute between the 'analogists' and the 'anomalists' was
not settled once and for all by the Greeks is hardly surprising. In the
first place, the distinction between descriptive and prescriptive (or
normative) grammar was not clearly drawn (that is to say, the distinc-
tion between describing how people actually speak and write and
prescribing how they ought to speak and write: we shall discuss this
distinction in some detail later: cf. 1.4.3). Consequently the 'analogist'
would tend to 'correct' any apparent 'anomalies' with which he
might be confronted rather than change his ideas about the nature of
language. Secondly, and more importantly, since 'irregularities' can
only be determined with reference to the 'regularities' from which
they differ, what is ' irregular' from one point of view, from another
may be regarded as 'regular'. Any general dispute as to whether
language is 'regular' or not involves the further question: what are
in fact the 'regular* patterns? The controversy between the 'ana-
logists' and the 'anomalists' was not therefore, as is sometimes
suggested, a pointless dispute resulting from the perverse refusal of
both sides to recognize the obvious fact that there are both 'analogies'
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and 'anomalies' in language. It was at most a dispute as to what
constitutes 'regularity* in language and how much of the apparent
'irregularity' can be shown, by further analysis, to be describable in
terms of alternative patterns.
The history of the controversy between the 'analogists' and the
' anomalists' is far from clear. Its earlier development is known only
from fragments, and from quotations and comments in the works of
later authors; and it is possible that the later writers (in particular
Varro, a Roman grammarian of the first century B.C.) may have
exaggerated the differences between the two parties to the contro-
versy. Whatever their theoretical pronouncements, both the 'ana-
logists' and the 'anomalists' admitted that there were certain
regularities in language, and both contributed to the systematization of
grammar. Indeed it was the Stoics, usually said to be 'anomalists',
who laid the foundations of traditional grammar in connexion with
their 'etymological' work. And the Alexandrian 'analogists' built
upon these. Such differences as we find between the Stoics and the
Alexandrians can generally be explained in the light of their difference
of purpose. The Stoics were interested primarily in the philosophical
problem of the origin of language, in logic and in rhetoric; the
Alexandrians in literary criticism. Moreover, as we shall see, the
Alexandrian scholars were working upon the literary texts of the past;
where there was no recorded 'usage' to refer to they invoked the
principle of 'analogy' to supply the want of this. Later grammarians,
responsible for the codification of what we now call traditional
grammar, recognized both 'analogy' and 'usage' ('anomaly') as
theoretical principles. However, this did not really solve the problem
since, on the one hand, when one is looking for regularities in language,
one is frequently faced with alternative ways of relating words and
sentences, and, on the other, there still remains the question whose
'usage' is to be taken as correct. Modern linguistics may claim to have
made some progress in the solution of these questions, as we shall see,
but not to have solved them definitively. The controversy between
'analogists' and 'anomalists' is still with us.
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of the Homeric poems, had by now become intolerably corrupt. By
comparing different manuscripts of the same works the Alexandrian
scholars of the third and second centuries B.C. sought to restore the
original text and to decide between genuine and spurious works.
Since the language of the classical texts differed in many respects from
the contemporary Greek of Alexandria, the practice grew up of
publishing commentaries on the texts and grammatical treatises
elucidating the various difficulties that might trouble the reader of the
earlier Greek poets. Admiration for the great literary works of the
past encouraged the belief that the language in which they were
written was itself inherently * purer', more ' correct', than the current
colloquial speech of Alexandria and the other Hellenistic centres. The
grammars produced by Hellenistic scholars came therefore to have
a double purpose: they combined the aim of establishing and
explaining the language of the classical authors with the desire to
preserve Greek from corruption by the ignorant and unlettered. This
approach to the study of language fostered by Alexandrian classicism
involved two fatal misconceptions. The first concerns the relation
between written and spoken language; the second has to do with the
manner in which languages develop. They may both be referred to
what I will call the * classical fallacy' in the study of language.
From the beginning Greek linguistic scholarship had been
concerned primarily with the written language. (The term ' grammar',
which the Greeks applied to the study of language, bears witness to
this: it is derived from the word for 'the art of writing'.) No con-
sistent distinction was drawn between sounds and the letters used to
represent them. In so far as the difference between the spoken and the
written language was perceived at all, the tendency was always to
consider the former as dependent on, and derived from, the latter.
The Alexandrian concern with literature merely reinforced this
The second misconception inherent in the Alexandrian approach to
the study of language was the assumption that the language of the
fifth-century Attic writers was more 'correct' than the colloquial
speech of their own time; and in general that the 'purity' of a
language is maintained by the usage of the educated, and ' corrupted'
by the illiterate. For more than two thousand years this prejudice was
to reign unchallenged. It is all the harder to eradicate in that the terms
in which the assumption is usually expressed'purity' and 'correct-
ness 'are taken as absolutes. It should be clear, however, that these
terms have no meaning except in relation to some selected standard.
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cated. (Roughly speaking, the subject of a predication names the thing
about which something is said, and the predicate is that part of the
sentence which says something about the thing named by the
subject: cf. 8.1.2.)
Two things may be observed. First, the definition of the major
grammatical classes, 'nouns' and * verbs', was made on logical
grounds: i.e. as constituents of a proposition. Second, what we now
call verbs and adjectives were put together in the same class. Even
when later Greek grammarians abandoned the classification established
by Plato, they did not replace it with the tripartite system into nouns,
verbs and adjectives, with which we are familiar, but substituted
another bipartite system, which brought together what we call nouns
and adjectives. Little attention was given at first to words which were
not members of the major classes.
It was not until medieval times that the division of words into
nouns, verbs and adjectives was made. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) kept
the Platonic distinction between 'nouns' and 'verbs', but added to
these a further distinct class. These were the 'conjunctions'; by this
term Aristotle meant all those words which were not members of the
major classes, 'nouns' and 'verbs'. He also took over from his pre-
decessors the threefold classification of gender. He observed, however,
that the names of many ' things' (the term employed by Protagoras to
label the third gender) were grammatically either 'masculine' or
'feminine' in Greek, and he introduced the term 'intermediate' to
refer to the third gender. (Later, that which was neither 'masculine'
nor 'feminine' was called, quite simply, 'neither'; and it is the Latin
translation of this which has given us the traditional term 'neuter'.)
A more significant advance made by Aristotle was his recognition of
the category of tense in the Greek verb: that is to say, he noted that
certain systematic variations in the forms of the verb could be cor-
related with such temporal notions as 'present' or 'past'. His teaching
on this point, however (though more explicit than Plato's), is far from
Of the several different 'schools' of Greek philosophy, it was the
Stoics who gave the most attention to language. The reason for this
lay in their belief that right conduct was a matter of living in harmony
with 'nature' and that knowledge consisted in the conformity of our
ideas with the real things in 'nature', of which these ideas are, or
should be, the image. Language was therefore central to Stoic philo-
sophy, and, in particular, to the part to which they gave the term
'logic', but which included also what we should call epistemology
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and rhetoric, as well as grammar. One of the first and most
fundamental distinctions they made was that between form and
meaning, 'that which signifies* and 'that which is signified*. But the
Stoics did not take language to be a direct reflection of 'nature*. For
the most part they were 'anomalists', insisting on the lack of corre-
spondence between words and things and on the illogicalities of
language. Earlier members of the ' school' distinguished four parts of
speech ('noun', 'verb', 'conjunction', 'article'); later members five
(by separating 'common nouns' and 'proper nouns'). The adjective
was classed with the noun. The classification of what we now call
inflexion (e.g. the relationship between such forms, in English, as
boy, boysy or singf sang, sung) was greatly developed by the Stoics. It
was they too who gave to the term case the sense which it has pre-
served in standard grammatical usage ever since, distinguishing
between the true form of the noun, the 'upright' case (what we now
refer to as the nominative), and the 'oblique' cases, which they
regarded as deviations from the upright. They realized that another
factor in addition to time was involved in determining the form of
Greek verbs; namely, the completion or non-completion of the action
expressed by the form in question. They distinguished between the
active and the passive; and between transitive and intransitive verbs.
The Alexandrian scholars carried further the work of the Stoic
grammarians. And it was in Alexandria that what we now call the
'traditional' grammar of Greek was more or less definitively codified.
Unlike most of the Stoics, the Alexandrian grammarians were
* analogists'; and their search for regularities in language led them to
establish 'canons', or patterns, of inflexion. The grammar of
Dionysius Thrax (late second century B.C.) was, to the best of our
knowledge, the first comprehensive and systematic grammatical
description to be published in the western world. In addition to the
four Stoic parts of speech Dionysius recognized also the adverb, the
participle (so called because of its 'participation' in both nominal and
verbal characteristics), the pronoun, and the preposition. All Greek
words were classified in terms of case, gender, number, tense, voice,
mood, etc. (cf. chapter 7). Dionysius did not deal explicitly with
syntax, the principles according to which words were combined into
sentences. This part of the grammatical description of Greek was
carried out some three centuries later, less systematically, however, by
Apollonius Dyscolus (second century A.D.).
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Donatus (c. A.D. 400) and Priscian (c. A.D. 500), like the Alexandrian
period, was an age of classicism. The grammars of Donatus and
Priscian, intended as teaching grammars and used as such through the
Middle Ages and as late as the seventeenth century, set out to
describe not the language of their own day, but that of the 'best
writers', especially Cicero and Virgil, and thus perpetuated what I
have called the 'classical* fallacy in the approach to linguistic
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modis significandi) that the grammarians of the period are often referred
to collectively as 'modistae'. Inspired with the scholastic ideals of
science as a search for universal and invariant causes, they deliberately
attempted to derive the categories of grammar from the categories of
logic, epistemology and metaphysics; or rather, to derive the cate-
gories of all four sciences from the same general principles. But in
doing this, it should be noted, they took it for granted that the
grammatical categories to be found in the works of Donatus and
Priscian were in general valid. Their objection to Donatus and
Priscian (and this objection was in fact made explicitly) was not that
the Roman grammarians had inaccurately described the facts of Latin
grammar, but that they had not accounted for these facts scientifically,
that is by deducing them from their 'causes'.
It was the task of scientific, or 'speculative', grammar to discover
the principles whereby the word, as a 'sign', was related on the one
hand to the human intellect and on the other to the thing it repre-
sented, or 'signified'. It was assumed that these principles were
constant and universal. For how else could language be the vehicle of
true knowledge? According to the speculative grammarians the word
did not directly represent the nature of the thing it signified; it
represented it as existing in a particular way, or 'mode'as a sub-
stance, an action, a quality, etc.and it did this by having the forms
of the appropriate part of speech. Grammar was therefore a philo-
sophical theory of the parts of speech and their characteristic ' modes
of signifying'. (The term 'speculative' is worth noting. It must not
be taken in its modern sense, but in the more particular sense
deriving from the view that language is like a 'mirror', Latin
speculum, which gives a 'reflection' of the 'reality' underlying the
'phenomena' of the physical world. The Stoics had employed the
same metaphor.)
It is easy enough to say that the method of definition employed by
the scholastic grammarians is circular and their views on grammar
self-evidently false. They were certainly more ready than we are to
assume that the modes of signifying necessarily coincided with the
modes of 'being' and 'understanding'. But before we dismiss their
linguistic speculations as unworthy of our attention (as is often the
tendency) it would be as well to consider whether it is merely the
terminology of the time which we find unacceptable or incompre-
hensible. Statements such as the following are often quoted as if
obviously absurd and needing no further discussion: 'Grammar is
substantially the same in all languages, even though it may vary
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accidentally'; * Whoever knows grammar in one language also knows
it in another so far as its substance is concerned. If he cannot, how-
ever, speak another language, or understand those who speak it, this
is because of the difference of words and their formations which is
accidental to grammar*. The first quotation is from Roger Bacon
(1214-94), and the second from an anonymous scholar of the same
period. We may be tempted to reject these statements out of hand on
the basis of our experience of foreign languages. Surely, we exclaim,
the grammatical differences between French and English, or Russian
and English, are not just * accidental' and unimportant; and we tend
to attribute the scholastic view of the universality of grammar to the
unique position occupied by Latin throughout the Middle Ages and
the low status of the vernacular languages, many of which were in any
case derived from, or strongly influenced by, Latin. The privileged
position of Latin was doubtless an important factor in the develop-
ment of universal grammar. But the scholastic view of language was
not abandoned at the Renaissance with the new interest in the
vernaculars and their use in literature. What the scholastic statements
which I have quoted mean, when they are stripped of their meta-
physical expression in terms of 'substance' and 'accidents', is merely
this: all languages will have words for the same concepts and all
languages will manifest the same parts of speech and other general
grammatical categories. This view may be true or false; we shall
return to this question in due course (cf. chapters 7 and 8). But it is
a view which, in the form in which it has just been put, would be
accepted by many of those who most vociferously proclaim their
emancipation from the fetters of scholasticism.
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texts. Once again grammar became an aid to the understanding of
literature and to the writing of 'good* Latin. Erasmus himself (in
1513) published a Latin syntax based on Donatus. Greek also became
the object of intense study, and, somewhat later, Hebrew. Thus it
was that the 'humanists' handed on to succeeding generations of
scholars the languages and literature of three cultures.
The vernacular languages of Europe began to attract the notice of
scholars even before the Renaissance: we have a seventh-century
grammar of Irish, a twelfth-century grammar of Icelandic and a
thirteenth-century grammar of Provencal, not to mention Aelfric's
comparison of Latin and Anglo-Saxon (tenth century) and a number
of observations about Basque which go back to the tenth century.
Several grammars of French were produced for travelling English-
men in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. With the Renaissance,
heralded in this respect by Dante's De vulgari eloquentiay interest in
the vernacular languages developed enormously, and grammars were
written in great numbers. In fact, the whole classical conception was
extended to the modern languages of Europe. Language still meant the
language of literature; and literature, when it became the object of
academic study in our schools and universities, continued to mean the
work of the 'best authors' writing in the accepted genresDante in
that of the Virgilian epic, Milton in a more Homeric strain, Racine in
the vein of Sophocles, and so on. It is true that a more satisfactory
academic approach to literature has developed nowadays, and authors
are no longer classified by the normative canons of Alexandria and the
Renaissance. Yet the study of grammar in the language departments
of our schools and universities still tends to be classical in spirit.
The ideals of 'speculative' grammar were revived in France in the
seventeenth century by the teachers of Port Royal. In 1660 they
published their Gratnmaire genirale et raisonneey the aim of which was
to demonstrate that the structure of language is a product of reason,
and that the different languages of men are but varieties of a more
general logical and rational system. The Port Royal grammar had an
immense influence both in France and abroad, and the 'Age of
Enlightenment' was to see the publication of many such works. All
these 'rational' grammars worked within the confines of the classical
tradition and produced no new linguistic theories.
No more striking evidence of the endurance of the classical tradi-
tion in the study of language could be given than the definitions to be
found in the most recent editions (1932) of the dictionary and
grammar of the French Academy, which, since its foundation by
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Richelieu (in 1637), has been charged with the task of establishing
authoritatively the vocabulary and grammar of French. Grammar is
defined as ' the art of speaking and writing correctly'; its object is to
discover the relations holding between the elements of language,
whether these relations be 'natural' or 'conventional'; the gram-
marian's task is to describe 'good usage', that is the language of
those educated persons and writers who write 'pure' French, and to
defend this ' good usage' from ' all causes of corruption, such as the
invasion of the vocabulary by foreign words, technical terms, slang,
and those barbarous expressions which are constantly being created
to satisfy the dubious needs of trade, industry, sport, advertising,
etc.'; as for the rules of grammar, these are not arbitrary, but 'derive
from the natural tendencies of the human mind'.
There exists no official body whose function it is to legislate
authoritatively about English usage. Nevertheless, the literary and
philosophical prejudices embodied in the French Academy's defini-
tions quoted above, the origin of which can be traced in Greece and
Alexandria, are hardly less prevalent in the English-speaking countries
than they are in France.
The true followers of the classical and scholastic grammarians are
not those who seek to preserve intact the whole framework of classical
grammar, but rather those who carry out free and critical inquiry into
the role and nature of language writhin the context of present-day
scientific thinking, and with the more extensive knowledge of
languages and cultures that is now available. As we shall see in the
course of this book, many of the insights into the structure of
language obtained by the classical grammarians were valuable and
revealing, but demand reformulation in more general and more
empirical terms.
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A.D., and somewhat later into Syrian. Subsequently, the Arab
grammarians drew upon the Syrians, and they also came more directly
into contact with the Greco-Roman tradition in Spain. And the
Hebrew grammarians were influenced by the Arabs. So it was that
the native grammatical descriptions of Armenian, Syrian, Arabic and
Hebrew were already strongly influenced by the Greco-Roman
tradition even before these languages attracted the attention of
European scholars at the Renaissance.
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recognized two other parts of speech, which we may translate as
'preposition' and 'particle'.)
There are two respects in which Indian linguistic work may be held
to be superior to Western traditional grammar: first in phonetics, and
second in the study of the internal structure of words. Indian gramma-
tical studies seem to have had their origin in the necessity of preserving
intact, not only the text, but also the pronunciation of the Vedic
hymns, the precise and accurate recitation of which is held to be
essential to their efficacy in Hindu ritual. The Indian classification of
speech sounds was more detailed, more accurate and more soundly
based upon observation and experiment than anything achieved in
Europe (or elsewhere as far as we know) before the late nineteenth
century, when the science of phonetics in Europe was in fact strongly
influenced by the discovery and translation of the Indian linguistic
treatises by Western scholars. In their analysis of words the Indian
grammarians went well beyond what might be thought necessary for
the original purpose of preserving the language of the sacred texts.
And Panini's grammar is not in fact specifically devoted to the
language of the Vedic hymns, but to the language of his own day.
Panini's grammar of Sanskrit has frequently been described, from
the point of view of its exhaustiveness (within the limits which it sets
itself: i.e. mainly with regard to the structure of words), its internal
consistency and its economy of statement, as far superior to any
grammar of any language yet written. The main part of the grammar,
which is a highly technical work and can be interpreted only with the
aid of the commentaries of his successors, consists of about 4,000
rules (some of them extremely short) and lists of basic forms (' roots'),
to which reference is made in the rules. The rules are ordered in
sequence in such a way that the scope of a particular rule is defined or
restricted by the preceding rules. Further economy is achieved by the
use of abbreviations and symbols.
As we shall see in the following section, the discovery of Sanskrit by
Western scholars was one of the principal factors in the development
of comparative philology in the nineteenth century. This was not
simply a matter of being brought into contact with the Sanskrit
language, but also of becoming acquainted with the Indian gram-
matical tradition. There are many aspects of nineteenth-century
linguistics which are clearly derived from the practice or theory of the
Indian grammarians. But the influence of Panini's principles
(exhaustiveness, consistency and economy) is to be seen even more
clearly in some of the most recent work in linguistics.
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languages, but it will suffice to give the reader an idea of the extent
of the Indo-European family. Other major language-families (to
mention but a few) include Semitic (Hebrew, Arabic, etc.), Finno-
Ugrian (Finnish, Hungarian, etc.), Bantu (Swahili, Kikuyu, Zulu,
etc.), Altaic (Turkish, etc.), Sino-Tibetan (Chinese, Tibetan, etc.)
and Algonquian (including a number of American Indian languages).
To have established the principles and methods used in setting up
these, and other, language-families and, what is more important, to
have developed a general theory of language change and linguistic
relationship was the most significant achievement of nineteenth-
century linguistic scholarship. The term 'comparative philology',
which I shall use to refer to this period of linguistics and to its
characteristic aims and methods, is one which came to replace the
earlier and less satisfactory * comparative grammar' in the course of
the nineteenth century and which, though less commonly used these
days by linguists themselves (who tend to prefer * comparative and
historical linguistics'), is not infrequently met in general books on
language and, like many other unsuitable terms, has been perpetuated
in the titles of university chairs and departments and of prescribed
courses of study. The important thing to notice is that ' philology' in
this context has no connexion wTith textual criticism and literary
scholarship, quite separate branches of study for which the term
'philology* is also used, though less commonly in Great Britain and
America than in Europe.
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that the latter was more respectful of the ' facts' and more careful in
its observation and collection of them (this is effect, rather than
cause), but by the end of the eighteenth century there had developed
a general dissatisfaction with a priori and so-called ' logical' explana-
tions and a preference for historical reasoning.
1.3.5 Romanticism
Of particular importance in the study of language was the new spirit
of romanticism which developed at the end of the eighteenth century,
particularly in Germany, as a reaction against the classicism and
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avowed rationalism of the previous age. The leaders of the romantic
movement rejected the view that the canons of literary excellence had
been fixed for all time by the classical tradition. Their interest in
German antiquities led to the publication and study of texts and
glossaries of the older Germanic languages (Gothic, Old High
German, and Old Norse). Herder (i744-1803) maintained that there
was an intimate connexion between language and national character.
Following him, the statesman and polymath Wilhelm von Humboldt
(1767-1835) gave more definite form to this thesis, saying that each
language had its own distinctive structure, which reflected and
conditioned the ways of thought and expression of the people using
it. This belief in the connexion between national language and
national character, which took firm root in Germany, later gave rise
to a good deal of extravagant and mischievous speculation in which
the notions of 'race* and 'language' were inextricably confused
(notably with respect to the term 'Aryan'). At the period we are
discussing it promoted not only an interest in the earlier stages of the
German language, but a more general enthusiasm for linguistic
variety itself and a readiness to consider all languages, however
'barbarous', on their own terms. It is no accident that German
scholars were pre-eminent among the founders of comparative
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blances between the two languages. By the end of the eighteenth
century enough information was available about languages of different
structures for scholars to realize immediately that the resemblances
observed between the classical languages of Europe and Sanskrit were
so striking as to demand an explanation.
1.3.8 'Loan-words*
So far I have talked as though a certain degree of resemblance in
vocabulary and grammara degree of resemblance greater than can
reasonably be attributed to chancewere a sufficient proof of
relationship. This is an over-simplification; it takes no account of what
is referred to technically, though perhaps misleadingly, as borrowing.
It is a well-known fact that languages in geographical or cultural
contact borrow' words from one another quite freely; for words tend
to travel across geographical and linguistic boundaries together with
the object or custom to which they refer. Much of the resemblance
in the vocabularies of different languages may therefore be due to
their having borrowed words either from one another or from some
third language. We have only to think of the vast numbers of words
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of Greek and Latin origin in the vocabularies of modern European
languages to see the force of this point. (It may be noted that, if we
use the term ' borrowing' here to refer, not only to words which have
been taken directly from the classical languages, but also to words
which have been created in recent times by the deliberate combination
of parts of Greek and Latin words, then we must say that most
modern scientific terms, as well as the names of such modern inven-
tions as the telephone, television, automobile, cinema, etc., have been
indirectly borrowed from Greek and Latin.) Borrowing from the
classical languages explains many of the more obvious similarities in
the words of different modern European languages. In addition, these
languages have all borrowed from one another in different degrees and
at different periods of history, and continue to do so. With our know-
ledge of the languages involved and of the general development of
European culture, we have little difficulty in recognizing most of the
loan-words in the vocabularies of modern European languages. It is
clear, however, that if we were unable to identify the loan-words, and
so discount them in our calculations, we should very probably over-
estimate the degree of relationship holding between the languages in
question. The founders of comparative philology were well aware
that words pass easily from one language to another, but had no sure
way of distinguishing loan-words from the rest of the vocabulary. For
this reason, they tended to rely particularly upon grammatical
resemblances as evidence of linguistic relationship and to be cautious
in invoking resemblances between words except where these were
found in the ' basic' vocabulary of the languages concernedthe most
essential words, those which are learned earliest and used constantly.
We now know that the grammar of a language can also be influenced
by that of another language with which it is in contact; and, although
it is undeniable that what may be called 'cultural' words are more
prone to borrowing than others, it is doubtful whether there is any
particular set of words so basic in a language that they are immune
from replacement by borrowing. However, this question is less
important than it might seem to be. For, in the case of those languages
which have been most successfully investigated from a comparative
point of view, the vague notion of resemblance has been abandoned
in favour of the more precisely definable concept of systematic
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Gothic f P b e t d h k g
Latin P b f t d t c g h
Greek P b ph t d th k g kh
Sanskrit P b bh t d dh j h
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phonetically between the original Indo-European and the later
Germanic * aspirates'; moreover, it leaves out of consideration the
later 'High German Sound-Shift', which Grimm regarded as part of
the same general process working itself out over many centuries.
Also, our formulation is imprecise in that it gives only a partial
account of the correspondences between Gothic and the other
languages. However, it conveys the essence of what later came to be
known as * Grimm's law'the most famous of all the * sound-laws'
established by comparative philologistsand is sufficient for our
present purpose.
Grimm and his contemporaries saw that there were many excep-
tions to such generalizations as those we have summarized in the
table of correspondences given above. They observed, for instance,
that, although the word for ' brother' was completely * regular' in the
development of the consonants (cf. Go. brodar: L. frater; b = f,
9 = t), the word for 'father* was only partially so (cf. Go. fadar:
L. pater; f = p, but d = t). They were not troubled by exceptions of
this kind, for they had no reason to believe that sound-change was
'regular'. Grimm himself remarked: 'The sound-shift succeeds in
the majority of cases, but never works itself out completely in every
individual case; some words remain in the form they had in the older
period; the current of innovation has passed them by.'
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Table 2
Verner assumed that Sanskrit had preserved the place of the earlier
Indo-European word-accent, and that the Germanic 'sound-shift'
had taken place before the accent was shifted to word-initial position
in some prehistoric period of Germanic. On this assumption, occur-
rences of d (which, between vowels, may have been a voiced fricative;
i.e. pronounced like the th of English, father) could be explained by the
following Maw': the voiceless 'aspirates' resulting from 'Grimm's
law' (f, th, h) were preserved if the preceding syllable bore the accent
(hence Go. brodar, etc.), but otherwise were voiced (as b, d, g,
respectively: hence Go. fadar, etc.). It may be added that the identifi-
cation of the medial consonants in the English words father and
brother is due to developments particular to English; they were
distinguished in Old English, and they are distinguished in modern
German (cf. Voter \ Bruder), although they have changed phonetically
as a result of the 'High German Sound-Shift', which was compara-
tively recent and applied only to German.
In addition to ' Verner's law', a number of other important 'sound-
laws' were established at about the same time which accounted
successfully for some of the more troublesome exceptions to the
general correspondences holding between the various Indo-European
languages. The general effect of these 'sound-laws' was to give
scholars a much clearer idea of the relative chronology of develop-
ments wTithin the different branches of Indo-European and to increase
their confidence in the principle of regularity in sound-change.
Although this principle met with violent and widespread opposition
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when it was first proclaimed by the ' Junggrammatiker' it came to be
accepted by the majority of comparative philologists towards the end
of the nineteenth century.
The methodological significance of the principle of regularity in
sound-change was tremendous. By concentrating their attention on
the exceptions to the * laws' which they established it forced scholars
either to formulate these * laws' more precisely (in the way that
Grimm's law* was made more precise by 'Verner's law') or to
provide a satisfactory explanation for those words which had not
developed in accordance with the * laws' whose conditions they
appeared to fulfil.
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illiterate age. And it was thought that, just as parents and teachers
should correct the false analogical formations of children, so should
grammarians correct the 'false analogies' of adult speakers which
threatened to gain wider currency. With the increased attention that
was devoted to the historical and prehistorical development of the
classical and vernacular languages of Europe in the course of the nine-
teenth century, it came to be realized that 'analogy* was a major
factor in the development of languages at all periods and could not be
attributed merely to periods of decline and corruption.
The influence of analogy and its explanatory force in the case of
exceptions to the 'sound-laws' can be illustrated by reference to a
certain class of nouns in Latin. Consider, for example, the nominative
and genitive singular of the Greek word genos, the Latin genus and
the Sanskrit janas (words which are related to the English kin and
which can be translated as 'family', 'race', 'species', etc.): Gk. genos,
genous, L. genus, generis, Skt. janas, janasas. On the basis of the corre-
spondences exemplified in these (and many other) words the following
sound-laws can be set up for the development of the reconstructed,
'original' Indo-European *s:
(i) in Sanskrit, the 'original' *s is preserved (in all cases
relevant to the present example);
(ii) in Greek, the 'original' *s
(a) is preserved before and after consonants and in word-
final position,
(b) becomes h in initial position (cf. Gk. heptd, L. septem,
Skt. sapta, Eng. seven), and
(c) disappears between vowels (hence *genesos - geneos,
-> genous);
(iii) in Latin, the 'original' # s
(a) is preserved before and after consonants, and also in
word-initial and word-final position, and
(b) becomes r between vowels (hence Agenesis -> generis).
The forms of Gk. genos and L. genus are therefore ' regular' in their
development. The asterisk is used, in accordance with the customary
practice of comparative philologists, to distinguish 'reconstructed'
sounds or forms from the sounds or forms actually attested in the
recorded texts. Although we are concerned here only with the
development of Indo-European # s, the examples are 'regular' also in
terms of the sound-laws set up for the other consonants, as well as for
the vowels, of Indo-European. But in both Greek and Latin there are
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exceptions' to the 'sound-laws'. To take a Latin example: in the
classical authors we find a difference in the form employed for the
nominative singular of the word for 'honour'in general, the earlier
authors have honos and the later authors honorwhereas they all agree
in the form of the other 'cases', honoris, honorem, etc. The forms
honoris, honor em, etc., are 'regular' (from *honosis, *honosem, etc.) in
terms of the 'laws' given above; so also is honos (*s is preserved in
word-final position). Now there are many nouns in Latin in which the
r has developed 'regularly' from an Indo-European *r: cultor,
cultoris, cultorem, etc. The form honor may be explained therefore as
an ' analogical' replacement of honos, which had the effect of bringing
honor: honoris, etc. into line with cultor: cultoris. In fact, the word
honor is only one example from a large class of Latin nouns of the
same type (cf. amor, 'love'; labor, 'work'; timor, 'fear'; etc.); to be
contrasted with them are such monosyllabic nouns as fids: floris
('flower'), mos: moris ('custom'), etc., in which the 'regular' s was
preserved in the nominative singular of the classical Latin forms. (For
those readers who know Latin it may be pointed out that the account
of the development of these words given here has been simplified
somewhat in that it has made no reference to the length of the vowel
o in the endings; 'analogy' is relevant here also.)
Some of the 'laws' set up by the 'Junggrammatiker' and their
followers were of extraordinarily limited scope; many implausible
'analogies' were suggested; and forms were frequently assumed to
have been borrowed without any indication of the dialect from which
they might have been borrowed. In the light of the research carried
out in the field of historical and comparative linguistics over the last
eighty years, we can now see that the distinction made by the
' Junggrammatiker' between' sound-laws',' borrowing' and' analogy'
was drawn too sharply: certain sound-changes may have their origin
in one word or a small set of words ' borrowed' from a neighbouring
dialect and may then spread 'by analogy' into a wider class of words.
After this has happened, it may be possible to describe the change
('macroscopically' as it were) by means of a general 'law'. But this
does not mean that the change in question has taken place as a result
of some 'law' operating upon language from without.
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an idea which was enthusiastically taken up by the romantic move-
ment in its reaction to the classical tradition. With the publication of
Darwin's Origin of Species (1859) and the substitution of the principle
of natural selection for the notion of purpose or design, not only was
evolutionary biology offered the possibility of adopting the prevailing
mechanistic, or positivist, outlook of the ' natural' sciences, but the
whole idea of ' evolution' was thought to have been put on a sounder
' scientific' footing. There are many particular features of nineteenth-
century linguistic thought which can be attributed to the influence of
evolutionary biology which need not be dealt with here. What must
be stressed is the fact that the apparent success of the positivist out-
look in biology tended to promote the search for ' laws' of' evolution'
in all the social sciences. In their attempt to construct a theory of
language-change on the basis of what were conceived as the sound
positivist principles of the * exact' sciences the ' Junggrammatiker'
were merely falling into line with the social scientists of the time.
Contemporary linguistics is no longer committed to a positivist con-
ception of science; and, as we shall see, it is no longer predominantly
concerned with the 'evolution' of languages.
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Since we are not concerned in this book with the history of
linguistics for its own sake, we shall not go further into the principles
of the comparative method as these were elaborated in the course of
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We will conclude this section
by making explicit the main ways in which comparative philology has
contributed to the formation of the attitudes and assumptions
characteristic of contemporary theoretical linguistics.
One of the most immediate and most important effects of the nine-
teenth-century concern with the 'evolution* of languages was the
realization that developments in the forms of words and phrases in the
written texts and inscriptions of the past could generally be explained
on the basis of attested or postulated changes in the corresponding
spoken language (in terms of * sound laws'). The earliest comparative
philologists inherited the classical view, that the written language was
in some sense prior to the spoken, and continued to describe sound-
change in terms of changes in the constituent 'letters' of words.
However, it was soon appreciated that any systematic account of
language-development must give theoretical and practical recognition
to the principle that letters (in an alphabetic writing-system) are
merely symbols for the sounds in the corresponding spoken language.
As we shall see in the following section, it is one of the fundamental
assumptions of modern linguistics that sound, not writing, is the
primary medium of language. Comparative philology gave a powerful
impetus to the development of phonetics (which was also influenced
by the theories of the Indian grammarians: cf. 1.2.10), which
contributed, in its turn, to the formulation of more general and more
satisfactory 'sound-laws'.
No less important was the gradual development, from the middle
of the nineteenth century, of a more correct understanding of the
relationship between' languages' and' dialects'. Intensive study of the
history of the classical and modern languages of Europe made it
quite clear that the various regional' dialects', far from being imperfect
and distorted versions of the standard literary languages (as they were
frequently thought to be), had developed more or less independently.
They were no less systematicthey had their own regularities of
grammatical structure, pronunciation and vocabularyand they were
no less suitable as tools for communication in the contexts in which
they were used. It became clear, in fact, that the differences between
'languages' and closely-related 'dialects' are for the most part
political and cultural, rather than linguistic. From a strictly linguistic
point of view, what are customarily regarded as ' languages' (standard
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Latin, English, French, etc.) are merely ' dialects' which, by historical
'accident', have become politically or culturally important. From
this point of view, for example, it was linguistically ' accidental' that
the ' dialect' of Rome and the surrounding area should have spread
with the growth of the Roman empire and become the ' language' we
call Latin: there is nothing in the structure of Latin itself to account
for this development. Of course, the use of a particular * dialect* for
literature, administration, philosophy and a wide range of other
purposes and activities may have the result that this 'dialect* will
develop a commensurately wide vocabulary, incorporating all the
distinctions necessary for it to operate satisfactorily in this way. This
is a different matter; and it is the effect, not the cause, of the impor-
tance achieved by the speech of a particular community. In general,
the standard languages of various countries have originated in the
'dialects' spoken by the socially-dominant or governing classes in
those countries.
A further point that has become clear as a result of the investigation
of regional 'dialects' (in the branch of linguistics referred to as
dialectology, or dialect-geography) is the impossibility of drawing a
sharp line of demarcation between 'dialects' of the same or neigh-
bouring languages. In those areas of the world where there have been
frequent changes of political boundaries or where the principal lines
of trade and communication cross political boundaries, what is
generally regarded as a dialect of one language may shade more or less
imperceptibly into a dialect of another. For example, there are
dialects spoken on both sides of the Dutch-German border which are
equally close to (or equally remote from) both standard Dutch and
standard German. If we feel that they must be dialects of either the
one or the other language, we are victims of the traditional view of the
relationship between 'language' and 'dialect'. It may be added that
judgements on questions of this kind are only too frequently influenced
by political or nationalist prejudice.
The assumption that all languages have the same grammatical
structure (cf. 1.2.7)ls n o longer generally accepted by linguists. One
reason for its abandonment derives from the demonstration by
nineteenth-century comparative philologists that all languages are
subject to continuous change; in particular, that classical Greek and
Latin were, from a linguistic point of view, merely stages in a process
of continuous development, and that much of their grammatical
structure could be accounted for in terms of reduction or expansion
of an earlier system of grammatical distinctions. It was realized that
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different languages, and different chronological stages of the same
language, might vary considerably in grammatical structure; and it
was no longer possible to assert that the traditional framework of
grammatical categories was essential to the functioning of human
language. This conclusion was reinforced by the investigation of a far
wider range of languages than those that were accessible to earlier
scholars who had maintained the universal validity of traditional
grammatical theory. As we shall see, current linguistic theory rests on
far more general assumptions than those of traditional grammar.
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function. There is nothing anomalous about the form came, con-
sidered solely from the point of view of its pronunciation: cf. lame,
maim, game, same, etc. What is irregular about came is its relationship
to come, by contrast with love: loved, jump: jumped, etc. Because forms
like came stand outside the regular patterns of grammatical formation,
they will tend to be regularized as the language is transmitted from
one generation to the next. So much was clear to the 'Junggram-
matiker'. But they drew a sharp distinction between the 'physical'
medium in which language was manifestits soundsand the
' psychological' aspects of grammatical structure; and they assumed
that only the 'physical' was subject to 'laws' of regular development.
We now know that the way in which sounds combine with one
another to form words and sentences cannot be explained solely, or
even primarily, in terms of the ' physical' nature of these sounds. The
principle of analogy is no less relevant to the formation of regular
groups of sounds in particular languages than it is to the formation of
grammatical 'paradigms' (cf. 1.2.3). The child must learn the one,
just as he must learn the other.
The process of change in language can be looked upon as the re-
placement of one system of'analogies' and 'anomalies' with another.
Changes may be brought about either by such 'external' causes as
borrowing or by the 'internal' factor of 'structural pressure'. By
structural pressure is meant the tendency to regularize the 'ano-
malies' in accordance with the general patterns of the language.
Since changes may be taking place simultaneously at different levels
of the language-system, the result is not necessarily the gradual
elimination of all irregularity. For example, the change of s to r
between vowels in prehistoric Latin was a matter of regular develop-
ment (cf. 1.3.13). It may have started in just one or two words, and
then spread ' by analogy'; whether the change took place in all words
simultaneously or not, the outcome was a somewhat different system
at the level of the permissible combinations of sounds (s no longer
appearing between vowels). But this new regularity at the level of
sounds, as we have seen, created such grammatical 'anomalies' as
honos: honoris, etc., by contrast with cultor: cultoris, etc. And these
'anomalies' were subsequently regularized by structural pressure at
the grammatical level (honor: honoris). It is because the changes at
different levels of the system are not always in phase, because con-
flicting principles of analogy may be operative at the same time, and
because particularly frequent forms (e.g. came, went) are resistant to
regularization, that languages never achieve a state of anomaly-free
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equilibrium. Not all these points have been illustrated here. But
enough may have been said to make it clear that even the irregularities
in language may originate from what were once regularities, however
paradoxical this may appear; and also that analogy, or pattern, or
structure, is the dominating principle, without which languages
could not be learned or used to say things which had not been said
before. Recognition of the different levels of structure, or patterning,
in language carries us into the third of our chronological periods in
the history of linguisticsthe period of twentieth-century ' structural
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made to bear a far greater load than we generally require it to bear in
questions of historical fact. We know of no system of writing with a
history of more than some six or seven thousand years. On the other
hand, there is no group of people known to exist or to have existed
without the capacity of speech; and many hundreds of languages
have never been associated with a writing-system until they were
committed to writing by missionaries or linguists in our own day.
It seems reasonable to suppose therefore that speech goes back to the
origins of human society.
The relative antiquity of speech and writing is, however, of
secondary importance. Far more relevant to understanding the
relation between speech and writing is the fact that all systems of
writing are demonstrably based upon units of spoken language. (In
some cases it is necessary to go back to an earlier form of a particular
language or to some other language from which the writing-system
was borrowed; but this does not invalidate the principle.) In the
description of spoken language, the linguist generally finds that he
must recognize units of three different kinds (as well as many others,
of course): 'sounds', 'syllables' and 'words'. Now, all commonly-
used systems of writing take one or other of these units as basic;
alphabetic systems being based on 'sounds', syllabic on 'syllables',
and ideographic on 'words'. Granted that all three 'layers' are present
beforehand in spoken language, it is easy enough to explain the
derivation of each of the main systems of writing from a different
' layer' of the spoken language. Although a particular alphabet or a
particular syllabary may be more suitable for certain languages than
for others, there is no correlation between the general structure of
different spoken languages and the type of writing-system used to
represent them. Spoken Turkish did not change as a result of the
replacement of the Arabic script by the Roman in 1926; and no
modification of spoken Chinese is implied by the present government's
proposal to introduce an alphabetic script in place of the traditional
ideographic system.
For historical reasons (usually as a result of sound-change or of
borrowing from other languages with different orthographic con-
ventions) certain words may be distinguished in their written, but not
their spoken, form: instances of such words (traditionally called
homophones) are great and gratey meat and meety seen and scene, in
English. Conversely, words that are written in the same way may be
pronounced differently: English examples of such forms (which we
may refer to as homographs) are the words written lead and read
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(which may rhyme with either bleed or bled). The longer the period
during which a language has been committed to writing (and used for
literature and administration) the greater will be the discrepancy
between spelling and pronunciation, unless, of course, this discrepancy
has been corrected periodically by spelling reforms. Throughout
history, scribal traditions have tended to be conservative: this
conservatism is partly explained by the prevalence of the ' classical'
view of language-change as 'corruption' (cf. 1.2.4); a n d it has been
reinforced, in modern times, by the standardization of spelling for
There are more important differences between spoken and written
language than those brought about by the development of homo-
phony and homography. No writing-system represents all the
significant variations of pitch and stress which are present in spoken
utterances; and the conventions of punctuation to distinguish
different kinds of sentences (e.g. the use of an exclamation-mark or
question-mark, rather than a full-stop) and the practice of italicizing
words for emphasis constitute, at best, an indirect and imperfect
means of supplying this deficiency. Moreover, in the typical situations
in which the written language is used there is no direct, face-to-face
confrontation of writer and reader; information which might be
carried by the gestures and facial expressions accompanying speech
must therefore be conveyed verbally. The fact that there are invari-
ably such differences as these between speech and writing means that
written language cannot be regarded as merely the transference of
spoken language to another medium.
In the case of particular languages the principle of the priority of
speech over writing must be qualified even further. In a literate
society, especially in one that is educated to a knowledge and an
appreciation of the writings of the past, the written and the spoken
language may develop at different rates and may come to diverge
from one another considerably in vocabulary and grammar. Modern
French affords a particularly striking example of this. Not only is there
a good deal of homophony between grammatically unrelated forms
(cf. cou 'neck', coup 'blow', etc., coUt 'cost', which are all pronounced
alike), but many of the grammatically related forms (e.g. the singular
and plural of the same noun or verb), though spelled differently, are
not distinguished at all in the spoken language (cf. il pense and ils
pensent, 'he thinks' v. 'they think'). As a result there are many
French sentences which are ambiguous when spoken (and taken out
of context), although they are perfectly clear in the written form
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(cf. il vient toujours a sept heures: il vient toujours d cette heurey ' he
always comes at seven o'clock*: 'he always comes at this time'). More
important than homophony is the fact that certain verbal forms,
notably the 'simple past* tense forms (e.g. donna 'gave', ripondit
'answered', etc.) and the past subjunctive qu'il donndt 'that he should
give', etc.), have disappeared from spoken French and are learned by
French children, to be used thereafter only in writing, when they go
to school. In addition to these differences of grammatical structure,
there are many differences of vocabulary: as in English, there are
many words and expressions which would be regarded as ' bookish' if
they were used in conversation, and many others which do not appear
in written French (except, of course, in the written representation of
conversation in a novel or a play). In other words, written and spoken
French (to a greater degree than written and spoken English) are
learned and used by educated Frenchmen as partially independent
languages. Written and spoken Chinese are even more independent
of one another, since what are conventionally referred to as different
'dialects' of Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, etc.) are written in
essentially the same way. Educated speakers of Mandarin and Can-
tonese are thus able to communicate with one another in writing,
although they may not be able to do so in speech.
Although facts such as these lead us to modify the principle of the
priority of the spoken language, they do not oblige us to abandon it
entirely. For it is only exceptionally that a written language becomes
completely independent of the spoken language from which it
originally derived. This happened notably in the case of Latin, which
was used for centuries in Europe as the language of religion, adminis-
tration and scholarship (and is still used in this way by the Catholic
Church). The Latin of scholars, priests and diplomats in medieval
and Renaissance Europe was a 'dead' language; it was not their
normal medium of everyday discourse, learned 'naturally' in child-
hood, but a language which they learned and used for restricted
purposes. Moreover, it was essentially an unchanging, written
language (based on the 'living', spoken Latin of many centuries
before); and, when spoken, drew constantly and deliberately upon
the written works of the past. As we have seen, the peculiar status of
Latin in medieval and Renaissance Europe tended to confirm the
scholars of the time in their acceptance of the classical principle of the
priority of the written language (cf. 1.2.7). Other well-known examples
of 'dead' languages which continued to be used for religion or
scholarship are Sanskrit, Byzantine Greek and Old Church Slavonic.
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In discussing the relationship between written and spoken language
(which, as we have seen, is by no means a simple relationship and
varies considerably in the case of different languages), we have said
nothing about the different 'styles' that must be distinguished in
dealing both with spoken and with written language. When the
traditional grammarian maintained the principle of the priority of
the written language, he was, of course, thinking primarily of the
language of literature (rather than, for instance, the language of
telegrams, newspaper-headlines or public notices); and he would
tend to say that the literary language was the 'noblest* or most
' correct * form of the language. We may now take up the discussion of
this question. We will return to the principle of the priority of the
spoken language in the following chapter (cf. 2.2.6).
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tion of languages. Whether the speech of one region or of one social
group should be taken as the standard for wider use (e.g. as the basis
for a literary language), is a question of a different order. The linguist's
first task is to describe the way people actually speak (and write) their
language, not to prescribe how they ought to speak and write. In other
words linguistics (in the first instance at least) is descriptive, not
prescriptive (or normative).
The second point to be made has to do with the notion that
linguistic change necessarily involves 'corruption'. All languages are
subject to constant change. This is an empirical fact, explicable in
terms of a number of factors, some of which, as we saw in the previous
section, are now more or less well understood. Nor is it in the least a
matter for regret that languages should change in the several ways in
which they do. All living languages, it may be assumed, are of their
nature efficient and viable systems of communication serving the
different and multifarious social needs of the communities that use
them. As these needs change, languages will tend to change to meet
the new conditions. If new terms are required they will be incor-
porated in the vocabulary, whether by 'borrowing* them from other
languages or by forming them from existing elements in the vocabu-
lary by the productive resources of the language; fresh distinctions
may be drawn and old distinctions lost; the same distinctions may
come to be expressed by different means. In denying that all change
in language is for the worse, we are not of course implying that it
must be for the better. What we are saying is merely that any standard
of evaluation applied to language-change must be based upon a
recognition of the various functions a language 'is called upon' to
fulfil in the society which uses it.
It should be stressed that in distinguishing between description and
prescription, the linguist is not saying that there is no place for pre-
scriptive studies of language. It is not being denied that there might
be valid cultural, social or political reasons for promoting the wider
acceptance of some particular language or dialect at the expense of
others. In particular, there are obvious administrative and educational
advantages in having a relatively unified literary standard. It is
important, however, to realize two things: first, that the literary
standard is itself subject to change; and second, that from the point
of view of its origin the literary standard is based generally upon the
speech of one socially or regionally determined class of people and,
as such, is no more 'correct', no 'purer' (in any sense that the
linguist can attach to these terms) than the speech of any other class
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or region. If the literary standard has a richer vocabulary (that is to
say, if those who do a good deal of reading and writing have a larger
vocabulary) this is because, through literature, we may enter
vicariously into the lives of many societies, including those of the
past, and share in their diverse experiences.
In condemning the literary bias of traditional grammar, the
linguist is merely asserting that language is used for many purposes
and that its use in relation to these functions should not be judged by
criteria which are applicable, only or primarily, to the literary language.
The linguist is not denying that there is a place in our schools and
universities for the study of the literary purposes to which language is
put. Still less is he claiming to enter the field of literary criticism.
This point has often been misunderstood by critics of linguistics.
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mentaries and expositions, come to understand the significance of the
key-termsand this is a way of learning, indirectly, a certain small
part of the languages). He may then find that it is impossible to discuss
the questions that exercised the Greek and scholastic philosophers at
all adequately except by using their terminology. It may thus be said
that his own language, say modern English, is 'poorer* than Greek or
Latin, since it does not provide him with the necessary distinctions in
this particular field. This might seem to run counter to the assump-
tion that all languages are efficient and viable systems of communica-
tion serving the needs of the community in which they operate. But
the contradiction is only apparent. The number of distinctions one
can draw in classifying the features of 'the world* is in principle
infinite. Only those that are of importance in the life of a particular
community will be given recognition in the vocabulary of that com-
munity. The fact that we do not have in normal colloquial English
terms to refer to some of the concepts of ancient philosophy is
merely a reflection of the fact that most of us do not discuss problems
of ancient philosophy: if we did, the terms would have been created
for this. Whether we choose to say that the extended specialized
vocabularies that are used by different sub-groups for different
specialized purposes (e.g. discussing nuclear physics or heraldry) are
part of English depends upon the way in which we define 'English'
(we shall have more to say about this later). The point is that no
language can be said to be intrinsically ' richer' than another: each is
adapted to the characteristic pursuits of its users.
The linguist's concern (in principle) with all languages derives from
the proclaimed aims of his subject: the construction of a scientific
theory of the structure of human language. All recorded and observ-
able instances of language serve as data to be systematized and
' explained' by the general theory.
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by a difference of ending (cf. Table 9, in 7.4.2). The different cases
marked the different kinds of relation holding between words in a
sentence. In later Latin, as a result of an increasing use of prepositions
and certain ' sound-changes' which reduced the number of distinct
endings, a system gradually developed in which no more than two
cases of the noun were distinguished: a ' nominativey and an * oblique'
case, the former being used for the subject of the sentence and the
latter for the object of a transitive verb or of a preposition. This is the
situation that is found in Old French. However, the difference between
the two cases was not marked in all types of nouns (and adjectives).
In fact the following three main noun-classes can be set up for the
oldest period in French:
I II in
Sing. Nom. murs porte chantre
Obi. mur porte chanteur
Plur. Nom. mur portes chanteurs
Obi. murs portes chanteurs
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fils ('son'), Georges, Louis, etc., preserved what was, from the
historical point of view, the s of the old nominative singular, they lost
the contrasting form without s (Old French has the contrast fils: fil
in the singular). The result of the change that took place between the
two periods was the development of the system still reflected in
traditional French orthography in which, by and large, number is
marked in the noun (and adjective) by the presence or absence of s,
and case plays no part.
We may now interpret the example in the light of de Saussure's
analogy. There are two states of the language in question. The
historical development of the later system cannot be understood
except by reference to the earlier, but the facts of the historical
development are clearly not relevant to an understanding of how the
later system worked. It would be absurd to suggest, for instance, that
the relation of portes to porte in the later period was different from
that of tnurs to mur. Each state of the language can, and should, be
described on its own terms without reference to what it has developed
from or what it is likely to develop into. Although the words in the
two different states of the language are identical in form (in order to
simplify the exposition we may assume this to be so), the grammatical
relationship between them is quite different. The pieces, as it were,
are the same, but the positions they occupy on the board have
changed. (In modern spoken French the state of the board is different
again: the distinction between singular and plural in the noun is
generally made, if at all, not in the form of the word itself, but in a
number of different ways, including the form of the accompanying
definite article, agreement of the verb, 'liaison* before a word be-
ginning with a vowel, etc. We have already seen that there is consider-
able difference between the structure of modern spoken and written
French: cf. 1.4.2.)
Relatively few speakers of a language know very much about its
historical development; and yet, learning the language 'naturally* as
children, they come to speak it according to certain systematic
principles, or 'rules', 'immanent' in the utterances they hear about
them. It is the task of synchronic linguistic description to formulate
these systematic 'rules' as they operate in the language at a particular
time. (It may be that the way in which the rules are integrated in the
system of description will reflect particular historical processes in the
development of the language. If so this is an important fact about
the structure of language. But it does not affect the general principle of
the priority of the synchronic, since the native speakers of a particular
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language are able to learn and apply the * rules' of their language
without drawing upon any historical knowledge.) With regard to those
few members of a speech-community who do have some knowledge of
previous states of the language, the following argument would seem
to apply. Either their specialized knowledge has some effect upon the
way they speak the language, or it does not. If it affects their usage, so
that their speech is in some respect different from (presumably more
' archaic' than) that of other members of the community, it is to that
extent a different language; and will not therefore fall within the
scope of a description of the more typical usage of the speech-
community. And if it has no noticeable effect upon their normal
speech, it is even more clearly irrelevant to the synchronic description.
In either case, therefore, synchronic analysis is independent of such
knowledge of the history of the language as may exist in the speech-
The principle of the priority of synchronic description is generally
taken to carry the further implication that diachronic description
presupposes the previous synchronic analysis of the various 'states'
through which languages have passed in their historical development.
Since we are not primarily concerned with historical and comparative
linguistics, we will not go further into this question. There is, how-
ever, one important point that must be made here.
The convenient terminological distinction between synchronic and
diachronic description must not be understood to imply that time is
itself the determining factor in language-change. Strictly speaking,
change in language is never ' a function of time' in this sense. There
aife many different factors, both within a language and external to it,
which may determine its development from one synchronic 'state* to
another; and the passage of time merely allows for the complex
interaction of these various factors. Furthermore, one must bear in
mind that the notion of diachronic development (language-change) is
most usefully applied microscopicallythat is to say, in the com-
parison of 'states' of a language relatively far removed from one
another in time. One would be quite mistaken if one were to assume
that the language of a particular 'speech-community* at a particular
time is completely uniform, and that language-change is a matter of
the replacement of one homogeneous system of communication by
another equally homogeneous system at some definite 'point' in time.
The 'speech-community' is always made up of many different
groups, and the speech of the members of these groups will re-
flect in various ways (in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary)
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differences of age, place of origin or prolonged residence, professional
interest, educational background, and so on. Any particular member
of the speech-community belongs of course simultaneously to many
such linguistically-relevant groups. In addition to the differences in
the language which derive from the existence within the community of
various social groups, there are also important differences of * style'
which relate to the various functions of language and the different
social situations in which the language is used: such differences as can
be referred to the distinction of 'formal' and 'colloquial', etc. It is
customary (except in works devoted specifically to this question) to
abstract from synchronic variation in language, either by restricting
the description of a language to the speech of a particular group using
a particular * style', or by describing the language in terms of such
generality that the description is valid (in intention at least) for all
'varieties'. Some degree of' idealization' is involved in either of these
two procedures, and this may be necessary at the present stage of
linguistic theory. It is important to realize, however, that much of the
difference between two diachronically-determined 'states' of a lan-
guage may be present in two ' varieties' of the language existing at the
same time. From the microscopic, as distinct from the macroscopic,
point of view it is impossible to draw a sharp distinction between
diachronic 'change' and synchronic 'variation'.
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John Lyons
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have various conflicting interpretations in linguistics) expression and
content. And the expression-plane of language can be described in
terms of (at least) two levels: that of sounds and that of words. To
introduce now the terms generally used by linguists: the sounds of a
given language are described by phonology; the form of its words and
the manner of their combination in phrases, clauses and sentences by
grammar \ and the meaning, or content, of the words (and of the
units composed of them) by semantics.
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tionalists' may be considered closed (cf. 1.2.2). But the very means by
which the conventionality of the relationship between 'form' and
'meaning' (between expression and content) is demonstrated, namely
the citation from different languages of quite different words referring
to the same thing or having the same meaning (e.g. tree in English,
Baum in German, arbre in French), tends to encourage the view that
the vocabulary of any given language is essentially a list of names associ-
ated by convention with independently existing things or meanings.
And yet one soon comes to realize, in learning a foreign language,
that there are distinctions of meaning made in one language that are
not made in another; that learning the vocabulary of another language
is not simply a matter of acquiring a fresh set of labels to attach to
familiar meanings. To take an example: the English word brother-in-
law can be translated into Russian as zjatj, shurin, svojak, or deverj;
and one of these four Russian words, zjatj, must sometimes be trans-
lated as son-in-law. From this it should not be concluded, however,
that the word zjatj has two meanings, and that in one of its meanings
it is equivalent to the other three. All four words in Russian have a
different meaning. It so happens that Russian brings together (under
zjatj) both sister's husband and daughter's husband, but distinguishes
wife's brother (shurin), wife's sister's husband (svojak) and husband's
brother (deverj). So there is really no word which means 'brother-in-
law ' in Russian, just as there is no word which means' zjatj' in English.
Every language has its own semantic structure. To the degree that
the meanings of one language can be brought into one-to-one cor-
respondence with those of another we will say that the two languages
are semantically isomorphic (have the same semantic structure). The
degree of semantic isomorphism between different languages varies
considerably. In general (this point will be discussed and exemplified
more fully in the chapter on semantics: cf. 9.4.6), the structure of the
vocabulary of a particular language will reflect the distinctions and
equivalences which are of importance in the culture of the society in
which the language operates. The degree of semantic isomorphism
between any two languages will therefore depend very largely upon
the amount of overlap there is in the culture of the two societies using
those languages. Whether there are, or could be, two languages whose
vocabularies are to no degree whatsoever isomorphic with one
another is a question with which we need not be concerned. We can
at least allow for the possibility that all the meanings recognized by a
given language are unique to that language and have no validity or
relevance outside it.
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blue', respectively), refer to what are in Russian distinct colours, not
different shades of the same colour, as their translation into English
might suggest. To make the point as generally as possible, let us
compare part of the English vocabulary with part of the vocabulary of
three hypothetical languages: A, B and C. For simplicity, we will
restrict our attention to the area of the spectrum covered by the five
A a b c d e
B f g h i j
C 1> 9 r s
1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10
Fig. i.
terms: red, orange, yellow, green, blue. We will assume that the same
area is covered by thefivewords a, b, c, d and e in A, by thefivewords
/, g, h, i and j in B and by the four words p, q, r and s in C (see
Fig. i). From the diagram, it is clear that language A is semantically
isomorphic with English (in this part of its vocabulary): it has the
same number of colour-terms, and the boundaries between the area of
the spectrum covered by each of them coincide with the boundaries
of the English words. But neither B nor C is isomorphic with English.
Although B has the same number of terms as English, the boundaries
come at different places in the spectrum; and C has a different number
of terms (with the boundaries in different places). In order to
appreciate the practical implications of this, let us imagine that we
have ten objects (numbered i to io in Fig. i), each of which reflects
light at a different wavelength, and that we wish to group them
according to their colour. In English, object i would be described as
'red' and object 2 as 'orange'they would differ in colour; in
language A they would also differ in colour, being described as a and
b, respectively. But in B and C they would be described by the same
colour-term, / or p. On the other hand, objects 2 and 3 would be
distinguished by B (as/and g), but brought together by English and
by A and C (as 'orange', b and^>). From the diagram it is clear that
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there are many cases of non-equivalence of this kind. It is not being
maintained, of course, that the speakers of B cannot see any difference
in the colour of objects i and 2. They will presumably be able to
distinguish them in much the same way as the speakers of English can
distinguish objects 2 and 3, by referring to them as reddish-orange and
yellow-orange. The point is that the primary classification is different;
and the secondary classification rests upon and presupposes the
primary (in terms of the semantic structure of English, for instance,
crimson and scarlet denote different * shades * of the same colour redy
whereas the Russian words goluboj and sinijy as we saw above, refer to
what are different colours under the primary classification). The
substance of the vocabulary of colour may therefore be thought of as
a physical continuum within which languages may draw either the
same or a different number of boundaries and within which they may
draw the boundaries at the same or different places.
It would be unreasonable to maintain that there are no perceptually
discrete objects and features of the world external to language and
independent of it; that everything is amorphous until it is given form
by language. At the same time it is clear that the manner in which
objects, flora and fauna, etc., are grouped together under particular
words may vary from language to language: the Latin word mus refers
to both mice and rats (as well as to certain other rodents); the French
singe refers to both apes and monkeys; and so on. A rather more
abstract notion of substance is required to bring facts of this kind
within the scope of the Saussurean explanation of semantic structure.
And there is quite clearly no possibility of accounting for the vocabu-
lary of kinship in terms of the imposition of form upon an underlying
physical substance. Only a limited number of words can be described
in terms of their reference to contiguous areas within a physical
continuum. And we shall see later that even the vocabulary of colour
(which is frequently cited as one of the clearest examples of what is
meant by the imposition of form on the substance of the content-
plane) is rather more complex than is commonly supposed (cf. 9.4.5).
The additional complexities do not affect the points that have been
made in this section. It is sufficient that for at least some parts of the
vocabulary one may postulate an underlying substance of content.
But the notion of semantic structure is independent of the assump-
tion of substance. As the most general statement of what is meant by
semantic structurea statement which applies to all words, whether
they refer to objects and features of the physical world or notwe may
adopt the following formulation: the semantic structure of any
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system of words in the vocabulary is the network of semantic relations
that held between the words in the system in question. The nature of
these relations we must leave for the chapter on semantics. The
important point to notice in the definition of semantic structure that
has just been given is that it makes use of the key-terms system and
relation. Colour-words (like kinship-words, and many other sets of
words in the vocabularies of languages) constitute an organized system
of words which are related to one another in a certain way. Such
systems are isomorphic if they have the same number of terms in them
and if the terms are related in the same way.
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of the same formal units, which of themselves are quite abstract
elements, independent of the substance in which they are realized.
For the purpose of the present section let us call these formal units
' expression-elements'. Using numbers to refer to them and putting
the numbers between slants, we may say that /i/ denotes a certain
expression-element, which might be realized in phonic substance by
the sound [t] and in graphic substance by the letter t; that jzj denotes
another expression-element, which might be realized by [e] and e\
and so on.
Now it is clear that, just as the chess-pieces can be made out of
various kinds of material, so the same set of expression-elements can
be realized, not only in sound and shape, but in many other kinds of
substance. For instance, each element could be realized by a light of
a different colour, by a particular gesture, by the emission of a
characteristic odour, by exerting pressure of a certain degree of
intensity on the hand, and so on. It might be possible in fact to
construct a system of communication within which each expression-
element is realized by a different kind of substancea system within
which, for example, /i/ might be realized by a sound (of any kind
whatsoever), \z\ by a light (of any colour), fa/ by a gesture of the
hand, etc. However, we may neglect this possibility and concentrate
rather upon the realization of expression-elements by means of
differences in one homogeneous substance. This is far more typical
of human language. Although spoken language may be associated
with various conventional gestures and facial expressions, these
gestures and expressions do not realize formal units of the same level
as those realized by the constituent sounds of the accompanying
words: that is to say, a particular gesture does not combine with
sounds to make a word in the way that two or more sounds combine
to make a word.
In principle, the expression-elements of language may be realized
in any kind of substance, provided that the following conditions are
satisfied, (a) The sender of a 'message' must have available the
necessary apparatus for the production of the significant differences
in the substance (differences of sound, shape, etc.), and the receiver of
the message must have the apparatus necessary for the perception of
these differences: in other words, the sender (speaker, writer, etc.),
must have the requisite ' encoding' apparatus and the receiver (hearer,
reader, etc.) must have the appropriate 'decoding' apparatus, (b) The
substance itself, as the medium within which the differences are
drawn, must be sufficiently stable to maintain the differences between
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the realizations of the expression-elements under the normal condi-
tions of communication long enough for the transmission of messages
between the sender and the receiver.
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reliable medium for communication unless the sender and the
receiver were present in the same place at the same time. (Oral
tradition and the employment of a third person as a messenger were
dependent upon memory.) Of themselves, as it were, sound-sequences
died away and, if they were not * decoded* on the spot, were lost
for ever. But with the invention of writing an alternative and more
durable medium was made available for * encoding* language.
Although writing was less convenient (and was therefore not used)
for communication of a more ephemeral kind, it made possible the
transmission of messages over considerable distances and also their
preservation for future reference. These differences in the conditions
under which speech and writing were, and still are, most typically
employedthe one in unreflecting, face-to-face communication, the
other in more carefully composed texts intended to be read and
understood without the aid of all the clues in the immediate situa-
tiongo a long way towards explaining both the origin of writing in
the first place and many of the subsequent divergences between
written and spoken languages. As we have already seen, these
differences are such that it would be inaccurate to say of languages
with a long history of literacy behind them that writing is merely the
transference of speech to an alternative substance (cf. 1.4.2). Granted
the differences in the physical stability of phonic and graphic
substance and their importance in the historical development of
written and spoken languages, it remains true that both kinds of
substance are sufficiently stable to maintain the perceptual differences
between the sounds or shapes which realize the expression-elements
in the conditions under which speech and writing are customarily
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Table 3
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The same argument applies with respect to the spoken language (but
with certain limitations which we will introduce presently). Suppose
that the expression-element /i/ were realized in phonic substance as
[p], \z\ as [i], and so on: cf. column (v). Then the word that is now
written bet (and might still be written bet, since there is obviously no
intrinsic connexion between the letters and the sounds) would be
pronounced like the word that is now written dip (although it would
still mean 'bet'); and so on for all other words: cf. column (x).
Once again, the language itself is unchanged by this alteration in its
substantial realization.
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and also in the description of the combinatorial possibilities for
particular languages, including English. Now, the substitution of [p]
for [t], of [e] for [i], etc. (cf. column (iv)), would not affect the pro-
nunciation of the language, because (amongst other things) it holds
constant under the substitution the consonantal and vocalic nature of
the sounds. This not only guarantees the pronounceability of the
resultant spoken words, but also respects their phonological structure
(as words of English) in terms of the ratio of consonants to vowels and
the way in which these two classes of sounds combine with one
another. It should be clear, however, that other substitutions might
be made which, though they might maintain pronounceability, would
alter the balance of consonants and vowels and their patterns of
combination in words. Nevertheless, provided that all the words of
spoken English are kept distinct under the new system for realizing
the expression-elements, the grammatical structure of the language
would be unchanged. It is therefore in principle possible for two (or
more) languages to be grammatically, but not phonologically, iso-
morphic. Languages are phonologically isomorphic if, and only if, the
sounds of the one are in one-to-one correspondence with the sounds
of the other and corresponding classes of sounds (e.g. consonants and
vowels) conform to the same principles of combination. One-to-one
correspondence between sounds does not imply identity. On the
other hand, as we have seen, the principles of combination are not
wholly independent of the physical nature of the sounds.
The conclusion to be drawn from the argument of the preceding
two paragraphs supports the principle that the spoken language is to
be given priority over the written language in general linguistic theory
(cf. 1.4.2). The patterns of combination to which the letters con-
form in the written language are totally inexplicable in terms of the
shapes of the letters, whereas they are at least partly explicable in
terms of the physical nature of the sounds in the corresponding spoken
words. For example, u and n are related to one another in shape in
precisely the same way as d and p. But this fact is completely irrele-
vant to the combination of these letters with one another in the
written words of English. Far more relevant is the fact that the letters
in question are in partial correspondence with the sounds of the
spoken language. The study of the substance of sound is therefore of
more central concern to the linguist than is the investigation of
graphic substance and writing-systems.
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maintained in the spoken language by the difference between the
sounds [b] and [p]. As we have seen, the fact that it is this particular
difference in sound, rather than some other, is irrelevant to the
structure of English. It should also be noticed that the difference
between [b] and [p] is not absolute, but relative. That is to say, what
we have been referring to as 'the sound [b]' or 'the sound [p]' are
ranges of sound; and there is in fact no determinate point at which the
*[b]-range* begins and the '[p]-range* ends (or vice versa). From the
phonetic point of view, the difference between [b] and [p] is a matter
of continuous variation. But the difference between the expression-
elements I2I and /6/ is absolutein the following sense. The words
A and B (bet and pet), and all other words of English kept apart by the
occurrence of either /3I or /6/, do not gradually change into one
another in the spoken language as [b] is gradually varied towards [p].
There might be some point at which it is impossible to tell whether
A or B was intended, but there is no word of English which is in some
sense half-way between the two with respect to its grammatical
function or meaning and is identified by a sound midway between
[b] and [p]. From this it follows that the expression-plane of language
is constructed of discrete units. But these discrete units are realized
in physical substance by ranges of sound within which there is the
possibility of considerable variation. Since the expression-units must
not be confused with one another in their substantial realization as
sounds, there must be some 'safety-margin' between the range of
sounds which realizes one and the range of sounds which realizes
another. Certain contrasts may be lost in the course of time or may
not be maintained in all words by all speakers of a language. This fact
may be accounted for by assuming that the contrasts in question fall
below the ' threshold' of importance in the number of utterances of
the language they keep distinct. It does not mean that the difference
between certain pairs of expression-elements is relative, rather than
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As formal, grammatical units, words may be regarded as totally
abstract entities, whose only properties are that they have a particular
contrastive and combinatorial function (what the principles of
contrast and combination are for grammatical units we shall discuss
later), But these grammatical words are realized by groups or com-
plexes of expression-elements, each of which (in the spoken language)
is realized by a particular sound. We may refer to the complexes of
expression-elements as phonological words. That such a distinction is
necessary (and we will return to it later: cf. 54.3) is evident from the
following considerations. First of all, the internal structure of a
phonological word is in general irrelevant to the fact that it realizes
a particular grammatical word. For example, the grammatical word A
(which means 'bet': cf. the table on p. 64) happens to be realized by
the complex of expression-elements /321/; but it might equally well
be realized by a complex of different expression-elements, not neces-
sarily three in number. (Notice that this is not the same point as that
made earlier about the realization of the expression-elements. A
phonological word is not composed of sounds, but of expression-
elements.) Furthermore, the grammatical and phonological words of
a language are not necessarily in one-to-one correspondence. For
instance, the phonological word which we may identify by its normal
orthographic representation, down, realizes at least two grammatical
words (cf. down the hill: the soft down on his cheek): they are different
grammatical words because they have different contrastive and
combinatorial functions in sentences. An instance of the converse of
this phenomenon is afforded by the alternative realizations, which may
be written dreamed and dreamt9 of one and the same grammatical word
(the past tense of a particular verb). It may be pointed out in passing
that the two phenomena that have just been exemplified are commonly
treated as kinds of homonymy and synonymy (cf. 1.2.3). We have
made no appeal to the meaning of the words in the argument pre-
sented above, but only to their grammatical function and to their
phonological realization. To summarize the points that have been
made: grammatical words are realized by phonological words (and
there is no presupposition of one-to-one correspondence); and phono-
logical words are composed of expression-elements. It is clearly
possible to distinguish yet a third sense of the term * word', according
to which we would say that the English word written cap and the
French word cap are identical: they are the same in (graphic)
substance. But we are not generally concerned with the substantial
identity of words in linguistics. The relationship between the
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grammatical word and its substantial realization in sound or shape is
indirect, in the sense that it is handled through the intermediate
level of phonology.
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contexts in which both x and y occur, but neither x nor y occurs in all
the contexts in which the other occurs, then x and y are said to have
an overlapping distribution. (To those readers who are familiar with
certain elementary notions of formal logic and mathematics, it will be
clear that the various kinds of distributional relationship that hold
between linguistic units can be brought within the scope of class-
Distributional Complementary distribution
( \
* A - A 1
\ V '
J \ \
^ ^x
(iii) (iv)
Distributional inclusion Overlapping distribution
Fig. 2. Distributional relations (x occurs in the set of contexts A,
and B is the set of contexts in which y occurs).
logic and set-theory. The fact that this is so is highly relevant to the
study of the logical foundations of linguistic theory. What one might
refer to loosely as * mathematical' linguistics is now a very important
part of the subject. Although we cannot go into the details of the
various branches of 'mathematical linguistics' in the present ele-
mentary treatment of linguistic theory, we shall make reference to
some of the more important points of contact as the occasion arises.)
It should be emphasized that the term 'distribution' is applied to
the range of contexts in which a linguistic unit occurs only in so far as
that range of contexts can be brought within the scope of a systematic
statement of the restrictions determining the occurrence of the unit
in question. What is here meant by 'systematic* may be explained by
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way of an example. The elements /I/ and /r/ of English are at least
partially equivalent in distribution (for the convention of oblique
strokes, cf. 2.2.5): both may occur in a number of otherwise phono-
logically-identical words (cf. light: right, lamb: ram, blaze: braise,
climb: crime, etc.). But many of the words in which one of the
elements occurs cannot be matched with otherwise phonologically-
identical words in which the other occurs: there is no word srip to
match slip, no tlip to match trip, no brend to match blend, no blick to
match brick, and so on. However, there is an important difference
between the non-occurrence of words like srip and tlip, on the one
hand, and of words like brend and blick, on the other. The first pair
(and others like them) are excluded by certain general principles which
govern the phonological structure of English words: there are no
words which begin with /tl/ or /sr/ (the statement could be made in
more general terms, but this formulation of the principle will suffice
for our present purpose). By contrast, no such systematic statement
can be made about the distribution of /I/ and /r/ which would account
for the non-occurrence of blick and brend. Both elements are found
elsewhere in the contexts /b-i... / and /b-e... /: cf. blink: brink, blessed:
breast, etc. From the point of view of their phonological structure
brend and blick (unlike tlip and srip) are acceptable words of English.
It is a matter of * chance', as it were, that they have not been given a
grammatical function and a meaning, and put to use in the language.
The point that has just been illustrated by means of a phonological
example applies also at the grammatical level. Not all combinations of
words are acceptable. Of the unacceptable combinations, some can be
accounted for in terms of a general distributional classification of the
words of the language, whereas others must be explained by reference
to the meaning of the particular words or to some other fact specific
to them as individual words. We shall return to this question in a later
chapter (cf. 4.2.9). For the purpose of the present argument, it is
sufficient to observe that distributional equivalence, total or partial,
does not imply absolute identity in the range of contexts in which the
units in question occur: what it implies is identity in so far as the
contexts are specified by the phonological and grammatical regu-
larities of the language.
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units cannot be in contrast unless they are at least partially equivalent
in distribution (for units that are in complementary distribution the
question of contrast does not arise). Units which occur, but are not in
contrast with one another, in a given context are in free variation. For
example, the vowels of the two words leap and get contrast in most
contexts in which they both occur (cf. bet: beat, etc.), but are in free
variation in the alternative pronunciations of the word economics.
Both in phonology and in semantics, one must be careful not to
confuse free variation (equivalence of function in context) with
distributional equivalence (occurrence in the same range of contexts).
What is meant by free variation and contrast will depend upon the
nature of the units to which the terms are applied and the point of
view from which they are regarded. As we have seen, two expression-
elements are in contrast if the substitution of one for the other in the
same context produces a different word or sentence; otherwise they
are in free variation. But words (and other grammatical units) may
be looked at from two different viewpoints. It is only when one is
concerned with their grammatical function (roughly speaking, whether
they are nouns, verbs or adjectives, etc.) that the notions of contrast
and free variation are interpreted in terms of distributional equi-
valence; and this is because there is a direct connexion between
grammatical function and distribution (cf. 4.2.6). Although there is
also some connexion between the meaning of a word and its distri-
bution, neither is completely determined by the other; and for that
reason the two notions are theoretically distinct. In semantics free
variation and contrast are to be interpreted as * sameness and difference
of meaning'. (It is more usual, however, to employ the traditional
term 'synonymy', rather than 'free variation', in semantics.)
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/e/ is in paradigmatic relationship with /!/, /a/, etc., and in syntagmatic
relationship with /b/ and /t/. And /t/ is related paradigmatically with
/d/, /n/, etc., and syntagmatically with /b/ and /e/.
Paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships are also relevant at the
word-level, and indeed at every level of linguistic description. For
example, by virtue of its potentiality of occurrence in such contexts as
a.. .of milky the word pint contracts paradigmatic relations with such
other words as bottle, cup, gallon, etc., and syntagmatic relations with
0, of and milk. In fact, words (and other grammatical units) enter into
paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of various kinds. ' Potentiality
of occurrence* can be interpreted with or without regard to the
question whether the resultant phrase or sentence is meaningful; with
or without regard to the situations in which actual utterances are
produced; with or without regard to the dependencies that hold
between different sentences in connected discourse; and so on. We
shall have more to say later about the different conditions that can be
imposed upon the interpretation of the term * potentiality of occur-
rence* (cf. 4.2.1, on the notion of 'acceptability'). Here it must be
emphasized that all linguistic units contract syntagmatic and para-
digmatic relations with other units of the same level (expression-
elements with expression-elements, words with words, etc.); that the
context of a linguistic unit is specifiable in terms of its syntagmatic
relations; and that the range of contexts in which it is said to occur,
as well as the extent of the class of units with which it is said to be
paradigmatically related, will depend upon the interpretation
explicitly or implicitly attached to 'potentiality of occurrence' (or
This last point has been formulated in what might appear to be
an unnecessarily devious manner. It will become clear later that one
of the advantages of this formulation is that it enables us to draw the
distinction between grammatical sentences and meaningful sentences,
not in terms of the combination of grammatical units in the one case
and of semantic units ('meanings') in the other, but in terms of the
degree or kind of ' acceptability' that is preserved by various combi-
nations of the same units.
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characteristic of modern, 'structural' linguistics, is as follows:
linguistic units have no validity independently of their paradigmatic
and syntagmatic relations with other units. (This is a more specific
formulation of the general 'structural* principle that every linguistic
unit has a certain place in a system of relationships: cf. 1.4.6.) To
illustrate from the level of expression-elements: In our earlier
discussion of such words as bet, pet, etc., in English, it was assumed
that all these words were realized as sequences of three expression-
elements (just as they are all written as sequences of three letters by
the orthographic conventions of the language). We may now verify
this assumption. Let us suppose, contrary to the facts, that there were
words whose realization in sound was identical with that of put, tit,
cat, pup, tip, cap, puck, and tick, but no words realized (' pronounced')
like but, pet, pit, bit, cut, gut, kit, duck, cab, cad, kid, cud, etc. What
is being assumed (to put it in rather imprecise phonetic terms) is that
all the phonological words realized as complexes of three sounds can
be described, from the point of view of their substantial realization
(i.e. as phonetic words), as sequences of consonant + vowel + con-
sonant (where the consonants are [p], [t] or [k] and the vowels [u], [i]
and [a]for simplicity, we have assumed no other consonants or
vowels), but that the only combinations of consonant and vowel
possible in first and second position of the sequence are [pu], [ti] and
[ka]. Given this situation, it is clear that [u], [i] and [a] do not realize
three distinct expression-elements of the language since they are not
in paradigmatic relationship (and, a fortiori, not in contrast). Just how
many expression-elements would be recognized in a situation of this
kind (and it is not at all untypical of what is found in language)
depends upon certain more particular phonological principles which
we will discuss later. We might say that in each word there are only
two positions of contrast, of which the first is 'filled* by one of three
consonant-vowel complexes and the second by one of three con-
sonants: we might therefore recognize six expression-elements
(realized as / i / : [ka], \z\: [pu], / 3 /: [ti], / 4 /: [p], / 5 /: [t] and /6/: [k]).
Alternatively, we might recognize four expression-elements, of which
three are realized by the consonants [p], [t] and [k], occurring in
initial and final position, and the fourth, which occurs in medial
position, is realized by a vowel, the phonetic quality of which is
determined by the preceding consonant. The point is therefore that
one cannot first establish the elements and then state their permissible
combinations. The elements are determined by taking account simul-
taneously of their paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. The reason
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why we recognize three positions of contrast in the English words
bet, pet, bit, pit, bid, tip, tap, etc., is that paradigmatic and syntag-
matic relations can be established at three points. We shall see that
the interdependence of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic dimensions
is a principle that holds at all levels of language-structure.
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(and written) with the substantial realizations of the three units in
question sequentially-ordered as subject + verb + object, and the
permutation of the two nouns or noun-phrases will have the effect of
rendering the sentence ungrammatical or converting it into a different
sentence: Brutus killed Caesar and Caesar killed Brutus are different
sentences; although The chimpanzee ate some bananas is a sentence,
Some bananas ate the chimpanzee (we will assume) is not. By contrast,
Brutus necavit Caesarem and Caesarem necavit Brutus are alternative
substantial realizations of the same sentence (' Brutus killed Caesar'),
as are Caesar necavit Brutum and Brutum necavit Caesar ('Caesar
killed Brutus'). The relative order in which words occur in the Latin
sentence is therefore grammatically irrelevant, although of course the
words cannot be spoken other than in one order or another.
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simplest to handle from a theoretical point of view. In the case of (ii),
since XY and YX are not in contrast, the units a, b, p and q, as they
are realized in such sequences as op or pa, are in a non-sequential
syntagmatic relationship (this is the situation with respect to the words
in a language with free word order). In the case of (iii), since XY
contrasts with YX, the units are in a sequential syntagmatic relation-
ship (this is the situation with respect to the adjective and noun, for
certain adjectives, in French). It is in the case of (i), which is extremely
common, that confusion is likely to arise. Since YX does not occur,
the members of the classes X and Y cannot be sequentially-related at
that level. On the other hand, at some point in the description of the
language, we must specify the obligatory sequence of their realiza-
tions in substance; it may therefore serve the purpose of economy in
the integration of one level with another if instances of (iii) are
assimilated with instances of (ii). It was by tacit appeal to this
principle that we said earlier that English words like bet, pet, etc., had
the phonological structure of consonant + vowel + consonant (using
the terms 'consonant' and * vowel' for classes of expression-elements).
That some of the syntagmatic relationships between the expression-
elements in English are sequential is clear from the comparison of
such words as pat, apt, cat, act, etc. Although the sequence CCV
(consonant + consonant + vowel: the consonants in question being
realized as [p], [t], [k], [b], [d] and [g]) does not occur, both CVC and
at least some instances of VCC do, as we have just seen. At the same
time there are systematic restrictions upon the co-occurrence of
consonants in VCC: for example, a word that would be realized in
substance as [atp] or [atk] is systematically excluded; so, too, are
[akk], [app], [att], English therefore exemplifies both (i) and (iii) in
the phonological structure of the words we have been considering.
By assimilating them to the same sequentially-ordered formulae we
simplify the statement of their substantial realization. It should be
stressed, however, that this does not mean we must not also bring out
the difference between suchc accidental' gaps in the English vocabulary
as [git] or [ped] and such systematically-excluded * words' as [pti]
or [atp] (cf. 2.3.1).
Further discussion of the question of sequence would be out of
place at this point. We shall return to it in later chapters. But before
we continue with the exposition, it should be emphasized that the
whole of the present discussion has been deliberately restricted by the
assumption that all units in syntagmatic relationship co-occur on
equal terms and that there are no groupings within complexes of such
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units. The discussion may also appear to have been based on the
additional assumption that units are necessarily realized each by one
and only one isolable segment or feature of the phonic substance.
This is not the case, as we shall see later. The two general points that
have been made are these: (i) the paradigmatic and the syntagmatic
dimensions are interdependent, and (2) the syntagmatic dimension is
not necessarily time-ordered.
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anomalous, the one being tautological and the other contradictory. This
notion of 'marking' within paradigmatic oppositions is extremely
important at all levels of language-structure.
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octal system, within which all elements occur in all positions and all
syntagmatic combinations are possible, is therefore merely a special
case which falls within the scope of the more general formula:
2 x 2 x 2 = 8, 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 1 6 , etc.,
8 = 8, 8 x 8 = 64, 8 x 8 x 8 = 512, etc.
The reason why we chose to compare a binary system (with two
elements) and an octal system (with eight elements) is that 8 is an
integral power of 2: it is 2 to the power 3, rather than 2 to the power
3-5 or 4*27, etc. And this brings out clearly the relationship between
paradigmatic contrast and syntagmatic 'length'. Other things being
equal, the minimal length of our binary words will be three times
that of our octal words. We shall make use of this particular numerical
relationship in the following section. And we shall make appeal to the
more general principle that distinctions can be made either syntag-
matically or paradigmatically in later chapters, especially in the
chapter dealing with semantics.
It should be observed that the notion of 'length' that has just been
discussed is defined in terms of the number of positions of paradig-
matic contrast within a syntagmatic complex. It is not necessarily
bound to temporal sequence. This point (which follows from what
was said earlier in this section: cf. 2.3.6) will be of considerable
importance in the subsequent discussion of phonological, grammatical
and semantic structure.
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contrast between these two elements has a high functional load. Other
contrasts have a lower functional load. For example, there are
relatively few words that are kept apart from one another in their
substantial realization by the occurrence of one rather than the other
of the two consonants that occur in the final position of wreath and
wreathe (the symbols for these two sounds in the International
Phonetic Alphabet are [9] and [5] respectively: cf. 3.2.8); and there are
very few, if any, that are kept apart by the occurrence of the initial
sound of ship rather than the second consonantal sound of measure or
leisure (these two sounds are symbolized as [f] and [3] respectively in
the International Phonetic Alphabet). The functional load of the
contrasts between /8/ and /fl/ and between /J/ and j^j is therefore
much lower than that of the contrast /p/: /b/.
The importance of functional load is obvious. Misunderstanding
will tend to occur if the speakers of a language do not consistently
maintain those contrasts which serve to distinguish utterances which
differ in meaning. Other things being equal (and we will return to this
condition in a moment), the higher the functional load the more
important it is that the speakers should learn the particular contrast
as part of their ' speech-habits * and should subsequently maintain it
in their use of the language. It is to be expected therefore that
children will tend to learn first those contrasts which have the highest
functional load in the language which they hear about them; and, as
a consequence of this fact, that contrasts with a high functional load
will be correspondingly resistant to disappearance in the transmission
of the language from one generation to the next. Investigation of the
ease with which children master the contrasts in their native language
and the study of the historical development of particular languages
lend some empirical support to these expectations. In each case,
however, there are additional factors which interact with, and are
difficult to isolate from, the operation of the principle of functional
load. We shall not go into these other factors here.
The precise quantification of functional load is complicated, if not
made absolutely impossible, by considerations excluded above under
the proviso 'other things being equal'. First of all, the functional load
of a particular contrast between expression-elements will vary
according to the structural position they occupy in the word. For
example, two elements might contrast frequently at the beginning of
a word, but only very rarely at the end of a word. Do we simply take
an average over all the positions of contrast? The answer to this
question is not clear.
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Secondly, the importance of a particular contrast between expres-
sion-elements is not just a function of the number of words they
distinguish: it also depends on whether the words themselves can
occur and contrast in the same context. To take the limiting case: if
A and B are two classes of words in complementary distribution, and
if each member of A differs in its substantial realization from a
member of B solely in that it has the element /a/ where the corre-
sponding word of B has /b/, it is clear that the functional load of the
contrast between /a/ and /b/ is nil. So the functional load of a parti-
cular contrast must be calculated for words which have the same or
an overlapping distribution. It is also clear that any 'realistic*
measure of the importance of a particular contrast should take
account, not simply of the distribution of the words as specified by
the rules of the grammar, but of the actual utterances in which the
words might be confused if the contrast were not maintained. How
often, for instance, or in what circumstances, would an utterance
such as You'd better get a cab be confused with You'd better get a cap,
if the speaker failed to make the distinction in the final consonants
of cab and cap} The answer to this question is evidently relevant to
any precise quantification of the functional load of the contrast in
Finally, the importance of a particular contrast would seem to be
related to its frequency of occurrence (which is not necessarily deter-
mined by the number of words it distinguishes). Let us assume that
the three expression-elements, /x/, /y/ and /z/, occur in the same
structural position of words of the same distributional class. But let
us further suppose that, whereas the words in which /x/ and /y/ occur
are in frequent contrast in the language (they are high-frequency
words), the words in which /z/ occurs have a low frequency of
occurrence (although they might be equally numerous in the vocabu-
lary). If a speaker of the language failed to acquire the contrast
between /x/ and /z/, he would be less severely handicapped in
communication than he would be if he failed to acquire the contrast
between /x/ and /y/. The functional load of the latter contrast is,
ex hypothesis higher than that of the former.
The considerations of the previous paragraphs demonstrate the
difficulty of arriving at any precise measure of functional load. So far,
the various measures that have been proposed by linguists cannot lay
claim to the precision that their mathematical sophistication might
appear to invest them with. Nevertheless, we must allow a place in
oiir theory of language-structure for the undoubted importance, both
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synchronic and diachronic, of the concept of functional load. For it
is still possible to say of certain contrasts that they have a higher load
than others, even if we cannot say by how much.
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sentences as / want.. .go home, I asked him.. .help me (assuming that
only one word is permitted in the contexts in question). If it were
decided to omit the u (in queeny queer, inquest, etc.) or the word to,
in the contexts referred to, no information would be lost (here we see
the connexion between the general and the more specialized sense of
the word 'information'). Since the letter u and the word to are not in
paradigmatic contrast with any other units of the same level which
might have occurred in the same context, they have a probability of
1 and their information-content is o: they are totally redundant.
Consider now the case of the two-term contrast where px = and
py = \. Neither is totally redundant. But it is clear that the omission
of x is of less consequence than the omission of y. Since x is twice as
probable as yy the receiver of a message (knowing the a priori prob-
abilities) would stand twice as good a chance on average of ' pre-
dicting ' where x had been omitted as he would of ' predicting' where
y had been omitted. Redundancy is therefore a matter of degree. The
redundancy of x is twice that of y. In general, the more probable a
unit is, the greater its degree of redundancy (and the lower its informa-
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then m = log^. N: 'if iV equals x to the power m, then m equals the
logarithm to the base x of N\ It will be remembered that in decimal
arithmetic, the logarithm of 10 is i, of ioo is 2, of 1000 is 3, etc.:
that is, log10 10 = 1, log10 100 = 2, log10 1000 = 3, etc. If informa-
tion-theory had been based on the decimal, rather than the binary,
system of measurement, it would have been more convenient to
define the unit of information in terms of a probability of y^.) It
should be clear to the reader that the equation, N = xm, given here,
is a special case of the equation N = pi x p 2 x p 3 ...p m , introduced in
2.3.8. The equation N = xm holds when there is the same number
(x) of elements in paradigmatic contrast at each of the positions in the
syntagmatic group.
The reason why information-content is generally measured in bits
is simply that many physical systems for the storage and transmission
of information operate on a binary principle: they are two-state
systems. For instance, information may be coded on magnetic tape
(for processing by a digital computer) as a sequence of magnetized or
unmagnetized positions (or groups of positions): each position is in
one of two possible states, and may therefore carry one bit of informa-
tion. Again, information might be transmitted (as, for instance, in
Morse code) as a sequence of 'impulses', each of which can take one
of two values: short or long in duration, positive or negative in
electrical charge, etc. Any system which makes use of an 'alphabet*
of more than two elements can be encoded into a binary system at the
source of transmission and decoded into the original 'alphabet' when
the message is received at its destination. This is what happens when
messages are transmitted by teleprinter. That information-content
should be measured logarithmically to the base 2, rather than
logarithmically to some other numerical base, is a consequence of the
fact that communications-engineers customarily work with two-state
systems. Whether the principle of binary 'coding' is directly relevant
to the study of languages under their more normal conditions of
' transmission' between speaker and hearer, is a matter of consider-
able dispute among linguists. It is certainly the case that many of the
most important phonological, grammatical and semantic distinctions
in language are binary, as we shall see in later chapters; and we have
already seen that one of the two terms of a binary contrast can
frequently be regarded as positive, or marked, and the other as
neutral, or unmarked (cf. 2.3.7). We shall not enter here into the
question whether all linguistic units can be reduced to complexes of
hierarchically-ordered binary 'choices'. The fact that many units (at
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all levels of language-structure) are reducible in this way means that
the linguist should be accustomed to thinking in terms of binary
systems. At the same time, it should be realized that the fundamental
concepts of information-theory are quite independent of the parti-
cular assumptions of binarism.
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correspond with, the terms in the series i, J, J, -J-, yV> ..., . For
example, a particular unit might have a probability of : it will
therefore convey log2 5approximately 2-3bits of information. But
there is no such thing as o- 3 of a distinction in substance: distinctions in
substance are absolute, in the sense explained above (cf. 2.2.10). And
if we use three digits to identify a unit with a probability of i, we
thereby introduce redundancy into the substantial realization. (The
average redundancy of the system can be minimized to whatever point
is considered desirable; and the mathematical theory of communi-
cation is primarily concerned with this question. But we need not go
into the more technical details here.) The important point is that some
degree of redundancy is in fact desirable in any system of communi-
cation. The reason is that, whatever medium is used for the purpose
of transmitting information, it will be subject to various unpredictable
physical disturbances, which will obliterate or distort part of the
message and thus lead to the loss of information. If the system were
free of redundancy, the information lost would be irrecoverable. The
term used by communication-engineers for random disturbances in
the medium, or channel of communication, is noise. The optimum
system, for a particular channel, is one in which there is just enough
redundancy to enable the receiver to recover the information lost as
a result of noise. It should be observed that the terms ' channel * and
' noise' are to be interpreted in the most general sense. They are not
restricted to acoustically-based systems, still less to the systems
constructed by engineers (telephone, television, teleprinter, etc.). The
distortions produced in one's handwriting by writing in a moving
train can be attributed to * noise'; so too can the distorting effects
on speech of a cold in the head, drunkenness, distraction and lapse of
memory, etc. (Misprints are one of the effects of noise in the 'en-
coding ' of the written language: they are frequently unnoticed by the
reader, because the redundancy of most written sentences is high
enough to counteract the distorting influence of random errors.
Misprints are more serious in a string of figures, any combination of
which is a priori possible. This fact is recognized by the practice of
accountants, who deliberately introduce redundancy into their
ledgers by requiring that the totals of different columns should
balance. And the convention that cheques should specify the amount
to be paid in both words and figures makes it possible for banks to
detect, if not to correct, many of the errors caused by noise of one
kind or another.) As far as the spoken language is concerned, the term
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* noise* can be taken to include any source of distortion or misunder-
standing, whether this be attributable to the imperfect performance of
the speaker and hearer or to the acoustic conditions of the physical
environment in which the utterances are produced.
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produce homonymy. (The term * homonymy' is commonly used to
refer to either homophony or homography these days: cf. 1.4.2. Here
it is of course homophony.) If the homonyms are more or less
equally probable in a large number of contexts, the 'conflict* will
tend to be resolved (or inhibited) by the replacement of one of the
words. A well-known example is the disappearance from standard
Modern English of the word quean (originally meaning 'woman', and
later 'hussy' or 'prostitute') which was brought into 'conflict' with
queen by the loss of the earlier distinction between the vowels realized
orthographically as ea and ee. The most famous example of 'homo-
nymic conflict' in the literature is probably the case of the words for
'cat' and 'rooster' in the dialects of south-west France. Distinguished
as cattus and gallus in Latin, they had both developed, as a result of
sound-change, into [gat]. The 'conflict' was resolved by the replace-
ment of [gat] = ' rooster' with various other words, including the local
variants offaisan ('pheasant') or vicaire ('curate'). The substitution
of the second of these presumably rested upon some previous con-
nexion in 'slang' usage between 'rooster' and 'curate'. There is a
very rich literature on the subject of 'homonymics'. (References are
given in the notes.)
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andpy, respectively. So too will the combination x+y which we will
symbolize as pxy.
In the limiting case of statistical independence between x and y,
the probability of the combination x +y will be equal to the product of
the probabilities of x andjy ip^ = px xpy. This fundamental principle
of probability theory may be illustrated by means of a simple
numerical example. We will consider the numbers from 10 to 39
(inclusive), and let x and y stand for 2 and 7, in the first and second
position of their decimal representation: the combination of x and y
will therefore stand for the number 27. Within the range of numbers
we are considering (on the assumption that each of the thirty numbers
is equiprobable) px = and py = T^. If we were to * think of a
number between 10 and 39' and to ask someone to guess which
number we had in mind, his chance of guessing correctly (without
further information) would be one in thirty: p^ = ^ . But suppose
that we told him that the number was a multiple of 3. Clearly, his
chance of guessing correctly would now improve to one in ten. More
important from our point of view (since we are considering the prob-
ability of one digit in the context of the other), the choice of one of
the two digits is no longer statistically independent of the choice of
the other. The probability of y, given that x = 2, is ^, since there are
only three multiples of 3 within the range (21, 24, 27); and the
probability of x, given that y = 7, is 1, since there is only one
multiple of 3 that ends in 7 within the range. We may symbolize these
equations as py(x) = J and px(y) = 1. The conditional probability of
occurrence of y in the context of x is J, and the conditional probability
of x given y is 1. (The two expressions 'in the context* and 'given'
are to be understood as equivalent; both are used in works on
statistical linguistics.) To generalize from the example: if px(y) = px
(that is, if the probability of x in the context of y is equal to its
a priori, unconditioned, probability), x is statistically independent of
y; if however, the occurrence of x is rendered more or less probable by
the occurrence of yif either px(y) > px or px(y) < pxthen x is
'positively' or 'negatively' conditioned by y. The extreme case of
'positive'conditioning is, of course, total redundancy, with px(y) = 1
(y presupposes x); and the extreme case of 'negative' conditioning
is, 'impossibility', withpx(y) = o (y precludes x). It is important
to realize that contextual conditioning may be either 'positive' or
'negative' (in the sense in which these terms have been used here);
and also that the probability of x given y is not always, indeed rarely,
equal to the probability of y given x.
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Various kinds of conditioning must be distinguished, if the results
of any statistical analyses are to be of significance for linguistics. As
we saw above, syntagmatic relations may be sequential or non-
sequential ; conditioning may therefore be sequential or nonsequential
When x and y are sequentially-related, px(y) is progressive if y
precedes x, and regressive if y follows x. Independently of whether
the conditioning is progressive or regressive, x and y may be con-
tiguous (next to one another in a sequentially-ordered syntagmatic
complex); in this case, if x is conditioned by y, px(y) is transitional.
Many popular accounts of the statistical structure of language tend
to give the impression that the conditional probabilities operative at
all levels of language-structure are necessarily sequential, transitional
and progressive. This is clearly not so. For example, the conditional
probability of a particular noun as subject or object of a particular
verb in Latin is unaffected by the relative order with which the words
occur in temporal sequence (cf. 2.3.5); t n e occurrence of the prefixes
un- and in- in English (in such wTords as unchanging or invariable) is
regressively conditioned; the occurrence of a particular expression-
unit at the beginning of a word may be ' positivelyy or * negatively'
conditioned by the occurrence of a particular expression-unit at the
end of a word (or conversely); and so on.
Of course, it is in principle possible to calculate the conditional
probability for any unit relative to any context. The important thing is
to choose the context and the direction of conditioningthat is, to
calculate px(y) rather than py(x)in the light of what is already
known of the general syntagmatic structure of the language. (A certain
class of units, X, may presuppose or allow the occurrence of another
syntagmatically-related class of units, Y, at a particular position
relative to it (it may also preclude the occurrence of a third class, Z.)
Given that this is so, one may then calculate the conditional prob-
ability of a particular member of the class, Y.) The results will be of
statistical interest if, and only if, px(y) or py(x) is significantly
different from px and py.
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(i) (iii)
'Absolute' Initial Final
w 0-070
[1] 0-052 0-034 0-034
[d] 0-030 0-037 0-039
[h] 0-026 0-065
[m] 0-026 0-058 0-036
M 0-025 0-046 0-014
M 0-019 o-oio 0-048
m 0-017
P>] 0-0005
[P] 0-016 O-O2O 0-008
[g] 0-015 0-027 O-OO2
position after vowels. It will be observed that there are some striking
differences between the frequency with which particular consonants
occur in different positions of the word. For example, of the units
listed [v] is the least frequent in word-initial position, but the third
most frequent in word-final position; on the other hand, [b] is the
third most frequent in word-initial position, but the least frequent in
word-final position (apart from [h], which does not occur at all
finally: n.b. we are talking of sounds, not letters). Others (like [t])
have a high probability, or (like [g] and [p]) a low probability for both
positions. It will also be observed that the range of variation between
the highest and the lowest probability is greater for the end of the word
than it is for the beginning. Facts of this kind find their place in
a description of the statistical structure of phonological words in
It was said earlier (with reference to 'Zipf's law': cf. 2.4.6.) that
the number of sounds or letters in a word is not a direct measure of its
syntagmatic length in terms of information-theory. The reason is of
course that not all sounds or letters are equiprobable in the same
context. If the probability of a phonological or orthographic word
were directly related to the probabilities of its constituent expression-
elements, it would be possible to derive the probability of the word by
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multiplying together the probabilities of the expression-elements for
each of the structural positions in the word. For example, given that
x is twice as probable as y in initial position and a is twice as probable
as b in final position, one would expect xpa to be twice as frequent as
either ypa or xpb and four times as frequent zsypb. That this expecta-
tion is not fulfilled in particular instances is evident from the con-
sideration of a few words in English. The expression-elements
realized by [k] and [f] are more or less equally probable initially, but
the word call is far more frequent than fall (according to various
published frequency-lists for English words); although the element
realized by [t] has about fifty times the probability of that realized
by [g] in word-final position, the word big occurs with about four
times the frequency of bit; and so on.
The probabilities for initial and final position used in these calcu-
lations (cf. Table 4) are probabilities based on the analysis of con-
tinuous text. This means that the occurrence of a particular consonant
in relatively few high-frequency words may outweigh the occurrence
of another in very many low-frequency words (cf. the remarks made
in 2.4.1, in connexion with the concept of * functional load'). The
consonant [8], which occurs initially in such words as the, then, their,
them, etc., in English, illustrates the effect of this weighting. In initial
position, it is the most frequent of all consonants, with a probability
of about o-io (compared with 0-072 for [t], 0-046 for [k], etc.). But it
occurs in only a handful of different words (less than thirty in modern
usage). By contrast initial [k] is found in many hundreds of different
words, although its probability in continuous text is less than half
that of [8]. Comparison of all the words in English realized as
consonant + vowel + consonant (which in itself is a very common
structure for English phonological words) shows that in general
there are more words with a high-frequency initial and final con-
sonant than there are words with a low-frequency initial and final
consonant, and also that the former tend to be of more frequent
occurrence. At the same time, it must be stressed that certain words
are far more frequent or far less frequent than one might predict from
the probabilities of their constituent expression-elements.
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expression-element is very largely determined by the contextual
probability of the phonological word of which it forms a part. For
example, the three words written book, look and took are all of frequent
occurrence: they differ from one another phonologically (and ortho-
graphically) solely in the consonant which appears in the initial
position. From the point of view of the grammatical structure of
English, the possibility of contrast between the three words in actual
utterances is relatively small (and it is totally unrelated to the prob-
abilities of the initial consonants). The word took stands apart from
the other two in a number of ways, the most important of these being
that it realizes the past tense of a verb. It therefore occurs more freely
with such words and phrases as yesterday or last year than do look
and book (where the phonological words corresponding to took are the
words written looked and booked); it can have he, she or it or a singular
noun as subject (he took, etc., but not he look or he book, etc.); and it
cannot occur with to preceding it (e.g. / am going to took is unaccept-
able). But book and look also differ from one another grammatically.
Each of them may be used as a noun or a verb in the appropriate
context (it must not be forgotten that a phonological word may
realize more than one grammatical word: cf. 2.2.11). Although look is
far more frequent as a verb and book as a noun, this difference is of
small account compared with such non-statistical grammatical facts
as the following: as a verb book (i.e. 'make reservations', etc.), but
not look, may take a noun or noun-phrase as its direct object (/ will
book my seat, He is going to book my friend for speeding: the word look
is impossible here); and look normally takes a * prepositional phrase'
(/ will look into the matter, They never look at me: here book is im-
possible). It would seem to be the case that in the majority of English
utterances produced by speakers in their everyday use of the language
the confusion of book and look is precluded by grammatical constraints
of one kind or another. And this is quite typical of minimally-
contrasting phonological words in English.
But let us now consider the relatively small set of utterances in
which both look and book are grammatically acceptable. It is quite easy
for a speaker of English to devise, and on occasion he will produce or
hear, such utterances. An example might be / looked for the theatre:
I booked for the theatre. If we assume, for the sake of the argument,
that all but the initial consonant of the words booking or looking is
'transmitted' to the hearer without significant distortion by 'noise'
in the 'channel', he is faced with the problem of 'predicting', on the
basis of the, redundancies in the language and in the situation of
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utterance, which of the two words was intended by the speaker. (For
simplicity, we will suppose that cooked, etc., are impossible, or highly
improbable, in the particular situation.) Although looked may be
assumed to occur far more frequently than booked in any representa-
tive sample of (British) English, it is quite clear that the occurrence
of theatre raises the probability of booked considerably. Whether
booked or looked is more probable with for the theatre, it would be
very hard to say. But in any particular situation either one may be
more highly determined than the other. This is evident from a
comparison of the following two longer utterances:
(i) / looked for the theatre, but I couldn't find it.
(ii) I booked for the theatre, but I have lost the tickets.
The word booked would appear to be contextually precluded in (i)
and looked in (ii). But the situation itself, including any previous con-
versation, might also have introduced various 'presuppositions', the
determining force of which is as strong as that of but and couldritfind
in (i) and but and tickets in (ii). If this is so, the hearer will already
be 'conditioned' by these presuppositions to 'predict* (that is, in
fact, to hear) looked rather than booked (or the converse) in the
shorter ' frame' / -ookedfor the theatre. For the present, we may refer
to these probabilities, which derive from the co-occurrence of one
word with another and the 'presuppositions' of the particular
situation of utterance, as 'semantic'. (In later chapters we will distin-
guish other levels of acceptability within what we are here calling
Our example has been drastically over-simplified: we have recog-
nized only three levels of conditioning (phonological, grammatical
and semantic), and we have assumed that only one expression-unit
has been lost, or distorted, through 'noise'. These simplifications do
not, however, affect the general conclusion of the argument. When it
comes to the discussion of particular utterances, it must be recognized
that the semantic probabilities outweigh the grammatical and the
grammatical outweigh the phonological. Since it is impossible (in the
present state of linguistic research at least) to identify all the seman-
tically-relevant factors in the external situations in which particular
utterances occur, it is also impossible to calculate the probability, and
therefore the information-content, of any part of them. This is one
of the points that was stressed in our earlier discussion of functional
load and information-theory (cf. 2.4.1).
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John Lyons
3.1 Introductory
3. i. i Phonetics and phonology
So far we have been taking for granted the traditional view of
language, according to which sentences are composed of words and
words of 'sounds' (cf. 2.1.1). In the course of our discussion of
substance and form in the previous chapter we saw that the term
* sounds' is potentially ambiguous. We must now clear up this
If the linguist is asked whether two 'sounds' are the same or
different, or how many 'sounds' there are in a given language, he
must know whether the question is one of substance or form;
whether these 'sounds' are to be regarded as physical entities which
can be described without knowing to what language they belong or
whether they are to be described in terms of such differences and
similarities of sound as are functional in the language (by 'functional'
is to be understood 'relevant for the purpose of communication'). In
the first case he will give a phonetic description of what he hears or
analyses instrumentally; in the second he will give a phonological
3.1.2 Speech-sounds
Let us now distinguish, provisionally, between the terms 'speech-
sound' and 'phoneme'. A speech-sound is any phonetically distinct
unit of sound; that is to say, any unit of sound produced by the
speech-organs that can be distinguished by the phonetician from all
other units of sound produced by the speech-organs. Since there is
practically no limit to the number of different speech-sounds that can
be produced by the human speech-organs and distinguished by the
phonetician, it follows that the speech-sound is somewhat indetermi-
nate in nature. Individual phoneticians will differ in expertise; and
even with the various instrumental techniques now available for
measuring the acoustic properties of sound, there is in the last resort
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room for minute differences and discrepancies. The fact is that there
is no natural limit to the divisibility of the range of sounds used in
speech. The point at which the phonetician stops distinguishing
different speech-sounds is dictated either by the limits of his own
capacities and those of his instruments or (more usually) by the
particular purposes of the analysis. For some purposes he will wish
to draw more refined distinctions than for others. According to the
degree of refinement in representation which he seeks to achieve he
will use what is called a 'broader* or a 'narrower* transcription.
(There are, of course, any number of intermediate stages between
'broadest* and 'narrowest*.) Let me give some examples.
In English, p, t and k in certain positions of the word are slightly
aspirated (that is, pronounced wTith an accompanying slight puff of
breath); in other positions, after s for example, they are unaspirated
(cf. top: stop,pot: spot, etc.). In a broad transcription, therefore, the
phonetician might well use the same letter (or other symbol) to
represent both the English speech-sounds (as indeed the alphabet
used for English generally does), although they are quite easily
distinguishable, phonetically. Again, in English there are two main
'I-sounds*, impressionistically referred to as 'clear' and 'dark*: the
former occurs before vowels, the latter before consonants and at the
end of words (cf. leaf, late: feel, field). A narrow transcription would
mark the difference between the 'clear' and the 'dark' I; a broad
transcription might not.
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of English that play no role (though they may occur, as speech-
sounds) in other languages. For example, in certain languages the
distinction between the speech-sounds d and t, b and p, g and k, etc.
(between what the phonetician describes as voiced and voiceless
consonants) is not a phonemic differencefor instance, p, t and k
might occur at the beginning and end of words and b, d and g only
in the middle of words. In cases of this kind we say that the phonetic-
ally distinguishable pairs of speech-sounds are positional variants, or
allophoneSy of the same phoneme. They are called positional variants
because the occurrence of one rather than another of the phonetic
variants of a particular phoneme is determined by the position of the
phoneme in the word.
It will now be clear why the word 'sounds' is ambiguous, and why
a distinction must be made between the units of phonetic description
(speech-sounds), on the one hand, and the units of phonological
description (phonemes), on the other. In order to distinguish speech-
sounds from phonemes in the transcription of utterances, it has
become customary to put symbols standing for the latter between
obliques and the the former between square brackets; and we shall
follow this convention throughout. We might say, for instance, with
reference to the example used above, that /p/, /t/ and /k/ have as
allophones [p], [t] and [k] in initial and final position and [b], [d] and
[g] in medial position. A fuller treatment of the concept of the
phoneme in modern linguistic theory will be given presently. We
must first discuss some of the general principles of phonetic analysis.
3.2 Phonetics
3.2.1 Different branches of phonetics
Phonetics is not to be regarded as just an ancillary tool for the linguist
and the student of foreign languages. As practised today, it is a highly
developed science, incorporating parts of physiology and physics, but
with its own conditions of relevance, its own methods of investigation
and experiment, and its own technical vocabulary.
Speech-sounds are often described non-tectmically in subjective,
and largely meaningless, terms, as 'harsh', 'guttural', 'soft', 'flat',
etc. They can be described objectively from three main points of
view: (1) in terms of the manner of their production by the human
speech-organs; (2) in terms of the acoustic properties of the sound-
waves travelling between speaker and hearer; and (3) in terms of
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their physical effects upon the human ear and its associated mechan-
isms. This yields a threefold division of the subject into articulatory,
acoustic and auditory phonetics.
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vocal cords in the larynx, or * Adam's apple*. The rate of vibration
depends on the degree of tension, and this governs the pitch of the
resulting sound. (Pitch is usually treated as a concomitant feature of
the sounds produced, rather than as an integral part of them.) Vowels
are defined (in articulatory terms) as voiced sounds in the formation
of which the air passes through the pharynx and the mouth without
obstruction (by the tongue, lips, teeth, etc.). All speech-sounds other
than vowels are defined to be consonants. Consonants are therefore
rather heterogeneous. Indeed, a number of phoneticians would deny
that the distinction between vowels and consonants is as fundamental
as it is usually said to be. Not only are there such apparently para-
doxical sounds as * voiceless vowels', but voicing may be complete or
partial and the term 'obstruction' is far from being as precise as it
might appear at first sight. Supplementary criteria of different kinds
must be brought to bear in the case of partially obstructed sounds to
decide whether they are to be classed as vowels or consonants. These
are points we need not dwell upon. They are mentioned here in
order to support the view, which will be stressed throughout this
section, that sound as produced by the human speech-organs is a
continuum within which there are perhaps no 'natural' absolute
3.2.5 Vowels
Vowels are generally classified in terms of three main articulatory
dimensions: the degree to which the mouth is opened (close v. open);
the position of the highest part of the tongue (front v. back); and the
position of the lips (rounded v. spread, or unrounded). Thus, a certain
sound may be described as a close, front, rounded vowel (e.g. the
vowel in the French word lune); another as close, front, unrounded
(e.g. that of the French si or of the English word sea). The terms
'close', 'front', etc., are not of course used absolutely. Each of the
three dimensions represents a continuum and, in principle, is
infinitely divisible. The vowel of the French word si, for instance, is
closer than that of the English word sea (as well as being different in
certain other respects). What has been done for the purpose of
classification is to establish a set of so-called ' cardinal' vowels; that is
(to quote Daniel Jones, the originator of this system of classification)
'a set of fixed vowel-sounds having known acoustic qualities and
known tongue and lip positions'. Although Jones talks of the 'known
acoustic qualities' of the cardinal vowels, the system is primarily, and
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to the extent that it is objective, one of articulatory classification, The
principle followed is that of first defining a set of articulatory extreme*
(the * closest possible front vowel', 'the openest of the back vowels',
etc.) and then selecting intermediate positions in such a way that 'the
degrees of acoustic separation are approximately equal'. The judge-
ment of the intervals of 'acoustic separation' is subjective (though of
course that of a brilliant and highly skilled phonetician). Now that the
value of each of the cardinal vowels has been fixed and Daniel Jones's
own recording of them has been analysed instrumentally their
acoustic properties are, within certain limits, known objectively. That
the cardinal vowel-system is in the last resort arbitrary does not make
it any the less useful or scientific: the values of the cardinal vowels are
fixed in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and by reference
to them as a standard of measurement trained phoneticians can
satisfactorily describe the vowels of any language, to a greater or less
degree of precision according to need.
In addition to the three articulatory variables which the phonetician
selects as basic in the classification of vowels, there are several others
which he customarily treats as secondary modifications of what is
taken to be the 'normal* pronunciation. For instance, vowels are
assumed to be pronounced 'normally* without the passage of air
through the nose. If the nasal passage is kept open during the pro-
duction of the vowel so that air passes out from both the mouth and
the nose, the vowel is said to be nasalized; it is regarded, and repre-
sented by the IPA, as a modification of the corresponding non-
nasalized vowel (cf. [a]: [3]).
3.2.6 Consonants
Consonants fall into several different, interesting categories. They
may be voiced or voiceless; and oral or nasal. If the obstruction in the
air passage is complete, the resulting sounds are described as stops
(or plosives); if the obstruction is only partial, but produces friction,
they are called fricatives (or spirants). The place at which the obstruc-
tion occurs is referred to as the point of articulation: the lips, the
teeth, the alveolae (or teeth ridge), the palate (i.e. the hard palate),
the velum (or soft palate), the uvula, the pharynx, the glottisthese
are the principal points of articulation to which recognition is given
in the IPA. The organ (or that part of it) which is brought into contact
with (or close to) the point of articulation is called the articulator: in
most cases this is some part of the tongue, which for the purpose is
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regarded as being made up of four partsthe apex (or tip), the blade,
the middle, the dorsum (or back). Apical consonants are those in
which the tip of the tongue acts as articulator; dorsal consonants
those in which the articulator is the back of the tongue. Most of the
traditional terms used by phoneticians are interpreted under the tacit
assumption that certain articulators are normally associated with
particular points of articulation: for instance, the term Mental* is
used for sounds (e.g. [t], [d]) which are produced by bringing the tip
of the tongue into contact with, or close to, the (upper) teeth; the
term ' velar', on the other hand, is used for sounds (e.g. [k], [g]) which
are produced by contact, or friction, between the back of the tongue
and the soft palate. In other cases the term employed is a compound
label specifying the articulator and the place of articulation: thus
* labiodental' denotes sounds (e.g. [f], [v]) which result from contact,
or friction, between the (upper) teeth and the (lower) lip. And, if
necessary, further terms can be freely created on the same pattern.
Consonants may be classified then in terms of a number of different
articulatory variables (we have mentioned only some of them). For
example, according to the conventions of the IPA, [p] is a bilabial,
voiceless, oral, stop; [b] is a bilabial, voiced, oral, stop; [f] is a labio-
dental, voiceless, (oral) fricative; [m] is a bilabial, (voiced) nasal, stop;
[t] is a dental (or alveolar), voiceless, oral stop; [n] is a dental (or
alveolar), (voiced) nasal stop; and so on. Perceptible deviations from
what are taken to be the ' normal' points of articulation are described
as being 'advanced' or 'retracted'. For instance, the initial sounds of
the English words key and car are phonetically different: they would
commonly be described as an 'advanced' and 'retracted' (or 'front'
and 'back') variety of [k]. This does not mean that they are different
'species' of some natural 'genus' of sounds, but only that the roof
of the mouth and the surface of the tongue are conventionally divided
by phoneticians into a smaller, rather than a larger, number of regions.
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say that the number of speech-sounds recognizable in a continuous
stretch of speech is determined by the number of successive distinct
states of the speech-organs: a change in the state of the speech-organs
may be defined as a perceptible change in at least one of the recognized
articulatory variables. It follows that certain of the variables may keep
the same value throughout a number of successive states of the speech-
organs. Consider the two English words cats and cadsy which may be
written, in a broad transcription, as [kats] and [kadz]. It will be
observed that the phonetic notation used here represents the dif-
ference between the two words as the sum of the differences between
two distinct speech-sounds (i.e. [t]: [d] and [s]: [z]). In fact the
difference lies in only one of the articulatory variables (we may
neglect the difference in the vowels): in [kats] the portion of the word
occurring after the vowel is voiceless; in [kadz] it is voiced (this is
something of a simplification; but it does not affect the point being
made). We can distinguish therefore between two kinds of phonetic
components, which may be conveniently called 'short* and 'long*
according to whether they occupy one or more than one position. It is
important to observe that the same articulatory component may be
long or short in different phonetic sequences. For example, in the
word under the component of voicing extends over the whole word,
and that of dental contact over two positions [nd], whereas nasality
is confined to only one position [n]; in the word omnipotent, how-
ever, nasality is a long component, in [mn], and it is the shift from
labial to dental (more precisely, alveolar) contact which leads us to
distinguish between the positions occupied by the speech-sounds
[m] and [n].
Certain articulatory components, notably voice and nasality, being
unaffected by the presence or absence of obstruction in the mouth,
may enter into the formation of both consonants and vowels. For
example, the relations that hold between the vowels written as [a],
[a] and [a] in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) are identical
with those that hold between the consonants [p], [b] and [m]; [t], [d]
and [n]; [k], [g] and [Q]: the first member of each set of three is
neither voiced nor nasalized, the second is voiced but not nasalized,
and the third is both voiced and nasalized. This point may be
illustrated by means of a hypothetical example. Let us suppose that in
a given language there are three words which may be transcribed
phonetically as (a) [patak], (b) [badag] and (c) [manarj]. There are five
articulatory variables involved: three points of articulation
(i) labial, (ii) dental and (iii) velar contactand two components
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which may enter into the formation of both consonants and vowels
the presence or absence of (iv) voice and (v) nasality. The phonetic
relationships between the three words can be represented by means
of the two-dimensional matrices given in Fig. 3, in which the
horizontal dimension is used for temporal succession and the vertical
dimension for the specification of the 'positive* or 'negative' value
for each of the five relevant articulatory variables: the 'positive'
value (voiced, rather than voiceless; nasal, rather than oral; dental,
rather than either labial or velar, contact; etc.) is marked with a
horizontal broken line; and the 'negative' value is left unmarked.
These matrices are absolutely equivalent to the more usual alphabetic
transcriptions: (a) [pgtak], (b) [badag], (c) [manarj].
Dental -
patak badag m a n a ij
Fig. 3. Note that, since 'labial*, 'dental' and 'velar* imply obstruction at
these points of articulation (the articulatory components of the vowels are
not giventhey are assumed to be constant in value), the distinction of
vowels and consonants, and hence the recognition of five states of the speech
organs, is clear from the absence of obstruction in two portions, and the
presence of obstruction in three portions, of each word.
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[mj-sound', etc. are convenient, but potentially misleading, ways of
saying ' a stretch of sound which is characterized at a particular place
by labiality, occlusion, voicelessness and lack of nasality', 'a stretch
of sound characterized at a particular place by labiality, occlusion,
voice and nasality', etc. (to mention only a few of the relevant
articulatory variables). The alphabetic system of transcription
customarily used by phoneticians, and used here in citing the
examples, is therefore a far from perfect system for the transcription
of speech. A more satisfactory system might be one which gave a
direct representation of each of the overlapping articulatory com-
ponents of any given stretch of speech and explicitly marked the
relative lengths of the components. As it is, anyone who wishes to
read phonetic transcriptions with understanding must first learn to
* de-alphabetize' them, mentally substituting for each of the symbols
the simultaneous articulatory components they imply and then
combining these components with one another in sequence ac-
cording to the principles illustrated above.
This question has been discussed at some length because it is not
always stressed sufficiently, and is sometimes not even mentioned,
in elementary and popular treatments of language. Only too often
the impression is given that speech is composed of sequences of
discrete and independent speech-sounds, and that these speech-
sounds are the ultimate units of articulatory phonetic analysis. We
shall see presently that the distinction that has been made here on
phonetic grounds between short and long components is one which can
be made also on phonological grounds.
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phonetic interpretation; and a certain number of new symbols
(borrowed from the Greek alphabet or specially designed for the
purpose) were introduced, e.g. [9] and [6] to represent the initial
' sounds' of the English words thick and there. Although the inventors
of the IPA and those responsible for its further development have
shown great ingenuity, as well as a commendable attention to the
requirements of typographical clarity, in the design of new symbols
for the alphabet, there was clearly a practical limit to the number of
totally distinct symbols that could be constructed. So the IPA has
from the outset made provision for the use of diacritics in addition to
letters. The diacritics are employed, as we saw earlier, either to give a
' narrower' transcription than is possible by using the letters alone or
to show that a certain ' sound' is pronounced in a manner which the
conventions of the IPA regard as 'abnormal'.
The distinction that is made in the IPA system between letters and
diacritics can be misleading. Almost inevitably it suggests that the
differences between the sounds represented by distinct letters are
more fundamental than those marked by diacritics. For example,
voiced and voiceless oral stops are represented by distinct letters
(M- [*]> [b]: [p]> [g] [k], etc.); but as we have seen, vowels and nasal
consonants are assumed to be voiced unless marked as voiceless by
means of a special diacritic. From the point of view of articulatory
description, as we have seen above, the relationship between [d] and
[t] is the same as that between [a] and [a] or between [n] and [n]. The
conventions of the IPA might tend to suggest, or support, the notion
that, whereas [d] and [t] are two quite different 'sounds', the voiceless
[] and [n] are merely less common variants of the more 'normal'
voiced [a] and [n]. There are many inconsistencies. Nevertheless, the
IPA remains a very useful tool for the phonetician; for its conventions
have been carefully defined and have been accepted by phoneticians
of many different countries.
There are other alphabetic systems of phonetic transcription besides
the IPA. Some of these have the advantage that they can be typed on
a standard typewriter, and are for this reason preferred by many
authors, especially in America. It should not be thought, however,
that any important difference of principle distinguishes the various
phonetic alphabets in common use. All the remarks which have been
made above about the IPA apply to phonetic alphabets in general.
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for the most part maintained by the sound-waves as these were
transmitted for analysis by the auditory system of the hearer.
It is now realized that the transmission of speech is rather more
Allowance must be made for feedback. In the case of speech, we are
not dealing with a system of sound-production and sound-reception
in which the 'transmitter' (the speaker) and the 'receiver' (the
hearer) are completely separate mechanisms. Every normal speaker of
a language is alternately a producer and a receiver. When he is
speaking, he is not only producing sound; he is also 'monitoring'
what he is saying and modulating his speech, unconsciously cor-
relating his various articulatory movements with what he hears and
making continual adjustments (like a thermostat, which controls the
source of heat as a result of' feedback' from the temperature readings).
And when he is listening to someone else speaking, he is not merely a
passive receiver of sounds emitted by the speaker: he is registering
the sounds he hears (interpreting the acoustic 'signal') in the light
of his own experience as a speaker, with a 'built-in' set of contextual
cues and expectancies. For this reason, therefore, the primary medium
of language (the substance of the expression-plane: cf. 2.2.8) is
perhaps not rightly conceived in wholly physical terms (in the
narrowest sense of the term 'physical'). The phonic data is not just
sound as it might be treated by the physicist, but sound as 'filtered'
and categorized by human beings in their use of language. In other
words, the phonic medium of language has a psychological, as well as
a purely physical, aspect. It is possible that this psychological aspect
of the medium may yet be reducible to a rather more complex
physical description of the properties of sound. But this should not
be taken for granted.
It may be pointed out here that the principle of 'feedback' is not
restricted to the production and reception of physical distinctions in
the substance, or medium, in which language is manifest. It operates
also in the determination of phonological and grammatical structure.
Intrinsically ambiguous utterances will be interpreted in one way,
rather than another, because certain expectancies have been estab-
lished by the general context in which the utterance is made or by
the previous discourse (cf. 2.4.5, o n redundancy).
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3.3 Phonology
3.3.1 The phoneme
In the previous section a distinction was made between the phonetic
and the phonological analysis of language. The principles underlying
phonetic analysis have now been discussed in sufficient detail, and we
may look a little more closely at the concept of the phoneme, which
has been introduced as the unit of phonological description.
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 113
principle of complementary distribution will generally correlate pretty
well with the phonetically-untrained native speaker's judgement about
what is and what is not the same 'sound'. This may be attributed to
the fact that the native speaker has learned to respond to certain
phonetic differences as functional in his language and to neglect others
as irrelevant for the purpose of communication.
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It will be clear from our discussion of the principles of phonetic
analysis that whether or not two speech-sounds are similar is not a
question that admits of a simple answer. It follows from the multi-
dimensional nature of the sounds used in human speech that they
may be alike in some respects and unlike in others. This means that
the phonologist analysing a particular language may be faced with
alternative possibilities. Is a voiceless, unaspirated stop more like a
voiced, unaspirated stop or a voiceless, aspirated stop? This is a
question that confronts the linguist analysing English. For [p], [t]
and [k] are in complementary distribution not only with [ph], [th]
and [kh], but also with [b], [d] and [g], which never occur after /s/
in the same word. As long as we confine our attention to just this
isolated problem, then neither of the two possible solutions forces
itself upon us as more reasonable than the other. (We must be careful
not to assume that [ph] and [p] are phonetically more similar simply
because the International Phonetic Alphabet represents them as two
kinds of [p]. This point has been stressed in the preceding section.)
In fact the linguist never considers such problems in isolation from
the rest of the analysis. If we take a general view of the phonology of
English, we shall see that the opposition of voiced and voiceless
consonants is one of greater importance in the language than that of
the opposition of unaspirated and aspirated consonants. Not only are
stops distinguished in certain positions by the presence or absence of
voice (bet: pet, etc.), where they are also distinguished by the absence
or presence, respectively, of aspiration; but other consonants (frica-
tives and affricates: leave: leaf, jeep: cheap, etc.) are distinguished by
the presence or absence of voice, and here there is no question of an
opposition between aspirated and unaspirated variants of a pair of
phonemes. This being so, it is doubtless preferable to consider the
lack of aspiration in [p] vis-d-vis [ph] as a matter of allophonic
variation, rather than its lack of voice vis-a-vis [b]. It should be
realized, however, that this decision has not, and could not have,
been made on the grounds simply of phonetic similarity.
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3-3- PHONOLOGY 115
example, the 'glottal stop' (a sound produced by first bringing the
vocal cords together and then releasing them so that there is a sudden
escape of air: the IPA symbol for this sound is [?]) is a free variant of
/t/ at the end of a syllable before a consonant in what is called the
(standard) * Received Pronunciation* of English. Most speakers who
use this kind of pronunciation are probably not conscious of the fact
that they have two alternative pronunciations of such words as fort-
nighty etc., according to whether they are speaking more or less
formally and deliberately, whereas they are well aware of the occur-
rence of the same speech-sound as a 'substandard' variant of /t/
before vowels in, for example, the 'Cockney* pronunciation of words
like city. It may also happen that alternative pronunciations of a word
are current involving a difference that is generally phonemic in the
language. For example, the word economics is sometimes pronounced
with the vowel found in bet and sometimes with that of the word
beat; the word either is sometimes pronounced with the vowel of beat
and sometimes with that of bite. And there are many such alter-
natives, often in the speech of the same person, in English. However,
this would not normally be described as allophonic free variation.
The fact that the difference of the vowels serves to distinguish at least
some words in English means that it is always recognized as phonemic.
This is by virtue of the principle which is sometimes expressed in the
words 'once a phoneme, always a phoneme'. Moreover, it is not
possible to give an account of the sporadic fluctuation of phonemes
of the kind exemplified here other than by listing the words in which
it is to be found. From this point of view, the difference between the
two pronunciations of economics, either, etc., is, as it were, 'accidental':
it is not part of the regular phonological structure of the language. In
this respect it differs from the kind of free variation mentioned above
(between [t] and the glottal stop) where we were able to state con-
cisely, and in phonological terms (that is to say, without reference to
the particular words, but in terms of the categories of phonemes
preceding and following the free variants) the conditions under which
it takes place.
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including German, Russian, Turkish, there is a phonemic distinc-
tion between voiced and voiceless consonants in most positions of the
word, but at the end of words voiced consonants do not occur. Thus,
both the German words Rad (' wheel', * bicycle') and Rat (' council',
* advice') are pronounced alike, namely as [rait]. (Many speakers of
German distinguish this pair of words, Rad and Rat, in terms of the
length or quality of the vowel. But the point being made is unaffected
by this fact.) The normal orthography takes account of the fact that
in the forms of words in which the same consonants occur in non-final
position the distinction between the voiced and voiceless member of
the pair is consistently made: cf. zum Rade [raids] verdammen ('to
condemn to torture on the wheel') and meinem Rate [raita] folgen
('follow my advice'). The distinction between voiced and voiceless
consonants, i.e. between /d/ and /t/, /b/ and /p/, etc., is said to be
'neutralized' in final position; and this is a phonological statement
about the language.
However, there are several different ways of treating this kind of
neutralization. Some linguists would say that it is the phoneme /t/
that occurs finally in both Rad and Rat and account for the change of
/d/ to /t/ manifest in the relation between Rade and Rad in a section
of linguistic description intermediate between grammar and phono-
logy (to which the name morphophonemics is given: this is the approach
followed in many standard American textbooks and published
analyses of languages). Another school would say that the fact that
certain phonological oppositions are 'neutralizable', whereas others
are not, in a given language constitutes such an important and basic
feature of the phonology of the language as to justify the recognition
of two different kinds of phonological unit. Linguists who take this
line of approach (principally the so-called ' Prague school') recognize
in addition to the phonemes, which preserve their distinctive function
in all positions, also what are termed archiphonemes restricted to the
positions of neutralization. A common and convenient way of
symbolizing archiphonemes is by the use of capital letters: thus /T/ is
an archiphoneme in German, as distinct from /d/ and /t/, which are
phonemes and do not occur in final position. A word like Tod
('death') would be transcribed /toD/; that is to say, in a manner
which makes it clear that the unit which occurs finally is of a different
order from that which occurs initially. Phonetically speaking, the
speech-sounds that occur at the beginning and end of this word are
the same (up to a certain degree of narrowness in transcription).
Whether or not they are phonologically the same is a question that
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 117
can only be answered with reference to a particular theory of phono-
logy. The linguist who accepts the principle ' once a phoneme, always
a phoneme' will say that they are. The linguist who draws a distinc-
tion between phonemes and archiphonemes will say that they are not.
We shall look further into some of the theoretical differences under-
lying these different answers later in this chapter. Enough has been
said here to arouse in the reader the suspicion (which will become
stronger as we advance further in the subject) that the 'facts' which
a linguist discovers about the structure of a particular language are not
entirely independent of the theories with which he approaches it in
the first place.
l?l N N
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The horizontal dimension represents the possibility of syntagmatic
combination (cf. 2.3.3). The matrix may be interpreted in the
following way: at any of the positions of paradigmatic contrast in the
word /pet/, which is given in the top row of the matrix, one may
substitute another of the phonemes from the second or third row, and
the result will be a different English word. The matrix summarizes,
therefore, the facts described in the previous paragraph. It tells us
that the following seven syntagmatic combinations of phonemes
constitute English wTords: /pet/, /bet/, /let/, /pit/, /pot/, /pen/ and
Under this interpretation of the matrix, we have taken the word pet
as ' focal'; and we have held constant two of its constituent phonemes
as the context for paradigmatic substitution. But we may also
interpret the matrix in such a way that no particular word is taken as
' focal' in this sense. Many other English words can be accounted for,
if we allow any phoneme from the first column to combine syntag-
matically with any phoneme from the second and third columns:
cf. bin, bit, lick, lock, etc. (to put the words in their standard ortho-
graphic form). But this extension will also admit certain combinations
which do not constitute English words: e.g. /bik/ or /Ion/. At this
point, we must decide whether such combinations are systematically
excluded by virtue of some general restrictions upon the combination
of English phonemes with one another. If no such restrictions can be
established, we will say that forms like /bik/ and /Ion/ are phonologic-
ally acceptable ' words' of English, which have not been * actualized',
as it were, by the language and invested with a particular meaning and
a particular grammatical function. 'Non-actualization', in this sense
of the term, contributes to the redundancy of utterances (cf. 2.4.5).
The determination of the phonological structure of a language may
be thought of, then, in the following way. Every language has a
vocabulary of ' actualJ words, each of which in the first instance may
be taken as phonologically ' regular' (conforming to certain systematic
principles of combination operating upon the constituent phonemes).
The linguist's task is to account for their phonological 'regularity'.
(For simplicity of exposition, we are deliberately restricting the
discussion of phonological structure at this point by assuming that
phonology is concerned solely with the formation of words, inde-
pendently of their occurrence in sentences.) Given a set of 'actual'
words, the linguist will describe their phonological structure in terms
of rules which specify the permissible combinations of classes of
phonemes, each member in the class being in contrast with every
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other. For example, let us say that each column of phonemes in the
matrix given above constitutes a class, as follows: X = {/p/, /b/, /I/},
Y = {/e/> //> //}> ^ = {/t/, /n/, /k/}. We may now formulate a rule
which says that any member of X may combine with any member of
Y and Z (in that order). The rule, as we have just seen, will not only
account for the phonological regularity of such * actual' words as pet,
bet, lit, lick, peck, etc.; but it will also admit as regular a number of
non-occurrent * words'.
Let us now assume that we have established a whole set of rules of
this kind, each of which accounts for the ' regularity' of a class of
English words of different phonological structure, but each of which
also defines as phonologically regular many non-occurrent * words'.
By contrast with the 'actual* words of English, the non-occurrent
'words' also defined as regular by the same phonological rules may
be called 'potential'. In addition there will be many combinations of
phonemes (e.g. /pta / or /atp/: cf. 2.3.6) which are explicitly or
implicitly excluded by the phonological rules, and are defined as
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he sets up for the majority of the words in the vocabulary. And he will
the more readily treat them as ' irregular*, when native speakers of the
language agree that there is something 'unusual* or 'alien* about
But the identification of the 'actual* and the 'regular* also fails
in another respect. Many of the non-occurrent combinations of
phonemes would be accepted by native speakers as more 'normal*
than others; they are, not only easily pronounceable, but in some way
similar in form to other words of the language. The phonological
description of the language should reflect (although it should not
necessarily be determined by) feelings of this kind. It is noticeable,
for instance, and it has often been pointed out, that writers of
nonsense verse (like Lewis Carroll or Edward Lear) will create
'words* which almost invariably conform to the phonological
structure of actual words in the language; and the same is true of
brand-names invented for manufactured products. The ideal system
of phonological rules for a language will therefore be one which
correctly characterizes as regular, not only those combinations of
phonemes which constitute the majority of words in the vocabulary,
but also many others, wrhich native speakers of the language might
accept as 'possible*, or 'potential*, words. Needless to say, there
might be considerable dispute as to the ' correctness * of the charac-
terization. The point is that 'regularity* cannot be defined except in
terms of the rules which specify the permissible combinations of the
phonological units. And this point is valid at all levels of linguistic
description (cf. 4.2.13).
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 121
/b/, /m/. Typical instances of words in which they occur, in initial
and final position, are:
Table 5
The gap in the row for /g/ is accounted for by the fact that this
phoneme does not occur in word-initial position. Under the inter-
pretation of phonemic theory outlined above each of these nine
phonemes is totally different from all the others. Phonetic considera-
tions are relevant to the question of allophonic variation (i.e. to the
grouping together of speech-sounds in complementary distribution as
contextually-determined variants of the same phoneme: cf. 3.3.3),
but not to the relations which hold between one phoneme and
another. To quote Hockett: ' . . .it must constantly be remembered
that a phoneme in a given language is defined only in terms of its
differences from the other phonemes in the same language'. The Prague
school phonologists would amend this statement by defining each
phoneme in terms of both its similarities and its differences with
respect to other phonemes in the same language.
In the case of the nine consonantal phonemes of English illustrated
above we can recognize seven features', or components, to which we
can give the following names (derived from a partial description of
their allophones in terms of articulatory phonetics): velar, labial,
dental (or alveolar); voiceless, voiced; oral, nasal. Of these, the
distinction between voiced and voiceless can be regarded as a distinc-
tion between the presence or absence of the feature of voice; and the
distinction between nasal and oral as a distinction between the
presence or absence of nasality. If we treat the velar, labial and
dental-alveolar components as independent features, each of which is
either present or absent, we can analyse the nine consonants in terms
of five two-valued variables. The variables are La (labial), Ve (velar),
De (dental or alveolar), Vo (voice), Na (nasality), and the two values
are positive (presence) and negative (absence). We will use the binary
digits 1 and o to indicate these positive and negative values (cf. 2.4.3).
Given these notational conventions, we can represent each of the
nine phonemes as a column of values in a two-dimensional matrix
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N iii hi IPI N H N hi
La o 0 0 I 1 I 0 0 0
Ve I 1 I 0 0 O 0 0 O
Be o 0 O 0 0 O 1 1 I
Vo 0 1 I 0 1 I 0 1 I
Na o 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 I
M Izl hi IPI M H N / hi
La + + +
Ve + +
Be + 4. +
Vo + + +
Na + +
(cf. Table 6). For example, the column for /k/ reads (from top to
bottom) as 01000, the column for /g/ as 01010, and so on. It will be
observed that every phoneme is distinguished from every other by at
least one value of the five variable features.
We must now recognize a distinction between functional and non-
functional values. The phonological contrast between /k/ and /g/ is
maintained solely by the negative or positive value of the variable Vo;
so too, is the contrast between /p/ and /b/, and between /t/ and /d/.
The opposition of voiceless v. voiced is therefore a minimal functional
contrast within the English oral stop consonants: it is a distinctive
feature. On the other hand, /Q/ is opposed to both /k/ and /g/, /m/ to
both /pi and /b/, and /n/ to both /t/ and /d/, by the positive value of
Na (nasality); but the fact that the nasal consonants (/Q/, /m/ and /n/)
are also realized with voice can be regarded as irrelevant to the phono-
logical structure of English. Nasality presupposes, or determines, the
occurrence of voice in the phonetic realization of English words: there
are no words which are distinguished by the occurrence of a voiceless
nasal, rather than a voiced nasal, in the same position of paradigmatic
contrast. In this sense, voice is non-functional when it combines with
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 123
nasality. Similarly, since there are no consonants which are both labial
and velar, both labial and dental, both dental and velar, etc., the
positive specification of La> Ve or De in any column of the matrix
determines the negative value of the other two. We may therefore
construct a new matrix in which * + ' will be used for * positive',
' ' for negative, and the absence of either * + * or ' ' for ' non-
functional* (cf. Table 7). Each of the nine phonemes we have been
discussing is now distinguished from the others in terms of either
two or three distinctive features.
The advantage of this approach is that it enables us to state more
systematically and more economically restrictions upon the distribu-
tion of particular classes of phonemes. For example, although there
are many words of English which have /sp/, /sk/ or /st/ in the first
two positions (e.g. spoty skip, step), there are none which begin with
/sb/, /sg/, or /sd/. Quite clearly, this is not an 'accidental* coincidence
in the combinatorial properties of /p/, /k/ and /t/, on the one hand,
and of /b/, /g/ and /d/, on the other. There are not six independent
'facts' to be described at this point, but simply one: 'in the context
/s-/ the distinction between the voiced and voiceless consonants is
non-functional.' And there are many other contexts in which we
would wish to say that a particular opposition between one set of
phonemes and another is non-functional.
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distinctive features in the two systems labelled 'Indo-European* and
'Germanic'. For example, in the former system, [p] opposes [b] as
voiceless v. voiced, and it opposes [bh] as unaspirated v. aspirated. In
the 'Germanic' system, [p] opposes [f] as non-fricative v. fricative,
and it opposes [b] as voiceless v. voiced. The presence or absence
of aspiration is taken as distinctive for 'Indo-European' (but not for
Indo-European Germanic
/P. t. k/
- As + - Vo +
/b. d, g[ /bh, dh, gh/ /p, t, k/ /b, d, g/
Fig. 4. 'Grimm's law' in terms of distinctive features.
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 125
tically as [f] v. [p], etc. (iii) And, subsequently or concomitantly,
aspiration, which was formerly distinctive in /b/ v. /bh/, etc., becomes
non-functional (and is lost), when these pairs of consonants are
distinguished by the opposition of voice.
This summary of the diachronic development also illustrates the
important fact that the same speech-sounds may realize different
combinations of distinctive features in different languages. For
example, [p] has been assigned the values Vo and As in ' Indo-
European', and the values Fr and Vo in * Germanic*. (It may be
that, in each case, one of the two values is non-functional. We will
not discuss this question, since it would require a rather extensive
treatment of the * Indo-European* and 'Germanic* phonological
systems; and the evidence is not always easy to interpret.)
A further point can now be made in relation to this example. The
reader may have been puzzled by the apparently unmotivated shift
from a phonetic to a phonological description of 'Grimm's law* in
the course of the previous paragraph. As we saw in the first chapter
'Grimm's law* did not in fact operate independently of the phono-
logical context in which the consonants occurred. It was 'inhibited',
first of all by the accentual conditions described by Verner (cf. 1.3.11),
and also by the occurrence of a preceding /s/ in word-initial position.
Consequently, a certain number of the voiceless fricatives which
resulted from the phonetic change [p] -> [f], etc., were subsequently
voiced (and realized either as voiced stops or voiced fricatives
in either case, they were identical with the consonants which
resulted from [bh] -> [b], etc.); and the word-initial groups [sp], etc.,
did not develop into [sf], etc., but were phonetically unchanged.
It is for this reason that we say that the phonological system changed.
This point may be illustrated by means of the following schematic
representation of what is assumed to have taken place. The
'words' have been deliberately constructed in order to demonstrate
the principles involved without the introduction of extraneous
Stage 1 Stage 2
(1) [beda] -> [peta]
(2) [p*ba] -> [fepa]
(3) [speda] -> [speta]
(4) [dpar] -> [tefar]
(5) [depar]-> [tebar]
(6) [p<*bhar]-> [febar]
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126 3-T H E
It will be observed that the place of the accent is given for stage i.
This is to take note of 'Verner's law', according to which in (4) the
[p] develops to [f], but in (5) it becomes [b]. As a result, whereas at
stage 1 (4) and (5) had the same consonant in medial position and
thus differed from (6), at stage 2 (5) and (6) share the same medial
consonant and together differ in this respect from (4). And, whereas
at stage 1 the consonant that occurs after [s] in (3) is phonetically
identical with that which occurs initially in (2), at stage 2 it is identical
with the initial consonant of (1). If therefore we describe each system
independently of the other, we will say that the distribution of the
phonemes is quite different. However, if the phonetic changes had
taken place without affecting the syntagmatic and paradigmatic
relations of any phoneme relative to any other, we would say that the
two systems, despite their phonetic realization, were phonologically
isomorphic (cf. 2.2.1).
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 127
The presence of voice, rather than the * presence' of voicelessness, was
taken as the ' positive' value of the feature in question because it is
the voiceless stop consonants which realize the archiphonemes in
positions of neutralization: e.g. /s-/.
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for the purpose of exemplification. This has the advantage that we
can simultaneously illustrate the phenomenon of vowel harmony,
which is found (in one form or another) in very many languages; and
it will make the Turkish examples used in the grammatical sections
of the book easier to follow.
/a/ M ll /o/
Hi + + + +
Ba - + - + 4.
Ro + + + +
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3.3. PHONOLOGY 129
first syllable and + Ba in the second), and (b) words containing * non-
harmonic' suffixes (e.g. sev-iyor> 'he loves', where the first vowel of
-iyor- is 'harmonic', in that it has Ba and Ro like sev-, but the
second is not: it has +Ba and +R6). Both classes of words are
phonologically 'irregular' in terms of the general structure of
Turkish (cf. 3.3.7). It is customarily said that the values of Ba and
Ro are determined by the value they have in the preceding syllable;
and there is certainly good reason to assert that vowel-harmony is
'progressive', rather than 'regressive', in Turkish (cf. 2.4.8, for this
sense of 'progressive' conditioning). Alternatively, however, we
might say that it is neither one nor the other. Instead we can define
Ba and Ro not as distinctive features of phonemes, but as prosodies
of the word. We can think of them as being 'switched' to a particular
value throughout the domain of their operation (in the case of Ba
and Ro this is the whole word, in the case of +Ro it is the first
syllable: and the occurrence of an irregular 'non-harmonic' vowel
'resets' the 'switch', as it were). By contrast, Hi can take the value
'positive' or 'negative' independently in all syllables. We will now
distinguish +Hi and Hi as phonematic units (n.b. not 'phonemes')
and symbolize them as ' I ' and 'A', respectively.
The effect of this distinction between prosodies and phonematic
units is to attribute to the Turkish word a two-dimensional phono-
logical structure. The sequence of phonematic units constitutes the
segmental 'infrastructure' of the word, whereas the prosodies form
its 'superstructure'. This can be represented notationally in various
ways. The system we will use here, for typographical simplicity, is
somewhat unconventional. We will put the phonematic units within
parentheses and prosodies outside the parentheses: thus +Ba, Ro
(klzlArlmlzdAn). The orthographic form of this word, hyphenated
to show the grammatical units out of which it is composed, is kiz-lar-
imiz-dan ('from our daughters'). It will be observed that the phonetic
realization of the vowel in each syllable of the word is determined in
part by the phonematic unit A or I which occurs there and in part by
the prosodies + Ba and Ro which extend over the whole word. The
main advantage of this two-dimensional phonological analysis of
Turkish is that it gives a more correct impression of the number of
phonological contrasts that are possible within the word.
If each of the eight vowels is regarded as being in contrast with all
the others, independently in all syllables of the word, this implies that
the number of possible vowel sequences in a Turkish word of n
syllables is 8 n . But the number of regular sequences is in fact 4 x zn;
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i.e. 2 x 2(2). This will be clear from the statement of the principles of
vowel-harmony given above; and it is reflected in the two-dimensional
prosodic analysis. There are four classes of words determined by the
two values of each of the prosodic * variables': (1) + Ba, + Ro;
(2) -Ba, + Ro; (3) + Ba, -Ro; and (4) -Ba, -Ro. And each of
these classes contains words of one or more syllables, which may be
extended, as the word kiz = -f Ba, Ro (klz) was extended above,
by the addition of further syllables. In principle, since there is the
possibility of either A or I in each syllable, for every value of n (where
n is the number of syllables in the resultant word), there are 2n
phonologically-regular sequences of phonematic units. There are
therefore 4X2 1 ( = 8 ) different 'sequences' of vowels in mono-
syllabic words; 4X2 2 (= 16) two-vowel sequences; 32 three-vowel
sequences; and so on. Once we take note of the difference in the
* domains' of contrast for phonematic units and prosodies the formula
2 x 2(2n) can be interpreted as an instance of the more general
formula N = px given in 2.3.8.
For the benefit of those readers who are not familiar with Turkish,
the following list of six words may be helpful for the interpretation of
the statements made above about vowel-harmony:
gozleriniz Ba, +Ro (gAz-lAr-In-Iz) 'eye-plural-your-
pluraV = 'your
kollarimiz + Ba, + Ro (kAl-lAr-Im-Iz) ' arm-plural-my
plural9 = 'our
adamlarin + Ba, Ro (AdAm-lAr-In) ' man-plural-oV
= 'of (the)
evlerinde Ba, Ro (Av-lAr-I(n)-dA) 'house-p/wra/-
his-in' = 'in
their house'
kolum +Ba9 +Ro (kAl-Im) 'arm-my' = 'my
goziimuz Ba, + Ro (gAz-Im-Iz) 'zyz-my-pluraV
= ' our eyes'
A prosodic representation of the words is given in the second column,
together with an indication of the way in which the words are com-
posed by the 'agglutination' (cf. 5.3.7) of smaller grammatical units.
It will be observed that the phonematic structure of these smaller
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3-3- PHONOLOGY 131
grammatical units remains constant (lAr, Im, etc.). By virtue of their
occurrence in words of one prosodic class rather than another, they
are realized phonetically in different ways: e.g. [ler] v. [lar]; [im] v.
[im] v. [um] v. [iim] (the orthographic representation in the first
column is * broadly* phonetic: cf. 3.1.2).
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universally accepted (even in America). Nowadays, most, if not all,
linguists would agree that it imposes an unnecessarily strong and
undesirable restriction upon the theory of language. If anything, it
reverses the order of precedence, since the notion of contrast can
only apply to words which are capable of occurring in the same
context (cf. 2.4.10). The occurrence of words is determined partly by
their grammatical function (as nouns, verbs, etc.) and partly by their
meaning. It follows, therefore, that two words whose grammatical
function prohibits their occurrence in the same context cannot be in
phonological contrast. And it is frequently the case that a quite
different set of phonological contrasts is relevant for different
grammatical classes.
This is true of Turkish. It has already been mentioned that in
Turkish (as in Russian and German: cf. 3.3.5) the contrast of voiced v.
voiceless is neutralized for stop consonants in word-final position.
However, it is also neutralized for the majority of suffixes that are
added to words in the process of 'agglutination* illustrated above. For
example, the suffix meaning 'in* or 'at* (which was written as -dA-
in the prosodic representation of the word evlerinde) does not contain
a voiced dental stop, but a dental stop which is neutral with respect to
voice. Whether it is realized as [d] or [t] is determined by its occur-
rence in a voiced or voiceless environment. (This is a somewhat
inaccurate statement of the conditions, but it will suffice.) The point
is that the phonological structure of words may be partly determined
by their grammatical structure. Although it has been merely men-
tioned, rather than discussed or fully illustrated, in this section, it
will be taken for granted throughout the rest of this book.
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John Lyons
4.1 Introductory
4.1.1 'Grammar'
The term 'grammar* goes back (through French and Latin) to a
Greek word which may be translated as ' the art of writing \ But quite
early in the history of Greek scholarship this word acquired a much
wider sense and came to embrace the whole study of language, so far
as this was undertaken by the Greeks and their successors. The
history of western linguistic theory until recent times is very largely
the history of what scholars at different times held to fall within the
scope of ' grammar* taken in this wider sense.
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permissible combination in sentences of the language. The proposal
to make the theory and practice of grammar independent of questions
of meaning has been responsible for the most interesting and most
fertile developments in modern grammatical theory. But it has often
been mistakenly assumed that linguists who refuse to admit considera-
tions of meaning in grammar take up this position because they have
no interest in semantics. This is not so. Nor is it because they believe
that semantic analysis is necessarily more subjective than phono-
logical or grammatical analysis. The reason is simply that the gram-
matical structure of a language and its semantic structure tend to be
highly, but not totally, congruent with one another. As soon as the
linguist becomes seriously interested in semantics, he must see that
nothing but advantage can come from the methodological separation
of semantics and grammar. As long as it is maintained that every
identity or difference of grammatical structure must be matched with
some corresponding identity or difference of meaning (however subtle
and difficult to determine) there is a danger that either the gram-
matical description or the semantic, or both, will be distorted.
Furthermore, it should be noted at this point that the methodo-
logical separation of grammar and semantics refers only to the way
in which the description of the language is presented. It does not
mean that the linguist will deliberately refuse to take advantage of his
knowledge of the meaning of sentences when he is investigating their
grammatical structure. We shall see later that the fact that a particular
sentence is ambiguous (has two or more different meanings) is
often an indication that it should be assigned two or more different
grammatical analyses (cf. 6.1.3). But we shall also see that ambi-
guity of itself is insufficient to justify a difference in the grammatical
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more important technical terms when the notions they are associated
with come up for discussion. As far as the word 'formal' is concerned,
it should be remembered that it is commonly used in the following
senses: (i) with reference to the phonological and grammatical
structure of language, in contrast with the semantic (by virtue of the
traditional distinction between the 'form' of a word and its
'meaning': cf. 2.1.2); (ii) with reference to the phonological, gram-
matical and semantic structure of language as distinct from the
' medium' in which language is realized or the conceptual or physical
continuum ' structured' by the lexical elements of language (in this
sense it is opposed to 'substantial': by virtue of the Saussurian
distinction of 'substance' and 'form', cf. 2.2.2); (iii) as equivalent to
'formalized' or 'explicit', in contrast with 'informal' or 'intuitive';
(iv) in opposition to 'notional', in the sense in which this latter term
has been illustrated above with the quotation from Jespersen. Of these
four senses, (i) and (iv) are not always distinguished in the literature:
when linguists talk about 'notional' grammar, they tend to assume
that any universal categories postulated by the grammarian will
necessarily be based on meaning. (Whether this is a valid assumption
or not we will not discuss at this point: we merely draw attention to
the fact that it is often taken for granted that 'notional' implies
'semantically-based'.) It is sense (ii), which is in direct conflict with
sense (i), that tends to cause the most confusion.
For the sake of completeness, one should perhaps mention that in
the very recent literature a somewhat different opposition has been
introduced by Chomsky, in his discussion of the universal properties
of language. This is a distinction between 'formal' and 'substantive'
universals (n.b. 'substantive', not 'substantial'). Roughly, this rests
upon a distinction between the nature of the rules used by the linguist
in the description of languages and the elements (linguistic units or
classes of units) to which reference is made in the rules. If one holds,
for example, that there is a fixed set of distinctive features, a particular
selection of which is combined in various ways in the phonological
systems of different languages (cf. 3.3.11), one may say that these
distinctive features constitute the substantive universals of phono-
logical theory. By contrast, any condition imposed upon the manner
in which the phonological rules operate or the way in which the
phonological units combine with one another according to the
specification of the rules is a formal universal of phonological theory.
The postulate of unidimensionality, for instance, could be regarded
as a formal universal of 'orthodox' phonemic theory (cf. 3.3.14).
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Chomsky's use of * formal' is related to sense (iii) of the previous
paragraph. The universal categories of traditional grammar (in
particular the ' parts of speech') cannot be described as either * formal'
or 'substantive', in any very strict application of this distinction,
since the rules of traditional grammar were not explicitly formalized.
However, it is probably true to say, with Chomsky, that they were
defined primarily in 'substantive' terms. It should be noticed, how-
ever, that the traditional definitions of the 'parts of speech' frequently
included some specification of their combinatorial properties. We
shall return to this question in a later chapter (cf. 7.6.1 ff.).
These terminological remarks are intended to assist the reader who
may have read, or who may go on to read, other works on linguistic
theory. In this book, the term 'formal' will be employed only in
senses (iv) and (iii), that is to say, in opposition to 'notional', on the
one hand, and to 'informal', on the other: the transition from one
sense to the other will be made in the course of the present chapter.
When the noun 'form' is used in a technical sense, it will be clearly
distinguished by its juxtaposition with either 'meaning' or 'sub-
stance ': cf. (i) and (ii) above.
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of material are valid only for the sentences actually occurring in the
corpus and carry no implications as to what other sentences might be
produced by native speakers of the language in question. But this
attitude, however well-intentioned, is, as we shall see, both theoreti-
cally and practically untenable.
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utterances. In this respect therefore a generative description will
reflect, and indeed can be thought of as * explaining', the native
speaker's ability to produce and understand an indefinitely large set
of potential utterances.
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For simplicity of exposition, we shall assume that the language we are
describing is uniform (by 'uniform' is meant 'dialectally and
stylistically' undifferentiated): this is, of course, an lidealization' of
the facts (cf. 1.4.5) a n c * t n a t all native speakers will agree whether an
utterance is acceptable or not. We shall also assume that the 'odd'
sentences which one might find in children's stories or science fiction
are describable in terms of an extension of the description which
accounts primarily for more 'normal' utterances. We shall concen-
trate therefore upon the distinction of phonologically acceptable and
grammatically acceptable, on the one hand, and of grammatically
acceptable (grammatical) and semantically acceptable (meaningful)
on the other.
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precede a (cf. isangasongofsixpence); but *isantapintofmilk is not an
acceptable sentence. (Throughout this and the following sections we
shall use an asterisk before a word or sentence to denote unaccept-
ability. This is now standard practice in linguistics. In historical and
comparative studies the asterisk generally denotes an unattested, or
'reconstructed', word or phonological unit (cf. 1.3.13).) Nor is
*iwantapinkofmilt, or *ipindawantopfilk, although none of these
'utterances' can be excluded by virtue of the phonological structure
of English. Even if we were to work out over a large body of text, not
only the permissible pairs, triples, quadruples, etc., of letters, but also
the probabilities of occurrence of particular letters relative to their
neighbours (such calculations have been carried out for English and
for certain other languages, and the results have been used in crypto-
graphy and in the design of communication channels for the trans-
mission of written messages), this would not help us very much in our
attempt to construct other acceptable sentences of English by substi-
tuting single letters or groups of letters in the model sentence. The
fact is that certain' blocks' of letters within the language form' higher-
level* units at the boundaries of which the probabilities of occurrence
of single letters relative to one another are of little significance in
determining which 'blocks' can combine with one another to form
acceptable utterances.
More relevant than the general probability of occurrence of w
after i and before a is the fact that w forms part of the 'block* want.
From one point of view this can be considered as a permissible sequence
of letters in English; from another point of view it must be considered
as a unit, for which other 'blocks' may be substituted to produce
further acceptable utterances: idrinkapintofmilk, itakeapintofmilk, etc.
And i is also a 'block': the fact that it is composed of only one
letter is irrelevant. No other single letter may be substituted for it in
the present environment to produce a different acceptable utterance,
but only such other 'blocks' as we, they, thejoneses, etc. What we have
been calling 'blocks' of letters we may now recognize, provisionally at
least, as words of the language. (To simplify the argument, we will
here neglect the fact that some 'blocks' which we might substitute
for / in the present example are not single words, but combinations
of words, like The Joneses, They all, etc. At this point the reader
may wish to refer again to the section dealing with the * double
articulation' of the expression-plane: cf. 2.1.3.)
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thisneednot be the case(cf. 3.3.16). Grammar and phonology are estab-
lished as theoretically distinct levels of linguistic structure. But the
phonological and the grammatical structures of particular languages
are usually interdependent (in different ways and in different degrees).
It will be the linguist's task in describing a given language to account
for this interdependence, where it exists (as it will also be his task to
account for such interdependence as may hold between the gram-
matical and the semantic structure- of the language).
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substitution and since 'acceptability* includes 'meaningfulness', it
may appear that we are guilty of equivocation here. We are working
towards, but still have not reached, the distinction of ' grammatical *
and 'meaningful'.) It will be seen that a and^> have certain environ-
ments in common (cf. -r, pc-9 dac-)9 and so do b and r (cf. a-, qa-)y
and d and q (cf. dac-a> -aca9 ac-p)y but that c has a unique distribution
(a-a9p-a9p-p9 qa-a9 da-a, da-p, etc.) in the sense that no other 'word*
occurs in any of the environments in which c occurs. Let us now put
a and p into a class X, and substitute the class-label X at each place
where either a or p occurs (the sentences which differ only in that
where one has a the other has p being reduced formulaically to one
class of sentences): Xb9 Xr (ar9 pr)9 qXb9 dXb9 XcX (aca9 pca9 pcp)9
qXry qXcX9 dXcX (daca9 dacp)9 dxcqX, dXcdX, qXcdX, XcqX9
XcdX. Let us now group b and r into a distributional class Y, and
d and q into a class Z. Substituting Y for b and r, and Z for d and q9
we get: (i) XY9 (Xb9 Xr); (2) ZXY (qXb9 qXr9 dXb); (3) XcX;
(4) ZXcX (qXcX9 dXcX); (5) ZXcZX (dXcqX9 dXcdX9 qXcdX);
(6) XcZX (XcqX9 XcdX). We can thus account for the sentences of
our corpus in terms of six structural formulae specifying the accept-
able sequences of classes of words (c being a one-member class).
These formulae are linear (in a sense to be explained later: cf. 6.1.1).
For the present we may be content with the description of the
sentences of our corpus in terms of their linear structurethat is to
say, in terms of the following formulae, or rules:
(2) ZXY
(3) XcX
(4) ZXcX
(5) ZXcZX
(6) XcZX
Each of these rules may be thought of as describing a distinct
sentence-type. (The fact that it is possible to reduce these sentence-
types to subtypes by invoking the principles of constituent-structure
is irrelevant at the present stage of the exposition: cf. 6.1.2 ff.) It will
be observed that this system of rules satisfactorily accounts for the
acceptability of the seventeen sentences of the corpus (it defines them
as grammatical). But it does so only by including the occurrent
sentences as members of a total set of forty-eight sentences. (The
number 48 is obtained by applying the formula given in 2.3.8 to
each of the six sentence-types and summing the totals. There are
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pret the example with reference to English. Let a = men, p = women,
b = live, r = die, c = love, d = old, q young. In other words, let
the class X include all those words which are usually referred to as
'plural nouns'; let Y be the class of 'intransitive verbs'; c, the class
of' transitive verbs'; and Z, the class of' adjectives \ Our statement of
the permissible combinations of word-classes implies that sentences
such as Men die, Old men love young women, etc., which would be
described in traditional grammar as instances of a simple * subject ' -
'predicate* construction, are grammatically acceptable, while *Die
men or *Old love young men women, etc., are not.
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here as T. The class of nouns and the class of verbs, abbreviated as
N and V, contain several thousands of words, including those which
occur in the ' actual' sentences listed above:
N = {dog, man, chimpanzee, banana, wind, door, linguist, fact,
meaning, structure, child, milk, meat, . . . }
V = {bites, eats, opens, recognizes, determines, undresses,
frightens, drinks, sees, . . . }
Given this tentative distributional classification of particular words of
English (and it will be observed that we are, by implication, restricting
ourselves to the consideration of sentences in which only isingular*
nouns and 'present-tense* verbs occur), we may propose the following
grammatical rule (which assumes a purely linear structure: cf. 6.1.1):
S i: T+N+V+T+N
The symbol ' 2 ' ('sigma') stands for 'sentence': the Greek letter is
employed rather than the Roman ' S' (practice varies in this respect in
current work in linguistics) in order to emphasize the difference of
status' in grammatical theory between sentences and the units out of
which sentences are constructed, e.g. words (cf. chapter 5). The sub-
script numeral attached to S indicates that the rule accounts for only
one class of sentences. The choice of the numeral is purely arbitrary.
The rule may be read as follows: * Any combination of words which
results from the substitution of one member of the appropriate word-
class, chosen at random from the word-lists in the lexicon of the
language, in place of the symbols Ty N and V at each position of
the linear formula T+N+ V+ T+ N is a sentence of type 1.' The
grammatical rule presupposes, therefore, not only a lexicon (or
dictionary) in which all the words of the language are given the
appropriate grammatical classification as N, V or T, but also one or
more rules of lexical substitution for the replacement of the word-class
symbols with words. The existence of such rules we may take for
granted at this point: they will be discussed in the following section.
Given the grammatical rule proposed above and the associated lists
specifying the members of the grammatical classes, all the sentences
in our 'sample* are defined to be grammatical, with the structural
description T+N+V+T+N.
We have said that N and V might have several thousand members.
To simplify the arithmetical calculation and yet obtain some reason-
able indication of the number of English sentences that would be
generated by the single rule given above, let us assume that each of the
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two classes, N and V, contains exactly one thousand (io3) members.
On this assumption, the proposed rule generates no more and no less
than I X I O 3 X I O 3 X I X I O 3 = io 9 (one thousand million) sentences,
each with the same structural description. This is but one rule, and it
accounts for a very simple class of very short English sentences.
It is therefore a very comprehensive rule. It is comprehensive in the
sense that it undoubtedly generates an enormous number of accept-
able sentences. But it is perhaps too comprehensive, since it also
generates (and defines to be grammatical) very many sentences which
would fail to pass the test of acceptability in normal circumstances of
use. (The condition 'in normal circumstances', however indetermi-
nate it might be in application, cannot be omitted. For example, many
'normally* unacceptable 'sentences' are deliberately introduced in
the context of linguistic discussion, and in similar 'abnormal*
circumstances.) Since all the sentences generated by the proposed
rule are thereby defined as grammatical, we must either amend the rule
to exclude some of the sentences which we consider to be unaccept-
able or account for their unacceptability, if it can be accounted for in
the total description of the language, in terms of the incompatibility
of the meanings of particular subclasses of words (or in some other
way). These two alternatives are not, in fact, mutually exclusive, as
we shall see. But let us first consider the implications of the first
alternative within the framework of ' formal' grammar.
4.2.10 Subclassification
One obvious way of amending the proposed grammatical analysis is to
subdivide the classes N and V and formulate, not one new rule, but a
whole set of different rules. Let us therefore reclassify the vocabulary
as follows:
Na = {dog, man> chimpanzee, linguisty child, wind, . . . }
Nb = {banana, door, milk, meat, . . . }
Nc = {fact, meaning, structure, . . . }
Vd = {eats, bites, frightens, undresses, sees, . . . }
Ve = {recognizes, determines, sees, eats, . . . }
Vf = {determines, . . . }
Before we proceed, a number of points should be stressed in con-
nexion with this reclassification. First, the way in which we have
arrived at the particular decisions incorporated in it is, in principle,
irrelevant. It is not being suggested here that linguistic theory can, or
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should, yield a set of procedures for the determination, or * discovery',
of the distributional classes referred to in the grammatical rules. What
matters is whether one classification rather than another enables the
grammarian to formulate a set of rules which will include the
maximum number of acceptable sentences and the minimum number
of unacceptable sentences among the total set of sentences which the
grammar generates. (There are additional considerations, which we
will discuss later with reference to the distinction of 'strong' and
'weak' adequacy: cf. 6.5.7. They may be disregarded at this point.)
The second point to notice is that the new subclasses, despite the use
of subscripts, are now assumed to be totally unrelated to one another.
In other words, Na, Nb and iVc are subclasses of N only in the ' acci-
dental' sense that we have gone from an earlier tentative grammatical
classification to a later tentative classification. In principle, what we
have done is to construct a completely new classification of the vocabu-
lary and a completely new grammar for the language we are describing.
As we shall see in the following section, it is possible to revise the
notion of distributional classification with which we are at present
operating in such a way that Naf Nb> Nc can be regarded as subclasses
of the wider class N, and Vd> Ve and Vf as subclasses of V. Finally, it
should be observed that we have introduced a certain amount of
multiple membership: determines occurs in both Ve and Vf, and sees
in both Vd and Ve. Apart from anything that might be said against the
double classification of these words, this has the undesirable con-
sequence that within the present framework sees in a sentence like
The child sees the banana is, from the grammatical point of view, a quite
different element from sees in such sentences as The child sees the
meaning. We shall return to this problem also in the next section.
Given the new classification of the words we are concerned with, we
will substitute for the previous rule a whole set of rules (each one, it
should be noticed, defining a completely different sentence-type):
(a) S x : T+Na + Vd+ T+Na (cf. The dog bites the man)
(b) 2 2 : T+Na + Vd+T+Nb (cf. The chimpanzee eats the
(c) S 3 : T+Na + Ve + T+Nc (cf. The linguist recognizes the fact)
(d) S 4 : T+Nc + Vf+T+Ne (cf. The meaning determines the
Although these four rules suffice to generate the nine sentences of the
'sample' (and very many others), it will be evident that further rules
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are now required to account for other sentences composed of the
words used in the * sample' which we might wish to regard as
acceptable (The banana frightens the linguist, etc.). The reader is
invited to construct some additional rules and also to extend the lists
of words given above.
The most important point that arises in connexion with the revision
of the grammatical rules is this: the distinction between the gram-
matical and the ungrammatical sentences of English has now been
redefined. Such combinations of words as *The banana bites the
meanings *The structure drinks the chimpanzee, etc., which we will
assume to be unacceptable as utterances of English, are now defined to
be ungrammatical. On the other hand, there are many other unaccept-
able utterances which would be allowed by the rules as grammatical:
*The chimpanzee drinks the door, *The dog undresses the wind, etc.
In principle, we might hope to make the classification of words and
the system of rules progressively more detailed, making continual
adjustments until it becomes capable of generating the maximum
number of acceptable sentences and the minimum number of un-
acceptable sentences. With each successive modificationand this is
the theoretical import of the illustrationthe limits of grammaticality
are redefined for the language being described. From the 'formal'
(v. 'notional') point of view, grammaticality is nothing more than
acceptability to the extent that this can be brought within the scope
of a particular set of rules and a particular classification of the lexical
and grammatical elements in the language. (For the present, the
distinction between' lexical' and' grammatical elements' that has been
slipped in at this point may be disregarded: ' lexical and grammatical
elements' may be interpreted as 'words'.)
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cation of their component words, the linguist will be faced with a
situation in which he is establishing more and more rules, each
covering very few sentences; and he will be setting up so many over-
lapping word-classes that all semblance of generality is lost. This is
what is meant by the principle of 'diminishing returns': there comes
a point (and where this point is might be legitimate matter for dispute)
at which the increase in the complexity of the rules is too * costly' in
proportion to its * yield', a relatively small increase in the coverage of
acceptable and unacceptable sentences. But the second factor is no less
important. Since the sentences of the language being described are so
numerous (and, as we shall see later, for both practical and theoretical
reasons we may wish to say that they are infinite in number), one
cannot hope to decide for every sentence generated by the grammar
that it is definitely acceptable or unacceptable. In fact, one does not
have to go very far with the grammatical description of any language
before one finds disagreement among native speakers about the
acceptability of sentences generated by the rules tentatively estab-
lished by the grammarian. There is therefore a real, and perhaps
ineradicable, problem of indeterminacy with respect to acceptability
and unacceptability.
It would seem to follow from these considerations that the gram-
matical structure of any language is in the last resort indeterminate.
It is not only that linguists will differ in their interpretation of what
constitutes the optimum degree of generality in the scope of the rules
and in their evaluation of the acceptability of particular sets of
sentences. There is the additional problem that the generation of one
set of sentences of a particular type may make the generation of other
sentences of a different type extremely difficult to handle within the
theoretical framework established for the first set. Some instances of
the problems which arise will be given in a later chapter (cf. 8.3.6 ff.).
It may be that they will be lessened, and even eliminated, by advances
in grammatical theory that are now being made: but at the present
time they seem to be rather intractable. We may therefore restate as a
general principle which governs all grammatical description (and it
will be unaffected by anything that is said in subsequent chapters
about the nature and manner of operation of grammatical rules) the
following fact: whether a certain combination of words is or is not
grammatical is a question that can only be answered by reference to a
particular system of rules which either generates it (and thus defines
it to be grammatical) or fails to generate it (and thereby defines it to
be ungrammatical).
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Most writers on grammatical theory, including those who have
made major contributions to the development of transformational
grammar (in particular, Chomsky), would seem to reject this principle.
They suggest that the grammatical structure of any language is
determinate and is known 'intuitively* (or 'tacitly') by native
speakers. This appears to be an unnecessarily strong assumption. It
is undoubtedly the case that native speakers will agree that certain
sets of utterances 'belong together', or are 'similar* or 'different* in
some way. These' intuitions', in so far as they are ascertainable, are an
important part of the linguist's data; and he will try to account for
them by distinguishing various kinds of acceptability (or well-formed-
ness) and various kinds of relatedness between sentences. But he need
not assume that there will be any very direct correspondence between
the 'intuitions' of the speakers and the statements made by the
One should not exaggerate the difference of opinion between
linguists on this question. To assert that the grammatical structure of
language is in the last resort indeterminate is not the same as to assert
that no part of the grammatical structure is determinate. There are
many combinations of words (e.g. *They likes shey *The dog bite the
man, etc.) which all linguists will characterize immediately, not only
as unacceptable, but also as 'ungrammatical' (without necessarily
producing a set of grammatical rules). One can say that their immedi-
ate reaction is based on an 'intuitive* awareness of the grammatical
structure of standard English; one can equally well say that the
combinations in question infringe principles of such generality in
utterances of standard English that any grammar would necessarily
have to take account of them. It is with respect to the less general
principles that alternative grammars might differ in their charac-
terization of sentences as grammatical and ungrammatical. And the
'intuitions' of linguists and speakers of the language tend to be un-
reliable and inconsistent at this point anyway.
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that sense, makes them determinate. When we say that a certain
utterance is ungrammatical (by reference to a given grammar), we are
not implying that it is not also unacceptable for other reasons. Of some
unacceptable combinations of words we will say that they are gram-
matical, but meaningless; of others that, although they are both
grammatical and meaningful, they would not normally occur, because
the occasion for saying what they 'express* could hardly arise. Of yet
another class of combinations of words we might be inclined to say
that they are both ungrammatical and meaningless. At one end of the
' continuum' of acceptability there are to be found certain combina-
tions of words whose acceptability or unacceptability is accounted for
only by the grammar (cf. He gives, They give v. *He give, *They
gives). At the other end of the continuum the grammatical description
is of no avail. But there will be many utterances in the description of
whose acceptability or unacceptability both a grammatical account and
an explanation in terms of the meaning of the component words will
be valid: and it is this fact which gives to the 'notional' definitions of
certain grammatical classes the considerable degree of validity that
they have in certain languages ('verbs of motion', 'masculine noun',
'locative phrase', etc.). We will return to this question of the cor-
relation between the grammatical and the semantic classification of
words in the next section.
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see later that sentences with more than one structural description are
defined to be grammatically ambiguous: cf. 6.1.3.)
This second, more or less mathematical, sense of the term' generate'
presupposes, for its applicability to grammar, a rigorous and precise
specification of the nature of the grammatical rules and their manner
of operation: it presupposes the formalization of grammatical theory.
In the course of this section, we have therefore moved from
'formal* v. 'notional' to 'formal* v. 'informal' in our interpretation
of the term 'formal grammar'. This transition reflects the historical
development of grammatical theory over the last ten or fifteen
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'irregular' forms (which they might put in the grammar, as well as
listing them alphabetically in the dictionary). They assumed the
possibility of constructing lists of words for the purpose of 'synthesis'
on the basis of the meaning of particular words and the definitions of
the 'parts of speech*. Some recent generative grammars, or gram-
matical sketches, provide partial lists for each word-class (and we shall
discuss the nature of these lists below). The difference between the
two kinds of lexicon is not one of principle, but simply one of
convenience of reference. Modern generative grammars of the kind
referred to have been more concerned to establish the grammatical
classes required in the description of the language they are dealing
with than exhaustively to classify all the words in these languages. If
all the words of the language are not classified appropriately in the
lexicon, the grammar will not be generative in the sense referred to
as 'explicit' (cf. 4.2.13).
One consequence of the adoption of the point of view of analysis
rather than synthesis may be mentioned here. If the linguist knows
that his description of a particular language is going to be used only
for the analysis of recorded material (this is the case, for example, in
some of the projects which have as their aim the automatic analysis of
written texts for the purpose of machine-translation or library-
classification and the retrieval of information), he can afford to make
a less exhaustive classification of the lexicon and a less complete
grammatical description of the language.
For example, there are very many English nouns which end in ness
(e.g. goodness, correctness, etc.). Most of these, like the two instances
just cited, can be 'derived' from adjectives (e.g. good, correct, etc.).
Without going into the nature of 'derivation' at this point (cf. 5.4.2),
we can say one word, a noun, may be derived from another, an
adjective, by means of the following formula: Ax + ness = Ny. (This
may be read as follows: 'Any word composed of a member of word-
class Ax and ness is a member of word-class Ny.') Since this is a very
productive derivational rule of English, we may assume that it is
included in the grammar; and all the words ending in ness which can
be derived by means of the formula may be removed from the lexicon.
Now, if we are concerned with synthesis, we must decide which
adjectives belong to the class Ax: whether, for instance, this class
includes true and strong, so that trueness and strongness (in addition to,
or rather than, truth and strength) would be generated as grammatical
or excluded as ungrammatical. But a 'recognition' grammar need not
wait upon this decision. Then it would be quite reasonable to work
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with the more general rule A + ness = Nv. ('Any word which occurs
in a sentence at a position in which Ny is permissible, and which can
be analysed into A and ness is to be accepted by the recognition pro-
gramme.') If trueness and strongness were to turn up in the texts being
analysed they would be analysed and accepted as grammatical; if not,
the question is irrelevant. (The words truth and strength would be listed
in the lexicon or analysed in terms of other rules. The example that
has been used here comes from an actual computer programme which
successfully analysed very many English derivational formations.)
There is no difference of principle associated with the difference of
viewpoint. Whether it is used for analysis or synthesis, the formula
A + ness = Ny generates the same set of words (assuming that it
makes reference to the same list of adjectives). But, if one is concerned
solely with analysis, one can afford to set one's sights lower. One can
deliberately generate (in the abstract, mathematical sense of ' gener-
ate'and this is the sense in which the term must always be inter-
preted) a set of sentences which includes many that one would
normally wish to exclude, on the assumption that they will not occur
anyway. To exclude sentences which one assumes will not occur
would add considerably to the 'cost' (cf. 4.2.11). This principle of
'cost-effectiveness' has frequently been applied in automatic
language-analysis by computer, since the principle of 'diminishing
returns' has a very direct economic interpretation (in terms of the
additional time required for programming, extra running time for
the computer, etc.).
But one must forestall a possible misunderstanding in connexion
with analysis and synthesis. The fact that the grammar is neutral
between the two does not imply that analysis is simply the converse of
synthesis (or vice versa). It should not be supposed that a computer pro-
gramme, for instance, might work 'downwards' through a set of rules
(and from the grammar to the lexicon) in the' production' of sentences
and 'upwards' through the same set of rules (and from the lexicon to
the grammar) in the 'recognition' of a given corpus of material.
Both 'production' and 'recognition', whether by speakers and
hearers of a language or by a computer programme designed to simu-
late their 'behaviour' in the use of language, would seem to involve
'feedback' from one process to the other (cf. 3.2.9). Little progress
has yet been made in the investigation of this problem from a psycho-
logical point of view; and a certain amount of 'psycholinguistic'
research has been vitiated by a failure to realize that 'generative' does
not mean 'productive'. Hence this cautionary paragraph.
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(3) V->{Vd,Ve,Vf}
(4) Na -> {man, dog, chimpanzee, . . . }
(5) Nh -> {banana, door, milk, . . . }
(6) iVc -> {fact, meaning, structure, . . . }
(7) Va -> {eats, bites, frightens, . . . }
(8) Ve -> {recognizes, . . . }
(9) P/ "^ {determines, . . . }
This system of rules formalizes within the grammar the fact that Na,
Nb and iVc are subclasses of AT (the members of the subclasses are
'nouns') and Vd, Ve and Vf are subclasses of V (the members are
'verbs'). There is consequently an additional 'layer' of grammatical
structure introduced by the system for the purpose of formalizing
this fact (cf. Fig. 6, which represents the additional 'layer' by means
of the branches of the 'tree' connecting N and Na and V and Vd).
However, it does so by allowing as grammatical the very combinations
of subclasses that the process of subclassification was designed to
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prohibit. (There is no restriction in the above set of rules to prevent
the selection of, say, Nb in the second position, of Vd in the third
position, and of Nc in the fifth position.)
What is involved here is the principle of syntagmatic conditioning,
or compatibility, between one subclass of words and another: what is
generally referred to as lexical selection. At this point, we are con-
cerned with the structure of the lexicon, and we will not go into the
grammatical aspects of this. Let us simply assume that an appropriate
formalization is available (making use of 'context-sensitive* rules:
cf. 6.5.1) which will enable us to preserve the notion of subclassifi-
cation, expressed in rules (2) and (3), and yet to generate the desired
combinations of subclasses.
Each successive subclassification of this kind implies an increase in
the number of lexical-substitution rules at the end of the grammar.
Moreover, it will be evident that this formalization is based upon a
very particular (and, as we shall see, false) assumption about the
grammatical structure of language. The rules divide the vocabulary
into hierarchically-ordered classes and subclasses (cf. Fig. 7), such
that iV all and Nal2 are totally included in Nal, Nal is totally included
in Na, and Na is totally included in N; and so on. This assumption
was made in the earliest generative grammars which adopted the
rewrite-system of formalization (introduced into linguistics by
It is unsatisfactory in two respects. First, it leads to a large number
of separate lists of words in the lexicon, with a commensurately high
degree of multiple-membership (cf. 4.2.10). Second, and more im-
portant, it makes the formulation of the grammatical rules more
complicated than the 'facts' would suggest is necessary. To quote
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Chomsky: 'The difficulty is that this subcategorization [i.e. the sub-
classification of the vocabulary] is typically not strictly hierarchic, but
involves cross classification. Thus, for example, Nouns in English are
either Proper (John, Egypt) or Common (boy, book) and either
Human (John, boy) or non-Human (Egypt, book)... But if the sub-
categorization is given by rewriting rules, then one or the other of
these distinctions will have to dominate, and the other will be
unstatable in the natural way.' For instance, if the class of Nouns is
Fig. 7.
first divided into Proper Nouns and Common Nouns, then each of
these in turn divided into a Human and non-Human subclass, the
only way in which a rule can be formulated to refer to all Human
nouns is by making it refer to both of the completely unrelated classes
Proper-Human and Common-Human (since there is no list of
Human Nouns in the lexicon). Chomsky goes on to point out: 'As
the depth of the analysis increases [i.e. with successive subclassifi-
cation], problems of this sort mount to the point where they indicate
a serious inadequacy in a grammar that consists entirely of rewriting
We shall not discuss the revision of the grammatical rules which
Chomsky has proposed in order to solve these problems: in this
chapter we are working with a very simple system. As far as the
lexicon is concerned the effect of 'cross-classification* is clear. It
means that each word must be indexed in a way that makes it
possible to select, for instance, any 'human' noun (regardless of
whether it is 'proper' or 'common'), any 'concrete' noun (regardless
of whether it is 'animate' or 'inanimate'), and so on. The technical
term which has come to be associated with this kind of classification,
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or * indexing', is feature (cf. the use of the term * feature' in phonology,
with which there is a certain parallelism). Every word, we assume,
must be listed in the lexicon (which can now no longer take the form
of a set of rewrite-rules included in the grammar) with a set of features,
as follows:
boy: [common], [human], [masculine], . . .
door: [common], [inanimate], . . .
The rule, or rules, of lexical substitution will then be formulated in
a manner which makes it possible to select a particular word according
to one or more specified features. At what point in the generative
system the lexical-substitution rules will apply is a disputed question.
It should be observed, however, that, although we must now abandon
the view of the lexicon which represented it as a set of rules of the
form Na -> {boy, . . . } , our more general rule still holds (cf. 4.3.2):
('rewrite X as x, where x is a member of the word-class X'). The
difference is that now X is that class of words which satisfy a parti-
cular feature-specification. For example, if the sentence generated by
the grammar calls for a 'common, human, masculine' noun, then X
is the class composed of all the words in the lexicon which include
among their grammatical features [common], [human] and [mascu-
line] : e.g. boy. But there is no list of this composite class.
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grammatical rules, are labels for what are assumed to be distribution-
ally-based classes. However, the labels that have been employed at
this point (which derive from 'notional* grammar) obviously carry
with them certain semantic implications. We have already referred
to the congruence which holds, in various degrees, between the
grammatical and the semantic structure of language; and we shall
come back to this question later. It may be assumed that most of the
grammatically 'animate' nouns will denote human beings or animals,
that most 'masculine* nouns will denote males, and so on. But the
classification of words in terms of such features as 'animate* or
'masculine* will often conflict with a classification based on the
meaning of the words (cf. chapter 7). This is well-recognized, and it is
the main reason why most linguists have turned away from ' notional *
At the same time, it should be clearly understood that in a compre-
hensive description of a language the lexicon will include both
grammatical and semantic information for every word that is listed
there. It is not inconceivable that the semantic information should be
organized in such a way that it then becomes possible to derive part
of the grammatical information (required for the operation of the
grammatical rules) from the statement of the meaning of the word
whenever there is congruence between the grammatical and the semantic
classification. Let us suppose, for example, that the word man is given
in the lexicon with a statement of its meaning (in whatever form this
might take) and let us further suppose that from this information it is
possible to derive by a statable rule the fact that man (in at least one
of its meanings) denotes a male, adult, human being (n.b. this does
not imply that the meaning of man is 'male, adult, human being*:
this proviso is important in view of what will be said in the chapters
on semantics). Given this fact, we can derive from it the grammatical
classification of the word man as [masculine], [human], which implies
[animate], etc. This is a grammatical classification, because it is
designed to account for such distributional facts as the use of the
forms who v. which; he, him, his v. she, her v. it, its, etc. For example,
*The man which came..., or *The man washed her own shirt must be
excluded as unacceptable, and we will assume as ungrammatical.
At first sight, it might appear that this proposal to derive the
grammatical classification of a word from a statement of its meaning
contradicts the principles of formal grammar discussed in the previous
section. This is not so, provided that we respect the following
important condition: any general rule that is established for the
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derivation of grammatical features from the statement of the meaning
of a word given in the lexicon is inhibited by the overt specification of
the word with a contradictory feature. Let us assume, for example, that
all words denoting human beings are grammatically [human], and
that this also implies that they are [animate]; further, that they are
[masculine] if they denote males, and [feminine] if they denote
females. This is the general principle, which will apply if there is no
contradictory grammatical classification associated in the lexicon with
a given word. We will now state (and assume the grammatical
apparatus for the formalization of this statement) that [inanimate]
contradicts [animate]. Since the word man does not have any contra-
dictory grammatical features associated with it in the lexicon, the
general rules for the conversion of semantic information into gram-
matical will apply correctly.
But the word child might be entered in the lexicon with the feature
[inanimate], in order to allow such sentences as The child ate its
dinner. One realizes immediately, however, that the facts are far more
complicated than this simple technique can handle. Such sentences
as The child ate his dinner and The child ate her dinner are also
acceptable. We might therefore introduce a distinction between
[inanimate] and [neuter]. Normally, [inanimate] (whether it is
specified in the grammatical information or derived for a particular
word from an analysis of its meaning) will imply [neuter]; and
[animate] will imply either [masculine] or [feminine], the choice
being left free if the noun is not determined as one or the other. But
we might consider the possibility of entering child as both [animate]
and [neuter]. In this case, we must set up the grammatical rules in
such a way that the selection of either he or she on the basis of
[animate] is not inhibited by the presence of [neuter]; and, con-
versely, that the selection of it on the basis of [neuter] is not inhibited
by the presence of [animate]. The situation is in fact rather more
complicated than we have indicated here. But the general principles
are not affected by the additional complexity.
The proposal that has just been outlined has not yet been imple-
mented in any of the published literature (as far as I am aware). But
it has much to recommend it; and its implementation might well result
from developments that have been taking place recently in 'com-
ponentiar semantics (cf. 10.5.iff.). At the same time, it must be
stressed that the proposal is not only highly speculative at the present
time, but any attempt to implement it would entail a rather radical
revision of the formalization of generative grammar as this has been
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developed by Chomsky and his followers. Various suggestions have
been made recently by other authors which, for other reasons, would
tend to imply that this revision is necessary; and reference to these
will be made in the notes appended to later sections of this book.
However, in the body of the book we shall follow (in general, if not
always on points of detail) the main line of development in the theory
of generative grammar, as this has been traced by Chomsky and those
working most closely with him.
4.3.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have introduced the notion of 'generative
grammar'; and we have deliberately simplified the treatment of
grammatical rules, in order to concentrate upon the more general
principles. We have also maintained the view that sentences are
constructed by the simple operation of taking words from the lexicon
(according to their grammatical classification) and combining them in
sequence. Furthermore, we have not distinguished consistently
between 'sentence* and 'utterance', since we have tacitly assumed
that the grammar (supplemented by the rules of phonology and their
phonetic interpretation in the substance of sound) generates sentences
which are 'identical* with the potential utterances of the language.
Modifications will be introduced on all these points in the course of
the next two chapters. Before we return to the further development of
the generative framework, we must discuss the nature of sentences
and other grammatical units.
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John Lyons
5.1 Introductory
5.1.1 Words, sentences, morphemes, phrases and clauses
Traditional linguistic theory operates with two fundamental units of
grammatical description: the word and the sentence. Both of these
units are given practical recognition in the conventions of different
writing systems. For instance, in the various alphabetic systems
employed for European languages, as well as for many other languages
throughout the world, sentences are separated from one another by
using special marks of punctuation (full-stop, question-mark, ex-
clamation-mark) and by capitalizing the first letter of the first word in
each sentence; and, within sentences, words are separated from one
another by spaces. For this reason, the educated layman is familiar
with the terms 'word' and 'sentence', and uses them freely in talking
about language.
So far we have been employing the terms 'word* and 'sentence*
without definition or explanation. We must now examine these terms
in the light of the general principles discussed in the previous chapter,
taking account of the implications that 'word' and 'sentence' carry in
everyday usage and in traditional grammatical theory.
For reasons which will be explained later in this chapter, the
classical grammarians were little concerned with the analysis of words
into smaller elements. However, it is clear that, in many languages at
least, such elements exist. For instance, the English word unaccept-
able is made up of three smaller units, each of which has a charac-
teristic distribution: uny accept, and able. Moreover, these are minimal
units in the sense that they cannot be analysed further into distri-
butionally-classifiable units of English. Such minimal units of
grammatical-analysis, of which words may be composed, are
customarily referred to as morphemes.
We have therefore three different units of grammatical description
to consider in this chapter: sentences, words and morphemes.
Intermediate between the word and the sentence, two other units are
commonly recognized by grammarians: phrases and clauses. Tradi-
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tionally, the distinction between the two was formulated somewhat as
follows: any group of words which is grammatically equivalent to a
single word and which does not have its own subject and predicate is
a phrase; on the other hand, a group of words with its own subject
and predicate, if it is included in a larger sentence, is a clause. The
distinction between phrases and clauses was not always drawn clearly
or consistently in the analysis of particular sentences. Theoretically,
the traditional distinction between phrases and clauses amounts to a
distinction between word-like and sentence-like groups of words
within sentences; for the sentence itself, as we shall see, was tradi-
tionally defined in terms of 'subject* and 'predicate*. The phrases
and clauses of traditional grammar are therefore secondary units
defined in terms of their grammatical equivalence to the primary
units, words and sentences. We shall have little to say about phrases
and clauses from the point of view of modern grammatical theory in
this book (but cf. 5.5.1, 6.2.10).
The relation between the five units of grammatical description (in
languages for which allfiveare established) is one of composition. If we
call the sentence the' highest' unit and the morpheme the' lowest', we
can arrange all five units on a scale of rank (sentence, clause, phrase,
word, morpheme), saying that units of higher rank are composed of
units of lower rank. Alternatively, we can say that units of higher rank
can be analysed (or 'decomposed') into units of lower rank.
Many older books on language devoted a good deal of space to
discussing which of the two traditional primary units of grammatical
description, the word or the sentence, it to be regarded as 'basic':
does the grammarian first of all identify words and then account for
the structure of sentences in terms of the permissible combinations
of words, or does he start by recognizing the sentences in his material
and then analyse these sentences into their constituent words? We
shall not go into this question here. For the present, we will assume
that the grammar of a language is neutral with respect to the question
whether one works 'up* or 'down* the scale of rank, just as it is
neutral to the distinction of analysis and synthesis (cf. 4.3.1).
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unanalysed material. When the linguist sets out to describe the grammar
of a language on the basis of a recorded corpus of material, he starts
with a more primitive notion than that of either the word or the
sentence (by 'primitive* is meant 'undefined within the theory',
'pre-theoretical'). This more primitive notion is that of the utterance.
Just as 'acceptability* is a more primitive notion than 'grammati-
cally' or'significance* (cf. 4.2.1), so'utterance* is more primitive than
'word*, 'sentence*, 'morpheme*, etc., in that its application does not
rest upon any technical definitions or postulates of the science of
language. The utterance has been defined by Harris as ' any stretch of
talk, by one person, before and after which there is silence on the
part of that person*. It must be remembered that we are not dealing
here with the formal definition of some linguistic unit, but with a pre-
scientific description of the linguist's data. 'Silence* and the other
terms used to characterize and delimit utterances are to be under-
stood with the tolerance customarily granted to everyday non-
scientific discourse. Furthermore, we must not assume that there will
necessarily be a high degree of correspondence between utterances
and sentences, or indeed between utterances and grammatical units of
any one particular type. As Harris goes on to say, ' The utterance is,
in general, not identical with the "sentence" (as that word is
commonly used), since a great many utterances in English, for
example, consist of single words, phrases, "incomplete sentences",
etc. Many utterances are composed of parts which are linguistically
equivalent to whole utterances occurring elsewhere.'
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unit between the constituent parts of which distributional limitations
and dependencies can be established, but which can itself be put into
no distributional class. This is equivalent to saying that the notion of
distribution, which is based on substitutability, is simply not applic-
able to sentences. Consider Bloomfield's example. Unless we take the
wider context into account, it is pointless to talk of substituting other
forms for, say, It's a fine day. And even if we do take into account the
wider context, what Bloomfield calls the practical connexions'
between the three sentences could not be brought within the scope of
general rules of distributional selection. Not only are the constituent
elements of the sentence It's a fine day not predictable from the
wider context; it is not even possible to say that a statement, rather
than a question, is bound to occur. How are you?, It's a fine day., Are
you going to play tennis this afternoon?, are all distributionally indepen-
dent of one another; and for that reason they are recognized as three
distinct sentences.
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or implicitly, in the context). And it is clear that in order to under-
stand a 'derived* sentence, like He'll be here in a moment, the hearer
must be able to substitute for the pronoun he the correct noun or
noun-phrase which it 'replaces*.
As another example of distributional constraints running over a
sequence of what would be normally regarded as separate sentences
we may consider the 'indirect discourse' construction in Latin. This
construction is seen in its simplest form in a sentence such as Dico te
venisse in Marci Laecae domum (from Cicero: ' I assert that you came
into Marcus Laeca's house'), where the segment te venisse in.,,
domum is the 'indirect' form (in the 'accusative and infinitive'
construction) of the 'direct' form (tu) venisti in.. .domum. It is not
at all uncommon in Latin authors for a whole speech to be put in
'indirect discourse' with each segment in it that is traditionally
regarded as a separate sentence (and punctuated as such) marked as
dependent on some previous 'verb of saying' by the occurrence of
the'accusative and infinitive' (and other features). This phenomenon,
which may be called 'extended indirect discourse', is also found in
English (and many other languages). Take for instance a passage such
as the following: The prime minister said that he deeply regretted the
incident. He would do everything he could to ensure that it did not happen
again. On the following day he would confer with his colleagues. He was
confident that... Once again, passages of this kind are best accounted
for in two stages: first of all, by describing a set of independent
sentences in their 'direct' form (/ deeply regret...; I will do every-
thing I can...; Tomorrow I will confer.. .;Iam confident that...) and
then, by specifying the secondary grammatical rules which will
transpose each of these sentences into the corresponding 'indirect'
form when they occur in sequence after a 'verb of saying'.
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the same speaker or the person with whom he is conversing. An
example might be John's, if he gets here in time, which could hardly
occur except immediately after a question which 'supplied* the words
required to make it into what would traditionally be regarded as a
Complete' sentence. For instance, it might occur after Whose car are
you going in?, but not after When are you going there? An utterance
like John's, if he gets here in time is therefore grammatically 'in-
complete', since it is not itself a sentence (it is not distributionally
independent) and yet it can be derived from a sentence which is
constructed by adding to the utterance various elements 'given* in
the context: We are going in John's car, if he gets here in time.
Somewhat different is the case of an utterance such as Got the
tickets? At first sight it might appear that there is no reason to call this
an 'elliptical' sentence at all, a shortened form of the sentence Have
you got the tickets?, since it can be interpreted without reference to any
previously occurring utterance. It is probable that the simplest way
of accounting for the utterance in question is by deriving it by means
of a rule which deletes Have you from sentences beginning Have you
got... For in this way we can account for the fact that it will be
understood to 'contain* the pronoun you and also for the form of the
reply Yes, I have {got them). The difference between this example ^&d
the one considered in the previous paragraph is, however, quite clear.
Although they are both 'elliptical', shorter forms of some longer
version of the same sentence, they are ' elliptical' in a different sense.
John's, if he gets here in time is grammatically incomplete; that is to
say, it is not a sentence, and therefore is not to be described directly by
the grammar, but by supplementary rules (if such rule* can be
established) which account for the deletion of contextually-determined
elements in the sentences from which the utterances of connected
discourse are derived. On the other hand, Got the tickets? (in British
English at least) is a sentence (and in that sense it is 'complete'); the
ellipsis that is involved in its derivation from the alternative version
of the same sentence Have you got the tickets? is purely a matter of
grammar and is independent of the wider context. Similarly, the
grammatical rules of English must allow for the generation of such
grammatically equivalent (but perhaps stylistically distinct) forms as
don't and do not, can't and cannot, etc., occurring in otherwise
identical sentences. Traditional grammarians often failed to distin-
guish between grammatical and contextual completeness.
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according to productive rules. Examples are: What's the use of
-ing... ?; Down with / \for 's sake. There is no generally accepted
term for such elements. We will refer to them as schemata. Schemata,
it will be observed, may be of different ranks. What's the use of
-ing... ? and Down with / are sentence-schemata (and so belong to
the only class of grammatical units which concerns us in this section).
An indefinitely large number of sentences can be generated from
them by ' filling' the vacant * slot * in the schema with a member of the
appropriate grammatical class: thus, What's the use of worrying?,
What's the use of getting everything ready the night before ?, Down with
the King!, Down with the Sixth Republic! On the other hand, for 's
sake is a phrase-schema; and the grammar must not only account for
the class of elements which can *fillthe slot' in the schema {for his sake,
for my mother's sake, etc.), but must also classify the resultant phrase
according to its distribution in sentences (/ did it for 's sake, etc.).
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There is one general point which must be made before we tem-
porarily leave the question of sentence-types. The * formal' approach
to grammatical description adopted in this book and accepted by most
linguists today implies a rejection of any attempt to categorize
sentences 'notionally' in advance of their classification in terms of
internal structure (that is, in terms of the distributional relations
holding between their parts). It must not be assumed in advance that
every language will have formally differentiated patterns of sentence-
structure for each of the four major sentence-types (statements,
questions, exclamations, commands) recognized in traditional
grammar. What must be done, as we have insisted in the previous
chapter, is first to establish for each language independently the
grammatical units and patterns of combination valid for that language,
and only then, if at all, to give them such labels as Statement',
question', etc., in terms of their semantic or contextual correlations.
Traditional grammar recognized four main sentence-types because
Greek and Latin had four formally distinct patterns of sentence-
construction which could be classified, roughly, into the four semantic
categories of statements, questions, exclamations, and commands.
The doctrine that these four types are universal grammatical cate-
gories, like the doctrine that the 'parts of speech' are universal
features of language, was part of the wholesale transference of the
particular details of Greek and Latin to the plane of the theoretically
necessary and a priori categories assumed by the medieval * specu-
lative' grammarians and their successors.
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were you Fd leave it till tomorrow. In deciding between these two
possibilities in any particular case we should have recourse to other
considerations, principally to the criteria of potential pause and
intonation. Distributionally defined sentences in English which
present no problems of demarcation have a characteristic intonation
pattern and may be set off from one another when they occur in
sequence in the same utterance by pauses of greater or less duration.
Hence, in the total description of English the sentence, which is
defined primarily in grammatical terms, is also to be recognized as
the domain of the phonological features summed up in the term
intonation*. Since this is so, it makes for a simpler total description
of the language if the phonological features in question are allowed
to determine the cases, such as the one exemplified above, left un-
decided by the strictly grammatical criteria. It is, of course, theoreti-
cally conceivable that in a particular language the domain of intonation
should be quite differently established (as a given number of syllables,
for example) and correspond to no grammatically delimited unit.
However, it is probably the case that in all languages the sentence is
the unit at which there is the greatest 'congruence of levels', particu-
larly between the phonological and grammatical levels of description.
It may be mentioned here that what are traditionally referred to as
complex sentences made up of co-ordinate clauses would not be
recognized as single sentences, but as sequences of separate sentences,
on purely grammatical criteria. An utterance such as / saw him
yesterday and I shall be seeing him again tomorrow would be segmented
by the test of distributional independence into two sentences (the
break coming between yesterday and and). However, the supple-
mentary criteria of potential pause and intonation will distinguish
utterances in which two or more consecutive sentences are to be taken
as clauses in a single sentence or as independent sentences. Ortho-
graphical practice reflects the distinction in such cases: cf. / saw him
yesterday. And I shall be seeing him again tomorrow, on the one hand,
and / saw him yesterday and I shall be seeing him again tomorrow, on the
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of the other. Most modern treatments of grammatical theory have
glossed over this difficulty by defining the morpheme as the minimal
unit of grammatical analysis (which is the definition we will pro-
visionally adopt) and then failing to point out that the general practice
of linguists is not always consistent with this definition, but is
conditioned equally by some explicit or implicit reference to the
word as a grammatical unit. The reasons for this ambivalence or
equivocation are historically explicable and will become clear in the
course of our discussion. We shall then see that neither words nor
morphemes (as these terms as generally applied by linguists) are
universal features of language, although it would be possible to make
them so by definition. However, in order to make either one or the
other of the two units universal, we should have to make a more
radical break with the past than most linguists have been prepared to
do so far. Although we will deal mainly with the morpheme in this
section and with the word in the next, there will necessarily be a
certain measure of overlap between the two sections.
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men stands in the same grammatical relationship to man as boys does
to boy (as boys is the plural of the singular form boy, so men is the
plural of the singular man); and there is at least some phonological
(and orthographical) resemblance between men and man which could
be made the basis for segmenting men into two parts. The same is true
for mice and mouse (notice that here the orthographical difference is
greater than the phonological). On the other hand, although worse
and went stand in the same grammatical relationship to bad and go
as do taller and jumped to tall and jump, there is no phonological
resemblance at all between worse and bad or between went and go.
Words such as worse or went cannot be segmented into parts. Linguists
have exercised considerable ingenuity in arguing for one Solution'
rather than another to the problem of words that are indeterminate
with respect to segmentation and even for the * segmentation* of
such words as worse and went. We shall not discuss these * solutions'
here since they are motivated by certain methodological assumptions
which are less general than the assumptions we are making in the
present work. It suffices for our purpose to have drawn attention to
the fact that, in some languages at least, there are words which cannot
be segmented into parts, except arbitrarily, although these words
belong to the same grammatical class as other words which are
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etc.) all the time. Worse and taller (as well as bigger, nicery etc.) differ
from one another, however, in that they cannot occur in exactly the
same set of sentencesfor instance, as traditional grammarians would
say, they cannot 'qualify* exactly the same set of nouns. In so far as
the class of nouns which can be qualified by a particular adjective is
grammatically determined (and here we touch upon a point to which
we shall return presently), this feature of their distribution is accounted
for by postulating a particular morpheme as a component of one
adjective and another morpheme as a component of another adjective
which * qualifiesy a different class of nouns.
In order to make this point clear, let us first put in symbolic form
the distributional proportion we have just set up, representing each
different word with a different letter, and factorize this as we would
any other algebraic proportion:
A:B:C = D:E:F
Factorizing (and employing arbitrary symbols) we obtain:
ax : bx : ex = ay : by : cy
That is to say, each word is factorized into two components; all the
words on the left-hand side of the equation have the component x,
and all the words on the right-hand side the component y; with
regard to their other component (a, b or c) the first word on the left-
hand side agrees with the first word on the right-hand side, the
second word on the left-hand side agrees with the second word on the
right-hand side, and so on. The components, or distributional factors,
of the words are morphemes.
By factorizing the distribution of words in this way we can account
for their occurrence in sentences in terms of the distribution of their
component morphemes: the distribution of a word is the product of
the distribution of the morphemes of which it is composed.
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can be written orthographically as big and er (with the orthographical
conventions of English accounting for the additional ' linking' g) and
in a phonological transcription as /big/ and /a/. Each morph represents
(or is the exponent of) a particular morpheme.
The distinction that we have drawn here between morphs and
morphemes can be expressed in terms of de Saussure's distinction of
substance and form (cf. 2.2.2). Like all grammatical units, the mor-
pheme is an element of 'form', 'arbitrarily' (cf. 2.2.7) related to its
' substantial' realization on the phonological (or orthographical) level
of the language. As we have seen, morphemes may be represented
directly by phonological (or orthographical) segments with a particular
'shape' (that is, by morphs), but they may also be represented in the
substance of the language in other ways. In order to refer to mor-
phemes, it is customary to use one of the morphs which represents the
morpheme in question and to put it between braces. Thus {big} is the
morpheme which is represented in phonological substances by /big/
and in orthographic substance by big; and the word went (phono-
logically /went/), which cannot be segmented into morphs, represents
the combination of the two morphemes {go} and {ed}. Although we
shall follow this convention, it must be realized that the particular
notation chosen to refer to morphemes is a matter of arbitrary
decision. We might just as well number the morphemes and say, for
instance, that {207} is represented by /big/ (or big); and that {1039} +
{76} is represented by the substantially unitary form /went/ (or
5.3.5 Allomorphs
A further point may now be made with regard to the relationship
between morphemes and morphs. It frequently happens that a par-
ticular morpheme is not represented everywhere by the same morph,
but by different morphs in different environments. These alternative
representations of a morpheme are called allomorphs. For example,
the plural morpheme in English, which we may refer to as {s}, is
regularly represented by the allomorphs /s/, /z/ and /iz/. These are
phonologically conditioned, in the sense that the selection of any one is
determined by the phonological form of the morph with which it is
combined. The rule is as follows: (i) if the morph representing the
noun morpheme with which {s} is combined to form the plural ends
with a 'sibilant' (/s/, /z/, /J/, jij, /tj/, /d3/), {s} is represented by /iz/
(cf. /bAsiz/, buses; /saiziz/, sizes; /fijiz/, fishes; /gara:3iz/, /gara:d3iz/,
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garages (n.b. the variation in the phonological representation of this
word by speakers of standard British English); /batjiz/, batches; etc.);
(ii) otherwise, if (a) the morph ends in one of the voiced phonemes
(including the vowels), {s} is represented by /z/ (cf. /dogz/, dogs;
/bedz/, beds; /laiz/, lies; etc.) and if (b) the morph ends in a voiceless
(consonant) phoneme, {s} is represented by /s/ (cf. /kats/, cats; /bets/,
bets; etc. (It will be observed that the orthographical conventions of
English distinguish only two of these three allomorphs, with -s
standing for both /s/ and /z/ and -es standing for /iz/. The present
tense singular morpheme, which we can refer to as {z} (in order to
distinguish it from the morpheme {s} which forms the plurals of
English nouns) is regularly represented by the same three allomorphs
as {s}. And the statement of the phonological conditioning of their
occurrence is identical: cf. the verbs (i) /fijiz/, fishes; /kaetjiz/,
catches; etc.; (ii) /digz/, digs; /ebz/, ebbs, etc.; and (iii) /kiks/, kicks;
/sips/, sips; etc. The past tense morpheme of English, {ed}, is also
regularly represented by three phonologically-conditioned allo-
morphs: /t/, /d/ and /id/. The rule governing their distribution is as
follows: (i) /id/ occurs after morphs ending in alveolar stops (i.e. after
/t/ and /d/) (cf. /wetid/, wetted; /wedid/, wedded, etc.); elsewhere,
(ii) /d/ occurs after voiced phonemes (including the vowels and the
nasals) and (iii) /t/ after voiceless phonemes (cf. (ii) /saegd/, sagged;
/Uvd/, loved; /moud/, mowed; /maind/, mined; etc. and (iii) /saekt/,
sacked; /pAft/, puffed, etc.). In fact, the allomorphic variation associ-
ated with the regular representations of all the three morphemes
discussed here, {z}, {s} and {ed}, can be subsumed under a more
general rule whereby the appropriate morph is generated from an
underlying invariant morph, neutral with respect to voicing, which is
syllabified (as /iz/ or /id/) when combined with a morph ending in
the same sound* (i.e. for the purpose of this rule, all the sibilants
are considered to 'contain the same sound' as the underlying 's-
sound' representing both {s} and {z} and both /t/ and /d/ to ' contain
the same sound' as the underlying alveolar sound representing {ed}).
It will be obvious that a rule of this kind can be stated in terms of
prosodic or distinctive feature analysis more readily than with
reference to a phonemic analysis of English: cf. 3.3.8 ff.
The limiting case of allomorphic variation is found where no
generalization can be made, in terms of phonological structure or in
any other terms, about the selection of a particular allomorph. This
situation can be illustrated from English. In addition to the three
regular allomorphs of the English plural morpheme {s} one might also
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establish the form /an/ which is to be found in the word oxen,
/oksan/. Since all other morphs ending in /ks/ which represent noun-
morphemes in English have the regular /iz/ in the plural (cf. /boksiz/,
boxes; /foksiz/, foxes, etc.), the occurrence of /an/ in /oksan/ is not
phonologically conditioned. In fact, it is not determined by any
feature of the morpheme {ox} or the morph /oks/ which can be
brought within the scope of any general statement about the structure
of English. It is true that the plural nouns children and brethren also
end in /an/. But whereas oxen presents no problems of segmentation,
since it can be analysed into two morphs, /oks/ and /an/, the former of
which is identical with the morph representing the singular ox (and
in this respect oxen is like the regular plurals in English), the recogni-
tion of /an/ in children and brethren would leave us with two morphs,
/tjildr/ and /bredr/, neither of which is identical with the morph
representing the singular of these nouns (even granting that brethren
has a singular in modern English) and neither of which occurs else-
where in the language. Since the formation of the word oxen is an
irregular fact of English, which, despite the segmentability of the
word into two constituent morphs, can only be handled by an ad hoc
'rule' applying to this one instance, there is little point in recog-
nizing /an/ as an allomorph of {s} in the description of contemporary
The reader may be tempted to think that the elaboration of such
subtle distinctions as those we have drawn in this section between
morpheme, morph, and allomorph is something of an idle, scholastic
pastime which serves no useful purpose. But such distinctions are
essential if we wish to construct a general theory of language-
structure. As we shall see, in certain languages words can generally be
segmented into parts (morphs), in others they cannot; in some
languages the morphs each tend to represent a single minimal
grammatical unit (a morpheme), in others they do not; and in some
languages each morpheme is usually represented by a segment of
constant phonological form, whereas in others certain morphemes
are represented by a set of alternant morphs (allomorphs) the selection
of which in particular environments may be conditioned by phono-
logical or grammatical factors.
It is true that a good deal of what is often regarded as phono-
logically-conditioned allomorphic variation may be eliminated from
the description by adopting a prosodic or distinctive-feature analysis
for the phonology. But grammatically-conditioned variation of allo-
morphs cannot be eliminated in this way, and only a certain amount
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of phonologically-conditioned variation. The concept of the allo-
morph is therefore useful. It is, however, the distinction between the
morpheme and the morph, between the grammatical unit and its
' substantial' representation, which is particularly important. For it is
by making this distinction that we can bring out clearly both the
grammatical similarity and the formational difference between such
words as went and killed, or worse and bigger. In the purely gram-
matical part of the description both the 'regular' and 'irregular'
forms can be handled alike: {go} + {ed}, {kill+ed}; {bad} + {er},
{big} + {er}; etc. The difference between the ' regular' and ' irregular'
forms is seen at that point in the description where words as purely
grammatical units are 'embodied', as it were, in phonological (or
orthographic) substance. In the case of the regular forms, like killed,
rules can be set up to combine morphs (and one now sees the
advantage, from the point of view of total description of the language,
of using the morph to stand for the morphemea convention which
was described above as purely arbitrary). These rules are of very
general applicability, and, in many cases, their scope can be left open
by employing a formulation which says, in effect, but more formally:
' any forms which are not accounted for by one of the special rules are
to be handled by the following general rule(s) according to the
following conditions'. The irregular words are handled by special
rules of restricted scope, applying in the limiting case to one and only
one word: e.g. c{go} + {ed} is realized by went9. One means of ensuring
that both the ' regular' and the ' irregular' forms are handled appro-
priately is by ordering the rules in such a way that the rule of limited
scope is applied first, where applicable, and then the rules of general
applicability, whose scope may now be left totally unrestricted.
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and the morpheme in the description of isolating languages.) Chinese
is often cited as a well-known example of the isolating type of
language; but nowadays scholars appear to agree that many Chinese
words are composed of more than one morpheme, and Vietnamese is
said to be a more ' typical' isolating language than Chinese. Whether
a language is isolating or not is obviously a matter of degree. Granted
the recognition of words and morphemes for the language in question,
the average degree of 'isolation' can be expressed as a ratio of the
number of morphemes over the number of words: the lower the
ratio, the more highly isolating is the language (a ratio of i-oo being
characteristic of the 'ideal' isolating language). Average ratios which
have been calculated over a body of continuous text for a number of
languages show that, for instance, English (with a ratio of i-68) is
more 'analytic' than Sanskrit (2-59) or the highly 'synthetic'
Eskimo (3*72). These figures, it must be remembered, give average
ratios over running text. Since a language might be, and frequently is,
relatively isolating with respect to certain classes of words and
relatively synthetic with respect to other classes of words, the ratios
might be quite different if they were calculated over all the words in
the language with each word counted once.
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respectively, the plural, the possessive and the ablative morphemes,
{let}, {} and {den}, preserve their phonological identity and are
immediately recognizable; they are, as it were, simply * stuck on'
('agglutinated') in sequence. Consequently, Turkish words are, in
general, readily segmented into their constituent morphs: ev-ler-
i(n)-den, etc.
A second and no less important feature of Turkish is that in a
particular word each morph represents just one morpheme. These two
features, (i) determinacy with respect to segmentation into morphs
(cf. 5.3.2), and (ii) the one-to-one correspondence between morph
and morpheme, are characteristic of * agglutinating* languages. It
should be noticed, however, that the two features are independent of
one another: as we shall see below, a language may manifest either
one without the other. It should also be observed that the one-to-one
correspondence between morph and morpheme referred to here is to
be understood as holding within a given word: certain Turkish
morphs (including {Y})may represent different morphemes in different
classes of words, in the same way as, for instance, the English morphs
/s/, /z/ and /iz/ represent the present singular morpheme in verbs and
the plural morpheme in nouns. The degree to which languages employ
this kind of multiple representation of morphemes by single morphs
(which is the converse of the representation of one morpheme by
many allomorphs) varies considerably.
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puellis (ablative, plural). What principle of segmentation should we
follow here? If we try to match the * endings' of the two types as far
as possible, we should doubtless segment the forms into puell and a,
ae, am, a, drum, as, is (with is being the only morph common to the
two types of nouns). But if we segment puella, puellae, etc., in this
way, we should certainly be left with the uncomfortable feeling that,
since a or a is found in all forms of the second type except puellis and
is never to be found in the first set of forms, domus, etc., we ought
perhaps to recognize two allomorphs: puell (which combines only
with is) and puella (which combines with 'zero', in the nominative
singular, and with e, m, a, arum, as: n.b. the long vowel a has now
been resolved into a sequence of two instances of the short a). This is
attractive enough as far as it goes. Similarly, we could recognize two
allomorphs for the first type, dom and domo (with a third 'pseudo-
allomorph', domu, accounted for as a variant of domo which occurs
before consonants), and thus identify the accusative singular morph
(m) and the accusative and genitive plural morphs of both types
(vowel lengthening + s, and vowel lengthening -\-rum). But we should
still be left with a number of allomorphs for the endings of the two
types of nouns: 'zero' and s (or us, or indeed os) for the nominative
singular, etc. And, as anyone who has any acquaintance with Latin
knows, we have yet to take account of the other three regular types of
formation (traditionally called 'declensions'), not to mention the
numerous irregular nouns. What may seem a reasonable procedure
when just two types are compared would no longer seem so when these
other types are brought into the picture. It is no doubt because Latin
(and Greek) words are not readily segmentable into morphs that their
formation was handled in a quite different way by the classical
grammarians. The traditional manner of dealing with the formation
of words in Latin (and Greek) was to classify them into types
('declensions' for nouns and adjectives, 'conjugations' for verbs) and
to set up for each type a table, or 'paradigm', giving all the forms for
one chosen member of the type. It was then left to the person using
the grammar to construct the forms for other members of the type by
reference to the appropriate 'paradigm' (the term 'paradigm' derives
from the Greek word for 'pattern' or 'example'). That is to say, the
classical grammarians did not establish rules, but merely 'patterns',
of formation. Some recent grammars of Latin (and also of Greek)
have kept the traditional 'paradigms', but have superimposed upon
the traditional method of handling 'inflexion' some attempt to seg-
ment words into 'stems' and 'endings'. In doing so, they have
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frequently been influenced by historical considerations. According to
the hypotheses of the comparative philologists of the nineteenth
century and their successors a good deal of Latin (and Greek) * in-
flexion* can be plausibly explained as being due to the coalescence
of once distinct morphs. This is largely irrelevant in the synchronic
analysis of the language. We cannot get away from the fact that Latin
(and Greek) words do not lend themselves to segmentation into
The impossibility of segmenting Latin words neatly or consistently
into morphs illustrates one feature of the language which makes it
inflecting' (or 'fusional'), rather than * agglutinating*. (It should be
observed that the term employed here is inflecting, not inflexional
inflexion* is used for both 'fusional' and 'agglutinating' languages:
cf. 5.4.2.) The other, more important, feature is the lack of any
correspondence between such segments of the word as we might
recognize and morphemes (assuming that the morpheme is still
defined as 'minimal grammatical unit'). Even if we were to segment
domus, domty etc., into the morph dom (or the allomorphs dom, domo)
and a set of 'endings', us (or s), f, drum (or vowel lengthening +rum)y
etc., we could not say that one part of us (or s) represents {singular}
and another part {nominative}; that part of 1 represents {singular}
and another part {genitive}; and so on. We should have to say that us
(or s) represents simultaneously {singular} and {nominative}; that 1
represents simultaneously either {singular} and {genitive} or {plural}
and {nominative}; etc. The difference between Latin and Turkish in
this respect is striking.
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languages into 'inflecting' or 'agglutinating' is only one of many
ways in which languages can be classified according to their structure.
Turkish, though largely' agglutinating', is to some degree' inflectingJ;
and Latin provides instances of' agglutination'. And both languages are
in part analytic. English, we as have seen, is fairly 'analytic', having a
large number of single-morpheme words: man, book, go, tall, good,
etc. As for the 'synthetic' words in English some are 'agglutinative'
(books, taller, etc.); others are 'semi-agglutinative' (or 'semi-in-
flecting') in that they are partly or wholly indeterminate with respect
to segmentation (cf. men, mice, worse, etc.) or contain segments which
represent simultaneously more than one minimal grammatical unit.
As an instance of the latter kind of 'semi-agglutination' consider the
forms /z/, /s/ and /iz/ (orthographically, s and es), which we earlier
regarded as allomorphs of the present singular 'morpheme' {z}. These
endings, which may be reduced to a single underlying 'sibilant'
ending, represent simultaneously both singular and 'third person'
(cf. the verbs jumps, love-s,fish-es,etc.). There are few instances of
fully 'inflecting' words in English (satisfying both the conditions
mentioned above). One such instance is the 'third person singular of
the verb to be\ This form, is, might be segmented into i (an allo-
morph of {be}) and the regular s, but there is little point in doing so,
since i occurs nowhere else as an allomorph of {be}.
There is yet another kind of 'semi-agglutination'. The same morph
may represent different grammatical units either in different positions
of the same word or in different words of the same class. This happens
on a small scale in many languages, including Turkish and English.
For example, in English the same morph (or allomorphs: /s/, /z/,
/iz/) represents 'third person, singular (present)' in verbs and {plural}
in nouns, as we have already seen. And the morph er is found both in
the comparative form of adjectives (tall-er, etc.) and in 'agent' nouns
formed from verbs (run(n)-er, read-er, etc.). This kind of 'semi-
agglutination' (if it may be so called) is what was described above as
the multiple representation of morphemes by single morphs. It is
particularly characteristic of various so-called ' Austronesian' langua-
ges (Sundanese, Tagalog, Malay, etc.).
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can the words of Turkish. The difference between the 'inflecting'
and the ' agglutinating' (and the various kinds of * semi-agglutinating')
languages is not therefore one of grammatical structure; it is a
difference in the way in which the minimal grammatical units are
represented in the phonological (or orthographical) form of the word.
It should also be clear, from our discussion of the various ways in
which minimal grammatical units are represented in different
languages, that the distinction of morpheme and morph is forced
upon us, in the first instance, by the fact that not all languages are
'agglutinating' or 'inflecting' and, more particularly, by the fact that
there are languages which do not conform to the 'ideal' of either
'type' (indeed there is probably no purely 'agglutinating' or purely
'inflecting' language). If all 'synthetic' languages were purely
'agglutinating' the morpheme would be a minimal grammatical
unit of constant phonological shape, and we could account directly
for the combination of morphemes into words. On the other hand, if
all ' synthetic' languages were fully inflecting, we should have no use
for the morph (which is by definition a phonological segment of a word
representing a morpheme). It is because many languages are partly
'agglutinating' and partly 'inflecting' that the distinction between
morpheme and morph must be made.
In the case of languages that are mainly ' agglutinating' (and most
languages of the world are said to approximate to the 'agglutinating'
type) the distinction is undoubtedly useful. As we have seen, it
enables us to account for the distribution of grammatically equivalent
words in the same way in the grammar (boys: {boy} + {s}> oxen:
{ox} + {s}, mice: {mouse}+ {s}} sheep: {sheep}+ {s}> etc.) and then, in the
'conversion' of these words into their phonological form, to set up
general rules of 'direct transcription' for the regular, 'agglutinating'
forms and special, more complex rules (of the kind required for
'inflecting' languages) for the conversion of the irregular, non-
agglutinating forms.
However, with regard to languages that are mainly 'inflecting', we
must now face a problem which has so far only been implicit in our
discussion of this 'type'. We have observed that such segments
(granted their recognition as segments) as a (or 'zero') inpuella, and
us (or s) in domus do not represent minimal grammatical units, such as
{singular} or {nominative}, but the combination {singular + nomi-
native}. On our definition of the morpheme as the minimal gram-
matical unit (which is the definition to which most linguists, in
theory, adhere) it is such elements as {singular} and {nominative}
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which are morphemes. Yet most linguists who have dealt with the
morphemic analysis of Latin have regarded a and us as allomorphs
of 'the nominative singular morpheme*. This is the inconsistency
between theory and practice to which we referred at the beginning of
the present section. The reason for the inconsistency is doubtless the
historical one that the morpheme was first established for those
languages in which the formation of words could be described in
terms of the combination of phonologically constant segments (this is
the sense in which the concept was employed by the Sanskrit
grammarians); later the morpheme was defined as a more 'abstract',
distributional unit, and this led to the distinction of morpheme and
morph. In Latin there is a conflict between these two conceptions of
the morpheme. If we define the morpheme as the minimal gram-
matical unit, then it cannot simultaneously be a unit functioning in
the formation of words in Latin; if on the other hand we define it as a
formational segment of the word, then it is not a minimal grammatical
unit in Latin (or a universal concept of linguistic theory).
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54- WORD 195
to such notions as * subject', * object', * complement', etc.), words are
said to assume a different 'form', and the different 'forms' are
handled by morphology.
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that the comparative philologists, to a considerable extent influenced
by the Sanskrit grammatical treatises now available to them, had
become interested in the systematic study of the formation of words
from a historical point of view. And it was realized that inflexional
and derivational processes had a good deal in common.
But in classical grammar the distinction between inflexion and
derivation is absolutely fundamental. Whereas singing is but a form
of the word sing, syntactically determined, singer is a different word
with its own set of forms, or * paradigm' (cf. 1.2.3). The fact that from
the point of view of their formation both singing and singer can be
regarded as being composed of a 'root' (or 'stem'), sing, and a suffix,
ing or er (the one process of formation being hardly less productive
than the other in English) is obscured by the difference of treatment
imposed by the presuppositions of classical grammatical theory.
Standard dictionaries of English (and of most other languages), which
are based upon the assumptions of classical grammar, list derivational
forms as distinct words, but not the regular inflexional forms, which
can be constructed by reference to the ' paradigms' set out in a con-
ventional grammar of the language. In later chapters it will become
clear that much of what is traditionally referred to as derivation can
be, and ought to be, integrated with the syntactical rules of English
in a generative grammar of the language. For the present, however, we
may leave the question of derivation and look more closely at the
concept of the 'word*.
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54- WORD 197
correspondence with one another in the sense that they represent
the same set of (one or more) grammatical words (cf. the examples just
given). But there are some instances of (a) one-many or (b) many-one
correspondence between phonological and grammatical words: cf.
(a) /poustman/: postman, postmen; /miit/: meaty meet, etc. (b) /ri:d/,
/red/: read ('the present tense of read\ 'the past tense of read*\
n.b. /red/ is also in correspondence with the orthographic word red,
and /ri:d/ with the orthographic word reed). Many other languages
besides English, whose spelling conventions are popularly said to be
only partly * phonetic' (in a non-technical usage of the term * phonetic'),
provide similar examples of one-many or many-one correspondence
between phonological and orthographic words (cf. 1.4.2).
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In later sections of this book, we shall use the term * lexeme' only
when it might not be clear from the context which sense of * word' is
intended. It is unfortunate that modern linguistics has not followed
the traditional practice of defining the word to be the more 'abstract*
5.4.5 'Accidence'
It is worth while dwelling for a moment on the implications of the
term 'form* as it is employed in traditional grammar. We have already
seen that the opposition drawn by de Saussure between ' substance'
and ' form' is to be distinguished from the Aristotelian and scholastic
opposition of these terms. We shall not go into the details of Aristo-
telian metaphysics with its rich terminology of distinctions ('sub-
stance', 'matter', 'form', 'essence', 'existence', etc.), but it must be
realized that classical grammar rests upon metaphysical assumptions
of a more or less Aristotelian kind. In particular, it presupposes the
distinction between the ' essential' and the ' accidental' properties of
an object. For instance, it is part of the 'essence' of man (let us say)
to be intelligent and to have two legs; whereas it is ' accidental' that
particular men should have red hair or blue eyes. Similarly, the words
that occur in sentences have particular 'accidental' properties
(e.g. nouns are either singular or plural, verbs are in the present, past
or future tense, and so on); and the grammarian's ' paradigms' (and
lists of irregularities) describe the ' forms' of words of different classes.
Lexemes (the 'words' of traditional grammar) are the underlying
invariant units considered in abstraction from their 'accidental'
properties: lexemes are 'substances' which occur in various 'acci-
dental' 'forms'. It is this conception, it will be observed, which
underlies Roger Bacon's view quoted above (1.2.7): 'Grammar is
substantially the same in all languages, even though it may vary
accidentally.' And it is this conception which explains the traditional
term 'accidence' for what we are calling 'inflexion': strictly speaking,
words are 'inflected' (i.e. they vary their 'form') according to their
'accidence' (from the Latin accidentia, 'accidental properties'). And
the classical grammarians assumed that the ' accidental' properties of
lexemes, like the 'accidental' properties of everything else in the
universe, could be classified under a restricted set of 'categories'
(cf. 7.1.1). A more extended treatment of the basis of classical
grammar than can be given in an introductory work of this kind
would show that it was not always possible to apply the Aristotelian
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54* WORD 199
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native speaker is able to actualize the * potential pauses' in his
utterances when he wishes to, even though he does not do this
normally, it follows that the words must be identifiable as units in
his language under the normal conditions in which he uses it. It is
this functional unity of the word in the language as it normally
operates that we must try to capture in our definition; and it is
presumably the native speaker's consciousness of the word as a
functional unit which also lies behind the recognition of the word in
most systems of orthography.
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54' WORD 201
question we have set ourselves therefore is this: how shall we define a
unit intermediate in rank between the morpheme and the sentence
and one which will correspond fairly closely with our intuitive ideas of
what is a 'word', these intuitive ideas being supported, in general, by
the conventions of the orthographic tradition?
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(cf. the many a man, this man, that man, etc.); this and that may occur
as minimal free forms, and so are classified as words; therefore the
and a are words.
Although Bloomfield's definition of the word in terms of 'freedom*
and 'bondage' has been accepted by many eminent linguists, it can
hardly be regarded as satisfactory. We must not lose sight of the
primary object of grammatical description: to generate sentences from
which can be derived the utterances and potential utterances of the
language being described. All questions of classification must be sub-
ordinated to this purpose.We may assume that, in general, sentences
are composed of many morphemes; and that the word is a unit,
'below* the rank of sentence, composed, typically, of a number of
morphemes. But to call a particular 'complex* of morphemes a 'unit*
implies that these morphemes are in greater 'cohesion* than other
groupings of morphemes in the sentence which are not recognized as
words; that sentences can be generated more satisfactorily by taking
into account (at least) two different principles of composition, one of
which determines the combination of morphemes into 'complexes'
(which we will call grammatical words) and the other the combination
of words into sentences. Now, as a matter of empirical fact it may be
true that the set of 'minimal free forms* will generally correspond in
all languages to the set of phonological units representing gram-
matical words; but, if so, this fact presumably depends upon and
reflects the structural 'cohesion' of the word in sentences, and is of
only indirect concern to the grammarian. Like the criterion of
'potential pause*, that of occurrence as a 'minimum free form* is at
best a procedural aid to the linguist working with informants. Let us
now look a little more closely therefore at some of the features
involved in what has been referred to as the 'cohesion' of the word
as a grammatical unit.
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5-4- WORD 203
The sentence may be regarded as a combination of ten morphemes,
which occur in a particular order relative to one another. However,
various permutations are possible, if we start from the order in which
the morphemes occur in the sentence cited above: slow-ly-the-boy-s-
walk-ed-up-the-hill, up-the-hill-slowl-y-walk-ed-the-boy-s> etc. Sub-
stituting the numbers for these two other possibilities, we get (in
place of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10):
6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10
8 9 10 6 7 4 5 1 2 3
There are other possible permutations which will yield an acceptable
English sentence. The point is, however, that under all the permuta-
tions certain pairs or triples of morphemes will behave as * blocks',
not only occurring always together, but also in the same order
relative to one another: there is no possibility of the sequence 3 2 1
(*s-boy-the), or 5 4 (*ed-walk). One of the characteristics of the word
is that it tends to be internally stable (in terms of the order of the
component morphemes), but positionally mobile (permutable with
other words in the same sentence). Clearly, this characteristic is far
more striking in languages with a 'free word-order* (cf. 2.3.5).
It is worth pointing out that positional mobility and internal
stability are independent of one another. Suppose, for example, we
found a language in which the order of words was fixed, but the order
of morphemes within words freely subject to permutation. This may
be indicated symbolically as follows (taking A> B and C to be words):
I 2 3 4 5 6 8
7 9 10
2 3 i 6 4 5 IO 9 8 7
3 2 i 5 6 4 9 7 8 10
2 I 3 4 5 6 9 io 7 8
Here, it is the order of the intermediate units relative to one another
which is 'fixed', by contrast with the 'freedom' of order within the
intermediate units (one might say that the sentence is 'internally
stable' at the word-rank, whereas the morphemes are 'positionally
mobile' within words). To illustrate from English: this situation
would hold if, for example, not only Tke-girl-s have-be-en-eat-ing
apples were acceptable, but also *Girl-the-s en-have-be-eat-ing
s-apple> etc. (We have here taken the girls to be one word, and also
have been eating: in terms of the present criterion, this is correct.)
So far (to the best of my knowledge) no language has been found
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which manifests this particular feature. As we have already seen,
'free* order tends to be found, if at all, at the higher ranks (cf. 2.3.6).
This is an empirical fact about the structure of language. The con-
verse situation, which we have just envisaged, is not only logically
conceivable, but it would define the word as a structural unit of
language no less clearly than the common phenomenon of relatively
'free' word-order.
But we have said that positional mobility and internal stability are
independent of one another. Once again we may illustrate from
English. The criterion of positional mobility would fail to define the
'definite article', the, as a word: it cannot be moved from one place
in the sentence to another independently of the noun it 'modifies'. In
this respect, it is like the so-called 'postpositive' articles of Swedish,
Norwegian, Rumanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, etc. ('postpositive'
simply means 'following', rather than 'preceding': cf. 'postposition'
v. 'preposition', 7.4.7): e.g. Rumanian lup 'wolf: lupul 'the wolf,
Macedonian grad 'city': gradot 'the city'. It is the criterion of
'interruptability' (or 'insertability') which distinguishes the English
article as more 'word-like' than the Rumanian or Macedonian article.
It is possible to 'interrupt' (or 'insert' within) the sequence the-boy,
whereas it is not possible to 'interrupt' the sequence grad-ot or
hip-ul: by 'interruptability' is meant the possibility of inserting other
elements, more or less freely, between the morphemes or 'blocks' of
morphemes. For example, between the and boy one may insert a
whole sequence of other elements: the big strong strapping boy, etc.
The fact that one criterion, but not the other, applies to the
English article implies that, even if it is taken to be a word, it is not
so 'fully' a word as other elements to which all the relevant criteria
apply. There are many marginal cases in various languages which
have been much discussed in the literature.
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54- WORD 205
in both Classical and Modern Greek); or 'fixed', with reference to the
beginning or end of the word or to some other feature. Examples of
well-known languages with a fixed accent are: Latin, where the place
of the accent is generally determined by the length of the penultimate
syllable; Polish, where the accent (generally) occurs on the next to the
last syllable; Turkish, where it (generally) occurs on the last syllable;
and Czech, where it falls on the initial syllable of the word. To mention
just two other ways in which words may be phonologically delimited:
' vowel-harmony' in Turkish and Hungarian operates throughout
words, but not beyond (cf. 3.3.13); and in many languages a more
restricted set of phonological units occur at the beginning or end of
words than in other positions. For all languages with a word-accent
it is true (in general) that there will be the same number of words in
an utterance as there are accents; and in the case of languages with a
fixed accent the boundaries between words may be determined by
reference to the syllables on which the accent falls. However, the
very fact that we can say that there are exceptions to the general rules
governing the place of the accent (that, for instance, the Russian word
ne, 'not', is never stressed; that the reflexive forms of the verb in
Polish have the accent on the same syllable as in the corresponding
unreflexive forms; that such Turkish forms as gitmiyorduy l he was not
going', or askerken 'when (he was) a soldier', are words despite the
place of the accent and their partial violation of the rules of ' vowel-
harmony') shows that the accent is not the primary defining feature of
the word in these languages. We could hardly determine the place of
the Polish or Turkish accent with respect to the beginning or end of
the word, if the word-boundaries themselves were determined solely
by reference to the place of the accent! The partial' congruence' of the
phonological and grammatical levels by virtue of the double status of
the word as both a grammatical and phonological unit is therefore a
common, though not a universal, feature of languages. There are
languages (a notable instance is French) where whatever congruence
there is between phonological and grammatical structure seems to
hold over units of higher rank than the word.
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section in the bibliographical notes. Enough has been said in the
preceding paragraphs to show that the grammatical criteria are inde-
pendent of one another, and that phonological criteria are not only
independent of one another, but necessarily subordinate to the gram-
matical. It follows from these facts that what we call ' words' in one
language may be units of a different kind from the ' words' of another
language; and yet the application of the term 'word* is not entirely
arbitrary, since the relevant features whereby words are established
for different languages all tend to support their identification as
structural units.
Since the criteria for the establishment of words apply not only
independently of one another, but also independently of the criteria
whereby morphemes are defined as minimal grammatical units, in
certain languages the same units may be simultaneously both words
and morphemes. For instance, in English the morphs /nais/, /boi/,
/wont/ (orthographically, nice, boy, want) represent simultaneously
the morphemes 'nice', 'boy', and 'want* and (on the assumption
that this is in fact the correct analysis of these forms) grammatical
words composed each of one morpheme. As we have already seen
(5.3.6), a one-to-one ratio of morphemes to words is the defining
characteristic of 'isolating* languages.
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(e.g. Lamb) in roughly the same sense. Various attempts have been
made to formulate a consistent theory of grammatical structure based
on the notion of 'composition' (notably by the three authors men-
tioned in the previous sentence). We shall not discuss these theories
here, but simply refer the reader to the works cited in the notes.
In the next chapter, we shall adopt a transformational approach to
grammatical description. One consequence of this is that we shall be
led to the distinction of what will be referred to as the ' deep' and
the 'surface* structure of sentences. It will then appear that such
distinctions as can be drawn consistently between units of different
rank (and it is undeniable that sentences have a grammatical structure
that can be described appropriately in such terms) are drawn with
respect to the surface structure.
5.5.2 An illustration
There is no reason to believe, or to make it a theoretical requirement,
that the rules of the grammar must be organized in such a way that
one set of rules (say) generates words out of morphemes, that another
set of rules then combines these words into phrases, that a third set
of rules generates clauses out of phrases, andfinallythat a fourth set of
rules generates sentences out of clauses. Within a transformational
framework, much of the importance that has been attached in the past
to the definition of units of different ranks disappears. We are no
longer committed to the necessity of saying that every sentence must
be analysable without residue into units of one rank or another.
To give just one example at this point. There is a large class of
adjectives in English, exemplified by red-haired, blue-eyed, one-legged,
etc., which quite clearly 'contain' three morphemes (as the term
'morpheme' is generally applied): e.g. {red} + {hair} + {ed}. In each
case, two of the constituent morphemes may be regarded as words,
e.g. red and hair. They are free forms, and they satisfy the various
other criteria that have been proposed for the definition of the word
(cf. 5.4.6 ff.). From one point of view, it might be desirable to regard
red-haired as one word: in particular, for the purpose of integrating
the grammar and phonology in the determination of the distribution
of stress. (Most English words have one primary stress; and the
'complex' adjectives we are discussing would seem to satisfy this
criterion.) On the other hand, red-haired 'contains' two words and a
bound morpheme. Furthermore, there would seem to be some sense
in which the bound morpheme {ed} is ' added' to the phrase red hair:
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there is no form ^haired, which we can combine at a higher rank with
red. Problems of this kind cease to be worrying if we accept that
adjectives like red-haired can be generated by the grammar in a
sequence of operations which are not constrained by the requirements
of linguistic theory to follow the principle that units of ' higher' rank
are composed of an integral number of units of ' lowerJ rank.
With these remarks, we can embark upon our further discussion of
grammatical structure. We shall continue from the point we reached
in the previous chapter. But we shall no longer maintain the view that
the vocabulary of a language is a set of words, listed in the lexicon,
which are combined into sentences by means of rules operating
directly upon word-classes.
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John Lyons
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elements between which the relationship held: and instances were
given of both sequential and non-sequential combinations of elements.
It is important to realize that a string is a particular kind of syntagm,
as concatenation is a particular kind of combination. If the data
suggested that we should, we might formalize the theory of gram-
matical structure in terms of a non-concatenating system of rules
which generated not strings of elements, but unordered sets (between
the members of which there held certain relations of syntagmatic pre-
supposition, dependency, etc.). For example, a rewrite-rule (cf. 4.3.2)
of the form
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sequences of elements, but are made up of 'layers' of immediate
constituents, each lower-level constituent being part of a higher-level
constituent. The analysis of a sentence into its several * layers' of
constituents can be represented graphically in a number of ways.
We may use brackets: [{Poor John) {ran away)]. Or we may construct
a tree-diagram (cf. Fig. 8).
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account of the meanings'. His followers, notably Wells and Harris,
formulated the principles of constituent analysis in greater detail and
replaced Bloomfield's somewhat vague reference to 'taking account
of the meanings' with explicitly distributional criteria. Finally, in the
last few years, the theory of constituent-structure has been formalized
and subjected to mathematical study by Chomsky and other scholars,
who have given considerable attention to the nature of the rules
required to generate sentences with the appropriate constituent-
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(i) some evidence which is more convincing, or (ii) some more evidence
which is convincing; in other words, it can be bracketed into consti-
tuents as either (i) some [(more convincing) evidence], or (ii) [(Some more)
(convincing evidence)]. But correlated with this difference of con-
stituent-structure there is also a difference in the distributional
classification of the elements. This becomes clear, if we substitute less
for more and good (or bad, etc.) for convincing: some less convincing
evidence is not ambiguous, nor is some more good evidence, nor is some
better evidence, nor is some more evidence. The word more belongs to
(at least) two distributional classes: (i) like less, it combines with
adjectives to form adjectival-phrases (however, its distribution is more
restricted than that of less, since more is here in complementary
distribution with the suffix -er: cf. nicer v. *more nice, etc.), and
(ii) unlike less, it combines with a preceding some to form a * modifier'
of nouns and noun-phrases (cf. some more evidence v. msome less
Ambiguity may be a function then either of constituent-structure or
of the distributional classification of the ultimate (and intermediate)
constituents; and this is the case not only for English, but for many
other languages as well. We must therefore take account of both
factors in the analysis of sentences. This can be done easily enough
by labelling the bracketed structures or the 'nodes' of the tree-
diagram. Thus:
"L{NP(A [poor] + N [John]) + VP( V [ran] + Adv [away])}
There is no distinction associated with the different kinds of brackets
used here. The employment of different brackets makes it easier to
locate, visually, the corresponding left and right member of a pair of
brackets. An equivalent tree-diagram (which is much easier to 'read')
is given in Fig. 9.
We have now brought into the representation of the grammatical
structure of sentences such as Poor John ran away the fact that poor
John is a noun-phrase (NP) consisting of the adjective (A) poor and the
noun (N)jfohn and that ran away is a verb-phrase (VP) composed of
the verb (V) ran and the adverb (Adv) away. And from now on we
shall consider such information to be an integral part of the analysis of
sentences in terms of their constituent-structure. We have still not
introduced the traditional notions of 'subject* and 'predicate'. Nor
have we yet said anything about 'modification'. In traditional
grammatical theory the phrase poor John would be classed as a noun-
phrase because it 'functions as', or 'does the work of, a noun in
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sentences. This can be interpreted as meaning that phrases of the
form adjective + noun have the same distribution in the sentences
generated by the grammar as nouns; that poor John, new car, etc.,
can be freely substituted tor John, car, etc., in any given sentence, and
the result will be another grammatically acceptable sentence. This
fact is accounted for in our analysis of such sentences as Poor John
ran away by labelling the 'node' through which the adjective and the
noun are related with the term 'noun-phrase'.
Fig. 9.
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English. It is clear that, in general, the bracketing A + (A^ + N2) is
acceptable if the first noun can combine wTith the second (fruit
market) and if the adjective can combine with the second noun (new
market, }fresh market); and the bracketing (A + N^ + N2 is accept-
able if the first noun can combine with the second noun and if the
adjective can combine with the first noun (fresh fruit, Inew fruit).
The question therefore is essentially the same as that discussed above
in connexion with the limits of grammar: the question of sub-
classification with the two limiting factors of indeterminacy and of
diminishing returns' (cf. 4.2.11). Any phrase of the form A + N + N2
will be given two grammatical analyses, unless the grammar and
lexicon to which we refer prohibits explicitly the combination of the
adjective in question with one or other of the nouns.
The notion of constituent-structure does not rest solely upon its
capacity to handle ambiguities of the kind we have discussed. The
main reason for regarding sentences as being composed of * layers* of
constituents is that in this way we can achieve a more economical and
intuitively more satisfying description. This will be clear from the
discussion which follows. It may be mentioned in passing that there
are other kinds of ambiguity which can be accounted for by an
essentially different kind of grammatical structure from that which
we are at present considering. Some of these will be discussed later in
this chapter (cf. 6.6.2).
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6.2.2 Rewrite-systems
We may begin by providing a set of rewrite-rules (they are assumed to
be concatenating: cf. 6.6.1) of the following form:
(1) I<->NP+VP
(2) VP->V+Adv
(3) NP^A + N
If these rules are applied in sequence in such a way that each rule
(apart from the first) is used to replace, or * rewrite', in the 'output'
of the previous rules, whatever symbol occurs in the left-hand side of
the rule with whatever symbols occur 'bracketed' after the arrow,
we shall get by rule (1) the output
2 {NP+ VP)
and by the application to this of rule (2)
I<{NP+VP(V + Adv)}
and, finally, by rule (3)
2 {NP(A + N)+VP(V+ Adv)}
That is, each rule brackets together the constituents which form the
construction it defines, and labels the construction; and the structural
layers are determined by the order in which the rules are applied.
In the present instance the result would be the same if rule (3) were
applied before rule (2). But rule (1) must be applied first, in order to
produce the elements required for rules (2) and (3). The term occurring
in the left-hand part of rule (1) of the grammar denotes the highest-
level construction, of which all other constructions generated by
the grammar are constituents. We shall call this term ('sentence') the
initial symbol. After the application of all the rules relevant in the
generation of a particular type of sentence, the grammar will have
'produced' a bracketed 'string' of symbols (adjective, noun, verb,
etc.), each of which denotes a class of elements in the lexicon. The
symbols denoting lexical classes we shall refer to as terminal symbols,
and bracketed strings of terminal symbols as terminal strings. If we
now substitute for each of the terminal symbols in a terminal string
a member of the lexical class it denotes, we shall get a sentence whose
constituent structure is completely determined by the rules which
generate the terminal string. Thus, if the lexicon contains the fol-
lowing information (cf. 4.3.1 ff.)
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TV = {John, etc.}
V = {ran, etc.}
A = {poor, etc.}
Adv = {amry, etc.}
the three-rule grammar given above will generate such sentences as
Poor John ran away with their correct constituent-structure. Con-
versely, presented with this sentence and using a lexicon which is
organized more conveniently for analysis, i.e. in some such form as
away: Adv
John: N
poor: A
ran: V
we shall be able to replace each word of the sentence with its class-
symbol and then work through the rules of the grammar upwards and
from right to left until, if we arrive successfully at the initial symbol
in rule (1), we thereby recognize the sentence as being grammatically
acceptable and as having a certain constituent structure. It should be
stressed that the reason why it is possible to work through the rules
in either direction in the case of the present grammar is that it
conforms to certain general conditions (which we will not discuss here:
cf. 6.2.11). Independently of this particular property it is neutral with
respect to analysis and synthesis (cf. 4.3.1); and it formalizes the
notion of * labelled bracketing' (cf. 6.1.3).
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Adv N I
John ran away j 1 ran away
1 1
Poor John
/ \
/ \
Vtr X N NP
i \ A
Men 1 A
love i love
women Old men women
N /. NP N Vtr NP
/ \ \ 1 / N.
\ i / \
Men love Aii Ni A N \ A N
i i love I
i I i
young women Old men young women
(v) (vi)
Fig. 10.
(Note that the branch for NP->N has been omitted from (v) and (vi).)
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can be satisfactorily accounted for, therefore, in terms of a difference
in the relative order of application of rules (5) and (6). It may be
observed, however, that the bracketed phrase generated by the appli-
cation of rule (6) after rule (5), old (men and women), is semantically
equivalent to (old men) and (old women), which could be generated
by a double application of rule (5) to the output of rule (6).
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If we wish to make our grammar a more 'realistic* model for the
production of sentences and to construct it in such a way that it will
generate more instances of recursive structures with two constituents
than with three, more instances of structures with three constituents
than with four, and so on, we can do this by assigning a particular
probability to each number of times that the rules in question are to
be applied (the probabilities being generated as an infinite series
whose limit is zero). Probabilities could be assigned in the same way to
each member of a set of alternative rules and to each optional rule in
the grammar. But we must be careful not to confuse probability of
occurrence with grammaticality. Although native speakers may
hesitate about the acceptability of certain particular constructions of
low frequency, it does not appear to be the case that they will always
consider constructions with a high probability of occurrence to be
more acceptable than constructions with a low probability of
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generating the six alternative versions of the sentence would seem to
be by means of a set of supplementary rules of permutation operating
upon the same terminal string. If all word-order were completely
' free* in Latin, the supplementary rules would be quite simple. The
fact that there are constraints upon the order of certain words in
Latin sentences makes the question more complicated, but does not
affect the principle being illustrated.
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concerns us at this point. The selection of this option, with the
appropriate development of the constituent sentence, will account for
when John came in (and will classify it as a Time Adverbial, like
yesterday or on Tuesday). The constituent-structure assigned to a
sentence like Bill was reading the newspaper when John came in would
be as illustrated in Fig. 11. The effect of permitting the inclusion of
NP Temporal
Fig. 11.
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difference between weak and strong equivalence we will consider
briefly constituent-structure grammars of a somewhat different kind
from the 'rewrite' systems discussed above: namely, ' categorial'
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this fact automatically by a simple rule of * cancellation' similar to the
arithmetical rules of cancellation: just as
x 2 _
y x - = x, so n. = It
y n
(i.e. we * cancel out' the numerator and denominator when they are
identical and, in this case, we are left with 2, which indicates that
the expression is a sentence: the dot is being used here to represent
linear concatenation). But the system must also be capable of
excluding as ungrammatical such sequences as .n (Ran John). We
must therefore specify the direction in which an element combines, to
the left or to the right. We will indicate this by means of an arrowhead
attached to the horizontal * fractional* line: thus *- denotes an
element which combines with a noun to the left to form a sentence;
whereas, for example, -* denotes an element (e.g. an 'adjective' like
poor, oldy etc.) which combines with a noun to its right to form a noun
(or noun-phrase).
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could be extended in various ways (by permitting the occurrence of
two or more concatenated categories in the denominator of a derived
category; by permitting an element to combine both to the left and
to the right simultaneously; and so onwe shall not go into the effect
of such extensions here); and it could be restricted (made uni-
directional) by allowing for combination in only one specified
direction. It will also be observed that this categorial system, like the
'rewrite* system discussed above, cannot handle discontinuous
constituents (cf. 6.2.8).
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There are now two possibilities: and it is clear that, in order to
analyse the sentences without residue, we must now cancel ran with
away to yield
and, finally
Alternatively, we might have first combined ran with away (ic), and
then poor with John: in other words we might have cancelled the same
elements, but in a different order.
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with respect to this feature by substituting N for NP and Vinir for
VP in the ' rewrite' rules (we will not go into the further implications
of this revision). The main difference between the two systems lies
in the fact that the categorial grammar, unlike the 'rewrite' grammar,
regards one constituent in each construction as dependent upon the
other: the categorial notation makes it clear which is the dependent
constituent (the one with the more complex classification) and this is
fundamental to the operation of 'cancelling*. The 'rewrite* system
(25) (25)
Fig. 12.
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construction is one whose distribution is identical with that of one
or more of its constituents; and any construction which is not endo-
centric is exocentric. (In other words, exocentricity is defined nega-
tively with reference to a prior definition of endocentricity, and all
constructions fall into one class or the other.) For example, the now
famous phrase poor John is endocentric, since it has the same distri-
bution as its constituent John; any English sentence in which John
occurs can generally be matched with another sentence in which
poor John occurs in the same position; and, since John is a noun,
poor John is described as a noun-phrase. On the other hand, in
Vancouver is exocentric, since its distribution is different from that of
either the preposition in or the noun Vancouver, The phrase in Van-
couver has much the same distribution in English sentences as there and
other adverbs (of place); therefore it is classified as an adverbial
phrase (of place). These examples show that, although the distinction
between endocentric and exocentric constructions is one that was not
made as such in traditional grammar, the traditional notion of
'function' (according to which poor John is said to 'function as' a
noun and in Vancouver as an adverb) can be given a natural inter-
pretation in terms of the distribution of the elements in question.
It is often said that no construction has exactly the same distri-
bution as any of its constituents; that the substitution of the con-
struction for one of the constituents will result in a certain number of
unacceptable utterances. This is doubtless true. But, as we saw in a
previous chapter, by the distribution of an element we do not mean
the totality of acceptable utterances in which the element occurs, but
that set of utterances whose acceptability is accounted for by the
grammatical description of the language, the limits to which this can
be pushed being determined by what we have called the 'law of
diminishing returns' (cf. 4.2.11). In this sense, therefore, any two
elements either have or have not the same distribution; and con-
structions are either endocentric or exocentric. Any grammar of
English will recognize many different (and overlapping) subclasses of
nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. For instance, a distinction will be drawn
between 'countable' nouns and 'uncountable' (or 'mass') nouns (to
handle the acceptability of / like wine, etc., and the unacceptability
(except in cannibalistic circumstances) of */ like boy, etc.); between
'human' nouns and 'non-human' nouns (to handle, inter alia, the
distribution of who: which: cf. the boy who... and the book which...);
between singular nouns and plural nouns (to handle 'agreement';
cf. the boy is... and the boys are...); between masculine, feminine
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and neuter nouns (to handle the 'reference* of he, she, it); and so on.
When we say that two nouns have exactly the same distribution, we
mean that they are given the same classification at the 'lowest* level
of distributional subclassification that the grammar achieves. But we
can say that two elements have the same distribution at various
specified 'depths'. Thus, all nouns (and all noun-phrases and noun-
clauses) have the same distribution at the relatively high level of classi-
fication for which the term' noun' is used without further qualification.
At a lower level two nouns might have a different distribution, one
being 'animate' and the other 'inanimate', etc. The concepts of endo-
centricity and exocentricity are therefore to be used with respect to
some specified 'depth' of subclassification.
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by Chomsky. It is to be noticed that, while Bloomfield talked always
of the classification of constructions, Chomsky talks of the generation
of constructions. As we have already seen (cf. 4.2.8), any analytic
classification of the constructions of a language must also be
synthetic (implicitly, if not explicitly). However, the change of out-
look represented by the conscious and deliberate adoption of the
generative approach has the practical effect of making the task of
classification secondary to the main purpose of the grammar, the
generation of sentences: the generative approach imposes limits on
classification. For example, Bloomfield describes the English words
longlegs and butterfingers as exocentric, 'because they occur both as
singulars.. .and plurals {that longlegs)9. But this fact is sufficient to
show that the forms in question are not constructions at all; they are
to be entered in the lexicon as unanalysable wholes, as members of
the appropriate distributional class, and are not to be generated by the
grammar. The distribution of longlegs9 unlike the distribution of long
legs (in He has long legs) cannot be accounted for by any productive
formational rules of modern English.
implies that the distribution of phrases like eat meat, on the one hand,
and of words like die, on the other, is included in the distribution of
the class of verb-phrases.
The difference between endocentric and exocentric constructions,
on the one hand, and between the two main subtypes of endocentric
constructions (co-ordinating and subordinating), on the other hand,
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is manifest in the form of the 'rewrite' rules which account for the
formation of these constructions. It should be noticed, however, that
the notions of endocentricity, subordination, etc., have no systematic
significance in a 'rewrite* grammar of the kind outlined above: that is
to say, these notions are not invoked as such in the grammar. More-
over, since the effect of an obligatory rule (or set of subrules) is to
'rewrite* all instances of A as B + C it does not matter what A is
called: after the operation of the rule, A disappears, except as the
name of the higher 'node*. For example, the choice of the terms noun-
phrase (NP) and verb-phrase (VP) in the first rule of the grammar
is a perfectly arbitrary choice in a 'rewrite* constituent-structure
grammar: for both NP and VP are obligatorily 'rewritten* as various
other elements or constructions. (They might equally well be called
Y and Z.) The relationship between noun-phrases, nouns and pro-
nouns (of various subclasses) is not expressed by the nomenclature
applied to them, as in 'classificatory* treatments, but by the fact of
their deriving from some common ' node*. In respect of the notions of
endocentricity and exocentricity, and of subordination and co-
ordination, a categorial grammar might claim to be a truer formaliza-
tion of the principles outlined by Bloomfield and developed by his
successors, with a good deal of exemplification from many different
languages. As we have seen, a categorial grammar takes as fundamental
the notion of 'dependency* (which is generally to be equated with
subordination); and the difference between endocentric and exo-
centric constructions is evident from the structure of the dependent
category in a 'cancellation'if the numerator and denominator are
identical, the construction is endocentric; it not, it is exocentric
(cf. above 6.3.2).
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the ' output' of the rule as the symbol or string of symbols appearing
to the right of the arrow in the statement of the rule. To take an
example, the following rule (cf. 6.2.6)
was interpretable as an instruction to 'rewrite' AT as N+and+N
(optionally or obligatorily) in any string of symbols to which the rule
was applied. In other words, the sole condition for the operation of
the rule was the occurrence of N in the 'input* to the rule. For
instance, given as alternative 'input' strings
(i) X + 7V+Y
(ii) W + AT+Z
the 'output', after the operation of the rule in question, would be,
in the one case,
X + N+and+N+Y
and in the other,
W + N+and+N+Z
The point is that there were no contextual restrictions imposed upon
the operation of the rule.
Suppose, however, that we had formulated the rule in the following
N - N+ and+Nfm the context X +... + Y
This might be defined to mean that N was to be' rewritten' (optionally
or obligatorily) only if it occurred in the 'input* string with X
immediately to its left and Y immediately to its right. In which case,
the rule would apply to (i), but not to (ii). The specification of the
contextual condition to the right of the oblique stroke in the above rule
makes it a context-sensitive rule.
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Within this class of grammars, one may distinguish those in which
X and Y, in a rule of the kind that has just been given by way of
exemplification, are restricted to cover only one symbol each; those
in which either X or Y, or both, may refer to a string of more than
one symbol; and so on.
We will tacitly assume that the class of context-sensitive grammars
with which we are concerned here is defined by the condition that
X and Y, in a rule of the following kind
A -> B/in the context X + . . . + Y
may refer, each independently, to any finite number of concatenated
symbols, but that A must be a single symbol. Furthermore, we will
assume that B cannot be identical with A, and cannot be 'zero'
(cf. 6.2.11). These conditions would allow the following rules as
* well-formed' within the system:
(a) P->)/in the context E+F+... + G
(b) P-> Q + R/'m the context E+ ... + G + H+K+L
(c) P-^R + S+T/in the context G+...+H
They would prohibit the inclusion in the grammar of rules such as
the following:
(d) P-P/in the context E+...+F
(e) P-> 0/in the context E+...+F
Rule (d) is 'ill-formed* because it 'rewrites' P as itself (i.e. it breaks
the condition that A and B must not be identical). Rule (e) contains
the 'zero* symbol (0) immediately to the right of the arrow: this
defines rule (e) as a deletion-rule (' rewrite P as zero' means ' delete P ' :
the 'output* of rule (e), if it were allowed in the system, would be
E+F, derived by the rule from the 'input' E+P+F).
It should be noticed that in the above rules some symbols are
italicized, whereas others are not. The symbols printed in italics are
constants, the others are variables. We shall return later to the
distinction of constants and variables (cf. 6.6.6). For the purposes of
this section, the difference is as follows: if a symbol occurs in any
part of a rule as a constant, this means that the rule applies to
occurrences of that particular symbol; if the symbol occurs as a
variable, this means that the rule applies to any of the constants that
are defined to fall within the class referred to by the variable.
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In this section, the difference is relevant only to the extent that it
distinguishes the actual rules of the grammar (which, we will assume,
do not contain any variables) from an abstract specification of the
format of the rules. In other words,
A -> B/in the context X +... + Y
is not a rule, but summarizes a whole class of rules, according to the
* values' defined as permissible for the variables A, B, X and Y. The
conditions that restrict the scope of the variables have been given
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also be put in another form (and frequently are in published
(P) 0 + P+ 0-+0
(g') 0 + P+R +
(h') T+P+0-+T+Q + 0
Generalizing this format (by using A, B, X and Y are variables) we can
say that all the rules of a context-sensitive grammar are of the form
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'plural', but unmarked for the distinction of 'masculine' and
'feminine*. (For simplicity, we are referring to the concord-system
of written French. We have already mentioned that written and
spoken French are to a certain extent different languages: cf. 1.4.2.)
As in French, so also in Italian, Spanish, German, Russian, Latin,
and in many other languages of the world, the adjective must agree
with the noun in constructions similar to the one illustrated. Again, in
many languages, the verb must agree with either the subject or the
object, or both, in number, gender or person. Part of the relatively
complex gender-and-number concord of Swahili will be illustrated
in the following chapter (cf. 7.3.5); and the 'ergative' concord-
system of Eskimo will be referred to in the sections on 'transitivity*
and 'ergativity' (cf. 8.1.6, 8.2.2).
By comparison with the languages mentioned in the previous para-
graph, English has relatively little concord, Within noun-phrases it is
only the demonstrative pronouns which agree with the noun they
'modify': cf. this book, that book v. these books, those books. However,
concord is operative with respect to the verb in certain 'tenses' (more
precisely, it is not simply 'tense' that is involved, but also 'mood'
and 'aspect': cf. 7.5.1 ff.). The following simple sentences illustrate
the principle, as it applies to English, that the verb is in agreement
with the subject:
(1) He goes v. I/You) We/They go
(2) He has gone v. I/You/We/They have gone
(3) He is going v. You)We /They are going v. / am going
(4) He 11 was going v. You j'We I They were going
In the first two sentences, the person-and-number concord operates
in the following manner: if the subject is 'third person, singular' {he,
she, it, someone, etc., or a noun-phrase with a singular noun as its
head, e.g. John, the boy), the verb is 'third person, singular'; whereas,
if the subject is not' third person, singular', the verb is in what we will
refer to as the 'unmarked' form. In (3) and (4), which both contain
what is traditionally called 'the verb to bey (here employed as an
'auxiliary verb'), concord operates somewhat differently: in (3),
there is once again 'third person, singular' concord, but also 'first
person, singular' concord (/ am); and in (4), 'first person, singular'
and 'third person, singular' fall together under subject-verb concord.
With the 'simple past tense' of the verb (e.g. went, loved), there is no
subject-verb concord: cf. He\I\You\We\They went, etc.
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Concord, as illustrated above, is usually distinguished from govern-
ment (or * rection', in the usage of some authors). For example, in many
languages the verb is said to 'govern* its object in a particular case:
e.g. Latin (Ego) amo te, 'I love you*, (Ego) suadeo tibi, 'I advise
you* (te v. tibi, 'accusative' v. 'dative', are governed by, or dependent
on, the verbs amo v. suadeo). In Latin (Russian, German, etc.), not
only verbs, but also prepositions, may govern the noun, pronoun or
noun-phrase dependent upon them in a particular case: e.g. ad urbem,
'to the city' (ad 'takes the accusative': urbem) v. ab urbey 'from the
city' (ab 'takes the ablative': urbe). For a fuller discussion of what is
meant by such expressions as 'takes the ablative', cf. 7.4.1 ff.
It will appear from the above examples that the difference between
concord and government lies in the fact that under concord two or
more words or phrases are 'inflected' for the same category (e.g.
number or person), whereas under government the principal and the
dependent member of a syntactic construction do not both exhibit the
same category: instead the dependent member is determined with
respect to the relevant category (e.g. case) by the principal member.
We have just stated the difference between concord and government
in a traditional manner; and it is a traditional distinction. In more
recent grammatical theory, the distinction is frequently drawn with
respect to the prior recognition of a distinction between endocentric
and exocentric constructions (cf. 6.4.1). For instance, Hockett says
that government is found 'only in exocentric constructions' (of a
particular subtype): the Latin ad urbem is exocentricit differs distri-
butionally from its constituents, ad and urbem. Concord, on the
other hand, 'is found in endocentric constructions, and in a tie that
cuts across hierarchical [i.e. immediate-constituent] structure to link
certain predicate attributes to subjects'. In other words, concord is
found in both endocentric and exocentric constructions: the French
un livre inter essant is endocentric, since its distribution is identical with
that of un livre; but Le livre est interessant (which also manifests
concord between livre and interessant), 'The book is interesting', is
exocentric, because its distribution (in so far as the notion of distri-
bution is relevant to sentences: cf. 5.2.1) differs from the distribution
of le livre, on the one hand, and est interessant, on the other.
Although what Hockett and other authors have to say in this
connexion is correct as far as it goes, it should be pointed out that
there is both a principal and a dependent member in constructions
which manifest concord: it would be incorrect, for example, to
maintain (as some linguists have maintained) that the person and
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number of the subject is determined by the person and number of
the verb. It would be equally incorrect to say (and this view has been
expressed even more frequently) that neither the subject nor the
verb determines the other, but that both the subject and the verb
manifest a category which pertains to the construction of which they
are members. As we shall see later, number and person are nominal
categories, which, if they are manifest in a given language, may be
marked, inflexionally or otherwise, in the 'surface-structure' of the
verb-phrase (cf. 7.2.6, 7.3.1). This is implicit in the traditional
formulation of the facts: 'the verb agrees with the subject in number
and person*. We shall assume that this view is correct in our discus-
sion of context-sensitive rules in English in the following paragraphs.
The distinction between 'surface-structure* and 'deep-structure*
will be explained in a later section (cf. 6.6.1). Once we draw this
distinction, it will become clear that the difference between concord
and government (especially if it is made with reference to the notions
of 'endocentric5 and 'exocentric*) is essentially a 'surface-structure*
(2) VPHng->
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(3) VPplur^Vplur
(5) NPsing->T+Nsing
(6) NPplur^T+Nplur
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choice between 'singular' and 'plural* is independently made in the
subject-position and object-position; and that the prior determination
of the subject as either 'singular' or 'plural' subsequently determines
the verb as either ' singular' or ' plural' according to the principles of
concord discussed above (cf. 6.5.4).
Fig. 13. Concord within a context-free grammar (the numerals attached to
the branches refer to the rules of the grammar in 6.5.5).
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( \ V h iV+Sl[n tthe
h e Ccontext
O n t e X t NP NPinn+...
~* \V+ 0/in the context NPplur + ...
(6) NPplur->T+N+s
There are a number of differences between this set of rules and the set
given in 6.5.5. I* *s shorter, with six rules rather than ten. Rules (5)
and (6) analyse 'singular' and 'plural' noun-phrases into three
constituents, of which one is an article, one a noun and the third a
member of the category of number (either * singular* or ' plural'). At
the same time, it should be noticed that there is no formalization of
the fact that the noun is the head of the noun-phrase. Although many
other shortcomings of the analysis assigned to such sentences by a
phrase-structure grammar can be remedied, as we shall see, by the
introduction of transformational rules, this particular type of
deficiency (and we will assume it is a deficiency) requires a rather
more fundamental revision of the formalization (cf. 7.6.8).
For the moment, however, we are concerned solely with the
question of context-sensitivity. The important point is that rule (1)
defines all sentences generated by these rules to be sentences of the
same type (NP+VP); rule (3) makes number a category of the
noun-phrase, independently of the occurrence of the noun-phrase as
subject or object; and rule (4) says that number in the verb (more
precisely, in V: we will not go into the reasons why Verb and V are
distinguished in this set of rules) is determined by the number of the
preceding noun-phrase. Rule (4) is a context-sensitive rule of the form
A-> B/in the context X + . . . + Y , where X is (in this case) assigned
a positive 'value* and Y is left unrestricted (cf. 6.5.3). (^ wu*l be
observed that the rule can be formulated in this way only within a
system of concatenating rules: cf. 6.1.1. It is the left-hand noun-
phrase, not the right-hand noun-phrase, which controls concord.
Since the left-hand noun-phrase derives from the NP generated by
rule (1) it may be interpreted, as we shall see later, as the subject
rather than the object: cf. 7.6.2.) As far as it goes, therefore, the
above system of six rules correctly formalizes the facts of concord
in English (in this deliberately restricted class of sentences). The
analysis of a sample sentence is given in Fig. 14.
It requires but little consideration to see that, as soon as we start
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increasing the class of sentences generated by the grammar to
include all the other kinds of concord referred to in 6.5.4, tne number
of rules required in a context-free grammar would increase consider-
ably. There would be little difference in the number of rules added to
the context-sensitive grammar. Independently of any evaluation of
the two grammars in terms of economy of statement, however, we
wTish to say that the context-sensitive rules correctly formalize the
facts of concord. This brings us to a discussion of the distinction
between 'strong' and 'weak' adequacy.
(3) \
NPsing Verb AT
4/ \ i
N Pplur
T / K
eat /
the banana
Fig. 14. Concord within a context-sensitive grammar (the numerals attached
to the branches refer to the rules of the grammar in 6.5.6).
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The term 'correct' is controversial, not to say tendentious. But it
must be remembered that this definition of the difference between
weak and strong adequacy carries with it absolutely no implications
about the interpretation of * correct': it does not even prejudge the
question whether there are any standards of ' correctness '. However,
we shall assume that, in certain cases at least, it is possible to say of
two alternative descriptions of the same set of sentences that one
description is ' more correct' than the other, or ' correct' in certain re-
spects, even though we might not wish to say that any description
is absolutely * correct'.
It will be evident that the two sets of rules introduced in 6.5.5 an<^
6.5.6 are weakly, though not strongly, equivalent. There can be no
doubt that the context-sensitive system is more strongly adequate (more
* correct') than the context-free system wTith regard to its characteriza-
tion of the principles of subject-verb concord in English. It was for
this reason that we deliberately introduced the notions of * strong'
and 'weak' adequacy at this point. The two grammars are readily
comparable, because they are weakly equivalent and they both
conform to the same general conditions imposed by the formalization
of phrase-structure grammars (cf. 6.5.3).
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deep structure of sentences by means of what they both called
* transformational' rules. Although Harris and Chomsky were
working in close association (and in their publications each has
acknowledged his debt to the other), they have from the outset
developed the theory of 'transformational' grammar along different
lines. More recently, the Soviet linguist, Shaumjan, has published a
book (1965) in which yet a third system of grammatical analysis has
been proposed making use of ' transformational' rules.
We shall not go into the differences between these theories here.
It is important to realize, however, that there is a serious ter-
minological problem in deciding what 'legitimately' counts as a
transformational grammar. If we tried to formulate a definition of
' transformational' in such a way that it would apply to the theories
of Chomsky, Harris and Shaumjan, then we should probably find that
it also applied to many other theories of grammatical structure which
are described by their authors as 'non-transformational'.
The purpose of this assertion (which is not intended to be pole-
mical) is merely to draw the reader's attention to the fact that the
term ' transformational' is strictly defined, but differently defined, in
the formalizations proposed by Chomsky, Harris and Shaumjan.
The term ' transformational' has unfortunately engendered a good
deal of unnecessary controversy and confusion in the recent literature
of linguistics. If we use the term in a general and rather informal
sense, rather than in the particular sense in which it is defined in tny
one theory, we can say, quite reasonably, that the ' deeper connexions'
between sentences which 'cut across the surface grammar' (cf. the
quotation from Hockett given above) are transformational relation-
ships: this is a perfectly legitimate use of the term 'transformational'.
Many of these transformational relationships between sentences are
well-recognized in traditional grammar; but it is only recently that
linguists have made any progress in accounting for them in an
explicitly generative framework. Any grammar that claims to assign
to each sentence that it generates both a deep-structure and a surface-
structure analysis and systematically to relate the two analyses is a
transformational grammar (whether it uses the label or not).
Of the many theories that are transformational in this wide, but
quite reasonable, sense of the term, the best-known and so far the
most highly-developed is that of Chomsky. In what follows, we shall
therefore restrict our attention to the generative system which he and
his associates have developed, and applied to the description of parts
of the grammatical structure of many languages, over the last few
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years. This system, like all others, has a number of known inade-
quacies. But so far it has proved itself capable of handling an im-
pressively large number of the * deeper connexions' between sentences
that we have described as 'transformational*.
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formulated as follows: (a) A participle is a word which is derived from
a verb and used as an adjective, (b) A gerund is a word which is
derived from a verb and used as a noun. This distinction is clearly
relevant to the analysis of an ambiguous phrase like flying planes. If
we consider the following two sentences (in which the principles of
subject-verb concord * disambiguate' the phrase in question)
(1) Flying planes are dangerous
(2) Flying planes is dangerous
the difference between the 'participle' and the 'gerund' comes out
quite clearly. The verb are in (1) is 'plural' because its subject is
planesy a plural noun, which is the head of the endocentric phrase
flying planes: moreover, in (1) flying is distributionally equivalent to
an adjective (e.g. supersonic). The recognition of a head and a modifier
in flying planes in (2) is more problematical: but flying is nominal and
the whole phrase is the subject (cf. Flying is dangerous). Traditional
statements about the 'participle' and the 'gerund' are transforma-
tional in nature. We can interpret them to mean that a particular
word (in the sense of 'lexeme': cf. 5.4.4) may be 'verbal' in one
sentence and 'adjectival' in a transformationally-related phrase, or
'verbal' in one sentence and 'nominal' in a transformationally-
related phrase. Without, for the moment, considering the nature of the
rules which might account for these relationships, let us merely say
that in (1) the phrase flying planes is to be derived by a rule which
'transforms' the structure underlying a sentence like Planes are flying
and assigns to the resultant noun-phrase the derived structure of
adjective + noun; and that in (2) the phrase flying planes is to be
derived by transformational rule from the structure underlying a
sentence like Johnfliesplanes and assigns to the resultant noun-phrase
the derived structural description noun + noun (the first of the two
nouns, if any, being the one that controls concord). If we now assume
that the rules of the grammar generate sentences like (1) and (2) with
both an underlying ('deep') and a derived ('surface') structural
description, we have in principle explicated the 'subjective' and
'objective' interpretations of noun-phrases like flying planes.
Consider now a phrase like eating apples: this is also ambiguous.
Under one interpretation (cf. to eat apples and to fly planes) it is
structurally comparable with flying planes in (2). But the other
interpretation, which is illustrated by
(3) Eating apples cost more than cooking apples
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cannot be accounted for by saying that apples is in a 'subjective*
relationship with eating in the deep structure of (3). The subjective
interpretation of eating apples might be possible in somewhat unusual,
or bizarre, situations in which apples are * personified * (to use the
traditional term). In such situations a sentence like the following
(4) Apples eat with a hearty appetite
would, presumably, be equally acceptable. Let us grant, however,
that (4) is 'abnormal'; and that, whatever account we give of its
' abnormality ', this account simultaneously explains the' abnormality'
of the 'subjective' interpretation of eating apples.
There are many phrases of the form V+ing + N which are
multiply-ambiguous: indeed, one might maintain that flying planes
can be interpreted in the sense suggested by the paraphrase 'version'
planes for flying. In the case of flying planes, this third interpretation
is perhaps tautologous. It is quite likely, however, that any grammar
which defines eating apples, etc., to have at least two deep-structure
analyses will also assign at least three analyses toflyingplanes.
The reason why these phrases are said to be grammatically, and
not just semantically, ambiguous is essentially the same as the reason
given in 6.1.3. To illustrate this point with reference to another of
Chomsky's examples (which is very similar to the love of God
discussed above): a phrase like the shooting of the hunters is ambiguous
(if it occurs in a context which does not ' disambiguate' it) because
(a) shoot may be used both 'transitively' and 'intransitively' (more
precisely, both 'transitively' and 'pseudo-intransitively': cf. 8.2.11),
and (b) the hunters may occur in sentences containing the verb shoot
as either the subject of the 'intransitive' (e.g. The hunters shoot) or
the object of the 'transitive' (e.g. John shot the hunters). It is worth
pointing out that the objective interpretation of the phrase the
shooting of the hunters is closely related to passive constructions:
cf. The hunters were shot (by John). With a 'fully transitive' verb
(i.e. with a verb which has an overt and specific object) phrases of the
form the V+ing of NP do not normally admit of a subjective inter-
pretation: they cannot be extended with an objective of NP (*the
shooting of the hunters of the deer). Instead, the subjective NP takes
the 'possessive' suffix and the objective NP the preposition of: cf. the
hunters' shooting of the deer. In a later chapter (cf. 8.2.3 R-)> w e shall
see that this is but one of many facts which suggest that in English
(as in many languages) there is a particular relationship between
the object of a transitive verb and the subject of a corresponding
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intransitive verb. For the present, however, we may be content with
the informal account given above of the conditions which determine
the ambiguity of phrases like the shooting of the hunters.
Let us now introduce the purely ad hoc convention (which is
frequently used for this purpose in the literature) of employing
numerical subscripts to identify the words and phrases which are
said to be in correspondence in transformationally-related construc-
tions. For example, we will say that a sentence like John shoots the deer
has the form NP1 Vir NP2(NP1 = John; Vir stands for a particular
member of the class of transitive verbs, shoot; and NP2 = the
hunters); and a sentence like The hunters shoot has the form NPX Vinlr
(NP1 = the hunters, Vintr stands for a particular member of the
class of intransitive verbs). Given this convention, we can say that a
phrase of the form the V-{-ing of NP is grammatically ambiguous (and
may or may not be semantically ambiguous) if, and only if, the
grammar generates sentences of the form
(6) NP, Vinlr
and if (a) the V of the V+ ing of NP is identical with a member of Vtr
in (5) and a member of Vintr in (6), and (b) the NP of the V+ing of
NP can occur both as NP2 in (5) and NPX in (6). These conditions
are satisfied in the case of the shooting of the hunters. But are they
satisfied in the case of the eating of the apples} The verb eat (for
simplicity, we will assume that the 'transitive' and the 'intransitive',
or ' pseudo-intransitive', eat are instances of the ' same' verb, although
this begs certain theoretical questions) occurs in sentences of the form
represented in (5) and (6): cf. John eats the apples and John is eating.
The phrase the eating of the apples is therefore interpretable 'objec-
tively' (the apples is NP2 in a transitive sentence with the verb eat).
Whether it is defined as being 'subjectively' interpretable, from the
syntactic point of view, will depend upon the generation or exclusion
of a sentence like The apples are eating. The point is that a phrase like
the eating of the apples manifests the same ' deep' relationship between
the apples and eat as does the sentence (or non-sentence) The apples
are eating. In other words, either the 'subjective' phrase the eating of
the apples and sentence The apples are eating should both be generated
as grammatical (and systematically related to one another in terms of
their 'deep' structure) or they should both be excluded as ungram-
matical. And their grammaticality or ungrammaticality will depend
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upon whether the noun apple and the verb eat are subclassified in the
lexicon (by means of grammatical features': cf. 4.3.3) in such a way
that the grammatical rules will admit or prohibit the combination of
a noun with a given * feature* (e.g. [inanimate]) as the subject of the
verb-class of which eat is a member. (It is the same principle that is
involved as was discussed in connexion with the constituent-structure
analysis of fresh fruit market and new fruit market in 6.1.3).
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There are a number of alternative constructions. Of these we will
mention only two: one that is very similar to the Latin construction
and one that is similar to the English construction with that. Certain
verbs require, or 'prefer', one construction rather than the other.
But some verbs of 'saying' occur freely with both. For example:
.((a) Kuron poreuesthai.
1 (b) hoti Kiiros poredetai.
These are two alternative 'versions' of the same underlying structure;
both are translatable as 'He announces that Cyrus is on the march'.
In (a) Kuron is 'accusative' and poreuesthai is the 'infinitive'; in
(b) hoti is an introductory particle, or conjunction, comparable with
that in English, and Kuros poreuetai is identical in form with the
'direct discourse' simple sentence.
As we have seen, the distinction between dico + Clodia amat
Catullum and dico + Clodiam amat Catullus (the plus-sign is here used
as an ad hoc device to refer to what was described above as 'em-
bedding') is neutralized in the surface-structure of Dico Clodiam
amare Catullum (for the term 'neutralization', cf. 3.3.5). The Greek
example illustrates the converse phenomenon, which (following
Lamb, who might, however, describe the facts in a somewhat
different framework) we may call diversification: two sentences may
differ in surface-structure, but be identical in their deep-structure.
(The English sentences They denied the existence of God and They
denied that God exists also illustrate the phenomenon of diversifi-
Although we have so far discussed transformational relations with
particular reference to neutralization and diversification (and we have
deliberately adopted a traditional viewpoint), it must be emphasized
that the distinction between surface structure and deep structure is
independently justifiable. Traditional grammars of English would say
that active and passive sentences (e.g. John opened the door and The
door was opened by John) are syntactically-relatable, the object of the
former 'becoming' the subject of the latter: this is a transformational
statement, which implies a deep-structure identity or similarity. The
relationship between active and passive sentences must be accounted
for, whether this is a case of diversification or not (and opinions differ
on this question). Furthermore, let us suppose, for the sake of the
argument, that the shooting of the hunters (and all phrases of the form
the V+ing of NP) are not ambiguous, but necessarily 'objective',
and that the hunters' shooting (and all phrases of the form NP's
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V+ing) are necessarily * subjective \ We should still want the grammar
to relate the shooting of the hunters to the transitive sentence NP1 shoot
the hunters and the hunters' shooting to the intransitive The hunters
The phenomena of syntactic neutralization and diversification,
which are widespread in language, bring the distinction between deep
and surface structure into sharper focus.
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(6) Verb-> Aux+V
(7) Aux -> C(M) (have + en) (be + ing)
We have omitted the rules for lexical substitution from the PS-rules
(cf. 4.3.2). Instead, we give Chomsky's sample lexicon in the following
form (the difference is not relevant to any of the points being
T = {the}
N = {man, ball, . . . }
V = {hitf take, walk, ready . . . }
M = {willy can, mayy shall, must}
The only rule that requires any comment at this stage is (7): all the
others conform to conventions used in previous sections. Rule (7)
develops Aux (which has a mnemonic connexion with 'auxiliary
verb') into a string of up to four elements: of these C is obligatory
(and will be interpreted by a transformational rule to handle concord);
the other elements on the right-hand side of rule (7) are optional, and
each is independent of the other two. The output of rule (7) will
therefore contain (in place of Aux in the output of rule (6)) one of the
following eight strings:
(i) C
(ii) C+M
(iii) C + have + en
(iv) C+be + ing
(v) C + M+have + en
(vi) C + M+be + ing
(vii) C+have + en + be + ing
(viii) C+M+have + en + be + ing
Other features of rule (7) will be explained later.
The output of the PS-rules is a kernel string. The reader must be
careful not to confuse this term with kernel sentence. A kernel sentence
(according to the system proposed in Syntactic Structures) is any
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sentence which is generated from a single kernel string without the
application of any optional transformations. No sentences are generated
without the application of at least a limited number of obligatory
T-rules. This point is important, since it has frequently been
assumed that kernel sentences (e.g. the simple, active, declarative
sentences of English) were to be generated solely by the phrase-
structure rules of a transformational grammar.
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elements are permuted; (b) by is attached to what is now the last NP
in the string; and (c) be + en is attached to Aux. In other words, the
effect of the transformation is precisely that suggested in the alter-
native, less formal, statement of the rule
NP1-Aux-V-NP2->NP2-Aux + be + en-V-by + NP1
We must now see what is meant by saying that a string is analysable
in terms of the four elements NP, Aux, V and NP. Let usfirstrun
through the PS-rules in sequence, listing the strings that result from
the application of each rule to the output of the previous rule
(cf. 6.6.4):
By rule (1): NP+VP
(2): NP+Verb + NP
(3): NPsing+Verb + NPsing
(4): T+N+0+Verb+T+N+0
(6): T+N+0 + A11X+V+T + N+0
(7): T+N+0 + C + M+have + en+V+T+N+0
It will be observed that rule (3) was applied twice. Since NPsing was
selected for both positions in the output of rule (2), rule (4) was also
applied twice, but rule (5) was inapplicable. In rule (7) Aux was
rewritten as C + M+ have + en (i.e. as option (v) of the eight listed in
6.6.5 a s possible under the notational conventions). The output of
rule (7) is a kernel string of the type that underlies such corresponding
active and passive sentences as The man will have read the book and
The book will have been read by the man.
We now wish to apply the passive transformation to this string,
provided that it is analysable in terms of the conditions specified in
the SA part of the rule. Notice, first of all, that none of the elements
referred to in the SA for the passive transformation occurs in the
kernel-string. Furthermore, at no stage in the derivation of the
kernel-string by the PS-rules did we meet the string NP + Aux+ V
+ NP. Let us therefore run through the rules again; but this time we
will generate the phrase-structure of the kernel string in question.
By rule (1) Z(NP+VP)
(2) I,(NP+VP(Verb + NP))
(3) X(NP(NPsing)+VP(Verb + NP(NPsing)))
+ VP(Verb + NP(NPsing(T+N+ 0))))
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(6) Z(NP(NPHno(T+N+0))
+ VP(Verb(Aux+ V) + NP(NPsing(T+N+ 0))))
(7) H(NP(NPsing(T+N+0))+VP(Verb(Aux(C +M
+ have + en) + V) + NP(NPsing(T+N+ 0))))
This is the phrase-structure of the kernel string underlying such
sentences as The man will have read the book and The book will have
been read by the man.
A labelled-bracketing of a string is referred to, technically, as a
phrase-marker. Phrase-markers may also be represented by means of a
tree-diagram with labelled nodes: cf. Fig. 15. We must now introduce
two further notions: * substring' and ' domination'.
A substring is any part of a string which is itself a string (of one or
more elements). For example, the string a + b + c is analysable in
various ways into substrings: into the two substrings a and b + cf or
a + b and c, or into the three substrings a and b and c. The kernel
string we are at present concerned with
can be analysed into very many different sets of substrings. What we
want to know is whether any one set of substrings satisfies the condi-
tions of analysability specified in the SA of the T-rule for the passive.
We now need the notion of 'domination'.
A symbol dominates everything enclosed within the brackets
opened immediately after the symbol in question in the phrase
marker (or, equivalently, a symbol dominates everything which is
traceable back to the node labelled with the symbol in question in the
corresponding tree-diagram for the phrase-marker). Thus, in the
phrase-marker we are considering: 2 dominates everything between
the left-most and the right-most bracket; VP dominates Verb
(Aux(C + M+have + en)+V) + NP; and so on.
We can now define the notion of structural analysability as a
condition for the application of T-rules. If a string (not necessarily
a kernel string) is analysable (without remainder) into substrings, each
of which is dominated in the phrase-marker for the string by a symbol
referred to in the SA of the T-rule, then the string satisfies the con-
ditions defined by the SA. If the T-rule in question is obligatory, it
must be applied; if it is optional, it may be applied. The passive trans-
formation is defined to be optional in the rule we are considering.
The (kernel) string in question satisfies the conditions for the
application of the passive transformation. This will be clear from the
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following diagram (which may be interpreted with reference to the
phrase-marker in Fig. 15):
Aux - V - NP9
By the operation of the T-rule proper (in SC) the output will be
another string (no longer a kernel string: cf. 6.6.4), which will then
serve as the input, together with its associated phrase-marker, for
further T-rules. If all the relevant obligatory T-rules are applied, but
no more optional T-rules, the output of the generative system will be
a passive sentence like The book will have been read by the man.
C M have en
T N'
Fig. 15. Phrase-marker for a kernel sentence.
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particular feature by means of a T-rule rather than a PS-rule. As we
shall see, not all the T-rules are ' inherently' transformational.
On the basis of our discussion of structural analysability, we may
distinguish two different criteria which define a rule as * inherently'
transformational. The first may be summarized as follows: any rule
which does not conform to the conditions imposed upon phrase-
structure rules is transformational. Some of these conditions have
been mentioned in an earlier section (cf. 6.2.11). If various formal
restrictions of this nature are imposed upon the rules of the base-
component of a transformational grammar, one may guarantee that
the kernel-strings at least are uniquely analysable into substrings in
terms of the conditions specified in the SA of a transformational rule.
The second criterion is somewhat different: a transformational rule
is one which contains in the string of symbols to the left of the
rewrite-arrow (or in the SA associated with the rule) at least one
symbol which functions as a variable, which takes as its * value' any
one of the whole class of substrings dominated by that symbol in the
phrase-marker associated with the string serving as input to the rule.
For example, all the symbols (except V) in the SA of the passive
transformation discussed above
are variables in this sense. By contrast, V is a constant: it is a terminal
symbol of the system of PS-rules given in 6.6.4, dominating no
substring other than itself ('self-domination', in this sense, is a
formal requirement of the system). This distinction between 'con-
stants' and ' variables' (which may be regarded as a special case of the
more general distinction drawn in 6.5.2) is fundamental to the
definition of 'transformation' in Chomsky's system.
It is by virtue of their capacity to refer to classes of substrings, not
simply to a given substring, that the transformational rules are more
powerful than phrase-structure rules. The term 'powerful' is rather
difficult to define, at least in a non-technical way. Let us be content
with the statement that one rule is more powerful than another if it
accounts for more 'facts' or accounts for them more 'correctly'.
(Lurking behind this statement are various considerations of weak
and strong adequacy: cf. 6.5.7.) In particular instances, it is easy
enough to see what is implied by the term 'powerful'. We will give
just one example.
The system of PS-rules given in 6.6.4 allows for the generation
of only two substrings dominated by NP: T+N+0 and T+N+s
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(e.g. the boy and the boys). But it is clear that in a more complete
grammar of English the passive transformation will be required to
permute noun-phrases of all kinds: cf. The man who was here yesterday
read a thousand books last year and the corresponding passive * version'
A thousand books were read last year by the man who was here yesterday.
Provided that all the rules of the grammar are correctly integrated in
the generative system, both the man who was here yesterday and
a thousand books will be analysed as * constants' falling within the
scope of the ' variables' NP1 and NP2; and the passive transformation
will operate correctly. Other rules will account for the various possible
positions of last year, the 'embedding' of who was here yesterday
within the first NP of the string that serves as input to the trans-
formational rule for the passive, etc. Apart from any other considera-
tions, a rule containing variables (in this sense of the term) can handle
whole classes of sentences which would otherwise require a lot of
separate (and unrelated) phrase-structure rules.
If the grammar is transformational, in the sense that it includes
some 'inherently' transformational rules operating upon the output
of phrase-structure rules, then a number of other important factors
come into play. Only two will be mentioned here. It might be
decided, for instance, to transfer to the transformational component
such 'complexities' as recursion and context-sensitivity (although
these properties, of themselves, do not violate the conditions of
analysability): for reasons which we need not discuss here, Chomsky
made this decision, in principle, for the system proposed in Syntactic
Structures. Another consideration has to do with the relative order in
which the rules of the grammar are applied. A perfectly 'straight-
forward' phrase-structure rule may be required to operate upon the
output of an 'inherently' transformational rule. If the system is
formalized in such a way that the T-rules come after the PS-rules
(and this is so in Syntactic Structures), then the 'straightforward'
phrase-structure rule must be ' reclassified' as a T-rule, by virtue of
the place it occupies in the grammar. (This is possible, because a
constant can always be regarded as a variable with only one 'value'.)
Considerations of this kind (and there are others) account for the
heterogeneity of the transformational rules in grammars organized in
terms of Chomsky's earlier formalization of the theory.
As we shall see, a number of modifications have recently been
introduced into the system by Chomsky and others working upon the
foundations of transformational theory. Analysability is guaranteed
by somewhat different formal devices in the system recently proposed
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by Chomsky: but (to quote his own statement of the point) it remains
'the basic predicate in terms of which transformational grammar is
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the rule for number-concord, the latter can be formulated in such a
way that it applies with respect to the number of the NP occurring
to the left of C (the first element of Aux) in the input string.
Thus the kernel string
(1) T+N+0 + C+M+have + en+V+T+N+s
(which is an instance of NP1 AuxVNP2) will be transformed
{id) T+N+0 + s + M+have + en+V+T+N+s
and (2) T+N+s+C + M+have + en + be + en
+ V+by+T+N+0
(which is the corresponding NP2 Aux + be + enVby + NPV
resulting from the application of the optional passive transformation)
will be transformed by the rule for number-concord into
(20) T+N+s+0 + M+have + en + be + en
+ V+by+T+N+0
These are the strings underlying such sentences as The man will have
read the books and the corresponding passive The books will have been
read by the man.
Among the further transformational rules that must be applied to
(la) and (2a) are the rules for the attachment of the verbal suffixes
and the marking of word-boundaries. We shall not give the rules (the
reader should consult Syntactic Structures, pp. 39, 113: he will see
that the rule for the * auxiliary transformation* makes use of ad hoc
variables). The effect of these rules is to convert (la) and (za) into
(ib) ...M+s++have+ + V+en+ + ...
(2b) ...M+0+ +have++be + en+ + V+en+ + . . .
(We have given only the Aux V portions of the strings. The double
plus-sign is used in place of Chomsky's special boundary-symbol.)
Let us now apply the lexical substitution rules (cf. 4.3.2: there is
some divergence here from the Syntactic Structures system, according
to which the lexical items are the terminal symbols of the PS-rules),
using a space to indicate the word-boundaries
(1 c) the man + 0 will+$ have read + en the book + s
(2 c) the book + s will+ 0 have be + en read+ en by the man+0
Further rules (in Syntactic Structures ' morphophonemic' rules) will
now convert these strings into the correct phonological form:
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> /man/, ;///+$->/wi I/, read + en -> /red/, etc. Alternatively,
for the written language,' morphographemic' rules would convert the
strings into
(id) The man will have read the books
(zd) The books will have been read by the man
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term 'embedding'. The main point is that an embedded structure
(whether it be a phrase or a clause, according to the traditional
distinction between these two kinds of 'secondary' units: cf. 5.1.1) is
the transform of a string which could also serve as the underlying
structure for a whole sentence, but which ' functions' as a constituent
of another sentence. In a certain sense, it is a sentence within a
sentence. The phrase-marker of the matrix-sentence, dominated by 2,
will therefore contain another instance of S dominated by the appro-
priate symbol for the function* performed by the constituent-
sentence in the structure of the whole.
But conjoining transformations also combine sentences (more
precisely, the structures underlying sentences) within a 'larger'
sentence. The difference is (and this is the difference between
'complex', embedding, sentences and 'compound', conjoining,
sentences in traditional grammar) that conjoining transformations do
not subordinate one sentence, as a 'constituent', to the other or
some part of the other, the 'matrix'. Both of the conjoined structures
(assuming that only two underlying structures are involved in the
operation of conjunction) preserve their ' sentential' status within the
'larger' sentence. The phrase-marker for the 'larger' sentence will
therefore contain two (or more) instances of 2, co-ordinate with one
another, below the topmost 2 which dominates the whole phrase-
marker. The most obvious (and prima facie the simplest) example of a
sentence which results from the application of a conjoining trans-
formation is a sentence with two co-ordinate clauses linked by a co-
ordinating conjunction (e.g. and): cf. Caesar advanced and Pompey
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abridgement of previous work, for the most part unpublished,
although it has circulated quite widely among linguists who have
concerned themselves with formalized generative grammar). Many
important theoretical questions have not been mentioned in this
necessarily brief and fragmentary account of Chomsky's system. It has
seemed preferable, in an introduction to linguistic theory, to concen-
trate upon such fundamental notions as 'structural analysability* and
the nature of transformational rules, and to illustrate the operation of
one or two simple rules in sufficient detail for the reader to appreciate
the significance of the fundamental principles of the system.
It has also seemed preferable to illustrate these principles with
reference to the earlier system of transformational grammar (as out-
lined in Syntactic Structures). One reason for this decision is that
most of the detailed exemplification of transformational grammar so
far published conforms, in general, to the earlier system of Chomsky.
Another more important reason is that the major modifications which
have recently been proposed by Chomsky and others derive from the
serious attempts they have made over the last ten years to apply the
earlier system to an ever wider range of syntactic relationships in
language (some of which were not even handled 'informally* in
traditional grammar). To understand the import of these modifi-
cations, one must first of all understand the earlier system.
Furthermore, there is a sense in which Syntactic Structures has not
been superseded by later works. It was a book of revolutionary
importance in the history of modern linguistics. In it, Chomsky did
not amass a wealth of detail from many languages, but selected a few
evident, and in a sense well-understood, facts about the structure of
a very familiar language (English) and about the nature of language
in general, and demonstrated, conclusively, that these facts could not
be 'explained1 within the framework of current linguistic theory. But
in doing so, he set more rigorous standards of 'explanation' than
linguists had hitherto been accustomed to. These standards are still
somewhat controversial (although a good deal of the controversy is
based on misunderstanding). But they have been accepted by many
linguists, including some who have rejected the details of the formal-
ization of grammatical theory developed by Chomsky. It is this fact
which gives to Syntactic Structures its 'revolutionary' importance.
The principles of transformational grammar outlined and discussed
in Syntactic Structures are simple enough (although it may require a
certain effort to see the implications of the particular system of
formalization). The application of these principles to the description
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of more than a fragment of the grammatical structure of any one
language is far from simple. The use of T-rules in a generative
grammar with a simple phrase-structure base-component leads to
very serious problems in the specification of the order in which the
T-rules (and in particular the generalized transformations of
Syntactic Structures) operate relatively to one another. We have seen
that the T-rules of the earlier system were very heterogeneous. The
problem of analysability was solved for the kernel-strings by imposing
certain restrictions upon the nature of the PS-rules in the base-
component. But the problem was still there in the grammar. Since a
T-rule could operate upon a string which resulted from the applica-
tion of previous T-rules (involving permutations and deletions), and
since (in theory) each T-rule transformed one phrase-marker (and not
simply an unbracketed string) into another phrase-marker, it was
necessary to establish the principles which govern the assignment of
derived phrase-markers by particular types of T-rules. Although
Chomsky and others concerned themselves with this problem from
the outset, it is hardly discussed at all in Syntactic Structures; and it
was never satisfactorily solved.
Over the last few years, many scholars have illustrated the problems
of ordering T-rules in a grammar organized according to the system
proposed in Syntactic Structures, Recently, Chomsky himself has
modified the theory in a way which is designed to reduce, if not
eliminate, these problems. Briefly (and this is not intended as a self-
sufficient summary of the modifications), Chomsky's proposal
amounts to the removal of generalized transformations from the
grammar by introducing into the base-component optional recursive
rules with 2 to the right of the rewrite-arrow. All transformations are
then made singulary and obligatory (' triggered off', in certain cases,
by optional elements in the rules of the base-component) and ordered
in such a way that they apply to constituent 'sentences' before
embedding and to matrix 'sentences' after embedding (embedding,
and conjoining, being controlled by the base-component rules).
Apart from reasons connected with the problem of ordering the
rules, one of the principal motives for the revision of the system has
been to integrate syntax with phonology and semantics. It has been
tentatively suggested that the deep-structure analysis (generated by
the base-component) is irrelevant for the operation of the phono-
logical rules and that the surface-structure (resulting from the
application to the deep-structure phrase-marker of the singulary
transformations) is irrelevant for the semantic interpretation of
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sentences. This is undeniably an attractive hypothesis; but its
empirical validation, or refutation, will require a considerable amount
of further detailed work. Until such work has been carried out and
evaluated, both parts of the hypothesis must be treated with some
degree of scepticism.
Although the irrelevance of surface structure to semantic analysis
remains to be proved or disproved, most linguists who accept the
validity of the distinction between deep grammatical structure and
surface grammatical structure (including those who have described
the relationship between the two in very different terms from Chomsky)
assume that there is some particularly intimate connexion between
deep syntax and semantics. We shall make the same assumption
throughout this book.
In conclusion, one must make the following point. The evaluation
of grammars that do not conform to the same system of formalization
(or are unformalized) poses problems of a very different order from
those posed by the evaluation of grammars that are weakly equivalent
and formally comparable (cf. 6.2.12). The complexity of transforma-
tional grammars (and the term ' transformational' is now being used
in its widest sense) is such that it becomes very difficult to compare
transformational grammars of different types. It is also difficult to
strike a balance between the conflicting claims of weak and strong
adequacy with respect to many sets of sentences that we might wish
to generate by means of a grammar of a particular type. In a later
chapter of this book we shall mention some 'deep connexions'
between sentences which Chomsky's theory of syntactic structure, in
its present form, does not handle (as Chomsky himself has pointed
out). It should be realized, however, that it is no difficult matter for
a linguist (drawing upon the knowledge about language accumulated
by his predecessors) to produce sets of sentences which he will
correctly describe ('informally') as 'transformationally-related'. The
problem is to give a systematic account of these relationships within
the theoretical framework already established for other sets of
sentences. If this cannot be done, one may be justified in modifying
the framework. But the modification can then have the effect of
making it impossible to handle the relationships which were satis-
factorily accounted for by the previous system. This point should be
borne constantly in mind during the more informal discussion of
grammatical theory which follows.
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John Lyons
7.1 Introductory
7.1.1 The term 'category* in traditional grammar
So far we have adopted a purely 'formal* approach to grammatical
analysis. In the present chapter we will discuss the traditional
assumption that there exist certain * notional' categories which are
universal in the sense that they are common to all languages (cf. 4.1.3,
4.2.9). In particular, we shall be concerned with the traditional theory
of the * parts of speech' and such 'grammatical categories' tradition-
ally associated with the parts of speech as person, tense, mood,
gender, number and case. First of all, something must be said in this
introductory section about the term 'grammatical category' and its
traditional implications.
There is very little consistency or uniformity in the use of the term
'category' in modern treatments of grammatical theory. It is fre-
quently employed, like 'class' or 'set', to refer to any group of
elements recognized in the description of particular languages. Some
authors refer to the ' parts of speech' as ' categories'; others, following
the more traditional usage, restrict the application of the term to such
features associated with the ' parts of speech' in the classical languages
as have been mentioned above (person, tense, mood, etc.). And there
are otherwider, narrower or quite differenttechnical senses in
which the term has been employed. No attempt will be made here to
give to the term 'grammatical category' a precise, technical inter-
pretation. It is merely being used as a convenient heading for the
chapter in which we will discuss certain important questions of
traditional grammar in the light of more recent developments in
general syntactic theory.
The term ' category' is but one of the many traditional terms used
by linguists which owe their origin to the fact that western gram-
matical theory was developed on the basis of that particular philo-
sophical system which, for the present purpose, we can refer to,
somewhat loosely, as 'Aristotelian'. The term 'category' derives
from a Greek word which is otherwise translated as 'predication'
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(in the logical, or philosophical, sense of 'attributing properties' to
things). In Aristotelian (and scholastic) philosophy, the 'categories'
were the different ways, or modes, in which predications could be
made of things; and it was assumed that the different modes of
predication represented differences in the objective world, the different
modes of 'being'. Underlying the classification of the modes of
predication and of 'being' was the assumption that the physical world
consists of things ('substances') which have certain properties
('accidents'), initiate or undergo certain processes, stand in a certain
relationship to one another, or have a certain extension or location
in space or time. We shall not go into the details of the Aristotelian
theory of the 'categories'. But two general points may be made. First,
it should be noted that a fundamental distinction was drawn between
the category of 'substance', on the one hand, and the other 'acci-
dental' categories, on the other: the 'substance' was the individual
thing in abstraction from its 'accidental' properties. Second, it was
assumed by Aristotle and his followers, and stated explicitly by the
medieval 'speculative' grammarians, that the structure of language
reflected the structure of the world: that words signified things
according to their mode of 'being', as 'substances' or 'accidents'. It
was because of this correspondence between the modes of 'being'
and 'signifying' that knowledge of the world was possible. The
categories of 'being', 'signifying' and 'understanding' were con-
gruent with one another; and the congruence of the three sets of
categories was held to justify the intimate and indissoluble association
of philosophy, grammar and logic.
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Since language was both an object of analysis and also the instru-
ment with which all philosophical analysis was carried out, the theory
of the 'categories' has had a double effect upon traditional grammar.
Not only were the elements of language themselves analysed in terms
of 'matter' and 'form* and, as 'substances', classified with respect to
their 'accidental' properties, but they were also grouped into classes
('parts of speech') according to their 'mode of signifying' the things,
properties and relations to which they referred.
As we have already seen (cf. 5.4.1), the basic unit of grammatical
analysis in traditional theory was the word (dictio, to use the Latin
term). Each word, as a 'sign', was composed of a certain combination
of sounds (vox) and meaning (significatio). The physical realization of
the word (vox) wTas not an essential part of it, but merely the way in
which that word happened to be pronounced, 'accidentally' and by
'convention' and 'usage', in a particular language. As a physical
object the vox could be further analysed into its 'elements', sounds
or letters. But the grammatical analysis proper began with the analysis
of the ways in which words operated as ' signs', as instruments for the
description and understanding of ' reality'; with their classification as
'parts of speech' and with the establishment of patterns (or 'para-
digms') of 'declension' and 'conjugation'.
Words, like everything else that came within the scope of scientific
inquiry, had to be described in terms of the traditional, definitive list
of Aristotelian 'categories'. The 'substance' of the word had to be
distinguished from its 'accidents'the different forms it assumed
according to its syntactic function and its particular 'mode of
signifying'. Certain 'accidental' categories were typical and definitive
for particular ' parts of speech': nouns were inflected for case (nomi-
native, accusative, etc.) and number (singular, plural), and belonged
to a particular gender (masculine, feminine, neuter); verbs were
inflected for tense (present, past, future), person, number, etc.; and so
on. What are traditionally referred to as * the grammatical categories'
are therefore the 'accidental' categories of grammatical theory; and
this explains the older term 'accidence' (from the Latin accidentia)
for what we now refer to as 'inflexional variation'.
Some of the 'accidental' grammatical categories, such as tense
(derived from the Latin word for 'time'), could be referred without
difficulty to the Aristotelian categories of predication. Others, such
as case, were peculiar to language. What is important for our purpose
is not a detailed understanding of the relation between the Aristotelian
categories and the traditional 'grammatical categories', but merely an
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appreciation of the general relationship between them. The assumed
universality of the Aristotelian categories of predication reinforced, or
promoted, the further assumption that the ' grammatical categories'
were universal features of human language: that every language
necessarily manifested such categories as tense, number, case, etc.;
and that these categories were typical of particular * parts of speech*.
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theory. It has frequently been asserted by philosophers that Aristotle's
theory of 'categories', especially his distinction between 'substance'
and 'accidence', is simply a reflection of the grammatical structure of
Greek, and that if he had spoken a language with a very different
grammatical structure he would have established a quite different set
of ' categories' and possibly a different system of logic. On the other
hand, grammarians are apt to say that some of the distinctions drawn
in traditional grammar are purely ' logical' distinctions (for example,
the distinction between proper nouns and common nouns) and
cannot be justified for Greek and Latin. The fact that both these
positions have been maintained suggests that the relationship
between traditional grammar and 'Aristotelian' logic is far more
complex than is commonly supposed. And this is, in fact, the case.
As we shall see later in this chapter, recent developments in the theory
of syntax (in particular, the distinction of 'deep' and 'surface'
structure: cf. 6.6.1) may enable us to determine to what degree the
' categories' of logic and grammar are congruent with one another.
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is always at the centre, as it were, of the situation of utterance. It
should also be observed that the participants in a situation of
utterance not only assume the roles of speaker and hearer (we shall
refer to these as roles). They may also stand in a certain linguistically-
relevant relationship of status vis-a-vis one another (parent: child,
master: servant, teacher: pupil, etc.). Status-relations interact with,
and, in certain languages, may override the participant roles of speaker
and hearer.
7.2.2 Person
The category of person is clearly definable with reference to the notion
of participant-roles: the 'first* person is used by the speaker to refer
to himself as a subject of discourse; the * second' person is used to
refer to the hearer; and the * third' person is used to refer to persons
or things other than the speaker and hearer. So much is straight-
forward enough. There are, however, a number of points in the
traditional treatment of the category of person which require
The * third* person is to be distinguished from the 'first' and
* second' persons in several respects. The speaker and hearer are
necessarily present in the situation, whereas other persons and things
to which reference is made may not only be absent from the situation
of utterance, they may be left unidentified. This means that the
category of third person may combine with such other categories
as * definite' or 'indefinite' and 'proximate' or 'remote' (the category
of 'proximity' being determined, as we shall see, by reference to the
participants). The English pronouns he> she and it are definite, as
against someone, somebody and something, which are indefinite. In
Turkish the category of definiteness is obligatorily marked (by means
of a suffix) in the pronouns of the first and second person (in the
accusative) in the same way as it is marked, optionally, for nouns:
cf. ben-i, 'me', sen-i, 'you\-kitab-i, 'the book' v. kitab, 'a book'. But
the English pronouns of first and second person are no less definite
than the corresponding pronouns in Turkish. From the gramma-
tical point of view, independently of their phonological realization,
pronouns of first and second person are necessarily 'definite'
( + def), whereas third person pronouns may be either 'definite'
or 'indefinite' ( def), if this distinction is actualized in the language
in question. Furthermore, pronouns of the first and second per-
son necessarily refer to human beings. (In fables and fairy-stories,
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animals and things are linguistically ' personified' and, when they are
made to speak of themselves in languages whose gender-system makes
this clear, it seems to be the case that they are automatically 're-
categorized' as animate for the purpose.) Pronouns of the third
person may refer to human beings, to animals and to things. This
does not mean, of course, that these distinctions are syntactically
relevant in the third person for all languages; merely that, if such
distinctions are drawn in a particular language they will be neutral-
ized in combination with first and second person. Finally, it seems
reasonable to say that, whereas first and second person are the
positive members of the category of person, third person is essen-
tially a negative notion; unlike first and second person, it does not
necessarily refer to participants in the situation of utterance. In many
languages there is no overt recognition of what is traditionally called
third person, merely the absence of the formal markers offirstand
second person.
Traditional terminology is rather misleading in the way in which it
represents the combination of the categories of person and number. It
is clear, for instance, that we ('first person plural') does not normally
stand in the same relationship to / ('first person singular') as boys,
cozvs, etc., do to boy, cow, etc. The pronoun we is to be interpreted as
'I, in addition to one or more other persons'; and the other persons
may or may not include the hearer. In other words, we is not 'the
plural of / ' : rather, it includes a reference to ' I ' and is plural.
According to whether the *firstperson plural' pronoun includes a
reference to the hearer or not, it is customary to distinguish between
an ' inclusive' and an ' exclusive' use of the pronoun. Although this
distinction is generally not relevant in English, there are many
languages in which the distinction between the 'inclusive' and the
' exclusive' use of the ' first person plural' is drawn systematically in
sentences of all types and realized as a distinction between two
phonologically-unrelated pronouns. A distinction might also be made
between an * inclusive* and 'exclusive' use of the 'second person
plural' (in a slightly different sense of 'inclusive' v. 'exclusive'). The
English pronoun you may of course be either singular or plural
(cf. wash yourself and wash yourselves). As a plural form, it may be
either 'inclusive' (referring only to the hearers presentin which case
it is the plural of the singular you, in the same sense as cows is the
plural of cow) or 'exclusive* (referring to some other person, or
persons, in addition to the hearer, or hearers). There may be good
reason to suggest, therefore, that' first' (ego) and ' second' (tu) are not
10 LIT
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of equal status in the category of person: that the primary distinction
is between 'first' ( + ego: 'plus ego') and 'not-first' ( ego: 'minus
ego') and that the distinction of 'second' and 'third' is secondary.,
If this is so, the correct syntactic analysis of the traditional singular
personal pronouns of English in terms of their component deictic
features would be as follows: / = [ + ego]; you (singular) = [ ego,
+ tu]; he, she, it = [ ego, tu], (He, she and it are further distin-
guished by the non-deictic features of gender. These features of
gender are neutralized in English when person is combined with
plural, they being neutral with respect to gender. This kind of
neutralization is quite common: it is to be found, for instance, in
Russian and German. By contrast, other languages, including French
and Italian, maintain the distinction of gender in the plural personal
pronouns. In French, for instance il ' he' and elle ' she' are matched
in the plural by Us 'they' (masculine) and elles 'they' (feminine).
But here there are neutralizations of a different sort which are
operative. Elles is feminine in the sense that all the persons, or things,
it refers to are feminine; Us is masculine in the sense that at least one
of the persons, or things, referred to is masculine. In other words,
masculine is here the dominant term of the gender system, as ' first'
is the dominant term of the category of person.)
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proximity to the speaker). But Latin iste and Me and Turkish u and 0
(which can generally be translated by the English that) are, respec-
tively, ' second' and' third person demonstratives *. Iste and u indicate
proximity to the hearer, whereas tile and 0 indicate remoteness from
both speaker and hearer.
In many languages no distinction can be drawn between the
' demonstratives* and the 'third person pronouns'. This is the case,
for example, in Turkish where he, she and it (if translated by a
pronoun) would normally be translated with 0 (there is no gender in
Turkish), and they with the plural form of the same ' demonstrative',
onlar. In classical Latin (as in Greek), there was no 'third person
pronoun* at all: where 'pronominal* reference was made to some
'subject of discourse* (other than the speaker or hearer), the appro-
priate 'demonstrative* was usedhie, iste or Me (in addition to these
three and distinguished as to 'proximity* in relation to person, there
was also the word is, which was not normally used for the grammatical
subject, but in other syntactic positions was the most 'neutral* of the
'demonstrative pronouns', standing outside the category of 'proxi-
mity*). The 'third person pronouns' of the Romance languages
(French, Italian, Spanish, etc.) have in fact developed from ' demon-
strative pronouns'; and the same is true of the' third person pronouns *
of English and German. Moreover, in all these languages the ' definite
article* (English, the; French, le, la; etc.) has also developed from
what was originally a 'demonstrative pronoun*. This gives us the
clue to the relationship between these three different' parts of speech'.
They all 'include' the feature 'definite': from this point of view the
man, this man, that man contrast with a man, and he contrasts with
someone. But the man and he, being undetermined with respect to
proximity, are both in contrast with this man ('proximate') and that
man ('remote'). The traditional separation of the 'articles', the
'personal pronouns' and the 'demonstrative pronouns' obscures
these relationships.
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such as John and I arrived might be translated into Russian and
French respectively as My s Ivanom priechali (literally 'We with
John arrived*) and Nous sommes arrives avec Jean (literally 'Wre
arrived with John*). In both instances, it will be observed, the phrase
'with John* specifies the other person already included in the
reference of the pronoun 'we*. * Attractions' of this kind illustrate
further the necessity of analysing the 'personal pronouns* which
appear in the surface structure of sentences into their component
features of deixis and number.
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be employed only when ego ('I'), tu ('you'), etc., are emphasized or
contrasted with some other form, expressed or implied. On the basis
of evidence such as this, it is frequently suggested that the selection
of the pronoun, when it occurs, is controlled by the form of the verb:
that amOy under conditions of emphasis, selects ego; that amas selects
tu; and so on. This view is, however, mistaken, since it takes no
account of the distinction between the ' surface' structure of sentences
and their underlying ' deep' structure. In terms of the underlying,
semantically-interpretable, structure of sentences, there is little
difference between Latin and English. In both cases we must postu-
late an abstract 'pronominal' element (determined with respect to
person and number) which is the subject of the verb and controls the
rules governing the phonological realization of the verb in surface
structure. This 'pronominal' element is not normally realized in
Latin: in the generation of Latin sentences it is deleted, after the
attachment of the features of person and number to the verb, whereas
in English it is ' rewritten' by the rules of phonological realization as a
'personal pronoun' (/, you, etc.). As we have seen, the 'pronominal'
element is also given a phonological realization in Latin under
certain conditions of emphasis or contrast. And it is phonologically
realized (as me> te> etc.) in other syntactic environments: cf. (dtxit)
me amare..., '(He said) that I was in love with...'. In general
syntactic theory, person (like number) is only secondarily, and deriva-
tively, a category of the verb; and that only in certain languages.
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what as ' more than one object',' a group of objects' or an unindividu-
ated 'mass of materiar, in the inanimate world at least, is to a
considerable degree determined by the lexical structure of particular
languages. For example, the English word grape is a * countable' noun,
in the sense that it can be pluralized {Willyou have some grapes?, He
ate six grapes), whereas the German Traube and the Russian vinograd
are ' mass' nouns (like the English word fruit). The French word raisin
may be used in the singular either as a 'mass* noun (Vous voulez du
raisin?) or as a 'collective' noun (Prenez un raisinwhich is normally
to be translated, not as 'Have a grape', but 'Have some grapes'). By
contrast, French fruit and the Russian frukt are 'countable' (cf. Have
some fruit: Prenez un fruit). And in all the languages referred to here
certain words may be used either as 'mass' or 'countable' nouns
(cf. Have some grapefruit: Have a grapefruit). Examples like this
could be multiplied indefinitely, to demonstrate the point that the
lexical categorization of the world in terms of 'countable', 'collec-
tive ' and ' mass' nouns varies considerably from language to language,
even when the languages in question do have such syntactically-
distinct subclasses.
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elephant. Compare, for all styles of English, a fish: a shoal offish; and
contrast, on the one hand, a cow: a herd of cows, and, on the other,
*a cattle: a herd of cattle. The analysis of the category of number in
particular languages may be a very complex matter.
The notion of ' countability' is inherent in the lexical structure of
all human languages, since (as we shall see in our discussion of the
'parts of speech': cf. 7.6.1 ff.) the recognition of what is probably a
universal primary category of language, the noun, presupposes the
' individuation' and enumeration of persons, animals and at least a
certain number of perceptually-discrete objects. However, not all
languages have a grammatical category of number. In Chinese and
Vietnamese (and many other languages), the distinction between, for
example, 'I wrote a letter' and 'I wrote some letters' can be made, if
necessary, by means of a numeral or a word meaning 'several', but it
may be equally well left unexpressed. Other languages (e.g. Classical
Greek, Sanskrit and certain Slavonic languages) have a dual, in addi-
tion to a singular and plural (the dual being used to refer to two objects:
cf. Greek dmpho kheire 'both hands'but in Greek there was
considerable fluctuation in the use of the dual and the plural). Fijian
and a few other languages are reported to have a trial (for reference
to three objects) as well as a singular, dual and plural.
7.3.3 Gender
The traditional names for the three genders found in the classical
Indo-European languages'masculine', 'feminine' and 'neuter'
clearly reflect the association which traditional grammar established
between sex and gender (cf. 1.2.5). But the term 'gender' itself
derives from an extremely general word meaning 'class' or 'kind'
(Latin genus): the three genders of Greek and Latin were the three
main noun-classes recognized in the grammar. From the grammatical
point of view, the nouns of Greek and Latin were classified into three
genders in order to account for two distinct phenomena: (i) pro-
nominal reference, and (ii) adjectival concord (or 'agreement'). For
the same reasons, the nouns of French, Italian and Spanish are
classified into two genders, the nouns of Russian and German into
three genders, the nouns of Swahili into at least six genders, and so
on. Gender plays a relatively minor part in the grammar of English by
comparison with its role in many other languages. There is no
gender-concord; and the reference of the pronouns he, she and it is
very largely determined by what is sometimes referred to as ' natural'
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genderfor English, this depends upon the classification of persons
and objects as male, female or inanimate. The operation of gender-
concord will be illustrated below from Swahili.
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nouns (cf. classes I and III, on the one hand, and IV and VI, on the
other). Gender is relevant, not only for the selection of the correct
singular or plural form of any given noun, but also for the determina-
tion of the verbs, adjectives and other modifiers in construction with it:
mtu amefika, watu wamefika ('The man has arrived', 'The
people have arrived')
kisu kimeanguka, visu vimeanguka ('The knife fell', 'The
knives fell')
mti umekauka, mitt imekauka ('The tree withered', 'The trees
mtu mzuri yule, watu wazuri wale ('That beautiful person',
'Those beautiful people')
tniti mzuri ule, mitt viizuri He ('That beautiful tree', 'Those
beautiful trees')
From these examples it will be clear that there is gender-concord
between the subject of the sentence and the predicate (cf. the first
three pairs of sentences with the prefix-patterns m- a-y wa- wa-;
hi- ki-, vi- vi-; m- u-, mi- i-: notice that in the case of class I in the
singular and class III in both the singular and the plural the prefix
on the verb differs from the prefix of the noun) and also between any
noun and the adjectives and other modifiers dependent upon it
within the same phrase (cf. the fourth and fifth pairs with the prefix-
patterns m- m- yu-, wa- wa- wa-; m- m- u-, mi- mi- i-: the word-order
in these phrases is noun-adjective-demonstrative).
The subject prefix is an obligatory part of the verb in Swahili,
whether there is a noun present as the subject of the sentence or not:
cf. Amefika, Wamefika ('He/She has arrived', 'They have arrived').
The subject prefixes therefore operate like pronouns; and they are
determined by the gender of the nouns they refer to. For example,
kimeanguka would be used in reference to a word of class II, but
umeanguka in reference to a class III word. The verb may also have an
object prefix: cf. Amewaona, Ameviona, Amemiona, etc. ('He saw
them', where the prefixes wa-, vi-, mi-, etc. refer to nouns of classes
I, II, III, etc.). Pronouns of the first and second person also occur in
the same positions to mark the subject or object of the verb: cf.
Nimewaona, Umewaona, Tumewaona, etc. ('I, you, we, etc., saw
them'). The subject and object prefixes in the verb thus have a
pronominal function (cf. 7.2.2) in addition to marking concord
between the verb and the nouns actually present in the sentence.
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Although there is no distinction of masculine and feminine in the
Swahili classification of nouns, there is some 'natural' basis to the
gender system. Most nouns denoting human beings fall into class I,
words denoting inanimate objects into class II, names of trees,
plants, etc., into class III, abstract nouns into class VI, and so on.
There are many words whose classification appears arbitrary or
anomalous, but this does not invalidate the statement that there is a
considerable degree of correspondence between gender and a classifi-
cation of nouns from a semantic point of view.
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struction, it will be observed, is very similar syntactically to the
normal pattern in Swahili (and a number of other languages); the
subject of the sentence is referred to both pronominally and by
means of a noun. In both languages ' grammatical' gender is dominant
within the noun-phrase; but 'natural' gender may prevail in pro-
nominal reference and for concord with the predicate. This pheno-
menon, which is found in a number of languages, would suggest that
grammatical cohesion is stronger in the noun-phrase than it is between
subject and predicate. It also shows that there is indeed some ' natural'
basis for the gender systems of the languages in question.
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-tu itself is neutral as between the senses * person' and 'thing', but is
determined as one or the other by giving it ' human' or * inanimate'
gender in a particular context. (This is no different in principle from
the determination of the Italian word-stem ragazz- as either 'boy'
or 'girl' according to the particular gender suffix that is attached to
it.) But such instances are untypical. For most nouns, both in Indo-
European and Bantu languages, gender is inherent. Where there is
some correspondence between 'natural' and grammatical gender, it is
usually the meaning of the noun which may be regarded as deter-
mining the gender, rather than the converse. It is in this sense that
gender distinctions in nouns are semantically irrelevant (except for
such instances of' common gender' and formally-related sets of words
as have been exemplified in this paragraph). And it is worth noting
that the most common of the words that are semantically related in a
manner that could be marked by gender tend to be completely
different in phonological form: the absence of phonological corres-
pondence that is found in the English or French pairs boy: girl,
garfon: fille is more typical of the way the vocabulary is organized
with respect to common words than is the parallelism of the Italian
ragazzo: ragazza. Gender-concord is a 'surface-structure' pheno-
menon of certain languages (cf. 6.6.1). It is clearly the pronominal
function of gender which is of primary importance in communication.
7.3.8 'Classifiers'
Rather similar to the category of gender is the system of noun-
classification for the purpose of enumeration and individuation that is
found in many languages of south-east Asia. In Chinese, for example,
unless the noun itself denotes a unit of measurement (e.g. nidny 'year',
tian, 'day'), it must be preceded by a 'classifier' when it occurs with
a numeral or a demonstrative (zhe, 'this'). Some of the classifiers are
very general and may be regarded as semantically empty. Others are
specific to certain classes of nouns, and they may even be used
themselves elsewhere as nouns. It is as if the words thing, person,
animal, tree, fruit, etc., in English were used in this way: so that, for
instance, one would say that person policeman, three tree banana (for
'that policeman', 'three banana trees'); and the difference between
' three bananas' and ' three banana trees' would be made solely in the
classifierthree fruit banana: three tree banana.
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7.4 Case
7.4.1 The term 'case*
The nouns (as well as the pronouns and adjectives) of Greek and
Latin were classified by traditional grammarians according to
particular paradigms of declension for the inflexional categories of case
and number. The terminology that has just been employed
' inflexion',' case', and' declension ' (the word * paradigm 'simply meant
' pattern* or * model': cf. 1.2.3)testifies to the importance that
traditional grammar has always attached to the category of case in the
definition and classification of nouns. The Latin word casus (and the
Greek word which it translates) means 'falling' or 'deviation'.
Whatever might be the precise metaphorical origin of the technical
sense of the term in grammatical theory (and there is some dispute
about this), it is clear that variation in the forms of a lexeme according
to the syntax of the language was regarded as deviation from its
normal 'upright' form (cf. 1.2.5; f r 'lexeme', see 5.4.4). The terms
'inflexion' and 'declension' are explained by the same metaphor. It
was the Stoics who gave to the word ' case' the more particular sense
that it has since borne in grammatical terminology (cf. 1.2.5). Case was
the most important of the inflexional categories of the noun, as tense
was the most important inflexional category of the verb. It is signifi-
cant that the term 'case' (originally more or less synonymous with
what was later called 'inflexion') was restricted to one particular
inflexional category. The reason for this would seem to be that most
of the other categoriesgender, number, tense, person, etc.could
be related to a principle of semantic classification. Although each case
of the noun was given a label suggestive of at least one of its principal
semantic functions (e.g. the 'dative' was the case associated with the
notion of 'giving', the 'ablative' was the case associated with
'removal', etc.), it was impossible to give a satisfactory general
definition of the category of case itself in semantic terms. In effect,
traditional definitions of the category of case for Latin and Greek
(and other Indo-European languages) say little more than the
following: of the two inflexional categories of the noun, one is
number (definable in semantic terms and relatable to the Aristotelian
category of quantity), the other is case. The category of case was, as
it were, the most peculiarly grammatical of all the traditional categories
of inflexion, for it had no counterpart in the sister sciences of logic,
epistemology and metaphysics.
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Nominative puella lupus bellum
Vocative puella lupe bellum
Accusative puellam lupum bellum
Genitive puellae lupi belli
Dative puellae lupo bello
Ablative puella lupo bello
Nominative puellae lupi bella
Vocative puellae lupi bella
Accusative puellas lupos bella
Genitive puellarum luporum bellorum
Dative puellis lupis bellis
Ablative puellis lupis bellis
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74- CASE 291
* adverbial' functions with respect to the distinctions of place and
time. All these points will be of importance in the general discussion.
We have started with Latin, since it exemplifies a number of more
general and more particular features of the category of case in the
Indo-European languages. As we shall see, the main problem in
defining case as a grammatical category is that of deciding just how
many of the more particular 'Indo-European' features we wish to
preserve in the definition.
It has already been pointed out in an earlier chapter that case and
number are ' fused' in Latin, in the sense that the inflexional suffixes
(in those instances where there is determinacy of segmentation into
stem and suffix) mark the noun simultaneously for a particular case
and a particular number; furthermore, that the combination of a
particular case and a particular number may be marked by a quite
different suffix in different' declensions' and the same suffix may mark
different combinations of case and number. In short, Latin is' fusional'
with respect to inflexion in the noun (cf. 5.3.8). There is no reason to
make it a defining condition of the category of case that, either alone
or 'fused' with some other nominal category, it should subclassify
nouns into various declensions. The syntactic functions of the cases
in Turkish are very similar to the functions of the cases in Latin, but,
as we have already seen, they are marked by a suffix which (under
the general principles of vowel harmony) is segmentable and constant
for all nouns. There is thus only one regular pattern of ' declension' in
Turkish (cf. Table 10).
Six cases are traditionally recognized in the description of Latin.
But there is no Latin noun in which all six cases are distinguished
morphologically. For most declensions the nominative and the
vocative forms are identical in both the singular and the plural: the
principal exception to this generalization is illustrated by the declen-
Table 10. Case and number in Turkish
Singular Plural
Nominative ev evler
Accusative evi evleri
Genitive evin evlerin
Dative eve evlere
Locative evde evlerde
Ablative evden evlerden
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sion of LUPUSa very common paradigm. In some declensions there
is no morphological distinction between the genitive and dative
singular (cf. PUELLA), in others the dative and ablative singular are not
distinguished (cf. LUPUS, BELLUM); in no Latin noun is the dative
plural morphologically distinct from the ablative plural. The
principle upon which the traditional paradigms are based seems to be
this: six cases are recognized, because this is the minimum number
of syntactically-relevant distinctions with which it is possible to state
rules of selection valid for all declensions in both the singular and the
plural. If all nouns were declined like LUPUS, it would be unnecessary
to draw a distinction between the dative and the ablative; if all nouns
were declined like BELLUM, there would no be need to distinguish the
nominative, vocative and accusative; and so on. Within the traditional
system of classification, it becomes possible to make such general
statements as 'the case of "possession" is the genitive* (puellae et
lupi, 'of the girl and the wolf'), 'the indirect object is in the dative*
{puellae et lupo> 'to the girl and the wolf), 'the preposition a selects
the ablative* (a puella et lupo, 'by the girl and the wolf*). But this
general principle is not in fact applied consistently in most grammars
of Latin. For there is at least one other case which must be recognized
in the rules which relate the inflexion of nouns to the syntax of the
sentence. This is the locative of 'place where*. Locative phrases of
' place where * in Latin are usually of the form preposition + ablative
of the noun (e.g. in ripd, 'on the bank*; in oppido, 'in the town*).
With a certain set of nouns, however, no preposition is used; and the
form of the noun that occurs is identical with the genitive singular for
most nouns that are declined like PUELLA, LUPUS and BELLUM (cf.
Romae,' in Rome *; domi,' at home *), but for certain other declensions
(which have not been illustrated) it is like the ablative. The rule for
the selection of the locative case is usually stated in the form in which
it has just been given. This is evidently inconsistent with the principle
implicit in the determination of the six traditional cases. But this
particular inconsistency is merely one of many. Its importance for
general grammatical theory is that it shows quite clearly that syntac-
tically-equivalent constructions may be realized by words or phrases
which might be classified quite differently in terms of their ' surface
structure*. Even if we were to say that there is a locative case in
Latin which happens to be identical with the genitive or the ablative
according to the declension and number of the noun, we should still
have to identify, syntactically, such expressions as Romae ('locative*)
and in oppido (preposition + ablative). Any general theory of case must
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recognize two facts: (i) that the same case may realize more than one
syntactic function; and (ii) that a particular syntactic function may be
realized by a variety of means in the same languagein particular,
that there is a ' deeper' relationship between cases and prepositional
phrases in Latin than the traditional analysis of inflexion would
suggest. Both of these facts are relevant to the description of many
other languages, both within and outside the Indo-European family.
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neuter. Even in languages without case-inflexion there is a strong
connexion between animacy and subject-position: the principle is
therefore one of very general application, and we shall return to it
later (cf. 8.2.5). The same principle is even more clearly operative in
Russian (and other Slavonic languages), where masculine and neuter
nouns are related in essentially the same way as they are in Latin, but
where the distinction between animate and inanimate is 'redrawn',
as it were, for masculine nouns on the basis of the ' natural' criterion
of animacy. The distinction between the subject-case and the object-
case is made for masculine animate nouns by what is frequently
described, rather misleadingly, as using the 'genitive* rather than
'accusative* (the latter being described as identical with the nomi-
native for masculine and neuter nouns in conventional descriptions of
Russian). The effect of this distinction between animate and inanimate
in masculine nouns is to mark the object of a transitive verb as
inflexionally different from the subject in that particularly important
set of sentences in which both the subject and the object are animate:
cf. Ivan videl Borisa, Borisa videl Ivan ('John saw Boris', where the
-a marks Borisa as the object). By contrast, in Boris videl stol, Stol
videl Boris ('Boris saw a/the table') the inanimate stol is unmarked
inflexionally as the object of the verb videl. It is relatively uncommon
for two inanimate nouns to be equiprobable as subject or object of
the same transitive verb; and when this happens, the distinction can
be made in a number of ways. The relative order of the two nouns is
one of the ways in which, residually as it were, the syntactic distinc-
tion between subject and object may be drawn in Russian (and in a
number of other languages, including Latin and Greek). We must
therefore consider the relationship between word-order and case, as
well as the relationship between prepositional phrases and case, in
any general discussion of the category of case.
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74- CASE 295
* genitive'). In making this point we are not only indicating once again
that the traditionally-recognized case-inflexions of the noun do not
necessarily have just one, or even a primary, syntactic function but
also that definiteness, like animacy, tends to be interdependent with
the syntactic distinction of subject and object even in languages
without distinctions of case, like English.
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(3 a) John gave the book to Tom
(3 ^) John gave Tom the book
(4) It is Harry's pencil
(5) John killed Bill with a knife
(6) Bill was killed by John with a knife
(7) John went to town with Mary
In (1) Bill is the subject, in (2) and (5) Bill is the (direct) object; in
(2), (3), (5) and (7) John is the subject; in both (3a) and (36) Tom is
the indirect object (n.b. the preposition to is normal with nouns,
though not necessarily with pronouns, in the version exemplified by
(3a): there are many factors involved in the determination of the
relative order of animate and inanimate nouns and of animate and
inanimate pronouns, and there are certain dialectal differences); in
(4) Harry is in the adnominal 'possessive' relationship with respect
to pencil; in (5) and (6) a knife has the instrumental function; in
(6) John is agentive; and in (7) Mary has comitative function ('in
company with'). There are certain transformational relations between
particular pairs of sentences: the object of the active (5) 'becomes*
the subject of the corresponding passive (6), and the subject of (5)
' becomes' the agent in (6); the subject of the intransitive (1) * becomes'
the object of the transitive (2), given that the verbs die and kill are in
a 'causative* relationship. Sentence (4) is also transformationally-
related to The pencil is Harry's and Harry has a pencil (notice that
definiteness and indefiniteness, as well as other factors, are involved
in the distinction of these last two sentences). We will return to these
several transformational relationships later, in the discussion of
subject and object, active and passive, intransitive, transitive and
causative. The term 'adnominal' should, however, be explained at
this point.
It has long been recognized by grammarians that the term ' posses-
sive* is semantically far top specific for the most typical function of
the 'genitive*. Not only in Indo-European, but in many genetically-
unrelated languages throughout the world, there is a striking
parallelism (a) between the adjective and the 'genitive*, on the one
hand, and (b) between the 'genitive* and the subject and/or the object
of a verb, on the other. The most typical function of what is called the
'possessive*, or 'genitive', is to modify a noun, or noun-phrase, in an
endocentric construction (for endocentric v. exocentric constructions,
cf. 6.4.1), and this is also the most typical function of the adjective:
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cf. Harry's pencil, the red pencil. It is this function to which the
traditional term 'adnominal' is given (as the term 'adverbial' is given
to the function of modifying the verb in an endocentric construction:
but the term 'adverb* was used far more widely in traditional
grammar). And the adnominal 'attributive' function of nouns and
adjectives is related to their 'predicative' function with 'the verb to
be': cf. The pencil is Harry'*s: Harry's pencil, The pencil is red: the red
pencil. So too the endocentric construction adnominal + nominalized
verb is transformationally-related to either the subject-predicate
construction or the object-verb construction. These are traditionally
distinguished as the subjective and objective 'genitive': cf. Bill's
death, John's killing of Bill: Bill died, John killed Bill: Bill's murder
{by John): Bill was murdered {by John). Here again one observes the
relationship between the object of the active and the subject of the
passive. In English, unlike Latin for instance, the adnominal sub-
jective and objective functions have alternative realizations (which
are partly in free variation and partly in complementary distribution):
the ' genitive' Bill's and the ' prepositional phrase' of Bill Only the
first of these is a case of the noun in the traditional sense of the term
case. In fact, even the English 'genitive' is at some remove from the
traditional conception of a case, since the inflexional suffix -'s is not
necessarily attached to the head-noun of the noun-phrase: cf. the
queen of Sheba's beauty. In the following chapter, we will endeavour
to relate adnominal function to subjective and objective function
within a more general framework.
With the exception of the 'genitive' {Bill's) there are no case-
inflexions in the English noun. The distinction between subject and
object is marked in some of the personal pronouns (/: me, he: him,
etc.)the object case also being used with prepositions {to me, with
me, etc.); but the distinction is not made for the inanimate, or neuter,
pronoun (it). Otherwise the 'grammatical' functions listed above are
marked in English by relative word-order or prepositions. The
sentences (i)-(7) illustrate this. In Latin, the instrumental case is the
'ablative', in Greek it is the 'dative', in Russian and Sanskrit it is a
case (distinct from the ' dative' in Russian and distinct from both the
'dative' and the 'ablative' in Sanskrit) to which the label 'instru-
mental' is given; in German a preposition is used. In Latin, the
agentive function is realized by a prepositional phrase (d+ ablative), so
also in Greek and German; in Russian and Sanskrit the 'instru-
mental' case also marks the agent. In Latin, the comitative is
realized by a prepositional phrase (cum + ablative), so also in Greek,
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Russian, German and Sanskrit. This very concise (and somewhat
simplified) statement of the way the 'grammatical' functions are
realized in a few Indo-European languages shows, first of all, that
there is a similarity of function between the cases and prepositional
phrases (with a particular preposition selecting a particular case-
inflexion) ; and also that there is some overlap between the realizations
of instrumental and agent on the one hand (cf. Russian and Sanskrit:
and note that in English by the knife may be instrumental if there is no
agent or active subject in the sentence), and between the instrumental
and the comitative on the other (cf. with the knife: with Bill; the
typically comitative construction in Latin is also found with instru-
mental function). There are two obvious ways of reacting to this
'overlap* of function: one is to say that the distinction between
agentive and instrumental, or between instrumental and comitative,
cannot be drawn sharply in general grammatical theory; the other is
to say that the 'merging* that is found in particular languages (the
traditional term for this is syncretism) rests upon the neutralization
of the distinction at a more superficial level of the grammar or upon
'recategorization' in terms of animacy or some other syntactically-
relevant notion. To illustrate this notion of recategorization: in a
pair of sentences like This is the man that killed Bill and This is the
knife that killed Bill, the phrases the man and the knife would appear
to have the same syntactic function. One might maintain, however,
that the knife is an instrumental which has been syntactically 're-
categorized* (the traditional notion of 'personification* is here
relevant) as an 'actor' rather than a 'thing*, and that this is possible
in English when there is no 'actor' overtly referred to as subject or
agent. 'Notional' explanations of this kind, although they have been
abused in the past, should not be condemned out of hand. In the
present instance, the analysis finds some support in the fact that in the
corresponding passive sentences the man and the knife are overtly
distinguished as agent (by) and instrument (with): This is the man that
Bill was killed by, This is the knife that Bill was killed with. If This is
the knife that Bill was killed by is possible, it certainly suggests ' re-
categorization ' of the knife as an agent.
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acquisition (and loss): as '(be) in London is to '(have) a book', so
* (go/come) to London' is to '(get) a book' (cf. 8.4.7).
If we use the general term * state' to refer to location, quality, condi-
tion, possession, etc., we can draw a distinction between those states
which are seen as permanently (or necessarily) associated with
particular persons and objects and those states which are regarded as
only temporarily (or contingently) associated with them. Now the use
of the dynamic form (expressing motion, change of condition,
acquisition or loss) presupposes that the state in question is contingent
(i.e. ' non-essential' or * accidental'), rather than necessary.
Furthermore, this distinction between the contingent and the neces-
sary is marked in the case-inflexion of predicative nouns and adjec-
tives in certain languages. In Russian, for instance, the ' instrumental'
case is used (except in the 'present tense') for contingent states of
quality or condition: ja byljstal soldatom ('I was/became a soldier'),
whereas the 'nominative' is used for more permanent, or necessary,
states. In Finnish, the 'essive' is employed in the static form for
contingent, periodic or temporary states of quality or condition
('while he was a teacher', 'in his capacity as teacher', etc.), and the
'translative' in the dynamic counterpart of these ('he became a
teacher'; also in such expressions as 'it turned blue', etc.). The
distinction between the contingent and the necessary may also be
relevant within the class of relationships to which we have given the
name 'possession': if the 'possessed' item is contingently associated
with the 'possessor', it is marked in some languages (notably in
Chinese, and also in the Siouan family) as alienable (' capable of being
given away'), whereas it is unmarked, or marked as inalienable, if it
is necessarily associated with the 'possessor'. Typical instances of
alienable and inalienable relationships would be 'John's book' and
'John's father' respectively.
From antiquity, grammarians have argued about the relationship
between the 'local' and the 'grammatical' functions of the category
of case (in this context 'local' means 'relating to place and time'). In
the classical languages (and in many other languages), the 'local'
and the ' grammatical' functions of a particular case are often hard to
distinguish; so that it is tempting to say that one is derivable from
the other, or that both are derivable from some more general principle
which is neutral with respect to the spatiotemporal and the syntactic.
This also holds for the ' local' and ' grammatical' functions of the pre-
positions in English (which, as we shall see, may be regarded as cases
of the nouns they govern, if the term 'case' is not restricted to
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inflexional variation). One might reasonably wonder whether the
* sense' of from in / am from London (i.e. 'a native of London') or
/ came from school is synchronically unrelated to the ' sense' of from
in I got the book from John; and the directional * sense' of to in I went
to London unrelated to the to of the indirect object in I gave the book
to John. No language has yet been studied in sufficient detail from a
generative point of view for it to be possible to say just how much of
the coincidence between the more clearly * local' and the more clearly
'grammatical' functions of cases and prepositions is synchronically
relevant in a particular language. At the same time, certain points of
coincidence across genetically-unrelated languages are so striking that
they demand an explanation in general syntactic theory. One such
point of coincidence, to which we will give some attention later, is
the similarity between the directional and the indirect object in many
languages (cf. I went to London and I gave the book to John, and note
that in / sent the book to John one might hesitate as to whether to John
is directional or indirect object).
7.4.7 Prepositions
Although the category of case is traditionally restricted to inflexional
variation, it is clear that both the 'grammatical' and the 'local'
functions discussed in the preceding paragraphs are logically inde-
pendent of the way in which they are realized in particular languages.
Furthermore, these 'grammatical' and 'local' functions may be
realized in the same language partly by case-inflexions and partly by
other meansmost commonly by prepositions or postpositions, or by
word-order. This means that the category of case cannot be discussed
solely from a morphological point of view.
The difference between prepositions and postpositions is trivial; and
many linguists would say that it is mere pedantry to maintain the
terminological distinction. In the traditional theory of the 'parts of
speech', as it was developed for the description of the classical
languages of Europe, the term 'preposition' was employed to refer
to that class of invariable words, or particles, which had a 'gram-
matical' or 'local' function and which, as it happens in Latin and
Greek, tend to occur immediately before the noun or noun-phrase
they modify. In many other languages (Turkish, Japanese, Hindi,
etc.), particles with similar 'grammatical' or 'local' functions to those
of the Latin, Greek or English prepositions occur after the noun they
modify (cf. Turkish Ahmet ifin, ' for Ahmet'; Japanese Tokyo e} ' to
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Tokyo'; Hindi Ram ko, ' to Rama'; etc.); and for this reason they are
usually called 'postpositions'. Whether a particle occurs before or
after its noun is a matter of small consequence in general grammatical
theory: for convenience, we will therefore use the more familiar term
' preposition' to cover both classes of particles.
Whether the term ' case * should be extended beyond its traditional
application, to include prepositions as well as inflexional variation, is
also a question of little importance. The difference between inflexional
variation and the use of prepositions is a difference in the ' surface'
structure of languages. What is of importance, from the point of view
of general linguistic theory, is the fact that the 'grammatical' and
'local' functions traditionally held to be inherent in the category of
case can be no more sharply distinguished in those languages which
realize them by means of prepositions than they can in languages in
which they are realized inflexionally. It is the ' interpenetration' of the
syntactic and the ' orientational' framework of language which has
been especially emphasized in this section.
The fact that the ' grammatical' and the ' local' functions of case-
inflexions and prepositions cannot be separated in many, or even in
most, instances does not, however, imply that there is no validity at
all in the traditional distinction of 'grammatical' and 'local' (or
'abstract' and 'concrete'). First of all, it should be observed that it is
not generally possible to substitute one 'abstract' case-inflexion or
preposition for another without making consequent changes elsewhere
in the sentence. One cannot substitute a 'nominative' for an 'accusa-
tive' or 'genitive' in Latin, for example; just as one cannot substitute
he for him or his in an English sentence. This fact can be taken as
typical of what is implied by the term 'abstract' (or 'grammatical')
in this connexion. By contrast, it is frequently possible to substitute
an 'exterior' case for the corresponding 'interior' case in Finnish,
just as it is possible to substitute at for in> or to for into, in English
(/'II meet you atjin the church, Let's go to /into the church). The distinc-
tion between 'exterior' and 'interior' is therefore more 'concrete': it
is not controlled by other syntactic variables in the sentence, and may
convey, of itself, a difference of meaning. As an example of a ' local'
distinction which is intermediate between the fully 'abstract' and the
fully' concrete' we may consider the opposition between the' locative'
and the 'directional': this is less 'abstract' than the distinction
between 'subjective' and 'objective', but less 'concrete' than the
distinction between 'exterior' and 'interior'. The preposition at
cannot be substituted for to in a sentence like He went to church
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without also substituting a 'locative' verb (e.g. was) for the * direct-
ional ' went; in that respect the difference is' abstract'. At the same time,
it would be reasonable to maintain that the choice of both went and to
or was and at is determined by the prior selection of a ' directional'
rather than a 'locative' predicate at a 'higher' (or 'deeper') level.
This is the analysis that will be adopted below (cf. 8.4.7). If ft *s
correct, it implies that the distinction between 'locative' and 'direc-
tional' is a semantically-relevant, or 'concrete', distinction of 'deep'
structure, but that the choice of to rather than at, or into rather than
in, is grammatically-determined; and, of itself, it cannot carry a
difference of meaning.
Although the difference between inflexional variation and the use
of prepositions has been described above as a rather unimportant
difference in the 'surface' structure of languages, there is perhaps
some empirical reason to suggest that, if a language has both in-
flexional distinctions and prepositions, the former will tend to have a
more 'abstract' and the latter a more 'concrete' function by reference
to the criterion suggested above. This is certainly true of the
Indo-European languages; and it seems to be true of many other
languages with case-inflexions. Furthermore, it may also be true that,
although word-order is commonly used as a means of distinguishing
between the 'subject' and the 'object', or between the 'modified'
element and the 'modifier', in a sentence, it rarely, or never,
has the more 'concrete' function typical of prepositions. In this
respect, word-order may be a more typically 'grammatical' device
than inflexion, and inflexion more typically 'grammatical' than
the use of prepositions.
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and * future' is not simply a matter of tense even in Greek and Latin.
The essential characteristic of the category of tense is that it relates
the time of the action, event or state of affairs referred to in the
sentence to the time of utterance (the time of utterance being 'now').
Tense is therefore a deictic category, which (like all syntactic features
partly or wholly dependent upon deixis: cf. 7.2.1) is simultaneously
a property of the sentence and the utterance (cf. 5.2.4). Many
treatments of tense have been vitiated by the assumption that the
'natural' division of time into 'past', 'present' and 'future' is
necessarily reflected in language. Even Jespersen falls victim to this
assumption in his discussion of tense in The Philosophy of Grammar,
before after
Fig. 16. Time and tense.
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v. 'non-proximate' (with respect to time of utterance), a trichotomy
of 'now' v. proximate' v. 'remote*. And these distinctions might be
combined in various ways, and not merely as suggested in Jespersen's
There is no space here to discuss, or even to illustrate, the wide
variety of tense-systems that are found in different languages. Indeed,
it would be difficult to do this satisfactorily quite apart from the
limitations of space, since the analysis of tense, even in English, is a
matter of considerable controversy. The major tense-distinction in
English is undoubtedly that which is traditionally described as an
opposition of ' past* v. ' present*: e.g. They jump: They jumped. But this
is best regarded as a contrast of 'past* v. 'non-past*. The reason is
that, whereas the past tense does typically refer to 'before-now*, the
non-past is not restricted to what is contemporaneous with the time
of utterance: it is used also for 'timeless* or 'eternal* statements {The
sun rises in the east, etc.) and in many statements that refer to the
future ('after-now*). In other words, a form like jumped is positively
'marked* as past, whereas jump (or jumps) is 'unmarked*. This
analysis is supported, if not confirmed, by the fact that the opposition
of past and non-past is realized systematically by sufRxation of the
first element of the verb-phrase: jump: jumped; will jump: would
jump; has jumped: had jumped; is jumping: was jumping; will have been
jumping: would have been jumping; etc.; and it is the one obligatory
opposition of tense in the simple sentence.
What is traditionally described as the 'future' tense in English is
realized by means of the ' auxiliary verbs' will and shall (the rules that
are given for the choice between the two auxiliaries by normative
grammarians being based, for the most part, upon certain pre-
conceived ideas as to what ought to be the difference between them,
rather than upon the usage of any group of English speakers).
Although it is undeniable that will and shall occur in many sentences
that refer to the future, they also occur in sentences that do not. And
they do not necessarily occur in sentences with a future time reference.
They are most appropriately described as modal (like cany may, must,
etc.); and, in our discussion of the category of mood, we shall see
that 'futurity' is as much a matter of mood as it is of tense. Even in
the analysis of Greek and Latin (where the 'future', like the 'present'
and the 'past', is realized inflexionally), there is some reason to
describe the 'future tense' as partly modal.
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7.5.2 Mood
Moody like tense, is frequently realized by inflecting the verb or by
modifying it by means of 'auxiliaries'. It is best defined in relation
to an ' unmarked' class of sentences which express simple statements
of fact, unqualified with respect to the attitude of the speaker towards
what he is saying. Simple declarative sentences of this kind are,
strictly speaking, non-modal ('unmarked* for mood). If, however, a
particular language has a set of one or more grammatical devices for
'marking* sentences according to the speaker's commitment with
respect to the factual status of what he is saying (his emphatic
certainty, his uncertainty or doubt, etc.), it is customary to refer to
the ' unmarked' sentences also (by courtesy as it were) as being * in a
certain mood'; and the traditional term for this ' unmarked' mood is
indicative (or declarative).
Two classes of sentences tend to stand apart from all others by
virtue of their modality. The first class comprises imperative sentences,
which do not make statements at all, but express commands or
instructions {Come here!, Put your coat on!, etc.). Since commands or
instructions are generally issued directly to the hearer, what one might
call the ' central' class of imperative sentences are associated with the
'second person'; and it is a rather striking fact that in very many
languages which inflect the verb for person, number, tense, mood, etc.
(including the Indo-European languages) the form of the verb which
occurs in 'second person singular' imperative sentences is unin-
flected for all these categories (i.e. it is identical with the stem). Many
linguists have taken this fact as evidence that giving commands, rather
than making statements, is the more 'basic' function of language.
Since it is not clear what is implied by 'basic' in this context, we will
not go into the question. In any case, the distinction between giving
commands and making statements cannot be sharply drawn. I want you
to come here would normally be classed as a declarative sentence; and
yet the corresponding utterance, in the right context, might be
understood to express a command no less peremptory or authorita-
tive than Come here!
Interrogative sentences also stand in contrast to declarative
sentences by virtue of their modality. They are not traditionally re-
garded as modal, because in most languages (including Latin, Greek,
English) the syntactic distinction between declarative and interroga-
tive sentences is not associated with a difference of verbal inflexion
or the selection of a particular auxiliary, but with the employment
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of various interrogative particles or pronouns, with a difference of
word-order, or with intonation, together with the 'indicative mood'.
Linguists do not usually speak of an 'interrogative mood', except in
relation to those languages where questions are distinguished from
modally * unmarked' sentences by the same kind of syntactic devices
as those which characterize other modally 'marked' sentences. But
from a more general point of view, interrogative sentences are quite
clearly modal; and they may be characterized by additional modalities
which indicate the expectations of the speaker. For instance, three
types of 'yes'-'no' questions are commonly recognized in the
description of Latin: (i) 'open' questions (which do not indicate
whether the speaker expects either 'yes' or 'no') with the suffix -ne;
(ii) those expecting the answer 'yes', introduced by the particle
nonne; and (iii) those expecting the answer 'no', introduced by num.
There is a somewhat similar contrast in English between an 'open'
question like Is he here? on the one hand, and He's here, isn't he?, or
He isn't here, is he?, on the other. (By a 'yes'-'no' question is not
meant one that must be answered with ' yes' or ' no', but one that may
be so answered. For instance, Did John come?, but not Who came?, is
a 'yes'-'no' question.)
It we turn now to other modalities, apart from command and
interrogation, we find a large variety of ways in which the 'attitude'
of the speaker is grammatically marked in different languages. At
least three ' scales' of modality may be relevant. The first is the scale
of 'wish' and 'intention'. This may be illustrated by the epitaph
Requiescat in pace, 'May he rest in peace': the Latin 'subjunctive',
requiescat, is in modal contrast with the 'indicative', requiescit, 'he
rests'. (The Greek ' optative', which is distinct from the ' subjunctive',
owes its name to the fact that one of its principal functions was
conceived to be that of expressing wishes.) The second scale is that of
'necessity' and 'obligation': / must go to London next week, etc. The
third is that of ' certainty' and ' possibility': He may be here, He must
be here, etc. I have used the term 'scale' for these different modalities,
because they may be categorized into a larger or smaller number
of subdistinctions (e.g. 'certainty', 'probability', 'possibility', or
'stronger' and 'weaker', or different kinds of, 'obligation' and
'necessity'; and so on). Furthermore, particular languages may merge
any two, or all three, of these scales of modality; or give no gram-
matical recognition to them at all. It should also be noted that there is
an affinity between imperative sentences and the modalities of ' wish'
and 'necessity', on the one hand, and between interrogative sentences
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and the modality of * possibility', on the other. Indeed, an overtly
interrogative sentence like Will you come here? (we will neglect the
possibility of intonational differences) may be semantically equiva-
lent to the imperative Come here, will you? (or simply Come here!) and
can hardly be classified as being in one modality rather than another.
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Earlier in this section, it was suggested that the expression of
' futurity' in English (and in other languages) was as much a matter of
mood as of tense. In the first place, it should be observed that
sentences containing will and shall do not necessarily refer to the
future. Among the definitely modal uses of will one may note the
' putative' (e.g. He will be quite a big boy now: to be distinguished from
the * inferential* He must be quite a big boy now) and the ' inductive',
which (to quote Palmer) * is used for *' general'' timeless truths, that may
be proved inductively, of the kind illustrated by Oil will float on
water \ In addition to the purely future sense of shall, there is also a
more obviously modal use, the * promissive': here the speaker puts
himself forward as guarantor, as it were, of the truth or occurrence of
the event he refers to (e.g. You shall have your money by the end of the
week). There are other modalities associated with shall and will.
Furthermore, not only have both 'verbs' developed historically from
what were definitely modals in earlier stages of the language, but
they are paradigmatically opposed to such other modals as may, can
and must in present-day English syntax.
It is true that will and shall are commonly used in sentences referring
to the future. But this may be regarded as a ' natural' consequence of
the fact that statements made about future occurrences are necessarily
based upon the speaker's beliefs, predictions or intentions, rather
than upon his knowledge of 'fact'. It is noteworthy that in very many
languages in which it is customary to recognize a future tense, this is
also employed in sentences with modal implications similar to those
mentioned above as characteristic of English sentences containing will
and shall We will give just a few examples. The French f a sera le
facteur (with the future sera) is used in exactly the same circum-
stances as the English That will be the postman. The Russian ' im-
perfective future* (e.g. Ja ne budu rabotatj, 'I won't work') may be
used with implications of 'intention' or 'determination'. Even the
Greek and Latin future tenses were modal in many of their uses; and
their modality (by contrast with the 'present', i.e. non-past, and past
tenses) is confirmed by two facts which relate the future ' tense' to the
subjunctive mood: (i) in certain contexts the future may replace the
subjunctive, and (ii) there is no 'future subjunctive' form in either
language. Thus the traditional scheme of three tenses, with two moods
for Latin and three moods for Greek (excluding the imperative in
both instances), is not wholly satisfactory. For general syntactic
theory, it may be taken as axiomatic that 'futurity' is a notion that
cuts across the distinction of mood and tense.
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Whether a language recognizes categories both of tense and mood
is of course a matter for empirical investigation. According to
Hockett: 'Hopi has three tenses: one used in statements of general
timeless truth ("Mountains are high"), a second used in reports of
known or presumably known happenings ("I saw him yesterday",
"I'm on my way right now"), and a third used of events still in the
realm of uncertainty, hence often where we would think of the event
in the speaker's future ("He's coming tomorrow").' In view of what
is said about the implications of these three 'tenses', one might well
think that they would be more appropriately described as 'moods'.
But the general point being made here is that mood and tense may
' intersect' in such a way that either one or the other label is equally
appropriate. The same point may be illustrated by what Hockett says
of Menomini (an American Indian language described by Bloom-
field) : ' Menomini has a five-way contrast, largely of the mode type
[Hockett follows Bloomfield in preferring 'mode' to 'mood'],
though semantically there are traces of tense-like meanings also:
/pi?w/ "he comes, is coming, came": /pi?wen/ "he is said to be
coming, it is said that he came": /pi?/ " Is he coming? Did he come?":
/piasah/ "so he is coming after all (despite our expectation to the
contrary)": /piapah/ "but he was going to come! (and now it turns
out that he is not!)".' One may note in passing that the form /pi?/
could be described as being in 'the interrogative mood' (cf. 7.5.2).
We may note yet another way in which tense and mood may
'intersect'. There are many places in English where would, should,
could and might are rightly described as past-tense forms corres-
ponding to the non-past forms will, shall, can and may (with had to
corresponding to both must and have to): cf. / am going, I will go:
He said that he was going, He said that he would go, etc. But there are
other sentences with would, should, etc., which have no reference to
past time: e.g. That would be a good place for a picnic, You should see
a doctor, It could be true, etc. In such sentences, the ' tense' distinction
of non-past v. past would seem to subcategorize the modality in
question in such a way that 'past' combines with mood to introduce a
more 'tentative', 'remote' or 'polite' sense. In other words, 'tense'
is here 'converted' into a secondary modality.
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now be said about the modality of subordinate clauses in complex
sentences. The traditional term * subjunctive' is revealing in this
connexion: it comes from the Latin translation of the Greek word for
subordinating', and shows that for the traditional grammarian the
subjunctive was the mood of subordination par excellence. This point
may be illustrated with reference to French, where (as in Greek and
Latin) what is traditionally referred to as the subjunctive mood is
obligatory in many constructions, and the indicative in others:
e.g. Je crois qu'il vient v. Je ne crois pas qu'il vienne (' I think he is
coming' v. ' I don't think he is coming'; vient is in the indicative and
vienne in the subjunctive). In fact, there are very few contexts in
which the indicative and the subjunctive are interchangeable in
French. The subjunctive rarely occurs except in subordinate clauses,
where its occurrence is very largely determined by the type of
sentence of which the clause is a constituent, by the selection of a
particular main verb, by negation, and by other factors. In other
words, the indicative and the subjunctive forms of the verb are in
almost complementary distribution.
The question now arises whether the French subjunctive is
correctly described as a mood. More generally (since French is by
no means unique in this respect), what is the connexion between
mood and subordination? First of all, it should be noted that, in those
contexts in which the selection of one form of the verb rather than
another (e.g. vienne v. vient) is determined by other syntactic features
of the sentence, the occurrence of one form rather than the other
cannot of itself carry any distinction of modality. For instance, the
occurrence of vienne rather than vient in Je ne crois pas qu'il vienne
does not indicate any particular semantic distinction associated with
the choice of the subjunctive v. the indicative: there is no choice
open to the speaker in this context. Why, then, do we say that the
verb vienne is in the subjunctive 'mood'? Why do we not say, using
a more neutral term, that it is in the subjunctive 'form'?
Three relevant possibilities may be distinguished in the case of
languages in which one set of verbal forms occurs mainly in sub-
ordinate clauses, (i) The distribution of a set of forms, A, and a set
of forms, B, may be partly complementary and partly overlapping;
and the distinction between them, in the contexts in which they
contrast, may be modal. This situation obtains, though minimally,
in French. One might contrast, for example, Dieu vous benit (indica-
tive, 'God blesses you') and Dieu vous benisse (subjunctive, 'May
God bless you'). In Latin and Greek there was a greater degree of
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contrast between the subjunctive and the indicative, but, as in
French, the selection of one or the other was determined by other
factors in the majority of subordinate clauses. (2) The occurrence of
either A or B in subordinate clauses may correlate with a difference
of modality which is also indicated elsewhere in the sentence. For
instance, the negative sentence Je ne crois pas qvHil vienne expresses
the speaker's doubt, in contrast to the relative assurance of the
positive Je crois qvHil vient. (Actually, this difference in the modality
of the two sentences is one which, in certain contexts, may be
expressed solely by the selection of the indicative rather than the
subjunctive. But this fact may be neglected for the purpose of
illustration.) We may say, therefore, that in the case of Je ne crois pas
qu'il vienne v. Je crois qu'il vient, the form of the verb is compatible
with the modal context in which it occurs; in the same way, the
form of the verb in He came yesterday is compatible with the time-
reference of yesterday. (3) There may be no correlation at all
between the occurrence of one set of forms rather than another and
the modality of the context by which they are determined. In this
situation one would not describe the difference between A and B
as modal, even though one might quite reasonably use the term
* subjunctive' to refer to that set of forms which was more or less
restricted to subordinate clauses. The subjunctive in Greek and
Latin (as in French) is traditionally regarded as a mood because it
satisfies both the first and second of the conditions described above;
but the term 'subjunctive', of itself, carries no implications of
7.5.5 Aspect
The term aspect (which is a translation of the Russian word vid) was
first used to refer to the distinction of 'perfective1 and 'imperfective'
in the inflexion of verbs in Russian and other Slavonic languages. The
term 'perfective* (or 'perfect') is reminiscent of that used by the
Stoic grammarians for the somewhat similar notion of ' completion'
found in Greek. As we have seen, the Stoics realized that something
other than, and additional to, temporal reference of the kind indicated
by tense was involved in the analysis of the Greek verbal forms
(cf. 1.2.5). But this insight into what we now call 'aspect' was not
taken over by the Alexandrians and their successors.
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aorist bouleuseasthai ('to decide', with no indication as to whether the
decision is momentary or not), the imperfective bouleiiesthaimeans 'to
be in the process of deciding*. The three-term opposition of per-
fective, imperfective and aorist in Greek is therefore the resultant of
two binary distinctions: perfective (or completive) v. non-perfective,
and durative v. non-durative. The aspectual notions of 'completion'
and ' duration' are found, either together or singly, in many languages.
We shall not discuss any of the other notions that are customarily
brought together under the term 'aspect': iterative (or frequentative),
punctual (or momentary), habitual, inchoative (or inceptive), etc. To
list just these few examples is sufficient to show that the category of
aspect includes a wide variety of possible distinctions. Like tense-
distinctions, these all have to do with time; but (as Hockett puts it)
with the 'temporal distribution or contour' of an action, event or
state of affairs, rather than with its 'location in time'. Aspect, unlike
tense, is not a deictic category; it is not relative to the time of
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either, but may have modal implications: in particular, it may express
intention (e.g. / am going to London tomorrow).
Tense, mood and aspect 'merge' into one another in many other
languages besides English. This is partly because certain notions, as
we have seen, might be classed equally well as modal, aspectual, or
temporal; and partly because more distinctions have to be recog-
nized in the semantic analysis of these languages than are overtly
distinguished by the systematic morphological and syntactic contrasts
which we label as 'tense', 'mood' or 'aspect'. No one of the three
categories is essential to human language; and different languages vary
considerably in the wray in which they group together or distinguish
temporal, modal and aspectual notions. It is only wThen these notions
are expressed by means of some such device as inflexion or the use of
particles that linguists tend to refer to them as grammatical notions.
There are many languages, for instance, in which temporal reference
is optionally, if at all, by means of lexical items like 'yesterday', 'to-
morrow', etc., or 'now* and 'then'. This is not normally regarded as
tense. In much the same way, various modalities of the sentence can
be expressed in English by means of such adverbials as certainlyp,
probably, perhaps, etc., instead of, or in addition to, one of the modal
To conclude this section, it should be pointed out that the account
of tense, mood and aspect that has been given here has necessarily
been rather sketchy and over-simplified in places. In particular, we
have said nothing about the important fact that in any given context
the meaning of one of these grammatical categories may be more
precisely specified, or determined, by the adverbs or adverbial phrases
to which it is syntagmatically related in the sentence.
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reason we have for saying that truth, beauty and electricity are
'things' is that the words which refer to them in English are nouns.
The criticism of circularity loses its force as soon as we take into
account the distinction between 'formal' and 'notional' definitions,
and the possibility that the c notional' definitions of the parts of speech
may be used to determine the names, though not the membership, of
the major syntactic classes of English and other languages. Let us
assume that we have established for English a set of syntactic classes,
X, Y and Z (as well as a number of other classes) on 'formal',
distributional grounds (cf. 4.2.9); and that the members of each of
these classes are listed in the lexicon, or dictionary, associated with the
X = {boy, woman, grass, atom, tree, cow, truth, beauty,
electricity, . . . }
Y = {come, go, die, eat, love, exist, . . . }
Z = {good, beautiful, red, hard, tall, . . . }
By reference to the lexicon, we can decide for each word in the
language to what syntactic class or classes it belongs. It is true that
not all the members of class X denote persons, places and things (if
* thing' is interpreted as 'discrete, physical object'). However, it may
still be true that all (or the vast majority) of the lexical items which
refer to persons, places and things fall within the class X; and, if this
is so, we may call X the class of nouns. In other words, we have the
'formal' class X and a 'notional' class A; they are not co-extensive,
but, if A is wholly or mainly included in X, then X may be given the
label suggested by the 'notional' definition of A. It is for this reason
that the lexical class which has as its members, not only boy, woman,
etc., but also truth, beauty, etc., is appropriately called the class of
nouns in English. Whether there exists any language in which the
noun cannot be defined in this way is an empirical question. Most of
the statements made by linguists to the effect that the noun is not a
universal category of human language are vitiated by the failure to
take note of the distinction between the criteria for membership and
the criteria for naming the classes. In practice, linguists seem to have
had little difficulty in deciding that one class, rather than another, in a
particular language, is correctly identified as the class of nouns. As we
shall see, the situation is somewhat different with respect to the other
parts of speech recognized in traditional grammar. But in principle the
distinction between 'formal' and 'notional' definition is applicable
there too.
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It is a more serious criticism that the criteria incorporated in the
definitions are obviously language-dependent (or 'glossocentric'), in
the sense that they do not apply outside a very narrow range of
languages (including Latin and Greek, for which they were primarily
established). This point may be illustrated with reference to the
definitions of the noun, verb and preposition given by Dionysius
Thrax (and taken over by most of his successors in the mainstream
of the Western grammatical tradition: cf. 1.2.5): 'The noun is a part
of speech having case-inflexions, signifying a person or a thing*;' The
verb is a part of speech without case-inflexion, admitting inflexions of
tense, person and number, signifying an activity or a being acted
upon'; 'The preposition is a word placed before all other parts of
speech in word-formation and syntactic constructions'. The noun and
the verb are defined, not only 'notionally' in terms of what they
'signify', but also in terms of their inflexional characteristics; whereas
the definition of the preposition invokes the quite different property
of relative position (in both morphological and syntactic construc-
tions). First of all, inflexion is far from being a universal feature of
language; secondly, languages that have inflexion do not necessarily
manifest the categories of case, number and tense; and the sharp
distinction that is drawn between cases and prepositions in tradi-
tional grammar cannot be sustained in general syntactic theory
(cf. 1.2.5, 74-I> 74-7)- The question that the definitions of Dionysius
Thrax were intended to answer may be put in the following terms:
Given that the sentences of the language have been segmented into
words, to what class would each word be assigned? And the gram-
matical criteria for classification were mainly based upon the surface-
structure properties of words.
It may be taken for granted that any general theory of the parts of
speech which is intended to apply to more than a narrow selection of
the world's languages must give explicit recognition to the distinction
between deep and surface structure and must define the parts of
speech, not as classes of words in surface structure, but as deep-
structure constituents of sentences (cf. 6.6.1). For the remainder of
this section, we shall be concerned with the question whether any, or
all, of the traditional parts of speech can be defined in this way.
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by the assumption that all complex sentences, as well as various kinds
of non-declarative sentences, clauses and phrases, were derived from
simple, modally * unmarked' sentences. Furthermore, the major parts
of speech were associated with certain typical syntactic functions in
simple sentences; and this was assumed by some grammarians to be
a more important property of the parts of speech than their 'acci-
dental', inflexional, characteristics in particular languages (cf. 7.1.2).
It was asserted that every simple sentence is made up of two parts:
a subject and a predicate. The subject was necessarily a noun (or a
pronoun 'standing for* a noun). But the predicate fell into one of
three types, according to the part of speech or parts of speech which
occurred in it: (i) intransitive verb, (ii) transitive verb with its object,
(iii) the 'verb to be9 (or some other 'copula') with its complement.
The object, like the subject, must be a noun. The complement must
be either (a) an adjective, or (b) a noun.
The notions of 'subject', 'predicate', 'object' and 'complement'
will be discussed in the following chapter. For the present, we will
take them for granted; and we will assume that the statements made
in the previous paragraph about their association with particular parts
of speech are correct, for English at least. They may be illustrated by
the following sentences:
(1) Mary dances
(2) Mary cooks fish
(3 a) Mary is beautiful
(3 b) Mary is a child
Omitting distinctions of tense, mood, aspect, countability and
definiteness, we can generate these sentences with the appropriate
structural descriptions by means of the following grammatical rules
and associated lexicon:
Grammar Lexicon
(i) S ->A + X A = {Mary, fish, child, .
B = {dance, . . . }
(") X ^lc+A
[D+Y C = {cook, ...}
IE D = {be}
E = {beautiful, .. }
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A diagrammatic representation of the underlying constituent-
structure of these sentences is given in Fig. 17. It will be observed that
X and Y are auxiliary symbols, the sole function of which is to label
the nodes (cf. 6.1.3) a n d show that, whereas all four sentences are
syntactically equivalent at the higher level, only (3 a) and (36) are
Mary Mary \
cook fish
D ! D
Mary Mary !
beautiful child
(3a) (3*)
Fig. 17.
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The answer to this question is clearly 'yes'. The class A is the class
of nouns, since it is the one constituent class which all sentences have
in common at the highest level of constituent-structure; B is the only
class which combines directly with nouns (under the auxiliary node X)
to form sentences, and is therefore the class of intransitive verbs; since
the members of C combine with nouns (^4), and with no other class,
to form predicates (X), C is the class of transitive verbs; and D is the
copula-class, since it combines with both nouns and with E, which is
therefore the class of adjectives.
This argument rests of course on the specific assumptions incor-
porated in the traditional view of the syntactic function of the parts of
speech. In the construction of a more general theory of the parts of
speech, at least two of these assumptions must be challenged: the
first has to do with the status of the copula or * verb tobe' \ the second
with the universality of the distinction between verbs and adjectives.
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certain distinctions (usually 'carried' by the verb) when there is no
other verbal element to carry these distinctions. Sentences that are
temporally, modally and aspectually 'unmarked' (e.g. 'Mary is
beautiful') do not need the 'dummy' carrier.
This account of the function of the copula in Russian, Greek and
Latin can be generalized for English and other languages, which have
a 'verb to be' in sentences that are 'unmarked', as well as in those that
are 'marked', for tense, mood and aspect.
One of the advantages of regarding the copulative ' verb to be' as a
purely grammatical 'dummy' in English (like the 'dummy auxiliary'
do in such sentences as Do they come regularly?\ He doesn't eat fish,
etc.) is that such noun-phrases as the tall man can be transformation-
ally derived from the phrase-markers underlying such sentences as
the man is tall without the need to delete the copula. Grammars of
English which introduce be into the deep structure of sentences (cf. the
rule X-+D+Y in 7.6.2) will necessarily contain many transfor-
mational rules for the deletion of this element in a variety of positions
in surface structure.
A more important point is that the 'verb to be' in such sentences
as Mary is beautiful (unlike the verb cook in Mary cooks fish) is in
contrast with only a limited set of other 'verbs', notably become. The
occurrence of become rather than be depends upon the selection of the
'marked' rather than the 'unmarked' term in yet another gram-
matical opposition (of stative v. non-stative aspect). We will return
to this point presently (cf. 8.4.7). For the moment, it is sufficient to
have made a general case for the elimination of the 'verb to be' from
the underlying constituent-structure of English. There is no doubt
that a similar case could be made for other languages with a copulative
'verb to be'. We may turn now to the distinction between verbs and
adjectives in general syntactic theory.
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Latin is that they are both inflected for number and case. But the
inflexion of the adjective is clearly a matter of surface structure: its
number and case (and also its gender) are derived by the trans-
formational rules of concord from the noun which it modifies. Other-
wise the status of the adjective in Greek and Latin is not strikingly
different from its status in English, where there is no concord between
adjective and noun. Plato and Aristotle considered that the most
typical function of both the adjective and the verb was that of
predication, whereas the most characteristic function of the noun was
that of naming the subject of the predication. It was for this reason
that they grouped the adjective with the verb; and logicians have
taken the same view. On the other hand, since the medieval period,
most grammarians have drawn as sharp a distinction between the
adjective and the verb as they have between the verb and the noun.
We may therefore ask what, if anything, distinguishes the adjective
from the verb in general syntactic theory? For simplicity, we will
illustrate from English.
The two most obvious differences between the lexical classes in
English traditionally referred to as adjectives and verbs both have to
do with the surface phenomenon of inflexion. (1) The adjective, when
it occurs in predicative position, does not take the verbal suffixes
associated with distinctions of tense, mood and aspect; instead, a
'dummy verb* (be, become, etc.) is generated by the grammar to carry
the necessary inflexional suffixes. Thus, Mary is beautiful, Mary
would have been beautiful: Mary dances, Mary would have danced; but
not *Mary beautiful-s or *Mary would have beautiful-ed, or *Mary is
dance or *Mary would have been dance. (2) The verb is less freely
transformed to the position of modifier in the noun-phrase; but when
it does occur in this syntactic position, unlike the adjective, it bears
the suffix -ing. Thus, the beautiful girl: the singing girl; but not *the
beautiful-ing girl or *the sing girl.
In * notional' treatments of the parts of speech, adjectives are
frequently said to denote 'qualities', and verbs to denote either
'actions' or 'states'. But the difference between a 'quality' and a
' state' (if it is not entirely illusory) is less striking than the difference
between an 'action' and a 'state'. One might well wonder, for
example, whether know, exist, happy, young, etc. refer to ' states' or
'qualities'. There is no doubt, however, that know and exist, on the
one hand, and happy and young, on the other, fall together grammati-
cally. This question is decided for us by the criteria discussed in the
previous paragraph. But there are many languages (e.g. Chinese) to
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which these criteria do not apply; and linguists tend to say that there
is no adjective v. verb distinction in such languages, but rather a
distinction between stative verbs and verbs of action.
A distinction between stative verbs and verbs of action is also
relevant to English. As we have already seen, there are certain stative
verbs in English which do not normally occur in the progressive form
(cf. 7.5.7): by contrast with these, the majority of English verbs, which
occur freely in the progressive, may be called verbs of 'action*. This
aspectual difference between stative verbs and verbs of action is
matched by a similar difference in English adjectives. Most English
adjectives are stative, in the sense that they do not normally take
progressive aspect when they occur in predicative position (e.g. Mary
is beautiful, not *Mary is being beautiful). But there are a number of
adjectives which occur freely with the progressive in the appropriate
circumstances (cf. Mary is being silly now). In other words, to be
stative is normal for the class of adjectives, but abnormal for verbs;
to be non-stative is normal for verbs, but abnormal for adjectives.
The possibility of free combination with progressive aspect correlates
with a number of other important features of English syntax: most
notably, with the potentiality of occurrence in answer to a question
like What did she do?> What is she doing?. Both Mary danced (that's what
she did) and Mary is being silly (that's what she's doing) are possible
answers to questions of this form, but not *Mary knows Greek (that's
what she does) or *Mary is beautiful (that's what she does).
We talk about * stative verbs' in English (as distinct from adjec-
tives) and 'non-stative adjectives' (as distinct from verbs) because the
aspectual contrast of stative v. non-stative in general coincides with,
but in particular instances is in conflict with, the inflexional dif-
ferences traditionally regarded as being of greater importance in the
definition of the parts of speech. It is, however, the aspectual contrast
which correlates, if anything does, with the notional definition of the
verb and the adjective in terms of 'action* and 'quality*.
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epithetos). The adjective was the modifier par excellence of traditional
grammar: it was 'attached to' and 'modified' the noun (and, for
reasons that have already been discussed, it was regarded as a type of
noun in the post-Aristotelian period). The adjective was therefore a
nominal modifier (adnominal), and the adverb a verbal modifier
(adverbial). But the definition given above makes reference to the
'modification' of adjectives as well as to the 'modification' of verbs.
The point is that the traditional term 'adverb' (and indeed the
definitions of Dionysius Thrax and Priscian) depended, implicitly,
upon the earlier and wider sense of 'verb'. In other words, it pre-
supposed that 'adjectives' and 'verbs' (in the narrower, more modern
sense) were to be regarded as members of the same major syntactic
class for the purpose of stating their combinatorial properties with
respect to members of other major syntactic classes. We have already
seen that 'adjectives' and 'verbs' have much in common, and that in
many languages (including English) they are correctly brought
together as members of the same deep-structure category.
The second point to notice about the definition of the adverb that
we gave above is this: it implies that the adverb is a recursive category
(more typically than the other parts of speech) in the sense that one
adverb may modify another. For example, extraordinarily and well
are both adverbs (of 'degree' and 'manner', respectively) in sentences
like Mary dances extraordinarily well and Mary cooks fish extra-
ordinarily well; and extraordinarily modifies well in the endocentric
adverbial phrase extraordinarily well. It was on the basis of these
combinatorial possibilities in simple sentences that both Jespersen
and Hjelmslev constructed their theories of the parts of speech
(independently of one another and with certain differences which,
in the context of the present discussion, may be disregarded) some
thirty years ago. We will give an outline of their views presently. But
first we must say a little more about adverbs.
In traditional grammar, adverbs constitute a very heterogeneous
class; and it is doubtful whether any general theory of syntax would
bring together as members of the same syntactic class all the forms
that are traditionally described as * adverbs'. We will restrict our
attention at this point to adverbs of 'manner' (as exemplified by well
and beautifully in Mary cooksfishwell and Mary dances beautifully).
Most adverbs of manner in English (and also in certain other
languages) are distinct from, but morphologically-related to, 'adjec-
tives ' (cf. beautifully: beautiful). Furthermore, they are transformation-
ally related to the corresponding 'adjectives' in a variety of parallel
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constructions: cf. Mary is a beautiful dancer: Mary dances beautifully.
Since there would seem to be no possibility of paradigmatic opposi-
tion between the * adverb of manner' and the ' adjective', they are to
be regarded as contextually-determined variants of the same * part of
speech*. The attachment of the adverbial suffix -ly (in English) to
'adjectives' like beautiful (and the 'rewriting* of good as well) is to
be handled by the rules which convert the deep-structure analysis into
the surface structure of sentences. In other words, 'adverbial' refers
to the modification of one verb (in the wider sense of this term) by
another verb, the modifying verb being typically, but not necessarily
(cf. smilingly, etc.), an 'adjective'. Not all 'adjectives' occur in
'adverbial' positions: cf. *The light shone greenly, etc. Conversely,
others occur as modifiers of nouns only in constructions which are
transformationally derived from structures in which the 'adjective'
has an ' adverbial' function: cf. a rapid movement - move rapidly.
But the majority of 'adjectives' in English modify both nouns and
verbs in deep structure.
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are therefore ad-adnominal categories; and adverbs are modified by
other adverbs. No more than three degrees are required for the classifi-
cation of the parts of speech (in any language referred to by either
Jespersen or Hjelmslev), since there is no major category whose
function it is to modify categories of the third degree.
It is worth pointing out here that this theory of * degree' can be
formalized very neatly in terms of categorial grammar (cf. 6.3.1): in
fact, it was implicit in the early development of the notions of
categorial grammar by Lesniewski and Ajdukiewicz. The noun is a
fundamental category; all other parts of speech are derived, complex
categories. Categories of the second degree combine with categories
of the first degree (according to the principles of well-formedness
which Ajdukiewicz called * syntactic connectedness') to form
sentences (or 'propositions'). Categories of the third degree combine
with one another to form categories of the third degree.
For typographical simplicity, let us now introduce a numerical
system of notation for the categorial representation of this notion of
'degree'. (The numerals may be defined to be equivalent to the
'fractional* expressions employed in our earlier references to cate-
gorial grammar.) We will use o (zero) for 'sentence', 1 for 'noun',
2 for 'verb' (including 'adjective'), and 3 for 'adverb'; and we will
use 'primes' to indicate recursion, e.g. 3' ('three prime'), 3"
('three double-prime'), etc. The underlying constituent-structure of
a sentence like Mary dances extraordinarily well is given in terms of
these numerical conventions in Fig. 18. It may be represented,
equivalently, as 0(1 + 2(2 + 3(3 + 3'))). The reader will observe that
the system is assumed to be non-directional: given a complex category
x composed of a pair of fundamental or derived categories, we can
' cancel' the ' denominator' (in the ' fractional' representation) of x
with another category y, whether x and y are adjacent to one another
or not in the surface structure of the sentence, and independently of
the relative sequence of x and y in surface structure. In terms of the
numerical notation, 3' cancels with 3 to yield 3, 3 cancels with 2 to
yield 2, and 2 cancels with 1 to yield o.
We pointed out in an earlier section that (bidirectional) categorial
grammars were weakly, but perhaps not strongly, equivalent to
simple, context-free phrase-structure grammars (cf. 6.3.7). Neither
categorial grammars nor simple phrase-structure grammars are
sufficiently powerful for the total description of the syntax of any
natural language. This has been proved by Chomsky (and others).
So far no one has developed a transformational grammar with a
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categorial, rather than a phrase-structure, base-component. (Shau-
mjan's theory comes closest to this conception; but it has certain other
features which make it rather difficult to compare formally with
Chomsky's theory of transformational syntax, and it has not yet been
illustrated in detail.) Nevertheless, the notion of 'degree* has a good
deal of support in the traditional theory of the parts of speech and in
the application of this theory to the description of many languages
1 2
2 3
good extraordinary
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between 'transitive' and 'intransitive* verbs can be formalized in
a phrase-structure grammar. The above set of rules does so by making
them both members of the same major category (V) and distinguishing
particular members of V, we will assume, by marking them in the
lexicon with a feature (not shown above) which indicates whether the
verb in question may or must have a following NP: cf. rule (2). This is
essentially the technique developed by Chomsky in Aspects of the
Theory of Syntax. (The earlier system of Syntactic Structures
formalized the relationship between 'transitive' and 'intransitive'
verbs quite differently.)
The point we wish to make here is simply this: the rules given above
fail to formalize the fact that there is an essential, language-indepen-
dent, relationship between iVand NP and between Fand VP. As far as
the formalization of phrase-structure grammars is concerned, it is a
matter of 'accidental' coincidence that linguists will include in their
grammars of different languages rules which always expand NP into a
string of symbols containing N and rules which always expand VP
into a string of symbols containing V. In other words, phrase-
structure grammars fail to formalize the fact that NP and VP are not
merely mnemonically-convenient symbols, but stand for sentence-
constituents which are necessarily nominal and verbal, respectively,
because they have JV and V as an obligatory major constituent.
(Chomsky himself has recognized this particular inadequacy: he has
indicated a possible solution, but this has not yet been developed in
detail, and it is not referred to so far in the published literature.)
What is required, and what was assumed in traditional grammar, is
some way of relating sentence-constituents of the form XP to X
(where X is any major category: N> Vy etc.). It would not only be
perverse, but it should be theoretically impossible for any linguist to
propose, for example, rules of the following form (for the base-
component of English or of any other language):
(1a) X->VP+Aux + NP
(za) NP-+V+VP
(2a) NP-+V
(4a) VP-+T+N
The present system of formalization does not exclude rules like this;
and they are equivalent, not only weakly, but perhaps also strongly,
to the four rules given earlier. (This follows from the principles of
phrase-structure grammar discussed in the previous chapter.)
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If the problem can be solved for phrase-structure grammars, it can
be solved also for categorial grammars. To take just the case of
'transitive' and 'intransitive* verbs: any lexical item with the
categorial classification (2n)/n, e.g. a 'transitive' verb, would be
defined by the general principles of the system to be the head of a
phrase analysed by the grammar as Zn. Similarly for 'intransitive'
verbs, which have the categorial classification Zn. However, as we
have already remarked, the question of transitivity is more complex
than we have so far indicated. No current system of transformational
grammar handles all the facts correctly. We return to this point in
the following chapter.
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the ' selection ' they make from the total set of secondary grammatical
categories recognized in general syntactic theory: and the way in
which the oppositions within these categories are realized in surface-
structure also varies considerably from language to language. What
may be universal in human language are the combinatorial properties
of the major categories relative to one another (as suggested in the
theories of Jespersen and Hjelmslev). If this is so, we can envisage the
possibility that the base-component of a transformational grammar
for any language will comprise two 'subcomponents'. The first
(whether it is formalized in terms of rewrite rules or not) would be
truly universal and would account for the categorial combination of
lexical items. The second would contain rules associating features of
tense, mood, aspect, number, definiteness, etc., at various levels of the
constituent-structure generated by the categorial subcomponent.
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John Lyons
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particular cases the nature of the distinction may be an elusive one.'
In this passage, Sapir implicitly defines the subject as the person or
thing about which something is said, and the predicate as the state-
ment made about that person or thing. But this is only one of the
ways in which subject and predicate have been defined by gram-
marians. Since we shall also be considering some of these other
definitions, we will adopt Hockett's now widely accepted terminology
for the notions referred to by Sapir: we wTill call the person or thing
about which something is said the topic, and the statement made
about this person or thing the comment.
Hockett introduces these terms as follows: 'The most general
characterization of predicative constructions is suggested by the terms
"topic" and "comment"...: The speaker announces a topic and
then says something about it. Thus John/ran away; That new book by
Thomas Guernsey\I haven't read yet. [The oblique stroke in the
sentences used as examples indicates the major constituent-structure
break.] In English and the familiar languages of Europe, topics are
usually also subjects and comments are predicates: so in John/ran
away. But this identification fails sometimes in colloquial English,
regularly in certain special situations in formal English, and more
generally in some non-European languages.'
Two points may be made with reference to the passage quoted from
Hockett. First, 'subject' and 'predicate', as syntactic notions, are
distinguished from ' topic' and ' comment' (although they are said to
coincide with 'topic' and 'comment' in the most frequently-used
declarative sentences of 'English and the familiar languages of
Europe'). Second, Hockett appears to imply that the topic neces-
sarily precedes the comment: he goes on to say, in connexion with
his second example, ' That new book by Thomas Guernsey is spoken
first because it specifies what the speaker is going to talk about: it is
the topic of the sentence, though not its subject. The topic is at the
same time the object of the verb haven't read {yet), and the subject of
that verb is /, part of the comment of the whole sentence.'
The topic-comment distinction is frequently glossed (though not
by Hockett) in terms of contextual dispensability or predictability:
the topic, or 'subject of discourse', is described as that element which
is given in the general situation or in some explicit question to which
the speaker is replying; and the comment as that part of the utterance
which adds something new (and thus communicates information to
the hearer). By this criterion, we cannot say what is the topic and
what is the comment in a particular utterance (or indeed whether it
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can reasonably be divided into topic and comment) unless we know
what is contextually 'given'. For example, if John ran away answers
the question, explicit or implicit, 'Who ran away?', then by the
given-new criterion John is the comment, and ran away is the topic.
If the explicit or implicit question is nothing more specific than
'What happened?', then merely the past tense is contextually pre-
dictable, and all the rest of the utterance is 'new'. Only if the state-
ment John ran away answers the explicit or implicit question ' What
did John do ?' is John the topic and ran away the comment according
to the given-new criterion (and more precisely, it is ran away minus
the tense-specification that is 'new'). The terms 'given' and 'new'
are taken from Halliday, who distinguishes various other notions
involved in the analysis of sentences into topic and comment.
Typically, the utterance John ran away would not be used in reply
to an explicit question in which either John or ran away was 'given',
but rather He ran away ('What did John do?') or John {did) ('Who
ran away ?'). In English, and possibly in all languages, the given-new
criterion finds its principal application, not in the determination of
the syntactic structure of sentences, but in the establishment of the
conditions of deletability and pronominal substitution in the 'situ-
ationally-bound', elliptical utterances of connected discourse (for the
distinction of sentences and utterances, cf. 5.1.2).
In many languages, by the use of one word-order rather than
another or the employment of a particular particle, the speaker can
indeed make it clear that he is 'announcing a topic' (not necessarily
'given' in the situation) and then 'say something about it'. This is
only possible to a limited degree in English. It is one (among many)
of the factors involved in the choice of a passive construction (cf.
8.3.3). But it does not operate in the determination of the form oijohn
ran away. Such alternatives as What John did was run away. It was
John who ran away, The one who ran away was John, as well as John
ran away, John ran away, etc. (where the acute accent indicates
contrastive or emphatic stress), are 'marked' for a complex set of
other distinctions (which we will not go into here). John ran away is in
fact structurally ' unmarked' for the distinction of topic and comment:
it exemplifies the most ' neutral' form of the English sentence.
And yet, if we were presented with this sentence, in isolation from
the context in which the corresponding utterance had occurred or
might occur, we would no doubt agree with Hockett (and most
linguists and logicians since the time of Plato) that something is
being said about John, rather than about running away. What moti-
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vates our choice in the case of such * unmarked* sentences is an
interesting question. It leads us to the other main approach to the
definition of subject and predicate found in traditional grammatical
and logical theory. It is this second approach which, as we shall see,
also underlies the traditional' notional' definition of the noun as * the
name of a person or thing'; and it may be the only way of defining
both 'subject' and 'noun' (interdependently) that is universally
applicable. We have already hinted at this in the section on the parts
of speech (cf. 7.6.9).
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classes (whether these classes are thought to be definable on the basis
of some inherent properties of their members or not), and (ii) charac-
terizing universals, which refer to qualities, states, actions, etc. Typical
sortal universals are the 'common' nouns of traditional grammar;
typical characterizing universals are 'abstract' nouns, verbs, adjec-
tives and adverbs.
On the basis of these distinctions, we can formulate the following
important principle of traditional logic: whereas universal terms are
found in both subject and predicate position in well-formed proposi-
tions, particular terms are restricted to subject position. Stock examples
of propositions constructed out of a particular and a universal term
are Socrates is a man (sortal) and Socrates is wise (characterizing); and
of a proposition composed of two universal terms, Men are wise. (We
will not go into the further traditional principle that, of two universal
terms, it is the less specific term that is predicated of the more specific.)
The traditional distinction of particular and universal terms can be
drawn independently of the Aristotelian and scholastic notions of
substance and accidents. It rests upon the recognition, in the per-
ceptual world, of a number of discrete, temporally-enduring ' entities'
(persons, animals and things), of the principles of identification and
classification, according to which these 'entities' may be named (as
individuals) or ' sorted' into classes by means of the lexical conven-
tions of the language in question, and of a set of recurrent properties,
states, actions, etc., which may be associated with the 'entities'.
There is no reason to doubt that (whatever its philosophical status)
this everyday notion of 'entity' is applicable in a sufficient number of
instances in the investigation of the vocabulary and syntactic structure
of various languages, provided that we respect the distinction between
'notional' and 'formal' criteria (cf. 7.6.1).
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What this means, in effect, is that the traditional grammarian or
logician, like 'the man in the street*, when confronted with John ran
away and asked the topic-comment question 'What is being said
about what?', will assume (in default of any contextual indications
to the contrary) that the individual person, John, is more likely to be
the focus of the speaker's interest, rather than the activity of running
away. And confronted with Horses are vicious animals or Virtue is
rare, he will say that the topics are horses and virtue, because of their
syntactic parallelism with sentences composed of a particular and a
universal term (John ran away, or John is good), which most clearly
satisfy the conditions for the application of the traditional principles
for determining the subject and the predicate. In other words, the
traditional topic-comment criterion was implicitly determined by the
substance-accidents distinction in the case of simple sentences con-
taining a particular and a universal term; and the application of the
topic-comment criterion to sentences consisting of two universal
terms was determined by their overt grammatical structure.
In the definition of 'subject* and 'predicate* (as in mfcny other
matters) traditional logic and traditional grammar leaned heavily
upon one another. They both made appeal to the Aristotelian doctrine
of the categories of predication, which gave a philosophical basis to
the view that the world is populated with individual persons, animals
and things (substances) and that these substances are either the
initiators or the victims ('agents' or 'patients') of activities and
processes, are endowed with certain qualities, are situated in particu-
lar places at a particular time, are subject to change, and so on. The
degree to which this view of the world is determined in detail by the
grammatical structure of the classical languages is a vexed question,
which we need not go into here. It suffices for the validation of the
notion of 'subject* in general syntactic theory that the categories of
logic and grammar should be seen as necessarily coincident with one
another in the case of simple declarative sentences containing just one
nominal expression.
Every language may be assumed to have, as its most typical sen-
tence-type of minimal syntactic structure, a class of sentences whose
nuclei are composed of a nominal and a verb (the term ' nominal*
is intended to include nouns, pronouns and noun-phrases; and
the term 'verb* is to be understood in the wider sense which also
embraces adjectives: cf. 8.1.1, 7.6.4). The notions of 'subject* and
'predicate* are first defined, as we have seen, with reference to such
sentences. They are then extended to sentences of more complex
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syntactic structure. It is in the course of this extension that a certain
conflict may arise between various kinds of logical and grammatical
criteria for identifying the subject.
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Both intransitive and transitive sentences in English may answer the
implicit question * What does X do ? ', where X is a nominal expression
and do (in its second occurrence in the question) is a * pro-verb' which
brings together intransitive verbs, on the one hand, and transitive
verbs + their objects, on the other. Whenever this condition holds (and
it does not hold for either transitive or intransitive stative verbs:
cf. 7.6.4), the subject may be described as the * actor' (or * agent'). By
contrast, the object-noun in transitive sentences is the 'goal* (or
patient'). The 'notional* interpretation of the subject as * actor* and
the object as 'goal* often conflicts with some of the other criteria
referred to in the previous paragraph. For example, in the sentences
Wealth attracts robbers and Riches attract robbers, the subjects are
wealth and riches (according to the criterion of subject-verb concord),
but robbers is the only noun that could be reasonably described as
fulfilling the role of 'actor*. Nevertheless, for English (and a number
of other languages, including Latin and Greek) there is some truth in
the traditional view that the subject of an active, transitive sentence is
the initiator of the action, and the object the 'patient* or 'goal*. The
structure of the vocabulary reflects this, in that most transitive verbs
tend to occur with an animate noun as their subject in active sentences,
whereas the subject of an intransitive verb and the object of a transi-
tive verb is relatively indifferent to the distinction between animate
and inanimate nouns.
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subject of sentence (i) and agna-p of (2). But in the translations of
sentences like 'The dog runs away' and "The woman runs away'
(with an intransitive verb), the nouns qimmi- and agna- would have
the suffix -q. This syntactic parallelism between the * goal' of a
transitive verb and the subject of an intransitive verb is generally
referred to as ' ergativity \ We shall return to it later in connexion with
the notion of 'transitivity', which we are taking for granted for the
moment (cf. 8.2.3).
Here it is sufficient to point out that the traditional notion of
* subject', as it applies to transitive sentences, is partly dependent
upon the grammatical structure of Latin and Greek (and other Indo-
European languages), in which the following two conditions hold,
(i) One of the two nouns in transitive sentences (and, where the
'notional' category of 'actor' is clearly applicable, it is the noun
which denotes the 'actor') is marked with the same case-inflexion
(the 'nominative': cf. 7.4.5) as the subject of intransitive sentences,
(ii) The number (and person) of the verb is determined by the
subject-noun of intransitive sentences and the 'actor'-noun of
transitive sentences. Both of these conditions may be exemplified
from English, if we use pronouns rather than nouns: He sees them,
They see him, He runs away, They run away. (In Latin and Greek, as
well as in various other Indo-European languages, the case-distinction
manifest in he v. him and they v. them is also shown in non-neuter
nouns: cf. 7.4.3.) As we have seen, in languages with an 'ergative'
construction, the syntactic feature of case (and sometimes concord,
although we have not illustrated this) would determine the 'goal'-
noun of a transitive sentence as the subject. But this conflicts with
the notion of the subject as the 'actor', rather than the 'goal' (or
'patient'); and, in practice, most linguists treat the 'actor'-'goal'
distinction as dominant for languages, like Eskimo, with an ergative
construction. They would say that the object of a transitive verb has
the same case-inflexion as the subject of an intransitive verb.
In English, as also in Latin and Greek, the ' actor'-' goal' criterion
is in systematic conflict with other grammatical criteria for defining
the subject in passive sentences. In the sentence Bill is killed by John,
the 'actor' is John and the 'goal' Bill In this respect, John kills Bill
and Bill is killed by John are identical. But, whereas John is tradition-
ally regarded as the subject of the former, it is Bill that is taken to be
the subject of the latter. The reasons include the following: (i) the
case of the 'goal'-noun in passive sentences is 'nominative' (in
English this can only be shown by means of pronouns: cf. He hits
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them. They hit him, He is hit, They are hit); (ii) the 'goal'-noun of a
passive sentence determines the verb as singular or plural, in the
same way as does the subject of either a transitive or intransitive
non-passive sentence (cf. Bill hits them, They hit Bill; Bill runs away,
They run away; Bill is hit, They are hit); (iii) the 'goal'-noun of a
passive sentence may be identified with the * actor'-subject of either
a transitive or an intransitive non-passive sentence for the purpose of
co-ordination (e.g. Bill challenged John to a duel and was killed, Bill
fell downstairs and was killed).
A further reason for saying that the 'goal', rather than the * actor',
is the subject in passive sentences is that the * actor* is an optional,
extranuclear, constituent (it is ' outside' the nucleus, at least in surface-
structure). Bill was killed is a complete sentence, whereas *John
killed is not. The phrase by John in Bill was killed by John is tradition-
ally regarded as an 'agentive' adjunct, syntactically comparable with
the * instrumental' adjunct with a knife in Bill was killed with a knife
(cf. 7.4.5).
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of people: it is only in the passive sentence that it is a ' grammatical'
subject. Furthermore, one might wonder whether the notion of
topic' should be restricted to nominal expressions (unless the notion
'topic' is restricted by appeal to the substance-accidents distinction).
In the Russian sentence, Bezal Ivan, 'John ran (away)', the occur-
rence of the verb in initial position might be taken as an indication
that it is the topic of discourse (' announced by the speaker': cf. 8. i .2),
although Ivan is presumably both the ' logical' and the ' grammatical'
subject. And in the Latin sentences Interfectus est Caesar,' Caesar was
killed', it could be maintained that the topic is interfectus (est), which
is identical with neither the 'grammatical' subject Caesar nor the
'logical* subject (some unspecified 'actor').
Consideration of the examples given in this section shows that
there are far more distinctions involved than can be accounted for by
the simple dichotomy of 'grammatical' and 'logical' subjects. Even a
three-way distinction of 'psychological' subject (the topic), 'gram-
matical' subject (in surface structure) and 'logical' subject (in deep
structure) fails to capture all the distinctions which, at one time or
another, have been associated with the notion of 'subject' in gram-
matical and logical theory.
The principal aim of this section has been to show that the distinc-
tion between subject and predicate is universally and clearly applic-
able only in sentences whose nuclei consist of one nominal expression
and an intransitive predicate; and, in such sentences, the definition of
the subject depends ultimately upon the same criteria as those which
define the noun in general syntactic theory. As we have seen, in
passive sentences and in sentences with more than one nominal in
their nucleus, the traditional criteria tend to conflict with one another
in their application to various languages. It is worth pointing out,
however, that most of the more strictly 'formal' criteria that have
been mentioned for distinguishing the subject have to do with such
'surface' phenomena as case, concord and co-ordination. In the
following section, we shall consider the distinction between the
subject and the object of a sentence from a somewhat different point
of view. But first we must briefly consider the notion of 'adjunct'.
8.1.8 Adjuncts
An adjunct is by definition a 'modifier' attached to a 'head', upon
which it is dependent and from which it can be ' detached' without
any consequent syntactic change in the sentence (for the terms
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' modifier' and 'head', cf. 6.4.2). We are here concerned with what
are normally regarded as sentence-adjuncts, rather than with the
modifiers of lower-level constituents (such as adjectives modifying
nouns within the noun-phrase, adverbs modifying verbs within the
verb-phrase, etc.). Examples of sentence-adjuncts have been given at
the beginning of this section (in Central Park and on Sunday, in the
sentence John killed Bill in Central Park on Sunday).
Sentence-adjuncts may be of various ranks (clauses, phrases or
words). For example, the clause as soon as his wife arrived, the phrase
three hours later, and the word immediately can all be attached as adjuncts
to the nucleus (which is itself a complete sentence) John left for the
office. Furthermore, adjuncts fall into various classes according to their
semantic function: they may be adjuncts of time, of place, of purpose,
of result, of condition, and so on. Not all these different classes are
manifest at all ranks. But we will not go into these details here. In this
section, we will restrict our attention to adjuncts of time and place,
which have a particularly interesting place in the structure of language.
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In practice, the distinction between sentence-adjuncts and predica-
tive complements is often far from clear. As we have just seen, the
same class of words or phrases may occur as a locative or temporal
adjunct in one set of sentences and as a complement (of the copula)
in the other. This fact alone would be of small consequence. But
consider now a sentence like The demonstration occurred on Sunday.
In traditional accounts of English grammar, occur is regarded as an
intransitive verb (which, by definition, combines with a nominal to
form a sentence-nucleus, and requires no complement). This classifi-
cation of occur implies that The demonstration occurred (unlike *The
demonstration was) is a complete sentence, and therefore that on
Sunday is an adjunct. On the other hand, the semantic relationship
between The demonstration was on Sunday and The demonstration
occurred on Sunday would tend to suggest that was and occurred are
elements of the same type, and therefore that on Sunday is a predica-
tive complement in both instances.
It has already been proposed that the copula is not a lexical item in
such sentences as Mary is beautiful, but a purely grammatical
' dummy' serving as the * locus' for the indication of tense, mood and
aspect (cf. 7.6.3). We may now extend the application of the same
principle to the analysis of sentences in which be is found with a
temporal or locative complement (e.g. on Sunday or in Central Park);
and there seems to be no reason why such * verbs' as occur, happen,
take place, etc., should not also be treated as temporal and locative
copulas in such sentences as The demonstration occurred on Sunday,
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Some of the implications of this treatment will be examined later
(8.4.2 ff.). But a number of questions arise at this point in con-
nexion with the distinction (if there is any clear distinction) between
adjuncts and complements.
There is an important condition which must be imposed upon the
class of nominals which occur with temporal complements under the
application of rule (1). Such 'sentences* as *John was yesterday, *The
dog occurred on Sunday, etc., must be excluded as ungrammatical.
Let us therefore draw a distinction between what we will call first-
order and second-order nominals in English, and say that only second-
order nominals may occur in sentences whose underlying structure is
Nominal +- Time.
First-order nominals might well be called substantival nominals,
since in the most obvious instances they denote persons, animals,
things or places: in 'notional' terms, they are the most 'noun-like'
nominals (cf. 7.6.1). By contrast, second-order nominals do not denote
'substances'. Some of them may be items listed in the lexicon
(cf. 4.3.1): e.g. accident, event, etc. But the majority can be trans-
formationally derived from sentence-nuclei generated by means of
rule (3). Our example, the demonstration, is of this type.
Once we take note of this characteristic of second-order nominals,
the syntactic distinction between temporal adjuncts and temporal
complements seems to be even less satisfactory. What is the deep-
structure difference, we may ask, between The demonstration took
place on Sunday and They demonstrated on Sunday (not to mention
They held the demonstration on Sunday, etc.)? If there is any difference
at all, it is not illuminated by invoking a constituent-structure
distinction in the deep structure: Nominal + Time, on the one hand,
and Nominal + Verbal + Time, on the other. It would seem rather
that the two sentences have the same underlying constituent-
structure, with or without additional syntactic features determining
the selection of one surface-structure 'version* or the other. This
indicates that we should introduce into the grammar a rule which
transforms the output of S -> Nominal 4- Verbal (this rule for
nominalization is required anyway) and embeds it in the subject-
position of the structure generated by 2 -> Nominal + Time.
Transformationally-derived second-order nominals may also occur
in sentences with a locative complement, as well as in those with a
temporal complement: cf. The demonstration took place in Central
Park, The death of Churchill has occurred in London, etc. It is to be
observed, however, that not only second-order nominals, but also
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fully substantival (first-order) nominals, occur with locative comple-
ments : cf. John was at home v. *John was on Sunday.
The difference between first-order and second-order nominals is
also relevant to an interesting asymmetry in the distribution of the
locative and temporal copulas other than be (semantically, the most
' empty* of all copulas in English). Neither *John occurred on Sunday\
nor *John took place at home is possible (except of course by means of
a conceivable, but unusual, 'recategorization* of Johny such that it is
understood as 'The birth of John', etc.and the fact that such
'recategorization' can be effected and interpreted ad hoc depends
upon the difference we are discussing between the two classes of
nominals). The asymmetry that has been referred to lies in the fact
that be is found with second-order nominal subjects with both
locative and temporal predicates, but not with first-order nominal
subjects and temporal predicates; whereas occur, take place, happen,
etc., are restricted to second-order nominal subjects with both
temporal and locative predicates. These distributional facts may be
summarized as follows (using occur to represent the class which also
includes take place, happen, etc.):
Temporal Locative
First-order: *John was on Sunday John was in Central Park
*John occurred on *John occurred in Central
Sunday Park
Second-order: The demonstration was The demonstration was in
on Sunday Central Park
The demonstration The demonstration
occurred on Sunday occurred in Central Park
There may be semantic differences between predicates containing
occur, happen, take place, etc., in various contexts. But these predi-
cates have one thing in common, and it is crucial to the point at issue:
they are non-stative (cf. 7.6.4). Since first-order nominals tend to
denote 'entities' (enduring through some time-span, although they
may move or be moved from one place to another) and second-order
nominals tend to refer to ' events * (with ' punctual' location in space
and time) the fact that occur, etc., are found with the latter, but not the
former, in the surface structure of locative and temporal sentences is
readily explained. The locative and temporal predicates of first-order
nominals are necessarily stative.
But the difference between first-order and second-order nominals
docs not suffice, of itself, to account for the non-occurrence of such
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sentences as *John was on Sunday. It is not simply the shortness of
the time-span referred to by on Sunday which renders this sentence
unacceptable, since *Socrates was in the fifth century B.C. is also
impossible. Instead, we would say Socrates lived in the fifth century
B.C. {in the fifth century B.C. being correctly regarded as a predicative
complement in traditional grammar). Similarly, instead of *This
building has been for thirty yearsy we would say This building has
existed for thirty years. This suggests that live and exist (the former
restricted to animate subjects) are the temporal copulas occurring with
first-order nominal subjects. Like be in locative sentences, they are
purely grammatical * dummies'. But the argument will be taken up
again from this point in a later section (8.4.3).
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present time. Some indication of one possible line of development
will be provided in 8.3.6. But first we must consider the data and
traditional approaches to these questions.
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Once again, however, we must be careful to draw a distinction
between 'formal* and 'notional' definition. It suffices that the
semantic, or 'notional', definition is applicable to the majority of
two-place verbs for the whole of this class of verbs to be called
'transitive*. It was by tacit appeal to this principle (which we have
already discussed in connexion with the traditional notion of the
noun as 'the name of any person, place or thing': cf. 7.6.1) that we
described agna-y 'woman', as the 'actor' and qimmi-9 'dog', as the
'goal' in the Eskimo sentence qimmiq agnap takubaa, 'The woman
sees the dog' (8.1.6). Furthermore, it might be maintained that the
grammatical form of an English sentence like / hear you or / see you
(its parallelism with / hit you, etc.) influences speakers of English to
think of hearing and seeing as activities initiated by the person
' doing' the hearing and seeing. Whether this is a correct account of
perception, from a psychological or physiological point of view, is
irrelevant. If the native speaker of English (and other languages in
which verbs meaning 'hear', 'see', 'smell', etc., are syntactically
parallel with 'notionally' transitive verbs like 'hit' or 'kill') tends to
interpret perception as an activity which 'proceeds' from an 'actor'
to a ' goal', this fact of itself would suggest that there is some semantic
basis for the traditional notion of transitivity. (In fact, see and hear,
as well as love, are not completely parallel with hits kill, etc., in
English. They are 'non-progressive', stative verbs; and, unlike the
'verbs of action', they do not typically occur in sentences answering
a question of the form 'What is X doing?': cf. 7.6.4.) Although the
class of syntactically transitive verbs undoubtedly includes many
verbs (both in English and in other languages) which cannot reason-
ably be said to refer to actions the effects of which ' pass over' from an
' actor' to a ' goal', it is nevertheless true that the traditional * notional'
account of transitivity is clearly applicable to many, if not most,
syntactically (or 'formally') transitive verbs.
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The first point to be made is that there are many verbs in English
which may combine with either one or two nominals in sentence-
nuclei (move, change, open, etc.). Consider the following sentences:
(1) The stone moved
(2) John moved
(3) John moved the stone
In (1) and (2) move is intransitive, whereas in (3) it is transitive.
Moreover, there is an important relationship between (1) and (3).
With reference to the information conveyed by (1), we might well ask
'Who moved it?'i.e. 'Who was the "actor" or "agent" responsible
for the movement of the stone ? \ And, if this question is put explicitly,
the answer might be 'John did* (an utterance derived from the
sentence (3) John moved the stone). The term that is generally employed
by linguists for the syntactic relationship that holds between (1) and
(3) is 'ergative': the subject of an intransitive verb 'becomes* the
object of a corresponding transitive verb, and a new ergative subject is
introduced as the 'agent* (or 'cause') of the action referred to. This
suggests that a transitive sentence, like (3), may be derived syntactic-
ally from an intransitive sentence, like (1), by means of an ergative, or
causative, transformation. (The term 'ergative' was coined from a
Greek verb meaning 'cause', 'bring about', 'create'.) It will also be
observed that the causative, or ergative, agent in (3) is an animate
noun: we have already noted the tendency for the subjects of transi-
tive verbs to be animate. We will return to this point.
8.2.4 Causatives
The verb move illustrates one of the ways in which intransitive and
transitive sentences may be related by means of the notion of
causativity: the same verb enters into sentences of both types without
modification of the verb itself. But we also find pairs of different
verbs between which the same syntactic (and semantic) relationship
holds in corresponding intransitive and transitive sentences. Consider
the following two sentences:
(4) Bill died
(5) John killed Bill
In such instances, we may say that the relationship of the transitive to
the intransitive is ' lexicalized'. It is a matter of the lexical structure of
English that we say John killed Bill, rather than *John died Bill The
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syntactic and semantic relationship between kill and die is one that
the child learning English must come to appreciate, just as he must
come to appreciate the relationship between the transitive and intransi-
tive uses of the class of verbs including move. For the present we may
call kill and die two * different' verbs. Later, we will consider the
implications of treating them as alternative, syntactically-conditioned,
phonological realizations of the 'same* verb.
In many languages, there is a productive grammatical rule for the
formation of causative verbs. We will illustrate from Turkish and
French. The English sentences (4) and (5) may be translated into
Turkish as
(6) Bill oldu
(7) John Bill-i oldiirdu
Here, the suffix -diir- (which varies in form according to vowel-
harmony: cf. 3.3.13) converts the intransitive stem 67- 'die' into a
transitive stem dl-diir- in the derivation of a sentence like (7). (The
suffix -dii marks past tense; and the -1 attached to the 'goal'-nominal
in (7) marks the object of the transitive verb, when the object is
definiteall proper names and personal pronouns being inherently
definite in Turkish: cf. 7.4.4. Both the tense suffix and the object
suffix are variable in phonological form according to vowel-harmony.)
As another example from Turkish, we may take
(8) Patlicanpiiyor ('The eggplant is cooking')
(9) Ahmet patlicanipipriyor (' Ahmet is cooking the eggplant')
Once again, the two sentences are syntactically related in the same
way as the English sentences (1) and (3), or (4) and (5). (The suffix
-zr- is a less common variant of the causative suffix. Which of the
variants, or 'allomorphs', occurs with a particular verb-stem is in
general determined by a classification of verbal stems for this purpose:
in other words, the distribution of the causative suffixes is not a
matter of free variation, but of lexical conditioning: cf. 5.3.5. The
suffix -iyor- marks the continuous, or 'progressive', aspect. Without
the objective suffixi.e. with patlican rather than patlicani(9)
would be translatable as 'Ahmet is cooking (some) eggplant'. Since
the distinction between a definite and an indefinite nominal is not
marked for the subject in Turkish, (8) is in fact indeterminate
between' Some eggplant is cooking' and the translation given above.)
It will be observed that the English verb cook may be used either
intransitively or transitively. Furthermore, there is an alternative
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translation possible for (8): 'The eggplant is being cooked.' The
difference between the intransitive is cooking and the passive (of the
transitive) is being cooked will be discussed below (cf. 8.2.13).
In French, as in English, the relationship manifest in (6) and (7)
is lexicalized in the two different verbs mourir and tuer (cf. Bill est
mort v. John a tue Bill). But (8) and (9) may be translated into French,
as (10) and (11), in a way which illustrates the operation of the
French causative construction.
(10) Les aubergines cuisent
(11) Ahmet fait cuire les aubergines
(Actually, in the present instance, Les aubergines sont en train de cuire,
' The eggfruit is in the process of cooking' as it were, is contextually
more probable than (10). But (10) is possible.) In French, the
intransitive verb cuire is made transitive, not by means of morpho-
logical modification (with a prefix, suffix, infix, etc.), but by use of the
auxiliary 'verb 1 faire ('make', 'do'). This is comparable with the
English make, as exemplified in
(12) John makes the brass shine
which, like
(13) John shines the brass
is syntactically derivable from the intransitive
(14) The brass shines
However, the English construction with make commonly introduces
an implication of force or coercion (though not in the example given
here). This is not generally so of the French construction With faire,
which is far more extensively employed.
Causative constructions, comparable with those illustrated here
from Turkish and French, are extremely common throughout the
languages of the world. They would seem to provide us with a satis-
factory general framework for the discussion of transitivity and
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subject of a transitive verb (we will assume that A is necessarily
animate), and B is either the subject of an intransitive verb or the
object of a transitive verb; since B may be animate or inanimate (in
either or both of the syntactic positions in which it occurs) we will
use the subscripts a and i to mark this distinctionBa denotes an
animate and Bi an inanimate nominal. Given these conventions, the
sentences (i)-(3) cited above (8.2.3) m a y ke 'translated' as
(id) Bt moved (cf. It moved)
(2 a) Ba moved (cf. He moved, She moved)
(3 a) A moved Bi (cf. He moved it, She moved it)
There is also a fourth possibility, by virtue of the distinction between
inanimate and animate objects:
(3 b) A moved Ba (cf. He/She moved him/her)
which, for the moment, we will assume is related to (2 a) in the same
way that (30) is related to (ia).
If we now identify the categories of 'neuter* and 'inanimate', in
the Indo-European languages which are traditionally said to have
three genders (cf. 7.3.3), we may say that English is typical of most
Indo-European languages in two respects: (i) Although the case of
Bi in (id) is usually said to be 'nominative' and the case of Bi in
(3a) 'accusative', the occurrence of Bt in subject or object position is
never in fact associated with an inflexional difference in Bt. The
inflexional difference between a' nominative' and an' accusative' form
of nouns and pronouns is relevant only to animate nominals (cf. 7.4.3:
in English, of course, it is relevant only for pronouns). Thus, It
moved, A moved it: He moved, A moved him. (ii) The case of Ba in a
sentence like (2a) is identical with the case of A: cf. He moved, He
moved it/him, etc. Furthermore, if there is number (or gender)
concord between the verb and one of the nominals, Ba in a sentence
like (2 a) determines the number (or gender) of the verb in precisely
the same way as does A in (3 a) or (36), but Ba has no such effect in a
sentence like (3 b): cf. He moves, He moves it /him: They move, They
move it/him. It is mainly because of the features of case and concord
mentioned under (ii) that the Indo-European languages are not
generally regarded as 'ergative' languages (cf. 8.1.6). However, once
we take into account the distinction between animate and inanimate
nouns mentioned under (i), these features of case and concord lose a
good deal of the importance attributed to them in traditional descrip-
tions of the Indo-European languages.
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There is some evidence to suggest that the Indo-European system
of case-distinctions did in fact develop from an earlier system in
which the 'nominative' wras an 'agentive', or 'ergative', suffix
(typically s) found only with animate nouns. We will not go into this
question from the diachronic point of view here. It is noticeable,
however, that as far as the case-distinctions of subject and object are
concerned, the difference between, say, English and Eskimo reduces
to the relatively minor fact that in (2 a) Ba has the agentive case in
English, but the non-agentive case in Eskimo. That is to say, if we
think of the 'nominative' in English (and in the Indo-European
languages generally) as the case of the 'actor* (like the Eskimo
suffix -/>), we can introduce a rule into the grammar of English which
has the effect of attaching this case, not only to the ' actor' rather than
the 'goal' with two-place verbs, but also to animate nominals with
one-place verbs. In other words, He moves can be derived by an
obligatory transformation from *Him move (using him, like it, as an
' unmarked' (non-agentive) form, neutral with respect to the distinc-
tion of ' actor' and ' goal').
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verbs of the kind illustrated by the following ' sentences * (in which he
stands for an 'agentive' and him for a ' non-agentive' animate
nominal: n.b. these are not sentences of English, but pseudo-
English representations of an ' ideal * set of distinctions):
(1 a) It moved
(zb) Him moved
(zc) He moved
(3 a) He moved it
(3 b) He moved him
If these are compared with the four English sentences given in
8.2.5, it wiU t>e s e e n t n a t t n e o n ly difference, as far as the distribution
of the cases is concerned, is that (2 a) of the earlier set has now been
split into {zb) and (zc). This is intended to reflect the possibility, in
principle, of a ' non-agentive' and an 'agentive' interpretation of a
sentence like (2) John moved (8.2.3). This theoretically 'ideal' system
is not realized in English (or in any of the Indo-European languages).
Nor is it realized in languages which are traditionally described as
having an ergative construction. It will be observed, however, that
we can arrive at either the English or the Eskimo system by a simple
'merger' of (zb) and (zc). If the 'merger' takes place in one direction
(zb) Him moved]
/ \ Tj j I -* He moved
(zc) He moved )
the outcome (as far as the category of case is concerned) is the typically
Indo-European system for the masculine or feminine subject of an
intransitive verb. If the 'merger' operated in the reverse direction
(zb) Him moved)
, x rr 7 / -> Him moved
(zc) He moved )
the result would be an ergative construction, characteristic of Eskimo
and many other languages.
8.2.7 Transitivity and animacy
This 'ideal' system for the distribution of an 'agentive' case with
one-place and two-place verbs is not being proposed as a necessary
part of the grammars of English and Eskimo, but merely as an aid to
the understanding of ergativity and transitivity. These two languages
have been taken as examples of what are often regarded as radically
different syntactic types. The general conclusion to be drawn from
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the discussion is that in both languages the case-inflexion ,of the
subject of an intransitive verb is of secondary importance. Both
languages agree in the following respects: (i) they distinguish the
' actor' and the ' goal' of transitive sentences by means of a difference
of case (as 'agentive' and 'non-agentive', respectively); (ii) they
employ the same form (the ' non-agentive') for the subject of intransi-
tive verbs as they do for the object of transitive verbs, provided that
the subject of the intransitive verb is inanimate; (iii) they do not
distinguish by case-inflexion between 'agentive' and 'non-agentive'
subjects of intransitive verbs. In each language, the 'agentive' (the
* nominative' in English, the 'ergative' in Eskimo) may be regarded as
the ' marked' term of the opposition of case. The difference between
the two languages lies in the fact that English generalizes the use of
the 'agentive' form to all animate subjects (whether they are
'notionally' agentive or not); and Eskimo generalizes the 'non-
agentive' form. We have not discussed the difference between the
two languages in respect of concord. But it should be clear that this
difference also is a matter of surface-structure, and can be handled in
much the same way as the distribution of case-inflexions.
Although English has been used here to exemplify the use of the
'nominative' and 'accusative' in the Indo-European languages, it is
in many respects an untypical example. First of all, the case-distinc-
tion of ' nominative' v. ' accusative' is not relevant to nouns, but only
to pronouns, in English {he v. him, she v. her, they v. them, who v.
zvhomf etc.). More important, the correlation between 'grammatical'
and ' natural' gender is far greater in English than it is in most of the
other Indo-European languages (cf. 7.3.4). In such languages as
Latin and Greek, as far as the case-inflexions are concerned, the
distinction of' agentive' v.' non-agentive' is ' automatically' extended
to inanimate nouns if they are masculine or feminine in gender. But
this fact does not invalidate the deep-structure distinction between
'agentive' and 'non-agentive' nominals in transitive and intransitive
sentences. In a Greek sentence like lithoipiptousin ap* ouranou>' Stones
fall from [the] sky', lithoi ('stones') is in the 'nominative' case;
although an inanimate noun, it is masculine, and therefore takes the
'nominative' inflexion in subject-position. But lithoi is no more
' agentive' here than is stones in the corresponding English sentence.
Conversely, in the German sentence Das Kind qffnet die Tier, ' The
child opens the door', das Kind ('the child') is neuter in gender: it
cannot therefore take the characteristically 'agentive' inflexion (cf.
Der Mann off net die Tiir> 'The man opens the door'; cf. also Das
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Kind sieht den Mann v. Der Mann sieht das Kind, ' The child sees the
man' v. 'The man sees the child'). The deep-structure distinction of
' agentive' v. ' non-agentive' is nevertheless applicable in German to
animate nouns of neuter gender, as well as to masculine and feminine
animate nouns.
Transitivity is bound up, then, with the distinction of animate and
inanimate nominals; and in the 'ideal* system the former may be
either 'agentive' or 'non-agentive' (in both transitive and intransitive
sentences), the latter only 'non-agentive'. The detailed development
of this thesis for particular languages would take us too far from the
main line of argument. We will assume that the general points that
have been made are tenable for at least a considerable number of the
transitive and intransitive sentences of the languages referred to. At
the same time, we must accept that what we are regarding as the
'notional' basis for the system of transitivity has superimposed upon
it in various languages many transitive constructions which do not
satisfy the conditions of the 'ideal' system. For example, Wealth
attracts robbers is a perfectly acceptable transitive sentence of English,
in spite of the fact that wealth is an inanimate noun. It may very well
be that sentences like this (and they are much more common in English
than they are in some other languages, e.g. Greek) should be thought
of as 'parasitic' upon the more 'normal' type of transitive sentences
with an animate subject. However that may be, we shall concentrate
here upon transitive sentences which fulfil the 'normal' conditions.
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productive morphological processes (cf. the Turkish causative verbs
illustrated above: 8.2.4). Examples are lay ('make to lie'),/// ('make
to fall'), etc. (which are, however, more specialized in their selectional
possibilities than the corresponding intransitives). In particular, there
are a large number of transitive verbs morphologically related to
intransitive * adjectival* verbs: enrich {rich), soften (soft), strengthen
(strong), actualize (actual), etc. Most of these morphological patterns
of formation by prefixation and suffixation are no longer productive
in modern English (with the notable exception of -ize, which is
suffixed, not only to verbal stems, but also to nominals: cf. com-
puterize, etc.). These morphological causatives fall between the two
extremes of 'lexicalization', on the one hand (cf. kill: die, discussed
above: 8.2.4), a n ^ the use of the 'same' verb (e.g. move) in both
transitive and intransitive sentences, on the other. By contrast with
'lexical* and morphological causatives, the transitive verbs move,
change, grow, etc., may be described as being derived from the
corresponding intransitive verbs (identical in phonological form, and
for that reason referred to above as the 'same* verbs: 8.2.4) by means
of a morphological process of 'zero modification*. It is worth pointing
out that many of the forms which are traditionally said to occur both
as 'adjectives' and 'verbs' fall within the scope of this classification:
e.g. He warms the milk is related to The milk is warm (which contains
the intransitive, 'adjectival' verb warm) in the same way as He moves
the stone is related to The stone moves. Morphologically, the transitive
verbs move and warm are ' derived' from the intransitive verbs move
and warm by 'zero modification'.
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it will be clear that the relationship between the transitive and the
' absolute' usage of eat is quite different from that which holds between
the transitive and the intransitive usage of move. There is no *Caviare
never eats at five o'clock (but rather the passive Caviare is never
eaten at five o'clock) corresponding to (16). It seems reasonable to say
that eat is inherently transitive, but that its object may be deleted (in
the pseudo-intransitive, 'absolute' construction). The deletion of the
object may be contextually determined (and recoverable for the
purpose of semantic interpretation) in particular utterances. But it
may also be a feature of the lexical structure of the language. For
example, / spent the morning painting is susceptible of at least two
distinct interpretations: (i) ' . . .painting pictures' or ' . . .painting the
house (the garden fence, etc.)'. And the 'deletion' of the object in
each case (in the first interpretation it is an ' object of result': cf. 9.5.3)
is determined by the lexical structure of English: there need be no
contextual indication of an object of the verb paint, which the hearer
will feel obliged to infer in order to understand the sentence. In
many languages, there is far less freedom in the matter of 'object-
deletion'. For instance, the Turkish translation of the English
'absolute' sentence He is writing requires a ' dummy' object (morpho-
logically related to the verb 'to write'): Yaziyaz-iyor, 'He is writing
writing', as it were (cf. Mektupyaz-iyor, 'He is writing a letter').
8.2.10 Reflexives
Another class of verbs in English which, prima facie, are used both
transitively and intransitively is illustrated by shave in the following
two sentences
(17) The barber shaved ten men before lunch
(18) He never shaves before lunch
Of these, (17) is a straightforward transitive sentence, with an
'agentive' subject, the barber, and a 'non-agentive' object, or 'goal',
ten men. But (18) is ambiguous: it might mean 'He never shaves
(anyone) before lunch' or 'He never shaves (himself) before lunch'.
The first of these interpretations is accounted for under the term
'object-deletion', discussed in the previous paragraph. It is the
second that concerns us here. Under this interpretation, (18) might
well be described as implicitly reflexive.
A reflexive construction is one in which the subject and object refer
to the same person (or thing). Many languages, like English, have a
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set of reflexive pronouns distinguished for person and number
(myself, yourself, himself, etc.); others, like French, German, or Latin,
draw a distinction between reflexive and non-reflexive objects only
in the third person (cf. French, Maman me laveije me lave,' Mummy
is washing me'i 'I am washing myself1; Maman la lave: Maman se
lave, 'Mummy is washing her': 'Mummy is washing herself*); and
there are other languages which use the same reflexive pronoun with
all persons and numbers (e.g. Russian uses either the suffix -sja or
the pronoun sebja, under conditions which we will not go into here).
An explicitly reflexive sentence is one in which the identity of subject
and object is overtly marked, either in the form of the object pronoun
or in some other way (e.g. by the use of a particular suffix, prefix, or
infix, attached to the verb-stem). Thus He killed himself (by contrast
with He killed him) is explicitly reflexive. So too is He washed himself
But it is a characteristic feature of English that many verbs can be used
in reflexive sentences without the occurrence of an object pronoun.
He never shaves before lunch exemplifies this usage; and it is for that
reason described as implicitly reflexive. In fact, shave is very rarely used
in explicitly reflexive constructionsmost commonly perhaps in sen-
tences like / dorit mind shaving others, but I never shave myself, where
the occurrence of myself is required for the contrast with others. (It
may be noticed in passing that, out of context, / never shave myself is
syntactically ambiguous: (i) 'As for me, I never do any shaving'
(object-deletion), (ii) 'As for me, I never shave (myself)' (implicitly
reflexive), (iii) 'I always get someone else to shave me' (explicitly
reflexive). Under the interpretations indicated by the glosses in (i)
and (ii), myself is not the reflexive pronoun, but an emphatic 'adjunct'
to the subject of the sentence, which may occur in various positions
in surface-structure: I myself never shave, I never myself shave, etc.)
The implicitly reflexive construction is commonly found with wash,
which may also be explicitly reflexive; but not, for instance, with dry.
He dried in the sun is interpretable as an intransitive sentence ('non-
agentive') or as a pseudo-intransitive sentence with object-deletion
(e.g. 'He dried the dishes' or 'He dried the clothes'), but probably
not as implicitly reflexive, equivalent semantically to He dried himself
in the sun. Unlike object-deletion of the more general kind, implicit
reflexivity (which may of course be regarded as a special type of
object-deletion) would seem to be restricted in English to a relatively
small class of verbs. Moreover, it is not always clear whether a
particular sentence exemplifies implicit reflexivity or the more
general kind of object-deletion. For instance, change is not only
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found as an 'ergative' verb (like move, grow, open, etc.) in corres-
ponding intransitive and transitive sentences, but also in sentences
(19) FII just slip upstairs and change before dinner
The interpretation that is intended here is the one suggested by the
insertion of my dress or into a more respectable suit between change and
before dinner, (A sentence like / have changed is of course ambiguous
as between the interpretation we are now considering and the
'ergative' interpretation: ' I have undergone some kind of physical,
intellectual, moral, etc. transformation.') The question is whether the
second clause of (19) is implicitly reflexive. Notice that the following
three sentences are acceptable:
(20) I'll change the baby
(21) Til change the baby's dress
(22) Til change my dress
but not
(23) *Vll change myself
(i.e. explicitly reflexive, in the intended sense). The semantic
parallelism between (20) and (21), on the one hand, and (22) and
I'll change, on the other, might be taken as an indication that I'll
change is implicitly reflexiveautomatically transformed from Til
change myself by deletion of the overtly reflexive object. Alter-
natively, I'll change might be regarded as an instance of object-
deletion of the more general type, related to sentences like (22) as
(15) is related to (16) above (8.2.9). The question would seem to be
syntactically undecidable; and semantically it makes no difference
(by contrast with the two relevant interpretations of a sentence like
I'll wash before lunch).
8.2.11 * Pseudo-intransitive'
So far we have discussed three classes of verbs in English which may
be used (with 'zero modification') in both transitive and intransitive
(or pseudo-intransitive) constructions. The important syntactic
characteristics of verbs belonging to these three classes (exemplified
by move, eat and shave)together with the characteristics of three
other classes, which will be mentioned beloware shown in Table 12.
It will be observed that classes 2 and 3 {eat and shave) differ from
class 1 {move) in a number of ways. In the right-hand side of the table,
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Transitive (Pseudo-)Intransitive
A. A
Subject Verb Object Subject Verb (Object)
I. A: +ag move B: -ag B: +ag move
2. A: +ag eat B: -ag A: +ag eat (4= A)
3- A: H-ag shave B: -ag A: +ag shave ( = A)
4- ^ : +ag walk B: + ag B: +ag walk
5- A: +ag build B: -ag B: -ag build
6. ^ : +ag sell B: -ag B: -ag sell
they are both shown with an entry under ('Object)' and they have
Ay rather than B, in the subject-position. This defines classes 2 and 3
as pseudo-intransitive verbs, since A indicates the subject of the
corresponding transitive construction and the parentheses in the third
column of the right-hand side mark the 'deletion* of the object of the
transitive. The difference between 3 and 2and we have seen that
this cannot always be drawn in particular instanceslies in the
identity (= A) or non-identity (+ A) between the 'deleted* object
and the subject of both the transitive and pseudo-transitive con-
structions. By contrast, class 1 is shown as having the 'ergative'
characteristics discussed above (8.2.3). The distinction between
' + a g ' ('agentive', or 'plus-agentive') and 'ag' ('non-agentive',
or 'minus-agentive') is not crucial to the distinction of 'ergative'
verbs from verbs with 'deletable' objects. Although move, as a one-
place verb, may take either an 'agentive' or 'non-agentive' subject,
provided that the nominal in question is animate (move would there-
fore be shown in the lexicon with the classification ' ag', 'plus-or-
minus agentive': cf. 4.3.3, 8.2.6), it is here assumed that a transitive
sentence like John moved Bill (e.g. to another desk in the office) is more
directly related to the 'non-agentive' interpretation of Bill moved
than to the 'agentive' interpretation. It would seem that the more
usual realization of John: +ag, moved. Bill: +ag (with John as the
'causative' subject and the 'agentive' Bill moved as its 'predicate':
we will come back to the formalization of this notion) is John made
Bill move or John got Bill to move or John had Bill move.
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valent of (30) could take the form of a reflexive.) By contrast, (31)
might be described as * agent-oriented': it certainly admits of the
interpretation that it was the (unspecified) agent who was responsible
for the rapidity with which the books were sold. It is, however, (32)
the active sentencewhich carries this implication in a more definite
form. One should perhaps say that sentences like (30) are 'marked'
as 'process-oriented', whereas the passive is 'unmarked* for this
distinction. There are many instances of paired 'process-oriented*
and passive sentences (e.g. She doesn't frighten easily: She isn't easily
frightened) which would seem to be semantically equivalent. The
passive 'version* may occur with an 'agentive' or 'instrumental'
adjunct (cf. 7.4.5): e.g. She isn't easily frightened by burglarsjthreats.
But here also one would tend to the 'process-oriented' interpretation.
And the reason seems to be that the non-past tense in English
(without any 'marking' of aspect) is interpretable as 'habitual'
(cf. 7.5.7): the indefiniteness of the adjunct (burglars, threats)
supports this interpretation in the present instance. By contrast,
She wasn't easily frightened by the burglarsjthreats is more readily
taken as 'agent-oriented'.
The analysis of sentences like (30), containing verbs of class 6, is
somewhat problematical. Although the limits imposed on 'process-
oriented ' sentences are far from clear (and many ' sentences' of this
kind are definitely unacceptable: * The first edition exhausted in three
days, * Caviare never eats at five o'clock, etc.; or doubtful: }*The
music heard well at the back of the hall, etc.), they are nevertheless of
very frequent occurrence in English. Within the general framework
established in this section, they are pseudo-intransitive: But they
differ from verbs of classes 2 and 3, in that their subject in the pseudo-
intransitive usage is the same as their object in the transitive con-
struction. In this respect they are like passive forms of the verb
(cf. 8.3.3).
All pseudo-intransitive sentences (classes 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Table 12)
are to be transformationally derived from transitives. On the other
hand, as our earlier discussion of causative constructions suggests,
true intransitives (cf. classes 1 and 4 of Table 12) may be taken as the
'source' for the generation of transitive sentences. The order of
derivation is therefore intransitivetransitivepseudo-intransitive.
Before taking up the formal consequences of this proposal, we must
briefly consider three-place constructions: i.e. sentence-nuclei with
a subject, a direct object and an indirect object (cf. 8.2.1).
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verb in French. For example, the following two sentences are semanti-
cally equivalent as translations of 'John shows the book to Mary*
(39) Jean montre le livre a Marie
(40) Jean fait voir le livre a Marie
(The second of these may be glossed in quasi-English as 'John
makes-see the book to Mary'.) This would suggest that, as kill is the
' lexicalized' two-place causative form of die (cf. 8.2.4), s o montrer
B: ag Verbx A: +ag
Stage 1 >-
B: ag Yerb2 B: ag
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underlying intransitive nucleus (at stage i), A is the subject of the two-
place transitive nucleus (at stage 2), and C is the subject of the three-place
causative construction (at what, for the moment, we may regard as
the final stage of the * cycle'). The subscript on the symbol ' Verb' at
the right-hand terminal node of each tree corresponds with the
number of nominals which 'fill' the places associated with the verb.
(We will introduce labels for the intermediate nodes presently.) It
will be observed that the figure marks B as * plus-or-minus-agentive'
in all positions (and thus allows for both class 1 and class 4 transitive
sentences of English: cf. 8.2.11). The marking of A as ' plus-agentive'
at stage 3 is more questionable, since it implies that all indirect
objects are 'agentive'. This is certainly not so. But so far we are
treating sentences like iA have By (e.g. Mary has the book) as transi-
tive, with A as the subject and B as the object; and all transitive
sentences have an 'agentive' subject in the system developed above.
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the hunters (one of the examples of syntactic ambiguity that has been
discussed by Chomsky). The verb shoot is transitive in X shoots the
hunters (where X stands for the unspecified actor), but pseudo-
intransitive in The hunters shoot (cf. eat, 8.2.9). Since the general
principle for the interpretation of English noun-phrases of the form
the V-ing of NP would seem to be that they are * subjective' if the
verb in question (V) is intransitive, but 'objective* if the verb is
transitive, it follows that pseudo-intransitives operate like true
intransitives in the rule which generates phrases like the shooting of
the hunters from the underlying nucleus of The hunters shoot. It may
be noted in passing that the ambiguity found in (41) is also present
in comparable Turkish sentences (cf. Ahmet focuk-lar-i ye-dir-di>
* Ahmet the-children made-eat*); and the ambiguity found in the
English phrase the shooting of the hunters also occurs, apparently, in
such simple Eskimo sentences as agna-q takubaa (' Someone sees the
woman' or 'The woman sees someone').
It is interesting to note that all these instances of ambiguity
(between an 'objective* and a 'subjective* interpretation) depend
upon the fact that in the constructions in question the 'agentive'
nominal is structurally optional (i.e. an 'adjunct': cf. 8.1.1). The
'objective' interpretation is determined by the occurrence of au lion
in (41)Jean fait manger les enfants au liony 'John gets the lion to eat
the children' or 'John gets the children eaten by the lion'; by the
occurrence of by the gamekeeper with the shooting of the hunters \ by
the occurrence of qimmi-p in the Eskimo sentence (qimmi-p agna-q
takubaay 'The dog sees the woman': cf. 8.1.6). Since the optionality
(or absence) of the 'agentive' is one of the principal characteristics of
passive sentencescf. The hunters were shot (by the gamekeeper)^ The
children were eaten (by the lion)f The woman was seen (by the dog)
there may be some justification for the view that all the ambiguous
constructions mentioned in the previous paragraph are neutral as
between an active ('subjective') and passive ('objective') interpreta-
tion. We must now take up the discussion of the distinction between
active and passive sentences in terms of the traditional category of
8.3 Voice
8.3.1 The term 'voice
The term 'voice' (Latin vox) was originally used by Roman gram-
marians in two distinguishable, but related, senses: (i) In the sense of
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* sound* (as used in the ' pronunciation' of human language: trans-
lating the Greek term phone)> especially of the ' sounds' produced by
the vibration of the 'vocal cords': hence the term 'vowel' (from
Latin sonus vocalis, 'a sound produced with voice', via Old French
vouel). (ii) Of the 'form' of a word (that is, what it 'sounded' like)
as opposed to its 'meaning' (cf. 7.1.2). The first of these two senses
is still current in linguistics in the distinction between voiced and
voiceless 'sounds' (whether as phonetic or phonological units:
cf. 3.2.4). In the second sense, 'voice' has disappeared from modern
linguistic theory. Instead, the term has developed a third sense,
derived ultimately from (ii) above, in which it refers to the active and
passive 'forms' of the verb. (The traditional Latin term for this third
sense was species or genus. In the course of time, genus was restricted
to the nominal category of 'gender'; and the somewhat artificial
classification of the 'forms' of the different parts of speech in terms
of genera and species was abandoned.) The traditional Greek term
for ' voice' as a category of the verb was diathesis,' state',' disposition',
'function', etc.; and some linguists prefer to use 'diathesis', rather
than 'voice', in this sense of the term. However, the risk of confusion
between the phonetic or phonological sense of 'voice' and its
grammatical sense is very small. In this section we are of course
concerned with voice as a grammatical category.
It is not only the traditional terminology that is confusing, or
potentially confusing, in theoretical discussions of the category of
voice. The Greek grammarians failed to appreciate the true nature of
the distinctions marked by the verbal inflexions which they referred
to as 'active', 'passive' (i.e. signifying the state of 'being acted upon'
or 'suffering the effects of the action') and 'middle'; and this has left
us with a legacy of contradictory statements about the role of voice,
not only in the classical languages, but also in English and other
modern languages, the description of which has been strongly
influenced by traditional grammar. As far as English is concerned,
one finds such statements as the following (by McKerrow): ' If we
were now starting for the first time to construct a grammar of modern
English, without knowledge of or reference to the classics, it might
never occur to us to postulate a passive voice at all. It seems to me
that it is questionable whether in spoken English of to-day there is
really any such thing, and though, as a matter of convenience, it may
be well to retain it in our grammars, I doubt whether it ought to
occupy quite so prominent a position as it sometimes does.' (This
passage, together with statements made about the passive in English
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8.3. VOICE 373
by other grammarians, is quoted by Svartvik in a recent compre-
hensive and illuminating study of the whole question.) Paradoxically,
it might also be maintained that what the Greek grammarians said
about the passive voice, and its opposition to the active, is more
directly applicable to modern English than it is to classical Greek!
Although this point will not be developed here in detail, its simple
assertion will serve as an indication that the interpretation of voice
is a matter of considerable controversy, both at the present time and
in the Western grammatical tradition.
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that French has a rather similar construction: cf. not only Je me lave,
' I am washing myself, but also Je me lave une chemise, ' I am washing
(myself) a shirt*. The reflexive implication in sentences like this
might be described as *benefactive' ('for the benefit of', 'in the
interests of): cf. I got myself a new suit. In other instances the sense
of the Greek middle can be best conveyed in English by means of
what may be described, rather clumsily, as a 'causative-reflexive':
cf. mistho, 'I hire' v. misthoumai, 'I get myself hired' (i.e. 'I take
a job', 'I sign on as a mercenary soldier', etc.); diddsko, 'I teach' v.
diddskomai, 'I get myself taught'.
Although one can distinguish other senses of the Greek middle (and
in a fuller treatment various factors would come up for discussion),
what has been said will suffice to illustrate the general character of the
'middle' voice in sentences in which it is opposed to the active. From
the glosses that have been attached to some of the examples it will be
clear that the subject of the 'middle' can be interpreted as 'non-
agentive' or 'agentive', according to the context or the meaning of
the verb; and, if the subject is taken as 'non-agentive', it can also be
identified in certain instances with the object of a corresponding
transitive sentence in the active voice. Under these conditions, the
distinction between the middle and the passive is 'neutralized'.
This point may be illustrated, in fact, from English (where a
number of constructions with the auxiliaries have and get manifest the
same kind of ambivalence). Consider a sentence like
(42) / am getting shaved
in contrast with each of the following two sentences
(43) / am shaving
(44) / am being shaved
If the subject of (42) is taken as 'non-agentive', but as otherwise
'interested' in the 'action', (42) is semantically equivalent to (44)
a passive sentence; if there is an 'agentive' adjunct in the sentence
(e.g. / am getting shaved by the barber), then of course only the passive
interpretation is possible (cf. 8.2.15, on the shooting of the hunters, etc.).
If, however, the subject of (42) is understood as 'agentive', the
sentence is more or less equivalent to (43)a pseudo-intransitive
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8.3. VOICE 375
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this point, cf. 8.3.1) that (45a) and (46^) are active and (45b) and
(466) are passive; furthermore, that there is some sense in which active
sentences are more 'basic', so that (456) may be regarded as the
passive 'version* of (45a), and (466) the passive 'version* of (46a):
(45 a) John killed Bill
(45 b) Bill was killed by John
(46 a) Bill killed John
(466) John was killed by Bill
This relationship between corresponding active and passive sentences
was traditionally accounted for in some such terms as these:
(i) The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the
corresponding passive sentence. Thus, Bill is the object of (450) and
the subject of (45 b);John is the object of (46a) and the subject of (466).
(ii) The verb is 'active' in 'form* in the more basic (active)
'version', and 'passive' in 'form' in the less basic (passive) 'version'.
Thus, killed ('active') v. was killed ('passive').
(iii) The subject of the active sentence is not necessarily' expressed'
(overtly represented) in the passive 'version' of the 'same' sentence;
but, if it is 'expressed', it takes the form of an adjunct marked as
'agentive' by means of case-inflexion or by the use of a particular
preposition (cf. 7.4.7). Thus, by John and by Bill in (456) and (466).
The 'agentless' passive sentences corresponding to (456) and (466)
are Bill was killed and John was killed. We have seen that the relation-
ship between corresponding active and passive sentences in English
can be formalized in terms of transformational rules operating upon
the same underlying 'kernel' string (or kernel structure): cf. 6.6.4.
It will be observed, however, that the terms 'active' and 'passive'
were used in two different senses in the traditional formulation of the
three conditions listed in the previous paragraph. In (i) and (iii)
they were applied to sentences, whereas in (ii) they were applied to
the 'forms' of the verb (and, for that reason, put in quotation marks).
The point is that, although the three conditions will coincide in the
clearest instances of the distinction between corresponding active and
passive sentences, they are to some degree independent of one another.
Intransitive 'ergative' sentences (e.g. The stone moved) and various
kinds of pseudo-intransitive sentences (e.g. The books sold quickly,
The house was building, etc.) might be held to satisfy the first of the
three conditions (cf. John moved the stone, John sold the books quickly,
John was building the house, etc.), but not the second (the verb is
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8.3. VOICE 377
'active* in 'form': moved, sold, was building, etc., rather than was
moved, were sold, was being built, etc.) or the third (there is no possi-
bility of 'expressing' the subject of the corresponding transitive
'version* by means of the most typical 'agentive' adjunct-construc-
tion : * The stone moved by John, * The books sold quickly by John, etc.).
The possibility of conflict between 'the form of the passive voice*
and its 'function' (the conversion, or transformation, of a sentence in
which the subject is represented as 'acting* into a sentence in which
it is represented as 'being acted upon', or 'suffering the effects of
the action') is well recognized in the theory and practice of traditional
grammarians. In Latin and Greek there are many verbs which are
said to be 'passive (or middle) in form, but active in meaning' (they
are traditionally referred to as ' deponent', since they are thought of as
'laying aside' the 'meaning' normally associated with the 'passive'
voice). An example is the Latin verb sequor,' I follow', which occurs in
active, transitive sentences despite its 'form'. Conversely, though
more rarely, a verb which is 'active' in 'form' may occur in the
corresponding passive ' version' of an active sentence. Consider, for
example, the following two Greek sentences, of which (47 b) is the
normal passive 'version' of (470):
(47a) hoi Athenaioi apokteinousi Sokrdten,' The Athenians kill
(47b) Sokrdtes apothneiskei (hupo ton Athenaion), 'Socrates is
killed (by the Athenians)'
The verb that is translated in (476) as 'is killed' may also be trans-
lated as 'dies' in other contexts; and it is 'active' in 'form'. It will
be observed that, unlike the intransitive 'ergative' sentences and
pseudo-intransitive sentences of English referred to in the previous
paragraph, (476) satisfies both (i) and (iii), but not (ii), of the condi-
tions listed above.
One cannot talk sensibly of a 'conflict' between 'form* and
'function' in particular instances unless there are other instances,
more numerous and taken as typical, in which there is no 'conflict'.
The traditional conception of the distinction between an active and a
passive voice rests upon the assumption that the three conditions
mentioned above will generally coincide. For example, if it were the
case in English that the equivalents of (456) and (466) were
(45 c) *Bill killed by John
(46 c) * John killed by Bill
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with by John and by Bill as optional 'agentive' adjuncts; and, if this'
were not merely a feature associated with kill and a relatively small
number of other transitive verbs, but typical of the relationship
between pairs of sentences in which the object of the one 'becomes'
the subject of the other, one would not say that English had an active
and passive voice, but rather that the English verb was 'voice-
neutraF and could occur with either the * actor* or the 'goal' as its
subject. This situation obtains in a number of languages (including
Eskimo: cf. 8.2.15).
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8.3. VOICE 379
comparable with by John in English sentences like the above.) And
there are languages in which there are no passive sentences, but
rather an opposition between a * specific' and a ' non-specific' active
sentence (cf. John killed Bill v. Someone killed Bill).
In particular languages, there may be a choice between different
kinds of 'non-specific* subjects in 'agentive' position. For example,
the Latin pronouns quidam and aliquis can both be translated as
'someone' in English; but the former might be used when the
* unspecified' person is known to the speaker ('a certain person that
need not be identified'), the latter when he is not ('someone whose
identity is unknown to me'). There is a somewhat similar distinction
in Russian between kto-to and kto-nibudj. And in many languages
there is what might be most appropriately described as a ' dummy-
subject' pronoun. Its function is quite distinct from that of the
'non-specific' pronouns (which are, in any case, not necessarily
restricted to subject position). This may be illustrated by means of
the French on or the German man, in such sentences as On parle
anglais or Man spricht englisch, 'English is spoken' (or, using the
English pronoun they with the same 'dummy' function, 'They speak
English': i.e. 'in this shop', 'in Jamaica', etc.). It is noticeable that
the most usual English translation of such sentences takes the form of
a passive. There are other languages, in which it tends to be reflexive
(or pseudo-reflexive): e.g. Spanish Se habla ingles.
Finally, one should mention what is traditionally described as the
'impersonal' use of the passive with intransitive verbs. So far we have
assumed that the passive voice is defined by the coincidence of the
three conditions listed in 8.3.3. But t n e fifSt f these restricts the
passive to transitive verbs. Although this restriction holds for
English and, on the whole, for most of the Indo-European languages,
the passive is regularly found with intransitive verbs in certain other
languages. For example, corresponding to the Turkish active sentence
(O) Istanbula bu yoldan gider ('He Istanbul-to this route-by go',
i.e. 'He takes this route for Istanbul') there is the 'impersonal'
passive 'version' Istanbula bu yoldan gid-il-ir ('Istanbul-to this
route-by is gone', i.e. 'This is the route for Istanbul' or 'One takes
this road for Istanbul': the same suffix, -*'/-, marks the passive voice
in Turkish, whether the verb is transitive or intransitive). A similar
construction is found, though less commonly, in German: Es wird
heute abendgetanzt ('It will be this evening danced', i.e. 'There will
be dancing this evening'). Occurrences are also attested in Latin
(pugnabatur, ' It was fought', i.e. 'There was some fighting'). Indeed,
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it is probable that 'impersonal' forms of the verb were 'merged'
with the * middle' to form the 'passive' of classical Latin (cf. 8.3.3).
' Impersonal' constructions of the kind that have been illustrated
here clearly do not fulfil the conditions given above for the definition
of the passive. For these conditions rest upon the assumption that
passive sentences are derived from active transitive structures. On
the other hand, 'impersonal' sentences are similar to what we may
think of as 'true' passive sentences in two respects: first, they are
'agentless', and we have seen that the most typical function of the
passive is that it makes possible the construction of 'agentless'
sentences; second, they have a 'form' of the verb which is overtly
marked, inflexionally or otherwise, as 'passive'. In languages in
which they occur with 'true' passives they are presumably to be
related to these syntactically.
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8.3. VOICE 381
We shall make no attempt to summarize any of the alternative
technical proposals that have been made or to discuss their merits
and viability. Instead, we will conclude this section by drawing out
some of the theoretical implications of our earlier discussion of
' causativity' (cf. 8.2.4 ff.).
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8.3. VOICE 383
as case and concord: and these can be handled by later transforma-
tional rules (cf. 8.2.7).
If we wish to capture the general principle noted above, that the
object of a two-place nucleus corresponds to the subject of a one-
place nucleus, we must take the second of the two alternatives. We
must embed the one-place nucleus as the predicate of the two-place
nucleus. This raises certain rather difficult, but probably not in-
superable, technical problems, which we will not go into here. We
will assume that they can be satisfactorily resolved, and consider their
further implications.
For simplicity, we will make use of a rather ad hoc device at this
point. When the one-place nucleus is embedded as the predicate of a
transitive construction, we will assume that a feature * causative* is
attached to the verb (marked as *+caus*). This feature will be
interpreted differently according to various conditions.
Let us first consider the situation in which the embedded nucleus
contains an 'agentive* nominal. There are two possibilities. The verb
that is selected may be marked in the lexicon as belonging to that
small class of English verbs (jump, walk, gallop, etc.: cf. 8.2.12)
which may have an 'agentive' object. In this case, the result is
what would normally be regarded as a transitive construction:
e.g. John jumped the horse. This implies that 'jump: -f caus* is
realized (on the basis of the information given with the one-place
verb jump in the lexicon) as jump: by a * process' of * zero-modifi-
cation* (cf. 8.2.8). But in the majority of instances, the co-occurrence
of 'Nom: + ag* and 'Verb: + caus* in the embedded nucleus will
'trigger off* the application of the rules for the productive causative
constructions with the auxiliary verbs, make, get, have, etc. The
eventual 'output* of the grammar will be such 'overtly* causative
constructions as John made Bill sing, John got Bill to come, etc.
If the embedded nucleus contains a ' non-agentive * nominal, it
fulfils the more normal conditions for transitivity. There are a
number of relevant factors. (1) The verb selected from the lexicon
may be 'ergative*: e.g. move (cf. 8.2.3). ^ n tn ^ s case> ft ls inserted in
the surface structure of the resulting sentence without morphological
modifications (with 'zero modification*). However, since the two-
place verb is an instance of 'Verb: +caus*, the resulting transitive
sentence will be determined by the grammar as the causative of the
corresponding intransitive ('non-agentive*). Thus, John moved Bill
will be given a syntactic analysis which makes it readily analysable,
semantically, as 'John was the agent (directly) responsible for BnTs
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(non-agentive) movement*. (2) The verb selected may be one which
has associated with it a morphologically distinct two-place form:
e.g. soft (an * adjectival' verb, in this particular instance: cf. 8.2.8).
The entry in the lexicon for soft must therefore contain the informa-
tion which permits the realization of lsoft: + caus' as soften. (3) The
verb selected may be one which has an associated two-place 'lexi-
calized' form: e.g. die. In this case, the appropriate two-place form
is substituted for 'Verb: +caus\ For example, 'die: + caus' is
realized in surface structure as kill. (4) There may be no corres-
ponding morphological or lexical form, and the verb selected may
fail to satisfy the conditions for 'zero modification' (these conditions,
it may be observed, are far from clear: it is doubtful whether the
'ergative' verbs of English constitute a determinate and closed class).
In this case, 'Verb: + caus' once again 'triggers off' one of the
productive, ' overtly' causative constructions: John made Bill fall,
John made Bill responsible (for the administration of the department),
Some such approach to the generation of transitive sentences in
English (and other languages) would seem to be required, if we are
to succeed in formalizing the relationships which undoubtedly hold
between the various classes of sentences that have been illustrated.
(Sample underlying constituent-structure analyses are given in
Fig. 21.) At the same time, it is clear that there are many transitive
verbs which do not lend themselves very happily to analysis as
realizations of 'Verb: +caus\ They may be called 'basically transi-
tive' verbs. Examples are eat and read. Little purpose would be
served by treating eat or read as the two-place realizations of' dummy'
one-place verbs, meaning respectively 'be eaten' and 'be read'. The
'non-agentive' one-place sentences Caviare is eaten and The book is
read are not only passive in 'form' (cf. 8.3.3), t>ut> u ^ e BM moved
and unlike Bill moves ('non-agentive'), they presuppose an 'agent'
(which may or may not be specified, of course, in passive sentences).
Since it would be counter-intuitive, and of no use for semantic
analysis, to impose upon 'basically transitive' sentences the syntactic
treatment that has just been outlined for what we may call 'derived'
transitive sentences, one should perhaps allow a third option in
rule (ii) above. If this rule is now amended to
I Verb
Pred-> j Norn + Verb
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8.3. VOICE 385
it might be possible to secure the advantages of both alternatives. The
effect of this amendment, it will be observed, is to integrate the more
usual approach to the generation of transitive constructions (cf. rules
(a) and (b) on p. 382) with the proposal that we have made for the
derivation of two-place nuclei from embedded one-place nuclei.
However, this amendment, attractive as it is, increases the technical
John made Bill sing John moved Bill John killed Bill
Fig. 21. Some two-place constructions.
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formalize both points of view with respect to sentences containing
different classes of lexical items.
Little need be said now about three-place nuclei. If rules (i) and (ii)
are recursively applicable an indefinitely large number of times, they
will of course generate the constituent-structure framework for nuclei
with any number of nominal positions. In the case of three-place
nuclei, in which either a 'derived' or 'basically' transitive nucleus
has been embedded, we must allow for the transformation of the
subject of the two-place nucleus to the 'indirect object' position in
the three-place construction (cf. 8.2.14). But this 'demotion' of the
two-place subject to the status of adjunct (which is similar to its
'demotion' under the operation of the rules which derive passive
constructions from two-place actives: cf. 8.3.4) is obligatory only with
'lexicalized' three-place causatives: e.g. give, show. Let us assume
that Bill sees the book exemplifies a 'basically' transitive sentence. The
underlying nucleus, in which Bill is the subject and book is the object,
is embedded in a three-place causative sentence in which John is the
subject and *see: + caus' is realized as show: thus John shows the book
to Bill (cf. Fig. 22). However, there are relatively few 'lexicalized'
three-place causatives in the language. (There are far more if we
include such verbs as persuade, which might be regarded as the
' lexicalized' causative corresponding to the two-place believe with a
nominalized sentence as its object; cf. Bill believed that the earth was
flat: John persuaded Bill that the earth was flat. The consideration of
such constructions would introduce additional complications.)
In most instances, an ' overtly' causative construction is employed
at this third stage in the cycle. Suppose, for example, that the verb
selected from the lexicon is die, in the position which has been
assigned two causative-features by the operation of the embedding
rules: 'Verb: +caus, + caus'. There is no lexical or morphological
three-place form which corresponds to kill in the way that kill
corresponds to die. At the third stage, therefore, one of the causative
auxiliaries is introduced. An example of the type of sentence that
might be accounted for in this way is Tom made John kill Bill. It is
interesting to note that, with the causative auxiliaries get and have,
there is an alternative 'active' and 'passive' form of the embedded
two-place nucleus: cf. Tom had John kill Bill v. Tom had Bill killed
{by John). The 'passive' form is structurally similar to the sentences
which occur, typically, with ' lexicalized' three-place causatives, in the
sense that the subject of the two-place nucleus assumes the status of an
adjunct (cf. 8.2.15, on the French causative construction). Finally, it
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8.3. VOICE 387
should be noted that the ' overtly' causative construction (in English,
as in many other languages) is indefinitely recursive: cf. Peter made
Harry make Frank... make Tom make John kill Bill. It was for this
reason that rules (i) and (ii) were made indefinitely recursive in
2 S
see [-f caus]
John shows the book to Bill Tom made John kill Bill
The proposals that have been made in this section, as far as the
formalization and more technical details are concerned, must be
treated with reserve (cf. 8.3.5). At the same time, it may be pointed
out that there are two respects in which they are similar to other
proposals that are currently appearing in the linguistic journals and
in books on theoretical syntax. First, they presuppose a far more
'abstract' notion of the underlying constituent-structure than was
assumed in the earliest work in transformational grammar: in
particular, they make free use of such 'features' as ' -hag', ' +caus',
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etc., which are not constituents in the sense that the auxiliary
element 'Pred' or the terminal element 'Verb' is a constituent, but
are assigned to such constituents for the correct operation of the
transformational rules or the rules of lexical realization. Second, the
proposals that have been made here presuppose or imply that both
the lexical and the syntactic structure of language are in part deter-
mined by such principles as * agency', 'causativity', 'state' (v.
'activity' or 'process'). In this latter respect, theoretical syntax has
to some extent gone back to the assumptions of traditional, ' notional'
grammar (cf. 4.1.3). It has done so, however, without surrendering
(in principle at least) any of the standards of rigour and precise
formulation that were first developed by linguists in conscious
opposition to traditional grammar.
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however, that in English 'the verb to be is not used as freely in
existential sentences as it was in Greek: it is such sentences as God is
(where 'the verb to be' is perfectly normal in Greek) that have mainly
interested philosophers. What would generally be described as the
'existential' use of 'the verb to be* in English is not common except
with a locative or temporal complement (cf. 8.1.10). Examples of this
usage are: (i) There are lions in Africa, and (ii) The accident was
yesterday. We shall discuss such ' existential' sentences presently.
Among the 'predicative' uses of 'the verb to bey logicians custom-
arily distinguish: (a) the identification of one entity with another
(a = b: e.g. That man is John); (b) class-membership (bed e.g. John
is a Catholic, ' John is a member of the class of persons characterized
as Catholic'); and (c) class-inclusion (C c= D: Catholics are Christians,
' The members of the class of persons characterized as Catholic are
included among the members of the class of persons characterized as
Though logically important, the distinction between class-
membership and class-inclusion does not appear to be of any syntactic
significance in most languages. The distinction between 'charac-
terizing* and 'sortal' sentences (which we have referred to above:
cf. 8.1.3) is, however, of considerable importance: cf. Apples are sweet
and Apples are fruit. The former tend to have an ' adjectival' predicate
(in languages where one can draw a distinction between 'adjectives'
and 'verbs'), and the latter a nominal predicate. The syntactic
analysis of sentences with nominal predicates (e.g. Apples are fruit,
John is a soldier, Mary is still a very young girl) is a very complex
matter: we shall not go into the question here. We will disregard the
differences between various subtypes of nominal predicates and treat
them all like 'adjectival' predicates. For terminological convenience,
we will refer to both classes of sentences (whether they are ' charac-
terizing' or 'sortal', and regardless of any other differences) as
A further use of ' the verb to be' is with locative complements. We
have already discussed this construction in sufficient detail (cf. 8.1.10);
and we shall draw upon that discussion in what follows.
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as 'copulative' (the 'copula' being a 'link* between the subject and
the predicate in traditional logic); the 'existential' use of 'the verb
to be' is frequently treated as quite different from the other uses.
It has already been pointed out that 'the existential verb to be' is
rare in English without a locative or temporal complement. But in
using the term 'complement', rather than 'adjunct', we are perhaps
begging the question (cf. 8.1.9). The point is that the distinction can
hardly be drawn with respect to existential sentences. Consider the
following two sentences
(1) There are lions in Africa
(2) There is a book on the table
We might be inclined to say that the first is 'existential' and the
second 'locative', on the grounds that the first, but hardly the second,
can be paraphrased with a sentence containing exist: Lions exist in
Africa. And one might add that in Africa is syntactically ' detachable'
(and therefore an adjunct): Lions exist. On the other hand, there is
an obvious structural similarity between (1) and (2). Moreover, from
the point of view of their semantic analysis, existential sentences
might be described as implicitly locative (or temporal). The assertion
that something exists, or existed, requires ' complementation' with a
locative (or temporal) expression before it can be interpreted.
Whether or not this last point is accepted, it remains true that in
many languages, as in English, there are obvious similarities between
locative and existential sentences. There is little or no difference in
meaning between such sentences as Coffee will be here in a moment and
There will be coffee here in a moment: one might suspect that they have
the same deep-structure analysis.
Two further points should be noted. Existential sentences typically
have an indefinite, rather than a definite, subject: this fact raises the
possibility that they should be treated, in a syntactic analysis of their
deep structure, as indefinite locatives (with 'locative', in this context,
being understood to include' temporal': cf. 7.4.6, on the' local' cases).
Secondly, the connexion between existential and locative construc-
tions is supported by the employment of what was originally a locative
(and more particularly a deictic: cf. 7.2.1) adverb in the existential
sentences of a number of European languages: cf. English there (in
there isjare...), French y (in il y a)y Italian ci (in ci sono, etc.),
German da (in ist da, 'is there' or 'exists': cf. das Dasein, 'existence',
i.e. 'the being-there').
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rule which derives John has a book from an underlying structure in
which a book is the subject and John is in a predicative relationship
with it. Of the two possessive sentences given above, (3) is more
similar in surface structure than (4) to what we may take to be the
deep structure of (4).
Secondly, it should be noted that relatively few languages exhibit
what we may call *have-sentences': i.e. possessive sentences in which
the 'possessor' is the surface-structure subject of a 'verb to have' and
the 'possessed object* the surface-structure object of this verb. Even
in the Indo-European languages, 'Aaz^-sentences' are of relatively
late and restricted development: they are not found in all the Slavonic
and Celtic languages. Moreover, in the Indo-European languages in
which '/iat^-sentences' occur (Latin, Greek, Germanic, etc.) they
would appear to have developed independently. In many cases (both
in the Indo-European languages and in other languages with a
'verb to have') the possessive use of the verb seems to have developed
from sentences in which it originally meant ' grasp * or ' hold (in the
As Benveniste has pointed out, Latin illustrates the development of
'have-sentences' in the Indo-European languages particularly well.
Consider the following three sentences:
(5) Johannes habet librum (' John-nominative' + ' has' + ' book-
(6) Est Johanni liber ('is' + 'John-dative' + 'book-nomina-
(7) Liber est Johanni(' book-nominative' + ' is' + ' John-dative')
There is no ' definite article' in Latin, and definitcness is not marked
as such in any other way. The difference between (6) and (7) lies
solely in the order of words in surface structure; and the choice
between one order, rather than another, correlates in Latin (although
it is also influenced by other factors) with the selection of one word or
phrase as the 'topic', rather than the 'comment', of the sentence
(cf. 8.1.2). The 'topic' of the sentence is usually definite, whether it is
marked as such in particular languages or not. The normal trans-
lation of (7) is therefore ' The book is John's' (liber being the ' topic');
and the normal translation of (6) is 'John has a book' (not 'John has
the book'). The ' have-sentence' (5), which is a later development from
(6), is translatable as either 'John has a book' or 'John has the book'.
Let us now assume that the development of (5) from (6) is the result
of what was first an optional, 'stylistic', transformation, the effect of
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which was to put * John' in surface-structure subject-position. This is
the position which animate nouns normally occupy (as the subject of
either the active or the passive); and animate nouns, rather than
inanimate nouns, tend to be 'topics'.
At first sight, this comparison with Latin and the diachronic
considerations introduced above would seem to have little relevance
to the synchronic description of modern English. Notice, however, that
(3) and (4) must be related to one another in the syntactic analysis of
English, just as (6) and (7) must be related to one another in Latin.
Since *A book is John's is to be excluded (we assume) as ungram-
matical, it is tempting to do so by means of an obligatory transforma-
tion which converts it (or rather the underlying structure) into John
has a book.
We can now relate this proposal to a somewhat similar proposal for
indefinite locative sentences. Although A book is on the table is
acceptable in English, it is a less common sentence than There is a
book on the table. Let us therefore say that what is sometimes called
the 'expletive* ('dummy') use of there in locative sentences is a
syntactic device of English for 'anticipating' the locative phrase in
surface structure. It is noteworthy that the 'expletive' there is not
generally found in locative sentences with a definite subject (e.g. The
book is on the table); and it also serves in ' existential' sentences, which
we have already related to indefinite locatives. Once we take into
account the distinction between definite and indefinite subjects, we
see that there is some parallelism between existential, locative and
possessive sentences in English. This parallelism is even more
striking in certain other languages.
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different from the distribution of the English be and have. (The
'postpositional' shdng is one of a set of such locative forms: in-
herently locative nouns, names of countries, etc., occur in sentences
like (8) and (9) without any such * localizing* form. Similarly,
'alienable' possession requires the particle -de: cf. (10). 'Inalienable'
possession does not: cf. wode shu v. wojid, 'my book* v. 'my home,
family*. For the notions 'alienable' and 'inalienable', cf. 7.4.6.)
Despite their surface-structure differences, the Chinese and the
English constructions can be related as follows. The English have-
transformation operates upon indefinite possessive structures to bring
the 'possessor' into surface-structure position; in Chinese, there is
a similar jyow-transformation, which operates, however, in both
possessive and locative sentences, (9) and (11). In the case of definite
possessive and locative sentences, the syntax of English generates the
'fo-copula'; in Chinese, shi is generated for the one, and zai for the
other. When we translate from one language into the other, we must
take note of the syntactic subclassification of the nouns occurring in
the sentences to be translated. We translate (11) as 'I have a book',
rather than 'There is a book at me', because wo is animate; con-
versely, we translate (9) by means of the existential-locative ' There is
a book on the table', because zhuo is inanimate. In certain gram-
matical descriptions of Chinese, a distinction is drawn between an
'existential' and 'possessive' sense of the 'verb' you: but this is
surely to distort the analysis of Chinese. It is worth noting that (9)
can also be translated into English with a' have-szntznct' in which the
locative is ' anticipated' in surface-subject position and then' repeated'
with a pronoun later in the sentence: The table has a book on it. And
the transformational relationship that holds in Chinese between such
sentences as (8) and (9) is found also in English, over a narrower range
of sentences, between sentences with a locative complement and
corresponding sentences in which the head-noun of the locative
phrase is the surface-subject of such verbs as contain: cf. There is
water in the bottle: The bottle contains water.
Although Russian has a 'verb to have' (imetj), it is not common. The
most usual translation of the four Chinese sentences given above
would be:
(8 a) Kniga na stole (' book' + ' on' + ' table')
(9a) Na stole kniga ('on'+'table'+'book')
(100) Kniga moja ('book' + 'my')
(11 a) U menja kniga (' at' + ' me' + ' book')
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It will be observed that in these sentences (unmarked for tense, mood
and aspect) there is neither a 'verb to bey nor a 'verb to have\
U menja in (n a) is structurally similar to locative phrases; and the
preposition u with the 'genitive' (as here) would be translated as 'at'
or 'near' if the noun dependent upon it was inanimate. Although the
modally and temporally marked 'versions' of the above Russian
sentences (e.g. in the past and future 'tense': cf. 7.6.3) would have
the same 'verb to be' (bytj), the negative 'versions' of the possessives
and indefinite locatives fall together in that they have the 'existential'
negative (nety with the 'partitive' genitive). There are very many lan-
guages in which the 'possessive' construction corresponding to (na)
is structurally identical with a locative (e.g. Gaelic, Swahili, Hindi).
In Turkish, it is the possessives and the existential sentences
which are most obviously connected in terms of their surface-
structure similarities. The normal translation of (11 a) is
(nb) Kitab-'tm var ('book-my' + ' existent')
where var is the ' existential verb'. An alternative translation would be
(nc) Ben-de kitap var (' me-locative' 4- * book' -f' existent')
The difference between (11 b) and (11 c) is brought out by translating
the latter as ' I have a book with me' or ' I have a book on me'. Many
languages distinguish between an 'ordinary', or 'general', possessive
and a 'possessive of availability' in this way: and the second is
frequently locative, in terms of the case or preposition used.
Enough exemplification has been given to show that locatives,
possessives and existential sentences are interconnected in a variety
of languages. One has only to consider the range of sentences in
which have occurs in English as the 'main verb' to realize that the
whole category of so-called 'possessive' sentences is suspect. The
one thing that' have-stntznees' have in commonthe one thing that
there is in common in 'Atfw-sentences'is the fact that the 'subject'
of have is brought into a position of prominence in surface structure.
The syntax of these sentences is very complex, from a transforma-
tional point of view; but it seems quite clear that have is not a deep-
structure verb, any more than be is.
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the perfective aspect (cf. 7.5.7). Sentences like / have the book and
/ have done the work might seem to be quite distinct from one another
grammatically: but they are diachronically, and to some extent
synchronically, related. The diachronic development can be seen
most clearly with reference to the Latin ' possessive' and the Romance
perfect constructions with 'have*. (The use of 'have' as an 'auxiliary
verb * in the Germanic and Romance languages appears to have been
the result of independent development in each group of languages.
But it is accounted for by the same general principles.) As we have
seen, Est mihi liber ('There is to me a book') was replaced by Habeo
librum ('I have a book') in classical and later Latin. The function of
the dative case (e.g. in mihi) is frequently subsumed under some
general term like 'benefactive* or * dative of interest*. These are
vague terms but they will serve for the purpose of illustrating the
point we are discussing here. The Latin sentence Est mihi liber can
be glossed as ' There is a book with which I am involved or impli-
cated*. In the later stages of Latin, the optional transformation which
brings the * person interested' into surface-structure position (Habeo
librum) becomes obligatory: the 'verb habere' resembles the transitive
verbs of Latin in many respects, and the subject of a transitive verb
is normally 'agentive' (cf. 8.2.7).
The classical Latin for 'I have done the work* (perfective) is Feet
opus. But this could be put into the passive as Opus mihi est factum,
or more commonly with the typical Latin 'agentive adjunct' (a me:
cf. 7.4.5) as Opus a mefactum est. The later Latin equivalent of Feci
opus is Habeo factum opus (cf. Habeo librum), 'The work is done, and
I am involved in its doing (as agent)', i.e. 'I have done the work'.
The origin of the English 'perfect with have9 is similarly explained.
It was at first restricted to transitive verbs, and thus preserved its
relationship with the perfective passive without have (still current in
such sentences as The work is done, The house is built). The subsequent
extension of the 'perfect with have9 to intransitive constructions (e.g.
B has moved parallel with A has moved B) loosens, but does not sever,
the link between the transitive, active with have and the passive without
have. A sentence like John has finished the house is simultaneously
linked with both Johnfinishesthe house and The house isfinished.Current
transformational grammars of English tend to neglect this particular
relationship between the transitive perfective and the passive.
The main point that is being made here, however, is this: it is the
same principle which explains both the diachronic development of
the 'perfect with have' and the 'possessive have'. In both cases, the
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/^^-transformation became obligatory, its original function being to
bring the ' person interested' (not necessarily the ' agent') into subject-
position in surface structure. This same principle is still operative in
English. The relationship between / had a book on the table and
There was a book on the table is the same as the relationship between
/ had the work done and The work was done. In neither case can the
surface-subject be regarded as other than the * person interested'.
In a sentence like / had a book stolen (to use one of Chomsky's
examples) the 'person interested' may be either the (indirect) agent
or the ' beneficiary' (' I got someone to steal a book' or * Someone stole
a book from me'). In a sentence like / will have the work done by five
o'clock, the 'person interested' may be either the direct or the indirect
(causative) agent ('The work will be done by me* or 'I will get
someone to do the work'). Whether such sentences should be
described as syntactically ambiguous is, however, a moot point. There
would seem to be no more, and no less, reason for saying that / will
have the work done is derived from two different deep structures than
there is for saying that / built a house by the sea is derived from two
different deep structures. / built a house is also interpretable in two
ways ('I did the building of the house' or 'I got someone else to
build a house for me').
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case we can say that the stative sentence (with be or have) is 'un-
marked', by contrast with the dynamic, which is the 'marked'term
of this particular aspectual opposition.
That this is correctly regarded as an opposition of aspect is clear
from the following considerations. The perfective of the dynamic
implies the (unmarked) imperfective of the static sentence which is in
correspondence with it. Thus John has gone to San Francisco implies
John is in San Francisco, John has got a book implies John has a book,
The book has become valuable implies The book is valuable, (This
particular relationship has led to the virtual equivalence of has got and
has in many dialects of English.) If these pairs of sentences are
treated differently by the base-component of the grammar, then a
significant generalization is lost. For example, certain 'prepositional
phrases' (e.g. in the park, at church) must be analysed as 'locative',
others (e.g. into the park, to church) must be analysed as 'directional';
then the rules must be written in such a way that be does not occur
with 'directionals' and 'verbs of motion' do not occur with 'loca-
tives'. But, if these constructions are distinguished in this way in
deep structure, such facts as the following remain unexplained (except
by ad hoc rules): John went to San Francisco and is still there is an
acceptable sentence, whereas *John went to San Francisco and is still
here is not. The deictic opposition of here/there (with respect to
speaker: cf. 7.2.1) is not relevant to the grammaticality of John is in
San Francisco: it is relevant to the choice between came and went in
John.. .to San Francisco; and it is relevant to the conjunction of a
'directional' and a 'locative' in such sentences as those illustrated
above. These facts can be systematically accounted for, if we say that
the deep structure of e.g. John is in San Francisco and John goes /comes
to San Francisco is identical except for the opposition of static and
dynamic. Each of them is also marked in deep structure for ' proxi-
mity' or 'remoteness' with respect to speaker (here v. there: there are
certain complicating factors, which we need not go into). In com-
bination with the feature' dynamic', the feature ' proximate' generates
come in surface structure and the feature 'remote' generates^.
For each of the three classes of sentences referred to above
locative, possessive and attributivethere is a typical three-place
causative construction (cf. 8.3.6). Corresponding to (i2)-(i4), we have
(12 a) Bill brought I took John to San Francisco
(13 a) Bill gave John a book
(140) Bill made the book valuable
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(The last of these three is perhaps a little odd; but it undoubtedly
corresponds to (14) in the way suggested.) The causative construction
is dynamic: and Bill has given John a book implies John has a book,
just as John has got a book does.
Whether the two-place or three-place dynamic locative construction
is used in a particular instance depends upon whether the person or
object that 'engages in locomotion' is 'agentive' or not. The book has
gone to London, though certainly not ungrammatical, is less normal
than John has gone to London; and it may involve ' recategorization'
of the book as 'animate' (cf. 7.4.5). Bill took John to San Francisco (by
contrast with John went to San Francisco or Bill went with John to
San Francisco) marks Bill as 'agentive' and John as * non-agentive \
Finally, it may be observed that possessives and locatives are not
always clearly distinguishable in three-place constructions. It would
be impossible, and it is perhaps unnecessary, to say whether Bring me
the book is 'possessive* or locative (whether me is the 'indirect object*
or 'directional'): we have already drawn attention to the fact that the
same case or preposition is used in many languages for both the
'indirect object' and 'motion to' (cf. 7.4.6). Once again, we notice
the similarity (and perhaps the ultimate identity) of locatives and
possessives. More generally, in this section we have seen that a
considerable number of what are customarily regarded as ' full verbs'
should perhaps be treated as 'surface-structure verbs', each of them
being generated by the grammar to carry distinctions of tense, mood
and aspect, with or without such additional features as ' dynamic' or
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John Lyons
9.1 Introductory
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necessarily involved in such vital and notoriously controversial
philosophical issues as the nature of truth, the status of universal
concepts, the problem of knowledge and the analysis of 'reality*.
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aside, or refuse to look at them, there are others of a more or less
philosophical nature. Does it make sense to say that someone has
used a word to mean something different from what it * really' means ?
Is there such a thing as the 'true' or 'correct' meaning of a word?
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mcnts of the subject, we are confronted with a bewildering variety
of approaches to the definition and determination of 'meaning'.
Distinctions are made between 'emotive' and 'cognitive' meaning,
between 'significance* and 'signification', between 'performative'
and 'descriptive' meaning, between 'sense' and 'reference', between
'denotation' and 'connotation', between 'signs' and 'symbols',
between 'extension' and 'intension', between 'implication', 'entail-
ment' and 'presupposition', between the 'analytic' and the 'syn-
thetic '; and so on. The terminology of the subject is richand rather
confusing, since it is used without any high degree of consistency
and uniformity between different authors. It is inevitable therefore
that the terms introduced in the present chapter will not necessarily
carry the same implications as the same terms employed in other
treatments of semantics.
We will begin with a brief exposition and some criticism of the
traditional approach to the definition of meaning.
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404 9- S E M A N T I C S : GENERAL P R I N C I P L E S
Meaning (Concept)
Form * * Referent
Fig. 23.
9.2.2 Reference
At this point it will be useful to introduce a modern term for ' things'
in so far as they are ' named', or ' signified', by words. This is the term
referent. We will say that the relationship which holds between words
and things (their referents) is the relationship of reference: words refer
to (rather than 'signify', or 'name') things. Granted the distinction
of form, meaning and referent, we can give a familiar diagrammatic
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representation of the traditional view of the relationship between
them in terms of the * triangle of signification' (sometimes referred to
as 'the semiotic triangle') in Fig. 23. The dotted line between the
form and the referent is intended to indicate that the relationship
between them is indirect: the form is related to its referent through
the mediating (conceptual) meaning associated with both indepen-
dently. The diagram makes clear the important point that in tradi-
tional grammar the word results from the combination of a particular
form with a particular meaning.
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associated with a given form be before we decide that they are
sufficiently different to justify the recognition of two, or more,
different words? In their attempts to demonstrate the 'natural' origin
of language, the Greeks introduced a number of principles to account
for the extension of a word's range of meaning beyond its 'true', or
'original', meaning (cf. 1.2.2). The most important of these principles
was metaphor ('transfer'), based on the 'natural' connexion between
the primary referent and the secondary referent to which the word
was applied. Examples of 'metaphorical' extension might be found
in the application of such words as mouth, eye, head, foot and leg to
rivers, needles, persons in authority, mountains and tables, respec-
tively. In each instance there is discernible some similarity of shape
or function between the referents. Various other types of 'extension'
or 'transference' of meaning were recognized by the Greek gram-
marians, and have passed into traditional works on rhetoric, logic and
semantics. Meanings that are more or less clearly 'related' in
accordance with such principles are not traditionally regarded as
being sufficiently different to justify the recognition of distinct words.
The traditional semanticist would not say that the mouth of a river
and the mouth as a part of the body are homonyms; but rather that
the word mouth has two related meanings. We have, therefore, in
addition to synonymy and homonymy, what has come to be called in
the more recent development of traditional semantics multiple
meaning (sometimes called polysemy). The distinction between
homonymy and multiple meaning is evident in the organization of
the dictionaries we customarily use: what the lexicographer has
classified as homonyms will be listed as different words, whereas
multiple meanings will be given under one entry.
The distinction between homonymy and multiple meaning is, in
the last resort, indeterminate and arbitrary. Ultimately, it rests upon
either the lexicographer's judgement about the plausibility of the
assumed ' extension' of meaning or some historical evidence that the
particular ' extension' has in fact taken place. The arbitrariness of the
distinction between homonymy and multiple meaning is reflected in
the discrepancies in classification between different dictionaries; and
this arbitrariness has been increased, rather than lessened, by the
development of sounder methods of etymology in the nineteenth
century. To give an example: most modern dictionaries of English
recognize as two different words (i) ear, referring to a part of the body,
and (ii) ear, referring to parts of such cereal plants as wheat, barley,
etc. It so happens that these two 'words' have developed from words
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which in Old English differed in form as well as meaning (i) eare;
(ii) ear. But how many speakers of English know this? And, if they
do, what effect does their knowledge of this fact have upon their use
of the language? It would clearly be wrong to assume that ear is two
words for those (including lexicographers of English) who know the
history of the language and one word for the rest of usunless it
were in fact discovered that those who know the history of the
language use words like ear differently from those who do not know
the history of the language. If we discovered that this was in fact the
case, we should have to say that the two groups were speaking slightly
different languages. Any historical knowledge we might have about
the development of the meanings of words is in principle irrelevant
to their synchronic use and interpretation (cf. 1.4.5). The distinc-
tion of the synchronic and diachronic in semantics is, however,
subject to the same general limitations as it is in phonology and
9.2.5 Antonymy
There is a further traditional category of 'relatedness of meaning'
which must be mentioned here. This is antonymy, or * oppositeness
of meaning*. For the better-known European languages at least,
there are a number of dictionaries 'of synonyms and antonyms'
available, which are frequently used by writers and students to
'extend their vocabulary* and achieve a greater 'variety* of 'style*.
The fact that such special dictionaries are found useful in practice is
an indication that words can be more or less satisfactorily grouped
into sets of synonyms and antonyms. There are two points that
should be stressed, however, in this connexion. First, synonymy and
antonymy are semantic relations of a very different logical nature:
'oppositeness of meaning* (love: hate, hot: cold, etc.) is not simply the
extreme case of difference of meaning. Second, a number of distinc-
tions have to be drawn within the traditional concept of ' antonymy *:
dictionaries of 'antonyms* are only successful in practice to the
degree that their users draw these distinctions (for the most part
unreflectingly). Both of these points will be taken up later (cf. 10.4).
There is little of value that can be extracted from traditional theoretical
discussions of 'antonymy*.
There are a number of criticisms that have been made against
traditional semantics in recent years by both linguists and philo-
sophers. The most important of these criticisms will nowT be discussed.
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9.2.8 Context
Another feature of the everyday situations in which we inquire about
the meaning of words is that we are frequently told that ' it depends
on the context'. ('Give me the context in which you met the word;
and Til tell you its meaning/) It is often impossible to give the
meaning of a word without 'putting it in a context'; and dictionaries
are useful in proportion to the number and diversity of the 'contexts'
they cite for words. Frequently, and perhaps most typically of all,
the meaning of a word is explained by giving a 'synonym' with an
indication of the 'contextual' limitations governing the use of the
word in question {addled: 'bad (of eggs)'; rancid: 'bad (of butter)';
etc.). Facts such as thesethe diversity of the ways in which, in
practice, we state the meaning of words, the 'circularity' of the
vocabulary, and the relevance of 'context'are not given full
theoretical recognition in traditional semantics.
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is the * use' of language-utterances in the multifarious situations of
everyday life. Expressions such as ' the meaning of a word' and ' the
meaning of a sentence (or proposition)' are dangerously misleading in
that they tempt us to go out looking for the ' meanings' they have and
to identify as their 'meanings' such entities as physical objects,
'concepts' in the 'mind' or 'states of affairs' in the physical world.
We have no direct evidence about the understanding of utterances,
only about their misunderstandingwhen something 'goes wrong' in
the process of communication. If, for instance, we say to someone bring
me the red book that is on the table upstairs and he brings us a book of a
different colour, or a box, or goes off downstairs in search of the book,
or does something totally unexpected, we might reasonably say that
he has ' misunderstood' the whole or some part of the utterance (other
explanations are of course possible). If he does what is expected (goes
off in the right direction and comes back with the right book) we
might say that he has correctly understood the utterance. What we
mean is that (in a case like this) there is good prima facie evidence of
a 'behavioural' kind to suggest that he has not misunderstood it. It
may be that if we continued, rather persistently, to test his 'under-
standing' of the words bring or red or book, we should come to a
point where something he did or said would show that his 'under-
standing' of these words is somewhat different from ours: that he
draws from utterances containing them implications that we do not
(or conversely, that we draw implications that he does not), or that
he uses them to refer to a slightly different class of objects and
actions. Normal communication rests upon the assumption that we
all' understand' words in the same way; this assumption breaks down
from time to time, but otherwise 'understanding' is taken for
granted. Whether we have or have not the same 'concepts' in our
'minds' when we are talking to one another is a question that cannot
be answered otherwise than in terms of the ' use' we make of words
in utterances. It would probably be true, but rather pointless, to say
that everyone 'understands' a particular word in a slightly different
way. Semantics is concerned with accounting for the degree of uni-
formity in the 'use' of language which makes normal communica-
tions possible. Once we abandon the view that the 'meaning' of a
word is what it 'signifies', we shall quite naturally recognize that
relationships of different kinds have to be stated in accounting for
'use'. Two of the 'factors' to be discussed later will be distinguished
as reference (which has been mentioned already) and sense.
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9.3 * Meaningfulness'
9.3.1 'Having meaning' and 'significance'
It was pointed out above (9.1.4) that, although we commonly say
that sentences or phrases are, or are not, 'meaningful', we do not
normally say that words are not 'meaningful' (for the present we shall
continue to adopt the traditional view, according to which words are
the minimal 'meaningful' units of language; 'word' is here being
used of course in the sense of lexeme: cf. 5.4.4). This fact in itself
suggests that the term ' meaningful' may be employed in two distinct
senses. We will assume that this is so and, for convenience and clarity,
introduce a terminological distinction between having meaning and
significance (or being significant). In terms of this distinction, we will
say that words have meaning, whereas phrases and sentences may or
may not be significant. It should be observed that this statement leaves
open the possibility that otaer units besides words may have meaning;
and it does not imply that there is no connexion between ' having
meaning' and 'significance'. Traditional semantics (and a number of
modern theories) confuse the distinction that is being drawn here by
talking of 'signification' in both cases.
In this section it will be argued that having meaning (in the sense
in which this notion is to be defined) is logically prior to 'meaning':
in other words, that we must first of all decide whether a particular
element has meaning before we ask what meaning it has; further-
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9.3. ' M E A N I N G F U L N E S S ' 413
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have meaning, since the speaker might in the last resort have remained
silent. But there are some socially-prescribed utterances which are
highly, if not wholly, determined by their contexts; and such
utterances are theoretically interesting in a number of different
respects. Let us assume for the sake of the argument that How do you
do? is the sole socially-prescribed utterance in the context of being
formally introduced to someone, and that it is mandatory in such
situations. If this is so, then it seems quite reasonable to say that
How do you do? has no meaning. All that needs to be said about this
utterance in a semantic description of English utterances is that it is
' used' in the situations in question. It would be futile to insist that it
must 'mean* something over and above its 'use'. But let us now
assume that, although it is the sole socially-prescribed utterance in the
context of introduction, it contrasts with silence (or a nod of the head,
a smile, a surly look, etc.), in the sense that the person being intro-
duced has all these * choices' open to him. Then, by the definition
given above, the result of each * choice' has meaningit may com-
municate something to the other person; and we can sensibly go on
to ask what meaning each of the potential * actions' has by contrast
with the others.
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of the utterance which serve this purpose have meaning in terms of
the definition given above. That the hearer may 'infer* the same facts
even when they are not' communicated' by the speaker (and may not
be able to tell whether he is intended to 'infer' them or not) does not
affect this question in the slightest. It is quite inappropriate to widen
the notion of' communication' to include all the ' information' which
can be 'inferred' from an utterance by the hearer. The principle of
'choice* determines whether utterances and features of utterances
have meaning or not.
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precise quantification of having meaning would depend upon our
ability to identify the contextual features which determine the
* probabilities of occurrence*. (Strictly speaking, we should not talk
of ' probabilities of occurrence* and * variation in inverse proportion*
unless we are able to determine and compute the relevant condi-
tioning factors.) It is very unlikely that it will ever be possible to
quantify having meaning in this precise sense. But this is of less
importance than one might expect since, as we shall see, what
meaning elements have in a given context is unrelated to how much
meaning they have relative to the elements with which they are in
contrast. The point to be stressed here is that the question what
meaning an element has arises only in the case of those elements
which do in fact have meaning (in the sense in which we have defined
this notion) in the contexts in which they occur. Although this point
has been illustrated so far only for complete utterances of a * ritual-
istic* character, we shall generalize it later in the light of the distinc-
tion between utterances and sentences drawn in a previous chapter
(cf. 5.i.a).
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plausibly accounted for by extending to them the 'behaviourist'
notions of 'stimulus' and 'response'. It is nevertheless true that
human language includes a 'behavioural' component. Although we
shall say no more about this in what follows, we give theoretical
recognition to it here.
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Although the semanticist must give theoretical recognition to the
principle of having meaning at the phonological level, he will not
generally be concerned further with 'the meaning* of phonological
units. The reason is that phonological units never have reference and
do not contract any semantic relationships other than sameness and
difference of meaning. Furthermore, sameness of meaning when it
holds between phonological units (phonological 'synonymy', as
illustrated above) is sporadic and unsystematic. It has to be stated in
terms of alternative realization rules for particular words; once these
rules have been given, there is nothing more of interest to be said.
Generally speaking (the qualification is required for cases of ' sound-
symbolism*a semantically interesting phenomenon which limita-
tions of space prevent us from discussing further: cf. 1.2.2), 'the
meaning* of a given phonological unit is simply its difference from
every other phonological unit (if there are any) that might have
occurred in the same context.
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The second point to be made is this: since sentences are never
produced by speakers (sentences being theoretical units established
by linguists to state the distributional limitations upon the occurrence
of classes of grammatical elements), there can be no direct relation-
ship between sentences and particular contexts. At the same time,
utterances have a grammatical structure which depends upon their
'derivation' from sentences; and the grammatical structure of
utterances is, or can be, semantically relevant. This is particularly
clear in the case of 'syntactic ambiguity* (cf. 6.1.3). Moreover
(except for such 'ready-made* expressions as How do you do?)
utterances are produced by speakers and understood by hearers on
the basis of the regularities of formation and transformation deter-
mined for sentences by the rules of the grammar. At the present time,
neither linguistics nor any of the other sciences concerned with the
' mechanisms' underlying the production of utterances is in a position
to make any very definite statements about the way in which a know-
ledge of the abstract relationships holding between grammatical
elements in sentences interacts with contextual features of various
kinds to effect the production and understanding of utterances in
which the observable 'correlates' of these grammatical elements
occur. That there is some interaction between the grammatical
structure of the language and the relevant contextual features would
seem to be a fact; and we must take account of it.
Since we cannot in general identify either the actual elements
' selected' by the speaker in the production of utterances or all the
relevant features of particular contexts, we can make it a matter of
methodological decision to do what linguists have generally done in
practice; and that is to handle the semantic relationships between
utterances in terms of the semantic relationships holding between the
sentences from which they are assumed to be 'derived' when they
are produced by native speakers in restricted contexts. (The notion
of 'restricted context' must still be retained, since, as we shall see
below, the semantic relationships that hold between sentences cannot
be stated without at least this degree of' contextualization': cf. 10.1.2.)
The features of particular contexts will then be invoked (in what must
be, for the present at least, a rather ad hoc manner) to account for the
'residual' semantically-relevant aspects of utterances. What has been
represented here as a matter of conscious, methodological decision
should not be taken to imply any priority of the grammatical over the
contextual in the psychological processes of producing and under-
standing utterances.
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9.3 ' M E A N I N G F U L N E S S ' 421
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and semantic acceptability. As we saw in an earlier chapter (cf. 4.2.12 ff.),
grammaticality is that part of the acceptability of utterances which can
be accounted for in terms of the rules of formation and transformation
specifying the permissible combinations of the distributional classes
of elements ('categories' and 'features') in sentences. It is generally
recognized that there will be innumerable sentences generated by the
grammar of any language which are unacceptable in various ways;
and it is traditional to describe at least one type of unacceptability by
saying that the sentences in question are 'meaningless' or 'non-
sensical'. Let us suppose for example that the following sentences are
generated by a grammar of English (and are therefore grammatical):
(a) John drinks milk (beer, wine, water, etc.)
(b) John eats cheese {fish, meat, bread, etc.)
(c) John drinks cheese (fish, meat, bread, etc.)
(d) John eats milk (beer, wine, water, etc.)
Let us further assume that all these sentences are generated with the
same structural description: that the verbs drink and eat, and the
nouns milk, beer, wine, water, cheese, fish, meat, bread, etc., are not
distinguished in the lexicon by means of any relevant syntactic
feature. It seems clear that, in some sense of the terms ' acceptable'
and 'unacceptable', utterances derivable from the sentences grouped
under (a) and (b) are acceptable, whereas utterances derivable from
the sentences grouped under (c) and (d) are unacceptable (in ' normal'
circumstances). Whether this kind of acceptability and unaccept-
ability is to be described by reference to criteria of ' meaningfulness'
(in the sense of this term which we propose to distinguish as ' signifi-
cance') is a question to which we shall return presently. The point
being made here is that the sets of elements which can occur and have
meaning as the verb and the object of these sentences are far smaller
subsets of the elements whose occurrence is permitted by the rules
of the grammar. Once again the limiting case is that of an element
whose occurrence is wholly determined by the context of the other
elements in the sentence. An example of complete determination at
this level might be the occurrence of teeth in / bit him with my false
teeth. As we shall see later (cf. 9.5.3), this sentence manifests a
semantically interesting type of syntagmatic 'presupposition' which
is normally latent, but which is made overt when 'syntactic support'
is required for a 'modifier' (in this instance, false). If the word teeth
never occurred in sentences other than those in which it is completely
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9.3 ' M E A N I N G F U L N E S S ' 423
determined by its context, it would not have meaning in English; and
the semanticist would have nothing to say about it.
The purpose of this argument has been to demonstrate the way in
which the notion of having meaning both can, and must, be trans-
ferred from the more 'concrete' instances in which it applies to
grammatically-unstructured whole utterances, on the one hand, and
to utterances which differ minimally in respect of their phonological
structure, on the other, to the more 'abstract* plane on which it
applies to the more important far more numerous class of sentences
generated by the rules of grammar. The notion of having meaning is
validated by its reflection of the intuitively-satisfying principle that
'meaningfulness implies choice* in particular contexts. Its trans-
ference to the more 'abstract' plane rests upon a methodological
decision, the motivation for which is twofold: first, it recognizes the
fact that the particular contextual features which influence the
production and interpretation of utterances can only be handled in an
ad hoc manner; and second, it satisfactorily relates the semantic
interpretation of sentences to their syntactic description. Given that a
particular element has meaning over a certain range of sentences, we
can then ask what meaning it has; and this question can be answered
in various ways, as we shall see in the next section.
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my brother and my sister (i.e. with reference to members of one's own
immediate family): so that My father died last night, but not His
father died last night, would be considered unacceptable. It seems
quite evident that the correct explanation of the unacceptability of
My father died last night is one which allows us to say, first of all, that
it is * meaningful', since, if it occurred despite the taboo, it would be
understood (indeed it could be argued that the taboo depends upon
the possibility of understanding it) and, secondly, that the semantic
relationship between My father died last night and His father died last
night is identical with that between My father came last night and His
father came last night, etc. Traditionally, the significance of gram-
matically well-formed sentences is accounted for in terms of certain
general principles of compatibility between the 'meanings' of their
constituent elements. One might say, for instance, that John eats milk
and John drinks bread are not significant, because the verb eat is com-
patible only with nouns (as its object) which denote consumable
solids and the verb drink with nouns which denote consumable
liquids. (Notice that in terms of this statement John eats soup might
be regarded as semantically anomalous, being rendered ' socially
acceptable' by a particular convention external to the generalizable
rules for the interpretation of English sentences.) There are great
difficulties attaching to the notion of significance (one might wish to
argue, for instance, that John eats milk is 'meaningful', though the
circumstances in which it might be employed are somewhat unusual).
Nevertheless, the traditional explication of this notion in terms of
'compatibility' seems to be basically sound. We shall discuss some
more recent formulations of this notion in a later section (cf. 10.5.4).
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times described as * denotation') is essential to the construction of any
satisfactory theory of semantics: in other words, that there is a sense
in which at least certain items in the vocabularies of all languages can
be put into correspondence with 'features' of the physical world.
Acceptance of this assumption does not imply acceptance of the
view that reference is the semantic relationship to which all others
can be reduced; nor does it imply that all the items in the vocabulary
of a language have reference. As it will be understood here, * reference'
necessarily carries with it presuppositions of 'existence* (or 'reality')
which derive from our direct experience of objects in the physical
world. To say that a particular word (or other item which has meaning)
' refers to an object' implies that its referent is an object which ' exists'
(is 'real') in the same sense in which we say that particular persons,
animals and things 'exist'; and also, that it would be possible, in
principle, to give a description of the physical properties of the object
in question. This notion of 'physical existence' may be taken as
fundamental for the definition of the semantic relationship of
reference. The application of the terms 'existence' and 'reference'
may then be extended in various ways. For instance, although there
are no such objects (we will assume) as goblins, unicorns or centaurs,
we can quite reasonably ascribe to them a fictional or mythical
'existence' in a certain kind of discourse; and we can therefore say
that the words goblin, unicorn or centaur have reference in English
when the language is used in discourse of this kind. Similarly, we can
extend the application of the terms 'existence' and 'reference' to
such theoretical constructs of science as atoms, genes, etc.; and even
to quite abstract objects. It is important to notice, however, that the
source of these' analogical' extensions of the notions of' existence' and
'reference' is to be found in their fundamental, or primary, appli-
cation to physical objects in the 'everyday' use of language.
It follows from this interpretation of the notion of reference that
there may be many items in the vocabulary of a language which do
not stand in a relationship of reference to anything outside the
language. It may be, for example, that there is no such thing as
intelligence or goodness to which the words intelligent and good refer,
although it would always be possible for a psychologist or a philo-
sopher to postulate the existence of such entities within the framework
of a particular theory of psychology or ethics, and even to claim that
their ' reality' is demonstrable by means of some kind of ' ostensive'
definition. The fact that there may be disagreement, at various levels
of sophistication, about the 'reality' of certain alleged 'objects' does
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not affect the general principle that reference presupposes existence.
To insist that all lexical items must refer to something would be futile
if it meant that, in certain instances, no evidence could be brought
forward for the existence of that * something' other than the fact that
there was a lexical item * referring' to it.
Two further points may be mentioned in connexion with the notion
of reference. By accepting the view that certain lexical items refer to
objects and properties of objects outside language we are not logically
committed to the assumption that all the objects denoted by a parti-
cular term form a * natural class', in the sense that they belong
together' independently of the 'convention' tacitly accepted by the
speech-community in question to group them together 'under' a
common term: in other words, the position maintained here is
compatible with either 'nominalism' or 'realism' in philosophical
semantics. Second, the reference of a lexical item need not be precise
and fully-determined, in the sense that it is always clear whether a
particular object or property falls within the scope of a given lexical
item: we have already seen that no such assumption is required in
order to account for the 'understanding' of utterances in the normal
process of communication (cf. 9.2.9). It is frequently the case that the
'referential boundaries' of lexical items are indeterminate. For
example, the precise point at which one draws the line between the
reference of hill and mountain, of chicken and hen, of green and blue,
and so on, cannot be specified. But this does not mean that the notion
of reference does not apply to such words. It is a characteristic of
languages that they impose a particular lexical 'categorization' upon
the world and draw the boundaries 'arbitrarily', as it were, at
different places. As we shall see, this is one of the reasons why it is
often impossible to establish lexical equivalences between different
languages. The fact that the 'referential boundaries' are 'arbitrary'
and indeterminate does not normally lead to misunderstanding, since
the 'precise' classification of an object 'under' one lexical item or
another is very rarely relevant; and when it is, we have resort to
other systems of identification or specification. For example, if we
wish to refer to one of two persons each of whom might be appro-
priately denoted by either girl or woman, we can distinguish them by
name, by relative age, by the colour of their hair, by what they are
wearing, and so on. Although the reference of girl' overlaps' that of
woman, the two words are not synonymous; their relative position
along the dimension of age is fixed, and there will be many cases in
which only one of the two words is appropriate. Far from being a
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defect, as some philosophers have suggested, referential imprecise-
ness ' of the kind illustrated makes language a more efficient means of
communication. Absolute ' preciseness' is unattainable, since there is
no limit to the number and nature of the distinctions one might draw
between different objects; and there is no virtue in being obliged to
draw a greater number of distinctions than is necessary for the
purpose in hand.
9.4.2 Sense
We must now introduce the notion of 'sense'. By the sense of a word
we mean its place in a system of relationships which it contracts
with other words in the vocabulary. It will be observed that, since
sense is to be defined in terms of relationships which hold between
vocabulary-items, it carries with it no presuppositions about the
existence of objects and properties outside the vocabulary of the
language in question.
If two elements can occur in the same context, they have meaning
in that context; and we may go on to ask what meaning they have.
As we have seen, one part, or component, of the meaning of certain
elements may be described in terms of their reference. Whether the
two elements have reference or not, we can ask whether they have the
same meaning or not in the context, or contexts, in which they both
occur. Since sameness of meaning, synonymy, is a relation which holds
between two (or more) vocabulary-items, it is a matter of sense, not
reference. For reasons which we need not go into here, we may wish
to say that two items have the same reference, but differ in sense;
and we certainly wish to say that items may be synonymous, even if
they have no reference. It may be assumed that, for items which have
reference, identical reference is a necessary, but not sufficient,
condition of synonymy.
Theoretical discussions of synonymy are often vitiated by two
unjustified assumptions. The first is that two elements cannot be
'absolutely synonymous' in one context unless they are synonymous
in all contexts. This assumption is sometimes supported with an
appeal to the distinction between 'cognitive' and 'emotive' meaning.
But this distinction is itself far from clear. It is undeniable that the
choice of one item rather than another by a particular speaker may be
influenced by the difference in their 'emotive associations'. How-
ever, this does not mean that these 'emotive associations' are
always relevant (even if they are shared by other members of the
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speech-community). And it cannot simply be made a matter of
assumption that words always carry with them the' associations' which
derive from their use in other contexts. We will therefore reject the
assumption that words cannot be synonymous in any context unless
they are synonymous in all contexts.
The second assumption commonly made by semanticists is that
synonymy is a relation of identity holding between two (or more)
independently-defined senses. In other words, the question whether
two words, a and b, are synonymous is reduced to the question
whether a and b denote the same entity, their sense. In the approach
to semantics being outlined here, there will be no need to postulate
the existence of independently-defined senses. Synonymy will be
defined as follows: two (or more) items are synonymous if the
sentences which result from the substitution of one for the other have
the same meaning. This definition clearly rests upon a prior notion of
* sameness of meaning' for sentences (and utterances). We shall
return to this question presently. The point being made here is that
the relation of synonymy is stated as holding between lexical items and
not between their senses. The synonymy of lexical items is part of
their sense. To put the same point in a more general form: what we
refer to as the sense of a lexical item is the whole set of sense-relations
(including synonymy) which it contracts with other items in the
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present, we will simply assume that at least some vocabulary-items
fall into lexical systems, and that the semantic structure of these systems
is to be described in terms of the sense-relations holding between the
lexical items. This statement is intended as a more precise formula-
tion of the principle that ' the meaning of each term is a function of
the place it occupies in its own system' (cf. 2.2.1, with reference to
Russian and English kinship terms).
9.4.5 Colour-terms
For simplicity, we will first of all consider only that part of the field
which is covered by the words red, orange, yellow, green and blue.
Each of these terms is referentially imprecise, but their relative
position in this lexical system is fixed (and as a set they cover the
greater part of the visible spectrum): orange lies between red and
yellow, yellow between orange and green, and so on. It is part of the
sense of each of these terms that they belong to this particular lexical
system in English and that they contract relationships of contiguity
(or, more precisely perhaps, 'betweenness') relative to one another
in the system. It might appear that the notion of sense is unnecessary
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43 9- S E M A N T I C S : GENERAL P R I N C I P L E S
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or less light), and saturation (the degree of freedom from dilution
with white). The ranges of colour denoted by black, grey and white
in English differ mainly in respect of luminosity; and there are other
common colour-terms whose reference must be specified according
to all three dimensions of variation; e.g. brown refers to a range of
colour that is between red and yellow in hue, of relatively low lumi-
nosity and saturation; pink to a colour that is reddish in hue, of fairly
high luminosity and fairly low saturation. Consideration of these facts
might lead us to say that the substance of the field of colour is a three-
dimensional (physical or perceptual) continuum.
Even this statement is an over-simplification. Not only do languages
differ in the relative weight they give to the three dimensions of hue,
luminosity and saturation in the organization of their systems of
colour-terms (e.g. both Latin and Greek seem to have given greater
weight to luminosity than to hue); there are languages in which
distinctions of colour are made according to quite different principles.
In a classic paper on this subject, Conklin has shown that the four
main ' colour-terms' of Hanunoo (a language of the Philippines) are
associated with lightness (generally covering white and the light tints
of other English colours), darkness (including English black, violet,
blue, dark green and the dark shades of other colours), 'wetness'
(usually correlating with light green, yellow and light brown, etc.)
and 'dryness' (usually correlating with maroon, red, orange, etc.).
That the distinction between ' wetness' and ' dryness' is not simply a
matter of hue (' green' v. ' red': this might appear to be the distinction
on the basis of the most frequent English translations of the two terms
in question) is clear from the fact that' a shiny, wet, brown section of
newly cut bamboo' is described by the term which is generally used
for light green, etc. Conklin concludes that * colour, in a western
technical sense, is not a universal concept'; that the oppositions in
terms of which the substance of colour is determined in different
languages may depend primarily upon the association of the lexical
items with culturally-important features of objects in the natural
environment. In the case of the Hanunoo words one of the dimensions
of the system would seem to derive from the typical appearance of
fresh, young ('wet', 'succulent') plants. It is worth noting in this
connexion that dictionaries of English frequently define the main
colour-terms with respect to typical features of the environment
(e.g. blue might be said to refer to the colour of the clear sky, red to
the colour of blood, and so on).
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The assertion that ' the worlds in which different societies live are
distinct worlds* is frequently interpreted as a proclamation of
linguistic 'determinism'. Whether Sapir (or von Humboldt before
him and Whorf after him) believed that our categorization of the
world is totally determined by the structure of our native language is
a question we need not go into here. It is generally agreed that
linguistic determinism, interpreted in this strong sense, is an un-
tenable hypothesis. However, our earlier acceptance of the view that
particular languages reflect in their vocabulary the culturally-
important distinctions of the societies in which they operate commits
us to a certain degree of linguistic and cultural Relativity'. We must
therefore account for the undeniable fact that it is possible to achieve
a knowledge of the structure of the lexical systems in languages other
than our own, whether in learning them for practical purposes or for
the investigation of their vocabularies. Translation from one language
to another clearly depends upon this possibility.
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entry is made into the semantic structure of another language in
the area of cultural overlap; and that, once we have broken into the
circle by means of the identification of items in this area (cf. 9.4.7,
on the inevitable 'circularity' of semantics), we can gradually
develop and modify our knowledge of the rest of the vocabulary
from within, by learning the reference of the lexical items and the
sense-relations that hold between them in the contexts in which
they are used. True bilingualism implies the assimilation of two
9.4.8 'Application'
When items of different languages can be put into correspondence
with one another on the basis of the identification of common features
and situations in the cultures in which they operate, we may say that
the items have the same application. The reasons for using this term
rather than * reference' are twofold. First of all, it has been used of
the relationship which holds between situations and expressions
which occur in them (e.g. of the relationship between Excuse me,
Thank you, etc., and the various identifiable situations in which these
utterances occur); this is clearly not a relationship of reference.
Secondly, we wish to allow for the semantic identification of lexical
items which have no reference: one might wish to say, for example,
that the English word sin and the French word pichi have the same
application, although it might be difficult, or impossible, to establish
this fact in referential terms. It may well be that the second of these
reasons for the introduction of the notion of application will disappear
with the construction of a comprehensive and satisfactory theory of
culture. At the present time, the notion of application, like the
process of translation, rests rather heavily upon the intuitions of
bilingual speakers. This does not mean that the notion'is without any
objective foundation, since bilingual speakers tend to be in agreement
about the application of most words and expressions in the languages
they speak.
Nothing has been said in this section about the way in which para-
digmatic and syntagmatic sense-relations are established. Before we
discuss the question we must consider the possibility of extending the
notions of reference and sense to grammatical, as well as lexical, items.
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mention here) has been formulated by Martinet, Halliday and others
in terms of paradigmatic opposition within either closed or open sets
of alternatives. A closed set of items is one of fixed, and usually small,
membership: e.g. the set of personal pronouns, tenses, genders, etc.
An open set is one of unrestricted, indeterminately large, member-
ship ; e.g. the class of nouns or verbs in a language. In terms of this
distinction we can say that grammatical items belong to closed sets,
and lexical items to open sets. This definition corresponds quite
well with the traditional distinction between the major parts of speech,
on the one hand, and the minor parts of speech and secondary gram-
matical categories, on the other. Unlike a number of other definitions
that have been suggested, it is not restricted to languages of one
morphological 'type' (e.g. 'inflecting' languages: cf. 5.3.6). For the
moment, we will assume that it is correct, and that on the basis of the
distinction between closed and open sets all the elements introduced
into the deep structure of sentences can be classified as either
'grammatical' or 'lexical'. The question that now arises is whether
there is any difference, in principle, between the meaning of gram-
matical and lexical items.
The first point to notice is that lexical items are traditionally said
to have both 'lexical' and 'grammatical meaning' (both 'material'
and 'formal meaning': cf. 9.5.1). To employ the terminology of
scholastic, 'speculative' grammar: a particular lexical item, e.g. cowy
not only 'signifies' a particular 'concept' (the 'material', or 'lexical',
meaning of the item in question), but it does so according to a
particular 'mode of signifying', e.g. as a 'substance', a 'quality',
an 'action', etc. (cf. 1.2.7, 7-1-1)- Although linguists rarely express
themselves in these terms nowadays, this general conception of the
difference between the ' lexical' and ' grammatical' meaning of lexical
items is still current. Moreover, it would seem to have a certain
For example, there is a well-known poem by Lermontov, which
begins: Beleet parus odinokij... This is difficult, if not impossible, to
translate into English, because it depends for its effect upon the fact
that in Russian 'being white' can be 'expressed' by means of a
'verb* (as in belyj = 'white', which in temporally, aspectually and
modally unmarked sentences would be employed, normally, without
'the verb to be\ cf. 7.6.3). Parus odinokij is translatable as 'a lonely
sail' (parus being the noun, and odinokij an 'adjective'). In traditional
terms, the 'verb' represents 'being white' as a 'process' or 'activity',
the 'adjective' as a 'quality' or 'state'. The difference between the
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choice of the * verb' rather than the 'adjective' in the present instance
can be brought out in English only by means of a rather inadequate
circumlocution, such as 'There is a lonely sail which stands out
(or even, 'shines forth') white (against the background of the sea
or sky). . .'. Problems of this nature are familiar enough in trans-
lating from one language to another. We are here concerned with
the theoretical question: can one say that there is a particular ' gram-
matical meaning' associated with each of the major parts of speech?
We have already seen that the difference between the 'verb' and
the 'adjective' in general syntactic theory is a complex matter: in
some languages, no such distinction can be drawn at all; in others,
there are many syntactic features associated with the distinction, and
they may be in conflict in particular instances (cf. 7.6.4). But the
principal criterion, and the one which reflects the traditional distinc-
tion between 'activity' and 'quality', is the aspectual distinction
between 'dynamic' and 'static' (cf. 8.4.7). In Russian this difference
of 'grammatical meaning' is 'superimposed' upon the 'lexical
meaning' which is common to both the 'verb' beletj and the 'adjec-
tive' belyj. To this extent, the traditional theory of the 'modes of
signifying' is correct: it must be reformulated, of course, within a
more satisfactory theory of syntactic structure.
At the same time, one must not lose sight of the general principle
that 'having meaning implies choice'. If the language that is being
described allows the option of either a 'verbal' or an 'adjectival'
expression (to restrict ourselves to the distinction illustrated), then
the employment of either the one or the other comes within the
scope of the semantic analysis of the language. One may then ask
whether the two 'modes' of expression have the same meaning or
not; and, if they differ in meaning, one may go on to ask how they
differ semantically. If this difference can be referred to some deep-
structure grammatical distinction (e.g. 'dynamic' v. 'static'), it
is appropriately called 'grammatical meaning'. But this does not
imply that the selection of a 'verb' rather than an 'adjective' is
always associated with a difference of 'grammatical meaning'. In
many instances, a particular 'lexical meaning' is necessarily associ-
ated with one, rather than another, part of speech. In short, on this
question, as on many others, linguistic theory should strike a balance
between 'notional' and 'formal' grammar (cf. 7.6.1). It should not
be maintained that 'denoting an activity' is part of the 'meaning'
of every 'verb' or 'denoting a quality' part of the 'meaning' of
every 'adjective'.
15 LIT
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Lexical items are traditionally said to have both ' lexical' (' material')
and 'grammatical' ('formal') meaning. Grammatical items are
generally described as having only 'grammatical' meaning. In the
previous chapter, we saw that a certain number of items that occur in
the surface structure of sentences as * verbs' can be interpreted as the
' lexical realizations' of aspectual, causative and other * grammatical'
distinctions. Whether these suggestions were correct or not is a
question that we may leave on one side. In the present state of
syntactic theory, the distinction between grammatical and lexical
items is somewhat indeterminate. The reason is that the distinction
between open and closed sets of alternatives can only be applied with
respect to the positions of' choice' in the deep structure of sentences;
and, as we have seen, there is considerable room for disagreement as to
where these positions of 'choice' are.
The main point that must be made here is that there seems to be
no essential difference between the 'kind of meaning' associated with
lexical items and the ' kind of meaning' associated with grammatical
items in those cases where the distinction between these two classes of
deep-structure elements can be drawn. The notions of 'sense' and
'reference' are applicable to both. If there is any generalization that
can be made about the meaning of grammatical elements (and it will
be recalled that certain 'purely grammatical' elements have no
meaning: cf. 8.4.1), it would seem to be that grammatical 'choices'
have to do with the general notions of spatial and temporal reference,
causation, process, individuation, etc.notions of the kind that were
discussed in chapters 7 and 8. However, we cannot assume in advance
that such notions, even if they are clearly identifiable, will necessarily
be ' grammaticalized', rather than ' lexicalized', in the structure of any
particular language.
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(cf. 8.3.6, 8.4.7). This same 'verb' serves, like do, as a 'pro-verb' in
interrogative sentences. A question like What are you doing? carries
fewer presuppositions about the 'predicate' in the sentence which
answers it (the verb can be transitive or intransitive, but it must be
an 'action' verb: cf. 7.6.4). By contrast, What are you making? pre-
supposes that the ' activity' in question is ' resultative' and has, as its
aim or term, the 'existence' of some 'object'. This difference, it
should be noticed, is not so striking in a number of European
languages as it is in English. (For example, Qu'est-ce que tu fais?,
in French, might be translated as either 'What are you doing?' or
'What are you making?'.) But this does not mean that the difference
between 'ordinary' objects and 'objects of result' is irrelevant in
these languages.
The importance of this notion of ' existential causative' lies in the
fact that there is frequently a high degree of interdependence between
a particular verb, or class of verbs, and a particular noun, or class of
nouns, in sentences that manifest the 'object of result' construction.
For example, no satisfactory semantic analysis of the noun picture
could be given which did not state its syntagmatic relationship with
such verbs as paint and draw; conversely, the fact that these verbs
may take the noun picture as an 'object of result' is to be stated as
part of their meaning.
This notion of syntagmatic interdependence, or presupposition, is
of considerable importance in the analysis of the vocabulary of any
language (cf. 9.4.3). It is of far wider applicability than can be
illustrated here. There are presuppositions holding between particular
classes of nouns and verbs, where the noun is the subject of the verb
(e.g. bird:fly,fish:swim); between 'adjectives' and nouns (blond: hair,
addled: egg); between verbs and 'ordinary' objects (drive: car);
between verbs and nouns in an 'instrumental' relationship (bite:
teeth, kick: foot); and so on. Many of these relationships between
particular classes of lexical items cannot be stated, except by means of
an ad hoc set of 'projection rules', within the framework of trans-
formational syntax outlined by Chomsky.
Since there is as yet no fully satisfactory syntactic framework
within which to state the various sense-relations in terms of which the
vocabulary of languages are structured, we shall make no attempt to
formulate a set of 'projection rules' operating upon deep-structure
grammatical relations. In the following chapter, we shall discuss a
number of particularly important paradigmatic relations between
classes of lexical items; and we shall do so in a fairly informal way.
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We assume that these relations could be stated more elegantly on the
basis of a more satisfactory account of deep-structure grammatical
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not apply to corresponding declarative and interrogative or impera-
tive sentences (e.g. You are writing the letter v. Are you writing the
letter? or Write the letter). Although corresponding members of
different * sentence-types * can be said to differ in ' meaning', they
cannot be said to differ in sense. There is no point in trying to
formalize the theory of semantics in such a way that the * meaning*
of a 'question-marker* or * imperative-marker' can be described in
the same terms as the 'meaning* of lexical items.
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John Lyons
10.1 Introductory
i o. i. i The priority of sense-relations
In this chapter we shall be concerned with the notion of sense (as
distinct from both reference and application: cf. 9.4.1-9.4.8). We have
already seen that the vocabulary of a language will contain a number
of lexical systems the semantic structure of which can be described in
terms of paradigmatic and syntagmatic sense-relations; and we have
stressed that these relations are to be defined as holding between lexical
items and not between independently-determined senses (cf. 9.4.2).
This last point is of considerable theoretical and methodological
importance. It is one of the cardinal principles of 'structuralism', as
developed by de Saussure and his followers, that every linguistic item
has its 'place' in a system and its function, or value, derives from the
relations which it contracts with other units in the system (cf. 2.2.2-
2.2.9). Acceptance of the structural approach in semantics has the
advantage that it enables the linguist to avoid commitment on the
controversial question of the philosophical and psychological status
of 'concepts' or 'ideas' (cf. 9.2.6). As far as the empirical investi-
gation of the structure of language is concerned, the sense of a lexical
item may be defined to be, not only dependent upon, but identical
with, the set of relations which hold between the item in question and
other items in the same lexical system. The nature of these sense-
relations will be discussed in this chapter.
The methodological significance of the structural approach to the
definition of sense may be illustrated by means of a comparison with
the proposal made by Russell and other modern logicians for the
definition of such notions as length, weight, shape, etc. In traditional
logic the question 'Is x the same length as y}' was generally inter-
preted as if it were secondary to and dependent upon questions of
a quite different logical structure: 'What is the length of #?' and
'What is the length of yV (length being conceived as a property that
objects might have more or less of). In practice, the length of an object
is determined by comparing it with some conventional standard.
[443 ]
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When we say, for example, that x is exactly one metre long, we are
asserting that if it were compared with the platinum-iridium bar kept
at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, x would be
found to be equal in length to the distance between the two lines
marked on the bar (the fact that since i960 the metre is internationally
defined by means of more complex, but more reliable, physical
measurements does not affect the point being made). In other words,
the question 'What is the length of #?' is answered by means of a
procedure which yields an answer to a question of the form 'Is x
the same length as zV (z being the standard). Given two objects
x and y, we can compare them directly with one another or in-
directly by reference to some third object z (the platinum-iridium
bar in Paris, a ruler that has been calibrated in accordance with some
agreed standard of measurement, etc.). In either case, 'What is the
length of xV is dependent upon, and indeed reducible to, a set of
questions of the form 'Is x the same length asjy?' There is no other
way, empirically, of determining the length of x\ this being so, Russell
proposed that length should in fact be defined in terms of the relation
'having the same length as*. (We need not go into the details of
Russell's formulation of the definition here. The general principle is
independent of this.)
Just as ' having the same length' is a relation which holds between
two objects (and not between the 'lengths' inherent in them), so
'having the same sense'or synonymyis a relation which holds
between two lexical items (and not between the 'senses' associated
with them in the minds of the speakers: cf. 9.2.6). The definition of
sense is far more complex than the definition of length (or weight,
etc.) since there is more than the relation of sameness and difference
involved. But there would seem to be no more reason to postulate a
set of ' senses' associated with the lexical items in a system than there
is to postulate a set of 'lengths' inherent in physical objects. The
question 'What is the sense of #?' (and the answer to this question, it
will be recalled, is only one part of the answer to the question ' What
is the meaning of #?') is methodologically reducible to a set of
questions each of which is relational: 'Does sense-relation J?^ hold
between x and yV
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ments. This distinction may be put as follows: a synthetic statement
is one which is true 'contingently'as a matter of empirical fact
which might have been otherwise; an analytic statement is one that is
necessarily' true, and its truth is guaranteed by (i) the sense of its
constituent elements and (ii) the syntactical rules of the language. To
take a standard example: the sentence All bachelors are unmarried
might be regarded as analytic on the grounds that bachelor and un-
married are semantically-related in such a way that the truth of the
sentence is guaranteed.
The validity of the notion of analyticity is open to dispute; and it is
possible that it is philosophically indefensible in the form in which it is
generally discussed. Fortunately, the semantic analysis of language as
it is used in everyday discourse need not wait upon the solution of the
philosophical problems attaching to the distinction between con-
tingent and necessary truth. What the linguist requires is a pragmatic
concept of analyticityone which gives theoretical recognition to the
tacit presuppositions and assumptions in the speech-community and
takes no account of their validity within some other frame of reference
assumed to be absolute or linguistically and culturally neutral. It was for
this purpose that we introduced earlier the notion of the restricted con-
text. Any statements that are made in this chapter about the semantic
relations that hold between sentences by virtue of the sense of the
lexical items in them are to be interpreted in the light of this notion.
Sense-relations are stateable within a framework which includes the
notion of implication. This notion may be introduced here by way of
the prior concepts of explicit assertion and denial. We will assume
that in all languages it is possible to establish rules of correspondence
between affirmative and negative sentences; and that the corres-
pondence between a particular affirmative and a particular negative
sentence is accounted for by the grammar of the language. Thus the
negative sentence John is not married corresponds to the affirmative
sentence John is married. We will now say that a negative sentence
explicitly denies whatever is explicitly asserted by the corresponding
affirmative sentence; and on the basis of this notion of explicit
assertion and denial we can construct the semantically more interesting
notion of implicit assertion and denial, or implication. One sentence,
S-L, is said to imply another, S2symbolically, Sx => S2if speakers
of the language agree that it is not possible to assert explicitly Sx and
to deny explicitly S2. And Sx implicitly denies S2S1 implies not
S2:S1 => ~ S2if it is agreed that the explicit assertion of Sx makes
impossible, without contradiction, the explicit assertion of *S2.
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It should be stressed that implication, in the sense in which it has
been defined here, is in principle objectively testable. This does not
mean of course that all speakers will necessarily agree that one sentence
implies another. As we have already seen, what is normally meant by
'understanding* utterances can be quite well accounted for without
making the assumption that all speakers of a language will draw from
a given utterance exactly the same set of implications (cf. 9.2.9).
What may be assumed is that there is a sufficiently large overlap in the
implications that hold for different speakers to prevent misunder-
standing in the majority of instances in which they communicate with
one another. Semantic theory must allow for a certain degree of
indeterminacy in the number and nature of the implications that hold
between the sentences of a language.
10.2 Synonymy
10.2.1 A stricter and a looser sense of 'synonymy'
One may distinguish a stricter and a looser interpretation of the term
'synonymy*. According to the stricter interpretation (which is the
one most commonly found in contemporary semantic theory) two
items are synonymous if they have the same sense. It is this inter-
pretation of synonymy that we shall be discussing in the present
The looser interpretation may be illustrated by means of a quota-
tion from Roget's Thesaurus: 'Suppose we take the word " n i c e " . . .
Under it [in the Index] we will see.. .various synonyms representing
different shades of meaning of the word "nice".' The 'synonyms'
given for nice in the Index are savoury, discriminative, exact, good,
pleasing, fastidious and honourable. Each of these words itself appears
in one of the lists of ' synonyms* in the main body of the text. For
instance, turning to the section in which pleasing occurs we find ' an
array of literally dozens of equivalents... expressing every possible
shade of meaning*. So too for good, exact, etc. The thesaurus there-
fore provides us with ' an array of hundreds of words and expressions
which are at our disposal to use instead of.. ."nice" with which we
started*. All these words and expressions are 'synonymous* with nice
under the looser interpretation of the notion of synonymy.
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slightest change either in cognitive or emotive import.' The two
conditions for 'total synonymy* are therefore (i) inter changeability in
all contexts, and (ii) identity in both cognitive and emotive import.
We will discuss the validity of the distinction between ' cognitive' and
'emotive' sense presently. For the moment we may take it for
The condition of interchangeability in all contexts reflects the
common assumption that words are never synonymous in any
context unless they can occur (and have the same sense) in all
contexts. We have already referred to and rejected this assumption
(9.4.2). Like all sense-relations, synonymy is context-dependent: we
will return to this point. The main objection to the definition of
synonymy proposed by Ullmann (and others) is that it combines two
radically different criteria and prejudges the question of their inter-
dependence. It will be helpful to introduce a terminological distinc-
tion at this point. Granted the validity of a distinction between
'cognitive' and 'emotive' sense, we may use the term complete
synonymy for equivalence of both cognitive and emotive sense; and
we may restrict the term total synonymy to those synonyms (whether
complete or not) which are interchangeable in all contexts. This
scheme of classification allows for four possible kinds of synonymy
(assuming that only two values are attributed to each of the variables):
(1) complete and total synonymy; (2) complete, but not total; (3)
incomplete, but total; (4) incomplete, and not total. It is complete
and total synonymy that most semanticists have in mind when they
talk of 'real' (or 'absolute') synonymy. It is undoubtedly true that
there are very few such synonyms in language. And little purpose is
served by defining a notion of ' absolute' synonymy which is based
on the assumption that complete equivalence and total interchange-
ability are necessarily connected. Once we accept that they are not, and
at the same time abandon the traditional view that synonymy is a
matter of the identity of two independently-determined 'senses', the
whole question becomes much more straightforward.
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10.2. SYNONYMY 449
the other. One of the points that is frequently emphasized, both in
technical treatments of semantics and also in the more popular works
on the subject, is the importance of 'emotive' factors in linguistic
behaviour. It is often said that, by contrast with the vocabulary of
scientific and technical discourse, the words of 'everyday language'
are charged with emotional 'associations', or 'connotations', over
and above their primary, purely 'intellectual' meaning.
There is no need to discuss here the psychological validity of the
distinction between the various mental 'faculties' upon which the
semantic distinction of 'cognitive' and 'non-cognitive' meaning was
originally based. The term 'cognitive' meaning is employed by many
scholars who would not necessarily subscribe to the view that the
'intellectual' is sharply distinct from the 'affective'. As far as the
actual use of language is concerned, it is undoubtedly true that one
word may be preferred to another because of its different emotive or
evocative associations. But the extent to which this is of importance
varies considerably from one style or situation to another. For
instance, Ullmann cites as examples of English words which are
cognitively, but not emotively, synonymous liberty: freedom, hide:
conceal. It is not difficult to think of occasions when a speaker or
writer might deliberately use one rather than the other of these
synonyms and make his choice on the basis of these ' connotations'
which the words are likely to evoke. But there are also many contexts
in which either one or the other might be used without any notice-
able difference of effect. It would be wrong to assume that the
emotive connotations of a word are always relevant to its employment.
A more important point is the following. The distinction between
'cognitive' and 'non-cognitive' synonymy is drawn in various ways
by different authors. But in all cases it is 'cognitive' synonymy w7hich
is defined first. No one ever talks of words as being 'emotively', but
not 'cognitively synonymous'. This fact of itself would be sufficient
to suggest that 'emotive', or 'affective', is being used as a catch-all
term to refer to a number of quite distinct factors which may influence
the selection of synonyms on particular occasions or in particular
contexts. What is required is an account of these factors in terms
appropriate to them. No useful purpose is served by employing the
undoubtedly relevant category of 'emotive' (or 'affective') connota-
tions for anything that does not come within the scope of ' cognitive'
Some of the factors which influence or determine our choice between
' cognitively' synonymous words and expressions have nothing to do
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with sense, reference or anything else that might reasonably be called
'meaning'. Many people deliberately refrain from using the same
word more than once in the same utterance, if they can avoid it.
Others consciously or unconsciously follow the practice of choosing a
shorter word in preference to a longer word, a more 'everyday' wTord
rather than a 'learned' word, an 'Anglo-Saxon' word instead of a
Latin, Greek or Romance word, and so on. In writing verse, the
particular phonological constraints imposed by the metre or rhyme
introduce yet other non-semantic factors.
There are also factors which, though they might well be described
as 'semantic', have to do with the situational or stylistic acceptability
of particular forms rather than with their sense or reference. We have
already seen that there are many 'dimensions' of acceptability that
would need to be accounted for in a complete description of linguistic
behaviour (cf. 4.2.3). We will say no more about these other determi-
nants of full acceptability here, since we are concerned with the more
general principles of semantic structure. It seems preferable to
restrict the term 'synonymy' to what many semanticists have
described as ' cognitive synonymy'. This is the convention that we will
adopt for the remainder of this chapter. As a consequence we shall
have no further use for the distinction between ' complete' and ' in-
complete' synonymy.
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10.2. SYNONYMY 451
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10.2. SYNONYMY 453
It is important to realize that the contextual determination of a
lexical item may be probabilistic rather than absolute. For instance,
the substitution of buy for get in Til go to the shop and get some bread
would not generally be held to introduce any additional implications:
buy and get would normally be taken as synonymous in this context.
The standard conventions and presuppositions of the society are such
that, unless there is some evidence to suggest the contrary, it will be
assumed that what is obtained from a shop is obtained by purchase.
At the same time, it must be admitted that get is not necessarily
synonymous with buy (even with the syntagmatic support of from the
shop). The example also illustrates the further point that there is no
sharp distinction to be drawn between the probabilistic determination
of synonymy by other lexical items in the same utterance and the
determination of synonymy by the features of the situation in which
the utterance occurs. If one says Pmjust going to get some bread as one
steps into a shop, the context-dependent synonymy of get and buy is no
weaker than it would be if the words from the shop occurred in the utter-
ance. Not only is it no weaker, it is no different in kind, since the same
set of cultural presuppositions determine the implications in both cases.
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included in the class of entities that may be truly described as red;
and so on. It will be observed that this formulation of the relationship
of * inclusion' rests upon the notion of reference (since it operates with
classes of 'entities' which are named by lexical items). One reason for
preferring to introduce the new technical term 'hyponymy* is simply
that it leaves 'inclusion* free for the theory of reference and its
formalization in terms of class-logic. We have already seen that it is
desirable to draw a theoretical distinction between sense and
reference. It is important to realize that hyponymy, as a relation of
sense which holds between lexical items, applies to non-referring
terms in precisely the same way as it applies to terms that have
A more important reason for preferring to use an alternative to
'inclusion* is that 'inclusion* is somewhat ambiguous. From one
point of view, a more general term is more 'inclusive* than a more
specific termflower is more inclusive than tulipsince it refers to a
wider class of things. But from another point of view, the more
specific term is more ' inclusive*tulip is more inclusive than flower
since it carries more 'bits' of information, more 'components* of
'meaning* (cf. 2.4.3, 10.5.1). The difference in the point of view
from which one may consider' inclusion * corresponds to the difference,
in traditional logic and in certain theories of semantics, between the
extension and the intension of a term. The extension of a term is the
class of entities to which the term is applicable or refers; the intension
of a term is the set of attributes which characterize any entity to
which the term is correctly applied. Extension and intension vary
inversely in relation to one another: the greater the extension of a
term, the less its intension; and conversely. For example, the extension
oi flower is greater than that of tulip, since the former term refers to
more things; on the other hand, the intension of tulip is greater than
that of flower, since the characterization or definition of tulips must
make reference to a wider set of attributes than those which suffice
to characterize flowers. It may be mentioned in passing that certain
semanticists, notably Carnap, have attempted to draw the distinction
between sense and reference in terms of the logical distinction
between intension and extension. We have taken the view that the
difference between sense and reference is of a quite different order
(cf. 9.2.2, 9.4.1, 9.4.2). Confusion is avoided by the employment of a
neutral, non-metaphorical term like 'hyponymy*. We will say that
scarlet, crimson, vermilion, etc., are co-hyponyms of red, and tulip,
violet, rose, etc. co-hyponyms oi flower. Conversely, we will say that
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red is super ordinate with respect to its hyponyms (the more obvious
Greek-based term 'hyperonym' is not sufficiently distinct acousti-
cally from 'hyponym' in English).
Hyponymy may be denned in terms of unilateral implication. (For
instance, X is scarlet will be taken to imply X is red; but the converse
implication does not generally hold.) In the most typical instances, a
sentence containing a superordinate term will imply either (i) the
disjunction of sentences each containing a different member of a set
of co-hyponyms, or (ii) a sentence in which the co-hyponyms are
semantically ' co-ordinated', as it were. Both of these possibilities may
be illustrated with / bought someflowers.This sentence might imply
the disjunction of I bought some tulips, I bought some roses, I bought
some violets, etc. (By 'disjunction* in this context is meant the choice
of one from a set of alternatives: if p implies the disjunction of q,
r and s, then/) implies either q or r or s.) It might also imply a sentence
like / bought some roses and some tulips, or / bought some violets and some
tulips, etc. It is of course one of the most convenient features of the
principle of hyponymy that it is enables us to be more general or
more specific according to circumstances. It would be quite in-
appropriate to say that someflowersis either imprecise or ambiguous (as
between 'some roses', 'some tulips', etc., on the one hand, and 'some
roses and some tulips', 'a rose and some tulips', etc. on the other).
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be defined also as reflexive: every lexical item is substitutable for, and
is synonymous with, itself in the same context. (Synonymy is there-
fore an equivalence-relation in the mathematical sense of this term.)
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the culture in which the language operates and in which it serves as
the principal medium for communication. It is a truism that words
referring to artefacts cannot be defined except in relation to the
purpose or normal function of the objects they refer to: e.g. school,
'a building where children are taught', house, 'a building where
people live'. But this is true of the vocabulary as a whole, which is not
only * anthropocentric' (organized according to general human
interests and values), but 'culture-bound* (reflecting the more
particular institutions and practices of different cultures). Part of
what I have referred to as the semantic anisomorphism of different
languages (cf. 2.2.1) is accounted for by the fact that individual
languages vary considerably in the extension of 'roughly equivalent*
terms. It is often possible to identify (in terms of their application:
cf. 9.4.8) the hyponyms of a certain term in one language with
lexical items in another language without being able to find an
equivalent for the superordinate term. As an instance of this pheno-
menon, we may consider the word demiourgds in Greek.
Among the hyponyms of demiourgos (which is usually translated as
'craftsman', 'artisan') we find a large number of terms, including
tdkton, iatros, auletes, skutotomos, kubernttes. For each of these there is
a satisfactory English equivalent for the purpose of translating the
works of the classical authors: 'carpenter', 'doctor', 'flute-player',
'shoemaker', 'helmsman'. But there exists no word in English that is
superordinate to all the translation-equivalents of demiourgos without
being also superordinate to other words that are not translation-
equivalents of demiourgos. The distinction between arts, crafts, trades,
professions, and so on, is not relevant to the meaning of demiourgos.
Anyone who had a culturally-recognized occupation which required
specialized knowledge or training was a demiourgos. The meaning of
this word can only be described in terms of its hyponyms and in
terms of the sense-relations it bears to other words in Greek (in
particular, to the verb epistasthai, ' to know (as a result of study or
training)'). In fact, the translation of many of its hyponyms rests
implicitly upon the decision to treat certain classes of people and their
'professional' activities as culturally-equivalent. We identify the
application of the English word doctor and the Greek word iatros by
virtue of our decision to treat the cultural, or social, function of those
denoted by these words as equivalent; and this decision involves the
tacit recognition that many of the activities characteristic of the
'doctor' and the 'iatros' are culture-bound and irrelevant to what we
regard as their 'culture-invariant' function. All translation from one
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language to another involves decisions of this kind. It is a sound
methodological principle that sense is not held invariant in trans-
lation (so that there is no synonymy between words of different
languages) but a greater or less degree of equivalence in the * appli-
cation* of words. And at the present time semantic theory can do
little more than appeal to the bilingual speaker for intuitive judge-
ments of equivalence in the area of 'cultural overlap' (cf. 9.4.7).
10.3.5 Incompatibility
Incompatibility can be defined on the basis of the relationship of
contradictoriness between sentences. If one sentence, Sly explicitly or
implicitly denies another sentence, S2, then Sx and S2 are contra-
dictory (Sx and S2 are explicitly contradictory if S negates S2
syntactically, otherwise they are implicitly contradictory: cf. 10.1.2).
If S2 and Sx are implicitly contradictory sentences of identical deep-
syntactic structure, and if they differ only in that where one has the
lexical item x the other has y, then x and y are incompatible.
To take a simple, and familiar, example from the colour-terms in
English. If someone says Mary was wearing a red hat, this will be
understood as implicitly denying Mary was wearing a green (blue
white, yellozv, etc.) hat. And the substitution of any one of the terms
in the set green, blue, white, yellow, etc., for red would also be taken as
implying the denial of Mary was wearing a red hat. The colour-terms
therefore form a set of incompatible lexical items.
This is obvious enough. What has not always been quite so clear to
semanticists is the fact that the incompatibility of red, green, etc., is
not a secondary consequence of the sense which each of them has
(independently as it were) but is necessarily involved in learning and
knowing the sense of each of the terms in the set. As we have already
seen, the colour-terms taken together exhaust a referential continuum;
and learning where to draw the boundaries within the continuum for
a particular term, say blue, is dependent upon the knowledge that on
either side of the boundary is 'not blue' (cf. 9.4.5). In principle, it is
perhaps conceivable that the reference of one of the colours could be
learned without knowing the items referring to the areas of the
continuum beyond the boundaries of 'blue' (i.e. by contrasting blue
explicitly with not.. .blue). One could conceive of the language being
learned in an environment which did not provide instances of colour
at all 'points' in the continuum. But in practice, one may assume, the
reference and sense of the most common colour-terms is learned more
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or less simultaneously, with continual adjustment of the boundaries
until they approximate to the norm for the speech-community. Further
lexical differentiation is then possible on the basis of hyponymy,
red being 'subdivided* into crimson, scarlet, and so on. But the further
differentiation will vary considerably as between individual speakers.
Those whose profession or interests require them to draw more
numerous distinctions of colour will develop a very rich colour-
terminology. But they will do so subsequently to the acquisition of the
'grosser* distinctions characteristic of the non-specialized vocabu-
lary of the community as a whole.
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sealing wax or cabbage and king) which semantically have nothing in
common other than the fact that they denote physical entities, there
is little point in distinguishing between incompatibility and difference
of sense. It is in the case of sets of lexical items which give structure to
a continuum that the relation of incompatibility is of crucial im-
portance in both the learning and the U9e of language. And it would
be a mistake to think that the distinction between incompatibility
and mere difference does not apply at all to the lexical classification
of words which denote persons, animals and physical objects. One
has only to think of such sets as tree, shrub, bush, etc., to see that the
distinction is of importance here also.
One final point should be made in connexion with the notions of
hyponymy and incompatibility. We have repeatedly stressed the
principle that the same semantic distinctions can be made either para-
digmatically or syntagmatically. To give yet another example,
English draws a paradigmatic distinction between brother and sister.
Turkish does not: the word karde is ' unmarked * with respect to the
distinction of sex, but may be * marked' by syntagmatic modification
if one wishes to make clear the sex of the person referred to:
kizkardes, * sister' (' girl-brother', as it were). Other languages make
a paradigmatic distinction between 'eldest son', 'younger son', etc.
10.4.2 Complementarity
The first relation of' oppositeness' to be discussed is that which holds
between such pairs of words as single: married, male: female, etc. We
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will use the term complementarity for this, saying that single and
married, or male and female, are complementaries. It is characteristic
of such pairs of lexical items that the denial of the one implies the
assertion of the other and the assertion of the one implies the denial
of the other: ~x => y andjy ==> ~x. Thus, John isn't married implies
John is single \ and John is married implies John is not single. In the
case of those pairs for which we are reserving the term * antonymy'
(e.g. good: bad, high: low), only the second of these implications holds:
y z> ^x. John is good implies the denial of John is bad; but John is
not good does not imply the assertion of John is bad.
Complementarity may be regarded as a special case of incompati-
bility holding over two-term sets. The assertion of one member of a
set of incompatible terms implies the denial of each of the other
members in the set taken separately (red implies ~blue, ~ green,
etc.); and the denial of one member of a set of incompatible terms
implies the assertion of the disjunction of all the other members
(~red implies either green or blue or...). In a two-term set of in-
compatible terms, there is only one other member. Conjunction and
disjunction therefore fall together: * both y and z' and * either y or z'
amount to the same thing \iy and z have the same value. And from
this fact there follow the particular conditions of complementarity
mentioned above. It would be erroneous, however, to suppose that
complementarity is merely the limiting case of incompatibility with
the set of incompatible terms reduced, accidentally as it were, to two.
Dichotomization is a very important principle in the semantic
structure of language. We will take up this point below.
Everything that has been said so far about complementarity and
the implications between lexical items which determine thi9 relation
presupposes the applicability of the complementary terms. The use
of the dichotomous terms married and single presupposes the ap-
plicability of whatever might be the culturally accepted criteria of
' marriageability \ John isn't married is hardly less anomalous semanti-
cally than The stone isn't married, if the person referred to as John is
not in fact 'marriageable' (by virtue of age and other criteria).
A further point should be noticed in connexion with comple-
mentary terms. Although it is normally the case that the denial of the
one implies the assertion of the other and the assertion of the one
implies the the denial of the other, it is generally possible to ' cancel'
either or both of these implications. But this fact should not be
taken as sufficient to invalidate the normal usage of complementary
terms. The point may be made more clearly perhaps by taking the
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complementaries male and female as illustrative of the general prin-
ciple of * normality* as it is intended to be understood here. Granted the
applicability of the distinction of sex, there is a first-level, normal
dichotomy into male and female; and this dichotomy reflects the
assumption that a number of different biological and behavioural
characteristics will 'normally* be associated in the same person or
animal. There are, however, many cases where the dichotomous
classification is unsatisfactory either biologically or behaviourally,
and then the terms hermaphrodite or homosexual are available to take
account of these 'abnormalities'. Most of the complementary terms
in the everyday vocabulary of languages would seem to operate in the
same way within the framework of the relevant presuppositions,
beliefs and conventions subsumed under the notion of 'restricted
context* (cf. 9.3.9). As Moravcsik has pointed out, in a paper devoted
to the discussion of the philosophical distinction of the analytic and
the synthetic, it is not difficult to think of circumstances in which one
might wish to assert of the same person that he was both a bachelor
and married (or neither single nor married). This situation might arise,
if the person in question was not in fact married according to the law
and customs of the society, but nevertheless lived and behaved in a
way characteristic of people to whom the term married is applied
'normally* (living regularly with one woman, having children by her
and maintaining a home, etc.). The fact that it is possible to 'cancel'
some of the implications of the first-level dichotomous classification
means that in such cases the implications can only be regarded as
'normally*, and not 'absolutely*, analytic. But this principle holds for
sense-relations in general.
Not only is it possible to conceive of situations in which the
assertion of one term does not necessarily imply the denial of its
complementary, but it is also possible to qualify a complementary
term, 'abnormally*, with more or less. One can say, for instance, that
one person is more married than someone else (implying that his
behaviour is more typical of what is 'normally* characteristic of
married men). This is perhaps unusual, but it is a possibility which
semantic theory should allow for. What is involved is the qualifi-
cation of one or more of the presuppositions which determine the
'normal* interpretation of the term in question. However, in their
'normal* usage complementary terms are not qualifiable, or gradable,
in this way.
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10.4.3 Antonymy
The relation to which we are giving the name antonymy (to the
exclusion of other kinds of 'oppositeness') may be exemplified by the
terms big and small in English. It is characteristic of antonyms of this
class, 'opposites' par excellence, that they are regularly gradable.
Grading (in the sense in which the term is being employed hereit is
borrowed from Sapir, to whom we shall refer presently) is bound up
with the operation of comparison. The comparison may be explicit or
implicit. Explicitly comparative sentences fall into two types, (i) Two
things may be compared with respect to a particular * property', and
this i property' predicated of the one in a greater degree than it is of
the other: e.g. Our house is bigger than yours. (2) Two States' of the
same thing may be compared with respect to the * property* in
question: e.g. Our house is bigger than it used to be. Actual utterances
(taken out of context) may be ambiguous as between the two types of
explicit comparison: e.g. Our house is bigger, which is presumably
derived from a sentence of either one type or the other by the deletion
of the phrase or clause introduced by than. But they are still explicitly
comparative, and can only be interpreted if the other term of the
comparison is recoverable from the context.
Both types of explicit comparison may be combined in the same
sentence: e.g. Our house is bigger than yours used to be, He is taller than
his father was. But the semantic interpretation of these more complex
comparative sentences does not seem to introduce any additional
problems. In fact, each of the two simpler types of explicit comparison
may be subsumed under a more general formula which also covers the
more complex sentences:
Comp {([NP,, xjT. + M^ + A J ([NP* *]T,. + M, + An)}
In this formula, iNPi stands for * noun-phrase' (denoting the thing
or things being compared), 'x' stands for the particular lexical item
which is graded (in English, this is generally realized with the suffix
~er, e.g. bigger, or with the word more preceding the uninflected
adjective, e.g. more beautiful), *T' stands for * tense', ' M ' for 'mood'
and 'A' for 'aspect'. The subscripts distinguish the different values
which may be assumed by the noun-phrase and by the markers of
tense, mood and aspect. In terms of the formula, the sentence Our
house is bigger than yours used to be might be analysed as:
Comp {{[Our house, big]Tn(m.past
0 + \ ) ([Your house, big]Tpasi + M0 + Ahabi(ual)}
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This analysis is not definitive, but merely illustrative of the variable
factors involved. As we have already seen, the analysis of tense, mood
and aspect in English is a complicated matter (cf. 7.5.8). For simplicity
of exposition, we have shown tense, mood and aspect as independent
variables in the formula: from the syntactic point of view this is quite
unsatisfactory, but it does not affect the point being made here. The
subscript o ('zero*) indicates the 'unmarked* term in a category;
the other subscripts are self-explanatory. The corresponding non-
comparative sentences are Our house is big (modally and aspectually
unmarked and non-past) and Your house used to be big (modally un-
marked, habitual in aspect and past). The reason why the semantic
analysis of the comparative sentence Our house is bigger than yours used
to be does not proceed by way of a prior semantic analysis of the
syntactically-embedded sentences Our house is big and Your house is
big will occupy us presently.
In the case of our model sentence, Our house is bigger than yours
used to bey the two noun-phrases are different (NP1 does not equal
NP2) and so are the values of T and A (Tt * T, and Am =J= An).
The two simpler types of explicit comparison can be derived from
the formula by imposing a condition of identity either between NPX
and NP2 or between i and j \ k and /, and m and n. In Our house is
bigger than yours the second, but not the first, identity holds (i = j \
k = I and m = n, but NPX 4= NP2). In Our house is bigger than it
used to be it is the other way round (NP1 = NP2; but, although k = /,
i 4= j and m 4= n). If both identities hold simultaneously the result
is of course a contradictory sentence: Our house is bigger than it is.
Given this formal framework, we can state the most important
defining characteristic of the relation of antonymy. If x and y are
antonyms, then a comparative sentence containing x of the form
(i) Comp^NP,, x]Ti + Mk + Am) ([NP2, *]T, + M! + An)}
both implies and is implied by a corresponding comparative sentence
containing y:
(ii) Comp {([NP2, y] T, + M, + An) ([NPV y] T, + Mk + A J }
To exemplify: Our house is bigger than yours used to be both implies and
is implied by Your house used to be smaller than ours is; Our house is
bigger than yours implies and is implied by Your house is smaller than
ours; and Our house is bigger than it used to be implies and is implied
by Our house used to be smaller than it is {now). The English words big
and small are therefore antonyms in a range of contexts illustrated by
these sentences.
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'more than' or 'less than* with respect to some implicit norm. Plato
was troubled, for instance, by the fact that, if one asserted of X that
he was * taller than* Y but Shorter than' Z, one appeared to be
committed to the simultaneous predication of the two 'opposite'
qualities ' tallness' and ' shortness' of the same personthat X was
both tall and short. A similar pseudo-problem is exemplified by
sentences such as A small elephant is a large animal If small and large
are regarded as merely incompatible, or complementary, terms, this
sentence should be contradictory (cf. *A male elephant is a female
animal). But it is not; and, however we choose to formalize the rules or
principles of semantic interpretation, what should be formalized by
the rules is quite clear. The implicit' size-norm' for elephants is not
necessarily the same as the implicit' size-norm' for animals taken as a
whole class. The semantic analysis of A small elephant is a large animal
should take something like the following form: 'An elephant which
is small-rather-than-large by comparison with the norm relevant for
elephants is (nevertheless) large-rather-than-small by comparison
with the norm relevant for animals'.
It is because explicitly ungraded antonyms are understood as
implicitly graded with reference to some relevant norm that a
comparative sentence such as Our house is bigger than yours (or Our
house is bigger than yours used to be) cannot be satisfactorily analysed,
from the semantic point of view, on the basis of the analysis of the
syntactically-embedded sentences Our house is big and Your house is
(or used to be) big. A sentence like Our house is big is, semantically, a
comparative: 'Our house is bigger than the normal house.'
The implicit grading of antonyms also accounts for the fact that
there is no contrast between the two members of a particular pair in
'unmarked' questions (and in various other syntactic functions). For
instance, the sentence How big is it? does not presuppose that the
object of the inquiry will be classed as * big' rather than ' small', but is
completely open, or' unmarked', as to the expectations of the inquirer.
It may be regarded as equivalent to ' Is it big or small?'. The question
brings into the discussion a scale recognized by the participants as
relevant and asks that the object be measured, as it were, along this
scale. The first-level measurement is in terms of the dichotomy ' big-
rather-than-smair or 'small-rather-than-big' (by comparison with
the norm). If thefirst-leveldescription as big or small is not sufficiently
precise for the purpose, it is always possible to put the further,
'marked' questions How big is it? or How small is it? (which differ in
stress and intonation from the * unmarked' How big is it?this
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difference is summarized, for the present purpose, in the acute accent
on the word how? in the * marked' questions). The * marked'
questions How big is it? and How small is it? carry with them the pre-
supposition that the object in question has already been placed towards
one end of the scale rather than the other, and seek further specification
of the place of the object on the scale relative to the relevant 'size-
The opposition between antonyms is 'neutralized', not only in
'unmarked' questions of the kind illustrated in the previous para-
graph, but also in various nominalizations: What is the width of the
river? Everything depends upon the height, etc. The nouns narrowness
and lowness would not occur in such contexts. In general, only one of
a pair of antonyms will occur in ' unmarked' contexts {big, high, wide,
good, tall, etc.); and it is worth observing that many of the nominal-
izations of these ' unmarked' forms are irregular in English (cf. big:
size, high: height, wide: width, etc.) by contrast with the less frequent
'marked' forms (small: smallness, low: lowness, narrow: narrowness,
etc.). The fact that the distinction between antonyms is neutralized
in certain syntactic positions contributes, no doubt, to our feeling
that one antonym has a 'positive', and the other a 'negative',
polarity. We tend to say that small things 'lack size', rather than
large things 'lack smallness'. And, in general, the 'unmarked'
antonym is used for what is felt as 'more than', rather than 'less
than', the norm.
10.4.5 Converseness
The third sense-relation which is frequently described in terms of
' oppositeness' is that which holds between buy and sell or husband
and wife. We will use the term converseness to refer to this relation.
The word buy is the converse of sell, and sell is the converse oibuy.
Although antonymy and converseness must be distinguished, there
is a parallelism between the two relations. As NPX bought NP^from
NP2 implies, and is implied by, NP2 sold NPS to NPt so NP1 is bigger
than NP2 implies, and is implied by, NP2 is smaller than NPV In
both cases the lexical substitution of one term for the corresponding
antonym or converse is associated with a syntactic transformation
which permutes the noun-phrase, NPX and NP2, and also carries out
certain other' automatic' changes in the selection of the appropriate pre-
position (or case-inflexion, in other languages). It may be observed that
this ' permutational' feature is also characteristic of the relationship
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between corresponding active and passive sentences: NPX killed
NP2 implies, and is implied by, NP2 was killed by NPV In English
it is possible to form passive sentences in which the 'surface* subject
is identical with the 'indirect object' of the corresponding active
sentence. John's father gave him a book is related semantically to both
(i) John was given a book by his fatherp, and (ii) John received a book from
his father. In many languages (including French, German, Russian,
Latin, etc.) the 'indirect object' cannot be transformed into the
' surface' subject of a passive sentence in this way; and John was given
a book by his father would be translated (to use French for exempli-
fication) as either Le pere de Jean lui a donne un livre ('John's father
gave him a book') or Jean a re$u un livre de son pere ('John received
a book from his father').
The consideration of the verbs for 'marry' in various Indo-
European languages is illuminating from the point of view of the
relation of converseness. (When we say that all these verbs are
'equivalent in meaning' we are, of course, invoking the notion of
'application' and 'cultural overlap': cf. 9.4.8. It is only 'rough'
equivalence anyway, as we shall see.) The English verb marry is
symmetrical, or reciprocal, in that NPX married NP2 implies, and is
implied by, NP2 married NPV (We are not here talking of the transi-
tive, or 'causative', verb exemplified in The priest married them and
They were married by the priest, but of the verb that occurs in such
sentences as John married Jane ox Jane married John.) In a number of
languages, including Latin and Russian, there are two lexically-
distinct, converse, verbs or verb-phrases. In Latin, for instance,
nubere is used if the subject of the (active) sentence is a woman and
in matrimonium ducere (' to bring into wedlock') if the subject is a man.
In Greek, the active of the verb gamdn is employed for the man and
the middle (or occasionally the passive) of the same verb for the
woman: it is as if one were to say in English John married Jane but
Jane got herself married to John ('middle') or Jane was married by
John (passive). These three possibilities illustrate the way in which
'the same relationship' between two persons or things may be
expressed by means of a symmetrical 'predicator' (like marry), by
lexically-distinct ' predicators' (like nubere and in matrimonium
ducere) or by the ' grammaticalization' of the asymmetry according to
the syntactic resources of the language (as with gamein).
The vocabulary of kinship and social status provides many instances
both of symmetry and of converseness. NPX is NP2s cousin implies,
and is implied by, NP2 is NPx's cousin, but TVPj is NP2s husband
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implies, and is implied by, NP2 is NP^s wife. Converseness also
intersects with complementarity (of sex), so that NP is NP2s father
implies either NP2 is NP^s son or NP2 is NPfs daughter, NPX is NP2s
niece implies either NP2 is NPxys uncle or AT 2 is NP^s aunt, and
so on.
Other lexical items are * permutationally' related in the same way
as converse terms, although they do not imply one another. For
example, NPX asked (NP2)... 'expects', rather than implies, NP2
answered (NP X )...; and NP2 answered (NPJ... 'presupposes9 NP
asked (NP2).... Similarly, NPX offeredNPZ to NP2'expects* the dis-
junction of the complementary sentences NP2 accepted NP3 and NP2
refused NPS. 'Expectancy' and 'presupposition' of this kind are
ordered with respect to temporal sequence: this is not so, it should be
noted, in the case of such converse terms as give and receive.
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'semantic marker*,'semantic category', etc.; references will be found
in the notes.)
Let us now introduce some elementary arithmetical considerations.
Given a numerical proportion (what the Greek mathematicians and
grammarians called an 'analogy': cf. 1.2.3) f t n e general form
where the first of the four expressions divided by the second is equal
to the third divided by the fourth, we can factorize the proportion
into what for the present purpose we may call its 'components';
and we can then refer to each of the four expressions as the product
of a pair of components. (We have already made use of this parallel
in our discussion of the distributional definition of the morpheme:
cf. 5.3.3.) For example, from the proportion
we can extract the components 1, 2, 3 and 10. The proportion can
then be restated as
(2x 1)1(2 x 3)::(iox I ) : ( I O X 3)
where 2 is analysed as the product of 2 and 1; 6 as the product of
2 and 3; and so on. In this instance, three of the components are
prime numbers, 1, 2 and 3; the fourth, 10, is not. However, in the case
of numerical proportions we can always discover whether a given
number is a prime or not; and, if it is not, we can determine its
ultimate componentsthe set of prime numbers in terms of which it
can be factorized. For the present purpose, we may assume that the
process of factorization rests upon the availability of all the relevant
proportions. For instance, if we have available the further proportion
1:2::5:10, we could factorize 10 into the prime numbers 2 and 5;
and we could then express our original proportion as
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regarded as single components. But as soon as we restate the pro-
portion man: woman: child:: bull: cow: calf as
(male) x (adult-human): (female)
x (adult-human): (non-adult-human)
:: (male) x (adult-bovine): (female)
x (adult-bovine): (non-adult-bovine)
we can extract the further components (adult) and (non-adult). No
one of these components, it should be observed, is assumed to be an
ultimate component (a * prime'): it is conceivable that, by bringing
forward for comparison other words of English and setting up further
proportions, we should be able to factorize (human) or (male) into
'smaller' semantic components, just as we factorized 10 into 5 and 2.
Eventually we might hope to describe the sense of all the words in the
vocabulary in terms of their ultimate semantic components. Assuming
that the proposed analysis of the few English words given above is
correct as far as it goes (and we will presently consider what' correct'
means here), we can say that the sense of man is the product of the
components (male), (adult) and (human); that the sense of mare is the
product of (female), (adult) and (equine); and so on.
The componential approach to semantics has a long history in
linguistics, logic and philosophy. It is inherent in the traditional
method of definition by dividing a genus into species and species into
subspecies; and this method of definition is reflected in most of the
dictionaries that have ever been compiled for particular languages,
and in the organization of such works as Roget's Thesaurus (cf. 10.2.1).
A number of attempts have been made in recent years to formalize
these traditional principles of semantic analysis. We may begin by
discussing some of the more important assumptions upon which
current componential theories of semantics are based or with which
they are frequently associated. The first is the assumption that the
semantic components are language-independent, or universal.
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components might be combined in various ways in different languages
(and thus yield ' senses' or ' concepts' unique to particular languages),
but they would themselves be identifiable as the ' same' components
in the analysis of the vocabularies of all languages. To quote Katz, who
has put forward this view in a number of recent publications:
'Semantic markers [i.e. semantic components] must.. .be thought of
as theoretical constructs introduced into semantic theory to designate
language invariant but language linked components of a conceptual
system that is part of the cognitive structure of the human mind.'
Little need be said about the alleged universality of semantic
components, except that it is an assumption which is commonly made
by philosophers and linguists on the basis of their anecdotal discussion
of a few well-chosen examples from a handful of the world's languages.
Chomsky has suggested: * It is surely our ignorance of the relevant
psychological and physiological facts that makes possible the widely
held belief that there is little or no a priori structure to the system of
" attainable concepts 'Y The first point that should be made about
this remark is simply that the belief that there are few, if any,
'universal, language-independent constraints upon semantic features
[i.e. semantic components]' is probably most widely-held among those
linguists who have had some experience of the problems of trying to
compare the semantic structure of different languages in a systematic
fashion: many have tried, and failed, to find a set of universal
components. The second point is that, although Chomsky's own work
contains a number of interesting, and probably correct, observations
about certain classes of lexical items (e.g. * proper names, in any
language, must designate objects meeting a condition of spatio-
temporal contiguity', 'the color words of any language must sub-
divide the color spectrum into continuous segments', 'artifacts are
defined in terms of certain human goals, needs and functions instead
of solely in terms of physical qualities'), such observations do not go
very far towards substantiating the view that there is 'some sort of
fixed, universal vocabulary [of semantic components] in terms of
which [possible concepts] are characterized'.
It may well be that future developments in semantics, psychology,
physiology, sociology, anthropology, and various other disciplines,
will justify the view that there are certain 'language invariant but
language linked components of a conceptual system that is part of the
cognitive structure of the human mind', as Katz has suggested. Such
empirical evidence as there is available at the present time would tend
to refute, rather than confirm, this hypothesis.
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to this question carries no implications whatsoever for the dispute
between various schools of philosophy and psychology about the
status of 'mental concepts'.
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has never been regarded as particularly troublesome by semanticists.
Its formalization within the framework of current syntactic theory is
trivial by comparison with the problem of formalizing the vast
majority of the relations of semantic 'compatibility' which hold in
the sentences of any language. In the last few years there has been a
remarkable concentration of interest upon the problems attaching to
the formalization of different relations of semantic 'compatibility'
(notably by Katz, Weinreich and Bierwisch). So far the results are
not impressive, despite the sophistication of the formal apparatus
that has been developed; and it would seem that progress in this area
is dependent upon the construction of a more appropriate theory of
syntax than is yet available.
The second question that componential analysis sets out to answer
is 'What meaning does a given sentence or phrase have?' The general
answer to this question is that the meaning of a sentence or phrase is
the 'product' of the senses of its constituent lexical items; and the
sense of each lexical item is the 'product' of its constituent semantic
components. The meaning of a sentence or phrase is therefore
determined by 'amalgamating' all the semantic components of the
lexical items according to a set of 'projection rules' which are
associated with deep-structure grammatical relations. It was sug-
gested in the previous paragraph that current syntactic theory does
not yet provide us with a satisfactory account of many of the relevant
deep-structure grammatical relationships; and this was the main
burden of our discussion of 'grammatical functions' in chapter 8.
It follows that we are at present unable to interpret the term' product'
(or 'compositional function'to employ the more technical term)
in the proposed definition of the meaning of a sentence or phrase as
'the product of the senses of its constituent lexical items'.
At the same time, it is clear that many of the semantic relations
discussed in the previous chapter might be reformulated within a
componential theory of semantics. Synonymy, hyponymy, in-
compatibility and complementarity are obviously definable in terms
of the semantic components of the lexical items in question. (For a
componential approach to the definition of these relations the reader
is referred to the works cited in the notes.) What must be stressed,
however, is the fact that the componential analysis of lexical items
rests upon the prior notion of 'implication' with respect to the
assertion and denial of sentences. Componential analysis is a tech-
nique for the economical statement of certain semantic relations
between lexical items and between sentences containing them: it
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cannot claim to circumvent any of the problems of indeterminacy
that were discussed above in connexion with ' understanding' and
'analytic implication' (cf. 10.1.2).
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this might well be reflected also in the linguistic ' intuitions' of the
members of the community.
But we can also consider the question of' correctness' from a more
strictly linguistic point of view. Let us return, for this purpose, to the
simple illustration of componential analysis with which we began this
section. We assumed the validity of the following proportions
man: woman: child:: bull: cow: calf
bull: cow: calf:: rooster: hen: chicken
On the basis of these proportions, we * extracted* the semantic
components (male) v. (female), (adult) v. (non-adult), (human) v.
(bovine) v. (equine) v. . . . (sheep). We may now ask what is the
linguistic status of these components.
At first sight, the opposition of the contradictory components
(male) and (female) looks satisfactory enough. If we know that
someone is an adult, male, human being, then we know that the word
man, rather than woman or child, is appropriately applied to him; if
we know that a particular domestic fowl is an adult female of a given
species, then we know that hen, rather than rooster or chicken, is the
appropriate term of reference; and so on. But one might maintain
that to differentiate man and woman, rooster and hen, etc., in terms of
the sex of their referents is to give priority to but one of the many
linguistically-relevant features which distinguish them. If one asks
a young child (most of whose utterances are perfectly acceptable and
manifest the same semantic relationships, as far as one can judge, as
the utterances of his elders) what is the difference between men and
women, he might answer by listing a whole set of typical charac-
teristicsthe kind of clothes they wear, how their hair is cut, whether
they go out to work or stay at home and look after the children, etc.
A totally unrelated set of criteria might be proposed for the dif-
ferentiation of rooster and hen, of bull and cow, and so on. Why should
one suppose that sex is the sole criterion even in adult speech ? And
how far is it true to say that woman: child: :cow: calf:: hen: chicken, etc. ?
Obviously, there is a certain class of sentences, the semantic
acceptability or unacceptability of which can be accounted for in
terms of this proportional equation: That woman is the mother of this
child, That hen is the mother of this chicken, etc. v. That man is the
mother of this child, That zooman is the father of this child, That woman
is the mother of this calf, etc. And the grammatical phenomenon of
gender in English is partly determined by the sex of the referent.
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But this does not mean that (male) and (female) are the sole semantic
features which differentiate the complementary terms man v. woman,
bull v. cow, etc. The status of such components as (adult) v. (non-
adult) is even more dubious: once again, there are sets of semantically-
acceptable or semantically-unacceptable combinations that can be
accounted for in terms of this opposition, but there are others that
The problem is undoubtedly related to the anthropologist's
problem of 'cognitive reality'. Consider, for example, a society in
which the role of men and women is so different that there are very
few activities in which both will engage. Assume now that there are
two lexical items in the vocabulary of that language, which can be
translated into English as ' man' and * woman' on the basis of their
reference to male, adult human beings and female, adult human
beings, respectively. Knowing this fact about the reference of the two
lexical items, the linguist could apply these terms appropriately to
men and women. He would be fairly sure that the translation of
English sentences such as ' The man gave birth to a child' (assuming
that there is a term that can be satisfactorily translated as' give birth to')
would be semantically-unacceptable. But there might be an enormous
range of other sentences, including 'The man cooked a meal', 'The
woman lit a fire', etc., which are equally unacceptable. Our own
cultural prejudices and our own taxonomic classification of the physical
world should not be taken as valid for the analysis of either the culture
or the language of other societies, still less of any alleged ' conceptual
system that is part of the cognitive structure of the human mind'.
A further point should be made. It is one of the concomitant
dangers of componential analysis that it tends to neglect the difference
in the frequency of lexical items (and therefore their greater or less
'centrality' in the vocabulary) and the difference between lexical
items and semantic components. For example, it is often suggested
that brother and sister can be replaced with the 'synonyms' male
sibling and female sibling. But this is true only in the context of
anthropological or quasi-anthropological discussion. The words
brother and sister are extremely common words, known presumably
to all speakers of English, whereas sibling is a technical term, coined
for the convenience of anthropologists; and most English speakers
probably do not know it. The fact that there is no common super-
ordinate term for the two complementaries brother and sister is
prima facie evidence that the opposition between the two terms is
semantically more important than what they have in common.
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Similarly, the fact that there is a term horse, which has as its hyponyms
the complementaries stallion and mare, is relevant to the analysis of
the structure of the English vocabulary. Any theory of semantics
which encouraged us to believe that the phrase adult male elephant
stood in exactly the same semantic relationship to elephant as stallion
does to horse would be unsatisfactory.
Componential theories of semantics do not necessarily fall victim
to inadequacies of this kind. But there has been surprisingly little
attention devoted to a discussion of the relationship between lexical
items like male or adult and semantic components like (male) or
(adult). One cannot avoid the suspicion that the semantic components
are interpreted on the basis of the linguist's intuitive understanding of
the lexical items which he uses to label them.
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* within the context of explicit generative linguistic descriptions*. This
had not been attempted before.
In a previous chapter, we raised the possibility of a rapprochement
between * formal' and 'notional' grammar (cf. 4.3.4); and much of
our subsequent discussion of 'grammatical categories' and 'gram-
matical functions' (in chapters 7 and 8) would tend to suggest that
further progress in the formalization of syntax depends upon this
rapprochement. We may conclude the present work in the certain
expectation that the next few years will see the publication of a
number of books and articles directed towards this goal.
It is not unlikely also that a greater concentration of interest upon
the theory of semantics will bring linguists back to the traditional
view that the syntactic structure of languages is very highly deter-
mined by their semantic structure: more especially, by the ' modes of
signifying' of semantically-based grammatical categories (cf. 7.6.10).
If this development does take place, one must be careful not to
assume that linguistic theory has merely retreated to the position held
by traditional grammarians. All future grammatical and semantic
theory, however traditional its aims miojht be, must meet the rigorous
demands of twentieth-century, 'structural' linguistics. Revolutions
may be followed by counter-revolutions; but there can be no simple
restoration of the past.
10.5.7 Envoi
Ohe iam satis est, ohe libelle,
iam pervenimus usque ad umbilicos...
iam lector queriturque deficitque,
iam librarius hoc et ipse dicit:
'ohe iam satis est, ohe libelle'.
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Introduction, 1-12; Sapir, Language, 3-12; Malmberg, Nouvelles Tendances;
Householder, forthcoming book.
1.4.1 Ferdinand de Saussure: De Saussure's own notes have recently been
published, cf. Godel, Sources; and a critical edition of the Cours is now
appearing, cf. Engler, Cours. For a convenient summary of de Saussure's
views, cf. Dinneen, Introduction, 195-212; also Lepschy, Linguistica, 42-8
(includes a comprehensive, up-to-date bibliography).
1.4.2 Priority of the spoken language: cf. Abercrombie, Elements, 119;
Uldall, ' Speech'; Vachek, ' Some remarks'; Pulgram, * Graphic and
1.4.3 On language-planning: cf. Haugen, * Linguistics'; Hoenigswald,
1.4.7 Langue and parole: Saussure, Cours, 23 fT. (Introduction, chapter 3);
cf. Lepschy, Linguistics, 45-6; Dinneen, Introduction, 196-9; Leroy,
Grands Courants, 108-10. Chomsky relates his own distinction of 'com-
petence ' and * performance' to de Saussure's distinction of * langue' and
* parole', cf. Aspects, 4.
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2.4.7. On ' homonymics': cf. Orr, Words, esp. 91-160; Ullmann, Principlesy
144-52. (Orr and Ullmann give references to the work of Gillie>on and his
2.4.9 Information about the frequency of English consonants is derived
from Roberts, Statistical Linguistic Analysis. The most commonly-used
list of word-frequencies is Thorndike and Lorge, Teacher's Word-Book.
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6.4 Endocentric and exoccntric: cf. Bloomfield, Language, 194 ff., 235 f.;
Hockett, Course, 184 ff.; Harris, Methods, 275 f.; Robins, General Lin-
guistics, 234 f.
6.5.4 Concord and government: cf. Hockett, Course, 214 ff.
6.5.5 Context-sensitivity: cf. Chomsky, Syntactic Structures, 28.
6.6 Transformational grammar: cf. Chomsky, Syntactic Structures', Topics',
Harris, * Co-occurrence'; * Transformational theory'; Bach, Introduction;
Shaumjan, Strukturnaja; Lamb, Outline; Koutsoudas, Writing Grammars.
6.6.1 Deep and surface structure: cf. Hockett, Course, 246 ff.; Chomsky,
Aspects, 16; Cartesian Linguistics, 31 ff.
6.6.2 Transformational ambiguity: cf. Chomsky, Syntactic Structures, 88 ff.
6.6.3 'Diversification': cf. Lamb, Outline, 17.
6.6.4, 6.6.6 Quotations from Chomsky, Syntactic Structures, 42; Aspects,
6.6.9 Recent developments: cf. Chomsky, Aspects; Topics; Katz and Postal,
Integrated Theory; Fillmore, 'Embedding transformations'. For a critical
review of these developments: cf. P. H. Matthews, Review of Chomsky's
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7.6.6 References to Jespersen, Philosophy; Analytical Syntax; to Hjelmslev,
Principes. References to recent transformational work: cf. esp. Lakoff,
Irregularity, Deep and Surface; Fillmore, * Case for case'; Postal and
Rosenbaum, Sentence Formation.
7.6.10 Quotation from Chomsky, Aspects, 118.
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BloomfielcTs approach: cf. Language, 139 ff.; Fries, * Meaning \ In my view,
the issue has been confused, rather than clarified, by Chomsky, Aspects,
193 f.; Katz, * Mentalism \
9.2.9 * Meaning* and 'use': cf. Wittgenstein, Investigations; Wells,
* Meaning and use'. Misunderstanding: it might be argued that the notion
of * understanding * is on a par with * misunderstanding * with respect to my
argument. Whether or not this is so, there is a considerable methodological
advantage in assuming that misunderstanding is more directly testable.
Most theories of semantics are vitiated by their assumption that * under-
standing ' is a matter of the transference of the same * content' from one
person's * mind' to another.
9.3.6 Quotation from Firth: Papers, 203. 'Behaviourism' in semantics:
my argument should not be taken as suggesting that the theory of seman-
tics can be satisfactorily developed on the basis of stimulus-response theory
(cf. my criticisms of behaviourist semantics in Lyons, Structural Semantics,
9.3.7 Malinowski's notion of 'phatic communion': cf. 'Problem', 309 ff.
9.4 Reference and sense: This distinction goes back to Frege, 'Sinn';
a somewhat similar distinction is found in Russell, ' Denoting'. My
account is based very largely on Carnap, Meaning; and Quine, Logical
Point of View; cf. also Bar-Hillel, 'Logical syntax'.
9.4.4 Semantic fields: cf. Guiraud, Semantique, 68 ff.; Ohman,' Theories';
Ullmann, Principles, 152 ff.
9.4.5 Reference to Conklin: 'Hanun6o'; cf. also Lenneberg and Roberts,
Experience; Carroll, Language and Thought, 95, 107 ff.; Andre", Etude.
9.4.6 Quotation from Sapir: Selected Writings, 162. On linguistic 'deter-
minism': cf. Carroll, Language and Thought, 106 ff.; Black, 'Relativity'.
9.5.1 Quotation from Fries: Structure, 66.
9.5.2 Reference to Martinet, Elements, 117 (section 4.19); Functional View,
50 f.; to Halliday,' Categories';' Lexis'; Mclntosh and Halliday, Patterns,
5 f. (For criticism of Halliday's distinctions between ' grammar' and ' lexis'
and between 'contextual* and 'formal* meaning: cf. Lyons, 'Firth's
theory', 298 f.)
9.5.3 Reference to Chomsky: Aspects, 71.
9.5.4 Reference to Katz and Postal: Integrated Theory, 74 ff.
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John Lyons
1 It was not correct to say that the values of the cardinal vowels are
defined by the IPA (p. 104). The IPA established a set of divisions, or
ranges, within the articulatory continua. Daniel Jones identified a number
of fixed points within these ranges and took these points as ' cardinal'.
2 In the section on neutralization in phonology (3.3.5), it should be
pointed out that there is a third possible way of describing the ' facts'. If we
abandon the condition of biuniqueness (so that the same speech-sound is
always associated with the same phoneme), we can say that /d/ is realized as
[t] in word-final position and as [d] elsewhere and that /t/ is realized as [t]
generally. Cf. Fudge, ' phonological primes'.
3 There is a greater difference between Halliday's 'ranks' and Lamb's
'strata' than I have suggested in 5.5.1. It is perhaps only with respect to the
distinction of morphology and syntax that they are strictly comparable.
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This list includes all the works referred to in the notes. Periodicals are cited
according to the conventions of the Linguistic Bibliography of the Permanent
International Committee of Linguists, published annually (Utrecht and
Antwerp: Spectrum). The following abbreviations are used:
AL Acta Linguistica. Revue Internationale de linguistique structurale.
ALH Ada Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. Budapest.
AmA American Anthropologist. Menasha, Wise.
ArchL Archivum Linguisticum. Glasgow.
BPTJ Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystva Jfzykoznawczego IBulletin de la
Societe polonaise de Linguistique. Wroclaw and Krakow.
BSE Brno Studies in English. Brno.
BSL Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris. Paris.
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of
London. London.
CFS Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussuret Geneve.
CJL Canadian Journal of Linguistics / Revue Canadienne de Lin-
guistique. Toronto.
C & M Classica et Mediaevalia. Revue danoise de philologie et d'histoire.
CPh Classical Philology. Chicago.
CQ The Classical Quarterly. London.
CR The Classical Review. London.
FL Foundations of Language. International journal of language and
philosophy. Dordrecht, Holland.
GK Gengo Kenkyu. (Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan.)
Glotta Glotta. Zeitschrift fur griechische und lateinische Sprache.
IF Indogermanische Forschungen. Zeitschrift fur Indogermanistik und
allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft. Berlin.
IL Indian Linguistics. Journal of the Linguistic Society of India.
IJAL International Journal of American Linguistics. Baltimore.
IRAL International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching /
Internationale Zeitschrift filr angewandte Linguistik in der Sprach-
erziehung. Heidelberg.
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society. New Haven, Connecticut.
JL Journal of Linguistics. The Journal of the Linguistics Association
of Great Britain. London and New York.
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KNf Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny. Warszawa.
KZ Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der
indogermanischen Sprachen. (Begriindet von A. Kuhn.) Gottingen.
Lg. Language. Journal of the Linguistic Society of America. Baltimore.
Lingua Lingua. International Review of General Linguistics / Revue
internationale de linguistique ge"ne>ale. Amsterdam.
MSLL Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics, Georgetown Uni-
versity. Washington, D.C.
NTS Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Oslo.
PF Prace filologiczne. Warszawa.
PMLA Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. New
RLing Revue de Linguistique. Bucarest.
7.4 Southwestern Journal of Anthropology. Albuquerque, N.M.
SL Studia Linguistica. Revue de linguistique gn6rale et compared.
SS Slovo a Slovesnost. Praha/Prague.
StGram Studia Grammatica. Berlin.
TCLC Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague. Copenhague.
TCLP Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Prague. Prague.
TLP Travaux Linguistiques de Prague. Prague.
UCPL University of California Publications in Linguistics. Berkeley and
Los Angeles.
VJa Voprosy Jazykoznanija. Moskva.
Word Word. Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York. New York.
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Cambridge Books Online Cambridge University Press, 2014
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* asterisk: (i) 'reconstructed form', 31
(2) ungrammatical, or unacceptable, expression, 142
( ) parentheses: semantic component ('marker'), 471
{ } brace brackets: (1) morpheme, 184
(2) extensional definition of a class, 77
[ ] square brackets: (1) phonetic transcription, 60, 101
(2) grammatical feature, 166
/ / obliques: (1) expression-elements, 60
(2) phonemic transcription, 101
italics: orthographic representation (or transcription), 60
CAPITALS: lexeme, 197
+ plus-sign: (1) concatenation, 91, 116
(2) positive value of binary variable, 123
minus-sign: negative value of binary variable, 123
< 'is less than', 192
> 'is greater than', 92
= equals-sign: (1) 'is equal (equivalent) to', 77
(2) identity of reference, 389
=t= 'is not equal (equivalent) to', 77
epsilon: class-membership, 161, 389
-> arrow: (1) 'develops diachronically into', 31
(2) 'is to be rewritten as', 162
<= inclusion-sign: 'is included in', 389
=> inclusion-sign: 'includes', used for 'implies', 445
= equivalence-sign: bilateral implication, 450
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Grimm, 27-8, 123-6, 484 Lepschy, 482, 483
Gross, 485 Leroy, 482, 483
Guiraud, 488 Lesniewski, 227, 328
Linsky, 487
Haas, 485, 487 Longacre, 485
Hall, B., 485 Lounsbury, 489
Hall, R., 482 Luce, 485
Halle, 484 Lyons, 484, 486, 487, 488, 489
Halliday, 206, 336, 366, 484, 485, 487,
488 Mclntosh, 484, 486, 488
Hallig, 489 McKerrow, 372
Harris, 131, 155, 157, 172, 247-8, 484, Malinowski, 417, 488
485, 486 Malmberg, 483, 484
Haugen, 483 Mandelbrot, 483
Hays, 485 Martinet, 482, 483, 484, 486, 487,
Heidegger, 482 488
Henle, 488 Matthews, P. H., 485, 486
Herder, 24 Matthews, W. K., 487
Hill, 482, 485, 487 Meillet, 486
Hjelmslev, 326-8, 333, 474, 483, 486, Miller, 483, 487
489 Misra, 482
Hockett, 121, 131, 241, 247-8, 311, 315, Moravcsik, 462, 489
335-6, 482, 483, 484, 48S, 486, 487 Mounin, 482
Hoenigswald, 483
Honey, 486 Needham, 488
Householder, 483, 485 Nida, 485, 487
Huddleston, 485
Humboldt, 24, 429, 433 Ogden, 489
Ohman, 488
Jakobson, 120, 474, 484, 486 Orr, 484
Jespersen, 134, 305, 326-8, 333, 482, Ota, 486
484, 486
Jones, Daniel, 103, 104, 484 Palmer, 316, 483, 484,486
Jones, Sir William, 24 Panini, 19-20
Joos, 486 Pedersen, 482
Petrarch, 16
Kahn, 487 Pike, 206, 484, 485
Katz, 439, 441, 473-7, 480, 486, 487, Plato, 3, 6, I O - I I , 323-4, 334, 33^,
488, 489 401, 466
Kiefer, 489 Pohlenz, 482
Roller, 482 Postal, 439, 441, 480, 485, 486
Koutsoudas, 486 Priscian, 14-15, 326
Kronasser, 487 Protagoras, 10-11
Kukenheim, 482 Pulgram, 483
Kurytowicz, 486
Quine, 488
Ladefoged, 484 Quirk, 484
Lakoff, 329, 486
Lamb, 207, 485, 486, 489 Rask, 26
Lambek, 227, 485 Read, 487
Lear, 120 Reichenbach, 488
Leas, 484 Renou, 482
Leibniz, 273 Richelieu, 18
Lenneberg, 488 Roberts, 483, 484, 488
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Robins, 350, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, Tesniere, 485
487 Thompson, 486
Roget, 488 Thorndike, 484
Romney, 489 Togeby, 485
Roos, 482 Trubetzkoy, 120, 484
Rosenbaum, 329, 486
Rosetti, 485 Uhlenbeck, 487
Russell, 140, 484, 488 Uldall, 483
Ullmann, 447-9, 484, 485, 487, 488
Salomon, 487, 488
Sandmann, 487 Vachek, 483
Sandys, 482 Vaillant, 487
Sapir, 191, 334-5, 4^9, 433, 4^3, 4^5, Varro, 8, 13, 482
469, 483, 485, 487, 488, 489 Vendryes, 486
Saussure, 38, 45-6, 51, 56, 58-9, 67, 139, Verner, 29, 126
176, 177, 184, 271, 443, 482, 483, 485 Virgil, 14
Sauvageot, 486
Scherer, 28 Wackernagel, 482
Sechehaye, 487 Wallace, 489
Shaumjan, 248, 329, 486 Ward, 486
Spang-Hanssen, 483 Warnock, 487
Sparck Jones, 488 Waterson, 484, 486
Staal, 488 Weinreich, 476, 489
Strang, 486 Wells, 485, 487
Strawson, 487 Whorf, 433
Strevens, 484 Wittgenstein, 410, 487
Svartvik, 383, 487
Swift, 486 Zipf, 94
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Basque, 17, 341 comitative, 295 ff.
behaviourism, 416 f. command, 307
benefactive, 374, 396 comment: cf. topic
bilabial, 105, 121 ff. common core, 140
bilingualism, 434, 458 common gender, 287
binary systems, 85-7, 127 common noun, 337 f.
bit (binary digit), 85, 454 communication-theory: cf. information-
blasphemy, 140, 423 theory
borrowing, 25-6, 30, 32 comparative grammar, 22
bound forms, 201 comparative philology, 21 ff., 33
bracketing, 211 ff., 249 comparison, 436 ff.
Breton, 21 competence (v. performance), 51
broad transcription, 100 complement, 320, 345 ff., 390
Bulgarian, 204 complementarity (of meaning), 460 ff.,
cancellation, 227 ff. complementary distribution, 70, 73, 112
Cantonese, 41 completion of action: cf. perfective
cardinal vowel, 103 f. complex sentence, 178, 224 f., 265 f.,
case, 12, 270 ff., 289 ff., 340 ff., 344, 320
354 component, semantic, 168, 454, 474 ff.
categorial grammar, 227 ff., 327 ff. componential analysis, 474 ff.
category, 270 ff., 332, 337, 421 composition, 53, 171, 207
causative, 296, 352 ff., 359 ff., 381, 398, compound sentence, 265 f.
439 computers, 86, 160
Celtic, 21, 392 concatenation, 209, 228
certainty, 308 concept, 401 ff., 408, 443 f., 473 ff.
change, 34, 300 conceptualism, 408, 474 ff.
channel (of communication), 87 ff., 96 concord, 239 ff., 280, 342 f., 354 ff.
characterize, 146, 156 conditional probabilities, 91 ff.
chess (Saussure's analogy), 46, 59, 61 congruence of grammar and semantics,
Chinese, 22, 41, 76, 188, 273, 283, 288, 166 ff.
301, 324, 393 congruence of levels, 180, 205
choice, 89, 413 f., 421, 437 conjoining, 265
circularity of semantics, 410, 434 conjugation, 195, 272
circularity of traditional definitions, conjunction, 11, 266
318 ff. connotation, 403, 449
class-inclusion, 389, 453 f. consonant, 102, 104 ff.
class-logic, 453 f. constant (v. variable), 237 ff., 261 f.
class-membership, 389 constituent, 145, 209 ff., 249, 265 ff.,
classical fallacy, 9 268, 321
classicism, 9, 23 constituent string, 265
classification (v. generation), 234 construction: cf. syntagm
clause, 53, 170 f., 170, 225, 266, 345 content-plane, 54, 56
clear lateral, 112 content-substance, 56, 429 ff.
close vowel, 103 context, 74, 91 ff., 143, 173, 235 ff,
closed (v. open) set of alternatives, 436, 307, 339, 361, 410, 4i3, 419 , 427 f-
438 context of situation, 413
cognitive (v. emotive) meaning, 403, qontext-dependent synonymy, 448,
427, 448 ff 452 f-, 455
cognitive reality, 477 ff. context-free rules, 226, 235 ff., 242 ff.
cohesion, internal, of words, 202 ff. context-sensitive rules, 235 ff., 244 ff.,
collective, 282 262
colour-terms, 56-8 contingent (v. necessary), 301, 445
combinatorial relations, 67, 210 continuum, 103, 430 f., 458, 460
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factorization, 183, 471 gerund, 249 f.
families of languages, 21-2 given (v. new), 335 ff.
feature, grammatical, 164 f., 332, 421 glossocentric definitions, 319
feedback, 90, 111, 160 glottal stop, 115
feminine, 11, 168, 283 ff., 293 goal, 341 ff., 350 ff.
field theory of semantics, 429 ff. Gothic, 24, 27-9
figures of speech, 13 government, 239 ff.
Fijian, 283 grading, 463
Finnish, 22, 299 ff., 301, 303 grammar, 9, 53-4, 131, 133 ff., 146,
Finno-Ugrian, 22 passim
first-order nominals, 347 ff. grammatical (v. lexical), 317, 346, 402,
form (v. matter), 198, 271 ff. 421, 435 ff.
form (v. meaning), 53, 136, 377, 403 ff. grammatical (v. meaningful), 133, 137,
form (v. substance), 54 ff., 99, 136, 184, 140 ff., 145, 148 ff., 154 f., 172, 349,
198 f., 429 ff. 43i f-
form (of words), 194,1966^,272,372,403 graphic substance, 62 ff.
formal (y. informal), 136 f. Greek, 4-12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 26, 27-9,
formal {v. intimate, familiar), 280 31, 41, 179, 205, 254, 297, 304 f->
formal (v. notional), 134 ff., 147 f., 152, 312 f., 314, 322, 358, 373 ff., 431, 457
179, 270, 318 f. Greek grammarians, 10 ff., 283
formal (v. semantic), 134 ff. Grimm's law, 27-30, 123 ff.
formal (v. substantial), 136 f., 184
formal (v. substantive), 136 f. habitual, 309, 315, 367
formalism, 51 Hanunoo, 431
formalization, 136, 157 having meaning, 402, 412 ff., 418 ff.,
formant, n o 437
frame, 143 head (of construction), 233, 344
free forms, 201 hearer, 275 ff., 307
free variation, 72 f., 114 f., 353 Hebrew, 17, 19, 22, 23
French, 17-18, 21, 40-1, 47-8, 56, 58, hierarchical classification, 164 ff., 456 f.
239 f., 241, 279 f., 286 f., 310, 354, High German, 28, 29
368, 379 high vowel, 128 f.
French Academy, 17-18 Hindi, 56, 302, 369, 395
frequency of occurrence, 83 ff. historical approach to language, 23
frequentative, 315 homeostatic systems, 90
fricative, 104 Homeric poems, 9
front vowel, 103, 128 ff. homography, 39-40, 405
function, 194, 232, 266, 377, 438 ff. homonymic conflict, 90 f.
functional load, 81-4, 95, 287 homonymy, 7, 39, 287, 450 ff.
fusional: cf. inflecting homophony, 39-40, 405
future, 403 ff., 310 f. honorific, 279 f.
Hopi, 311
Gaelic, 21, 395 humanism, 16
gender, 10, n , 12, 239 f., 270 ff., Hungarian, 22, 205
283 ff., 293, 355, 372 hyponymy, 452, 453 ff., 476
generalized transformation, 265
generative, 139 f., 146, 155 f., 209 ff., Icelandic, 17
234, 266, passim idea, 401 ff., 443, 474
genitive, 290 ff., 390 idealization, 50, 140
genus, 372 identification, 389
Georgian, 341 ideographic writing, 39
German, 21, 35, 116, 297 f., 358 f., 379 idioms: cf. ready-made utterance,
Germanic languages, 21, 24, 27-9, 124, schema
396 imitative sounds: cf. onomatopoeia
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immediate constituents, 209 ff. isolating, 187 ff., 206
imperative, 307 ff., 441 f. isomorphic systems, 55, 59, 60, 126,
imperfective: cf. perfective 429, 457
impersonal, 379 f. Italian, 21, 287 f.
implication, 403, 445 ff. iterative, 315
implicit assertion or denial, 445
inalienable: cf. alienable Japanese, 302
inanimate: cf. animate Junggrammatiker: cf. Neogrammarians
inceptive, 315
inchoative, 315 kernel sentence, 256
inclusion, 70, 234 kernel string, 256 ff., 376
inclusive first person, 279 f. Kikuyu, 22
incompatibility, 452, 458 ff., 476 kinship vocabulary, 55, 429, 468, 477
incomplete (or elliptical) sentence,
174 ^ labelled brackets, 217
indefinite: cf. definite labial: cf. bilabial
indeterminacy of grammar, 152 ff., labiodental, 105
477 langue (v. parole), 51-2, 139, 176
indeterminacy of semantics, 412, 426 larynx, 103
Indian grammar, 19-20, 196 Latin, 13-16, 17, 21, 26, 27-9, 30, 31-2,
indirect discourse, 174, 253 f. 58, 76, 174, 179, 189 ff., 205, 223 f.,
indirect object, 290, 295 ff., 302, 350 241, 249, 253, 278 f., 290 ff., 304 f.,
individual: cf. universal 312 f., 322, 392, 431
Indo-European, 21-2, 25, 27 laws of sound-change: cf. sound laws
Indo-Iranian, 21, 31, 124, 284, 291, layers of conditioning, 95 ff.
295 ff., 3O4, 307, 314, 322, 342, least effort, 90
354 ff., 395 length, syntagmatic, 80-1, 90, 94
infinitive, 174 level, 54, 184, 206
infix, 354 lexeme, 197 ff., 289, 403, 413
inflecting (v. inflexional), 187 ff., 191 lexical conditioning, 185 ff., 353
inflexion, 12, 133, 148, 190 f., 241, 289, lexical selection, 164
324 lexical substitution, 149, 161 ff., 243
inflexional, 191 lexical system, 429 ff.
informant, 138 lexicalization, 352, 354, 369, 438
information-content, 84, 454 lexicon, 149, 158, 161 ff., 318
information-retrieval, 149 library-classification, 159
information-theory, 84 ff. linear, 145, 209
inherently transformational, 261 f. liquid sound, 5
initial symbol, 216 literary language, 42
initiator of action: cf. actor loan-words: cf. borrowing
instrumental, 295 ff., 301, 343 local (v. grammatical), 295 ff., 298
intension (v. extension), 403, 454 locative, 291 f., 345 ff., 388 ff.
intention, 308 locative adjunct or complement, 345 ff.,
interchangeability, 451 ff. 389 f.
interior: cf. exterior locomotion (v. location), 300, 397 ff.
International Phonetic Alphabet, 104 ff. locus, 322, 346
interrogative, 307 ff. logarithm, 85 f.
intimacy, 280 logic, 11, 15, 71, 270 ff., 337 ff., 388 f.
intonation, 132, 177, 179 logical subject, 343 f.
intransitive, 12, 251 ff., 296, 320 ff., 332 long components, 105 ff.
introspection, 408 low vowel, 128 f.
intuition, 154, 478
IPA = International Phonetic Alphabet Macedonian, 204
Irish, 17, 21 machine-translation, 159
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macroscopic view of language-change, nasal, 104, 106, 121 ff.
49 f. nasalization, 104
major part of speech, 273 f., 436 natural gender, 283 ff., 357
Malay, 192 nature (v. convention), 4, 403, 406
Mandarin Chinese, 41, 393 Neogrammarians, 28 ff., 37
manner, adverb of, 326 f. nesting of constructions, 233
marked (v. unmarked), 79, 126, 306, neuter, 167 f., 283 ff., 293
307, 314, 323, 336, 356, 415, 45i, neutralization, 115 ff., 126, 253 ff.
460 new: cf. given
masculine, 11, 156 ff., 283 ff., 293 noise (in information-theory), 87 ff.,
mass noun, 282 96
mathematics and linguistics, 71 nominalism, 401, 404, 426
matrix string, 265 ff., 268 nominalization, 265, 347
matter (v. form), 198, 271 ff., 435 ff. nominative, 223, 290 ff., 301, 340 ff.
meaning: cf. semantics non-past tense, 305 f., 367
meaning, grammatical v. lexical, 435 ff. nonsense, 140, 422
meaningful, meaningless: cf. significant, normative: cf. prescriptive
having meaning Norwegian, 204
mechanism (v. mentalism), 408 notional grammar, 134 ff., 147, 155,
medieval grammar, 14-16 166 f., 270, 317 ff., 350 ff.
membership of grammatical classes, noun, 10, 11, 19, 147, 227, 279 ff,
147 ff, 318 f. 289 ff, 317, 320 ff., 337 ff., 357
Menomini, 311 noun-phrase, 213 f., 235
mentalism, 308, 474 f. nucleus, nuclear, 334 ff., 339 f-, 343>
mention: cf. use 35O ff.
metaphor, 5, 406 number, 12, 148, 239 ff., 243 ff., 263,
metaphysics, 15, 198 270 ff., 277, 288 ff.
microscopic: cf. macroscopic numerator, 229
middle voice, 372 ff.
mind, 401 ff., 408, 443 f., 474 object, 148, 290, 293 ff., 320, 340 ff.,
minimum free form, 201 f. 350 ff, 348 ff.
minor part of speech, 273, 436 object of result, 361, 439 f.
misunderstanding, 411 f. object-deletion, 360 ff., 303 f., 370
modal: cf. mood objective, 249 ff., 295 ff.
mode: cf. mood obligation, obligative, 208 ff.
modes of signifying, 14, 271 ff., 400, obligatory rules, 218 ff., 259, 268, 356,
404, 436 ff., 481 393, 397
modify, 178, 210 ff., 233, 296 f., 304, obscenity, 140, 423
325 f., 344, 422, 438, 475 f. Old Church Slavonic, 41
Modistae: cf. scholastic grammarians Old High German, 24
mood, 307 ff., 316 ff. Old Norse, 24
morph, 183 ff. one-place verbs, 350 ff.
morpheme, 170, 180 ff., 206 ff. onomatopoeia, 5, 119
morphographemic, 265 open set, 436, 438
morphology, 194 ff. open vowel, 103
morphophonemic, 116, 264 opposite in meaning: cf. antonymy
motion: cf. locomotion opposition: cf. contrast
multidimensional phonology, 131 optative, 308
multiple meaning, 405 ff. optional rules, 218 ff., 257, 259, 268,
names and naming, 5, 338, 403 ff. oral, 104
naming of grammatical classes, 147, ordering of rules, 220 f., 268
317 ff. organs of speech, 102 ff.
narrow transcription, 100 orientation, 275, 299, 303
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orthographic word, 199 Port Royal, 17, 273
ostensive definition, 409 f. positivism, 32-3, 408
overlapping distribution, 70 possession, 290, 295 ff., 300 f., 368,
391 ff.
paradigm, 6, 190, 195, 272, 289 f. possibility, 308
paradigmatic (v. syntagmatic) relations, postposition, 302 f., 394
70 ff., 117, 428 f., 460 postpositive article, 204
parole: cf. langue potential pause: cf. pause
parsing, 210 power of grammars, 261
participant, 276 Prague School, 116, 126 f.
participle, 12, 249 f. predicate, 11, 19, 148, 171, 210 ff., 320,
particle, 20 333 ff-, 337 ff-, 439 *"
particular: cf. universal predication, 270 ff., 337 ff.
parts of speech, 3, 11, 12, 13, 15, predictive, 155, 297, 316
19-20, 147 ff., 179, 270 f., 317 ff., prefix, 354
404 preposition, 12, 20, 290, 297 f., 301,
passive, 12, 257 ff., 261 f., 296 ff, 336, 302 ff., 319, 398
342 ff, 351, 371 ff., 375 ff., 468 prescriptive (or normative) grammar, 7,
past tense, 304 ff. 42-4
patient, 341 ff., 35<>ff- present tense, 304 ff.
pause, potential, 180, 199 f. presupposition, 403, 422, 440, 462
perception, 351 primitive languages, 44, 199
perfective, 313 ff., 395 ff, 398 primitive (undefined) terms, 137^
performance (v. competence), 51 172
permutation, 258, 268 probability of occurrence, 84 ff., 222,
Persian, 21 415
person, 270 ff., 276 ff. procedural linguistics, 157
personal pronouns, 275 ff. production (t>. recognition) grammar,
personification, 251, 277, 298 158, 230
phatic communion, 417 process-oriented, 366 f.
philology, 22 progressive aspect, 315 f., 351, 353
philosophy, 400 ff., 444 ff. progressive conditioning, 93
phonematic unit, 129 projection-rule, 439 f., 476, 480
phoneme, 100, 112 ff. projective, 155
phonetic spelling, 197 promissive, 310
phonetics, 22, 34, 99, 101 ff. pronoun, 12, 173, 275 ff., 283 ff.
phonic substance, 62 ff. proper (v. improper) inclusion, 234
phonological conditioning, 184 ff. proper noun, 337
phonology, 53-4, 99, 112 ff., 179 f., property, essential (defining), 401
184 ff., 204 f., 265, 268, 418 proportion: cf. analogy
phrase, 53, 148, 170 f., 206 ff., 214, 232, prosodic analysis, 127 ff., 185
266, 345, 412 prosody, 129
phrase-marker, 259, 266 Provencal, 17
phrase-structure, 215 ff., 255, 321 ff., pro-verb, 340, 440
328, 330 proverbs, 177
pitch, 103 proximate (v. remote), 276, 305 f.,
place: cf. local, locative 398
place (point) of articulation, 104 ff. pseudo-intransitive, 252, 363 ff., 370
plane, 54 psycholinguistics, 160, 400 ff., 420
plereme, 470 psychological subject, 314
plosive: cf. stop punctual, 315, 348, 351
plural, 148, 281 ff. punctuation, 40
Polish, 21 purity* of language, 9, 42-4
polysemy, 496 putative, 310
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quality, 324 f. Sanskrit, 19-20, 21, 24-5, 27-9, 31, 41,
question, 307 ff., 435, 441 188, 273, 297 ff-
schema, 178
race and language, 24 scholastic grammarians, 14-16, 198,
rank, 171, 178, 181, 205 ff., 345 271, 436
rationalism, 17, 24 scientific study of language, 1, 22
ready-made utterances, 177, 416, 420 Scottish Gaelic, 21
realism (v. formalism), 51 second-order nominals, 347 ff.
realism (v. nominalism), 401, 404, 408, segmentation, 181 ff.
426 semantic category, 471
realization, 60, 184, 196, 280 semantic change, 401, 407
recategorization, 277, 282, 299, 316, 348 semantic component: cf. component
Received Pronunciation, 115 semantic marker: cf. component
recognition (v. production) grammar, semantic structure, 55, 429
158, 230 semantics, 53-4, 134 ff., 140 f-, 143,
reconstruction, 31, 33 154 f., 166 ff., 200 f., 268 f., 400 ff.,
rection, 241 passim
recursive, 221 ff., 262, 268, 326, 381, sememe, 470
386 semiotic, 405
recycling, 225 Semitic, 22
redundancy, 85 ff. sense, 403, 411, 427 ff., 443 ff.
reference (anaphoric or pronominal), sense-relations, 427 ff., 443 ff.
233, 275 ff., 283 ff. sentence, 52, 53, 170ff.,206, 227, 334 ff.,
reference (v. sense), 404 ff., 410, 419, 401, 412 f., 419 f., passim
424 ff., 434, 454 sentence-type, 145, 178 f., 218, 441 f.
reflexive, 361 ff., 373 ff. sequence, 76 ff., 209 f.
regressive conditioning, 92 set-theory, 71
regular, 6, 119 f. sex and gender, 283 ff., 293
related languages, 21-2 short components, 105 ff.
relations, structural, 50, 59 sign, linguistic, 403
relative (v. absolute) point of reference, significant (meaningful), 137, 140 f.,
299 154, 172, 402 f., 412, 422, 423 ,
relativity: cf. determinism 475 ff.
remote: cf. proximate signification, 15, 271 ff., 400 ff., 410
Renaissance, 16-17 simple sentence, 178, 225
represent, 184 single-base: cf. singulary transformation
resemblance between languages, 26 singular, 148, 281 ff.
restricted context, 419 singulary transformation, 265, 268
rewriting rules, 161, 210, 216 ff., 235 ff. Sino-Tibetan, 22
ritual utterance, 139, 416 f. Siouan languages, 301
Roget's Thesaurus, 446 f., 456, 472 situation of utterance, 275 ff., 300, 413,
role, 276, 280 434
Roman grammarians, 13 slang, 90 f.
Romance languages, 21, 279, 396 Slavonic languages, 21, 283, 294, 313
romanticism, 23 Sophists, 10
root, 20, 195 f. sortal universals, 337 ff.
rounded vowel, 103, 128 ff. sound, 53
Rumanian, 204 sound-change, 27 ff.
Russian, 21, 55, 56-7, 5$, 204, 279 f., sound-law, 28-33
294, 297 ff., 3Oi, 3i3ff- 322, 375, sound-symbolism, 5, 419
394, 43O Spanish, 21, 287, 375, 379
spatiotemporal, 275, 299, 413
safety-margin (between ranges of real- speaker, 275 ff., 307, 398
ization), 68, 90 species, 372
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universal semantics, 472 ff. voiced (v. voiceless), 104, 121 ff.
universe of discourse, 419, 426 vowel, 102, 103 f.
unrounded vowel, 103, 128 ff. vowel harmony, 128 ff., 205, 353
usage, 7, 8, 272 vox, 272, 372
use and meaning, 410 f., 414
use and mention, 201 Welsh, 21
utterance, 52, 171 f., 176, 336, 413, 419, wish, 308
423, passim word, 53, 68-70, 142, 170 f., 180, 194 ff.,
206, 272, 402, 412, passim
variable (v. constant), 161, 237 ff., 261 f. word-boundary, 264
Vedic hymns, 1920 word-formation: cf. derivation
velar, 105, 121 ff. word-order, 76, 203 f., 223, 297, 302 ff.
verb, 10, 11, 19, 147, 280, 319, 323 ff., writing, 38-9, 62 ff., 196 f., 199
436 f. writing systems, kinds of, 39
Verner's law, 29-30, 125 f.
Vietnamese, 188, 283 zero, 193, 237
vocabulary, 54 ff., 427 ff., 433 zero-modification, 363
vocative, 290 Zipf's law, 89 f.
voice (as a phonetic term), iO2ff., 106,372 Zulu, 22
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