Nurul - Full Day School
Nurul - Full Day School
Nurul - Full Day School
Nurul Fatonah
Program Magister Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung 20154, Indonesia
Universitas Garut, Indonesia
Full Day School is the concept of education that children are at school along the day. By the range time of
8 hours, the children do the activity. In Indonesia, the full day school the implementation planning was
initiated by the Minister of Education and Culture at the end of 2016. A number of supports and rejections
emerged against the planning. A plenty of people`s perceptions from different insights. However, the
factual components related to full day school are teacher and students. There is less who tried to dig up
students' opinions about the implementation planning of full day school, because the emerged media is
concerning on the opinion of adults which is on behalf of the component education`s interests. Therefore,
the researchers willing to explore the students' perception regarding the implementation planning of full
day school in year 2017/2018.
Students are one of major component of the educational process (Sumarno, 2004 ; Herman, 2007 ;
Eniyati, 2011). The existence of students is important, because the educational process only can occur if
the students exist. Students in the school follow the process of education which contains the construction
process of morals, behavior and knowledge of students (Fitzgerald, 1996 ; Hariyoga, 2011).
In the process of learning in the classroom, students learn to adults called teachers. Students are the
smallest unit of the educational system, but in the decision-making or policy-related level of the school,
the decision is left to a more mature and more authorized person. In this case there are teachers,
principals, parents and higher level government as key determinants of school policy.
As the main component, all policy makers should be prioritizing the insight and opinion of the children.
Although the truth of all the policy makers in the learning process, their arguments are on behalf of the
child's interests.
The imposition of full day school is currently limited to the planning. But, as far there are some schools
that have implemented a system of full day school or boarding school. Even in Indonesia there are
schools that also have dormitories to stay, even in boarding school which are integrated between studying
at school and in dormitories.
At the level of policy makers at the country level, the education minister in 2017 launched a new idea,
which is the choice to do the learning with the five-day concept in school but the learning process is done
through passing for eight hours at school. The range time is from 08.00 to 16.00. This idea, then, reap the
pros and cons in the society. Some of them are supporting the idea and the rest are negleting. However,
both the pros and cons have give their opinions for the sake of the students goodness.
Students as a component in the learning process should be explored and deepened of their opinion. That
will be more noticeable because the students who will run the process.
Students are one of the main components in the educational process. The student is an individual who has
great expectations for success and achieves the goals, therefore that individual should have followed the
educational process. Students will be the determiner, they need to be considerable to achieve their
learning goals. Meanwhile, according to pasal 1 ayat 4 UU RI No. 20 tahun 2013 on the national
education system, where students are members of the community who seek to develop themselves
through the education process on the path and certain types of education. Students develop according to
their stage of development. Child development is the development of all aspects of the personality.
Students are entrusted by their parents to the school with the aim that their children have a good
As the rule, every child in Indonesia must follow the education process. Even this is then called
compulsory for 9 years or wajib belajar sembilan tahun. A series of other rules set by the government aim
to regulate the smoothness of the educational process. This is stated in the national standard of education.
Full Day School
According to the etymology the word full day school comes from English. Full means full, and day means
hari. School is defined as sekolah. If combined, it will be defined as the whole day of school. In
terminology full day school above, it can be concluded that the meaning of full day school is a full day
school implementation with the learning process from morning until afternoon which the school provides
additional time to deepen certain subject matter (Salim, 1998: Skholihah, 2012, Noor, 2006, Baharudin,
Rules regarding the length of the learning process at school, set out in the standard of education process
(Romli, 2015).. At the primary school level the rules on the burden of learning in detail are as follow
a. Class I to III is 29 s.d. 32 hours of learning
b. Class IV to VI is 34 hours of learning
c. The length of study takes 35 minutes.
Schools in Indonesia generally run from 07.30 to 13.00, except in grade 1 and grade 2, for grade 1 and 2
usually done until 11 o'clock (Sanjaya, 2006).. However, based on the characteristics used in full day
school schools is longer than normal school. The more and more varied lessons are packed in such a way
that it feels good. Besides extracurricular and religious activities get bigger portion. In addition to theory,
students are directly introduced to field practice. The classification of effective hours of study in full day
school in primary schools is as follows:
a. Class 1 to class 2, effective learning hours is from 07.00 am until 14.00 hours
b. Class 3 hours effective learning is starting at 07.00 s / d 14.30
c. Grade 4 s / d 6, the effective hours of learning is from 07.00 WIB until 15.30 / 16.00
The method conducted in this research is the qualitative approach. The reason is that will be explored in
the research is the surrounding phenomenon by describing and analyzing social activities, attitudes,
beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of individuals or groups (Creswell, 2005).
Because the excavation in this case is related to the description of the analysis of social activities, this
research also employed a case study qualitative methodology. In the data collection, the research utilized
interview techniques. Subjects in this study were students sitting in primary school in one of district in
Kabupaten Garu.
In analysing the data, the research used grounded theory technique. This technique was deemed suitable
because the data results are in descriptive data, thus the steps for grounded theory seem able to decipher
the result into the correct interpretation.
Based on the results of field interviews, the researchers' findings show that most children do not want to
go home in the afternoon. In Garut, the child turned out to have other activities after school. For most
children attend religious school or recitation programs from 2 pm to 3:30 pm. Other activities children do
are taking a nap, playing and resting at home.The statement appears to be commensurate with the
Chairman of the KPAI (Indonesian Child Protection Commission), Niam stated that full day school seems
to have not been applied by the Education Minister. According to him, the improvement of the education
system with the spirit into a child friendly school environment is more important.Based on the results of
interviews in the field, the researchers got some arguments that objected to the implementation of full day
school plan, such as:
a. Children need time off
As a human being, it would be natural to experience a sense of tiredness or fatigue in doing something,
including the children who learn, it is possible to grow boredom.The energy of children looks very
excited starting from the morning to noon, but in the afternoon precisely after the duhur began to decrease
energy. Even when after the lunchtime they just got the fall asleep. Based on interviews conducted,
students who go home at noon to home then take a rest by watching TV or sleeping. Because of the heat
of the sun, the children feel better at home and interact with the family.
b. Children need time to play
As social beings, children have a demand to get interaction each other. For social life in the region,
relative system is still high, peer communication is excellent, and interaction in society is very close.
Therefore in the countryside there are many activities to play with peers. Usually, the children play
activities with friends at home from school or in the afternoon.
c. Children follow recitation for children program
In the community environment in Limbangan, recitation activities are still habitual even mandatory things
that are followed by children. Children follow recitation program at 14.00 and as on after ashar.
From some respondents interviewed, it can be revealed that in Limbangan area the child is not ready to
follow the policy of full day school. This is because this area have the different parent backgrounds. Most
families have fathers being responsible to get job, thus not all families have the complete parents to be at
home in early evening. While the mother is at home and take care of her child, so when the child returns
home, the parents are being up there.
Besides, the factors that in Limbangan (Lokasi) there are many boarding schools having the habit of
pengajian diniah as one of the children routines. In rural areas, religious education activities are
numerous and sustainable. Even pengajian diniyah supposedly become the formal education, there
usually is a series of rules and the process as well as the proper formal education. It's just packed with
more relaxed and not stiff.
From the findings, the government should look at all the supporting and inhibiting factors against full day
school policy. The government should look at the diverse of Indonesian cultural society
The diverse of parent background can be taken into consideration, because not every parent comes home
to work in the afternoon. In fact, in rural areas for both parents to return home in the evening, ordinary
children live with relatives or neighbors. This is because in rural areas the level of kinship is still high.
Unlike the case with the urban, they need a maid or a nanny to take care their child as they have work to
get done. This is the ground arousen of full day school, that goverment purposively alleviate the parents
job descriptions, but then, it still can not be generalized by all circles.
In addition, another reasons used in applying full day school is to increase parental control over their
children. It turns out the findings of researchers in context, in the rural area full-day school is afraid
having the interaction between parents and children decreased, due to time limitation for them to get
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