Government Should Apply Full Day School. Firstly Let Me Define The Proposal Government Should Apply Full Day School
Government Should Apply Full Day School. Firstly Let Me Define The Proposal Government Should Apply Full Day School
Government Should Apply Full Day School. Firstly Let Me Define The Proposal Government Should Apply Full Day School
Among the reasons some students reject full-day school, among others, the ability of the
brain is certainly limited in receiving lessons and need to rest, tiredness becomes obstacles
for students so difficult to receive lessons even when the time is added, then full day school
also hampers the activities of students outside school such as reciting and helping parents.
In conclusion, the school is very important, but in addition to learning, of course there is time
for the brain to be rested, half a day more is better enough for students in learning, so that
outside of school students are able to develop other talents and creativity hidden in students
This topic should be one of the most talked about topics in the country.
"What if the cure for cancer is trapped in the mind of someone who can't afford education?"
Everyone deserves to be educated. It's sad that intelligent people drop out because they can't afford
to take another loan or because books got too expensive. Other students juggle 3 jobs with their
classes. Education wouldn't be free even if it was, we would be paying back our community by
studying hard and getting a decent job! Education elevates one's status, we want to elevate our
country's status.
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For the betterment of the human race!
The availability of great education is already open source and ready for anyone, with the motivation,
to learn it. The perpetuating view of education as a rare commodity is a downward spiral, not only for
individuals, but also for the nation as a whole. Most people have heard that few things are rights and
are required for survival, for example, water, food and shelter. Education must be added to the list. It
has been quite clear that in recent years the average American is falling behind in science,
engineering and mathematics, allowing the nation itself to fall behind in development and job
creation. Obviously, it is not only a personal endeavor to become educated, being an educated
country is a national interest. The nation has goals of being self-sufficient with most commodities
such as energy, fuel, materials, and the list goes on. How can a nation expect such high
achievements with such an unbelievably selective method of individual success? If education was
viewed as a national interest, and therefore, paid for with public money, a national could support
success of not only its people, but also the nation as a whole.
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Education should be free because some parents cant afford it. So if education was free more children
would be in school.It is unfair that only the parents that have money gets to send there child/children
to school every child must be given a chance because some children have the talent but there
parents dont have the money.That is why i think education should be free
Education should be free because some people can have a very good future and they can get many
scholarships but not all of them would pay for school. Another reason why it should be free is
because a lot of the people that do bad things are the ones that had a future but couldn't because
they didn't have enough money.
Nearly every country in the developed world, and more and more in the developing world, provide
free primary and secondary education. Such education is generally uncontroversial and accepted as
necessary by both liberals and conservatives around the world. In the case of university education,
however, there is a great deal of disparity between educational policies. In many states students
must pay fees to attend university, for which they may seek student loans or grants.
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We live in a system where the rich get the education to get richer. We should provide the education
at a very very low cost essentially making it free to change all this. We should learn from some of the
European countries where college education is free and how much benefit each of these countries are
having from this.
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Of course!
We should all be allowed the access to education. That's a reason why our economy is so bad, no one
has money to repay the debts they had from college. Given the fact that going to community college
first and then college is still cheapest, it doesn't mean that all people can truly afford it. I believe that
it would take a lot more than just handing us a college go to for free to fix our economy but, it may
be a start right?
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All children should be given a free education so that they become useful and productive citizens. It is
for the good of the nation that students be educated as they grow and that this education be free so
that all my participate and hopefully participate later in the workforce and the economy.
We are cutting down to much trees and getingrid of more oxogen and we are losing trees so we cant
live as long so we should switch to technology and According to The Reflective Educator, “a typical
school uses about 2000 sheets of paper a day, or about 360,000 sheets in a school year.”
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People nowadays usually do tests on computers. But is it really better for them? It is a hard decision.
Pencil and paper, or computers. People seem to not care. Computer, okay. Paper, sure. But what if
this was an important test that this you have barely studied for, and you absolutely had to at least
get higher than a 90%. What do they use? This is the reasoning. What way to test, works for
humans? What way is more efficient. What do people need more of, pencils, or computers, and is
there really any difference?
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It saves trees
It saves the trees cause without trees we don't have oxygen so if we use trees and get paper we are
supporting the ones who take our trees cut them down and make paper causing us to lose oxygen
and eventually die out with no one left on the world
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It saves trees
It saves the trees cause without trees we don't have oxygen so if we use trees and get paper we are
supporting the ones who take our trees cut them down and make paper causing us to lose oxygen
and eventually die out with no one left on the world
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It saves trees
It saves the trees cause without trees we don't have oxygen so if we use trees and get paper we are
supporting the ones who take our trees cut them down and make paper causing us to lose oxygen
and eventually die out with no one left on the world
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Yes it helps
According to Conservatree, one tree makes 8,333 sheets of typical 20 lb. Weight copy paper. If we
assume one newsletter sent to one recipient would consume at least one sheet of paper (that’s being
very conservative), one tree = 8,333 emails.20 million emails/day divided by 8,333 = 2,400 trees
saved every day! Just by sending email instead of paper-based marketing materials.
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People should use computers instead of paper because when we get paper we are destroying trees,
we also use 115 billion pieces of paper a day. When we use paper we are destroying trees, which
destroys the nature. If we could decrease the usage of paper each year that would help the
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Paper is great, we have used it for thousands of years and it's served it's purpose. I've read a few
calculations on cost posted above, but none of them had taken into account the amount of
productivity generated by the use of computers. With information at a student's fingertips, think of
how much time this saves over flipping through a book. Sure, some sources on the WWW are
suspect, but so are many textbooks. Paper has become obsolete in the Information Age, it's time to
get with the times.
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Positive point about using technology in the classroom is that if teachers see that children are not
doing very well in Scholl he can send them work for out of school and if they are struggling then the
teacher could give the pupil a skype lesson for outside school hours.
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Students who have bad handwriting are at a major disadvantage writing on paper.
In my school (I guess in every school) teachers have really troubled me for my bad handwriting. I
have tried various styles and only one has looked good (still I do not get appreciated for that). Grades
are given on the basis of that and no doubt I do not get good marks. It has also killed my interest in
making notes. Using computers everyone is on the same level in terms of handwriting and students
get judged on what they write instead of how they write.
Bullying is horrible.
Less bullying. Bullying is horrible! I can't stand it anymore. Australian schools should be bully free!
Imagine your son or daughter coming back from school crying because they are in fashion and
everyone is teasing them for wearing unfashionable clothes. Oh, and your daughter or son would
want new clothes to be in fashion, and clothes cost money!
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Yes to uniforms!
I want uniforms in school. The reason why I want uniforms is because they save money. Also, you
don't have to worry about finding an outfit for the next day. You also would not be late for school and
you will not get in trouble.That is why I want uniforms for schools.
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Without uniforms kids can wear whatever they want, which is all good and well, but there is a lot of
judgement. A lot of kids will pick on others BECAUSE of what they're wearing. Like for girls whose
shirts are cut lower, or if a boy wears those checkered shorts that they seem to love so much. But
with uniforms all of that is taken away because everyone will be wearing the same thing. I know your
first questions will be: "But where's the individuality?" But it can still be there. Kids who roll their
sleeves up or fold their collars differently, or who tuck their shirts in or leave them out. There are a
LOT of factors to keep in mind.
Second, I know you'll say but that's teaching them conformity (that everyone has to be the same),
but really? It's not. It's teaching them respect and to a certain degree discipline. Kids who wear
whatever they want tend to think they can get away with a lot more, because their teachers/school
staff aren't as strict. But by having them wear uniforms and enforcing it you are showing them that
that's not the case.
Third of all, kids don't need to wear whatever they want to be different and individual or to express
themselves. There are other ways. The quality of their schoolwork, drawings, writings, attitude, etc...
The list goes on.
Another thing is that with uniforms there won't be any place for judgement or prejudices based on
appearance, or at least not as much.
Now, a lot of you will probably say that making kids wear uniforms is the same thing as making them
all the same race, religion, sexual orientation, color, have the same hair color/length, no tattoos or
piercings, and more. But really, it's not. Giving kids uniforms only means that there won't be anymore
sagging, or as much skin, and it certainly doesn't mean that everyone will have to be identical. Kids
need individuality. Uniforms just give them a larger margin for it.
Of course a lot of you will say it in fact gives them a SHORTER margin. But again, that's wrong. By
giving them uniforms you are giving them opportunities to express themselves and their individuality
in other ways.
And uniforms really aren't that ugly either, as I know that's what a lot of people argue. They can
actually be really nice.
Long Beach California implemented uniforms in 1995 and these were the results (tallied recently); the
overall crime rate by students dropped by 91%. There were approximately 90% less school
suspensions. Sex offenses were reduced by 96% (a lot considering). Incidents of vandalism were
reported to have gone down 69%. Assaults in grades K (P) - 8 decreased by 85%.
Norfolk, VA implemented uniforms in 1995 as well, and these were their results; leaving class without
permission dropped by 47%. Throwing objects dropped by 68%. Fighting dropped by 38%.
So you see now why uniforms are the best course of action?
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Students get bullied a lot just for wearing the non-brand clothing. Just because they're not wearing
the latest fashion trend, students feel superior to others and make fun of them for it. It's not right
and it's not fair. Certain parents can't afford nice clothing for their children, and they have to wear
the hand-me-down clothing from older siblings or other family members. Wearing school uniforms
stops students from making fun of students for their clothing, because everybody would be wearing
the same exact thing.
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You spend less money on the uniform. Before you say "no you don't! School uniform is expensive!"
Just think about the money you'll spend when you have to buy different clothes just so your child
doesn't wear the same clothes everyday because you know bullying can occur like that. So if you
spent $500 dollars on your child's uniform that they'll wear for the year, and you think that's bad. Just
think about the money you spend altogether on that one year off buying different clothes everyday.
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A uniform saves us time in the mornings and we don't get bullied as much because everybody at school
is wearing the same thing.
When I say we can save time in the mornings it's that we can just find our clothes, comb or brush
our hair, brush our teeth and eat our breakfast. When I say we won't get bullied as much it is
because everyone in school would be wearing the same thing.
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I vote yes!
I think students should wear school uniforms because it is cheaper! Parents spend hundreds of
dollars every year just on clothes for their kids. The main reason why kids want those clothes is
because they want to fit in. If all kids are wearing the same thing this problem won't occur.
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there are many reasons for wearing uniform # 1 its safer. for example if u go on a field trip if
someone gets lost it is easier to find them if they are wearing a uniform. # 2 its saves money it doent
waste it. instead of buying 50 differnt outfits u can just buy 78 of the same outfit for school
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School uniforms are a good thing for a school to have kids wear.
Easier to be found in the school, at a field trip, and more, plus you won't be bullied about your
clothes because you are wearing the same thing. Finally, no need to worry about you or other people
wearing inappropriate clothes. Thank you if you agree with me about it.