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Exhbit Titled: Stan J. Caterbone Advanced Media Group

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Stan J. Caterbone
Freedom From Covert Harassment &

Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603



In Re:

CASE NO. 17-cv-4000

Caterbone September 17, 2017

SEPTEMBER 17, 2017

by Stan J. Caterbone September 14, 2017

It is too easy for present and future administrations to abuse their power
and utilize warrantless surveillance as a means of subverting and obstructing
justice for those that are engaged in Whistle-Blowing cases that concern
National Security. Without the proper oversight and judicial review, a Whistle
Blower can be place on terrorist lists for malicious reasons without the
knowledge or just cause. This is in direct conflict with keeping our democracy
free of corruption while adhering to the spirit of the constitution in the manner
our founding fathers envisioned.
Today the Trump Administration is again trying to advance what PATRIOT
Edward Snowden had disclosed, in the re-authorization of Title VII of the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Section 702, which authorizes the

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National Security Agency (NSA) to intercept the communications of foreigners

located outside the United States without obtaining a search warrant. The law
expires at the end of the year unless Congress passes legislation reauthorizing

Stan (Also Stanley) J. Caterbone is a private citizen and the majority shareholder
of the United States incorporated business Advanced Media Group, Ltd., Stan J.
Caterbone was a whistle-blower and shareholder in 1987 involving the United States
Defense Contractor International Signal & Control, Plc., known as ISC. In 1992,
International Signal & Control was indicted and found guilty of among other things a
Billion Dollar Fraud and export violations concerning illegally shipping cluster bomb
technologies, missile defense systems, and other defense systems to foreign interests
including South Africa, Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Cluster bombs and related
technologies are known to have been exported to Iraq by the Chilean Arms Dealer Carlos
Cardoen, a joint venture partner of International Signal & Control. The Central
Intelligence Agency is confirmed to have been involved in a covert program to arm Iraq
during the 1980s with close ties to International Signal & Control, which allegedly
included the help of the National Security Agency, a former end user of International
Signal & Control technologies under the early 1980s program Project X. A Presidential
Finding in 1984 by the Bush Administration was executed to implement the program of
arming Saddam Hussein and Iraq with the cluster bomb technologies. Serious allegations
of these programs were the focus of investigations that included the knowledge and
supervision of then appointed nominee for the Director of Central Intelligence Agency,
Robert M. Gates.

Since 1987, Stan J. Caterbone has been the victim of vast civil conspiracy that
started in 1987 to cover-up allegations of fraud within International Signal & Control
during the negotiations and merger of International Signal & Control and Ferranti
International of England. Stanley J. Caterbone alleges that warrantless surveillance was
used to obstruct justice and moot his constitutional rights in an effort to divert attention
away from his allegations of fraud within International Signal & Control back in 1987, and
afterwards to the present as a means to deny his access to the courts for remedy and
relief, and Federal False Claims Act violations. The business of Advanced Media Group has
been greatly compromised and intellectual property stolen during the late 1980s and
early 1990s that included information technology contracts with the United States

Organized stalking and harassment began in 1987 following the public allegations
of fraud within ISC. This organized stalking and harassment was enough to drive an
ordinary person to suicide. As far back as the late 1980's Stan J. Caterbone knew that
his mind was being read, or "remotely viewed". This was verified and confirmed when
information only known to him, and never written, spoken, or typed, was repeated by
others. In 1998, while soliciting the counsel of Philadelphia attorney Christina Rainville,
(Rainville represented Lisa Michelle Lambert in the Laurie Show murder case), someone
introduced the term remote viewing through an email. That was the last time it was an
issue until 2005. The term was researched, but that was the extent of the topic. Remote
Viewers may have attempted to connect in a more direct and continuous way without

In 2005 the U.S. sponsored mind control turned into an all-out assault of mental
telepathy; synthetic telepathy; and pain and torture through the use of directed energy
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devices and weapons that usually fire a low frequency electromagnetic energy at the
targeted victim. This assault was no coincidence in that it began simultaneously with the
filing of the federal action in U.S. District Court, or CATERBONE v. Lancaster County
Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-2288. This assault began after the handlers remotely trained
Stan J. Caterbone with mental telepathy. The main difference opposed to most other
victims of this technology is that Stan J. Caterbone after being connected to some 20 or
so individuals ranging from CIA Operatives to current day national newscasters and
celebrities, Stan J. Caterbone remains connected 24/7 with a person who declares that
she is Interscope recording artist Sheryl Crow of Kennett Missouri. Stan J. Caterbone has
spent 3 years trying to validate and confirm this person without success. Most U.S.
intelligence agencies refuse to cooperate, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
the U.S. Attorney's Office refuse to comment. See attached documents for more

In 2006 or the beginning of 2007 Stan J. Caterbone began his extensive research
into mental telepathy; mind control technologies; remote viewing; and the CIA mind
control program labeled MK ULTRA and it's subprograms.

In January of 2006, Stanley J. Caterbone was detained at every airport security

check point, which was during a policy of random checks, and taken out of line during
travel from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Houston, Texas, and on to Puerto Vallarta,
Mexico. At the Houston Airport, Stanley J. Caterbone was falsely accused of carrying
plastics explosives and taken to an interview room by Homeland Security officials.
Stanley J. Caterbone was also detained for three days in Mexico, and was not provided
with an opportunity to gain access to a flight out of the country by Mexican Officials.

Today, Stan J. Caterbone is a pro se litigant in several state and local courts, in an
effort to be restored to whole since the WHISTLEBLOWING of 1987. Most notable is
CATERBONE v. The National Security Agency, NSA, et.al. In the UNITED STATES COURT

The following is a memo of a meeting with ISC executive Mr.

Lawrence Resch and Mr. Stanley J. Caterbone at his office at Financial
Management Group, Ltd., which took place on June 23, 1987.

Mr. Lawrence Resch, of San Clamente, California, was a long time associate of Mr. James
Guerin who worked as a marketing consultant, and was an ISC executive prior to the
company going public in 1982. He served as Director of Marketing and head of Lancaster
operations for then defunct United Chem Con, an affiliate of ISC. He was sued by Ferranti
International in 1990 for $189 million dollars and indicted and found guilty by
prosecutors for his role with ISC and served a jail term.

Upon the arrival of Mr. Larry Resch, Stan Caterbone met him in the lobby of Financial
Management Group, Ltd, at which time Larry Resch said "Carl Jacobson could not attend,
we had to suddenly fly him out of the country early this morning (flew to Chile) The
meeting was started with the subject of the financial difficulties of United Chem Con and
possible alternatives. Larry Resch specifically addressed the possibility of moving the
operations of United Chem Con to another facility, with specific regards to the Renovo
Plant. Larry Resch specifically addressed the financing capabilities of Stan Caterbone,
along with possible management opportunities. Larry Resch also gave financial
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statements and documents to Stan Caterbone for the latest fiscal year for United Chem
Con. Stan Caterbone went on to allege that United Chem Con had embezzled some
$15,000,000 from the United States Government for contracts that contained
improprieties. Stan Caterbone also alleged improprieties of International Signal & Control
and James Guerin, with specific regards to its role in the United Chem Con, and its
business activities as related to government contracts. Stan Caterbone noted that he, as
a legal shareholder of International Signal & Control was concerned about improper
business activities.

Larry Resch was taken by surprise by all of the above. Stan Caterbone became quite
upset by the evasiveness and the lack of specifics with regards to Larry Resch's
conversation. In efforts to thwart any further communication from James Guerin, United
Chem Con, or International Signal & Control, Stan Caterbone demanded a retainer fee of
$10,000 before anyone contacted him again.

Today, the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is using the old J. Edgar Hoover

COINTELPRO Program while at the same time expanding the powers of local law
enforcement through 3 Executive Orders in order to Militarize Local Police
Departments. The following are the effects of the ILLEGAL AND LANDMARK
COINTELPRO PROGRAM that is used against me:

As Contained In The Lancaster County Court Of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373
Where President Donald Trump Was Added To The Defendant's List On January 23,
2017 And Other State And Federal Court Cases; The Trump Administration Is
Utilizing An Illegal COINTELPRO Program To Harass The Appellant, Stan J.
Caterbone And Obstruct Justice By Directing Causing It Almost Impossible For The
Continuation Of Those Same Civil Actions.
The Trump Administration Signed (3) Executive Orders That Broadened The Powers
Of The City Of Lancaster Police Department To Coincide With The Above.
The Fact That Complainant Stan J. Caterbone's History With The Lancaster City
Police Department Traces Back To The 1960'S With The Targeting Of Complainant
Stan J. Caterbone's Father, Samuel Caterbone, Jr. In The Very Same Manner As
The Current Targeting Of Complainant Stan J. Caterbone Today Is Reason Enough
To Have Summary Judgments In All Civil Actions In Federal And State Courts
Immediately Ordered.
An Unprecedented Harassment Program Carried Out By Residents, Neighbors,
Stalking Groups, Law Enforcement, And Others.
An Unprecedented Hacking Program Of All Electronic Equipment.
An Unprecedented Torture Program Utilizing Electromagnetic And Other Exotic
Weapons Developed By The Department Of Defense And Intelligence
An Unprecedented Campaign Designed To Drain The Appellant Stan J.
Caterbone Of All Cash Resources, Which Has Resulted In A Cash Position Of
Some $60,000.00 In June Of 2015 To Nothing Today.
The Unprecedented Campaign Of False Statements By The Residents Of 1252
Fremont Street And The Perjured Statements Of Lancaster City Police In Recent
Criminal Summary Offenses Filed In District Magistrate Adam Witkonis Court.

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An Unprecedented Campaign Of Daily Harassment's And Threats By The

Residents Of 1252 Fremont Street, Which Has Been Ongoing Since 2006.
Un Unprecedented Campaign Of Threats Of Physical Harm In Public Spaces.
The Unprecedented Campaign Of The Breaking And Entering Into The
Residence Of The Complainant Stan J. Caterbone Causing Vandalism, Thefts,
Poisoning Of Food, And The Strategic Placement Of Cock Roaches On A Daily
Basis. This Also Involves The Theft And Manipulation Of Court Filings And
The Above Are All Facilitated And Supported With Violations Of Due Process In
The Complaints To Law Enforcement.
Complainant Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Seam Receiving Retaliatory Adverse And
Harassing Treatment Due To The Fact That 1. , I, Complainant Stan J.
Caterbone, Pro Se, Am The Amicus For Former Pennsylvania Attorney General
Kathleen Kane In Case No. 3575 EDA 2016 In The Eastern District Of Superior
Court, Currently In Litigation.


It is too easy for present and future administrations to abuse their power and
utilize warrantless surveillance as a means of subverting and obstructing justice for those
that are engaged in Whistle-Blowing cases that concern National Security. Without the
proper oversight and judicial review, a Whistle Blower can be place on terrorist lists for
malicious reasons without the knowledge or just cause. This is in direct conflict with
keeping our democracy free of corruption while adhering to the spirit of the constitution
in the manner our founding fathers envisioned.

Activists, Citizens, and Voters must ensure that constitutional rights of private
citizens are not compromised and justice subverted through information obtained from
warrantless surveillance upon which there is no just cause for any allegations or
association with terrorism. Whistle-Blowers are inherently supportive of a system of
checks and balances within our government that go beyond our constitutional doctrines
regarding the same. Whistle-Blowers ensure that the rule of law is universally applied to
all government officials in all branches of government. The Federal False Claims Act and
its provisions protect individuals from abuse of power, while providing relief and remedies
for those that were wronged and those that had the courage to cite a wrong.

U.S. Sponsored Mind Control Systems are also used to compliment these
illegal programs to silence WHISTLEBLOWERS and others that our government
recognizes as a threat to their illegal strategies and those that are seeking the
TRUTH. Synthetic Telepathy Coupled with Electromagnetic Weapons used for
committing these haneus crimes against, STAN J. CATERBONE since at least
2005. My father, U.S. Navy 1943 to 1946) was a victim of MK-ULTRA and
experienced the same effects since at least the early 1960's and my brother,
Sammy, (U.S. Air Force 1969-19710 received the same victimization through
the use of the LSD experiments of the same program.
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STAN J. CATERBONE stated and declared that the initial time of connection
with the SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY consisted of months of NON-STOP
OPERATIVES. The interrogations lasted hours upon hours at a time and covered
just about every aspect of AMICUS STAN J. CATERBONE'S life. The
HANDLERS, for lack of a better term, not only focused on the
WHISTLEBLOWING ACTIVITIES OF ISC IN 1987, but also covered mundane
everday experiences, as a form to harass and torture.

In late spring of 2005, the HANDLERS introduce females to the sessions.

To this day, the torture consists of the same, interrogations mixed in with
harassment, sex, and humor. It is the opinion of AMICUS STAN J. CATERBONE,
that the only way to keep from desensitizing and numbing to the harassment
and pain is to experience pleasure and laughter so as to keep the magnitude of
the pain at it's highest level. THIS CAN BE SUBSANTIATED AND VALIDATED BY

The following article by psychologist JEFFREY KAYE along with the other
exhibits that detail the use of U.S. SPONSORED MIND CONTROL, or behavioral
modification programs, will substantiate that these illegal and criminal
techniques were being used, without any means to verify or evidence, on the
prisoner detainees.
Smoking Gun on CIA Torture Conspiracy? Human Experimentation
Central to EIT Program

Posted By Jeffrey Kaye On September 27, 2009

A close reading of the CIAs Inspector General Report and the Senate Intelligence
Committees narrative on the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) torture memos reveals a
more detailed picture of the CIAs involvement in the construction of those documents.

What emerges is consistent with recent charges of CIA experimentation on prisoners, and
of the overall experimental quality of the torture program itself. It also points to a crucial
piece of analysis by the CIAs Office of Technical Services, a memo which may or may
not include damning medical and psychological evidence of the damaging effects of SERE
techniques, and which the IG report maintains was utilized in substantial part in the
drafting of the August 1, 2002 Bybee memos. If one is looking for a smoking gun in the
torture scandal, in my opinion, one doesnt have to look much further than this.

The quote below is from the April 22, 2009 Senate Intelligence Committee narrative of
the Office of Legal Counsels opinions on the CIAs interrogation program. Please keep in
mind as you read the quote and the added bolded emphasis, that recent documentation
has shown that for years the CIA and Special Operations had researchers studying the
effects of SERE training.
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Moreover, the research had published in peer-reviewed journals, in part because the
research was also meant to add to the psychiatric communitys understanding of the
mechanisms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Some of the research had also been
published in the June 2000 edition of Special Warfare, The Professional Bulletin of the
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

So, keeping this all in mind, consider the following from the Intel Committees narrative
(emphasis added): According to CIA records, because the CIA believed that Abu
Zubaydah was withholding imminent threat information during the initial interrogation
sessions, attorneys from the CIAs Office of General Counsel met with the Attorney
General, the National Security Adviser, the Deputy National Security adviser, the Legal
Adviser to the National Security Council, and the Counsel to the President in mid-May
2002 to discuss the possible use of alternative interrogation methods that differed from
the traditional methods used by the U.S. military and intelligence community. At this
meeting, the CIA proposed particular alternative interrogation methods, including

The CIAs Office of General Counsel subsequently asked OLC to prepare an opinion about
the legality of its proposed techniques. To enable OLC to review the legality of the
techniques, the CIA provided OLC with written and oral descriptions of the proposed
techniques. The CIA also provided OLC with information about any medical and
psychological effects of DoDs Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE)
School, which is a military training program during which military personnel receive
counter-interrogation training.

While the fact that the OLC accepted at face value the CIAs statements regarding the
safety or the effects of the interrogation procedures they were proposing is no surprise to
anyone who has read the torture memos and evidence of the unprofessionalism and
bias of the memos authors the degree to which the conspiracy (by CIA or OLC, or
both) to withhold evidence of the real effects of the Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
(EITs) by the CIA has never been made more concrete than now.

To my knowledge, we do not have the specific document wherein the CIA provides the
medical and psychological effects of SERE school. I have been told that this document
is still classified. But it seems possible that the CIA did pass on the details of the
research that was available to it, including the debilitating effects of SERE techniques,
which sent stress hormone levels, according to one research report, some of the
greatest ever documented in humans. Another report cited neuroendocrine changes
[that] may have significant implications for subsequent responses to stress.

One of the authors of these reports, Charles A. Morgan, III, M.D., who has identified
himself in certain settings as a Senior Research Scientist on the CIAs Behavioral
Science Staff, has criticized my coverage of CIA experiments on the psychological and
physiological effects of SERE training upon human subjects. While he could not specify
what aspects of this coverage he felt were inaccurate and misleading, he did insist:

The research conducted by our research team at the National Center for Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder is not, and never has been, conducted for any other purpose than to help
us understand the pathophysiology of stress disorders and we might better help in the
treatment of veterans.

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In making his mea culpa, Dr. Morgan never mentions that some of this research was
funded (over $400,000) by the Army and the Office of Naval Research. He doesnt
mention his acquaintance with great people who do military interrogations. He also
forgets to cite his book contribution, where he states (emphasis added):
The SERE training environment affords the military services the opportunity to
collaborate with various other government agencies in exploring old and new
techniques in gathering human intelligence.

Of course, he neither confirms nor denies his affiliation with the CIA, an affiliation which I
have traced to the CIAs Science and Technology directorate, through his association
(large PDF) with the Intelligence Technology Innovation Center, which is a research
organization under the CIAs authority that answers directly to the CIAs Science and
Technology directorate. But most of all, Dr. Morgans arrows fall way short of his target,
as I have never accused him of personal involvement in the reverse-engineering of SERE
techniques for use in the torture program.

What is disturbing is his seeming lack of concern over the possiblity that the research he
helped conduct was either used to further experiments upon torture victims in the CIAs
clandestine prisons, or contrariwise, was withheld from Office of Legal Counsel lawyers
who relied upon CIA advice concerning the effects of techniques derived from the SERE

What is indisputable is that by virtue of his position, Dr. Morgan had access to CIA
officials just at the time that another department of the CIA, one to which he is affiliated,
was, according to the CIAs own Office of Inspector General Report (large PDF) involved
in vetting the SERE techniques for use in interrogations. The other department was the
Office of Technical Services (OTS), part of the CIAs Science and Technology Directorate.
This, by the way, is the same division that was responsible for the MKULTRA experiments
of the 1950s and 1960s. From the OIG report:

CTC [CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center], with the assistance of the Office of Technical
Service (OTS), proposed certain more coercive physical techniques to use on

CIAs OTS obtained data on the use of the proposed EITs and their potential long-term
psychological effects on detainees. OTS input was based in part on information solicited
from a number of psychologists and knowledgeable academics in the area of

OTS also solicited input from DoD/Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) regarding
techniques used in its SERE training and any subsequent psychological effects on
students. DoD/JPRA concluded no long-term psychological effects resulted from use of
the EITs, including the most taxing technique, the waterboard, on SERE students. The
OTS analysis was used by OGC [DoD's Office of General Counsel] in evaluating the
legality of techniques.

OTSs solicitation of information on SERE from JPRA elicited some sort of feedback from
JPRA, which supposedly told OTS that SERE training caused no long-term effects. The IG
Report does not say if this was in the form of a memo and only speaks of OTSs analysis.
In any case, we should not confuse any OTS analysis with the information provided by
JPRA itself to the Office of General Counsel, which produced a number of memorandum
and attachments in late July 2003. Marcy Wheeler has been analyzing the timing of these
JPRA items, including the fact that one of these key documents is missing.
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The CIA IG Report is relating a story whose emphasis differs from that produced in the
narrative of the Senate Armed Services Committee investigation (PDF) into SERE torture.
In the latter, JPRA is the main culprit in providing cover for the supposed safety of using
SERE techniques. Yet, in the OIG account it looks like the CIA used DOD/JRRA as a cover
for the safety of techniques that it knew were in fact harmful from their own analysis of
the data. Moreover, it was the OTS analysis that was used in substantial part as
the basis of the August 1, 2002 memo approving the Enhanced Interrogation
Techniques (EITs).

That legal opinion was based, in substantial part, on OTS analysis and the experience and
expertise of non-Agency personnel and academics concerning whether long-term
psychological effects would result from use of the proposed techniques.

Moreover, the CIAs Office of Medical Services was frozen out of the initial analysis of the
risk and benefits of EITs, and not even provided with a copy of the OTS report given to
the White House Office of Legal Counsel. Such compartmentalization of information is
indicative of a covert operation, such as a Special Access Program (SAP). This SAP would
have included personnel in CIAs CTC, OTS, OGC, and Directorate of Operations, also
portions of DOD (JPRA and Special Operations Command),

and probably the White Houses OLC, Office of the Vice President, and National Security
Council. It seems highly likely that the CIA report to the OLC on the medical and
psychological effects of the SERE school program, mentioned in the Senate Intelligence
Committee narrative quote above, is in fact the OTS report, which came from the same
CIA directorate to which Dr. Morgan belongs. This does not speak to Morgans
foreknowledge of what would be used, nor to the amount of his involvement. But it does
speak to the likelihood that the government research he conducted (with others) was
available and likely used by his associates in the CIA.

To what purpose was this information used? It seems Dr. Morgan has serendipitously
given us the answer himself: exploring old and new techniques in gathering human
intelligence. The CIA appears to have used torture to conduct what Physicians for
Human Rights, in a white paper (PDF) recently published, called possible unethical
human experimentation, [which] urgently needs to be thoroughly investigated. The
government should declassify the OTS report, and bring the process of investigating the
CIAs role in the torture conspiracy fully into public purview.

The above report was originally published on FireDogLake.com. Jeffrey Kaye, a

psychologist living in Northern California and a regular contributor The Public Record, has
been blogging at Daily Kos since May 2005, and maintains a personal blog, Invictus. E-
mail Mr.Kaye at sfpsych at gmail dot com.

In Keith, 407 U.S. at 313-14. There, the Court explained that [n]ational
security cases . . . often reflect a convergence of First and Fourth Amendment
values . . . Fourth Amendment protections become the more necessary when
the targets of official surveillance may be those suspected of unorthodoxy in
their political beliefs. The danger to political dissent is acute where the
Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect
domestic security. Id. The Court thus concluded that Fourth Amendment
freedoms cannot properly be guaranteed if domestic security surveillances may
be conducted solely within the discretion of the Executive Branch. The Fourth
Amendment does not contemplate the executive officers of Government as
neutral and disinterested magistrates. . . . The historical judgment, which the
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Fourth Amendment accepts, is that unreviewed executive discretion may yield

too readily to pressures to obtain incriminating evidence and overlook potential
invasions of privacy and protected speech. . . . [T]his Court has never sustained
a search upon the sole ground that officers reasonably expected to find
evidence . . . and voluntarily confined their activities to the least intrusive
means . . . . The Fourth Amendment contemplates a prior judicial judgment, not
the risk that executive discretion may be reasonably exercised.


In 1991 the United States Attorney indicted James Guerin, founder of

International Signal and Control, Plc., or as they were known ISC, and many of
his colleagues in an attempt to politicize LEGITIMATE INTELLEGENCE
in earnest support Iraq defeat Iran, and helped drive the Soviets from
Afganastan, among other Middle East conflicts. ISC was instrumental in the
design and manufacture of everything from the cluster bomb to sophisticated
telemetry systems.

James Guerin was a Christian man and PATRIOT that fell victim to Public
Corruption and over-zealous prosecutors who lacked the knowledge and
sophistication to ever be involved in such affairs in the first place. I personally
met James Guerin and had the fortunate privilege to befriend his daughter and
son. Today the United States Attorney General, Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, and other
Trump Administration Officials engage in the same tactics. James Comey,
former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, is a prime example.
His firing was a miscalculated political mistake. And President Trump can than
Comey for the Press Release 8 days before the election regarding Hillary Clinton
and Weiner. That changed the course of the election no matter what the
pundits say.

On February 1, 1991 Lynn Sherr of ABC News 20/20 reported the following:

This is the story of how this deadly weapon, designed for the U.S. military made
its way form this country to Iraq. And how American Soldiers may face the devastation of
a cluster bomb if a ground war breaks out in the Persian Gulf. Federal Officials believe
Saddam Hussein got his arsenal thru a lethal combination bureaucratic foul ups in the
U.S. Government and simple greed.

Here is how the cluster bomb works. An artillery shell, an airplane, or a rocket launcher
sends the bombs toward their targets. Each bomb carries hundreds of smaller bomlets,
something like hand grenades. Cluster bombs can be used against ground troops or
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tanks, and can even scatter mines to lie dormant for days. The bombs can spray
thousands of pounds of sharp objects pins or even razor blades. The shrapnel can rip
through anyone or anything in its way, causing massive casualty among civilians or
ground troops. You can see the destruction in these buildings in Lebanon after a cluster
bomb attack.

How did Iraq obtain the cluster bombs and the ability to make their own? It was
incredibly simple. Investigators believe it started with International Signal & Control, A
government contractor with 5,000 employees based in Pennsylvania, which build key
components of cluster bombs in a subsidiary in California. 20/20 has learned Federal
Investigators believe ISC provided the technology, that is the plans, to this man, Carlos
Cardoen, Chilean arms dealer. Authorities believe he used the plans to build the cluster
bombs in Chile, then he shipped them to Iraq.

Whats wrong with all this? If the cluster bomb technology actually left the county, that is
illegal without U.S. Government permission, investigators say ISC never got. It is also
illegal for a foreigner, like Cardoen, to take the plans out of the United States without a
license, which sources tell us, he never obtained. The man who opened the door to Iraq
for Cardoen, was this man Nasser Bedouin. He is a Lebanese born middleman for
Cardoen who is based in the United States. Bedouin traveled often to Bagdad, and
arranged for sale cluster bombs and other military hardware to Saddam Husseins army.
In his first television interview, he told us about the business of dealing in deadly



The links to ISC and Lancaster, Pennsylvania and U.S. Sponsored Mind
Control comes through ISC Board of Directors, Former Director of the NSA, and
The Director of U.S. Naval Intelligence Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. One must
remember that the U.S. Sponsored Mind Control Programs were the direct result
of the Soviet Unions accomplishments of using Microwave Technologies to
bombard the U.S. Embassy in Moscow as early the 1950's and the use of
German Psychiatrists by Adolf Hitler in the 1940's. Both the German and Soviet
Mind Control Programs predate that of the United States. Thus, the beginning
of the Mind Control Arms Race. Just this year, the Trump Administration
introduced the NEW MILITARY SPACE AGENCY, in an effort to formalize the
weaponization of Space and Microwave Weapons under one agency. This will
convert the Department of Defense programs and that of the U. S. Intelligence
Agencies to this new Military Space Agency, in my opinion.
Lancaster County's U.S. Representative Joe Pitts was instrumental in
these efforts in his work on the Electronic Warfare Working Group. This is
documented in Congressman Pitt's article of the same:

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Securing EW's Future

Create Single Leader To Direct Planning, Training As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force who
served three tours of duty in Vietnam as a navigator and electronic warfare (EW) officer
on board B-52s, I learned the absolute necessity of brandishing a dominant EW
capability. However, I continue to watch as EW faces neglect in the doctrine, investment
and leadership of our armed forces.

We cannot afford to wait until the fighting starts to think about EW. By consolidating
leadership within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the services, creating
more effective investment strategies and better training our troops to utilize EW, I believe
the future of EW will be strengthened to the benefit of our armed forces. In response to
glaring shortfalls in EW realized during Operation Allied Force over Kosovo in 1999, I
founded the congressional EW Working Group (EWWG), intended to be a resource to
Congress, the Department of Defense and the defense community at large about the
need to invest in EW technology and capabilities.

The current operations in Iraq and Afghanistan again have highlighted the need to
strengthen U.S. superiority in the electromagnetic spectrum. EW continues to save
hundreds of lives by defeating improvised explosive devices that use electronic triggering
devices, such as cell phones and car
key fobs. But our adversaries are becoming more adept at operating in the spectrum by
identifying where we are vulnerable, and we must continually learn to counter rapidly
advancing technology.

However, despite the success in Iraq and Afghanistan, history suggests that our EW
capabilities will again face a period of neglect once current operations slow down or the
United States enters a period of relative peace. The people from our armed forces'
research labs, EW chiefs from each branch of the military and industry representatives to
discuss the future of electronic warfare.

In addition, the Association of Old Crows (AOC), an organization of EW professionals, in a

recent report, "Electronic Warfare: The Changing Face of Combat," offered several
recommendations to improve EW capabilities.
n the whole, EW leadership within OSD and the services is fragmented, hurting EW
budgets and creating inefficient planning and sometimes duplicative EW programs. Unlike
many other mission areas, EW must be a truly joint capability. Yet, there is no single
individual within the Pentagon who oversees or coordinates funding, acquisition, training
and planning for EW.

Likewise, within each service, there is no flag or general officer with appropriate authority
who can provide leadership for service EW programs. To remedy this, an office within
OSD tasked to guide joint EW plans, policies and procurement should be established,
along with the appointments of experienced EW flag or general officers within each
service. Leaders understanding the value of EW is not the same as leadership, which is
necessary for effective EW practices.

The streamlining of EW leadership will then lead to more efficient investment in present
and future capabilities. Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have taken a further toll on
EW systems and platforms, and many need to not only be restored but modernized. To
this en and prioritize modernization efforts and inject necessary funding for next
generation EW capability.

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The Defense Department should also authorize an EW Critical Technologies List, which
would help coordinate EW investment strategy, maximize limited resources and stabilize
funding streams for next-generation systems. This list should be submitted to Congress
on a regular basis.

We have seen that our enemies are able to quickly adapt and field deadly assets; the
United States must meet and exceed these challenges by implementing proper
investment strategies. Our troops also need adequate knowledge and training. While
each branch of the military must provide its own EW expertise and capabilities, current
operations have highlighted the need for joint interaction and readiness. The AOC has
recommended, and I agree, that a joint services coordination cell should be established
to serve the combatant commands. The coordination cell would work directly with
combatant commanders and be ready to deploy to help us control the spectrum from the
first day of conflict.

Furthermore, just as there is high-level specialized training, such as Navy TOPGUN and
Air Force Fighter Weapons School for our fighter pilots, there should be a similar joint EW
training program so our war fighters know what they need to know about EW before
being deployed. Effective training and projected career path will help sustain the
EW community for many years to come.

EW saves lives, and we must not allow our EW capabilities to continue eroding. Now is
the time for the United States to capitalize on numerous opportunities to improve and
strengthen our edge in the electromagnetic spectrum. These recommendations can
secure the future of EW, keeping the members of our armed forces safe and effective in
conflict. Rep. Joe Pitts,R-Pa.,is founder, Electronic Warfare Working Group.

In 1990 I was protesting a Department of Defense Contract the I was

bidding on for the Defense Mapping Agency of the Department of Defense for
my Company ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP and Joint Venture Partner American
Helix. There were four bidders, 2 being the designers and innovators of CD
Technology, SONY and PHILLIPS DUPONT. The contract was a multi-million
project to digitize the maps of the theater of war in the Middle East to CD-ROM
technology. Early on in the formal protest I solicited the help of Lancaster
County's U.S. Congressional Representative Robert Walker of East Petersburg,
Lancaster County as my Liason. We won the U.S. Department of Defense
Protest and the Bidding Process had to be started over. The Contracting Officer
was Brigadier General Stanley O. Nelson. SONY went on to secure the contract.
In October of 2016, while chairing the presidential campaign for John Kasic,
Robert Walker also wrote an regarding the weaponizing of space.

It is during these years that I also did work for DARPA, The Defense
Advanced Research Project Agency, of the Department of Defense. DARPA IS
was a joint venture partner of NIST, or the National Institute of Science and
Technology of Washington, D.C. I was instrumental in helping NIST create CD-
ROM's in the UNIX language for the development of Voice Recognition Systems.

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Editors note: Trump policy advisers Robert Walker and Peter Navarro return with a
second op-ed detailing the approach a Trump administration would take on national-
security space matters. Hillary Clintons campaign has been invited to submit op-eds
elaborating on the answers Clinton provided for our Oct. 10 article, Hillary Clinton and
Donald Trump weigh in on U.S. space policy.

by Robert S. Walker and Peter Navarro October 24, 2016

Obama-Clinton economy and a lack of strategic vision are major causes. Meanwhile,
China and Russia continue to move briskly forward with military-focused space initiatives.
Indeed, each continues to develop weapons explicitly designed, as the Pentagon has
noted, to deny, degrade, deceive, disrupt, or destroy Americas eyes and ears in space.

To address such emerging threats and maintain U.S. strategic superiority in space a
peace through strength Trump administration will simultaneously strengthen our
economy and manufacturing base while significantly expanding our civilian and military
space budgets.

Trump understands, as Reagan did before him, that without a strong economy, there can
be no strong space program. It is not too bold to assert the maintenance of our
technological and strategic superiority in space is vital not just to national security but to
our very survival. Today, every aspect of our military force projection worldwide depends
on our on-orbit communications, observation, and intelligence gathering capabilities. Our
ability to see and understand potential hostile activity and to respond promptly and
accurately is ineluctably intertwined with our space capabilities.
While Americas space-based capabilities have made our military the worlds most
powerful and effective, an over-reliance on our satellite network to provide situational
awareness on the battlefield is now making America highly vulnerable to attack. Chinese
and Russian strategists understand this better than our own government. Thats why
they are now aggressively targeting our satellite networks both military and civilian as
the very concept of warfare broadens.

Against this emerging strategic chessboard, Donald Trumps priorities for our military
space program are clear: We must reduce our current vulnerabilities and assure that our
military commands have the space tools they need for their missions. We must also
reduce the cost of space access and create new generations of satellites to deal with
emerging threats.

The future military necessity of using smaller force projection into hostile arenas will
demand the speed and agility that only space-based assets can supply. Addressing
current vulnerabilities will, for example, require new generations of smaller, more robust
constellations of satellites.

Because of their sheer numbers, constellations of micro-satellites will be much harder to

attack. To maintain and constantly upgrade these constellations, in turn, will require new
technologies such as persistent platforms, capable of robotically servicing and refueling
satellites in orbit. A Trump administration will also lead the way on emerging technologies
that have the potentialwith a range of hypersonic weapons that are very difficult to
defend against with traditional air-defense interceptors. A Trump administration will
increase the coordination between DARPA, NASA, and the private sector to ensure the
U.S. remains well ahead of the technology curve.

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To move boldly forward, we must recognize that many of our military needs can be met
with commercially available launch, communications, and observation capabilities. This
business oriented approach will reduce costs while accessing new advances on a timeline
significantly quicker than current, outdated military procurement procedures.

Such an increased reliance on the private sector will be a cornerstone of Trump space

Launching and operating military space assets is a multi billion-dollar enterprise

employing thousands, spurring innovation, spinning off civilian applications like GPS, and
fueling economic growth. Todays backward-looking acquisition policies must be
immediately and substantially reformed as a priority action. A key Trump goal will be to
create lower costs through greater efficiencies. We must ensure that space products
developed for one sector, but applicable to another, will be fully shared, not duplicated. It
makes little sense to develop numerous launch vehicles at taxpayer cost, all with
essentially the same technology and payload capacity. Coordinated policy could end such
duplication of effort and could likely determine where there are private sector solutions
that do not necessarily require government investment.

America must continue to be a bright star in space that people all around the world will
continue to look up to with admiration, assurance, and hope. No space goals will be more
important to Donald Trump than defense of our nation and that a freedom-loving people
will lead the way to the heavens above.
Robert Walker is former chairman of the U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology
Committee and former chairman of the Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace
Industry. Peter Navarro is a business professor at the University of California-Irvine
and author of Crouching Tiger: What Chinas Militarism Means for the World. Both are
senior policy advisers to the Trump campaign.


In the following article by Tom Porter in 1996 documents the Bobby Ray
Inman Mind Control Connection through SAIC Corporation:

Brief History Of MK-Ultra, CIA Program On Mind Control by Tom Porter

1996 All Rights Reserved

S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American Parapsychological Association

meeting arrangements, via their 'Cognitive Sciences Laboratory'. Science
Applications International Corporation is a big time defense contractor,
has held the largest number of research contracts of any defense
contractor. Bobby Ray Inman is on its board of directors, among others.

In December 1993 President Clinton nominated Admiral Bobby Ray

Inman to be Secretary of Defense. Inman served in a series of senior
17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 15 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

intelligence positions including Director of Navel Intelligence (1974-76), Vice

Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (1976-77), Director of the National
Security Agency (1977-81) and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence
Agency (1981-1982). In the early 1980s Inman, then a private businessman,
was named to the shadow board International Signal and Control. These boards
are required for U.S. defense companies wholly or partly owned by foreigners
and are supposed to guarantee that no U.S. secrets get into foreign hands.

In 1991 James Guerin, founder and chairman of International Signal and

Control (ISC), pleaded guilty to selling arms to apartheid South Africa and
agreed to testify against others. Ten American, seven South Africans and three
South African companies were charged in the case. This case was one of the
most significant U.S. violations of the of U.S. export laws and the mandatory
U.N. arms embargo.

In April 1992, prior to Guerin's sentencing, Inman, wrote the judge that
between 1975 and 1978 Guerin "voluntarily provided the U.S. government with
information obtained during his foreign travels which was of substantial value,
particular that related to the potential proliferation of nuclear weapons."
Several defendants in the ISC case claimed the U.S. government knew of their
sales to South Africa and that they provided information on South Africa's
defense, including its nuclear weapons program. Guerin was sentenced to 15
years in jail. Guerin could have received up to 61 years.

In January 1994 Inman withdrew his nomination for Secretary of Defense. In

response to his withdrawal I wrote this letter that appeared in the New York
Times. - Richard Knight


South Africa Link
To the Editor:

The withdrawal of Bobby Ray Inman's nomination for Secretary of Defense brought to
public attention the case of International Signal and Control, a defense and technology
company. James Guerin, the company's founder, was recently sentenced to jail for illegal
arms sales to South Africa, as you report in "Inman Faced Scrutiny on Jailed Arms
Dealer" (news article, Jan. 20).

As one who has followed International Signal and Control for years, I believe there are
many unanswered questions in this case involving our own Government, its intelligence
agencies and United States implementation of the United Nations arms embargo against
South Africa.

Ties between International Signal and South Africa go back to the 1970's. In February
1976 the Department of State granted approval of a contract for the study of maritime
command and control systems with Barlow Communications of South Africa. In January
1978, because of United States support for the 1977 United Nations arms embargo
resolution, the State Department revoked the contract. Yet it appears International
Signal continued its involvement in this project. According to the indictment of Mr.
Guerin, International Signal sold South Africa inertial and land navigation systems and
gyroscopes for aircraft, missiles and helicopters. International Signal also made millions
of dollars in other illegal sales to South Africa including military-related technology and
land mines. Did United States intelligence agencies allow International Signal to continue
17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 16 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

its illegal operations for intelligence on South Africa's nuclear and other military
programs, or to support South Africa's military for other reasons?

Mr. Inman has acknowledged that as director of Naval Intelligence in the mid-70's, he
knew of the first International Signal contract and was aware of later information
supplied by the company on South Africa's nuclear program. Most likely, these ties had
some bearing on Mr. Inman's appointment as a director on the International Signal
shadow board. Such boards protect United States interests and secrets. Did Mr. Inman
ask questions about large contracts going to small companies and countries like South
Africa and Panama? The central question, as with the IRAN-CONTRA SCANDAL, is how
to establish effective procedures to prevent United States intelligence agencies, or people
working with them, from subverting laws established by Congress. If directors on shadow
boards such as that of International Signal are just "window dressing," Congress should
tighten the system and make directors accountable.

Congress should also examine the role of intelligence agencies in this case. Company
officials say they continued providing Information to the Central Intelligence Agency into
the 80's, while illegal sales occurred.

Mr. Inman says the United States Government never gave Mr. Guerin permission to
violate the arms embargo against Smith Africa. Did the C.I.A. know of these violations of
the embargo? If the C.I.A. was aware and took no steps to stop the illegal said, it was
effectively a partner of International Signal in arming apartheid South Africa.
New York, Jan. 21, 1994
The writer is a research associate for the Africa Fund, a nonprofit human rights

The following is a segment of a transcript from THE CONFERENCE ON

HARASSMENT AND COVERT SURVEILLANCE of October 1 and October 2, 2016 in
Germany. Dr. Nich Begich describes the Electronic Weapons, their history, and
their exploitation by the U.S. Government. IN ORDER TO DISCREDIT THE USE

Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late United States Congressman
from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Peggie Begich. He is well
known in Alaska for his own political activities. He was twice elected President
of both the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of
Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and
politics for most of his adult life. Begich received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina
Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science,
from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo,
Sri Lanka, in November 1994. He co-authored with Jeane Manning the book
Angels Don't Play This HAARP; Advances in Tesla Technology. Begich has also
authored Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace and
and his latest book Earth Rising II- The Betrayal of Science, Society and the
Soul both with the late James Roderick. His latest work is Controlling the
17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 17 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

Human Mind The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak

Performance. Begich has published articles in science, politics and education
and is a well known lecturer, having presented throughout the United States
and in nineteen countries. He has been featured as a guest on thousands of
radio broadcasts reporting on his research activities including new
technologies, health and earth science related issues. He has also appeared on
dozens of television documentaries and other programs throughout the world
including BBC-TV, CBC-TV, TeleMundo, and others. Begich has served as an
expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament. He has spoken on
various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected
officials, scientists and others. He is the publisher and co-owner of Earthpulse
Press. He served as Tribal Administrator/Village Planner for the Chickaloon
Village Council, a federally recognized American Indian Tribe of the Athabascan
Indian Nation for five years and served four years as the Executive Director of
The Lay Institute of Technology, Inc. a Texas non-profit corporation. Currently
Begich consults for tribal organizations, private corporations and others in a
number of research areas. Dr. Begich is credited with persuading the EUROPEAN
UNION TO BAN SPACE BASED WEAPONS. Dr. Begich is a single person with five
adult children, and four grandchildren.


And so I decided I would go in and look into this issue independently. And I did. I picked
up maybe 30 articles and papers, design specifications, some things, and with friends
encouraging me to publish, I published the first article that I had written on HAARP back
in 1994. So it's been a very long time ago, extremely low frequency signals or ELFs.
These are signals that can be biologically active, can affect us as human beings and in
very specific ways. And in particular, certain applications of the technology -- and this
gives you sort of a graphic illustration of the focus. These view graphs, actually, were
given to me by the inventor, Bernard Eastlund, prior to his passing. And we utilized them
in our publications and in some of our work. So this gives you kind of a graphic showing
the radio frequency from the array, moving up into the ionosphere and focusing that

His initial concept was to create a global shield, to be able to utilize the natural magnetic
field lines that surround the earth, be able to punch energy into this and then create this
kind of global shielding effect. And the idea was that any electronic device piercing that
energy would be disrupted, like satellites, intercontinental ballistic missiles, virtually any
electronic device that ran into this field of energy that was being amplified would be

Now, one of the other interesting parts of this -- and this kind of shows that, again,
utilizing one of Eastlund's graphics. So you can see like a field line and then you see this
cork-screwing energy going around it. That energy naturally is occurring from the
southern polar regions into the northern polar regions. And, in this case, they actually
couple actually utilize the energy on the ground to couple with the natural energy, and
then coming from the north to the south, create this cork-screwing effect, which
accelerates the electrons and then creates this global shield.

Now, that was his initial concept. And as a concept, it caught the attention of a number
of people and eventually got funding from the Congress, initially at 30 million, and over
the last few decades now over almost 300 million, which in dollars is not a lot of money,
but when you consider, this is sort of the pinnacle of billions of dollars spent in
ionosphere research over many decades.
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What caught my attention in terms of the technology of Eastlund -- I'm going to skip
some of these that are not so relevant -- was the idea that you could manipulate the
ionosphere -- and I'll use this as a better example. So one of the thoughts was that if
you could punch or pulse energy into the ionosphere so think about this energy going
up and, like, a hammer ringing a bell. Every time it hits that ionosphere, the ionosphere
itself vibrates and then it begins to send a signal in the ELF range. So you have a high
frequency signal going up, punching the ionosphere, the ionosphere which is energized
then acts as a broadcast antenna in the sky bringing back an ELF signal to the earth, and
in this case covering an entire hemisphere.

Now, ELF signals, extremely low frequency signals, are very long wavelengths. They
penetrate the earth and sea. They're utilized for communication with submarines, as an
example, the depth, because short wavelengths won't penetrate the earth and sea.
They're also used for what's called earth-penetrating tomography, which in simple
language or by analogy would be like x-raying the earth or looking into the earth for
underground structures. But one of the side effects of ELF is the entrainment effect on
the human mind. Because ELF signals will lock onto in what's called a frequency following
response. And you can use a lot of different techniques to create a frequency following
response. You can use flickering light, you can use binaural beat, which I'll explain in a
few minutes. You can use electromagnetic fields such as this, or even the power grid
itself can be modulated in such a way to create a signal that the human body will join
with, will couple with, and begin to follow. It doesn't take a great deal of energy to
accomplish this. This is the one that triggered my real interest in HAARP, because this is
the one that everybody kind of ignored and said, oh. In fact, the HAARP planners said,
well, if ELF has a biological effect, it's a side effect. It's an unintended consequence. We
heard that phrase earlier today. But I don't believe that. I believe that it's an intended
consequence. It's intended to grade populations in very specific ways.

Now, this book was mentioned by my friend earlier today, "Between Two Ages",
MORNING JOE (Joe Scarborugh whom both got married this Spring).

And why this is an important book, it was written National Security Adviser to President
Carter. This is around the time that Kissinger and think tank, so to speak. Now, find this
book. I really encourage you to find this book and read it, because it is not a prediction
of what will come with technology. It's the blueprint, in fact. You can read this. When I
first read it -- he writes in a pretty convoluted style. It's a little difficult even in English to
understand. But I really encourage you to read it because he predicted the economic
changes that took place, the political changes that took place in the world over the last
40 years with a great deal of accuracy. And some will say it really wasn't the prediction.
It was the plan.

If you look within this text between Pages and 56, you'll see a section that's dedicated to
the kind of technologies we're talking about today, a mind control technology. And what
Zbigniew referenced was a guy named J. F. Gordon MacDonald. And he was a
geophysicist at UCL. He wrote a book -- or, actually, a chapter in a book and the chapter
was called, "How to Wreck Your Environment", which this is before Earth Day, okay, so he
could get away with that. It was 1969 when that book was actually published. But what
he said that caught Zbigniew Brzezinski's attention was, he said, if we could ever figure
out how to electronically stroke the ionosphere in just the right way, we could return a
signal to the earth that would influence the behavior of people over huge geographic
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Now, that's a pretty profound thing. But we didn't have a way to stroke the ionosphere in
1969. But we did by the 1990s. And that was, in fact, and is, in fact, the HAARP system
that can accomplish this. So the idea was -- and it was kind of, in a gross sort of way,
primitive, if you will, but what the intention was, was that if you could pulse the
ionosphere, return this ELF signal to the earth, you could agitate the population in very
specific ways. You could make them passive, less aggressive, or the opposite by just
amplifying that signal. And I'll explain a little bit of that as we go on.

The other person that comes out in the last presentations, Jose Delgado, and this book
he wrote, "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society". And this is,
again, a 1960s book. Those images that you saw in just this short video clip of Delgado's
work, there is a good section in this text as well showing that. But in those days they
used implants. They had to physically put something in the brain. And what Jose Delgado
originally did -- he was actually educated in electrophysiology at the University of Madrid.
He graduated in 1950. Electrophysiology, as a degree field, thinking about it in 1950,
now 65 years ago, most people don't even realize that's an area of higher education
today, much less that far back. One of my mentors, Raul Makayla (phonetic), he
actually graduated University of Madrid in 1958, and his area of interest was, essentially,
the same, biomagnetic and electric fields, effects on human physiology, and he spent his
career studying that.

Delgado, at Yale University, he initially was mapping the brain of primates and humans
by stimulating various portions of the brain to figure out what was responsible for what
kind of activity. And then he began to utilize the implants in those dramatic ways in those
film clips with the charging bull and he throws the switch and the bull stops, to
demonstrate that you could take a creature from passive to highly aggressive to passive
to highly aggressive, just like flipping on and off the lights in your living room. What
Delgado discovered by the mid-'80s is that you didn't need any implants. You just needed
to manipulate the energy itself. And you didn't need a great deal of energy. Now, we've
heard -- I forget the amount of energy surrounding us now. Was it a quintillion? I believe
it was 18 zeros after the one that we heard earlier. Back when I wrote the HAARP book in
'94, just radio frequency energy alone, it was 200 million times more around us every
day than nature created in 1994. Now, when you think about it, what did Delgado
discover? He discovered that one-fiftieth of the amount of energy in the natural
background noise of the earth was sufficient to manipulate the behavior of human beings
if you could hit the right frequencies, if you could hit those window frequencies that
stimulated that kind of activity.

Now, if you think about this -- again, by analogy, think about dialing through the radio
stations on a radio. In between the stations you get the white noise, the static, you get
no clear signal. But when you have resonance between the transmitter and the receiver,
then you get a nice, clear signal. The same is true in our physiology. Whether you're
looking at stimulating or affecting a specific element in the body, molecules in the body,
cell structures or organ structures or even the human mind, it's about manipulating the
underlying energy.

When you think about medical science in terms of how the fork in the road is and how
this kind of applies to why don't we know more about this today, well, there's lots of
literature now. 25,000 sources, I think we heard quoted earlier today. 25,000 sources
talking about the energy interactions with the human body. That is a lot of information.
But what happened in medical science? A lot of people that went into life sciences, they
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were really good in the chemistry, a little weak in the math, so they went to life sciences.
People who were a little better in the math, they went to physics. And then once upon a
time, these two came together and we got biophysics, which is really the root of real
health science. If you really want to get to the meat of it, you've got to get to the
energetic interactions that create chemical reactions that then manifest in the body.

And that's what we kind of miss in so much of our medicine. We followed a

pharmaceutical model as opposed to an electromagnetic model. In the '30s, prior to
World War II, that fork in the road was being explored pretty aggressively, the energetic
models. But they were somehow lost in that shuffle and we ended up with the
pharmaceutical industry, and the results of that, I think we can all not be quite so proud
of. In terms of where the technology is going and where a lot of the science is going, it
will be electromedicine that cures most of what we call incurable. It will also be that
which enhances or debilitates human consciousness itself.

Now, Jose Delgado, when he figured out that you didn't need implants, you just need to
manipulate the energy itself, this became kind of the essence of sort of where everything
went from there. But I want to roll back a little bit, a little bit back in time, and talk
more about the evolution of mind control as technology starting with the work at Harvard
University of a gentleman, Estabrook, who was working in the Harvard hypnotherapy labs
in the 1920s. You can look Estabrook up. Look him up at the Library of Congress and
you'll see his list of publications, and I recommend that you do that. What he decided
was that you could create what we would call today a Manchurian candidate. You could
17 take certain individuals, put them in a very, very deep state of hypnosis and then over
a period of time train them so they would be like this super spy that you could send into
another country and they'd hang out for a year or two, but if they got captured, they
wouldn't really remember any of their former self, and then when they came back, in this
case, into the United States, that we would then give them the appropriate suggestions
and then extract the intelligence from them.

And this is what Estabrook was working on. By the 1930s, a lot of his work was being
classified and he continued to work in this field up through the 1960s. His last book --
and I always like to read the last thing someone writes, you know, because it tells you a
6 lot about, sort of, the conclusions and there are things that you might discard bits and
pieces as science enlightens you and your experience enlightens you. And what he talked
about in that last book were the experiments he was involved in using LSD and other 11
hallucinogenics in mind control, which he actually talked about in a favorable sense.

And for those of you that remember, the CIA was heavily involved in this in the 1960s
and, in fact, the whole area pre-1960s going back even to the Korean War, which is sort
of my next mark on the timeline. The Korean War, we had prisoners, patriotic young
Americans come back from war and they're handing out Communist leaflets on street
corners, and the term or the phrase brainwashing came into being. That's where it came
from. It came from that series of events after the Korean War.

The idea of being able to manipulate people's behavior and change them so profoundly
became of interest to the predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency and then later
the Central Intelligence Agency. And what they looked at were lots of different ways to
3 manipulate human behavior. Now, when I was researching my first book with Jeane
Manning, "Angels Don't Play This HAARP", I was looking for a good source document that
would speak to this, because you always read about this in secondary, tertiary sources.
And so I'm in a book room, a big surplus book room, and I'm telling this guy that I know,
I really need this source. And as I'm having this conversation, I reach unconsciously
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behind me into a box and I pull out this book. This is a really interesting one. This is
actually a presidential report. This is a report that was commissioned at the time, 1975,
to look at the abuses of the CIA. Now, this came out of the Church Committee reports,
which were Congressional hearings that took place in the early '70s to investigate the
abuses of the Central Intelligence Agency, the kind of abuses that we read about today,
because nothing really changed. Supposedly, this was to change things.

Now, what's in this report? The LSD experiments were in this report. The idea the Central
24 Intelligence Agency was domestically infiltrating civil rights groups, antiwar groups,
people that, essentially, opposed the government within the United States, which was not
part of their mandate, in fact, was illegal. The fact that they were reading people's mail,
utilizing unwitting victims and experiments for mind control. All of this came out in this
report in 1975. And yet, the CIA continues to do it even to this day.

Think about the kinds of activities that have been reported pretty widely over the last few
years, whether it's digging through garbage to blackmail other diplomats, which is
something our Intelligence community does, whether it's to send pallet loads of money
into countries like we did in Afghanistan to bribe officials as a way of doing business, or
whether it's to assassinate people with drones, kidnap people and torture them.

Now, most of us don't know people like this, but this is the government that I
unfortunately have guiding my country right now. It's a government of criminals. Now,
people want to talk about, oh, this couldn't happen here. It has happened here. It's
happened for decades in the United States. This report by the President's Commission
touches the very tip of that iceberg.

This is another document. This is -- this guy, Captain Tyler, he later became a colonel and
retired. He was involved in pretty much the sort of esoteric side of some of the
government research. This book this chapter out of this book is called, "Low-Intensity 5
Conflict and Modern Technology". It was prepared by Maxwell Air Force Base in 1984.
And it was talking about a large -- a variety of technologies. But in this particular one, if
you look at, certainly, the subject lines, you have stimulation of, bones* generation,
healing of fractures, treatment of disease, healing of wounds. You look at behavior
modification in animals. You know, some of these things that are listed here were kind of
under the mysterious category. They couldn't really explain what was happening in 1984.
But the idea was to stimulate research in these fields. So a number of things happened.
A lot of money started to flow into these areas. One of the reports that came out in the
1980s as a result of some of this was the Radiofrequency Dosimetry Handbook. It was a
21 big, thick handbook. It was produced by the University of Utah under contract to the
United States Air Force to determine the radiofrequency dosages that were required to
override every vital organ of the human body, whether it be the heart, the liver, the
lungs, the kidneys, just sort of preempt their natural function to be able to do it
remotely. And the idea was to take that leap of technology and begin to apply it into
weapon systems.

Mind control. "The Economist". Cover story. Some of you will remember this one. This is
2002, I believe. Yeah, 2002. And what this cover story was about was about the ethics
of mind control. Not saying, hey, does it exist or doesn't it exist? It's just saying it's here
right now. We really need to be debating whether we should advance this technology,
whether we should limit this technology. "The Economist" is certainly a credible
publication. Not too much happened from this story. This is -- unfortunately, it's not
showing up.

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November -- you can get this one on my website. I'll give you my website, because this
is a very important document. The Navy set up a new set of regulations for human
experiments. It was approved in 2006. You know, in history, that's like tomorrow and
yesterday, right? It's, like, now. And in this they specifically call out mind control
experiments and who has the authority to approve them. And the persons with the
authority to approve them is under secretaries of the Navy in the case of Navy
Intelligence or Naval research.

Now, it's not just CIA. Naval Intelligence does this work. The Marines have a section on
non-lethal weapons that this falls under. The Air Force has the electromagnetic
directorate, which is working in an area called controlled effects, which deal, again, with
mind control and physiological effects on human beings. In fact, they publish a
publication called "Technology Horizons". I believe it's the June 2004 issue. You can look
it up. The cover story is on controlled effects.

Now, what are controlled effects? The first effect is attacking hardware; you know, like
equipment, like machines, to be able to interfere with the flow of electrons through
circuits to disrupt those machines to operate. Not using bombs and bullets and the things
of history, but using energy itself to manipulate hardware.

The second sort of level of controlled effects talked about in that article is the idea of
manipulating the software, the systems that run those systems, so that you can disrupt
the software, then you disrupt the hardware, and things collapse. And the third leg of
controlled effects is the human operator. And what they say in this particular article
produced by the electromagnetic director of the Air Force is that we can target or create
the illusion of all of the senses in the human body; sight, sound, touch, taste, to give
people complete memory sets, complete experiential sets that you wouldn't be able to
distinguish the synthetic from the real.

Now, think about that for a moment. What does that do to court testimony in 20 years if
this becomes the norm? They're now talking about using this for post-traumatic stress
syndrome folks, people coming back from warfare. This just sort of cleans up the
garbage of the mind and gets rid of that stress. Some people think that's a great idea.

Personally, I think that's the biggest mistake we could ever make. Because whatever
those servicemen and women were engaged in what used to happen in warfare -- what
happened in World War II when everybody came back, they said, I don't ever want to
see my children in these things, I don't want to see my grandchildren in these things.
Wars need to be put down, not amplified. When you take the human factor out of
warfare and it becomes like a video game, then our willingness to withdraw from direct
conflict no longer happens. And think about where our military science has gone. In fact,
I want to mention another very important publication. It was produced by the US Army
War College (C ARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA) in the early 1980s. It's called the "Revolution
of Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War". And this particular paper was talking about
revolution of military affairs. What is that exactly?

This is a leap as important as the introduction of gunpowder in the middle ages in

Europe, as important as atomic weapons in the last century. And that's how they
characterize it. And what this is is the leap where we move from ordinance, from bullets,
bombs, things that rip tissue and tear things up, to electromagnetic weapon systems that
keep sort of the hardware intact, but debilitate the human operator to the point of being
combat ineffective. Or conversely, enhance the possibilities within our own combatants
while degrading the abilities of others.
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There's simple ways that you can achieve this. You can introduce to the battlefield certain
elemental compounds that in small background amounts would not be considered
dangerous. Let me give you iodine as an example. We all need a certain amount of iodine
in the body to maintain thyroid function. But if you have too much iodine, you'll get
poisoned. You'll die. You'll get sick. So what can you do? You can send a signal in that
resonates the very same signal strength and frequency as iodine, you can send that
signal in and the body will begin to react as if its gotten this massive load of iodine and
show all the symptoms of iodine poisoning. You check the thyroid; check the blood, it's
not there. Mystery illness. Something as simple as that for manipulating large
populations, not necessarily with their consent and not necessarily with clear knowledge,
and nothing shows up in the background that would say why this poison actually exists
that would account for this. A simple way.

One of the other ways that this technology can be exploited is really quite
simple. There was an article produced by "Parameters", which is a military
publication. "Parameters". You can look it up. It's the -- I believe it was the Fall
1998, but you can look up the article name called, "The Mind has no Firewall".

It's a very important article. This article talked about all the various ways in which you
could introduce mind effects or mind control technologies using modern technology
today. And the original article was actually written in a military journal called "Orienteer"
published in what is now Russia. What's interesting about this is it said you could use
any electromagnetic carrier, whether it be radio, TV, the Internet, now cell phones; but,
essentially, any of these carriers, you can modulate a signal on them that will manipulate
behavior of segments of the population. And the Russians demonstrated this in a couple
of different ways. There was a program. It was called "Undercurrents". It aired in the
CBC, which is the Canadian Public Broadcasting System. "Undercurrents" did two really
interesting stories that I got to participate in. One was on HAARP and the other was on
mind control. And on the mind control story that they did -- this was a very popular
program in Canada at the time and this particular segment was their highest rated that
they had ever run. And they had folks that came in who were involved in the "Star Wars"
initiative during the Reagan Administration that couldn't talk about what they did in the
White House, but they could talk about what they observed in Russia.

And one of the things that they talked about was the idea that you could -- you could
create, sort of, this white noise and on this white noise carry a signal. And so they put
out this message, bring us cake. And Russians at tea time, you know, they eat these
little cakes? I guess you do that in other parts of Europe as well.

And so at the appointed time they began to broadcast this. And workers from within that
building and on the street were bringing cake into the meeting room without really
knowing why they were doing it. They just felt like doing it. Well, that was, in fact, what
they were programmed to do. Now, this goes back. We're talking about 15-year-old
technology. And when you think about sort of where did it go from there, in 2006, there
were a couple contracts left by DARPA, which does research for the defense industry in
the United States. And DARPA used to be run by a guy named Tony Tether. Tony Tether
was a good friend of Ben Eastlund's. Now, what they were doing then was, they had left
two contracts to the University of California for what's called electronic telepathy. Okay.
Electronic telepathy. The idea of reading another person's mind at a distance by
analyzing the emanations coming from this area, being able to analyze that and
determine and interpret what it is. And then the other half of the contract was to create
complex signals to see if you could transfer that array, so to speak, of signals into
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another person's consciousness and whether they would perceive the same images.

Now, there was work done by Elizabeth Rauscher and her late husband, Bill Van Bise, in
this very same area. In fact, I have a copy of their unpublished paper where they
actually built an electronic circuit where they could take a person in one room and a
person in another room, attach this person to that circuit and his person to that circuit,
and then, you know, the psychic card where they show the triangles, the squares and the
circles and the little squiggly lines, a hundred percent accurate with nine test subjects
who had never experienced consciously in any way any sense of extrasensory
perceptions or psychic perceptions. They did it with hardware, transferring thoughts from
one to the other.

Now -- which tells me it's probably a little more simple than what DARPA's doing. But
when Ben Eastlund was doing work on HAARP and he was doing other work for DARPA at
the time and we had talked about him in our first publication, and then actually after
publication became friends, and Ben Eastlund's attitude was, you know, some things just
shouldn't be done. And one of the things that he had been working on was whether
modification technologies, which he was at that time and when we first met, making that
technology available to the military. And after some dialogue with us and others, he
decided there's certain technologies that are not safe in the hands of military.

At one point along the course I began doing quite a bit of work on this whole
mind effects issue. And I caught the attention of a woman, Dorothy Lay. Now,
Dorothy is one of the heirs to the Lay, as in Frito-Lay and PepsiCo Corporation.
So a very wealthy family. Dorothy was very interested in this technology
specifically as it applied to victims. And so she approached me at one point and
asked if I would become a member of her board of directors for a non-profit that she was
setting up to deal with these kinds of technologies. And I've got to think about whether I
should tell you the rest of this story, and I think I will, because why not?

So I have this thing, intuition. All of us have it. I used to not pay as much attention to it
as I do today. When my intuition tells me something, I listen, because when I really think
about it, it's never been wrong. Neither has yours, if you really think about it. Or maybe
you don't think about it and just start acting on it. So my intuition said -- and this was a
very difficult time for me in 2002. In 2002, I had been betrayed by a very good friend,
economically was bankrupt in the middle of this work, because I started this work in '94.
Economically was being crushed. And at that point I was deciding whether I was going to
stay in this work at all.

And I'm going through a bunch of my files and I see this file and it's marked Lay. And I
remember this person had contacted us needing some information and we provided it.
And we never charge for that. I mean, the way we operated is, I sold books. And people
like you bought my books. And they allowed me to do this work. I didn't write for grants
where somebody could manipulate me and control me and tell me what to say. I didn't
go out and find some publisher that would edit out my work. I risked my own money. I
published my book.

AND NOW, on this 14th Day of September, 2017, Stan J.

Caterbone/Advanced Media Group, do hereby file the following pursuant to the
Federal Habeus CORPUS statutes prescribed in 28 2242 as prescribed by law.
The Plaintiff alleges violations according to the 1867 interpretation of the

17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 25 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

federal Habeus CORPUS statutes which states: where any person may be
restrained of his or her liberty in violation of the constitution, or of any treaty or
law of the United States.
Stan J. Caterbone alleges that he has been a prisoner of the state since
1987, and that the activities surrounding the PETITIONER'S life has escalated
into a daily occurrence of assaults. Unfortunately while the PETITIONER has
made many in person complaints to just about every law enforcement agency,
the most recent to the Manheim Township Substation in Lancaster Township
regarding an assault at the Manor Shopping Center minutes previously
(December 9, 2015 9:00pm), the pleas for help and assistance have yielded
nothing but more attacks to the PETITIONER'S person, property, electronics,
home, auto, reputation, intellectual property, and lastly his mental state-of-
already made claims of COINTELPRO-like tactics in his filings in the U.S.C.A.
Case No. 15-3400 against these same said actors and perpetrators. The
PETITIONER will provide evidence to support this writ and offer a final remedy
and redress in accordance with federal law.
CASE No. 17-cv-4000 CATERBONE v. The United States Government before U.S.
District Court Judge Edward G. Smith.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2017

Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 26 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our right to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member
of the media. Unfortunately due to the hacking of our electronic and digital footprints, we no longer have
access to our email contact list to make deletions. How long can Lancaster County and Lancaster City
Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture from U.S. Sponsored Mind

17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 27 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

Stan J. Caterbone
Freedom From Covert Harassment &

Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603



Authored in May of 1998

Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to

improve the lot of others, or strikes out against
injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And
crossing each other from a million different centers
of energy and daring, those ripples build a current
which can sweep down the mightiest walls of
oppression.. by Robert F. Kennedy

In 1987 STAN J. CATERBONE Had Unjustly Lost His Freedoms, His Rights, And
His Pursuit Of Life, Liberty And Justice.

The following report (most identities purposely omitted from this version)
is an amazingly true and factual account of an extraordinarily bizarre tragedy that has
turned one mans life into an eleven (11)2 year free fall into Dantes Hell.

On the surface, this is a story of a victim struggling to seek the truth, but in reality, the
evidence will conclude that this is a victim, literally, held hostage by virtue of his truth.
Later, the preponderance of evidence that the victim has amassed and his obsession for
meticulously documenting his ordeal might seem eccentric, yet his demonstrated ability
to react to events before they unfold appears mystical. And this was his manner in which
he tactfully defended and protected his life. It is these actions that have painted the
landscape with a dire vengeance for his ruin. His actions will ultimately serve to protect,
preserve, and foster the truth of his story, incriminating the culpability of his many
perpetrators, while at the same time being twisted and tainted in a relentless manner to
attack his credibility.

In April of 1997, Federal Court Judge Stuart Dalzall said Lancaster County
had lost its soul in the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct ever found in the
English speaking language regarding the Lisa Michelle Lambert hebeas corpus
hearing in the notorious Laurie Show murder case.

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This is a story of a human being endearing for his rights, living in fear of his life,
and the remedial actions required for the truth to set him free. A victim forever believing
in his accomplishments and his visions, yet forced to adhere to a life of their diversions.
Fatefully, ten years after being taken as a political hostage, with the aid of numerous
arrests and false imprisonments conveniently falling short convictions , a Federal Judge,
Judge Stuart Dalzall, of the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania, opened a Pandoras
Box into the true colors of the inner workings and politics of ultra conservative Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania. A supposedly Gods country. His findings reeled a dramatic and
emotional response from the Lancaster County community that was akin to the
assassination of JFK . A community where obstructions of justice strikes a startling and
stark contrast to the image it so desperately embraces. A community proud of its tough
on crime judges, a community of plain folks and
Amish, and a community settled in a beautiful landscape abundant in an agricultural
bounty. This is not a community of compromising integrity. Or so it has been perceived.

Judge Dalzalls extremely controversial findings were responsible for Pennsylvanias

own crafting of the Laurie Bill, the retaliation by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
intended to curb the Federal Courts interference within the respective states own
jurisdictions and proceedings. Or was it a political maneuver to close the lid on
Pandoras Box? The Pennsylvania Attorney General and the Lancaster County District
Attorney have both thrown all their might and all their muscle at turning the tides of
Judge Dalzalls findings. This story and this victims rights have been violated and
abused by some of the very same principals that were responsible for Judge Dalzalls
unsettling revelations. Lancaster County prosecutors were found to have engaged in one
of the grossest acts of prosecutorial misconduct found in the English speaking
language, which allegedly occurred in this now famous Lisa Michelle Lambert case, a
murder trial which began in the summer of 1992. Subsequently, it is now in the midst of
a treacherous appeal process convened by Judge Dalzall. And if so by fate, in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the home of the Freedom Fighters.

It is this public disclosure, that casts a new light and sudden hope for freedom into
this victims unbelievable and horrid story, that begun just four years prior to the
murder of Laurie Show. It is the decisive similarities of how both victims were subjected
to a very calculated and politically motivated attempts to frame and fabricate
circumstances to obtain the results that justified the means for illicit self-serving
interests. This very same conduct, committed by public servants, elected and enlisted to
enforce the law, to which Judge Dalzell found so appalling. Conduct, which violated the
very same rights their respective offices are commissioned to protect. Conduct which
strikes the meaning of We The People from our nations very own Constitution.

Fortunately, this victims story is laced with a thread of faith, a faith in God. And
because of his faith, this victim will forever regard Lisa Michelle Lambert 3 and Laurie
Show as his little Angels of Justice, a Godsend. An answer to his many prayers, that
for the first time in ten years provided a small glimmer of hope, and a few moments of
solitude that have materially justified his own tragic experience. The realization that the
The author admitted in an affidavit in 1998 that he did not know the criminal
culpability of Lisa Michelle Lambert, and further argues that it was because of the
prosecutorial misconduct and the erroneous handling of the crime scene that the
truth evaded both the prosecution and the defense as to who actually killed Laurie
17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 29 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

truth is that much more believable because of the trials and tribulations of Lisa Michelle
Lambert. Unfortunately, this revelation came at the unfortunate and untimely death of
Laurie. However, it just may be Gods intentions of a Higher Purpose.

This story was perpetuated through a gross miscarriage of justice: a tenure of

malicious wrongdoing by both the law enforcement community of Lancaster County and
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as well as community leaders. A process that
continues obstruct this victims rights for justice. Its mannerisms reach into the inner
soul of political and judicial corruption. All in the name of greed, and all in the honor of
continuing the status quo of the Good Ole Boys club of Lancaster County. A process
obsessed with keeping its disclosure from escaping beyond the confines of Pandoras
Box. Its a tenure of power that evolved from the days of this countrys earliest settlers,
but an evolution that has somewhere strayed away from the intent of our constitution;
with total disregard for the law, in total disrespect for the Constitution, and void of many
of our civil liberties. This atrocity, like the Lambert case, would have made our founding
forefathers revel in disgust and bellow in despair. In fact, their spirits and energies
probably are!

The central issue in this story, is a cover up, a cover up of mass proportions, and
of perplexing design, with national consequences. The fact of the matter is that this cover
up has had ramifications throughout this world, specifically the Middle East The cover up
would be emphatically unbelievable without the wealth of evidence, especially the
recorded conversations with Pennsylvania officials. A cover up that permeates from what
will later emerge as the 4th largest financial fraud (Billion Dollars) in the history of the
United States coupled with the covert sales of arms to Iraq. And five years after this
cover up began, these same munitions were used against our own troops in the Persian
Gulf War. And of course, there are admitted ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
and the National Security Agency (NSA).. And this cover up and story, which began in
June of 1987, in Lancaster County, preceded criminal indictments by the United States
Attorney General, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS), the Department of Justice and Commerce, and more. A vast array of criminal
activities conspired from the ultra conservative Lancaster County, where God is
supposedly supreme, and its hard line approach to crime is said to be preeminent. In
June of 1987, Lancaster County was immersed in a dynamic twist of fate, with a host of
players which may never be fully identified.

The irony of this story is how Lancaster County manages the disclosure of the very
same criminal activities that this story proves that it condoned, prior to the intervention
of federal authorities. It most dramatically will prove the nature of its integrity, or lack
thereof. International Signal & Control, (ISC) is the controversial player in this web
of conspiracy. In 1987, the third largest employer in Lancaster County, a non-discrete
defense contractor. In all due respect to our beloved country, this report is in no way
challenging the policies or the activities of the Department of Defense, or the vast
agencies of the Intelligence Community, especially the CIA or the NSA (National
Security Advisory). with regards to ISCs foreign dealings. Trying to protect the world of
malicious and evil empires is a process which never ends, and whos players are
constantly changing. And our respective intelligence agencies are continually challenged
with the task of trying to make a difference, in accordance with protecting our national
security. Unfortunately, given the nature of their discrete activities, and given the CIAs
history of avoiding congressional approval in certain situations, our current laws are void
of effectively dealing with the peripheral catastrophes of such activities that inherently
17-cv-4000 HEBEUS CORPUS EXHIBIT Page No. 30 of 40 Monday September 17, 2017

transpire. The CIA remains immune, while everyone outside suffers the consequences.

The fact that the CIA, or anyone of the other intelligence community, may have
been involved, does not grant a blanket of immunity over activities which were not
material to protecting our national security. If a company provides a service to anyone in
the intelligence community, our constitution, our laws, and its respective commercial
regulatory authorities, must still have the full sense of their jurisdiction. The intelligence
community may not have the right of intervention into the commercial enterprise, or
organization, circumventing the rights of its employees, shareholders, creditors, and
customers. No United States law or statute suggests that there is any involuntary
mandate that requires any of the preceding to compromise their interests in the
respective enterprise for the sake of national security, or the respective intelligence
agency. There must be considerations paid to all involved for those rights and interests
that compromise
such a relationship. Otherwise, the CIA could effectively gain control of any domestic
corporation it so desires, without ever owning one share of its outstanding stock, simply
by enlisting its product or services for the sake of national security. The CIA requires a
formal vehicle to enlist the aid of our domestic commercial enterprises. ISC is a proven
and unfortunate example of that.

This victim was a shareholder of record of International Signal & Control (ISC) for
the previous four years prior to when this tragic ordeal began. The victim was to
purchase the stock from now Republican Pennsylvania Senator Gib Armstrong, who was
in the brokerage business at the time and selling ISC stock. The stock was sold over the
London Securities Exchange, supposedly for reasons to suppress information. The victim
was interested in the stock because of his appetite for technology, and was more curious
about the business of ISC, than anything. In fact, the victim had never made any
inference to any of the illicit dealings with Iraq. However, the perpetrators of this story,
attempt to hide behind a vale of national security," in an effort to find legal immunity
from all wrongdoing. In accordance, the record will prove that this is merely a smoke
screen used to intimidate and obstruct the victims access for due process of the law.

The trials and tribulations of this victim are unprecedented in terms of

emotional and psychological duress, fortunately his indestructible faith in God, and his
enduring belief in himself and the truth, endures his life. There was one attempt on the
his life, days within the public disclosure of the CIAs involvement with the local Lancaster
County defense contractor (ISC), which Ted Kopel reported on ABC News Nightline, on
May 23, 1991, 4 years after the initial cover up began. This story will depict a series of
systematic and strategic offensive attacks upon this victim and his businesses that will
result failed business enterprises, and a Hollywood motion picture, deserted. An
impeccable professional reputation and a flawless credit rating purposely sabotaged.
Financial opportunities, that in 1987, were almost impossible to extrapolate, Vast
financial opportunities and aspirations forever a part of history. This horrendous
crime was perpetrated for the interest of a cover up, further protecting the corrupt
enterprises of Lancaster County's International Signal & Control (ISC). A quest for justice
that polarized every relationship the victim maintained, in Lancaster County and beyond,
including friends and family. This story demonstrates a methodology of his perpetrators
for keeping this victim quarantined from justice and public disclosure, through a
malicious means of credibility proponents, and horrendously deceptive tactics. Financial
motives prominently displayed in the hands of all of the perpetrators, which absolves the
burden for a traditional conspiracy..

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The emotional response to the truth of this story is compelling, to say the
least. Subsequently, the startling keen sense of perception that the victim had
demonstrated, is even more intriguing. It is this extraordinary quality that is responsible
for saving his life, while yet at the same time providing his perpetrators with an alibi and
a vehicle for discrediting his startling allegations and his story. This story embellishes a
dichotomy of perception that had Hollywood producers from his film project call his work
genius, while his perpetrators from the Lancaster County Community conveniently and
maliciously labeling him as insane and emotionally disturbed."

The perplexing question of the victims intelligence, or lack thereof, is best
analyzed as a question of perception. However it terms of the legal consequences of the
activities contained herein, they are of little if any relevancy. The fact of the matter is
that the mental deficiencies have very little relevancy to this story, other than serving
as a means to discredit the victim, a vehicle to facilitate the cover up, and a blanket of
immunity for all of the perpetrators.

The heart of this victims legal dogma is best described as follows: If a person, is
perceived to have a mental deficiency; yet whose actions and decisions are always
proven to be instinctually and amazingly prudent, always abiding within the law, and in
the best interest of his affairs, what rights and protection do the laws afford him from
persons abusing that perception, in order to yield political and financial rewards, as a
direct consequence of his demise? Furthermore, how does the law protect his rights, if
any and all malicious acts against this victim, are constantly and immediately
disregarded because he is perceived to not to be credible? As this story unfolds, these
questions will become even more troubling and appalling. Although the victim could
never describe the pain of his trauma, he would often say that the closest situation that
may compare is that of a woman being continuously raped, night after night, helplessly
praying for relief, struggling to free herself from her captor, all with no avail. He would
call it as being brain f------.

The victim, coming from the lower middle class of Lancaster City, was only 29
years old when this tragedy began. Coming from a broken home, he was the third of six
boys. While at a very young age, he would help his mother run a dry cleaning business,
in an amazing similarity like Lisa Michelle Lambert, he had also nursed his mother during
bouts of depression. While in high school, he was nursing his mothers depression, while
at same time tending to his older brothers bouts of schizophrenia. The victim had
learned to listen to the obscenities of mental illness since he was a child. He learned to
fill the shoes of his absent father in helping his mother raise his three younger brothers..
The victim was often called the little old man because of his extraordinary maturity as
a child. The victim was determined to break the barrier of the Good Ole Boys club or
the power elite, and had always felt a sense of compassion for those less fortunate, and
those neglected by those of material means, the oppressed and impoverished. He had an
undivided aspiration to someday make a difference to those that could not help
themselves, especially his older brother. Through his ingenious, resourceful, and honest
business approach, he was relentlessly growing his business and their respective
missions, in constant reminder of his oppression. His in depth understanding of computer
technology and his vision were his most powerful allies. Always pushing the envelope for
advanced technologies and seeking solutions for the most efficient means of his
operations.. He knew that every break was going to be few and far between, he
dedication himself to his work, and married his business affairs, always embracing his
projects with a passion.
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In 1986, after serving on the Board of Directors for the Central Pennsylvania
Chapter of International Association of Financial Planners (IAFP), the victim had made a
large contribution to increasing its membership and its awareness among local
professionals, as its vice president. In an effort to promote the organization, the victim
solicited a nationally recognized and prominent financial planner from Washington, D.C.,
to be a headline speaker at a dinner meeting. Ms. Alexandra Armstrong, one of the most
nationally recognized financial planners, often headlined in Money Magazine, attracted
100 industry professionals to the Treadway Resort Inn. The attendance was
unprecedented for the local IAFP chapter. The IAFP is the authoring organization for
certification as a financial planner. It was through the direct conversations with Ms.
Armstrong regarding his ideas and her experience, that inspired the victim to pursue his
ambitions of growing his own financial firm, which he began in the following months.

Disgruntled with the conflicts of interest and the lack of incentive for various
professionals to work together in managing ones wealth, a process which lacked
efficiency, this entrepreneur founded the firm Financial Management Group, Ltd., or
FMG as it was often called. The firm was to incorporate a one-stop-shopping strategy
and incorporate financial services, legal, accounting, tax preparation, real estate,
insurance, mortgage banking, and estate services all in one firm, all residing in one
location, all taking advantage of the synergistic approach toward managing wealth. And
to provide the professionals long term security and equity participation, all participants
were encouraged to purchase stock in the company. This was a new and innovative
approach that attracted a lot of attention from investors and clients, but also came a lot
of nervous twitches from competitors, especially in conservative Lancaster County.

The victim began recruiting professionals from all of the other firms, with great
success. He had enlisted two partners whom he had worked with at IDS/American
Express, to carry out his mission, which he began after extensive market studies and his
early version of the company, Pro Financial Group, Ltd., His two partners had followed
the victim to an independent broker dealer in Atlanta, named Financial Services
Corporation, where Ms. Alexandra Armstrong was associated, and encouraged the victim
to visit, during their discussion after dinner. Within one year, by June of 1987, the firm
had invested over $40 million for respective clients.

The company had developed satellite offices throughout Pennsylvania and in

several other states, through his unique design. This firm was causing the other financial
services companies and the local banks in Lancaster County a run for their money. The
firm had built a new 20,000 square foot office building just a few miles north of the city.
The firm was attracting clients, associates, and nervous attention from, well just about
everybody. Considering the capabilities, legal, real estate, insurance, financial services,
accounting, FMG was making as many enemies as it was making friends. And the victim
always believed in the premise that its always better to have people talking about you,
regardless of the matter, than to have no one notice you. And they were talking. The
victim was only in his late twenties when he started this organization,. He held several
positions, he was Executive Vice President and Secretary of Financial Management Group
Ltd, and President of FMG, Advisory, Inc., which was one of the many subsidiaries parent
company owned. The victim acted as the architect and legal administrator of the
organization, in addition to building his own financial planning clients. He filed all of the
articles of incorporation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and submitted all of the
tedious and rigorous filings necessary for the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, which
were very demanding considering the victim was selling stock of his company to his
associates and investors. The victim and his associates had also attracted some very
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prominent Lancastrianss to invest in his venture, coming from various professional

circles, all infatuated with this extraordinary and intriguing concept of this young victim.
All had seen its potential for success and financial reward.

Many of his friends were involved, and in Lancaster, everyone knows everybody, so
it seams.. And everyone talks, gossip is as common as jogging. This exaggerated trait of
Lancaster County, will later to come back to haunt this victim, in a way that is most
sickening. In a way that will parallel the attitudes and sentiments in the Lisa Michelle
Lambert story.

In 1987, his business affairs were reaching a point of incredible success. In fact,
most of his family and friends, have always questioned the merits of their legitimacy. He
always conducted his affairs with the presumption that time could not afford the
opportunity to complete his agenda, while at the same time disclosing his business affairs
to persons that were not directly involved.. Accomplishing his mission was first and
foremost. But in Lancaster County, that was difficult. Lancastrianss have a notion to fear
what they dont know, and will always believe what they think they know, regardless of
its merits. In Lancaster County new ideas are shunned unless coming from their own,
and their own ideas are often kept close at bay, inhibiting progress and stymieing
learning. By June of 1987, a majority of his business affairs were conducted out of the
grasp of Lancaster County, his unknown activities made others curious, especially in
Lancaster County, where the blessing of the power elite was essential for success. But,
deep down inside, he knew he could never be accepted, because he did not descend from
a family of social grace. This fueled his aspirations for success even further, committed
to prove that intelligence was innate and learned, not a direct correlation to material
wealth or social grace.

One of his most cherished testimonials to his concept, his reputation, and his
mission, was provided by an elder attorney, Mr. Kenellm Shirk, a very respected and
prominent older Lancaster attorney, who was part of the status quo. Mr. Shirk had
petitioned the Pennsylvania Bar Association, after meeting with the victim, to obtain
their blessing and their knowledge of any laws which would forbid his firm to provide a
satellite office in the headquarters of Financial Management Group, Ltd., (FMG) Mr. Shirks
firm was to provide a partner, and estate services to the clients of FMG. The Pennsylvania
Bar provided a lengthy recommendation that did not prohibit a relationship, although
cautioned it to proceed with careful review. The fact that the very young and unknown
victim could attract an elder, conservative Lancaster County attorney to associate with
his firm was an encouraging sign of respect. Ironically, Mr. Shirk is the father of Roy Shirk
Jr., Lisa Michelle Lamberts first attorney who represented her during trial of 1992, the
proceeding which was the center of Judge Dalzalls controversial and appalling findings.
The victim prided himself on his entrepreneurship , and after building the foundation for
FMG, he set out to take advantage of its resources and its synergism.

By June of 1987, the victim had developed a fairly substantial mortgage banking
relationship with a Houston, Texas banker. That operation was capable of providing
lending to potential developers and businesses in the range of $ 3 million to $100 million.
And the lending packages were as competitive if not more competitive than the local
lending institutions of Lancaster County, capable with even higher lending limits. In a
matter of months of securing this relationship, the victim and his partner were
evaluating deals from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Florida, and as far away as

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There was a uniqueness to his capabilities that was very appealing to potential
borrowers. Because of the vast array of services of FMG, potential developers had the
opportunity to obtain both debt and equity financing through his companies. In plain
terms, most shopping centers raised capital by raising funds through investors coupled
with a mortgage. This gave potential developers one place to take down the deal rather
than dealing with many other professionals at the same time. It was a much more
efficient process for all. The victim was capable of providing a mortgage, while at the
same time selling shares in a shopping center through its vast client base of investors at
FMG. This also gave the victim a formidable presence into the venture capital markets,
by way of his strong ability to raise capital through his vast portfolio of clients of FMG.
And this was a rarity that developers and investors loved. Investors were attracted
because they could invest in equity type real estate projects with real sense of knowing
the developer, or kicking the bricks of the project. This was far different than investing
in a nationally syndicated project, with properties scattered all over the country, and with
developers that they did not know. The synergistic approach to his organization began
paying dividends by developing other peripheral markets and businesses.

Given the complex nature of the victims design of FMG, internal struggles within
the organization readily became the challenge. Orchestrating the relationships among all
of the different professionals, and trying to adhere to the interests of the clients, the
professionals and of the firm, FMG, managing the daily activities required immense
thought and prudence on the part of the principals. Of, course, the victim assumed
honesty and integrity to be a given. And for most it was. However there were times when
the senior partner engaged in tactical rights of power.

In the later part of 1986, after the victim had developed FMG to the point where
its future was on stable grounds, his two partners conveniently attempted to circumvent
his position and regain control of his stock and the firm. In fact, after the victim refused
to collaborate on a scheme to set up his other partner, the remaining two partners
began to attempt to regain the victims control. Through intimidating techniques, the
partners began to attack his presence. The victim became agitated, especially because
he played the lead role and was responsible for the formation of the company,
methodically designing and developing its foundation, with great success. And now after
the company was beyond its point of greatest risk, due to in large part the victims
efforts, the other two partners wanted to take advantage of his work, and take the
cream of the pie for their own financial gain. It was a difficult task to carry out because
the victim was the most respected of all three partners, consistently keeping their
respective policies in the best interest of the firm and of the other associates and
stockholders. In fact, most feared that the loss of control of the victim would ultimately
lead to adverse consequences. However the two partners trued unsuccessfully to weaken
his position, and when that didnt work, they focused on weakening the victim, via
intimidation and humiliation The coup and hostile environment caused a state of
depression for the victim, although he kept to his daily duties and responsibilities,
accordingly, he called a client and friend who was a psychiatrist, whom he trusted and
respected. It was easy access to a professional, yet on a very informal basis. Because the
victim had a family history of mental deficiencies, he wanted to seek the proper help.

The psychiatrist had diagnosed the victim as having Bi Polar Mood disorder. The
psychiatrist had quickly discounted any correlation between the current state of affairs,
and his partners abuse. The psychiatrist rationale was that because the startup of the
company was so successful in such a short period of time , and his demonstrated
intelligence and creativity, the victim must have been in a state of mania, and of course
now, was subsiding in a state of depression, the typical cycle for manic depressants. The
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victim complied with the psychiatrist. And after refusing to sell out to his partners,
vowed to regain his business and rescind any efforts to give up his claim to his
accomplishments. The depression soon faded. The victim never disclosed the fact that
he had sought help to anyone other than family members. This coup lead to the victims
aggressive approach to grow the business, and to posture himself in projects that would
ultimately remain in his control, out of the influence of his partners. Particularly the
mortgage banking activities and the digital movie, which he did successfully, but
apparently too successfully.


Through an act of fate, in February of 1987, the victim found himself in a
meeting with Tony Bongiovi at Power Station studios. Through one of his partners, he
reluctantly traveled to New York to consider financing a motion picture. The victims own
lack tolerance for the risk associated with film investments was overshadowed by the
opportunity to visit a recording studio. Although his associate was a friend of Tonys, he
was not familiar with his accomplishments, or his work, so he thought. If nothing else, it
was a weekend away from Lancaster, and a chance to visit the Big Apple. Intriguingly, he
found more than he had ever imagined on that weekend excursion. Tony Bongiovi, a
musical genius, whos credits include one of the most recognized recording studios in the
country, Power Station Studios. Tony Bongiov produced the sound track for Star Wars,
and is responsible for the format of one of the most successful recording artist of the
80s, Jon Bon Jovi, his cousin. Power Station
has recorded the albums for some of the most influential artists of all time, including
Diana Ross, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Steve Winwood, Bruce Springsteen, etc., Tony,
an eccentric genius, of Italian decent, had many talents, from music to aerospace
engineering. The victims associates sister met Tony while he flew his plane into
Lancasters airport for repairs. They dated for some time and the victims associate and
Tony became friends, which led the victim to Tonys Power Station Studios.

Tony was looking to finance his new project, which was to be the first digital
movie. And, given the victims extreme appetite for technologies, coupled with his
amazing sense of perception, he dramatically recognized the future evolution for the
technical merits of delivering digital video and digital audio entertainment to the mass
markets. By June of 1987, the victim was positioned as the Executive Producer,
collaborating with Flatbush Films of Hollywood California, the movie producers, entrusted
with the mission of finding investors to provide funding for the first digital movie, and
to manage the ensuing business elements it required.

The movie was to be shot on-location at the Jersey shore points, mostly in
Wildwood. Tony strategically envisioned making a movie in the horror genre. There were
several specific reasons that supported this strategy. First, he determined that it was the
least expensive format to produce, we all estimated a budget of $4 million for the
production and post production. Secondly, the horror genre would compliment a very
intense sound track. The sound track was important to enhance the new digital format,
and also provide the means to introduce a new band that he had been grooming in his
studio for the past several years, French Lick, his predecessor to Bon Jovi. There had
been bad blood between Tony and his cousin Bon Jovi, which resulted in legal disputes
pertaining to Tonys financial interests in Jons success. It was an unfortunate situation
considering Tonys father and Jons father were brothers living in the same area. It was a
subject that Tony never wanted to discuss, except for his contributions toward Jons

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If by another act of fate, the victim had the privilege of meeting one of the many
superstars while working at Power Station studios. While growing up, at an early age, the
victim would sneak up into the bedroom of his oldest brother, and start up his old
General Electric stereo phonograph and listen to his favorite album - Diana Ross and the
Supremes. It was a passion and a ritual that provided an early infatuation to music, and
to Diana Ross. The victim was only 10 or 11 years old. And at this early age, he noticed
and listened to the annoying hiss, that conventional hiss that always seemed to
overshadow the music, whether played on an album, on the radio, 8-track tape, or

And in a mystical twist of fate, while engrossed in a project dedicated to delivering

music without that hiss (digital) - the victim opened the door to the recording suite to
pack his bags for the journey back to Lancaster; - and there she sat, with a glowing
array of beauty, more beautiful than any picture could ever tell, Ms. Diana Ross. She
was pregnant and in the middle of a recording session, for a new album. Her assistant
quickly demanded, in a stern and protective voice, that we leave, and the victim and his
associate replied this is our makeshift bedroom, we are just gathering our belongings.
The victim walked toward Diana Ross, who was seated near his bag, and she asked and
who are you?, the victim calmly replied his name and absorbed as much of her beauty
as his eyes could behold before walking out the door. The room that was
his bedroom the nigh before, and suddenly transfixed into the recording suite of Diana
Ross, thinking back some twenty years earlier, one of the many gifts that God would
bestow upon him. A living memorial and reminder to his older brother, who died on
Christmas day of 1985, his best friend who taught him two of his greater pleasures in
life, Diana Ross, and listening to music. He prayed that his brother was watching from

And so, the digital movie project that the victim had embraced in 1987 had
personal significance, and he never ever doubted his instincts regarding the technical
merits of the project. The victims perception that the entertainment industry would
deliver full length motion pictures in a truly digital medium will later become a truly
remarkable vision.

The technical merits of this project and at this particular time with respect to the
victims extreme sense of perception require analysis. To truly understand this time
perception, some of the attributes of digital technologies need to be fully understood. In
1987, Compact DISC (CD) technology was only now being introduced to the commercial
markets. The victims own crafting of his joint venture proposals, dominated by the term
digital movie, is in itself some 4 or 5 years away. In 1987, there was very little use of
the term digital, with the exception of research and development engineers. The victim
will, throughout the documentation of this story, will have preceded a terminology that
has literally become the root of most technological advancements in the computer and
telecommunications industries of our present day, 10 years after the victims vision.
Today, digital is found to be part of or referred to in just about every product available
in the commercial markets.

During May of 1987, the victim had created a joint venture proposal for SONY
Entertainment, Inc., for the digital movie. After weeks of researching the current state-
of-affairs within SONY, and after his proposal was completed, SONY publicly announced
their desire to open the markets for new and emerging technologies on the cover of
TIME magazine, another demonstrated sense of perception. It was this proposal, when
delivered to one of the Hollywood producers in Santa Monica, California, after reading a
draft of the proposal she said you are a genius. The proposal was introduced to Tony
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Bongiovi at the Wildwood Boardwalk, where many of scenes were to be shot, and he
approved of the proposal and thought that it had great merits. Tony, who wanted very to
do with the business elements of his project, gave the victim complete authority to
secure the financing of the project, with a salary as Executive Producer, and a percentage
of the profits on the back end.

After review of the victims research and proposals, his vision and his passion,
unfortunately without his efforts, has come to be known as Direct Satellite System, or
DSS, which is Sonys satellite entertainment system (TV), delivering digital audio and
digital video entertainment. That technology is fast eroding at the cable industry. The
victim had his patent research center around the PSDMS system, the Power Station
Digital Movie System. And that was in 1987, some seven years before SONY delivered his
dreams. Later the victim would also accurately predict that the 90s would become the
Information Age because of the direct contributions and advancements of digital
technologies, which is directly responsible for the development of the INTERNET.

The victims obsession with his digital movie has proven to be one of his most
remarkable demonstrations of his keen sense of perception.


Stan J. Caterbone, Pro Se Litigant

Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance,
Registered in Pennsylvania
1250 Fremont Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Notice and Disclaimer: Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and
publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud
within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via
South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the
truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public
corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our
property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications
are a means of protecting our right to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member
of the media. Unfortunately due to the hacking of our electronic and digital footprints, we no longer have
access to our email contact list to make deletions. How long can Lancaster County and Lancaster City
Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel (And the Torture from U.S. Sponsored Mind

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1. J.C. No. 03-16-90005 Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Third Circuit Court of
2. U.S. Supreme Court Case No. 16-6822 PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI re Case No.
16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert
3. U.S.C.A. Third Circuit Court of Appeals Case No. 16-1149 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle
Lambert;15-3400 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert;; 16-1001; 07-4474
4. U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 17-CV-4000 New Habeus Corpus
5. U.S. District Court Eastern District of PA Case No. 16-4014 CATERBONE v. United States,
et.al.; Case No. 16-cv-49; 15-03984; 14-02559 MOVANT for Lisa Michelle Lambert; 05-2288;
06-4650, 08-02982;
6. U.S. District Court Middle District of PA Case No. 16-cv-1751 PETITION FOR HABEUS
7. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board Case No. 2016-462 Complaint
against Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Judge Leonard Brown III
8. Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case No. 353 MT 2016; 354 MT 2016; 108 MM 2016 Amicus for
Kathleen Kane
9. Superior Court of Pennsylvania Summary Appeal Case No. CP-36-SA-0000219-2016, AMICUS
for Kathleen Kane Case No. 1164 EDA 2016; Case No. 1561 MDA 2015; 1519 MDA 2015; 16-
1219 Preliminary Injunction Case of 2016
10.Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Case No. 08-13373; 15-10167; 06-03349, CI-06-
11.U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 17-16204 NEW
12.U.S. Bankruptcy Court for The Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case No. 17-10615; Case No.

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