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B Pharmaceutical Chemistry

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Pharmaceutical Chemistry


1. The water ion theory of acids and bases is attributed to:

A. Lewis D. Pauling
B. Bronsted E. Pearson
C. Arrhenius

2. This is radioactive particle that weights almost the same as helium atom.
A. x-ray D. beta ray
B. alpha ray E. ultraviolet ray
C. gamma ray
3. This is a sulfur containing ion that does not react with sulfuric acid?
A. Sulfide D. thiosulfate
B. Sulfite E. all of the given
C. Sulphate

4. A mole of a substance:
A. Contains Avogadros number particles D. A and B
B. Weighs the same as its atomic weight or E. All of the above
molecular weight expressed in grams
C. Contains the same number of particles as 12
grams of Carbon

5. Which of the following properties of matter is dependent on the quantity of matter

A. Flammability D. reactivity
B. Volume E. density
C. Boiling point

6. An attraction of molecule by a magnetic field doe to completely paired electrons.

A. Diamagnetism D. ferromagnetism
B. paramagnetism E. none of the given
C. dia-para magnestism

7. Which of the following substances is pure?

A. 5% dextrose D. rubbing alcohol
B. Table sugar E. salt solution
C. Blood

8. An atom with an atomic number of 15 and a mass number of 29 has _____neutrons

A. 14 D. 39
B. 15 E. 54
C. 29

9. Two electrons occupying the same orbital differ in their:

A. Principal quantum number D. spin quantum number
B. Azimuthal quantum number E. angular momentum quantum
C. Magnetic quantum number number

10. What particles account for most of the mass of an atom?

A. Proton D. a and b
B. Electron E. a and c
C. Neutron

11. Which of the following properties of elements decreases from left to right of the
periodic table.
A. Atomic size D. non-metallic property
B. Electron affinity E. ionization potential
C. Electronegativity
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
12. Which of the following processes is a physical change?
A. Distillation of water D. fermentation of coconut water
B. Digestion of food E. combustion of methane
C. Neutralization of an acid by a base

13. Which of the following statements shows an extensive property?

A. Iron nails conduct heat D. A pinch of sugars weighs 2.3 grams
B. Sampaguita flowers smells sweet E. Glycerin is viscous
C. Water boils at 100 0C

14. This refers to the direct transition of the solid state to the vapor state.
A. Deposition D. condensation
B. sublimation E. melting
C. evaporation

15. the reaction of a metal chloride dioxide produces:

A. metal chlorite D. metal chlorate
B. metal carbide E. metal perchlorate
C. metal oxide

16. The amount of heat requited to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance by one
degree Celsius
A. Specific heat D. heat of formation
B. Standard enthalpy E. calorie
C. Heat capacity

17. In a family, the topmost element has the smallest:

A. Electronegativity D. atomic size
B. Ionization potential E. a and b
C. Electron affinity

18. In reaction , nitrogen changes from the molecular state, N2 to NO2, what happened to
nitrogen was:
A. Oxidation D. A and C
B. Reduction E. B and C
C. Neutralization

19. How many moles of sodium are in a mole of sodium thiosulfate?

A. 1 D. 4
B. 2 E. 5
C. 3

20. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the p subshell?
A. 2 D. 10
B. 5 E. 14
C. 6

21. When a metal binds with a non-metal , the metal will most likely:
A. Donate electron/s D. allows its electron to move in an
B. Accept electron/s unfilled orbitals
C. Share its electrons

22. This states that orbitals of the same energy will be singly filled first with electrons
before they are paired.
A. Aufbau principle D. Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle
B. Hunds rule E. n + I rule
C. Paulis Exclusion Principle

23. The formula that gives the actual number of atoms is

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. Structural D. chemical formula
B. Molecular formula E. none of the given
C. Empirical formula

24. The reaction NiCl2 + Zn -------- Ni + ZnCl2 is a _______type of reaction

A. Combination D. single replacement
B. Combustion E. metathesis
C. Decomposition

25. Which of the following is a characteristic of the gaseous state?

A. The molecules move past one another D. its volume is definite
B. Is has definite shape E. All of the given
C. The molecules are tightly bonded

26. Graphite is an allotrope of the element______.

A. Na D. C
B. Pb E. O
C. Ca

27. This is also known as the salt-forming group of elements

A. Chalcogens D. halogens
B. Alkali metals E. colnage metals
C. Alkaline earth metals

28. A substance which can act as either an acid or a base.

A. Polymorph D. amphoteric
B. Deliquescent E. none of the given
C. Amorphous

29. Most abundant and essential of all elements

A. aluminum D. carbon
B. oxygen E. Hydrogen
C. silicon

30. The ion that gives the Prussian blue precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide.
A. Ferric D. nickel
B. Ferrous E. cobalt
C. Zinc

31. Evolves gas with fruity odow when treated with ethanol and concentrated hydrochloric
A. Acetate D. silicate
B. Chlorate E. chromate
C. Sulfate

32. Rochelle salt which is used as a cathartic and also as sequestering agent is:
A. KHC4H4O6 D. Na2C4H4O6
B. KNaC4H4O6 E. K2C4H4O6
C. KSbC4H4O6

33. The most electronegative element in the periodic table is:

A. S D. O
B. Cl E. N
C. F

34. Which of the ff. scientists is/are the author/s of the periodic law?
A. Dalton D. De Broglie
B. Proust E. Meyer and Mendeleev
C. Charles and Boyle
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
35. The state of matter which occur only at temperatures near absolute zero.
A. Plasma D. Liquid
B. Solid E. Gas
C. Bose condensaes

36. These are atoms of the same element having the same protons but of different number
of neutrons.
A. Isobars D. isotopes
B. Isotones E. none of the given
C. Isomers

37. Produced by filling an orbital by an electron which is not removed from its atom but is held
mutually or share by 2 atoms concerned.

A. Ionic bond D. metallic bond

B. Van der Waals E. covalent
C. Hydrogen bond

38. Salts are formed as result of the reaction between

A. Acid and base D. non-metal oxide and water
B Water and metal E. D and C
D. Metal oxide and water

39. Atoms that are tightly bound together and behave as a single entity
A. Molecule D. mixture
B. Ion E. none of the give
C. Element

40. This grouping of elements in the periodic table is based on the number of main energy levels
filled by the electrons.

A. Family D. A and B
B. Group E. B and C
C. Period

41. When an atom accepts an electron it forms a/an

A. Cation D. A and B
B. Anion E. none of the given
C. Neutrally charged entity

42. Substances that completely ionize in water are

A. Non-electrolytes D. Molecular
B. Weak electrolytes E. Covalent
C. Strong electrolytes

43. This class of matter exhibits electrical property and optical property known as Tyndall effect.
A. Solution D. colloid
B. Suspension E. compound
C. Emulsion
44. The product produced from the reaction of a non-metal oxide and water.
A. Base D. Binary acid
B. Salt E. none of the given
C. Oxy acid

45. Metals can be coiled in wires because they are

A. Malleable D. brittle
B. Ductile E. good conductors
C. Lustrous
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
46. The empirical formula of diphosphorous pentoxide is:
A. P2O5 D. PO
B. PO2 E. P2O
C. PO3

47. Which of the following pairs of atoms will most likely form an ionic bond
A. C and O D. C and H
B. C and Ca E. C and S
C. C and Cl

48. The percentage of C in sugar ( C12H22O11) if the atomic weight of C=12, H=1 and O=16 is

A. 3.5% D. 57.9%
B. 8.3% E. 85%
C. 42.1%

49. This refers to ability of an atom to attract electrons of another atom to its side.
A. Ionization potential D. diamagnetism
B. Electronegativity E. paramagnetism
C. Electron affinity

50. Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing

A. Atomic number D. atomic size
B. Mass number E. All of the above
C. Atomic weight

51. These are electron pair donors.

A. Bronsted Lowry acids D. Lewis Bases
B. Arrhenius bases E. Arrhenius acids
C. Lewis acids

52. The law stating that elements combine in a fixed ratio by mass to form compounds.
A. Law of Definite Proportion D. Boyles Law
B. Law of Multiple Proportion E. Charles Law
C. Law of Thermodynamics

53. Number of valence electrons of the element with atomic number 12.
A. 8 D. 2
B. 6 E. 1
C. 4

54. The sum of atomic masses of all the atoms in a molecule or formula unit.
A. Atomic mass D. empirical mass
B. Molar mass E. none of the given
C. Molecular mass

55. The chemical reaction between an acid and a base that produces salt and water.

A. Oxidation D. Combination
B. Reduction E. Single replacement
C. Neutralization

56. A 10-volume hydrogen peroxide solution has a concentration of:

A. 3% w/v D. 30% w/v

B. 6% w/v E. 50% w/v
C. 10% w/v

57. Acts as a blood coagulant in vivo and anticoagulant in vitro:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. Tartrate ion D. Thiosulfate ion
B. Citrate ion E. Sulfate ion
C. Phosphate ion

58. Synonym for Ammonium Carbonate, NF:

A. Spirit of Hartshorn D. Spirit of Mindererus

B. Sal Ammoniac E. None of the given
C. Preston Salt

59. An official gas that is used in pharmaceutically to mask the disagreeable taste of certain

A. Carbon Dioxide, USP D. Oxygen, USP

B. Nitrogen, USP
C. Helium, USP

60. These are substances that take/absorb sufficient water from the atmosphere forming a liquid:

A. Efflorescent C. A and B
B. Deliquescent D. None of the choices

61. What is the chemical name of HCIO3?

A. Hydrochloric Acid C. Chlorous Acid

B. Hypochlorous Acid D. Chloric Acid

62. Ions found in the extracellular fluid EXCEPT:

A. Phosphate C. Sodium
B. Chloride D. Bicarbonate

63. Itai-itai Disease is caused by poisoning with____.

A. Mercury D. Iron
B. Cadmium E. Bismuth
C. Lead

64. Reagent that can differentiate carbonate form bicarbonate ion:

A. 3 N Hydrochloric acid C. Hydrogen Sulfide

B. Phenolphthalein TS D. Methyl Red TS

65. The following are regarded as soft acids according to HSAB concept EXCEPT

A. Ag+ C. Al+3
B. Hg+2 D. none of the above
66. Official base that is pharmaceutical necessity for preparation of Aromatic Ammonia Spirit,

A. Sodium Carbonate, NF C. Potassium Hydroxide, NF

B. Strong Ammonia Solution, NF D. Calcium Hydroxide Topical Solution, USP

67. Official preparations of Potassium:

I. Potassium Chloride in Sodium Chloride Injection , USP

II. Potassium Chloride Oral Solution, USP
III. Potassium Chloride Effervescent Tablets for Oral Solution, USP
IV. Potassium Chloride in Dextrose Injection, USP
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. I, II, and III C. I, II, and IV
B. II, III and IV D. I, II, III and IV

68. Systematic acidifiers:

I. Monabasic Sodium Phosphate, USP

II. Potassium Citrate, USP

III. Ammonium Chloride, USP

A. I and II C. I and III
B. II only D. II and III

69. This element is present in insulin

A. Cr D. Al
B. Cu E. Ca
C. Fe

70. Reagent that can differentiate Potassium Alum Ammonium Alum:

A. Aluminon reagent D. Dibasic Sodium phosphate
B. NaOH t,s, E. Nitric acid
C. BaCl2 t,s,

71. Plaster of Paris is chemically known as:

A. CaO D. CaSO4 H2O

B. CaSO4 E. CaSo4 1 H2O
C. CaSo4 2H2O

72. The precipitating reagent of Analytical Group I cations

A. H2S D. H3PO4
B. HCI E. Thioacetamide
C. Na2CO3

73. Products of sodium chlorate decomposition.

A. NaO + H2 C. NaCl + O2
B. Na2O + HCl D. None

74. How many moles of aluminum reacts with sulfuric acid in this reaction
Al + H2SO4 Al2SO4 + H2
A. 2 D. 5
B. 3 E. 6
C. 4

75. Yellow brass is a combination of

A. Cr and Ni D. Au and Cu
B. Cu and Zn E. Zn and Ni
C. Ag and Cu

76. In this reaction : Al + Fe2O3 -----> Al2O3 + Fe

Which of the substances from the above reaction was reduced?

A. Al C. Al2O3
B. Fe2O3 D. Fe

77. Also known as the soluble group:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. Alkaline earth metals D. Halogens
B. Alkali metals E. Chalcogens
C. Coinage metals

78. Calcium imparts a _______________color to a non-luminous flame.

A. Crimson red D. green

B. Carmine red E. brick red
C. Bright yellow

79. The smallest particle of matter which enters to a chemical reaction.

A. Molecule C. compound
B. Atom D. element

80. Hard water does not lather in with soap. This is due to:

A. K C. Mg and Ca
B. Al and O D. Zn and Pb

81. Pink appearance

A. Copper C. Cobalt(III)
B. Nickel D. Chromium(III)

82. Chromate in solution is colored:

A. Orange-red C. blue
B. Yellow D. yellow green

83. Stainless steel is an alloy containing the following elements EXCEPT:

A. Fe D. Ni
B. C E. Pb
C. Cr

84. Fergon is:

A. Ferrous lactate C. ferrous sulfate

B. Ferrous gluconate D. ferrous fumarate

85. Mohrs salt is:

A. Ferrous ammonium sulfate C. ferrous sulfate

B. Ferrous potassium sulfate D. ferrous lactate

86. Chalybeate water contains:

A. Lithium C. salt
B. Carbon D. iron

87. Magnesium is detected using the dyestuff_______ in alkaline solution forming a blue lake:
A. Aluminum reagent C. p-nitrobenzene resorcinol
B. Amaranth D. oxime reagent

88. Three Bromides Elixir contains bromides of:

I. Na
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. I, II and III D. I, III and IV
B. II, III and IV E. I, IV and V\
C. III, IV and V

89. This is chronic lung condition resembling tuberculosis in symptoms:

A. Silicosis D. itai-itai disease
B. Paraketosis E. Minamata Disease
C. Ketosis

90. Precipitated sulfur is used as a/an:

A. Bactericidal D. antioxidant
B. Anti-viral E. cathartic
C. Scabicide

91. A sulfur containing compound used as an antioxidant is:

A. Sulfur Dioxide D. Sulfur Dioxide
B. Sulfurated Potash E. Antimony Sulfide
C. Precipitated Sulfur

92. Topical Zirconium preparations have been employed:

I. As antiperspirants
II. For its specific action against uroshiol
III. To remove warts
A. I, II & III D. I & III
B. I & II E.I only

93. Capsebon is used as :

A. Anti-dandruff D. fungicide
B. Keratolytic E. anticariogenic
C. Scabicide

94. Which of the following maybe seen in patients on Bismuth containing products as antacids
and antibacterial?
A. Rebound hyperacidity D. Neurological distubances
B. Achloryhdria E. Luminous vomitus
C. Black stools

95. Rochelle salt is used as a/an:

A. Antacid D. antidiarrheal
B. Saline cathartic E. astringent
C. Electrolyte replenisher
96. Zinc uranyl acetate, Mg uranyl acetate, cobalt uranyl acetate, forms insoluble salts with:
A. Potassium C. Magnesium
B. Sodium D. Calcium

97. Borates in turmeric paper is colored:

A. Olive C. White
B. Green D. Reddish brown

98. The first element discovered by means of spectroscope:

A. Rubidium C. Technutium
B. Cesium D. None of these

99. Laughing gas is a:

A. General anesthetic C. disinfectant
B. Caustic D. local anaesthetic
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
100. Cream of tartar is:
A. potassium bitartrate C. potassium chloride
B. sodium bitartrate D. sodium carbonate

101. Psom salt is synonymous to:

A. Magnesium sulfate C. Aluminum sulfate
B. Calcium sulfate D. Zinc sulfate

102. Compound responsible for the pink color of Calamine USP 24:

A. Talc C. Zinc steatate

B. Zinc oxide D. Ferric oxide

103. The cation/s that cause/s this group of antacid to have constipating property:
A. Al+3 C. Ca+2
B. Mg D. None of the given

104. Elements that are found as diatomic molecules include all except :

A. Oxygen D. Sulfur
B. Nitrogen E. Hydrogen
C. Flourine

105. Nesslers reagent is used to identify:

A. K+ C. Na+
B. NH4+ D. Al3+

106. Used for bone imaging.

A. Technetium 99m-phytate C. Technetium 99 HIDA
B. Technetium 99m-heptagluconate D. technetium 99 Etidronate

107. A mixture containing 30% ZnS and 70% BaS:

A. Copperas C. Hausemonite
B. Lithopone D. Braunite

108. Protonic concept of acidity:

A. Arrhenius C. Lewis
B. Bronsted-Lowry D. none of the given

109. Which of the following is a yellow sulfide?

A. PbS C. ZnS
B. CoS D. CdS

110. The oxidation state of a carbon atom is equal to the number of:

I. C-X bonds IV. C-O bonds

II.C-H bonds V. C-S bonds
III. C-N bonds
A. II, III and IV D. I, III and IV
B. II, IV and V E. I, II and V
C. I, II and III

111. Phenol is soluble in:

A. Oil D. A and B
B. Water E. A, B and C
C. Aqueous acids
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
112. The property of a chemical agent to destroy one form of life without harming another.

A. Chemotherapy D. sterilization
B. Selective toxicity E. pasteurization
C. Antimicrobial activity

113. Anti-bacterial potencies of primary alcohols increase with molecular weight up to____ only.
A. C3 D.C6
B. C4 E. C8
C. C5

114. What is the general formula give to alkalines?

A. CnH2n C. CnH2n+2
B. CnH2n+1 D. C2H2n-2

115. What is the common name of tetrametheylmethane?

A. 1o pentane C. 3opentane
B. 2 pentane D. neopentane

116. The type of carbon which is NOT present in 2, 2, 3-trimethyl butaneis:

A. Primary C. tertiary
B. Secondary D. neo

117. Vinyl is a/an_________radical.

A. alkyl C. talkynyl
B. alkenyl D. benzyl

118. The general formula CnH2nO can be assigned to a saturated_________.

A. aldehyde C. ether
B. alcohol D. carboxylic acid

119. Derivative of carboxylic acid which is formed from the removal of one molecule of water in
two RCOOH.
A. ester C. acid amide
B. acid halide D. acid anhydride

120. Carbinol is used as ending name of _____in the derived system of naming.
A. alcohols C. ethers
B. phenol D. esters

121. The suffix used in IUPAC system naming of acid halide is:

A. yl C. oate
B. oyl D. oxy

122. The molecular formula C7H12 can be a/an:

A. alkane C. alkyne
B. alkene D. aromatic

123. Which of the following can be considered isomer of n-propanol?

A. acetone C. 2-propanol
B. methoxymethane D. B and C

124. The following are unsaturated hydrocarbons, EXCEPT:

A. alkane C. 2-propanol
B. alkene D. B and C

125. Which of the following is not true about organic compounds?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. they are more soluble in C. generally less stable to heat
non-polar solvents.
B. mostly covalent compounds D. only produced by living organisms

126. Ethylene oxide, a gaseous sterilizer, belongs to:

A. ester C. alcohol
B. ether D. phenol

127. The simplest ketone is:

A. methanone C. propanone
B. ethanone D. butanone

128. 1, 3-butadiene is classified as:

A. allenic C. non-conjugated
B. conjugated D. A & C

129. Which of the following benzene ring substituents can act as meta directors?
A.-Cl C. CH3

130. Grignard reagent (RMgX) is not stable in:

A. ether C. water
B. THF D. A & B only

131. Which of the following alcohols is unaffected by KMnO4?


132. Which of the following can be prepared from the dehydration of ethanol?
A. ethylene C. ethanol
B. ether D. A & B

133. The reaction of ROH + RCOOH is called:

A. neutralization B. dehydration
B. esterification D. oxidation

134. The following functional groups can be found in Eugenol, EXCEPT:

A. OH C. =C=
B. O- D. CH2-CH=CH2

135. Infant at birth is already capable of what metabolic reaction?

A. sulfatation C.acetylation
B. reduction-oxidation D. B & C

136. Metabolism of the following drugs result in more toxic product, EXCEPT:
A. acetaminophen C. sulfatation
B. phenacetin D. glycine conjugation

137. UDPGA is used in what type of phase II metabolic reaction?

A. glucuronidation C. sulfatation
B. phosphorylation D. glycine conjugation

138. Morphine is an active metabolite of:

A. atropine C. codeine
B. cocaine D. barbital

139. The following are drugs that can induce auto-induction, EXCEPT
A. phenobarbital C. probenecid
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
B. phenylbutazone D. alcohol

140. Metabolism of mercaptopurine is inhibited upon administration of

A. allopurinol C. MAOI
B. aspirin D. phenytoin

141. Which of the following pairs is NOT classified as isosteres?

A. N2 and CO C. F and OH
B. O and CH D. NH2 and CH3

142. The type of molecular modification applied in the conversion of B-phenylproplonic

acid (inactive) to cis-cinanamic acid (active)?

A. Ring opening C,introduction of double bond

B. Formation of higher homolog D. introduction of chiral center

143. As of the present, it is the most used and productive method of obtaining new drugs.
A. random screening C. serendipity
B. extraction from natural sources D. molecular manipulation

144. Methenamine mandelate is a product of:

A. molecular addition C. molecular hybridization
B. molecular replication D. molecular disjunction

145. Which of the following is the target of antifungal agent, amphotericin B?

A. Carbohydrate C. Protein
B. Lipid D. Nucleic acid

146. It is mathematical equation which relates a variety of physicochemical parameters to

biological activities for a series of related structures.
A. Hammett C. Craig plot
B. Hansch D. Free-Wilson

147. Semi-synthetic procedure used in producing 6-aminopenicillanic acid is by hydrolyzing Pen

G or Pen V using enzyme penicillin______.
A. esterase C. acylase
B. penicillinase D. hydrolase

148. Physicochemical property that have been studied by the QSAR approach which can be
easily quantified for complete molecules?
A. hydrophobic C. steric
B. electronic D. AOTA

149. Which of the following hormones will not undergo hydrolytic reaction?
A. human insulin C. sex hormones
B. growth hormone D. parathyroid hormone

150. Which of the following phase I metabolic reactions is involved in the conversion of
Disulfiram to N, N Diethylthiocarbamic acid?
A. oxidation C. hydrolysis
B. reduction D. dimethylation

151. Which among the following penicillins contain phenolic R group?

A. Pen G C. Ampicillin
B. Pen V D. Amoxicillin

152. The E and C clomiphene are examples of

A. geometric isomers C. optical isomers
B. conformational isomers D. position isomers
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
153. Antibody (Ab) found in persons with allergies of various types, as well as in autoimmune
A. IgM C. IgE
B. IgA D. IgD

154. A solution of antibodies derived from the serum of animals immunized with specific
A. vaccine C. immune globulin
B. toxoid D. antotoxin

155. This is used in the treatmesn of Gauchers disease.

A. Interferons C. cerezyme
B. Interleukin D. monoclonal antibody

156. Which of the following is a sulfur containing antibiotic?

A. Lincomycin C. Vancomycin
B. Picromycin D. Polymixin B

157. B-blocker that is metabolized to napthoxylactic acid after oral dose is:
A. Propanolol C. TImolol
B. Pindolol D. Atenolol

158. Propanone and 1-propen-1-ol are considered:

A. Positional isomers D. enantiomers
B. Configurational isomers E.chain isomers

159. What is the general term that is used to refer to compounds having two hydroxyl groups
attached to two adjacent carbons?
A. Carbinol C. glycol
B. catechol D. glycerol

160. Which of the following substrates can be used to synthesize tertiary alcohols?
A. formaldehyde D. ethane
B. ethanol E. none of these
C. propanone

161. Meta-hydroxy benzene is:

A. catechol D. hydroquinone
B. resorcinol E. none of these
C. aniline

162. Methyl benzene is also known as:

A. anisole D. catechol
B. toluene E. durene
C. aniline

163. 2-pentanol and 3-pentanol are:

A. functional isomers D. optical isomers
B. positional isomers E. stereoisomers
C. chain isomers

164. The chemical CH3CH2COOCH3 is given an IUPAC name of:

A. 3-butanone D. methyl propanoate
B. propanoic acid E. butanal
C. ethylmethyl ether

165. A carbon with four different moieties attached to it is generally called:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. anomeric carbon C. stereocenter
B. epimeric carbon D. carbonyl carbon

166. Acetylenes refer to:

A. alkanes C. aromatic hydrocarbons
B. alkenes D. alkynes

167. Friedel Crafts acetylation of arenes forms:

A. alkyl halides C. carbonyl compounds
B. acyl halides D. neither a nor b

168. Elimination reaction leads to the formation of:

A. saturated compound C. both a and b
B. unsaturated compounds D. none of the given

169. A species that loves a positive species is a:

A. nucleophile C. free-radical
B. electrophile D. none of the given

170. Ozonolysis of alkenes forms:

A. alkanes C. arenes
B. carbonyl compounds D. amines

171. Which of the following alcohols is most reactive to Lucas reagent?

A. n-butanol C. tert-butyl alcohol
B. iso-butyl alcohol D. methanol

172. Markonikov addition of water to a double bond in a primary carbon results to the
formation of:
A. Primary alcohols C. alkanes
B. Secondary alcohol D. tertiary alcohols

173. p-hydroxy phenol is also known as:

A. creso C. catechol
B. resorcinol D. hydroquinone

174. Potassium sorbate (structure shown below) is a preservative commonly used in

pharmaceuticals. The group markedwith dashed lines is an example of a(an):

H3C O- K+

A. Isolated diene C. conjugated diene

B. Cumulated diene D. cyclic diene

175. BHT or butylated hydroxytoulene (structure shown below) is an antioxidant employed to

retard oxidative degradation of oils and fats in various cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
The common name of the branched substituent marked with dashed lines is:

H3C-----C C---CH3



A. Neobutyl- C. tert-butyl
B. Isobutyl- D. n-butyl

176. Which of the following reactions would be classified as propagation?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. CH3 + Br -> CH3Br C. CH3 + Br2 -> CH3Br + Br
B. Br 2Br D. CH3 + CH3 CH3CH3

177. Predict the major product of the following reaction:

Br2 light ?


A. C.

B. Br D. Br

178. The ring in an aromatic compound typically undergoes what type of reaction
A. addition C. elimination
B. substitution D. Oxidation-reduction

179. What is the major product of the following reaction?

+ H3C AlCl3 ?


A C.


B. D.
CH3 Cl

180. Which of the following combinations of reagents is appropriate to brominates the ring
of benzene as shown below?.

A. Br2, light C. Br2, H2SO4

B. Br2. H2O D. Br2, FeBr3

181. The following Fischer projection corresponds to which stereochemistry?

Pharmaceutical Chemistry




182. Which of the following pairs of molecules represents a pair of enantiomers?

A. C.

B. D. CH3 CH3

183. Predict the product of the following reaction.


A. C.

B. D.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
For numbers 184-188 refer to the structure:
` H



184. Which part of the molecule is responsible for poor oral absorption?

A. Carboxylic acid group C. Chorophenyl group

B. halogen D. Thio

185. Part of the molecule that renders it inactive agaist Gram negative bacteria.

A.Thiazole ring C. Chlorophenyl methyl

Isoxazolidine moiety
B. Halogen D. The beta-lactam ring

186. This part of the molecule confers further strain to the beta-lactam ring.
A. Acylamino side chain C. Chlorophenyl methyl
B. Bicylic ring system D. Carboxylic acid

187. Part of the molecule that is always present but not essential for activity
A. Acylamino side chain C. Sulphur atom
B. Bicyclic ring system D. Primary amino group

188. Name the general group of compound

A. Beta lactamases C. Penicillins
B. Lincosamides D. Chloramphenicols

For numbers 189 -193, refer to the structure of sulfathiazole:



189. This part of the molecule that should not be substituted unless the compound is intended
as a prodrug

A. Sulphonamide moeity C. Para- amino group

B. Thiazole moiety D. Isoxazole moiety

190. This drug is an antimetabolite for what endogenous compound?

A. Adenosine monophosphate C. Topoisomerase I

B. Omega- 3 fatty acids D. Para-amino benzoic acid

191. Which of the following functional group-intermolecular bonding pairs is applicable to the
drug-target interaction of the compound?
A. Sulphonamide Hydrogen bonding C. Amino-covalent bonding
B. Amino-ionic bonding D. Benzene ring van der Waals
192. Which part of molecule can be replaced with a more electron-withdrawing functional group
to stabilize the ionic form of the drug?
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. Sulphonamide moelty C. Para-amino group
B. Thiazole moiety D. Isoxazole moiety

193. What is the major biotransformation reaction that this drug undergoes?
A. Hydrazine formation C. Hydrolysis
B. N-acetylation D. hydrolysis

For numbers 194-198, refer to the structure of valacylovir:



194. What functional group does this compound lack that causes the termination of
growing DNA chain?

A. 5 chloride atom C. 3 hydroxyl group

B. 5 hydroxyl group D. 2 hydroxyl group

195. What makes this compound a prodrug?

A. Its lack of intact sugar moiety C. The valyl ester functional group
B. its resemblance to the endogeonous D. its resemblance to the enzyme it
Substrate it competes with inhibits

196. What the part renders this drug recognizable by the viral thymidylate kinase?
A. Valine residue C. 3 hydroxyl group
B. Adenine residue D. Guanosine residue

197. What functional groups are responsible for good oral absorption of this drug?
A. Adenine residue C. 3 hydroxyl group
B. Valine ester D. 5 hydroxyl group

198. How is this drug activated inside the body?

A. Hydrolysis followed by triphosphorylation C. Removal of the sugar residue from
the purine base
C. Cyclization of the acyclic sugar residue D. 3 hydroxyl group triphosphorylation

For numbers 199-203, refer to the structure of betanechol:



199. Which is the true regarding the quaternary nitrogen?

A. The unionized quaternary nitrogen is C. The ionized quaternary nitrogen

responsible for the electrostatic interaction of may interact with the muscarinic
the drug with the muscarinic receptor receptor through induced-dipole
B. The unionized quaternary nitrogen is D. The quaternary nitrogen gives
responsible for the electrostatic interaction of anchimeric assistance to the carbonyl
the drug with the nicotinic receptor oxygen, thereby, rendering the
molecules stable to hydrolysis at
physiological pH.

200. What part of the molecule gives the electronic stability against cholisnesterases?
A. The methylene bridge C. The quaternary nitrogen
B. The ester bond D. the primary amino group of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
201. What is the expected of the pharmacokinetic property of this drug?
A. It is hydrolyzed before it can reach the target C. The quaternary nitrogen is
receptor responsible for its ease of excretion

B. It enters the target cell through passive D. The amino group renders the drug
diffusion pone to aromatic hydroxylation by the
cytochrome oxidases

202. What part of the molecule serves as bioisostere of the acetyl group of the
acetylcholine in terms of binding to the receptor?
A. The metylene bridge C. The N-methyl groups
B. The quaternary nitrogen D. The primary amino group of

203. Which is tru regarding the methyl group attached to the carbon beta to the
quaternary nitrogen
A. Confers selectivity of the drug to the C. its removal would increase the
muscarinic receptor stability of the drug against
B. It confers selectivity of the drug to the D. Replacement with a larger alkyl
nicotinic receptor group would increase its activity

For numbers 204-207, refer to the structure:

HO 2
3 1
4 11
12 B 10
O D 15 16
13 9 E
5 14 N CH3

6 8
204. Name this natural alkaloid
A. Atropine C. Phenylpropanolamine
B. Morphine D. Sphingosine

205. Whichis true about substitution of the 6-OH group?

A. Its removal increases the activity C. Its methylation decreases analgesic

B. Its acetylation increases addictive property D. Its methylation result to increase in

206. What is expected of the pharmacokinetic property is of this drug?
A. It is easily hydrolyzed C. The unprotonated tertiary nitrogen
accounts for its ease of excretion
B. It passes through the blood brain barrier D. Its sulphate salt is stored in adipse
more readily than the N-dealylated analogue tissues

207. Which is true about the substitution of phenolic -OH group?

A. Its removal increases the analgesic property C. Acetylation decreases the chance

B. Methylation removes the analgesic property D. Increasing the electron density by

of the drug when administered intracerebrally adding electron withdrawing
substituents at C-1 position inactivates
the drug

208. Which part of the molecule is not required for analgesis?

A. Ring A C. Nitrogen atom
B. Ether bridge D. C7-C8 double bond

209. The following organic compounds give positive result to Lassaignes test EXCEPT:
A. Nitriles C. Thiols
B. Amides D. Amines

210. Tollens test is a test for:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. Terminal alkynes C. Non-terminal alkynes
B. Alkanes D. A, B and C

211. What is the color of the flame produced by halogen containing compounds in the
flame test?
A. Blue C. Green
B. Yellow D. Orange

212. Aniline is liberated from acetanilide when treated with:

A. HCl C. NaOH
B. NaCl D. HNO3

213. Found in the urine in the form of hippuric acid.

A. Salicylic acid C. Benzoic acid
B. Methyl salicylate D. Acetylsalicylic acid

214. The following compounds yield a violet color to FeCl3 test except:
A. Benzoic acid C. Methyl salicylate
B. Salicylic acid D. ASA

215. Saponification is an alkali hydrolysis of


216. Methyl salicylate is prepared from the reaction of salicylic acid and:

217. Acetophenone undergo nucleophilic substitution with OH in the presence of:

A. NaClO4 C. NaClO2
B. NaClO3 D. NaClO

218. This is employed for the purification of organic compounds which partially or
completely decompose before their normal boiling points are reached.
A. Steam distillation C. Fractional distillation
B. Simple distillation D. Vacuum distillation

219. Carbon in organic compounds is analyzed as carbon dioxide using:

A. Lime water C. Cuprous oxide
B. Soda lime D. Lead acetate

220. Hat gas can be prepared from the acid catalyzed dehydration of athanol?
A. Methane C. Ethyne
B. Ethene D. None of the given

221. The oxidation of alkene with dilute KMno4 in cold base produce:
A. Alcohol C. Carboxylic acid
B. Ether D. ketone
222. This undergoes hydrolysis in the presence of heat producing phosgene.
A. CH3Cl C. CH4
B. CH2Cl2 D. CCl4

223. The hybridization of Carbon in ethane is:

A. sp C. sp3
B. sp2 D. sp4

224. A naturally occurring chelate essential in red blood cell-oxygen transport is:
A. Insulin C. Vitamin B12
B. Hemoglobin D. Ascorbic acid oxidase

225. Which of the following statement/s is/are true regarding bioprecursor drugs?
I. Antivirals are nucleoside analogs that undergo phosphorylation as a mechanism
of activation

II. Mechanism of activation involve redox & hydrolysis

III. Proton pump inhibitors undergo chemical activation to bind H+/K+ ATPase in
parietal cells
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
A. I, II & IV D. II & IV
B. I. III & IV E. II, III & IV

226. A relatively new field that helps predicts patient response to a particular drug, whether
a positive response, negative response or no response at all, on the basis of genetic
variations amongst patients.
A. Proteomics D. Pharmacogenomics
B. Anti-sense Technology E. Gene Therapy

227. Which of the following correctly describes Drotrecogin-alpha?

A. It can be classified as an antiplatelet C. It can be classified as a
B. It can be classified as an antiocoagulant D. It can be classified as fibrinolytic

228. Which of the following statements is true regarding rDNA technology?

A. a genomic library is composed of all of m RNA D. the most common cloning vector
within a donor cell which is treated with reverse used is pBR332 which is obtained
transcriptase to produce cDNA from E. coli

B. expression of the rDNA molecule can be E. restriction endonucleases for

done via infection of host cells such as bacteria cleavage of target DNA & DNA of
virus, & mammalian cells, by cloning vectors cloning vectors are usually obtained
from viruses

229. Which of the following statement/s is/are true?

I. Endonucleases may make their cut within DNA molecules, so as to form stickyrends which d
not readily anneal or revert back to the parent double stranded DNA molecule

II. When blunt ends are formed after a cut an endonuclease, these two strands are difficult to
anneal or to revert back to the parent double stranded DNA molecule

III. The gene to be inserted into a cloning vector is attached with a gene enconding for
antibiotic resitance for ease of isolation & selection of cells that have acquired the rDNA
A. I & II D. I only
B. II & III E. II only
C. I, II & III

230. When are mammalian cells chose as host cells for expression of the rDNA
A. When the protein product requires a post D. when the cloning vector is plasmid
translational modification that other host cells
are in capable of doing so

B. When the paharmacist chooses to do so E. when the cloning vector is a

Bacteriophage which does not have
an origin of replication
C. When high yields of the protein product is

231. Given the structure below, which of the following statement/s is/are true?


I. Maximal Activity o fthis drug molecule is seen when the meta &
para positions of the ring have hydroxyl groups
II. Substitutions of the catechol ring with a resorcinol ring offers beta-1
selective agonist activity
II. Bulky substituents on the amino group confers beta-2 selectivity

A. I only D. I and III

B. I and II E. I, II and III
C.III only
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
232. Given the molecule below:

Which of the following statemenst/s is/are true?

I. The amine groups must be tertiary for optimum activity

II. Substitution in the para position is essential for selective beta 1
Antagonistic activity
III. Substituents on the amino group must be bulky

A. I only D. II and III

B. I and III E. I, II and III
C.III only

233. Which of the following antihistamines is now commonly used as an appetite stimulant
due to its CNS depressant properties?
A. Meclizine D. Chlrocyclizine
B. Cylcizine E. Hydrozyzine

234. The use of this anti-ulcer agent has been limited due to its drug interactions &
potential to cause problems in male patients taking them due to incidence of gynecomastia
& impotence
A. Pantoprazole D. Pirenzepine
B. Cimetidine E. Misoprostol

235. Primary alcohols, on oxidation, gives carboxylic acids but the oxidative reaction can be
stopped after producing the aldehyde from the primary alcohol by using what oxidizing agent?

236. The Tollens reagent is used to identify functional group/s?

I. Ketones
II. Esters
III. Aldehydes
A. I only D. I and III
B. II only E. I and II
C.III only

237. The nitrogen heterocycle depicted below is:



A. Nicotine D. Purine
B. Caffeine E. Quinoline

238. Which of the statement regarding animes is not true?

A. They can be primary, tertiary and secondary C. amines produce eracemic mixtures
depending on the number of substituents that can be resolved easily
attached to the nitrogen atom

B. animes undergo pyramidal inversion D. in synthesizing an amine, optical

activity is not of assurance
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
239. The common name of the heterocycle given below is:

A. Pyridine D. Pyrrolidine
B.Piperidine E. Cyclohexane
C. Pyrrole

240. What is the reaction depicted below and what is its significance?


A. Michael Addition; best way to produce tertiary D. Reduction of Ketones; good for
carbonyl group synthesizing hydrocarbons from the
carbonyl group
B. Wittig Reaction; best way to produce tertiary E. Aldol Reaction; a good means of
Alkenes since it is very redioselective deoxygenation
C. Phosphorylation; many biomolecules are
activated by phosphorylation

241. What is IUPAC name of the molecule given below?


A. Acetic benzoic anhydride D. Propyl benzoate
B. Benzoic propanoic anhydride E. 1-phenyl-1,2 -dioxobutane
C. 1-phenyl-1,2-butan-dione

242. The compound below belongs to what type of organic compounds?


A. Lactones D. Carboxamides
B. Amides E. Lactams
C.Cyclic Carbonyl Compounds

243. For a week acid, when the pH of the solution is the same as that of the pKa of the acid,
the percentage of ionization of the acid will be:

A. 25% C. 75%
B. 50% D. 100%

244. ph is defined as the:

A. negative log of the hydrogen ion C. negative log of the ionization

concentration constant
B. log of the hydrogen ion concentration D. sum of the hydrogen ion
concentration and the hydroxyl ion
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
245. Which of the following statements is untrue?
A. ionization and dissociation are synonymous D. pKa is only applicable to water as
the solvent

B. pKa is the negative log of the ionization E. In solvents having a low dielectric
Constatant constant, dissociation may be slight

C. pH is the log of the reciprocal of the hydrogen

Ion concentration

246. The water ion theory of acids and bases is attributed to:
A. Lewis D. Pearson
B. Bronsted E. Pauling
C. Arrhenius

247. An aqueous solution of the following acids is prepared. Which will be the strongest acid?
A. HCl D. Sulfuric Acid
B. HNO3 E. none, all are the same strength

248. In which of the following concepts is the formation of a coordinate covalent bond a

I. Water-Proton Theory
II. Theory of Solvent Systems
III. Bronsted Lowry Theory
IV. Lewis Theory

A. I & III D. III & IV

B. I & IV E. II

249. According to the Bronsted Lowry theory, which of the following is untrue?
A. strong acid give rise to a weak D. water can act either as an acid
conjugate base or a base

B. anions, cations and molecules may E. the ionization of an acid in

show acidic or basic behavior water is an example of an acidbase

D. acids and bases react to form salts

250. Aluminum oxide, Al203 has a molecular weight of 102. What is its equivalent weight?

A. 17 C. 51
B.34 D. 102

251. He discovered radioactivity

A. Rutherford C. Chadwick
B. Bequerel D. None of the given

252. Type of radiation which consists of streams of electrons that travel 0.4 times
the speed of light
A. Alpha C. Gamma
B. Beta D. None of the given

253. The law that states that when two elements A and B form more than one compound,
the amounts of A that are combined in these compounds with a fixed amount of B are in small
whole number ratio.
A. Law of Conservation of Mass C. Law of Multiple Proportion
B. Law of definite Proportion D. None of the given

254. Elements that have atomic numbers from 58 t0 71 and appears at the bottom of the chart
are called:
A. metals C. actinides
B. non-metals D. lanthanides
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
255. The principle that states that no two electrons in the same atom may have identical sets of
all four quantum numbers

A.Paulis exclusion principle C. Aufbau principle

B.Hunds rule of maximum multiplicity D. Schrodinger Theory

256. The quantum number that identifies the orientation of the orbital within the subshell.
A. Principal C. Azimuthal
B. Magnetic D. Spin

257. A molecular orbital in which electron density is low in the internuclear region.
A. Antibonding molecular orbital C. Hybrid orbital
B. Bonding molecular orbital D. None of the given

258. It states that when conditions are changed, a system in equilibrium reacts in a way that
tends to counteract the change.
A. Henrys law C. Raoults law
B. Le Chatelies Principle D. None of the given

259. What is the oxidation number of Cr in the dichromate ion Cr2O7 -2?
A. +5 C. +6
B. -5 D. -6

260. Oxides of metals are

A. acidic C. neutral
B. basic D. depends on the metal

261. Nitric acid is an example of

A. monoprotic C. polyprotic
B. diprotic D. aprotic

262. Order of reaction characterized by the equation

Rate # k [A] [B]

A. First order C Third order

B. Second order D. First order

263. Order of the reaction characterized by the equation


A.Zero C. Second
B.First D. Third

264.Will a precipitate of Mg(OH)2 form in a 0.00010 M solution of Mg (NO3)2 if the pH of the

solution is adjusted to 9.0? The Ksp of Mg (OH)2 is 8.9 x 10-12
A. yes C. maybe
B. no D. insufficient

265. Law of thermodynamics that states that energy can be converted from one for into another
but it cannot be created or destroyed
A. First Law C. Third Law
B. Second Law D. none

266. A process, run at high pressures, at high temperatures and in the presence of a catalyst in
which hydrogen and nitrogen react to produce ammnonia
A. Bergius process C. Steam reformer process
B. Haber process D. All of the given

267. A process in which high molecular weight hydrocarbons are broken down into lower
molecular weight compounds. This process is used in petroleum refining.

A. Bergius process C. Steam reformer process

B. Haber process D. Cracking

268. Which of the following forms of radiation is the most penetrating?

A. alpha C. gamma
B. beta D. positron
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
269. Enantiomers differ from one another in
A. Spatial configuration C. ion-pair formation
B. Rational formula D. Photoelectric effect

270. A compound having an asymmetric carbon exhibits

A. chair boat isomerism D. A and B
B. cis-trans isomerism E. A, B and C
C. optical isomerism

271. Esters are formed by the reaction between:

A. Acids and bases D. Acids and ketones
B. Acids and alcohols E. aldehydes and bases
C. Acid and aldehydes

272. The distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atoms in a molecule
A. Atomic radius D. Bond distance
B. Atomic diameter E. None of the given
C. Bond length

273. Molecular geometry of the boron trifluoride

A. linear D. trigonal bipyramidal
B. trigonal planar E. octahedral

274. The law that states that at constant pressure and temperature, the volume of a gas is
directly proportional to the number of moles of the gas present.

A. Boyles Law D. Ideal Gas Law

B. Avogadros Law E. Charles Law
C.Gay Lussacs Law

275. A solid solution of either of two or more nonmetals

A. amalgam C. ore
B. alloy D. None of the given

276. The equation that tells the possible energy states of an electron in hydrogen atom and the
probability of its location in a particular region
A. Planks equation C. de Broglie equation
B. Schrodinger equation D. Bohr equation

277. Claisen Condensation reactions involve what carbonyl compounds?

A. esters and ketones D. two esters
B. aldehydes and ketones E. two ketones
C. two aldehydes

278. These are local anti-infectives applied to ananimate objects.

A. antiseptic C.germicidal
B. disinfectant D. hand sanitizer

279. Gas sterilant

A. ethylene oxide C.glutaraldehyde
B. formaline D. phenol

280. It is also known as methyl rosaniline chloride

A. methylen blue C. Carbol fuchsin
B. gentian violet D. bromo cresol green

281. Which of the following is not true about hexachlorophene USP?

A. biphenol C. soluble in water
B. more potent than monophenol D. adsorb on to the skin

282. Povidone is a ______ surfactant.

A. non-ionic C. ionic
B. molecular D.cationic

283. In phenols, substitution at______ position increases bacterial activity.

A. ortho C. para
B. meta D. A and B
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
284. Used to disinfect drinking water:
A. copper sulfate C. chloroform
B. halazone D. muriatic acid

285. Methenamine is decomposed into______ at a urine pH of 5.5. This is responsible for

methenamines urinary tract antiseptic property
A. formaldehyde C. acetone
B. carboxylic acid D. ethanol

286. Sulfonamides are synthetic analogs of:

A. PABA C. gentian violet
B. benzoic acid D. methylene blue

287. This structure is essential for the antibacterial property of penicillins and cephalosporins:
A. 6-aminopenicillanic acid C. beta-lactam ring
B. dihydrothiazine D. sulfamoyl group

288. The first compound in the development of a drug that has the desired biological and
physiological properties.
A. prodrug C. latent drug
B. lead drug D. linker

289. 6-Methyl ether of erythromycin

A. clarithromycin C. dirithromycin
B. azithromycin D. lincomycin

290. These are composed of two amino sugars linked together in glycosidic linkage to a central
A. penicilins C. macrolides
B. aminoglycoside D. tetracyclines

291. Which of the following is a benzodiazepine?

A. triazolam C. amobarbital
B. chloral hydrate D. zolpidem

292. Which of the following is a dissociative anesthetic?

A. morphine C. ketamine
B. fentanyl D. lidocaine

For each of the following structures, choose the most appropriate pharmacological category:

A. Local anesthetic
B. Barbiturate
C. Analgesic
D. Adrenergic agonist
E. Anti-bacteria agent





Pharmaceutical Chemistry
H O R1


R4 O H

296. What is the pharmacological activity of the given drug?



A. Analgesic C. anti-bacterial
B. Sedative D. hypnotic

297. This is a nucleus for_____:

OH N(CH3)2


A. Tetracycline C. penicilin
B. Macrolide D. aminogycoside

298. What is the common name of methanol?

A. Wood alcohol C. cabolic acid

B. Spritus vini rectificatus D. NOTA

299. Which of the following is not a phenol derivative?

A. Cresol C. chlorhexidene
B. Eugenol D. thymol

300. Live attenuated virus.

A. Toxoid C. immunoglobulin
B. Vaccine D. antitoxin

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