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Baldur's Gate - Maps

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The document provides a detailed map of the Sword Coast region mentioning several locations and encounters.

Locations mentioned include Cloakwood, Nashkel, Beregost, Candlekeep, Baldur's Gate and more.

Encounters in the Gnoll Stronghold include Gnoll chieftains, veterans and slaves as well as Dynaheir and Xvarts.

Baldur’s Gate Maps

Table of content
P. 2 Sword Coast map P. 29 East of Larswood
P. 3 Gnoll Stronghold P. 30 Larswood
P. 4 North of the Gnoll Stronghold P. 31 South of the Friendly Arms Inn
P. 5 Xvart Village P. 32 East of Candlekeep
P. 6 South West of Nashkel P. 33-34 CandleKeep
P. 7 South of Nashkel P. 35 Cloakwood West
P. 8 Nashkel Mines P. 36 Cloakwood Central
P. 9 East of the Nashkel Mines P. 37 Cloakwood North
P. 10 South of the Firewine Bridge P. 38 Cloakwood South
P. 11 Carnival P. 39 Cloakwood Mines
P. 12 Nashkel P. 40 Friendly Arms Inn
P. 13 South of the Lighthouse P. 41 North East of the Friendly Arms Inn
P. 14 North West of Nashkel P. 42 Bandit Camp
P. 15 North of Nashkel P. 43 Peldvale
P. 16 South of Ulcaster P. 44 Baldur’s Gate Bridge
P. 17 Firewine Bridge P. 45 Baldur’s Gate Farm
P. 18 Gullykin P. 46-47 Baldur's Gate - Thieves Quarter
P. 19 Ulcaster P. 48 Baldur's Gate - Merchant Quarter
P. 20 South of Beregost P. 49-50 Baldur's Gate - The Harbour
P. 21 South of High Hedge P. 51-52 Baldur's Gate - Flaming Fist Castle
P. 22 The Lighthouse P. 53 Baldur's Gate - The Hall
P. 23 South of Candlekeep P. 54 Baldur's Gate
P. 24 High Hedge P. 55 Baldur’s Gate - Poor Quarter
P. 25-26 Beregost P. 56 Baldur's Gate - The Palace
P. 27 Temple P. 57-58 Baldur's Gate - Entar's Estate
P. 28 North of Gullykin
Gnoll Stronghold

1.Gnarl and Hairtooth : Two Ogrillon who want gold to let you pass, another course of action might
suggest itself. One of them has Gauntlets of Dexterity.
2.Gnoll Chieftain and Six each of Gnoll Veterans and Gnolls.
3.Dynaheir : NPC Invoker (Lawful Good) She is paired with Minsc from Nashkel, but as I found
Magic Users very poor characters if you want to get rid of her and keep Minsc and you've got a full
party already just remove an NPC you're on good terms with (Imoen if you have her) arrange a little
accident for Dynaheir (sending her unarmed into a group of Gnoll Veterans usually works) talk to
Imoen, get her to rejoin and voila.
4.Cave : Xvarts. There is a Tome of Leadership and Influence (Charisma +1 permanent) in the crate.
5.Cave : Xvarts and a Carrion Crawler.
6.Cave : Xvarts.

G.Gnolls,Gnoll Veterans or Gnoll Slashers.


North of the Gnoll Stronghold

1.Jared : A pansy who's afraid of a Mountain Bear on the other side of the bridge. He gives you a pair
of Boots of the North for killing it.
2.Neville : Bandit Leader, has five Hobgoblin Archers who ambush you. He has a Dispel Magic Scroll
and a Long Sword +1.
3.Two Ogre Beserkers and three Hobgoblin Elite.
4.Laurel : Paladin, who requests your help in despatching a band of Gibberlings. She hints at meeting
again but I don't think she's an NPC.

B.Brown,Cave or Mountain Bears.

M.Gibberlings or Hobgoblins.
O.Ogres,Ogre Beserkers or Ogrillon.

Xvart Village

1.Xvart Village : Many Xvarts, there is an opportunity for some fun here. If you have a party of well
tooled-up high level characters just send in the fighters, have them do nothing until they are
completely surrounded then let rip. What follows could only be called a massacre, there will be bits
of bodies flying everywhere. My computer struggled to cope with them all. By the way, there is a
Cave Bear here too.
2.Cave : Cave Bear, Flail +1, Bracers AC 8 and a Potion of Fire Resistance.
3.Borda : Con man, tries to sell you some duff magic items. I'm not sure if he's evil, when you do a
detect evil it doesn't say because he has magic resistance. If you kill him (900xp) he has a Web
scroll,a Color Spray scroll and a Short Sword +1.


South West of Nashkel

1.Three Gnolls : Their leader demands 50gp or challenges you to a dual.

2.Dryad : She wants you to protect a tree from a couple of yokels. One of them has a Girdle of
Bluntness (+4 v Blunt Weapons.)
3.Cave : Halberd +1, Gold and a Necklace.
4.Drienne : Child who has lost her cat. Gives you a Protection Scroll for bringing it back to her.
5.Drienne's dead cat.

M.Wolves, Winter Wolves, Dire Wolves, Bears, Gnolls or Xvarts.

W.Dire Wolf.

South of Nashkel

1.Larry,Darryl and Darryl : A Kobold, Xvart and Tasloi. A parody from an old Bob Newheart show
(Never seen it but a few people have emailed me about it.) You can get their autograph but I don't
know if it's good for anything. I think the programming guys had definitely been working too hard
when they put this in! Either that or they'd been smoking something stronger than tobacco.
2.Sendai,Delgod and Alexander : Three lippy Amns, if you fight them they have Studded Armour +2,
Long Sword +1 and some arrows +1 that were stacked to 33 for some reason.
3.Vax and Zal : The fastest dart thrower in the west. Two bandits, one of them has some Bracers of
Archery (+2 to hit with bows and missiles.)
4.Albert : Quest to find his dog.
5.Chromatic Orb and Cloudkill Scrolls (co-ords 1783,415.)

M.Bears, Xvarts, Wolves, Winter Wolves, Kobolds or Skeletons.

Nashkel Mines

1.Shack : Three Wardogs.

2.Galtok : A Gnome who was captured by some Kobolds. Talking to him triggers an
encounter with said Kobolds.
3.Prism : The sculptor from Nashkel. You can kill him and turn in the emeralds for the
300gp and 200xp bounty or protect him from Greywolf and get 1000xp (+1400 for
killing Greywolf), +1 reputation and Greywolf's sword Varscona (Long sword +2, +1
cold damage.) You can then take the emeralds anyway.
4.Emerson : Mine boss, lets you search the mines.
5.Entrance to Nashkel Mine

M.Wolves, Winter Wolves, Kobolds, Gibberlings or Xvarts.

East of the Nashkel Mines

1.Hafiz : Dwarf who's been having dreams about you (Violent ones! Not ...) if you're polite he'll give
you a protection from magic scroll.
2.Flaming Fist Mercenary : Tells you about a bounty (50gp) for a deserter, Samuel.
3.Samuel and Lena : Samuel is sick, Lena wants you to take him to Gellana Mirrorshade at the Temple
of Wisdom in the Friendly Arms Inn. This will get you 500xp,+1 reputation and two potions.

W.War Dogs, Dire Wolves or Winter Wolves.

South of the Firewine Bridge

1.Entrance to Nashkel Mine

2.Lamalha,Zeela,Telka and Maneira : Assassins, there is some Leather Armour +2 and some Studded
Leather +1 amongst their posessions.
3.Burial Mound : Three Ghasts. There are some nice items in the mounds ( Wand of Monster
Summoning, Chainmail +1 etc.)
4.Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen : Mage who's experimenting with Slimes, conjures four Green Slime for
you to despatch while he legs it. Since he's evil you could just kill him, he has a few scrolls on him
including Lightning Bolt and Web.
5.Hentold : Grave robber who's being tormented for stealing a dagger which he happily gives to you.
6.The Tomb from which Hentold stole the dagger. There is a Revenant who can't rest until he has the
dagger back, 900xp for giving it to him or 3000xp and a dagger "The Heart of the Golem" +2 for
killing him.

M.Gnolls,Hinds,Ogrillon,Wild Dogs or Ankhegs.


1.Merchant : Sells you two potions [25 str,3 int] and [25 int,3 str]
2.Merchant : Basic selection of bows and missile weapons.
3.Zeke : Offers you a scroll to cure the petrified maiden nearby...
4.Branwen : Which is very convenient as she's an NPC Cleric (Neutral.)
5.Merchant : Sells basic weapons.
6.Merchant : Sells a few magic items and a few scrolls.
7.Zordral : Mage who's going to kill Bentha, an alleged witch.
8.Gambling Tent
9.Merchant : Sells basic armour.



1.Bardolan : Tells you of trouble in the mines and about Commander Brage who went
mad and killed his wife and children.
2.Nashkel Inn : Neira (Assassin)
3.Nahkel Store : Basic Weapons and a +1 shield. The storekeeper will also buy Winter
Wolf Pelts off you for 500gp (There are some Winter Wolves in the Nashkel Mines area.)
4.Temple of Helm
5.Oublek : Has mistaken you for the bounty hunters who did a job for him. Pays you
200gp for it or you can get +1 reputation by telling him he's mistaken. He also tells you
about Prism, a local artist who's stolen a pair of Emeralds.
7.Minsc : NPC Ranger (Neutral Good) wants you to help him rescue Dynaheir from the
Gnoll Stronghold.
8.Belching Dragon Tavern : Volo,tells you about the iron shortage and Commander Brage.
9.Edwin : NPC Conjurer (Lawful Evil) will join you if you agree to kill Dynaheir.
10.Manor House : There are some spell scrolls on a bookshelf. Upstairs are Samantha and
her lover who is hiding in a cupboard. Don't know if there is any relevance to the pair.
11.Noober : Village Idiot, follows you making inane comments, if you put up with this for about 2
minutes he gives up and you get 400xp (or you could just kill him, 400xp isn't really that much.)
12.Spoiler (look carefully at bottom of fir tree, there IS something althought it’s very very small)
13.Berrun Ghastkill : Mayor of Nashkel, wants you to investigate the problems in the mine.
Gives you 1000xp and 900gp reward.
14.Nimbul : After clearing the Nashkel Mines Nimbul the assassin will accost you here. He
has Boots of Avoidance (+5 v missiles), a Ring of Infravision and a Short Sword +1.

South of the Lighthouse

1.Brage and Laryssa : The Captain who killed his family and fled Nashkel. Larysa is his
cousin and asks you to help him. If you answer the riddle (Death) you can take him
back to the Temple of Helm in Nashkel for 2000xp and his sword (Two handed +3
cursed beserking.) NB. This will leave you back in Nashkel. You can also kill him for
1400xp and take his body to Oublek for 500xp and 250gp or to the Temple in Nashkel
where Nalin says he will give you the reward you would have got from Oublek.
However, I received nothing (this may be fixed in the patched version.)
2.Charlestan Nib : Has a group of men working on unearthing a tomb. Asks you to
protect them while they work. You will then meet Gallor who tells you of an artifact in
the tomb and asks you to kill Nib. You must talk to Nib again to proceed to the tomb.
If you help Nib you will trigger a cut-away where you enter the tomb and have to kill
the diggers, the reason is the artifact, an Idol of Stormstar an old god of pandemonium.
You get 1000xp for this. If you help Gallor for 900gp you must wait until you're in the
tomb before killing Nib. Gallor will take the idol and a Doomsayer then appears to
pursue him.
3.Ba'ruk and his band of Kobold Commandos.

G.Gnoll Chieftain and 7 other Gnolls - Veterans, Elite, Slashers and Flind.
M.Tasloi, Bears, Wild Dogs or Spiders.

North West of Nashkel

1.Teyngan,Jemby and Zekar : Three bandits and the old "Your money or your life" routine.
2.Drizzt Do'Urden : He's being attacked by a bunch of Gnolls and requests your assistance. He gives
you some information on the bandits plaguing the region.

M.Gnolls, Flind, Ogrillon or Wild Dogs.

O.Half Ogres (the ones Bjornin, the Paladin at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost wants you to kill.)

North of Nashkel

M.Bandits, Gibberlings or Ghouls.

South of Ulcaster

1.Arghain : Ogre Chief and a few Half-Ogres who attack you for your iron. Arghain has a
Two-Handed Sword +1.
2.Ioin Gallchobhair, Billy and Dribben : Three Bandits.
3.Hulrik and his cow : Hulrik asks you to save his cow from the Xvarts who are attacking her. 350xp
4.Band of Ogres and Hobgoblins : There is a corpse here with an Oil of Speed.

M.Ogrillon, Ogres, Half-Ogres, Kobolds, Wolves, Bears or Xvarts.

Firewine Bridge

1.Meilum the Braggart : The finest swordsman on the Sword Coast, a legend in his own
mind. He has Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise and a Long Sword +1.
2.Entrance to the Firewine Ruins.
3.Carsa : A woman who's being plagued by Kahrk, an Ogre Mage imprisoned in a jar
she found in the Firewine Ruins. If you take the jar off her Kahrk is freed and attacks
you. He has two shield spells and some nice offensive ones too. He doesn't move
though, so if you have the patience you could send in one character to free him, run out
of range and wait for the protection spells to expire. 3500xp for killing him, he has a fair
amount of treasure but no magic items.

M.Zombies, Skeletons, Kobolds or Kobold Commandos.


The home of the Sword Coast's Halfling population. There are a couple of entrances to
the Firewine Ruins here. One interesting point is that you can steal from the Halfling homes
with impunity. The owners just watch you helping yourself and most of the houses have a few
items worth stealing.

1.Molkar, Morvin, Drakar and Halacan : Four Assassins, there is a Long Sword +1,
Morning Star +1, Chainmail +2 and scrolls of Sleep and Colour Spray amongst their
2.Halfling home, nobody in... there's a Sling +1 and a few treasure items.
3.Jenkal's House : She's been letting Kobolds sneak into the village via a secret door (to
the Firewine Ruins) in the lower level. She attacks you if you confront her about it.
There are a few treasure items here.
4.Temple and Winery : There is another secret entrance to the Firewine Ruins in the
Winery (lower level, north west wall.)
5.Halfling Home : There is a Wand of Magic Missiles in a chest downstairs.

M.Wolves, Worgs, Ghasts, Skeletons or Kobold Commandos.


1.Furret : Will sell you a gem of true seeing (it's just a Turquoise) for 1000gp.
2.Icharyd the Wraith. He has a Flail +1 and a few other items.
3.Ghost of Ulcaster : He wanders about a bit but should be in this general vicinity. Quest
to recover a tome from the dungeon. The reward is 1000xp.
4.Ulcaster dungeon.

M.Kobolds, Kobold Commandos, Hobgoblins or Skeletons.

South of Beregost

1.Two Ogrillon who have killed a messenger carrying a letter for Mirianne in Beregost.
2.Cave : 5 Healing Potions.
3.One of the Hobs got stealth boots belonging to a thief in Beregost. (Magical Inn)

M.Hobgoblins, Ghouls, Ghasts or Gibberlings.

South of Highhedge

1.Bassilus : Insane Cleric (but not Evil according to the detect evil spell) he has about a
dozen undead with him. If you pretend to be his mother in the first two dialogues the
undead will all die before you fight him. I don't think there is any way to avoid killing
him. There is a 5000gp reward for his holy symbol from the Song of the Morning
2.Malkax, Zargal and Geltik : Three Hobgoblins demanding your money or your life.
3.Melicamp the chicken : An apprentice magician who's had a bit of an accident with a
polymorph spell. Take him to Thalantyr in Highhedge to cure him.

G.Ghouls or Ghasts.
M.Hobgoblins or Skeletons.
W.Wolves or Dread Wolves.

The Lighthouse

There are a number of Sirines along the coast in this area. They use Improved Invisiblity
(once) and the Dire Charm spell (many times) which can be very annoying. If you have the
patience you can send one character in to trigger the Dire Charms while the rest of your party
remains out of range, the charmed character will then just remain in the same place until the
spell wears off. He or she can hopefully kill the Sirine before hit with another Dire Charm.

1.Ardrouine : Quest to kill the pack of Worgs threatening her son at the lighthouse. 500xp
and 60gp reward.
2.The Worgs Ardrouine wants you to kill.
3.Safana : NPC Thief (Chaotic Neutral) wants you to help her loot the treasure from a
cave on the coast.
4.The cave Safana's referring to. There are a few Flesh Golems (2000xp) in here and the
reappear about 90% of the time when you rest so this is a great way to get Xp without
cheating. The treasure Safana is interested in is on the island in the north cave, she will
then stay with you. There's a Wand of Paralyzation, Manual of Bodily Health (+1
constitution), Cloak of the Wolf, some Darts of Wounding and a few potions.
5.Sil and two Sirines.

There seems to be less randomness about the monster encounters here. They will
probably be as marked but you may also meet Tasloi and Worgs.
H.Hobgoblins or Hobgoblin Elite.

South of Candlekeep

1.Shoal the Nereid : Will give the member who talks to her a kiss, killing them. You can
kill her for 5000xp and a pearl or help her against the Ogre Mage Droth. She raises
your fallen comrade, Droth soon appears and you can kill him for 975xp and a Helm of
Defense (+1 saves, 20% v fire,cold and electrical attacks.) Shoal then gives you 750xp.
2.Mad Arcand : Quest to retrieve the Ring of Folly from the Wreck. The reward is 300xp
and a potion.
3.The Surgeon : Davaeorn's Brother. He will heal your entire party for free and give you a
Potion of Magic Protection.
4.Two Ogre Beserkers, Three Ogrillon, Two Half Ogres and an Ogre.

M.Wolves, Carrion Crawlers or Ogrillon.


High Hedge

1.Kivan : NPC Ranger (Chaotic Good) Wants you to help him kill Tazok and his bandits.
2.Thalantyr : Mage of Highhedge. He will try to transform Melicamp back to human form
if you supply him with a skull (you can get one off any Skeleton in Highhedge) He
usually succeeds giving you 2000xp but on occasion he fails, Melicamp dies and you get
no xp. He also sells a range of magic items :-

Various Arrows and Bolts

Various Potions
Various Scrolls
Wands of Fear and Sleep
Robes of the Good and Neutral ArchMagi : AC 5, +1 saves, 5% Magic
Klaw of Kazgaroth : Globe of Protection when blown, user takes HP
Horn of Kazgaroth : +1 AC, +4 v missiles,-4 save v death,+3 other
saves,-2 constitution.

M.Gnolls, Skeletons, Wolves, Wild Dogs, Ghouls or Gnoll Veterans.

S.Huge Spiders.


1.Travenhurst Manor : Wand of Lightning upstairs on a desk.

2.Miriannes House : Quest for news of her husband, a messanger.
3.Thunder Hammer Smithy : See Taerom Fuiruim for a good selection of weapons and
armour, some magical. He will also make Ankheg Plate Mail if you have an Ankheg
4.Jovial Juggler Inn : Bjornin, A paladin who asks you to kill some Ogres SSW of town
(in the area NW of Nashkel.) He gives you a +1 Medium Shield for this and makes
reference to joining you if his wounds healed quicker but I don't know if this is possible
(curing him doesn't work anyway.)
Gurke, a dwarf who's had his cloak stolen by some Tasloi in the Cloakwood.
Officer Vai (Chapter 3) Offers you 50gp for each Bandit Scalp you bring in.
5.Landrin's House : Huge Spiders, Bottle of wine and Worn Boots (Quest Items for
Landrin in the Friendly Arms Inn.)
6.Firebeard Elvenhair's House : Quest to find a copy of "The History of the Fateful Coin"
7.Red Sheaf Inn : Karlat (Assassin)
Perdue, Quest to recover his sword from a gnoll west of town.
Raleo Windspear (1st floor) tells you of trouble at the Ulcaster Ruins.
8.The Burning Wizard Inn : Zhurlong, thief.
Spen Gil'meh (1st floor) tells you of trouble at the Firewine bridge.
9.Garrick : NPC Bard (Chaotic Neutral) Quest to protect Silke ( who is evil ). Either
option in the following encounter and Garrick will join you.
10.Town Crier : tells you of a bounty of 5000gp for the evil cleric Bassilus (In the area
south of Highhedge.) The bounty can be collected from the temple east of Beregost.
11.Kagain : NPC Fighter (Lawful Evil) wants you to help him find a missing client, Entar

Silvershield's son. If you go to the area north of beregost where there are a couple of
wrecked caravans he will give up on his client and decide to stay with you.
12.Feldepost's Inn : Also sells a range of magical items.
Marl, a farmer whose son was killed adventuring. If you can placate him (dialogue only,
not fists) you get 900xp.
Tranzig (upstairs) Evil mage (the one who turned Branwen to stone, boooo-hissss.)
Tells you where the Bandit Camp is.
Algernon (upstairs) has the Nymph Cloak Pheirkas wants you to steal.


1.Song of the Morning Temple : Kendath Ormlyr will give you 5000gp and 1000xp for
Bassilus' Holy Symbol.
2.The Vestibule.
3.Cattack and his band of Hobgoblins.

M.Wolves, Dogs, Bears or Hobgoblins.

North of Gullykin

This is Basilisk country, they come in two flavours : Greater and Lesser and if you're
unprepared are the toughest monsters in the game. Your best bet is to save up Mirrored Eyes Potions
for your main character and Stone to Flesh scrolls for the others. Pick up Korax and send him in first
then strike hard and fast with the rest of the party. There is little of actual value here and nothing
essential to the main quest so you can skip this area entirely if you don't fancy the challenge.

1.Baerin, Kirian, Peter and Lindan : Four egotistical adventurers ready for a thrashing.
They have two Long Swords +1, a Morning Star +1, some Arrows +1, a Golden
Girdle (+3 v slashing weapons), Bracers of Defense AC 7, Scrolls of Infravision and
Charm Person and a Potion of Invisibility amongst their possessions.
2.Korax the Ghoul : Wants to be your friend! Acts as if dire charmed if you accept. He
can then be used as a decoy with the Basilisks as he's immune to their gaze.
3.Mutamin : A mad Gnome with two pet Basilisks who've been turning any people who
came this way to stone. He has Horror and Stinking Cloud scrolls.
4.Tamah : Petrified adventurer, 300xp for rescuing her. You can demand payment and
she will give you her home near Beregost. I doubt this has any real effect on the game
and your reputation takes a hit.
5.Shar-Teel : NPC Fighter (Chaotic Evil) will join your party if one of your male fighters
beats her in combat. 300xp if you beat her and don't want her to join.

B.Greater or Lesser Basilisk.

M.Gnolls, Slashers, Veterans, Tasloi or Bears.

East of Larswood

Red lines indicate Ettercap traps.

1.Denak, Diana, Lasala and Brendan : Four mages up to no good, and spoiling for a fight.
They have Burning Hands, Blindness, Agannazar's Scorcher, Armour and Grease
Scrolls and a Ring of Energy (small amounts of Fire damage.)
2.Fahrington : Quest to recover a scroll of wisdom from the Ettercap to the east. He gives
you the scroll but it's actually a cursed scroll of foolishness. 300xp for it's recovery.
3.The Ettercap with Fahrington's scroll.

M.Spiders, Tasloi or Ettercaps.

S.Wraith Spider, Sword Spider, Phase Spider and three Giant Spiders.


1.Osmadi and Corsone : Two druids. Osmadi is deranged and attacks you, Corsone will
thank you for helping him deal with his mad companion. If you push him on his motives
he will admit to poisoning Osmadi and the rest of his band and will also attack you.

M.Bandits, Black Talon Elite, Gibberlings, Wolves, Wild Dogs or Bears.

South of the Friendly Arms Inn

1.Ogre : Unshey's belt thief. (Girdles of Piercing and Gender Transformation.)


G.Diseased Gibberlings.

East of Candlekeep

1.Gorion's body : Letter to Gorion from Elminster.

2.NPCs : Montaron ( Fighter Thief, NE ) and Xzar ( Necromancer, CE ) They want you
to accompany them to Nashkel to investigate the iron shortage.

B.Black bears.
G.Diseased Gibberlings.


1.Candlekeep Inn : Also sells basic weapons and armour. Firebeard Elvenhair (Spoiler)
quest to fetch an Identify Scroll from Tethtoril.
2.Phlydia : Quest to retrieve a book from Dreppin's hay barn to the east.
3.Priest's Quarters : Shank ( Assassin )
Chapter 6 : There is a priest who is actually a Doppelganger experimenting on a cat. It
has a diamond to be relieved of.
4.Dreppin : Quest to fetch an antidote from Hull at the main gate.
5.Temple of Oghma.
6.The Storehouse : Reevor (At Entrance) quest to kill the rats inside.
7.Hull : Quest to fetch his sword from the barracks ( The antidote for Dreppin is also
8.Storage Cellars : Obe's group fighting practice (Spoiler)
9.Bunkhouse : Carbos ( Assassin )
10.Barracks : Fuller quest to fetch some quarrels. Chest with Hull's sword and antidote.
11.Imoen : NPC Thief (Neutral Good)
12.Tethtoril : Has Firebeard's scroll.
13.Gorion : End of Chapter 1.

14.Central Keep : This area is only applicable to Chapter 6

Ground Floor : There are a couple of scrolls relating to your identity on the book
cases, also Chill Touch and Vocalise scrolls.

1st Floor : Koveras (Sarevok in disguise) gives you a Ring of Protection +1, this seems
suspicious but I don't think there are any side effects to using it. Chromatic Orb, Mirror
Image, Melf's Acid Arrow and Luck scrolls.
2nd Floor : Shield and Luck scrolls. Rieltar, Brunos, Kestor and Tuth, the Iron Throne
leaders. There are 2 Medium Shields +1, Chainmail +1, a Long Sword +1 and a
Morning Star +1 amongst their possessions and an Identify scroll on a bookcase behind
3rd Floor : Shistal, who is actually a Greater Doppelganger. Web and Detect Invisibility
scrolls. There is a Wand of Fear in a cupboard in the middle-north room at the north
east end of the floor.
4th Floor : Piato, leads you to a scroll from Gorion. There is a Cloak of Protection in
the wardrobe in the most westerly room.
5th Floor : As soon as you ascend to this floor you will usually be accused of murdering
Rieltar and his mob wether you did or not. You could try and kill the Gatewarden and
Escape but I wouldn't recommend it. Accept arrest and this leads to a cutaway in the
dungeon where Ulraunt charges you with murder. Tethtoril then comes to rescue you
and teleports you to the secret library leading to the catacombs below the keep.
The other outcome (if you haven't killed the Iron Throne leaders or spoken to
Koveras) is that the Gatewarden tells you to speak to an unusual fellow in the outer
grounds. I don't know who he's alluding to as I couldn't find anyone.
If you are able to explore this level you can find a Ghost Armour scroll, Tethtoril
and Ulraunt. There is a Ring of Protection +1 and a Wand of Magic Missiles in
Tethtoril's room. They are in locked cupboards but I managed to break in and help
myself with no guards being called! slightly odd since Tethtoril was only a few yards
away. This also applied to Ulraunt but he only had a few potions and a little gold. You
can pick pocket Tethtoril for an Identify scroll and Ulraunt for a Wand of Sleep.
Secret Library : Chromatic Orb, Confusion, Dimension Door, Agannazar's Scorcher,
Lightning Bolt, Fireball, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Monster Summoning II and
Identify scrolls. Exit to the Catacombs.

Cloakwood West

1.Eldoth Kron : NPC Bard (Neutral Evil) wants you to help him abduct his beloved Skie from Entar
Silvershield's Estate in Baldur's Gate.
2.Laskal : An enemy of the Iron Throne, gives you a potion if you tell the truth otherwise he attacks
you. Nothing of interest on him except the potion.
3.Faldorn : NPC Druid (Neutral) wants you to help her defeat the Iron Throne running the mines to the
4.Takiyah : Shadow Druid.
5.Shadow Druid Headquarters : Amarande Shadow Archdruid. There are a few potions here but little
of interest.
6.Cave : Peter of the North, a mine employee training two baby wyverns for the mine.

M.Wolves, Dire Wolves, Bears or Tasloi.

Cloakwood Central

This is Ettercap Country - nasty poisonous little blighters that set entanglement traps.Your
best strategy is to use a thief to search for traps (indicated with yellow lines) in the areas
marked and then disarm them. Another method if you have the free action ability is to send in
one character to set off the traps. Retreat and wait for them to expire.

1.Tiber : Kid who wants you to find his brother who's lost in the woods.
2.Spider Queens Lair : Centeol and friends (4 Huge Spiders, 2 Sword Spiders and 2 Ettercaps.)
Centeol (Evil) has been cursed by the Archmage Jon Icarus. I Don't know if there is another course
of action other than killing her. Tiber's brother's body is here. There is also a Wand of Frost and the
sword 'Spider's Bane' a two-handed sword +2 that confers free action on the wielder. The magic
ring is cursed.

M.Huge or Giant Spiders or Ettercaps.

S.Phase Spiders

Cloakwood North

1.Cave : Two Wyverns and Three Baby Wyverns. There are a few items on a corpse but I couldn't
find anything else of interest here.

M.Tasloi, Bears, Spiders, Baby Wyverns or Wolves.

Cloakwood South

1.Tasloi : The group who stole Gurke's Cloak of Non-Detection.

2.Aldeth Sashenstar : Rich Sport Hunter who wants you to protect him from some druids. If you do
you get 2000xp and a potion, plus 4360xp for the druids and a Ring of Animal Friendship.
If you side with the druids you get 2000xp plus 650xp for killing Aldeth, a few treasure items and
'Kondar' a Bastard Sword +1,+3 v Shapeshifters. If you kill Aldeth you will later have an encounter
with his brother Dabron in Baldur's Gate.
3.Empty House : There are a few treasure items in the chest.
4.Coran : NPC Fighter/Thief (Chaotic Good) wants you to help him hunt a Wyvern.

M.Tasloi, Huge Spiders, Dread Wolves, Bears or Worgs.

Cloakwood Mines

1.Lakadaar : Iron Throne Henchman. Summons four guards to attack you if you admit to being after
the Iron Throne. Runs like a rabbit if you tell him about Wyverns.
2.Drasus, Genthore, Rezdan and Kysus : This is a nasty encounter, Kysus casts invisibility, there are
Dire Charms and Summon Monster Spells and Drasus and Genthore are tough cookies. They have
Plate Mail +1, Morning Star +1 and Boots of Speed amongst their posessions.
3.Barracks : Two guards and a few treasure items.
4.Mine Office : Two guards, the entrance to the Cloakwood Mine.

M.Guards,Black Talon Elite or Wolves.

Friendly Arms Inn

1.Hidden at the bottom of this tree is a Ring of Wizardry (doubles the number of first level
spells a magic user can memorise.) It is very small and difficult to spot, the co-ordinates
are 2553,3761 (CTRL L to get the current mouse co-ords.)
Several people have emailed me about problems finding this ring and from their
experiences I think it's been removed in the patched versions. If you think that's
unsporting you could always use the add item cheat.
2.Tarnesh (Assassin)
3.Ground Floor : NPCs - Jaheira (Fighter/Druid, Neutral) and Khalid (Fighter, Neutral
4.1st Floor : Unshey, quest to recover a Girdle of Peircing from an Ogre in the area South
of the Friendly Arms Inn.
5.2nd Floor : Landrin, quest to kill the spiders in her house in Beregost and fetch a pair of
boots and a bottle of wine. The house is west of the Jovial Juggler.
6.Temple of Wisdom.
7.Joia's Home : Quest to recover a Flamedance ring from a band of Hobgoblins north of
the inn.
8.Hobgoblins with Joia's Flamedance Ring.


North East of the Friendly Arms Inn

1.Ajantis : NPC Paladin (Lawful Good)

2.Three fishermen who want you to get rid of a Priestess of Umberlee who's been disrupting the
weather. When you return, if you have killed her you get 1000xp and a Flail +1. If you've switched
allegiance they admit they killed Tenya's mother and give you the Elemental Bowl.
3.Brun : Quest to rescue his son from the Ankheg Warren to the west.
4.Ankheg Warren
5.Gerde : Recruiting parties to help control the Ankheg population, gives you 75gp for killing them. She
does wander about a bit but should be in this vicinity.


Bandit Camp

The area around the camp itself is full of Bandits and Chill Hobgoblins, they aren't
marked but there must be about twenty spread around. Minor treasure items are marked with
a blue asterisk. There are a lot of chests in the camp, some of them very tough to open, so
someone with a high Lockpicking skill would be very helpful, failing that give some one a Giant
Strength Potion and smash them open.

1.Oil of Speed.
2.Cave : Garclax and his clan (about 10 of them) doing time for brawling. Nothing special in the way of
3.Taugosz Khosann : Full Plate Mail, Warhammer +1, Medium Shield +1 and a few other items.
4.Fireball and Web Scrolls.
5.Raemon, Britik, Venkt and Hakt : Tazok's chief henchmen.
Ender Sai : Prisoner gives you info on Tazok and the Iron Throne.
There is a chest behind Ender Sai (Lightning Bolt Trapped) with two letters that will end Chapter 3.
Items in the tent : Longbow of Marksmanship (+3 to hit, +2 damage) Agannazar's Scorcher, Stinking
Cloud, Horror, Color Spray, Blindness and Friends Scrolls. A fair amount of gold and treasure.

H.Hobgoblins, Chill Hobgoblins.

M.Bears or Wild Dogs.


1.Viconia : NPC Cleric (Neutral Evil) being hunted by a Flaming Fist Mercenary. If you
protect her and kill the Mercenary (no reputation penalty) she asks to join your party.

M.Black Talon Elite, Flind, Spiders or Bears.

Baldurs Gate Bridge

1.The bridge is only open after you have completed Chapter 4 until then it is closed due to the bandit
2.Tenya : Priestess of Umberlee. The fishermen who want you to kill her murdered her mother and
stole the Elemental Bowl she used to control the weather. Tenya is trying to get the bowl back and
asks you to help.
If you kill her (65xp) you get some Bracers AC 7 and a few items from her house, 1000xp and a
Flail +1 from Sonner.
If you help her and retrieve the bowl from Sonner you get 2500xp.
3.Scar : Flaming Fist Captain, wants you to investigate the Seven Suns Trading Coster and report to
him at the Flaming Fist Barracks.
4.Quayle : NPC Braggart (Sorry that's Cleric/Illusionist - Chaotic Neutral.)
5.Two Ankhegs : The ones who attacked Quinn and Nester. One of them has Nester's Dagger.

Baldurs Gate Farm

1.Wenric : Quest to kill the Zombies plaguing his farm. Every time I've played this
encounter he doesn't actually offer you the quest, he just assumes you're already on it
and tells you to keep track of the number of Zombies you've killed. 800xp and 150gp
reward for killing the lot.
2.There is a Cloak of Protection +1 in one of the chests (west room.)


Baldur's Gate - Thieves Quarter

1.Shop of Silence : Basic Armour and weapons, also a Cloak of Protection +1,Leather +1 and
Studded Leather +1. You can rest here as well.
2.Arkion : Evil necromancer, wants you to bring him a body from the sewers. Gives you 250gp and
1800xp for this. He has a fair amount of gold on him and there is a Medium Shield +1 in the chest.
3.Sorcerous Sundries : Almost complete range of magic weapons, potions, protection scrolls, spell
scrolls and wands. There are four magic users upstairs you can goad into attacking you, they have a
fair amount of treasure (you can sell it downstairs!) the ring is cursed however. If you want a Nymph
cloak badly enough you could kill the proprietor, your reputation will suffer though and you won't be
able to buy any more items.
4.General Store : Basic weapons and armour.
5.Elfsong Tavern : Brevlik, a collector who wants you to steal the telescope from the Hall of Wonders.
You get 5500xp, 500gp and a Wand of Lightning if you haggle.
Cyrdemac (upstairs) a rogue who's blackmailing Areana, a noblewoman at the Three Old Kegs. He
has a Bastard Sword +1.
6.Thieves Guild : The password is Fafhrd. Black Lily sells a fair range of thief type weapons and
armour and a good selection of potions. There is a Manual of Dexterity hidden in a barrel behind her.

7.Thieves Guild, Main Hall : Narlen Darkwalk - Quest 1, to help him on a burglary. Not much to it,
meet him outside the Splurging Sturgeon, follow him to the house in question and choose "'Ere
boys..." when the guard shows up. You then return to the thieves guild for 100gp and he offers you
another job.
Quest 2, to steal a Rogue Stone. Meet him at the Blade and Stars, follow him to the house. The stone
is in a cabinet upstairs (it's trapped by the way.) When Gantolandon stirs choose "meow" then "I'm a
stray ..." Meet back at the guild for three pearls and a measure of respect from the guild.
Alatos Thuibuld (Guild Master) - Quest to steal the items needed for a Halruaan Skyship from
Oberon's Estate. When you return you get 4000xp but he let's Resar the Halruaan attack you. If you
have done the burglaries with Narlen he comes to the rescue and kills Resar, you are then accepted
as a member of the Guild. Resar has a Wand of Paralyzation.
Husam - Has information on the Iron Throne. He can be found later at the Elfsong Tavern.
8.Lucky Aello's Discount Store : Good range of potions and protection scrolls.

Baldur's Gate - Merchant Quarter

1.Blade and Stars Inn : Lothander (upstairs) gives you half the antidote in return for Jalantha's scroll to
remove the geas. He tells you Marek has the other half and can be found at the Blushing Mermaid
2.Store : Excellent range of potions.
3.Warehouse : Nadarin - warehouse manager, tells you of an escaped Basilisk in a warehouse by the
docks. If you kill it, return here for an 1800gp reward and 1300xp (The Basilisk is worth 7000xp.)
4.Gantolandon : The target of one of Narlen Darkwalk's capers. He has a Long Sword +1 if you kill
5.There are two thieves burgling this house. If you kill them they have a Light Crossbow +1, Bolts of
Lightning and Arrows of Fire.
6.Store : Another excellent range of potions.
7.Nemphre - Evil necromancer, she has a Vampiric Touch Scroll. There are a few treasure items here
as well.

Baldur's Gate - The Harbour

1.Water Queen's House : Jalantha Mistmyr, High Priestess of Umberlee. To persuade her to remove
Lothander's geas she requires you to bring her the Book of Wisdom from The Temple of Tymora.
For the body of Varci's brother you can either pay 2000gp or if you aided Tenya against the
fishermen you can ask to see her and she will give you the body for free.
2.The Low Lantern : Desreta and Vay-ya (middle deck) two loonies asking for trouble. They have a
fair amount of treasure including Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Strength 18-00), Dagger +1, Long
Sword +1, Wand of Fire, Scrolls of Clairvoyance and Dispel Magic.
Yago (lower deck) : The mage who cursed the daughter of Brielbara and Coran. Kill him for the
book she needs. There are Fireball, Melf's Acid Arrow, Sleep and Blur scrolls in the adjacent chest.
3.Jopalin's Tavern (and inn.)
4.Warehouse : There is an escaped Greater Basilisk in here. 7000xp for killing it. See Nadarin for
1800gp and 1300xp.
5.Warehouse : Noralee, she's dropped some Gauntlets of Weapon Skill in a crate by the harbour.
1000xp and two potions of Infravision for returning them.
6.Noralee's Gauntlets of Weapon Skill.
7.Larriaz a Sirine who was captured by fisherman and brought here. She's just killed the family that live
here because she's about to die from being away from the sea too long. I don't think there is anything

to be done here (except killing her for 30xp and a pearl.)
8.Ghorak : Cursed with a disease for past misdemeanours. He asks you to retrieve the skull of his
brother Kereph from behind a painting in The Three Old Kegs and take it to Agnasia at The Lady's
Hall (The Temple of Tymora).
9.The Harbour Master's Building.
10.Five Ogre Mages : Yes that's FIVE, no prizes for guessing their intentions. The price on your head is
up to 10000gp now! This is a very tough encounter, there is a fair amount of treasure but nothing
terribly special.
11.The Iron Throne. There's an entrance to the sewers in the eastern corner of level 1.
Chapter 5 : Level 5 - Zhalimar Cloudwolfe, Gardush, Naaman, Diyab, Aasim, Alai. Two each of
Magic Users, Priests and Fighters. Amongst the spoils are "Suryris' Blade" a Halberd +2, a Wand of
Lightning, Wand of the Heavens, Ring of Free Action, Bracers of Defense AC 7, Warhammer +1,
Mace +1 and Scrolls of : Fireball, Know Alignment, Dispel Magic, Dimension Door, Protection from
Normal Missiles, Confusion and Vocalise.

Baldur's Gate - Flaming Fist Castle

1.Ye Olde Inn : There are 5 Green Slime attacking the patrons in here
2.Store : Basic range of weapons and armour.
3.Store : Good range of potions.
4.Seven Suns : The trading coster has been infiltrated by shape shifters. Take the door to the dungeon
at the south west and talk to Jhasso for the information Scar needs. The merchants are really
5.Wiven and three henchmen : Wiven tries the "Your money or your life" routine. That's an invite for
death and destruction if ever there was one. There are are few treasure items and a few scrolls on the
bodies and in the house.
6.The Merchant League.
7.Store : Basic range of weapons and armour.
8.Store : Good range of potions.
9.Sunin the Cocky Mage. Just entering his house is enough for him and his two henchmen to attack
you. There are Fireball and Vampiric Touch scrolls, Longsword +1, Ring of Wizardry and a few
other items.
10.Tiax : NPC Cleric/Thief (Chaotic Evil)

11.Flaming Fist Castle : Fergus, quest to find an Angel Skin Ring.

Chapter 5 :-
Scar, gives you 2000gp and 5000xp for investigating the Seven Suns. Asks you to return and
kill all the Doppelgangers for another 2000gp. He actually gives you 4000gp and another 2000xp.
He then asks you to investigate the disappearance of townsfolk. His advice is to start with the
sewers in the east of the city (they can be found via many drains in the eastern areas.) There's a
2000xp and 1000gp reward. This goes up to 3000xp and 3000gp if you bring back the Ruby Ring
from one of the bodies cocooned on the wall near the Ogre Mage.
Scar will then ask you to investigate the Iron Throne. This triggers a cut-away to a meeting with
Duke Eltan who asks you to aquire evidence of the Iron Throne's involvement with the iron crisis and
the bandit trouble. When you return you will find Duke Eltan upstairs. If you tell him of the meeting in
Candlekeep he will give you a book for the Gatekeeper and you will be transported to Candlekeep.
Thus ends Chapter 5.

Baldur's Gate - The Hall

1.Varci Roaringhorn : Child who wants to enlist your help, takes you to his guardians house.
2.Tremain Belde'ar (Varci's guardian) : Quest to retrieve Varci's brother's body from the Water
Queen's House. Once you have done this Varci gives you 2000gp, a Large Shield +1,+4 v missiles
and 5000xp
3.Temple of Tymora (Our Lady's House) : Chanthalas Ulbright has the Book of Wisdom that Jalantha
Mistmyr wants for removing the geas on Lothander, he gives it to you free if you ask nicely.
Agnasia - Priestess, when you have retrieved the Skull of Kereph for Ghorak she tells you about
Kereph who was a priest of Tymora. You get 1000xp and Ghorak is cured. You don't have to return
to Ghorak.
4.Fenten : Dwarf who will pay you 250gp for Ankheg Scales.
5.Hall of Wonders : If you enter after dusk you will find Alora an NPC Thief (Chaotic Good) trying to
burgle the place. The telescope is easy pickings and there are a couple of gems in the cases.
6.Temple of Gond (High Hall of Wonders.)
7.Ragefast : Mage holding Abela the Nymph captive. Talk him into releasing her for 2000xp and a lock
of nymph hair. Kill him for another 2000xp, a Wand of Paralyzation and a Necklace of Protection
+1. If you are on the quest for Razimuth you can kidnap Abela.

Baldur's Gate

1.Dabron Sashenstar : If you killed Aldeth Sashenstar in the Cloakwood then Dabron (his brother)
confronts you. He has a Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy (+2 damage, +5 to hit) and a Morning Star
2.Lothander : Tells you that his partner, Marek has poisoned you. He will tell you where the antidote is
if you help him remove the geas he's cursed with. First step is to visit the Fortune Teller's tent and ask
about Lothander. He tells you only Jalantha Mistmyr, High Priestess of Umberlee can lift the geas.
Talk to Lothander again and he tells you about the Temple of Umberlee (The Water Queen's House)
and will wait for you at the Blade and Stars Inn.
3.Fortune Teller.
4.There is an Invisibility Scroll downstairs.
5.Nadine : Quest to find her son - Euric and give him an Amulet of Protection +1.
6.Felonius Gist's Manor : The Statues with the Balduran Helm for Degrodel are here. Just threaten
Felonius and he'll let you examine them.
7.Poultry Store : There are about twenty Rabid Chickens in here.
8.Gambling Tent.
9.Gambling Tent.
10.Oberon's Estate : The three ingredients for the Halruaan Skyship that Alatos Thuibald wants are
upstairs in a cupboard not on the persons of the three sisters. If you do this quest without killing
anyone you get more Xp as a reward.

Baldur's Gate - Poor Quarter

1.Marek and Lothander : Two Iron Throne cronies who try and warn you off. This starts a long sub
plot where you are poisoned, have to aid Lothander escape a geas, recover a tome for the High
Priestess of Umberlee, and kill Marek. You don'thave to do anything until you come across
Lothander near the carnival.
2.General Store : Basic weapons and armour.
3.The Blushing Mermaid : Larze, an Ogre Assassin, talk your way out for 900xp or kill him for
2000xp, Gauntlets of Weapon Skill (+1 to hit) and a few items, he is one big ugly brute though with
over 100hp and he does some major damage.
Marek (upstairs), you only have to talk to him to be cured of the poison. Kill him for the antidote (10
more uses), an Eagle bow, a Dagger +2 and a few other items.
The entrance to the Undercellar, the door at the north west end of the inn.
4.Ilmater's Shrine.
5.Brielbara : Quest to retrieve a spellbook off Yago the mage who's cursed her child - Namara.
Namara is also Coran's child and if he is a member of your party you will have to accept the quest or
he will leave you. Yago can be found at The Low Lantern. You can then meet Brielbara at The
Splurging Sturgeon to the south.
6.The Splurging Sturgeon : Brielbara.
Mr Shade (upstairs) talks a lot but says very little. Don't know if there's any point to it.
There is a Friends Scroll in a barrel outside the inn at the south west.

Baldur's Gate - The Palace

1.The Duchal Palace.

2.The Three Old Kegs : The Skull of Kereph for Ghorak is behind a painting in the north west corner
of the first floor. There is a Noblewoman - Areana on the second floor who wants you to kill Cyrdemac
at the Elfsong. Tavern. He's blackmailing her, she will give you 4000gp if you haggle. When you
return you can collect the bounty or you can take over blackmailing her. It must be a bug but there are
208 Ziose gems in the wardrobe.
3.Temple of Helm.
4.Drelik (downstairs) and Jardak (upstairs) : Two evil loudmouths asking for a smack. There is a Helm
of Glory and a Long Sword +1 amongst their posessions.
5.There is a Small Shield +1 in the chest.
6.Razimuth : Evil mage who wants you to kidnap a Nymph that Ragefast is holding captive.
7.Razimuths Tower : Razimuth wants the nymph to disect for spell ingredients, he supposedly gives you
a magic item but I got nothing. You can release the Nymph for 2000xp and a lock of Nymph Hair
and kill Razimuth for 4000xp, an Amulet of Metaspell Influence (one extra second level spell) and a
Ring of Protection +2. There is a Wand of Paralyzation and a Tome of Clear Thought (+1 to
Intelligence permanently) at the top of the tower. Every floor inbetween has a monsters on it :
Mustard Jellies, Ghasts, Hobgoblin Elite and Kobold Commandos but if you're quick you can run
straight up the stairs without having to fight them. There are a few problems and inconsistencies with
this quest. I don't know if they've been fixed in the patch.
8.Petrine : Street urchin who wants you to retrieve an Angel Skin Ring from the home of Bherun (her
ex-guardian.) 500xp reward.
9.Bherun's House : The Angel Skin Ring is upstairs in a cupboard.
10.Rinnie : A bard looking for a copy of The History of the Unicorn's Run. They are relatively common,
there is one at the top of Razimuth's Tower. The reward is 900xp and a Protection Scroll.

Baldur's Gate - Entar's Estate

1.The Helm and Cloak Inn : Gorpel Hind and his band of adventurers. Friendly bunch who will help out
against Gretek if you share a tale with them.
Talking to Gorpel Hind triggers the entry of Gretek and his band of adventurers (five in total.)
Mouthy bunch of psychos, attack you as soon as look at you. There is a magic user type, a cleric, a
thief and two fighter types, this is a pretty tough encounter. There is a Battle Axe +2 and Bracers AC
7 amongst the spoils.
There is a chest with a fair amount of treasure in the kitchen.
Up the back stairs behind the painting in the north east corner is the Balduran Helm that Degrodel is
after, one of the best items in the game (+5hp, +1 AC, +1 Saves, +1 To Hit) beware the fireball trap
on it.
2.Quinn : A Gnome who, along with his friend Nester was ambushed by a group of Ankhegs near
Baldurs Gate, he wants you to retrieve something of Nester's so he can bury it. The reward is a
Shandon Gem and 950xp.
3.The twins Louise and Laerta : They tell you about a bogeyman peeping in on them at night. Gervisse
then enters and tells you about Voltine a druid who wants to abduct the twins. Voltine then enters and
tells you Gervisse is the peeping tom. Gervisse is evil, kill him and you get a Wand of Polymorphing
off Voltine and a Scroll of Protection and 1000xp off the twins. On the other hand if you kill Voltine,
you get the Wand of Polymorphing, nothing from Gervisse, 1000xp and the scroll off the twins. There
is a set of Splint Mail +1 in the cupboard.

4.Degrodel : There are 3 Invisible Stalkers, 2 Doom Guards and 2 Helmed Horrors guarding the
house. After you kill them Degrodel tells you about a group of statues that are actually petrified
adventurers, one of whom has a Helm of Balduran. He offers you 5000gp to retrieve it. The statues
are in an Felonius Gist's Manor. Unfortunately the Helm isn't there, it was hidden by it's owner in The
Helm and Cloak Inn. If you return the Helm to Degrodel he gives you the 5000gp, summons another
four guards then tries to leg it. Since the 5000gp isn't on him if you just kill him, the best course of
action is to give him the helm, kill him quickly before he escapes, kill the guards and then retrieve the
Helm off his body. There is a set of Splint Mail +1 in this Cupboard as well, maybe it grows on a tree
5.There is an Amulet of Protection +1 in the kitchen cupboard.
6.Pheirkas : A Dwarf who wants you to steal a Nymph Cloak off Algernon at Feldepost's Inn in
Beregost. You get 200xp and 150gp.
7.Entar Silvershield's Estate : If you have Eldoth Kron in your party you will find Skie (NPC Thief,
Neutral) willing to join up with you. If you don't she will call the guards no matter what. If you want
Skie but not Eldoth it's a bit of a chore but here's how. Drop two of your characters you are on good
terms with (they will then wait about to rejoin you later.) Traipse over to the Cloakwood and pickup
Eldoth. Return to Entar's estate and pick up Skie. Arrange a little accident for Eldoth (take his
weapons and armour and pick a fight with him on his own - Well he is evil after all) and pick up the
two charcters you dropped previously. If Imoen is still alive and with you she's probably a better bet


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