Is A Carefully Planned and Organized Effort To Accomplish A Successful Project
Is A Carefully Planned and Organized Effort To Accomplish A Successful Project
Is A Carefully Planned and Organized Effort To Accomplish A Successful Project
1. Aim of project
2. Outputs
3. Quality criteria
4. Resources
5. Management structure
6. Milestones
7. Tolerances
8. Dependencies
9. Risks
10. Schedule
3.What do we manage?
1. Aim of Project
What do we want to produce? The aim of the project is a mixture
of the reasons for doing the project and the benefits that are
expected from it. This section of the plan can be either fulfilled by
linking to the main business case, or by restating it in language
for the expected audience. For example, your business case may
have been written for high level approval in your organisation.
You may want to now put it in terms the project executive
2. Outputs
Given the aim of the project, what do we actually need to
produce to get there? What will your completed project be made
up of? These need to be clearly defined. For example, your
project's aim may be to upgrade the IT infrastructure in an
organisation. Your final output would be a completed computer
network, a new computer on every desk, and all appropriate
software installed and ready to go.
3. Quality Criteria
Now we have the outputs, we need to understand what quality
they need to be of. In the example above, we have an output of a
completed computer network. However, we need to know that
the network can actually cope with the amount of traffic going
over it!
This means we need the completed output to be of a certain
quality, and we need to define what that quality is. These targets
tell you what success is, what completion of the project is. They
need to be SMART:
4. Resources
We have now set down what outputs we need to produce, and
what quality they need to be at. This means we are now in a
position to look at the resources we will need to achieve this.
Resources include staff time, particular knowledge or skill sets,
money (e.g. buying equipment), and time (some tasks can't be
increased by throwing more people at the problem, e.g. delivery
times, setting time for concrete, etc.).
5. Management Structure
How are we going to manage the work? You need to describe the
general approach to the project here. Who will be the decision
makers for the various different streams of work? For example,
you may be doing a significant procurement - who makes the
decision about what company to buy from?
How will we share progress on the project? Who will we share it
to? For example, you may decide to have regular project team
meetings - who needs to attend? What level of information will
you be sharing? Who else needs to be kept informed, at what
level of detail, and how often? For example, you may want to
keep the project executive updated at an overview level of detail
on a weekly basis, while you keep other managers appraised at a
higher level of detail.
You will also need to spell out the relationship of yourself to the
project executive, in terms of the monitoring of progress. Equally,
you need to put down how you will be monitoring progress of the
allocated tasks.
There is no one right answer for how this should be done, and
indeed it will vary with every project. Make sure you think about
the size and complexity of the project, and also the organisation's
ethos and current management style.
6. Milestones
Here you need to think about how you will break up the project.
Unless it is very small, you don't want to have the entire project
as one lump of work, with the only check on progress at the very
end. Instead, it makes sense to break the project up into discrete
chunks, where related tasks can be lumped together, with a
sensible milestone at the end of them. For example, in the
technology refresh in the example above, you may want to break
the project down into something like:
1. Requirements Gathering
2. Tender Writing
3. Tendering Process
4. Contract Negotiation
5. Deployment
6. Testing
7. Tolerances
You will have already looked at the resources you need. Now we
need to set how far you, or the project executive, can let the
project stray from these targets before needing to sound the
alarm. For example, you could set a tolerance in terms of finance
of +/- 5%, and a tolerance in terms of time of +/- 10%. Equally,
you may want to look at tolerances of quality - i.e. how far from
the quality criteria are you willing to accept?
It is remarkably unlikely that a project will not deviate from its
resource or quality targets. Setting tolerances allows you to be
able to manage the project without continually seeking guidance
from the project executive as to whether you should carry on.
This is not to say that you should be happy with these deviations,
and you should try to avoid them, and monitor them closely. That
way you can build your understanding of the project for the
8. Dependencies
This is where you look at what needs to happen before something
else. For example, in our example above, you need to complete
the requirements gathering before you can finish the tender
documentation. You need to start thinking about the
dependencies so you, and the project team, can understand the
impact of changes in any part of the project.
These dependencies should include both those internal to the
project (i.e. those under your control), and those external to it
(i.e. those outside of your control). For example, you may need
an accurate figure for the number of staff in the organisation.
This needs to come from your HR department, and would be an
external dependency.
9. Risks
Simply, what could go wrong? What could happen that would
damage your ability to deliver the project? Are there things you
can do to avoid them, or minimise them?
10. Scheduling
This is the Gantt chart-style information that many people
envisage when a project plan is mentioned. In this, you need to
put down what you expect to happen when. It will include your
dependencies, milestones, and probably resources. At this point,
it will be a relatively high overview of the whole project.
There is something you need to understand about this schedule,
and that is this: it will be wrong.
I know that seems a strong statement, but it is vital that you
understand that you cannot make a perfect schedule. You really
would be getting into the realm of prophecy if you think you can
sit down now, and accurately and precisely pinpoint the date the
project will end. No, what you need to do here is achieve the
The schedule needs to include the overview, with the project
broken down into sensible chunks. This is the other advantage of
breaking the project into chunks we mentioned above. By having
the project broken up in this way, you will be able to start
planning the first section in quite some detail, extending out for a
few weeks. But from then on, it will start to be based more and
more on blind guesswork and faith. Don't try to be artificially
precise - keep it vague, use rough figures.
As you come to the end of each chunk of the project, you will be
able to plan the next one. You can use the information and
experience you have just gained from the previous section, and
thus you will be able to be more confident.
Make sure you explain this to your project stakeholders! Often
your project executive may look at a schedule, and imagine
everything is laid out and known. You must get this idea out of
their head straight away! Explain that the early part is firmer than
the rest, and make sure they expect changes as the project
moves on.
Your executive will crave certainty, and absolute dates for the
project, from the very beginning. You must resist the pressure to
name a specific date, and explain why. While there may be a
temptation to give an answer (no doubt of a date plucked,
essentially, from the air) you need to instead be realistic about
what is and isn't possible in terms of scheduling. Anything else
can only lead to trouble for you, the project, and ultimately your
executive further down the line.