Teaching Project Summary Paper Nur 402
Teaching Project Summary Paper Nur 402
Teaching Project Summary Paper Nur 402
Allison Carlucci
sedentary lifestyle and do not get the recommended weekly amount of physical activity. This
puts them at risk for obesity which is a major risk factor for many preventable diseases such as
hypertension and type 2 diabetes. According to Sailors et al., The increasing prevalence of
obesity among young people is combined with a concomitant low rate of physical activity, with
nearly 43% of college undergraduates reporting they do not participate in either moderate or
vigorous physical activity (2010, p. 13). Therefore, teaching would be valuable for this
problem because people, specifically college students, may not be aware of the benefits of
The Standards of Practice I used to guide this teaching plan are from the American Heart
Association which focuses on the promotion of overall cardiovascular health among individuals.
Additionally, a major focus of the AHA is to provide the public with information centered
that we educate our patients on the risks of leading a sedentary lifestyle as well as the current
guidelines related to physical activity. The AHA recommends that for overall cardiovascular
At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least 5 days per week for a
total of 150 minutes, or least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity at least 3 days per
days per week for additional health benefits. (American Heart Association
Therefore, it is important to educate the public and promote weekly physical activity in order to
Target Audience
The target audience I identified is college students. As a fellow college student, I know that
due to coursework, jobs, a lack of finances and a variety of other obligations, it can be difficult to
make time for exercising. Therefore, I chose 18 fellow college students who attend either
target population. These individuals range in age from 19-27 and are all currently enrolled in
college courses. Most of these individuals live in Norfolk, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and
Virginia Beach. My goal is to assess fellow college students knowledge of the importance of
weekly physical activity, as well as to determine what barriers may hinder them in getting the
The strategy I used as the educational designer was a survey to assess the needs of my
identified population. The survey used assesses their view of exercise, the amount of exercise
they receive per week, barriers that prevent them from exercising, what motivates them to
exercise, how they desire to receive health information, as well as their preferred learning style.
The results of this assessment can be seen in Appendix B. Additionally, in regards to how the
students prefer to receive information, an internet website/blog was the preferred method for
receiving health information with an educational class or an email tied for second and social
tailor the specific strategies used to fit the needs of my target audience.
Based on the results of the needs assessment survey, the purpose of my teaching plan was
to educate the selected undergraduate college students about the benefits of weekly physical
activity. While 100% of the individuals assessed agreed that weekly physical activity is
important, the majority of them identified that the most significant barrier preventing them from
exercising is the lack of time. Therefore, the goal of my teaching plan was for the students to be
able to identify benefits of weekly physical activity and verbalize ways to incorporate it into their
weekly schedules. Additionally, I wanted to plan a teaching session that utilized various forms
of learning, such as visual/tactile, auditory and participation, to promote and enhance the
learning experience. Whatever the method chosen, to optimize learning it usually is most
effective if used in conjunction with other instructional techniques and tools (Bastable, 2014, p.
471). I developed objectives for a cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain, which can be
seen in Appendix C. Therefore, I planned to begin the session with a lecture in which I would
utilize a Power Point presentation to educate the students on the benefits of regular activity as
well as the risks of leading a sedentary lifestyle. I allotted 10 minutes for the lecture portion, and
decided to end this section with a question and answer time to assess the effectiveness of the
cognitive portion of the teaching. Next, I chose to have a time of group collaboration in which
the students could identify barriers preventing them from regular exercise as well as what would
serve as motivators; I allotted 10 minutes for this section. Lastly, I would demonstrate several
exercises they could do while at home/in their dorms as a study break to incorporate physical
activity into their busy schedules. I allotted 10 minutes to demonstrate as well as observe a
return demonstration. I chose to end the teaching session by administering a 5 Point Likert Scale
to evaluate the effectiveness of the group discussion as well as the session as a whole.
On the actual day of teaching, I assembled my target audience at my house for the
teaching session. I used my television to show my Power Point. One challenge I faced in the
implementation phase was finding a time to gather everyone for the teaching session. Since my
target population consisted of college students who have very busy schedules, this presented a
challenge. Additionally, while I allotted 10 minutes for each portion of the teaching session, the
entire time was not used during the actual implementation phase.
learn. Most learning theories fall under three general philosophies including behaviorism,
constructivism, and cognitivism (Schilling, 2016, p. 12). A learning theory that supports the
choice of instructional methods used is the cognitive theory. According to our online lecture, the
and making it meaningful in order to aid the attention and storage process so that learning
occurs through guidance, feedback and assessing and correcting errors. Therefore, information
provided should be presented in a way that is meaningful to the learners, such as discussing the
while there were no significant cultural considerations when selecting the instructional methods
used, I did have to consider my population, which consisted of undergraduate male and female
college students. Thus, I had to consider instructional methods that would be meaningful to
them as well as methods that can be practically used in their day to day lives.
effectiveness of my teaching session, I used three different evaluation methods. For the
cognitive aspect of my session, I used a question and answer time to determine if the students
had absorbed the main points of the lecture. The students chose the correct answers to these
questions which demonstrated the teaching was effective. Thus, my outcome had been met. To
evaluate the effectiveness of the group discussion as well as the entire session, I administered a 5
Point Likert Scale. Of the students surveyed, 66% strongly agreed that weekly physical activity
is important, 83% said they would incorporate regular activity into their schedules, 50% agreed
that the benefits of regular activity outweigh the inconvenience, 66% agreed that the risks of
inactivity are a threat to their health and 83% agreed that the teaching session changed their
perspective relative to the benefits of weekly physical activity. Based on these findings, it can be
concluded that the teaching session was successful. For the demonstration portion, I observed
psychomotor outcome was effectively met. My goal for this teaching plan was: the students will
identify benefits of weekly physical activity and verbalize ways to incorporate it into their
weekly schedules. This goal was partially met in that the students correctly identified benefits of
weekly physical activity. However, while they demonstrated exercises that could be
incorporated into their schedules, they did not verbalize ways in which to include regular
Throughout the process of doing this teaching project, I have learned how much goes into
an effective teaching plan. Additionally, this process has demonstrated how important education
is as a nurse. The ability to assess the needs of your students or patients and develop a teaching
plan that accurately addresses these needs is vital. Therefore, though sometimes implementing a
teaching session may not go as planned, this project has shown me the importance of making
American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults. (n.d.). Retrieved
Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing
Sailors, M., Jackson, A., McFarlin, B., Turpin, I., Ellis, K., Foreyt, J., & ... Bray, M. (2010).
Exercise Response (TIGER) study. Journal Of American College Health, 59(1), 13-20.
I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form
of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a
member of the academic community it is responsibility to turn in all suspected violators of the
Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.
Name: Allison Carlucci
Signature: Allison Carlucci
Date: 04/13/17
Appendix A
Weekly Physical Activity Needs Assessment Survey
1. I think weekly physical exercise is ___ Nothing keeps me from
important. exercising
___ Agree 5. What do you hope to gain from
exercise? (Choose one)
___ Somewhat agree
___ Improved health
___ Neither agree nor disagree
___ Weight loss
___ Disagree
___ Improved appearance
___ Improved athletic performance
2. I exercise
___ Stress relief
___ No times a week
___ I have no goal for exercise
___ Two times a week
___ Three-four times a week
6. 1 being the most likely and 5 being
___ Five or more times a week
the least likely, rate the following in
order that you would prefer to
receive health and exercise-related
3. I engage in information.
___ Group exercise classes ___ Educational class
___ Recreational sports ___ Email
___ Individual training ___ Social Media
___ I dont exercise ___ Internet website/ blog
___ Other, if so, please explain: ___ Newsletter
Appendix B
Results of Needs Assessment Survey
1. I think weekly physical exercise is 6% Nothing keeps me from
important. exercising
100% Agree 5. What do you hope to gain from
exercise? (Choose one)
___ Somewhat agree
33% Improved health
___ Neither agree nor disagree
11% Weight loss
___ Disagree
22% Improved appearance
11% Improved athletic performance
2. I exercise
11% Stress relief
6% No times a week
11% I have no goal for exercise
39% Two times a week
33% Three-four times a week
6. 1 being the most likely and 5 being
22% Five or more times a week
the least likely, rate the following in
order that you would prefer to
receive health and exercise-related
3. I engage in information.
11% Group exercise classes ___ Educational class
39% Recreational sports ___ Email
44% Individual training ___ Social Media
6% I dont exercise ___ Internet website/ blog
___ Other, if so, please explain: ___ Newsletter
Appendix C
Teaching Plan
Objectives (minimum of Content Outline * Method of Time Resources Method of Actual
3; 1 from each domain) Presentation Allotted Evaluation Outcomes
Describe how
the lack of
routine physical
activity/ a
lifestyle can
increase an
individuals risk
for obesity,
which increases
ones risk for
stroke, etc.
2. Affective
Domain: Group
Encourage 10 Discussion Likert scale discussion
during the group Group Discussion minutes prompt
group lead to the
discussion in on Power
discussion, discovery of
which the Point
the student personal
students will
will barriers that
acknowledge prevent the
barriers to students from
barriers as well
physical getting weekly
as motivators
activity as physical
to weekly
well as activity as well
physical activity
motivators. as personal
Summarize the beliefs and
common attitudes
barriers and regarding
identified by physical
the students activity.
3. Psychomotor
Domain: Demonstrate Students
After a 30- exercises that Demonstration, 10 A chair, a Observation of demonstrate
minute they can fit into return minutes water return exercises that
teaching their busy demonstration bottle and demonstration can be done
session, the schedules while canned while at
student will at home or in food home/in their
be able to their dorm. dorm or
demonstrate during a study
exercises break in order
that they can to aid in
do while at incorporating
home/in physical
their dorm. activity into
their weekly
Appendix D
5 Point Likert Scale for Affective Domain
Strongly Strongly
Disagree Agree
Question 1 2 3 4 5
Appendix E
Power Point Presentation