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Chicken Pox

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Chicken Pox

Definition of Chicken Pox

Chickenpox or varicella simplex is an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus

infection. The disease is spread by aerogen.

The incubation period

The time from exposure to illness within 2 to 3 weeks.


At the outset, the patient will feel a slight fever, runny nose, feel tired, lethargic and weak. These
symptoms are typical for viral infections. In the more severe cases, can be obtained joint pain,
headache and dizziness. A few days later there arose a reddening of the skin that is small which
was first discovered around the chest and abdomen or back and then followed arise in the limbs
and face.

Redness of the skin is then turned into a resilient fluid-filled with thin walls. The skin rash may
feel a little pain or itching that can tergaruk accident. If resilience is allowed it will soon dry to
form a scab (crust) which will be detached and leave spots on darker skin (hyperpigmentation).
These patches will fade over time so some time later will not leave marks again.

Another case if the resilient chickenpox solved. Crusts will be formed deeper so that it will dry
out much longer. This condition facilitates bacterial infections occur in scratching scar earlier.
after dries former had chickenpox will remove deep scars. Moreover, if the patient is an adult or
young adult, the former chickenpox would be more difficult to disappear.

The recommended quarantine time

For 5 days after the rash appears and until all blisters have scabbed. During the quarantine period
the patient should remain bath as usual, because the germs that are on the skin will be able to
infect the skin that are exposed to chicken pox. To avoid missing a tough scar should avoid the
outbreak of chickenpox resilient. When drying off after a bath should not rub the towel too hard.
To avoid itching, should be given a talcum powder containing menthol, thereby reducing the
friction that occurs in the skin so the skin is not much irritated. For those who have sensitive skin
can also use talcum powder salycil that does not contain menthol. Make sure you also always eat
nutritious foods to speed up the healing process itself. Consumption of fruits that contain vitamin
C such as guava and red tomato juice that can be made.
Derlu things done when the child is exposed to chicken pox:

1. It is better if child care is done by people who have been infected with smallpox. Because
usually people who have been affected by this disease will be immune.

2. For the family members who have not been exposed to smallpox, should not be too close to
the child, so as not to inhale his breath.

3. Separate the items are used, such as clothes, towels, tableware, and others. Clean the
equipment separately. Place the child also in separate beds, dang anti sheets every day.

4. Keep the quality and quantity of food the child. Give foods contain many substances that the
body needs.

5. Get enough rest. Do not let children go out to play while still continuing to grow smallpox

6. Ask the child not to scratch the itchy nodules. Cut nails or put the gloves to reduce due to
scratching. The fluid contained in the nodule is contagious. And if there is infection, the wound
healing will be more difficult, also leave marks (kropeng).

7. Apply itch medication, such as calamine powder to reduce the itch and accelerate the process
of drying the wound.

8. Bathe child with antiseptic, and use a different outfit every day.

9. Note the condition and the child's body temperature every day. If necessary, give the child
medicine to relieve fever he suffered.

10. Be alert to be an emergency. Get to the doctor when a nodule / vesicles infected with the
bacteria, such as red, swollen, and pus. And also if the child has a high fever, headache,
vomiting, itching that does not go away, when the rash has spread throughout the body and the
situation of children is improving

Mode of transmission Chicken Pox

Varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox disease is passed from one person to another through
saliva splashes coming from cough, mucous membranes or sneezing patient and flown through
the air or direct contact with infected skin. The virus enters the body through the lungs and
spread to parts of the body through the lymph nodes. After passing through a period of 14 days
this virus will spread rapidly into the skin tissue. Indeed, this disease should be experienced in
childhood than if it had grown. Because it is often the parents let their children had chicken pox

Differences prominently in the possibility nor the rate of spread of chickenpox infection are
found in temperate and tropical countries affected by the nature of the virus is susceptible of heat
at high temperatures. High humidity tends to accelerate the transmission of the virus. It is closely
related to the increasing cases of infections that occur in the summer.

"Hence, one precaution is to isolate people with chickenpox. Therefore, the broken fluid can pass
on to those who have not had chicken pox. And indeed, they were attacked is that his condition is
not fit or weak. "

Patients can transmit the disease to 24 hours before skin disorders arise until 6-7 days later.
Usually lifetime chickenpox only suffered one. If for example a human being suffering from
smallpox at 2 different times because his white blood cell may well have not been studied
smallpox virus ever come to his body, so that when it comes invasion of the smallpox virus,
white blood cells can not cope so fall and cause lumps together versikel zooster Varicella virus is
still there. The incubation period of the disease smallpox around 11-12 days.


Using the Immunization for children over the age of 12 months. Immunization is recommended
for people over the age of 12 years who do not have this kekebalan.Penyakit closely related to

To prevent chickenpox vaccine given.

Vaccination chickenpox and are at high risk for complications for people who have not received
(for example, people with immune system disorders), can be given immunoglobulin zoster or
varicella-zoster immunoglobulin.

Varicella vaccine is usually given to children aged 12-18 months

And do not make contact with an infected person to avoid contracting chickenpox varicella
zoster virus.


Varicella is actually able to heal itself. But will not close the possibility of repeated attacks when
the individual is experiencing A decrease in endurance. Varicella disease can be penggobatan
"Acyclovir" in the form of tablets of 800 mg per day every 4 hours (adult dose, which is 12 years
and above) for 7-10 days and ointments containing acyclovir 5% were applied thinly on the
surface of infected 6 times a day for 6 days. Solution "PK" as much as 1% is dissolved in the
water bath is usually also used.
After a healing period varicella, can proceed with the treatment of scars caused by consuming
lots of mineral water to neutralize the kidney after taking the drug. Consumption of vitamin C
placebo or directly from fresh fruits like guava juice, tomato juice and wine. Vitamin E for skin
moisture can be obtained from the placebo, a drink of aloe vera, or seaweed. Use extra
moisturizing lotion while the wound is completely healed necessary to avoid further irritation

To reduce the risk of bacterial infection, preferably:

Leather washed frequently with soap and water

Hand hygiene

Nails cut short

Clothes stay dry and clean


Because chickenpox is generally mild and heal by itself, the handling of chicken pox are
primarily intended to alleviate gejala.1 thing to do is:

Bed rest to taste

Paracetamol to reduce fever

Calamine and shower with lukewarm water to relieve itching

Gloves to prevent children from scratching the rash may be needed in children are very small.

Food softer and soothing if there is a rash on the mulut.

While some treatment is not recommended are:

Antihistamines are sedative (made beds) as chlorpheniramine. These drugs are not significant
to deal with itching of smallpox air.

Antivirus is not recommended for use on chickenpox without any complications. Even if the
start is given on a day where the rash first appeared, antivirus only one day reduce the length of
illness. Research conducted also showed that acyclovir (one antivirus) did not significantly
reduce the risk of complications in chickenpox. In addition the use of antiviral theoretically also
be changes in the immune response so that the virus can be activated more quickly back in the
form of herpes zoster (chickenpox snake) .6 Antivirus can be considered for use in chickenpox
with severe complications, chicken pox in infants under the age of 28 day, or in people dedngan
a low immune system. Antivirus granting this must be done within 48 hours after the rash first

Antibiotics. Antibiotics are only needed if there is a skin infection by bakteri.

Varicella Zoster Immunoglobulin (VZIG) .

VZIG is antibodies against the virus that causes chickenpox. VZIG given only on certain groups,

People with low immune systems

Pregnant women who are exposed to cases of chickenpox and have never had chicken pox

Infants under the age of 28 days were born less than 28 weeks gestational age or birth weight
less than 1000 g

Infants under the age of 28 days the mothers were exposed cases of chickenpox or had chicken
pox between 7 days before delivery up to 7 days after delivery

The important thing to remember is that VZIG only effectively prevent chickenpox if
administered within 96 hours after exposure to chickenpox cases.


Children usually recover from chickenpox without problems. But in adults as well as of people
with impaired immune systems, these infections are severe or even fatal

The complications were found in chickenpox are:

Pneomonia due to virus

Inflammation of the heart

Inflammation of the joints

Liver inflammation

Bacterial infections (erysipelas, pyoderma, bullous impetigo)

Encephalitis (brain infection)

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