(Analytical and Graphical Methods)
Exercises in Contouring
(Analytical and Graphical Methods)
1. To plot the contour lines of the traverse using the following methods:
A. Analytical method by Interpolation Method
B. Graphical method by Estimation and Triangle-scale method
2. To construct graphic scales as used in the topographic maps.
Imaginary line of constant or the same in elevation on the Earths ground surface is known as
contours. The corresponding line of the map is called a contour line. Contouring is the most
widely used methods of quantitatively representing hills, mountains, depression and other ground
undulations or roughness of terrains on a two-dimensional surface. It gives the maximum amount
of information without obscuring other essential detail as presented on the map.
Contours are shown on maps as the traces of level surfaces of different elevations. It is formed
by the intersection of a level surface with the surface of the ground. Its elevation are known
definitely such that the elevation of any point on the ground maybe derived from the map. They
are plotted or represented using two methods: (1) analytical method by using interpolation where
spacing the contour lines proportionally between points of known elevations and location; (2)
graphical method uses engineers scale and ruler to plot the contours. The rubber band, template,
scaling and approximate methods are examples of graphical method of plotting contour lines.
Designing also the graphing scale of contour map that represents the actual dimension of each
line on the ground with respect to the map enables the map user to measure specified linear units
on the map for better visualization of the actual dimension.
1. Locate on open area and subdivide the lot into 4-meter square sections. Designate these
as points A, B, C, D, etc.
2. Set up the transit at any convenient place inside the area of lot. Measure the height of the
instrument (HI) using the stadia rod.
3. Determine the location of the benchmark. If benchmark is not available, then assume the
elevation of the benchmark to be 100m above sea level.
4. Sight every points A, B, C, D, etc. and record the vertical angle with the line of sight
should have a stadia reading equal to height of instrument (HI).
5. Compute the elevation of each point and plot it on a cross section paper.
6. Construct a contour map using a horizontal scale with a contour interval given by the
instructor. The proportional spacing of each contour lines can be determined by
interpolation method using the formula below:
h= scaled horizontal distance from reference point to the contour line to be located
de= difference in elevation between the contour line to be located and reference point
DE= difference in elevation between initial reference point and succeeding point
H=scaled horizontal distance on map between initial reference point and succeeding point
7. Do the same procedure in the other squares until all the cross-sections are plotted with
contours. Use the freehand to connect all the points with mechanical pen for initial
plotting and black ink for final plotting.
B. Plotting of contours by graphical method
1. Set up the transit such that all points to be considered on the area could be sighted by the
transit and designate as point A. This is known as controlling point method.
2. Locate the north direction of the compass in the transit and place the zero mark on the
Vernier. Make sure that the telescope is in direct position for direct reading.
3. Place the stadia rod at different strategic points around the area. Release the upper clamp
then sight all the points on the area by reading the horizontal angle for the bearing and
stadia reading of the rod (upper and lower cross hairs) for the length.
4. From the given data and elevation as computed above, construct a contour map using
engineers scale and the triangular ruler (30-60) or straight edge.
5. Plot the horizontal control upon which the given tabulated data are to be indicated. All
necessary map information, labels, points and their respective elevation and survey lines
must be shown on the drawing paper.
6. With the use of the engineers triangular scale and the 30-60 ruler, interpolate along
each line defining the perimeter of the tract of land. Place the triangular scale edge on the
initial reference point with the zero mark of the scale and place the 30-60 ruler on the
top of the scale.
7. Put the edge or the end part of the part of the ruler to the succeeding point then slide the
triangular scale up and down until it reaches the position of the point of the succeeding
point. (Refer to the accompanying sketch below.)
8. Make the necessary measurement by sliding the ruler at every contour interval on the line
in consideration. If the edge of the ruler does not intersect with the succeeding point then
try another scale for the proper adjustment.
9. Use the pencil for initial plotting and a technical pen for final plotting. Write the proper
location of the index contour and its corresponding elevation.
10. The same procedure can be performed using template, approximation and rubber band
method to plot the contour of the contour map.
11. Construct also the graphic scale of the contour map drawn using the existing condition of
the lengths or distance between points of the area surveyed.
Exercises in Contouring
(Analytical and Graphical Methods)
Rod Vertical
Reading Angle
Occ Obs
BM1 1.3 554 0.790 100.51 100
A1 1.3 -554 -0.524 100.51 98.686
A2 1.3 -356 -0.619 100.51 98.591
STA1 A3 1.3 -251 -0.649 100.51 98.561
A4 1.3 -214 -0.663 100.51 98.547
A5 1.3 -210 -0.795 100.51 98.415
HI = 100 + RR VD
= 100 + 1.30 0.790
= 100.51
= 100.51 1.30 + (-0.524)
= 98.70
= 100.51 1.30 + (-0.619)
= 98.60
= 100.51 1.30 + (-0.649)
= 98.56
= 100.51 1.30 + (-0.663)
= 98.55
= 100.51 1.30 + (-0.795)
= 98.42
Contouring needs the determination of elevation of various points on the ground and at the same
the horizontal positions of those points should be fixed. Using analytical method, We started this
field work by locating an open area which is near the parents hall and we designate points A1,
A2, A3, A4 & A5. We set up the transit inside the area of lot and started measuring the height of
the instrument (HI) using the stadia rod and started to sight every points and record the vertical
angle with the line of sight should have a stadia reading equal to height of instrument (HI). After
we gathered the data that we need we compute the elevation of each point and plot it on a cross
section paper. We also construct a contour map using a horizontal scale with a contour interval
given by our instructor.
I therefore conclude that the analytical method is based on the principle that the ratio of the
horizontal length of a line to the difference in elevation between its extremities is the same ratio
of the horizontal distance between either extremity and any intermediate point on the line to the
difference in elevation between the selected extremity and the intermediate point.
d) Form Lines
b) Shading
2. Draw all characteristics of contours in one combined drawing.
Designate the characteristics by leveling every contour.
1. To study the general character of the tract of the country without visiting the ground.
With the knowledge of characteristics of contours, it is easy to visualize whether country
is flat, undulating or mountainous.
2. To decide the sites for engineering works such as reservoirs, canals, roads and railways
etc. on the basis of the economy.
3. To determine the catchment area of the drainage basin and hence capacity of the
proposed reservoir.
4. To compute the earth work required for filling or cutting along the linear alignment of the
projects such as canals, roads, etc.
5. To find out the inter-visibility of the points.
6. To trace out a contour gradient for road alignments.
7. To draw longitudinal and cross- sections to ascertain nature of the ground.