IELTS General Reading Test 2. Section 1
IELTS General Reading Test 2. Section 1
IELTS General Reading Test 2. Section 1
Section 1
Read Section 1 and answer Questions 114
In cases of emergency (e.g. fire), find the nearest teacher who will: send a messenger at full speed to
the Office OR inform the Office via phone ext. 99.
1. Warning of an emergency evacuation will be marked by a number of short bell rings. (In the event
of a power failure, this may be a hand-held bell or siren.)
3. Students will leave their bags, books and other possessions where they are.
5. Classes will vacate the premises using the nearest staircase. If these stairs are inaccessible, use
the nearest alternative staircase. Do not use the lifts. Do not run.
6. Each class, under the teachers supervision, will move in a brisk, orderly fashion to the paved
quadrangle area adjacent to the car park.
8. The Marshalling Supervisor, Ms Randall, will be wearing a red cap and she will be waiting there
with the master timetable and staff list in her possession.
9. Students assemble in the quad with their teacher at the time of evacuation. The teacher will do a
head count and check the roll.
10. Each teacher sends a student to the Supervisor to report whether all students have been
accounted for. After checking, students will sit down (in the event of rain or wet pavement they may
remain standing).
11. The Supervisor will inform the Office when all staff and students have been accounted for.
12. All students, teaching staff and support personnel remain in the evacuation area until the All
Clear signal is given.
13. The All Clear will be a long bell ring or three blasts on the siren.
14. Students will return to class in an orderly manner under teacher guidance.
15. In the event of an emergency occurring during lunch or breaks, students are to assemble in their
home-room groups in the quad and await their home-room teacher.
Questions 1-8
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
6. Each class teacher will count up his or her students and mark .
8. If there is an emergency at lunchtime, students gather in the quad in and wait for their
Read the texts below and answer Questions 914
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Questions 914
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?
In boxes 914 on your answer sheet, write
12. The New Enterprise Module can help your business become more profitable.
13. Social Networking focuses on a specific website to help your business succeed.