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Syllabus (Crim Law 1)

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College of Law

Criminal Law 1 - Section E First Semester

Atty. David J. V. Yap SY 2019-2020
Sundays 10am to 1pm Room 309

“A man once said one should learn as if he would never be able to

master it and hold on to it for fear of losing what he has learned.”

Course Description:

This course is a study of the Revised Penal Code - Book One

(Articles 1-113). The general principles of criminal law as opposed to
specific crimes are studied and appreciated.

Course Objectives:

This course aims to provide students a knowledgeable

understanding of the Book One of the Revised Penal Code. . At the end of
the semester, students who deserve to pass this course are expected to
have a working knowledge of the general principles of criminal law and
their jurisprudential applications.

“Everyone who lives ought to be wise; it is as good as receiving an

inheritance and will give you as much security as money can.
Wisdom keeps you safe – this is the advantage of knowledge.”
Ecclesiastes 7:11-12 (Good News Translation)

Suggested Text Book –

No suggested textbook. It is necessary for a student to have a Codal of

the Penal Code.

Selected Bibliography :

Reyes, Luis B. . Revised Penal Code – Book One 18th Edition.

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Boado, Leonor D., Criminal Law

Defensor-Santiago, Miriam, Penal Code Annotated – Book 1., 2nd Ed.

Aquino, Ramon C. , The Revised Penal Code. Book 1. 1987 Ed

Amurao, Maximo P. , Commentaries on Criminal Law, Revised Penal

Code, Book One. 2013.

Nojara, Freddie M., Criminal Law: Concepts and Jurisprudence

Campanilla, Revised Penal Code, Book One

Course Policies:

Attendance and tardiness

1. Students are allowed only four (4) absences. A student who

exceeds the maximum number of absences will automatically
receive a final grade of 5. Consideration for absences beyond
the maximum will be on a case to case basis with the professor
evaluating the reason(s) for the absences. There is no need for
a student to submit any excuse letter for an absence for so long
as his or her absence is within the allowable number.

2. Perfect attendance will earn the equivalent of 100 points. ; One
absence (1) – 94 points; Two (2) absences– 88 points; Three
(3) absences 82 points; ; Four (4) absences - 75 points. This
will form 15% of the student’s final grade.
The class Beadle will be responsible for computing the
attendance points for each student.

3. No attendance roll call will be done. The class Beadle shall

submit the attendance for the day upon the arrival of the

4. Tardiness for thirty (30) minutes or more will be considered


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5. In the unlikely event that your professor will not be able to
attend the day’s class, he will call the Class Beadle at least three
(3) hours before the start of class so that students will be
appropriately informed. Make-up class, if necessary, will be
agreed and scheduled.

Quizzes and examinations

6. There will be written mid-term and final examinations.

7. No makeup exam will be given. If a student misses either a

midterm exam or a final exam because of a valid reason,
his/her grade for that particular exam will be the equivalent to
his/her other midterm exam or final exam. If a student misses
either a midterm exam or final exam without a valid reason,
he/she will be given a grade of zero for the exam missed.

8. No special projects or concessions will be given in

consideration for absences or no exams.

9. Cheating is a violation of University rules and shall be dealt

with accordingly. A student caught cheating will never be able
to take the Bar Examinations as one guilty of moral turpitude is
not allowed to take the Bar Examinations.

10. Consultations: A student who wish to consult with the

professor may inform the Class Beadle so the date and time for
consultation can be scheduled. It is preferable that this be
before or after the regular class.

Course Outline

11. Subject outline and list of assigned cases will be given after
the 2nd class meeting

12. Students are required to prepare case digests of assigned

cases. This will be in writing

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Class Protocol

13. We will follow a modified Socratic teaching method in class.

Thus, classes will be recitation with lectures. A classmate
caught coaching the one reciting in whatever form or means
will also be given a grade of 60 and will be called to recite for
another grade. Recitation grade will be from 60 to 100. A
grade of 60 is also a no answer or a completely wrong answer.

14. English is the language in class. Spanish or Latin is allowed

if it is part of the subject under discussion. Only the professor
has the license to speak in any language or dialect he desires.

15. As in a courtroom, any student who is called to recite must

do so standing.

16. Any student who wish to talk may only do so after being
recognized by the Professor and once recognized, the student
must first stand up before talking. This is what happens in the
courtroom and as early as your first year in law school you
should have that discipline. No talking between and among
classmates while inside the classroom. This will be strictly

17. A student who wish to go to the rest room may do so by

going to the back of the classroom. The student should go out
and back to the room using the backdoor.

18. Students reciting should talk loud enough for both the
Professor and the rest of the class to hear.

19. Smart phones should be placed on silent mode. A student

whose smart phone rings during class will be asked to leave
the classroom.

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20. There will be no removal examination. No motions for
reconsideration will be entertained.


21. Grades will be:

98 % to 100 % - 1.0
95% to 97 % - 1.25
91% to 94 % - 1.5
88% to 90% - 1.75
84% to 87% - 2.0
80% to 83 % - 2.25
76% to 79% - 2.5
73% to 75% - 2.75
70 % to 72% - 3.0
Below 70% 5

22. Breakdown for grades:

Midterm Exams - 35%

Final Exams - 35%
Attendance - 15%
Recitation - 5%
Quizzes - 10%

“Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your

life - guard it well.” Proverbs 4:13 (Good News Translation)


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