Erosive Lichen Planus of The Oral Cavity: A Case
Erosive Lichen Planus of The Oral Cavity: A Case
Erosive Lichen Planus of The Oral Cavity: A Case
Case Report
P Rajesh Raj1, Nadah Najeeb Rawther1, Jittin James2, KP Siyad3, Sheeba Padiyath4
Post Graduate Student, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mar Baselios Dental College, Kerala, India, 2Senior
Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Mar Baselios Dental College, Kerala, India, 3Senior Lecturer, Department of
Periodontics, Indira Gandhi Dental College, Kerala, India, 4Reader, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mar
Baselios Dental College, Kerala, India
Erosive lichen planus (LP) is a clinical form of oral LP characterized by the bilateral presentation of erosive and erythematous
areas in the oral cavity usually the buccal mucosa with predominance in middle aged females with undue stress factors. In this
article, we are giving a case report of a 56-year-old female patient who came to our Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
with a chief complaint of burning sensation of the mouth to hot and spicy food. The diagnosis was given as erosive LP. We also
aim to review the literature and management of the lesion with reference to the same.
Keywords: Burning sensation, Erosive lichen planus, Oral lichen planus, Topical steroids, Wickhams striae
Corresponding Author: Dr. Nadah Najeeb Rawther, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mar Baselios Dental College, Kerala,
India. Phone: +91-9746122926. E-mail:
Figure 1: Erosive and erythematous lesions on the left buccal Figure 3: Healed areas on the left buccal mucosa after 6
mucosa months
Figure 2: Erosive areas on the right buccal mucosa Figure 4: Healed areas of the right buccal
like lip chewing, and trauma from sharp cusps.1 Our of attached gingival which is a common site of occurrence
patient was in undue stress because of family problems. of atrophic LP, representing desquamative gingivitis.9
It has been suggested that OLP has a close association with Erosive: Ulcerative and bullous - Ulcerative and bullous
stress and high anxiety levels. During this time there is the types are the most devastating. Clinically this lesion
increase in the blood cortisol level and salivary cortisol presents as fibrin coated ulcers within the plaques
levels leading to the conclusion that psychological factors surrounded by an erythematous zone frequently
are strongly associated with this disease entity.9 displaying radiating white striae. Size of the bullae varies
from 4 mm to 2 cm and ruptures easily leaving behind
The pathogenesis of LP is due to four main mechanisms: an erythematous area.7 Common sites are there tongue
Antigen-specific cell-mediated immune response, humoral and buccal mucosa at the line of occlusion particularly
immunity, autoimmune response, and non-specific adjacent to the second and third molar region. These
mechanisms.4 lesions can affect the quality of a patients life as it is
Patients with OLP frequently have the concomitant
disease in one or more extra-oral sites also. The common According to the above literature, our patient had an
sites of occurrence in erosive, LP is the mouth, esophagus, erosive type of LP with erythematous areas and fine
and the anogenital region.5 radiating striae and she was symptomatic with burning
The classic appearance of skin lesions is being described
by the six ps: planar, plaque, pruritic, purple, polygonal, The classical clinical presentation of the lesion is
and popular.1 Typically skin lesions develop after the sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. 2 An oral
appearance of oral lesions and it has been found that the biopsy of the lesion with histopathologic confirmation is
severity of oral lesions does not correlate with the skin recommended to confirm the clinical diagnosis and also
lesions. The most frequent extra-oral site in 20% of female to exclude chances of dysplasia and malignancy. Direct
patients with OLP is the genital mucosa where the erosive immunofluorescence giving a band like pattern due to
form of disease is the predominant type.6 the deposition of fibrinogen in the basement membrane
zone and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays can also
The red and white components of the oral lesions can be be helpful in reaching the confirmation of the diagnosis,
part of following textures. especially when desquamative gingivitis is also present.4
Reticular - Characterized by the presence of fine lacy white The classic histopathological features include a dense,
streaks or striae in an annular, circular or interlocking continuous, band-like lymphocytic infiltration with
pattern (Honiton lace). In the periphery of the striations jagged or sawtooth shaped rete ridges of the basal
there is often an erythematous zone, which reflects layer. The dermal papillae between the elongated
the subepithelial inflammation.2 Most frequent site of rete ridges are frequently dome shaped. 5 Necrotic
occurrence is the buccal mucosa and the mucobuccal fold keratinocytes are often observed in the basal layer.
and rarely on mucosal side of lips, tongue and gingival.9 Eosinophilic remnants of anucleate apoptotic basal cells
may also be found and are referred to as colloid or
Papular: Present in the initial phase of disease, clinically civatte bodies. Even in our case similar histopathological
characterized by small pinpoint white dots of size features were seen (Figure 5).
approximately 0.5 mm which in most intermingles with
reticular form giving a pebbly white or gray appearance. The differential diagnosis involves lichenoid reactions,2
These are often missed during diagnosis and are leukoplakia, candidiasis, erythema multiforme, pemphigus
asymptomatic.9 vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid, secondary syphilis, and
lupus erythematosis.1
Plaque like: Characterized by large homogenous
well demarcated white plaque often but not always Until date, there is no cure for OLP or for its dermal
surrounded by striae resembling proliferative verrucous counterpart. The goal of the treatment is to relieve the
leukoplakia. Mostly found on the tongue and buccal symptoms of the patients and to monitor the dysplastic
mucosa.8 This is usually found in tobacco smokers and changes rather than cure.3
has a poor prognosis.
Corticosteroids have proved to be effective medications
Erythematous or atrophic: Characterized by homogenous for controlling signs and symptoms of five, these
red area with striations frequently seen at periphery.8 immunological diseases. 6 The following topical
Some patients may also present with erythematous OLP medications have been tried in the short-term treatment
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