Speak Up in Class
Speak Up in Class
Speak Up in Class
A - Before you start
Answer the questions with a partner.
1) What do you know about bats?
2) Do you ever see bats near your house?
3) Are they a protected species in Spain?
B Read and answer
Read these statements and write T (true)
or F (false).
1) The bats of Austin fly out in the evening and return
to the bridge in the morning.
2) The bats are mostly females.
3) There were no bats in Austin before 1980.
4) The show lasts for hours.
5) The bats cause damage to agriculture.
6) Visitors to the bridge can buy souvenirs with
pictures of bats on them.
7) You need an umbrella because it often rains
in Austin.
8) The bats fly out at exactly the same time
every evening.
4) What was there on this site in medieval times? C Listen and answer (Optional)
5) Who became the owner of Powerscourt in the N.B. This interview is graded as C1, so dont
17th century? How? be discouraged if you find it difficult. Try to
6) When did Daniel Robertson design the present understand the main points.
gardens? Read these statements. Then listen to the interview
7) Why wasnt Powerscourt opened to visitors in with Michael Byrne, without reading, and write T
the 1970s? (true) or F (false).
8) When was it eventually opened to the public? 1) There are few beautiful gardens in Ireland.
2 two
2) It took over 30 years to complete the gardens
at Powerscourt.
3) The Italian garden was modelled on the garden
of a villa in Rome.
4) Machines were used for the heavy work of
digging out the gardens.
5) Lord Powerscourt wanted to see the Sugar Loaf
Mountain while he was having breakfast.
6) Tinks Trail is designed to help children explore
the gardens.
7) Michael Byrne studied Agriculture at university
in England.
8) His first job was in a bank.
three 3
Toms Guide to London [B1 INTERMEDIATE]
A - Before you start
Answer the questions with a partner.
1) Do you like sightseeing? Why (not)?
2) When youre visiting a place, how do you decide
what to go and see?
3) What are the main tourist attractions in your
own area?
4 four
five 5
Answers habitat for the bats.
5) They thought they were pests
and that they were dangerous
BATS! and flew into peoples hair.
B Read and answer 6) The farmers save money on
1) T pesticides because the bats eat
2) T 5,000 to 10,000 kilos of insects
3) F- There have always been bats every night. The town makes $10
in Austin. million every year from the tour-
4) F It lasts for an hour. ists that come to see the bats.
5) F Its the insects that damage 7) When they are five weeks old.
crops, not the bats. 8) They smell.
6) T
7) F You need an umbrella, but D Learn it! Use it!
not for the rain: it is to protect you 1) clouds
from bat excrement. 2) weight 5) to
8) F The Bat Hotline will tell 3) last 6) there
you what time the bats will come 4) harmless 7) is
out. 5) narrow 8) told/advised
6) holes 9) us
C Read and answer 7) catch 10) why
1) They are looking for food. 8) give birth
2) They arrive from Mexico. F Check your pronunciation
3) In the holes or deep openings E Ready for KET? 1) bridge
in the bridge. 1) writing/sending 2) farmer
4) Because they restored the 2) last 3) near
bridge in 1980 and made deep 3) the 4) live
openings which were a perfect 4) had/ate 5) habitat
6 six
B Read and answer 6) b
1) Its purpose is to make its read-
ers appreciate all that London has E Learn it! Use it!
to offer. 1) leap year
2) It led to a book, which was pub- 2) climbed
lished last year. 3) several
3) He felt that he was doing the 4) thrifty
same thing every day and decided 5) supposed
he wanted to get the most out of 6) chance
4) He thinks its the greatest city on F Ready for PET?
earth. 1) known
5) He did it himself. 2) best
6) It doesnt talk about the stand- 3) at
ard tourist attractions. 4) was
5) education
D Listen, read and check your 6) as
answers 7) asked
1) c 8) took
2) c 9) death
3) b 10) which
seven 7