Field Proven: Southeast Asia Southern Oklahoma
Field Proven: Southeast Asia Southern Oklahoma
Field Proven: Southeast Asia Southern Oklahoma
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Calcium Carbonate Scaling Problem Calcium Sulfate Scaling Problem
Figure 3, Flowing Well in Southeast Asia. To inhibit a calcium carbonate Figure 5, Rod-Pumped Well in Southern Oklahoma. A calcium
problem, 110 gal of ScaleCaps were pumped into the well and displaced to carbonate deposition problem used 15 gal of ScaleCaps. Caps were circulated
the rathole. Average fluid production during test was 4029 BOPD and into the well and the well shut-in to allow the inhibitor to fall into the
5232 BWPD. rathole. Average production during the test was 15 BOPD and 385 BWPD.
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Calcium Sulfate Scaling Problem Carbonate Scaling Problem
Figure 4, Rod Pumped Well inWest Texas. A chronic gypsum problem Figure 6, Rod Pumped Well in East Texas. Calcium carbonate scale was
was treated with 10 gal of ScaleCaps by circulating the inhibitor into the inhibited with 10 gal of ScaleCaps circulated into well. Shut-in time allowed
well and allowing it to fall into the rathole. Average production during test the inhibitor to fall into the rathole. Average production during test was
was 19 BOPD and 227 BWPD. 210 BOPD and 35 BWPD.
Information contained in this brochure is representative of tests conducted on a developmental project. The information is believed to be accurate, but all recommendations are made without warranty, since the conditions of use are
beyond UNICHEMs control. UNICHEM does not warrant against infringement by reason of the use of any of its products in combination with other materials or in any process.