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Always in fashion

Bizerba System class SC II scales

The new Bizerba System class stands for perfect weighing
performance, encompassing a broad spectrum of weights. The
scales are equipped with a high performance processor which
utilises the latest communications technology and offers the
highest level of flexibility in terms of individualising the set-
tings from the keypad layout to the software enhancements.

Professional connections
Multi-functionality guaranteed relevant hardware interfaces as standard so that cash registers,

scanners and e-cash terminals can be connected, hassle-free.

SC II scales come in various different model variations, all

optimally adapted to the relevant requirements whether for Efficiency guaranteed

serving customers, self-service, displaying the price or for use in

the checkout area. The high quality weighing cells weigh small The SC II are already fitted with energy-saving components and

product quantities just as accurately as larger heavier loads. The now come with integrated lithium-ion battery technology as

various forms platform scales, stand scales and scales with optional. This is an advantage with mobile trade or on market or

separate loud receptor combine weighing, labelling and cash special sales stalls as well as in the case of power cuts or fluctua-

till functions to form efficient work processes. tions as the scales can function reliably for up to 10 hours without

an external power supply. The scales can also be fitted with a 12 V

System integration guaranteed adapter which enables them to be powered using a car battery.

All of the SC II scales have one thing in common: the PC-based Attractiveness guaranteed

operating system Microsoft Windows CE, the high performance

400 MHz processor and a 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet network The Bizerba System Class fits in perfectly with any existing shop

adaptor which enables up to 30 devices to communicate with ambience thanks to its modern design and subtle case colour.

the back office and between one another. The system can even Every last detail has been taken into consideration including the

be operated wirelessly, if required. The scales come with all the ability to clean the scales in an instant. The suspended versions are

particularly space-saving in design and can be positioned above

any potentially unclean areas of the counter. The standing version

impresses with its ergonomically designed operation, in direct eye

contact with the customer. And the split version offers greater

flexibility in the design of the operation area and the selection of

the load receptor.

What could be more cost-

efficient? Do it yourself!

As an alternative, a linerless printer

can be used which operates using

Bizerba linerless thermo-rolls wit-

hout the need for carrier tape. An

investment which brings plenty of


n More labels

due to longer run length

(Price saving approx. 40 %)

n Less paper consumption

due to the automatic adaptati-

on of the paper length to the

text length

n Fewer roll changes

even with increased customer

Receipt printing Label printing Decorative labels

n Sticking not stapling

One printer, multiple applications Secure and hygienic adhesion to

bags none of the dangers

The standard version of the SC II scales comes with a label printer which can produce receipts presented by stapling
and adhesive price receipts in addition to labels (and decorative labels). This means that large n Less waste No carrier tape
amounts of text, as in the case of ingredients, recipes, recommended methods of preparation Helps protect the environment
and advertising information can be printed out in a flexible manner using the best suited mate- and save on waste disposal
rial. Label print-outs can also be reduced by printing 1 or 2 labels, depending on the length of costs
text. And there are no more long queues caused by frequent paper changes and no more need n Only with Bizerba Linerless:
to stockpile various pre-printed labels as individual layouts can be printed on blank paper. The Adhesive-free grip edge on
use of Bizerba supplies however does increase the resilience and lifespan of the printhead as the receipt (European patent
labels and paper are optimally adapted to suit the Bizerba System class. EP 1053289B2)
SC II 100 / SC II 200
SC II 100 SC II 200

Platform scales for serving custo- Platform scales with customer

mers, self-service and price labelling. display on stand for serving custo-

Checkout area solutions combined mers and price labelling.

with a cash till drawer.

SC II 100 customer view

SC II 100

SC II 200 customer view

SC II 100
With Niro cash till drawer

SC II 200
336 270

356 50 (248)

210 52 210

270 336 270

336 270 336



ca. 11.5
ca. 11.5




50 (248) 356 50 330 (248) 50 248 330

360 330 432 360

432 432

SC II 100 SC II 200

26 26
SC II 100 G
SC II 100 G

Platform scales with separate load

receptor up to max. 150 kg for serving

customers and displaying prices.

SC II 100 G customer view

SC II 100 G



340 229

SC II 100 G SC II 100 G
with load receptor type 18 A with load receptor type 150 (350)
max 130 (98)
min 115 (92)




270 336 270

400 (600)
311 (500)

340 229 Sortie de cble

ca. 11.5


50 248 330 436 50 248

411 (650)
432Ansicht v. unten 360
500 (800)
SC II 100 G 44 Load receptor type 18 A Load receptor type 150 (350)
Kabellnge ca. 3 m Kabellnge ca. 3 m
Lastaufnehmer Typ 150 (350)


M 1:2.5 M 1:2.5

Informative display/display field

M5 (3x)26 269



The LCD displays on the System class can be adapted to different lighting conditions

via the dimmer function. Text and customer information of up to 35 characters can

be displayed in a bright, 65clear and legible manner via the high resolution, back-lit

graphics display. This enables the customer to follow all of the information, even if

advertising text is also included. The six display lines guarantee optimal user operation

and programming.
SC II 400
SC II 400

Suspended scales for serving customers or self-

service, in particular in areas which require damp

cleaning such as with fruit, vegetable and fish

sales. Comes with 48 or 96 keys with a mix of


SC II 400 customer view

SC II 400






130 108
362 142




SC II 400
SC II 500
SC II 500

Self-service or Quick-service scales with

keypad and customer display on stand.

Available with 48, 96 144 or 192 keys or

with a mix of components.

SC II 500 Customer view

SC II 500

459 459
362 362
54 54 291 291
210 210

221 221










64 64


50x65 50x65


276 276
190 (tube)

190 (tube)

336 336 Ellipse Ellipse (65) (65) 270 270





84 84 248 248 14 14
315 315
360 360
342 342 13 13

SC II 500 SB1 / QS1

360 360 53 210
53 210

94.5 462.1 94.5 462.1

362 68.2 362
78.6 78.6

736.2 736.2

654.3 654.3

459.6 459.6




86.2 86.2
236 127.7 236 127.7
Rohr = Ellipse Rohr = Ellipse 65x50 50
270 65x50 50


50 50 270

336 336 65 65



400 400
132.9 132.9

80.5 80.5


0 0


37.5 37.5 84 84
248 248


411 44.5

315 315

276 276

342 342
65 311 44.5 65 311 44.5
460 460 500 500
500 500
614.2 614.2
628.5 628.5

SC II 500 SB2 / QS2 SC II 500 SB1 / QS1 with load receptor type 150
SC II 800
SC II 800

Stand scales for serving customers or self-

service. Checkout area solution combined

with cash till drawer.

SC II 800

SC II 800 Customer view

39 210 134 471


SC II 800 with tactile keypad and 270


Niro cash till drawer



315 100 248

SC II 800

Tailor-made right down to the reporting function

The Bizerba System class adapts to the user, and not the other also be added via a keypad frame. Just one press of the key is suf-

way around. The flexible configuration of the tactile and ficient to initiate an entire functional process. This saves valuable

membrane keypad enables the device to be individually adapted minutes, avoids operational errors and enables time-controlled

to your operational and/or service processes. The PLUs and report issuing without the need for staff input: regular, daily,

functions are easy to modify. Even untrained staff members will weekly or monthly reports can be automatically issued as required

quickly learn to use the scales. If required and as an additional and on time.

help feature for temporary staff, coloured key pictograms can

... Boost sales with
Visual Merchandising ...

Equipped with a customer supplied 7 inch screen (option), SC II scales display

full-screen and long-term advertising. When the PLU is started, additional in-
formation, product images or additional purchasing information (cross-selling)
can also be displayed on the customer screen. Contents can be loaded very
easily, e.g. from a USB stick, over the Ethernet by manual distribution (FTP)
or by using Bizerba .RetailImpact software.
SC II 100 7
SC II 100 with 7 Display

Platform scale for serving customers.

7 customer screen for professional

advertising and product information.

SC II 100 7 Customer view

Full-screen advertising

Long-term advertising

Advertise your offers to specific target groups Images in jpg and bmp file formats are suitable for full-screen and

The scale can store 12 advertising lists for 12 months with any long-term advertising. The images are adapted automatically

number of images (1 to 99). In serving breaks, the full screen is to the scales screen resolution. This reliably avoids any impairment

free to display adverts (full-screen advertising). While serving, the to scale functions (journal, data backup, updates, etc.), since

advertising area is reduced automatically (long-term advertising). the scale has enough memory capacity for advertising at all times.
SC II 400 7...
SC II 400 with 7 Display

Suspended scale for serving customers.

in the fruit, vegetable or fish department.

7 customer screen for professional

advertising and product information.

SC II 400 7 Customer view

Long-term advertising
SC II 800 7...
SC II 800 with 7 Display

Stand scale for serving customers.

7 customer screen for professional

advertising and product information.

SC II 800 7 Customer view

Full-screen advertising
The keys of the Bizerba System class can be individually the key is sufficient to initiate an entire functional process
adapted to your requirements as the keypad functions are (macro). This prevents operational errors and enables, for
flexible in terms of their configuration. The keypad layout example, time-controlled report issuing.
can also be designed to suit your needs. Just one press of

Unique tailor-made keypads

Operator keypads

When it comes to the operator keypad, you can choose from the

standard membrane keypad or a tactile keypad.

Membrane keypad Tactile keypad

Colourful keys make the device easy to use, even for tem- The tactile keypad is tried and tested worldwide. It has
porary staff. Bizerba Screen Designer software is available, a great feel and guarantees to offer secure, fast and
if required, to enable the individual design of the memb- comfortable operation. The silicon membrane also enables
rane keypad. labelling of the keyboard.

Silicon membrane panel with 54 keys Silicon membrane panel with 30 keys Tactile keypad with optional 24 keys
in keypad frame for use in self-service
Mixed components on self-service keypad

with large and small keys

Text, PLU and graphics can all be displayed on the self-service keypad layout even clearer. The result: greater clarity, user com-

keypad, depending on requirements: with 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, fort and operational security. It is easy to find the right key even

192, 216 tactile keys or individual mixed component designs with large product ranges and the flexible programming of the

from 12 to 216 keys. The scope of the design is further enhanced keypad means that seasonal adaptations can be implemented

by the addition of 4 different key sizes to make the operator quickly and effectively.

Self-service keypad 48 keys Self-service keypad 48 keys and 24 Self-service keypad 96 keys and 24
key frame added to operator keypad key frame added to operator keypad

Self-service keypad 48 keys and Self-service keypad 96 keys and Self-service keypad mixed
operator keypad (shown with operator keypad (shown with components
optional tactile keypad) optional tactile keypad)

Self-service keypad for entering item

number via the numbers
Even the basic version of the Bizerba System class comes with
a data exchange interface. Personnel planning can be optimi-
sed using a host connection and based on customer frequency
analyses. The control and planning of the product assortment
is also possible based on the item, product group, analyses of
whether products are selling well or not and user information.

... Tomorrows technology, today ...

Remote data management and updates performance and fast-operating hardware of the Bizerba System

class guarantees fast operation and forms the basis for future

The remote service supports and accelerates communication updates and expansions. This means that users can implement new

between the headquarters and scales. All adjustments can be standards and ideas in a fast and flexible manner.

made and checked from a remote location. Data on all of the

scales can also be updated and software functions activated or Added value you can count on

de-activated. The scales can also be adjusted in real time to take

account of price offers (e.g. happy hour) or customer loyalty The integrated 32 MB database means that there is no need to

programmes (e.g. linking loyalty rewards with products). add additional memory cards and enables the entire product range

to be stored by each set of scales. As a result, all of the scales can

Applying new weighing programme standards to the entire easily be used in another department in the event of a malfunc-

scales system is also hassle-free. All data is saved automatically tion or shortage, thereby increasing security and availability. Large

via the remote update function and then fed back to the scales quantities of item data (such as basic price and unit price), product

database. An e-mail will then be sent, reporting whether the descriptions, product groups and shelf lives can be downloaded

programme update for the relevant scales has been successful- as standard. And here is plenty of storage capacity left over for a

ly completed. This saves both valuable time and costs for the comprehensive reporting system to present the turnover for the

service employees on-site. It is also a reliable means of ensu- various product groups, optimise storage or for periodic compa-

ring that all of the devices are operating using the same data, risons of various turnover levels. And last but not least, sales can

without any time-consuming labour-intensive checks. The high be increased and managed economically using the Bizerba System

class through targeted price reductions on perishable goods, sup-

ported by customer loyalty card systems and a turnover-based staff

reward system.

Bizerba System Class scales fit in perfectly with the available IT

infrastructure (optional wireless). The addition of an inventory
control system means that price modifications, new items, special
deals and turnover analyses can be carried out in a matter of se-
conds. This enables the full range of SC II services to be used.
The next generation of retail concepts
all from one place and with specialist
expertise from the fresh foods industry.

Ideal form and function

The daily cleaning of the scales is

made much easier thanks to the

Whatever form you choose, its always fun to
smooth case surface and protected
work with the Bizerba System class devices as
wear-free keys. The print heads
they are so easy to operate and run smoothly.
simply fold away to enable the tho-
This is all thanks to the high quality design and
rough cleaning of the printer. And
material used.
if something isnt working properly,

the Bizerba Service can offer fast

and competent support.

The protection of your investment

through the preventative care and

maintenance of the devices is easily

and effectively enhanced through

the modular offers included in

the Bizerba service contracts. The

wide range of services available is

further extended by the compre-

hensive range of original Bizerba

accessories and various financing

and leasing options offered by BLG

Bizerba Leasing.
SC II Linerless printer
n Like the label printer
Weighing range 3/6 kg 6/15 kg 15/30 kg1) 30 kg1)
n Receipt and label layout without carrier tape
Scale interval 1/2 g 2/5 g 5/10 g 5g n Variable label length depending on data quantity
Minimum load 20 g 40 g 100 g 100 g Operating system
Max load -6 kg -15 kg -30 kg -30 kg n Microsoft Windows CE
Automatic zeroing function, programmable zeroing key 1)
Option Data storage
n 32 MB on SD card
SC II 100 G with load receptor type 150/350 in (kg)
Programmable data per PLU
Weighing range 6/15 15/30 30 30/60 60 120 60/150 n Basic/ unit price, product description max. 500 characters, additional text max. 6000 characters,
Scale interval 2/5 g 5/10 g 5 g 10/20 g 10 g 20 g 20/50 g product images, product group, shelf life, barcode, price override, tare weight, VAT, offer price,
offer text, by count (= number of items), fixed weight, price basis kg, 100 g, 500 g, lb, 1/4 lb,
Minimum load 40 g 100 g 100 g 200 g 200 g 400 g 400 g
graduated price, timed campaignes, 3 price categories
Load receptor type 150/350 Operating modes
n Bell-shaped weighing platform is made of stainless steel n Operator, self-service and quick service- Cash till functions with pay-in/out function
n The main and platform frame are made of milde steel (galvanized) or n Manual or automatic price labelling, with or without addition
in stainless steel n Weight and fixed price labelling
Display n Pre-selected number for automatic printing
n LCD dot matrix display 64 x 240 dot with LED back lighting, colour: orange Reports/ evaluations
n Adjustable contrast and brightness n Comprehensive flexible configuration of reporting for PLU, product groups,
n Character count for text: approx. 35 main product groups, VAT, sales staff, department, main department, training
n Number of lines for programming: 6 n Frequency of sales for department, product groups and sales staff
n Weight display: 4 or 5-digit n Various assortment criteria
n Basic price display: 6-digit, Sale price display: 7-digit n Price modification journal, electronic log of receipts
n Tare weight display: 4 or 5-digit n In combination with licensed software: cashier, inventory, wastage weighing,
returns, operator time recording
Customer screen (option) for SC II 100, 400 and 800
n 7 TFT LCD colour screen with LED backlighting, WVGA resolution (800 x 480 dots) Other service features
n Product images n Function menus, weighing programmes loadable via interface, various tare weight options, operational help
n Cross-selling images on display, password protected menu, remote programme update, remote service, language switching of menu
n Full-screen advertising Other service features with use as operator scales
n Long-term advertising n Receipt cancellation, scrolling function with cancellation, paying in/out,
Keypad foreign currency conversions, seller log on/off, bonus points, customer card
n Membrane or tactile keypad (option), 84 keys incl. 30 function and Licences for software module
54 direct keys for PLU and/or other functions n Proof of origin, till function, scanning, electronic cash, operator time recording, inventory, weighing, branch returns
n Flexible programming Interfaces
n Integrated programming keypad n 1 x Ethernet interface (10/100 Mbit/s) for the scales system with up to 32 devices
n Membrane keypad can be labelled via insert and tactile keypad via frame (option) or to connect to computer, for automatic configuration of the network parameters
n Frame attached to tactile keypad with 24 self-service keys DHCP and DNS. Data protocol. TCP/IP and UDP, data transfer by XML file
Self-service keypad (SC II 400 and SC II 500) n 2 x serial interfaces RS 232 for connecting a scanner or
n Short-stroke, tactile with membrane electronic cash terminal (interface protocol subject to licence)
n Number of self-service keys: 48 standard and a further 48 via additional panel n 1 x USB port for version with 7 TFT colour screen
with model SC II 500 (option) n 1 x interface (RJ 12) for controlling cash till drawer

edition. Subject to change without notice. 0313-20

n Frame attachable to operator keypad with 24 self-service keys (option) n Wireless Wireless LAN (option) IEEE 802.11 b/g/a for flooting vendor operating
n Number of self-service keys: max. 72 or 120 with up to 16 devices or for connecting to a computer
n Extra large self-service keys: max. 12 or 24 n Various forms of encryption and authentication
n Mixed components with different key sizes possible Battery operation (option)
Fast operator keypad (SC II 400 und SC II 500) n Internal lithium-ion battery pack (not for the SC II 400 model and not in combination
n Short-stroke, tactile with membrane with wireless LAN), can be charged via the scales power supply within 3.5 hours
n Number of QS keys: 96 standard and a further 96 via additional n Operating time approx. 10 hours with LCD dot matrix display
panel with model 500 (option) n Operating time approx. 2 hours (UPS) with 7 TFT colour screen
n Extra large QS keys: max. 12 or 24 (Operating time dependent on ageing and charge state of rechargeable battery)
n Mixed components with different key sizes possible External battery operation (option)
Label printer n 12 V, via a special battery connection cable
n 432 dots (not for the SC II 400 model and not in combination with wireless LAN)
n Resolution: 8 dots/mm Temperature range
n Print speed: 102 mm/s n -10 C to + 40 C
n Graphics, logo printing, large/small lettering,
Operating voltage
various font types and sizes, EAN/UPC barcodes

n (- 15 + 10 %) 230 V or (- 15 + 10 %) 120 V
I440e 3

n Label length max. 300 mm, label width max. 58 mm, print width 52 mm
Power consumption
n Flexible configuration of label size and layout,
n at 230 V min. 60 mA / max. 250 mA, at 120 V min. 75 mA / max. 350 mA
various pre-defined label sizes and layouts
n Transposable onto adhesive or receipt paper Network frequency
n Label layout on receipt paper n 50 / 60 Hz
n Selectable counterfoil

Members of the Bizerba Group Bizerba UK Limited Bizerba USA Inc. Bizerba Canada Inc. Bizerba (Shanghai) Weigh Tech
2-4 Erica Road 1804 Fashion Court 2810 Argentia Road #9 & Systems Co.Ltd.
Bizerba GmbH & Co. KG
Stacey Bushes Joppa, MD 21085 Mississauga, D-3, Qianpu Road, Shuhui Real Est.Park
Wilhelm-Kraut-Strae 65
Milton Keynes USA Ontario L5N 8L2 East New Area of Songjiang, Ind.Zone
72336 Balingen
Buckinghamshire Tel. Office +1 732 565-6000 Canada 201611 Shanghai
MK12 6HS Tel. Service +1 732 565-6001 Tel. +1 905 816-0498 China
Tel. +49 7433 12-0
U.K. Fax +1 732 819-0429 Fax +1 905 816-0497 Tel. +86 (21) 67 60 09 99
Fax +49 7433 12-2696
Tel. +44 1908 682740 us.info@bizerba.com ca.info@bizerba.com Fax +86 (21) 67 60 09 98
Fax +44 1908 682777 www.bizerbausa.com www.bizerba.ca marketing.china@bizerba.cn
sales@bizerba.co.uk www.bizerba.cn

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