Ips M in 220
Ips M in 220
Ips M in 220
1. SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 3
3. UNITS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
4. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................ 4
5. LABELLING AND NAMEPLATES .......................................................................................... 6
6. CONTROL PANELS................................................................................................................. 6
This Standard covers the general requirements for the material of control panels and system cabinets to be used in oil,
gas, and petrochemical industries.
Throughout this Standard the following standards and codes are referred to. The editions of these standards and codes
that are in effect at the time of publication of this Standard shall, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this Stan-
dard. The applicability of changes in standards and codes that occur after the date of this Standard shall be mutually
agreed upon by the Company and the Contractor:
68-2-42 (1982) Test Kc: "Sulfur Dioxide Tests for Contacts and Connections"
68-2-43 (1976) Test Kd: "Hydrogen Sulphide Tests for Contacts Connections"
IEC 79-11 (1984) "Construction and Test of Intrinsically Safe and Associated Apparatus"
605-7 (1978) Part 7 "Compliance Test Plans for Failure Rate and Mean Time Between Failures
Assuming Constant Failure Rate"
IEC 641 "Specification for Pressboard and Presspaper for Electrical Purposes"
IEC 654 "Operating Conditions for Industrial Process Measurement and Control Equipment"
BS 381C -1988 "Specification for Colors for Identification, Coding and Special Purposes"
This Standard is based on International System of Units (SI), except where otherwise is specified.
4.1 Each panel section shall be constructed as a self-contained unit so that after testing at the manufacturers works the
least number of connections are disturbed when the panel is sectioned for shipment to site. Design details, layout and
shape of panels shall be discussed and agreed with the Purchaser before drawings are submitted.
4.2 The panel layout shall be designed to follow the actual physical arrangement of the unit as closely as possible:
a) Instruments shall be mounted in logical groupings according to their position in the process units, i.e., instru-
ments needed for the area of control exercised by process operators shall be grouped together. A clear demarca-
tion shall be made on the panel between process units. Each unit shall be identified by a nameplate mounted in
the top section of the panel.
b) As a secondary criterion instruments shall occupy relative positions in accordance with the natural expecta-
tions of the operator, i.e., related variables shall be adjacent, e.g. cascade controllers. Expected sequences as of
process items or of position within a process item, should be adjacent.
c) Panel mounted multipoint temperature indicators shall be mounted on a vertical section of the main panel. In
general one shall be provided for each process unit.
4.3 An identification system, such as name-plates, color codes or symbols, which will enable an operator to quickly
identify any particular equipment shall be used in the mimic panel layout.
4.4 The space behind and at each end of a free-standing panel assembly shall form an unobstructed passageway of
1500 mm taking into account any equipment mounted on the back wall. Similarly the walkway inside a walk-through
type of panel shall be not less than 1200 mm wide.
4.5 The instrument arrangement and mounting heights on the panel shall be subject to the Purchaser approval.
4.6 In general the maximum and minimum instrument mounting heights shall be as follows:
c) Maximum: To centerline of instruments requiring inspection but not operation in normal use (i.e., Receiver
gages) 1980 mm.
4.7 Items such as annunciators may be mounted above other instruments, but care must be taken that legends on annun-
ciators are clearly readable in spite of their mounting height. In any case test acknowledgment buttons for annunciators
are subject to the same mounting height rules as for instruments requiring manipulation during normal plant operation.
4.8 Panels should normally be free standing and console type may be used with prior consent of the user. In all cases
they shall conform to the purchaser standard drawings.
4.9 The control panel shall be facia type with miniature or large case instruments, or both, mounted in horizontal and
vertical rows.
4.10 The distance between rows of instruments will depend upon the types of instrument and the accessibility for
maintenance and adjustment. See IPS-E-IN-220, Fig. 3.
4.11 The individual indicating lights, annunciator systems and miscellaneous indicators shall be mounted above the top
row of the instruments and shall conform to the Purchaser standard drawings:
a) The alarm indicators shall be located in the panel section containing the associated instrumentation. They
shall be mounted above the process instruments in a matrix array, but no single array should exceed seven indi-
cators in any horizontal row or five indicators in any vertical row.
b) Indicating lights not associated with process alarms shall be segregated from process alarms.
4.12 Mimic presentation, (semigraphic) of the main process flow diagrams is acceptable, but full graphic presentation
is not recommended.
Where a graphic display is required, the execution may be such that the layout can be easily modified on the site, i.e. by
means of small removable and replaceable building blocks. The detailed execution shall be as indicated in the requisition and
the drawings attached or referred there to.
4.13 The total width of the panel shall be determined by the type and number of instruments used. Groups of panels
shall present a smooth unbroken surface.
4.14 On new process plant installations, at least 20% usable spare panel space shall be provided. This spare space
should normally be distributed over the panel. In some cases it may be logical to provide spare blank panel space at the
end of the group of panels.
4.15 Free space shall be available, at the back of the spare blank panel for future expansion.
4.16 Auxiliary equipment installed in prewired‘ and prepiped panels shall be accessible for maintenance and adjust-
4.17 All wiring, piping, etc. shall be adequately marked, coded or colored so that it can be easily identified.
4.18 All instruments on the face of the control panel shall be flush-mounted. When a cascade system is specified, the
primary and secondary controller shall be mounted with the primary immediately above the secondary where possible.
4.20 Illumination levels on control panels, and desks, shall be in accordance with electrical part of IPS standards IPS-
E-EL-200 "Lighting and Wiring". Adequate illumination shall be provided at the rear of the panel. See also: IPS-G-IN-
220, para. 6.2.3.
4.21 Panels that are totally enclosed shall have access doors with quick release fastenings.
4.22 The panel assemblies shall be tested before erection wherever possible. See sections 15 & 16.
4.23 Console type panels will normally be free standing cabinet type enclosures, incorporating a desk or sloping area
on the front of the cabinets.
4.24 Instruments on consoles shall be prewired and piped and shall be completely enclosed.
4.25 If maximum ambient temperature conditions are such that apparatus manufacturer’s recommended operating tem-
peratures could be exceeded, provisions for environmental control shall be agreed with the purchaser.
5.1 Panels shall be clearly labelled with plant instrument numbers and duties at the front and rear.
5.2 Labels shall be transparent plastic material and engraved on reverse side. The engraving to be filled in either black
or white depending on which is most legible. Provision shall be made in the panel mounted instruments, for insertion
and removal of meter constant cards and control valve action.
5.3 The material for name-plates should normally be a laminated bicolor plastic, which when engraved, the top layer is
cut through allowing the letter to show in the second color.
5.4 Continuous panels for control of a number of process units, as in the case of integrated plant, shall have the panel
sections clearly defined by arrow-headed lines and labelled with the plant designation at the top of the panel.
6.1 Panel lay-out for control houses shall permit the operator or operators to observe the functioning of all instruments
from a central control point.
6.2 It is desirable that each operator be provided with a strategically positioned writing desk.
6.3 Instruments which are required for assessment of plant behavior shall be mounted in such a manner as to be read-
able from the control desk. Presentation may be in digital or analogue form.
6.4 Consideration may be given to providing common recording points with facilities for connection to a range of in-
struments measuring process variables. These systems, when connected into controller transmission loops, must be de-
signed so that the reliability of the controller is not affected, and affects from switching transients are avoided.
6.5 Instruments shall, in general, be of the "miniature" type, ("Miniature" applies to instruments approximately (144
mm × 144 mm) or smaller.
6.7 The height from the floor to top of the highest control or recording instrument and to the top of the lowest instru-
ment, shall be in accordance with the Purchaser standard drawings No. IPS-D-IN-116.
7.1 Instruments shall be grouped on inclined and/or vertical panels. A desk shall be provided as an integral part of the
panel structure.
7.2 The detailed design and quality of the consoles shall be such that they can withstand normal handling during trans-
7.3 Sectional construction should be selected to facilitate manufacturing, handling and transportation.
7.4 Openings such as tube connections etc. shall be covered to avoid entry of dust.
7.5 To enable easy reassembling of the sections on site, the wiring and the tubing to be reconnected shall be properly
identified. All instruments and components packed separately from the console shall also be properly identified.
7.6 A small quantity of components e.g., ferrules nuts, tubing, terminals wire shall be supplied with the console, for on
site assembling and small modifications.
8.1 Mimic diagrams, either draughted or built-up, shall be mounted immediately above conventional and freestanding
panels and may be inclined forward at an angle of 15 degrees, if specified in data sheet.
8.2 A semi-graphic representation shall be provided in accordance with plant process and utilities flow. Main process
lines shall be 5 mm and instrument lines shall be 3 mm.
8.3 Generally fabrication by means of tiles for indoor panels are in preference as rearrangement and modification can
be more conveniently carried out.
8.4 Towers, drums, vessels and similar major items of equipment shall be included in the diagram. Pumps, compres-
sors, heat exchangers and other such items of equipment shall only be shown when control or measuring instruments are
directly connected to them or to improve understanding of the process.
8.5 Constructional details of towers, vessels and heaters shall not be shown unless required for location of instrument
8.6 Major equipment symbols shall be scaled from actual dimensions where possible.
8.7 Instrument symbols shall be mounted external to process lines and vessels, and as far as possible, in the same rela-
tive position as their associated panel mounted instruments.
8.8 Instrument symbols shall be shown connected with all relevant instrument measurement, transmission, and control
8.9 Where process lines cross, the horizontal line shall be continuous, and the vertical line broken. In all cases instru-
ment lines shall be broken where they cross a process line.
8.10 Equipment symbols shall be marked with both name and number.
8.11 Instrument symbols shall be marked with the process instrument number.
8.12 Plant feed and products lines shall be provided with in-line labels marked with the name of the process fluid.
8.13 Process lines shall be provided with arrow heads to depict direction of flow.
8.14 Instrument lines shall, where necessary, be provided with arrow heads to illustrate cascade connections.
8.15 Equipment and instrument symbols, lines, and nameplates, shall be manufactured from materials which will en-
sure freedom from buckling with temperature changes.
8.16 Symbols, lines and labels shall be fixed to the panel by means of an adhesive which will allow for their removal
with or without the application of a solvent and without damaging the painted surface of the main panel.
8.17 Mimic diagrams shall be coloured in accordance with the following color code:
b) Equipment symbols, towers, vessels, etc., -semi-matt Dark Grey to BS. 381C-Shade 632.
i) Hydrocarbon liquids-Light buff to BS. 381C-Shade 358, Traffic yellow-Shade 386 and Golden Brown -shade
414; to distinguish, respectively, light medium and heavy streams.
j) Chemicals and corrosive fluids-semi-matt Light Brunswick Green to BS. 381C-Shade 225.
8.18 A color code key shall be shown at one end of the mimic diagram panel.
9.1 The surface of panels except the inner surfaces, for which items c, d and e (noted under) are not required, shall be
prepared and painted with air-drying materials in accordance with the following procedure:
a) Surfaces of the finished panel shall be blast cleaned and given one coat of etch primer, except that zinc coated
sheet shall be degreased and not blast cleaned.
c) Any indentations shall be filled with quick drying putty in thin layers.
d) Two coats of quick drying knifing filler shall be applied and allowed to dry overnight before flatting.
e) The undercoat shall consist of one coat of synthetic enamel groundcoat, color BS. 381C-217.
f) The finish shall be one coat of synthetic enamel, semi-matt or eggshell, color BS. 381C-217, Sea Green ex-
cept that mimic diagram panels shall be Admiralty Gray to BS. 381C-697 semi-matt or eggshell.
9.2 Instruments shall be painted light Brunswick green to BS. 381C-Shade 225.
9.3 Any deviation from the colors of panels and instruments shall be subject to the user approval.
10.1 Fabricate the control panel from 4 mm (minimum) cold rolled steel formed members except for the 100 mm chan-
nel base frame.
10.2 Panel structure shall be entirely self-supporting by the use of 50 mm structural angle iron frame. Framing and
brackets shall be as necessary to achieve a rugged design and to insure a smooth, flat surface with a maximum deflec-
tion of 4 mm over total surface of panel after installation of all instruments and accessory equipment. Design and fabri-
cate panel lengths from a smooth, continuous panel surface. Provide holes at panel joints complete with bolts, nuts, and
washers for panel assembly, shop-assemble the entire unit and check for accurate alignment and surface matching.
10.3 The top section of the panel board shall be a medium density semi-graphic display for each panel unit.
10.4 For handling purposes, each shipping section shall be provided with removable lifting lugs designed for lifting
without deforming the panel.
10.5 Cutouts for instruments must be within the tolerances as specified by their manufacturer.
10.6 Where cutouts are specified for future instruments they shall be covered by 3 mm steel removable plates, finished
and painted the same as the front of the panel.
10.7 All burrs produced around cutouts or bolt hole drillings must be ground smooth.
10.8 The rear panel area shall not be obstructed by conduits, ducts, raceways, stiffeners, etc.
10.9 Filler panels, when specified, shall be designed and furnished for bolting to the panel. They shall be fabricated
from 3-4 millimeters cold-rolled steel plate with 50 mm turn back, corners arcwelded and ground smooth. The filler
panels shall be finished to match the panel color.
11.1 Construction Panel shall be fully enclosed. Face plate shall be 4 mm (minimum) steel with remaining general
structure 3 mm steel. The base shall consist of 100 mm high channel iron. Doors and access plates shall be 1 mm steel
minimum. Doors shall be flush, fully gasketed, full height and width of the panel, with louvers at the top and bottom of
the doors provided for air circulation and heat removal. Stainless steel piano type hinges, T-handles and rust and corro-
sion resistant latches shall be provided. For out door service a 500 mm deep removable canopy shall be provided .
11.2 Painting and nameplates shall be as mentioned before (see: para. 9).
12.1 The panel board will be installed in an air-conditioned pressurized control house classed as nonhazardous, suit-
able for general purpose electrical devices and wiring. All components and wiring must conform to the requirements of
the Electrical codes. Ratings, construction and testing to be in accordance with the applicable standards of ANSI,
NEMA, etc. All devices must be approved by UL, or other equivalent establishments except those categories for which
no approval list has been established and these must be approved by the Purchaser. The edition of codes, standards and
approval lists, current at the time when specification is issued for purchase, shall be applicable.
12.2 Fabricator shall provide the wiring for all internal wiring of the panel.
12.3 Vertical raceways preferably shall be 100 mm. Separate raceways shall be provided within the panel for isolation
of each of the following types of instruments wiring systems:
12.4 When common terminal boxes are used, these terminal boxes shall be divided into sections separated by a metal
barrier so as to segregate the following types of signals:
12.5 Terminal blocks for instruments and control wiring shall be medium duty, 300 to 600 volt rating, barrier type, of
non-hygroscopic material. Terminal blocks to be approved by the Purchaser.
12.6 Terminal blocks shall be mounted on channels with a minimum of 25 mm spacers between the channel and the
mounting surface. Separation between the rows of terminal blocks shall be a minimum of 80 mm for terminal blocks up
to 600 mm long. Separation shall be 150 mm for longer rows.
12.7 Each terminal on panel mounted electrical devices (such as push-button switches, indicating lights, relays, amme-
ters, etc.) shall be wired to a terminal block by the panel fabricator. These terminal blocks shall be provided with protec-
tive covers.
12.8 All panel board wiring (with the exception of thermocouple extension wire shall be terminated with lugs at both
ends). These lugs shall be crimp-on, vinyl self-insulating, locking type. All wires shall be identified with instrument 28
tag number and terminal designation at both ends with heat shrink markers.
12.9 Terminal block spare terminals shall be provided according to the following:
2-4 2
5-10 4
11-20 8
21-30 10
31-40 12
41-60 18
12.10 Terminal blocks shall be provided on panels and subassemblies for power supply wiring, alarm system wiring,
and electrical transmission lines. Non terminal blocks are permitted for neither thermocouple extension wiring, nor for
analytical instruments signal lines. The signal lines for these instruments shall be directly connected to the receiving
instrument. The terminal blocks shall be clearly identified with engraved or embossed numbers.
12.11 The terminal blocks shall be of the enclosed type. The open type terminal blocks may be used in enclosed panels
such as consoles or cubicles.
12.12 The electrical supply to the instrument panel shall be 24 V d.c, or 110 volts 50 Hz two wire, grounded, single
phase, for other power supplies (see Appendix A).
12.13 Normally PVC trunk type or sheet metal wire ways, rigid or flexible conduit, or combination of these should be
used. When area classification permits PVC insulated wires on adequate trays may be used.
12.14 Disconnect switches shall be provided for servicing requirements of all panel instruments. One disconnect
switch may be used to serve as many as six chart drives. For electronic instruments, cabinet type annunciators multiple
alarm units, potentiometers and emergency shut down solenoid valves and relays. One disconnect switch shall be used
per instrument. Each disconnect switch shall be clearly labeled to identify the particular instruments or alarm units
served by that switch. See also for more details: IPS-E-IN-180, "Electrical Power Supply & Distribution System"
12.15 Isolation possibilities for supplies to individual instruments shall be available, e.g., by means of dedicated power
distribution fuse/socket boxes or fused terminals.
a) Control and alarm wiring shall be 1.5 mm2, stranded tinned copper, twisted paired, color coded. Installation
shall be in separate conduit or slotted plastic duct with 30% spare space provided.
b) Selector switches shall be identified by permanent front nameplates indicating their service position and tag
a.c. wiring shall be 2.5 mm2, stranded tinned copper, twisted paired, color coded, and 600 volt rating insulation.
13.1 The instrument air header shall run the full length of the panel, and shall be constructed of brass pipe and fittings,
cadmium plated. Brass unions shall be supplied between panel sections.
13.2 The dual-air regulator filter station shall be supplied with 3-way brass cocks connected to allow either regulator
and filter to be used to supply air to the header. These stations shall be such as to permit removal of the filter cartridges
without disassembly of piping, and to permit dis-assembly of either regulator/filter without interfering with the opera-
tion of the other unit. provide cock handles attached to the cocks. For more information, reference to be made to: IPS-E-
IN-200 "Instrument Air System".
13.3 Where each panel instrument has its own pressure reducing regulator and filter set, the header shall be of galva-
nized steel pipe.
13.4 For future expansion, spare valved take-off connections shall be provided on the air header. The spare connections
shall not be less than 20% of the existing take-offs.
13.5 For long curved panels, in order to facilitate field connection, the header shall be joined between panel sections
with a flange or union type connection.
13.6 A valved drain shall be provided at the bottom end of the header, farthest from the air supply source.
13.7 Control and transmission lines and interconnecting lines between panels and subassemblies shall be brought to
bulkhead fittings. The bulkhead fittings shall be installed on top of the panel. The bulkhead fittings shall be adequate for
connecting the tubing from the field.
13.8 When PVC multitubing is used for connecting field instruments to the control instruments, the bulkhead fitting
shall be mounted vertically and housed in a detachable enclosed junction box. The junction box shall be freely installed
on top of panel.
13.9 When copper tubing is used for connecting field instruments to the control room instruments the bulkhead fittings
shall be mounted vertically.
13.10 Each bulkhead connection shall be clearly labeled with the designation of the particular instrument or connection
it serves.
13.11 Testing of the air supply header and signal tubing shall be accomplished with air. Each joint shall be tested with
a soap and water solution and shall be absolutely tight. Instruments shall be also tested in the manner prescribed by their
manufacturer. For testing refer to IPS-M-IN-100/1, "General-Factory Inspection and Testing of Instruments and Instru-
ment Systems".
13.12 The relief valve and pressure gage on the air header shall be constructed of brass, bronze, or stainless steel. The
relief valve shall be minimum 1 inch inlet size, set to relieve at 1.7 bar (g) and shall be supplied with a lifting lever.
13.13 Unless otherwise shown on the panel drawings, all pneumatic tubing shall be copper, PVC coated, ¼" O.D. by
0.8 mm wall, thickness, as minimum.
13.15 All tubing shall be clamped or supported from the panel frame-work as required to prevent sagging. No clamps
or supports shall be attached to the instruments.
13.16 Tubing runs shall be horizontal or vertical with each bend 90. Tubing bends shall be rigidly held to limit the
tubing bending radius to 15 mm min.
13.17 Tubing runs shall be arranged so that visual tracing is possible, and finger tracing will not be required.
13.18 The panel fabricator shall supply a bulkhead plate as shown on the panel drawings, fitted with bulkhead fittings,
10 spare bulkhead fittings and locations shall be provided. Fittings shall be suitable for connection of copper tubing of
panel to plastic tubing of field incoming tubes.
13.19 Tubing shall be installed separately from wiring, in PVC ducting with a cover.
14.1 General
- Circuitry (14.3).
- Internal wiring (14.6).
- Terminals and sockets for external wiring (14.6).
- Accessories, such as electricity supply units (14.8) and relays for operating howlers.
14.1.2 The total capacity of the cabinet shall include 10% for contingencies, i.e., to cover changes in the project scope
which may occur during the engineering phase, plus 20% for future use.
14.1.3 Cabinets should be delivered with all slots wired to proper sockets/terminations/wrapping boards, to allow ex-
pansion of the system to maximum cabinet capacity, by card/module insertion only.
14.2.1 System cabinets should be of the type and manufacture as specified by the Purchaser in the Data Sheets. Cabi-
nets to manufacturer/supplier’s own standards require the approval of the Purchaser in writing.
The enclosure shall be constructed in sheet steel, be suitable for indoor use and meet the requirements of IP 51 of IEC 529,
unless otherwise specified.
14.2.2 The finish and color of the enclosure shall be as per Section 9, unless otherwise specified in data sheet. A small
quantity of touch-up paint, say 0.25 L, shall be supplied with each cabinet.
14.2.3 The cabinet shall be fitted with removable eyebolts for lifting purposes.
14.2.4 The temperature inside the cabinet shall not exceed 10°C above the maximum control room temperature when
all internal equipment and external loads are energized.
Cabinets will generally be installed in an environment with a temperature limit between 22 and 26°C with humidity between
40 and 50%.
14.2.5 The limits shall be as stated in the data sheets, and it shall be ensured that the maximum allowable temperature
inside the cabinet is not exceeded.
14.2.6 For temperature and humidity limits during storage and transportation, class C 1 of IEC 654-1 shall apply, and
for mechanical vibration and shock, class VSI of IEC 654-3.
14.2.7 The allowance for air contaminants shall be as specified in the data sheets. ISA-S71 04, or the final edition of
IEC 654-4, should be used as a guide for specifying environmental conditions.
14.2.8 Two options are available for cooling the cabinet internals depending on the amount of the heat generated in-
a) Natural ventilation by means of screened and louvered openings in the doors and in the top of the cabinet.
b) Forced ventilation by means of openings in the doors fitted with dust filters and with extraction fans mounted
in the top of the cabinet fitted with fingerguards.
14.2.9 The manufacturer shall provide a calculation of heat generated under the worst possible conditions, i.e., with all
loads energized, at the maximum ambient temperature.
14.2.10 The type of ventilation selected for the cabinet, based on the heat calculation provided by the manufacturer,
shall be indicated in the data sheets. If the temperature under the conditions as specified, will remain within 10°C above
the maximum ambient temperature, natural ventilation shall be applied. Otherwise forced ventilation will be required to
limit the temperature rise inside the cabinet to within 10°C.
When cabinets are bolted together with the side plates removed, it shall be ensured that the cooling airflow remains effective
for all critical internal components.
14.2.12 A fan-failure alarm shall be provided for cabinets with forced ventilation. The alarm shall be available, either
as potential free contacts on dedicated terminals in the cabinet, or as a dedicated socket, connected to the door of the
cabinet and on the operating control desk.
14.2.13 Dust filters shall be of the replaceable or cleanable type, and this action shall be possible without disturbing
the functioning of the cabinet.
14.2.15 If wall-mounted cabinets or back-to-back mounted cabinets are specified in the data sheets, all equipment,
wiring and terminations shall be accessible from the front.
14.2.16 The side panels shall be removable so that it is possible to mount the cabinets side by side and properly con-
nect them together. Therefore the sidewalks shall not be used for cable entry or ventilation openings, etc.
14.2.17 The application of swing out frames requires the written approval of the Purchaser.
The application of swing out frames should be avoided wherever possible. They shall not be applied in cabinets for safeguard-
ing equipment.
14.2.18 If swing-out frames are specified in the data sheets, special attention shall be given to the maximum weight of
equipment allowed on the frame in the swung out position. The connecting wire "bundle" to the equipment on the swing
out frame shall be adequately protected. Doorstops and swing-frame stops shall be provided.
14.2.19 The size of the cabinet shall be stated in the data sheets and should be selected from the following sizes:
14.2.20 The height indicated above may be included a plinth for door clearance, etc. All dimensions given are in milli-
14.2.21 The size of cabinets, i.e., height and depth, should be consistent within the same control or auxiliary room.
14.2.22 For enclosures having a width of 600 mm maximum, one door is acceptable, for wider enclosures two doors
should be provided. Doors and side panels shall be easily removable.
Single doors of 800 mm may be applied provided escape routes allow for such doors. Regulations for escape routes shall be
adhered to.
14.2.23 For those systems where observation of the equipment by operating or electrical maintenance personnel is
required without opening the doors, clear acrylic windows or laminated glass windows shall be specified in the data
14.2.24 Each cabinet should be provided with either a separate handle and lock or with a lock insert in the handle.
Unless otherwise specified in the data sheets, the locking arrangement shall be to manufacturer’s standards, each lock
shall be identical for all cabinets provided by the same supplier and these cabinets shall have 2 keys.
14.2.25 For extensions to existing plants, the locks and handles should preferably match those of the existing cabinets.
14.2.26 Cable entry shall be in the bottom of the cabinet unless otherwise specified by the Purchaser. Sufficient freely
accessible space shall be available for accommodating and terminating all cables, the cabinet shall be provided with
properly designed cable clamps and cable support rails in order not to exert any undue force on terminations.
14.2.27 Unless ventilation is required through the bottom of the cabinet, all holes remaining after entry of the cables
shall be properly sealed against the entry of dust. The dust seal shall be such that it is easily removed for the entry of
other cables.
The power and output circuits shall be rated for simultaneously energizing the complete system. All output circuits shall
be short-circuit proof, and the shorting of one output circuit shall not effect other circuits.
To avoid the interactions indicated, individual fusing of the output circuits or current limiting devices should be employed. General
Initiating circuits do not form part of this Standard; however it shall be ensured that the specifications of the initiating
circuits are compatible with those of the system cabinet circuitry as appropriate.
IPS-M-IN-220 Contacts
The system circuitry shall be capable of operating with initiating devices which are free from earth, potential-free, and
of the snap-acting type, with the contacts closed in the normal condition and open in abnormal conditions. Typical elec-
trical characteristics for initiating contacts are given in Appendix B. For initiating devices other than contacts, the elec-
trical characteristics shall be as specified in the appropriate data sheet.
1) The current passing thorough the initiating contacts shall be at least 1 mA d.c and energy needed for initiating a change in
system status shall be at least 10 mW.
2) The initiating devices may be located in a hazardous area, in which case the type of protection shall be suitable for those
a) The circuit cards shall be mounted vertically in card frames which are securely fixed to standard 480 mm (19
inch) racks in the enclosure. The height of the racks shall be to the approved manufacturer’s standard.
b) The card frames shall be provided with connectors and card guides enabling the correct insertion of the circuit
cards, and providing adequate separation, both electrically and mechanically, between them.
c) Each card frame and the card which will be inserted, shall be marked for identification, either by consecutive
numbering and type, or if agreed by the user, by the manufacturer’s standard code.
d) Spare positions shall be fitted with edge connectors and blanking plates.
When a cabinet is used for housing a variety of discrete components, either rack-mounted or individually on a mounting
plate, the following constructional details shall be taken into account:
14.5.1 The internal wiring shall be adequately sized for the required voltages and currents. The conductor cross-section
shall be such that the voltage drop is less than 2%.
14.5.2 When a large number of wires are laid together in ducting or in a bundle a current derating of 50% of the nomi-
nal rating should be applied.
14.5.3 All wires in screw type terminals shall be provided with wire markers.
14.5.4 Unless otherwise specified in the requisition, or agreed by the user, the coding of wires shall be as follows:
1) Signal wiring from internal supply with a voltage higher than 50 V and signal wiring from external supply sources
with a voltage higher then 50 V may be suitably colured to provide an additional warning. The colors Orange and
Orange/White should be used respectively, if not otherwise specified in the requisition.
2) Care shall be taken that interference susceptible signal lines are not affected by high current carrying lines. Refer to
IPS-E-IN-190 transmission systems.
14.5.5 All wiring should be laid in PVC ducting with a removable cover. Intrinsically safe wiring shall be contained in
separate ducting and if a color coding is applied to identify the contents, the cover of this ducting should be colored
14.5.6 For new projects, at least 20% spare capacity shall be available in the ducting when all wiring is complete.
14.5.7 Spare wires shall not be left loose in the ducting, they shall be properly terminated.
14.5.9 Wires and cable in the ducting shall not have excessive spare length.
14.5.10 Wiring shall lie neatly in the ducting even when the covers are removed.
a) The plugs can be easily inserted or withdrawn, sufficient space shall be available for the plugs and the cable
b) The loops shall be arranged such, that force is not exerted on the plug/socket assembly.
c) The sockets-boards can be reached for fault finding or adding wiring for new circuits, with the wiring tech-
nique as selected from (14.6.1).
14.5.12 Plugs and sockets shall have a polarizing code such that interchanging between different types of voltages are
not possible. Signal segregation for IS signals shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEC 79-11.
14.5.13 All terminations using screw type terminals shall be straight through, non-pinching and spring backed to hold
the wire, with only one wire in each terminal. The type and manufacturer of the terminals shall be specified in the data
14.6.1 The following techniques should be applied for the termination of internal wiring:
1) For stranded flexible wire of minimum size 1.5 mm2, voltage rating 250 V and with insulation suitable for
temperatures up to 80°C.
2) The manufacturers recommendations shall be followed for the size of the crimp pins and contacts and for
the type and correct application of crimping tools to produce high quality connections consistently.
1) The crimping tools shall be checked for wear at regular intervals and be replaced when manufacturers toler-
ances have been exceeded.
2) The tools shall have a single torque value and be of the non-return type until the crimp has been made.
3) Crimp connections shall not be made on solid wires (solid wires shall be used only for thermo-couple extension
b) Wire wrap connections, the modified version, minimum wire size 0.2 mm2 . This technique is used with small
wire sizes. The application of this method shall be approved by the Purchaser.
14.6.2 The wiring for power supply units shall have terminal connections with the rating adequate for the load.
14.6.3 The selected wiring technique shall be as stated in the requisition. The terminations and wire sizes may be to
manufacturer’s standards, but only with the approval of the Purchaser.
14.6.4 Quality control procedures for the proposed wiring technique shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval.
14.6.5 A set of crimping/wrapping tools together with a quantity of the required wire and crimp pins etc. shall be sup-
plied with the cabinet(s), to facilitate any modifications that may be necessary during commissioning.
14.7 Earthing
14.7.1 A safety-earth connection shall be provided for every cabinet. Conducting parts such as doors and frames, etc.,
which are not permanently connected to safety-earth, shall be connected to the cabinet frame with flexible braided
earthing strips of 6 mm2 minimum.
14.7.2 Safety-earthing shall be connected to a dedicated earth-bolt of M8 minimum size, provided with an earth-
symbol marker.
14.7.3 Where local regulations are more stringent than the above requirements, this shall be indicated in the requisition
and they shall be complied with.
14.7.4 Each cabinet shall have a tinned copper earth-bar for signal earth connections and sufficient screws shall be
available for making the connections. The signal earth-bar shall be insulated from the cabinet frame. Earth connections
shall be as short as possible and of adequate cross sectional area.
14.7.5 To avoid flash-over between signal earth and safety earth, over-voltage protection devices should be applied,
limiting the voltage difference to 65 volts approximately.
14.7.6 For additional lightning protection requirements, see the standard of transmission systems, IPS-E-IN-190.
If the equipment installed in the cabinet requires the connection of signal-earth to the cabinet frame because it is the manu-
facturer’s standard, then the cabinet shall be mounted such that it is insulated from safety earth and the building structure.
14.7.7 Earthing details of cabinets shall be shown on separate drawings as part of the complete set of drawings for
earthing details. The system shall be suitable for operating from a supply as defined in Appendix A the selection shall be
indicated in the requisition. Without considering redundancy, a spare capacity of 25% of the maximum allowable load
shall be available. The power sources shall be of a design to suit the requirements of the system. The manufacturer shall ensure
the power sources do not introduce interference into the system.
1) Power supply units shall be of the simplest design to fulfil the requirements of the system.
2) Inrush currents and short circuit currents shall be limited, to avoid damage to the power supply units. A fuse/circuit breaker schematic diagram shall be prepared for each system cabinet, together with calculations
indicating power distribution, fuse ratings, fuse types (size and current-time characteristics), terminations and total
worst-case power consumption.
The information shall be available at an early stage of the project and be updated regularly, to enable Electrical Engineering
to selectively size the fuses in their supplies. The data sheet shall indicate if the supply for the circuitry in the cabinet will be floating or earthed on one
1) The earth systems, has common zero and earthing on one side. The written approval of the user shall be obtained in these
2) Floating supplies are applied in order to obtain a high integrity of the system and to enable an early detection of a fault or
start of a fault by means of earth leakage detection.
3) Special attention shall be paid to all inputs and outputs to and from cabinets with a floating supply, and to interconnections
with other systems in order to ensure that the earth-fault detection can function properly, i.e., circuits fed from supply with
earth-leakage detection shall be completely separated from those fed by some other supply by means of potential-free contacts
or by galvanic isolation circuits. Earth leakage monitoring shall be provided in the electrical distribution board, i.e., for the floating d.c supply
system, and should form part of the system cabinet power supply arrangement. Potential free contacts shall be available for alarm on the operators panel, for earth leakage detection system. If the intention is to provide an uninterruptible power supply, maintenance of the supply or supply units in the
system cabinets, shall be possible without disturbing the supply.
1) Details of the required power supply arrangement given in the requisition, shall also indicate the amount of redundancy
and the maintenance facilities required, such as indications for overvoltage, undervoltage, overload and isolation of incoming
2) With built-in power supply units, due attention shall be given to the wiring and terminations, with respect to on-line servic-
ing possibilities.
3) Power supply units should be located in the top of the cabinet to avoid unnecessary heating of the cabinet internals.
4) The supply arrangement inside the cabinet should include protection against polarity reversal. Power supply terminations shall be clearly identified and numbered and wiring shall be kept separate from
interference susceptible wiring. Power supply group numbers and distribution board numbers shall be clearly identified inside the system
The application of batteries inside cabinets requires the written approval of the user. All such batteries shall be clearly
identified and the following minimum requirements shall be adhered to:
- The temperature shall be kept below 30°C for efficient use of the battery.
- Full documentation,such as maintenance instructions,area classification and expected lifetime shall be supplied.
- The batteries shall be tested for capacity during commissioning on site according to the battery manufacturers
instructions. If the capacity is less than 80% of the rating they shall be replaced.
- Small, low cost batteries for memory protection etc. shall be renewed without testing.
- All batteries in the cabinet shall be clearly identified, e.g. on the inside of the door stating type, function, date
fitted, date checked date of renewal etc.
14.9 Identification
14.9.1 Each cabinet shall have a nameplate of corrosion resistant material fixed on to the front of the cabinet, with
screws, and giving the following information:
- Name of purchaser,
- Serial number of the unit,
- Rating in watt,
- Voltage and frequency,
- Purchase order number,
- Year of manufacture.
14.9.2 Live parts of equipment and terminations carrying voltages above 50 volt shall be covered with a transparent
insulation plate, bearing the warning text: DANGER.
14.9.3 All equipment, relays, sockets, wiring, terminals, etc. shall be clearly identified by nameplate in accordance
with the relevant drawings included in the data sheet.
14.9.4 These nameplates shall be properly fixed using a 2 component epoxy resin cement near to the equipment on
non-removable parts of the cabinet.
14.9.5 Nameplates shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of nameplates standard, IPS-M-IN-100/2.
15.1.1 When specified in the data sheet each system cabinet containing active elements, shall be completely assembled
and subjected to a 100 hours burn-in period at elevated temperature and with all loads energized.
15.1.2 After the burn-in period the system shall comply with the performance requirements and successfully pass the
other tests indicated in this section.
15.1.3 Detailed procedures for the burn-in period and the other tests indicated in this section, shall be submitted to the
user together with the proposed dates for the tests, in order that they may be witnessed by the Purchaser.
15.1.4 A record shall be prepared during burn-in and testing, indicating failures and replacements or repairs of any
components, the record shall include data such as temperature and humidity etc., with reference to the applicable envi-
ronmental specification. This record shall be regularly updated and be available for review by the purchaser or his repre-
sentative, at any time during the tests.
15.2 Reliability
15.2.1 When specified in the requisition, the reliability shall be stated by the manufacturer/supplier for the system
cabinet which he will supply. The figures to be provided should be; mean time between failure for both nuisance and
serious failure with an assumed mean time to repair of 8 hours.
15.2.2 To determine the definition of failure for the system to be supplied, advice shall be obtained from the pur-
chaser’s specialist.
15.2.3 Data and calculations shall be provided to substantiate the figures quoted for the system cabinet:
Typically, the reliability should be determined in accordance with the requirements of IEC 605-1, 605-5, 605-7 and a detailed
test specification should be prepared by the manufacturer or an independent third party.
15.2.4 The test specification and the independent third party to be involved in the testing shall be subject to the ap-
proval of the Purchaser.
15.2.5 Unless otherwise specified by the Purchaser the failure reporting shall be in accordance with the IEC publica-
tions referred to above.
15.3.1 General
To ensure that the design of the system cabinet complies with the requirements intended by the Purchaser, at least one
system cabinet of each design should be subjected to, and successfully pass the type tests defined below. However,
some of the tests indicated in this section may be waived with the written agreement of the Purchaser.
The supplier shall indicate in the quotation, to which severity the equipment and the circuitry may be tested.
The system shall respond within the specified tolerances, when using the initiating devices as specified to carry out the
following tests:
- Series Mode
Using the circuit of Fig. 2 of Appendix B, an interfering signal of 1 volt a.c (rms) at mains frequency, shall be
applied from a source with an output resistance of 30 ohms.
- Common Mode
With reference to Fig. 3 of Appendix B, a signal of 100 volt a.c (rms), shall be applied to the initiating circuit
with respect to the earth.
The system shall function, within the specified tolerances, when the electricity supply is varied within the allowed toler-
ances for the selected type of supply, see Appendix A.
The system shall function, within the specified tolerances, when the following pulses are superimposed on the supply
voltage for the durations indicated:
The system shall be subjected to an interference test at radio frequencies, by operating a portable transmitter/receiver at
a distance of one metre from the cabinet, with the doors open and the maintenance extender circuit card(s) installed. The
electric field strength measured at the cabinet shall not exceed 5 v/m.
1) As an alternative to measuring, the electric field strength may be calculated using the following formula:
E = (1.6 √ P)/d
The portable transmitter/receiver shall be fully charged and the condition shall be in accordance with the manufacturers
2) The distance shall never be less than that indicated in Fig. A4 of IEC-801-3 for far fields.
The test shall be carried out at frequencies of 70-170 MHz, 460 MHz. During the test, digital signals shall not change
status, and analogue signals shall not change by more than 0.5% of the span.
The requisition shall indicate the frequency of any portable transmitters used at the site of destination. This frequency
shall be specifically checked during the test. Any deviations from the above procedure shall be approved by the Pur-
chaser in writing.
The supplier shall indicate, in his quotation, if these tests are possible with the equipment to be supplied. General
When carrying out any of the following tests, the cabinet shall be completely assembled, mounted and enclosed as for
the actual installation. Functional checks shall be made before, during and after each test.
As agreed with the Purchaser a number of tests shall be selected with severities as specified and related to the environ-
ment in which the cabinet will operate.
16.1 Unless otherwise specified in the requisition, all system cabinets and panels shall be inspected by the user’s nomi-
nated inspector before leaving the factory. The inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of
factory inspection and testing of instruments and instrument system standard, IPS-M-IN-100.
16.2 Inspection shall take place after all work has been completed, including the factory burn-in (15.1) and testing by
the manufacturer as appropriate. The user shall be informed at least ten working days in advance of when the inspection
can be made.
If for any reason the user waives inspection, this shall not relieve the manufacturer/supplier of the responsibility to repair, at
his cost, any defects found later.
16.3 The manufacturer shall provide free of charge simulation and test apparatus, together with personnel for carrying
out the tests indicated in this specification, the data sheets and the inspection plan.
16.4 If simulation and test equipment is part of the order, this equipment shall be used during the inspection and test-
16.5 Any defects found by the purchaser’s inspector shall be rectified in his presence. Where this is not possible, check
lists shall be prepared stating all pending items for signature by the purchaser’s inspector. Copies of these lists shall be
sent to the equipment’s destination for their subsequent checking.
16.6 The equipment shall not be shipped before all discovered defects have been corrected and satisfactorily retested.
16.7 Re-testing of the related systems after correction of the defects, shall be carried out as indicated by the purchaser’s
16.8 The inspection outlined above is considered only as an agreement for shipping the equipment, it shall not be con-
sidered as a formal acceptance of the equipment by the Purchaser.
17.1 The manufacturer/supplier shall remove all slide mounted instruments and ship them separately from the cabi-
net(s) and panel(s).
17.2 Prior to packing, all open ended pipes shall be adequately sealed to prevent ingress of dust and moisture. All loose
pipes, cable looms, etc., which are disconnected for ease of shipment, shall be secured and identified.
17.3 The manufacturer/supplier shall inspect and approve the loading and bracing to ensure that damage will not occur
during transit.
17.4 All sensitive meters such as millivolt and millimeters shall be "jumpered" on the input to give damping against
mechanical shock.
17.5 Prior to packing, all cabinets should be mounted on a suitable skid and coated with a strip-off lacquer.
17.6 If cabinets and panels are subjected to overseas transit and exposed to storage under adverse conditions, the fol-
lowing minimum specification is given as a guide to the degree of protection required:
- The units shall be sealed in suitable plastic envelopes, humidity indicators fitted and sufficient dessicant for 12
months storage enclosed.
- Cabinets and panels shall be bolted to the base of the packing case with interposed shock proof mountings, and
cushioned with an adequate thickness of packing material on sides, ends and the lid.
- The framed base, sides and ends of the packing case shall be constructed of 22 mm thick tongued and grooved
close boarding and lined with reinforced waterproof paper.
17.7 The manufacturer’s/supplier’s final packaging specification is subject to the purchaser’s approval.
17.8 The shipping mark, Purchase Order Number and any other particulars as requested in the requisition, shall be
stencilled on each separate package and/or on the outside of each wooden case or crate.
17.9 The cabinet and panel manufacturer/supplier shall inform the Purchaser of the estimated total weight and dimen-
sions of each shipping section of the cabinet and its termination rack, within four weeks of the acknowledgment of the
Purchase Order.
18.1 The manufacturer/supplier shall guarantee all work and material in his supply against defect, poor workmanship,
improper design, improper packaging and/or failure in normal use for 12 months after the system has been placed in
service but not exceeding 18 months after date of despatch.
18.2 The manufacturer/supplier shall repair or replace within one week, without any charge to the Purchaser, the parts
found defective within the time specified above. In no event will this guarantee cover defects due to normal wear and
tear or due to disregard of manufacturer/supplier’s operating instructions.
18.3 The guarantee period shall be extended by any period(s) equal to the period(s) during which the system has been
out of operation as a result of a defect covered by this guarantee.
18.4 Fresh guarantee periods equal to those specified above shall apply to replacement parts or repaired parts.
18.5 The manufacturer/supplier shall guarantee at least (15) years spare parts supply.
In addition to general purchasing conditions, the following requirements shall also apply when supplying system cabi-
nets and control panels.
19.1.1 Each system cabinet and control panel shall be as specified in this Standard, the data sheets and the documents
listed therein. In case of a conflict between these documents, the order of priority shall be as follows:
19.1.2 Each system shall be supplied with an adequate number of special tools if applicable, e.g., for the mounting
and/or removal of lamps or switches.
19.1.3 The cabinet or/and control panel shall be delivered completely assembled for erection at site, except for those
parts removed for packing, without further preparation.
19.2 Quotation
19.2.1 Quotation shall be submitted in two forms, one with prices (commerical quotation), and the seconed without
prices (technical quotation).
a) The price for the complete system cabinet or/and control panel as specified by the purchaser, together with the
price for:
d) Dimensional outline drawing showing the position of the equipment in the cabinet or/and control panel.
e) Typical internal arrangements drawing showing the position of the equipment in each cabinet control or/and
g) Items on which the equipment offered deviates from the purchaser’s specifications.
h) A statement that the equipment offered satisfies the type tests specified in (14.4) and/or detailed listings of
items which do not comply with the specified performance criteria.
l) A provisional time schedule for meeting the delivery date indicated in the data sheets detailing activities such
as preparation of drawings, requisitioning of material, start of fabrication, ready for inspection and ready for
19.3 Documentation
19.3.1 In the event of an order being placed, the number of copies and/or transparencies of the preliminary documents
and drawings to be sent for approval and the final as built document and drawings to be supplied, will be specified in
the purchase order.
19.3.2 At least 1 set of reproducible drawings shall be available at the site when the cabinet or/and control panel ar-
19.3.3 The documents and drawings which shall be prepared includes but is not restricted to the following:
- Outline drawing showing dimensions in (mm) and mass of cabinets, or/and control panels.
- Installation and maintenance instructions.
- Description of operation.
- Electricity consumption with all loads energized.
- Schematic wiring and cable connection diagrams of the complete system.
- Terminal arrangements.
- Description of test procedures.
- Earthing arrangement.
- Power distribution with fuse ratings/types.
- Internal wiring diagrams or lists.
In order to be able to prepare and execute future modifications efficiently, internal wiring shall be clearly identified on draw-
ings or schedules such that the routing of every wire can be derived from it.
The System Cabinet and control panel supplier is responsible for the supply of drawings and documents of free issue equip-
ment fitted by him in the cabinet or/and control panel in the quantities stated in the Purchase Order.
19.3.4 Format, layout and contents of all documents and drawings shall be approved by the Purchaser at an early stage
in the project. Standard forms and examples of typical forms will be supplied to the manufacturer with the requisition as
19.3.5 SPIR (Spare Parts Interchangeability Record) shall be completed for the initial and normal operation of the
cabinet, for all cabinet, and panel mounted components including bought-out items, within six weeks after receipt of the
Purchase Order. This should ensure the timely purchase and shipment of initial spare parts.
19.3.6 The Manufacturer/Supplier shall clearly mark the spare parts interchangeability lists with the Purchaser Order
reference and item number, unit type indication and serial number.
- Description;
- drawing/part number;
- identification number;
- interchangeability of the parts;
- quantity per unit;
- material specification;
- interchangeability of the parts;
- unit price ex-works;
- any other useful information.
19.3.8 In the case of "bought-out items" the Supplier shall, in addition, specify:
- Where two or more parts can be supplied only as an ’assembly’ the drawing/part number shall be given for the
- Spare parts lists shall illustrate the various parts with identification numbers and should include sectional draw-
ings/parts list.
19.3.9 Initial Spare Parts shall mean the parts required to safeguard the operation of equipment during the running-in
and starting-in periods including the first year of operation. These parts shall therefore be available on site prior to plant
Spare parts for normal operation should adequately cover the requirements of day to day maintenance for a period of
two years operation following the initial operation (running-in and starting up periods and the first year of operation).
19.3.12 Each document shall contain the purchase order number, item number, and year of manufacture.
The provisional time schedule (19.2) shall be finalized and dates for start of work, inspection and delivery shall be indi-
An uninterruptible two feeder AC supply of a quality suitable for the feeding of microprocessor based and computer
A.1.2 This supply will be maintained typically for 30 minutes for process units and one hour for utilities unless other-
wise specified. This type of supply should be applied for systems such as fire and gas detection, control and telecommu-
nication, with back-up times as specified.
An AC supply with a two feeder arrangement backed up with an emergency supply, which may have an interrupt time
of up to 10 seconds.
Unless additional measures are taken, the electrical characteristics of this supply are the same as for the mains supply. addi-
tional measures could involve line conditioners and special transformers to stabilize voltage and reduce mains interference.
A supply as specified in electrical power supply and distribution system standard IPS-E-IN-180, and maintained for a
prolonged period such as for A.1.1 above.
(to be continued)
APPENDIX A-(continued)
Voltage 5 5 5 10
Tolerance (+% max.) (Note 2) (Note 2)
Frequency (Hz) 50 50 50
Frequency 2 5 5
Tolerance (+%max.)
Interrupt Time 10 ms 10 s 10 ms
1) Voltage and frequency to suit local conditions, will be confirmed together with phase required, for each particular case (by
electrical Engineering).
4) Defined as l(peak) /l(root mean square). Additional harmonics may be generated by the non-linear load, total should not
exceed 5% and 2% for each component.
5) Defined as number of times the nominal current will be drawn during a difined time. Typical figure could be: