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Sunc : FOR Power System Engineering

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Rev# Date Revision Notes By App'd App'd App'd App'd

1 9512 14 Is'Sued f<)( Implemenl:;,lion IN IN CP
2 980624 Issued for Project Millennium LGG DG8 RTD

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Suncor Energy Power System Engineering Rev. 4 Page 2
STD-0520 Part I Power System Design March 2006 of43

Table of Contents:
1. Part I Power System Design ........................................................................ .4
1.1. Scope ......................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Suncor Electrical Power System ............................................................... .4
1.3. Health, Safety and Environment ................................................................ .4
1.4. Fit for Purpose ............................................................................................ 4
1.5. References ................................................................................................. 4
1.6. Definitions ................................................................................................... 7
1.7. Site Conditions ........................................................................................... 7
1.8. Checklist of Design Requirements ............................................................. 8
1.9. Documentation ........................................................................................... 9
1.10. Utilization Voltages ................................................................................... 9
1.11. Substation Bus Arrangements ................................................................ 10
1.12. System Grounding .................................................................................. 12
1.13. Power System Design Considerations ................................................... 12
1.14. Motor Starting ......................................................................................... 12
1.15. Substation Automation ........................................................................... 13
1.16. Critical Loads .......................................................................................... 14
1.17. Critical Services ...................................................................................... 14
1.18. Aerial Wiring ........................................................................................... 15
1.19. Grounding Requirements ....................................................................... 15
1.20. Transformers .......................................................................................... 16
1.21. Switchgear .............................................................................................. 16
1.22. Bus Feeders ........................................................................................... 18
1.23. Motor Feeders ........................................................................................ 18
1.24. Cables .................................................................................................... 18
1.25. Engineering Studies ............................................................................... 19
1.26. Batteries & Chargers .............................................................................. 23
1.27. Substation Design .................................................................................. 23
1.28. Substation Buildings ............................................................................... 25
1.29. Substation Fencing ................................................................................. 29
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2. Part II Protection .......................................................................................... 30

2. 1. Scope ....................................................................................................... 30
2.2. Instrument Transformers .......................................................................... 30
2.3. Metering ................................................................................................... 32
2.4. Substation Annunciation ........................................................................... 34
2.5. Documentation ......................................................................................... 34
2.6. Protective Relay Coordination Plots ......................................................... 34
2.7. Protection Schemes ................................................................................. 35
2.8. Transformer Protection ............................................................................. 36
2.9. Feeder Protection ..................................................................................... 37
2.10. Secondary Bus Protection ...................................................................... 37
2.11. Primary Selective Bus Protection ........................................................... 38
2.12. Supply Mains - Main Distribution Sub .................................................... 38
2.13. Motors .................................................................................................... 38
2.14. Generators ............................................................................................. 39
2.15. Capacitor Banks and Harmonic Filters .................................................. .40
2.16. Under Frequency Load Shedding ........................................................... 40
2.17. Protection Coordination ......................................................................... .40
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STD-0520 Part I Power System Design March 2006 of43

1. Part I Power System Design

1.1. Scope

1 Part I of this standard provides guidelines for power system and substation design at
Voyageur required to insure that the Suncor Energy facilities are designed to be
economical, safe, reliable and maintainable.

2 This standard is intended for use by Engineers engaged in the Design of Suncor
Power Systems.

1.2. Suncor Electrical Power System

Refer to 30-D-P-141 series drawings.

1.3. Health, Safety and Environment

Suncor Energy expects excellence in health, safety and environmental performance.

Employees and others engaged on behalf of Suncor Energy shall safeguard their
health while performing their functions in a manner which protects themselves, their
fellow workers, the environment, the general public, and the physical assets of
Suncor Energy.

1.4. Fit for Purpose

1 The Engineer shall ensure that the power system design is fit for the intended

1.5. References

1 The following codes, standards and guidelines shall apply:

a) CSA 22.1 Part 1 Canadian Electric Code
b) CSA CAN3-C88-M79 Power Transformers and Reactors
c) CSA 322.3 No.1 M87 Overhead Systems
d) CSA CAN3-CI3-M83 Instrument Transformers
e) CSA-M421 Use of Electricity in Mines
f) IEEE 1585 Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard
g) IEEE 32 Neutral Grounding Devices
h) IEEE 80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation
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i) IEEE 141 "Red Book" - Recommended Practice for Electrical

Power Distribution for Industrial Plants
j) IEEE 493"Gold Book" - Recommended Practice for the Design of
Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
k) IEEE 142 "Green Book" - Recommended Practice for Grounding of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
1) IEEE 242 "Buff Book" - Recommended Practice for Protection and Co-
ordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
m) IEEE 1015 "Blue Book" - Recommended Practice for Applying Low-
Voltage Circuit Breakers Used in Industrial and Commercial Power
n) IEEE 367 Guide for Maximum Electric Power Station Ground Potential
Rise and Induced Voltage From a Power Fault
0) IEEE 485 Recommend Practice for Sizing Large Lead Storage Batteries
for Generating Stations and Substations
p) IEEE 519 Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic
Control In Electrical Power Systems
q) IEEE 525 Guide for Design and Installation of Cable Systems in
r) IEEE 979 Guide for Substation Fire Protection
s) ANSI C37.2 Standard Electrical Power System Device Function
t) ANSI C37.010 Application Guide for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
u) ANSI C37.012 Application Guide for- Capacitance Current Switching for
AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
v) ANSI C37.29 Standard for Low voltage AC Power Circuit Protectors
Used in Enclosures
w) ANSI C37.l3 Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in
x) ANSI C37.41 Design Test for High Voltage Fuses, Distribution Enclosed
Single Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and Accessories
y) ANSI C37.91 Guide for Protective Relay Application to Power
z) ANSI C37.95 Guide for Protective Relaying of Utility - Consumer
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aa) ANSI C37.96 Guide for AC Motor Protection

bb) ANSI C37.97 Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power system
cc) ANSI C3 7.99 Guide for Protection of Shunt Capacitor Banks
dd) IEEE C37.l01 Guide for AC Generator Protection
ee) ANSI C37.l02 Guide for AC Generator Protection
f1) ANSI C57.13 Instrument Transformers
gg) ANSI C57.92 Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Power
Transformers up to and Including 100 MVA with 55C or 65C Winding
hh) ANSI C57.94 Recommended Practice for Installation, Application
Operation and Maintenance of Dry-Type General Purpose Distribution
and Power Transformers
ii) ANSI C57.1 09 Guide for Transformer Through Fault Duration

jj) IEC Publication 298 Arc Proof Switchgear

kk) NFPA 70E- Arc Flash Hazard

ll) NFPA496 Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for

Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Locations
mm) NFPA 90A Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
nn) NFPA 90B Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning

00) Suncor0102 Drafting Procedures

pp) Suncor0104 Records Office
qq) Suncor 0110 CADD Procedures
rr) Suncor 0112 Document Numbering
ss) Suncor 0113 Equipment Numbering
tt) Suncor 0114 As-Built Procedures
uu) Suncor 05xx Suncor 500 Series Electrical Standards
vv) NEC National Electrical Code
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ww) Alberta Building Code

xx) Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act
yy) Alberta Fire Code
zz) Alberta Safety Codes Act
aaa) Suncor Quality Management Plan (QMP)
bbb) Suncor Fire Protection Manual
ccc) Electrical and Communication Utility System Regulation
ddd) APEGGA - Required Detail Content in Electrical Drawings and
Specifications for Construction or Tender - A Guideline

1.6. Definitions

Captive transformer substation is a transformer that supplies a single utilization

device, usually a large motor. The transformer may be located in a substation or
close to the device it supplies.

2 Engineer, in this document refers to the individual or company retained by Suncor

Energy to design the facilities.

3 Primary selective substations have dual primary feeder circuits.

4 Secondary selective substations have two busses, each supplied by a normally

closed incoming circuit breaker and connected together by a normally open bus tie
circuit breaker.

1.7. Site Conditions

1 Location, Tar Island, north of Fort McMurray:

a) Latitude:56 degrees North
b) Longitude:112 degrees West
c) Altitude: 1000 feet (300 m) above sea level

2 Design wind speed and direction:

a) Summer:7 miles/hour (12 km/hour) from the west
b) Winter: 14 miles/hour (24 km/hour) from the east
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3 Outdoor design temperatures shall be confirmed with the Owner, minimum shall be
as follows:
a) Summer: dry bulb temperature + 104°F (+40°C)
b) Mean daily range:+57°F (+14°C)
c) Wet bulb temperature: +6SoF (+20°C)
d) Winter: dry bulb temperature -56°F (-49°C)
e) Heating degree days:7000 below +64°F (+ 1SOC) base

1.8. Checklist of Design Requirements

1 The Engineer shall confirm the following items with the Owner:
a) Approval of Hazardous Area classification
b) Substation configuration( Approval of Single line Diagrams)
c) Preliminary criteria (PFD's, PID's, FMEA)
d) Conceptual single line diagram
e) Hazardous Area Classification
f) Power and instrumentation Layout drawings
g) Final design review
h) HAZOP's
i) Type of switchgear and whether AC or DC controls are to be specified
j) Type of transformer to switchgear connection (i.e. Cable or Bus Duct)
k) Transformer Oil Containment Design
I) Number of future cell expansion spaces to be provided for in the design
m)Type ofDCS devices and which breakers are to be controlled by DCS
n) Style ofluminaires to be used
0) Operating descriptions
p) Spare parts list and inventory
q) Shutdown, tie in & construction execution plan
r) Existing underground facilities and drawing update requirements
s) Fire protection requirements
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2 The Engineer shall ensure that all relevant design data is obtained including:
a) List of Suncor's standard specifications
b) Existing Layout drawings
c) Site sample data for air contaminants:
• Hydrogen sulphide (H 2S)
• Sulphur dioxide (S02)
• Hydrocarbons or other volatile toxic or corrosive gases
• Concentrated steam resulting in high temperature and humidity
• Conductive airborne dust consisting of soil, coke and bitumen
d) Historical fire data along cable routes
e) Site sample data for soil contaminants
1) Soil pH values in the vicinity of the substation
g) Soil resistivity in the vicinity of the substation
h) Presently existing studies that are relevant to the project
i) Relevant network positive, negative, and zero sequence impedance data,
required by the designer for fault, load flow, motor starting and grounding
j) List of loads to be fed from the substation, including; connected and
running hp, motor sizes and motor RPM
k) Generator sizes and VAR limitations on the machines when starting loads
that are larger than 10% of the generator size

1.9. Documentation

Documentation requirements are included in:

a) Suncor Standard 0102 - Drafting Procedures; and
b) Suncor Standard 0114 - As-Build Procedures

1.10. Utilization Voltages

The following nominal voltages are acceptable:

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a) 72,000 V, 3 phase, 3 wire - Effective Grounding

b) 34.SkV - Low Res. Grounding 400A
c) 2S,000 V, 3 phase, 3 wire - Low Res. Grounding 400A
d) 13,SOO V, 3 phase, 3 wire - Low Res Groundiing 400A
e) 7,200 V, 3 phase, 3 wire - Low/High Res Grounding
f) 4,160V, 3 phase, 3 wire - LowlHigh Res. Grounding

g) 600V, 3 phase, 3 wire - High Res. Grounding SA

h) 4S0V, 3 phase, 3 wire- High Res. Grounding SA
i) 4S0/277V,3 phase, 4 wire - Effectively (solidly) Grounded
j) 20S/120V, 3 phase, 4 wire - Effectively Grounded
k) 2401l20V, 1 phase, 4 wire- Effectively Grounded

1.11. Substation Bus Arrangements

1 The substation configuration must be selected in consultation with the Owner. The
functional protection requirements should be confirmed concurrent with the
configuration selection (Refer to Part II - Protection, of this document).

2 Primary selective substations are mandatory for the primary supply of each major
operating division within the Suncor plant.).

3 Captive transformer configurations should be used where large motors are supplied.
Captive transformers are required for all nominal 13.SKV motors. Other large motor
requirement for captive transformers shall be demonstrated by system studies. The
motor control circuit breaker can be located on the primary or secondary side ofthe
captive transformer.

4 Voltage drops permitting, consideration should be given to supplying all auxiliaries

for the motor and its load from a utility transformer supplied from the same upstream
source as the motor. These auxiliaries include:
a) Synchronous excitation power supplies
b) Cooling and lubrication system power supplies
c) Power supplies for other systems associated with the motor or its load
d) If auxiliaries can not be supplied from the secondary of the captive
transformer the auxiliaries shall be fed from a secondary selective
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5 Process loads shall be fed from the main process area substation.

6 Secondary Selective configurations shall be used in all area Substations.

7 Secondary selective substations shall include automatic bus transfer schemes.

8 Automatic Transfer Systems will allow closed transition manual transfer and open
transition automatic transfer in the event of a power outage to one bus.

9 Radial configurations can be used where directed by the Owner. Four standard
variations provide design flexibility:
a) Fused primary, with no secondary switch devices are intended for temporary
loads, such as seasonal pumps, construction power, and the like, where keeping
costs to a minimum is the paramount consideration. This substation configuration
would not likely be used on transformers larger than 500 kV A.
b) Fused primary, breaker secondary configurations are intended for motor loads
where it is convenient to tap off an overhead line, rather than having to run
feeders back to a supply point where breakers are available. The secondary
breaker is required to protect the motors against single phasing.
c) Breaker primary, no secondary configuration would be used as an alternative
to, the fused primary, breaker secondary configuration, where a breaker protected
supply point is convenient, or where the size ofthe transformer warranted sudden
pressure and primary ground fault protection or single phasing is unacceptable!.
Emergency de-energization of the main bus must be accomplished by one of the
• Primary breaker in same room
• Load break transformer primary disconnect switch
• Manual initiation of transfer trip (86) to the primary breaker
d) Breaker primary, breaker secondary configurations are intended for those
loads where there is a strong possibility of requiring a secondary selective
substation in the near future, but current budgets dictate the work be staged.

lOA radial fed sub bus must have an incoming breaker for emergency de-energization
unless one of the following conditions exists:
• Source breaker is in the same room
• Load-break incoming switch
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L -_______________________

• Manual initiation of transfer trip (86) to the source breaker

1.12. System Grounding

1 Refer to IEEE 80 - Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding, for ground grid
design considerations.

2 Refer to IEEE 142 "Green Book" - Recommended Practice for Grounding of

Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, for grounding resistor sizing

3 For high resistance grounded systems where tripping is required the charging currents
shall be calculated to ensure that ground fault overcurrent relays can be applied. The
maximum ground fault current shall be at least 500% ofthe maximum feeder
charging current.

4 Refer to OSG Standard 0524 Neutral Grounding Resistors

5 See Process Area Grounding in Suncor Standard 501.

1.13. Power System Design Considerations

1 Three phase motor feeder steady state voltage drop shall not exceed 5% of nominal
system voltage. An additional 5% drop is permissible, if necessary, for intermittent
process loads such as sump pumps

2 Motor circuit allowable voltage drops during starting and re-acceleration shall be as
specified in the following table (% of nominal):
Condition Main Area Area
Distribution Substation Substation
Substation Primary Secondary
Primary Voltage Voltage(4160-
Voltage 480V)
Starting 3% 5% 15%
Reacceleration 3% 5% (for group) 15% (for group)

1.14. Motor Starting

Full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) motor starters shall normally be used.

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2 Motors shall be supplied from a bus dedicated to the process unit in which the motor
is installed.

3 Where motors are designated to have full redundancy (spare) or partial redundancy it
is preferred to supply them from secondary selective alternate buses wherever

4 Single phase process motors shall be supplied from process/instrumentation panels,

not from building services panels.

5 Where a group of motors requires re-acceleration and more than a single re-
acceleration step is required due to voltage drop restrictions, the re-acceleration
schedule will be established by process priorities.

1.15. SUbstation Automation

1 Substation Automation Systems are required for all Main Distribution and Process
Area Substations.

2 A Substation Automation system is a high speed communication network comprising

all of the Intelligent Electronic Devices(IED's) in the Substation including protective
relays, meters, and motor protection relays.

3 The Substation Automation system will include a redundant PLC system or similar
other computer based systems for the programming of maintenance applications such
as the Substation Annunciator, Circuit Breaker Control/Auto-Transfer Systems, and
Lighting System Timers.

4 The Substation Automation system will include a local Graphic User Interface
System(GUI) or Human Machine Interface System(HMI).

5 The Substation Automation Network will be integrated with the Suncor Business
LAN. The HMI system will have a Client-Server Architecture to allow the HMI
application to be available to selected users on the Suncor LAN in addition to the
HMI computers located in the Substation.

6 The GUIIHMI control and monitoring functions are to include the following:
a) Substation Single Line graphic showing bus voltages, feeder currents and
circuit breaker positions,
b) Substation Alarm Annunciator
c) Circuit Breaker Controls
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d) Data Display of all lED parameters.

e) User Definable Trending functionality

1.16. Critical Loads

Critical loads may include but are not limited to:

a) Critical Block Valves (CBV's)
b) UPS
c) Emergency lighting
d) Flare mitigation services
e) battery chargers,
t) evacuation sirens,
g) critical ventilation,
h) Others as deemed necessary

2 Supply to CBV's used in emergency isolation or shutdown and liquid pulldown or

vapor blowdown service shall be:
a) fed from critical services MCC/PDC
b) be monitored by a fail safe undervoltage relay, which will alarm after a delay to
avoid nuisance alarms

1.17. Critical Services

The critical services MCC/PDC shall normally be fed from an automatic transfer
secondary selective source. In the event of a loss of the normal supply an Automatic
Transfer Switch (ATS) shall transfer to the critical services generator source. In
addition, the critical services MCC/PDC shall be connected to a general services
MCC/PDC through a normally open manually operated switch. The system shall
provide bump less transfer between sources for maintenance and testing purposes.

2 Critical services generators shall be equipped with electric starting capability.

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1.18. Aerial Wiring

Overhead, open wire pole line distribution is not permitted in operating areas.

2 Line segments in high contamination areas shall have insulation voltage rated at least
a single voltage class higher than actual line nominal rating.

1.19. Grounding Requirements

1 Substation ground grid resistance (excluding intentional grounding resistance for

resistance grounded systems) shall not exceed:
a) lO ohms for systems equal or less than 600V
b) 5 ohms for systems greater than 600V

2 The maximum ground grid resistance described abovel shall be for worst
contingency soil conditions.

3 In general each process unit shall have its own grounding system.

4 All grounding shall be interconnected with the overall grounding system. For remote
structures or equipment, isolated grounding shall be permitted provided ground
electrodes and grounding cables can provide satisfactory local grounding not to
a) 10 ohms for systems equal or less than 600V
b) 5 ohms for systems greater than 600V

5 Where possible, arrange to have Civil pile designs incorporate welded connections to
bond all the pile steel and rebar so that the pile acts as a 'concrete encased' ground

6 The substation ground grid shall completely surround the substation building, power
transformers and fences which shall all be connected directly to the grounding grid.

7 Exposed non-current carrying metal parts of all electrical equipment, metal buildings
and all other metallic structures and equipment and ground bus connections of motor
control centres, switchgear and transformer neutrals shall be connected directly to the
main grounding loop as per the requirements of the CEC.

8 The interaction of the ground grid with area cathodic protection shall be considered.
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1.20. Transformers

1 Refer to Suncor Standard-0515 Power Transformers, Suncor Standard-0531 Dry

Type Transformers.

2 Transformers selection shall take into account inventory requirements. That is,
transformers of similar ratings shall be identical in order to limit inventory

3 Preferred maximum transformer sizing is as follows:

a) 480V secondaries, 2.5 MVA, ONAF, this permits application of standard 3000A
bus and 65 kA breakers
b) 4160V secondaries, 15MVA, ONAF, this permits application of standard 2000 A
bus and 350 MVA breakers

4 Transformers on secondary selective buses shall be sized such that the ONAF ratings
match or exceed the rating of the connected switchgear.

5 All transformers with self cooled ratings 750 kV A or larger shall have provision for
future forced air cooled rating.

1.21. Switchgear

1 Refer to Suncor STD STD-513 Switchgear

2 Preferred breaker types are as follows:

Voltage Type Preferred

260kV SF6 Outdoor
34.5KV VCB ! arc resistant
13.8KV VCB arc resistant
4.16KV VCB ! arc resistant
600/480V Air Metal Enclosed
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3 Switchgear continuous ratings shall be not less than 140% of the calculated maximum
demand. Minimum of 600A.

4 Switchgear interrupting ratings shall be not less than 125% of the contact parting
duties (interrupting) identified in the fault study, based on calculated X/R ratios and

5 Arc-Resistant Indoor Switchgear is to be vented outside of buildings.

6 Switchgear momentary ratings shall be not less than 125% of the first cycle duties
(momentary) identified in the fault study, based on calculated X/R ratios and ANSI

7 For automatic secondary selective substations the contact parting duties (interrupting)
and first cycle duties (momentary) shall be based on the tie breaker closed and one
incoming breaker open.

8 For substations where the secondary bus may be energized with both incomers and
the bus tie closed in normal operation (not momentary) the switchgear must be rated
for this operating condition. This also applies to LV Switchgear supplied from Utility
Power in parallel with emergency generators where a feeder breaker or bus will see a
fault current from two sources.

9 Primary breakers for individual transformers shall have a continuous rating not less
than the maximum forced cooled rating of the transformer.

10 Primary breakers for two or more transformers shall have a continuous rating not less
than the maximum forced cooled ratings of all the transformers in the group

11 Main incoming secondary breakers shall have a continuous rating not less than the
maximum forced cooled rating of the transformer.

12 Bus tie breakers in secondary selective substations shall have a continuous rating not
less than the maximum forced cooled rating ofthe transformer. The intent is that the
tie breaker can act as an emergency spare to the main incoming secondary breakers.

13 Feeder breakers or incoming circuit breakers supplying busses shall have a

continuous rating not less than the continuous rating of the bus or cable.

14 Circuit breakers are required for 13.8KV motor control.

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15 Circuit breakers instead of contactors may be considered where equipment is required

to ride through severe voltage drop conditions to provide secure electrical or steam
supply, such as, boiler feed water pumps, boiler induced and forced draft fans

16 Circuit breakers used as motor controllers shall have a continuous capacity not less
a) 125% of the motor full load current for 1.0 service factor motors or;
b) 140% of the motor full load current for 1.15 service factor motors

17 Minimum future Breaker cell space shall be:

a) One cell space for radial configurations
b) Two cell spaces for primary or secondary selective configurations with one cell
on "A" bus and one on the "B" bus

18 Cell Spaces will be wired complete not including circuit breaker and CT's

19 The Engineer shall ensure that the cable termination compartments are designed with
adequate space for future additions and also that adequate working space is provided.

1.22. Bus Feeders

Bus feeders supplying a sub-bus within the same substation as the source bus shall
have an ampacity no less than the downstream bus rating.

1.23. Motor Feeders

Motors feeders shall be sized to meet voltage drop criteria outlined in this standard.

1.24. Cables

1 Refer to Suncor STD-504 Cables

2 Cable ampacity shall be based on the maximum demand.

3 Where cable is used as the main power supply feeders to switchgear and MCC's, the
cable shall be installed in tray at one diameter spacing and rated as per the CEC.
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4 For motor branch cables installed in tray, consideration shall be given to applying for
a variance to the CEC for derating of more than three power conductors in a raceway.
The basis of the submission is as follows:
a) The NEC and CEC require that motor and transformer cable sizes be oversized by
b) Lighting and EHT power cables are also normally sized for 125% of full load
current due to circuit breaker derating factors.
c) The calculated demand load is normally only 50% of the connected load as
process design usually calls for motors and other critical loads to have 100%
spare back up. As a result only 50% of all motor and other critical load power
cables will be carrying current at anyone time.
d) Control cables will usually be randomly run in the same cable trays as the
associated power cables thereby further reducing heat build up.
e) The cables will be run in open ventilated cable trays.
±) Governing cable sizing criteria shall be documented.

5 15kV Insulated cables and above shall not be run through plant areas experiencing
the following conditions:
a) high temperature and humidity
b) where subjected to contaminants and corrosive atmospheres
c) where subjected to falling objects
d) areas with difficult access for both construction and maintenance

6 The termination of shields on HV cables will follow IEEE 525 "Guide for Design and
Installation of Cable Systems in Substations"

1.25. Engineering Studies

Identify all process loads and categorize as follows:

a) critical loads
b) dual supplied loads ( i.e. secondary selective loads)
c) radial and captive loads
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2 Categorize loads by process area to identify energy monitoring points. The electrical
system architecture should match and be compatible with the process system

3 As warranted prepare lists of:

a) automatically re-accelerated loads
b) load shedding and peak shaving load groupings

4 Identify any fast transfer requirements.

5 Categorize automatic transfer timings between upstream and downstream substations.

6 Create area classification drawings, refer to Suncor Standard 0503 Area


7 Determine substation locations.

8 Allocate utility corridors throughout the plant.

9 Determine the critical services generator locations and distribution.

10 Prepare preliminary single line diagram and a report outlining the electrical system
design criteria. Submit for owner review and project implementation

11 An Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation is required per IEEE 1584.

12 A computerized fault study is required, fault calculations shall conform to the

methodology of the IEEE Std. 141 "Red Book".

13 The designer will clearly state all assumptions used in the calculations.

14 Fault calculation shall be done using SKM software.

15 Fault calculations are required for two distinct purposes:

a) Equipment Procurement - Based on maximum available contribution from
utility and plant sources. Rotating equipment to be represented by
subtransient impedances and appropriate multipliers. For equipment
procurement the following fault levels will be required:
• First Cycle Duties (momentary) for bus bracing and cutouts. Asymmetrical
fault levels shall be calculated.
• First Cycle Duties (momentary) for fuses and low voltage circuit breakers.
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Symmetrical fault levels shall be calculated.

b) Contact Parting Duties (interrupting) for medium-high voltage circuit

breakers. Symmetrical and asymmetrical fault levels shall be calculated.
The X/R ratios shall be calculated and where X/R ratio exceeds the device
symmetrical rating basis, the calculation shall show the appropriate device
de-rating factor.

16 Refer to the following standards and application guides:

c) ANSI C37.010 Application Guide for AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
d) ANSI C37.13 Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures
e) ANSI C37.29 Standard for Low voltage AC Power Circuit Protectors Used in
f) ANSI C37.41 Standard Design Tests for High Voltage Fuses, Distribution
Enclosed Single Pole Air Switches, Fuse Disconnecting Switches, and

17 Symmetrical fault levels and device contribution levels will be required for the
following network conditions:
a) Maximum, First Cycle Duties (momentary), maximum generation condition.
b) Minimum, based on minimum available contribution, assume a single local
generator out of service (i.e. assume the generator making the most significant
contribution to the fault level is out of service). Synchronous equipment to be
based on transient impedance. Induction equipment to be omitted.

18 For backup device clearing time less than 0.5 second (30 cycles) use minimum fault
level. For backup device clearing time greater than 0.5 second (30 cycles) use steady
state impedances in minimum network configuration.

19 Load data shall be presented in tabular format with a reference single line diagram of
the relevant system. All element labeling shall be consistent between the single line
and the tabular format

20 The designer shall document all assumptions and data sources.

21 Demands shall be expressed in kV A with their corresponding kW and kV AR

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~ ... ---_ ... _ - - - -

22 For secondary selective substations, demands shall be given for both open and closed
bus tie breaker operation

23 Load flow results shall be presented in tabular format with a reference single line
diagram ofthe relevant system. All element labeling shall be consistent between the
single line and the tabular format.

24 Tap settings for all power transformers shall be documented.

25 Motor re-acceleration schedule shall be documented.

26 Voltage variations shall be tabulated for each bus and motor terminal during the
following conditions:
a) Normal operation
b) Motor starting
c) Motor re-acceleration

27 For squirrel cage induction motors larger than 1500 hp, rotor temperature rise during
design starting conditions shall be documented, when located in classified areas.

28 Power factor shall be corrected to 0.9 or better.

29 All capacitor power factor correction shall be done at the distribution voltage level
and shall be by grouped capacitors not distributed at motors. Power Factor correction
banks will be detuned with reactors, bare capacitors are not acceptable.

30 The engineer shall document all sizing calculations and notes including any
spreadsheets prepared for this purpose.

31 A computerized harmonic study( Load Flow) is required if:

a) 20 percent of load per bus or greater is non-linear or;
b) Power factor correction capacitors are installed;

32 A stability study shall be done if generation is added.

33 Step and touch calculations are required on all substations connected to an effectively
grounded source.
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34 In general, substation grounding designs shall be based on IEEE Std 80, IEEE Std
142 "Green Book" and the requirements of the CEC.

1.26. Batteries & Chargers

1 Battery sizing shall be based on IEEE 485 Recommended Practice for Sizing Large
Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations.

2 Substation battery bank supplies shall be 125VDC.

3 Batteries shall be wet lead calcium.

4 Duty cycle is defined as one trip and reclose of each breaker in the substation with
battery end voltage not to be less than 90% of nominal.

5 Dual battery chargers with single battery bank shall be used at all Area substations.

6 The battery charger shall normally operate in full float mode. The battery shall have
safe disconnecting means to enable maintenance and testing of batteries while the
charger supplies the station DC.

7 The DC distribution system short circuit calculations and protection coordination

shall be completed and documented.

8 Local alarm ofthe following conditions is required:

a) Loss of AC (monitored on the charger side of AC protection)
b) Low battery charger output
c) High battery charger output
d) Loss of DC (monitored at several locations such as relay service alarms)

9 A single control room alarm shall be provided, grouping the local alarms and labelled
DC failure.

10 Refer to Suncor Standard 0525 Batteries and Chargers

1.27. Substation Design

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This section applies to main distribution substations, process area substations, EHT
Substations and all substations larger than 500 kVA.

2 When locating substations, maintain clearances from existing units as indicated in the
Suncor Fire Prevention Manual, the CEC code, API RP505 and API RP500, that is,
locate outside classified areas where possible.

3 Locate Substations upwind of corrosive chemical or coke dust sources.

4 Select cable routings to avoid placing the main runs through a high risk fire area ..

5 Substations shall feed only loads located in the operating unit the substation is
intended to serve. Cable routing through one operating unit to feed another operating
unit is not acceptable.

6 Lighting level calculations shall be made in accordance with Illumination

Engineering Society practices.

7 Interior lighting shall be; switched, ceiling mounted fluorescent fixtures. Exterior
lighting shall be photo controlled, wall or stanchion mounted HPS fixtures. A light
fixture shall be provided for each transformer bay.

8 Emergency lighting shall be one-hour rated battery pack incandescent lighting with
auto-test option.

9 Maintained lighting levels shall be 330 lux (30 fc) at floor elevation inside the
substation and 33 lux (3 fc) at grade elevations in transformer and switch yards.

10 Ensure that lighting fixtures do not interfere with the placement of cable trays, bus
ducts or the operation of breaker lifting facilities.

11 Equipment shall be laid out to maintain adequate working clearances as per CEC.

12 Switchgear shall be separate from MCC's, close coupling is not permitted.

13 Physical segregation shall be provided for HV Switchgear (13.8 kV and higher).

Enclosed in a separate locked room.

14 Overlapping clearances are acceptable.

15 Back to back and wall mounted MCC's are not acceptable.

16 Arc Flash boundaries shall be clearly marked by paint on the substation floor as
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17 The building main entrance door shall be centered on a main aisle to provide
sufficient access room for adding future equipment. The area immediately adjacent
to the main entrance shall be kept clear of equipment, both inside and outside the

18 Provide 30 in. minimum bending radius elbows for all conduits and cable trays
carrying medium or high voltage cables.

19 Maintain a minimum of 6 ft (2m) vertical clearance above arc resistant switchgear for
all conduits, cable trays, duct work and lighting fixtures. Cable trays shall include
solid bottoms when routed over arc resistant switchgear.

20 Provide a minimum of one 15A duplex receptacle every 25 ft (8m) along interior
walls and an outdoor receptacle for each power transformer.

21 Provide an outdoor zone 2 480 V Welding receptacle at each substation.

22 All oil filled equipment shall be surrounded by a concrete oil containment basin or an
underground oily water sump as approved by the owner.

23 Transformers shall be installed on level pads, complete with pile and cap designed by
a civil engineer to resist frost movement.

24 Transformers shall be arranged to minimize fire hazards by either space separation or

fire resistant barriers.

25 In all cases outdoor equipment shall be located to maintain adequate working

clearances in accordance with the following guidelines:
a) Transformer, 48 in. (l200mm) from HV terminal side - and 36 in. (900mm)
around other sides
b) Neutral grounding resistors, 36 in. (900mm) on at least 3 sides. Mounting on the
transformer tank is acceptable. Welding NGR supports to the transformer tank is
not allowed.

26 Power transformers shall be located where practical to minimize the cable or bus duct
costs between the transformers and switchgear.

1.28. Substation Buildings

1 Non-combustible buildings are required for substation buildings.

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2 The building shall be designed to accommodate the electrical equipment and the
cable routings.

3 The designer shall ensure the roof of the building can support the bus duct, cable tray,
and conduit loading anticipated when the substation is utilized at full capacity.

4 The designer shall consider bending radius for underfloor cables

5 Provision shall be made in the design for spare underfloor ducts to be stubbed out
from the building foundations and located by permanent markers so as to avoid
having, in future, to excavate beneath the foundations or grade beams.

6 At least 1 single and 1 double door shall be provided at opposite ends of the building.
All doors shall be steel with solid upper and lower panels, shall be at least 36 in
(900mm) wide and be equipped with automatic closure devices and panic bars, and
shall be 1 hour fire rated.

7 The Engineer shall compare the door dimension to the shipping split dimensions
shown on the vendor drawings. Where necessary, removable steel panels shall be
provided above and/or beside standard height double doors.

8 Floors shall be smooth non-slip construction. Consideration shall be given to

concrete poured on "Q-deck".

9 Concrete floors shall be sealed with colored hardeners and not painted. This is to
avoid future paint dust maintenance problems.

10 Switchgear shall be supported on rails embedded in the floor, or as recommended by

the manufacturer.

11 Provision shall be made to accommodate the heating and ventilation main units at
floor level. Hanging such units from the inside ceiling is not permitted.

12 The building walls and roof shall be insulated to R 12 and R20 respectively.

13 The building must be constructed air tight. All ducts, pipes and conduits penetrating
the building structure must be sealed. The Engineer shall pay special attention to
weather stripping the doors and windows.

14 All cable tray and conduit penetrations shall be sealed with approved fire stop

15 Substation walls adjacent to outdoor oil filled power transformers shall have all
openings sealed and shall incorporate a minimum two hour fire rating.
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16 Fire Detection Systems will be as per Suncor Standard 061.

17 Building alarms other than fire include:

a) Low temperature
b) High temperature
c) Make up air unit "off' on freeze
d) Clogged filter

18 A voice phone and LAN connection shall be provided in each substation room.

19 If specified, provide a redundant fibre optic cable with panel.

20 A Building security system with card access shall be provided ..

21 The electrical designer shall make the mechanical designer aware ofthe heating and
ventilation requirements.

22 The heating and ventilation system must be compatible with the fire suppression
system. Initiation of the fire suppression system shall shut down the heating and
ventilation system and all ventilation openings must be sealed for an appropriate

23 Heat generated in the building shall be based on the maximum demand of all
equipment. Use a maximum temperature rise of 6°C for the calculation of ventilation
for cooling.

24 Minimum outdoor air shall be brought in to ensure the room/building is pressurized

to +25 Pa relative to the outdoors at all times.

25 Mechanical refrigeration shall be provided if more than 3 air changes per hour are
required for cooling or when the contaminants are present in the outdoor air requiring
extensive filtration or chemical air purification.

26 The ventilation system shall be designed to maintain the concentration of gas phase
contaminants to below the G3- levels stipulated in the latest edition of the Instrument
Society of America (ISA) standard S71.0. Chemical air purification filters shall be
provided, to maintain the G3 environment. Air filtration to atmospheric dust spot
efficiency of minimum 50% shall be provided. Filter dust spot efficiency shall be
based on ASHRAE 52-76 test standard.
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27 For large buildings the design should include a make-up air system consisting of a
supply fan, electric heating coil(s), air filter, air blender, minimum and maximum
outdoor air motorized dampers and return air motorized damper. The design shall
include a direct expansion cooling coil and a remote condensing unit if mechanical
refrigeration is provided.

28 For large buildings the design should provide for an inline exhaust fan located
indoors, with a motorized exhaust damper and motorized re-circulation damper. The
exhaust fan dampers shall be designed to operate in unison with the make-up air unit
dampers. The design shall also include the following features:
a) Adequate service access to all components
b) Co-ordination with electrical trays and conduit runs
c) Non-oil wetted replaceable dry type filters
d) Re-circulating type electrostatic air cleaner
e) 25 mm minimum acoustic insulation on air ductwork
f) Louvers, rain hoods, and bird screens on intake and exhaust openings
g) Location of air handling and chemical filtration within protected area
h) Welded ducts or ducts with completely sealed joints outside the protected area

29 Natural gas heating is preferred if a source of "stench" gas is readily available.

Electrical is an acceptable method of heating. Steam and water heaters are not

30 The Engineer may use unit heaters to supplement the heating design.

31 The air flows from the heaters shall be directed so they do not impinge directly on
any protective relays mounted on the switchgear, nor toward the cooling inlets of
equipment such as battery chargers and uninterruptible power supplies.

32 Wall mounted thermostats are adequate for control ofthe unit heaters.

33 Direct heat flows to prevent the doors from freezing shut.

34 All control components shall be electric (not pneumatic)

35 The electric heating coil shall be operated when the minimum air flow is proven, and
shall be provided with high temperature cutouts

36 Upon fan shutdown, the motorized dampers shall return to a re-circulation mode.
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37 A low limit freeze stat shall be provided for the ventilation unit to shut the make-up
air and exhaust system, should the supply air temperature be sensed at or below + 2 DC

38 The make-up air and exhaust fan shall operate continuously. Upon system startup the
minimum outdoor air damper shall open. A duct mounted thermostat shall control
the stages of the heating coil to maintain the supply air temperature at +1ODC. A wall
mounted thermostat shall modulate the mixing dampers for the make-up air unit, and
the exhaust and re-circulation dampers for the exhaust fan to prevent the space
temperature from exceeding +30D C.

39 The electrical engineer shall provide the equipment heating loads to the mechanical

40 The following optional remote alarms shall be provided, if requested by the owner:
a) Room low optional remote temperature
b) Room high temperature
c) Make-up air unit "off' on freeze
d) Clogged filter

41 Substations will not be located in hazardous areas.

42 The ventilation system shall be designed with redundant, dual supply fans to
minimize outages of the ventilation system.

1.29. Substation Fencing

1 Substations with outdoor equipment shall be fenced.

2 The fence shall be in accordance with the CEC. The fence shall be galvanized steel
with lockable equipment and man gates that open outwards.

3 The grounding of the fence shall be in accordance with IEEE Std 80 and shall be
bonded to the substation ground grid at frequent intervals. The ground grid shall
extend 1 meter beyond the fence perimeter including gate swing.
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2. Part II Protection
2.1. Scope

1 Part II of this standard provides guidelines for power system protection application at
Voyageur. This section describes functional requirements to ensure that Suncor
Energy facilities are designed to be economical, safe, reliable and maintainable.

2.2. Instrument Transformers

1 Refer to CSA CAN3-C13-M83 Instrument Transformers

2 Refer to ANSI C57.13 Instrument Transformers.

3 Potential transformers shall be accuracy class 0.3 at the burden designation (X-
25VA, Y -75VA or Z-200VA) which relates to a burden greater than the application
connected burden. The minimum acceptable burden designation is X-25VA.

4 Potential transformers shall be connected 4W-wye on 13.8KV busses.

5 At voltages less than 13.8KV open delta connected potential transformers are
acceptable, unless 4W-wye connection is required for protection or metering

6 For open delta connected transformers the three phase capacity shall be derated to
86% of the two winding capacity.

7 Potential transformers shall be selected to provide secondary line to line voltage of


8 Refer to CSA CAN3-C13-M83 Instrument Transformers

9 Refer to ANSI C57.13 Instrument Transformers.

10 Separate Current Transformers/Cores will be provided for metering and relaying

applications at or above 13.8kV.

11 Separate Current Transformers/Cores will be provided for current differential

protection schemes.
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12 For phase protection current transformers the acceptable accuracy class is Class C.

13 Protection current transformer ratios shall be selected so that:

a) Ultimate primary full load current will not exceed current transformer primary
rated current, taking into account the continuous thermal current rating factor
(RF) and ambient temperature. Minimum acceptable RF is 2.0. and
b) Where the initial loads are significantly less than feeder rating the Engineer must
ensure that secondary values presented to the connected device are appropriate.
Full ratio current transformers are preferred, however, where necessary the
current transformer shall have multiple taps as required.

14 Protection CT'S will be selected so they don't saturate during fault conditions.

15 For current transformers with "C" classification the secondary voltage shall not
exceed 40% ofthe accuracy class voltage at maximum symmetrical fault current with
the connected burden.

16 Burden shall be based on the maximum secondary current available at the current
transformer location.

17 Mechanical and thermal (1 second) ratings of are not exceeded during short circuit

18 For current transformers with "C" classification the secondary voltage shall not
exceed 40% of the accuracy class voltage at 20 times rated current with the connected

19 Burden shall be based on 20 times rated current.

20 Protection current transformers used for high impedance differential bus protection
shall be of identical turns ratios and reasonably matched magnetizing characteristics.
The CT leads should be as short as practical.

21 Zero sequence current transformers shall be used for ground fault detection on
resistance grounded and effectively grounded systems. Residual connection is not

22 For zero sequence protection current transformers the minimum acceptable accuracy
class rating shall be class C.

23 The engineer shall ensure the physical size of the zero sequence current transformer
is compatible with the feeder size.
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24 The Engineer shall size and locate the Zero Sequence CT considering future addition
and increase in cable size.

25 Current transformers feeding revenue class meters shall be metering accuracy rating
of 0.3 class with connected burden. Minimum acceptable designated burden rating
shall be BO.9.

2.3. Metering

1 Metered parameters will be monitored by the Substation Automation System.

2 Primary bulk distribution metering devices at l3.SKV and above shall be approved
revenue class (0.3%).

3 Metering used for monitoring process and business units shall have accuracy ratings
equal or better than 1%.

5 Main incomer of each substation shall be provided with the following metering:
a) Phase to phase voltage (Vab, Vbc, Vca)
b) Instantaneous phase current (la, Ib, Ie)
c) Instantaneous power (W, Var, VA)
d) Maximum demand (l, W, Var, VA)
e) Energy (Wh, Varh)
t) Power factor
g) Harmonic content
h) Waveform recording capability
i) Event recording functionality.

6 Each substation feeder circuit shall be provided with the following metering:
a) Instantaneous phase current (la, Ib, Ie)
b) Maximum demand (l,)
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7 Each Substation feeder circuit supplying Power Factor Correction Capacitors or

VFD's will be provided with the following metering:

a) Instantaneous phase current (la, Ib, Ic)

b) Maximum demand (l,)
c) Harmonic Content

8 Motors above 200HP shall be provided with the following metering:

a) Phase to phase voltage (Vab, Vbc, Vca)
b) Instantaneous phase current (la, lb, Ic)
c) Instantaneous power (W, Var, VA)
d) Maximum demand (l, W, Var, VA)
e) Energy (Wh, Varh)
f) Power factor
g) Harmonic content
h) Waveform recording capability

9 Motors 200HP and below shall be provided with the following metering:
a) Instantaneous phase current (la, lb, Ic)

10 MCC Low voltage circuits will have the following metering:

a) Instantaneous phase current (la, Ib, Ic

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2.4. Substation Annunciation

1 Substation annunciation shall provide information to assist in troubleshooting the

cause of an abnormal condition including:
a) Switchgear breaker abnormal status
b) Transformer trouble alarms
c) Transformer protection trip alarms
d) Station DC trouble alarms
e) Protection failure alarm
t) Station UPS trouble alarms
g) -
h) Station heating and ventilation trouble alarms
i) Emergency Generator and Transfer Switch Alarms.

2 Alarms are to be reported to the control room of the Plant in which the equipment is
located or serves. Alarms may be initiated by common outputs of the local

3 Sequence of event recording (SER) shall be provided at main substations The SER
shall record all trip and alarm events with 1 ms time resolution unless otherwise

2.5. Documentation

Documentation requirements are included in:

c) Suncor Standard 0102 - Drafting Procedures; and
d) Suncor Standard 0114 - As-Build Procedures

2.6. Protective Relay Coordination Plots

No more than 2 voltage levels shall be displayed on a single co-ordination curve.

2 Curves shall be plotted using the curve shifting method to account for different
voltage bases or in-feed considerations.
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3 Where distance elements may overreach overcurrent elements, the equivalent current
characteristic of the distance element shall be plotted on the appropriate curves.

4 Devices shall be plotted at the highest applicable voltage base of the devices plotted.

5 A co-ordination curve plot shall be provided for Three phase faults and Single line-
to-ground faults

6 Each curve shall display all devices at the upstream and downstream locations, which
respond to the specific fault.

7 All devices shall be clearly identified with reference to the protective device number
of the single line diagram.

8 The following information, where applicable, shall be included on coordination plots

a) A single line sketch of the relevant network elements
b) Maximum symmetrical fault levels
c) Minimum symmetrical fault levels, to confirm operation for defined outage case
d) Breaker failure (30 cycle) fault levels, to confirm backup operation on single
contingency failure
e) Thermal damage curves for transformers, cables, and breakers
f) Starting characteristics for motors
g) Inrush characteristics for transformers
h) Maximum permissible step and touch times (on ground overcurrent plots)

9 Coordination plots shall be based on actual contributions seen by the relay. Identify
and describe any motor or source in-feed conditions considered. Consideration of
motor in-feed conditions will necessitate a separate plot for maximum fault levels
since in-feed condition will change for minimum and breaker failure fault levels.

2.7. Protection Schemes

1 All protection schemes shall be reviewed and approved by Owner

2 All trip outputs and tripping interlocks shall be hardwired or implemented by

specific purpose relay communication schemes.

3 Refer to ANSI C37.95 Guide for Protection of Utility-Consumer Interconnections.

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2.8. Transformer Protection

Refer to ANSI C37.91 Guide for Protective Relay Application to Power


2 Transformers shall be protected by the following protection elements:

a) SOlS1 P Primary phase overcurrent protection fed from load side CT's on the
supply circuit breaker
b) S1 G Primary ground overcurrent protection fed from a load side zero sequence
CT on the supply circuit breaker or residual connection on effectively grounded
c) S1 GT Secondary ground overcurrent protection fed from the transformer
secondary winding neutral CT (for low resistance grounded systems only)
d) NGRM Neutral Ground Resistor Monitor monitoring resistor continuity
(for resistance grounded systems)
e) Main tank Slow gas alarm
f) Main tank and tap changer fast gas trip
g) Winding temperature ,Alarm and Trip.
h) Top oil temperature, Alarm and Trip.
i) Low oil main tank, conservator tank and tap changer
• Alarm only for 3.7SMVA£ ¢10MVA
• Alarm and trip levels for> 1OMVA
j) 87 Differential protection relays fed from CT's on the transformer primary
bushings or cable ends and secondary incomer breaker load side C.T's
(for 5 MVA or larger).
k) The Main Distribution Substation Transformers will have redundant (A
and 8) 87 relays. 2 of 2 voting system required to assert a trip.

3 Devices 63, S1 GT and 87 (if required) shall transfer trip the supply breaker via an 86
lockout relay located with the primary switchgear. If the breaker is at a remote
location the transfer trip circuit continuity shall be supervised (74TM) and alarm after
delay to avoid nuisance alarms. The transfer trip wiring shall be routed with the
power cables.

4 NGRM shall alarm only. For mine applications tripping is required when grounding
resistor opens as per CSA M421.
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5 Element 51 GT shall be selective with the secondary incomer ground overcurrent

relay element 51 G. The element must be discrete from the incomer multifunction

6 Primary side protection shall be provided for any transformer on tapped feeders
where feeder protection does not:
a) Protect adequately as per the CEC or;
b) Provide adequate through fault damage protection (ANSI/IEEE C57.12.00)

7 Coordination shall be verified and subject to owner approval.

2.9. Feeder Protection

1 Feeders shall be protected by the following protection elements:

a) 50/51PPhase overcurrent protection fed from load side CT's of the feeder circuit
b) 51 G Ground overcurrent protection fed from a load side zero sequence CT on
the feeder circuit breaker or residual connection on effectively grounded systems

2 The ground fault relay 51 N shall be definite time. If no downstream devices can
detect the same ground fault the relay shall be set to trip instantaneous for systems
with low resistance or solidly grounded neutrals.

2.10. Secondary Bus Protection

1 Refer to ANSI C37.97 Guide for Protection Relay Applications to Power System

For secondary selective busses of 13.8KV and above, protection shall include:

a) 87I?? High impedance differential or reverse zone interlock

b) 51 G Backup ground overcurrent protection fed from the transformer secondary
winding neutral CT

2 The primary and backup protections shall trip via independent 86 lockout relays. The
Owner may specify bus differential protection at other voltages levels.

3 Secondary selective substation bus tie breakers do not require overcurrent protection.
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2.11. Primary Selective Bus Protection

1 Refer to ANSI C37.97 Guide for Protection Relay Applications to Power System

2 Primary selective substations shall be used for Main and Process area Substations:

3 For primary selective substations at voltages 34.5kV with incoming breakers, bus
protection shall consist of:
a) 87!?? High impedance differential or reverse zone interlocking
b) 50/51G Backup ground overcurrent protection.

2.12. Supply Mains - Main Distribution Sub

1 Supply mains shall have local redundant "A" and "B" protection for the Main
distribution Substation primary supply mains, this will permit the supply main to
remain in service during maintenance to one protection. It is preferred that "A" and
"B" protections are supplied by different vendors. A and B protection systems are not
required for process area substations.

2.13. Motors

Refer to ANSI C37.96 Guide for AC Motor Protection.

2 Synchronous Motors shall be protected by the following protection elements

a) -27 Undervoltage
b) -27F Loss offield voltage
c) -46 Negative sequence current
d) -48 Incomplete sequence
e) -49 Thermal protection (stator RTD's)
t) -38 Bearing temperature (bearing RTD's)
g) -51 Phase inverse time overcurrent
h) -50 Phase instantaneous overcurrent
i) -50G Ground instantaneous overcurrent
j) -55 Power factor
k) -78 Out of step
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1) -81 Frequency
m)-87 Bias current differential
n) -Locked rotor protection
0) -Number of starts

3 Induction motors above 600V, shall be protected by the following protection

a) -46 unbalance protection
b) -49 thermal protection (stator RTD's, Current, and "Thermal Capacity").
c) -38 bearing temperature (bearing RTD's)
d) -51 phase inverse time overcurrent
e) -50G ground instantaneous overcurrent (alarm only ifhigh resistance
grounded in critical applications)
f) -50 phase instantaneous overcurrent (only for motors control by a breaker)
g) -27 undervoltage (only for motors control by a breaker)
h) -87 bias current differential (for motors larger than 1500HP)
i) -locked rotor protection
j) -number of starts

4 Induction motors at 600V and below shall be protected by the following protection
a) -51 phase inverse time overcurrent
b) -50G ground instantaneous overcurrent (alarm only)
c) -49 thermal overload protection

2.14. Generators

1 Refer to ANSI C37.1 02 Guide for AC Generator Protection.

2 Primary power generators shall be protected by the following protection:

a) -87 bias current differential
b) -32 reverse power
c) -40 loss of field
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---- - - - -

8 Zone interlock scheme overreaching elements shall be time delayed a minimum of

200ms. The designer shall confirm that adequate margin is maintained to
downstream output relay delays.

9 A coordination study will be done for UPS distribution systems.

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