Lecture 12
Lecture 12
Lecture 12
In this lecture we will try to solve the problem of perturbation method while dealing with the
electron-electron coulomb repulsion for N-electron atoms.
We will also learn the symmetric and anti-symmetric wavefunction and exchange degeneracy for
identical particles.
We will know the method for incorporating Pauli exclusion for electron while evaluating the total
wavefunction of the multi-electron atom.
Next we will take some examples for calculating the energy levels of He-atom
Central Field Approximation:
The basic difficulty in solving the Schrdinger equation stems from the fact that the
interelectron repulsion
i < j rij
is too larger an effect to be treated as a perturbation.
It is that the inter electron repulsion contains a large spherically symmetric component. Thus it
is possible to construct a potential energy function U ( ri ) which is a spherically symmetric.
One electron operator is a good approximation to the actual potential energy of the ith electron
in the field of the nucleus and the other N 1 electrons. The Hamiltonian may be written as,
H H * + H1
2 N 2 N
where H =
i + U ( ri )
2me i 1 =i 1
Z e2 N
where i =
U ( i)
r =
i 1 ri
i < j rij
e2 N
i < j rij
i < j rij
Non-Spherical part only
In which
i < j rij
is the average over a sphere of the electron repulsion.
It is therefore independent of the angular coordinates, then H1 becomes the Hamiltonian which
contains the non spherical part of the electron repulsions, whereas H * contains the K.E, P.E in
the field of the nucleus, and the spherical average electron repulsion energy.
This is Known as central field approximation. The advantage of this approach is that, it is
assumed that H * contains most of the inter electron repulsion, the remaining term H1 is small
enough to be treated as a perturbation.
Since U ( ri ) is a one electron operator, the Schrdinger equation,
2 N 2 N
H * = i + U ( ri ) = E
= 2m i 1 =i 1
Each i is hydrogen type orbitals except radial part. These orbitals are called central field
Exchange Degeneracy and Identical particles
In the lecture-11, we have seen that in the independent particle model the wavefunction
( r1 , r2 ) =
a ( r1 ) b ( r2 ) is a solution of the Schrodinger equation
2 2 2 2 Z e2 Z e2
1 2 ( r1 , r2 ) = E ( r1 , r2 )
2m 2m r1 r2
= S ( r1 , r2 ) a ( r1 ) b ( r2 ) + a ( r2 ) b ( r1 )
= A ( r1 , r2 ) a ( r1 ) b ( r2 ) a ( r2 ) b ( r1 )
These are also the solutions of the same Schrodinger Equation with eigenvalue Ea + Eb .
The factor is introduced to normalize the wavefunction.
The S (r1 , r2 ) and A (r1 , r2 ) are known as Symmetric and AntiSymmetric
The symmetric wavefunction S (r1 , r2 ) remains same even we interchange the indices 1
and 2
On the other hand antisymmetric wavefunction A (r1 , r2 ) changes sign if we interchange
indices 1 and 2.
This is required because of the indistinguishability of identical particles like electrons.
In Classical mechanics, identical particles are distinguishable, because it is possible to
define the individual particles in terms of their space coordinate and time.
However, in Quantum mechanics, this is not possible. So, identical particles are always
considered to be indistinguishable.
For two electrons system, when the two electrons are interchanged, then the
wavefunctions are related with a phase factor as
ei (r2 , r1 ) where is a real constant.
(r1 , r2 ) =
Now, we define P12 as the particle interchange operator.
P12 (r1 , r2 ) =
(r2 , r1 )
So P122 (r1 , r2 ) =
2 ( r2 , r1 ) =
(r1 , r2 )
P122 (r1 , r2 ) = e i P12 (r1 , r2 )
P12 (r2 , r1 ) =
=e i (r2 , r1 ) =
e 2i (r1 , r2 )
e 2i (r1 , r2 )
P122 (r1 , r2 ) =
Thus, e 2i = 1
S = (1) (2)
= (1) (2)
Symmetric : 1
= [ (1) (2) + (2) (1)]
Antisymmetric A [ (1) (2) + (2) (1)]
In this, the symmetric state contains three wavefunctions and antisymmetric contains one
According to the Pauli Exclusion principle, No two electrons will have the same quantum
numbers (n, l, ml, s, ms).
It means that the wavefuntion for a system of electrons must be antisymmetric with respect to the
interchange of the electrons
So for two electron system, the total wavefunction would be antisymmetric when we multiply the
symmetric space wavefunction with antisymmetric spin wavefunction
= S (r1 , r2 ) A
And when we multiply the antisymmetric space wavefunction with symmetric spin wavefunction
= A (r1 , r2 ) S
For a system with N electrons, the antisymmetric total wavefunction is given by the Slater
1 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) .. N ( 1 )
1 ( 2 ) 2 ( 2 ) .. N ( 2 )
( 1 , 2 ,...., N ) = .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
1 ( N ) 2 ( N ) .. N ( N )
Where n m ms = n m ( r ) ( ms )
Note that when two would become the same the determinant would vanish.
The best single electron atomic wave functions are the self consistent field (SCF)
functions introduced by Hartree (1927).
To obtain these, we start with a set of N approximate single electron functions. Using of
these except the ith function, the average field due to their charge clouds is calculated.
This constitutes the potential field in which the ith electron moves. Solution of the ith
equation gives an improved wave function J .
This is repeated for each of the N electrons, giving first improved, single electron wave
These are then used to calculate a set of second improved wave functions, and so on; the
process is continued until no further improvement is registered.
In other words, the electrons are supposed to move in a potential which they themselves
generate. This is the reason it is known as Self Consistent
The calculated energy of the atom is the sum of the energies Ei of the individual
electrons, minus the coulomb repulsion energy averaged over all pairs of electron wave functions,
since this gets included twice over for each pair of electrons i & j , once in calculation Ei and
once in E j . The energy of each of the SCF/AOs, is found to be a function of n and .
Finally the spin orbitals may be organized into an antisymmetric N -electron wavefunction in
order to satisfy the requirements of the Pauli principle.
1 ( 1 ) 2 ( 1 ) .. N ( 1 )
1 ( 2 ) 2 ( 2 ) .. N ( 2 )
( 1 , 2 ,...., N ) = .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
1 ( N ) 2 ( N ) .. N ( N )
Example: He atom
2 Z e2 Z e2 e2
Hamiltonian H =
( 1 + 2 ) r r + r
2 2
1 2 12
In zeroth order approximation; ignore e term.
2 2 Z e2 2 2 Z e2
H 0 = 1 2
So, 2me r1 2me r2
= H1 + H 2
= a (1) b ( 2 ) a (1) b ( 2 ) d
Wavefunction (1, 2 ) =
1s (1) 1s ( 2 ) ( Symmetric )
Multiply it by antisymmetric spin function to make the total wavefunction antisymmetric.
(1, 2 ) = (1, 2 ) A
So the unperturbed energy E=
0 E1s + E1s
First order perturbation energy
(1, 2 )
Eee =
(1, 2 ) d
= 1s (1) 1s ( 2 ) 1s (1) 1s ( 2 ) d
= S ( r1 , r2 ) a ( r1 ) b ( r2 ) + a ( r2 ) b ( r1 )
= A ( r1 , r2 ) a ( r1 ) b ( r2 ) a ( r2 ) b ( r1 )
H aa =
a d =C1 A1
where, C1 = a (1) b ( 2 ) a (1) b ( 2 )
A1 = a (1) b ( 2 ) a ( 2 ) b (1)
C1 represents the Coulombic Interaction of the electron charge clouds a2 (1) & b2 ( 2 ) .
A1 is called Exchange Integral.
Next is to include spin to get spin orbital. So,
1 1
Singlet a (1) b ( 2 ) + a ( 2 ) b (1) (1) ( 2 ) (1) ( 2 )
2 2
Triplet a (1) b ( 2 ) a ( 2 ) b (1) (1) ( 2 )
a (1) b ( 2 ) a ( 2 ) b (1) (1) ( 2 )
1 1
a (1) b ( 2 ) a ( 2 ) b (1) (1) ( 2 ) + (1) ( 2 )
2 2
First excited state :
Case: 2 1s 2 s
1s (1) 2 s ( 2 )
product wavefunction
2 s (1) 1s (1)
S (1, 2 )
Symmetric wavefunction = 1s (1) 2 s ( 2 ) + 2 s (1) 1s ( 2 )
A (1, 2 )
And the antisymmetric wavefunction = 1s (1) 2 s ( 2 ) 2 s (1) 1s ( 2 )
We have to multiply it with corresponding symmetric and antisymmetric spin wavefunction.
e2 1
{ (1)
2 1s 2 s ( 2 ) + 2s (1) 1s ( 2 )} r12 2
{1s (1) 2 s ( 2 ) + 2 s (1) 1s ( 2 )} d
1 e2 1 e2
2 1s (1) 2 s ( 2 ) 1s (1) 2 s ( 2 ) d + 2 1s (1) 2 s ( 2 ) 2 s (1) 1s ( 2 ) d
2 r12 2 r12
= C1s ,2 s + A1s ,2 s
E1ees,2 s (triplet ) C1s ,2 s A1s ,2 s A1 exchange integrals
The spin wavefunctions are normalized and integrations give values 1
A1 Siglet
A1 Triplet
Independent Term
Particle Model
Note that
1) For closed shell, such as 1s 2 , this exchange integral is not present. So there is no splitting.
Even for other closed shell, the exchange integral is present.
2) For closed shell i.e. both coulomb and exchange potential are spherically symmetric.
3) For all excited states of Helium, the energy levels split into two, Singlet and Triplet
4) Splitting comes from exchange integrals so this is non central part of the electrostatic
5) Before that it is just central field approximation
Singlet (C+A) Triplet (C-A)
particle model Including electron-electron repulsion
Here we discussed the method for handling the large coulomb repulsion part in the
perturbation method.
The saving feature of the problem is that the large part of the electron repulsion contains
a large spherically symmetric component.
This spherically symmetric part can be treated with one electron operator and is a good
approximation to make a potential of ith electron in the field of nucleus and (N-1)
The asymmetric part causes the splitting of energy levels and for helium this produces
singlet and triplet states. The splitting energy is the value of the exchange integrals.