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General Chemistry (CHEM F111) Lecture-11 13/04/2023

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General Chemistry (CHEM



• Stern Gerlach Experiment – Spin

• Spin Orbitals

• Spectral Transitions and Selection Rules

• Many electron atoms (orbital approximation)

Today’s topic
• Many electron atoms (orbital approximation)

• Antisymmetry (Pauli) principle

• Antisymmetry in the systems with ‘unpaired’


• Periodicity
Many electron atoms
The Schrodinger equation cannot be solved exactly for
atoms with two or more electrons. However, refined
approximations allow one to compute wavefunctions and
energies quite accurately.
Orbital approximation: Approximate the wavefunction
as a product of one electron functions or orbitals.
(How correspondingly are we approximating the
ψ(1,2,…) = ψ1(1)ψ2(2)…..
Each orbital may be thought of as being hydrogen-like
with an effective nuclear charge

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Many electron atoms
He atom (two electrons) – electron 1 and electron 2

Ĥ = - (ħ2/2m)12 - (Ze2/4or1) - (ħ2/2m)22 - (Ze2/4or2)

_____________________ ______________________
Hydrogenic electron 1 Hydrogenic electron 2

+ (e2/4or12)
Ĥ  - (ħ2/2m)12 - (Ze2/4or1) - (ħ2/2m)22 - (Ze /4orbe separated
2) = Ĥ 1 + Ĥ 2

into parts involving one electron

_____________________ ______________________
Ĥ1 Ĥ2
Orbital approximation – He atom
The orbital approximation allows us to express the
electronic structure of an atom in terms of its
configuration, the list of occupied orbitals.
For example, if one disregards the inter-electronic
repulsion, the ground state wavefunction of He may be
written as
ψ(1,2) = (8/a03)1/2 e-2r1/a0 (8/a03)1/2 e-2r2/a0
[As we have, for hydrogenic atoms, Ψ1s = (Z3/ao31/2 e-zr/ao]
corresponding to the configuration 1s2, with the 1s
orbital being somewhat more compact than in H.
What about Li? (Can all 3 electrons occupy 1s orbital ?)
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Pauli exclusion principle
No more than two electrons may occupy a given
orbital, and if two electrons do occupy one orbital,
then their spins must be paired.
The two electrons with paired spins ( have zero
net spin angular momentum.
This principle forms the basis of the electronic
structure of atoms, chemical periodicity, and
molecular structure.

The third electron in Li must enter the n = 2 shell, but

the 2s or the 2p? (Later)
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Pauli principle
When the labels of any two identical fermions (½ integer
spin) are exchanged, the total wavefunction (including
spin) changes sign. (ANTISYMMETRIC under
Fermions ψ(2,1) = - ψ(1,2)
When the labels of any two identical bosons (integer
spin) are exchanged, the total wavefunction (including
spin) remains the same. (SYMMETRIC under
Bosons ψ(2,1) = ψ(1,2)
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We construct a helium wave function as the product of
hydrogenic orbitals with Z = 2.
ψ(1,2) = ϕ(1)ϕ(2)

Issue #1: an electron is fermion and fermions’ wave

function must be antisymmetric with respect to

Issue #2: each electron must be either spin α or β

Antisymmetric wavefunction
Two electrons in same orbital (spatial wavefunction) :

ψ(1,2) = (1) (2){spin part}

Pauli principle: ψ(1,2) = - ψ(2,1) (MUST FOLLOW!)
How spin part could be (for two electrons in an orbital)?

 or 

 or 

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Antisymmetric wavefunction
What will be the form of the wavefunction?
ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) 
ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) 
ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) { +}
ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) { - }

It should be antisymmetric with respect to exchange of the electrons' coordinates and should be indistinguishable.
Ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) { -}

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Antisymmetry in the systems with
‘unpaired’ electrons
What can be the form of the spatial part of the wavefunction?

ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) or ψ(1,2) = (1)(2) ?

To fulfill the indistinguishability of the electrons, linear

combination of above cases may be taken.

The total wavefunction has the form:

ψs(1,2) = N{(1)(2)+ (1)(2)}{spin part}

& is overall antisymmetric

Unpaired electrons and antisymmetry
ψs(1,2) = 0.5{(1)(2)+(1)(2)}{}

(One combination possible: singlet)

ψt(1,2) = 0.7071{(1)(2)-(1)(2)}


ψt(1,2) = 0.7071{(1)(2)-(1)(2)}


ψt(1,2) = 0.5{(1)(2)-(1)(2)}{}

(Three degenerate combinations possible: triplet)

Triplet will be more tightly bound and of lower energy.
Shielding and penetration
The third electron in Li must enter the n = 2 shell, but the 2s
or the 2p?

In a many electron atom, each electron is shielded from
the nucleus by the others, and to a first approximation,
each electron may be thought of as experiencing an
effective nuclear charge.
The effective nuclear charge experienced by an electron
will be determined by its probability density distribution,
and this in turn by its wavefunction.
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BITSPilani, Pilani Campus

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