3 Assumptions and Approximations
3 Assumptions and Approximations
3 Assumptions and Approximations
Simplification 1
The electrons move much faster than the nuclei (since they are much lighter) - we will therefore treat
the nuclear and electronic motion entirely independently.
¾ Freeze the molecule with a fixed internuclear separation ( RAB , hereafter called R ); then carry
out calculations to obtain the total energy, U, and wavefunctions for that R value.
¾ Repeat for different values of R , to obtain the complete potential energy function , U(R).
Re R
The total energy of the free ("unfrozen") bound-molecule is then given by:
Etotal = Ee + Evrt
To actually determine the electronic energy we still have to solve a Schrödinger equation, but this
first approximation means that it is now a much simpler equation.
For a particular value of R (the internuclear separation), the equation is:
Ĥe is the electronic Hamiltonian, i.e. the full Hamiltonian, Ĥ , but without the
nuclear KE terms.
Ψe (r1 , r2 ) is the electronic wavefunction for the molecule
(which is a function of the vectorial positions of the two electrons)
Simplification 2
Consider each electron to move in some sort of "average potential" which incorporates the
interactions with the two nuclei and an "averaged interaction" with the other electron.
Ĥe = Ĥ1 + Ĥ2
Ĥ1 is dependent only upon the properties of electron (1) and upon R .
Ĥ2 is dependent only upon the properties of electron (2) and upon R .
This is a major step forward since we can now (see explanation and caveat in box overleaf) look for
solutions of the form:
Ĥ1 ψa = εa ψa and εa is the energy of orbital "a"
Ĥ2 ψb = εb ψb and εb is the energy of orbital "b"
and the total electronic energy (at the equilibrium bond length) is given by:
Ee = εa + εb
i.e. by the sum of the energies of the individual occupied molecular orbitals.
= Ĥ1 ( ψa(1).ψb(2) ) + Ĥ2 ( ψa(1).ψb(2) )
( since Ĥ1 acts only upon the wavefunction for electron 1, i.e. on ψa(1), etc.)
In actual fact a wavefunction of the form Ψe (r1 , r2 ) = ψa(1). ψb(2) is unacceptable since:
- it permits the two electrons to be distinguished
- the wavefunction is not antisymmetric upon exchange of the two electons
Simplification 3
Ĥ1 ψa = εa ψa [1]
The solutions are the molecular orbital wavefunctions, {ψa }, and molecular orbital energies, {εa }.
This supposes that we can construct molecular orbitals from linear superpositions of atomic orbitals
centred on individual atoms.
i.e. ψ = ∑i (ciφ i )
….. this is an idea with which you should already be partly familiar. In its simplest form a molecular
orbital may be constructed from a summation of one orbital on one atom, with a second orbital on a
different atom.
Example : Hydrogen ( H2 )
Each hydrogen atom has a single valence orbital, this being the 1s orbital. Two molecular orbitals
may be formed by the constructive and destructive overlap of these two atomic orbitals.
φ1s,A φ1s,B
This interaction of atomic orbitals, which gives rise to the molecular orbitals, may also be
represented in the form of an orbital (electron) energy diagram which shows the relative energies of
the orbitals. In the specific case of hydrogen each of the isolated atoms has one electron in its 1s
orbital and when the atoms combine to form H2 the two electrons may be accommodated (with
opposite spins) in the bonding molecular orbital, as illustrated below.
Energy 1sA 1sB
H H2 H
Note that in this instance two atomic orbitals give rise to two molecular orbitals - we shall see later
that this is a general characteristic, i.e. linear combinations of n atomic orbitals give rise to n
molecular orbitals.