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Abstract State Bank of India (SBI) and ICICI Bank are the two largest banks in India in public and private sector. Performance and
efficiency of commercial banks are the key elements of countries financial system. In view of this, the study set out to apply Profitability ratios,
Solvency ratios and Management efficiency ratios on SBI and ICICI Bank in order to compare their efficiency and solvency position. On basis
of the analysis, it has been found that both the banks are maintaining the required standards and running profitably. This comparative study
of SBI and ICICI Bank demonstrates that there are significant differences on the performance of SBI and ICICI Bank in terms of Deposits,
Advances, Investments, Net profit, and Total assets. Based on the study, it can be said that SBI have an extensive operation than ICICI Bank.
and domestic banks indicates that there are significant Shobana (2010) in her paper entitled Operational Efficiency
differences in operation between them. of Public Sector Banks in India-a Non-Parametric Model
focuses on the operational efficiency of public sector banks
Bhayani et al. (2007) in their paper entitled Role of
in India using a non-parametric model, which measures the
Transaction Cost in the Financial Performance of Co-
efficiency as a ratio of output index to an index of input used.
operative Banks have attempted to investigate how the
The findings reveal that, out of 27 public sector banks in
proportion of transformation cost is higher than that of
India, only nine banks had achieved high level of efficiency
transaction cost in the banks under study. Transaction
in its operations, with Oriental Bank of Commerce at the top.
cost plays an important role in the profitability of banks.
Therefore, if the management of co-operative banks tries Verma et al. (2011) in their paper entitled Performance
to reduce the transaction cost, it will improve their banks of Scheduled commercial banks in India: An application
profitability. of DEA analyze the efficiency of 88 SCBs with the data
set ranging from the year 1998-99 to 2007-08. The results
Rajkumar (2007) in his paper entitled The Earning
indicate that the public sector and foreign banks needed to
Performance of Private Sector Banks during 2005-2006
take steps to reduce the expenses and improve the output at
reveals that the interest income over expenditure increased
the given input level because they had failed to acquire full
to Rs. 13, 108 crores during 2005-06 from Rs. 10,006 Crores
efficiency score in six and five years respectively, out of the
during 2004-05. The increased percentage was 31. At the
ten years under study.
same time, the operating expenditure over operating profit
fell to Rs.817 crores during 2005-06 from Rs.992 crores
during 2004-05. The profitability ratios of all the 28 private 7. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION
sector banks witnessed a positive trend during the year. The OF DATA
highest profit earning private sector bank was ICICI Bank.
Sinha et al. (2009) in their paper entitled Bank Ownership Table 1 demonstrates that for the study period, Net Profit
and Deposit Mobilization: A Non- parametric Approach Ratio of both SBI and ICICI bank were uctuating.
compare the performance of 40 Indian commercial banks The highest Net Profit Ratio of SBI was 11.93% in
using Window Analysis, considering deposit mobilizations 2008-09 and for ICICI bank it was 15.56% in 2010-11.
as the output indicator. The results obtained from the study Whereas, the lowest Net Profit Ratio of SBI was 7.65% in
indicate that mean technical efficiency of the in-samples 2010-11 and 9.58% for ICICI bank in 2008-09.
banks exhibited a declining trend for the period. The decline
in mean technical efficiency was due to a greater divergence The average Net Profit Ratio of SBI is 10.29% and ICICI
in performance compared to the frontier. Among the in- bank is 11.64%, which implies that the Net Profit Ratio of
samples banks, the private sector banks performed better ICICI bank is 1.35%, which is more than that of the SBI.
than the public sector banks.
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
2006-07 7774.36 46937.79 16.56 3793.56 29957.24 12.66
2007-08 10962.90 58348.74 18.79 5706.85 39667.19 14.39
Table 2 demonstrates that in the given study period, the The highest Return on Net worth Ratio of SBI was 15.74%
Operating Profit Ratio of both SBI and ICICI bank were in the year 2008-09, and for ICICI bank it was 12.61% in
uctuating. 2006-07. Whereas the lowest Return on Net Worth Ratio of
SBI in the year 2010-11 was 11.34% and for ICICI bank it
The highest Operating Profit Ratio of SBI in the year 2008-
was 7.53% in 2008-09.
09 was 19.10% and that of ICICI bank was 22.31% in 2010-
11. Whereas the lowest Operating Profit Ratio of both SBI The average Net Worth Ratio of SBI is 13.83% and that of
and ICICI bank in the year 2006-07 was 16.56% and 12.66% ICICI bank is 9.23%, which implies that the average Net
respectively. Worth Ratio of SBI is 4.60% which is more than that of the
ICICI bank.
The average Operating Profit Ratio of SBI is 17.65% and that
of ICICI bank is 15.99%, which implies that the Operating Table 4 illustrates that for the study period, Earnings per
Profit Ratio of SBI is 1.66%, which is more than that of the Share of both SBI and ICICI bank were uctuating.
ICICI bank.
The highest Earnings per Share of SBI was 144.39 in the
Table 3 shows that for the study period, Return on Net Worth year 2009-10 and that of ICICI bank was 44.70 in 2010-11.
Ratio of both SBI and ICICI bank were uctuating. Whereas, the lowest Earnings per Share of SBI in the year
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
2006-07 4541.31 31298.56 14.50 3110.22 24663.26 12.61
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
Year No. of Equity Earnings No. Of Equity Earnings
Net Prot Net Prot
Shares Per Share Shares Per Share
2006-07 4541.31 52.62 86.30 3110.22 89.92 34.58
2006-07 was 86.30 and that of ICICI bank in the year 2008- Table 6 shows that throughout the period of study, Dividend
09 was 33.75. Pay-out Ratio of both SBI and ICICI bank were uctuating.
The average Earnings per Share of SBI is 119.40 and ICICI The highest Dividend Pay-out Ratio of SBI was 0.26 in
bank is 37.29, which implies that the average Earnings per 2010-11 and that of ICICI bank it was 0.33 in 2009-10.
Share of SBI is 82.11, which is more than that of the ICICI Whereas, the lowest Dividend Pay-out Ratio of SBI was
bank. 0.16 in 2006-07 and that of ICICI bank was 0.29 in 2006-07
and 2007-2008.
Table 5 displays that for the study period, Total Assets
Turnover Ratio of SBI was stable, whereas that of ICICI The average Dividend Pay-out Ratio of SBI is 0.21 and
bank had uctuating trend. ICICI bank is 0.31 which implies that the average Dividend
Pay-out Ratio of ICICI bank is 0.10 times which is more
The highest Total Assets Turnover Ratio of ICICI bank in
than that of the SBI.
two years, i.e., in 2007-08 and 2008-09 was 0.10 times,
whereas the lowest Total Assets Turnover Ratio in the year Table 7 displays that for the study period, Debt-Equity Ratio
2010-11 was 0.08 times. of both SBI and ICICI bank were uctuating.
The average Total Assets Turnover Ratio of SBI is 0.08 The highest Debt-Equity Ratio of SBI was 14.37 % in 2010-
times and of ICICI bank is 0.09 times, which implies that 11 and that of ICICI bank it was 9.35 times in 2006-07.
the average Total Assets of ICICI bank is 0.01times, which Whereas, the lowest Debt-Equity Ratio of SBI was 10.96
is more than that of the SBI. times in 2007-08, and 3.91times for ICICI bank in 2009-10.
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
Year Total Total Assets Total Assets Turnover
Net Sales Net Sales Total Assets
Assets Turnover Ratio Ratio
2006-07 46937.79 566565.24 0.08 29957.24 344658.11 0.09
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
Year Dividend Per Earnings Per Dividend Pay- Dividend Per Earnings Dividend Pay-
Equity Share Share Out Ratio Equity Share Per Share Out Ratio
2006-07 14.00 86.30 0.16 10.00 34.58 0.29
2007-08 21.50 106.57 0.20 11.00 37.36 0.29
2008-09 29.00 143.68 0.20 11.00 33.75 0.32
2009-10 30.00 144.39 0.21 12.00 36.10 0.33
2010-11 30.00 116.08 0.26 14.00 44.70 0.31
The average Debt-Equity Ratio of SBI is 12.85 times and The highest Interest Expended to Interest Earned Ratio of SBI
that of ICICI bank is 5.40 times, which implies that the was 67.28% in the year 2008-09, and for ICICI bank it was
average Debt-Equity Ratio of SBI is 7.45 times which is 76.28% in 2007-08.Whereas the lowest Interest Expended to
more than that of the ICICI bank. Interest Earned Ratio of SBI was 59.34% in 2006-07, and for
ICICI bank in the year 2010-11 was 65.28%.
Table 8 displays that for the study period, Proprietary Ratio
of SBI was stable, while that of ICICI bank was uctuating. The average Interest Expended to Interest Earned Ratio of
SBI is 63.71% and that of ICICI bank is 70.84%, which
The highest Proprietary Ratio of SBI was 0.07 times in
implies that the average Interest Expended to Interest Earned
2007-08 and that of ICICI bank it was 0.14 times in 2009-
Ratio ICICI bank is 7.13%, which is more than that of the
10. Whereas, the lowest Proprietary Ratio of SBI was 0.05
times in 2010-11, and 0.07 times for ICICI bank in 2006-07.
The average Proprietary Ratio of SBI is 0.06 times and that 8. HYPOTHESIS TESTING
of ICICI bank is 0.11 times which implies that the average
Propriety Ratio of ICICI bank is 0.05 times which is more H01: There is no significant difference between performance
than that of the SBI. of SBI and ICICI Bank in terms of Deposits.
Table 9 explains that for the study period, Interest Expended H02: There is no significant difference between performance
to Interest Earned Ratio of both SBI and ICICI bank were in of SBI and ICICI Bank in terms of Advances.
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
Year Outsiders Share-Holders Debt-Equity Outsiders Share-Holders Debt-Equity
Fund Fund Ratio Fund Fund Ratio
2006-07 435521.09 31298.56 13.92 230510.19 24663.26 9.35
13. TOTAL ASSETS Deposits, Advances, Investments, Net Profit, and Total
Assets is tested by applying the t- test.
The calculated value of Total Assets 5.29 is greater than the The calculated value of Deposits 5.14, Advances 9.90,
table value 2.306. Therefore, H05 is rejected. Hence, it is Investments 4.18, Net Profit 3.64 and Total Assets
inferred that there is a significant difference between the 5.29 is greater than the table value 2.306. Therefore,
performance of SBI and ICICI Bank in terms of Total assets. it is inferred that there is a significant difference in
the performance of SBI and ICICI Bank in terms of
14. FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS, AND Deposits, Advances, Investments, Net Profit, and Total
Assets. SBI showed a more satisfactory operation in
CONCLUSIONS those variables than ICICI Bank.
The study provides key findings according to the data analysis
and arrives on some conclusions based on the findings. An Earnings per Share (EPS) of ICICI Bank is very
The average Net Profit Ratio of SBI is 10.29% and low when compared to SBI. Therefore, the ICICI Bank
ICICI bank is 11.64%, which implies that the Net may take some measures to increase income over
Profit Ratio of ICICI bank is 1.35%, which is more expenditure for increasing Earning per Share.
than that of the SBI. Debt-equity Ratio of SBI is higher when compared to
The average Operating Profit Ratio of SBI is 17.65% ICICI Bank. As a result, SBI should have a control on
and that of ICICI bank is 15.99%, which implies that their debts.
the Operating Profit Ratio of SBI is 1.66%, which is Interest Expended to Interest Earned ratio of ICICI
more than that of the ICICI bank. Bank is less satisfactory when compared to SBI. It is
The average Net worth Ratio of SBI is 13.83% and that suggested that the ICICI Bank may take some steps to
of ICICI bank is 9.23%, which implies that the average increase the interest earning capacity of the bank.
Net Worth Ratio of SBI is 4.60% which is more than As the Advances of ICICI Bank is low and it is suggested
that of the ICICI bank. that the bank should concentrate on Advances by
The average Earnings per Share of SBI is 119.40 and providing the loans with affordable interest rate.
ICICI bank is 37.29, which implies that the average
Earnings per Share of SBI is 82.11, which is more than 16. CONCLUSION
that of the ICICI bank.
The average Total Assets Turnover Ratio of SBI is State Bank of India (SBI) and ICICI Bank are the two largest
0.08 times and of ICICI bank is 0.09 times, which banks in India in public and private sectors respectively. To
implies that the average Total Assets of ICICI bank is compare the financial performance of the banks, various
0.01times, which is more than that of the SBI. ratios have been used to measure the banks profitability,
solvency position, and management efficiency.
The average Dividend Pay-out Ratio of SBI is 0.21
and ICICI bank is 0.31 which implies that the average According to the analysis, both the banks are maintaining the
Dividend Pay-out Ratio of ICICI bank is 0.10 times required standards and running profitably. The comparison
which is more than that of the SBI. of the performance of SBI and ICICI Bank indicates that
The average Debt-Equity Ratio of SBI is 12.85 times are significant difference between performance of SBI and
and that of ICICI bank is 5.40 times, which implies ICICI Bank in terms of Deposits, Advances, Investments,
that the average Debt-Equity Ratio of SBI is 7.45 times Net Profit, and Total Assets. It is inferred that SBI have an
which is more than that of the ICICI bank. extensive operation than ICICI Bank.
The average Proprietary Ratio of SBI is 0.06 times and This study will help enhance further research on the subject
that of ICICI bank is 0.11 times which implies that the by researchers and academicians.
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