Woodturne:R: Tocame:Ric N
Woodturne:R: Tocame:Ric N
Woodturne:R: Tocame:Ric N
Dedicated To Providing
Among Those Interested In Woodturning.
The bowl on our cover has been donated to AAW by David
E11 s wo r t h I t i s t he f i r s t p i e c e t o be au c t i one d as a
method of raising money for educational projects benefiting
AAW members.
Over the years, we plan to hold other auctions and
sales where all our members can contribute to our education
David felt strongly that it was very important to lead
this "Special Funds" fundraising by contributing an
important piece. In the Journal's Christmas issue, turned
objects from other Board Members will be available.
David ' s p i e c e i s box e 1 de r bur 1 , 9" i n d i arne t e r and 6"
high. He made it in 1982. It is the same color -- and
turned from the same series -- as the bowl featured in Bud
Jacobson's book, page 23 (upper). Three exquisite vessels
in this series are also shown in Katherine Pearson's
Am~~i~~n Q~a!l~: A SQY~~~QQQk !Q~ lh~ HQW~, page 186.
Send in your name, address, phone number and the amount
of your bid. On the QYl~id~ Q! lh~ ~nY~lQ~~ write
"Ellsworth Bid". All bids must be received in writing by
Oc to be r 15 t h We wi 11 open the b i d s on Oc to be r 1 6 t h We
will then notify the high~st bidder and arrange payment.
Also 1 we now take Visa and MasterCard.
As the need for educational resources grows, we will
expand the concept of auctions to the entire membership. We
hope that you will all participate as this opportunity
Now: Ladies and gentlemen, don't be shy. Step right up
to the table What am I bid for this fine work?
But what in-
Prest ini came to wood turn- and the "types" from the
ing in the late 1930s as a mountains and the cities
designer and an advocate of have filled the workshops
the "Bauhaus tradition". in craft schools on three
His impact on contemporary con t i n en t s I t i s a move-
woodturning is of utmost ment of innocence -- for it
importance -- not only be- is the craftsman selling
cause he advanced an accep- his first bowl who becomes
tance of the material of the profession a 1; and when
wood through the purity of he sells two, an artist is
his forms, and that his born. It is a movement of
forms co u 1 d s tan d i n s i 1 - risk for in their pur-
houette without the need of suit of aesthetic develop-
color and grain -- but also ments, innovators have also
because he allowed us to challenged the limits of
speak about woodturning technique and are con-
with a new language. It stantly on the borders of
was a language of the heart d i sa s t e r Mo s t of a 11 , i t
as well as the eye. Of is a movement of people
equal importance is that who, not unlike any other
these were neither sculp- art or craft at any time in
t ur a 1 forms nor per for - history, are discovering
mances for the ideals of themselves with a total in-
"high art". Indeed, these vestment of the moment.
were bowls and trays and
containers and cups and , In the past five years,
the very link needed to re- woodturners have made ex-
flect the traditions of the traordinary advancement in
past, but which used the concept, quality, and com-
"language of looking" as municition; and have been
its moment of inspiration. rewarded accordingly in
It is this language that public exhibitions and in
helped woodturners evolve private collections of con-
into the present, for it siderable prestige. But in
was a tool of vision, like the pursuit of a truly
any other tool, which had "mature" art form, wood-
previously gone unused. turners are realizing that
their most valued commodity
When I look at contemporary is not the work itself, but
woodturning, I see move- the value of time time
ment. It is a movement of to develop and learn and to
discovery -- people invest- reflect, and to evolve with
ing the time and energy to an underlying current of
rediscover a past which, personal integrity as the
although historic, has only p r i rna r y found at i on for i n-
recently come into view. dividual goals.
It is a movement of experi-
mentation -- as was Albert We live in an era where the
LeCoff's first turning sym- divisions between "art" and
posium in 1976, when some- "craft" have worn precious-
one had said, "It can't be ly thin, as if it were the
done"; but it was. It is a duty of the modern movement
movement of curiosity to punch holes in this time
where the young and the old honored veil. It is our
Th i s a r t i c 1 e was reprinted
with permission of ar.2.2.k=
ti~ld Qua.r..t.~r.l~.
at Alfred University
Everything Alfred, NY
for the
David Ellsworth
Woodturner! AI Stirt
Steve Loar
Palmer Sharpless
bowl stock
Toot ~. ...
bowl gouges Tool S.lert-
square stock Bowl 1\anunc Teochruqw.
Sp.ndM- 1\u'ftl ftC 1ft:h.n1qUN
turning tools Wood fini:.llu na lot' ''- "bodhn"n"'
lathes F."""'"C SiMk I'Yorram on Tbp10 ol
lathe duplicators ln'-"'"t '-Go All
Everything from hardwood bowl stock ,
spindle st ock, carving stoc k t o the fines t
in lat hes, duplicators. tool s and man y
specialty items lor the turner. ' 86
FR EE CATALOG November 1, 1986
Jend to:
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Name ~ ~ . . . . . ,_wl _ _... .. --.---~-- ~---=::----,,,.. .. - --
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Address ..J . ........ ,.....,,
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City Zip
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101 1 - -..l.t....._
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If Fo. MMtKlNt.
(ti?CviiA F~~J!NCt::.. OF 8o14-LS
o"' B~.ctK )dJtz. oF H.... ,.ut:-$
Fol{ f!;~+oNV51f.tviN(,.
P.O. BOX 2069. BELLINGHAM, WA 98227. U.S.A.
tude is important to art
expression and much can be
hidden by a timorous ap- by supplylng excellent
proach. As might be ex- facili t ies, superb inst ru c-
pected, Leo encourages tors, and plea sant sur-
experimentation with form roundin gs . Doyle is an
and function. excelle n t inst ru ctor and
effec tiv e in st imulating
During his workshop, Leo the c r eativi t y in students.
ar ran ged for two prod ucti on Nex t year he wi 11 p re sen t a
wood turners, Clay Compton two week course geared
and Jay Weber, to p r esent toward woodturn ed furniture
lectures a nd demonstra- making. I stongly recommend
tions . Each has over 50 this cou r se at Arrowmont,
yea r s of turning experience as Arrowmont plants an
and have been commercia l ly arrow in the heart of the
acti ve in the fair ci r cuits wood t ur ner in all of us .
for years . Compton produced
a goblet (one of 50,000 he
ha s produced} in a rna t t er ABOUT THE AUTHOR
of minutes . Weber demon-
strated tool manipulation Pete Hutchinson (member #
and p r oduction of t i ght- 01069 } is a geologist and
fitting container lid s. avid woodtu rn er . If you
Every evening, one or two would like to s ubmit a
slide shows were p r esented re view or have suggestions
by members of the Arrowmont fo r the Rev i ew sec t i on ,
fac11lty, affording everyone con t act him at :
a chance to experience 13818 St . Mary ' s Lane
other ar t forms . Houston, TX 77079
As wi t h any co u r s e of fer -
i ng, it takes time t o iron
out the details . Arrowmont Master Woocltumers
is a well equipped s hop
with at l eas t twelve A H\f BOOK by DALE L. NISH
lathes, mostly Generals and
Trael wtth Da.. L Nlah to the
Union Graduates fitted with shops Of nine of the Worid 'a
various fa ceplates and ...., . Woodtu~.
screw centers. However, Learn the methode and
tKtlniquas uNd by:
Jacob's and three-jaw
chucks and wood are not DevW Ehwontt
craft status to a recog- Stocksda 1e but you can bet
nized art form. As I re- your best bowl gouge that
examine Ar rowmon t, I am a- I'll try. I will become the
ware of the loss of self, very best Gerard that I can
the beginning of the no- be I will con t i n ue to
state of Zen, where object, respect wood and woodturn-
action and artist become i ng in a 11 its divers i t y.
one. And yet, if we con- My addiction has no cure
tinue to operate isolated nor 1 imi ts. Nor would I
from one another, we rob wish it any other way.
ourselves of those deli-
cious sparks of interaction
that so of ten prod us to
quantum leaps of achieve-
Dick Gerard (member I 0013)
And as for my second goal is a dedicated woodturner
well, the fact that you who does lectures and de-
are reading this Journal is monstrations in his studio
proof that that goal was - workshop .
realized. And making fri-
ends, my third goal, was
also successful. I now
count among my woodturning
friends all those with ties 4th National
to Arrowmont. I am es- Lathe Turned Objects
pecially proud to count Exhibition
among my new t r i ends Mike
and Pam St.Clair (Aust-
ralia), Ray Key (England), August 30 through September 30
Michael O'Donnell (Scot-
land), Liam O'Neill (Ire-
land), Bob Rubel (Texas),
Dan Kvitka (Oregon), and
all the others who contri-
buted to the rich ambiance
of Ar rowmon t. And of cou-
rse, all those involved
wi t h AAW, 1 ike David E 11 s-
worth, Alan Stirt, Albert
LeCoff and Dale Nish, to
name a few.
As a d i r e c t res u 1 t of Ar- 011~ ao..l by Del Srubbs
rowmont and the formation
of AAW, I have moved to a
whole new awareness of Turners wishing to submit work for next
woodturning. The poten- years show or who want to be considered
tials and possibilities are for ongoing exhibition should contact
bounded only by our own Clyde Jones at the address below.
1 imitations. I may never
achieve the acclaim and
renown of an Ellsworth, a
Moulthrop, a Stubbs or a
45052 MAIN ST. P.O. BOX 1515 MENDOCINO. CA 95460 707-937-3132
Susan Harkavy, with the American Crafts Council, would like all AAW
members to know that on October 26th their new museum will open in midtown
Manhattan, across the street from the Museum of Modern Art.
The opening show will be: Qrill Today: Poetry 2!. l l i Physical. For more
information, contact Susan Harkavy; Public Relations Office; American
Craft Museum; 40 West 53rd St. New York, New York, 10019 (212) 956-3717.
On s e v e r a 1 hand 1 e s , I have
used a fluted parting tool
to produce sma 11 beads to
give the handle a good
grip. On extra-long han-
dles, I use a roughing
gouge and make a rather
fast cut down the length of
the tool leaving a series
o f s ma 1 1 too 1 r i d g e s g i v i ng
a textured surface for a
good grip.
I start by rough-turning a
1 3/4 inch blank between
centers. I turn a 3/4" to
1" long spigot the size of
my drive center, (approx.
As the volunter administrator of AAW, I want to take a moment to stand
back and say "thank you" to all 690 of our members -- and especially to
the 148 of you who have also shared this dream by becoming Founding
Members at a higher membership rate.
I apologize to any of our newest members who are not listed because you
became Founding Members after we went to press. We will update this list
in the Christmas issue.
Bob Rubel
----FOUNDING P A T R O N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The A.erican lbodtu~ is published quarterly by the AAW. Regular membership rates are ~5 for turners
and $50 for business. Supporting memberships are $100 and $250, respectively. Patron membership is
$1,000. Send dues and address changes to: AAW P.O. Box 982, San Marcos, TX 78667 (E12) 396-8689.
David Lipscomb, Editor-in-Chief Publication Committee Members:
Bob Rubel, Managing Editor Alan Stirt and Rus Hurt
ANf Board of Directors: David Ellsworth, President; Albert LeCoff, Vice-President; Ernie Conover,
Treasurer; Rus Hurt, Secretary; Leo Doyle, Bill Hunter, David Lipscomb, Palmer Sharpless, Alan Stirt
AMI Board of Adwisors: Rude Osolnik; Dale Nish; Edward Jacobson
Wanted- 2 1/2 +hardwoods. Contact: William J. Holland, 2482
Hepplewhite Dr., York, PA 17404.
Wanted: Washington D. C. and Baltimore green wood users with chain saws
interested in sharing attractive found trees.
Contact Phil Brown, 122DD Wynmore Lana, Bowie, MD 20715, or call
Exotic hardwood cutoffs: pieces Large enough for small turnings of tool
handles, bud vases, cups, animal carvings etc. Five lbs. for $6, FOB,
Sunrise, FL. Also, small odds and ends for jewelry itdms, i.e.
cufflinks, earrings, pendants,etc. $1 per lb (5 lb minimum} FOB,
Sunrise, FL. Please check with your local post office for the shipping
cost. Add 1 lb. for packing materials. Contact: Harrison Neustadt,
64BO NW 24th Court, Sunrise, FL 33313.
For Sale - 35 year collection rare fancy woods. Many wide boards.
Fi.gur:ed cherry, ash, sheddua, cocobolo, Indian rosewood, Brazilian
rosewood, walnut, quilted maple and many more. Appointment only.
Contact: Paul Killinger, 4309 Butler Circle, Boulder, CO. 90303,
(SASE) or call (3D3]499-2649.
Would like to trade or purchase small pieces of rare wood for turning
pencils. Size needed 5 1/2 x 3/4 x 3/4 or multiples of the same.
Contact: Roger Bouchard, 82D Regent Ave., Clearwater, FL 33546.
For sale or trade: Myford ML8C, slow speed motor, 4 step pulley, 3 jaw
chuck, various faceplates and tailstock centers. Contact: Wayne Lewis,
4302 Timberhill, San Antonio, TX 78238 or call (512] 6B4-6099.
For sale or trade: New E(u Biscuit jointer & groover; $350 or wood,
tools, equipment. Contact: George Troy Hurlburt, RR 2 Box 32A, Galva,
KS 67443 or call (316] 654-3B02.
Shopsmith router arm, with 1 1/2 hp router, bits and patterns. Contact
Wayne Lewis, 4302 Timberhill, San Antonio, TX 78238 or call (512) 684-
Wood lathe for sale. Delta 11" gap bed, stand, 1/2 hp capacitor start.
New in carton, $425. Contact: D. M. Dew, 856 S. Stratton Dr., Florence,
SC 29501 or call (803) 667-0146.
BOOKS FOR SALE: Send for the most complete list)ng of books relating to
woodturning. 10% off to members of AAW. Contact: Norman A. Larson,
5426 Hwy. 246, Lompoc, CA 93436. Telephone (805)735-2095 evenings.
Teaching beginning to advanced turning -- green turning, rechucking,
etc. Contact: Livingston's Wood Creations, P.O. Box 3097, Pinedale, CA
93650 or call: Shop (209) 435-0297 or Home (209) 431-4124.
P.O. BOX 982 SAN MARCOS. TEXAS 78667 78667