Transvaginal Sonography and The Diagnosis of Adenomyosis: Col (DR) Hanifullah Khan
Transvaginal Sonography and The Diagnosis of Adenomyosis: Col (DR) Hanifullah Khan
Transvaginal Sonography and The Diagnosis of Adenomyosis: Col (DR) Hanifullah Khan
Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea and uterine enlargement (Fig 1) are common presentations
in an outpatient clinic. These symptoms are quite non-specific in nature and frequently
attributed to uterine leiomyomas. Adenomyosis, despite being commonly associated
with these symptoms, is lesser known and diagnosed. To complicate matters further,
leiomyomas and adenomyosis frequently coexist (Fig 2), hindering differential diagnosis
and leading to suboptimal patient care. Therefore, establishing a definite diagnosis is
more than just an academic exercise, as it would help select the appropriate therapy and
greatly simplify management. Imaging plays an important role in evaluating myometrial
lesions and the common diagnostic modalities available in an outpatient clinic are
abdominal ultrasound scanning (AUS) and transvaginal sonography (TVS). The aim of
this review is to delineate the specific sonographic features of adenomyosis.
Adenomyosis is defined as the non-neoplastic presence of ectopic endometrial glands
and stroma within the myometrium, associated with reactive overgrowth of the
musculature (Fig 3). Its aetiology is currently unknown although a hereditary
component is suggested1. Two distinct forms have been described. The diffuse form has
multiple foci of adenomyosis distributed within the myometrium. The focal form, on the
other hand, has isolated ill-defined nodules of hypertrophic myometrium and ectopic
endometrium, sometimes also referred to as adenomyomas. Common to both these
forms, there is associated myometrial hypertrophy, which causes a clinically enlarged
and often soft or “boggy” uterus2.
Adenomyosis is seldom seen in nullipara and postmenopausal women, being more
common in the older woman of reproductive age. This has led to the association with
uterine trauma as it is more often seen in patients who have had vigorous curettage
during pregnancy termination, childbirth and manual placenta removal3,4.
Certain clinical features can help differentiate adenomyosis from leiomyoma, such as
menorrhagia since childbirth and the presence of tenderness, which both point to
adenomyosis as the cause. Nevertheless, there has been increasing reliance on imaging for
differential diagnosis. Not only does imaging play a major role in the diagnosis and
management of adenomyosis, it is also useful for the evaluation of treatment. Due to the
non-specific nature of the symptoms, adenomyosis was not historically diagnosed via
sonography and most enlarged uteri were wrongly attributed to uterine fibroids.
A change occurred in the late 1980s with the publication of reports using Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (MRI) to diagnose adenomyosis. Findings which showed
sensitivities and specificities in the region of 90% comparing MRI with histological
diagnoses were described5,6. Ascher comprehensively describes the technique and MRI
features of adenomyosis using sagittal T2-weighted sequences7 .
Equally important around that time were the advances in sonographic technology and
techniques which included the advent of transvaginal sonography (TVS), higher
resolutions and Colour Doppler. TVS transducers operate at higher frequencies (5-7.5
MHz) than those for AUS, allowing more image clarity. Many TVS criteria for
adenomyosis were found to be similar to MRI with sensitivity of 80-86% and specificity
between 50-96% with an overall accuracy of 68-86% 8.
Sonographic features of adenomyosis
A brief description of the sonographic features of a normal uterus prior to viewing
abnormal pathology is useful. The normal uterus displays 3 broad areas of varying
echogenecity; a moderately echogenic myometrium, a hypoechoeic area corresponding to
the subendometrial muscle, and the endometrial echo which presents as a sharp interface
but prone to changes depending on hormonal variation. Taking this into consideration, it
is worth dividing the adenomyosis lesions broadly into the 3 distinct areas described.
The myometrium, in the presence of uterine enlargement, is asymmetrically thickened
with areas of heterogeneity within it (Fig 4). The echogenecity of this myometrium varies
depending on whether the lesion is diffuse or focal. Nevertheless, each hyperechoeic
region is surrounded by hypoechoeic areas which correspond to smooth muscle
hyperplasia. A discrete myometrial mass is generally not discernible but in the event of
one being present it usually has very poorly defined margins (Fig 5) and does not alter the
contour of the uterus9. These features and the lack of mass effect are distinguishing
features of adenomyosis. To further differentiate between the two, the colour Doppler
signal is internal and diffuse in adenomyosis as opposed to a leiomyoma where the signal
is more peripheral.
A commonly seen feature is the anechoic mass, always multiple, which represents
myometrial cysts corresponding to dilated glands or haemorrhagic foci. These cysts or
lacunae are seen as round anechoeic area of 1-7 mm (Fig 6). Colour Doppler could be
used to differentiate a myometrial cyst from a vascular component. The myometrial cyst
has been cited as the most specific and sensitive feature for the diagnosis of
The subendometrial layer might display small echogenic nodules which indicate ectopic
Hyperechoeic linear striations can be seen radiating out from the endometrial surface.
These are thought to represent direct invasion of the myometrium by the endometrial
zona basalis. Poor definition of the endo-myometrial junction suggests diffuse
The exception to all these specific features is the polypoid adenomyoma located in the
endometrial cavity which cannot be differentiated from other causes of endometrial
All these sonographic features have been reported to have high sensitivity (80-87%) and
specificity (94-98%) in distinguishing between adenomyosis and leiomyoma based on
comparisons between TVS and histological confirmation11,12. The essential features are
summarized in Table 1.
The differentiation between adenomyosis and leiomyoma is essential for management
optimization to ensure the best outcome for the patient. Imaging is the first line of
investigation for any patient presenting with menorrhagia, pelvic pain and an enlarged
uterus. TVS allows for the diagnosis of adenomyosis with high accuracy and it is the
responsibility of the sonographer to be familiar with the features of adenomyosis;
myometrial heterogeneity and asymmetrical thickening, cystic lesions, ill-defined
masses, subendometrial nodules and endometrial striations. The presence of high
resolution sonography as well as TVS in an outpatient setting has increased the
capability of the clinician to make such a diagnosis.
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