Describe Images (December Onwards)
Describe Images (December Onwards)
Describe Images (December Onwards)
period of 8 years starting in 1998 and finishing in 2006.It is immediately apparent from the
bar graph that the highest number of retirements was found in the year 2005-2006 at about
12000 because of the age factor while as the lowest number of premature retirements was
found in the year 1998-1999 at around 2000. Overall it can be seen from the bar graph that
there was a gradual increase in the retirements from schools and the highest number of
retirements were found in the year 2005-2006.
AMRIT: The picture provides the information of life cycle of a frog. It is clear there are nine
steps to convert eggs into a adult frog. Initially the eggs develop into a small membro which
then grows into tadpole in three stages. Thereafter the front legs develops followed by start
of pulmonary breathing. Furthermore it grows into a a tadpole frog and finally it becomes a
adult frog. To conclude there are nine steps to grow adult frog as a amphibian from eggs.
AKEEL: The diagram illustrates the different stages in the life cycle of a frog. In the
beginning thousands of eggs are laid in a pond which becomes surrounded by jelly like
covering. These eggs slowly develop forming an embryo. After few days embryo develops
into tadpole having a long tail followed by the development of front legs in the tadpole. The
development of front legs leads into the formation of lungs which gives rise to the pulmonary
breathing. It means it is ready to leave the water and live on land. Finally once its tail
disappears, it becomes an adult frog.
The bar graph elucidates the number of male and female students numbered in thousands
studying different subjects. It can be seen from the bar graph that the majority of men
studied science subject numbered at 4 thousand 5 hundred while as the highest number of
women studied Arts subject numbered at 4 thousand 8 hundred. On the other hand it can be
seen that nearly an equal number of both men and women studied law at just under 2000
followed by the trivial difference in both male and female in maths subject.To summarize the
highest number of men studied science while as the highest number of women studied Arts.
The triangle designed as a pyramid shows information of various types of food that can be
consumed for a health and energetic lifestyle. Initially, for a health lifestyle the environment,
friends, pets and love are the major factors. Thereafter there are specific organic raw foods
that should be eaten such as FVNMDE. The third stage is there are various healthy
alternative products to build the muscle and health such as health related foods and water
based products such as watermelon or coconut water. Next, there are canine and feline
supplements designed for everyone. Finally on the top of pyramid there are customised
specific supplements that contains colossal amounts of nutrients
The vertical bar graph indicates the information about favorite sport of grade 8 students by
boys and girls. The data is celebrated in numbers. we can see that,majority of students like
basketball with 38, out of which 16 are girls. the second favorite sport is badminton with total
no of boys and girls are 32. in addition to it, the minimum students like volleyball with 30
where 20 are boys and 10 are girls.
The line graph illustrates proved gas reservoirs among top five nations, between 1980 to
2013, in Trillion cubic meters. It is clear that, Iran had the highest proportion between 1980
to 1996.the amount of explored gas increased significantly from approximately 14 TCM to 34
TCM throughout the period; however, Russia recorded the highest amount by far from 1996
to 2013. it shows almost steady quantity during the ,mentioned era. On the third place, Qatar
demonstrates a clear cut progress during whole episode, starting smoothly from 1980 to
2000 and escalated dramatically in next 5 years, hit of its peak by 25 TCM. Moreover, other
nations, USA, Saudi Arabia illustrate a moderate raise in the range of 5 TCM during the era.
The given line graph represents proved gas reserves in top five countries during the year
1980 to 2013. As it is clearly seen from the graph that Iran's proved gas reserves was nearly
14 trillion cubic meters during 1980 which gradually increased and reaches to nearly 34
trillion cubic meter in 2014. Rusia started to preserve gas from 1996 and it is able keep its
reserved above 45 trillion cubic meters till 2013. Gas reserves of Qatar and Saudi Arabia are
25 and 8 trillion cubic meters respectively, while USA stops preserving Gas in 2012.
The line graph shows the number of international students who attended a pre sessional
course at Southfield University between 2000 and 2008. It is evident that the highest number
of students at over 500 was in 2008, while the lowest number of students at precisely 100
was in 2000. On the other hand, between 2001 and 2006, the figures fluctuated in the range
of between approximately 200 and 300 students. Finally, from 2006 until 2008 the figures
rose sharply to reach to a high of over 500 in 2008. To sum up, the number of international
students attending a pre- sessional course fluctuated over a period of 9 years.
The bar graph illustrates the relationship between response times and fatigue. It is
immediately evident that when the response time was the highest at just under 4 secs then
the fatigue was high. On the other hand the fatigue was moderate when the response time
was nearly 1.3 secs and finally the fatigue was very alert when the response time was the
least at just under 1 secs..To conclude it can be said as response time increased gradually
the fatigue increases drastically
The bar chart illustrates the percentage of various means of transport used in a European
city in 3 different years. It is immediately apparent from the bar graph that over one third of
travellers Preffered to travel by car in the year 2000 followed by exactly one third of travellers
who travelled by foot in the year 1960.On the other hand car and bike were least Preffered
by travellers in the year 1960 and 2000 which levelled off at around 7%.Overall it can be
seen from the bar graph that there was a dramatic increase in the usage of car by travellers
from 1960 to 2000
The bar graph shows the different means of transport and the fraction of travellers in 3
different years. It can be seen from the bar graph that the highest number of travellers
travelled by bus in the year 1960 followed by car at over one third in the year 2000.On the
other hand the lowest number of travellers travelled by car in the year 1960 followed by bus
in the year 2000 at 15%.Overall it can be seen from the bar graph that the highest number of
travellers preferred to travel by car and bus in 2 different years while as the lowest number of
travellers Preffered to travel by train and tube.
The map shows the vulnerability changes in the climate among different countries. To begin
with the countries in the West and North West are least vulnerable, followed by less
vulnerable in East and North East. On the other hand developed and least developed
countries such as India, China and Adjacent countries are considered very vulnerable
followed by Tibet and china as vulnerable. Finally, South West and at the centre of map
effects are projected to be intermediate and unrated sovereigns. Overall it can be seen that
the majority of the area in North East was less vulnerable as compared to other countries.
The given line graph shows the fraction of population aged from 65 years and above in 3
different countries between 1940 and 2040.Its immediately apparent from the line graph that
the population of Sweden and the USA was 7 % and 9% respectively in the year 1940 which
then fluctuated and is expected to reach a peak at quarter and just under a quarter
respectively in the year 2040.On the other hand the population of Japan was 5% in the year
1940 which dropped steadily upto 2020 and then rocketed in the year 2030 to hit a peak in
the year 2040.
The bar graph illustrates the average rainfall measured in inches in four different cities. They
are New York, Dallas, Phoenix and Honolulu. New York recorded the highest rainfall during
the year which was almost a half. This was closely followed by Dallas which recorded the
rainfall of almost one third. On the other hand the rainfall recorded in Phoenix was lowest at
just under 10 inches. Honolulu recorded a rainfall of approximately one fifth. Overall, New
York recorded the highest rainfall while Phoenix recorded the lowest rainfall.
The image shows the three stages of how a seed matures to become a fully grown plant
over a period of time. In the first stage the seed is sown into the soil, and is allowed to get
some sunlight and water. In the next stage the seeds slowly grow, and sprout some leaves
and some fruits. Finally it can be seen in the image, that the plant is now fully grown and the
leaves are much bigger than in the second stage and there are much more fruits and leaves
on the tree. Now the plant has grown to around 3-4 feet from the ground level.
The bar graph shows the different sources of funding measured in million pounds for higher
education in scotland from 1994-2002.It is immediately apparent from the Bar graph that
research and funding council grants accounted for the largest sources of funding contributing
between 400 and 1000 million pounds.On the other hand the lowest contribution towards
funding was found from endowments and overseas fees.Also services and endowments
contributed an equal number of funds in all the years.Overall it can be seen from the bar
graph that there was a gradual increase in the funding from various sources and reached a
highest level at about 1200 million pounds in the year 2001- 2002.
The line graph illustrates the amount of revenue that is expected to generate from digital
technology between 2014 and 2020 by IT executives. It is immediately evident in 2014
nearly a quarter of income came from digital and this figure has risen to just under 30% in
2015. On the other hand, between 2014 and 2015, the revenue is predicted to rise
drastically by atleast 15% to reach to a peak of precisely 47%. To conclude it can be said
that the digital revenue is expected to rise steadily over a period of 6 year timescale.
This line graph shows about the usage of cell phones by teen ager in small towns
It is crystal clear the majority of the cell phones used by 19 year old, which is exactelly 642
peoples, whereas the minority of number used by 13 year old people Its only 229. ...etc..
.This line graph shows about the usage of cell phones by teen ager in small towns
2. It is crystal clear the majority of the cell phones used by 19 year old, which is exactelly 642 peoples,
whereas the minority of number used by 13 year old people Its only 229. ...etc..
The given graph shows the average tempreture and precipitation levels over a period of 1
year. It is immediatetly apparent from the graph that the precipitaion was higher in month of
May and was levelled off at around 100 mm during the months of April, August,
Septemberand November.On the other hand the average temperature grew significantly
from january upto july and hit a peak in the month of July at around 23 degree celcius. In the
latter Part the average temp dropped in a similar manner.Overall it can be seen that the
highest temperature was found between june to sept and the lowest temperature was found
between Jan and february.
The given diagram elucidates the process of downloading a song from a website through
different payment methods. In the first stage a person is searching for songs on the internet
and visits the URL of the website to select the song which he wants to download. In the next
stage he clicks on the download option to download the particular song and save it on his
computer. The 3rd stage is to make the payment through different payment gateways like
Visa, Master card and credit card. Finally after the payment is done a person is enjoying
listening to the music wearing headphones.
This line graph illustrates the birth rates per thousand women between various female age
groups from year 1933 to 2013. The highest birth rates were among 25-29 age group started
from approximately 120 in 1933 and reached at its peak around 220 before facing a gradual
downfall in the consecutive years . The same trend followed by the age group between 20-
24, however sharply declined from 1961 - 2013 and reached to almost 50. The female age
group of 30-34 had highest birth rates approximately 120 per thousand women in the year
2013 with the increment of 20 births from 1933.However the age group between 15-19 and
35-39 had lower number of birth rates with no significant changes in the end of the year of
The given line graph elucidates the exports of coffee in millions of kilograms in three
countries over 10 year period from 2002 to 2012. It is crystal clear from image in 2002 only
12 millions of kilograms of coffee were export to Brazil which increased to 25 millions of
kilograms in 2012. However, starting coffee export to Colombia was 5 millions of kilograms
and after ups and down it touches 15 millions of kilograms in 2012. To conclude, exports of
coffee in Colombia were least in 2008 over the whole period which was 2 millions of
The line graph illustrates the actual exports of coffee for 3 main producing countries, Brazil,
Colombia and Costa Rica during the period between 2002 and 2012. From the graph It is
noticeable that Brazil has witnessed a significant increase in its exports ending with 25
millions of kilograms in 2012. On the other hand, Costa Rica had a steady decline till 2006
before it starts to rise up again across the years to achieve 20 millions in 2012. Moreover,
Colombia has witnessed a fluctuating manner to end up in 2012 achieving the lowest export
among them, 15 millions.
This table illustrates the info of hours and minutes which are spent by the male and female
per day. It is crystal clear from the table that 8 hours spent by the males on sleeping activity
and approx same by the female. On other hand 5.25 hours spent by the male on all leisure
which are higher than the female. Least tym that is 0.13 and 0.15 respectively spent by the
both. Overall it can be inferred from the table that males are more time consumed as
compare to female.
The table shows time consumed by males and females on various activities in a day,
A major portion around one third of the day that is more than 8 hrs is consumed in sleeping,
the second major time consuming activities is leisure around 5 hours and third major thing is
employment and study. Time is also spent on some other activities like resting, personal
Care, housework, travel etc.
The graph shows the comparison of time spent for lowest, highest and average score for 4
different questions. It is immediately apparent from the graph that the average scores were
highest in the fourth question at just under a half while as there was no lowest score
recorded for any question. On the other hand the time spent on first question was 5 secs
which then hit a peak and reached 15 secs in the second question followed by gradual fall
and reaching 10 secs in the fourth question. Overall it can be seen that question 2 and
question 4 spent maximum time and there is no lowest score among all questions.
The chart shows the usage of water in fractions in 6 different gulf countries in the year
2000.It can be seen from the chart that the usage of water was found highest in Saudi
Arabia in Agriculture sector while as the lowest water usage was found in the UAE in
industrial sector. On the other hand usage of water was highest in Kuwait in domestic sector
and was lowest in Oman. Overall the highest water usage was found in Saudi Arabia while
as the lowest water usage was found in the UAE.