Oil Analysis - Ruller and MPC Test
Oil Analysis - Ruller and MPC Test
Oil Analysis - Ruller and MPC Test
Masters Thesis
Emma Maguire
Exova AB
Emma Maguire
Exova AB
Rickard Jansson
Fredrik Bjrefors
Avdelning, institution
Division, Department
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology 2010-05-28
Linkping University
Monitoring of Lubricant Degradation with RULER and MPC
Emma Maguire
Traditional oil analysis methods - e.g. acidity and viscosity measurements - have been used to monitor lubricant conditions. These methods can
detect when the useful life of a lubricant is over but fall short when trying to gain insight on how long a lubricant in current use could last. This
makes it difficult to make proactive decisions and estimate oil drain periods. Lubricants do not start to degrade until the antioxidants, which prevent
from oxidation, have depleted to a certain level where they no longer can protect the base oil from degradation. During the degradation process
insoluble contaminants form that can lead to sludge and varnish.
Four engine oils were oxidized using oxygen pressurized vessels and four hydraulic oils were oxidized with turbine oil stability test (TOST). At
different stages of oxidation, sample aliquots were withdrawn and analysed. A blend of engine oil and biodiesel was also tested as well as a mixture
of hydraulic oil and water. Samples of engine oils were also tested from a rig test running at SCANIAs facilities in Sdertlje, Sweden. The
samples were evaluated with Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine (RULER) and Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC). RULER is a
voltammetric method that measures the antioxidant level in a lubricant sample and MPC measure the insoluble contaminants by spectrophotometric
analysis. Results from these analyses were compared to conventional methods such as acid number, viscosity, and Fourier Transform Infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR).
Results from the MPC-analyses showed that this method is dependent on the type of the lubricant tested. RULER performed well for all tested
lubricants. It was shown that this analyse method can predict when the lubricant is going to start to degrade due to oxidation. Tests showed that the
oxidation of the lubricant starts when there are 20-25% of the antioxidants remaining.
Lubricant oxidation, RULER, MPC
Traditional oil analysis methods - e.g. acidity and viscosity measurements - have been
used to monitor lubricant conditions. These methods can detect when the useful life of
a lubricant is over but fall short when trying to gain insight on how long a lubricant in
current use could last. This makes it difficult to make proactive decisions and estimate
oil drain periods. Lubricants do not start to degrade until the antioxidants, which
prevent from oxidation, have depleted to a certain level where they no longer can
protect the base oil from degradation. During the degradation process insoluble
contaminants form that can lead to sludge and varnish.
Four engine oils were oxidized using oxygen pressurized vessels and four hydraulic
oils were oxidized with turbine oil stability test (TOST). At different stages of
oxidation, sample aliquots were withdrawn and analysed. A blend of engine oil and
biodiesel was also tested as well as a mixture of hydraulic oil and water. Samples of
engine oils were also tested from a rig test running at SCANIAs facilities in
Sdertlje, Sweden. The samples were evaluated with Remaining Useful Life
Evaluation Routine (RULER) and Membrane Patch Colorimetry (MPC). RULER is a
voltammetric method that measures the antioxidant level in a lubricant sample and
MPC measure the insoluble contaminants by spectrophotometric analysis. Results
from these analyses were compared to conventional methods such as acid number,
viscosity, and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
Results from the MPC-analyses showed that this method is dependent on the type of
the lubricant tested. RULER performed well for all tested lubricants. It was shown
that this analyse method can predict when the lubricant is going to start to degrade
due to oxidation. Tests showed that the oxidation of the lubricant starts when there are
20-25% of the antioxidants remaining.
Traditionella metoder s som syratal- och viskositetsmtningar har lnge anvnts fr
att underska en smrjoljas tillstnd. Dessa metoder kan avgra om en oljas livslngd
r ver, men kan inte frutsp hur lng tid det r kvar innan den br bytas ut. Detta
frsvrar preventiva beslut och gr att det r svrt att bestmma oljebytesintervall.
Den vanligaste orsaken till att en olja ldras och bryts ner r oxidation. En smrjolja
brjar inte degraderas frrn antioxidanterna, som skyddar mot oxidation, har
frbrukas till en viss niv dr de inte lngre kan skydda oljan frn nedbrytning. Under
nedbrytningsprocessen skapas olsliga biprodukter som kan bilda lacker i oljan.
Fyra motoroljor oxiderades i trycksatta krl och fyra hydrauloljor oxiderades med
hjlp av turbine oil stability test (TOST). Vid olika stadium av oxidationen togs
delprover som sedan analyserades. En blandning av motorolja och biodiesel testades
ocks, samt en blandning av vatten och hydraulolja. Prover frn en cellmotor p
SCANIA i Sdertlje testades ven. De oxiderade proverna analyserades med
Remaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine (RULER) och Membrane Patch
Colorimetry (MPC). RULER r en metod som med hjlp av voltammetri mter
antioxidantniverna i oljan. MPC mter olsliga kontaminanter i oljan med
spektrofotometrisk analys. Resultat frn RULER och MPC jmfrdes mot sedvanliga
metoder som syratal, viskositet och Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).
Resultatet frn MPC-analyserna berodde till stor del p vilken typ av smrjolja som
analyserades. RULER visade bra resultat fr alla testade smrjoljor. Metoden kan
frutse nr smrjoljan brjar brytas ner av oxidation. Testerna visade att oxidationen
brjar nr det r 20-25% kvar av de ursprungliga antioxidanterna i oljan.
This report is the result of a final thesis project for a Master of Science degree in
Engineering Biology at Linkping University. The project was executed at the
department of Fuel and Lubricant testing at Exova AB in Linkping, Sweden,
between January and June 2010.
First I would like to thank my supervisor Rickard Jansson for all help with question
and feedback as well as guiding me with enthusiasm during the work of this project.
A big thank also to co-supervisor Hans Karlsson for ideas and support.
I would also like to thank all friendly and always positive contacts at SCANIA,
especially Henrik Eriksson, for thoughtful and smart ideas that I never would have
thought of myself.
I owe Sebastian Norman and Camilla Janefjord thanks too, for what felt like
thousands of acid number and viscosity measurements. Thanks to all colleagues at
Exova for a pleasant spring semester, guidance when I got lost among all stuff in the
laboratory and the help with FTIR-spectra. A special thank to Karin Petersson, for the
discussions, laughters, and good company in our office.
Last but not least my family and friends should be acknowledged for always
supporting me.
Linkping June 2010
Emma Maguire
Abbreviations and definitions
AN Acid number; analyses the acidic constituents present in the lubricant.
BN EP Base number end point; analyses the basic constituents present in the
lubricant. Instead of a specific buffer potential, the inflection point of
the titration curve is reported.
Dynamic Relates the shear stress, the shearing force acting on the oil per area,
Viscosity and the shear rate, the difference in speed between the two moving
surfaces divided by their separation. Measured in units of milliPascal
seconds (mPas).
Kinematic The dynamic viscosity divided by the fluid density and is measured in
Viscosity mm2/s or centiStokes. 1 mm2/s = 1 centiStokes
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 THESIS OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 METHODS ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 THESIS OUTLINE .......................................................................................................................... 2
2 THEORY ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 LUBRICANT BASE OILS ................................................................................................................ 3
2.1.1 Crude oil lubricants .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Vegetable oil-based lubricants ......................................................................................... 4
2.1.3 Synthetic base oils ............................................................................................................ 4
2.2 LUBRICANT BREAKDOWN ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Thermal and Compressive Base Oil Degradation ............................................................ 6
2.2.2 Oxidation .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Oxidation of base oils: mechanism of oxidation ............................................................... 6
2.2.4 Metal catalysis of lubricant degradation .......................................................................... 7
2.2.5 Acidity and viscosity during lubricant degradation .......................................................... 7
2.2.6 Sludge and Varnish formation .......................................................................................... 8
2.2.7 Nitration, Sulphation and Soot ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.8 Hydrolysis of ester type base oil ....................................................................................... 8
2.3 ADDITIVES .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Antioxidants ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 ENGINE OILS ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.5 HYDRAULIC OILS ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 METHODS FOR OXIDATION ........................................................................................................ 12
2.6.1 Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test, ASTM D 2272 ............................................... 12
2.6.2 Turbine Oil Stability Test (TOST), ASTM D 943 ............................................................ 13
2.6.3 Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Test, ASTM D 3241 and Hot Liquid Process Simulator .... 13
2.6.4 Hydrolytic Stability Test of Lubricants (Rolls Royce method) ........................................ 13
2.6.5 Pressurized vessels, ASTM D 525................................................................................... 13
2.6.6 Rancimat, EN 14112 ....................................................................................................... 14
2.7 METHODS FOR EVALUATION ..................................................................................................... 14
2.7.1 Acid number, ASTM D 974 and ASTM D 664 ................................................................ 14
2.7.2 Base number, ASTM D 4739 .......................................................................................... 15
2.7.3 Kinematic Viscosity, ASTM D 445 .................................................................................. 16
2.7.4 ASTM Color Scale, ASTM D 1500.................................................................................. 16
2.7.5 Remaining useful life evaluation routine, RULER ASTM D 6971 .................................. 16
2.7.6 Membrane patch colorimetry ......................................................................................... 17
2.7.7 Gravimetric analysis of filter .......................................................................................... 18
2.7.8 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, ASTM E 2412 ............................................. 18
2.8 RIG-TESTING ............................................................................................................................. 19
3 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS ................................................................................................... 20
3.1 LUBRICANT SAMPLES ................................................................................................................ 20
3.2 PRE-STUDY ............................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.1 Evaluation of oxidation methods for engine oil .............................................................. 21
3.2.2 Evaluation of oxidation methods for hydraulic oil ......................................................... 22
FRIENDLY HYDRAULIC OIL .................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.1 Engine oil........................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.2 Hydraulic oil ................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.3 SCANIA test rig .............................................................................................................. 23
3.4 CALCULATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 23
3.4.1 FTIR calculations ........................................................................................................... 23
3.4.2 Gravimetric calculation of filter weight ......................................................................... 24
3.4.3 RULER calculations ....................................................................................................... 25
4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 26
4.1 PRE-STUDY ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Evaluation of oxidation methods for engine oil .............................................................. 26
4.1.2 Evaluation of oxidation methods for hydraulic oil ......................................................... 29
4.1.3 Oxidation methods .......................................................................................................... 31
FRIENDLY HYDRAULIC OIL .................................................................................................................. 32
4.2.1 Engine oil........................................................................................................................ 33
4.2.2 Hydraulic oil ................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.3 SCANIA test rig .............................................................................................................. 45
5 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 49
6 RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE WORK ................................................................... 50
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX A: ENGINE OILS ........................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX B: HYDRAULIC OILS .................................................................................................. 59
APPENDIX C: SAMPLES FROM SCANIA ..................................................................................... 63
List of Figures
Figure 1. The paths of thermal degradation, oxidation and compressive heating. .................................... 5
Figure 2. Oil oxidation mechanism .......................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Metal catalysis of the initiation and chain branching reaction. ................................................. 7
Figure 4. Structure of BHT and MBDTBP [17]. .................................................................................... 10
Figure 5. How MBDTBP react to scavenge three alkyl peroxy radicals (ROO ) [13]. .......................... 10
Figure 6. How amine and phenol antioxidants interact synergistically to control free radicals [17]. .... 11
Figure 7. Titration curves to illustrate selection of end points [32]. ....................................................... 15
Figure 8. a) Example of three additives and their voltammeter response [36], b) RULER electrolyte
vial. ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 9. FTIR-spectra of new and used oil [5]. ..................................................................................... 18
Figure 10. Oxidation index calculations. ................................................................................................ 24
Figure 11. A typical RULER graph with one significant additive peak. ................................................ 25
Figure 12. A typical RULER graph with two distinct additive peaks. ................................................... 25
Figure 13. FTIR-spectra for sample oxidized in rancimat at 160C. ...................................................... 26
Figure 14. FTIR-spectra of engine oil subjected to thermal degradation in the rancimat. ...................... 27
Figure 15. Pressure measured during oxidation of engine oil in oxygen pressurized vessel at 140C. .. 28
Figure 16. FTIR-spectra of engine oil oxidized in pressurized vessels at 140C. .................................. 29
Figure 17. FTIR-spectra for hydraulic oil oxidized with pressurized vessel at 110C . ......................... 30
Figure 18. FTIR-spectra of hydraulic oil oxidized with TOST at 120C. .............................................. 31
Figure 19. Influence of oxidation on engine oil A. ................................................................................. 33
Figure 20. RULER Additive and Oxidation index for engine oil A ....................................................... 33
Figure 21. RULER curves of engine oil A samples. .............................................................................. 34
Figure 22. Influence of oxidation on engine oil B. ................................................................................. 35
Figure 23. RULER curves of engine oil B samples. ............................................................................... 35
Figure 24. Influence of oxidation on engine oil C. ................................................................................. 36
Figure 25. Influence of oxidation on engine oil D. ................................................................................. 37
Figure 26. Influence of oxidation on engine oil A + 5% biodiesel. ........................................................ 37
Figure 27. RULER Additive 1 without biodiesel compared to the depletion of RULER Additive 1 with
5% biodiesel. .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 28. Influence of oxidation on hydraulic oil 1. ............................................................................. 40
Figure 29. RULER curves for hydraulic oil 1. ....................................................................................... 40
Figure 30. Colour change for hydraulic oil 1. ........................................................................................ 41
Figure 31. Influence of oxidation on hydraulic oil 2. ............................................................................. 41
Figure 32. Influence of oxidation on hydraulic oil 2 + water. ................................................................ 42
Figure 33. Influence of oxidation on hydraulic oil 3. ............................................................................. 43
Figure 34. RULER curve for hydraulic oil 3. ......................................................................................... 44
Figure 35. Influence of oxidation on hydraulic oil 4. ............................................................................. 44
Figure 36. Multi-graphs of RULER curve of the samples from an engine test rig at SCANIA. ............ 45
Figure 37. Lead concentration for samples from a test rig at SCANIA. ................................................. 46
Figure 38. Area RULER measurements against lead concentration from samples withdrawn from an
engine test rig at SCANIA. .................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 39. Area RULER measurement plotted against base number for samples from an engine at
SCANIA. ................................................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 40. Area RULER measurement plotted against base number EP for samples from an engine at
SCANIA. ................................................................................................................................................ 47
List of Tables
Table 1. Summary of common additives. ................................................................................................. 9
Table 2. SAE viscosity grades [21]. ....................................................................................................... 12
Table 3. Method comparison .................................................................................................................. 14
Table 4. FTIR wave numbers of some important molecule classes. ....................................................... 19
Table 5. Engine oils used in the laboratory study ................................................................................... 20
Table 6. Hydraulic oils used in the laboratory study .............................................................................. 21
Table 7. Acid number and viscosity measurements of engine oil oxidized at 140C ............................. 28
Table 8. Acid number and viscosity from pressurized vessels at 110C with hydraulic oil. .................. 29
Table 9. Acid number for hydraulic oil oxidized with TOST at 120C................................................. 30
Table 10. Viscosity and ASTM color scale results from the engine oil tested. ...................................... 38
Table 11. MPC-analyse, viscosity and ASTM color results from tested hydraulic oil. .......................... 39
1 Introduction
A lubricants two most important functions are to reduce friction and wear. This gives energy
savings, protection of resources and also fewer emissions which makes lubricants absolutely
indispensable in many fields in society; foremost in industries which uses heavy machinary or
engines. But lubricants need to be changed periodically due to the inevitable aging process.
Using a lubricant until it is no longer useful can be cost-effective but potentially catastrophic.
Oxidation is currently accepted as the major cause of lubricant degradation and ageing. A
lubricant consists mainly of two components; base oil which is the backbone of the lubricant
and a package of additives used to enhance the good properties of the base oil [1]. Certain
additives called antioxidant prevent oxidation and thereby also ageing, but when these have
depleted the base oil starts to degrade which generates oxidation by-products. These have
delimited solubility in the unoxidized part of the lubricant and can form sludge and laquers
called varnish in the system.
The age of a lubricant is therefore strongly associated with antioxidant concentration.
Monitoring antioxidant depletion in used lubricants is however still considered a relatively
new research area. Another new field is monitoring insoluble contaminants and correlate it to
oil degradation. Reamaining Useful Life Evaluation Routine (RULER) is a voltammetric
method that measures the antioxidants in a lubricant while Membrane Patch Colorimetry
(MPC) detects insolubles with spectral analysis.
1.2 Methods
A literature study was first performed to get a good insight in current studies and facts on the
subject. Focus was on finding methods to oxidize and analyse lubricants. Important was also
to gain insight in the chemistry behind lubricant ageing and thereby what to be expected from
the tests performed in the experimental part of this project. To get information from the
outside world, contacts were made with the wood-processing industry as well as with
SCANIA to get information on what were important subjects to focus on.
The first experimental part of this project was dedicated to find good methods to oxidize
different types of oil. In the core study these chosen methods were used to oxidize oil and
samples were taken at different degree of oxidation and evaluated with RULER and MPC.
The results from these tests were compared to more standard methods such as acid number,
viscosity, and FTIR.
2 Theory
Lubrication oils are used for many applications in todays modern society. Their most obvious
use is to reduce friction and wear by interposing a fluid film between rubbing surfaces in
motion. In addition to this lubricants serve as coolants or heat transfer mediums, they also
help seal at compression rings and suspend materials which help to keep engines clean.
Lubricants are commonly divided into two groups; automotive lubricants, which consist of
engine and gear oils, and industrial lubricants, were the major classes are working fluids,
hydraulic oils, and turbine oils [2]. The focus in this thesis is mainly on engine and hydraulic
oils whereby these are described more thoroughly in section 2.4 and 2.5.
of the process aromatic molecules, sulphur, and nitrogen components are nearly eliminated
from the stock. Group III oils are more severely treated with higher pressure, higher
temperature, and longer process times then group II which give even better properties. [3]
Group II and III oils are more stable, more resistant to oxidation, experience less temperature-
induces viscosity change, and produce less sludge than group I oils. One drawback with group
II and III oils is their reduced ability to dissolve or suspend polar additives and polar by-
products from lubricant degradation. Hydroprocessing and hydrocracking reduces the natural
solubility of the base stock by reducing the concentration of aromatic and naphthenic
hydrocarbon. Lubricant stocks with high solvency are able to soak up polar additive
compounds and lock them in place. Stocks with low solvency are unable or less able to soak
up these additive compounds or the polar by-products of the oxidation process. [5]
The price of a synthetic lubricant is often 2-3 times more than for a mineral oil based
lubricant. [4]
Synthetic esters are an interesting alternative to traditional base fluids when switching to
environmentally adapted fluids. Their properties can be altered to match different demands,
they are nontoxic, and have good biodegradability. Vegetable oil, i.e. triglycerides, contains
glycerol as the alcohol component. This makes them prone to hydrolysis and thermal
degradation. If the glycerol is replaced by other polyols, e.g. trimtehylolprone (TMP), their
performance is improved. [10]
2.2.1 Thermal and Compressive Base Oil Degradation
Thermal or compressive heating usually occurs when the base oil comes in contact with hot
machine surfaces. It can also happen when there is a sudden and rapid increase in temperature
associated with adiabatic compression of entrained air bubbles in bearings, pumps and other
pressurized lubrication environments. The layer of oil that comes in contact with the hot
surface or compressed air bubble can change chemically. The earliest indication of thermal
failure is change in the oils colour. This happens during oxidative failure as well, but faster
when thermal degradation is the cause. The colour change is often due to the formation of
chemical insoluble carbon and oxide by-products. [11, 12]
2.2.2 Oxidation
The most common form of lubricant degradation is oxidation. Oxidation is the reaction of
materials with oxygen. From a strict chemical perspective oxidation does not necessarily need
to involve oxygen, but for the purpose of this study oxidation refer to the reaction between
oxygen and a molecule which results in loss of an electron forming a free radical. Oxidation
occurs gradually under mild conditions once the antioxidants have depleted. When the
oxidation has started it will cause a chemical change that is severe and permanent to the oil by
degradation of the base oil. A number of factors speed up the process; water, metals such as
iron and copper, other contaminants and elevated aeration. However the most critical factor is
temperature. Elevated temperatures accelerate the oxidation process and Arrhenius Rate rule
states that for every 10C increase the rate of oxidation doubles. [11, 13]
The initiation step occurs because of energy transfer to a hydrocarbon molecule in the form of
heat, mechanical shear stress or UV-light among others. This process can also be catalyzed by
metal ions (see paragraph 2.2.4). The reaction is usually very slow at room temperature but
the rate often proceeds at temperatures above 100C. How easy radicals are formed is
determined by the C-H bond strength and how stable the resulting radical is. Hydrogens in
alpha position to carbon-carbon double bound, tertiary hydrogens or aromatic rings are most
In the chain propagation step an alkyl radical reacts irreversibly with oxygen dissolved in the
lubricant and form an alkyl peroxy radical. The second reaction in the propagation forms a
hydroperoxide and another alkyl radical by removing hydrogen from a hydrocarbon molecule.
Thereafter there is chain branching where hydroperoxides are cleaved into alkoxy and
hydroxy radicals. The activation energy of the reaction is large and therefore only significant
at temperatures above 150C. The radicals then react with hydrocarbons to water, alcohols,
and more alkoxy radicals. Secondary and tertiary alcoxy radicals will form aldehydes and
The aldehydes and ketones condense through acid catalyzed aldol reactions. These
condensates can thereafter lead to polymeric degradation products that become sludge and
varnish deposits.
Termination can occur by combination of radicals. Two alkyl radicals can combine to form a
hydrocarbon molecule, an alkyl radical can combine with an alkyl peroxy radical to form a
peroxide or two alkyl peroxy radicals can form peroxide and oxygen. [13]
The reactions above should result in a decrease in viscosity because the hydrocarbon chain is
decomposed to smaller molecules. However most lubricants used in field or subjected to
oxidation tests generally undergo an increase in viscosity during the oxidation process. This
can be explained by the condensation that starts as the levels of aldehydes and ketones
become considerable. These aldol condensation reactions lead to the formation of oligomers
and low molecular weight polymers and thus also to an increase in viscosity. The reduction in
lubricant molecular weight caused by chain separation that form aldehydes, ketones and
carboxylic acids is thereby counteracted by the increase in viscosity due to the aldol
condensation. In the early stages of oxidation it may therefore be possible to register a
viscosity drop but as the oxidation process progress the effects of the condensation overpower
this, meaning that the overall result is an increase in lubricant viscosity. [13, 14]
2.3 Additives
An additive is a chemical substance added to a lubricant base oil to give a new quality or
enhance an already existing property in the base stock. The original attributes of the base oil
and the sector of application for the final lubricant strongly influence quality and quantity of
additives. Many different additives are usually added and it is therefore important that these
do not interact with each other in an antagonistic manner. Sometimes additives work
synergistically to enhance the effect of one another, which is desirable. [16] For the purpose
of this thesis antioxidants are most important, other common additives are summarised in
Table 1.
Table 1. Summary of common additives.
Table based on reference [16].
Additive type Purpose Functions
Antifoam Prevents lubricant from forming Alter the surface tension of the oil
persistent foam. and facilitate the separation of air
bubbles, which retard foam
Antiwear and extreme To reduce wear and friction React chemically with metal to form
pressure agent a film with lower shear strength than
the metal, preventing metal-metal
Corrosion and rust Prevent corrosion of metal parts in Make a protective film by
inhibitor contact with the lubricant adsorption of polar constituent on
metal surfaces or neutralize acids.
Detergent Keep surfaces free of deposits Chemical reaction with sludge and
varnish precursors to neutralize
them and keep them soluble.
Metal deactivator Reduce catalytic effect of metals on Form inactive film on metal surfaces
oxidation rate by joining with metallic ions (e.g.
iron and copper).
Pour point depressant Enable lubricant to flow at low Modify wax crystal formed by
temperature reducing ability to interlock.
Viscosity modifier Reduce the rate of viscosity change Polymers expanding with increasing
with temperature temperature to counteract oil
2.3.1 Antioxidants
To stabilize the lubricant antioxidants are used to prevent from oxidation. Most antioxidants
function by reacting with free radicals or decomposing peroxides. The mechanism of
antioxidant function is dependent on the type of antioxidant as well as chemical composition
of the lubricant. There are three main kinds of antioxidants; hindered and/or aromatic amines,
hindered phenols, and dithiophospate derivates. [14]
Figure 4. Structure of BHT and MBDTBP [17].
Aromatic amines and hindered phenols are called radical scavengers. They are designed to
control free radicals by donating a hydrogen atom so that a more stable molecule is formed.
The antioxidant then becomes a free radical but a much more stable one. Some free radical
antioxidants can also react with other radicals in the base stock which creates two relatively
stable materials. Classical examples of hindered phenolics is 3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene
called BHT and 4,4-methylenebis(2,6-di-tert-butylphenol) MBDTBP showed in Figure 4.
MBDTBP is an effective antioxidant and will serve as a good example of a radical scavenger.
Under oxidative conditions the MBDTBP molecule scavenges an alkyl peroxy radical
which forms an alkyl hydroperoxide terminating the propagation step in the oxidation process.
The MBDTBP molecule is transformed to a phenoxy radical which is much more stable than
the radical it destroys. Before forming a galvinoxyl radical (G) the MBDTBP molecule is
capable of scavenging three alkyl hydroperoxide molecules (see Figure 5). When oxygen is
present the galvinoxyl will react further resulting in the cleavage of the MBDTBP molecule to
a benzoquinone and a hydroxybenzaldehyde molecule. The benzaldehyde is an effective
antioxidant as well and will destroy even more peroxy radicals. [13]
Figure 5. How MBDTBP react to scavenge three alkyl peroxy radicals (ROO ) [13].
oxidation and is then regenerated by the phenolic (see Figure 6). The phenol radical is stable
and does not react further to degrade the lubricant. [17]
Figure 6. How amine and phenol antioxidants interact synergistically to control free radicals [17].
Antioxidants are sacrifical and first when the antioxidant level is low the base oil start to
degrade and physical changes begin to occure. Studies reveal that this happens when 70-80
percent of the antioxidants have depleted. [1, 19]
viscosity at high temperatures. General kinematic and dynamic viscosity is presented for
different SAE classifications in Table 2. [21]
Table 2. SAE viscosity grades [21].
Viscosity grades Kinematic viscosity at Kinematic viscosity at Estimated dynamic
40C 100C viscosity at -15C
(mm2/s) (mm2/s) (mPas)
SAE- 20W-50 144.8 17.8 5870
SAE- 15W-40 114.3 14.9 2940
SAE- 10W-30 72.3 10.8 1900
SAE -5W-30 57.4 9.9 1090
SAE 0W-20 44.4 8.3 690
SAE-30 91.3 10.8 3950
the start of the test and denoted as T0. As a result of stress-induced additive depletion the oils
ability to resist oxidation decreases and the base oil starts to react with the oxygen. Oxygen is
then being incorporated into the oil molecules and the pressure inside the vessel begins
decreasing. The test is complete after the pressure drops more than 175 kPa which is defined
as T1. The time required from T0 to T1 in minutes is the oils RPVOT value. To modify the
process the catalyst and water can be excluded. [23, 24]
2.6.3 Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Test, ASTM D 3241 and Hot Liquid Process
Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidation Test (JFTOT) is used to evaluate the tendency of gas turbine fuels
to deposit decomposition in the fuel system. In standard JFTOT fuel is pumped at a fixed
volumetric flow rate through an aluminium rod heated to a maximum 350C after which it
enters a precision steel filter where degradation products can be trapped. Typically the test
need 450 mL sample during a 2.5 h test. The essential data are the amount of deposits that has
been etched during the test on the hot aluminium rod and the rate of plugging in the steel
filter. Changes have been made to the JFTOT apparatus to make it more flexible and more
adaptable for different types of petroleum based liquids. This more adaptive system is called
Hot Liquid Process Simulator (HPLS). [26]
is recorded continuously until breakpoint is reached. Breakpoint is defined as the point in the
pressure-time curve where the pressure has dropped 14 kPa within 15 minutes and succeeded
by a drop of no less than 14 kPa in 15 minutes. The time required to reach breakpoint is the
oxidation induction time (OIT). [28]
Gas 90 psi oxygen Oxygen 3 L/h Nitrogen Air (no flow) Purified air
with oxygen
Temperature Temperature
Catalyst and Temperature Temperature
Possible Catalyst and Water can be
water can be Temperature
modifications water can be Test duration used as a
excluded catalyst
~1500 h
Depending on oils) Depending on Depending on
Test duration 2.5 h > 120 h
~2000 h
(Turbine oils)
gram lubricant. There are two standard methods for measuring AN; colorimetric (ASTM D
974) or potentiometric (ASTM D 664) titration. Antiwear, EP, and corrosion inhibitor
additives can create high initial AN-values. Generally starting AN value should decrease
faintly with additive depletion and then increase with the build up of degradation compounds.
Test results should always be compared to the result from new oil to determine the change
that has occurred. High AN values generally means that the lubricant useful life is over and
that the oil should be replaced. AN values above 4.0 are considered to be corrosive, but if
starting points are high the judgement could be different. An increase that is slow over a long
period of time is considered to be normal. Rapid changes are in most cases caused by
oxidation from local heating, prolonged air entrainment or additive depletion. [30, 31]
2.7.3 Kinematic Viscosity, ASTM D 445
Lubricants need to have a specific viscosity to give correct operation on the equipment where
they are used. Viscosity change when the oil oxidizes whereby this is an important parameter
to measure when the oil condition is evaluated. A fixed volume of oil flows under gravity
through a capillary and the time it takes for it to move a specified length is measured. The
viscometer is calibrated and the temperature is constant and known. Two time interval must
be measured for each oil sample and the average is used to calculate the kinematic viscosity
by multiplication with a calibrated constant appertained to the capillary used. [33]
Different antioxidants will react at different voltage which means that it is possible to
distinguish between antioxidants. The greater the reaction is during the electric shock the
larger amount of a particular antioxidant is present. A curve from fresh oil is used as a 100%
reference sample, it is said to contain 100% antioxidants, and the test solvent electrolyte is
used as the 0% standard. It is the area under each peak in the RULER curve which is
compared to one another. If a peak area is half the area under same peak in the reference it is
regarded to have 50% RUL for this particular antioxidant [1]. The RULER software also gives
RULER Area which is the entire area under the curve including the total electro-chemical
activity instead of focusing on a specific additive. This is also compared to the reference
sample and given in percent [37].
a) b)
Figure 8. a) Example of three additives and their voltammeter response [36], b) RULER electrolyte vial.
In a) an oil containing three different kinds of antioxidants is exemplified. The voltammetric respond generates
three distinct peaks during the RULER analysis, each corresponding to an individual antioxidant. Picture b)
shows the electrolyte vial used in the RULER analysis. The sand with agglomerated oil droplets separate at the
bottom, while antioxidants are extracted to the electrolyte solution on top where the voltammetric analysis is
carried out.
2.7.7 Gravimetric analysis of filter
The filter in the MPC method can be used to do a gravimetric analysis. The filter is weighted
before the filtration process, dried and then weighted again after filtration. The difference in
weight is adjusted to the weight difference of a control filter. The difference in weight
compared to a filter with a reference (nonoxidized) oil is measure of the contaminants in the
oil [39].
Table 4. FTIR wave numbers of some important molecule classes.
Oxidation Water Oxidation
products: contaminant Soot ZDDP-
products: Nitration Sulphation
Organic in mineral contaminants antiwear
oil Mineral Oil
3595 - 3500
Wavenumber (cm-1) 3500 -3150 2000 1800 - 1670 1800 - 1670 1180 - 1120 1025 - 960
3330 - 3150
2.8 Rig-testing
Lubricants work in complex system which means that a great number of parameters may
influence the degradation process that is not present in the laboratory oxidation methods
described above. Field-testing is when the tribosystem is operating in its real environment for
example a test drive of a car or a truck. This type of testing gives the most reliable result but is
both time consuming and costly. Operating conditions is also difficult to control and can vary
between different test. Laboratory test on the other hand are easy to control and different
operation conditions are easy to measure. This type of systems is reproducible and often
relatively fast and inexpensive. Between field and laboratory tests there are different levels of
bench and component tests for example free-standing engines in test facilities. These tests are
called rig tests. The advantage with this type of testing is that is possible to control different
parameters and that sampling is easier. [42]
3 Experimental details
3.1 Lubricant samples
The engine oils in the test slates are standard products from different manufacturers (see
Table 5). Probably they are based on group II or III base oils and the additives they contain
are unknown. Lubricant producers are highly secretive about this type of information.
Table 5. Engine oils used in the laboratory study
Viscosity at 100C
Type Application according to
A mixture of Engine oil A and biodiesel was also tested to evaluate how biodiesel fuel
contamination impacts the oxidation stability of the lubricant. Biodiesel are based on long-
chain alkyl esters and are thereby more susceptible for oxidation than ordinary petroleum fuel.
In addition biodiesel are less volatile than petroleum and will consequently not vaporize as
fast as petroleum fuel. This means that biodiesel will remain in the lubricant longer. This
together with the lower oxidation stability makes biodiesel contamination interesting to
Hydraulic oils 1 to 3 are environmental adapted lubricants. Due to the growing worldwide
interest in environmental issues, biodegradable lubricants are growing on the industrial
market. Contacts with the wood-processing accentuated that biolubricants are used in
majority today but that they need more knowledge from the user to function right.
Biolubricants are more prone to oxidation which makes them interesting to investigate and
also give the advantage that they can be oxidized in the laboratory in fair amount of time.
Hydraulic oil 4 which is standard mineral oil based hydraulic oil was chosen to compare with
the other three biodegradable hydraulic oils (see Table 6).
Hydraulic systems often work in surroundings were there can be water contamination. To
analyse how water influence the oxidation process of a hydraulic oil, a mixture of Hydraulic
oil 2 and water was also tested.
Table 6. Hydraulic oils used in the laboratory study
Viscosity at 100C
Type Application according to
Various hydraulic
Based on synthetic systems, with working
Hydraulic oil 1. 9.5 mm2/s
esters. temperature from
-25C to +95C.
Various hydraulic
systems where there is
Based on natural fatty
Hydraulic oil 2. a risk of environmental 8-9 mm2/s
oil (rapeseed oil).
damage through
3.2 Pre-study
The pre-study focus on finding the best methods to oxidize the two different types of
The second method tested is pressurized vessels held at 140C. The vessels are prepared with
100 mL engine oil and pressurized with oxygen to 7.2 kg/cm2 (706 kPa). After 48 h one
vessel is terminated and the other after 168 hours. During the test the pressure is recorded to
give the induction time.
The third method evaluated is heating a conical with 200 mL oil on a hot plate keeping the oil
at 140C and with a condenser with cooling water refluxing to restore volatile compounds.
After different time intervals AN is measured and FTIR-spectra analysed.
To analyse how biodiesel influence the oxidation properties of engine oil, a solution
containing 5% biodiesel is mixed. Four samples are then processed in the rancimat, two at
160C and two at 120C. Two samples from each temperature are terminated after 44 and 138
h respectively and analysed with AN and FTIR.
3.3 Core-study: Evaluation of MPC and RULER for engine oil and
environmental friendly hydraulic oil
From the pre-study appropriate oxidation methods are decided (see section 4.1.3).
sample. After 168 hours the test is terminated and additional to AN and RULER viscosity is
measured and a MPC-analyse (F475, Fluitec) and gravimetric analyse performed.
A sample is also tested with hydraulic oil 2 and water added to the oil as a catalyst. 300 mL
oil is mixed with 60 mL water making a mixture of 17% water. 350 mL is needed to perform
TOST and 10 mL is saved as a reference.
The MPC-analyse is performed according to the ASTM draft (see more section 2.7.6). Filters
used were Millipore HAWP-filters which are composed of mixed cellulose esters and with a
pore size of 0.45 m. The spectral analysis was made using Fluitec i-Lab Model F475.
3.4 Calculations
3.4.1 FTIR calculations
Oxidation index is calculated for all engine oil samples using the method described below.
This is a method from SCANIA with the difference that the oxidation index is recalculated to
be equal to the DIN 51 453 method [43].
Where d is the path length of the cell in millimetres. Abs(1710 cm-1) is the corrected height
from the calculated baseline with the height of the reference sample subtracted. The baseline
is calculated using two points left of the peak at 1710 cm-1. The first point is chosen by
calculating the mean height in the interval 2180-2270 cm-1. The point is then placed at the
spot in this interval which corresponded to this height. The second point is chosen in the same
way but in the interval 1885-1955 cm-1. The method can be described as calculating a straight
baseline which is vertically in the middle of the spectra curve between the two intervals. This
is illustrated in Figure 10. [44]
Figure 10. Oxidation index calculations.
A base line is decided, illustrated in blue in the figure. The oxidation peak is evaluated by its height, here
illustrated in green.
ZDDP at ~980 cm-1 was also calculated using the FTIR software. The height was here
calculated using a more common baseline drawn using two points placed on either side of the
ZDDP peak. The height of the reference sample was set as 100% and the other oxidized
samples were then calculated as the percentage from this.
m = (mf2-mf1)-(mc2-mc1)
3.4.3 RULER calculations
The RULER R-DMS software calculates the area under each peak and compares it to the
chosen standard which gives a value in percentage of this particular additive peak. Area
RULER is calculated in the same way, but here it is the total area under the RULER curve
that is compared. The significant peaks for the standard curve, that is the measurements of
new reference oil, is first located. After that the same peak is chosen in the curve for the
oxidized sample. To compensate for additive peak shifting or interferences with oxidation
products, additive valleys often needed to be relocated from the standard. Figure 11 shows a
sample compared to reference where there is one significant additive peak.
Figure 11. A typical RULER graph with one significant additive peak.
Reference sample is showed in green and oxidized sample in red. The figure show how the end point of the area
measurements can be chosen.
Often the RULER curves show two or more additives and then these have to be evaluated one
by one. In Figure 12 there is an obvious distinction between the two peaks. The additive
content in the lubricant used in the tests is unknown whereby it is difficult to derive a peak
found in the RULER curve with a particular additive. It is known that amine antioxidants give
peaks earlier in the RULER curve than phenol antioxidants. However, even though a peak
shows early in the RULER curve one cannot say with total certainty that it is an amine. In the
result and discussion part different peaks are only compared to the correlating peak in the
reference sample, no implications on what type of antioxidant this peak can present are made.
Figure 12. A typical RULER graph with two distinct additive peaks.
Reference sample is showed in green and oxidized sample in red. The figure show how the end point of the area
measurements can be chosen.
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Pre-study
In the pre-study Engine oil A and Hydraulic oil 1 were used to evaluate the appropriate
oxidation method for engine and hydraulic oil respectively.
4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 550.0
In the FTIR-spectra there is an increase for the oxidation peak at ~1710 cm-1 and for the
nitration peak at ~1630 cm-1. It is difficult to establish whether the sulphation peak at ~1150
cm-1 has increased as well or if it is the base line that has moved. The peak for ZDDP at ~980
cm-1 has decreased considerable meaning that the amount ZDDP additive has decreased
during oxidation (see Figure 13). The oxidation and nitration peak together with the decrease
of ZDDP strongly implies that oxidation has occurred.
The samples held at 200C had a tar-like consistency already after 48 hours making it
impossible to do any analyses and also showed an extended thermal reaction with a colour
darkening after only 3 hours.
To investigate whether the observed oil degradation derive from oxidation instead of thermal
degradation the same amount of oil were held at 160C and 200C in the rancimat without
any in- or outflow from the sample tube. The samples were only exposed to heating to
examining more about the thermal reaction occurring.
4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 550.0
Figure 14. FTIR-spectra of engine oil subjected to thermal degradation in the rancimat.
Two samples were held at two different temperatures in the rancimat with no in- or outflow. Reference (black),
thermal degradation 44 h 160C (blue), and thermal degradation 44 h 200C (red). There is no increase at
oxidation and nitration peaks during thermal degradation meaning that those peaks can be used to estimate
whether or not oxidation has occurred.
The FTIR-spectra shows that the reactions seem to be similar at the two different
temperatures. There is no oxidation, nitration or sulphation peak increase, but a decrease in
ZDDP (see Figure 14). There is no oxidation occurring, but the thermal reaction causes
depletion of additives. This proves that oxidation is the cause of the increase at oxidation,
nitration, and sulphation peaks in the previous case studied and that these peaks can be used to
evaluate whether oxidation has occurred or not.
To analyse oxidation without vanish of volatile compounds, which was the case in the
rancimat, two pressurized vessels or bombs were tested.
Bomb1. 48 h
Bomb2. 168 h
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Figure 15. Pressure measured during oxidation of engine oil in oxygen pressurized vessel at 140C.
Bomb 1 was stopped after 48h (red) and vessels stopped after 168 h (blue). The figure shows that the OIT is at
143 h.
The pressure was measured during the test duration. The first bomb that was stopped after 48
hours did not reach the oxidation induction time, but the second bomb stopped after 168 hours
showed a distinct OIT at 143 h (see Figure 15). This shows that it is possible to oxidize engine
oil in pressurized vessels during approximately a week. The oil was analysed with FTIR, AN,
and viscosity. Results are shown in Table 7 and Figure 16.
Table 7. Acid number and viscosity measurements of engine oil oxidized at 140C
Engine oil A was oxidized in two oxygen pressurized vessels. One bomb was stopped after 48 h and the other
after 168 h.
After 48 h AN have decreased due to additive depletion and there is not any noticeable
change in viscosity. After 168 hours both AN and viscosity is increasing indicating oxidation
has started.
4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 550.0
The FTIR-spectra showed further evidence that the pressurized vessels worked well for
oxidizing engine oil. Oxidation, nitration, and sulphation peaks are increased compared to
unoxidized oil after 48 hours and after 168 hours they have increased more. After 168 hours it
is also obvious that ZDDP has decreased (see Figure 16).
Oxidation of engine oil was also tested using a conical with a water cooled condenser, heating
the oil to 140C with a heating plate. During the oxidation it was difficult to keep a
homogenous temperature with only the aid of magnetic stirring. The oil closest to the hot
plate had different colour, thermal degradation, and oxidation did not occur uniformly in the
A 3.5
4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 550.0
Figure 17. FTIR-spectra for hydraulic oil oxidized with pressurized vessel at 110C.
Reference oil sample (black), bomb 48 h (blue,) and bomb 142 h (red). The spectra show some increase at the
oxidation peak at 3540 cm-1.
From this spectra it was noted that synthetic ester based lubricants are more difficult to
evaluate using FTIR. Many peaks have decreased, but what each peak represent is not as
obvious as it was for the engine oil. Oxidation of organic esters should show a peak around
3540 cm-1 where there is an increase for the sample held for 142 h (see Figure 17).
Table 9. Acid number for hydraulic oil oxidized with TOST at 120C.
Hydraulic oil A was oxidized with TOST for 168 h, subsamples was taken after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. The
oxidation was stopped after 168 h.
0h 24 h 48 h 72 h 96 h 168 h
Acid Number
0.29 0.27 0.54 0.97 1.61 4.78
(mg KOH/g)
The AN in Table 9 shows good result from TOST. The AN have increased indicating that
oxidation has occurred. Hydraulic oil oxidized with TOST shows a small decrease in AN
when additive depletes, sample measurements after that show an increase meaning that
oxidation occur.
4000.0 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 550.0
The other oxidation method tested was TOST at 120C. The AN showed that oxidation
occurred but the FTIR-analyse did not show as good correlation between the peak at
3540 cm-1 and oxidation time as with the pressurized vessels shown in Figure 17 (see Figure
18). Shown in figure are a reference and oil oxidized with TOST for 168 h. When it comes to
synthetic esters FTIR does not appear to be a reliable method to evaluate the process of
oxidation. Very little could be found in literature about evaluating FTIR-spectra from oil
based on esters. In this study FTIR was thereby not used to evaluate the hydraulic oils.
Pressurized vessels, ASTM D 525, showed that they could oxidize engine oil without the
leaking of volatile compounds and additives. As mentioned in the Theory section engine oil in
normal use is subjected to higher temperatures. To speed the oxidation process, higher
temperatures than 100C as in the standard is needed. An increase in temperature by 10C
doubles the rate of oxidation. The drawback with pressurized vessels is that it is not possible
to take subsamples during the procedure. However there is a possibility to open a pressurized
vessel, take a sample and then re-pressurize the vessel again. This probably would alter the
pressure-time diagram where OIT is decided but not influence the oxidation process much.
The RPVOT test is reliable but time consuming. One other drawback is that it is not possible
to collect samples during the procedure. The Rolls Royce method was not used because it is
very little mentioned about this in other reports on the subject. For similar reasons the
JFTOT/HLPS was discarded. When testing the hot plate and the conical with a condenser in
the pre-study it was showed that this was not a reliable method. It was obvious that the oil
layer close to the hot plate, despite the magnetic stirring, was subjected to thermal reaction.
To give homogenous heating some type of heating cape or an oil bath should be needed.
Because of this the method was discarded.
TOST showed good results for the hydraulic oils. As for the pressurized vessels higher
temperature was needed. The TOST life for a hydraulic oil at 95C as in standard is around
1500 h (see Table 3). The higher temperature quickens the oxidation process. TOST is a well
known oxidation method. Only one sample at a time could be oxidized with this method
whereby the engine oils never were tested with this method.
4.2 Core-study: Evaluation of MPC and RULER for engine oil and
environmental friendly hydraulic oil
Four different engine oils and four different hydraulic oils were oxidized and thereafter
evaluated by MPC and RULER. As mentioned in the Theory section of this report acid
number should decrease in the beginning of oxidation when additives deplete and then
increase with the build-up of degradation compounds such as carboxylic acids. Area RULER
which is the total area under the RULER curve should decrease with the depletion of
additives. RULER additive should also decrease, but in some cases there is a build-up of a
new secondary additive when another depletes. Example of mechanism for this was
mentioned in section 2.3.1. MBDTBP can give a secondary antioxidant when it is consumed
and amine antioxidants can be regenerated by phenol antioxidants. In the diagrams in this
chapter only the additives that depletes are shown, this to give a closer look at what is
happening. In Appendix A and B diagrams which contain both the additive that depletes and
the secondary one can be found.
In the pre-study MPC was tested on engine oil, but with no good result. The engine oil was
impossible to filter. The filtered clogged due to some reaction or that the molecules in the
engine oil were too big for the filter pores. For this reason MPC was not used to analyse the
engine oils.
4.2.1 Engine oil
From the pre-study it was decided that the best method for oxidizing engine oil was
pressurized vessels held at 140C. The different engine oils used are described in 3.1.
40 1
20 0,5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
120 6
100 5
Oxidation Index
Percentage (%)
80 4
60 3
40 2
20 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Figure 20. RULER Additive and Oxidation index for engine oil A
RULER Additive 1 (primary vertical axis) and Oxidation Index (secondary vertical axis) measurements from
samples withdrawn from an oxygen pressurized vessel at 140C. The figure shows that Oxidation Index
increases when additives deplete. Oxidation Index has decreased at 168 h in the same way acid number has
decreased at 168 h in Figure 19.
Figure 19 and Figure 20 shows the result from analyses of Engine Oil A. When Area RULER,
RULER Additive, and FTIR ZDDP-additive decreases acid number and oxidation index
increases. Acid number starts to increase when RULER Additive has reached a level of 25-
Unexpected is AN at 168 h which has decreased compared to the sample taken at 144 h. This
should probably be considered as mismeasurement if it was not that the oxidation index
showed the same decrease at 168 h. Oxidation index measures, as mentioned in section 2.7.8,
carbonyl groups (C=O) at 1710 cm-1 in the FTIR spectra .This indicate that carboxylic acids
and other carbonyl group containing substances has been altered or depleted. A good
explanation for this is hard to find. The RULER analyse showed a build-up of a new peak
when the primary additive is consumed. This secondary component could as described in the
antioxidant theory section also function as an antioxidant. This should only halter the
oxidation process not detract acidic components and oxidation by-products.
The RULER curves from engine oil A measurements shows an example of when there is
difficult deciding where different additives peak should be placed to calculate the peak area
(see Figure 21). In this case two additive peaks were evaluated. Additive peak 1 decreases,
meaning that this is an antioxidant that depletes during the oxidation process in the
pressurized vessel. Additive peak 2 seems to increase meaning that this is probably a
secondary antioxidant formed when the first additive depletes. Measurements from additive
peak 2 are not showed in Figure 19 but can be found in Figure A1 in Appendix A.
Area RULER RULER Additive 1.
FTIR ZDDP-additive Acid Number
120 5
20 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Measurements from engine oil B shows that Area RULER, RULER Additive 1, and FTIR
ZDDP-additive decreases during test duration. When RULER Additive 1 has reach a level of
20% AN starts to increase (see Figure 22). This indicates that the oxidation with base oil
degradation happens after the Additive has reached this level. RULER curves shows only one
additive peak which decreases (see Figure 23).
Area RULER RULER Additive 1.
FTIR ZDDP-additive Acid Number
120 1,8
80 1,2
40 0,6
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Measurement from engine oil C showed that the AN has started to increase, but AN has not
reach a high level where there is certain oxidation occurring. RULER measurements of
Additive 1 show that the additive has decreased to a low level at 96 h. The three following
measurements show an increase in additive concentration indicating that there is a
regeneration of RULER Additive 1 (see Figure 24). RULER measurements gave RULER
curves similar to the ones showed in Figure 21 from engine oil A. The secondary additive that
increases can be found in Figure A5 in Appendix A.
Engine oil D shows expected results. When the additives deplete the acid number increases.
Acid number starts to increase when RULER Additive 1 has decreased to 25% (see Figure
25). The RULER curves only showed one additive peak indicating that there is no secondary
antioxidant formed.
Area RULER RULER Additive 1.
FTIR ZDDP-additive Acid Number
120 3
80 2
60 1,5
40 1
20 0,5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Engine oil A, B, C, and D showed overall expected results. The critical level when AN starts
to increase seem to be when there is approximately 20-25% of the decreasing RULER
additive left. As described in theory section 2.3.1 several literature references gives the value
20-30%, which consorts well with the value given from these tests.
Percentage (%)
20 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
The mixture of Engine Oil A and 5% biodiesel showed that biodiesel catalyze the oxidation
process. RULER Additive shows that additives deplete fast and due to this AN starts to
increase rapidly earlier in the oxidation process (see Figure 26).
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Figure 27. RULER Additive 1 without biodiesel compared to the depletion of RULER Additive 1 with 5%
The figure shows RULER Additive 1 measurements from engine oil A (see Figure 19) compared to RULER
Additive 1 measurements from a mixture of engine oil A and biodiesel (see Figure 26). For RULER Additive 1
measurements from engine oil A it takes approximately 92 h to reach a level of 20% while this only takes
21hours for the mixture of engine oil A and biodiesel. The figure shows that biodiesel speed up the depletion of
When comparing the depleted additives from Engine oil A without biodiesel to the blend with
Engine oil A + 5% biodiesel it is apparent that the additive is consumed at a much faster rate
when there is biodiesel involved. Looking at Figure 19 and Figure 26 it could be assumed that
the acid number does not begin to increase considerable before the additive has reached a
level where there is only 20-25% left. This takes approximately 90 h for engine oil without
biodiesel and around 20 h for the engine oil with biodiesel. This means that 5% biodiesel
shorten the time to reach the critical antioxidant level to only one fourth of what it is when
there is no biodiesel involved. The depletion of RULER Additive 1 from Engine oil A with
and without biodiesel is compared in Figure 27.
Table 10. Viscosity and ASTM color scale results from the engine oil tested.
Ref. Ox.168 h
Ref. Ox.168 h Engine Engine Ref. Ox.168 h Ref. Ox.168 h Ref. Ox.168 h
Engine Engine oil A + 5 oil A + 5 Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine
oil A oil A % % oil B oil B oil C oil C oil D oil D
biodiesel biodiesel
13.96 14.05 12.17 12.85 14.60 14.22 14.43 14.29 14.51 14.32
2.5 7.5 3 >8 5 7.5 2.5 7 4.5 6.5
All four engine oils showed small deviations in viscosity after 168 h oxidation. The ASTM
color scale showed however difference in colour after oxidation (see Table 10). Just by
looking at the colour it is often possible in the laboratory to see if oxidation has occurred. This
is more difficult in real life applications were the oil often is contaminated with soot, water,
and other particles.
The colour change of the engines oil compared to each subsample is showed in Appendix A.
Viscosity and ASTM color scale was only analysed for the reference sample at 0 h and after
168 h when the oxidation was stopped. The reason for this was that these analyses required 50
mL and each subsample taken during the oxidation process was only 10 mL. If the
subsamples would have been bigger the volume change would have influenced the oxidation
process more. The volume of the sample and how much of the oil volume is in contact with
the oxidizing gas affect the oxidizing process. It should however be noted, that the volume
from the beginning of the oxidation decreases by 40 mL when the four subsamples are
collected during the oxidation process. This may influence the oxidation to some extent.
index 2.58 49.41 20.92 22.43 - - 2.50 6.65 16.67 3.78
2 >8 1.5 6 7.5 8 0.5 5 5 7.5
Area RULER RULER Additive 1.
RULER Additive 2 Acid Number
120 40
80 25
60 20
40 15
20 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Hydraulic oil 1 showed expected results. The RULER analysis showed two different peaks
whereby two different RULER Additives were evaluated. RULER Area and the two RULER
Additives decreases and when they reach a level of approximately 5%, acid number start to
increase rapidly (see Figure 28). The high increase in AN and viscosity for hydraulic oil 1
shows that the oxidation after one week with TOST is considerable. Area RULER have
increased at the last measuring at 168 h. This is due to the increasing in RULER Number
occurring in the RULER curve after 15 seconds which makes the total area, and consequently
Area RULER, higher for the sample oxidized for 168 h (see Figure 29).
Figure 30. Colour change for hydraulic oil 1.
The colour change during the process of oxidation. There is an unexpected fade in colour after 96 h.
The colour change evaluated with ASTM color scale shows that the oils colour has become
much darker after 168 h. The sample oxidized for 96 h showed a decrease in colour (see
Figure 30). This indicates that the colour changes when the antioxidants have depleted. Both
additives have depleted sometime between 72-96 h (see Figure 28). The sample taken after
168 h shows darker colour indicating that the oil has started to degrade. Oil oxidized for 168 h
in TOST also showed a high increase in MPC-index when compared to a reference (see Table
11). This means that there is a great amount of oxidation products in the oil and that these are
not fully soluble in the oil. If this was a lubricant in real use there would be a high risk for
deposits of degradation products in the system.
100 14
Percentage (%)
80 10
60 8
40 6
20 2
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Hydraulic oil 2 oxidized with TOST for 168 hours showed that the increase in AN starts when
the RULER Additives have decreased to 25-30% of the reference value. There is a high
increase not only in AN but in viscosity as well (see Figure 31). Evaluating the colour change
with the ASTM color scale was difficult due to the green colour of the oil that did not match
the brown palette in the colorimeter. The oil did not show a major increase in MPC-index.
This means that the oxidation degradation products are highly soluble in the oil phase and that
the risk for deposits in the system is low. A low MPC-index and b*-value can also imply that
the degradation products already has separated from the oil, in the system were the lubricant
is used or in the container that been used to hold the oil before the analysis. The second
should be prevented by shaking the container flask before starting the analysis and the risk for
this is thereby low.
80 25
60 20
40 15
20 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Hydraulic oil 2 oxidized with water added as a catalyst showed a higher increase in AN which
indicate that water speed up the oxidation (see Figure 32). The RULER additive never
decreased to the low level seen in the previous test where there was no water added. The
mixture of the oil and water formed two layers where the water, having higher density than
the oil, phased under the oil. Taking samples were thereby difficult and the part samples most
likely contained different amount of water. This might affect the RULER analyses. The
RULER curves were difficult to evaluate due to one extra peak that appeared in the last
subsamples. Another cause of the high increase in AN before the additives have depleted
could be hydrolysis. As mentioned in section 2.2.8, hydrolysis is a reaction that happens when
ester type base oil come in contact with water. This causes chemical breakage which could
result in acid formation and consequently in an increase in acid number.
Hydraulic oil 2 oxidized in TOST with water as a catalyst was not possible to filter during the
MPC-analysis. The filter used contains esters and these seem to react with the esters in the
hydraulic oil making a gel which clogged the filter. Hydrolysis almost certainly also took
place because the oil is ester based, it consists of rapeseed oil. Hydraulic oil 2 oxidized with
no water did not react with the esters in the filter. This indicates that water made the ester in
the base oil more prone to react with esters in the filter.
120 2,5
20 0,5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Hydraulic oil 3 was oxidized for one week as the other hydraulic oils. When examine the
results it was clear that this was not enough and that extended time should be needed to
oxidize the oil. The AN has only decreased and the expected increase in AN which is
expected when the additive levels are low never begins (see Figure 33). The RULER curves
also showed that the additive peak has not decreased considerable. There some initial
decrease between the reference sample, 0 h, and the sample oxidized for 24 h. The following
samples remain on the same level as the sample at 24 h until 168 h where the RULER curve
has decreased and the curve have moved horizontally to the left (see Figure 34). This implies
that something happens to additive after 168, but to further investigate this longer oxidation
time should have been needed in TOST.
Figure 34. RULER curve for hydraulic oil 3.
Hydraulic oil 2 was oxidized in TOST at 120C, subsamples where analysed with RULER. The figure shows that
there is a decrease between the reference sample (0 h) and the sample taken after 24 h. The four following
samples do not show any huge decrease from the one at 24 h. After 168 h there is a decrease and the curve have
moved to the left. This implicates that the additive starts to deplete here. Extended oxidation time in TOST
should have been needed to further follow this progress.
This indicates that hydraulic oil 3 has good resistance to oxidation and that longer time in
TOST should be needed to completely oxidize the oil. The oil did however show some change
in colour and a viscosity increase. Hydraulic oil 3 showed an increase in MPC-index and b*-
value. Even though the real oxidation where the base oil starts to degrade has not begun the
changes in the oil is observable with MPC (see Table 11).
140 0,8
Acid Number (mg KOH/g)
120 0,7
100 0,6
Percentage (%)
40 0,2
20 0,1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Time (h)
Hydraulic oil 4 which is a mineral oil based lubricant was chosen to show the difference
between environmental adapted hydraulic oil based on different types of esters and mineral oil
based ones. Mineral based lubricants should have higher oxidation resistance then ester based
lubricants. AN did not follow the usual pattern with a slight faint in the beginning and then a
rapid increase when the additives are depleted. Instead the AN goes up and down during the
measurements. The measurements are however in a close range and it is probably just the
decrease before AN starts to increase for real. The RULER-analyse shows that the additive
has not depleted enough for the oxidation to begin where the base oil degrades (see Figure
35). There is a small increase in viscosity but this is not by far as extended as for hydraulic oil
1 and 2 which were fully oxidized.
Hydraulic oil shows a greater viscosity increase when fully oxidized. From the MPC-analysis
it was obvious that the type of oil, that is what base oil the lubricant is based on, had a great
influence on the result.
a) b)
Figure 36. Multi-graphs of RULER curve of the samples from an engine test rig at SCANIA.
a) The RULER multi-graph to the left shows that 223, 255 , and 279 h starts at the same level as the 0 h
reference sample. b) The graph to the right shows that 302, 315, and 340 h start at a lower level then the 0 h
reference. The 3 samples in b) shows evidence of oxidation, while the samples in a) shows no sign of oxidation.
This indicates that the level where the RULER curve starts can show whether or not oxidation has occurred.
The three first samples taken, after 223, 255, and 279 h, seem to start at the same level as the
reference and follow it until about 7.5 s in the RULER graph. The following subsamples start
at lower level and do not follow the reference sample in the same way (see Figure 36).
Lead (mg/kg)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (h)
Figure 37. Lead concentration for samples from a test rig at SCANIA.
Samples taken after 223, 255, and 279 h do not show any evidence of acid attack but after 302 h something has
happened and the bearings are affected by acids making lead leaking into the oil. The two points in red are after
new oil was added.
Figure 37 shows that samples taken after 223, 255, and 279 h do not show any evidence of
acid attack. The point at 302, 315, and 340 h shows an increase in lead. The increase in lead
concentration indicates that acidic compounds are attacking the bearing making lead slip
out to the oil. These three samples are the same starting at a lower level in the RULER multi-
graph in Figure 37. The three points showing no sign of acid attack starts at the same level as
the reference. For this particular oil the level at which the RULER curve start could act as a
criteria to decide whether or not bearings are attacked by acids.
Area RULER (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Lead (mg/kg)
Figure 38. Area RULER measurements against lead concentration from samples withdrawn from an engine
test rig at SCANIA.
The figure shows that the lead concentration starts to increase first when the Area RULER is below a level of
approximately 35%. The two points in red are those after new oil was added.
In Figure 38 where Area RULER is plotted against Lead there is a knee at 35%. This indicates
that the acid attack on metal surfaces does not start until RULER Area, that is additives, in the
oil decrease to a certain level. First when the additives fall below this level the lead
concentration begin to increase as a result of the acid attack which unleashes lead molecules
to the oil. When Area RULER falls below 35% there is no longer any protection against
Area RULER (%)
y = 12.641x + 19.626
R = 0.9805
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Base Number BN (mg KOH/g)
Figure 39. Area RULER measurement plotted against base number for samples from an engine at SCANIA.
The figure shows a linear correlation between Area RULER and base number.
In Figure 39 Area RULER is plotted against base number. The figure shows linear correlation
between the two with a R2-value of 0.985.
y = 1.205x 2 - 4.6919x + 28.803
80 R2 = 0.9986
Area RULER (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Base number EP (mg KOH/g)
Figure 40. Area RULER measurement plotted against base number EP for samples from an engine at
The figure shows that the measurements follow a quadratic correlation.
When Area RULER is plotted against base number EP, see Figure 40, the values seem to
follow a quadric curve instead. The two correlations in Figure 39 and Figure 40 seem to
consort well with the type of oil tested; however it is not certain that these correlations will be
the same for another type of oil. As mentioned before when antioxidants are consumed and
Area RULER decreases acids are formed as products of oxidation. The base reserve is thereby
consumed trying to neutralize this and consequently there is some relation between base
number and Area RULER. To establish whether the found correlations are valid in a larger
perspective more different types of oil need to be tested and more subsamples tested from
each oil.
5 Conclusions
From the results in chapter 4, the following conclusions could be made concerning lubricant
oxidation, RULER, and MPC:
RULER tests showed that this method can predict when acid number starts to increase.
Acid number is an indicator of lubricant degradation meaning that the RULER can predict
the remaining useful life of a lubricant. During testing it was possible to follow the
process of additive depletion of all tested engine and hydraulic fluids.
Engine oil analysed with RULER showed that acid number starts to increase when
RULER additive has reached a level of 20-25% of the initial value.
The MPC-analyses showed that the type of lubricant affected the spectrophotometric
result. Engine oils were not possible to filter and consequently not suitable for MPC-
analysis. RULER worked well for all tested lubricants and should thereby be considered a
more general method than MPC.
Biodiesel quicken the oxidation process considerable when mixed with engine oil. Tests
of mixture with 5% biodiesel showed that biodiesel made the antioxidants deplete four
times faster compared to engine oil were no biodiesel was present.
Water added as a catalyst in TOST made the acid number increase more rapidly, water
also made the ester in the hydraulic oil more prone to react with esters in the filter used
during the MPC-analyse. The reaction made it impossible to perform a MPC-analyse of
oil oxidized with water.
The RULER analyses of samples from a test rig at SCANIA showed that RULER worked
just as well for analysing samples from a system closer to reality. These samples
contained lead and soot etcetera which were not present in the samples oxidized in the
The samples from the test rig also showed a relationship between lead concentration and
the level where the RULER curve starts. Samples which did not show any increase in lead
concentration started at the same level as the reference sample in the RULER curve.
Samples which showed an increase in lead concentration started at a lower level in the
RULER curve. For this particular oil the level where the RULER curve start can be used
as an indicator of the lead concentration in the oil and consequently also for oxidation.
Additionally the rig test samples showed lead concentration starts to increase first when
Area RULER has decreased to a level of approximately 35%.
Area RULER showed a linear correlation to base number and a quadratic correlation to
base number EP.
6 Recommendations and future work
RULER-analyses showed promising results and worked well for all lubricants tested in this
study. However, investigating other types of lubricants such as turbine oil, gear, and
transmission oil could be interesting. More testing of oil from real system and machinery in
use, and comparing these results to those given from oil oxidized in the laboratory is another
interesting aspect.
The mixture of engine oil and 5% biodiesel showed that the biodiesel quickened the oxidation
process considerable. To establish if this is a general result, different types of engine oil could
be tested. Additionally the affect of different concentration of biodiesel could be analysed to
decide if there is a critical limit were the biodiesel starts to affect the oxidation of the oil.
The correlations found between Area RULER and base number were very interesting. To be
able to decide whether or not this applies to other types of lubricants further testing should be
needed. Further testing should also be needed to decide if the level of where the RULER
curve starts has any connection to the lead concentration and thereby also to the degree of
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Appendix A: Engine Oils
Engine Oil A
Table A1. Engine oil A measurements.
Acid FTIR Viscosity
Number ZDDP-
Time (h) RULER Additive Additive @ 100C color
(mg additive
(%) 1 (%) 2 (%) (mm /s)
2 scale
KOH/g) (%)
0 100 100 100 2.62 100 13.96 2.5
24 129.8 97.7 112.8 1.74 84.14
96 76.4 6.8 277.8 2.15 39.88
120 75.5 2.7 372.9 2.48 38.17
144 53.1 4.9 353.2 3.42 41.22
168 49.7 5.5 255.1 1.95 38.08 14.05 7.5
Figure A1. Influence of oxidation on engine oil A with the secondary additive.
Engine Oil B
Table A2. Engine oil B measurements.
Acid FTIR Viscosity
Number ZDDP-
Time (h) RULER Additive @ 100C color
(mg additive
(%) 1 (%) 2
(mm /s) scale
KOH/g) (%)
0 100 100 2.68 100 14.60 5
24 91.6 78.2 2.6 96.2
96 57.8 13.6 2.41 37.1
120 53.9 8.8 3.28 24.9
144 50.7 8.8 3.55 22.3
168 47.8 11 4.55 15.15 14.22 7.5
90 8
80 7
70 6
Oxidation Index
Percentage (%)
60 5
50 4
40 3
30 2
20 1
10 0
0 -1
0 50 100 150 200
Hours (h)
Figure A3. Oxidation index and RULER Additive 1 for engine oil B.
Engine Oil C
Table A3. Engine oil C measurements.
Acid FTIR Viscosity
Number ZDDP-
Time (h) RULER Additive Additive @ 100C color
(mg additive
(%) 1 (%) 2 (%) (mm /s)
2 scale
KOH/g) (%)
0 100 100 100 1.53 100 14.43 2.5
24 60.6 47.7 290.7 1.62 90
96 57.2 9.3 567.8 1.1 31.9
120 57 15.3 535.7 0.75 28.3
144 48.1 19.4 519.6 0.76 22.5
168 39.1 18.5 401.5 1.24 17.4 14.29 7
Figure A5. Influence of oxidation on engine oil C with the secondary additive.
60 6
50 5
Oxidation Index
Percentage (%)
40 4
30 3
20 2
10 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Hours (h)
Figure A6. Oxidation index and RULER Additive 1 for engine oil C.
Figure A7. Engine oil C: colour of each subsample.
Engine Oil D
Table A4. Engine oil D measurements.
Acid FTIR Viscosity
Number ZDDP-
Time (h) RULER Additive @ 100C color
(mg additive
(%) 1 (%) 2
(mm /s) scale
KOH/g) (%)
0 100 100 2.19 100 14.51 4.5
24 108.1 84.1 1.95 111
96 57.7 32.8 1.93 67.2
120 56.4 25.6 1.4 57.1
144 57.9 19.2 1.98 48.1
168 39.2 15.1 2.42 41.5 14.32 6.5
120 6
100 5
Oxidation Index
Percentage (%)
80 4
60 3
40 2
20 1
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Hours (h)
Figure A8. Oxidation index and RULER Additive 1 for engine oil D.
Figure A9. Engine oil D: colour of each subsample.
200 3
150 2
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Hours (h)
Figure A10. Influence of oxidation on engine oil A + 5% biodiesel with the secondary additive.
RULER Additive 1. Oxidation Index
25 14
Oxidation Index
Percentage (%)
15 8
10 6
0 0
0 50 100 150 200
Hours (h)
Figure A11. Oxidation index and RULER Additive 1 for engine oil A+ 5% biodiesel.
Appendix B: Hydraulic oils
Hydraulic Oil 1
Table B1. Hydraulic oil 1 measurements.
Acid Viscosity
Area Number
Time (h) Additive Additive @ 100C color
1 2 2
(mm /s) scale
0 100 100 100 0.29 9.08 2
24 72.4 53 44.7 0.36
96 44.9 17.4 0.1 0.43
120 28.5 0.1 0.6 0.88
144 12.6 0.2 0 2.96
168 80.4 0 7.7 34.57 20.18 >8
Hydraulic Oil 2
Table B2. Hydraulic oil 2 measurements.
Acid Viscosity
Area Number
Time (h) Additive Additive @ 100C color
1 2 2
(mm /s) scale
0 100 100 100 1.65 8.35 1.5
24 81.8 84.6 74.5 1.78
96 58.3 44.4 51.1 1.75
120 39.5 26.2 46 2.18
144 19.2 8.7 14.6 3.18
168 10.7 0.9 0 14.69 25.73 6
Figure B2. Hydraulic oil 1: the colour of each subsample.
Hydraulic Oil 3
Table B4. Hydraulic oil 3 measurements.
Acid Viscosity
Area Number
Time (h) Additive @ 100C color
1 (mm /s)
2 scale
0 100 100 2.11 8.6 0.5
24 87.9 70.2 1.95
96 91.5 62.8 1.75
120 92.3 55 1.89
144 102.4 40.9 1.81
168 54.8 28.8 0.69 9.29 5.5
Hydraulic Oil 4
Table B5. Hydraulic oil 4 measurements.
Acid Viscosity
Area Number
Time (h) Additive @ 100C color
1 (mm /s)
2 scale
0 100 100 0.27 14.51 5
24 112.2 94.9 0.17
96 119.1 84.4 0.3
120 78.8 77.3 0.67
144 68.1 39.5 0.43
168 95.6 57.6 0.55 14.32 7.5
Figure B5. Hydraulic oil 4: the colour of each subsample.
Appendix C: Samples from SCANIA
Time total means the total time that the rig has been running.
Time oil means the time the rig has been running since the last oil change.
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