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Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences Turk J Med Sci

(2016) 46: 1779-1785

Research Article doi:10.3906/sag-1602-149

Biliary stenting in difficult common bile duct stones: a single tertiary center experience
1, 1 1 2
Mahmut YKSEL *, Seluk DBEYAZ , Mustafa KAPLAN , Erkan PARLAK ,
3 4 1
Hakan YILDIZ , hsan ATES , Erturul KAYAETN
Department of Gastroenterology, Trkiye Yksek htisas Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
Department of Gastroenterology, Bakrky Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, stanbul, Turkey
Department of Internal Medicine, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Received: 23.02.2016 Accepted/Published Online: 20.03.2016 Final Version: 20.12.2016

Background/aim: We aimed to examine the effect of plastic biliary stenting in the treatment of common bile duct (CBD) stones.
Materials and methods: The data of 13,034 patients in our unit who had endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
between 2008 and 2015 were scanned retrospectively.
Results: A biliary stent was placed in 61 of 74 patients. While the plastic biliary stent was placed in patients, the mean stone size after the
1st ERCP was 20 mm and the bile duct size was 13 mm. At the time of the 2nd ERCP conducted approximately 73.9 days later, the mean
stone size was found to be 15 mm and the bile duct size was 12 mm. With recurrent ERCPs, the CBD stone was successfully removed in
53 patients but could not be removed in 8 patients. Among the 53 successful cases, 29 removals were successful in the 2nd ERCP session,
16 were successful in the 3rd session, 2 were successful in the 4th session, 1 was successful in the 5th session, 4 were successful in the 6th
session, and 1 was successful in the 7th session.
Conclusion: For CBD stones that cannot be removed by standard methods, temporary plastic stenting is an alternative method.

Key words: Cholelithiasis, difficult common bile duct stone, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, plastic stent

1. Introduction When the attempt to remove a CBD stone fails, a

Choledocholithiasis is the most common gastrointestinal temporary plastic stent can be placed in the patient in order
disorder in the practice of therapeutic endoscopy. to facilitate the drainage of bile, function as a bridge for
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) advanced methods, and minimize the impact of the stone.
is the primary technique combined with the endoscopic Previous studies have shown that this type of stent enables
sphincterotomy, balloon, and basket technique that is used the reduction of stones and facilitates their removal (9).
to remove common bile duct (CBD) stones. Although the In this study, we aimed to examine the effect of biliary
success of stone extraction with ERCP is 80%85% (1), in stenting on the treatment of CBD stones.
10%15% of cases, the stone cannot be removed due to
its size (>15 mm), the distal CBD being short (<36 mm) 2. Materials and methods
and narrow-angled (<135), or the impact of the stone and This study was conducted at the Yksek htisas Training
anatomical challenges (2). and Research Hospital Gastroenterology Clinic in Turkey
Cases of patients whose stones cannot be removed with the between 1 January and 1 June 2015.
basket and balloon catheter after endoscopic sphincterotomy In this study, the data of 13,034 patients who
are referred to as difficult cases (3). In difficult cases of biliary underwent ERCP between February 2008 and January
stenting, electrohydraulic lithotripsy (4,5), extracorporeal 2015 were scanned retrospectively. Large-sized multiple
shock wave lithotripsy (6,7), and laser lithotripsy (8) can be stones that could not be removed in the first operation
used as alternatives to the standard method. However, for using the basket and balloon catheter after endoscopic
elderly patients with high comorbidity and patients at high- sphincterotomy were accepted as difficult stones. The data
risk in surgical procedures and other endoscopic procedures, of 74 patients (among the patients in whom a plastic stent
biliary stenting becomes prominent. was placed due to a difficult stone) whose file information
* Correspondence: dr.mahmutyuksel@hotmail.com
YKSEL et al. / Turk J Med Sci

we could obtain, i.e. those with a recorded cholangiogram 2.2. Statistical analysis
from which we could take measurements and those SPSS 20 for Windows (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA)
without nasobiliary drainage, were analyzed. was used for statistical assessments. The suitability of
The files and recorded cholangiograms of patients variables to normal distribution was examined using
enrolled in the study were examined retrospectively and visual (histograms and probability plots) and analytical
their choledochal diameters (widest diameter) and stone (KolmogorovSmirnov/ShapiroWilk) methods.
diameters (largest stone) in the first and subsequent Descriptive analysis was presented using the median and
sessions were recorded, using their duodenoscope interquartile range for normally distributed variables (using
diameters as a reference. frequency tables for ordinal variables). Since choledochal
Both features (stone and choledochal diameters) of size and stone size showed an abnormal distribution, these
patients in whom a plastic stent was placed in due to a parameters were compared using the Wilcoxon test. P <
difficult stone, between the first operation and subsequent 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
operations, and the features of successful groups,
in which the stones were entirely and endoscopically 3. Results
removed, as well as unsuccessful groups, in which the CBD stones were determined in 5775 (44.3%) patients
stones could not be entirely cleared, were examined. out of the retrospectively scanned 13,034 patients. Among
Patients were evaluated in terms of postprocedure these 5775 patients with CBD stones, the choledoch of
complications of acute pancreatitis and cholangitis. Acute 5368 patients (92.97%) was completely cleared of stones
pancreatitis was defined as newly emerging abdominal in the first session. Among the remaining 407 (7.03%)
pain requiring hospitalization for more than a night and cases, various endoscopic procedures were applied for
an amylase/lipase level 3 times higher than normal after 333 (5.77%) of them, and a biliary stent was applied in
ERCP, and cholangitis was defined as fever lasting for 74 cases (1.28%), assuming that the stones were difficult
more than 24 h due to biliary causes. stones. Since 13 of the 74 patients with biliary stents did
2.1. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography not continue with the follow-up, the data of 61 patients
and stenting (21 males, 40 females, average age: 68.4 years) were then
ERCP was performed using the Olympus TJF-240 and examined.
260 (Olympus Medical System Corp., Tokyo, Japan) At their first admission, 9 patients (14.8%) had
series duodenoscope after topical lidocaine and pharynx cholangitis, 2 patients (3.2%) had pancreatitis,
anesthesia, followed by sedation with intravenous and 50 patients (82%) had abdominal pain.
pethidine HCl and midazolam. On reaching the second The papilla was naive in the stent and was placed in 38
part of the duodenum, bowel movements were controlled cases (62.3%), with endoscopic sphincterotomy in 23
by intravenous hyoscine-N-butyl bromide, or glucagon cases. A 10F stent was placed for 48 (78.6%) patients, 7F
when the former was ineffective. A contrast medium was was placed for 11, and 11.5F was placed for 2. One plastic
injected through the papilla cannulation with the help of stent was placed for 58 patients (95.1%), 2 plastic stents for
a guide wire. When the stone was detected, endoscopic 2 patients (3.3%), and 3 plastic stents for 1 patient. In 13 (12
sphincterotomy was applied for naive patients and for successful, 1 unsuccessful, 21.3%) of the 61 stents placed,
those who had not undergone sphincterotomy before, the patients papilla was at the edge of the diverticulum.
large-diameter balloon (1012 mm) dilatation was applied During ERCP, among 61 patients in the study group,
either directly or in addition to the sphincterotomy. Stones 23 patients (37.7%), underwent balloon dilatation, 8
were removed using the balloon or the basket technique patients (13.1%) underwent the expansion of endoscopic
as well as using mechanical lithotripsy when necessary. A sphincterotomy, and 5 patients (8.2%) underwent both
plastic stent was placed in patients whose stone could not balloon dilatation and the expansion of endoscopic
be removed following the first procedure with basket and sphincterotomy. The remaining 25 patients (40.9%) had no
balloon catheter, due to various reasons beyond endoscopic additional processing to carry out. In 28 patients (45.9%),
sphincterotomy. These patients were considered as having lithotripsy was needed. During these operations, bleeding
difficult stones. Stent diameters were selected as 7F, 10F, or or perforation was not observed in any of the patients.
11.5F depending on the characteristics or on the degree Cholangitis developed in a total of 4 patients (6.6%),
of the cases. Among the cases with biliary stent, the including 3 cases in which the stone could not be removed,
Amsterdam type stent was placed in 69 of them, a single and the stent was placed within 30 days after the first ERCP
pigtail stent (Boston Scientific Corporation, Natick, MA, session; in 1 patient, a stent was placed after a second ERCP
USA) was placed in 1 of them, and a double pigtail stent session of stenting. Post-ERCP pancreatitis was observed
was placed in 4 of them. in 2 patients (3.3%) after the first ERCP session.

YKSEL et al. / Turk J Med Sci

Stone size was measured as an average of 20 mm (8 sessions in the successful and the unsuccessful groups are
42 mm) after the first session of ERCP, and it decreased shown in Figure 2. There was no significant difference
to about 15 mm (035 mm) in the second session (P < between the two groups in terms of demographic and
0.001). Choledochal diameter was measured as an average clinical findings. Sphincterotomy was applied in 21 of the
of 13 mm (625 mm) in the first session of ERCP, and patients who underwent a successful operation and in 2 of
it decreased to 12 mm (623 mm) in the second session the patients underwent a failed operation.
(Figure 1). The application period for the second ERCP in In patients who underwent a successful operation,
patients was determined as an average of 73.9 days. after stent placement in the 1st ERCP session, 29 (54.7%)
CBD stones were removed from 53 of the 61 patients removals were successful in the 2nd session, 16 (30.1%)
with biliary stents in repeated ERCP sessions (successful). were successful in the 3rd session, 2 (3.8%) were successful
Surgery was conducted on the remaining 8 patients in the 4th session, 1 (1.9%) was successful in the 5th
(unsuccessful). session, 4 (7.6%) were successful in the 6th session, and 1
The features of the successful and unsuccessful cases (1.9%) was successful in the 7th session (Figure 3). In the
after biliary stents were placed in patients are presented in successful group, all of the stones were cleared within 2.7
the Table. Stone and choledoch sizes according to ERCP 1.4 months.



Size (mm)

Stone size
Choledochal size

1st session 2nd session
ERCP session
Figure 1. The change in stone and choledochal size in patients with biliary stent after the
1st and 2nd sessions of ERCP.

Table. The features of successful and unsuccessful cases after biliary stent.

Successful treatment Unsuccessful treatment

Variables P
n = 53 n=8
Age (years) 67.6 15.6 74.3 10.3 0.140
Sex, female, n (%) 33 (62.3) 7 (87.5) 0.161
Stone size (1st session) 20 (840) 20.5 (1042) 0.584
Stone size (2nd session) 15 (030) 16 (1335) 0.206
Choledochal size (1st session) 13 (625) 14 (920) 0.974
Choledochal size (2nd session) 12 (623) 13 (1120) 0.341
Presence of diverticula, n (%) 12 (22.6) 1 (12.5) 0.514
Gall-bladder operation, n (%) 21 (39.4) 2 (25) 0.426
Number of ERCP sessions, n (minmax) 2 (26) 2 (17) 0.369
Stent length, F (minmax) 11.6 (918) 11 (912) 0.124
2nd ERCP time, days (minmax) 70 (2401) 121 (16125) 0.093

ERCP: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

YKSEL et al. / Turk J Med Sci



Size (mm)

10 Successful


1st session 2nd session 1st session 2nd session
size size choledochal size choledochal size
ERCP session
Figure 2. The comparison of stone and choledochal size in patients with successful and
unsuccessful process after the 1st and 2nd procedure.


Patient number (%)





2nd session 3rd session 4th session 5th session 6th session 7th session

ERCP session
Figure 3. The success rate (%) of stone removal in the successful group based on ERCP

4. Discussion in order to facilitate the drainage of bile, function as a

The sensitivity and the specificity of ERCP in the diagnosis bridge for advanced methods, and prevent the stone from
of CBD stones are over 95% (10). After endoscopic being impacted. Previous studies have shown that plastic
sphincterotomy, CBD stones are treated successfully in stenting enables the reduction of stones and facilitates their
85%90% of patients with basket and balloon catheter removal (9). Therefore, the biliary stent and lithotripsy
(3,4). being another method can be considered as a projected
Some factors may influence the success of the method, prior to surgery, in impacted and intrahepatic
ERCP. These factors are the size of the stone, multiple stones (15).
stones, impaction of the stone, CBD in sigmoid shape, The reduction in stone size after plastic stenting can
a periampullary diverticulum that obstructs sufficient be explained as follows: mechanical friction between the
sphincterotomy, stenosis, and patients that undergo biliary stent and stone causes fragmentation, and, over
biliodigestive surgeries (for example, previous Billroth II time, the fragmented stone shrinks in size. Millimetric-
gastrectomy) (4,1114). sized fragmented stones drain with the stent. The plastic
When an attempt to remove a CBD stone fails, a stent moves easily and is compactible with body and bowel
temporary plastic stent can be placed in the patient movements; it causes more friction than expected, and

YKSEL et al. / Turk J Med Sci

also allows for greater drainage (11). Thus, this method smaller than 10 mm were able to be extracted. However,
provides a major contribution to the fragmentation of when the diameter of the stone exceeds 15 mm, the rate
CBD stones, as well as allowing for biliary drainage (11 of success is 12%, and this rate reduces when the stone
14). diameter is more than 18 mm (22). The average stone
Biliary stenting is a practical alternative for elderly size in patients with plastic stent was 20 mm in our study.
patients and other patients who are at high risk due to Regardless of this, the success of stone removal in ERCP
their comorbid conditions for endoscopic and surgical was rated quite high.
procedures (16). It is known that when the removal of CBD stones
In a study conducted by Chan et al., a plastic biliary fails using the standard method, a biliary stent minimizes
stent was placed in 46 patients whose stones could not the impact of the stone and functions as a bridge before
be removed by ERCP in the first session. In the second surgery. Surgery was also recommended to 6 patients
session of ERCP, the CBD stone was successfully removed in our study. Lifelong transient biliary stenting is an
from 38 (60.9%) patients (12). In another study, in the alternative method for patients whose choledochal stone
2nd session of 20 patients who underwent a first failed cannot be removed with ERCP and who cannot undergo
ERCP session for CBD stones and had 7F plastic stenting, surgery due to comorbid diseases or due to advanced age
which was performed after 6 months, 11 cases (55%) were (23). In our study, 2 patients were followed with transient
successful (13). In a study conducted by Katsinelos et al., biliary stenting at intervals of 23 months, due to comorbid
among 25 patients who had an unsuccessful first session diseases.
of ERCP, 11 of them had a successful second session after Bile duct stones are removed after sphincterotomy
biliary stenting (14). In another study, among 40 patients with a 85%90% success rate using a basket and balloon
who were observed after having a biliary stent inserted catheter. However, some additional methods, such as
for 65 days, 37 (93%) of them had their stones cleared endoscopic sphincterotomy expansion, wide balloon
in the second session (11). In a study by Maxton et al., a dilatation to the sphincter, and mechanic lithotripsy, are
temporary biliary stent was placed with ERCP in 79 of 283 required in patients whose stone cannot be removed.
patients with CBD stones. After an average of 4.3 months, In our study, some patients underwent an additional
the result was successful in 50 (63%) patients (17). balloon dilatation, some had endoscopic sphincterotomy
In our study, the stones were successfully removed from expansion, and some underwent both balloon dilatation
53 patients out of 61 for whom a plastic stent was placed and endoscopic sphincterotomy.
with ERCP. When we considered the number of sessions Mechanical lithotripsy was first described in 1982 by
in the 53 successful patients, the success rate was 73.7% Riemann et al. and has been widely used in the treatment
in the 2nd or 3rd session. The stent stayed an average of of difficult stones (24). In our study, lithotripsy was needed
73.9 days. When we compare these results with the studies in 28 patients (25/53, 45.9%).
in literature, we see that our success rate is above the ERCP often results in certain complications, including
average reported in the literature and the duration of stone pancreatitis and cholangitis.
removal is below the average in literature. This may be In a study of 83 patients by Ang et al., plastic biliary
due to endoscopists experience, features of the stent, and stenting caused cholangitis, biliary pancreatitis, obstructive
differences between average stone size and number among jaundice, and biliary colic in 71%, 3.6%, 21.4%, and 3.6%
the study groups. of patients, respectively, during an average period of 19
It was reported that the periampullary diverticulum months of follow-up (25). Hui et al. reported cholangitis
was observed in 5%32% of the patients examined with in 63.2% of their patients (26).
a duodenoscope (18). In our study, while the papilla was In our study, cholangitis developed in 4 patients (6.6%)
on the edge of the diverticulum in 12 (22.6) patients in and pancreatitis developed in 2 patients (3.3%) in the first
the successful group, it was on the edge in 1 patient in the 30 days among 61 patients. This rate was found to be very
unsuccessful group. Our results were consistent with the low compared to the rate reported in the literature. This
literature and did not differ significantly between the two may most likely be due to the short follow-up time or
groups. expert endoscopist.
It has been reported that impacted CBD stones and The main limitation of our study is its retrospective and
stone sizes are important determinants of endoscopic single-centered design. However, this limitation can be
success (19,20). As was shown in a multicenter study, while ignored since our ERCP unit is the largest unit in Turkey
the success rate is 90%100% in cases of small stones with that accepts the highest number of patients.
a diameter of less than 2 cm, it decreases to 68%83% in In conclusion, in our study, stones were successfully
cases of larger stones with a diameter of 3 cm or more (21). removed in 86.9% of the patients in whom a biliary stent
It was reported in the studies by Lauri et al. that stones was placed. Our study, unlike other studies, reveals the

YKSEL et al. / Turk J Med Sci

effect of biliary stents on stone treatment, as well as the that stones can be completely and safely removed in a few
shrinkage effect on the diameter of the choledoch. Although sessions in difficult cases after a short-term plastic stent
difficult stones constitute a problem for the endoscopist, placement. In addition, endoscopic biliary stenting is a
they can successfully and endoscopically be removed to a practical alternative method used for elderly patients and
large extent. In cases of biliary tract stones that cannot be other high-risk patients due to their comorbid conditions
removed by standard methods, placing a temporary plastic for surgical procedures, also functioning as a bridge for
stent is an alternative method. We have shown in our study surgery.

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