CWCT Astm - Aama Air Permeability: Static Water Penetration
CWCT Astm - Aama Air Permeability: Static Water Penetration
CWCT Astm - Aama Air Permeability: Static Water Penetration
and AAMA Standards are produced for use in the USA and are also used in many other countries worldwide.
CWCT Standard for Systemised Building Envelopes Dec 2005 were updated to include the requirements of
European EN Curtain Walling Standards and now all test requirements are at least equal to the European
Standards and several surpass those requirements. For example, for water penetration tests, EN Standards require
that water is sprayed at a flow rate of 2ltrs/m2/hr, whilst the CWCT Standards mirror the higher rate of 3.4ltrs/m2/hr
of the ASTM, AAMA standards
CWCT tests are generally more onerous, although the American Standards include requirements for Seismic tests
which are not required in the UK
Wind Resistance
ASTM E 330-02 specifies 2 types of test, Procedure A and
For Serviceability testing, CWCT test methods are the same as Procedure B and either can be used, but the choice will be left
EN Standards testing is required at both Positive and with the specifier and will be decided well before any testing
Negative pressures - Preparation pulses are 50% of design wind takes place
load or 500 Pa whichever is greater, and these pulses should
be held for at least 3 secs. Procedure A is used when there is no load-deflection curve
required and after opening and closing 5 times etc a pre-load
After the preparation pulse has been conducted, all of 50% of the Positive Test Load is applied and held for 10
deflection sensors are zeroed Measurements are required to seconds. The pressure is then released and after a period of
be recorded for the deflection of Framing members, transoms, not less than 1 minute or greater than 5 minutes the deflection
mullions etc there is also a requirement for measuring the sensors are zeroed. The Positive Test Load is then applied and
displacement of framing members at their point of support to sustained for not less than 10 seconds and the deflections are
the building structure then recorded. The test pressure is then reduced to zero and
after a period of not less than 1 minute or greater than 5
Positive test pressure pulses are applied in 4 stages, for a minutes, any permanent deformation shall be recorded. This
minimum period of 15 secs +/- 5 secs at each stage and the procedure shall then be fully repeated at Negative pressure
pressure stages are at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of design wind
load deflection measurements are recorded at each The test will then be repeated exactly as described above but
pressure stage. at a Proof Load, this is the test load multiplied by a factor of
safety, for example x 1.5, however the actual factor is not
Upon returning to 0 Pa deflection measurements are recorded quoted in the standard but it would be provided by the
again as there are requirements for the system to return within specifier well in advance of any testing
defined limits.
If glass breakage occurs at any test load, carefully examine
The test is then repeated at negative pressure preparation the test specimen to determine the cause of the breakage. If
pulses are applied after which, sensors are zeroed, however the breakage was caused by the deformation or failure of the
any sensors used to measure the displacement of framing supporting frame of the glass, by loosening or failure of any
members at their point of support to the building structure fasteners, or by damage to the glass caused by interaction
should not be zeroed as there is a requirement for the total between the glass and its supporting elements, record the
movement which occurs between the peak positive and findings and discontinue the test. If the breakage was not
negative pressures caused by the above named structural problems, replace the
glass using the original fasteners and continue the test at the
Allowable CWCT deflection details are as follows load where glass breakage occurred. If new structural
elements or fasteners are used instead of the original ones,
repeat the entire test. There is a note in the standard which
FRAMING MEMBERS GENERALLY should be remembered to the effect that The probability of
glass breakage is directly related to the duration of the load
LENGTH ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION on the glass so any overloading or over timing of the test
Less than or equal to loads must be avoided
Equal to or less than H/200
3000 mm
Greater than 3000 or less Equal to or less than Procedure B is used when there is a load-deflection curve
than 7500 mm H/300 + 5mm required and after opening and closing 5 times etc a pre-load
Equal to or greater than of 50% of the Positive Test Load is applied and held for 10
Equal to or less than H/250 seconds, unless otherwise specified. The pressure is then
7500 mm
released and after a period of not less than 1 minute or
greater than 5 minutes the deflection sensors are zeroed. The
L/125 of their length Positive Test Load is then applied in the number of increments
measured along pane specified up to the specified maximum test load. The specifier
edge shall determine the number of increments to be used in the
L/175 of their length test, not to be less than 4 approximately equal increments,
FRAMING MEMBERS WITH measured along pane (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), to the maximum test load. At each
DOUBLE GLAZING edge, or 15 mm, whichever increment, unless otherwise specified, apply and maintain the
the lesser full test load for 10 seconds, unless otherwise specified and
Aluminium, Glass or Steel = record pertinent deflection readings. The test pressure is then
L/90 measured between reduced to zero and after a period of not less than 1 minute or
points of attachment greater than 5 minutes, any permanent deformation shall be
Stone or similar brittle matl. recorded. There is no requirement for this procedure to be
= L/360 or 3mm whichever repeated at Negative pressure
the lesser, measured
between points of ASTM E 330-02 does not specify any allowable deflections, but
attachment AAMA 510-05 states the Deflection shall not exceed L/175 of
Residual deformation of Framing Members the clear span at a uniform load equal to the specified design
wind pressure it also recommends that maximum deflections
After loading to the peak test pressure and unloading, residual normal to the plane of the wall shall be limited to L/175 for
deformation to framing members shall nowhere be more than spans up to 4115 mm. For spans greater than 4115 mm but less
5% of the maximum measured deformation or 1 mm, than 12.2m, deflections at design loads shall be limited to
whichever the grater, with 1 hour being allowed for recovery L/240 +1/4, (6.4mm)
this applies to both positive and negative tests
AAMA also requires that a Safety test is conducted following
Displacement of Supports the repeat water tightness test and shall be at 150% of Positive
and Negative design pressures. It requires that at that load, no
The displacement of framing members at their point of support glass breakage or permanent damage to panels, fasteners or
shall be less than 2mm taken as the difference between the anchors shall occur and permanent deformation to wall
positions under peak positive and negative loads framing members shall not exceed 0.2% of their clear spans
Displacement of Supports
Opening Lights