CT7 Pu 15 PDF
CT7 Pu 15 PDF
CT7 Pu 15 PDF
Subject CT7
CMP Upgrade 2014/15
CMP Upgrade
This CMP Upgrade lists all significant changes to the Core Reading and the ActEd
material since last year so that you can manually amend your 2014 study material to
make it suitable for study for the 2015 exams.
Alternatively, you can buy a full replacement set of up-to-date Course Notes at a
significantly reduced price if you have previously bought the full price Course Notes in
this subject. Please see our 2015 Student Brochure for more details.
changes to the ActEd Course Notes, Series X Assignments and Question and
Answer Bank that will make them suitable for study for the 2015 exams.
Page 19
At the bottom of the page, the first sentence in the definition of a Nash equilibrium has
been changed to accord with the textbook definition. It now reads:
A Nash equilibrium is the position resulting from everyone making their optimal
decision based on their assumptions of rivals decisions.
Module 17
Page 5
About half-way down the page, under Investment, which is itself under the
subheading Injections, the following sentence has been added:
Page 6
Aggregate demand is similar but is not exactly the same as total expenditure because it
is planned demand rather than actual expenditure. In particular, planned investment
does not include unplanned changes in stock.
Page 7
The first sentence of the final paragraph has been extended so that it now reads:
Module 18
Page 10
Under the sixth function of the Bank of England, the third sentence has been corrected
and extended to read:
Its Financial Policy Committee is responsible for macro-prudential regulation and the
Prudential Regulation Authority (a subsidiary of the Bank of England) is responsible
for ensuring the liquidity of individual banks. (A separate institution, the Financial
Conduct Authority is responsible for consumer protection relating to financial
Question 16
Supply-side policies aim to shift the AS curve to the right (and not upwards) in order
to increase national income. Such a shift will lead to a higher output for any given price
level and equally a lower price for any given output.
Question 31
encourages the spread of new technology; might lead to inward investment and
increased skills in developing countries
Question 32
The following note to markers has been added to the solution to part (ii):
For further details on ActEds study materials, please refer to the 2015 Student
Brochure, which is available from the ActEd website at www.ActEd.co.uk.
5.2 Tutorials
For further details on ActEds tutorials, please refer to our latest Tuition Bulletin, which
is available from the ActEd website at www.ActEd.co.uk.
5.3 Marking
You can have your attempts at any of our assignments or mock exams marked by
ActEd. When marking your scripts, we aim to provide specific advice to improve your
chances of success in the exam and to return your scripts as quickly as possible.
For further details on ActEds marking services, please refer to the 2015 Student
Brochure, which is available from the ActEd website at www.ActEd.co.uk.
ActEd is always pleased to get feedback from students about any aspect of our study
programmes. Please let us know if you have any specific comments (eg about certain
sections of the notes or particular questions) or general suggestions about how we can
improve the study material. We will incorporate as many of your suggestions as we can
when we update the course material each year.
If you have any comments on this course please send them by email to CT7@bpp.com
or by fax to 01235 550085.