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Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


13 April 2005 (am)

Subject CT4 (103) Models (103 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 6 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (103) A2005 Institute of Actuaries
1 (i) Define each of the following examples of a stochastic process
(a) a symmetric simple random walk
(b) a compound Poisson process

(ii) For each of the processes in (i), classify it as a stochastic process according to
its state space and the time that it operates on. [2]
[Total 4]

2 You have been commissioned to develop a model to project the assets and liabilities
of an insurer after one year. This has been requested following a change in the
regulatory capital requirement. Sufficient capital must now be held such that there is
less than a 0.5% chance of liabilities exceeding assets after one year.

The company does not have any existing stochastic models, but estimates have been
made in the planning process of worst case scenarios.

Set out the steps you would take in the development of the model. [6]

3 Let Y1, Y3, Y5, , be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random
variables with

P Y2k 1 = 1 = P Y2k 1 = 1 = , k = 0, 1, 2,...

and define Y2 k = Y2 k 1 / Y2 k 1 for k = 1, 2, .

(i) Show that Yk : k = 1, 2,... is a sequence of independent and identically

distributed random variables.

Hint: You may use the fact that, if X, Y are two variables that take only two
values and E XY E X E (Y ), then X, Y are independent. [4]

(ii) Explain whether or not Yk : k = 1, 2,... constitutes a Markov chain. [1]

(iii) (a) State the transition probabilities pij (n) = P Ym n = j | Ym = i of the

sequence Yk : k = 1, 2,... .

(b) Hence show that these probabilities do not depend on the current state
and that they satisfy the Chapman-Kolmogorov equations.
[Total 8]

CT4 (103) A2005 2

4 Marital status is considered using the following time-homogeneous, continuous time
Markov jump process:

the transition rate from unmarried to married is 0.1 per annum

the divorce rate is equivalent to a transition rate of 0.05 per annum

the mortality rate for any individual is equivalent to a transition rate of 0.025 per
annum, independent of marital status

The state space of the process consists of five states: Never Married (NM),
Married (M), Widowed (W), Divorced (DIV) and Dead (D).

Px is the probability that a person currently in state x, and who has never previously
been widowed, will die without ever being widowed.

(i) Construct a transition diagram between the five states. [2]

(ii) Show, by general reasoning or otherwise, that PNM equals PDIV . [1]

(iii) Demonstrate that:

1 4
5 5
1 1
4 2

(iv) Calculate the probability of never being widowed if currently in state NM. [2]

(v) Suggest two ways in which the model could be made more realistic. [1]
[Total 8]

CT4 (103) A2005 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

5 A No-Claims Discount system operated by a motor insurer has the following four

Level 1: 0% discount
Level 2: 25% discount
Level 3: 40% discount
Level 4: 60% discount

The rules for moving between these levels are as follows:

Following a year with no claims, move to the next higher level, or remain at
level 4.

Following a year with one claim, move to the next lower level, or remain at
level 1.

Following a year with two or more claims, move back two levels, or move to
level 1 (from level 2) or remain at level 1.

For a given policyholder the probability of no claims in a given year is 0.85 and the
probability of making one claim is 0.12.

X(t) denotes the level of the policyholder in year t.

(i) (a) Explain why X(t) is a Markov chain.

(b) Write down the transition matrix of this chain.

(ii) Calculate the probability that a policyholder who is currently at level 2 will be
at level 2 after:

(a) one year

(b) two years
(c) three years

(iii) Explain whether the chain is irreducible and/or aperiodic. [2]

(iv) Calculate the long-run probability that a policyholder is in discount level 2.

[Total 12]

CT4 (103) A2005 4

6 An insurance policy covers the repair of a washing machine, and is subject to a
maximum of 3 claims over the year of coverage.

The probability of the machine breaking down has been estimated to follow an
exponential distribution with the following annualised frequencies, :

1/10 If the machine has not suffered any previous breakdown.

= } 1/5 If the machine has broken down once previously.
1/4 If the machine has broken down on two or more occasions.

As soon as a breakdown occurs an engineer is despatched. It can be assumed that the

repair is made immediately, and that it is always possible to repair the machine.

The washing machine has never broken down at the start of the year (time t = 0).

Pi(t) is the probability that the machine has suffered i breakdowns by time t.

(i) Draw a transition diagram for the process defined by the number of
breakdowns occurring up to time t. [1]

(ii) Write down the Kolmogorov equations obeyed by P0 (t ), P1 (t ) and P2 (t ) . [2]

(iii) (a) Derive an expression for P0 (t ) and

t t
(b) demonstrate that P1 (t ) = e 10 e 5. [3]

(iv) Derive an expression for P2 (t ) . [3]

(v) Calculate the expected number of claims under the policy. [3]
[Total 12]


CT4(103) A2005 5
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


13 April 2005 (am)

Subject CT4 (104) Models (104 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 7 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (104) A2005 Institute of Actuaries
1 (i) Write down the equation of the Cox proportional hazards model in which the
hazard function depends on duration t and a vector of covariates z. You
should define all the other terms that you use. [2]

(ii) Explain why the Cox model is sometimes described as semi-parametric . [1]
[Total 3]

2 Show that if the force of mortality x t (0 t 1) is given by

x t = ,
1 tq x

this implies that deaths between exact ages x and x + 1 are uniformly distributed. [4]

3 An investigation of mortality over the whole age range produced crude estimates of qx
for exact ages x from 2 years to 93 years inclusive. The actual deaths at each age
were compared with the number of deaths which would have been expected had the
mortality of the lives in the investigation been the same as English Life Table 15
(ELT15). 53 of the deviations were positive and 39 were negative.

Test whether the underlying mortality of the lives in the investigation is represented
by ELT15. [5]

4 A life insurance company has investigated the recent mortality experience of its male
term assurance policy holders by estimating the mortality rate at each age, qx . It is
proposed that the crude rates might be graduated by reference to a standard mortality
table for male permanent assurance policy holders with forces of mortality s 1 , so
that the forces of mortality 1 implied by the graduated rates q x are given by the

1 = 1 k,
x x
2 2

where k is a constant.

(i) Describe how the suitability of the above function for graduating the crude
rates could be investigated. [2]

(ii) (a) Explain how the constant k can be estimated by weighted least squares.

(b) Suggest suitable weights.


(iii) Explain how the smoothness of the graduated rates is achieved. [1]
[Total 7]

CT4 (104) A2005 2

5 A study of the mortality of 12 laboratory-bred insects was undertaken. The insects
were observed from birth until either they died or the period of study ended, at which
point those insects still alive were treated as censored.

The following table shows the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function, based
on data from the 12 insects.

t (weeks) S(t)

0 t< 1 1.0000
1 t< 3 0.9167
3 t< 6 0.7130
6 t 0.4278

(i) Calculate the number of insects dying at durations 3 and 6 weeks. [6]

(ii) Calculate the number of insects whose history was censored. [1]
[Total 7]

6 An investigation into mortality collects the following data:

x = total number of policies under which death claims are made when the
policyholder is aged x last birthday in each calendar year

Px(t) = number of in-force policies where the policyholder was aged x nearest
birthday on 1 January in year t

(i) State the principle of correspondence. [1]

(ii) Obtain an expression, in terms of the Px(t), for the central exposed to risk, Exc ,
which corresponds to the claims data and which may be used to estimate the
force of mortality in year t at each age x, x . State any assumptions you
make. [4]

(iii) Comment on the effect on the estimation of the fact that the x relate to claims,
rather than deaths, and the Px (t ) relate to policies, not lives. [4]
[Total 9]

CT4 (104) A2005 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

7 An investigation took place into the mortality of pensioners. The investigation began
on 1 January 2003 and ended on 1 January 2004. The table below gives the data
collected in this investigation for 8 lives.

Date of birth Date of entry Date of exit from Whether

into observation observation or not exit was
due to death (1)
or other
reason (0)

1 April 1932 1 January 2003 1 January 2004 0

1 October 1932 1 January 2003 1 January 2004 0
1 November 1932 1 March 2003 1 September 2003 1
1 January 1933 1 March 2003 1 June 2003 1
1 January 1933 1 June 2003 1 September 2003 0
1 March 1933 1 September 2003 1 January 2004 0
1 June 1933 1 January 2003 1 January 2004 0
1 October 1933 1 June 2003 1 January 2004 0

The force of mortality, 70 , between exact ages 70 and 71 is assumed to be constant.

(i) (a) Estimate the constant force of mortality, 70, using a two-state model
and the data for the 8 lives in the table.

(b) Hence or otherwise estimate q70 .


(ii) Show that the maximum likelihood estimate of the constant force, 70, using a
Poisson model of mortality is the same as the estimate using the two-state
model. [5]

(iii) Outline the differences between the two-state model and the Poisson model
when used to estimate transition rates. [3]
[Total 15]


CT4 (104) A2005 4

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

April 2005

Subject CT4 Models (includes both 103 and 104 parts)

Core Technical


Faculty of Actuaries
Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this April 2005 paper are given

103 Part

Question A1 This was reasonably well answered.

Descriptive (rather than formulaic) answers to part (i) were given equal
credit. Very few candidates correctly identified the state space for the
compound Poisson process in part (ii).

Question A2 This was reasonably well answered.

Marks were lost by candidates who did not provide sufficient detail or did not
provide enough distinct points. Some candidates attempted to define the
model they would adopt, rather than the stages in the modelling process.

Question A3 This was very poorly attempted by most candidates.

Very few candidates provided any real attempt at part (i). The examiners
were looking here for a demonstration of pairwise (not mutual) independence,
and the hint should have made this clear.
In part (ii), most candidates wrongly stated that the sequence was Markov.
Many candidates did not attempt part (iii); this may be because of the failure
to make any progress in part (i), although it should be noted that subsequent
parts of the question did not depend on correctly answering part (i).

Question A4 This was well answered overall.

In part (i), some candidates did not allow for re-marriage from the divorced
or widowed states, which then caused them problems in part (ii).
Candidates lost marks in part (iii) if they did not provide sufficient
explanation of their steps.

Question A5 This was very well answered, with the majority of candidates scoring highly.

Question A6 Overall this was not well answered, but the better candidates did score well.
Many candidates produced good answers to part (i) to (iv). In part (iii), a
number of candidates did not verify that the boundary conditions were
Some candidates struggled with part (v) and a significant number did not
attempt this part of the question.

Page 2
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

104 Part

Question B1 This was well answered overall.

Most candidates answered part (i) well, but many then struggled to express
clearly what was required in part (ii).

Question B2 This was very poorly answered.

Many candidates did not seem to know how to start this, with a significant
number starting with the uniform distribution assumption and working

Question B3 This was well answered overall. Many candidates included a continuity
correction. This was not necessary, as there were 92 ages, but candidates who
did so received full credit if they used it correctly.

Question B4 This was not well answered.

In part (i) significant numbers of candidates talked about general goodness of
fit tests. This did not receive credit, as it was the appropriateness of the linear
form of the function that we were looking for, before doing the graduation.
Goodness-of-fit tests come later, after the graduation has been done, and were
not part of this question.
In parts (i) and (ii), many candidates considered the graduated rates rather
than the crude rates, for example plotting mx 1 against 1 and this was
2 x

Question B5 This was well answered.

Some candidates assumed that there was no censoring until the end of the
investigation. This led to a non-integer number of deaths, which should have
indicated an error, but few of these candidates realised this.

Question B6 Most candidates correctly answered part (i).

As with similar questions in previous years, part (ii) was not well answered.
Many candidates lost marks by not providing sufficient explanation of their
In part (iii), most candidates mentioned the variance ratio and gave the
formula from the gold book, but many did not provide a good explanation of
what this meant in practice.

Question B7 This was reasonably well answered overall.

In part (i), candidates were asked to estimate , so some indication of how
they reached their answer was required for full credit.

Page 3
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

103 Part

A1 (i) (a) Let Y1, Y2, , Yj, , be a sequence of independent and identically
distributed random variables with

P Yj 1 P Yj 1

and define

Xn Yj
j 1

Then X n n 1
constitutes a symmetric simple random walk.

(b) Let Nt be a Poisson process, t 0 and let Y1, Y2, , Yj, , be a

sequence of i.i.d. random variables. Then a compound Poisson process
is defined by

Xt Yj , t 0.
j 1

(ii) (a) A simple random walk operates on discrete time and has a discrete
state space (the set of all integers, Z).

(b) A compound Poisson process operates on continuous time.

It has a discrete or continuous state space depending on whether the

variables Yj are discrete or continuous respectively.

Review the regulatory guidance.

Define the scope of the model, for example which factors need to be modelled

Plan the development of the model, including how the model will be tested and

Consider alternative forms of model, and decide and document the chosen
approach. Where appropriate, this may involve discussion with experts on the
underlying stochastic processes.

Page 4
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

Collect any data required, for example historic losses or policy data.

Choose parameters. For economic factors should be able to calibrate to market

data. For other factors e.g. expenses, claim distributions need to discuss with staff.

Existing worst case scenarios. Discuss with staff who made the estimates,
especially to gauge views on the probability of events occurring.

Decide on the software to be used for the model.

Write the computer programs.

Debug the program, for example by checking the model behaves as expected for
simple, defined scenarios.

Review the reasonableness of the output. May include:

median outcomes (how do these compare with business plans)

what probability is assigned to worst case scenarios

Test the sensitivity of the model to small changes in parameters.

Calculate the capital requirement.

Communicate findings to management. Document.

Other suitable points were given credit, including:

Validate data.
Run model on historic data to compare model s predictions with previous
Review parameters that have greatest effect on outputs.
Present range of capital requirements for differing parameter inputs.

A3 (i) It is clear that Y2k can only take two values, ±1, with probabilities
P Y2k 1 P Y2 k 1 Y2k 1 1 P Y2k 1 Y2k 1 1

P Y2 k 1
P Y2 k 1 1, Y2k 1 1 P Y2 k 1 1, Y2k 1 1

so that they have the same distribution as Y2k+1.

To show that Y2 k , Y2 k 1 are independent, we observe first that

Page 5
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

E Y2 k E Y2 k 1 0.


E Y2 k Y2 k 1
1 1
E Y2 k Y2k 1 | Y2 k 1 1 E Y2k Y2k 1 | Y2 k 1 1
2 2


E Y2 k Y2 k 1 | Y2 k 1 1 1 1 0 ( 1) 1,

and similarly E Y2 k Y2 k 1 | Y2 k 1 1 1, which yields that

1 1
E Y2k Y2 k 1 1 1 0.
2 2


E Y2 k E Y2 k 1 E (Y2 k Y2 k 1 )

it now follows from the hint that Y2 k , Y2 k 1 are independent.

For the proof to be complete, we need to show that Y2 k , Y2 m are also

independent for all k, m. This is obvious from the statement for all k, m
except when m = k + 1 or m = k - 1. For this case, we could either argue as
above or simply state that it is obvious by symmetry.

(ii) The sequence Yk : k 1,2,... is not Markov; for instance

P Y2 k 1 1| Y2 k 1
P Y2 k 1 1| Y2 k 1, Y2 k 1 1 0.

(iii) (a) Since the Yk are pairwise independent, we see that for all i, j, m, n,
pij (n) P Ym n j | Ym i .

Page 6
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

(b) The probabilities do not depend on the current state as they are all ½

Using the result in (a) we therefore see that

1 1 1 1 1
p ik ( n ) p kj ( r )
k 1,1
2 2 2 2 2
pij ( n r ).

which shows that the Chapman Kolmogorov equations are satisfied

although Yk : k 1,2,... is not Markov.

A4 (i)


0.1 0.1

NM 0.05
0.025 DIV


(ii) The transitions out of the divorced state are to the same states, and with the
same transition probabilities, as the transitions out of state NM.
Therefore the probability of ever reaching state W is the same from both

Alternatively, this could be shown by producing the equation conditioning on

the first move out of DIV, as in part (iii), and showing this is identical to that
for PNM .

(iii) Conditioning on the first move out of each state:

0.025 0.1
0.125 0.125
0.025 0.05 0.025
0.1 0.1 0.1

As PD 1 and PW 0 , these give

Page 7
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

0.025 0.1 1 4
0.125 0.125 5 5
0.025 0.05 1 1
0.1 0.1 4 2

as required.

(iv) Using PNM PDIV in the above equations gives:

1 4 1 1
5 5 4 2

2 2
5 5

Make mortality and marriage rates age dependent.
Divorce rate dependent on duration of marriage.
Divorce rate dependent on whether previously divorced.
Make mortality rate marital status-dependent.

Other sensible suggestions received credit.

A5 (i)(a) It is clear that X(t) is a Markov chain; knowing the present state, any
additional information about the past is irrelevant for predicting the next

(b) The transition matrix of the process is

0.15 0.85 0 0
0.15 0 0.85 0
0.03 0.12 0 0.85
0 0.03 0.12 0.85

(ii)(a) For the one year transition, p 22 0,

as can be seen from above (or is obvious from the statement).
(b) The possible transitions, and relevant probabilities are:

2 1 2: 0.15 0.85 0.1275

2 3 2: 0.85 0.12 0.102

Page 8
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

The required probability is 0.1275 + 0.102 = 0.2295


The second order transition matrix is

0.152 0.85 0.15 0.85 0.15 0.852 0
0.152 0.85 0.03 0.85 0.15 0.85 0.12 0 0.852
0.03 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.85 0.03 2 0.85 0.12 2 0.852
0.03 0.15 0.12 0.03 0.122 0.85 0.03 0.85 0.03 0.85 0.12 0.12 0.85 0.852

0.15 0.1275 0.7225 0

0.048 0.2295 0 0.7225
0.0225 0.051 0.204 0.7225
0.0081 0.0399 0.1275 0.8245

Hence the required probability is 0.2295.

(c) The possible transitions, and relevant probabilities are:

2 1 1 2: 0.15 0.15 0.85 0.019125

2 3 1 2: 0.85 0.03 0.85 0.021675
2 3 4 2: 0.85 0.85 0.03 0.021675

The required probability is

0.019125 + 0.021675 + 0.021675 = 0.062475


The relevant entry from the third-order transition matrix equals

0.15 0.1275 0.85 0.051 0.062475.

(iii) The chain is irreducible as

any state is reachable from any other.

It is also aperiodic;
If currently at either state 1 or 4, it can remain there. This is not true for states
2 and 3, however these are also aperiodic states since the chain may return e.g.
to state 2 after 2 or 3 transitions.

Page 9
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

(iv) In matrix form, the equation we need to solve is P = ,

where is the vector of equilibrium probabilities.

This reads

0.15 1 0.15 2 0.03 3 1 (1)

0.85 1 0.12 3 0.03 4 2 (2)
0.85 2 0.12 4 3 (3)
0.85 3 0.85 4 4 (4)

Discard the first of these equations and use also that i 1 i
1 . Then, we
obtain first from (4) that 0.85 3 0.15 4 or, that 4 17 3 /3

Substituting in (3) this gives

0.85 2 0.12 3 3 3 2.65625 2

(2) now yields that

0.85p1 p 2 0.12p 3 0.03p 4
p3 0.12p 3 0.17p 3 0.0865p 3 ,

so that finally we get 1 0.10173 3 .

Using now that the probabilities must add up to one, we obtain

1 2 3 4 (0.10173 0.3765 1 5.666) 3 1,
or that 3 0.13996.

Solving back for the other variables we get that

1 0.01424, 2 0.05269, 4 0.79311

The long-run probability that the motorist is in discount level 2 is therefore


Page 10
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

A6 (i)
1/10 1/5 1/4
No One Two Three
Breakdowns Breakdown Breakdowns Breakdowns

(ii) P0 (t ) P0 (t )

1 1
P1 (t ) P0 (t ) P1 (t )
10 5

1 1
P2 (t ) P1 (t ) P2 (t )
5 4

(iii)(a) Dividing the first equation by P0 (t ) :

d 1
ln P0 (t )
dt 10

Hence, using the boundary condition P0 (0) 1

P0 (t ) e 10

(b) Substitute into the second equation above to obtain

1 10 1
P1 (t ) e * P1 (t )
10 5

Using an integrating factor e 5 , we get
t t t
1 1
e5 P1' t P1 (t ) e 10 5
5 10

t t
d 5 1
e P1 (t ) e10
dt 10

t t
e 5 P1 (t ) e 10 const

t t
P1 (t ) e 10 const e 5

Page 11
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

t t
P1 (t ) exp 10 exp 5

using boundary condition P1 (0) 0


Differentiate the suggested solution and verify it obeys the second equation.

And that the boundary condition is satisfied.

(iv) Proceeding in a similar way with the equation for P2 (t )

t t
1 10 1 5 1
P2 (t ) exp exp * P2 (t )
5 5 4

t 3 1
d 1 t t
exp 4 P2 (t ) (exp 20 exp 20 )
dt 5

t 3 1
4 t t 8
exp 4 P2 (t ) exp 20 4 exp 20
3 3

t t t
4 10 5 4]
P2 (t ) [exp 3 exp 2 exp

(v) Expected Claims 1 P1 (1) 2 P2 (1) 3 Pi (1)

i 3

P1 (1) 2 P2 (1) 3 1 P0 (1) P1 (1) P2 (1)

P0 (1) exp 0.905

1/10 1/ 5
P1 (1) exp exp 0.0861

1 1 1
4 10 5 4]
P2 (1) [exp 3 exp 2 exp 0.00832896

Substituting these values gives:

Expected Claims = 0.1049

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Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

104 Part
B1 (i) If the hazard for life i is (t ; zi ) , then

l (t ; zi ) l 0 (t ) exp(b ziT ) ,

where 0 (t ) is the baseline hazard,

and is a vector of regression parameters.

(ii) The model is semi-parametric because is possible to estimate
from the data without estimating the baseline hazard.

Therefore the baseline hazard can have any shape determined by

the data.

B2 Since

t px exp x s ds ,

t qx 1 t px 1 exp x s ds .

Substituting for x s produces

q x ds
t qx 1 exp
1 sq x

Performing the integration we have

t qx 1 exp log(1 sqx ) 0

1 exp log(1 tqx ) log1

1 exp log(1 tqx )
1 exp log(1 tq x )
1 (1 tq x )
tqx .

This is the assumption of a uniform distribution of deaths and implies that deaths
between exact ages x and x + 1 are uniformly distributed.

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Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

B3 The null hypothesis is that the observed rates are a sample from a population in which
English Life Table 15 represents the true rates.

If the null hypothesis is true, then the observed number of positive deviations, P,
will be such that P ~ Binomial (92, ½).

We use the normal approximation to the Binomial distribution because we have > 20

This means that, approximately, P ~ Normal (46, 23).

The z-score associated with the probability of getting 53 positive deviations if the null
hypothesis is true is, therefore

53 46 7
1.46 .
23 4.79

We use a two-tailed test, since both an excess of positive and an excess of negative
deviations are of interest.

Using a 5 % significance level, we have -1.96 < 1.46 < +1.96.

(Alternatively, the p-value of the test statistic could be calculated.)

This means we have insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

B4 (i) The suitability of a linear relationship between 1 and 1 could be
x x
2 2
investigated by plotting log(1 q x ) against log(1 q xs ) or by plotting
1 against 1 and
x x
2 2
looking for a linear relationship.

An approximately linear relationship will suffice.

If data are scarce, too close a fit is not to be expected, especially at extreme

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Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

(ii) (a) We can work with either q xs or s


The value of k which minimises either

wx (qx qx ) 2

wx 1 1
x x
x 2 2

should be found (note that the summations are over all relevant ages x)

At each age there will be a different sample size or exposed to risk, Ex.
This will usually be largest at ages where many term assurances are
sold (e.g. ages 25 to 50 years) and smaller at other ages.

(b) The estimation procedure should pay more attention to ages where
there are lots of data. These ages should have a greater influence on
the choice of k than other ages.

This implies weights wx Ex.

A suitable choice would be

1 1
wx or wx or wx = Ex
var qx var 1

(iii) The graduated forces of mortality are a linear function of the forces in the
standard table.

Since the forces in the standard table should already be smooth, a linear
function of them will also be smooth.

B5 (i) Consider the durations tj at which events take place.

Let the number of deaths at duration tj be dj and the number of insects still at
risk of death at duration tj be nj.

At tj = 1, S(t) falls from 1.0000 to 0.9167.

Since the Kaplan-Meier estimate of S(t) is

S (t ) (1 (t j )) ,
tj t

Page 15
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

we must have 0.9167 1 (1) ,

so that (1) 0.0833.

d1 d
Since (1) , then we have 1 0.0833 ,
n1 n1

and, since all 12 insects are at risk of dying at tj = 1, we must therefore have
d1 = 1 and n1 = 12.

Similarly, at tj = 3, we must have 0.7130 0.9167(1 (3))

0.9167 0.7130 d3
so that (3) 0.222 .
0.9167 n3

Since we can have at most 11 insects in the risk set at tj = 3, we must have
d3 = 2 and n3 = 9.
Similarly, at tj = 6, we must have 0.4278 0.7130(1 (6)) ,

0.7130 0.4278 d6
so that (6) 0.400 .
0.7130 n6

Since we can have at most 7 insects in the risk set at tj = 6, we must have
d6 = 2 and n6 = 5.

Therefore 2 insects died at duration 3 weeks and 2 insects died at duration 6



Some candidates worked back to produce a table in the usual format, as

follows; this received full credit.

t S(t) = (1- t) t nt dt ct
0 1.0000 0 12 0
1 0.9167 0.0833 12 1 2
3 0.7130 0.22 9 2 2
6 0.4278 0.4 5 2 3
5 7

(ii) Summing up the number of deaths we have

total deaths = d1 d3 d 6 1 2 2 5 .

Since we started with 12 insects, the remaining 7 insects histories were right-

Page 16
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

B6 (i) The principle of correspondence states that a life alive at time t should be
included in the exposure at age x at time t if and only if were that life to die
immediately, he or she would be counted in the deaths data x at age x.

(ii) Px(t) is the number of policies under observation aged x nearest birthday on
1 January in year t.

To correspond with the claims data, we wish to have policies classified by age
last birthday.

Let the number of policies aged x last birthday on 1 January in year t be Px (t ) .

Then, assuming that birthdays are evenly distributed,

Px (t ) Px (t ) Px 1 (t ) .

The central exposed to risk is then given by

Exc Px (t )dt .

Using the trapezium approximation this is

E xc Px (t ) Px (t 1) ,

and, substituting for the Px (t ) in terms of Px(t) from the equation above

1 1 1
E xc Px (t ) Px 1 (t ) Px (t 1) Px 1 (t 1) .
2 2 2

(iii) The principle of correspondence still holds, because we are dealing with
claims and policies: one policy can only lead to one claim.

However, because one life may have more than one policy it is possible that
two distinct death claims are the result of the death of the same life.

Therefore claims are not independent, whereas deaths are.

Page 17
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

The effect of this is to increase the variance of the number of claims

(compared to the situation in which each life has one and only one policy) by
the ratio

i2 i
i i

where i is the proportion of the lives in the investigation owning i policies (i

= 1, 2, 3, ...).

Typically the ratio will vary for each age x.

B7 (i)(a) The two-state estimate of is
, where v70 is the total time the members
of the sample are under observation between exact ages 70 and 71 years.

v70 v70,i ,
where v70,i is the duration that sample member i is under observation between
exact ages 70 and 71 years.

For each sample member, v70,i = ENDDATE STARTDATE

where ENDDATE is the earliest of the date at which the observation of that
member ceases and the date of the member s 71st birthday,
and STARTDATE is the latest of the date at which observation of that
member begins and the date of the member s 70th birthday.

The table below shows the computation of v70.

i Date Date of Date Date of v70,i

obs. 70th obs. 71st (years)
begins birthday ends birthday

1 1/1/2003 1/4/2002 1/1/2004 1/4/2003 0.25

2 1/1/2003 1/10/2002 1/1/2004 1/10/2003 0.75
3 1/3/2003 1/11/2002 1/9/2003 1/11/2003 0.5
4 1/3/2003 1/1/2003 1/6/2003 1/1/2004 0.25
5 1/6/2003 1/1/2003 1/9/2003 1/1/2004 0.25
6 1/9/2003 1/3/2003 1/1/2004 1/3/2004 0.3333
7 1/1/2003 1/6/2003 1/1/2004 1/6/2004 0.5833
8 1/6/2003 1/10/2003 1/1/2004 1/10/2004 0.25

Therefore v70 v70,i = 3.167.


Page 18
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

We observed two deaths (members 3 and 4), so

70 0.6316 .

(b) q70 1 exp( 70 )

1 exp( 0.6316) 1 0.5318 0.4682.

(ii) The contributions to the Poisson likelihood made by each member are
proportional to the following

1 exp(-0.25 70 )
2 exp(-0.75 70 )
3 70 exp(-0.5 70 )
4 70 exp(-0.25 70 )
5 exp(-0.25 70 )
6 exp(-0.3333 70 )
7 exp(-0.5833 70 )
8 exp(-0.25 70 )

The total likelihood, L, is proportional to the product

L [exp( 3.167 70 )]( 70 ) .

log L 3.167 70 2 log 70

so that

d log L 2
3.167 .
d 70 70

Setting this equal to zero and solving for 70 produces the maximum
likelihood estimate,
which is 2/3.167 = 0.6316

d 2 log L 2
Since 2 2
, which is always negative, we definitely have a
d 70 70

This is the same as the estimate from the two-state model.

Page 19
Subject CT4 Models April 2005 Examiners report

(iii) The Poisson model is not an exact model, since it allows for a non-zero
probability of more than n deaths in a sample of size n.

The variance of the maximum likelihood estimator for the two-state model is
only available asymptotically, whereas that for the Poisson model is available
exactly in terms of the true .

The two-state model extends to processes with increments, whereas the

Poisson model does not.

The Poisson model is a less satisfactory approximation to the multiple state

model when transition rates are high.

Page 20
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


14 September 2005 (am)

Subject CT4 (103) Models (103 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 7 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (103) S2005 Institute of Actuaries
1 An insurance company has a block of in-force business under which policyholders
have been given options and investment-related guarantees. A stochastic model has
been developed which projects option and guarantee costs. You have used the model
to estimate, for the Company Board, the probability of the insurance company having
insufficient assets to honour the payouts under the policies. A Board member has
asked whether there are any factors which could cause this probability to be

Outline the items you would mention in your response. [5]

2 (i) In the context of a stochastic process denoted by {Xt : t J}, define:

(a) state space

(b) time set
(c) sample path

(ii) Stochastic process models can be placed in one of four categories according to
whether the state space is continuous or discrete, and whether the time set is
continuous or discrete. For each of the four categories:

(a) State a stochastic process model of that type.

(b) Give an example of a problem an actuary may wish to study using a

model from that category.
[Total 6]

3 A die is rolled repeatedly. Consider the following two sequences:

I Bn is the largest number rolled in the first n outcomes.

II Cn is the number of sixes rolled in the first n outcomes.

For each of these two sequences:

(a) Explain why it is a Markov chain.

(b) Determine the state space of the chain.
(c) Derive the transition probabilities.
(d) Explain whether the chain is irreducible and/or aperiodic.
(e) Describe the equilibrium distribution of the chain. [7]

CT4 (103) S2005 2

4 A life insurance company prices its long-term sickness policies using a three-state
Markov model in continuous time. The states are healthy (H), ill (I) and dead (D). The
forces of transition in the model are HI = , IH = , HD = , ID = v and they are
assumed to be constant over time.

For a group of policyholders observed over a 1-year period, there are:

23 transitions from State to State ;

15 transitions from State to State ;
3 deaths from State ;
5 deaths from State .

The total time spent in State H is 652 years and the total time spent in State I is 44

(i) Write down the likelihood function for these data. [3]

(ii) Derive the maximum likelihood estimate of . [2]

(iii) Estimate the standard deviation of , the maximum likelihood estimator of .

[Total 7]

5 Claims arrive at an insurance company according to a Poisson process with rate per

Assume time is expressed in weeks.

(i) Show that, given that there is exactly one claim in the time interval [t, t + s],
the time of the claim arrival is uniformly distributed on [t, t + s]. [3]

(ii) State the joint density of the holding times T0, T1, , Tn between successive
claims. [1]

(iii) Show that, given that there are n claims in the time interval [0, t], the number
of claims in the interval [0, s] for s < t is binomial with parameters n and s/t.
[Total 7]

CT4 (103) S2005 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

6 A Markov jump process Xt with state space S = {0, 1, 2, , N} has the following
transition rates:

ii = for 0 i N 1

i,i+1 = for 0 i N 1

ij =0 otherwise

(i) Write down the generator matrix and the Kolmogorov forward equations (in
component form) associated with this process. [3]

(ii) Verify that for 0 i N 1 and for all j i, the function

t ( t) j i
pij (t ) = e
( j i )!

is a solution to the forward equations in (i). [2]

(iii) Identify the distribution of the holding times associated with the jump process.
[Total 7]

7 A time-inhomogeneous Markov jump process has state space {A, B} and the
transition rate for switching between states equals 2t, regardless of the state currently
occupied, where t is time.

The process starts in state A at t = 0.

(i) Calculate the probability that the process remains in state A until at least
time s. [2]

(ii) Show that the probability that the process is in state B at time T, and that it is
in the first visit to state B, is given by T 2 exp . [3]

(iii) (a) Sketch the probability function given in (ii).

(b) Give an explanation of the shape of the probability function.

(c) Calculate the time at which it is most likely that the process is in its
first visit to state B.
[Total 11]


CT4 (103) S2005 4

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


14 September 2005 (am)

Subject CT4 (104) Models (104 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 6 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (104) S2005 Institute of Actuaries
1 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of graduating a set of observed mortality
rates using a parametric formula. [4]

2 A lecturer at a university gives a course on Survival Models consisting of 8 lectures.

50 students initially register for the course and all attend the first lecture, but as the
course proceeds the numbers attending lectures gradually fall.

Some students switch to another course. Others intend to sit the Survival Models
examination but simply stop attending lectures because they are so boring. In this
university, students who decide not to attend a lecture are not permitted to attend any
subsequent lectures.

The table below gives the number of students switching courses and stopping
attending lectures after each of the first 7 lectures of the course.

Lecture Number of students Number of students ceasing to

number switching courses attend lectures but remaining
registered for Survival Models

1 5 1
2 3 0
3 2 3
4 0 1
5 0 2
6 0 1
7 0 0

The university s Teaching Quality Monitoring Service has devised an Index of

Lecture Boringness. This index is defined as the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the
proportion of students remaining registered for the course who attend the final lecture.
In calculating the Index, students who switch courses are to be treated as censored
after the last lecture they attend.

(i) Calculate the Index of Lecture Boringness for the Survival Models course. [4]

(ii) Explain whether the censoring in this example is likely to be non-informative.

[Total 6]

CT4 (104) S2005 2

3 A mortality investigation has been carried out over the three calendar years, 2002,
2003 and 2004.

The deaths during the period of investigation, x, have been classified by age x at the
date of death, where

x = calendar year of death calendar year of birth.

Censuses of the numbers alive on 1 January in each of the years 2002, 2003, 2004 and
2005 have been tabulated and denoted by

Px (2002), Px (2003), Px (2004) and Px (2005)

respectively, where x is the age last birthday at the date of each census.

(i) State the rate year implied by the classification of deaths, and give the ages of
the lives at the beginning of the rate year. [2]

(ii) Derive an expression for the exposed to risk in terms of the Px(t) (t = 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005) which corresponds to the deaths data and which may be
used to estimate the force of mortality, x+f at age x + f. [4]

(iii) Determine the value of f, stating any assumptions you make. [3]
[Total 9]

CT4 (104) S2005 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

4 An investigation was carried out into the mortality of male undergraduate students at
a large university. The resulting crude rates were graduated graphically. The
following table shows the observed numbers of deaths at each age x, dx , and the qx s
obtained from the graduation, together with the number of lives exposed to risk at
each age.

Age x dx qx Exposed-to-risk

18 6 0.0012 5,200
19 8 0.0013 5,000
20 12 0.0015 4,800
21 8 0.0017 5,000
22 9 0.0019 3,800
23 6 0.0020 3,600
24 8 0.0021 3,200

(i) Test whether the overall fit of the graduated rates to the crude data is
satisfactory using a chi-squared test. [5]

(ii) Comment on your results in (i). [1]

(iii) (a) Describe three possible shortcomings in a graduation which the chi-
squared test cannot detect, and

(b) State a test which can be used to detect each one. [3]
[Total 9]

5 An investigation was carried out into the effects of lifestyle factors on the mortality of
people aged between 50 and 65 years. The investigation took the form of a
prospective study following a sample of several hundred individuals from their 50th
birthdays until their 65th birthdays and collecting data on the following covariates for
each person:

X1 Sex (a categorical variable with 0 = female, 1 = male)

X2 Cigarette smoking (a categorical variable with 0 = non-smoker, 1 = smoker)

X3 Alcohol consumption (a categorical variable with 0 = consumes fewer than

21 units of alcohol per week, 1 = consumes 21 or more units of alcohol
per week)

In addition, data were collected on the age at death for persons who died during the
period of investigation.

CT4 (104) S2005 4

In order to analyse the data, it was decided to use a Gompertz hazard, x = Bcx, where
x is the duration since the start of the observation.

(i) Explain why the Gompertz hazard might be appropriate for analysing the
mortality of persons aged between 50 and 65 years. [2]

(ii) Show that the substitution:

B = exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 2 X2 + 3 X3),

in the Gompertz model (where 0 ... 3 are parameters to be estimated), leads

to a proportional hazards model for this particular analysis. [3]

(iii) Using the Gompertz hazard, the parameter estimates in the proportional
hazards model were as follows:

Covariate Parameter Parameter


Sex 1 +0.40
Cigarette smoking 2 +0.75
Alcohol consumption 3 0.20

0 5.00
c +1.10

(a) Describe the characteristics of the person to whom the baseline hazard
applies in this model.

(b) Calculate the estimated hazard for a female cigarette smoker aged 55
years who does not consume alcohol.

(c) Show that, according to this model, a cigarette smoker at any age has a
risk of death roughly equal to that of a non-smoker aged eight years
older. [6]
[Total 11]

CT4 (104) S2005 5 PLEASE TURN OVER

6 Studies of the lifetimes of a certain type of electric light bulb have shown that the
probability of failure, q0 , during the first day of use is 0.05 and after the first day of
use the force of failure , x , is constant at 0.01.

(i) Calculate the probability that a light bulb will fail within the first 20 days. [2]

(ii) Calculate the complete expectation of life (in days) of:

(a) a one-day old light bulb

(b) a new light bulb

(iii) Comment on the difference between the complete expectations of life

calculated in (ii) (a) and (b). [2]
[Total 11]


CT4 (104) S2005 6

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

September 2005

Subject CT4 Models (includes both 103 and 104 parts)

Core Technical


Faculty of Actuaries
Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this September 2005 paper are
given below:

103 Part

Question A1 This was not well answered.

There was a lot of repetition in some of the solutions offered - for example
several different instances of parameter error may have been mentioned.

Question A2 This was well answered overall, even by the weaker candidates.
Credit was not given in part (ii)(b) if the examples cited were not likely to be
encountered by an actuary working in a professional capacity.

Question A3 This was well answered overall.

Some candidates lost marks by not explaining why the chains were not
irreducible and were aperiodic. Many candidates did not correctly identify
the state space of the chain Cn and most did not realise that the chain will
escape to infinity as the value increases without barrier.

Question A4 This was very well answered overall, with the majority of candidates scoring
One common mistake was the omission of the constant term from the
likelihood function in part (i).

Question A5 This was very poorly answered by all but a few candidates.
Some candidates offered general explanations in parts (i) and (iii), which, if
clear enough, were given some credit.

Question A6 Overall this was not well answered.

In part (i), few candidates gave the full, correct Kolmogorov equations.
Many candidates lost marks in part (ii) because of insufficient or inaccurate

Question A7 Overall this was not well answered.

However, part (i) was well answered. Some candidates reached the correct
answer via a different solution and received full credit.
Many candidates struggled with part (ii), failing to identify the correct
integrand required.
In part (iii), many candidates described the shape of the function, but few
explained it, as required by the question.

Page 2
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

104 Part

Question B1 This was not well answered.

Some candidates commented on the advantages/disadvantages of graduation
in general, rather than concentrating on the parametric formula method.

Question B2 Part (i) was well answered.

In part (ii), many candidates clearly did not understand the meaning of non-
informative censoring.

Question B3 This was well answered overall.

In part (ii), the question asked candidates to derive an expression and
therefore we were looking for clearly set out steps here. Many candidates lost
marks by not providing sufficient explanation of their working.

Question B4 This was very well answered, even by the weaker candidates.
The main areas where candidates lost marks were: not stating the null
hypothesis, or not stating it clearly enough; failure to identify the correct
degrees of freedom to be used in the test; and insufficient or insufficiently
clear descriptions of the shortcomings.
In part (iii), the majority of candidates seemed confused between two issues in
connection with bias. There are two distinct problems. Firstly, if the
consistent bias is only small, the chi-squared test may fail to detect it because
the resulting number (i.e. the sum of the squared deviations) is not large
enough to exceed the critical value. The signs test, which ignores the
magnitude of the bias and looks only at how consistent it is across the ages,
can be used to identify this. The second problem is that even if the consistent
bias is larger and the chi-squared test leads us to reject the null hypothesis,
the test gives no indication of whether the graduated rates are too high or too
low. This is because the deviations are squared and the test statistic always
positive. The signs test is not a solution to this second problem.

Question B5 This was well answered overall.

Some parts of the question required candidates to show a result;
candidates lost marks if their working was not sufficiently clear or complete.

Question B6 This was not well answered.

Surprisingly few candidates correctly answered part (i).
In parts (ii) and (iii), very few candidates recognised that the expectation of
life was an average of the future lifetimes of those bulbs still shining. As a
result, although many candidates correctly calculated the expectation of life
for a one-day old bulb, few managed to do so for a new bulb. In part (iii),
most candidates commented on the higher force of failure in the first day.

Page 3
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

103 Part

Items to be mentioned include:

Models will be chosen which it is felt give a reasonable reflection of the underlying
real world processes, but this may not turn out to be the case. (Model error.)

The model may be very sensitive to parameters chosen, and the parameters are
estimates because the true underlying parameters cannot be observed. (Parameter

Sampling error may result from running insufficient simulations. (It should be
possible to give a confidence interval for the error that could result from this source.)

The management actions assumed may not match what would happen in extreme

Policyholder behaviour, such as take-up rates for options, may differ in practice.

There may be future events, such as legislative changes which affect the
interpretation of the policy conditions, which have not been anticipated in the

There may be errors in the coding of the model. The model is likely to be complex
and difficult to verify completely.

The model relies on input data, which may be grouped rather than being able to run
every policy. Any errors in the data could cause the output to be inaccurate.

Page 4
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

(i) (a) The state space is the set of values which it is possible for each random
variable Xt to take.

(b) The time set is the set J, the times at which the process contains a random
variable Xt.

(c) A sample path is a joint realisation of the variables Xt for all t in J, that is a set
of values for Xt (at each time in the time set) calculated using the previous
values for Xt in the sample path.

(ii) Discrete State Space, Discrete Time

(a) Simple random walk, Markov chain, or any other suitable example

(b) Any reasonable example. For example: No Claims Discount systems, Credit
Rating at end of each year

Discrete State Space, Continuous Time

(a) Poisson process, Markov jump process, for example

(b) Any reasonable example. For example: Claims received by an insurer, Status
of pension scheme member

Continuous State Space, Discrete Time

(a) General random walk, time series, for example

(b) Any reasonable example. For example: Share prices at end of each trading
day, Inflation index

Continuous State Space, Continuous Time

(a) Brownian motion, diffusion or Itô process, for example.

Compound Poisson process if the defined state space is continuous.

(b) Any reasonable example. For example: Share prices during trading period,
Value of claims received by insurer

Page 5
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

A3 (a) Given the current state (the largest outcome or the number of sixes) up to the
nth roll, no additional information is required to predict the status of the chain
after the next roll. Therefore both Bn and Cn have the Markov property.

(b) Bn has state space {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},

the state space for Cn is the set of non-negative integers.

(c) For Bn, and 1 i, j 6,

P Bn 1 j | Bn i for j = i,
P Bn 1 j | Bn i for each j >i

and P Bn 1 j | Bn i 0 for i > j

For Cn, and for k = 0,1,2, ,

P Cn 1 k 1| Cn k ,
P Cn 1 k | Cn k ,

and P Cn 1 j | Cn k 0 for all other j k , k 1

(d) The chain Bn is clearly aperiodic; if currently at state i, it can remain there if
the next outcome is at most i.
It is not irreducible, as it cannot be reached from j for i < j.

Cn is again aperiodic; if currently at state i, it can remain there if the next

outcome is not a 6.
It is not irreducible; state k cannot be reached from m if k < m.

(e) In the long run, Bn will reach state 6 and will remain there; hence in
equilibrium P(Bn = 6) = 1 for sufficiently large n.

Cn cannot decrease and has an infinite state space; therefore, it is certain that it
will escape to infinity with probability one.

Page 6
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

A4 (i) The likelihood is

23 15 3 5
L K exp( 652( )) exp( 44( ))

(ii) l = ln L = 652 +23 ln + constant with respect to

Differentiating with respect to gives

l 23

and setting equal to zero gives

0 652

0.0353 p.a.

Differentiating again gives

l 23
2 2

therefore is the maximum likelihood estimate

2 1 2
(iii) The variance of is 2
which we can estimate by .

Therefore the estimated standard deviation of is 0.00736.


Page 7
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

A5 (i) Let Nt denote the number of claims up to time t. Since the Poisson process has
stationary increments, we may take t = 0, so that the required conditional
distribution is

P T0 y, N s 1
P T0 y | Ns 1
P Ns 1

P Ny 1, N s Ny 0
P Ns 1
But Ns Ny is independent of Ny
and has the same distribution as Ns y.

Thus the right hand side above equals

y (s y)
( ye )e y
se s

which is the cdf of the uniform distribution on [0, s].

(ii) Since holding times are independent, each having an exponential distribution,
their joint density is

n t1 t2 ... tn
e 1 t ,t
1 2 ,...,tn 0.

(iii) We have, as in part (i),

P Ns k , Nt n
P Ns k | Nt n
P Nt n

P Ns k , Nt Ns n k
P Nt n

Using again that the Poisson process has stationary and independent
increments, and that the number of claims in an interval [0, t] is Poisson ( t),
we derive from above that

Page 8
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

e ( s)k e (t s ) n k
(t s ) n k

k! (n k )!
P Ns k | Nt n t
e ( t )n

t n k
e s (t s ) n k
k !(n k )! t n n
e t

n! s k (t s ) n k

k !(n k )! tktn k

k n k
n s s
k t t

which is binomial with parameters n and s/t.

Page 9
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

A6 (i) The generator matrix is

. .
. .
A ,
. .

0 0

all other entries being zero

The Kolmogorov equations are P (t ) P(t ) A .

In a component form the forward equations read

pii (t ) pii (t ) for 0 i N 1

pij (t ) pij (t ) pi , j 1 (t ) for i < j < N

piN (t ) pi , N 1 (t ).

(ii) Differentiating the function given in the question, we get first for i = j,
pii (t ) e t,

while for i < j N,

t ( t) j i t ( t) j i 1
pij (t ) e e
( j i )! ( j i 1)!

We can then check that the above satisfy the forward equations.

(iii) For i = j(<N), the solution in (ii) implies that pii (t ) e , so that the
distribution of the holding times T0 , T1 ,..., TN 1 is exponential with parameter

For i = N, this is obviously not true; once the chain reaches state N, it stays
there forever.

Page 10
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

A7 (i) P (t ) 2t PAA (t )
dt AA

ln PAA (t ) 2t

ln PAA ( s ) s2 constant

We know PAA (0) 1 , hence constant 0

Hence, PAA ( s ) exp

(ii) P(in first visit to B at time T in state A at t = 0)

P(remains in A to time s )
P(transition to B in time s, s + ds)
P(remains in B to time T) ds

PAA ( s ) 2 s PBB ( s, T )ds
s 0

Using the result from part (i) and the similar result for PBB with boundary
condition PBB(s, s) = 1, this gives us:

s2 T 2 s2
e 2s e ds
s 0

2s e ds
s 0

e T2

Page 11
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

(iii) (a) The sketch should be shaped like:



(b) Commentary:

Initially probability increases from 0 at T = 0, and

accelerates as the transition rate from A to B increases.

However, as transitions increase, it becomes more likely that the

process has already visited state B and jumped back to A.
Therefore the probability of being in the first visit to B tends
(exponentially) to zero.

(c) Differentiate to find turning point:

d t2 t2 t2
e t2 2t e 2t 3 e

set derivative equal to zero

e 2t (1 t 2 ) 0

implies t = 1 for a positive solution

and, from above analysis, this is clearly a maximum.

Page 12
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

104 Part

B1 Advantages:

The graduated rates will progress smoothly provided the number of parameters is

Good for producing standard tables.

Can easily be extended to more complex formulae, provided optimisation can be


Can fit the same formula to different experiences and compare parameter values to
highlight differences between them.


It can be hard to find a formula to fit well at all ages without having lots of

Care is required when extrapolating: the fit is bound to be best at ages where we have
lots of data, and can often be poor at extreme ages.

Page 13
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

B2 (i) The table below gives the relevant calculations.

Lecture nj dj cj j 1 j S(j)

1 50 1 5 1/50 49/50 0.980

2 44 0 3 0 1 0.980
3 41 3 2 3/41 38/41 0.908
4 36 1 0 1/36 35/36 0.883
5 35 2 0 2/35 33/35 0.833
6 33 1 0 1/33 32/33 0.807
7 32 0 0 0 1 0.807
8 32

The Index of Lecture Boringness is therefore equal to 0.807.

(ii) Censoring in this case is unlikely to be non-informative.

This is because the students who switched courses were probably less
interested in the subject matter of Survival Models than those who remained

Therefore they would have been more likely, had they not switched courses,
to cease attending lectures than those who did not switch.

Page 14
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

B3 (i) The classification of deaths implies a calendar year rate interval.

A person who dies will be aged x on the birthday in the calendar year of death,
which implies that he or she will be aged x next birthday on 1 January in the
calendar year of death.

Since 1 January is the start of the rate interval, the age range at the start is x
1 to x.

(ii) A census of those aged x next birthday on 1 January in each year would
correspond to the classification of deaths.

But we have lives classified by age x last birthday.

However, the number alive aged x next birthday on any date is equal to the
number alive aged x 1 last birthday.

The number alive aged x 1 last birthday on 1 January in year t is given by

Px 1(t).

At the end of year t this cohort will be aged x last birthday.

Thus, using the trapezium rule, the correct exposed to risk at age x in year t is
given by
Px 1 (t ) Px (t 1) .

Over the three calendar years 2002, 2003 and 2004, we have, therefore,
exposed to risk =

Px 1 (2002) Px (2003)
Px 1 (2003) Px (2004)
Px 1 (2004) Px (2005) .

(iii) Assuming birthdays are uniformly distributed over the calendar year, the
average age at the start of the rate interval will be x ½.

Therefore the average age in the middle of the rate interval is x.

Assuming a constant force of mortality between x ½ and x + ½, therefore,

f = 0.

Page 15
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

B4 (i) The null hypothesis is that the observed data come from a population in which
the graduated rates are the true rates.

The chi-squared statistic is given by the formula:

(d x Ex qx ) 2
x Ex qx

The calculations are shown in the table below.

( Ex q x Ex qx ) 2
Age Exqx Ex qx ( Ex qx Ex q x ) 2
Ex qx

18 6 6.24 0.0576 0.0092

19 8 6.50 2.2500 0.3461
20 12 7.20 23.0400 3.2000
21 8 8.50 0.2500 0.0294
22 9 7.22 3.1684 0.4388
23 6 7.20 1.4400 0.2000
24 8 6.72 1.6384 0.2438

Therefore the calculated chi-squared value is

0.0092 + 0.3461 + 3.2000 + 0.0294 + 0.4388 + 0.2000 + 0.2438 = 4.4673

Since we have 7 ages, we compare this with the tabulated value at the 5%
level at, say, 4 degrees of freedom (since we lose 2 3 degrees for every
10 ages graduated graphically).

The tabulated value with 4 degrees of freedom is 9.488.

Since 4.4673 < 9.488 we have no evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

(ii) On the basis of the chi-squared test, the graphical graduation adheres to the
data satisfactorily.

However, there is a large deviation at age 20 which requires further


(iii) Possible shortcomings, and the relevant tests are:

There may be long runs of deviations of the same sign caused by

These can be detected by the grouping of signs test or the serial correlations

Page 16
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

There may be one or two large deviations at particular ages, balanced by lots
of small deviations (as in the example in part (i))
These can be detected by the individual standardised deviations test.

The graduated rates may be too high or too low over the whole of the age
range, but by an amount too small for the chi-squared test to detect.
The signs test or the cumulative deviations test will detect this.

The results of the graduation may not be smooth.

This can be detected by looking at the third order differences of the graduated
rates qx . If the rates are smooth, these should be small in magnitude
compared with the quantities themselves and should progress regularly.

B5 (i) Taking logarithms of the Gompertz hazard produces

log x = log B + x log c

which indicates that the rate of increase of the hazard with age is constant.

Empirically, this is often a reasonable assumption for middle ages and older
ages, which include the age range 50 65 years.

(ii) Putting B = exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 2 X2 + 3 X3) into the Gompertz model


x = exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 2 X2 + 3 X3) . cx,

defining x as duration since 50th birthday.

The hazard can therefore be factorised into two parts:

exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 2 X2 + 3 X3), which depends only on the values of

the covariates, and

cx, which depends only on duration.

Therefore the ratio between the hazards for any two persons with different
characteristics does not depend on duration, and so the model is a proportional
hazards model.

(iii) (a) The baseline hazard in this model relates to

a female,
who drinks less than 21 units of alcohol per week.

Page 17
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

(b) For a female cigarette smoker who does not consume alcohol we have
X1 = 0, X2 = 1, X3 = 0 and x = 5.

Therefore the hazard is given by

5 = exp( 0 + 1 .0 + 2 .1 + 3 .0) . c5
= exp( 5 + 0.75) 1.105
= 0.0230.

(c) The hazard for a non-smoker at duration u is given by the formula

u = exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 3 X 3) . c u,

The hazard for a smoker at duration v is given by the formula

*v = exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 0.75 + 3 X 3) . c v .

If the smoker s and non-smoker s hazards are the same, then

u = *v ,

which implies that

exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 3 X3).cu
= exp( 0 + 1 X1 + 0.75 + 3 X 3) . c v .

which simplifies to
cu = exp(0.75) . cv,

so that
cu/cv = cu v = exp(0.75) = 2.117.

Since c = 1.1, we have

1.1u v = 2.117.


u v = log(2.117)/log(1.1)
= 0.75/0.0953 = 7.87.

So when the two hazards are equal, the non-smoker is approximately

eight years older than the smoker.

Alternatively this could be demonstrated by calculating u and *u-8

and showing that they are approximately the same.

Page 18
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

B6 (i) Let the probability of failure within the first 20 days be 20 q0 .

We have:

20 q0 1 20 p0 1 1 p0 .19 p1
1 (1 1 q0 ) exp( 19 )
1 0.95exp( 19 0.01)
1 0.95exp( 0.19)
1 0.95(0.82696)

which is 0.21439.

(ii) (a) The complete expectation of life of a one-day old light bulb, e1 is
given by

e1 t p1dt

e dt

Integrating, this gives

1 0.01t 1
e1 e 0 1
0.01 0 0.01

= 100 days.

(b) The complete expectation of life of a new light bulb, e0 is given by

e0 t p0 dt t p0 dt t p0 dt . (*)
0 0 1

Alternative 1

Assume a uniform distribution of failure times between exact ages 0

and 1,

the first term in (*) is equal to

Page 19
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

1 1 p0
1 (1 1 q0 )
(1 0.95) 0.975

The second term is equal to

1 p0 t p1dt 0.95(100)
(using the result from part (i) above).

e0 0.975 100 0.95 95.975 days.

Alternative 2

Assume a constant force of failure between exact ages 0 and 1

Let this constant force be .

1 p0 exp ds exp( )

1 1 q0 0.95.

So that
exp( ) 0.95

log(0.95) 0.0513.

Thus the first term on the right-hand side of (*) is

Page 20
Subject CT4 Models September 2005 Examiners Report

1 1
t p0 dt exp( 0.0513t )dt
0 0

1 1
exp( 0.0513t ) 0
exp( 0.0513) 1

and the second term is equal to

1 p0 t p1dt 0.95(100)
(using the result from part (i) above).

So that

e0 0.97478 100 0.95 95.97478 days.

(iii) The complete expectation of life of a light bulb at any age is an average of the
future lifetimes of all bulbs which have not failed before that age.

The value of e0 is lower than e1 because the average e0 includes the very
short lifetimes of the relatively large proportion of bulbs which fail in the first
day, which deflate the average, whereas e1 excludes these.


Page 21
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


29 March 2006 (am)

Subject CT4 (103) Models (103 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 6 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (103) A2006 Institute of Actuaries
A1 In the context of a stochastic process {Xt : t J}, explain the meaning of the
following conditions:

(a) strict stationarity

(b) weak stationarity

A2 A savings provider offers a regular premium pension contract, under which the
customer is able to cease paying in premiums and restart them at a later date. In order
to profit test the product, the provider set up the four-state Markov model shown in
the following diagram:

t t

Premium t
AB Premiums
paying ceased/paid up
(A) (B)

AC t

Show, from first principles, that under this model:

t p0AB t p0AA . AB
t t p0AB .( BA
t ) [5]

CT4 (103) A2006 2

A3 A motor insurer s No Claims Discount system uses the following levels of discount
{0%, 25%, 40%, 50%}. Following a claim free year a policyholder moves up one
discount level (or remains on 50% discount). If the policyholder makes one (or more)
claims in a year they move down one level (or remain at 0% discount).

The insurer estimates that the probability of making at least one claim in a year is 0.1
if the policyholder made no claims the previous year, and 0.25 if they made a claim
the previous year.

New policyholders should be ignored.

(i) Explain why the system with state space {0%, 25%, 40%, 50%} does not form
a Markov chain. [2]

(ii) (a) Show how a Markov chain can be constructed by the introduction of
additional states.

(b) Write down the transition matrix for this expanded system, or draw its
transition diagram.

(iii) Comment on the appropriateness of the current No Claims Discount system.

[Total 8]

A4 (i) List the benefits of modelling in actuarial work. [2]

(ii) Describe the difference between a stochastic and a deterministic model. [2]

(iii) Outline the factors you would consider in deciding whether to use a stochastic
or deterministic model to study a problem. [3]

(iv) Explain how a deterministic model might be used to validate model outcomes
where a stochastic approach has been selected. [2]
[Total 9]

CT4 (103) A2006 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

A5 Employees of a company are given a performance appraisal each year. The appraisal
results in each employee s performance being rated as High (H), Medium (M) or Low
(L). From evidence using previous data it is believed that the performance rating of an
employee evolves as a Markov chain with transition matrix:

2 2
H 1
P M 1 2
L 2 2

for some parameter .

(i) Draw the transition graph of the chain. [2]

(ii) Determine the range of values for for which the matrix P is a valid
transition matrix. [2]

(iii) Explain whether the chain is irreducible and/or aperiodic. [2]

(iv) For = 0.2, calculate the proportion of employees who, in the long run, are in
state L. [3]

(v) Given that = 0.2, calculate the probability that an employee s rating in the
third year, X3, is L:

(a) in the case that the employee s rating in the first year, X1, is H
(b) in the case X1 = M
(c) in the case X1 = L
[Total 11]

CT4 (103) A2006 4

A6 (i) (a) Explain what is meant by a Markov jump process.

(b) Explain the condition needed for such a process to be time-


(ii) Outline the principal difficulties in fitting a Markov jump process model with
time-inhomogeneous rates. [2]

A company provides sick pay for a maximum period of six months to its employees
who are unable to work. The following three-state, time-inhomogeneous Markov
jump process has been chosen to model future sick pay costs for an individual:

Healthy Sick
(H) (S)

(t) (t)


Where Sick means unable to work and Healthy means fit to work.

The time dependence of the transition rates is to reflect increased mortality and
morbidity rates as an employee gets older. Time is expressed in years.

(iii) Write down Kolmorgorov s forward equations for this process, specifying the
appropriate transition matrix. [1]

(iv) (a) Given an employee is sick at time w < T, write down an expression for
the probability that he or she is sick throughout the period w < t < T.
(b) Given that a transition out of state H occurred at time w, state the
probability that the transition was into state S.

(c) For an employee who is healthy at time , give an approximate

expression for the probability that there is a transition out of state H in
a small time interval [w, w + dw], where w > . Your expression
should be in terms of the transition rates and PHH ( , w) only.

(v) Using the results of part (iv) or otherwise, derive an expression for the
probability that an employee is sick at time T and has been sick for less than 6
months, given that they were healthy at time < T - ½. Your expression
should be in terms of the transition rates and PHH ( , w) only. [3]

CT4 (103) A2006 5 PLEASE TURN OVER

(vi) Comment on the suggestions that:

(a) (t) should also depend on the holding time in state S, and
(b) mortality rates can be ignored.
[Total 14]


CT4 (103) A2006 6

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


29 March 2006 (am)

Subject CT4 (104) Models (104 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 6 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (104) A2006 Institute of Actuaries
B1 A Cox proportional hazards model was estimated to assess the effect on survival of a
person s sex and his or her self-esteem (measured on a three-point scale as low ,
medium or high ). The baseline category was males with low self-esteem.

Write down the equation of the model, using algebraic symbols to represent variables
and parameters and defining all the symbols that you use. [4]

B2 (i) (a) Explain why it is important to sub-divide data when carrying out
mortality investigations.

(b) Describe the problems that can arise with sub-dividing data.

(ii) List four factors which are often used to sub-divide life assurance data. [2]
[Total 6]

B3 (i) Assume that the force of mortality between consecutive integer ages, y and
y + 1, is constant and takes the value µy.

Let Tx be the future lifetime after age x ( x y ) and Sx(t) be the survival
function of Tx.

Show that:

y log[ S x ( y x)] log[ S x ( y 1 x)] . [4]

(ii) An investigation was carried out into the mortality of male life office
policyholders. Each life was observed from his 50th birthday until the first of
three possible events occurred: his 55th birthday, his death, or the lapsing of
his policy. For those policyholders who died or allowed their policies to lapse,
the exact age at exit was recorded.

Using the result from part (i) or otherwise, describe how the data arising from
this investigation could be used to estimate:

(a) 50

(b) 5 q50
[Total 7]

CT4 (104) A2006 2

B4 A company is interested in estimating policy lapse rates by age. It conducts an
investigation into this, which lasts for the whole of the calendar year 2003. The
investigation collects the following data for a sample of policies which are funded by
annual premiums:

the age last birthday of the policyholder when the policy was taken out;
the number of premiums the policyholder paid before the policy lapsed.

In addition, the number of policies in-force on 1 January each year is available,

classified by age x last birthday and years t elapsed since 1 January 2003, ( Px,t * ) .

(i) State the rate interval in this investigation. [1]

(ii) Derive an expression for the exposed-to-risk in terms of Px,t * , stating any
assumptions you make. [7]

(iii) Comment on the reasonableness or otherwise of the assumptions you made in

your answer to part (ii). [2]
[Total 10]

CT4 (104) A2006 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

B5 A life assurance company carried out an investigation of the mortality of male life
assurance policyholders. The investigation followed a group of 100 policyholders
from their 60th birthday until their 65th birthday, or until they died or cancelled their
policy (whichever event occurred first).

The ages at which policyholders died or cancelled their policies were as follows:

Died Cancelled policy

Age in Age in
years and months years and months

60y 5m 60y 2m
61y 1m 60y 3m
62y 6m 60y 8m
63y 0m 61y 0m
63y 0m 61y 0m
63y 8m 61y 0m
64y 3m 61y 5m
62y 2m
62y 9m
63y 9m
64y 5m

(i) Explain which types of censoring are present in the investigation. [2]

(ii) Calculate the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the integrated hazard for these
policyholders. [5]

(iii) Sketch the estimated integrated hazard function. [2]

(iv) Estimate the probability that a policyholder will survive to age 65. [2]
[Total 11]

CT4 (104) A2006 4

B6 An investigation was undertaken into the mortality of male term assurance
policyholders for a large life insurance company. The crude mortality rates were
graduated using a formula of the form:

qx e

An extract of the results is shown below.

Age Exposure Crude Graduated Standardised

(years) mortality rate mortality rate deviation

Ex qx qx
x Ex qx qx zx
Ex q x 1 q x

40 11,037 0.0029 0.00348 -1.035

41 12,010 0.00333 0.00358 -0.459
42 11,654 0.003 0.00368 -1.212
43 9,658 0.003 0.00379 -1.264
44 8,457 0.00319 0.00391 -1.061
45 10,541 0.00427 0.00402 0.406
46 7,410 0.00472 0.00415 0.763
47 12,042 0.00399 0.00428 -0.487
48 14,038 0.00406 0.00441 -0.626
49 11,479 0.00375 0.00455 -1.274
50 12,480 0.00409 0.00469 -0.981
51 10,567 0.00407 0.00485 -1.154
52 9,187 0.00512 0.00500 0.163
53 14,027 0.00456 0.00517 -1.007
54 11,581 0.00466 0.00534 -1.004

(i) Test the graduation for goodness of fit using the chi-squared test. [5]

(ii) (a) By inspection of the data, suggest one aspect of the graduated rates
where adherence to data seems inadequate.

(b) Explain why this may not be detected by the chi-squared test.

(c) Carry out one other test that may detect this deficiency.

(iii) Suggest how the graduation could be adjusted to correct the deficiency
identified. [2]
[Total 12]


CT4 (104) A2006 5

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

April 2006

Subject CT4 Models (includes both 103 and 104 parts)

Core Technical



The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

M Flaherty
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

June 2006

Faculty of Actuaries
Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this April 2006 paper are given

103 Part

Question A1 This was well answered overall.

Most candidates scored better on part (b); marks were lost on part (a)
because answers were imprecise.
Question A2 This was reasonably well answered overall.
Marks were lost because candidates did not show sufficient steps.
Question A3 This was reasonably well answered overall
In part (ii), many candidates included more states than required. (See end of
solution for further comments.)
Question A4 This was poorly answered.
Very few candidates scored highly on this question. Most failed to provide
sufficient, distinct points.
Question A5 This was very well answered.
Marks were lost on part (ii) when candidates failed to consider all the
conditions applying, and part (v) where many candidates calculated P3.
Question A6 This was poorly answered, although the better candidates did manage to score

104 Part|

Question B1 This was well answered overall.

The most common mistake was to use only one variable for self-esteem.
Question B2 This was reasonably well answered overall.
In part (i), many candidates discussed premium setting and anti-selection,
which was not relevant to the question asked.
Question B3 This was very poorly answered, with very few candidates scoring highly.
Some alternative approaches to part (i) received credit, although care was
needed over the ranges fro which x was constant. Most candidates
attempted part (ii), although few used the solution to part (i).
Question B4 This was very poorly answered.
Most solutions offered lacked a coherent explanation.
Question B5 This was very well answered.
Marks were most frequently lost in part (i), because of insufficient explanation
of the types of censoring present.
Question B6 This was reasonably well answered overall.
In part (ii), many candidates carried out a signs test. The use of the Normal
approximation to the Binomial was not acceptable in this case, and candidates
who used this lost marks. (See end of solution (ii)(c) for further comments.)

Page 2
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

103 Solutions

A1 (a) For a process to be strictly stationary, the joint distribution of X t1 , X t2 ,..., X tn

and X t t1 , X t t2 ,..., X t tn are identical for all t , t1 , t2 ,..., tn in J and all integers

This means that the statistical properties of the process remain unchanged over

(b) Because strict stationarity is difficult to test fully in real life, we also use the
less stringent condition of weak stationarity.

Weak stationarity requires that the mean of the process, E[Xt] = m(t), is
constant and the covariance, E[(Xs - m(s)) (Xt - m(t))], depends only on the
time difference t s.

A2 Condition on the state occupied at time t to consider the survival probability

t dt p0AB (this requires the Markov property):

t dt p0AB t p0AA . dt ptAB t p0AB . dt ptBB t p0AC . dt ptCB t p0AD . dt ptDB

Observe that dt ptCB dt pt


From the law of total probability:

dt ptBB 1 dt ptBA dt pt
dt ptBD

Substituting for dt pt

t dt p0AB t p0AA . dt ptAB t p0AB .(1 dt pt

dt pt
dt pt )

For small dt:

dt ptBA BA
t .dt o(dt )

dt ptBC BC
t .dt o(dt )

dt ptBD BD
t .dt o(dt )

dt ptAB AB
t .dt o(dt )

Page 3
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

Where o(dt) covers the possibility of more than one transition in time dt and

lim o(dt )
dt 0 dt

Substituting in:

t dt p0 t p0 . t .dt t p0 (1 t .dt t .dt t .dt ) o(dt )

lim AB AB
AB t dt p0 t p0 AA AB AB BA BC BD
t p0 t p0 . t t p0 ( t t t )
t dt 0 dt

A3 (i) This is not a Markov chain because it does not possess the Markov property,
that is transition probabilities do not depend only on the current state.

Specifically, if you are in the 25% discount level, the transition probability to
state 0% is 0.25 if a claim was made last year and 0.1 if the previous year was
claim free.

(ii) (a) Split the 25% and 40% discount states to include whether the previous
year was claim free.

New state space:

0% discount
25%NC (no claim last year)
25%C (at least one claim last year)
40%NC (no claim last year)
40%C (at least one claim last year)

Page 4
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

25% 40%

0% 0.1
0.25 0.75 50%
0.75 0.9

0.25 25% 40%

C C 0.1

New state
0% 25%C 25%NC 40%C 40%NC 50%
0% 0.25 0 0.75 0 0 0
25%C 0.25 0 0 0 0.75 0
25%NC 0.1 0 0 0 0.9 0
Old State

40%C 0 0.25 0 0 0 0.75

40%NC 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.9
50% 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.9

(iii) In theory, the insurer should just use 2 NCD states according to whether the
policyholder made a claim in the previous year. This is because the company
believes the claims frequency is the same for drivers who have not made a
claim for 1, 2, 3 years (i.e. it remains at 0.1 whether the driver has been
claims-free for 1 or 10 years).

However there may be other reasons for adopting this scale:

Marketing or competitive pressures.

It may discourage the policyholder from making small claims, or

encourage careful driving, to preserve their discount.

General comments:

The following, more general comments about the appropriateness of an NCD

model also received credit:

It is appropriate to award a no-claims discount because there is empirical

evidence that drivers who have made a recent claim are more likely to
make a further claim.

More factors should be taken into account (with a suitable example such
as how long the policyholder has been driving).

Page 5
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

A4 (i) Systems with long time frames such as the operation of a pension fund can be
studied in compressed time.

Different future policies or possible actions can be compared to see which best
suits the requirements or constraints of a user.

Complex situations can be studied.

Modelling may be the only practicable approach for certain actuarial


(ii) A model is described as stochastic if it allows for the random variation in at

least one input variable.

Often the output from a stochastic model is in the form of many simulated
possible outcomes of a process, so distributions can be studied.

A deterministic model can be thought of as a special case of a stochastic

model where only a single outcome from the underlying random processes is

Sometimes stochastic models have analytical/closed form solutions, such that

simulation is not required, but they are still stochastic as they allow for factors
to be random variables.

If the distribution of possible outcomes is required then stochastic
modelling would be needed, or if only interested in a single scenario then
Budget and time available stochastic modelling can be considerably
more expensive and time consuming.
Nature of existing models.
Audience for the results and the way they will be communicated.

The following factors may favour a stochastic approach:

The regulator may require a stochastic approach.

Extent of non-linear variation for example existence of options or
Skewness of distribution of underlying variables, such as cost of storm
Interaction between variables, such as lapse rates with investment

Page 6
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

The following may favour a deterministic approach:

Lack of credible historic data on which to fit distribution of a variable.

If accuracy of result is not paramount, for example if a simple model with
deliberately cautious assumptions is chosen so as not to underestimate

(iv) A deterministic result on best estimate assumptions could be compared with

the mean and median outcomes from a stochastic approach.

A deterministic model may also be used to calculate the expected or median

outcome, with a stochastic approach being used to estimate the volatility
around the central outcome.

A5 (i) Transition graph given below.

1 1 2
State H State M

State L

(ii) Transition probabilities must lie in [0,1]. Thus we need 0, 1 - 2 0

and 1 0.

1 5 1 5
The solution of the quadratic is the interval , , so all
2 2 2 2
conditions are satisfied simultaneously for [0, ].

(iii) The chain is both irreducible, as every state can be reached from every other
state, and aperiodic, as the chain may remain at its current state for all H, M,

Page 7
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

(iv) From the result in (iii), a stationary probability distribution exists and it is
unique. Let = ( H, M, L) denote the stationary distribution. Then, can be
determined by solving P = .

For = 0.2, the transition matrix becomes

0.76 0.2 0.04

P 0.2 0.6 0.2
0.04 0.2 0.76

So that the system P = reads

0.76 H + 0.2 M +0.04 L = H (1)

0.2 H + 0.6 M +0.2 L = M
0.04 H + 0.2 M +0.76 L = L (2)

Discard the second of these equations and use also that the stationary
probabilities must also satisfy

H + M + L =1 (3)

Subtracting (2) from (1) gives H = L.

Substituting into (1) we obtain H = M, thus (3) gives that H = M = L =1/3.

The proportion of employees who are in state L in the long run is 1/3.

(v) The second order transition matrix is

0.76 0.2 0.04 0.76 0.2 0.04

P 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.2
0.04 0.2 0.76 0.04 0.2 0.76

0.6192 0.28 0.1008

0.28 0.44 0.28
0.1008 0.28 0.6192

The relevant entries are those in the last column, so that the answers are:

(a) 0.1008
(b) 0.28
(c) 0.6192.

Page 8
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

A6 (i) (a) A continuous-time Markov process X t ,t 0 with a discrete state

space S is called a Markov jump process.

(b) In the case where the probabilities P X t j | X s i for i, j in S and

0 s t depend only on the length of time interval t s , the process
is called time-homogeneous.

(ii) A model with time-inhomogeneous rates has more parameters, and there may
not be sufficient data available to estimate these parameters.

Also, the solution to Kolmogorov s equations may not be easy (or even
possible) to find analytically.

(iii) P (t ) P(t ). A(t )


(t ) (t ) (t ) (t )
A(t ) (t ) (t ) (t ) (t )
0 0 0

(iv) (a) Pr(Waiting time T w Xw S ) exp ( (t ) (t ))dt

(b) Given there is a transition from state H at time w, the probabilities that
this is into state S or D are given by the relative transition rates at time

( w)
So Probability into state S =
( w) ( w)

(c) This is the probability that the individual is in state H at time w,

multiplied by the sum of transition rates out of state H at time w, that

PHH ( , w).( ( w) ( w)) dw

Page 9
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

(v) Expressing time in years,

Pr( X T S , Waiting time 1/ 2 X H)

Pr(Transition from state H at w) Pr(Transition toS) Pr(stays in S to time T) dW
T 1/ 2
( w)
= PHH ( , w).( ( w) ( w)). .exp ( (t ) (t ))dt .dw
( w) ( w)
T 1/ 2 w

= PHH ( , w). ( w).exp ( (t ) (t ))dt .dw
T 1/ 2 w

(vi) (a) This is likely to improve the predictive power of the model because:

There is empirical evidence that recovery rates depend on the

duration of the sickness.
The limit of 6 months on sick pay may cause some durational
effects around this point.

However this would make the model more complicated to analyse, and
increase the volume of data required to fit parameters reliably.

(b) For individuals in employment mortality rates are likely to be low, and
may be ignorable. It is less likely that mortality out of state S could be

Page 10
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

104 Solutions

B1 h(t ) h0 (t ) exp[ 1F 2M 3H ]


h(t ) is the estimated hazard,

h0 (t ) is the baseline hazard,

F is a variable taking the value 1 if the life is female, and 0 otherwise,

M is a variable taking the value 1 if the life has medium self-

esteem and 0 otherwise,

H is a variable taking the value 1 if the life has high self-esteem and 0 otherwise,

1, 2 and 3 are parameters to be estimated.

B2 (i) (a) The models of mortality we use assume that we can observe a group of
lives with the same mortality characteristics. This is not possible in

However, data can be sub-divided according to certain characteristics

that we know to have a significant effect on mortality.

This will reduce the heterogeneity of each group, so that we can at

least observe groups with similar, but not the same, characteristics.

(b) Sub-dividing data using many factors can result in the numbers in each
class being too low.

It is necessary to strike a balance between homogeneity of the group

and retaining a large enough group to make statistical analysis

Sufficient data may not be collected to allow sub-division.

This may be because marketing pressures mean proposal forms are

kept to a minimum.

Page 11
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

(ii) The following are factors often used:

Type of policy
Smoker/Non-smoker status
Level of underwriting
Duration in force
Sales channel
Policy size
Occupation (or social class) of policyholder
Known impairments
Geographical region

B3 (i) Consider the year of age between y and y + 1. We know that

t py exp y s ds .

If t=1 and y s y (a constant), evaluating the integral produces

py exp y .

Now, conditioning on survival to age x, survival to age y + 1 implies survival

from age x to age y and then survival for a further year:

y 1 x px py . y x px .


y 1 x px
py ,
y x px

which, since, in general t px S x (t ) , may be written

S x ( y 1 x)
py .
S x ( y x)

Page 12
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report


S x ( y 1 x)
exp( y) ,
S x ( y x)

so that

S x ( y x)
y log log[ S x ( y x)] log[ S x ( y 1 x)] .
S x ( y 1 x)

(ii) (a) Using the result from part (i) and putting x = 50, y = 50 gives

S50 (0)
50 log log[ S50 (1)]
S50 (1)

Since we have censored data, because of the possibility of policy lapse,

we should estimate S50 (1) using the Kaplan-Meier or Nelson-Aalen
estimator and hence obtain an estimate of 50 .

(b) 5 q50 = 1 - 5 p50 ,

and, since

5 p50 S50 (5) ,

5 q50 can be estimated directly as 1 S50(5),

where S50(5) is the Kaplan-Meier or Nelson-Aalen estimator of the

probability of a life aged 50 years surviving for a further 5 years.

B4 (i) We have a policy-year rate interval.

(ii) The age classification of the lapsing data is age last birthday on the policy
anniversary prior to lapsing .

This can be calculated by adding the policyholder s age last birthday when the
policy was taken to out to the number of annual premiums paid minus 1
(assuming that the first premium was paid at policy inception).

Define Px,t as the number of policies in force aged x last birthday at the
preceding policy anniversary at time t. This corresponds with the lapsing

Page 13
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

Then, if t is measured in years since 1 January 2003, a consistent exposed-to-

risk would be

E xc Px,t dt ,

which, assuming that policy anniversaries are uniformly distributed across the
calendar year,

may be approximated as

Exc [ Px,0 Px,1 ] .

But we do not observe Px,t directly. Instead we observe Px,t * the number of
policies in force at time t, classified by age last birthday at time t.

But the range of exact ages that could apply to a life aged x last birthday on
the policy anniversary prior to lapsing is (x, x + 2).

Assuming that birthdays are uniformly distributed across the policy year, half
of these lives will be aged x last birthday and half will be aged x+ 1 last


Px,t [ Px,t * Px 1,t

Therefore, by substituting this into the approximation above, the appropriate

exposed-to-risk is

1 1 1
E xc [ Px,0* Px *
1,0 ] [ Px,1* Px *
1,1 ] .
2 2 2

(iii) Both assumptions might be unreasonable because:

policies might be taken out in large numbers just before the end of the tax

policies might tend to be taken out just before birthdays,

under group schemes, many policy anniversaries might be identical.

Page 14
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

B5 (i) The following types of censoring will be present:

Right censoring because some policyholders cancel their policy before

the end of the period.

Type I censoring because the investigation stops at a fixed time.

Random censoring because some lives cancel their policy at an

unknown time.

Informative censoring because those who cancel their policy tend to be

in better health.

(ii) (a) The calculations are as follows:

dj dj
tj nj dj cj nj

0 t 5 100 0 2 0 0
5 t 1 112 98 1 4 1/98 0.0102
1 112 t 2 612 93 1 2 1/93 0.0210
2 612 t 3 90 1 1 1/90 0.0321
3 t 3 812 88 2 0 2/88 0.0548
3 812 t 4 312 86 1 1 1/86 0.0664
4 312 t 84 1 1 1/84 0.0783


Estimated Integrated Hazard

0 1 2 3 4 5
Duration since 60th birthday

Page 15
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

(iii) Either

Using the results of the calculation in (ii), the survival function can be
estimated by S t exp t .

And so, for t 4 3/12, we have

S t exp 0.0783 0.925

which is the probability of survival to 65.

Using the Kaplan-Meier estimate of S t 1 ,
tj t
we get, for t 4 3/12:

1 1 1 2 1 1
S t 1 1 1 1 1 1
98 93 90 88 86 84

= 0.9243

B6 (i) The null hypothesis is that the crude rates come from a population in which
true underlying rates are the graduated rates.

The test statistic is X z x2


Under the null hypothesis X has a 2 distribution with m degrees of freedom,

where m is the number of age groups less one for each parameter fitted. So in
this case m = 15 3 = 12, ie X 12

The observed value of X is 12.816.

The critical value of the 12 distribution at the 5% level is 21.03

This is greater than the observed value of X

and so we have insufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

Page 16
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

(ii) (a) The obvious problem with the graduation is one of overall bias. The
graduated rates are consistently too high, resulting in too many
negative deviations.

(b) This is not detected by the 2 test because the test statistic is the sum
of the squared deviations and so information on the sign and some
information on the size of the individual deviations is lost. The 2 test
would detect large bias, but in this case the graduated and crude rates
are close enough that the statistic is below the critical value.

(c) Signs test

Let P be the number of positive deviations.

Under the null hypothesis, P Binomial 15, 0.5 .

We have 3 positive deviations. The probability of getting 3 or fewer

positive signs (if the null hypothesis is true) is:

1 15 15 15 15
2 0 1 2 3

1 15 105 455

= 0.0176

This is less than 0.025 (this is a two-tailed test)

and so we reject the null hypothesis.

Cumulative deviations test

Ex qx Ex q x
Our test statistic is
Ex q x 1 q x

Under the null hypothesis, this has Normal(0, 1) distribution.

Page 17
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

Using the data in the question, we have

Ex qx qx Ex q x 1 q x

40 -6.40146 38.2751
41 -3.0025 42.84188
42 -7.92472 42.7289
43 -7.62982 36.46509
44 -6.08904 32.93758
45 2.63525 42.20447
46 4.2237 30.62388
47 -3.49218 51.31917
48 -4.9133 61.63457
49 -9.1832 51.99181
50 -7.488 58.25669
51 -8.24226 51.00139
52 1.10244 45.70533
53 -8.55647 72.14466
54 -7.87508 61.5123
Total -72.837 719.643

Ex qx Ex q x
x 72.837
Ex q x 1 q x

This is a two-tailed test.

Since 2.715 1.96 , we reject the null hypothesis.


Candidates also received credit for using the standardised deviations

test to show that there were too many deviations in the (-2, -1) range.

(iii) The problem is that the graduated rates are too high. There doesn t appear to
be a problem with the overall shape.

So we should be able to adjust the parameters rather than change the

underlying equation.

Page 18
Subject CT4 Models Core Technical April 2006 Examiners Report

The problem persists across the whole age range, so the first adjustment to try
would be to decrease the value of .


Page 19
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


6 September 2006 (am)

Subject CT4 (103) Models (103 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 6 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (103) S2006 Institute of Actuaries
A1 A manufacturer uses a test rig to estimate the failure rate in a batch of electronic
components. The rig holds 100 components and is designed to detect when a
component fails, at which point it immediately replaces the component with another
from the same batch. The following are recorded for each of the n components used
in the test (i = 1,2, ,n):

si = time at which component i placed on the rig

ti = time at which component i removed from rig

1 Component removed due to failure

0 Component working at end of test period

The test rig was fully loaded and was run for two years continuously.

You should assume that the force of failure, , of a component is constant and
component failures are independent.

(i) Show that the contribution to the likelihood from component i is:

exp ti si [2]

(ii) Derive the maximum likelihood estimator for . [4]

[Total 6]

A2 The price of a stock can either take a value above a certain point (state A), or take a
value below that point (state B). Assume that the evolution of the stock price in time
can be modelled by a two-state Markov jump process with homogeneous transition
rates AB , BA .

The process starts in state A at t = 0 and time is measured in weeks.

(i) Write down the generator matrix of the Markov jump process. [1]

(ii) State the distribution of the holding time in each of states A and B. [1]

(iii) If 3, find the value of t such that the probability that no transition to state
B has occurred until time t is 0.2. [2]

(iv) Assuming all the information about the price of the stock is available for a
time interval [0,T], explain how the model parameters and can be
estimated from the available data. [2]

(v) State what you would test to determine whether the data support the
assumption of a two-state Markov jump process model for the stock price. [1]
[Total 7]

CT4 (103) S2006 2

A3 (i) Define the following types of a stochastic process:

(a) a Poisson process

(b) a compound Poisson process; and
(c) a general random walk

(ii) For each of the processes in (i), state whether it operates in continuous or
discrete time and whether it has a continuous or discrete state space. [2]

(iii) For each of the processes in (i), describe one practical situation in which an
actuary could use such a process to model a real world phenomenon. [3]
[Total 8]

A4 The credit-worthiness of debt issued by companies is assessed at the end of each year
by a credit rating agency. The ratings are A (the most credit-worthy), B and D (debt
defaulted). Historic evidence supports the view that the credit rating of a debt can be
modelled as a Markov chain with one-year transition matrix

0.92 0.05 0.03

0.05 0.85 0.1
0 0 1

(i) Determine the probability that a company rated A will never be rated B in the
future. [2]

(ii) (a) Calculate the second order transition probabilities of the Markov chain.

(b) Hence calculate the expected number of defaults within the next two
years from a group of 100 companies, all initially rated A. [2]

The manager of a portfolio investing in company debt follows a downgrade trigger

strategy. Under this strategy, any debt in a company whose rating has fallen to B at
the end of a year is sold and replaced with debt in an A-rated company.

(iii) Calculate the expected number of defaults for this investment manager over
the next two years, given that the portfolio initially consists of 100 A-rated
bonds. [2]

(iv) Comment on the suggestion that the downgrade trigger strategy will improve
the return on the portfolio. [2]
[Total 8]

CT4 (103) S2006 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

A5 A motor insurance company wishes to estimate the proportion of policyholders who
make at least one claim within a year. From historical data, the company believes that
the probability a policyholder makes a claim in any given year depends on the number
of claims the policyholder made in the previous two years. In particular:

the probability that a policyholder who had claims in both previous years will
make a claim in the current year is 0.25

the probability that a policyholder who had claims in one of the previous two
years will make a claim in the current year is 0.15; and

the probability that a policyholder who had no claims in the previous two years
will make a claim in the current year is 0.1

(i) Construct this as a Markov chain model, identifying clearly the states of the
chain. [2]

(ii) Write down the transition matrix of the chain. [1]

(iii) Explain why this Markov chain will converge to a stationary distribution. [2]

(iv) Calculate the proportion of policyholders who, in the long run, make at least
one claim at a given year. [4]
[Total 9]

A6 (i) Explain the difference between a time-homogeneous and a time-

inhomogeneous Poisson process. [1]

An insurance company assumes that the arrival of motor insurance claims follows an
inhomogeneous Poisson process.

Data on claim arrival times are available for several consecutive years.

(ii) (a) Describe the main steps in the verification of the company s

(b) State one statistical test that can be used to test the validity of the

(iii) The company concludes that an inhomogeneous Poisson process with rate
t 3 cos 2 t is a suitable fit to the claim data (where t is measured in

(a) Comment on the suitability of this transition rate for motor insurance

(b) Write down the Kolmogorov forward equations for P0 j ( s, t ) .

CT4 (103) S2006 4

(c) Verify that these equations are satisfied by:

( f ( s, t )) j .exp( f ( s, t ))
P0 j ( s, t )

for some f(s,t) which you should identify.

[Note that cos x dx sin x.]

(d) Comment on the form of the solution compared with the case where
is constant.
[Total 12]


CT4 (103) S2006 5

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


6 September 2006 (am)

Subject CT4 (104) Models (104 Part)

Core Technical

Time allowed: One and a half hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 6 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 (104) S2006 Institute of Actuaries
B1 Calculate 0.25 p80 and 0.25 p80.5 , using the ELT15 (Females) mortality table and
assuming a uniform distribution of deaths. [4]

B2 A national mortality investigation is carried out over the calendar years 2002, 2003
and 2004. Data are collected from a number of insurance companies.

Deaths during the period of the investigation, x, are classified by age nearest at death.

Each insurance company provides details of the number of in-force policies on

1 January 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005, where policyholders are classified by age
nearest birthday, Px(t).

(i) (a) State the rate year implied by the classification of deaths.
(b) State the ages of the lives at the start of the rate interval.

(ii) Derive an expression for the exposed to risk, in terms of Px(t), which may be
used to estimate the force of mortality in year t at each age. State any
assumptions you make. [3]

(iii) Describe how your answer to (ii) would change if the census information
provided by some companies was Px* t , the number of in-force policies on
1 January each year, where policyholders are classified by age last birthday.
[Total 7]

B3 An investigation was undertaken into the effect of a new treatment on the survival
times of cancer patients. Two groups of patients were identified. One group was
given the new treatment and the other an existing treatment.

The following model was considered:

hi t h0 t exp z

where: hi t is the hazard at time t, where t is the time since the start of treatment
h0 t is the baseline hazard at time t

z is a vector of covariates such that:

z1 = sex (a categorical variable with 0 = female, 1 = male)
z2 = treatment (a categorical variable with 0 = existing treatment,
1 = new treatment)

and is a vector of parameters, 1, 2 .

CT4 (104) S2006 2

The results of the investigation showed that, if the model is correct:

A the risk of death for a male patient is 1.02 times that of a female
patient; and

B the risk of death for a patient given the existing treatment is 1.05 times
that for a patient given the new treatment

(i) Estimate the value of the parameters 1 and 2. [3]

(ii) Estimate the ratio by which the risk of death for a male patient who has been
given the new treatment is greater or less than that for a female patient given
the existing treatment. [2]

(iii) Determine, in terms of the baseline hazard only, the probability that a male
patient will die within 3 years of receiving the new treatment. [2]
[Total 7]

B4 An investigation took place into the mortality of persons between exact ages 60 and
61 years. The table below gives an extract from the results. For each person it gives
the age at which they were first observed, the age at which they ceased to be observed
and the reason for their departure from observation.

Person Age at entry Age at exit Reason for exit

years months years months

1 60 0 60 6 withdrew
2 60 1 61 0 survived to 61
3 60 1 60 3 died
4 60 2 61 0 survived to 61
5 60 3 60 9 died
6 60 4 61 0 survived to 61
7 60 5 60 11 died
8 60 7 61 0 survived to 61
9 60 8 60 10 died
10 60 9 61 0 survived to 61

(i) Estimate q60 using the Binomial model. [5]

(ii) List the strengths and weaknesses of the Binomial model for the estimation of
empirical mortality rates, compared with the Poisson and two-state models.
[Total 8]

CT4 (104) S2006 3 PLEASE TURN OVER

B5 A life insurance company has carried out a mortality investigation. It followed a
sample of independent policyholders aged between 50 and 55 years. Policyholders
were followed from their 50th birthday until they died, they withdrew from the
investigation while still alive, or they celebrated their 55th birthday (whichever of
these events occurred first).

(i) Describe the censoring that is present in this investigation. [2]

An extract from the data for 12 policyholders is shown in the table below.

Policyholder Last age at which Outcome

policyholder was observed
(years and months)

1 50 years 3 months Died

2 50 years 6 months Withdrew
3 51 years 0 months Died
4 51 years 0 months Withdrew
5 52 years 3 months Withdrew
6 52 years 9 months Died
7 53 years 0 months Withdrew
8 53 years 6 months Withdrew
9 54 years 3 months Withdrew
10 54 years 3 months Died
11 55 years 0 months Still alive
12 55 years 0 months Still alive

(ii) Calculate the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the survival function. [5]

(iii) Sketch on a suitably labelled graph the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the survival
function. [2]
[Total 9]

B6 (i) (a) Describe the general form of the polynomial formula used to graduate
the most recent standard tables produced for use by UK life insurance

(b) Show how the Gompertz and Makeham formulae arise as special cases
of this formula.

CT4 (104) S2006 4

(ii) An investigation was undertaken of the mortality of persons aged between 40
and 75 years who are known to be suffering from a degenerative disease. It is
suggested that the crude estimates be graduated using the formula:

o 1 1
1 exp b0 b1 x b2 x .
2 2 2

(a) Explain why this might be a sensible formula to choose for this class of

(b) Suggest two techniques which can be used to perform the graduation.

(iii) The table below shows the crude and graduated mortality rates for part of the
relevant age range, together with the exposed to risk at each age and the
standardised deviation at each age.

Age last Graduated Crude Exposed Standardised deviation

birthday force of force of to risk
mortality mortality
Exc x 12 x 12
x x 1/ 2 x 1/ 2 Exc zx
Exc x 12

50 0.08127 0.07941 340 -0.12031

51 0.08770 0.08438 320 -0.20055
52 0.09439 0.09000 300 -0.24749
53 0.10133 0.10345 290 0.11341
54 0.10853 0.09200 250 -0.79336
55 0.11600 0.10000 200 -0.66436
56 0.12373 0.11176 170 -0.44369
57 0.13175 0.12222 180 -0.35225

Test this graduation for:

(a) overall goodness-of-fit

(b) bias; and

(c) the existence of individual ages at which the graduated rates depart to a
substantial degree from the observed rates
[Total 15]


CT4 (104) S2006 5

Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

September 2006

Subject CT4 — Models (includes both 103 and 104 parts)

Core Technical



The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

M A Stocker
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

November 2006

© Faculty of Actuaries
© Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this September 2006 paper are
given below.

103 Part

Question A1 This was reasonably well answered, even by the weaker candidates.
In part (ii), very few candidates used the information in the question and
calculated ∑ (ti − si ) .
i =1

Question A2 This was reasonably well answered.

In part (iv), many candidates wrote down a suitable estimate, but failed to
provide an explanation as required.

Question A3 This was reasonably well answered.

In part (i), many candidates attempted to describe the simple random walk
rather than the general case.
In part (ii), very few candidates identified the correct state space for the
compound Poisson process or general random walk.
In part (iii), credit was not given if the examples cited were not likely to be
encountered by an actuary working in a professional capacity.

Question A4 This was not well answered overall, but many of the stronger candidates did
score highly.
In part (i), some candidates incorrectly attempted to calculate the long-run
probability of being in state B.
Part (ii) was generally well answered.
In part (iv), the stronger candidates provided good answers, but overall
candidates did not score well here.

Question A5 Overall this was poorly answered, although the stronger candidates did well.
Many candidates failed to split the two states labelled B and C in the solution,
giving instead a 3-state chain. Some marks were still awarded for the long-
run probability calculations in part (iv), but such candidates were not able to
calculate the required final answer.

Question A6 This was poorly answered by most candidates, even though some parts of the
question had been asked in previous (103) exams.
Marks were lost in all parts of the question. Many candidates did not make a
serious attempt at part (iii)(c).

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

104 Part

Question B1 This was well answered.

Some candidates assumed a constant force of mortality, for which credit was
not given. Some candidates struggled with the second calculation.

Question B2 This was poorly answered overall, although some of the stronger candidates
did manage to score highly.
In part (ii), the question asked candidates to “derive an expression” and
therefore we were looking for clearly set out steps here. Many candidates lost
marks by not providing sufficient explanation of their working.

Question B3 This was well answered overall.

In parts (i) and (ii), candidates were asked to “estimate” and some indication
was required of how the numerical estimate was reached.

Question B4 This was not well answered overall.

In part (i), many candidates did not calculate the correct exposed to risk.
Marks were frequently lost because of insufficient working combined with an
incorrect final answer. Candidates who wrote down the formulae they were
using were given credit even if arithmetic slips were made.

Question B5 This was very well answered by most candidates.

The most common errors were: inconsistency in the assumed order of death
and censoring at ages 51 and 54 3/12; and continuation of the estimated
survival function after age 55.

Question B6 This was reasonably well answered overall.

Parts (i) and (ii) were poorly answered.
In part (iii), the main areas where candidates lost marks were: not correctly
stating the null hypothesis; failure to identify the correct degrees of freedom to
be used in the chi-squared test; and a failure to state relevant and clear
conclusions to the tests.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

103 Solutions

A1 (i) If the ith component is still working at the end of the test period its
contribution to the likelihood is:

ti − si psi = exp(−μ(ti − si ))

under the assumption of a constant force of failure.

If the ith component fails at time ti its contribution to the likelihood is:

ti − si psi .μti = exp(−μ(ti − si )).μ

under the assumption of a constant force of failure.

In both cases the contribution equals:

exp(−μ(ti − si )).μ fi

(ii) Denote the total number of components used in the test by n. The likelihood
for n independent components is:

L = ∏ exp(−μ(ti − si )).μ fi
i =1

n n

L = exp(−μ∑ (ti − si )).μ i∑


i =1

Now the rig contains 100 components at all times because it is fully loaded
and failed components are immediately replaced, so ∑ (ti − si ) = 200(years) .
i =1
∑ fi
So L = exp ( −200μ ) ⋅μ i =1

ln L = −200μ + ln μ.∑ fi
i =1

∂ ln L
∑ fi
= −200 + i =1
∂μ μ

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

Setting this to zero the MLE is:

∑ fi
i =1
μˆ =

To verify this is a maximum we see that:

∂ 2 ln L
∑ fi
i =1
=− <0
∂μ μ2

A2 (i) The generator matrix is

⎛ −σ σ⎞
⎝ ρ − ρ ⎟⎠

(ii) The distribution is exponential in both cases; with parameter σ in state A, ρ in

state B.

(iii) The probability that the process stays in A throughout [0, t] is

∫ σe ds = e−σt .

For σ = 3, we get e −3t = 0.2

which gives t = -ln (0.2)/3 = 0.54 weeks.

(iv) The time spent in state A before the next visit to B has mean 1/σ.

Therefore a reasonable estimate for σ is the reciprocal of the mean length of

each visit:

σ̂ = (Number of transitions from A to B) / (Total time spent in state A up until

the last transition from A to B).

[An alternative is to use the maximum likelihood estimator for σ, which is

(Number of transitions from A to B)/Total time spent in state A).]

Similarly we can estimate ρ̂ .

(v) Testing whether the successive holding times are exponential variables and
independent would be best. Any procedure which does this test is acceptable.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

A3 (i) (a) A Poisson process with rate λ is an integer-valued process Nt, t

≥ 0 with the following properties:

N0 = 0;
Nt has independent increments;
Nt has stationary increments, each having a Poisson distribution, i.e.

P [ Nt − N s = n ] =
[ λ (t − s ) ] e −λ (t − s )
, s < t , n = 0,1, 2,...

(b) Let Nt be a Poisson process, t ≥ 0 and let Y1, Y2, …, Yj, …, be a

sequence of i.i.d. random variables. Then a compound Poisson process
is defined by

Xt = ∑Yj , t ≥ 0.
j =1

(c) Let Y1, Y2, …, Yj, …, be a sequence of independent and identically

distributed random variables and define

X n = ∑Yj
j =1

with initial condition X0 = 0. Then { X n }n=0 constitutes a general
random walk.

(ii) (a) A Poisson process operates in continuous time and has a discrete state
space, the set of nonnegative integers.

(b) A compound Poisson process operates in continuous time.

It has a discrete or continuous state space depending on whether the

variables Yj are discrete or continuous respectively.

(c) A general random walk operates in discrete time. Again, this has a
discrete or continuous state space according to whether the variables Yj
have a discrete or continuous distribution.

(iii) (a) Examples of a Poisson process:

• claims arriving to an insurance company through time

• car accidents reported over time
• arrival of customers at a service point over time

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

(b) A standard example of a compound Poisson process used by actuaries

is for modelling the total amount of claims to an insurance company
over time.

(c) Examples of a general random walk:

• modelling share prices daily

• inflation index, measured on say a monthly basis

Other reasonable examples received credit.

A4 (i) Probability that a company is never in state B is:

Pr( A → D ) + Pr( A → A → D ) + Pr( A → A → A → D ) + ……

= 0.03+ 0.92 × 0.03+ 0.922 × 0.03+......

= 0.03 × ∑ 0.92i = = 0.375
i =0 1 − 0.92

⎛ 0.92 0.05 0.03 ⎞ ⎛ 0.92 0.05 0.03 ⎞

2⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
(ii) (a) A = ⎜ 0.05 0.85 0.1 ⎟ ⎜ 0.05 0.85 0.1 ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 0 0 1 ⎟⎠

⎛ 0.8489 0.0885 0.0626 ⎞

⎜ ⎟
= ⎜ 0.0885 0.725 0.1865 ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟⎠

(b) Probability of default within 2 years for an A rated company 6.26%, so

6.26 defaults expected.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

(iii) Either

Calculate revised transition probabilities based on the rating of bonds held by

the investment manager after rebalancing:

⎛ 0.97 0 0.03 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
A′ = ⎜ 0 0 0 ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟⎠

(state B is unnecessary so this can be shown as 2 × 2 or 3 × 3)

⎛ 0.9409 0 0.0591⎞
2 ⎜ ⎟
A′ = ⎜ 0 0 0 ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1 ⎟⎠

So the expected number of defaults is 0.0591 × 100 = 5.91.


Required probability is

Pr( A → D ) + Pr( A → A) × Pr( A → D ) + Pr( A → B ) × Pr( A → D )

= 0.03 + 0.92 × 0.03 + 0.05 × 0.03 = 0.0591

So expected defaults 5.91.

(iv) The expected number of defaults has been reduced by this strategy. (The
variance of the number of defaults would also reduce.)

However it is not possible to tell whether the overall return is improved as this
depends on the price at which bonds were bought and sold at the end of year 1.

The price of the debt sold may have been depressed by the companies having
been downgraded to rating B, and the manager loses out on any increase in
price if they recover.

The “downgrade trigger” strategy will incur dealing costs, which should be
considered when comparing the returns.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

A5 (i) Consider the following four states that the policyholder might be at the end of
a year:

• the policyholder has made at least one claim both in the year just ended
and the previous one (state A)

• the policyholder has made no claims in the year just ended but s/he made
at least one claim during the previous year (state B)

• the policyholder has made at least one claim in the year just ended but not
in the previous one (state C)

• the policyholder has made no claim during either the year ended or the
previous one (state D)

If the year ended is year n, and Xn denotes the current state of the policyholder,
then Xn constitutes a Markov chain.

(ii) The transition matrix is

⎛ 0.25 0.75 0 0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
0 0 0.15 0.85 ⎟
⎜ 0.15 0.85 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝0 0 0.10 0.90 ⎠

(iii) The chain has a finite number of states (A,B,C,D). In order to show that it has
a stationary distribution, it suffices to show that it is irreducible and aperiodic.

It is apparent from the transition matrix above that any state can be reached
from any other; hence the chain is irreducible.

The chain is also aperiodic since for states A, D the state can remain at the
same state after one step, while for states B, C the state may return to its
current state after 2 or 3 steps.

Hence the chain has a stationary distribution (which is unique).

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

(iv) The set of equations is given (in matrix from) by πP=π,

where π = (πA, πB, πC, πD) denotes the stationary distribution.

Using the transition matrix from (ii) above we obtain the equations

0.25 πA + +0.15 πC = πA (1)

0.75 πA + +0.85 πC = πB (2)
0.15 πB +0.10 πD = πC (3)
0.85 πB +0.90 πD = πD

Discard the last of these equations and use also that the stationary probabilities
must also satisfy

πA + πB + πC + πD = 1 (4)

Equation (1) gives

0.75 πA = 0.15 πC (5)

Or 5 πA = πC

Substituting (5) into (2) yields immediately

πB = πC

and inserting this into (3) we get

πD = πB .

In view of the above, we obtain now from (4) that

⎛1 17 ⎞ 10
πB ⎜ + 1 + 1 + ⎟ = 1 ⇒ πB = .
⎝5 2⎠ 107

Hence the other probabilities are

2 10 85
πA = , πC = , πD = .
107 107 107

The proportion of policyholders who, in the long run, make at least one claim
in a given year is

π A + πB = .

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

A6 (i) The probability that an event occurs during the short time interval between t
and t + h is approximately equal to λ(t) h for small h where λ(t) is called the
rate of the process. For a time-inhomogeneous process, λ(t) depends on the
current time t; for a time-homogeneous process it is independent of time.

(ii) (a) Divide the time period into intervals of a suitable size, say one month.
Estimate the arrival rate separately for each time period.

See if the observed data match the pattern which would be expected if
the model were accurate and if the parameters had their values given
by their estimates.

If not, the model should be revised.

(b) A goodness of fit test, such as the chi-squared test, should be carried
out for each time period chosen.

Tests for serial correlation [e.g. portmanteau test] should use the whole
data set at once.

(iii) (a) This implies that claims are seasonal with period 12 months, and that
claims in the peak (presumably winter) are double those at the low
point of the year.

This would be reasonable if in a climate where driving conditions are

worse in winter.

(b) Kolmogorov forward equations:

P ( s, t ) = P( s, t ). A(t ) t≥s


⎛ −λ (t ) λ (t ) ⎞
⎜ ⎟
−λ(t ) λ (t )
A(t ) = ⎜ ⎟
⎜ −λ (t ) ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

(c) Consider the case j > 0,

P0 j ( s, t ) = λ (t ).P0, j −1 ( s, t ) − λ (t ).P0 j ( s, t ) (I)

with P0 j ( s, s ) = 0

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

If solution is of the form

( f ( s, t )) j .exp(− f ( s, t ))
P0 j ( s, t ) =

LHS of I

exp(− f ( s, t )) d
( j.( f ( s, t )) j −1 − f ( s, t ) j ). . f ( s, t )
j! dt

RHS of I

f ( s, t ) j −1 f ( s, t ) j .exp(− f ( s, t ))
λ (t ). .exp(− f ( s, t )) − λ(t ).
( j − 1)! j!

These are equal if

f ( s, t ) = λ (t )


t t

∫ λ(v)dv = ∫ (3 + cos(2πv))dv
s s

⎡ 1 ⎤
= ⎢3v + sin(2πv) ⎥
⎣ 2π ⎦s

= 3(t − s ) + [sin(2πt ) − sin(2πs)] ≡ f ( s, t )

this satisfies the boundary condition.

Consider the case j = 0

P00 ( s, t ) = −λ (t ).P00 ( s, t ) (II)

with boundary condition P00 ( s, s ) = 1

Need to verify that P00 ( s, t ) = exp(− f ( s, t )) satisfies II

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report


− exp(− f ( s, t )). ( f ( s, t )) = − P00 ( s, t ).λ (t )

and P00 ( s, s ) = 1

(d) Solution is of the same form, except that for the homogeneous case
f(s,t) = λ(t-s).

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

104 Solutions

B1 0.25 p80= 1 − 0.25 q80 = 1 − 0.25 × q80

under the assumption of a uniform distribution of deaths (UDD)
between ages 80 and 81.

From ELT 15, q80 = 0.05961, so

0.25 p80 = 1 − 0.25 × 0.05961 = 0.98510


Under UDD we have, for 0 - s < t - 1,

(t − s )qx
t − s qx+ s = .
1 − sqx

Putting t = 0.75, s = 0.5 and x = 80, therefore,

0.75−0.5 q80+ 0.5 = , and so
1 − 0.5q80

0.25 p80.5 = 1− .
1 − 0.5q80

Using ELT15, this is evaluated as

0.25 ( 0.05961) 0.01490

1− = 1− = 1 − 0.01536 = 0.98464
1 − 0.5 ( 0.05961) 0.97020


Using t px = s px ⋅ t − s px+ s,

0.75 p80 = 0.5 p80 ⋅ 0.25 p80.5

Using an assumption of UDD between ages 80 and 81, we have

0.5 p80 = 1 – 0.5 × 0.05961 = 0.97020

0.75 p80 = 1 – 0.75 × 0.05961 = 0.95529

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

0.75 p80 0.95529

So, 0.25 p80.5 = = = 0.98463
0.5 p80 0.97020

B2 (i) (a) The age definition changes 6 months before/after each birthday, so this
is a life year rate interval.

(b) Lives are aged x - ½ at the start of the rate interval.

(ii) Under the principle of correspondence the age definition of deaths and census
should correspond, which they do here. So we do not need to adjust the
census information.

The exposed to risk is given by E xc = ∫ Px ( t ) dt .

Assuming Px(t) is linear over calendar years, we can approximate this to

E xc = ∑
( Px ( t ) + Px ( t + 1) ) , where t is measured from 1 January 2002
⎛1 1 ⎞
= ⎜ Px ( 0 ) + Px (1) + Px ( 2 ) + Px ( 3) ⎟
⎝2 2 ⎠

(iii) The age definitions for deaths and census no longer correspond. So, we need
to adjust the census information for those companies who supply details of
Px* ( t ) .

Assuming birthdays are uniformly distributed over the calendar year,

we can approximate Px ( t ) ≈ Px*−1 ( t ) + Px* ( t ) .
And the exposed to risk is then:

E xc = ∑
( Px ( t ) + Px ( t + 1) )
( 1
) (
= ∑ ⎜ Px*−1 ( t ) + Px* ( t ) + Px*−1 ( t + 1) + Px* ( t + 1) ⎟

0 2⎝2 2 ⎠
( 1
) ( 1
) (
= Px*−1 ( 0 ) + Px* ( 0 ) + Px*−1 (1) + Px* (1) + Px*−1 ( 2 ) + Px* ( 2 ) + Px*−1 ( 3) + Px* ( 3)

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

B3 (i) The hazard for a female patient is:

h f ( t ) = h0 ( t ) × exp ( 0 + β2 z2 )

and the hazard for a male patient is:

hm ( t ) = h0 ( t ) × exp ( β1 × 1 + β2 z2 )

Using βˆ i to denote our estimate of βi , we know from A that, if the model is


hm ( t ) = 1.02 × h f ( t ) , so that:

( ) (
h0 ( t ) × exp βˆ 1 + βˆ 2 z2 = 1.02 × h0 ( t ) × exp βˆ 2 z2 )
⇒ exp(βˆ 1 ) = 1.02

⇒βˆ 1 = ln (1.02 ) = 0.0198

And similarly, from B, we know that:

( ) (
h0 ( t ) × exp βˆ 1 z1 + 0 = 1.05 × h0 ( t ) × exp βˆ 1z1 + βˆ 2 z2 )
⇒ 1 =1.05 × exp βˆ 2 ( )
⇒ βˆ 2 = ln 1 (
1.05 )
= − 0.0488

(ii) The hazard for a male patient who has been given the new treatment is:

hm,n ( t ) = h0 ( t ) × exp ( β1 ×1 + β2 × 1)

= h0 ( t ) × exp ( 0.0198 − 0.0488 )

= h0 ( t ) × exp ( −0.029 )

= 0.9714 × h0 ( t )

The hazard for a female patient given the existing treatment is the baseline

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

Hence, the ratio of the hazard for a male patient who has been given the new
treatment to that for a female patient given the existing treatment is:

hm,n ( t )
= 0.9714
h0 ( t )


Candidates may recognise that the proportions given in A and B can be

combined to give:

hm,n ( t ) ⎡ h (t ) ⎤ ⎡ h (t ) ⎤ 1
= ⎢ m, x ⎥ × ⎢ x ,n ⎥ = 1.02 × = 0.9714
h f ,e ( t ) ⎣⎢ h f , x ( t ) ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ hx ,e ( t ) ⎦⎥ 1.05

(iii) The probability of death is given by:

{ 3
1 − Sm,n ( 3) = 1 − exp − ∫ hm,n ( s )ds
0 }
= 1 − exp − {∫ 3
0 }
0.9714 × h0 ( s )ds

⎧ ⎫
= 1 − exp ⎨0.9714 × ⎛⎜ − ∫ h0 ( s )ds ⎞⎟ ⎬

⎩ ⎝ 0 ⎠⎭

⎛ − ∫03 h0 ( s )ds ⎞
=1 − ⎜ e ⎟
⎝ ⎠

B4 (i) Let the age individual i enters observation be ai and the age that individual i
leaves observation be bi. Define an indicator variable di such that di = 0 if
individual i is not observed to die and di = 1 if individual i dies.

Measure all ages in years since exact age 60.

The estimate of q60 using the Binomial model is:

∑ di
i =1
qˆ60 = 10
∑ (1 − ai − ⎡⎣(1 − di )(1 − bi )⎤⎦ )
i =1

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

The denominator in this formula shows that for persons who do not die
(di = 0) the exposed to risk is bi – ai and for persons who die (di = 1) the
exposed to risk is 1 – ai.

Thus the relevant calculations are shown in the table below (all durations are
in years).

Person ai bi di 1 - ai 1 – bi 1 - ai - (1 - di)(- bi)

1 0 6/12 0 1 6/12 6/12

2 1/12 1 0 11/12 0 11/12
3 1/12 3/12 1 11/12 9/12 11/12
4 2/12 1 0 10/12 0 10/12
5 3/12 9/12 1 9/12 3/12 9/12
6 4/12 1 0 8/12 0 8/12
7 5/12 11/12 1 7/12 1/12 7/12
8 7/12 1 0 5/12 0 5/12
9 8/12 10/12 1 4/12 2/12 4/12
10 9/12 1 0 3/12 0 3/12

Totals 4 74/12

Therefore qˆ60 = = 0.6486 .
74 /12


Take the central exposed to risk, ∑ (bi − ai ) (in years) and add
½d60 to give the initial exposed to risk.

This involves estimating q60 using the formula

d60 4 4
qˆ60 = = = = 0.5783.
E60 + 0.5d 60 (59 /12) + 2 83 /12

[This approach is inferior to the first, as it does not use all the information
available in the data, and involves the assumption that the deaths take place,
on average, half way through the year.]

(ii) Strengths of Binomial model

• avoids numerical solution of equations

• can be generalised to give the Kaplan-Meier estimate

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Weaknesses of Binomial model

• need to compute an initial exposed-to-risk is a pointless complication if

census-type data are available

• not so easily generalised as two-state or Poisson models to processes with

more than one decrement, and not so easily generalised as two-state model
to increments

• estimate of qx has a higher variance than that of the two-state Poisson

models (though the difference is very small unless mortality is very high)

B5 (i) There will be Type I censoring of lives that survive to age 55 years.

There will be random censoring of lives that withdraw before age 55 years.

(ii) The calculations are shown in the table below, where durations are measured
in years since the 50th birthday.

Using the convention that, when deaths and withdrawals are observed at the
same duration, deaths occur first:

tj Nj dj cj dj /Nj ˆ =
Λ t ∑ (d j / N j )
t j ≤t

0 12
0.25 12 1 1 0.0833 0.0833
1.00 10 1 2 0.1000 0.1833
2.75 7 1 2 0.1429 0.3262
4.25 4 1 3 0.25 0.5762

Since Sˆ (t ) = exp(−Λ
ˆ )

the estimated survival function is

t Sˆ (t )

0 ≤ t < 0.25 1.0000

0.25 ≤ t < 1.00 0.9201
1.00 ≤ t < 2.75 0.8325
2.75 ≤ t < 4.25 0.7217
4.25 ≤ t < 5.00 0.5620

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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 33 3.5 44 4.5 55
Duration since 50th birthday

B6 (i) (a) The general form is

μ x = (polynomial(1)) + exp(polynomial(2)) ,

where polynomial (1) takes the form

α 0 + α1x + α 2 x 2 + ...

and polynomial (2) takes the form

β0 + β1x + β2 x 2 + ....

(b) In the case of the Gompertz formula μ x = Bc x , then putting

B = exp(β0 ) and c = exp(β1 ) ,

we can re-write the formula as

μ x = exp(β0 ) exp(β1x) = exp(β0 + β1 x) ,

which is of the required form if

αi = 0 for all i


βi = 0 for i = 2, 3, ….

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

Similarly the Makeham formula μ x = A + Bc x

can be expressed in the required form by putting

A = α 0 , B = exp(β0 ) and c = exp(β1 ) .

(ii) (a) The Gompertz formula written

μ x = exp(β0 + β1x)

is an exponential function which implies that the rate of increase of

mortality with age is constant.

This is often a reasonable assumption for ordinary lives at middle ages

and older ages.

In the special case of the impaired lives known to be suffering from a

degenerative disease, it is plausible to suppose that the rate of increase
of mortality might increase with age.

⎛ 1⎞
The term b2 ⎜ x + ⎟ in the formula can allow for this possibility.
⎝ 2⎠

(b) The graduation can be achieved by

maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters

or by ordinary least squares regression

⎡ ⎤ 1 ⎛ 1⎞
of log ⎢μˆ 1 ⎥ on x + and ⎜x+ ⎟ .
⎢⎣ x+ 2 ⎥⎦ 2 ⎝ 2⎠

(iii) (a) The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the graduated
rates and the underlying rates in the population from which the crude
rates are derived.

To test overall goodness-of-fit we use the chi-squared test.

∑ z x 2 ∼ χ2m ,

where m is the number of degrees of freedom.

In this case, we have 8 ages, but 3 parameters were estimated when

performing the graduation, so m = 5.

Page 21
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

The calculations are shown in the table below.

Age x zx zx2

50 -0.12031 0.01447
51 -0.20055 0.04022
52 -0.24749 0.06125
53 0.11341 0.01286
54 -0.79336 0.62942
55 -0.66436 0.44137
56 -0.44369 0.19686
57 -0.35225 0.12408

Sum 1.52053

The critical value of the chi-squared distribution with 5 degrees of

freedom at the 5 per cent level is 11.07.

Since 1.52052 11.07, we do not reject the null hypothesis and

conclude that the graduation adheres satisfactorily to the data.

(b) To test for bias we use EITHER the Signs Test or the Cumulative
Deviations test.

Signs Test

The test statistic, P, is the number of signs that is positive.

Under the null hypothesis, P ~ Binomial(8,0.5)

In this case P = 1, and Prob[ P ≤ 1 ] = 0.0352.

Since this probability > 0.025 (two-tailed test) we do not reject the null

We conclude that the graduated rates are not biased above or below the
crude rates.

Page 22
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2006 — Examiners’ Report

Cumulative deviations test

The test statistic

∑ (μˆ x+ 1 Ex − μ x+ 12 Ex )
x 2 ~ Normal(0,1) .
∑ μ x+ 12 Ex

The calculations are shown in the table below.

o o
Age x μˆ 1 Ex − μ x+ 1 Ex μ x+ 1 Ex
x+ 2 2

50 -0.63 27.63
51 -1.06 28.06
52 -1.32 28.32
53 0.61 29.39
54 -4.13 27.13
55 -3.20 23.20
56 -2.03 21.03
57 -1.72 23.72

Sum -13.48 208.48

The value of the test statistic is therefore

(-13.48/√208.48) = -0.9335.

using a two-tailed test, the absolute value of the test statistics is less
than 1.96, so we do not reject the null hypothesis.

We conclude that the graduated rates are not biased above or below the
crude rates.

(c) To test for the existence of individual ages at which the graduated rates
depart greatly from the observed rates we can use the Individual
Standardised Deviations Test.

There are no ages at which the absolute value of zx exceeds 1.96.

Therefore we do not reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there
are no outliers.

Page 23
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


20 April 2007 (am)

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

Time allowed: Three hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 11 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

© Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 A2007 © Institute of Actuaries
1 (a) Define, in the context of stochastic processes, a:

1. mixed process
2. counting process

(b) Give an example application of each type of process.


2 An insurance company is investigating the mortality of its annuity policyholders. It is

proposed that the crude mortality rates be graduated for use in future premium

(i) (a) Suggest, with reasons, a suitable method of graduation in this case.

(b) Describe how you would graduate the crude rates.


(ii) Comment on any further considerations that the company should take into
account before using the graduated rates for premium calculations. [2]
[Total 5]

3 The government of a small country has asked you to construct a model for forecasting
future mortality.

Outline the stages you would go through in identifying an appropriate model. [6]

4 The actuary to a large pension scheme carried out an investigation of the mortality of
the scheme’s pensioners over the two years from 1 January 2005 to 1 January 2007.

(i) List the data required by the actuary for an exact calculation of the central
exposed to risk for lives aged x. [2]

The following is an extract from the data collected by the actuary.

Age x Number of pensioners at: Deaths during:

birthday 1 January 1 January 1 January 2005 2006
2005 2006 2007

63 1,248 1,312 1,290 10 6

64 1,465 1,386 1,405 13 15
65 1,678 1,720 1,622 16 23
66 1,719 1,642 1,667 22 19
67 1,686 1,695 1,601 19 25

CT4 A2007—2
(ii) (a) Derive an expression that could be used to estimate the central exposed
to risk using the available data. State any assumptions you make.

(b) Use the data to estimate μ65 . State any further assumptions that you
make. [4]
[Total 6]

5 (i) Define the hazard rate, h(t), of a random variable T denoting lifetime. [1]

(ii) An investigation is undertaken into the mortality of men aged between exact
ages 50 and 55 years. A sample of n men is followed from their 50th
birthdays until either they die or they reach their 55th birthdays.

The hazard of death (or force of mortality) between these ages, h(t), is
assumed to have the following form:

h(t ) = α + β t

where α and β are parameters to be estimated and t is measured in years since

the 50th birthday.

(a) Derive an expression for the survival function between ages 50 and 55

(b) Sketch this on a graph.

(c) Comment on the appropriateness of the assumed form of the hazard for
modelling mortality over this age range.
[Total 7]


6 A three state process with state space {A, B, C} is believed to follow a Markov chain
with the following possible transitions:


An instrument was used to monitor this process, but it was set up incorrectly and only
recorded the state occupied after every two time periods. From these observations the
following two-step transition probabilities have been estimated:

PAA = 0.5625
PAB = 0.125
PBA = 0.475
PCC = 0.4

Calculate the one-step transition matrix consistent with these estimates. [8]

CT4 A2007—4
7 Every person has two chromosomes, each being a copy of one of the chromosomes
from one of their parents. There are two types of chromosomes labelled X and Y. A
child born with an X and a Y chromosome is male and a child with two X
chromosomes is female.

The blood-clotting disorder haemophilia is caused by a defective X chromosome

(X*). A female with the defective chromosome (X*X) will not usually exhibit
symptoms of the disease but may pass the defective gene to her children and so is
known as a carrier. A male with the defective chromosome (X*Y) suffers from the
disease and is known as a haemophiliac.

A medical researcher wishes to study the progress of the disease through the first born
child in each generation, starting with a female carrier.

You may assume:

• every parent has a equal chance of passing either of their chromosomes to their

• the partner of each person in the study does not carry a defective X chromosome;

• no new genetic defects occur

(i) Show that the expected progress of the disease through the generations may be
modelled as a Markov chain and specify carefully:

(a) the state space; and

(b) the transition diagram

(ii) State, with reasons, whether the chain is:

(a) irreducible; and

(b) aperiodic

(iii) Calculate the stationary distribution of the Markov chain. [3]

[Total 10]


8 A medical study was carried out between 1 January 2001 and 1 January 2006, to
assess the survival rates of cancer patients. The patients all underwent surgery during
2001 and then attended 3-monthly check-ups throughout the study.

The following data were collected:

For those patients who died during the study exact dates of death were recorded as

Patient Date of surgery Date of death

A 1 April 2001 1 August 2005

B 1 April 2001 1 October 2001
C 1 May 2001 1 March 2002
D 1 September 2001 1 August 2003
E 1 October 2001 1 August 2002

For those patients who survived to the end of the study:

Patient Date of surgery

F 1 February 2001
G 1 March 2001
H 1 April 2001
I 1 June 2001
J 1 September 2001
K 1 September 2001
L 1 November 2001

For those patients with whom the hospital lost contact before the end of the

Patient Date of surgery Date of last check-up

M 1 February 2001 1 August 2003

N 1 June 2001 1 March 2002
O 1 September 2001 1 September 2005

(i) Explain whether and where each of the following types of censoring is present
in this investigation:

(a) type I censoring

(b) interval censoring; and
(c) informative censoring [3]

(ii) Calculate the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function for these
patients. State any assumptions that you make. [7]

(iii) Hence estimate the probability that a patient will die within 4 years of surgery.
[Total 11]

CT4 A2007—6
9 An insurance company is concerned that the ratio between the mortality of its female
and male pensioners is unlike the corresponding ratio among insured pensioners in
general. It conducts an investigation and estimates the mortality of male and female
pensioners, μˆ m x+1/ 2 and μ
ˆ x+1/ 2 . It then uses the μ
ˆmx+1/ 2 to calculate what the expected
mortality of its female pensioners would be if the ratio between male and female
mortality rates reflected the corresponding ratio in the PMA92 and PFA92 tables,
S x +1/ 2 , using the formula

 xf +1/ 2 = μˆ m
x +1/ 2 S x +1/ 2 .

The table below shows, for a range of ages, the numbers of female deaths actually
observed in the investigation and the number which would be expected from the
μ f
 x+1/ 2 .

Age Actual deaths Expected deaths

x Excμˆ xf +1/ 2 Excμ
 xf +1/ 2

65 30 28.4
66 20 30.1
67 25 31.2
68 40 33.5
69 45 34.1
70 50 41.8
71 50 46.5
72 45 44.5

(i) Describe and carry out an overall test of the hypothesis that the ratios between
male and female death rates among the company’s pensioners are the same as
those of insured pensioners in general. Clearly state your conclusion. [5]

(ii) Investigate further the possible existence of unusual ratios between male and
female death rates among the company’s pensioners, using two other
appropriate statistical tests. [6]
[Total 11]


10 The members of a particular profession work exclusively in partnerships.

A certain partnership is concerned that it is losing trained technical staff to its

competitors. Informal debriefing interviews with individuals leaving the partnership
suggest that one reason for this is that the duration elapsing between becoming fully
qualified and being made a partner is longer in this partnership than in the profession
as a whole.

The partnership decides to investigate whether this claim is true using a multiple-state
model with three states: (1) fully qualified but not yet a partner, (2) fully qualified and
a partner, (3) working for another partnership. The period of the investigation is to
be 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2006.

(i) (a) Draw and label a state-space diagram depicting the chosen model,
showing possible transitions between the three states.

(b) State any assumptions implied by the diagram you have drawn and
comment on their appropriateness.

(ii) (a) State what data would be required in order to estimate the transition
intensity of moving from state (1) to state (2) for employees aged 30
years last birthday.

(b) Write down the likelihood of these data.

(c) Derive an expression for the maximum likelihood estimate of this

transition intensity.

The investigation assumes that all transition intensities are constant within
each year of age. [7]

In order to estimate the corresponding transition intensity for competitors, the

partnership is compelled to rely on data kept by the relevant professional institute, of
which all fully qualified individuals must be members. The institute keeps data on the
numbers of members actively working on 1 January each year, classified by year of
birth, according to whether or not they are partners. It also keeps data on the number
of members who become partners each year, classified by age in completed years
upon election to partnership.

(iii) Derive, using these data, an estimate for the profession as a whole of the
corresponding transition intensity of becoming a partner among persons aged
30 years last birthday during the period of the investigation. State any
assumptions you make. [5]
[Total 15]

CT4 A2007—8
11 (i) Consider two Poisson processes, one with rate λ and the other with rate μ .
Prove that the sum of events arising from either of these processes is also a
Poisson process with rate ( λ + μ ). [2]

(ii) (a) Explain what is meant by a Markov jump chain.

(b) Describe the circumstances in which the outcome of the Markov jump
chain differs from the standard Markov chain with the same transition
matrix. [4]

An airline has N adjacent check-in desks at a particular airport, each of which can
handle any customer from that airline. Arrivals of passengers at the check-in area are
assumed to follow a Poisson process with rate q. The time taken to check-in a
passenger is assumed to follow an exponential distribution with mean 1/a.

(iii) Show that the number of desks occupied, together with the number of
passengers waiting for a desk to become available, can be formulated as a
Markov jump process and specify:

(a) the state space; and

(b) the transition diagram

(iv) State the Kolmogorov forward equations for the process, in component form.

(v) Comment on the appropriateness of the assumptions made regarding

passenger arrival and the check-in process. [2]

(vi) (a) Set out the transition matrix of the jump chain associated with the
airline check-in process.

(b) Determine the probability that all desks are in use before any passenger
has completed the check-in process, given that no passengers have
arrived at check-in at the outset. [4]
[Total 17]


CT4 A2007—9
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

April 2007

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical



The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

M A Stocker
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

June 2007

© Faculty of Actuaries
© Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this April 2007 paper are given
below and further comments, where appropriate, are given in the solutions that follow.

Question 1 This was poorly answered by most candidates.

Question 2 This was reasonably well answered.

In part (iii), many candidates did not take into account that the question
related to annuities.

Question 3 This was reasonably well answered, although many candidates took no
account of the particular circumstances referred to in the question.

Question 4 Again, this was reasonably well answered overall.

Many candidates failed to state the correct assumptions.

Question 5 Overall this was poorly answered,

Many candidates did not provide a correct definition for the hazard function.
In part (ii), marks were lost by candidates who evaluated the survival function
at t = 5, rather than providing the expression for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5 , and by those who
provided graphs which were incorrectly or incompletely labelled.

Question 6 This was well answered by most candidates.

Question 7 Overall this was reasonably well answered, with the stronger candidates
scoring highly.

Question 8 This was well answered overall.

In part (ii), a relatively common error was to ignore the date of surgery,
effectively assuming that all lives entered into the study on 1 January 2001.

Question 9 This was reasonably well answered overall.

As for similar questions in previous years, the main areas where candidates
lost marks were: failing to provide sufficient and sufficiently clear working;
failing to identify the correct degrees of freedom to be used in the chi-squared
test; and failing to state relevant and clear conclusions to the tests.
Many candidates who carried out the test for individual standardised
deviations failed to address the issue of outliers.
Many candidates carried out the Grouping of Signs test, which was not
appropriate with so few age groups.

Question 10 Parts (i) and (ii) were fairly well answered overall, but few candidates scored
well in part (iii).

Question 11 This was very poorly answered by most candidates.

The most common error in part (iii) was to give the state space as
{0, 1, 2, …., N - 1, N}. Few candidates attempted part (vi).

Page 2
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

1 Mixed process

(a) Is a stochastic process that operates in continuous time, which can also change
value at predetermined discrete instants.

(b) The number of contributors to a pension scheme can be modelled as a mixed

process with state space S = {1, 2,3,...} and time interval J = [ 0, ∞ ] .

Counting process

(a) Is a process, X, in discrete or continuous time, whose state space is the natural
numbers {0, 1, 2, …}.

X(t) is a non-decreasing function of t.

(b) Number of claims reported to an insurer by time t.

2 (i) (a) Graduation by reference to a standard table would be appropriate.

There are likely to be existing standard tables which are suitable and
this method is suitable for relatively small data sets.

Alternatively, graduation by parametric formula would be suitable if

the volume of data was large enough. But that is unlikely to be the
case here.

Graphical graduation would not be appropriate for rates for premium


(b) Assuming graduation by reference to a standard table:

• Select a suitable table, based on a similar group of lives.

• Plot the crude rates against qxs from the standard table to identify a
simple relationship.

• Find the best-fit parameters, using maximum likelihood or least

squares estimates.

• Test the graduation for goodness of fit. If the fit is not adequate,
the process should be repeated.

(ii) Considerations include:

• As the premiums are for annuity policies, it is important not to

overestimate the mortality rates, as the premiums would be too low.

Page 3
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

• The rates will be based on current mortality; the company should also take
into account expected future changes, especially any reductions in
mortality rates.

• Premiums charged by other insurer: if rates are too high the company will
fail to attract business; if too low, it may attract too much, unprofitable

3 Clarify the purpose of the exercise. Why does the government want forecasts of
mortality? What is the period for which the forecast is wanted? Is it short (e.g. 5–10
years) or long (e.g. 50–70 years).

Consult the existing literature on models for forecasting mortality, and speak to
experts in this field of application. Consider using or adapting existing models which
are employed in other countries.

Establish what data are available (e.g. on past mortality trends in the country,
preferably with deaths classified by age and cause of death).

On the basis of what data are available, define the model you propose to use. If the
data are simple and not detailed, then a complex model is not justified. Will a
deterministic or a stochastic model be appropriate in this case?

Identify suitable computer software to implement the model, or, if none exists, write a
bespoke program.

Debug the program or, if existing software is used, check that it performs the
operations you intend it to do.

Run the model and test the reasonableness of the output. Consider, for example, the
forecast values of quantities such as the expectation of life at birth.

Test the sensitivity of the results to changes in the input parameters.

Analyse the output.

Write a report documenting the results and the model and communicate the results
and the output to the government of the small country.

Page 4
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

4 (i) For each pensioner in the investigation, the actuary would need:

Date of entry into the investigation

(the latest of date of retirement, date of xth birthday and 1 January 2005)

Date of exit from the investigation

(the earliest of date of death, date of (x+1)th birthday and 1 January 2007)

(ii) (a) The central exposed to risk of pensioners aged x nearest birthday is
given by

E xc = ∫ Px,t

≈ ∑ 12 ( Px,t + Px,t +1 ) = 1P
2 x ,0
+ Px,1 + 12 Px,2

Where Px,t is the number of pensioners aged x nearest birthday at time

t, measured from 1 January 2005.

This assumes that Px,t is linear over the calendar year.

(b) This is a life year rate interval, from age x-½ to x+½. The age in the
middle of the rate interval is x, so μ̂ estimates μ x , assuming a constant
force of mortality over the life year.

The estimate of μ x is therefore given by:

d65,2005 + d65,2006
μˆ 65 = c

16 + 23 39
= =
( 1 × 1678 + 1720 + 1 × 1622
2 2 ) 3370

= 0.01157

Page 5
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

5 (i) The hazard function is defined as

h(t ) = lim ( Pr[T ≤ t + dt | T > t ]) .
dt →0+ dt

(ii) (a) Since the survival function S(t) is given by

⎛ t ⎞
S (t ) = exp ⎜ − ∫ h( s )ds ⎟ ,
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠


⎛ t ⎞ ⎡ βs 2 ⎤
⎡ βt 2 ⎤
S (t ) = exp ⎜ − ∫ ( α + β s ) ds ⎟ = exp ⎢ −αs − ⎥ = exp ⎢ −αt − ⎥
⎜ ⎟ ⎢
⎣ 2 ⎦⎥ ⎢
⎣ 2 ⎦⎥
⎝ 0 ⎠ 0

where 0 ≤ t ≤ 5 .

(b) A suitable plot is shown below.


0 1 2 3 4 5
Duration since age 50 years

Both concave and convex plots were acceptable as this depends on

parameters, α and β.

(c) If both α and β are positive, then the formula implies a force of
mortality which increases with age, which is sensible for this age

The parameter α measures the ‘level’ of mortality and the parameter β

measures the rate of increase with age. Varying these permits quite a
wide range of forms for S(t).

So the formula seems appropriate.

Page 6
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

6 Based on the given transition diagram, the one-step transition matrix must be of the

⎛a 0 c⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜d e f⎟
⎜0 i ⎟⎠
⎝ h

The two-step transition matrix is given by:

c ⎞ ⎜⎛ a c(a + i ) ⎞
⎛a 0 c ⎞ ⎛a 0 ch

⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎜d e f ⎟*⎜ d e f ⎟ = ⎜ d (a + e) e 2 + fh cd + ef + fi ⎟
⎜0 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ h i ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 0 h i ⎟⎠ ⎜ dh h (e + i ) fh + i 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

PAA = 0.5625 ⇒ a 2 = 0.5625 ⇒ a = 0.75

Rows of transition matrix must sum to 1.

So, a+c=1
and c = 0.25

PAB = 0.125 ⇒ ch = 0.125 ⇒ h = 0.5

so i=0.5

PCC = 0.4 ⇒ f × 0.5 + 0.52 = 0.4 ⇒ f = 0.3

PBA = 0.475 ⇒ d (0.75 + e) = 0.475

Rows sum to 1 so, d + e =0.7

Substitute for e:

d (1.45 − d ) = 0.475 ⇒ d 2 − 1.45d + 0.475 = 0

Solving using standard quadratic formula:

1.45 ± 1.452 − 4 × 0.475 1.45 ± 0.45

d= = = 0.95 or 0.5
2 2

0.95 is not possible because e would need to be negative

So d = 0.5 and e = 0.2

Page 7
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

Transition matrix is:

⎛ 0.75 0 0.25 ⎞
⎜ 0.5 0.2 0.3 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0.5 0.5 ⎟⎠

7 (i) Consider the sequence of the status of the first born child in each generation.

The state space consists of the four possible combinations of chromosomes:

Female non-carrier (FN) or XX

Female carrier (FC) or X*X
Male non-sufferer (MN) or XY
Male haemophiliac (MH) or X*Y

Using the assumption that there is an equal chance of either chromosome

being inherited:

• A female non-carrier will lead to a female non-carrier or male non-carrier.

• A female carrier may produce:

X*X, XX, X*Y, XY all with equal probability.

• A male non-sufferer will lead to female non-carrier or male non-carrier.

• A male haemophiliac may produce:

X*X or XY (because his partner must provide an X) with equal


Page 8
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

The transition diagram is therefore:


0.5 0.5


Each of the transition probabilities depends only on state currently occupied,
so the process possesses the Markov property.

(ii) (a) The chain is reducible because once it enters states FN or MN it cannot
access FC or MH.

(b) The chain is aperiodic.

As it is reducible we need to consider each group of states. FN/MN
clearly have no period, and MH/FC do not either because a loop is
possible in state FC.

(iii) The transition matrix is

FN (0) 0.5 0 0.5 0
A = FC (1) 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
MN (2) 0.5 0 0.5 0
MH (3) 0 0.5 0.5 0

Page 9
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

The stationary distribution π must satisfy:

π0 = 0.5π0 + 0.25π1 + 0.5π2

π1 = 0.25π1 + 0.5π3
π2 = 0.5π0 + 0.25π1 + 0.5π2 + 0.5π3
π3 = 0.25π1


π1 = 0.25π1 + 0.5 × 0.25π1

⇒ π1 = π3 = 0
⇒ π0 = π2 = 0.5

An alternative solution combines the states FN and MN to give a 3-state model. This
was given credit.

8 (i) (a) Type I censoring is present for those lives still under observation at 31
December 2005 as the censoring times are known in advance.

(b) Interval censoring would be present if we only knew death occurred

between check-ups. However, actual dates of death are known, so
interval censoring is not present.

Right censoring can be seen as a special case of interval censoring (for

those censored before death, we know death occurs in the interval (ci,
∞) where ci is the censoring time for person i).

(c) Informative censoring is not likely to be present. The censoring of

lives gives us no information about future lifetimes.

Page 10
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(ii) The durations at which lives died or were censored are shown below. Duration
is measured in years and months from the date of surgery.

Patient Death or censored Duration

A death 4 years 4 months
B death 6 months
C death 10 months
D death 1 year 11 months
E death 10 months
F censored 4 years 11 months
G censored 4 years 10 months
H censored 4 years 9 months
I censored 4 years 7 months
J censored 4 years 4 months
K censored 4 years 4 months
L censored 4 years 2 months
M censored 2 years 6 months
N censored 9 months
O censored 4 years

The calculation of the survival function is shown in the table below. We

assume that at duration 4 years 4 months, the death occurred before lives were

tj nj dj cj λˆ j = d j / n j
0 15 0 0 0
0.5 15 1 1 1/15
0.833 13 2 0 2/13
1.917 11 1 3 1/11
4.333 7 1 6 1/7

The estimated survival function is given by, Sˆ ( t ) = ∏ 1 − λ j . So, )
t j ≤t

t Ŝ ( t )
0.000 ≤ t < 0.500 1.0000
0.500 ≤ t < 0.833 0.9333
0.833 ≤ t < 1.917 0.7897
1.917 ≤ t < 4.333 0.7179
4.333 ≤ t < 5.0 0.6154

Solutions using different assumptions (for example assuming the death at 4

years 4 months occurred after lives were censored, or assuming lives M, N
and O were censored sometime within 3 months of their last check-up) were
acceptable and received credit.

Page 11
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(iii) The probability that a patient will die within 4 years of surgery is estimated

1 − Sˆ ( 4 ) = 1 – 0.7179
= 0.2821

9 (i) The chi-squared test is a suitable overall test.

The test statistic is ∑ z x2 , where


E xcμˆ xf +1/ 2 − E xc μ
 xf +1/ 2
zx = .
E xc μ
 xf +1/ 2

∑ zx2 has the χ82 distribution.


The calculations are shown in the table below

Age Actual Expected

deaths deaths
x Excμˆ xf +1/ 2 Excμ
 xf +1/ 2 zx zx2

65 30 28.4 0.3002 0.0901

66 20 30.1 -1.8409 3.3890
67 25 31.2 -1.1100 1.2321
68 40 33.5 1.1230 1.2612
69 45 34.1 1.8666 3.4842
70 50 41.8 1.2683 1.6086
71 50 46.5 0.5133 0.2634
72 45 44.5 0.0750 0.0056

∑ zx2 = 11.3343.

The critical value of the χ82 distribution at the 5% level of statistical

significance is 15.51.

Since 11.3343 < 15.51, we have no reason to reject the null hypothesis that the
sex ratios of death rates among the company’s pensioners are the same as
those prevailing in the PMA92 and PFA92 tables.

Page 12
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(ii) Standardised deviations test

Using the individual standardised deviations test, we note that none of the zxs
exceeds 1.96 in absolute value, so there is no evidence that the sex ratios
among the company’s pensioners are unusual at any specific ages

Signs test

Under the null hypothesis of no difference between the company’s pensioners

and insured pensioners in general, the number of positive signs should have a
Binomial (8, 0.5) distribution.

There are 2 negative and 6 positive signs.

The probability of obtaining 6 positive signs if the null hypothesis is true is

⎛8 ⎞ 8
⎜ ⎟ 0.5 = 0.1094

Since this is greater than 0.025 (two-tailed test), the sex ratios of death rates
among the company’s pensioners are not systematically higher or lower than
those derived from the PMA92 and PFA92 tables.

Cumulative deviations test

The cumulative deviation

∑ ( Excμˆ xf +1/ 2 − Excμ xf +1/ 2 ) ~ Normal (0, Excμ xf +1/ 2 ) ,


so that under the null hypothesis

∑ ( Excμˆ xf +1/ 2 − Excμ xf +1/ 2 )

~ Normal (0,1).
∑ Excμ xf +1/ 2

Using the figures in the table above we have

∑ ( Excμˆ xf +1/ 2 − Excμ xf +1/ 2 ) 14.9

= = 0.875
∑ Excμ xf +1/ 2 290

and since |0.875| < 1.96 using a two-tailed test, the sex ratios of death rates
among the company’s pensioners are not systematically higher or lower than
those derived from the PMA92 and PFA92 tables.

Page 13
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

Credit was only given for one of the Signs test and the Cumulative Deviations
test as they both test for bias.

Serial correlations test (lag 1)

The calculations are shown in the tables below

1 7 1 8
z (1) = ∑x
7 1
z = 0.3029 , and z (2)
= ∑ zx = 0.2707
7 2

Age x z x − z (1) z x +1 − z (2) ( z x − z (1) )( z x +1 − z (2) )

65 -0.0027 -2.1117 0.0057

66 -2.1439 -1.3807 2.9601
67 -1.4129 0.8523 -1.2042
68 0.8201 1.5958 1.3087
69 1.5637 0.9976 1.5598
70 0.9654 0.2425 0.2341
71 0.2103 -0.1958 -0.0412

Sum 4.8231

2 2
Age ⎡ z x − z (1) ⎤ ⎡ z x +1 − z (2) ⎤
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

65 0.0000 4.4592
66 4.5962 1.9064
67 1.9963 0.7264
68 0.6726 2.5467
69 2.4450 0.9951
70 0.9320 0.0588
71 0.0442 0.0383

Sum 10.6863 10.7310

The correlation coefficient is therefore

r1 = = 0.4503

We test r1 8 = 1.27 against the Normal (0,1) distribution using a one-tailed


Page 14
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

Since 1.27 < 1.645, we conclude that there is no evidence that the sex ratios of
death rates among the company’s pensioners vary with age in a way different
from the ratios derived from PMA92 and PFA92.

Note that the Grouping of Signs test is not appropriate with 8 ages, 6 positive
and 2 negative signs.

10 (i) (a) A suitable diagram is shown below.

μ 21
x +t
1 Fully qualified but 2 Fully qualified
not yet a partner and a partner
x +t

x +t μ31
x +t μ32
x +t μ 23
x +t

3 Working for
another company

(b) The chosen model ignores death among persons in the relevant age
groups. Since mortality in this age group among professional people is
likely to be low, this seems reasonable.

This diagram assumes that demotion is possible, i.e. some-one who has
become a partner can return to non-partnership status without leaving
the company.

The assumption is also made that a new employee joining from another
company can do so as a partner.

Credit was given for models based on alternative assumptions, provided these
were reasonable.

(ii) (a) Assume we have data on N individuals (i = 1, ..., N).

We should need to know for each individual:

• the total waiting time during the calendar years 1997–2006 in state
(1) when aged 30 last birthday

• whether or not the individual was made a partner between exact

ages 30 and 31 years during the calendar years 1997–2006 while
remaining in the company.

Page 15
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(b) The likelihood of the data is:

L = ∏ K exp[−(μ13 + μ12 )vi ](μ12 ) di
i =1


vi is the waiting time at age 30 last birthday in state (1) for

individual i.

di is an indicator variable such that di = 1 if individual i was made a

partner while aged 30 last birthday during the period of the
investigation and di = 0 otherwise.

K is a constant denoting terms that do not depend on μ12.

(c) The logarithm of the likelihood is

log e L = ∑ log e K − (μ12 + μ13 )vi + di log e μ12
i =1

Differentiating this with respect to μ12 we obtain

∂ log e L N ∑ di
= −∑ vi + i =1
∂μ i =1 μ

and setting this equal to zero and solving for μ12 gives
∑ di
12 i =1
μˆ = N
∑ vi
i =1

This is the maximum likelihood estimate, as can be seen by noting that


∂ 2 log e L
∑ di
i =1
12 2
=− 12 2
which must be negative.
(∂μ ) (μ )

Page 16
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(iii) The data on becoming a partner are classified by age last birthday, which is
the same classification as used in the company’s own investigation, therefore
the relevant intensities will relate to the same age range.

For the correct exposed to risk we only consider those who are members of the
institute but not yet partners.

Let the number of such members in the census in year t who were born in year
s be Pt ,s .

All persons born in year s would be aged x last birthday on 1 January in year

Therefore, assuming that the Pt ,s change linearly during each calendar year
the correct exposed to risk for the year 1997 is

( P1997,1956 + P1998,1957 )

and the exposed to risk for the entire 10-year period of the investigation is

t = 2006
∑ ( Pt ,t −31 + Pt +1,t −30 ) .
t =1997 2

If the number of persons becoming partners aged 30 last birthday in year t is

θt , then an estimate of the relevant transition intensity is

t = 2006
∑ θt
t =1997
t = 2006
∑ 2 ( Pt ,t −31 + Pt +1,t −30 )
t =1997

11 (i) Consider a small time interval dt

The probability of an arrival from the first process in time dt is

λ.dt + o(dt ) and the probability of a arrival from the second process in time dt
is μ.dt + o(dt ) .

The arrival probability for the sum of the processes in dt is therefore

(λ + μ).dt + o(dt )

This is by definition a Poisson process with rate ( λ + μ ).

Alternative solutions, based on the Moment Generating Function or the

Probability Generating Function of a Poisson distribution were acceptable.

Page 17
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(ii) (a) A jump chain is formed by recording the state of a Markov jump
process only at the instant when a transition has just been made.

The jump chain is in itself a Markov chain.

(b) The outcome of the jump chain can only differ from that of the
standard Markov chain if the jump process enters an absorbing state.

As the jump process will make no further transitions once it enters an

absorbing state, the jump chain “stops”.

It is possible to model the jump chain as though transitions continue to

occur but the chain continues to occupy the same state.

(iii) The possible states are 0 to N desks in use with no passengers queuing, and N
desks in use with 0, 1, 2, ….. passengers in the queue.

When all desks are occupied and there are M passengers in the queue denote
the state as N:M.

State space is:

{0, 1, 2, …., N - 1, N : 0, N : 1, N : 2, …..}

Transition diagram:

a 2a Na Na Na

0 1 2 N-1 N:0 N:1 N:2

q q q q q

(iv) Kolmogorov forward equations in component form are:

P0 (t ) = aP1 (t ) − qP0 (t )

Pr (t ) = a(r + 1) Pr +1 (t ) + qPr −1 (t ) − (ar + q ) Pr (t ) r+1 ≤ N

PN :0 (t ) = aNPN :1 (t ) + qPN −1 (t ) − (aN + q) PN :0 (t )

PN :m (t ) = aNPN :m+1 (t ) + qPN :m−1 (t ) − (aN + q ) PN :m (t ) m≥1

Page 18
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(v) Poisson process is usually suitable for arrivals at a service point.

Rate may be time inhomogeneous because passengers may aim to arrive a

couple of hours before the flight — so a time-inhomogeneous Poisson process
may be better.

However if the airline operates many flights this may not be an issue.

Passengers may be checked-in in family groups rather than individually.

There is likely to be a minimum time for processing a check-in due to standard

security questions etc, so exponential distribution may not hold.

(vi) (a) The transition matrix is:

⎛ 0 1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ a 0
q ⎟
⎜a+q a+q ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 2a q ⎟
⎜ 2a + q 2a + q ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ % % % ⎟
⎜ Na q ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎟
⎜ Na + q Na + q ⎟
⎜ Na q ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎟
⎜ Na + q Na + q ⎟
⎜ % % ⎟⎠

(b) This is the probability that all the first N transitions are to the right in
the transition diagram.

The probability of each transition is given by the elements in the upper

half of the jump chain transition matrix in (vi)(a).

N −1
Required probability is therefore q N −1
i =1
ia + q


Page 19
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


3 October 2007 (am)

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

Time allowed: Three hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 11 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the
Formulae and Tables and your own electronic calculator.

© Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 S2007 © Institute of Actuaries
1 List the factors you would consider when assessing the suitability of an actuarial
model for its purpose. [4]

2 A particular baker’s shop in a small town sells only one product: currant buns. These
currant buns are delicious and customers travel many miles to buy them.
Unfortunately, the buns do not keep fresh and cannot be stored overnight.

The baker’s practice is to bake a certain number of buns, K, before the shop opens
each morning, and then during the day to continue baking c buns per hour. He is
concerned that:

• he does not run out of buns during the day; and

• the number of buns left over at the end of each day is as few as possible

(i) Describe a model which would allow you to estimate the probability that the
baker will run out of buns. State any assumptions you make. [3]

(ii) Determine the relevant expression for the probability that the baker will run
out of buns, in terms of K, c, and Bj, the number of buns bought by the day’s
jth customer. [1]
[Total 4]

3 A no-claims discount system has 3 levels of discount: 0%, 25% and 50%. The rules
for moving between discount levels are:

• After a claim-free year, move up to the next higher level or remain at the 50%
discount level.

• After a year with one or more claims, move down to the next lower level or
remain at the 0% discount level.

The long-run probability that a policyholder is in the maximum discount level is 0.75.

Calculate the probability that a given policyholder has a claim-free year, assuming
that this probability is constant.

CT4 S2007—2
4 A national mortality investigation was carried out. It was suggested that the mortality
of the male population could be represented by the following graduated rates:

μ x + 1 =μ sx + 2 1
2 2

where μ sx is from the standard tables, ELT15(males).

The table below shows the graduated rates for part of the age range, together with the
exposed to risk, expected and actual deaths at each age. The squared standardised
deviations that were calculated are also shown.

⎛ c o ⎞
⎜ θ x − E x ⋅μ x + 12 ⎟
The standardised deviations were calculated as z x = ⎝ ⎠
E xc ⋅μ x + 1

Age Graduated Exposed Expected Deaths Squared

rates to risk deaths standardised
o o
x μ x+ 1 E xc E xc ⋅μ x + 1 θx z x2
2 2

50 0.00549 10,850 59.57 52 0.9611

51 0.00610 9,812 59.85 54 0.5724
52 0.00679 10,054 68.27 60 1.0010
53 0.00757 9,650 73.05 65 0.8872
54 0.00845 8,563 72.36 64 0.9653
55 0.00945 10,656 100.70 87 1.8637
56 0.01057 9,667 102.18 88 1.9679
57 0.01182 9,560 113.00 97 2.2653
58 0.01323 8,968 118.65 103 2.0634
59 0.01483 8,455 125.39 105 3.3150

(i) Test this graduation for overall goodness-of-fit. [5]

(ii) Comment on your findings in (i). [2]

[Total 7]


5 (i) Explain why crude mortality rates are graduated before being used for
financial calculations. [3]

(ii) List two methods of graduating a set of crude mortality rates and state, for
each method:

(a) under what circumstances it should be used; and

(b) how smoothness is ensured
[Total 7]

6 Below is an extract from English Life Table 15 (Males)

Age x lx

58 88,792
62 84,173

(i) Estimate l60 under each of the following assumptions:

(a) a uniform distribution of deaths between exact ages 58 and 62 years;


(b) a constant force of mortality between exact ages 58 and 62 years


(ii) Find the actual value of l60 in the tables and hence comment on the relative
validity of the two assumptions you used in part (i). [3]
[Total 8]

CT4 S2007—4
7 In order to boost sales, a national newspaper in a European country wishes to compile
a “fair play league table” for the country’s leading football clubs. On 1 December it
undertakes a survey of all the players who play for these clubs, in which it collects the
following data:

• number of games played by each player since the beginning of the season (the
football season in this country begins in September); and

• for each player who had been dismissed from the field of play between the
beginning of the season and 1 December (inclusive), the number of games he had
played before the game in which he was first dismissed

No games were played on 1 December.

The statistic the newspaper proposes to use in order to construct its “fair play league
table” is the probability that a player will not have been dismissed in any of his first
10 games. It plans to calculate this statistic for each of the 20 leading clubs.

The following table shows the data collected for the players of the club which was top
of the league on 1 December.

Player Total number Number of times Games

of games played dismissed played before
first dismissal

1 12 0
2 12 0
3 12 1 5
4 12 0
5 12 1 7
6 12 0
7 10 0
8 9 1 0
9 9 1 5
10 8 0
11 6 2 2
12 5 0
13 5 0
14 4 1 0
15 4 0

(i) (a) Explain how the Kaplan-Meier estimator can be used to estimate the
newspaper’s statistic from these data.

(b) Comment on the way in which censoring arises and on the type of
censoring produced. [4]

(ii) Calculate the newspaper’s statistic using the data above. [4]
[Total 8]


8 (i) Describe the difference between the central exposed to risk and the initial
exposed to risk. [2]

The following data come from an investigation of the mortality of participants in a

dangerous sport during the calendar year 2005.

Age x Number of lives aged x last Number of deaths

birthday on: during 2005 to
persons aged x last
1 January 2005 1 January 2006 birthday at death

22 150 160 20
23 160 155 25

(ii) (a) Estimate the initial exposed to risk at ages 22 and 23.
(b) Hence estimate q22 and q23.

Suppose that in this investigation, instead of aggregate data we had individual-level

data on each person’s date of birth, date of death, and date of exit from observation (if
exit was for reasons other than death).

(iii) Explain how you would calculate the initial exposed-to-risk for lives aged 22
years last birthday. [4]
[Total 10]

9 In a game of tennis, when the score is at “Deuce” the player winning the next point
holds “Advantage”. If a player holding “Advantage” wins the following point that
player wins the game, but if that point is won by the other player the score returns to

When Andrew plays tennis against Ben, the probability of Andrew winning any point
is 0.6. Consider a particular game when the score is at “Deuce”.

(i) Show that the subsequent score in the game can be modelled as a Markov
Chain, specifying both:

(a) the state space; and

(b) the transition matrix [3]

(ii) State, with reasons, whether the chain is:

(a) irreducible; and

(b) aperiodic [2]

(iii) Calculate the number of points which must be played before there is more than
a 90% chance of the game having been completed. [3]

(iv) (a) Calculate the probability that Andrew wins the game.
(b) Comment on your answer. [4]
[Total 12]

CT4 S2007—6
10 (i) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of fully parametric models and the
Cox regression model for assessing the impact of covariates on survival. [3]

You have been asked to investigate the impact of a set of covariates, including age,
sex, smoking, region of residence, educational attainment and amount of exercise
undertaken, on the risk of heart attack. Data are available from a prospective study
which followed a set of several thousand persons from an initial interview until their
first heart attack, or until their death from a cause other than a heart attack, or until 10
years had elapsed since the initial interview (whichever of these occurred first).

(ii) State the types of censoring present in this study, and explain how each arises.

(iii) Describe a criterion which would allow you to select those covariates which
have a statistically significant effect on the risk of heart attack, when
controlling the other covariates of the model. [4]

Suppose your final model is a Cox model which has three covariates: age (measured
in age last birthday minus 50 at the initial interview), sex (male = 0, female = 1) and
smoking (non-smoker = 0, smoker = 1), and that the estimated parameters are:

Age 0.01
Sex -0.4
Smoking 0.5
Sex x smoking -0.25

where “sex x smoking” is an additional covariate formed by multiplying the two

covariates “sex” and “smoking”.

(iv) Describe the final model’s estimate of the effect of sex and of smoking
behaviour on the risk of heart attack. [3]

(v) Use the results of the model to determine how old a female smoker must be at
the initial interview to have the same risk of heart attack as a male non-smoker
aged 50 years at the initial interview. [3]
[Total 15]


11 The following data have been collected from observation of a three-state process in
continuous time:

State Total time Total transitions to:

occupied spent in state State A State B State C

A 50 Not applicable 110 90

B 25 80 Not applicable 45
C 90 120 15 Not applicable

It is proposed to fit a Markov jump model to this data set.

(i) (a) List all the parameters of the model.

(b) Describe the assumptions underlying the model. [4]

(ii) (a) Estimate the parameters of the model.

(b) Give the estimated generator matrix. [4]

The following additional data in respect of secondary transitions were collected from
observation of the same process.

Triplet of Observed Triplet of Observed

successive number of successive number of
transitions triplets transitions triplets
nijk nijk

ABC 42 BCA 38
ABA 68 BCB 7
ACA 85 CAB 64
ACB 4 CAC 56
BAB 50 CBA 8
BAC 30 CBC 7

(iii) State the distribution of the number of transitions from state i to state j, given
the number of transitions out of state i. [1]

(iv) Test the goodness-of-fit of the model by considering whether triplets of

successive transitions adhere to the distribution given in (iii). [5]

(nijk − E ) 2
[Hint: Use the test statistic χ = ∑∑∑
where E is the expected
i j k E
number of triplets under the distribution in (iii)]

(v) Identify two other aspects of the appropriateness of the fitted model that could
be tested, stating suitable tests in each case. [2]

(vi) Outline two methods for simulating the Markov jump process, without
performing any calculations. [4]
[Total 20]

CT4 S2007—8
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

September 2007

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical



The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

M A Stocker
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

December 2007

© Faculty of Actuaries
© Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this September 2007 paper are
given below and further comments may be written within in the solutions that follow.

Q1 This straightforward bookwork question was not especially well answered.

Q2 This was the most poorly answered question on the examination paper. Very few
candidates recognised that the baker’s problem could be modelled using the
compound Poisson process described in Unit 2 section 3.4 of the Core Reading.

Q3 This was well answered, with many candidates scoring full marks.

Q4 Although most candidates performed the chi-squared test correctly, few realised that
when using this to test a graduation some degrees of freedom are lost, a fact which is
clearly stated in the Core Reading in Unit 12, section 7.3. In part (ii) comments
tended not to be related to the data in the question; rather they focused rather
mechanically on the shortcomings of the chi-squared test.

Q5 This straightforward bookwork question was well answered by many candidates.

Q6 Most candidates obtained the correct numerical answers in part (i) of this question,
but answers to part (ii) were rather sketchy and vague.

Q7 This was more demanding than some previous questions on the Kaplan-Meier or
Nelson-Aalen estimators, and the standard of the answers was lower than expected.

Q8 This exposed-to-risk question was easier than many questions on the same topic in
previous papers. Most candidates scored well on parts (i) and (ii), although few
explained that the method relied on the assumption of a uniform distribution of
deaths. Answers to part (iii) were less impressive and tended to lack detail. Some
candidates couched their answers to this part in aggregate terms, despite the question
clearly referring to individual-level data.

Q9 Most candidates scored well on parts (i) and (ii). Common errors included the use of
a three-state model (Deuce, Advantage and Game) which is inappropriate as the
transition out of the state “Advantage” is ill-defined. Few candidates made attempts
at parts (iii) and (iv) and several of these wrongly thought that part (iv) could be
solved by finding the stationary distribution of the chain.

Q10 Parts (i) and (iv) of this question tested knowledge of Unit 7, sections 2, 3 and 5 of the
Core Reading, which has not been tested in previous CT4 examination papers.
Perhaps because of this, many candidates gave very sketchy and vague answers. In
part (ii), while most candidates spotted that Type I censoring was present, only a
small minority also registered the existence of random censoring. In part (iii) few
candidates correctly interpreted the sex x smoking interaction. Part (v) was well
answered by most candidates.

Q11 Many candidates only attempted parts (i) and (ii) of this question. The remainder was
very poorly answered, with few candidates making serious attempts at part (vi),
despite this being bookwork based on Core Reading, Unit 4, section 5.4.

Page 2
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

1 Factors to be considered include:

• the objectives of the modelling exercise,

• the validity of the model for the purpose to which it is to be put,
• the validity of the data to be used,
• the possible errors associated with the model or parameters used not being a
perfect fit,
• representation of the real world situation being modelled,
• the impact of correlations between the random variables that drive the model,
• the extent of correlations between the various results produced from the model,
• the current relevance of models written and used in the past,
• the credibility of the data input,
• the credibility of the results output,
• the dangers of spurious accuracy,
• the ease with which the model and its results can be communicated.

Not all these factors needed to be mentioned for full marks to be awarded.

2 (a) Assume that, during each day, customers arrive at the shop according to a
Poisson process.

Assume that the numbers of buns bought by each customer, the Bj, are
independent and identically distributed random variables.

Then if Xt is the total number of buns sold between the beginning of the day
and time t, (where t is measured in hours since the shop opens), Xt is a
compound Poisson process defined by

Xt = ∑ B j ,
j =1

where the number of customers arriving between the shop opening and time t
is Nt .

(b) The probability that the baker will run out of buns is

Pr[ K + ct − ∑ B j < 0]
j =1

for some t.

Page 3
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

3 The transition matrix for the chain is:

⎛1 − α α ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜1 − α α⎟ .
⎜ 1 − α α ⎟⎠

To determine the long-run probability, we need to solve the equation πP = π , which


(I) π1 = (1 − α ) π1 + (1 − α ) π2
(II) π2 = απ1 + (1 − α ) π3
(III) π3 = απ2 + απ3 .

The probabilities must also satisfy:

(IV) π1 + π2 + π3 = 1 .

⎛ 1− α ⎞
(III) gives π2 = ⎜ ⎟ π3 .
⎝ α ⎠
⎛ 1− α ⎞
Substituting in (I) gives π1 = ⎜ ⎟ π3 ,
⎝ α ⎠
⎛ ⎛ 1 − α ⎞2 ⎛ 1 − α ⎞ ⎞
and so (IV) leads to ⎜ ⎜ + + 1⎟ π = 1 .
⎜ ⎝ α ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ α ⎟⎠ ⎟ 3
⎝ ⎠

We know that π3 = 0.75 , which leads to:

⎛ (1 − α )2 + α (1 − α ) + α 2 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ × 0.75 = 1 ,
⎜ α 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
(( ) ( )
⇒ 0.75 1 − 2α + α 2 + α + α 2 + α 2 = α 2 , )
⇒ 0.25α 2 + 0.75α − 0.75 = 0 .

Using the quadratic equation formula, this leads to

−0.75 ± 0.752 + 4 × 0.25 × 0.75

α= .
2 × 0.25

As α > 0 , we must have α = 0.7913 .

Page 4
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

4 (i) The null hypothesis is that graduated rates are the same as the true underlying
rates in the population.

To test overall goodness-of-fit we use the chi-squared test.

∑ z x2 ∼ χ2m , where m is the number of degrees of freedom.


In this case, we have 10 ages.

The graduation was carried out by reference to a standard table, so we

lose a number of degrees of freedom because of the choice of standard

So, m < 10, and let us say m = 8.

The observed value of the test statistic is ∑ z x2 =15.8623


The critical value of the chi-squared distribution with 8 degrees of freedom at

the 5 per cent level is 15.51.

Since 15.8623 > 15.51,

we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the graduated rates do not
adhere to the data.

[Credit was given for using other values of m, say m = 7 or m = 9, provided

candidates recognized that some degrees of freedom should be lost for the choice of
standard table. Note that if m = 9, the null hypothesis will not be rejected.]

(ii) From the data we can see that the actual deaths are lower than those
expected at all ages.

The graduated rates are too high; the graduation should be revisited.

At these ages the force of mortality increases with age,

so a suitable adjustment may be to reduce the age shift relative to the
standard table from 2 years.

The standardised deviations also appear to show a systematic increase

with age, showing that departure of the graduated rates from the actual
rates increases with age.

There appear to be no outliers (all the zxs have absolute values below

Page 5
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

5 (i) We assume that mortality rates progress smoothly with age.

Therefore a crude estimate at age x carries information about the rates at

adjacent ages, and graduation allows us to use this fact to “improve” the
estimate at age x by smoothing.

This reduces the sampling errors at each age.

It is desirable that financial quantities progress smoothly with age,

as irregularities are hard to justify to clients.

(ii) Any two of the following three methods are acceptable:

By parametric formula:

Should be used for large experiences, especially if the aim is to produce a

standard table;

Depends on a suitable formula being found which fits the data well.

Provided the number of parameters is small, the resulting curve should be


With reference to a standard table

Should be used if a standard table for a class of lives similar to the experience
is available, and the experience we are interested in does not provide much

The standard table will be smooth,

and provided the function linking the graduated rates to the rates in the
standard table is simple, this smoothness will be “transferred to the graduated


if a quick check is needed, or data are very scanty.

The graduation should be tested for smoothness using the third differences of
the graduated rates, which should be small in magnitude and progress
regularly with age.

If the smoothness is unsatisfactory, the curve can be adjusted (“hand-

polishing”) and the smoothness tested again.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

6 (i) (a) Assuming a uniform distribution of deaths between ages 58 and 62

implies that half of those who die between those ages die between ages
58 and 60.


l60 = l58 – 0.5(l58 – l62)

= 88,792 – 0.5(88,792 – 84,173)

= 86,482.5.


Let the constant force of mortality be μ.

⎛ 4 ⎞
Then we have 4 p58 = exp ⎜ − ∫ μdx ⎟ = e −4μ .
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠

l62 84,173
But 4 p58 = = = 0.94798 .
l58 88, 792

Therefore e −4μ = 0.94798 ,

so that −4μ = log e ( 0.94798 ) = −0.05342 ,

whence μ = 0.01336.

Therefore with a constant force of mortality,

l60 = l58 exp[−2(0.01336)] = 88, 792(0.97363)

so l60 = 86,452.


Let the constant force of mortality be μ.

⎛ 4 ⎞
Then we have 4 p58 = exp ⎜ − ∫ μdx ⎟ = e −4μ .
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠

But 4 p58 = .

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

Now l60 = l58 . 2 p58 .

and, since 2 p58 = e −2μ = e−4μ = ,

l60 = l58 = l58l62 = (88, 792)(84,173)

so l60 = 86,452

(ii) The actual value of l60 from the tables is 86,714.

This shows that neither assumption is very accurate, but that the uniform
distribution of deaths (UDD) is closer than the constant force of mortality.

The UDD assumption is better than the constant force of mortality assumption
because UDD implies an increasing force of mortality over this age range,
which is biologically more plausible than the assumption of a constant force.

The fact that the actual value of l60 is considerably greater than that implied by
the UDD assumption suggests that the true rate of increase of the force of
mortality over this age range in English Life Table 15 (males) is even greater
than that implied by UDD.

7 (i) (a) If, for player i, Ti is the number of games played before he is
dismissed, and Ci is the total number of games played before
1 December, and di = 1 if the player had been dismissed before
1 December and 0 otherwise.



from the data given we can create the two variables

and di,
e.g. for player 1, min(Ti,Ci) = 12 and di = 0


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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

The required data for the Kaplan-Meier estimator are therefore

Player min(Ti,Ci) di

1 12 0
2 12 0
3 5 1
4 12 0
5 7 1
6 12 0
7 10 0
8 0 1
9 5 1
10 8 0
11 2 1
12 5 0
13 5 0
14 0 1
15 4 0

(b) Censoring in these data arises because not all players have been
dismissed before 1 December. Those players who have yet to be
dismissed on that data are right-censored.

This censoring is random [NOT Type I], because the metric of

“duration” is the number of games played since the start of the season,
and this may vary from player to player.

(ii) ALTERNATIVE 1 (where censorings are assumed to occur immediately

before events)
Dj Dj
tj Nj Dj Cj 1−
Nj Nj
0 15 2 0 2/15 13/15
2 13 1 3 1/13 12/13
5 9 2 0 2/9 7/9
7 7 1 6 1/7 6/7

Then the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function is

t S (t )

0≤ t < 2 0.8667
2≤ t < 5 0.8000
5≤ t < 7 0.6222
7≤ t < 12 0.5333

Therefore the value of the chosen statistic, S (10) is 0.5333.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

ALTERNATIVE 2 (where censorings are assumed to occur immediately after

Dj Dj
tj Nj Dj Cj 1−
Nj Nj
0 15 2 0 2/15 13/15
2 13 1 1 1/13 12/13
5 11 2 2 2/11 9/11
7 7 1 6 1/7 6/7

Then the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function is

t S (t )

0≤ t < 2 0.8667
2≤ t < 5 0.8000
5≤ t < 7 0.6545
7≤ t < 12 0.5610

Therefore the value of the chosen statistic, S (10) is 0.5610.

8 (i) The central exposed to risk at age x, Exc , is the observed waiting time in a
multiple-state or a Poisson model. It is the sum of the times spent under
observation by each life at age x.

In aggregate data, the central exposed to risk is an estimate of the number of

lives exposed to risk at the mid-point of the rate interval.

The initial exposed to risk requires adjustments for those lives who die, whom
we continue observing until the end of the rate interval.

It may be approximated as E xc + 0.5d x , where dx is the number of deaths to

persons aged x.

(ii) The age definition used for both deaths and exposed to risk is the same, so no
adjustment is necessary.

Using the census formula, and assuming that the population aged 22 and 23
years changes linearly over the year, we have, for the central exposed to risk:

E xc = ∫ Px,t dt ,

so that

E xc = ( Px,0 + Px,1 ) .

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

The initial exposed to risk, Ex , is then obtained using the approximation

E xc + 0.5d x .

This assumes that deaths are uniformly distributed across each year of age.

Therefore, at age 22 we have

1 20
E22 = (150 + 160) + = 165 ,
2 2


1 25
E23 = (160 + 155) + = 170 .
2 2

20 25
Hence q22 = = 0.1212 and q23 = = 0.1471 .
165 170

[The complete derivation was not required for full marks.]


The central exposed to risk is calculated as ∑ (bi − ai ) , for all lives i for
whom bi − ai > 0 ,

where ai and bi are measured in years since the person’s 22nd birthday, and

where bi is the earliest of

the date of person i’s death

the date of person i’s 23rd birthday
the end of the calendar year 2005
the date of person i’s exit from observation for reasons
other than death

and ai is the latest of

the date of person i’s 22nd birthday

the start of the calendar year 2005
the date of person i’s entry into observation.

The initial exposed to risk is then calculated by adding on to the central

exposed to risk a quantity equal to 1 − bi for all lives who died aged 22 last
birthday during the calendar year 2005.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report


The initial exposed to risk is calculated as ∑ (bi − ai ) ,

where ai and bi are measured in years since the person’s 22nd birthday,

where bi is the earliest of

the date of person i’s 23rd birthday

the date of person i’s exit from observation for reasons other than death

and ai is the latest of

the date of person i’s 22nd birthday

the start of the calendar year 2005
the date of person i’s entry into observation.

for all lives i for whom bi − ai > 0 .

9 (i) State space:

{Deuce, Advantage A(ndrew), Advantage B(en),

Game A(ndrew), Game B(en)}.

Transition matrix:

Deuce Adv A Adv B Game Game

Deuce 0 0.6 0.4 0 0
Adv A 0.4 0 0 0.6 0
Adv B 0.6 0 0 0 0.4
Game A 0 0 0 1 0
Game B 0 0 0 0 1

The chain is Markov because the probability of moving to the next state does
not depend on history prior to entering that state (because the probability of
each player winning a point is constant)

(ii) The chain is reducible because it has two absorbing states Game A and
Game B.

States Game A and Game B are absorbing so have no period. The other three
states each have a period of 2 so the chain is not aperiodic.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(iii) The game either ends after 2 points or it returns to Deuce.

The probability of it returning to Deuce after two points is:

Prob A wins 1st point × Prob B wins 2nd point

+ Prob B wins 1st point × Prob A wins 2nd point

= 0.6 × 0.4 + 0.4 × 0.6 = 0.48.

[This can also be obtained by calculating the square of the transition matrix.]

Need to find number of such cycles N such that:

0.48 N < 1 − 0.9 ,

so that

ln 0.1
N> > 3.14 .

But the game can only finish every two points so we require 4 cycles, that is 8

(iv) (a) Define AX to be the probability that A ultimately wins the game when
the current state is X.

We require ADeuce.

By definition AGame A = 1 and AGame B = 0.

Conditioning on the first move out of state Adv A:

AAdv A = 0.6 × AGame A + 0.4 × ADeuce = 0.6 + 0.4 × ADeuce .


AAdv B = 0.6 × ADeuce ,


ADeuce = 0.6 × AAdv A + 0.4 × AAdv B = 0.6 × AAdv A + 0.24 × ADeuce .

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report


ADeuce = AAdv A ,

AAdv A = 0.6 + 0.4 × AAdv A ,


AAdv A = 0.8769 ,


ADeuce = 0.6923 .


Probability A wins after 2 points = 0.6*0.6 =0.36

Probability that A wins from Deuce

= ∑
i =1
Probability A wins after i points have been played

= Probability A wins after 2 points

+ Probability A wins after 4 points +…..
(as period 2)

= 0.36 + 0.48 * 0.36 + 0.482 * 0.36 +…….

= 0.36/(1-0.48) as a geometric progression

= 0.6923

(b) This is higher than 0.6 because Ben has to win at least two points in a
row to win the game.

10 (i) Fully parametric models are good for comparing homogenous groups, as
confidence intervals for the fitted parameters give a test of difference between
the groups which should be better than non-parametric procedures, or semi-
parametric procedures such as the Cox model.

But parametric methods need foreknowledge of the form of the hazard

function, which might be the object of the study.
The Cox model is semi-parametric so such knowledge is not required.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

The Cox model is a standard feature of many statistical packages for

estimating survival model, but many parametric distributions are not, and
numerical methods may be required, entailing additional programming.

(ii) Type I censoring, since the investigation ends after a period which is fixed in

Random censoring, since death from a cause other than a heart attack is a
random variable and may occur at any time.

(iii) The likelihood ratio statistic is a common criterion.

Suppose we fit a model with p covariates and another model with p+q
covariates which include all the p covariates of the first model.

Then if the maximised log-likelihoods of the two models are Lp and Lp+q, then
the statistic

−2( L p − L p + q )

has a chi-squared distribution with q degrees of freedom, under the hypothesis

that the extra q covariates have no effect in the presence of the original p

This statistic can be used either will full likelihoods or with partial likelihoods
in the Cox model

This statistic can be used to test the statistical significance of any set of q
covariates in the presence of any other disjoint set of p covariates.

(iv) Holding other factors constant,

females have a lower risk of heart attack than males,

and smokers have a higher risk than non-smokers,

but the effect of smoking varies for men and women.

The relative risks, compared with the baseline category of male non-smokers
are as follows.

female non-smokers exp(-0.4) = 0.67

male smokers exp(0.5) = 1.65
female smokers exp(-0.4+0.5-0.25) = 0.86

(or any other numerical example to illustrate the previous points)

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(v) Let the required age for the woman smoker be 50+x.

The hazard for this woman is

h(t,x) = h0(t) exp(0.01x – 0.4 + 0.5 – 0.25),

The hazard for a male non-smoker aged 50 at the initial interview is simply
h0(x), since this is the baseline category.

Thus we have

h0 (t) exp(0.01x – 0.4 + 0.5 – 0.25) = h0 (t)

so that

exp(0.01x – 0.4 + 0.5 – 0.25) = 1


exp(0.01x - 0.15) = 1

so that

0.01x = 0.15

Therefore x = 15, and the woman’s age at interview must be 65 years.

11 (i) (a) The parameters are:

• the rate of leaving state i, λi, for each i,

• the jump-chain transition probabilities, rij, for j ≠ i, where rij is the
conditional probability that the next transition is to state j given the
current state is i.

[Alternatively the parameters may be expressed as σij, where σii = -λi

and (for j ≠ i), σij = λi rij.]

(b) The assumptions are as follows.

• The holding time in each state is exponentially distributed. The

parameter of this distribution varies only by state i. The
distribution is independent of anything that happened prior to the
current arrival in state i.

• The destination of the jump on leaving state i is independent of

holding time, and of anything that happened prior to the current
arrival in state i.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report


The holding time in each state is exponentially distributed and the

destination of the jump on leaving state i is independent of holding

Both holding time distribution and destination of jump on leaving state

i are independent of anything that happened prior to arrival in state i

(ii) (a) The estimator [it is the MLE but this need not
be stated] of λi, λ̂ , is the inverse of the average duration of each visit
to state i.

so λˆ A = 4 per hour, λˆ B = 5 per hour, λˆ C = 1.5 per hour

The estimator [it is the MLE but this need not be stated] of rij, rˆij , is
the proportion of observed jumps out of state i to state j.

rˆAB = 11/20
rˆAC = 9/20
rˆBA = 80/125 =16/25
rˆBC = 9/25
rˆCA = 24/27 =8/9
rˆCB = 1/9

(b) The estimated generator matrix (in hr-1) is:

⎛ −4 11 9 ⎞
⎜ 5 5 ⎟
⎜16 −5 9 ⎟
⎜ 5 5 ⎟
⎜⎜ 4 ⎟
1 −3 ⎟
⎝ 3 6 2⎠

(iii) Distribution is binomial with mean n.rij and variance n.rij

(1 - rij), where n is the given number of transitions.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(iv) Null hypothesis is that the Markov property applies to successive transitions,
or that the observed triplets are from a Binomial distribution with the
estimated parameters (given the number of transitions to the middle state).

Using test statistic given in the hint, we can draw up the table below.

(nijk − E ) 2
Triplet nijk E=nij rˆjk

ABC 42 39.6 0.1455

ABA 68 70.4 0.08182
ACA 85 80 0.3125
ACB 4 10 3.6
BAB 50 44 0.8182
BAC 30 36 1
BCA 38 40 0.1
BCB 7 5 0.8
CAB 64 66 0.0606
CAC 56 54 0.07407
CBA 8 9.6 0.2667
CBC 7 5.4 0.4741

Test statistic 7.7335

Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic follows a χ 2 distribution with the
following number of degrees of freedom:

Number of triplets 12
Minus Number of pairs 6
Plus Number of states 3
Minus One 1
8 degrees of freedom

The critical value of χ82 at the 5% significance level is 15.51

As 7.7335 < 15.51 there is no evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

[Alternative approaches could be taken which resulted in a slightly different

result for the test statistic. These were given full credit where appropriate.]

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2007 — Examiners’ Report

(v) [Refer back to part (i) — the test in (iv) has only tested that there is no
evidence that the destination that the next jump depends on the previous state
occupied. Need to test the other assumptions].

Holding times — are these exponentially distributed?

A chi-squared goodness of fit test would be appropriate

Is destination of jump independent of the holding time?

There is no obvious test statistic for doing this. A suitable test would be to
classify jumps as being from short, medium and long holding times and
investigating these graphically.


Divide time into very short intervals, h, such that σij h is much less than 1.

Simulate a discrete-time Markov chain {Yn : n ≥ 0} , with transition

probabilities pij* ( h ) = δij + hσij .

The jump process, Xt is given by X t = Y[t h] .


Simulate the jump chain as a Markov chain, with transition probabilities

pij = σij λi .

{ }
Once the path Xˆ n : n = 0,1,... has been generated, the holding times
{Tn : n = 0,1,...} are a sequence of independent exponential random variables,
having parameter λ Xˆ .


Page 19
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


9 April 2008 (am)

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

Time allowed: Three hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 11 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the Formulae
and Tables and your own electronic calculator from the approved list.

© Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 A2008 © Institute of Actuaries
1 List four factors in respect of which life insurance mortality statistics are often
subdivided. [2]

2 Describe how smoothness is ensured when mortality rates are graduated using each of
the following methods:

(a) fitting a parametric formula

(b) graphical graduation

3 (i) Define the following stochastic processes:

(a) Poisson process

(b) compound Poisson process

(ii) Identify the circumstances in which a compound Poisson process is also a

Poisson process. [1]
[Total 5]

4 Describe the benefits and limitations of modelling in actuarial work. [6]

5 A survey of first marriage patterns among women in a remote population in central

Asia collected the following data for a sample of women:

• calendar year of birth

• calendar year of first marriage

Data are also available about the population of never-married women on 1 January
each year, classified by age last birthday.

You have been asked to estimate the intensity, λ x , of first marriage for women
aged x.

(i) State the rate interval implied by the first marriages data. [1]

(ii) Derive an appropriate exposed to risk which corresponds to the first

marriages data. State any assumptions that you make. [4]

(iii) Explain to what age x your estimate of λ x applies. State any assumptions
that you make. [2]
[Total 7]

CT4 A2008—2
6 An investigation was carried out into mortality rates among a certain class of female
pensioners. Crude mortality rates were estimated by single years of age from ages
65–89 years last birthday inclusive. The investigators decided to ask an actuary to
compare the crude rates with a standard table. They calculated the relevant
standardised deviations, printed them out and sent them to the actuary.

Unfortunately, because of a printing error, the right-hand edge of the document

containing the standardised deviations failed to print properly. The actuary was
unable to read the magnitude of the standardised deviations. However, the sign of
each deviation was clear. This revealed that the crude mortality rates were higher
than the standard table rates at ages 65–72 years and 75–84 years inclusive, but that
the crude mortality rates were lower than the standard table rates at ages 73–74 years
and 85–89 years inclusive.

The null hypothesis to be tested is that the crude mortality rates come from a
population with underlying mortality consistent with that in the standard table.

(i) List two statistical tests of the null hypothesis which the actuary could carry
out on the basis of the information received. [1]

(ii) Carry out both tests. For each test, state what feature of the experience it is
specifically testing, and give your conclusion. [10]
[Total 11]

7 In a certain small country all listed companies are required to have their accounts
audited on an annual basis by one of the three authorised audit firms (A, B and C).
The terms of engagement of each of the audit firms require that a minimum of two
annual audits must be conducted by the newly appointed firm. Whenever a company
is able to choose to change auditors, the likelihood that it will retain its auditors for a
further year is (80%, 70%, 90%) where the current auditor is (A,B,C) respectively. If
changing auditors a company is equally likely to choose either of the alternative firms.

(i) A company has just changed auditors to firm A. Calculate the expected
number of audits which will be undertaken before the company changes
auditors again. [2]

(ii) Formulate a Markov chain which can be used to model the audit firm used by
a company, specifying:

(a) the state space

(b) the transition matrix

(iii) Calculate the expected proportion of companies using each audit firm in the
long term. [5]
[Total 11]


8 An education authority provides children with musical instrument tuition. The
authority is concerned about the number of children giving up playing their
instrument and is testing a new tuition method with a proportion of the children which
it hopes will improve persistency rates. Data have been collected and a Cox
proportional hazards model has been fitted for the hazard of giving up playing the
instrument. Symmetric 95% confidence intervals (based upon standard errors) for the
regression parameters are shown below.

Covariate Confidence Interval

Piano 0
Violin [-0.05,0.19]
Trumpet [0.07,0.21]

Tuition method
Traditional 0
New [-0.15,0.05]

Male [-0.08,0.12]
Female 0

(i) Write down a general expression for the Cox proportional hazards model,
defining all terms that you use. [3]

(ii) State the regression parameters for the fitted model. [2]

(iii) Describe the class of children to which the baseline hazard applies. [1]

(iv) Discuss the suggestion that the new tuition method has improved the chances
of children continuing to play their instrument. [3]

(v) Calculate, using the results from the model, the probability that a boy will still
be playing the piano after 4 years if provided with the new tuition method,
given that the probability that a girl will still be playing the trumpet after 4
years following the traditional method is 0.7. [3]
[Total 12]

CT4 A2008—4
9 An investigation into the mortality of patients following a specific type of major
operation was undertaken. A sample of 10 patients was followed from the date of the
operation until either they died, or they left the hospital where the operation was
carried out, or a period of 30 days had elapsed (whichever of these events occurred
first). The data on the 10 patients are given in the table below.

Patient number Duration of Reason for

observation observation
(days) ceasing

1 2 Died
2 6 Died
3 12 Died
4 20 Left hospital
5 24 Left hospital
6 27 Died
7 30 Study ended
8 30 Study ended
9 30 Study ended
10 30 Study ended

(i) State whether the following types of censoring are present in this
investigation. In each case give a reason for your answer.

(a) Type I
(b) Type II
(c) Random [3]

(ii) State, with a reason, whether the censoring in this investigation is likely to be
informative. [1]

(iii) Calculate the value of the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function at
duration 28 days. [5]

(iv) Write down the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the hazard of death at duration 8
days. [1]

(v) Sketch the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function. [2]

[Total 12]


10 An internet service provider (ISP) is modelling the capacity requirements for its
network. It assumes that if a customer is not currently connected to the internet
(“offline”) the probability of connecting in the short time interval [t,dt] is
0.2dt + o(dt). If the customer is connected to the internet (“online”) then it assumes
the probability of disconnecting in the time interval is given by 0.8dt + o(dt).

The probabilities that the customer is online and offline at time t are PON(t) and
POFF(t) respectively.

(i) Explain why the status of an individual customer can be considered as a

Markov Jump Process. [2]

(ii) ′ (t ) .
Write down Kolmogorov’s forward equation for POFF [2]

(iii) Solve the equation in part (ii) to obtain a formula for the probability that a
customer is offline at time t, given that they were offline at time 0. [3]

(iv) Calculate the expected proportion of time spent online over the period [0,t].
[HINT: Consider the expected value of an indicator function which takes the
value 1 if offline and 0 otherwise.]

(v) (a) Sketch a graph of your answer to (iv) above.

(b) Explain its shape. [3]
[Total 14]

CT4 A2008—6
11 An investigation was carried out into the relationship between sickness and mortality
in an historical population of working class men. The investigation used a three-state
model with the states:

1 Healthy
2 Sick
3 Dead

Let the probability that a person in state i at time x will be in state j at time x+t be
t p x . Let the transition intensity at time x+t between any two states i and j be μ x +t .
ij ij

(i) Draw a diagram showing the three states and the possible transitions between
them. [2]

(ii) Show from first principles that

t p x = t p x μ x +t + t p x μ x +t .
23 21 13 22 23

(iii) Write down the likelihood of the data in the investigation in terms of the
transition rates and the waiting times in the Healthy and Sick states, under the
assumption that the transition rates are constant. [3]

The investigation collected the following data:

• man-years in Healthy state 265

• man-years in Sick state 140
• number of transitions from Healthy to Sick 20
• number of transitions from Sick to Dead 40

(iv) Derive the maximum likelihood estimator of the transition rate from Sick to
Dead. [3]

(v) Hence estimate:

(a) the value of the constant transition rate from Sick to Dead
(b) 95 per cent confidence intervals around this transition rate
[Total 17]


CT4 A2008—7
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

April 2008


The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

M A Stocker
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

June 2008

© Faculty of Actuaries
© Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for this April 2008 paper are given

Question 1 This straightforward bookwork question was very well answered.

Question 2 Answers to this question were disappointing. In part (a) many candidates did
not realise that smoothness is automatically ensured when graduating with a
parametric formula with a small number of parameters. In part (b) many
candidates presented descriptions of the method of graphical graduation,
rather than answering the question which was set.

Question 3 Most candidates scored reasonably well on part (i), but few candidates could
state the conditions required for a compound Poisson process to be a Poisson
process in part (ii).

Question 4 A reasonable attempt was made at this bookwork question by most candidates,
although few made sufficient distinct points to score close to full marks.

Question 5 This exposed-to-risk question was quite well answered by many candidates,
who correctly identified the rate interval and the appropriate census-type
formula. An encouraging number of candidates also recognised the need to
adjust the age definition in order to ensure correspondence between the first
marriages data and the exposed-to-risk data.

Question 6 Many candidates scored well on this question. Common errors were failure to
use (or incorrect use of) the continuity correction in the normal approximation
to the signs test; calculating only the probability of 18 positive signs (rather
than the probability of 18 or more signs) when using the exact binomial
computation of the signs test; and calculating only the probability of 2 positive
runs (rather than the probability of 2 or fewer positive runs) when using the
exact computation of the grouping of signs test.

Question 7 Only a small proportion of candidates correctly answered part (i). In part (ii)
a very large number of candidates adopted a three-state solution to this
problem, with state space {A, B, C}. Partial credit was given for this, and also
for correctly following this three-state solution through in part (iii) to obtain
the steady-state proportions of 3/11, 2/11 and 6/11 using auditors A, B and C

Question 8 This question was not as well answered as some others. Some candidates
failed to write the numerical values of the estimated parameters down in part
(ii). There were few correct attempts at part (v). Many candidates simply
calculated the ratio between the two hazards, which is incorrect. Others made
unnecessary assumptions about the form of the baseline hazard (e.g. that it
was constant).

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Question 9 This straightforward calculation of the survival function was very well
answered, apart from part (iv), in which only a handful of candidates realised
that the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the hazard at any duration at which no
event is observed to take place is 0. Given that the Kaplan-Meier estimate of
the hazard is a step function, it is clear than this must be so. It was very
encouraging to see the high proportion of sensible answers to part (ii). Credit
was given in part (ii) to candidates who stated that the censoring was non-
informative provided that the reason given was consistent with this statement.

Question 10 Few candidates scored highly on this question. Many candidates got no
further than part (ii). Although there were a fair number of attempts to solve
the differential equation in part (iii), only a minority of candidates spotted that
PON (t ) + POFF (t ) = 1 .

Question 11 This question was very well answered. Many candidates provided
substantially correct answers to all parts, losing marks only for failure to
include certain details in part (ii) (for example that we need to condition on
the state occupied at time x+t); or for failing to point out that we need to
substitute the estimated values from the data into the formula for the variance
of μ 23 in part (v).

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

1 Sex
Type of policy
Level of underwriting
Duration in force
Sales channel
Policy size
Known impairments

2 (a) Provided a formula with a small number of

parameters is chosen
the resulting graduation will be acceptably smooth.

(b) The graduation should be tested for smoothness

using the third differences of the graduated rates

which should be small in magnitude and progress


A further iterative process, which involves manual adjustment of the

graduation (called ‘hand-polishing’) is sometimes necessary to ensure

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

3 (i) (a) EITHER

A Poisson process with rate λ is a continuous-time

integer-valued process Nt ,
t ≥ 0), with the following properties:

N0 = 0
Nt has independent increments
Nt has stationary increments
[λ (t − s )]n e−λ (t − s )
P[ Nt − N s = n] = s < t, n = 0, 1, 2…..


A Poisson process with rate λ is a continuous-time

integer-valued process Nt ,
t ≥ 0), with the following properties:

N0 = 0
P[ Nt + h − Nt = 1] = λh + o(h)
P[ Nt + h − Nt = 0] = 1 − λh + o(h)
P[ Nt + h − Nt ≠ 0,1] = o(h)

(b) If Nt is a Poisson process on t ≥ 0 and Yi is a sequence of

independent and identically distributed random variables then a
compound Poisson process is defined by:

X t = ∑ Yi
i =1

(ii) A compound Poisson process meets the conditions for being

a Poisson process if Yi is an indicator function OR if each Yi is identically
1 (which is a special case of the indicator function)

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

4 Benefits

Systems with long time frames can be studied in compressed time,

for example the operation of a pension fund (or other suitable example).

Complex systems with stochastic elements can be studied

Different future policies or possible actions can be compared.

In a model of a complex system we can usually get much better control over the
experimental conditions so that we can reduce the variance of the results output
from the model without upsetting their mean values

Avoids costs and risks of making changes in the real world, so we can study
impact of changing inputs before making decisions.


Model development requires a considerable investment of time and expertise.

In a stochastic model, for any given set of inputs each run gives only estimates of a
model’s outputs. So to study the outputs for any given set of inputs, several
independent runs of the model are needed.

Models can look impressive when run on a computer so that there is a danger that one
gets lulled into a false sense of confidence.

If a model has not passed the tests of validity and verification its impressive
output is a poor substitute for its ability to imitate its corresponding real world

Models rely heavily on the data input. If the data quality is poor or lacks credibility
then the output from the model is likely to be flawed.
It is important that the users of the model understand the model and the uses to which
it can be safely put. There is a danger of using a model as a black box from which it is
assumed that all results are valid without considering the appropriateness of using that
model for the particular data input and the output expected.

It is not possible to include all future events in a model. For example a change in
legislation could invalidate the results of a model, but may be impossible to
predict when the model is constructed.

It may be difficult to interpret some of the outputs of the model. They may only be
valid in relative, rather than absolute, terms. For example comparing the level of risk
of the outputs associated with different inputs.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

5 (i) Calendar year rate interval starting on 1 January each


(ii) The first marriages data may be described as

mx = number of first marriages, age x on the birthday in the

calendar year of marriage, during a defined period of investigation of
length N years

A definition of the population data which is compatible with these data on first
marriages is

Px,t = number of lives under observation at time t since the start of the
investigation who were aged x next birthday on the 1 January
immediately preceding t

Since we follow each cohort of lives through each calendar year, this exposed
to risk is

E xc = ∫ Px,t dt

which may be approximated as

N −1
∑ 2 ( Px,t + Px+1,t +1)
E xc =

(where the summation considers just integer values of t).

This assumes that the population varies linearly across the

calendar year.

However, we have data classified by age last birthday

so we need to make a further adjustment.

If the number of lives aged x last birthday on 1 January

in year t is Px,t* then

Px,t = Px-1,t*

and an appropriate exposed to risk in terms of the data we

have is

K +N

E xc = ( Px −1,t * + Px,t +1* ) .
t =K 2

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

(iii) The age range at the start of the rate interval is (x–1, x)

So, assuming that birthdays are uniformly distributed

across the calendar year the average age at the start of the rate interval is
x–½ and the average age in the middle of the rate interval
is x.

Therefore the estimate of λ x applies to age x.

6 (i) Since we do not know the values of the rates in the

crude experience but only the signs of the deviations the
tests we can carry out are limited.

We can, however, perform the signs test and the grouping

of signs test.

(ii) The signs test looks for overall bias.

We have 25 ages, and at 18 of these the crude rates
exceed the standard table rates (i.e. we have positive deviations)

If the null hypothesis is true, then the observed number of

positive deviations, P, will be such that P ~ Binomial (25, ½).


We use the normal approximation to the Binomial

distribution because we have a large number of ages (>20)
This means that, approximately, P ~ Normal (12.5, 6.25).

The z-score associated with the probability of getting 18

positive deviations if the null hypothesis is true is, therefore

17.5 − 12.5 −5
= = −2.00 .
6.25 2.5

(using a continuity correction).

We use a two-tailed test, since both an excess of

positive and an excess of negative deviations are of interest.

Using a 5 % significance level, we have -2.00 < -1.96.

This means we have just sufficient evidence to reject the

null hypothesis.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report


Using the Binomial exactly we have

⎛ 25 ⎞ 25
Pr[j positive deviations] = ⎜ ⎟ 0.5 .
⎝j ⎠

So that the probability of obtaining 18 or more positive

⎛ 25 ⎞ 25
deviations is ∑ ⎜ ⎟ 0.5 .
j =18 ⎝j ⎠

This is equal to

(1 + 25 + 300 + 2,300 + 12,650 + 53,130 + 177,100 + 480,700)

× 0.0000000298

= 0.02164.

We apply a 2-tailed test, so we reject the null

hypothesis at the 5% level if this is less than 0.025

Since 0.02164 < 0.025

we reject the null hypothesis.

The grouping of signs test looks for long runs or clumps

of ages with the same sign, indicating that the crude
experience is different from the standard experience over a
substantial age range.

The number of runs of positive signs is 2 (65–72 years and

75–84 years).

We have 25 ages and 18 positive signs in total, which means

7 negative signs.


Using the table provided under n1 = 18 and n2 = 7, we find

that, under the null hypothesis, the greatest number of positive
runs x for which the probability of x or fewer positive runs
is less than 0.05 is 3.

Since we only have 2 runs, we conclude that the probability

of obtaining 2 or fewer runs is much less than 0.05.

Therefore we reject the null hypothesis.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report


Using exact computation

⎛17 ⎞ ⎛ 8 ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
Pr[1 positive run] = ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ =
0 1 8
= 0.0000166
⎛ 25 ⎞ 480, 700
⎜ ⎟
⎝18 ⎠

⎛17 ⎞ ⎛ 8 ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
Pr[2 positive runs] = ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ =
1 2 (17)(28)
= 0.000990
⎛ 25 ⎞ 480, 700
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 18 ⎠

Therefore we conclude that the probability

of obtaining 2 or fewer runs is much less than 0.05.

Therefore we reject the null hypothesis.


Using the Normal approximation, the number of positive runs is distributed

⎛ (18)(8) [(18)(7)]2 ⎞
⎜ 25
, ⎟ = N ( 5.76,1.02 )
⎝ (25)3 ⎟⎠

so that the z-score associated with the probability of getting 2 runs


2 − 5.76
= −3.722 .

which is much less than -1.645 (using a 1-tailed test).

Therefore we conclude that the probability

of obtaining 2 or fewer runs is much less than 0.05.

Therefore we reject the null hypothesis.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

7 (i) Required number

= ∑ probability ith audit takes place prior to changing auditors
i =1

= 1 + 1 + 0.8 + 0.82+0.83+……..

= 1 + 1/(1-0.8) = 6

(ii) The transition probabilities depend on

whether it is the first year with the
current auditors, so need additional states to cover this.

State space = {AL, A, BL, B, CL, C} where subscript L

indicates locked in to the current auditor.

Transition matrix A is

AL 0 1 0 0 0 0
A 0 0.8 0.1 0 0.1 0
BL 0 0 0 1 0 0
B 0.15 0 0 0.7 0.15 0
CL 0 0 0 0 0 1
C 0.05 0 0.05 0 0 0.9

This is a Markov chain because the probability

of future transitions is independent of history
prior to arrival in current state (Markov property).

(iii) Need to find stationary distribution

π which by definition satisfies:

π = πA

0.15π B + 0.05πC = π AL (1)

π AL + 0.8π A = π A (2)
0.1π A + 0.05πC = π BL (3)
π BL + 0.7 π B = π B (4)
0.1π A + 0.15π B = πCL (5)
πCL + 0.9πC = πC (6)

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Combining (1) and (2), (3) and (4), and (5) and (6)

0.15π B + 0.05πC = 0.2π A (1A)

0.1π A + 0.05πC = 0.3π B (3A)

0.1π A + 0.15π B = 0.1πC (5A)

(1A) – (3A) gives

π A = 1.5π B

(3A) – (5A) produces

πC = 3π B

∑ πi = 1 implies
(1.5 + 0.3 + 1 + 0.3 + 3 + 0.3)π B = 1

⎛ π AL ⎞ ⎛ 0.046875 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ π A ⎟ ⎜⎜ 0.234375 ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜
π 0.046875 ⎟
So ⎜ BL ⎟ = ⎜
⎜ π ⎟ ⎜ 0.15625 ⎟⎟
⎜ B ⎟ ⎜
⎜ πCL ⎟ ⎜ 0.046875 ⎟⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎜ 0.46875 ⎟⎠
⎝ πC ⎠ ⎝

And proportions using (A,B,C) are

(0.28125, 0.203125, 0.515625).

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

8 (i) h( z, t ) = h0 (t ).exp(β.ziT )

where h(z,t) is the hazard at duration t

ho(t) is the baseline hazard

zi are the covariates

β is the vector of regression parameters

(ii) z1 = 1 plays violin, 0 otherwise β1 = 0.07

z2 = 1 plays trumpet, 0 otherwise β2 = 0.14

z3 = 1 new tuition method, 0 otherwise β3 = −0.05

z4 = 1 male, 0 otherwise β4 = 0.02

(iii) Baseline hazard refers to

a female,
following traditional tuition method,
playing the piano

(iv) The parameter associated with the new tuition

method is -0.05. Because the parameter is negative, the hazard of dropping
out is reduced by the new tuition method.
Therefore the new tuition method does appear
to improve the chances of a child continuing
with his or her instrument.

However the 95% confidence interval for the parameter spans zero.
So at the 5% significance level it is not possible to conclude that the new
tuition method has improved the chances of children continuing to play their

(v) The hazard for a girl being taught the trumpet by the traditional
method giving up is h0 (t ) exp(0.14) .

Therefore the probability of her still playing after 4 years is

⎛ 4 ⎞ ⎛ 4

S female (4) = exp ⎜ − ∫ h0 (t ) exp(0.14)dt ⎟ = exp ⎜ −1.150274 ∫ h0 (t )dt ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Since this is equal to 0.7, we have

⎛ 4

exp ⎜ −1.150274 ∫ h0 (t )dt ⎟ = 0.7, so that
⎝ 0 ⎠
log e 0.7 = −1.150274 ∫ h0 (t )dt ,

log e 0.7
and hence ∫ h0 (t )dt =
= 0.310078.

The hazard of giving up for a boy taught the piano by the new
method is h0 (t ) exp(−0.05 + 0.02) = h0 (t ) exp(−0.03).

Therefore the probability of him still playing after 4 years is

⎛ 4 ⎞
S male (4) = exp ⎜ − ∫ h0 (t ) exp(−0.03)dt ⎟ = exp [ −0.310078(0.970446) ]
⎝ 0 ⎠

which is exp(-0.300914) = 0.74014.


The hazard of giving up for a girl being taught the trumpet by the
traditional method is h0 (t ) exp( β 2 ) .

Therefore the probability of her still playing after 4 years is

⎛ 4 ⎞ ⎛ 4

S female (4) = exp ⎜ − ∫ h0 (t ) exp( β 2 )dt ⎟ = exp ⎜ − exp( β 2 ) ∫ h0 (t )dt ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0 ⎠

and hence

log e [ S female (4)]
∫ h0 (t )dt =
− exp β 2
= − exp(− β 2 ) log e [ S female (4)] .

The hazard of a boy being taught the piano by the new

method giving up is h0 (t ) exp( β 3 + β 4 ) .

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Therefore the probability of him still playing after 4 years is

⎛ 4

S male (4) = exp ⎜ − exp( β3 + β 4 ) ∫ h0 (t )dt ⎟ .
⎝ 0 ⎠
Substituting for ∫ h (t )dt produces

S male (4) = exp ( exp( β 3 + β 4 ) exp(− β 2 ) log e [ S female (4)])

= exp[exp(-0.05+0.02)exp(-0.14)loge(0.7)]
= exp[0.970446 x 0.869358 x -0.356675)
= 0.74014.

9 (i) Type I censoring is present

because the study ends at a predetermined

duration of 30 days.

Type II censoring is not present

because the study did not end after a

predetermined number of patients had died

Random censoring is present

because the duration at which a patient left

hospital before the study ended can
be considered as a random variable.

(ii) Yes

Those patients who left hospital before 30 days

had elapsed are more likely to be recovering
well than those patients who remained in hospital,
and so will probably be less likely to die.

(iii) The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival

function is estimated as follows

dj dj dj ^
tj nj dj cj
∏1 − nj
= S (t )
t j ≤t

0 10
2 10 1 0 1/10 9/10 9/10 = 0.9
6 9 1 0 1/9 8/9 8/10 = 0.8
12 8 1 2 1/8 7/8 7/10 = 0.7
27 5 1 4 1/5 4/5 14/25 = 0.56

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival

function at duration 28 days is therefore 0.56.

(iv) The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the hazard at duration

8 days is 0.

(v) A suitable sketch is shown below.


0 10 20 30 40
Duration t (days)

10 (i) Operates in continuous time (t ≥ 0)

with discrete state space {ONline, OFFline},

and transition probability does not depend
on history prior to arrival in current state (Markov

(ii) ′ (t ) = 0.8* PON (t ) - 0.2* POFF (t )


(iii) As there are only two states,

PON (t ) + POFF (t ) = 1

Substituting using the solution to (ii), we obtain

′ (t ) + POFF (t ) = 0.8

so that

d (et POFF (t )) = 0.8* et


et POFF (t ) = 0.8* et + constant

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Boundary condition POFF (0) = 1

So POFF (t ) = 0.8 + 0.2e−t

(iv) If Ot is a random variable denoting the amount of time

spent offline and It is an indicator variable which
takes the value 1 if offline, 0 otherwise then required
expected value is

t t
E[Ot POFF (0) = 1] = ∫ E[ I s POFF (0) = 1]ds = ∫ POFF ( s )ds
0 0
t t
−s −t t
∫ POFF (s)ds = ∫ (0.8 + 0.2e )ds = 0.8t − 0.2e = 0.8t + 0.2(1 − e−t )
0 0

Either online or offline at any time so time spent online is:

t − (0.8t + 0.2(1 − e −t ) = 0.2t − 0.2(1 − e−t )

So proportion spent online is:

0.2t − 0.2(1 − e−t ) 1 − e −t

= 0.2 − 0.2( )
t t

(v) A suitable sketch is shown below.

Percentage online

t=0 Time

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Shape: starts at zero as given offline at that point,

asymptotes to ratio of connection to
(connection + disconnection) rates.

11 (i)

1 Healthy 2 Sick

3 Dead

(ii) By the Markov assumption OR conditioning on the

state occupied at time x+t

t + dt px23 = t px21 dt p13

x +t + t p x dt p x +t + t p x dt p x +t .
22 23 23 33

But dt p33
x +t = 1, so

t + dt px23 = t px21 dt p13

x +t + t p x dt p x +t + t p x .
22 23 23

We now assume that

dt px23+t = μ 23
x +t dt + o(dt ) and dt p13
x +t
= μ13
x +t dt + o(dt )

o(dt )
where o(dt ) is defined such that lim =0.
dt →0 dt

Substituting for dt px23+t and dt p13

x +t produces

t + dt px23 = t px22 [μ 23
x +t dt + o( dt )] + t p x [μ x +t dt + o( dt )] + t p x ,
21 13 23

and, subtracting t px23 from both sides and taking limits


d t p x − t + dt p x
t p x = lim = t px21μ13
x +t + t p x μ x +t
23 22 23
dt dt →0 dt

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

(iii) The likelihood, L, is proportional to

12 21 13 23
exp[(−μ12 − μ13 )v1 ]exp[(−μ 23 − μ 21 )v 2 ](μ12 ) d (μ 21 ) d (μ13 ) d (μ 23 ) d

where vi is the total observed waiting time in state i,

and d ij is the number of transitions observed from
state i to state j.

(iv) Taking the logarithm of the likelihood in the

answer to part (iii) gives

log L = −μ 23v 2 + d 23 log μ 23 + terms not involving μ 23

Differentiating this with respect to μ 23 we obtain

d log L d 23
= −v 2 + .
d μ 23 μ 23

Setting this to 0 we obtain the maximum likelihood

estimator of μ 23

d 23
μ 23 = .

d 2 (log L) d 23
This is a maximum because =−
(d μ 23 ) 2 (μ 23 ) 2

which is always negative.

(v) (a) Therefore, if there are 40 transitions from

the Sick state to the Dead state and 140 man-years
observed in the sick state, the maximum
likelihood estimate of μ 23 is = 0.2857 .

(b) The maximum likelihood estimator of μ 23 has a

μ 23
variance equal to , μ 23 is the true
E[V ]
transition rate in the population and E[V ] is the
expected waiting time in the Sick state.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Approximating μ 23 by μ 23 and E[V ] by v 2 we
estimate for the variance as = 0.00204 .

A 95 per cent confidence interval around our

estimate of μ 23 is therefore 0.2857 ±1.96 0.00204

which is 0.2857 ±0.0885

or (0.1972, 0.3742).


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Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


17 September 2008 (am)

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

Time allowed: Three hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 12 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the Formulae
and Tables and your own electronic calculator from the approved list.

© Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 S2008 © Institute of Actuaries
1 You work for a consultancy which has created an actuarial model and is now
preparing documentation for the client.

List the key items you would include in the documentation on the model. [4]

2 The classification of stochastic models according to:

• discrete or continuous time variable

• discrete or continuous state space

gives rise to a four-way classification.

Give four examples, one of each type, of stochastic models which may be used to
model observed processes, and suggest a practical problem to which each model may
be applied. [4]

3 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the Binomial and the multiple-state
models in the following situations:

(a) analysing human mortality without distinguishing between causes of death

(b) analysing human mortality when distinguishing between causes of death

4 In the village of Selborne in southern England in the year 1637 the number of babies
born each month was as follows

January 2 July 5
February 1 August 1
March 1 September 0
April 2 October 2
May 1 November 0
June 2 December 3

Data show that over the 20 years before 1637 there was an average of 1.5 births per
month. You may assume that births in the village historically follow a Poisson

An historian has suggested that the large number of births in July 1637 is unusual.

(i) Carry out a test of the historian’s suggestion, stating your conclusion. [4]

(ii) Comment on the assumption that births follow a Poisson process. [1]
[Total 5]

CT4 S2008—2
5 An investigation into the mortality experience of a sample of the male student
population of a large university has been carried out. The university authorities wish
to know whether the mortality of male students at the university is the same as that of
males in the country as a whole. They have drawn up the following table.

Age x Number of deaths Expected number

of deaths assuming
national mortality

18 13 10
19 15 12
20 14 14
21 20 12
22 12 8
23 8 5

Carry out an overall test of the university authorities’ hypothesis, stating your
conclusion. [5]


6 A portfolio of term assurance policies was transferred from insurer A to insurer B on
1 January 2001. Each policy in the portfolio was written with premiums payable
annually in advance. Insurer B wishes to investigate the mortality experience of its
acquired portfolio and has collected the following data over the period 1 January 2001
to 1 January 2005:

dx numbers of deaths aged x

Px,t number of policies in force aged x at time t (t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 years measured

from 1 January 2001)

Where x is defined as:

age last birthday at the most recent policy anniversary prior to the portfolio
transfer + number of premiums received by insurer B.

(i) (a) State the rate interval implied by the above data.
(b) Write down the range of ages at the start of the rate interval. [2]

(ii) Give an expression which can be used to estimate the initial exposed to risk at
age x, Ex, stating any assumptions made. [2]

The following is an extract from the data collected in the investigation:

x dx ∑ Px,t ∑ Px,t +1
39 28 10,536 11,005
40 36 10,965 10,745
41 33 10,421 10,577

where the summations are from t = 0 to t = 3.

(iii) Estimate q40, stating any further assumptions made. [3]

[Total 7]

7 (i) Explain why, under Continuous Mortality Investigation investigations, the

data analysed are usually based upon the number of policies in force and
number of policies giving rise to claims, rather than the number of lives
exposed and number of lives who die during the period of study. [2]

Suppose N identical and independent lives are observed from age x exact for one year
or until death if earlier.


πi to be the proportion of the N lives exposed who hold i policies (i = 1,2,3,….);

Di to be a random variable denoting the number of deaths amongst lives with i


CT4 S2008—4
Ci to be a random variable denoting the number of claims arising from lives with i

(ii) Derive an expression for the ratio of the variance of the number of claims
arising compared with that if each policy covered an independent life. [4]

(iii) Explain how the expression derived in (ii) could be used in practice. [2]
[Total 8]

8 A No-Claims Discount system operated by a motor insurer has the following four

Level 1: 0% discount
Level 2: 25% discount
Level 3: 40% discount
Level 4: 60% discount

The rules for moving between these levels are as follows:

• Following a year with no claims, move to the next higher level, or remain at
level 4.

• Following a year with one claim, move to the next lower level, or remain at
level 1.

• Following a year with two or more claims, move down two levels, or move to
level 1 (from level 2) or remain at level 1.

For a given policyholder in a given year the probability of no claims is 0.85 and the
probability of making one claim is 0.12.

(i) Write down the transition matrix of this No-Claims Discount process. [1]

(ii) Calculate the probability that a policyholder who is currently at level 2 will be
at level 2 after:

(a) one year.

(b) two years. [3]

(iii) Calculate the long-run probability that a policyholder is in discount level 2.

[Total 9]


9 A company pension scheme, with a compulsory scheme retirement age of 65, is
modelled using a multiple state model with the following categories:

1 currently employed by the company

2 no longer employed by the company, but not yet receiving a pension
3 pension in payment, pension commenced early due to ill health retirement
4 pension in payment, pension commenced at scheme retirement age
5 dead

(i) Describe the nature of the state space and time space for this process. [2]

(ii) Draw and label a transition diagram indicating appropriate transitions between
the states. [2]

For i,j in {1,2,3,4,5}, let:

t p1ix the probability that a life is in state i at age x+t, given they are in state 1 at age

μijx+t the transition intensity from state i to state j at age x+t

(iii) Write down equations which could be used to determine the evolution of t p1ix
(for each i) appropriate for:

(a) x + t < 65.

(b) x + t = 65.
(c) x + t > 65.
[Total 10]

CT4 S2008—6
10 In an investigation of reconviction rates among those who have served prison
sentences, let X be a random variable which measures the duration from the date of
release from prison until the ex-prisoner is convicted of a subsequent offence. The
investigation monitored a sample of 100 ex-prisoners (who were all released on the
same date) at one-monthly intervals from their date of release for a period of 6
months. Those who could not be traced in any month were removed from the sample
at that point and not traced in subsequent months. Reconviction was assumed to take
place at the duration that a prisoner was first known to have been reconvicted.

(i) Express the hazard rate at duration x months in terms of probabilities. [1]

The investigation produced the following data for a sample of 100 ex-prisoners.

Months since release Number of prisoners Number who had

contacted been reconvicted
since last contact

1 100 0
2 97 0
3 95 4
4 90 3
5 85 5
6 80 0

(ii) Calculate the Nelson-Aalen estimate of the survival function. [5]

A previous investigation found that the probability that a prisoner would be

reconvicted within 6 months of release was 0.2.

(iii) Estimate confidence intervals around the integrated hazard using the results
from part (ii) to test the hypothesis that the rate of reconviction has declined
since the previous investigation. [6]
[Total 12]


11 Consider the random variable defined by Xn = ∑ Yi with each Yi mutually
i =1
independent with probability:

P[Yi = 1] = p, P[Yi = -1] = 1- p 0< p<1

(i) Write down the state space and transition graph of the sequence Xn. [2]

(ii) State, with reasons, whether the process:

(a) is aperiodic.
(b) is reducible.
(c) admits a stationary distribution. [3]

Consider j > i > 0.

(iii) Derive an expression for the number of upward movements in the sequence Xn
between t and (t + m) if Xt = i and Xt+m = j. [2]

(iv) Derive expressions for the m-step transition probabilities pij( m) . [3]

(v) Show how the one-step transition probabilities would alter if Xn was restricted
to non-negative numbers by introducing:

(a) a reflecting boundary at zero.

(b) an absorbing boundary at zero.
(vi) For each of the examples in part (v), explain whether the transition
probabilities pij( m) would increase, decrease or stay the same.
(Calculation of the transition probabilities is not required.) [3]
[Total 15]

CT4 S2008—8
12 (i) Explain the meaning of the rates of mortality usually denoted qx and mx , and
the relationship between them. [3]

(ii) Write down a formula for t qx , 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 , under each of the following

assumptions about the distribution of deaths in the age range [x, x+1]:

(a) uniform distribution of deaths

(b) constant force of mortality
(c) the Balducci assumption

A group of animals experiences a mortality rate qx = 0.1.

(iii) Calculate mx under each of the assumptions (a) to (c) above. [8]

(iv) Comment on your results in part (iii). [3]

[Total 16]


CT4 S2008—9
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical


September 2008


The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

R D Muckart
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

November 2008

© Faculty of Actuaries
© Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for the September 2008 paper are
given below.

Q1 This standard bookwork question was fairly well answered. Some candidates simply
wrote down a list of steps in the development of the model, rather than answering the
question that was set.

Q2 This straightforward question was well answered. Some candidates were vague
about emphasising that continuous time models are applied to problems which
require continuous monitoring.

Q3 Answers to this question were very poor. Many candidates did not go beyond making
the point that the Binomial model is hard to extend to multiple decrements, whereas
the multiple state model extends quite naturally.

Q4 Only a minority of candidates answered this question using the approach intended.
Many tried to do a chi-squared test comparing the observed and expected numbers of
births. This received some credit, especially when candidates combined the months
into half-years, or thirds of a year, before performing the chi-squared test, so that the
expected values in each cell were greater than 5.

Q5 This straightforward question was very well answered. The most common error was
in reducing the number of degrees of freedom below 6. This is incorrect in this case,
because the comparison is between an observed experience and a pre-existing
experience, not between crude rates and graduated rates.

Q6 As with many exposed-to-risk questions, answers to this question were disappointing.

In part (iii), few candidates realised that q̂39 1 was required to estimate q40.

Q7 Part (ii) of this question was standard bookwork, but was nevertheless answered in a
brief or cursory fashion by many candidates. On the other hand, a good number of
candidates were able to make the points required in part (i).

Q8 This question was very well answered, with many candidates scoring full marks.
Some candidates were penalised in part (iii) for simply calculating the stationary
distribution and not stating explicitly which of the numbers represented the long-run
probability of being in discount level 2.

Q9 Answers to this question were disappointing, especially to part (iii). In part (ii),
candidates who included additional transitions between states 2 and 3, and between
states 2 and 1, were not penalised. However, such candidates were expected to
produce answers to part (iii) which were consistent with the transition diagram they
had drawn in part (ii).

Q10 Part (i) of this question was very disappointingly answered, as the required definition
is in the Core Reading. Most candidates were able to compute the estimated survival
function in part (ii). Some candidates interpreted the question as meaning that the

Page 2
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

numbers contacted at any duration include those reconvicted prior to that duration,
so that those reconvicted must be subtracted from those contacted to obtain the
relevant nj. These candidates were given credit for part (ii). In part (iii) many
candidates correctly calculated the variance of the integrated hazard but then incorrectly
used this variance to compute a confidence interval around the survival function, rather than
first computing the confidence interval around the integrated hazard and then using the
formula S(x) = exp(−Λx) to convert this into a confidence interval around S(6).

Q11 Answers to this question were disappointing. Many candidates were able to answer
parts (i) and (ii) reasonably well, but made little or no attempt at the remaining

Q12 Answers to this question varied widely, but overall were disappointing. There was a
large variation by centre, with average scores for some centres being several marks
higher than for other centres. Perhaps this is the result of different training and
education materials being used in different locations? While most candidates could
write down the formula mx = 1 x and the formulae required to answer part (ii), it

∫ t px dt
was clear from the answers to parts (iii) and (iv) that understanding of what these
formulae mean was very shaky.

Page 3
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

1 Instructions on how to run the model

Tests performed to validate the output of the model.

Definition of input data.
Any limitations of the model identified (e.g. potential unreliability).
Basis on which the form of the model chosen (e.g. deterministic or stochastic)
References to any research papers or discussions with appropriate experts.
Summary of model results.
Name and professional qualification.
Purpose or objectives of the model.
Assumptions underlying the model.
How the model might be adapted or extended.

2 Discrete time, discrete state space

Counting process, random walk, Markov chain

No claims bonus in motor insurance.

Continuous time, discrete state space

Counting process, Poisson process, Markov jump process

Healthy-sick-dead model in sickness insurance

Discrete time, continuous state space

General random walk, ARIMA time series model, moving average model
Share price at end of each day

Continuous time, continuous state space

Compound Poisson process, Brownian motion, Ito process, white noise

Value of claims reaching an insurance company monitored

Page 4
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

3 (a) Both models produce consistent and unbiased estimators.

The estimate of q x made using the Binomial model

will have a higher variance than that made using the
multiple-state model, though the difference is tiny
if the forces of mortality are small.

If data on exact ages at entry into and exit from

observation are available, the multiple state model is
simpler to apply. The Binomial model requires further
assumptions (e.g. uniform distribution of deaths).

The Binomial model also does not use all the information
available if exact ages at entry into and exit from
observation are available.

However, if the forces of mortality are small, both

models will give very similar results.

(b) The multiple state model can simply be extended

The estimators have the same form and the same statistical
properties as in the classic life table.

The Binomial model is hard to extend to several causes of

death. Although the life table as a computational tool can be
extended, the calculations are more complex and awkward than
those in the multiple-state model.

4 (i) Suppose that the number of births each month, B, is the outcome of a Poisson
process with a rate λ = 1.5.

The probability of obtaining b births per month

exp( −1.5).1.5b
is given by the formula Pr[ B = b] =

Therefore we have

b Pr[ B = b]

0 0.223
1 0.335
2 0.251
3 0.126
4 0.047
5 0.014
6+ 0.004

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Therefore, if the number of births per month is the

outcome of a Poisson process with a rate of 1.5 per
month the probability of obtaining 5 or more births in
a single month is 0.014 + 0.004 = 0.018.
EITHER This is very small OR this is < 0.05

which suggests that the historian may be correct

to suspect something unusual about July 1637.

But only July has a number of births more than 5, and at the 5% level of
statistical significance we expect 1 month in 20 to have such a large
number, then unless we have a prior expectation that July is unusual, we
should be cautious before accepting the historian’s suggestion.

(ii) The assumption that births follow a Poisson process is

unlikely to be entirely realistic

EITHER because of the occurrence of multiple births

(twins and triplets)
OR because births tend to occur seasonally
OR because the process might be time inhomogeneous.

5 Using the chi-squared test (a suitable overall test).

actual deaths - expected deaths

If z x =
expected deaths
, then the test statistic is ∑ z x 2 ∼ χ2m ,
where m is the number of ages, which in this case is 6.

The calculations are shown below.

Age x zx zx2

18 0.9487 0.9
19 0.8660 0.75
20 0 0
21 2.3094 5.3333
22 1.4142 2
23 1.3416 1.8

Therefore the value of the test statistic is 10.783.

The critical value of the chi-squared distribution

at the 5% level of significance with 6 degrees of
freedom is 12.59.

Since 10.783 < 12.59 there is insufficient evidence to reject

the hypothesis that the mortality rate of men in the University is the same as that of
the national population.

Page 6
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

6 (i) Age label changes on the receipt of the

premium on the policy anniversary so this is a
policy year rate interval.

Policyholders’ ages range from x to x+1

at start of the rate interval.

1 3
(ii) Central exposed to risk E xc = ∫ Px,t dt ≈ ∑ ( Px,t + Px,t +1 )
t =0
2 t =0

Approximation assumes population changes linearly over each year

during the period of investigation.

1 3 1
Initial exposed to risk Ex ≈ ∑
2 t =0
( Px,t + Px,t +1 ) + d x ,
assuming deaths are uniform over the rate interval OR deaths occur on
average half way through the rate interval.

(but NOT deaths are uniform over the “year”, or occur on average half
way through the “year”)

(iii) qˆ x = estimates qx for the average age
at the start of the rate interval.

Assuming birthdays are uniformly distributed

across policy years,

the average age at the start of the rate interval

is x+½, so we require q̂39 1 to estimate q40.
Assuming q̂39 1 = [ qˆ39 + qˆ40 ] we have

qˆ39 = = 0.002596
1 1
(10536 + 11005) + * 28
2 2

qˆ40 = = 0.003311
1 1
(10965 + 10745) + *36
2 2

and hence our estimate of q40 is 0.5[0.002596 + 0.003311) = 0.002954.

Page 7
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

7 (i) Individual life offices are likely to have their systems set up to provide
information on a “by policy” basis.

When data from different offices is pooled, it would not be practicable to

establish whether an individual held policies with other companies.

(ii) If the mortality rate is qx then since the lives are independent the number of
deaths Di will be distributed Binomial ( q x , πi N )

So ∑ Ci = ∑ iDi .
i i

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
Hence Var[C] = Var ⎢ ∑ Ci ⎥ = Var ⎢ ∑ iDi ⎥ = ∑ i 2 Var [ Di ]
⎣⎢ i ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ i ⎦⎥ i

by independence of deaths

= ∑ i 2 πi Nqx (1 − q x )

If instead there were ∑ iπi N independent

policies/lives the variance would be additive so:

Var [C′] = ∑ iπi Nq x (1 − q x )


∑ i 2 πi
So the variance is increased by the ratio i
∑ iπi

(iii) If the proportions of lives holding i policies were known, the variance ratio
could be allowed for in statistical tests

by using the ratio to adjust the variance upwards.

However, the variance ratio is unlikely to be known exactly.

Special investigations may be performed from time to time to estimate the

variance ratios by matching up policyholders, which could then be applied to
subsequent mortality investigations.

Page 8
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

8 (i) The transition matrix of the process is

⎛ 0.15 0.85 0 0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
0.15 0 0.85 0 ⎟
P= ⎜
⎜ 0.03 0.12 0 0.85 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝0 0.03 0.12 0.85 ⎠

(ii) (a) For the one year transition, p22 = 0, as can be seen
from above (or is obvious from the statement).

(b) The second order transition matrix is

⎛0.152 +0.85×0.15 0.85×0.15 0.852 0 ⎞

⎜ ⎟
⎜0.152 +0.85×0.03 0.85×0.15+0.85×0.12 0 0.852 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0.03×0.15+0.12×0.15 0.85×0.03×2 0.85×0.12×2 0.852 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0.03×0.15+0.12×0.03 0.122 +0.85×0.03 0.85×0.03+0.85×0.12 0.12×0.85+ 0.852 ⎟⎠

⎛ 0.15 0.1275 0.7225 0 ⎞

⎜ ⎟
0.048 0.2295 0 0.7225 ⎟
⎜ 0.0225 0.051 0.204 0.7225 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0.0081 0.0399 0.1275 0.8245 ⎠

hence the required probability is 0.2295.

(iii) In matrix form, the equation we need to solve is πP = π,

where π is the vector of equilibrium probabilities.

This reads

0.15π1 + 0.15π 2 + 0.03π3 = π1 (1)

0.85π1 + +0.12π3 + 0.03π4 = π 2 (2)
+0.85π2 +0.12π 4 = π3 (3)
0.85π3 + 0.85π4 = π 4 (4)

∑i=1 πi = 1 .
Discard the first of these equations and use also the fact that

Then, we obtain first from (4) that 0.85π3 = 0.15π4

or, that π4 = 17 π3 / 3

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

Substituting in (3) this gives

0.85π2 + 0.12 × π3 = π3 ⇒ π3 = 2.65625π 2

(2) now yields that

0.85π1 = π2 − 0.12π3 − 0.03π4 = π3 − 0.12π3 − 0.17π3 = 0.0865π3,

so that finally we get π1 = 0.10173π3 .

Using now that the probabilities must add up to one, we obtain

π1 + π 2 + π3 + π 4 = (0.10173 + 0.3765 + 1 + 5.666)π3 = 1,

or that π3 = 0.13996.

Solving back for the other variables we get that

π1 = 0.01424, π2 = 0.05269, π4 = 0.79311

The long-run probability that the motorist is in discount level 2 is therefore


9 (i) The state space is discrete with states as given in the question.

The process operates in continuous time.

However, at the compulsory scheme retirement
age of 65 there is a discrete step change.

This is sometimes described as a mixed process.

Page 10
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report


x +t μ 24
x +t
No longer
x +t
Currently μ13
x +t Pensioner
employed μ 25
x +t

Ill health
μ 45
x +t
μ 35
x +t
x +t


(iii) (a) For x + t < 65

∂ p11 12 13 15 11
∂t t x = −(μ x +t + μ x +t + μ x +t ) t px
∂ p12 12 11 25 12
∂t t x = μ x +t . t p x − μ x + t . t p x

∂ p13 13 11 35 13
∂t t x = μ x +t . t p x − μ x +t . t p x

∂ p15 15 11 25 12 35 13
∂t t x = μ x +t . t p x + μ x +t . t p x + μ x +t . t p x

and t p14
x is zero.

(b) For x + t = 65

t p11 12
x and t p x become 0 at x + t = 65+ δ

t +δ p14
x = t −δ p11 12
x + t −δ p x

Page 11
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

(c) For x + t >65

t p11 12
x = t px = 0

∂ p13 35 13
∂t t x = −μ x +t . t p x

∂ p14 45 14
∂t t x = −μ x +t . t p x

∂ p15 35 13 45 14
∂t t x = μ x +t . t p x + μ x +t . t p x

10 (i) EITHER

The hazard rate at duration x is given by

Pr[ X ≤ x + dt | X > x]
lim .
dt →0 dt


In discrete time, the hazard rate at duration x is given by, Pr[ X = x | X ≥ x] .


1 d
The hazard rate at duration x is given by h( x) = − [ S ( x)] ,
S ( x) dx

where S(x) is the survival function defined as Pr[X > x].

(ii) The integrated hazard, Λ x , is estimated as follows:

dj dj
xj nj dj cj
Λx = ∑ nj
x j ≤x
0 100 0 0 0 0

1 100 0 3 0 0
2 97 0 2 0 0
3 95 4 1 4/95 = 0.0421 0.0421
4 90 3 2 3/90 = 0.0333 0.0754
5 85 5 0 5/85 = 0.0588 0.1343
6 80 0 80 0 0.1343

Page 12
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

The survival function S(x) is given by exp(−Λx), so that we have

x S(x)

0≤ x<3 1.0000
3≤ x < 4 0.9588
4≤ x<5 0.9274
5≤ x 0.8744

(iii) Confidence intervals around the integrated hazard may

be estimated using the formula

~ d j (n j − d j )
Var[ Λ x ] = ∑ n3j
x j ≤x

Applying this to the data gives

d j (n j − d j ) d j (n j − d j )
xj nj dj
∑ n3j
x j ≤x

0 100 0 0 0
1 100 0 0 0
2 97 0 0 0
3 95 4 0.000425 0.000425
4 90 3 0.000358 0.000783
5 85 5 0.000651 0.001434
6 80 0 0 0.001434

95 per cent confidence intervals around the integrated

hazard at duration 6 can therefore be computed as

^ ^
Λ 6 ± 1.96 var Λ 6

= 0.1343 ± 1.96 0.001434

= (0.1343 – 0.0742, 0.1343 + 0.0742)

= (0.0601, 0.2085).

Page 13
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

The estimated survival function, S ( x) is given
by exp(− Λ x ) ,
so that the 95 per cent confidence interval for S ( x) is

[exp(−0.0601), exp(−0.2085)]

which is (0.9417, 0.8118).

In the previous investigation the probability that a
prisoner would not be reconvicted within 6 months
of release was 1 – 0.2 = 0.8.

Since the 95 per cent confidence interval around S ( x) in the current
investigation does not include the value 0.8, and our estimate of S ( x) > 0.8
we conclude that the rate of reconviction has declined since the previous


In the previous investigation the probability that a

prisoner would not be reconvicted within 6 months
of release was 1 – 0.2 = 0.8 – i.e. S(6) = 0.8

Since S(x) = exp(−Λx), the value of Λ6 corresponding to S(6) = 0.8 is

Λ6 = −loge(0.8) = 0.2231.

Since this is higher than the upper limit in the range (0.0601, 0.2085) we
conclude that the rate of reconviction has declined since the previous

Page 14
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

11 (i) State space is the set of integers Ζ .

Transition graph:
p p p p

-2 -1 0 1 2
1-p 1-p 1-p 1-p

(ii) (a) The process is not aperiodic

because it has period 2:

for example, starting from an even number the
process is only even after an even number of steps

(b) The process is irreducible

as the probabilities of Xn increasing and decreasing by 1 are both

non-zero so any state can be reached.

(c) No stationary distribution will exist because the state space is infinite.

(iii) Suppose there are u upward movements.

Then there must be m − u downward movements,

and u – (m – u) = j – i

m+ j −i
So u = .

(iv) The maximum number of upward steps is m so the

transition probability is zero if j – i > m.

As the chain is periodic with period 2, it can only occupy

state j after m steps if m + j − i is even.

If m + j − i is even and j – i ≤ m then there must be u

upward jumps and (m − u) downward jumps.

These can be ordered in ⎜ ⎟ ways.

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

So the transition probabilities are:

⎧⎛ m ⎞ u
⎪ p (1 − p) m−u if j − i ≤ m and m + j − i even
pij( m) = ⎨⎜⎝ u ⎟⎠
⎪ 0 otherwise


In both cases the transition probabilities

are unaltered unless Xi = 0.

(a) Reflecting boundary implies

P[Xi+1 = 1│Xi = 0] = 1 (or p01(1) = 1)

(b) Absorbing boundary implies

P[Xi+1 = 0│Xi = 0] = 1 (or p00(1) = 1)


A matrix solution for the transition probabilities is acceptable


⎛ 0 1 0 0 0 ... ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜1 − p 0 p 0 0 ... ⎟
⎜ 0 1− p 0 p 0 ... ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1− p 0 p ... ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 1− p 0 ... ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ : : : : : ⎠


⎛ 1 0 0 0 0 ... ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜1 − p 0 p 0 0 ... ⎟
⎜ 0 1− p 0 p 0 ... ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 1− p 0 p ... ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 1− p 0 ... ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ : : : : : ⎠


A diagrammatic solution is also acceptable:

Page 16
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report


1 p

0 1 2
1-p 1-p



0 1 2
1-p 1-p
(vi) In both cases the zero transition probabilities remain
zero as the period is still 2 where relevant.

If i is sufficiently above 0 then conditions at zero

will not be relevant and all the m-step transition
probabilities will remain the same. (This applies if m < i.)


In (a) some sample paths which would have

taken X below zero will be reflected, increasing the
probability of reaching j at step m.

So the m-step transition probabilities would increase.

In (b) any sample path which reaches zero would

no longer be able to access state j

so the transition probabilities would decrease.

Page 17
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report

12 (i) qx is the probability that a life aged exactly x will die before reaching
exact age x+1, and is called the initial rate of mortality.

mx is called the central rate of mortality and represents the probability that a
life alive between the ages of x and x+1 dies

They are related by:

mx = 1

∫ t px dt

(ii) (a) Uniform distribution of deaths (UDD)

t qx = t * qx

(b) Constant force of mortality (CFM)

t qx = 1 − e −μ*t

(c) Balducci assumption

1−t q x + t = (1 − t ) * q x

(iii) (a) UDD

1 1 ⎡t2 ⎤
∫t x ∫
p dt = (1 − 0.1t ) dt = 1 − 0.1⎢ ⎥ = 0.95
⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦
0 0 0

(or other reasoning why exposure is 0.95

under UDD)

mx = 0.1/0.95 = 0.105263

(b) CFM

μ given by:

1 − e −μ = 0.1

μ = − ln 0.9 = 0.1053605

Page 18
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2008 — Examiners’ Report


If force of mortality constant over [x, x+1] then

central rate must be equal to the force μ

so mx = 0.1053605


1 1 1
))dt = − ⎡ e ⎤
−μt 1 −μt 1
∫ t px dt = ∫ (1 − (1 − e = (1 − e−μ ) = 0.949122
μ⎣ ⎦0 μ
0 0

mx = 0.1/0.949122=0.1053605

(c) Balducci

For consistency, observe that 1 p x = t p x .1−t p x +t


1 px 0.9 0.9
t p x= = =
1−t p x +t 1 − 1−t q x +t 0.9 + 0.1t

1 1
0.9 0.9
∫ t px dt = ∫ 0.9 + 0.1t dt = 0.1 [ln(0.9 + 0.1t )]0 = −9 ln 0.9 = 0.9482446

0 0

So mx = 0.1/0.9482446=0.1054580

(iv) The Balducci assumption implies a decreasing

mortality rate over [x, x+1] and UDD
an increasing mortality rate.

CFM is obviously constant

For a given number of deaths over the period,

the estimated exposure would be highest if we
assumed an increasing mortality rate.

We would expect the central rate to be highest

for that with the lowest estimate exposure, hence
Balducci > CFM > UDD is the expected order.


Page 19
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


29 April 2009 (am)

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

Time allowed: Three hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 12 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the Formulae
and Tables and your own electronic calculator from the approved list.

© Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 A2009 © Institute of Actuaries
1 A life insurance company has a small group of policies written on impaired lives and
has conducted an investigation into the mortality of these policyholders. It is
proposed that the crude mortality rates be graduated for use in future premium

Discuss the suitability of two methods of graduation that the insurance company could
use. [3]

2 (i) Explain what is meant by a time-homogeneous Markov chain. [2]

Consider the time-homogeneous two-state Markov chain with transition matrix:

⎛1 − a a ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ b 1− b ⎠

(ii) Explain the range of values that a and b can take which result in this being a
valid Markov chain which is:

(a) irreducible
(b) periodic [3]
[Total 5]

3 List the benefits and limitations of modelling in actuarial work. [5]

4 Below is an extract from English Life Table 15 (females).

Age x Number of survivors to

(years) exact age x out of
100,000 births

30 98,617
40 97,952

(i) Calculate 5 q30 under each of the two following alternative assumptions:

(a) a uniform distribution of deaths (UDD) between ages 30 and 40 years

(b) a constant force of mortality between ages 30 and 40 years [3]

(ii) Calculate the number of survivors to exact age 35 years out of 100,000 births
under each of the assumptions in (i) above. [1]

English Life Table 15 (females) was originally calculated using data classified by
single years of age. The number of survivors to exact age 35 years was 98,359.

(iii) Comment on the appropriateness of the assumptions of UDD and a constant

force of mortality between ages 30 and 40 years in this example. [3]
[Total 7]

CT4 A2009—2
5 Explain the basis underlying the grouping of signs test, and derive the formula for the
probability of exactly t positive groups by considering the possible arrangements of a
set of positive and negative signs. [5]

6 An investigation by a hospital into rates of recovery after a specific type of operation

collected the following data for each month of the calendar year 2008:

• number of persons who recovered from the operation during the month (defined as
being discharged from the hospital) classified by the month of their operation.

You may assume that there were no deaths.

On the first day of each month from January 2008 to January 2009, the hospital listed
all in-patients who were yet to recover from this operation, classified according to the
length of time elapsing since their operation, to the nearest month.

(i) (a) Write down an expression which will enable the hospital to calculate
rates of recovery, rx, during 2008 at various durations x since the
operation using the available data.

(b) Derive a formula for the exposed to risk based on the information in
the hospital’s monthly lists of in-patients which corresponds to the data
on recovery from the operation.

(ii) Determine the value of f such that the expression in (i)(a) applies to an actual
duration x + f since the operation. [2]
[Total 7]

7 (i) Explain how the classification of stochastic processes according to the nature
of their state space and time space leads to a four way classification. [2]

(ii) For each of the four types of process:

(a) give an example of a statistical model

(b) write down a problem of relevance to the operation of:

• a food retailer
• a general insurance company
[Total 8]


8 There is a population of ten cats in a certain neighbourhood. Whenever a cat which
has fleas meets a cat without fleas, there is a 50% probability that some of the fleas
transfer to the other cat such that both cats harbour fleas thereafter. Contacts between
two of the neighbourhood cats occur according to a Poisson process with rate μ, and
these meetings are equally likely to involve any of the possible pairs of individuals.
Assume that once infected a cat continues to have fleas, and that none of the cats’
owners has taken any preventative measures.

(i) If the number of cats currently infected is x, explain why the number of
possible pairings of cats which could result in a new flea infection is x(10 – x).

(ii) Show how the number of infected cats at any time, X(t), can be formulated as
a Markov jump process, specifying:

(a) the state space

(b) the Kolmogorov differential equations in matrix form

(iii) State the distribution of the holding times of the Markov jump process. [2]

(iv) Calculate the expected time until all the cats have fleas, starting from a single
flea-infected cat. [2]
[Total 9]

9 (i) Prove that, under Gompertz’s Law, the probability of survival from age x to
age x + t, t p x , is given by:

c x ( ct −1)
⎡ ⎛ − B ⎞⎤
t p x = ⎢ exp ⎜ ⎟⎥ . [3]
⎣ ⎝ ln c ⎠ ⎦

For a certain population, estimates of survival probabilities are available as follows:

1 p50 = 0.995
2 p50 = 0.989 .

(ii) Calculate values of B and c consistent with these observations. [3]

(iii) Comment on the calculation performed in (ii) compared with the usual process
for estimating the parameters from a set of crude mortality rates. [3]
[Total 9]

CT4 A2009—4
10 Let Tx be a random variable denoting future lifetime after age x, and let T be
another random variable denoting the lifetime of a new-born person.

(i) (a) Define, in terms of probabilities, S x (t ) , which represents the survival

function of Tx.

(b) Derive an expression relating S x (t ) to S (t ) , the survival function of T.


(ii) Define, in terms of probabilities involving Tx , the force of mortality, μ x +t .


The Weibull distribution has a survival function given by

( )
S x (t ) = exp −(λt )β ,

where λ and β are parameters (λ, β > 0).

(iii) Derive an expression for the Weibull force of mortality in terms of λ and β.

(iv) Sketch, on the same graph, the Weibull force of mortality for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5 for the
following pairs of values of λ and β:

λ = 1, β = 0.5
λ = 1, β = 1.0
λ = 1, β = 1.5
[Total 10]


11 An investigation into mortality by cause of death used the four-state Markov model
shown below.

1 Alive

x +t
x +t
x +t

2 Dead from 3 Dead from 4 Dead from

heart disease cancer other causes

(i) Show from first principles that

∂ 12 12 11
t p x = μ x +t t p x . [5]

The investigation was carried out separately for each year of age, and the transition
intensities were assumed to be constant within each single year of age.

(ii) (a) Write down, defining all the terms you use, the likelihood for the
transition intensities.

(b) Derive the maximum likelihood estimator of the force of mortality

from heart disease for any single year of age. [5]

The investigation produced the following data for persons aged 64 last birthday:

Total waiting time in the state Alive 1,065 person-years

Number of deaths from heart disease 34

Number of deaths from cancer 36
Number of deaths from other causes 42

(iii) (a) Calculate the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the force of
mortality from heart disease at age 64 last birthday.

(b) Estimate an approximate 95% confidence interval for the MLE of the
force of mortality from heart disease at age 64 last birthday. [3]

(iv) Discuss how you might use this model to analyse the impact of risk factors on
the death rate from heart disease and suggest, giving reasons, a suitable
alternative model. [3]
[Total 16]

CT4 A2009—6
12 A motor insurer operates a no claims discount system with the following levels of
discount {0%, 25%, 50%, 60%}.

The rules governing a policyholder’s discount level, based upon the number of claims
made in the previous year, are as follows:

• Following a year with no claims, the policyholder moves up one discount level, or
remains at the 60% level.

• Following a year with one claim, the policyholder moves down one discount level,
or remains at 0% level.

• Following a year with two or more claims, the policyholder moves down two
discount levels (subject to a limit of the 0% discount level).

The number of claims made by a policyholder in a year is assumed to follow a

Poisson distribution with mean 0.30.

(i) Determine the transition matrix for the no claims discount system. [3]

(ii) Calculate the stationary distribution of the system, π . [5]

(iii) Calculate the expected average long term level of discount. [1]

The following data shows the number of the insurer’s 130,200 policyholders in the
portfolio classified by the number of claims each policyholder made in the last year.
This information was used to estimate the mean of 0.30.

No claims 96,632
One claim 28,648
Two claims 4,400
Three claims 476
Four claims 36
Five claims 8

(iv) Test the goodness of fit of these data to a Poisson distribution with mean 0.30.

(v) Comment on the implications of your conclusion in (iv) for the average level
of discount applied. [2]
[Total 16]


CT4 A2009—7
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical


April 2009


The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

R D Muckart
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

June 2009

© Faculty of Actuaries
© Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report


Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for the April 2009 paper are given

Q1 Answers to this question were satisfactory. Most candidates realised that graduation by
reference to a standard table was potentially appropriate, and that graphical graduation
might have to be used as a last resort. Credit was given for sensible points other than those
mentioned in the specimen solution below.

Q2 In part (ii) some explanation of the correct possible values of a and b was required for
full credit. A common error in part (ii) (a) was to write 0 < a < 1 and 0 < b < 1, ignoring
the possibility that a and b could equal 1.

Q3 This bookwork question was well answered by many candidates. Credit was given for
sensible points other than those mentioned in the specimen solution below.

Q4 Answers to parts (i) and (ii) were generally good, with a substantial proportion of
candidates scoring full marks. Part (iii) was much less convincingly answered. Although not
all the points mentioned in the specimen solutions below were required for full credit, many
candidates only included the briefest of comments, and consequently scored few marks.

Q5 Most candidates simply wrote down the formula for Pr[G=t] (which is given in the book
of Formulae and Tables) and then explained what each bracketed expression in the formula
meant. Few candidates gave more than the briefest explanation of why the test is useful, and
what it is designed to achieve, and still fewer gave any indication of how the test was to be

Q6 Answers to this question were very disappointing. Although this was slightly more
demanding than some exposed-to-risk questions in the past, many candidates seemed to have
little notion of how to approximate the central exposed to risk.

Q7 This question was generally well answered, although part (ii) was less well answered
than similar questions on previous papers in which examples relevant to actuarial work were
asked for. Marks were deducted in part (ii) for problems which seemed trivial, or where
essentially the same examples were given for more than one class of models.

Q8 Few candidates made a serious attempt at this question. Many answers consisted of an
attempt at part (i) followed by a description of the state space in part (ii)(a), the general
expression for the Kolmogorov equations, and a statement in part (iii) that the distribution of
holding times was exponential. Few candidates attempted to write down the matrix in part
(ii). Note that credit was given in part (iv) for errors carried forward from incorrect
matrices in part (ii).

Q9 Part (i) of this question was well answered by a good proportion of candidates. Fewer
managed to calculate the values of B and c in part (ii), partly due to algebraic errors. Credit
was given for the calculation of B to candidates who calculated an incorrect value for c but
then correctly computed the value of B which corresponded to their value of c. Part (iii) was
poorly answered, with many candidates offering no comments at all.

Page 2
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Q10 Answers to this question were very disappointing. Parts (i) and (ii) were bookwork
based on the Core Reading, yet many candidates seemed not to understand what was
required. Part (iii) was rather better answered. Candidates who derived an incorrect hazard
function in part (iii) could score full credit in part (iv) for correct sketches of these incorrect
hazards. Indeed, of the relatively small number of candidates who scored highly for the
sketches in part (iv), some did indeed produce correct plots of incorrect (and sometimes
much more complicated) hazard functions.

Q11 This question was well answered by many candidates. The only general weaknesses
were steps missing in part (i) and the lack of explanation of where the approximate variance
came from in part (iii)(b). In part (iv), an encouraging number of candidates realised that
the Cox model was an obvious alternative model, though few made any further comments on
how it might be applied to the problem mentioned in the question.

Q12 This question was also well answered by the majority of candidates. Many scored full
marks on parts (i), (ii) and (iii), and made a good attempt at part (iv). The comments asked
for in part (v) were, however, much less convincingly made. In part (iv), several candidates
combined the two categories “4 claims” and “5 claims” because the expected value was
small. Full credit was given for this if the chi-squared statistic was computed correctly, and
the number of degrees of freedom was correct for this alternative. However, candidates who
performed the test on the reduced number of categories “0 claims”, “1 claim” and “2 or
more claims” were penalised.

Page 3
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

1 Graduation by reference to a standard table might be appropriate, if a suitable

standard table could be found.

However the fact that the company insures non-standard lives makes it unlikely that a
suitable standard table would exist.

Graphical graduation might be used if no suitable standard table can be found.

However it is a last resort as it is difficult to obtain results which are smooth and
which adhere to the data.

Graduation using a parametric formula is unlikely to be appropriate as the amount of

data in this investigation is likely to be small and it is unlikely that the company will
want to produce a standard table.

2 (i) A Markov chain is a stochastic process with discrete states operating in

discrete time in which the probabilities of moving from one state to another
are dependent only on the present state of the process.


If the transition probabilities are also independent of time.


If the l-step transition probabilities are dependent only on the time lag, the
chain is said to be time-homogeneous.

(ii) (a) In this case the chain is irreducible if the transition probability
out of each state is non-zero (or, equivalently, if it is possible to
reach the other state from both states)

So requires 0 < a ≤ 1 and 0 < b ≤ 1

(b) The chain is only periodic if the chain must alternate between
the states.

So a = 1 and b = 1.

Page 4
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

3 Benefits

Complex systems with stochastic elements can be studied.

Different future policies or possible actions can be compared.

In models of complex systems we can control the experimental conditions and thus
reduce the variance of the results without upsetting their mean values.

Can calibrate to observed data and hence model interdependencies between


Often models are the only practicable means of answering actuarial questions.

Systems with a long time-frame can be studied and results obtainedrelatively quickly.


Time or cost or resources required for model development.

In a stochastic model, many independent runs of the model are needed to obtain
results for a given set of inputs.

Models can look impressive and there is a danger this results in false sense of

Poor or incredible data input or assumptions will lead to flawed output.

Users need to understand the model and the uses to which it can safely be put — the
model is not a “black box”.

It is not possible to include all future events in a model (e.g. change in legislation).

Interpreting the results can be a challenge.

Any model will be an approximation.

Models are better for comparing the impact of input variations than for optimising

Page 5
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

4 (i) (a) Under UDD the number of deaths between exact ages 30 and 35 years
is half the number of deaths between exact ages 30 and 40 years.

So the number of deaths between exact ages 30 and 35 years is

½(98,617 – 97,952) = 332.5

and 5 q30 = = 0.0033716 .
98, 617

(b) Let the constant force of mortality be µ.

⎛ t ⎞
Then, since t p x = exp ⎜ − ∫ μ x + s ds ⎟ ,
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠
10 p30 = exp ( −10μ )


− log e ( 10 p30 ) − log e ( 97,952 / 98, 617 )

μ= = = 0.0006766 .
10 10

5 q30 = 1 − 5 p30 = 1 − exp(−5μ)

= 1 − exp[(−5)(0.0006766)] = 0.0033773 .


The number of survivors to exact age 35 years is

98, 617 5 p30 = 98, 617(1 − 5 q30 ) ,

so for UDD this is

98, 617(1 − 0.0033716) = 98, 284.5 ,

and under a constant force of mortality this is

98, 617(1 − 0.0033773) = 98, 283.9 .


Under UDD the number of survivors to exact age 35 years is

(98,617 + 97,952)/2 = 98,284.5.

Page 6
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Under a constant force of mortality the number of survivors to

exact age 35 years is given by

98, 617 *97,952 = 98, 283.9

(iii) The actual number of survivors to exact age 35 years is higher (or,
equivalently, mortality is lighter) than that under either the UDD or the
constant force assumptions.

The actual number of survivors implies that there were 258 deaths between
ages 30 and 35 years and 407 deaths between ages 35 and 40 years.

The actual data reveal that the force of mortality is higher between ages 35 and
40 years than it is between ages 30 and 35 years for females in English Life
Table 15, which suggests that the force of mortality is increasing over this age

The assumption of UDD implies an increasing force of mortality.

The actual force of mortality seems to be increasing even faster than is implied
by UDD.

A constant force of mortality is unlikely to be realistic for this age range.

Used over a 10-year age span the assumption of UDD is unlikely to be

appropriate, whereas used over single years of age it is acceptable.

5 Suppose we have a set of n crude mortality rates for a given age range x to x + n − 1,
and we wish to compare them to a standard set of n mortality rates for the same age

If the mortality underlying the crude rates is the same as that of the standard set of
rates (the null hypothesis), then we should expect the difference between the two sets
of rates to be due only to sampling variability.

The grouping of signs test tests the null hypothesis by examining the number of
groups of consecutive positive deviations among the n ages, where a positive
deviation occurs when the crude rate exceeds the corresponding rate in the standard

Suppose there are a total of m positive deviations, n – m negative deviations and G

positive groups.

Then the number of possible ways to arrange t positive groups among n – m negative
⎛ n − m + 1⎞
deviations is ⎜ ⎟.
⎝t ⎠

Page 7
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

⎛ m − 1⎞
There are ⎜ ⎟ ways to arrange m positive signs into t positive groups.
⎝ t −1 ⎠

⎛n ⎞
There are ⎜ ⎟ ways to arrange m positive and n – m negative signs.

Therefore the probability of exactly t positive groups is

⎛ n − m + 1⎞ ⎛ m − 1⎞
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ t −1 ⎠
Pr[G = t ] =
⎛n ⎞
⎜ ⎟

The grouping of signs test then evaluates Pr[t ≤ G ] under the null hypothesis.

If this is less than 0.05 we reject the null hypothesis at the 5% level.

6 (i) (a) The relevant recovery rates can be estimated as

rx = , x = 0, 1, 2, ... months

where dx is the number of persons recovering in the calendar month

that was x months after the calendar month of their operation, and Exc is
the central exposed to risk.

(b) We need to ensure that the Exc correspond to the data on persons

The hospital’s data imply a calendar month rate interval for the
recoveries, running from the first day of each month until the last day
of each month.

Using the monthly “census” data, a definition of Exc which corresponds

to the deaths data can be obtained as follows.

We observe Px,t = number of lives under observation for whom the

time elapsing since the operation was between x − ½ and x + ½
months, where t is the time in months since 1 January 2008.

Page 8
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Therefore, using the census formula:

12 11

E xc = ∫ P *x,t dt = ∑ 1 P *x,t + P *x +1,t +1 ) ,
0 0

where P *x,t = 1 ( Px −1,t + Px,t ) .


We assume all months are the same length, and that the numbers in the
hospital vary linearly across each month.

(ii) At the start of the rate interval, durations since the operation range from x − 1
to x months, so the average duration is x − ½, assuming operations take place
evenly across the month.

rx estimates the recovery rate at the mid-point of the rate interval.

This is exactly x months since the operation, so f = 0.

7 (i) Processes can be classified, first, according to whether their state space (i.e.
the range of states they can possibly occupy) is discrete or continuous

For processes operating in both discrete and continuous state space the time
domain can either be discrete or continuous

Therefore we have four possible types of process


2 types of state space × 2 types of time domain


State space Time domain

Discrete Discrete
Discrete Continuous
Continuous Discrete
Continuous Continuous

Page 9
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report


Type of process Statistical model Problem of relevance Problem of relevance

to food retailer to a general insurer
SS Discrete/ Markov chain Whether or not No claims bonus
T Discrete Markov jump chain particular product out
Counting process of stock at the end of
Random walk each day
SS Discrete/ Counting process Rate of arrival of Number of claims
T Continuous Poisson process customers in shop received monitored
Markov jump process continuously
Compound Poisson
SS Continuous/ ARIMA time series Value of goods in Total amount insured
T Discrete model stock at the end of on a certain type of
General random walk each day policy valued at the
White noise end of each month
SS Continuous/ Compound Poisson Volume (or value) of Value of claims
T Continuous process trade in shop over a arriving monitored
Brownian motion continuous period of continuously
Ito process time

8 (i) There are x infected cats and hence 10 – x uninfected cats.

Flea transmission requires one of the x infected cats to meet one of the (10 − x)
uninfected cats.

⎛10 ⎞
(ii) The total number of pairings of cats is ⎜ ⎟ = 45.

So the probability of a meeting resulting in an increase in the number of cats

with fleas is 0.5x(10 − x)/45.

As this depends only on the number of cats currently infected, and meetings
occur according to a Poisson process, the number of infected cats over time
follows a Markov jump process.

(a) The state space is the number of cats infected {0,1,2,,…..10}

Page 10
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

(b) The generator matrix is

⎛0 0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ −9 9 ⎟
⎜ −16 16 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ −21 21 ⎟
⎜ −24 24 ⎟
μ⎜ ⎟
A= ⎜ −25 25 ⎟
90 ⎜ ⎟
−24 24
⎜ ⎟
⎜ −21 21 ⎟
⎜ −16 16 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ −9 9 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0⎠

Kolmogorov’s equations:


forward form P(t ) = P(t ) A


backward form P(t ) = AP(t )

(iii) Holding times are exponentially distributed.

90 μx(10 − x)
With mean OR parameter .
μx(10 − x) 90

(iv) Total expected time is the sum of the mean holding times.

90 9 90 ⎛ 1 1 1 1 1 1⎞

1 1 1 1
= = ⎜ + + + + + + + + ⎟
μ x =1 x(10 − x) μ ⎝ 9 16 21 24 25 24 21 16 9 ⎠

= 50.92/µ

Page 11
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

9 (i) Under Gompertz’s Law

μ x = Bc x .


⎛ t ⎞
⎜ ∫ x+ w ⎟
t x = exp ⎜ − μ dw ⎟,
⎝ 0 ⎠

⎛ t ⎞ ⎛ t⎞
Bc x c w
we have t p x = exp ⎜ − ∫ Bc x + w dw ⎟ = exp ⎜ − ⎟,
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ln c ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0⎠

⎛ ⎡ Bc x ct − Bc x ⎤ ⎞ c x ( ct −1)
⎡ ⎛ − B ⎞⎤
which is exp ⎜ − ⎣ ⎦⎟=
⎢ exp ⎜ ln c ⎟ ⎥ .
⎜ ln c ⎟ ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
⎝ ⎠

⎡ ⎛ − B ⎞⎤
(ii) Define Q = ⎢ exp ⎜ ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝ ln c ⎠ ⎦

ln 0.995 = (c − 1) ln Q

ln 0.989 = (c2 − 1) ln Q

(c 2 − 1) (c − 1)(c + 1)
= = 2.20665
(c − 1) (c − 1)

c = 1.20665

Therefore Q = 0.976036128

⎡ ⎛ −B ⎞⎤
⎢exp ⎜ ln1.20665 ⎟ ⎥ = 0.976036128
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦

B = 3.797*10−7.

(iii) In this example, only two observations are provided so there is an analytical
solution to the Gompertz model.

This is unrealistic as in general a graduation process would be used to provide

a fit to a set of crude rates.

This could be done by weighted least squares or maximum likelihood.

Page 12
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

The more general graduation process allows the fitting of more complex
models from the Gompertz-Makeham family which have the form

μ x = polynomial(1) + exp(polynomial(2))

the parameters of which cannot always so easily be estimated by the method

used in part (ii).

10 (i) (a) S x (t ) = Pr[Tx > t ]


Pr[T > x + t ]
Since Pr[Tx > t ] = Pr[T > x + t | T > x] =
Pr[T > x]

and S (t ) = Pr[T > t ] ,

S (x + t)
then S x (t ) = .
S ( x)


Since S x (t ) = t px , then using the consistency principle

x +t p0 =t p x . x p0

x +tp0 S ( x + t )
Therefore t px = S x (t ) = = .
x p0 S ( x)


1 d
μ x +t = − [Pr(Tx > t )]
Pr[Tx > t ] dt


μ x +t = lim
( Pr[Tx ≤ t + h | Tx > t )
h →0 h

(iii) EITHER

If the density function of Tx is f x (t ) , then we can write

f x (t ) = S x (t )μ x +t = − S x (t )

Page 13
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

1 d
Therefore μ x +t = − S x (t )
S x (t ) dt

( )
If S x (t ) = exp −(λt )β , therefore, we have

μ x +t = −
1 d
exp −(λt )β )
exp −(λt )β ) dt

μ x +t = −
exp ( −(λt ) )
β ( exp ( −(λt ) )) ( −λ βt ) = λ βt
β β β−1 β β−1


⎡ t ⎤
S x (t ) = exp ⎢ − ∫ μ x + s ds ⎥ = exp ⎡ −(λt )β ⎤ .
⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎦


d ⎡ ⎤
⎢ ∫ μ x + s ds ⎥ = μ x +t = ⎡ (λt )β ⎤ ,
dt ⎢ ⎥⎦ dt ⎣ ⎦

and hence

μ x +t = βλβt β−1 .


Page 14
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

11 (i) Condition on the state occupied at t.

We have

x = t p x dt p x +t + t p x dt p x +t .
p12 11 12 12 22
t + dt

since it is impossible to leave states 3 and 4 once entered.

Also, dt px22+t = 1,

since state 2 is an absorbing state.

We now assume that, for small dt,

x +t = μ x +t dt + o( dt )
p12 12

where o(dt) is the probability that a life makes two or more transitions in the
time interval dt, and

o(dt )
lim =0.
dt →0 dt

Substituting for dt p12

x +t gives

x = μ x +t t p x dt + t p x + o( dt )
p12 12 11 12
t + dt


x − t p x = μ x +t t p x dt + o(dt )
p12 12 12 11
t + dt


∂ 12 x − t px
p12 12
t + dt
t p x = lim + = μ12 11
x +t t p x
∂t dt →0 dt

(ii) (a) Suppose we observe d12 deaths from heart disease, d13 deaths from
cancer and d14 deaths from other causes.

Suppose also that we observe the waiting time for each life, and that
the total observed waiting time is V, being the sum of the waiting times
for each life.

Page 15
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Then the likelihood of the data is given by

( )
L ∝ exp ⎡ − μ12 + μ13 + μ14 V ⎤ (μ12 ) d (μ13 ) d (μ14 ) d .
12 13 14

⎣ ⎦

(b) The maximum likelihood estimator of μ12 is obtained by

differentiating this expression (or its logarithm) with respect to μ12
and setting the derivative equal to zero.

Taking logarithms produces

log L = −(μ12 + μ13 + μ14 )V + d 12 log μ12 + d 13 log μ13 + d 14 log μ14 + K

(where K is a constant )

Partially differentiating this with respect to μ12 leads to

∂ log L d 12
= −V + ,
∂μ12 μ12

and setting the partial derivative equal to zero leads to the solution

d 12
μˆ 12 = .

∂ 2 log L d 12
Since =− , the second derivative is always negative
(∂μ12 ) 2 (μ12 )2
and so we have a maximum.

(iii) (a) The maximum likelihood estimate of the force of mortality from heart
disease is 34/1,065 = 0.0319249

(b) The variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of μ12 is

asymptotically , where E[V] is the expected waiting time in the
E[V ]
state “alive” and μ12 is the “true” population value of the force of
mortality from heart disease.

This may be approximated by using the observed force of mortality

and the observed waiting time, so that an estimate of the variance is

= 0.000029976 .
1, 065

Page 16
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

The estimated standard error is therefore

0.000029976 = 0.00547507 .

The 95% confidence interval is therefore

0.0319249 ± (1.96)0.00547507 = 0.0319249 ± 0.0107311

= (0.0212, 0.0427).

(iv) Using the four state model, the lives in the investigation would have to be
stratified according to the risk factors and the transition intensities estimated
separately for each stratum.

This is likely to run into problems of small numbers.

Using a Cox regression model with death from heart disease as the event of
interest and the risk factors as covariates would avoid this problem.

Lives who died from other causes could be treated as censored at the durations
when they died.

12 (i) The probability of making the relevant number of claims is:

P[0 claims] = exp(−0.3) = 0.740818

P[1 claim] = 0.3exp(−0.3) = 0.222245

So P[2 or more claims] = 1 − 0.740818 − 0.222245 = 0.036936

Therefore the transition matrix P is given by:

⎛ 0.259182 0.740818 0 0 ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0.259182 0 0.740818 0 ⎟
⎜ 0.036936 0.222245 0 0.740818 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 0.036936 0.222245 0.740818 ⎠

(ii) π = πP

π1 = 0.259182π1 + 0.259182π2 + 0.036936π3 (1)

π2 = 0.740818π1 + 0.222245π3 + 0.036936π4 (2)
π3 = 0.740818π2 + 0.222245π4 (3)
π4 = 0.740818π3 + 0.740818π4 (4)
π1 + π2 + π3 + π4 = 1

Page 17
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Using (4)

π3 = [(1 − 0.740818) / 0.740818]* π4 = 0.349859π4 .

In (3)

π2 = [(0.349859 − 0.222245) / 0.740818]* π4 = 0.17226π4 .

Then in (2)

π1 = [(0.17226 − 0.036936 − 0.222245*0.349859) / 0.740818]* π4 = 0.07771π4


π4 = 1/ (1+0.349859+0.17226+0.07771)=0.625067
π3 = 0.218685
π2 = 0.107674
π1 = 0.048574

(iii) Average discount =

60%*0.625067+50%*0.218685+25%*0.107674 = 51.13%

(iv) The total number of policyholders shown is 130,200.

Number of Probability Expected Observed (O − E)2/E

claims Number
0 0.740818221 96454.53 96632 0.327
1 0.222245466 28936.35 28648 2.873
2 0.03333682 4340.45 4400 0.817
3 0.003333682 434.05 476 4.054
4 0.000250026 32.55 36 0.366
5 1.50016E−05 1.95 8 18.771

Null hypothesis: the data come from a source where the underlying
distribution of number of claims follows a Poisson distribution with mean

The test statistic z = ∑ (Oi − Ei )2 Ei

is distributed as chi-square
with (6 − 1(parameter) − 5 degrees of freedom under the null hypothesis.

This is a one-tailed test, and the upper 5% point of the chi-squared distribution
with 5 degrees of freedom is 11.07.

The observed value of the test statistic is 27.2.

Page 18
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — April 2009 — Examiners’ Report

As 27.2 > 11.07 we reject the null hypothesis.

(v) As the goodness of test fails, the discount level calculated assuming the
Poisson distribution may be incorrect.

The goodness-of-fit test fails due to a larger number of multiple

claims than expected.

Conversely a higher number of policyholders make no claims than expected

(within the mean of 0.30), so the average discount level may be understated.

The average discount level calculated from the data could usefully be
compared with that estimated using the Poisson distribution.


Page 19
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries


8 October 2009 (am)

Subject CT4 — Models

Core Technical

Time allowed: Three hours


1. Enter all the candidate and examination details as requested on the front of your answer

2. You must not start writing your answers in the booklet until instructed to do so by the

3. Mark allocations are shown in brackets.

4. Attempt all 11 questions, beginning your answer to each question on a separate sheet.

5. Candidates should show calculations where this is appropriate.

Graph paper is not required for this paper.


Hand in BOTH your answer booklet, with any additional sheets firmly attached, and this
question paper.

In addition to this paper you should have available the 2002 edition of the Formulae
and Tables and your own electronic calculator from the approved list.

© Faculty of Actuaries
CT4 S2009 © Institute of Actuaries
1 Describe the difference between the following assumptions about mortality between
any two ages, x and y (y > x):

• uniform distribution of deaths

• constant force of mortality

In your answer, explain the shape of the survival function between ages x and y under
each of the two assumptions. [2]

2 (i) List the key steps in constructing a new actuarial model. [4]

You work for an actuarial consultancy which is taking over responsibility for a
modelling process which has previously been conducted in house by a client.

(ii) Discuss the extent to which the steps required for this task differ from those
listed in your answer to (i). [2]
[Total 6]

3 (i) List the data needed for the exact calculation of a central exposed to risk
depending on age. [2]

An investigation studied the mortality of persons aged between exact ages 40 and 41
years. The investigation began on 1 January 2008 and ended on 31 December 2008.
The following table gives details of 10 lives involved in the investigation.

Life Date of 40th birthday Date of death

1 1 March 2007 –
2 1 May 2007 1 October 2008
3 1 July 2007 –
4 1 October 2007 –
5 1 December 2007 1 February 2008
6 1 February 2008 –
7 1 April 2008 –
8 1 June 2008 1 November 2008
9 1 August 2008 –
10 1 December 2008 –

Persons with no date of death given were still alive when the investigation ended.

(ii) Calculate a central exposed to risk using the data for the 10 lives in the
sample. [3]

(iii) (a) Calculate the maximum likelihood estimate of the hazard of death at
age 40 last birthday.

(b) Hence, or otherwise, estimate q40. [2]

[Total 7]

CT4 S2009—2
4 (i) In the context of mortality investigations describe the principle of
correspondence and give an example of a situation in which it may be hard to
adhere to this principle. [2]

On 1 January 2005 a country introduced a comprehensive system of death

registration, which classified deaths by age last birthday on the date of death.

The government of the country wishes to obtain estimates of the force of mortality,
μ x , by single years of age x for the period between 1 January 2005 and 1 January
2008. Annual population censuses have been taken on 30 June each year since 2004,
which classify the population by age last birthday. However the only copy of the data
from the population census of 30 June 2006 was lost when the computer disc on
which it was stored was being transferred between government departments.

Let the population aged x last birthday on 30 June in year t be denoted by the symbol
Px,t , and the number of deaths during the period of investigation of persons aged x be
denoted by the symbol dx.

(ii) Derive an expression in terms of Px,t and dx which may be used to estimate
μx . [6]
[Total 8]

5 (i) State the Markov property. [1]

A stochastic process X(t) operates with state space S.

(ii) Prove that if the process has independent increments it satisfies the Markov
property. [3]

(iii) (a) Describe the difference between a Markov chain and a Markov jump

(b) Explain what is meant by a Markov chain being irreducible.


An actuarial student can see the office lift (elevator) from his desk. The lift has an
indicator which displays on which of the office’s five floors it is at any point in time.
For light relief the student decides to construct a model to predict the movements of
the lift.

(iv) Explain whether it would be appropriate to select a model which is:

(a) irreducible
(b) has the Markov property
[Total 9]


6 The complaints department of a company has two employees, both of whom work
five days per week.

The company models the arrival of complaints using a Poisson process with rate 1.25
per working day.

(i) List the assumptions underlying the Poisson process model. [2]

On receipt of a complaint, it is immediately assessed as being straightforward, of

medium difficulty or complicated. 60% of cases are assessed as straightforward and
10% are assessed as complicated. The time taken in person-days’ effort to prepare
responses is assumed to follow an exponential distribution, with parameters 2 for
straightforward complaints, 1 for medium difficulty complaints and 0.25 for
complicated complaints.

(ii) Calculate the average number of person-days’ work expected to be generated

by complaints arriving during a five-day working week. [2]

(iii) Define a state space under which the number of outstanding complaints can be
modelled as a Markov jump process. [2]

The company has a service standard of responding to complaints within a fixed

number of days of receipt. It is considering using this Markov jump process to model
the probability of failing to meet this service standard.

(iv) Discuss the appropriateness of using the model for this purpose, with reference
to the assumptions being made. [3]
[Total 9]

7 A firm rents cars and operates from three locations — the Airport, the Beach and the
City. Customers may return vehicles to any of the three locations.

The company estimates that the probability of a car being returned to each location is
as follows:

Car returned to
Car hired from Airport Beach City

Airport 0.5 0.25 0.25

Beach 0.25 0.75 0
City 0.25 0.25 0.5

(i) Calculate the 2-step transition matrix. [2]

(ii) Calculate the stationary distribution π . [3]

It is suggested that the cars should be based at each location in proportion to the
stationary distribution.

(iii) Comment on this suggestion. [2]

CT4 S2009—4
(iv) Sketch, using your answers to parts (i) and (ii), a graph showing the
probability that a car currently located at the Airport is subsequently at the
Airport, Beach or City against the number of times the car has been rented. [3]
[Total 10]

8 A researcher is studying a certain incurable disease. The disease can be fatal, but
often sufferers survive with the condition for a number of years. The researcher
wishes to project the number of deaths caused by the disease by using a multiple state
model with state space:

{H – Healthy, I – Infected, D(from disease) – Dead (caused by the disease), D(not from disease)
– Dead (not caused by the disease)}.

The transition rates, dependent on age x, are as follows:

• a mortality rate from the Healthy state of μ( x)

• a rate of infection with the disease σ( x)

• a mortality rate from the Infected state of υ( x) of which ρ( x) relates to Deaths

caused by the disease

(i) Draw a transition diagram for the multiple state model. [2]

(ii) Write down Kolmogorov’s forward equations governing the transitions by

specifying the transition matrix. [3]

(iii) Determine integral expressions, in terms of the transition rates and any
expressions previously determined, for:

(a) PHH(x, x + t)

(b) PHI(x, x + t)

(c) PHD(from disease)(x, x + t)

[Total 10]


9 An electronics company developed a revolutionary new battery which it believed
would make it enormous profits. It commissioned a sub-contractor to estimate the
survival function of battery life for the first 12 prototypes. The sub-contractor
inserted each prototype battery into an identical electrical device at the same time and
measured the duration elapsing between the time each device was switched on and the
time its battery ran out. The sub-contractor was instructed to terminate the test
immediately after the failure of the 8th battery, and to return all 12 batteries to the

When the test was complete, the sub-contractor reported that he had terminated the
test after 150 days. He further reported that:

• two batteries had failed after 97 days

• three further batteries had failed after 120 days
• two further batteries had failed after 141 days
• one further battery had failed after 150 days

However, he reported that he was only able to return 11 batteries, as one had exploded
after 110 days, and he had treated this battery as censored at that duration when
working out the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function.

(i) State, with reasons, the forms of censoring present in this study. [2]

(ii) Calculate the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function based on the
information supplied by the sub-contractor. [5]

In his report, the sub-contractor claimed that the Kaplan-Meier estimate of the
survival function at the duration when the investigation was terminated was 0.2727.

(iii) Explain why the sub-contractor’s Kaplan-Meier estimate would be consistent

with him having stolen the battery he claimed had exploded. [4]
[Total 11]

CT4 S2009—6
10 An investigation into the mortality of men engaged in a hazardous occupation was
carried out. The following is an extract from the results.

Age x Initial Observed qˆ x

exposed-to-risk Ex deaths θ x

30 950 12 0.0126
31 1,200 14 0.0117
32 1,200 16 0.0133
33 900 9 0.0100
34 1,000 11 0.0110
35 1,100 15 0.0136
36 800 10 0.0125
37 1,250 16 0.0128
38 1,400 17 0.0121

It was decided to graduate the results with reference to English Life Table 15 (males).
The formula used for the graduation was q x = 10qxs .

(i) Using a test of the overall fit of the graduated rates to the data, test the
hypothesis that the underlying mortality of men in the hazardous occupation is
in accordance with the graduation formula given above. [6]

(ii) Test the graduation using two other tests which detect different features of the
graduation. For each test you apply:

(a) State the feature of the graduation it is designed to detect.

(b) Carry out the test.
(c) State your conclusion.
[Total 13]


11 A study was undertaken into the length of spells of unemployment among young
people in a certain city. A sample of young people was monitored from the time they
started to claim unemployment benefit until either they resumed work, or they moved
away from the city. None of the members of the sample died during the study.

The study investigated the impact of age, sex and educational qualifications on the
hazard of returning to work using the following covariates:

A a young person’s age when he or she started claiming benefit (measured in

exact years since his or her 16th birthday)
S a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the person was male and 0 if the person
was female
E a dummy variable taking the value 1 if the person had passed a school leaving
examination in mathematics, and 0 otherwise

with associated parameters β A , β S and β E .

The investigators decided to use a Cox proportional hazards regression model for the

(i) Explain what is meant by a proportional hazards model. [3]

(ii) Explain why the Cox model is a popular model for the analysis of survival
data. [3]

(iii) (a) Write down the equation of the model that was estimated, defining
the terms you use (other than those defined above).

(b) List the characteristics of the young person to whom the baseline
hazard applies. [3]

The results showed:

• The hazard of resuming work for males who started claiming benefit aged 17
years exact and who had passed the mathematics examination was 1.5 times the
hazard for males who started claiming benefit aged 16 years exact but who had
not passed the mathematics examination.

• Females who had passed the mathematics examination were twice as likely to take
up a new job as were males of the same age who had failed the mathematics

• Females who started claiming benefit aged 20 years exact and who had passed the
mathematics examination were twice as likely to resume work as were males who
started claiming benefit aged 16 years exact and who had also passed the
mathematics examination.

(iv) Calculate the estimated values of the parameters β A , β S and β E . [6]

[Total 15]


CT4 S2009—8
Faculty of Actuaries Institute of Actuaries

Subject CT4 — Models.

Core Technical

September 2009 Examinations



The attached subject report has been written by the Principal Examiner with the aim of
helping candidates. The questions and comments are based around Core Reading as the
interpretation of the syllabus to which the examiners are working. They have however given
credit for any alternative approach or interpretation which they consider to be reasonable.

R D Muckart
Chairman of the Board of Examiners

December 2009

Comments for individual questions are given with the solutions that follow.

 Faculty of Actuaries
 Institute of Actuaries
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Examiners’ Comments
Comments on solutions presented to individual questions for the September 2009 paper are
given below. In general, those using this report should be aware that in the case of non-
numerical answers full credit could often be obtained for rather less than is given in the
solutions which follow. The solutions are meant as a guide to the various points which could
have been made and considered relevant.

A uniform distribution of deaths means
that deaths are evenly spaced between the ages x and y.
that t qx  tqx (t  y  x)
that t px  x t is constant for t  y  x .
It also means that the survival function decreases linearly between ages x and y. The
assumption of a constant force of mortality between any two ages means
that the hazard does not change with age over this age range.
that t px  ( px )t .
This implies that the survival function decreases exponentially between ages x and y.

Answers to this straightforward bookwork question were disappointing. Although

most candidates could describe the difference between a constant force of mortality
and the increasing force implied by a uniform distribution of deaths, few made correct
reference to the form of the survival function. An alarming number of candidates
referred to survival functions which increased with age! Credit was given for graphs
which correctly depicted the shape of the survival function under the two

(i) Define objectives of modelling process.
Plan the modelling process and how it will be validated.
Collect and validate the data required.
Page 2
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

Define the form of the model.

Involve experts on the real world system/get feedback on validity.
Decide on software to be used, choose random number generator etc.
Write the computer program.
Debug the program.
Analyse the output
Test the reasonableness of the output.
Consider appropriateness of response of the model to small changes in input
Communicate and document results.

[½ mark was awarded for each point up to a maximum of 4 marks]

(ii) Whilst in theory all steps are still required, some may take the form of
reviewing the appropriateness of existing decisions made, such as how the
form of the model was determined.
Extent of work will depend on whether the existing model is to be used,
adapted or superseded.
An understanding of how results compare with those previously used by the
company will be required.
Process maps for the existing approach, or discussions with the people running
the process about what they do, may be helpful.
The scope needs to be tightly defined up front to ensure it is clear what is
expected of the consultancy.
Data sources may already be established.

[½ mark was awarded for each point up to a maximum of 2 marks]

Part (i) of this question was basic bookwork and was extremely well
answered. Part (ii) required more thought, but many candidates were able to
write down some relevant points.

(i) For each life we need
EITHER date of birth OR exact age at entry into observation OR exact age at
exit from observation
Date of entry into observation
Date of exit from observation

Page 3
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

[Alternatives were given full credit, provided the information given allowed the
calculation of the date of entry into and exit from observation and the life’s age]

(ii) The contribution of each life to the central exposed to risk is the number of
months between STARTDATE and ENDDATE, where STARTDATE is the
latest of date of 40th birthday 1 January 2008 and ENDDATE is the earliest of
date of 41st birthday date of death 31 December 2008

Life STARTDATE ENDDATE number of months


1 1 January 2008 1 March 2008 2

2 1 January 2008 1 May 2008 4
3 1 January 2008 1 July 2008 6
4 1 January 2008 1 October 2008 9
5 1 January 2008 1 February 2008 1
6 1 February 2008 31 December 2008 11
7 1 April 2008 31 December 2008 9
8 1 June 2008 1 November 2008 5
9 1 August 2008 31 December 2008 5
10 1 December 2008 31 December 2008 1

Summing the number of months over the 10 lives gives a total of 53 months,
which is 4.42 years, which is the central exposed to risk.
a. The total number of deaths during the period of observation is 2. So the
maximum likelihood estimate of the hazard of death is 2/4.42 =
If the hazard of death at age 40 years is 40 , then
q40  1  p40  1  exp(40 )
= 1  exp(0.4528)  1  0.6358  0.3642.
If the central exposed to risk is E40c , then if we work in years
d 40
q40 
E  0.5d 40

Page 4
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

2 2
=   0.3690.
4.42  1 5.42

This was well answered. A common error was to count 3 deaths rather than 2.
Although 3 deaths are mentioned in the data given in the question, one of these
occurred after the life’s 41st birthday and so should not be included in the estimation
of μ40. Another common error was to forget that exposure ends at exact age 41 years.
Each of these errors was only penalised once, so that calculations which followed
through correctly in (iii) were awarded full marks for part (iii). Note also that
candidates who made BOTH the above errors were only penalised for one, as if
exposure is assumed to continue past exact age 41 years, it is consistent to count 3
(i) The principle of correspondence states that a life alive at time t should be
included in the exposure at age x at time t if and only if, were that life to die
immediately, he or she would be counted in the deaths data at age x. Problems
in adhering to this can arise when the deaths data and the exposed-to-risk data
come from two different sources. These may classify lives differently.
(ii) Since deaths are classified by age last birthday at date of death, a central
exposed to risk which corresponds to the deaths data is given by
t 3
Exc   Px,t
t 0

where Px,t is the population aged x last birthday at time t, and t is measured in
years since 1 January 2005. We have censuses on 30 June 2004, 30 June 2005,
30 June 2007 and 30 June 2008.
Assuming that the population varies linearly across the period between each
successive census for which we have data the population aged x last birthday
on 1 January 2005 is equal to
1 (P  Px,30 / 6 / 2005 )
2 x,30 / 6 / 2004
and the population aged x last birthday on 1 January 2008 is equal to
1 (P  Px,30 / 6 / 2008 ) .
2 x,30 / 6 / 2007
Dividing the period of the investigation into three sub-periods
from 1 January 2005 to 30 June 2005
from 30 June 2005 to 30 June 2007
from 30 June 2007 to 1 January 2008
and applying the trapezium rule to each sub-period produces the following
exposed to risk for persons aged x last birthday
For the sub-period between 1 January 2005 and 30 June 2005

Page 5
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

1  1 (P  Px,30/6/2005 ) 
2  2 x,1/1/2005 
 1  1 ( 1 ( Px,30/6/2004  Px,30/6/2005 )  Px,30/6/2005 ) 
2 2 2 
For the sub-period between 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2007

2  1 ( Px,30/6/2005  Px,30/6/2007 )
 2 
For the sub-period between 30 June 2007 and 1 January 2008
1  1 (P  Px,1/1/2008 ) 
2  2 x,30/6/2007 
 1  1 ( Px,30/6/2007  1 ( Px,30/6/2007  Px,30/6/2008 )) 
2 2 2 
Summing these gives
Exc  1 Px,30/6/2004  1 Px,30/6/2005  1 Px,30/6/2005  Px,30/6/2005
8 8 4
 Px,30/6/2007  1 Px,30/6/2007  1 Px,30/6/2007  1 Px,30/6/2008
4 8 8
which simplifies to
Exc  1 Px,30/6/2004  11 Px,30/6/2005  11 Px,30/6/2007  1 Px,30/6/2008 .
8 8 8 8
The force of mortality may be estimated using the formula
x  ,
E xc
where d x denotes deaths to persons aged x last birthday when they died.

This was very poorly answered. It was perhaps rather more difficult than some
exposed-to-risk questions in previous examination papers, but nevertheless the
standard of most attempts was disappointing. In part (ii) credit was given for various
alternative approximations provided that they were explained clearly.

(i) The Markov property states that the future development of a process can be
predicted from its present state alone without reference to its past history.
(ii) Formally, for times s1  s2  ...  sn  s  t and for states x1, x2 ,..., xn , x in the
state space S and all subsets A of S, the Markov property can be written
Pr[ X (t )  A | X (s1)  x1, X (s2 )  x2 ,...., X ( sn )  xn , X ( s)  x]  Pr[ X t  A | X ( s)  x]
For independent increments we can write
Pr[ X (t )  A | X ( s1 )  x1, X ( s2 )  x2 ,...., X ( sn )  xn , X ( s)  x]
 Pr[ X (t )  X ( s )  x  A | X ( s1 )  x1, X ( s2 )  x2 ,...., X ( sn )  xn , X ( s )  x]
 Pr[ X (t )  X ( s )  x  A | X ( s )  x]
 Pr[ X (t )  A | X ( s )  x]

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

a. A Markov chain is a stochastic process with the Markov property
which has a discrete time set with a discrete state space. A Markov
jump process is a stochastic process with the Markov property which
has a continuous time set with a discrete state space.
b.A Markov chain is irreducible if any state can be reached from any
other state.
a. A lift could not serve its purpose unless it could return to each of the
floors which it serves. This means an irreducible model would be
b.Suppose, for example, the lift is currently at the third floor, with its last
two states being the fourth floor and the fifth floor. In such a case the
lift is more likely to be heading downwards than upwards. So the past
history is likely to provide information on the likely future movement
of the lift, unless the state space is very complicated (involving a
number of past floors as well as the current floor). Therefore a Markov
model is unlikely to be appropriate.

This question was generally well answered, apart from section (iv)(b) in which few
candidates spotted the point that the direction of travel of the lift as well as its current
floor will influence its next location.

(i) A Poisson process is a continuous-time integer valued process
Nt, t  0 with
N0 = 0
independent increments
increments follow a Poisson distribution
[(t  s)]n exp[(t  s)]
P[ Nt  N s  n]  , for s < t, n = 0, 1, 2, ....
(ii) Average work created by a complaint is

60%* ½+ 30%* 1 + 10%*4 = 1 day.

Complaints arrive at a rate 1.25 per working day
So, work expected to be generated is 1.25*1*5 = 6.25 person-days.
(iii)As the time to handle complaints follows an exponential (memoryless)
distribution, only need to know how many unanswered complaints there are –

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

but do need to know how many of each type. If cases are allocated randomly
rather than in order, then the state space consists of (in terms of complaints not
r – straightforward,
s – medium,
t – complicated.
where r = 0,1,2,3,4,5,….
s = 0,1,2,3,4,5,……
t = 0,1,2,3,4,5,…..
(iv) EITHER The model will only give an approximation.
OR The model is not suitable for this purpose.
The model could not be used to do this without extending the state space to
consider the time the complaint has been in the queue. There are only two
employees, so holidays and sickness are important factors not taken into
The model assumes complaints are time-homogeneous. We do not know the
nature of the business, but for some industries complaints would be seasonal
e.g. holiday companies.
The model assumes that complaint arrivals are independent, but more
complaints might be expected if the company has had a quality control
problem at a particular time. If struggling to meet the service standard, action
would be. Taken, such as overtime, or prioritising easy cases. Staff may be
able to deal with complaints which are similar to other recent complaints very
quickly, using standard „template‟ responses.
The memoryless property is unlikely to be realistic as the work required to
complete the case could be assessed and then worked through to a schedule.
The Markov jump process could be used to estimate the probability that a
complaint is responded to within a given number of days of receipt.
So the model could be used to estimate the probability of a complaint not
being responded to in the stated time, that is the failure to meet the service

[½ mark was awarded for each point up to a maximum of 3 marks]

Answers to this question were disappointing. Most candidates were able to tackle the
calculation in part (ii) but few correctly identified the state space in part (iii), and
most only made a cursory attempt at part (iv).

(i) Two step transition matrix

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

 0.5 0.25 0.25   0.5 0.25 0.25   0.375 0.375 0.25 

     
=  0.25 0.75 0  .  0.25 0.75 0  =  0.3125 0.625 0.0625 
 0.25 0.25 0.5   0.25 0.25 0.5   0.3125 0.375 0.3125 
     
 0.5 0.25 0.25 
 
(ii)     0.25 0.75 0 
 0.25 0.25 0.5 
 
1  0.51  0.252  0.25 3

2  0.251  0.752  0.253

3  0.251  0.53

and 1  2  3  1
1  23

2  33

1  1

2  1

3  1

(iii)The stationary distribution gives the long run probability that a particular car
will be at each location. However this does not take into account the demand
for hiring vehicles at each location, or the amount of space available at each
location. These factors are likely to be more important in determining how
many cars to base at each site.


Probabilty at location

0.6 Beach



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Page 9 Number of rentals
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

(iv) A starts at 1, B and C at zero

Asymptote to the stationary distribution probs.
B and C same after 1 period
A and B same after 2 periods.

The calculations in parts (i) and (ii) were, as is usually the case in CT4 examinations,
successfully completed by the vast majority of candidates. However only a minority
made the point that, whereas the stationary distribution gives the long run probability
that cars will be returned to each location, the company would be better advised to
position cars at the three locations to reflect the demand for rentals. In part (iv), some
candidates drew a set of histograms. Credit was given for this, provided that
histograms were presented for 1 rental, 2 rentals, and the long run distribution,
together with a statement that at 0 rentals the car must be at the Airport.


( x) Dead
( x)
Healthy Infected disease)

( x) ( x)  ( x)

Dead (not

(ii) P( x)  P( x) A( x) where with order of state space
{Healthy, Infected, Dead (not disease), Dead(from disease)}

 ( x)  ( x) ( x) ( x) 0 
 
 0 ( x) ( x)  ( x) ( x) 
 0 0 0 0 
 
 0 0 0 0 

Page 10
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

a. PHH(x, x+t)= exp[  (( x  w)  ( x  w))dw]
t t
b. PHI(x, x+t)=  PHH ( x, x  w).( x  w).exp[   ( x u) du].dw
w0 u w

PHD(from disease)(x, x+t)=  PHI ( x, x  w).(x  w).dw

OR (backwards alternative)
PHD(from disease)(x, x+t)

P HH ( x  w). ( x  w).PID ( fromdisease ) ( x  w, x  t ).dw .

Now PID ( fromdisease ) ( x  w, x  t )  P

II ( x  w, x  s). ( x  s ).1.ds

 s 
and PII ( x  w, x  s )  exp   ( x  u )du .
 u w 
So PHD(from disease)(x, x+t)
 s t

  PHH ( x  w). ( x  w).  exp     ( x  u )du . ( x  s).ds.dw
w 0 sw  u w 

This question was considerably better answered than were similar questions in
previous examinations. In particular, the proportion of candidates making serious
attempts at part (iii) was greater than has been the case for similar questions in the

(i) Type II censoring as the study was terminated after a pre-determined number
of failures. Random censoring of the device which exploded.
(ii) According to the information supplied by the sub-contractor, the Kaplan-
Meier estimate of the survival function should be calculated as follows:

j tj Nj dj cj dj/Nj 1 – dj/Nj

0 0 12
1 97 12 2 1 2/12 10/12

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

2 120 9 3 0 3/9 6/9

3 141 6 2 0 2/6 4/6
4 150 4 1 3 1/4 3/4

The Kaplan-Meier estimate is then

 dj 
Sˆ (t )   1  
 Nj 
t j t  
so we have
t Sˆ (t )
0  t  97 1
97  t  120 5/6
120  t  141 5/9
141  t  150 10/27
150  t 5/18 = 0.2778
(iii)Since 5/18 is not equal to 0.2727, the sub-contractor‟s story is internally
inconsistent. The Kaplan-Meier estimate of the survival function after the
failure of the 8th battery of 0.2727 would be obtained had only 11 batteries
been tested at the start, and no battery being censored, as shown in the
following table.
j tj Nj dj cj dj/Nj 1 – dj/Nj

0 0 11
1 97 11 2 0 2/11 9/11
2 120 9 3 0 3/9 6/9
3 141 6 2 0 2/6 4/6
4 150 4 1 0 1/4 3/4
+½ +½
The Kaplan-Meier estimate is then

 dj 
Sˆ (t )   1  
 Nj 
t j t  

so we have

t Sˆ (t )

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

0  t  97 1
97  t  120 9/11
120  t  141 6/11
141  t  150 4/11
150  t 3/11 = 0.2727

Therefore the value of Sˆ (150) reported by the sub-contractor is consistent with

him having stolen the last battery.

Many candidates scored highly on this question. Credit was given in part (i) for other
types of censoring provided that a sensible reason was given. In part (iii), for full
credit some kind of calculation of an alternative survival function was needed,
together with an explanation of why this provided evidence to support the suggestion
that the sub-contractor has stolen the battery.

(i) The chi-squared test is for the overall fit of the graduated rates to the data
The test statistic is  z x2 , where
 x  Ex qx
zx  .
o o
E x q x (1  q x )
The calculations are shown in the table below (since qx is
 x  Ex qx
small we use the approximation z x  .
Ex qx

o o
Age x x qx Ex qx zx z x2

30 12 0.0091 8.645 1.141 1.302

31 14 0.0094 11.28 0.810 0.656
32 16 0.0097 11.64 1.278 1.633
33 9 0.0099 8.91 0.030 0.001
34 11 0.0106 10.60 0.123 0.015
35 15 0.0116 12.76 0.627 0.393
36 10 0.0127 10.16 -0.050 0.003
37 16 0.0138 17.25 -0.301 0.091
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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

38 17 0.0149 20.86 -0.845 0.714

∑ 4.808

The test statistic has a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom (d.f.)
given by number of ages
– 1 (for parameter of function linking qx and q xs )
– some d.f. for constraints imposed by choice of standard table
The critical value of the chi-squared distribution is
11.07 with 5 d.f.
12.59 with 6 d.f.
14.07 with 7 d.f.
15.51 with 8 d.f.
16.92 with 9 d.f. at the 5% level (from tables)

Since 4.808 < 11.07 (or 12.59 etc.) there is no evidence to reject the null
hypothesis that the graduated rates are the true rates underlying the crude
Signs test
a. The Signs test looks for overall bias.
b. The number of positive signs among the z x s
is distributed Binomial (9, 0.5).
We observe 6 positive signs.
The probability of obtaining 6 or more positive signs is
(from tables)
1 – 0.7461 = 0.2539.

[Alternatively, candidates could calculate the probability of obtaining exactly 6

positive signs, which is 0.1641]

Since this is greater than 0.025 (two-tailed test)

c. we cannot reject the null hypothesis and we conclude that the
graduated rates are not systematically higher or lower than the crude
Cumulative Deviations test
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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

a. When applied over the whole age range, the Cumulative Deviations
test looks for overall bias
b. The test statistic is
 o 
  x  Ex qx 
 Normal(0,1)
 Ex qx

o o
Age x x Ex qx x  Ex qx
30 12 8.645 3.355
31 14 11.28 2.72
32 16 11.64 4.36
33 9 8.91 0.09
34 11 10.60 0.40
35 15 12.76 2.24
36 10 10.16 -0.16
37 16 17.25 -1.25
38 17 20.86 -3.86
∑ 112.105 7.895
So the value of the test statistic is  0.7457
Using a 5% level of significance, we see that
1.96 < 0.7457 < 1.96
c. We accept the null hypothesis at the 5% level of significance and
conclude there is no overall bias in the graduation.
Grouping of Signs test
a. The Grouping of Signs test looks for runs or clumps of deviations of
the same sign OR the grouping of signs test tests for overgraduation.
b. We have:
9 ages in total
6 positive deviations
3 negative deviations
We have 1 positive run
Pr[1 positive run] is therefore equal to

Page 15
Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

5 4
  
 0  1   4

 0.0476
9  9.8.7  84
   
6  3.2 
Since this is less than 0.05 (using a one-tailed
c. We reject the null hypothesis that the graduated rates are the true rates
underlying the crude rates (OR we conclude that the graduation is
unsatisfactory OR there is evidence of over-graduation).
Individual Standardised Deviations test
a. The Individual Standardised Deviations tests looks for individual large
deviations at particular ages.
b. If the graduated rates were the true rates underlying the observed rates
we would expect the individual deviations to be distributed Normal
(0,1) and therefore only 1 in 20 z x s should have absolute magnitudes
greater than 1.96. Looking at the z x s we see that the largest individual
deviation is 1.278. Since this is less in absolute magnitude than 1.96
c. we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the graduated rates are the
true rates underlying the crude rates.

Answers to this question were disappointing compared with previous years. A

common error was for candidates to misread the question and to try to compare the
observed number of deaths with an ‘expected’ number computed on the basis of the
q x given in the question. These candidates were, in effect, examining deviations
based solely on rounding! Candidates who made this error were penalised in part (i),
but could gain credit for some of the alternative tests in part (ii) provided that they
performed the tests correctly.

(i) A proportional hazards (PH) model is a model which allows investigators to
assess the impact of risk factors, or covariates, on the hazard of experiencing
an event.
In a PH model the hazard is assumed to be the product of two terms, one
which depends only on duration, and the other which depends only on the
values of the covariates.
Under a PH model, the hazards of different lives with covariate vectors z1 and
z2 are in the same proportion at all times:
for example in the Cox model
 (t ; z1 ) exp( z1T )
 .
 (t ; z2 ) exp( z2T )

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

(ii) Cox‟s model ensures that the hazard is always positive. Standard software
packages often include Cox‟s model.
Cox‟s model allows the general “shape” of the hazard function for all
individuals to be determined by the data, giving a high degree of flexibility
while an exponential term accounts for differences between individuals.
This means that if we are not primarily concerned with the precise form of the
hazard, we can ignore the shape of the baseline hazard and estimate the effects
of the covariates from the data directly.
a. (t )  0 (t ) exp( A A  E E  S S ) , where (t ) is the estimated
hazard and  0 (t ) is the baseline hazard.
b. A female aged exactly 16 years when she first claimed benefit who had
not passed the school mathematics examination.
(iv) “The hazard of resuming work for males aged 17 years who had passed the
mathematics examination was 1.5 times the hazard for males aged 16 years
who had not passed the mathematics examination” implies that
exp[( A *1)  S   E ]
 exp( A   E )
exp(S )
 exp( A ) exp( E )  1.5
“Females who had passed the examination were twice as likely to take up a
new job as were males of the same age who had failed” implies that
exp( E )
exp(S )
since the age terms cancel out.
“Females aged 20 years who had passed the examination were twice as likely
to resume work as were males aged 16 years who had also passed the
examination” implies that
exp( A * 4)
 2.
exp(S )

Substituting from (2) into (1) gives

2exp( A ) exp(S )  1.5
exp(S )  0.75exp( A ) .
Substituting into (3) gives
exp[ A *4)
0.75exp( A )

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Subject CT4 — Models Core Technical — September 2009 — Examiners’ Report

exp(5 A )  1.5
log e 1.5
A   0.0811
From (1) then, we obtain
exp( E ) exp(0.0811)  1.5
 E  0.0811  0.4055

E  0.3244 .
Finally, from (2) we obtain
exp(S )
0.3244   S  log e 2  0.6931
S  0.3688

This was satisfactorily answered by many candidates. Although it is still the case
than only a minority of candidates seem to understand the essential feature of a
proportional hazards model that the hazard can be factorised into one part depending
on duration and another part depending on the values of covariates, many candidates
could list some advantages of the Cox model in part (ii). In part (iii)(b) very few
candidates spotted that the baseline person was aged 16 years when first claiming
benefit. In part (iv) candidates who failed to write down the correct equations
implied by the three statements in the question were given some credit for correctly
solving the equations they did produce.


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