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West Green - ST John Vianney Church

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West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre 020-8888-5518)

Dear Parishioners,

Our readings today remind us we have the

opportunity to say yes or no to God.
It is so easy to talk but actions speaks louder than words, as the saying goes.

The first reading reminds us that each of us is responsible for our own conduct and
will be judged accordingly. The second reading gives the beautiful paragraph on the
humility of Jesus taking on a human nature like ours became a slave this was why
God raised him on high. We too can follow his steps.

The parable of the two sons is addressed to the chief priests and leaders of the
people of Israel. As we have been seeing in the Gospel over recent Sundays, Jesus is seen
as a friend of tax collectors and sinners and he is compassionate to all who ask for

The first some represents the sinners. The first said or acted in the negative, but
then when Jesus spoke his message to them, they responded in a positive way. The
second one represents the chief priests and elders. The promised to do Gods work but
then failed to do what they said they would do.

We need to see ourselves in this parable. We need to ask ourselves: How do I

respond to Jesus call? Is our yes really yes? And of course it also applies to our dealing
with other people too. Much to ponder!

SCHOOL FORMS: only a small number came along on Monday and Tuesday
afternoon. I will be signing after the 11am Mass today and then time will have run out
(as you see on reading on!)

U.S.A VISIT: I have been considering going to visit my nephew in Tennessee for
some time. When I celebrated his mothers funeral Mass my sister-in-law last February.
I promised to visit him and his family. There is no time which is ideal; I just would like to
go. So I leave next Sunday 8th October.

THANKS to all who attended the Health & Safety Fire Presentation on Wednesday
evening last. It was so valuable not just for our safety plans when we gather together for
Mass, but also our domestic safety. We will work out our own plans for each Mass in the
very near future.
Have a good week. Fr Joe.
For Children attending State Schools
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED If you wish to enrol your child/children
SACRAMENT for the 2017/2018 Programme in
Tuesdays after our 9:15am Mass preparation for:
1) Pre- Communion (age 6-7);
TEAS / COFFEE 2) First Communion (age 8 and above);
In the Parish Hall after (Sun.) 9am and 3) Post Communion (children who
11am Masses already had their First Communion):
(Volunteers needed to help out!!) please take a REGISTRATION FORM from
the BLACK FOLDER on the shelf at the
PARISH OUTREACH SOUP RUN BACK of the CHURCH - fill it in; attach
The next Soup Run is on copies of Birth and Baptism Certificates of
Sat. 7th Oct: Group C the child and return as soon as possible to
the Parish Office, 4 Vincent Road.
All activities take place in the Parish Hall. The Religious Instruction programme
Any enquiries please contact for 2017-2018 will be held on
Sr. Devy on 07403 784463 or SUNDAYS 10am 10.55am.
Parish Office on 020 8888 5518 Parents Meeting Today, Sunday 1st
October at 10am in the Parish Centre
2017-2018 Session One Sunday 1st October at
Thanks to all who have registered for ADULTS (RCIA):
the parish programmes. If you are interested in preparing for your
FIRST COMMUNION PROGRAMME First Communion, Confirmation or
Next Session: Sat, 14th Oct. 2017, exploring your faith, please complete an
10am in Hume Hall application form available at the back of
Mass: Sun. 15th Oct, 11am at Church the church and contact the Parish Office.
The programme will start on
Next session: Sat, 14th Oct 2017 at 4.00-5:45pm - Followed by 6pm Mass.
3.30pm in Hume Hall, followed by mass at
Please find information about open days
THE CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM and evenings at the back of the church
If you would like to have your child for:
baptised on the 14th October or later, the St. Annes Catholic High School for Girls;
next session will be on Monday 9th and Our Ladys Convent High School; St.
23rd Ignatius College, Greig City Academy
Oct 17 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. and St Thomas More Catholic School
Please contact the Parish Office to book
your place on the course.
Friday, 6 October, is MARIA GARDELLA RIP
CAFOD HARVEST FAST DAY Mother of Elsa, died on Sunday 24th
CAFOD works with poor communities September.
overseas on our behalf, helping them to Funeral arrangement to follow.
tackle poverty and injustice. Our prayers and sympathies to her family.
Fast Days are our opportunity to support
this vital work. RETREATS/WORKSHOPS
Please collect a Fast Day envelope after Various retreats and workshops offered in
Mass, and consider fasting and praying in the diocese these coming months:
solidarity this Friday. Please return the
Fast Day envelope with your donation for The Call of God a series of 5 talks by
next weekends CAFOD collection 7th /8th Dominican sisters (starts 28th Sep.)
October. Thank you so much for your Love Heals Body Mind and Spirit Team
continued support and generosity day retreat of quiet reflection (30th
INSIGHT (INTO LIFE AND LOVE) How to be a disciple making disciple
Following the courses of Bible Timeline, lecture by Bishop Mark OToole (2nd
Mary and Epic: Church History, this course Oct)
offers an insight into fundamental truths of Shaped by Gods Mercy a series of 3
Christian faith through prayer, study of talks on biblical characters who
scripture passages, philosophical and experienced Gods mercy (starts 4th Oct)
theological reflection and faith sharing. Prayer Workshops with Sr. Anne
Deepen your faith, and share it with others! Walsh and Sr. Martina (4th Oct / 1st Nov)
Join us either on Tuesdays (7.30- Beginning Experience a healing
9.00pm) or Wednesdays (10.00- weekend for men and women who find
11.30am). Sessions will begin on 3rd/4th themselves single again following
October 2017 in Jubilee Hall. separation, divorce or the death of a
Cost: 20 for study materials. partner (6th-8th Oct)
To register or for more information, Mindfulness Retreat learn to live the
contact Sr. Devy on 07403 784463 present moment and be closer to God,
or sign up at the back of the church. ourselves and others (7th Oct.)
Walking with Jesus a 5-week course
CARITAS on prayer (starts 10th Oct.)
A Place of Welcome Night Shelters in
your Community For more information, please see the
Westminster Caritas invites you to an notice board at the back of the church.
evening about homelessness on
Wednesday 4th October THANK GOD ON FRIDAY
6:30pm 8:30pm Make time to spend a moment alone
Westminster Cathedral Hall, SW1P 1QW with God in thanksgiving, prayer and
Please RSVP by calling 020 7931 6077 adoration on 13th October from 7:30-
Or search title on Eventbrite 9pm in St John Vianney Church.
There will be a short talk, adoration
The next film night is on Sunday 15th and music led by the Verbum Dei
October showing The Quiet Man, about Missionaries.
an American who returns to Ireland and All welcome!
falls in love."
Entrance Antiphon
All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have
done with true judgement, for we have
sinned against you and not obeyed your THIS WEEK WE PRAY FOR
commandments. But give glory to your The repose of the soul:
name and deal with us according to the Sean Moran
bounty of your mercy Maria Gardella (mother of Elsa)
First reading Francesco Forni
Ezekiel 18:25-28 Anna Maria Sista
Eugene Christopher OSullivan
Psalm 24 RIP
Remember your mercy, Lord.
RIP Anniversary:
Second reading
Patrick William Elmes
Philippians 2:1-11
Patrick Joseph Elmes
Gospel Acclamation Herman David
Alleluia, alleluia!
If anyone loves me he will keep my word, Special Intentions:
and my Father will love him, and we shall come Helen Shine
to him. Alleluia! Joan OCallaghan

Gospel Birthday
Matthew 21: 28-32 Daisy LOlive (100th)
Communion Antiphon
Remember your word to your servant, O Lord, For the sick and those in our parish
by which you have given me hope. Bernadette Stapleton, Con Kelleher,
This is my comfort when I am brought low. Greta Lettice, Jim McGeoghegan, Madeleine
Jordan, Mary Towell, Matthew Stapleton,
MASS & SERVICE TIMES Nelda & Angelo Catani, Nellie OShea,
Pippa Da Cruz, Pantaleone Mansi,
Mass 9:15am Mary Towell, Rita Mongelard,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sarah Namagambe, Sherry Arul, Val Eaves,
Friday, Saturday Yvonne Joseph,


Sunday: 9:00am and 11:00am ARE LISTED IN OUR BOOK OF INTENTIONS.

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday: from 9:45 am 10:15am


Tues to Fri 10am-12noon, 1pm-4pm
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest To make an appointment
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister Phone: 0208 888 5518 or email
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Adm/Secretary westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
We cannot guarantee to have anyone available outside
of these hours.

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