West Green - ST John Vianney Church
West Green - ST John Vianney Church
West Green - ST John Vianney Church
West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: westgreen@rcdow.org.uk
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre 020-8888-5518)
Dear Parishioners,
In todays gospel, we hear that famous phrase of Jesus: Love your enemy.
Anyone who had tried to put this into practice would know how difficult
this can be: it often goes against our common sense and what the world
I was remembering a conversation I had with my dad. One day, while mum was praying with
the Stations of the Cross in an outdoor pilgrim site, I waited with dad who is (somewhat) an
atheist. After some moments of relaxed strolling along the river in silence, suddenly he asked,
Why is your mum contemplating how this guy died? What good will that do? Wouldnt it be
more useful if your god teaches you how to live, to survive? I dont get his logic. What was that
thing he said? If anyone slaps you on one cheek, let him slap the other side too? Why, only an
idiot would do that! (And since he believed that this is pretty much what Jesus did by choosing
the cross, he was implying that Jesus was... well, an idiot.)
Fair enough. Without faith, the saying (and the Cross itself) does sound ridiculous, especially if
one has no notion of salvation and redemption. It almost goes against everything that we know
about fairness and justice, or even self-defence and survival. But offering the other cheek is not
a matter of passively resigning oneself to whatever violence is done to you or, even worse,
encouraging it. Instead, Jesus is calling us to fight for justice, human dignity and a better world
in a non-violent way, using not brute strength but the power of Love.
As someone once said, An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind. God, in His infinite
wisdom, knows that Love is the only way to break this vicious cycle. It isnt easy but it is often
the only way that bears fruit of life instead of death, hope instead of despair, joy instead of
bitterness, forgiveness and reconciliation instead of separation. I have seen many miracles
happened because an option was made for Love, and not what seemed most logical to our
human mind. Yes, perhaps it might make us seem foolish to the world, but as St. Paul wrote in
his letter to the people in Corinth, sometimes we must learn to be a fool before we really can be
wise. Why? Because the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. Let us be fools in loving!
As for that conversation with my dad that was a miracle in itself. By the end of it, he came to
realise how; actually, he had experienced the fruits of such illogical and foolish love in his
own life. It seemed like he didnt think Jesus was such an idiot after all!
3rd Imrali Delegation: Fr. Joe is still in Turkey but will be back soon. The meetings have been
very valuable so far, although the delegation hadnt managed to see Abdullah Ocalan.
RCIA retreat: I am away for a retreat with some of our RCIA candidates this weekend, as part
of their preparation to be received fully into the Catholic Church. Please pray for them!