Moyer 2014
Moyer 2014
Moyer 2014
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and the effectiveness of various interventions that have possible ben- Recommendations made by the US Preventive Services Task
Force are independent of the US government. They should not be
ets in preventing caries. construed as an ofcial position of the Agency for Healthcare
POPULATION: This recommendation applies to children age 5 years Research and Quality or the US Department of Health and
Human Services.
and younger.
The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) makes
RECOMMENDATION: The USPSTF recommends that primary care clini- recommendations about the effectiveness of specic preventive
cians prescribe oral uoride supplementation starting at age 6 months care services for patients without related signs or symptoms.
for children whose water supply is decient in uoride. (B recommen- It bases its recommendations on the evidence of both the
dation) The USPSTF recommends that primary care clinicians apply benets and harms of the service and an assessment of the
balance. The USPSTF does not consider the costs of providing
uoride varnish to the primary teeth of all infants and children starting a service in this assessment.
at the age of primary tooth eruption. (B recommendation) The USPSTF
The USPSTF recognizes that clinical decisions involve more
concludes that the current evidence is insufcient to assess the bal- considerations than evidence alone. Clinicians should
ance of benets and harms of routine screening examinations for den- understand the evidence but individualize decision making to
tal caries performed by primary care clinicians in children from birth the specic patient or situation. Similarly, the USPSTF notes that
policy and coverage decisions involve considerations in addition
to age 5 years. (I Statement) Pediatrics 2014;133:11021111 to the evidence of clinical benets and harms.
For a list of the USPSTF members, see the Appendix.
Accepted for publication Feb 19, 2014
Address correspondence to USPSTF Coordinator, Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality, 540 Gaither Rd, Rockville, MD
20850. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: The US Preventive Services Task Force is an
independent, voluntary body. The US Congress mandates that
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality support the
operations of the US Preventive Services Task Force.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated
they have no potential conicts of interest to disclose.
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of previous caries. Maternal and family to all children is reasonable, as the Potential Preventable Burden
factors also can increase childrens prevalence of risk factors is high in the Dental caries is the most common
risk. These factors include poor oral US population, the number needed to chronic disease in children in the United
hygiene, low socioeconomic status, treat is low, and the harms of the in- States. It is 4 times more common than
recent maternal caries, sibling caries, tervention are small to none. childhood asthma and 7 times more
and frequent snacking. Additional fac- The USPSTF did not review the evi- common than hay fever. According to
tors associated with dental caries in dence on the effectiveness of tooth the NHANES, the prevalence of dental
young children include lack of access brushing, but regular tooth brushing caries has risen from 24% to 28% be-
to dental care; inadequate preventive with uoride toothpaste by children tween 19881994 and 19992004.2 Ap-
measures, such as failure to use is very important in preventing dental proximately 20% of surveyed children
uoride-containing toothpastes; and caries.10 with caries had not received treatment.
lack of parental knowledge about Symptomatic dental caries in children
oral health.8,9 Timing and Dosage of Preventive are associated with pain, loss of teeth,
Some organizations have advocated Interventions impaired growth, and decreased weight
restricting uoride varnish use to No studies specically addressed the gain, and can affect appearance, self-
children at increased risk. Although dosage and timing of oral uoride esteem, speech, and school perfor-
several caries risk assessment tools supplementation in children with in- mance. Dental-related concerns lead to
exist, none have been validated in the adequate water uoridation. The the loss of more than 54 million school
primary care setting, nor do existing American Dental Association (ADA) rec- hours each year.16
studies demonstrate that these tools, ommendations on the dosage of and
when used by primary care clini- age at which to start dietary uoride Potential Harms
cians, can accurately and consis- supplementation take into account the No studies examined the harms of
tently differentiate between children amount of uoride in the childs water performing primary care screening
who will develop dental caries and source.11 These dosing recommendations examinations for dental caries in
those who will not.8,9 A risk-based also are referenced by the American children from birth to age 5 years.8,9
approach to uoride varnish appli- Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).12 However, given the noninvasive nature
cation will miss opportunities to No study directly assessed the appro- of an oral examination, these harms
provide an effective dental caries priate ages at which to start and stop are expected to be minimal.
preventive intervention to children the application of uoride varnish.
who could benet from it, particu- Current Practice
Available trials of uoride varnish en-
larly because currently, in the United rolled children ages 3 to 5 years; In one study, only about half of pedia-
States, infants and preschool-aged however, given the mechanism of action tricians reported examining the teeth
children are more likely to have reg- of this intervention, benets are very of half of their patients ages 0 to 3
ular visits with nondental primary likely to accrue starting at the time years.17
care clinicians than dental care pro- of primary tooth eruption. Limited evi-
viders.6,7 dence found no clear effect on caries Other Approaches to Prevention
increment between performing a single In April 2013, the Community Preventive
Interventions to Prevent Dental uoride varnish once every 6 months Services Task Force recommended uo-
Caries versus once a year13 or between a sin- ridation of community water sources
As noted previously, oral uoride sup- gle application every 6 months versus based on strong evidence of effective-
plementation prevents dental caries in multiple applications once a year or ness in reducing dental caries.18 It
patients with inadequate water uori- every 6 months.14,15 also recommends school-based dental
dation. sealant delivery programs to prevent
All children with erupted teeth can Suggestions for Practice Regarding caries.
potentially benet from the periodic the I Statement Xylitol may have promise as an addi-
application of uoride varnish, re- In deciding whether to routinely per- tional method to reduce the risk for
gardless of the levels of uoride in their form screening examinations for dental dental caries. Xylitol is classied by the
water. Although the evidence to support caries in children from birth to age US Food and Drug Administration as
varnish is drawn from higher-risk 5 years, clinicians should consider the a dietary supplement and is found in
populations, the provision of varnish following factors. over-the-counter consumer products,
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review of the evidence on prevention of supplementation ranged from 32% to Potential Harms of Preventive
dental caries by primary care clinicians 72% for decayed, missing, and lled Interventions
in children 5 years and younger. The teeth and from 38% to 81% for decayed, The USPSTF considered a recently up-
review focused on screening for caries, missing, and lled tooth surfaces ver- dated systematic review on enamel uo-
assessment of risk for future caries, sus placebo (vitamin drops) or no rosis that includes 5 new studies that
and the effectiveness of various inter- supplementation.8,9 were not available for the 2004 recom-
ventions that have possible benets in mendation.35 These observational stud-
preventing caries. Fluoride Varnish ies consistently found an association
Three recent good- and fair-quality between early childhood exposure to
Risk Assessment trials assessed professionally applied systemic uoride and enamel uorosis.
No studies assessed the effective- topical uoride varnish in children 5 The evidence is limited in that measures
ness of the use of formal risk as- years and younger. The trials com- of early childhood uoride exposure
sessment tools by primary care pared uoride varnish applied every were based on parental recall.8,9 Risk
clinicians in identifying children at 6 months with no uoride varnish. estimates ranged from an odds ratio of
highest risk for dental caries. Al- One was conducted in rural Canadian 10.8 (95% condence interval 1.962.0)
though there are tools available from Native populations without water for exposure during the rst 2 years
several professional organizations uoridation and another was con- of life to a slight increase in risk (odds
for use in the primary care setting, no ducted in an Australian aboriginal ratio, 1.11.7, depending on compari-
studies evaluated their performance community with water uoridation son).35 Fluorosis can range from mild
or use. levels of ,0.6 ppm F for nearly 90% of (small white spots or streaks) to severe
participants.33,34 The third trial en- (discoloration, pitting, or brown stain-
Effectiveness of Preventive rolled primarily Latino and Chinese ing), depending on the overall systemic
Interventions underserved children in an urban US uoride exposure level over time. In the
Fluoride Supplementation community with adequate water uo- United States, the prevalence of severe
ridation.13 All 3 trials found that uo- enamel uorosis is estimated at ,1%.5
Six older studies2732 assessed the ef-
ride varnish was associated with a No studies reported the risk for uo-
fectiveness of oral uoride supple-
mentation; the USPSTF found no new decreased risk for dental caries after rosis with uoride varnish application;
studies since its previous 2004 review. 2 years. Absolute mean reductions in however, the degree of systemic uo-
Although the studies had some meth- the number of affected tooth surfaces ride exposure after varnish application
odological limitations, such as lack of ranged from 1.0 to 2.4.8,9 is low.3,4
adjustment for potential confounders, Three fair-quality studies evaluated
the effect of frequency of uoride Potential Harms of Screening
inadequate blinding, or unreported
attrition, and were fairly heteroge- varnish application on caries out- No studies compared harms in chil-
neous, they support the conclusion comes.1315 Two found that multiple dren who were receiving routine oral
that oral uoride supplementation uoride varnish applications within screening examinations versus those
leads to decreased dental caries in a 2-week period were associated with not screened for dental caries by pri-
children 5 years and younger who have no statistically signicant differences mary care providers.8,9
inadequate uoridation in their water. in caries incidence versus a 6-month
application schedule.14,15 One trial Estimate of Magnitude of Net
The single randomized trial (n = 140;
uoridation level ,0.1 ppm F) found found no statistically signicant dif-
that 0.25-mg uoride drops or chews ference in caries rates for once- versus The USPSTF concludes with moderate
were associated with decreased risk twice-yearly varnish application.13 The certainty that there is a moderate net
for caries versus no uoride supple- optimum frequency of uoride varnish benet to prescribing oral uoride
mentation in Taiwanese children age application is not known. supplementation at recommended doses
2 years at enrollment.31 Relative re- starting at age 6 months to children
ductions ranged from 52% to 72% for Effectiveness of Screening with inadequate uoride in their water.
decayed, missing, and lled teeth and No studies examined the effectiveness There is also moderate net benet to
from 51% to 81% for decayed, missing, of routine oral screening examinations applying uoride varnish to the primary
and lled tooth surfaces. Across all 6 performed by primary care clinicians in teeth of all infants and children starting
trials, relative reductions with uoride preventing dental caries.8,9 at the age of primary tooth eruption.
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The Centers for Disease Control and limit the use of high-concentration states that children at increased risk for
Prevention recommends that clinicians uoride products, such as varnish and caries should receive a professional
counsel parents about appropriate use gel, to high-risk individuals.37 uoride treatment (eg, 5% sodium uo-
of uoridated toothpastes, especially in The American Academy of Pediatric Den- ride varnish or 1.23% acidulated phos-
children 2 years and younger; prescribe tistry states that uoride dietary supple- phate uoride) every 6 months.41
uoride supplements to children at high ments should be considered for children The American Academy of Family
risk for dental caries whose drinking at risk for caries who drink uoride- Physicians is updating its recom-
water lacks adequate uoridation; and decient (,0.6 ppm) water. It also mendations on the subject.
1. National Center for Health Statistics. 10. Marinho VC, Higgins JP, Sheiham A, Logan Fluoridation. Atlanta, GA: Community Pre-
Healthy People 2010 Final Review. Hyatts- S. Fluoride toothpastes for preventing ventive Services Task Force; 2013. Available
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APPENDIX (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New MS (Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health
York, and James J. Peters Veterans Care System, Palo Alto, and Stanford
Affairs Medical Center, Bronx, NY); University, Stanford, CA); William R.
Linda Ciofu Baumann, PhD, RN (Uni- Phillips, MD, MPH (University of
versity of Wisconsin, Madison, WI); Washington, Seattle, WA); and Michael
Members of the USPSTF at the time this Susan J. Curry, PhD (University of Iowa P. Pignone, MD, MPH (University of
recommendation was nalized* are College of Public Health, Iowa City, IA); North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC).
Virginia A. Moyer, MD, MPH, Chair Mark Ebell, MD, MS (University of Former USPSTF members Adelita
(American Board of Pediatrics, Chapel Georgia, Athens, GA); Francisco A.R. Gonzales Cantu, RN, PhD, David C.
Hill, NC); Michael L. LeFevre, MD, MSPH, Garca, MD, MPH (Pima County Depart- Grossman, MD, MPH, and Glenn
Co-Vice Chair (University of Missouri ment of Health, Tucson, AZ); Jessica Flores, MD, also contributed to the
School of Medicine, Columbia, MO); Herzstein, MD, MPH (Air Products, development of this recommenda-
Albert L. Siu, MD, MSPH, Co-Vice Chair Allentown, PA); Douglas K. Owens, MD, tion.
For a list of current Task Force members, go to www.
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