Association of Anaemia in Primary Care Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Cross Sectional Study of Quality Improvement in Chronic Kidney Disease (QICKD) Trial Data
Association of Anaemia in Primary Care Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Cross Sectional Study of Quality Improvement in Chronic Kidney Disease (QICKD) Trial Data
Association of Anaemia in Primary Care Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease: Cross Sectional Study of Quality Improvement in Chronic Kidney Disease (QICKD) Trial Data
Background: Anaemia is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and treating anaemia in chronic kidney
disease (CKD) may improve outcomes. However, little is known about the scope to improve primary care
management of anaemia in CKD.
Methods: An observational study (N = 1,099,292) with a nationally representative sample using anonymised routine
primary care data from 127 Quality Improvement in CKD trial practices (ISRCTN5631023731). We explored variables
associated with anaemia in CKD: eGFR, haemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), iron status,
cardiovascular comorbidities, and use of therapy which associated with gastrointestinal bleeding, oral iron and
deprivation score. We developed a linear regression model to identify variables amenable to improved primary care
Results: The prevalence of Stage 35 CKD was 6.76%. Hb was lower in CKD (13.2 g/dl) than without (13.7 g/dl).
22.2% of people with CKD had World Health Organization defined anaemia; 8.6% had Hb 11 g/dl; 3% Hb 10 g/
dl; and 1% Hb 9 g/dl. Normocytic anaemia was present in 80.5% with Hb 11; 72.7% with Hb 10 g/dl; and
67.6% with Hb 9 g/dl; microcytic anaemia in 13.4% with Hb 11 g/dl; 20.8% with Hb 10 g/dl; and 24.9% where
Hb 9 g/dl. 82.7% of people with microcytic and 58.8% with normocytic anaemia (Hb 11 g/dl) had a low ferritin
(<100ug/mL). Hypertension (67.2% vs. 54%) and diabetes (30.7% vs. 15.4%) were more prevalent in CKD and
anaemia; 61% had been prescribed aspirin; 73% non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); 14.1% warfarin
12.4% clopidogrel; and 53.1% aspirin and NSAID. 56.3% of people with CKD and anaemia had been prescribed oral
iron. The main limitations of the study are that routine data are inevitably incomplete and definitions of anaemia
have not been standardised.
Conclusions: Medication review is needed in people with CKD and anaemia prior to considering erythropoietin or
parenteral iron. Iron stores may be depleted in over >60% of people with normocytic anaemia. Prescribing oral iron
has not corrected anaemia.
Keywords: Aspirin, Chronic, Anaemia, Data collection, Erythropoietin, Family practice, Iron-deficiency, Medical
records systems, Computerized, Renal insufficiency chronic
* Correspondence:
Department of Health Care Management and Policy, University of Surrey,
Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
2013 Dmitrieva et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Dmitrieva et al. BMC Nephrology 2013, 14:24 Page 2 of 9
as a recording within the last two years. We classify an- outcome variable for either one unit of change, or the
aemia into micro-, normo- and macrocytic based on the presence or absence of the predictor variable. E.g. eGFR
MCV. Microcytic anaemia is defined as an MCV of has a B of 0.003, this means that for every 10 ml/min
<80 fl, normocytic as 100-80 fl, and macrocytic as rise in eGFR Hb rises by 0.03 g/dl; B Stage 3 to 5 CKD
>100 fl [40]. We also extracted ferritin values, as marker is 0.482, implying that people with stage 3 to 5 CKD
of iron stores. In CKD stage 34, iron deficiency was have an Hb 0.5 g/dl lower than those who do not. We
defined as ferritin <100ug/ml [41,42] as patients with did not include age, gender or ethnicity in our model as
depleted iron stores benefit from intravenous iron even they are already included in the equation used to esti-
where their MCV is normal; [43] though we also report mate renal function [48]. We did however include the
ferritin < 15 ug/ml as this has been proposed as a lower use of ACE-I, ACE-I and hypertension, and hypertension
limit of normal [44,45]. alone in our model to explore any influence from a
To explore the association between age and anaemia patients therapy. We then grouped our best predictive
the prevalence of anaemia by eGFR category and age variables into a single model for which we additionally
band we report the change using previously described quote R2, the correlation coefficient which gives an ef-
groupings [46]. fect size (i.e. to what extent the change seen can be
We explored any association between CVD, CKD and ascribed to the variables in the model; an R2 of 0.11 im-
anaemia. We included in our definition of cardiovascular plies that it contributes 11% of the change).
disease (CVD) diagnoses of heart failure (HF), ischaemic Ethical approval for the trial was given by the Oxford
heart disease (IHD), stroke, transient ischaemic attack Research Ethics committee and is included in our clin-
and cerebrovascular disease (CEVD), peripheral vascular ical trial registration details (ISRCTN56023731) [49].
disease (PVD), and hypertension (HT); and diabetes
We investigated whether anaemic patients had been
Prevalence of CKD in the study population
prescribed aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
The prevalence of CKD in the general population is
drugs (NSAIDs), clopidogrel or warfarin. These are med-
5.3% (n = 58,592); 6.76% (50,319) in people aged over
ications which are all associated with an increased risk
18 years. As renal function declines from normal to
of gastrointestinal bleeding.
stage 3B CKD the mean age of the people gets older
Finally we looked at oral iron prescriptions in order to
with each declining stage of CKD; those with stage 4
see if iron was being prescribed to correct anaemia and
and 5 CKD are slightly younger (See Additional file 2:
to assess whether its use was associated with correction
Figure S2), possibly due to survival bias.
of anaemia. As intravenous iron and ESA therapy is
largely provided via specialist renal units, information
about parenteral iron is not contained within the family Prevalence of micro- , normo-, and macrocytic anaemia in
practice computerised medical record. CKD patients
The data used in the study were extracted from pri- We found that 94% of people with CKD have had an Hb
mary care computer systems and processed using our measurement at some time, with 70% measured within
established method [34,47]. We analysed these data the last 2 years. The mean Hb value for patients without
using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Ver- CKD was 13.71 g/dl (median 13.7 g/dl, SD 1.6), com-
sion 18). We used simple descriptive statistics to report pared to 13.22 g/dl (median 13.3 g/dl, SD 1.6) in patients
our findings; we used Pearson chi square to test whether with CKD. Furthermore, prevalence of anaemia was
proportions were significantly different reporting the increased in the higher CKD stages (Table 1). The over-
probability and commenting if not significant (n.s.). We all prevalence of anaemia (Hb 11 g/dl) in people with
report differences in Hb between different subgroups CKD Stage 35 is 8.6% (n = 4,690). 3.0% (n = 1,648) have
using independent samples T-tests, reporting the mean Hb 10 g/dl and 1% (n = 563) Hb 9 g/dl. 22.2% of
difference and probability (p). We constructed a linear people with CKD had anaemia as defined by the World
regression model to test the extent to which the vari- Health Organization (WHO) (Hb <12 g/dl in women
ables reported in our model are predictors of any change and <13 g/dl in men).
in Hb. We observed in our data that anaemia in CKD is age-
We carried out a regression analysis initially testing independent when eGFR <45 ml/min per 1.73 m2 as
each variable separately to explore any predictive effect also found in a recent large US national cross-sectional
on our outcome variable (Hb). We then grouped our study [46]. Anaemia prevalence increases as eGFR preva-
best predictor variables into a single model reporting the lence rises in all age groups (Figure 1). Anaemia was
unstandardised coefficient (B); it standard error (E); and more common in older patients then in young patients
significance (p). B represents the unit change in the with moderately decreased eGFR (Figure 1).
Dmitrieva et al. BMC Nephrology 2013, 14:24 Page 4 of 9
Normocytic anaemia is the most common form of an- Prevalence of Iron deficiency anaemia in CKD patients
aemia in patients with CKD (Figure 2). 80.5% (n = 3,744) of Approximately one third (31%, n = 18,157) of people with
patients with CKD and Hb 11 g/dl have normocytic an- CKD have had their ferritin measured. In two-thirds (63.7%,
aemia. The proportion falls to three quarters (72.7%, n = n = 11,570) of these patients the ferritin is <100ug/mL and
1,057) for Hb 10 g/dl and to two thirds (67.6%, n = 375) 2.7% (n = 1,569) had a ferritin level <15ug/mL; suggesting
where Hb 9 g/dl. As Hb falls so the proportion of people that they had reduced iron stores. Over three-quarters
with microcytic anaemia increases: from 13.4% (n = 625) (82.7%) of people with CKD and microcytic anaemia (Hb
where Hb 11 g/dl, to 20.8% (n = 302) where Hb 10 g/dl, 11 g/dl) have a ferritin less than 100 ug/mL (Chi-square,
to a quarter of those with Hb 9 g/dl (n = 138). The pro- p = 0.017), compared with 58.8% of those with normocytic
portion of macrocytic anaemia only slightly rises as Hb falls (Chi-square p < 0.001) and 45.5% of those with macrocytic
in CKD: 6.0% (n = 280) of people with Hb 11 g/dl rising anaemia (Chi-square p = 0.8, n.s.). Furthermore, 39%
to 7.6% (n = 42) of people with Hb 9 g/dl (Table 2). patients with CKD and microcytic anaemia have ferritin
level below 15 ug/mL (Table 3).
Table 2 Normocytic anaemia is the most common in Table 4 Anaemia is associated with CVD in CKD patients
patients with CKD Population CKD
MCV range Microcytic Normocytic Macrocytic Hb > 11 g/dl Hb 11 g/dl
Hb (g/dl) N % N % N % Female N % N % N %
Female Hb > 11 810 2.4% 32267 95.1% 842 2.5% HT 71811 16.4% 17591 51.7% 2140 67.0%
Hb 11 481 15.1% 2536 79.7% 164 5.2% Diabetes 19909 4.6% 4299 12.6% 923 28.9%
Hb 10 230 24.8% 647 69.7% 51 5.5% IHD 12309 2.8% 4329 12.7% 715 22.4%
Hb 9 103 32.5% 195 61.5% 19 6.0% HF 3659 0.8% 1642 4.8% 409 12.8%
Male Hb > 11 398 2.5% 14955 93.8% 589 3.7% PVD 2642 0.6% 851 2.5% 161 5.0%
Hb 11 144 9.8% 1208 82.3% 116 7.9% CVA 9903 2.3% 3114 9.1% 534 16.7%
Hb 10 72 13.7% 410 77.9% 44 8.4% Male
Hb 9 35 14.7% 180 75.6% 23 9.7% HT 60758 14.2% 9458 58.9% 1014 67.9%
Total Hb > 11 1208 2.4% 47222 94.7% 1431 2.9% Diabetes 24322 5.7% 3427 21.4% 519 34.7%
Hb 11 625 13.4% 3744 80.5% 280 6.0% IHD 19729 4.6% 4251 26.5% 561 37.6%
Hb 10 302 20.8% 1057 72.7% 95 6.5% HF 3927 0.9% 1407 8.8% 273 18.3%
Hb 9 138 24.9% 375 67.6% 42 7.6% PVD 3925 0.9% 952 5.9% 165 11.0%
CVA 9754 2.3% 2129 13.3% 319 21.4%
Anaemia as a risk factor for CVD in patients with CKD Total
Analysis of cardiovascular co-morbidities and diabetes HT 132569 15.4% 27049 54.0% 3154 67.2%
showed that these conditions are more prevalent among Diabetes 44231 5.1% 7726 15.4% 1442 30.7%
people with anaemia and CKD than those with CKD and IHD 32038 3.7% 8580 17.1% 1276 27.2%
a normal Hb. The prevalence of ischaemic heart disease
HF 7586 0.9% 3049 6.1% 682 14.5%
(IHD), heart failure (HF), stroke and transient ischaemic
PVD 6567 0.8% 1803 3.6% 326 7.0%
attack grouped as cerebrovascular disease (CEVD), per-
CVA 19657 2.3% 5243 10.5% 853 18.2%
ipheral vascular disease (PVD) and diabetes is approxi-
Test of proportion (Chi-square) for all rows (p < 0.001) in favour of an
mately twice that of CKD patients without anaemia increased prevalence of anaemia with CKD.
(Table 4). In addition, 67.2% of patients with CKD and
anaemia have hypertension as compared with 54% quarters (73%, n = 3,422) NSAID, 14.1% (n = 662) were
patients with CKD only (Chi-square p < 0.001). taking warfarin and 12.4% (n = 581) clopidogrel. Further-
more, more than half (55.6%, n = 999) of patients with iron
deficiency anaemia and CKD stage 35 were concurrently
Drug prescription in patients with CKD and anaemia prescribed NSAIDs and aspirin (Table 5).
Two-thirds of patients (62%) in our study receive one or
more drugs causing anaemia in the last two years, 84.7% Oral Iron prescription
ever. Nearly half of people with CKD and anaemia have Over half (62.6%) of people with anaemia in the general
been prescribed aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflamma- population had been prescribed oral iron therapy (Table 6)
tory drugs (NSAID) (49.1%, n = 2,301 and 46.2%, n = 2166 with prescriptions issued to a slightly lower proportion
respectively), 8.1% (n = 378) received clopidogrel and (56.3%) of people with anaemia and CKD. The common-
10.3% (n = 485) warfarin in the last two years. Analysis of est prescribed iron preparations were ferrous fumarate
medication history showed that 61% (n = 2,862) of people (322 mg bd) and ferrous sulphate (200 mg tid); with the
with CKD and Hb 11 g/dl had taken aspirin, three- prescriptions intended to provide 200 mg or 195 mg elem-
ental iron, respectively; in line with current recommenda-
Table 3 Low ferritin level in CKD patients is associated
tions [50].
with microcytic anaemia Two-thirds (67.6%) of people with anaemia and CKD
Ferritin Microcytic Normocytic Macrocytic All
and a low ferritin level were taking oral iron. The mean
Hb in the iron treated group was 10.0 g/dl (n = 582) com-
ug/mL n % n % n % n %
pared with 10.3 g/dl (n = 1214) in the non-iron treated
<15 171 39.0% 236 10.3% 4 2.3% 411 14.1
(t-test p < 0.001).
15-99 192 43.7% 1117 48.5% 76 43.2% 1385 47.5
100-199 36 8.2% 469 20.4% 34 19.3% 539 18.5
Regression analysis
200 40 9.1% 480 20.9% 62 35.2% 582 20.0
Stage 35 CKD was associated with a reduction in Hb,
Total 439 100% 2302 100% 176 100% 2917 100.0 0.712 g/dL (SE 0.017 g/dL, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.9%). The
Dmitrieva et al. BMC Nephrology 2013, 14:24 Page 6 of 9
regression analysis testing each variable separately compared with those with a normal Hb and CKD. Over
showed a small but significant effect of eGFR and CKD three-quarters of people with anaemia and CKD are on
on the outcome variable, haemoglobin (B of 0.003, SE one or more medications which may exacerbate an-
0.000, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.2%). Our best model included: aemia; over three quarters have been prescribed aspirin
CKD stages 35, significant proteinuria, heart failure, as some time, over two-thirds in the last two years.
diabetes, hypertension, stroke, deprivation score and Nearly three quarters of anaemic people with CKD have
NSAID within last 2 years, R2 = 7.4% (p < 0.001). After been prescribed an NSAIDs. Three quarters of people
adding other elements to the model the CKD remained a with microcytic anaemia and over half of those with nor-
significant contributor to the final effect (Table 7); though mocytic anaemia have been prescribed oral iron, how-
overall the combined predictive effect of the model on an- ever despite this their anaemia remains uncorrected.
aemia is small (R2 = 7.7%). We excluded ACE-I from our Stage 35 CKD and reduction in eGFR are weak but sig-
final model. The unstandardised coefficient (B) was smaller nificant predictors of reduced haemoglobin.
than that for hypertension and the overall model performed The prevalence of anaemia increased with reduction of
less well with ACE-I and hypertension included. eGFR levels in all age groups and this observation corre-
sponds, and appears to validate, in an independent sam-
ple findings in the National Health and Nutrition
Discussion Examination Survey (NHANES) population [4,5]. How-
In this study we found that anaemia is common in CKD ever, this prevalence is less than half that found in the
and usually normocytic. Anaemia in CKD is associated more targeted National Kidney Foundation Kidney Early
with a reduced ferritin in over half, suggesting depleted Evaluation Program (KEEP) [51].
iron stores. Microcytic anaemia is less common, though Stage 35 CKD is an independent predictor variable of
over three-quarters of people with this type of anaemia reduced haemoglobin. The current focus of UK National
have a reduced ferritin. All cardiovascular diseases are guidance on anaemia management in CKD needs to be
more prevalent among those with anaemia and CKD reviewed. We recommend a shift from early referral to
Table 7 Multiple regression model, predictor variables effect on the outcome variable (haemoglobin level)
Dependent variable - Haemoglobin level
Predictor variables Unstandardised coefficients Standardised coefficients
B Std. Error Beta T
(Constant) 14.146 0.021 682.905
CKD stages3-5 0.712 0.017 0.204* 42.385
Significant proteinuria 0.501 0.033 0.068* 15.064
Heart failure 0.368 0.033 0.051* 11.255
Diabetes 0.078 0.016 0.023* 4.94
Hypertension 0.144 0.015 0.043* 9.315
CEBVD or Stroke 0.236 0.025 0.042* 9.309
Deprivation score 0.01 0.001 0.086* 19.138
NSAID within last 2 years 0.132 0.015 0.04* 8.955
R2 for the model = 7.4% significance for the model <0.001 (*p < 0.001).
specialist centres for administration of parenteral iron or Organization (WHO) define anaemia as <12 g/dl in women
ESA to more effective medication management in primary and <13 g/dl in men [57]. Whilst prescription of oral iron
care, with improved access to parenteral iron. Family phy- was not associated with correction of anaemia; we cannot
sicians should carefully balance the risk benefit ratio of conclude that it is ineffective as we dont know the pre-
prescribing aspirin in cardiovascular disease and of treatment Hb levels. Although generally 200 mg of elemen-
NSAIDs in people with CKD. The concurrent use of acid tal iron is the default prescription in UK family practice, we
suppressant therapy may help reduce the risk of gastro- know that it is common practice in primary care to advise
intestinal blood loss. patients to reduce the iron dose if they experience gastro-
Our findings are consistent with a systematic review and intestinal side effects. We also only have evidence a pre-
meta-analysis that showed little benefit from oral iron in scription was issued, and nothing about what was actually
people with CKD. Interestingly, the rise in Hb reported dispensed.
using parenteral iron (0.83 g/dL) is similar to the decline Serum ferritin <100 ng/mL is used in this paper as a
seen in people with CKD (0.72 g/dL) [52]. surrogate for iron deficiency; this is an expert consensus,
In USA the Third National Health & Nutrition Examin- used in UK national guidance [58] though many normal
ation Survey Public health (NHANES III) reported a high individuals having levels beneath this threshold [59].
prevalence of anaemia, and a low ferritin in people with Prospective studies are needed to assess whether more
heart failure and CKD, which is also compatible with our effective anaemia management strategies might reduce
results [53]. Likewise, NHANES found 42.2% (95% confi- the incidence of CVD in people with CKD. Tools and
dence interval 28.3-56.0%) of people with eGFR <40 ml/min algorithms are needed to help family doctors asses the
were anaemic compared with 34% in this study. Antihyper- relative risk of stopping NSAIDs, aspirin and other ther-
tensive medication, including angiotensin-converting en- apy against the potential benefits of correcting anaemia.
zyme inhibitors are also associated with anaemia [14,54].
We included hypertension, not anti-hypertensive therapy
in our regression model. It is possible that the small reduc- Conclusion
tion in haemoglobin associated with hypertension might Anaemia is common among CKD patients in the UK and
be related to therapy. associated with cardiovascular diseases and prescription of
Our approach is limited by the inevitable incomplete- drugs which may cause anaemia. Having stage 35 CKD is
ness of the routine data, though their strengths and weak- a predictor variable of a decline in haemoglobin. Primary
nesses are well known [55]. The associations reported in care management should start with a careful medication
this paper do not prove or imply a causative link; and review and assessment prior to referral for replacement of
paradoxically agents that might cause gastrointestinal depleted iron stores with parenteral iron.
haemorrhage were not associated with greater degrees of
iron deficiency. Additional files
A further difficulty is that definitions of anaemia are
not completely standardised. The European guidelines Additional file 1: Figure S1. Age sex profile of study population
compared to census data.
define anaemia as <11 g/dl [56], which is marginally
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Patients by stage CKD, age and sex.
different from guidance in England. The World Health
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