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Hds - Delislo9 12 May 2009

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Judicial independence is a mostly important pillar of a

democratic society. The insulation of the judiciary from the

12 May 2009

legislative and executive powers, guarantees the rule of law and

the protection of individuals and their rights.
The scope of this speech is to present the highlights, of
the Greek legal system on this topic, and the way such an
independence is guaranteed.
1. The principal rules establishing the judiciary independence
are contained in the Constitution, the supreme law to which all
legislation has to abide. Furthermore, according to article 93 of the
Constitution, Courts are bound not to apply an act or statute
whose content is contrary to the Constitution. This provision
empowers the judiciary to control any legislation affecting their
independence, examine its conformity with the relevant provisions
of the Constitution and in negative case deny it.
2. Turning now to the specific rules that guarantee the
realization of the judicial independence, I shall refer to Article 87 of
the Constitution providing that judges enjoy functional and
personal independence and that they aresubject only to the
Constitutions and the laws.
a) Firstly, functional independence refers to the freedom from
interference by the executive or legislative power .It is expressed
through the obligation of judges to review the legality of
administrative acts and the constitutionality of statutory legislation.
It denotes also the lack of hierarchical control of inferior courts by
superior courts in the exercise of their judicial functions and entails
critical restrictions to the legislative power, regarding cases
pending before the courts, or cases resolved by final court

b) Secondly the personal independence of the judiciary
prescribes that judge will be free from any influence of the
executive. Important in that aspect is the principle of the self
administration of Justice and the restriction of the Ministry of
Justice to the coordination of the organizational and infrastructure
matters, and the provision of the necessary for ,their function
financial and administrative support.
The main guarantees of the judicial independence
constitutionally established and includes :
aa)Appointment for life. That means that a judge cannot be
dismissed for any other reasons than those provided by the
Constitution and according to the procedural guarantees
established therein. According to article 88 para 4 of the
Constitution, judicial functionaries may be dismissed only pursuant
a thoroughly reasoned court judgment, on the grounds of a
criminal conviction or a grave disciplinary breach or illness or
disability or professional incompetence, confirmed as specified by
Otherwise all judges are compulsorily retired : those who are
members of the first instance courts and the Courts of appeal at
the age of 65, and those who are members of the Supreme
Courts, at the age of 67.
bb) A further guarantee of independence of the judiciary
towards the executive is provided by Article 89 of the Constitution
according to which not only the participation of judicial
functionaries in the government is not permitted, but also the
assignment of administrative duties is prohibited. Judges are also
excluded from the performance of any remunerated service or the
exercise of any profession.
As an exemption to the rule judges are allowed to be elected
members of the Academy or university professors and are
permitted to participate in committees of disciplinary, auditing or
judicial nature and in law drafting committees.
cc) Special care is taken for the remuneration of the judges.
Article 88 para 2 of the Constitution provides that the remuneration
of judicial functionaries shall be commensurate with their office.
According to a well established case law the remuneration of the
judges <onsidering their rank- should never be inferior to the fees
of the highest remunerated public official. For the resolution of
legal matters affecting the remuneration of judges a special court
of the highest rank is established.
3. Recruiting and training of judges is governed by law
In order to be eligible to hold judicial office, individuals must
be Greek citizens, between the age of twenty eight and forty and
must hold a university law degree. The practice requirements are
not so important. Two years of membership to the Bar (one year to
those who have a master in law) or five years in the exercise of the
duties of a Court's clerk, is the qualification needed for the
participation to the entry competition for the National; School of
Judges. It is also provided, of course, that the candidates should
not be convicted for a criminal offence and they should not suffer
any physical or mental incapacities, that can adversely affect the
exercise of their duties.
The entry competition and the number of candidates are
publicly announced. The competition is conducted by a .Five
member committee composed by the three judges of the highest
rank, a university professor and a lawyer having at least 20 years
of practice.
The candidates who pass the introductory competition must
complete the theoretical and practical training provided by the
National School of Judges(which is also responsible for the
continuous training of the judiciary) .
That training lasts for 16 months and is divided to three
stages, of which the two first are theoretical and the third practical.
During the two theoretical stages the performance of the
candidates is continuously evaluated. At the end of the second
term the trainees have to pass successfully oral and written
examinations, after which they are appointed for practice at the
areas of Justice (administrative, civil, etc,) as indicated in their
initial application to the National School.
After the successful completion of their practical training the
candidates are appointed as judges on probation for a period of
eighteen months.
4. The career of judges is the field where self administration
plays a mostly. important role. Article 90 of the Constitution
provides that promotion assignments to posts, transfer,
detachments and transfers to another branch of judicial function
aries is decided by the Supreme Judicial Council. 'This Council is
composed of the President of the respective highest court and its
members are judges of the same court chosen by lot among those
having served at this post for at least two years. In the Supreme
Council participate also, without right to vote, two members of the
judiciary of the branch to which the decision to be made, refers,
who must hold the rank of Judge of Appeals or equivalent, and
who are chosen also by lot.
The Minister of Justice or the member of the Judiciary
concerned, if they do not agree with a decision of the Supreme
Judicial Council, have the right of appeal to the respective
Supreme Court, the judgment of which is final and binding.
5. Consistent with the principle of self governance of the
Judiciary, Article 91 of the Constitution entrusts responsibility for
disciplinary to judicial organs. Disciplinary action may be initiated
by the Minister of Justice and certain high ranked judicial
functionaries for misconduct contrary to the obligation and duties
of the judges, including a delay in the execution of their tasks, the
breach of confidentiality.
Disciplinary authority over judicial functionaries from and
above the rank of the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court, or a rank
corresponding therefore is exercised by the Supreme Disciplinary
Council which is composed by the president of one of the three
Supreme Courts, four vice presidents or members of the same
courts and two university professors of the faculty of law.
Disciplinary cases against all others judges are heard, in the
first and second instance by Councils composed of regular judges
chosen by lot.
The respect of the time schedule obliges for a restriction to
the most important aspects of the independence of the Judiciary,
as guaranteed in Greece. I would be happy if anyone of the - --- - - -

I participants & interested for further details, to supply him with any Deleted: In

further information and documentation.

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