Independence of Supreme Court
Independence of Supreme Court
Independence of Supreme Court
Mode of appointment
Security of tenure
Fixed service conditions
Expenses charged on the consolidated fund
Conduct of judges cannot be discussed
Ban on practice after retirement
Power to punish for its contempt
Freedom to appoint its staff
Its jurisdiction cannot be curtailed
Separation from Executive
Mode of Appointment
Independence of judiciary to quite a great extent,
depends on the method of appointment of judges.
Election of the judiciary by the people or the
legislature, would make it subservient to the
whims of the masses or a tool in the hands of
legislators. Every judge of the Indian Supreme
Court is appointed by the President, after
consultation with such of the judges of the
Supreme Court, and the High Courts of the State,
as the President may deem necessary for the
purpose. In the appointment of a judge other than
the Chief Justice, the President must consult the
Chief Justice.
This provision curtails the absolute discretion
of the executive as well as ensures that the
judicial appointments are not based on any
political or practical considerations.
Security of Tenure
The Judges of the Supreme Court enjoy
security of tenure. They are not removable
from office except by an order of the President
and that also only on the ground mentioned in
the constitution of proved misbehavior or
incapacity, supported by a resolution adopted
by a majority of total membership of each
House and also by a majority of not less than
2/3 of the members of that House present and
This means that they do not hold their office
during the pleasure of the president, though
they are appointed by him. This is obvious
from the fact that no judge of the supreme
court has been impeached so far.
Fixed service condition
During their term of office, their salaries,
allowances, privileges, leaves and pension are
determined from time to time by the
parliament and cannot be altered to their
disadvantage, except during grave situation
that is, financial emergency. Thus the
conditions of service of the judges remains to
be the same.
Expenses charged on Consolidated Fund
The salaries allowances and pensions of the
judges and the staff as well as the
administrative expenses of the Supreme Court
are charged on the consolidated fund of India.
Thus they re non- votable by the
Parliament(though they can be discussed by it).
Conduct of Judges cannot be discussed
Neither in Parliament not in a State Legislature a
discussion can take place with respect to the conduct of a
judge of the Supreme Court in discharge of his
duties under article121.
The actions and decisions of the judges in their official
capacity are immune from criticism. They may, however,
be subject to critical academic analysis. In order to
maintain the dignity of the Court and to protect it from
malicious criticism, the Court has been empowered to
initiate contempt proceedings against any alleged offender
and take appropriate action. The Court is, also authorized
to stop any act that might prejudicially affect its arriving
at an impartial and independent decision.
Ban on Practice after Retirement
Prohibition on practice after retirement-
Under article 124(7) of the constitution a retired
Judge of the supreme Court is prohibited to
appear and plead in any court or before any
authority within the territory of India. This
ensures that they do not favor anyone in the
hope of future gains.
Power to punish for its contempt
The Supreme Court and the High Court have
the power to punish any person for its
contempt under article 129 and 215, this power
is very essential for maintaining the
impartiality and independence of the Judiciary.
The actions and the decisions of the Supreme
Court cannot be criticized or opposed by
anybody and ensures the dignity, honor and
authority of the Supreme Court.
Freedom to appoint staff
The chief justice of India can appoint officers
and servants of the Supreme Court without any
interference from the Executive. He can also
prescribe their conditions of service
Its jurisdiction cannot be curtailed