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FBM KLCI 1758.06 6.18 KLCI FUTURES 1753.00 2.00 STI 3227.14 9.01 RM/USD 4.2300 CPO RM2708.00 39.00 OIL US$58.33 0.43 GOLD US$1286.10 0.30
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 ISSUE 2501/2017

Rising tension
spurs Malaysia
to ban travel to
North Korea

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Berjaya Media eyes

diversification into
new businesses TO IMPLEMENT

Gamuda posts
quarterly revenue

Serba Dinamik,
Chin Hin chiefs
among top EY
no earlier than 2019
Entrepreneur Of The standard requires banking institutions
The Year nominees to maintain a stable funding profile.
8 HOME BUSINESS Adeline Paul Raj has the story on Page 4.
Rehda pushes
for higher EPF
withdrawal for
1st-time homebuyers Johari: Government concerned about
15 H O M E

Najib: Sarawak to
Maju Holdings bid to take over PLUS
see more progress

The Hour Glass :

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Watches of Switzerland :
ANNUAL CALENDAR The Gardens, Mid Valley - Kuala Lumpur T. (+603) 2201 6811

For breaking news updates go to


ECB should slow asset
purchases, but keep
policy loose
PARIS: The European Central
Bank (ECB) should slow the
pace of its asset purchases while
also keeping monetary policy
accommodative overall, ECB
Exploring governing council member
history Francois Villeroy de Galhau
through food said yesterday. Despite firming
economic growth in the euro-
zone, the ECB has only gradu-
ally moved towards reducing its
exceptionally loose monetary
policy as inflation has remained
below its 2% target. Villeroy de
Galhau said there was no doubt
that the current economic and

Rising tension over

job market recovery would lead
to higher inflation. Reuters
The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd China to shut down North
(266980-X) Korean companies

nuclear missile
Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1 Jalan PJU 7/6,
Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, BEIJING: Chinas commerce
Selangor, Malaysia ministry said yesterday that
North Korean firms or joint ven-
tures (JVs) in China will be shut
Publisher and Group CEO Ho Kay Tat within the 120 days of the latest
UN Security Council sanctions
For News Tips/Press Releases passed on Sept 12. Overseas Chi-
Tel: 03-7721 8219 Fax: 03-7721 8038 nese JVs with North Korean en-
Email: eeditor@bizedge.com Malaysia bans citizens from travelling to North Korea tities or individuals will also be
closed, the ministry said in a
Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris
Executive Editors Ooi Inn Leong, statement on its website, not giv-
Kathy Fong, Jenny Ng, Diana Khoo BY P R AV EEN M ENO N half brother at the airport near here postponed for a third time, with ing a timeframe. The UN Secu-
Senior Editors Cindy Yeap, & JOSEP H SIPALAN this year. the Asian Football Confederation rity Council voted unanimously
Jose Barrock, Kang Siew Li The travel ban will be reviewed saying in a brief statement the sit- on Sept 12 to boost sanctions on
Associate Editors R B Bhattacharjee,
Vasantha Ganesan KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia yester- once the situation has returned to uation would be referred to the North Korea, banning its textile
Assistant Editors Adeline Paul Raj, day banned citizens from travelling normal, the foreign ministry said appropriate committees to decide exports and capping fuel sup-
Tan Choe Choe, Ben Shane Lim, to North Korea, scotching yet again in a statement. on the future status of this match. plies. Reuters
Kharie Hisyam Alimman, its football teams participation in The ban also covers the Malay- The regional body said it decid-
Kanagaraju S Sithambaram Wall Street opens lower
Chief Copy Editor Halim Yaacob an Asian Cup qualifying match, as sian football teams trip to Pyong- ed to postpone the match after the
Senior Copy Editor Melanie Proctor tension rises on the Korean Penin- yang for an Oct 5 match, Deputy Football Association of Malaysia after economic data
Copy Editors Tham Yek Lee, sula over missile and nuclear de- Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Reezal told it about the travel ban. BENGALURU: Wall Street
Tham Kid Cheng velopment by Pyongyang. Merican Naina Merican said. The match was postponed to opened lower yesterday after
Art Director Sharon Khoh
Chief Graphic Designer Cheryl Loh Malaysia is one of the handful The travel ban covers all Malay- June 8 from its original date of data showed weekly jobless
Design Team Valerie Chin, of countries that still has friendly sians, and as Malaysians, the Malay- March 28, but both dates were claims rose more than expected
Mohd Yusry, Aaron Boudville, diplomatic ties with North Korea, sian national football team is includ- scrapped because of Malay- and that the impact of Hurri-
Aminullah Abdul Karim, but relations have been strained ed too, Reezal Merican told Reuters. sias fears for its players safety. canes Harvey and Irma may
Noorain Duasa, Tun Mohd Zaan
Mohd Zaabah since the murder of Kim Jong-uns The news led to the match being Reuters slow the pace of third-quarter
gross domestic product growth.
Manager Katherine Tan

AmProp plans to raise up to

age fell 17.87 points, or 0.08%,
Senior Coordinator Maryani Hassan
to 22,322.84. The S&P 500 In-
CORPORATE dex lost 2.75 points, or 0.10%,

RM597m via rights issue

Chief Operating Ocer to 2,504.29. The Nasdaq Com-
Lim Shiew Yuin posite dropped 16.26 points, or
0.25%, to 6,437.00. Reuters
To advertise contact
GL: (03) 7721 8000 Technology glitch causes
Fax: (03) 7721 8288 BY ADAM AZIZ to partly repay the groups existing the issue price for the RCPS B to be minor delays for airlines
Chief Commercial Ocer
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056 bank borrowings, which is expected determined by the board, it added. MADRID: Major airlines
General Manager KUALA LUMPUR: Amcorp Prop- to result in interest savings of some The RCPS B will be convertible around the world were briefly
Kingston Low (012) 278 5540 erties Bhd (AmProp) plans to raise RM9.5 million per year. into AmProp shares one year after hit by computer problems yes-
Senior Sales Managers up to RM597.2 million by issuing Based on the 593.8 million Am- their initial issuance, and they will terday morning, causing some
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 renounceable rights of new Class B Prop shares in issue (excluding have a preferential dividend rate of minor delays at airports, due to
Kamalesan Parama (012) 394 4855 redeemable convertible preference treasury shares) as at Aug 30, 2017, 4% per year. a problem with a system from
Michael Tan (012) 213 0252 shares (RCPS B) to shareholders to the capital outlay for a shareholder Subject to all the required ap- Spanish travel technology firm
Creative Marketing fund existing and future projects holding 1,000 AmProp shares who provals being obtained, AmProp Amadeus. Amadeus, which op-
Chris Wong (016) 687 6577
Head of Marketing Support & Ad Trac and repay borrowings. wishes to fully subscribe to his/ said it expects the proposals to be erates global travel booking sys-
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 As at Aug 30, being the latest prac- her entitlement is approximately completed by the first quarter of tems and offers check-in servic-
Email: advertising@bizedge.com ticable date prior to this announce- RM800, it said. next year. es for airlines, said it suffered
ment, the total bank borrowings of The actual outlay required by AmProp shares closed 0.63% or a network problem yesterday
To order copy the group stood at RM628.6 million. the entitled shareholders to fully half a sen higher at 79.5 sen yester- which caused a disruption to
Tel: 03-7721 8034 / 8033 In a filing with Bursa Malaysia subscribe to their entitlements will day, giving it a market capitalisation some of its systems and but had
Fax: 03-7721 8282 yesterday, AmProp said it intends depend on the entitlement basis and of RM472.26 million. fixed the problem. Reuters
Email: hotline@bizedge.com

Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief
Au Foong Yee
Rail line linking ports of Songkhla and Penang proposed by Malaysian rm
Editor Lam Jian Wyn
Contributing Editor Sharon Kam KUALA LUMPUR: A Malaysian meet in the next few weeks to talk before goods are shipped to interna- early as 1677.
Assistant Editor James Chong
company has proposed to build on the subject, he said, adding that tional destinations, he told a media With renewed interest in the ca-
MARKETING & ADVERTISING railway tracks linking the sea ports the proposal was mooted by a com- briefing on Malaysia-Thailand trade nal plan from Thailand, if it were to
Associate Account Director, of Penang and Songkhla, said Thai- pany which is said to be related to and investment ties here yesterday. materialise, the canal could pose a
Advertising & Marketing land Ambassador to Malaysia HE a renowned Malaysian tycoon with An earlier transport propos- challenge to ports along the Straits
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880
Damrong Kraikruan. a link to Penang Port. al linking the two nations was of Malacca, such as Port Klang, the
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Thai and Malaysian government The idea will benefit both ports the multibillion dollar Kra Canal Tanjung Pelepas Port, as well as the
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay representatives are expected to as they can serve as transit ports plan, which had been mooted as Singapore Port. Bernama

BNM to implement The revision was

to ensure eective

NSFR no earlier
risk management
practices by
institutions. The
Edge le photo

than 2019 Outsourcing framework

Standard needs banking institutions to keep stable funding profile
for financial institutions
BY A D EL I NE PAU L RA J Marzunisham said. BNM said in a statement yesterday.
being revised
He does not expect NSFR to have It emphasised that banking in-
KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara a major impact on borrowers. stitutions here do have sufficient BY ADA M A Z IZ As a result, BNM said finan-
Malaysia (BNM) said it plans to At the moment, we dont expect safeguards in managing liquidity cial institutions may have diffi-
implement the net stable funding any major effect on the borrowers risk, supported by strong liquid as- KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara culties maintaining operational
ratio (NSFR) a liquidity stand- given the liquidity buffers that most set buffers, more diversified funding Malaysia (BNM) is in the midst continuity of critical functions
ard under Basel III for banks banking institutions [already] have. profiles and robust liquidity risk of finalising a revised prudential under conditions of stress in
no earlier than Jan 1, 2019. In addition to that, we are aware management practices. framework for financial institu- the future, due to over-reliance
The NSFR seeks to measure the of the level of competition in the As at June 30 2017, the banking tions that practice outsourcing. on service providers.
proportion of a banks long-term market today which would encour- system LCR stood at 141% while the The revision, said BNM in a Hence, BNM said the pro-
assets which are funded by long- age the banks to remain competitive NSFR is estimated at above 100%. statement on its website yester- posals in the exposure draft re-
term stable funding. It requires with respect to their product offer- Marzunisham said based on pre- day, was to ensure effective risk inforce the banks expectations
banking institutions to maintain ings, as well as the pricing of their liminary and indicative data, the management practices by partic- on broader governance and set
a stable funding profile in relation products. We dont think it (NSFR) NSFR industry average was 107%. ipating institutions, amid intensi- out improved processes that
to the composition of their assets will be a factor that could change More than three-quarters of banks fication of technological advances must be in place to manage out-
and off-balance sheet activities. the pricing of the loans, he said. had NSFR of above 100%, which is in a more globalised and digitised sourcing arrangements.
The NSFR, which comple- In deciding on the timing of its the minimum requirement upon environment. These include, among oth-
ments the liquidity coverage ratio NSFR implementation, one of the implementation. (A higher NSFR In the statement, the central ers, enhanced due diligence on
(LCR) that was phased in since key factors BNM took into consider- indicates a more stable funding bank highlighted the importance service providers and stronger
2015, looks for banks to have the ation was the intended timelines of profile.) of robust risk management of protection of data confidenti-
liquidity to support their business other countries. It noted that there So, our banks have a lot of buffer outsourcing arrangements to ality, the central bank added.
in the longer horizon. It will help is considerable uncertainty on the currently, he said. protect the critical role of finan- The bank also expects finan-
strengthen the liquidity manage- global front in terms of meeting the Jurisdictions that are keeping cial institutions in supporting cial institutions to demonstrate
ment of the financial system, internationally agreed timeline of to the Jan 1, 2018 timeline include financial intermediation and real that controls over outsourcing
BNM assistant governor Marzun- Jan 1, 2018. Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and economic activities. risk management arrangements
isham Omar told a media briefing The bank has considered the Hong Kong, while those that have Concerns over risks associated are operating effectively and re-
yesterday evening. international nature of Malaysian delayed implementation include with outsourcing arrangements main commensurate with risk
For banks, the NFSR imple- banking institutions operations and the US, the European Union and have increased in recent years, profiles of financial institution.
mentation means that they will the potential impact on domestic Canada. China, Japan and Thailand particularly on cyberattacks and The revised requirements
have to look for more stable competitiveness against the imme- are among those that have yet to data security breaches. also ensure the banks contin-
sources of funding. Examples diate need for implementation of confirm their timeline. This has arisen from finan- ued ability to carry out effective
of these would be commercial the standard. To this end, the bank Meanwhile, BNM, which issued cial institutions becoming more supervisory oversight on finan-
papers with maturity of more than intends to implement the NSFR at an exposure draft on NSFR, is invit- dependent on technology and cial institutions, including the
a year, long-term debt and retail no earlier than Jan 1, 2019, ideally ing public feedback on the proposed more interconnected with the increasingly complex outsourc-
deposits. We see that there will be with greater certainty or harmoni- regulatory requirements. Banking broader and global financial sys- ing arrangements and concen-
potential offerings of more inno- sation among key markets. This is institutions have two months, up tem through shared services and tration on a particular service
vative products to help the banks not expected to affect the resilience to November 2017, to submit their market infrastructure, it said. provider, said BNM.
get more deposits, for example, of the Malaysian banking system, feedback.

Govt concerned about Majus bid to take over PLUS Berjaya Media eyes diversication
into new businesses
PUTRAJAYA: The government is 49% stake in PLUS, some 14.5 mil-
concerned about Maju Holdings lion contributors may lose out on a BY TA N XUE Y IN G 31, 2017 (1QFY18) from RM2.12
Sdn Bhds proposal to buy PLUS steady stream of dividends. million a year ago, on lower im-
Malaysia Bhd as it is afraid the na- However, they (contributors) KUALA LUMPUR: Berjaya Me- pairment losses on investments.
tions strategic assets would fall to could heave a sigh of relief as EPF dia Bhd (BMedia), which saw Loss per share was at 0.63 sen in
foreign entities if it is sold to anoth- chief executive officer Datuk Shahril its first-quarter net loss narrow 1QFY18 compared with 0.9 sen
er company. Ridza Ridzuan assured them that by 29.8% year-on-year, has been in 1QFY17.
Commenting on the issue, Sec- the fund has no plans to dispose exploring options, including di- Quarterly revenue, howev-
ond Finance Minister Datuk Seri off its stake in PLUS as it gives good versifying into new business- er, fell 6.8% to RM10.12 million
Johari Abdul Ghani said there were returns. es outside the media sector to from RM10.86 million in 1QFY17.
similar proposals but they had been In his speech, Johari said Bank strengthen the financial position BMedia attributed the drop in
rejected. Negara Malaysias findings about of the group, with the key objec- revenue for the quarter under
We do not know the source of low financial literacy among Ma- tive to regularise its Practice Note review to lower advertising in-
the fund. If it is an offshore bor- Johari: If it is an oshore borrowing, laysians was a cause for concern 17 (PN17) condition. come reported by its principal
rowing, we are worried that these we are worried that these national for the government. At this juncture, no suitable or operating subsidiary, Sun Media
national assets would fall into for- assets would fall into foreign hands if He said a lack of financial under- viable proposal has been short- Corp Sdn Bhd.
eign hands if the loan could not the loan could not be paid. Photo by standing and management knowl- listed for consideration, it said On prospects, BMedia warned
be paid, he told reporters on the Suhaimi Yusuf edge could bring about a host of in a filing with Bursa Malaysia that the group's business for the
sidelines of Fiesta Labur PNB 2017 disadvantages, including an uncon- yesterday. remaining period of the financial
here yesterday. trollable debt burden commitment In June, BMedia slipped into year ending April 30, 2018 will
It was reported that Maju Hold- Khazanah Nasional Bhd-owned and living beyond ones means. PN17 status as its sharehold- be more challenging due to the
ings made a bid of more than RM36 UEM controls 51% of the highway Through Fiesta Labur, the gov- ers' equity fell short of listing prevailing economic conditions
billion to take over PLUS. concessionaire, while the EPF owns ernment hopes Malaysians will be requirements. Yesterday, BMe- that will certainly impact the ad-
PLUS is owned by UEM Group the the remaining 49%. more sensitive to good financial dia announced that it posted a vertising and promotion budgets
Bhd and the Employees Provident Bernama recently reported that planning and management prac- net loss of RM1.49 million in the of most corporate clients and
Fund (EPF). if the EPF were to sell its entire tices," he said. Bernama first financial quarter ended July advertisers.

Gamuda posts record- EDITORS PICKS FROM


high quarterly revenue

Berjaya Corp narrows 1Q
net loss on lower tax expense
BY ADA M A Z IZ This was mainly due to con-
tribution from the motor distri-
KUALA LUMPUR: Lower tax ex- bution business, which achieved
pense helped Berjaya Corp Bhd higher sales volume of new cars
It reports higher construction work progress, better property sales (BCorp) narrow its net loss in the coupled with certain new models
first quarter ended July 31, 2017 being made available for sale, said
(1QFY18) to RM43.4 million, from BCorp in a separate statement.
BY SU P RI YA SU REND RA N For FY17 as a whole, Gamuda achieved a 14% increase in sales in RM62.68 million a year earlier. Additionally, both its restau-
reported a net profit of RM602.09 FY17 to RM2.4 billion, from RM2.1 Losses per share fell to 0.73 rant and hotel segments post-
KUALA LUMPUR: Gamuda Bhd has million or 24.78 sen per share, which billion in FY16. The better perfor- sen from 1.11 sen, the group said ed higher revenues, backed by
reported a record-high revenue of is 3.8% lower than its FY16 net prof- mance was attributed to stronger in a filing with Bursa Malaysia. contributions of new cafes and
RM1.01 billion for its fourth quarter it of RM626.13 million or 25.99 sen overseas sales, especially in Viet- At the pre-tax level, the group its new hotel (which opened in
ended July 31, 2017 (4QFY17), an per share. nam, as well as local projects such posted a profit of RM62.25 mil- October 2016), respectively.
increase of 64.9% compared with Revenue for FY17 was 51.35% as Horizon Hills in Iskandar Johor, lion, down 13.06% compared However, the higher revenue
RM614.39 million a year earlier. higher at RM3.21 billion, compared Jade Hills in Kajang, The Robertson with RM71.61 million reported was offset by the lower revenue
The group said the increase re- with RM2.12 billion in FY16. in Kuala Lumpur and Bukit Bantayan for 1QFY17, dragged by lower reported by the retail distribu-
sulted mainly from the higher work Giving an update on its projects, Residence in Kota Kinabalu. income from its property invest- tion business, attributed to weak
progress of its construction projects Gamuda said that for the Sungai Bu- The groups existing and new ment and development business. consumer spending sentiment
as well as higher sales achieved by its loh-Serdang-Putrajaya mass rapid projects have a remaining gross de- Quarterly revenue declined resulting from the slowdown in
property projects in Vietnam, name- transit line, for which the firm is the velopment value of RM55.14 billion. 1.16% to RM2.2 billion from the economy, the group added.
ly Celadon City in Ho Chi Minh City project delivery partner via MMC As for expressways, Gamuda said RM2.22 billion in 1QFY17 also On prospects, BCorp said its
and Gamuda City in Hanoi. Gamuda KVMRT (PDP) Sdn Bhd, that except for the SMART Expressway, from lower contribution from the operating environment will be
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia yes- the overall cumulative progress which experienced lower-than-ex- groups property-related busi- very challenging moving for-
terday, Gamuda said its net profit fell as at Aug 31 was 11% completion. pected traffic, its other highways have nesses, but mitigated by its mar- ward, having considered the pre-
32% to RM102.75 million or 4.2 sen Up to mid-September, the group been stable and resilient. keting of consumer products and vailing economic conditions and
per share, from RM152.1 million or has awarded 36 work packages, For its water division, Gamuda services segment. global financial outlook.
6.29 sen per share in 4QFY16. comprising eight advance pack- said that negotiations with the Selan-
The group explained that it took ages, 10 viaduct packages, one un- gor state government on the latters
a one-off impairment amounting
to RM98 million in 4QFY17, for the
derground works package, seven
systems packages, two designat-
effort to acquire the water assets and
operations of Syarikat Pengeluar Air
Media Prima announces senior
Stormwater Management and Road ed supplier packages, two depot Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (SPLASH) management changes
Tunnel (SMART) Expressway, as a packages and six station nominated are still ongoing. Gamuda has a 40%
result of lower-than-expected toll subcontractor packages. stake in SPLASH, which operates BY S A MA N T H A H O Previously, Johan also served
revenue projections in 2017. On the construction of the three water treatment plants. as general manager of group fi-
Without the impairment, the Pan Borneo Highway in Sarawak, Gamudas share price closed un- KUALA LUMPUR: Media Prima nance at Media Prima from 2009
groups normalised pre-tax profit in Gamuda shared that it is at 8.6% changed at RM5.29 yesterday, with Bhd has appointed Johan Ishak to 2012.
4QFY17 was actually 32.7% higher completion. a market capitalisation of RM12.98 as chief executive officer (CEO) Apart from Johan, Media Pri-
at RM278.9 million, the group said. For its property division, Gamuda billion. of Media Prima Television Net- ma also announced the appoint-
works (MPTN) effective Oct 2. ment of Fan Chen Yip, 46, as head
Johan will oversee Media Pri- of key account management and
mas TV3, ntv7, 8TV, TV9, tonton media sales planning from Oct 16.

Sapura Energy shares slide on and the home-shopping business

CJ Wow Shop. He will report to
Media Primas group manag-
He will be responsible for driv-
ing the groups key sales strate-
gies to ensure sustainable revenue

concerns over earnings prospects ing director (MD) Datuk Kamal

In a statement yesterday, Me-
growth and will provide leader-
ship and strategic direction for the
groups sales operations. He will
dia Prima said Johan, 42, will be report to Media Primas group MD.
BY A DA M A ZI Z But Affin Hwang Capital analyst responsible for the overall oper- Meanwhile, Alfian Talib,
Sapura Energy Bhd Tan Jianyuan thinks its valuation, ations of MPTN and will focus on 41, has been appointed chief
KUALA LUMPUR: Shares in Sapura RM at a forward 60 times to FY18 earn- strengthening its core business- commercial officer of The New
Energy Bhd, formerly SapuraKen- 2.2 ings estimates, was lofty and not es while pursuing new business Straits Times Press (Malaysia)
cana Petroleum Bhd, fell as much reflective of current fundamentals. opportunities. Bhd (NSTP).
as 8.07% yesterday after analysts 2.0 Besides declining rig utilisation, Prior to this, Johan had been In his new role, Alfian will be
cut earnings forecasts for the the immediate challenges Jianyu- the CEO of MyCreative Ventures overseeing the marketing, adver-
company in the wake of its weak 1.8 an highlighted in a note yesterday Sdn Bhd since 2012, a government tising sales and newspaper sales
second-quarter earnings, which included subdued daily charter investment arm for the promotion and distribution departments.
slumped 74% year-on-year. 1.6
rates of its rigs, and squeezed mar- of the Malaysian creative industry. He reports to the CEO of NSTP.
JP Morgan, which does not ex- gins under its engineering and
pect any meaningful improvement RM1.49 construction division. Jianyuan
for the rest of Sapura Energys finan-
cial year ending Jan 31, 2018 (FY18),
kept his FY18 earnings forecast
at RM161.4 million.
Setback for Matang in RM180m
slashed earnings forecasts for the 1.2
Sept 5, 2016 Sept 28, 2017
Of Sapura Energys 15 drilling land acquisition in Raub
year by 80% and for FY19 by 63%. rigs, only six were operational in the
On Tuesday, Sapura Energys 2QFY18 representing a 40% uti- BY S A MA N T H A H O of the High Court and it shall
share price reached RM1.71 as lisation rate, noted AmInvestment keep the company informed of
oil price advanced to a two-year exchange) gains, said JP Morgan. Research analyst Alex Goh. With KUALA LUMPUR: Matang Bhd's the progress of the matter, said
high. But, as of yesterdays close of With a low rig utilisation and a rig SKD T-12 dropping out, rig uti- plan to acquire two parcels of Matang.
RM1.49, it lost 22 sen. Compared continued challenging environ- lisation will drop further to 33%, he leasehold agricultural land in In July, Matang issued a let-
with Wednesday, it was down 7.45% ment, MIDF Research analyst Tan said. Goh has cut his FY18 earnings Raub, Pahang for RM180 million ter of intent (LoI) to RMDC and
or 12 sen. Wei Min said the drilling segment forecast by 23% to RM147.6 million. suffered a setback yesterday, due Raub Oil Mill Sdn Bhd, stating its
The oil and gas support service will be a bane for Sapura Energy. Apart from falling day charter to an injunction granted by the intention to buy the two parcels
providers net profit for the sec- He cut his earnings forecasts for rates, bids for work in FY19 are High Court of Malaya. of land totalling 1,707.69ha from
ond quarter ended July 31, 2018 Sapura Energy by 58% to RM98.7 seeing strong competitive down- In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, them, which come together with
(2QFY18) fell to RM28.93 million million from RM236.4 million for ward pressures on rates too, CIMB Matang said it yesterday received an oil palm plantation, buildings,
from RM112.27 million a year earlier, FY18, and by 41% to RM152.5 mil- Research chief analyst Raymond a letter from Raub Mining & De- plant, machinery, equipment and
as it registered less income from drill- lion from RM258 million for FY19. Yap said. As such, he expects the velopment Co Sdn Bhd (RMDC), a palm oil mill, as well as vehi-
ing, and exploration and production. He also lowered his target price drilling segment to see widening informing it that the disposal of cles and stocks of the aforesaid
Moving forward, the pain is (TP) for the company to RM1.69 losses in the second half of FY18. the assets will be put on hold plantation and mill.
likely to continue in the 3QFY18 from RM1.71 previously, though In his note, Yap lowered his TP for the moment due to the in- However, the LoI was not in-
as contributions from tender rig SK he said Sapura Energys current for Sapura Energy to RM1.63 from junction. tended to be legally binding for
T-12 end (contract with Chevron share price may still provide trading RM1.80, and cut his net profit fore- RMDC had instructed its so- the parties until and unless a for-
ended in June 2017) and a strong- opportunities, given current global cast by 21% to RM209.5 million licitors and counsel to prosecute mal agreement was entered into,
er ringgit to 'impact' FX (foreign crude oil price trend. from RM254.1 million. an appeal against the decision Matang said.

Serba Dinamik, Chin Hin chiefs Lay Hong

smaller capex
among top EOY nominees for FY18

Winners of the EY awards will be announced at a gala event in December KUALA LUMPUR: Egg and poultry
producer Lay Hong Bhd is spending
RM50 million to expand its layer
KUALA LUMPUR: Among the 16 globe in Monte Carlo in June 2018 and broiler capacity in the current
top nominees who made it into to compete for the EY World En- financial year ending March 31,
Rao: The programme
the 16th prestigious EY Entrepre- trepreneur Of The Year (WEOY) 2018 (FY18).
aims to recognise and
neur Of The Year (EOY) Malaysia 2018 award, said EY. The capital expenditure (capex)
celebrate the vision,
Awards this year are the managing We are proud to be the old- excludes the RM7 million allocated
innovation, courage
directors (MDs) of Serba Dina- est business award programme in for its joint venture with Japan-based
and leadership of the
mik Holdings Bhd and Chin Hin Malaysia and have been privileged company NH Foods Ltd, it said.
extraordinary men
Group Bhd. to shine the spotlight on some of According to group executive
and women, whose
The nominees were announced Malaysias most exceptional disrup- director Yap Chor How, the group's
entrepreneurial spirit
at a glitzy cocktail ceremony host- tors, innovators and game chang- FY18 capex allocation is lower than
in building and growing
ed by EY and its co-host, Credit ers of tomorrow, and share their that of RM77 million last year be-
successful businesses
Suisse AG, yesterday. They will be success stories on a national and cause part of its expansion plan
have made a positive and
competing to win the top honours global platform, said EOY Malay- had begun in FY17, adding that the
enduring impact on their
in four separate categories: master sia Awards programme director timeline of this progressive plan is
community and country.
entrepreneur, emerging entrepre- Philip Rao. within target.
The Edge le photo
neur, technology entrepreneur and The programme, said Rao, aims The broiler expansion will only
woman entrepreneur. to recognise and celebrate the be completed in FY19 due to the
In the master entrepreneur cat- vision, innovation, courage and livestock cycle, while [expansion
egory, the top nominees are Ser- Sdn Bhd CEO Muhammad Iqbal HLT Global Bhd founder and CEO leadership of the extraordinary to increase] our egg production is
ba Dinamik MD Datuk Dr Mohd Ameer Ali, Mattan Consultancy Chan Yoke Chun, Christy Ng Sdn men and women, whose entre- expected to be completed by Oc-
Abdul Karim Abdullah, Pensonic Sdn Bhd co-founder Levin Tan, Bhd founder and CEO Christina preneurial spirit in building and tober next year," he told reporters
Holdings Bhd founder and exec- and Supahands Dot Com Sdn Bhd Ng, Neubodi Holdings Sdn Bhd growing successful businesses after Lay Hong's annual general
utive chairman Datuk Seri Chew co-founder Mark Koh. founder Tan See See, and The have made a positive and endur- meeting yesterday.
Weng Khak, Mega Fortris (Malay- There are three top nominees Center of Applied Data Science ing impact on their community The group is targeting to increase
sia) Sdn Bhd group chief executive competing for the technology entre- Sdn Bhd founder and MD Shara- and country. its egg production capacity to three
officer (CEO) Adrian Ng, and Brainy preneur title: Alliancecorp Manu- la Axryd. He added that EY is gratified the million eggs per day by the end of
Bunch Sdn Bhd co-founder Mohd facturing Sdn Bhd founder Tan Ging Winners of the four categories, programme, in its 16th year now, this financial year from 2.5 million
Fadzil Hashim. Hoon, IX Telecom Sdn Bhd founder and the overall EY EOY 2017 Ma- continued to attract vibrant inter- now, while production capacity for
Under the emerging entrepre- Noor Mohd Helmi Nong Hadzmi, laysia Award will be announced est, going by the high number of its broiler segment would increase
neur category, the five top nomi- and SecureMetric Technology Sdn and celebrated at a gala event in nominations received, which he from 1.1 million birds per month
nees are Chin Hin MD Chiau Haw Bhd founder Edward Law. December. The Malaysian EY attributed to EYs steadfast com- to 1.5 million by end-FY18, and to
Choon, FatHopes Energy Sdn Bhd Fighting for the top spot in the EOY 2017 will then join country mitment to upholding the highest two million by FY19, said Lay Hong
founder Vinesh Sinha, Live Scape woman entrepreneur category are award recipients from around the standards of its global criteria. finance director Ng Kim Tian.
So far, Ng said 20% of the total
capex has been utilised.
When asked if the capex is ap-
portioned to its retail supermarket
segment, Yap said the group has

Bank Islam Brunei said to delay US$500m IPO plans on adding one more outlet to
its three new stores that had recent-
ly opened, with a capital spending
per store of RM1 million.
BY EL F F I E C H EW the people said, asking not to First-time share sales in Ma- private equity firm Fajr Capital As at end-FY17, Lay Hong has
be identified because the pro- laysia raised US$1.7 billion so Ltd and about 6,000 Bruneian in- 17 retail outlets, as well as one dis-
KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Islam cess is private. far this year, up from US$270 vestors, according to its website. tribution centre in Sabah.
Brunei Darussalam Bhd, the The lender had originally million during the same period The lender, formed through The increase in capacity since
Southeast Asian sultanates big- planned to submit a draft pro- in 2016, the data show. a 2005 merger of Islamic Bank FY17 has positively contributed to
gest lender, has postponed a spectus to the Malaysian securi- Bank Islam Brunei is con- of Brunei with Islamic Develop- our books, our second-quarter [per-
planned initial public offering ties regulator this month and list stantly reviewing options to ment Bank of Brunei, had B$9.5 formance] will definitely be better
(IPO) that could raise as much by the end of the year, according continue its business growth billion (RM40.15 billion) of total compared with last year, said Yap.
as US$500 million (RM2.12 bil- to the people. It is now targeting and create shared value, a rep- group assets at the end of 2016. For the second quarter ended Sept
lion), people familiar with the to sell shares in the first half of resentative said in an emailed Its Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio 30, 2016, Lay Hong registered a net
matter said. 2018, the people said. statement, declining to comment was 20.8% at that time, its web- profit of RM3.54 million on revenue
Bank Islam Brunei needs The IPO would be the first from on the delay. site shows. Based in the capi- of RM170.98 million.
more time to complete some a company based in Brunei, an Shareholders of Bank Islam tal Bandar Seri Begawan, it has Going forward, Yap said, the
internal restructuring proce- oil-rich country that doesnt have Brunei include the Brunei fi- 15 branches across Brunei and group's profit margin remains un-
dures before it proceeds with its own stock exchange, according nance ministry, the Sultan Haji employs more than 700 people. affected by market dynamics, and
the listing in Kuala Lumpur, to data compiled by Bloomberg. Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation, Bloomberg the capacity expansion is expected
to offset the deficit seen from do-
mestic consumption, which will in
turn help lower costs of production
and increase market supply.
Mah Sing gets Kimlun to build connecting road from Meridin East to highway On its e-grocery venture that had
stirred confusion in the market lately,
Yap clarified that Lay Hong is in the
BY A DA M A ZI Z din East the developer said in easier access to the SDE, as well Kimlun executive director Chin e-commerce business, but merely as
a statement yesterday. as the North-South Highway, said Lian Hing said: We are really a participant and not as an operator.
KUALA LUMPUR: Mah Sing Group Mah Sing said the connect- Mah Sing chief executive officer privileged to have business asso- Yap said that Lay Hong, with-
Bhd has awarded a RM50 million ing road will help shorten travel Datuk Ho Hon Sang. ciates like Mah Sing and hope that out having to enter as an investor,
contract to Kimlun Corp Bhd to time from the 531.35ha integrat- This will make Meridin East our collaboration will take both could make use of PanPages Bhd
build a connecting road to the ed mixed development (with a an even more appealing address organisations to greater heights. and MMAG Holdings Bhd as key
Tanjung Langsat-Cahaya Baru Toll gross development value of RM5 for buyers, as we offer affordably Kimluns shares closed un- integration platforms to increase
Connecting Highway in Johor. billion) to key locations such as priced homes with excellent facil- changed at RM2.18 yesterday, the market share of its core busi-
The connecting road to the Tanjung Langsat and Pasir Gu- ities and accessibility, he added. with a market capitalisation of ness, especially in exploring the
highway part of the Senai De- dang to between 15 minutes and Construction work on the con- RM696.79 million. Mah Sing business-to-business market.
saru Expressway (SDE) will be 45 minutes. necting road is set to begin in the shares also closed flat at RM1.49, Lay Hong is not acquiring any
just 1km away from Mah Sings The connecting road will also first quarter of 2018, with com- giving it a market capitalisation substantial stake in PanPages or
township development Meri- enhance connectivity by allowing pletion scheduled at end-2020. of RM3.63 billion. MMAG, Yap said.

Rehda wants higher NEWS IN BRIEF

Muar Ban Lee fails to sell oil palm

EPF withdrawal
unit as MoU expires
BY S A MA N T H A H O antecedent claim, the group said
in a filing with the stock exchange
KUALA LUMPUR: Muar Ban Lee yesterday.

for first-time buyers

Group Bhd will no longer be dis- Muar Ban Lee announced in
posing of its oil palm unit, Sokor March that it planned to sell the
Gemilang Ladang Sdn Bhd, as the unit to furniture maker Everhome
non-binding preliminary agree- International for RM35.1 million.
ment inked with the buyer, Ever- The disposal was described as a
home International (M) Sdn Bhd, strategic opportunity for the group
has expired. to realise its investment in Sokor
In a Bursa Malaysia filing, Muar Gemilang, which owns the right to
It also wants GST waiver for affordable housing materials Ban Lee said the memorandum of develop 789ha of land into an oil
understanding (MoU) the parties palm or rubber plantation.
inked lapsed yesterday without any Shares in Muar Ban Lee closed
BY WO N G EE L I N ple retire, they do not have enough, Then, you get a lot more developers conclusion to the negotiations. 5 sen or 4.24% lower at RM1.13
because the lifespan of Malaysians coming to do affordable homes, be- Upon the MoU expiry, neither apiece yesterday, giving the group a
PETALING JAYA: With the tabling of has increased. cause this [lack of supply] is the cur- party shall have any claim against market capitalisation of RM103.35
Budget 2018 drawing near, the Real He was speaking to reporters at a rent problem now, he said. the other, save and except for any million.
Estate and Housing Developers As- media luncheon to announce Rehdas He also said private utility compa-
sociation Malaysia (Rehda) is urging Budget 2018 wish list, where Rehda nies providing water, electricity and
the government to allow first-time
homebuyers to withdraw up to 50%
highlighted that more incentives must
be given to first-time homebuyers,
telecommunication devices should
stop imposing capital contribution
Globaltecs unit, Pertamina Gas
of their Employees Provident Fund like lower financing interest rates and charges on developers. This is be- to explore Sumatra gas supply
(EPF) savings, to fund their house longer loan repayment tenures, es- cause developers are already required
purchase. pecially for homes priced RM500,000 to provide the infrastructure for those BY SYAHIRAH SYED JAAFAR gy Gas Ltd, has signed a memo-
This is not the first time such a and below. same utilities in their projects, which randum of understanding with
proposal has been put on the table. For developers, Rehda is asking, bring in new customers to the utility KUALA LUMPUR: Globaltec For- Pertamina Gas to jointly evaluate
Last year, the government consid- for the first time, that the goods and companies, he said. mation Bhd plans to work with the economic viability of coalbed
ered raising the withdrawal limit to services tax (GST) be waived for con- FD Iskandar also called on the Indonesias PT Pertamina Gas to methane gas supply from Tanjung
40%, but the idea was dropped. The struction materials used in the de- government to continue with incen- jointly explore the supply of coal- Enim PSCs initial plan of develop-
current withdrawal limit is up to 30% velopment of affordable housing. tives like grants, given via the My- bed methane gas from the Tanjung ment, with the aim of utilising the
of an employees EPF savings, which Even if it was a partial waiver would Home Scheme that was announced in Enim production-sharing contract gas to fulfil Pertamina Gas con-
is the portion placed in Account II. be good, said FD Iskandar. Budget 2013, to encourage developers (PSC) in South Sumatra, Indonesia sumer needs in Sumatra.
The authorities should also make Rehda also called on the govern- to build more affordable homes. My- for distribution to Pertamina Gas Pertamina Gas is a subsidiary
it easier for contributors to make use ment to lower or abolish unnecessary Home offered incentives of RM30,000 consumers there. of Indonesian state-owned oil and
of the funds in Account II for the pur- development charges or require- for each affordable housing unit built. In a filing with Bursa Malaysia gas company, PT Pertamina, and
chase of homes, Rehda president ments to reduce the costs of doing The last time it was given was yesterday, Globaltec said its Aus- one of NuEnergys joint-venture
Datuk Seri FD Iskandar said. business for property developers, two years ago. It was RM300 million tralia-listed subsidiary, NuEner- partners for the Tanjung Enim PSC.
We know EPF contributors are so that the savings can be passed to for MyHome. Last year, there was no
allowed to access the [Account II] house buyers in the form of more MyHome. I hope this year, it will come
funds, but what were saying is [al-
low] the disbursement of the 10%
affordable housing.
Some things, we cant control,
back, and with a bigger budget, said
FD Iskandar.
Boustead issues RM500m Islamic
down payment [on the house] from that is fact. But a lot of things can be In addition, Rehda believes the notes under sukuk programme
EPF to be channelled directly to the controlled. [Like land] conversion government should identify more
developer concerned, without buy- premium which is under the state government and state land for the BY SYAHIRAH SYED JAAFAR Bhd, in a statement issued on be-
ers having to pay [first] from their governments control and devel- provision of affordable housing, es- half of Boustead, said the proceeds
own savings or other sources. Only opment charges which is within pecially if such lands are not used KUALA LUMPUR: Boustead Hold- raised from the two sukuk pro-
for first-time homebuyers, he said. the local authoritys control, said optimally. ings Bhd has issued a 10-year Is- grammes will be used to refinance
When asked if Rehda had dis- FD Iskandar. Rehda is also proposing that the lamic Medium-Term Note (IMTN) existing borrowings and to finance
cussed its proposals with the EPF, FD For developers building afforda- foreign acquisition threshold be re- worth RM500 million under its future property development pro-
Iskandar said: We have mentioned ble homes [priced] RM500,000 and laxed from RM1 million to RM700,000 sukuk programme. jects and capital expenditures.
it to somebody in EPF. However, EPF below, either you waive or charge for completed properties which re- This follows an earlier IMTN Bousteads share price closed
is very concerned about the amount less conversion premium, waive the main unsold six months after the issu- worth RM2 billion announced up two sen or 0.69% at RM2.90
(the proposed 50% withdrawal limit). development charges, or [allow us ance of the certificate of completion by the group on Sept 12. yesterday, giving it a market capi-
They keep telling us that when peo- to] increase [the] plot-ratio density. and compliance or CCC. Affin Hwang Investment Bank talisation of RM5.88 billion.

Malaysia on track to adopt gateless gantry toll by 2020

BY N E I LY SYA FI QA H EU SO FF Klang Valley. They are exempted also be connected to the existing
from paying a toll in the trial peri- DUKE 1.
KUALA LUMPUR: The plan to im- od, said Fadillah. SDL alignment is in the final
plement the multi-lane free flow More RFID lanes will be work process and is expected to be
(MLFF) system on all highways launched in the implementation completed by the end of this year,
by 2020 is on track, Works Minis- of the system in stages from next Fadillah said.
ter Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said year, he said. DUKE Phase 2 project is man-
yesterday. He said the ongoing pilot The goal is in 2020 as a whole, aged by Konsortium Lebuhraya
test of the gateless gantry toll col- we will [only] use MLFF, the min- Utara-Timur (KL) Sdn Bhd in col-
lection system is progressing well. ister told reporters after launching laboration with Ekovest Bhd and the
The pilot test using the Radio the second alignment of the Tun Employees Provident Fund (EPF).
Frequency Identification (RFID) Razak Link (TRL) which is part of Meanwhile, Ekovests conces-
technology is being carried out at DUKE Phase 2. (From left) Ekovest managing director Datuk Seri Lim Keng Cheng, EPF infrastructure sion for the Setiawangsa-Pantai Ex-
selected tollbooths located along Fadillah said the second align- head Norsamsida Hassan, Works Ministry deputy secretary-general Datuk Abdul pressway, a 29.8km highway which
the Ampang-Kuala Lumpur Ele- ment is expected to benefit about Razak Jaafar, Fadillah, Malaysian Highway Authority director-general Datuk Ismail Md was previously known as DUKE
vated Highway, Duta-Ulu Klang 25,000 motorists every day and Salleh and Ekovest chairman Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo at the launch of the DUKE Phase 2 Phase 3, is now under construction
Expressway (DUKE), Kesas High- solve traffic congestion around the Tun Razak Link. Photo by Patrick Goh at a cost of RM3.74 billion.
way, Federal Highway and Sprint city, especially in Jalan Tun Razak, Upon completion, it will traverse
Expressway in the Klang Valley. and at the Jalan Pahang roundabout north to south of Kuala Lumpur and
We have opened [RFID lanes] and the Jalan Duta Interchange. stitute and heads northwards along Costing about RM1.18 billion, will serve areas such as Universi-
at certain tollbooths and issued The 9km-long TRL the first Jalan Pahang and Jalan 9/48A to the DUKE Phase 2 project is most- ti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Wangsa
stickers to about 8,000 enforce- alignment of which was opened connect with Jalan Gombak after ly elevated and comprises the Tun Maju, Setiawangsa, Ampang, the
ment vehicles such as the police on May 23 starts from Jalan Tun crossing the existing DUKE 1 at the Razak Link and the 7.4km Sri Da- Tun Razak Exchange and the Ban-
and ambulance, especially in the Razak near the National Heart In- Sentul Pasar Interchange. mansara Link (SDL), which will dar Malaysia development corridor.

Stocks with momentum were picked up using a proprietary algorithm by Asia Analytica Data Sdn Bhd and rst appeared at www.theedgemarkets.com.
Please exercise your own judgement or seek professional advice for your specic investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions.
Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.


SHARES in Pantech Group Holdings Bhd on higher sales from both its trading and
(fundamental: 1/3, valuation: 2/3), which manufacturing divisions. Quarterly revenue
triggered our momentum algorithm yes-
terday for the fourth time this year, settled
2.5 sen or 3.73% higher at 69.5 sen yester-
rose 22% year-on-year to RM151.5 million
from RM123.94 million.
The group declared a first interim dividend
George Kent 2Q net profit up
day. Some 21.17 million shares were traded,
compared with the counters 200-day aver-
age volume of 1.85 million shares.
of 0.5 sen per share and a special interim
dividend of 0.5 sen per share in respect of
its financial year ending Feb 28, 2018. The
24%, pays 2.5 sen dividend
Pantechs net profit for its first quarter dividends will be paid on Oct 24.
ended May 31, 2017 rose 64% to RM13.96 At the current share price, Pantech is BY SURIN MURUGIAH a year ago, while revenue was up 10.2% to
million from RM8.09 million a year earlier, trading at 0.95 times its book value. RM316.99 million from RM287.73 million
KUALA LUMPUR: George Kent (Malaysia) in 1HFY17.
PANTECH GROUP HOLDINGS BHD Valuation score* 2.00 Bhd saw its second-quarter net profit rise In a statement yesterday, George Kent
Fundamental score** 1.00 23.7% from a year earlier, driven by higher group chairman Tan Sri Tan Kay Hock
TTM P/E (x) 13.52 contribution from both its engineering and said it is on track for another year of good
TTM PEG (x) (27.29) metering segments. performance in FY18 and will continue to
P/NAV (x) 0.92
Net profit for the three months ended seek opportunities to grow its strong order
July 31, 2017 (2QFY18) rose to RM25.38 book of RM5.93 billion.
TTM Dividend yield (%) 3.91
million from RM20.51 million a year ago, Completing the Ampang LRT Line Ex-
Market capitalisation (mil) 496.96 while earnings per share grew to 4.5 sen in tension Project (light rail transit 2) within
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 741.72 2QFY18 from 3.6 sen in 2QFY17. the stipulated timeline and winning the
Beta 0.98 The earnings growth was in line with Hong Kong water meter tender award have
12-month price range 0.43-0.67 higher revenue, which increased 13.8% further strengthened our reputation as a
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
year-on-year to RM187.57 million from premier engineering and metering solu-
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength RM164.77 million. tions provider, he said.
& protability The group also declared an interim div- In September, George Kent secured a
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have idend of 2.5 sen per share amounting to tender to supply and deliver 650,000 water
RM14.08 million for FY18, payable on Nov 9. meters worth US$6.86 million (RM29.02
For the cumulative six months ended million) to the Hong Kong Water Supplies
TA WIN HOLDINGS BHD (+ve) July 31, 2017 (1HFY18), net profit rose 23.5%
to RM43.87 million from RM35.52 million
Department within two years in 24 ship-
SHARES in Ta Win Holdings Bhd (funda- change rates, which contributed to foreign
mental: 0.9/3, valuation: 0.3/3) triggered exchange gains. Quarterly revenue, howev-
our momentum algorithm yesterday for er, slid 8% year-on-year to RM89.49 million
the 13th time this year. The counter slid one
sen or 0.76% to settle at RM1.31 yesterday,
from RM97.5 million.
For its first six months of financial Damansara Realty bags RM5m contract
after 2.48 million shares were traded, com-
pared with its 200-day average volume of
year 2017, Ta Win recorded a net profit
of RM888,000 compared to a net loss of renewals from TM
590,722 shares. Year to date, the stock has RM8.03 million last year, though revenue
jumped 274%. declined 4% to RM173.83 million from BY S U P RI YA S U RE NDRA N Damansara Realty chief executive officer
Ta Win narrowed its net loss in the second RM180.75 million. Brian Iskandar Zulkarim said in a state-
quarter ended June 30, 2017 to RM698,000 At the current share price, Ta Win is trad- KUALA LUMPUR: Damansara Realty Bhd ment yesterday.
from RM3.14 million last year, on better ex- ing at 1.32 times its book value. has secured the renewals of five contracts Earlier this week, the group won an
from Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) for IFM project for an estimated RM27.62
TA WIN HOLDINGS BHD Valuation score* 0.30 integrated facilities management (IFM) million in a joint venture with Kum-
Fundamental score** 0.90 services worth RM5 million. pulan Perubatan (Johor) Sdn Bhd for
TTM P/E (x) 7.80 The contracts, which carry a tenure a small medical facility at Petroliam
TTM PEG (x) - of one year, are for the comprehensive Nasional Bhds Pengerang refinery in
P/NAV (x) 1.30
management of civil, mechanical and Johor.
electrical services for several TM build- Since the start of our aggressive stra-
TTM Dividend yield (%) -
ings including Menara TM, TM Annexe tegic restructuring plan in late 2016, we
Market capitalisation (mil) 84.86 1 & 2, Menara Celcom and Wisma TM have accomplished a commendable turn-
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 64.29 Taman Desa. around that has been driving our return
Beta 0.45 Our continued wins in new and re- to profitability, thereby strengthening
12-month price range 0.30-1.34 newed contracts are a validation of our Damansara Realtys brand and deliv-
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
commitment and effort towards synergis- ering our shareholders expectations,
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength ing our offerings in our three core areas said Brian.
& protability of IFM, property development and pro- Damansara Realtys share price closed
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have ject management consultancy to serve 3.5 sen or 5.88% lower at 56 sen, with a
a stronger proposition to our clients, market capitalisation of 173.2 million.


SHARES in Wong Engineering Corp Bhd (fun-
damental: 1.85/3, valuation: 0.3/3), which
sen per share a year ago, thanks to higher
revenue and better operational efficiency. HSBC appoints new co-heads of global
triggered our momentum algorithm yester-
day for the third time this year, climbed 7.5
Quarterly revenue grew 35% year-on-year
to RM11.86 million from RM8.79 million. banking for Malaysia
sen or 9.68% to close at 85 sen on market The latest quarterly earnings brought its
close. The counter saw 7.38 million shares cumulative net profit for the nine months BY NE I LY SYAFI QAH E US O F F a variety of roles within retail banking
traded, far above its 200-day average volume ended July 31, 2017 (9MFY17) to RM3.61 mil- and wealth management, commercial
of 153,958 shares. lion, 4.3 times higher than the RM844,000 it KUALA LUMPUR: HSBC Bank Malaysia banking and global banking and mar-
On Wednesday, Wong Engineering said its recorded in 9MFY16, while revenue rose 18% Bhd has appointed Amreek Singh and kets, and in a number of markets across
net profit for the third quarter ended July 31, to RM29.93 million from RM25.32 million. Omar Mahmoud as its new co-heads of Europe and Asia.
2017 jumped over 37 times to RM3.05 million At the current share price, Wong Engi- global banking for Malaysia. He was previously the head of HS-
or 3.33 sen per share, from RM82,000 or 0.09 neering is trading at 1.35 times its book value. Amreek and Omar will be based here BCs multinationals business in Malay-
and will report to Southeast Asia head sia where he leveraged his extensive
WONG ENGINEERING CORP BHD Valuation score* 0.30 of global banking Stephen Williams and expertise to support some of the larg-
Fundamental score** 1.85 HSBC Malaysia country head of global est and most complex multinationals,
TTM P/E (x) 138.83 banking and markets Piyush Kaul. said HSBC.
TTM PEG (x) - In a statement yesterday, HSBC said HSBC Malaysia chief executive officer
P/NAV (x) 1.31
Amreek has more than 25 years of expe- Mukhtar Hussain said Malaysia is a cru-
rience in the financial services sector. cial component of HSBCs strategy and
TTM Dividend yield (%) -
He joined HSBC in Malaysia in 2008 success in the Asean region.
Market capitalisation (mil) 70.94 and was most recently co-head of large These appointments reflect the con-
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 91.54 corporates, global banking where he crete commitment we are making to
Beta 0.77 played a key role in establishing strong enhance our management capabilities
12-month price range 0.61-0.82 relationships with some of the banks and focus, he added.
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
biggest clients in the country, it said. HSBC in Malaysia has a network of 68
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength Meanwhile, Omar joined HSBC in branches, of which 26 are HSBC Aman-
& protability 2006 and has worked for the group in ah Malaysia Bhd branches.
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have

China developers swing wildly Toronto, London

among riskiest
housing bubble
cities, UBS says
This is after they made world-beating gains in 2017

BY A M A N DA WA N G LONDON: Toronto and London

are among the cities most at risk
SHANGHAI: Chinas develop- of a housing bubble as econom-
ers are swinging wildly after ic optimism and low borrowing
world-beating gains this year. costs push up property values in
Ten-day volatility for a Bloomb- urban areas worldwide, according
erg Intelligence index of 22 to UBS Group AG.
property companies surged on The Canadian city, which en-
Wednesday to the highest since tered the index of 20 locations
July 2015, as developers rallied for the first time this year, has the
after a bloodbath on Monday and most overvalued housing market,
additional declines the following while London was the third riski-
day. By yesterday, most were fall- est in Europe after Stockholm and
ing again. Munich, the Swiss bank said in a
I would advise investors to report published yesterday.
wait on the sidelines in the short The situation in Londons
term, said Toni Ho, an analyst with housing market is relatively un-
RHB OSK Securities Hong Kong certain right now nobody wants
Ltd. However, he was optimistic to burn their fi ngers, Matthias
about the six-month to one-year Holzhey, an economist at UBS and
outlook for developers. Moodys one of the authors of the report,
Investors Service said yesterday told reporters in Zurich. There
that developers credit metrics are are more attractive places to invest
likely to improve over the next 12 soaring for the industrys biggest Wanda Group Co theme parks. among big companies. in Europe, for example Frankfurt
months to 18 months. players. Investors are also weigh- Yesterday, Sunac led declines Kaisa Group Holdings Ltds or Milan.
Trading has turned wilder for ing the debt burdens of companies among the index members, slip- price swings are among the most Inflation-adjusted home values
Chinese developers after new such as Sunac China Holdings Ltd, ping as much as 4.9% in Hong extreme for Hong Kong-traded in the UK capital are almost 45%
property curbs clouded the out- which splashed out on acquisitions Kong. Its up 424% this year, one stocks, using a 20-day measure. higher than they were five years
look for earnings, which have been including the purchase of Dalian of the worlds best performers Bloomberg ago and 15% higher than before
the financial crisis while real in-
comes remain 10% lower than
in 2007, according to the report.

London skyscrapers draw highest rents in Europe A skilled service worker needs
to work almost 16 years to buy a
60-sq-m apartment near the city
centre, UBS said.
BY ESH A VA I SH to the report by property group including the Cheesegrater and overseas in the next few years if the Buyers are betting that the
Knight Frank. Walkie Talkie. country leaves the single EU mar- worlds top cities will continue
BENGALURU: Rents for office space Londons future as Europes pre- That London still commands ket, with Frankfurt by far the most to outperform national housing
in London skyscrapers are still the mier financial hub has been threat- the highest skyscraper office rents popular destination for new roles markets. Together with demand
highest across Europe, a report ened by Brexit as many companies in Europe, despite the Brexit uncer- and Paris in second spot. from international buyers par-
showed yesterday, indicating that have said they may move some tainty, is a statement of its resilience Knight Franks report showed ticularly those from China the
the capital remains one of the most jobs out of the British capital if the and popularity as a business loca- that rental growth for Frankfurt and worlds leading cities have seen
sought-after business hubs despite country loses its access to Europes tion, Knight Frank chief economist Paris skyscraper offices was flat in average price growth of almost
Britains looming exit from the Eu- single market and are already draw- James Roberts said. the six-month period, indicating 20% over the past three years, the
ropean Union (EU). ing up plans. Firms are willing to pay more to that office values in financial cities UBS data show.
Prime rents in London buildings However so far the amount of of- be in London skyscrapers than those expected to benefit from Brexit had Vancouver and Sydney were
over 30 storeys stood at US$110 fice space take-up, including across in Frankfurt because they view the seen a limited boost so far. also in the top five in terms of
(RM465.30) per sq ft over the first the City of London and Canary UK capital as a more important in- Growth in London rents, which risk. Chicago was the only un-
half of the year, nearly double the Wharf financial districts, has been ternational hub, he added. are the fifth highest in the world dervalued city in the study, with
US$58 per sq ft and US$54 per sq steady over the past year, prompting A Reuters survey has shown that behind cities such as Hong Kong three-quarter of them in danger of
ft rent for buildings in Paris and overseas groups to buy the British around 10,000 finance jobs will be and New York, was also flat over a bubble or overvalued, the UBS
Frankfurt respectively, according capitals best-known skyscrapers shifted out of Britain or created the period. Reuters report said. Bloomberg
B R O K E R S C A L L 13

Stronger 2H earnings
Yinson to deliver stable earnings on
long-term contracts
Yinson Holdings Bhd Sequentially, the second

expected for DNeX

(Sept 28, RM3.55) quarter of FY18 core net profit
Maintain outperform call with increased by 41% to RM109.3 mil-
an unchanged target price of lion from RM77.4 million in tan-
RM4.05: With no surprises in the dem with 26% quarter-on-quar-
first half of financial year 2018 ter (q-o-q) higher top line arising
(1HFY18), Yinson Holdings Bhd from maiden earnings contribu-
continued to deliver stable earn- tion from FPSO JAK which hit
ings backed by long-term con- first oil at the end of May as well
Dagang Nexchange Bhd Dagang NeXchange Bhd tracts. Meanwhile, we believe as lower administrative expenses
(Sept 28, 47.5 sen) the sale of its 26% stake in float- (-6% q-o-q).
Maintain add call with a revised FYE DEC (RM MIL) 2015A 2016A 2017F 2018F 2019F ing production, storage and of- On a year-on-year (y-o-y) ba-
target price (TP) of 74 sen: We Revenue 98.4 181.5 233.0 276.2 290.3 floading (FPSO) John Agyekum sis, the 2QFY18 core net profit
met with Dagang Nexchange Bhds Operating Ebitda 33.08 28.91 60.19 71.47 77.66
Kufuor (JAK) will help to mone- jumped by 78% y-o-y from RM61.6
(DNeX) management on Wednes- tise the good, quality contract in million in the 2QFY17 in tandem
day to discuss the groups first half Net profit 11.23 48.39 60.39 72.23 79.29 hand and augment its war chest with a 90% increase in revenue
ended June 30, 2017 (1HFY17) re- Core EPS (RM) 0.021 0.029 0.035 0.041 0.045 for the future. backed by the above reason. Cu-
sults and outlook for 2HFY17. We Core EPS growth (%) 24.2 33.2 21.1 19.6 9.8 At 62% and 71% respectively of mulatively, the 1HFY18 earnings
left the meeting feeling cautious FD core PER (x) 22.17 12.01 15.66 13.45 12.38 our and consensus full-year esti- also improved by 90% to RM186.7
on DNeXs near-term outlook due DPS (RM) 0.001 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.015 mates, the 1HFY18 core net prof- million from RM98.4 million in
to a soft market environment and it of RM186.7 million is deemed 1HFY17 thanks to higher contri-
Dividend yield (%) 0.19 0.97 1.05 2.11 3.16
margin compression in the oil and within expectations as we are ex- bution from the FPSO segment.
gas segment. However, it main- EV/Ebitda (x) 10.32 20.04 8.86 6.76 5.53 pecting a weaker 2HFY18 in the With the intention to redeploy
tained its 30% revenue and 20% P/FCFE (x) na na 32.25 24.61 20.25 absence of additional revenue FPSO PTSC Lamson, PetroViet-
net profit growth forecast in the Net gearing (%) (26.0) (18.0) (26.7) (34.4) (41.1) from shipping services and vari- nam is currently in the midst of
financial year 2017 (FY17) on the P/BV (x) 3.65 2.06 1.82 1.63 1.48 ation orders. discussing new charter contract
back of new recurring income in ROE (%) 17.7 19.8 14.1 15.0 14.8 Our core net profit is adjusted with PTSC AP. It is likely that the
the IT division and full-year profit for: i) RM21.9 million unrealised new contract will have a duration
% change in core
contribution from Ping Petroleum. foreign exchange (forex) loss; ii) of four years which is similar to the
The group highlighted that EPS estimates (10.1) (9.4) (6.4) RM17.7 million impairment loss remaining contract period of the
pre-tax profit from the IT division CIMB/consensus EPS (x) 0.89 0.86 0.93 on property, plant and equip- existing contract.
surged 35% year-on-year (y-o-y) to Sources: Company data, CIMB forecasts ment (PPE); iii) RM2.9 million Note that the sale transaction is
RM22.3 million in 1HFY17, driven fair value (FV) loss on investment slated for completion by 4QFY18
by growth in its trade facilitation properties; and iv) RM1.6 million and the reduction of 26% would
business and new recurring in- of US$56(RM236.9)/barrel year platform on Sept 18 could be de- impairment loss on receivables. reduce FY18 to 19 earnings by
come from operation and mainte- to date (versus US$45/barrel in layed due to integration issues. Interim dividend of four sen per 5%-20% assuming only 74% stake
nance of the vehicle entry permit FY16). Hence, we see potential for the share was declared, above our to the charter income from FPSO
(VEP) and road charge (RC) sys- We cut our FY17 to FY19 fore- NSW platform exclusivity contract expectations. JAK. Kenanga Research, Sept 28
tem. Meanwhile, the energy di- cast earnings per share by 6% to to be renewed or extended. Apart
visions pre-tax losses (excluding 10% to account for weaker earn- from that, the group is also ex-
Ping) narrowed to RM2.9 million ings from OGPC Sdn Bhd and ploring possible monetisation of Yinson Holdings Bhd
in 1HFY17 versus RM4.1 million DOS, but still expect stronger its radio frequency identification
in 1HFY16 due to higher utilisa- earnings delivery in the 2HFY17 tags system that is suited for appli- FYE JAN (RM MIL) 2017A 2018E 2019E
tion at the DNeX Oilfield (DOS). driven by: i) 20% recognition of cations in transport and logistics Turnover 543.3 942.2 1,015.4
Ping recorded a RM8.5 million the portable container system areas, such as multi-flow lanes. Ebit 162.2 418.4 441.7
associate profit contribution in contract of RM75 million; ii) the Following our earnings revi- PBT 213.2 377.2 370.5
1HFY17 mainly due to higher av- remaining 20% VEP and RC sys- sion, we lower our sum-of-parts Net profit (NP) 197.0 301.3 296.0
erage crude oil prices. There was tem portion for the Johor-Singa- based TP to 74 sen as we roll over
Core net profit 233.5 301.3 296.0
no y-o-y comparison in 1HFY16, pore crossing; and iii) stronger our valuation to end 2018. New
as the 30% stake acquisition in contributions from Ping. Over- contracts for VEP and RC sys- Consensus (NP) 263.2 287.5
Ping was only completed at end all, we project DNeX to record a tems, extension of NSW platform Core EPS (sen) 21.4 27.6 27.1
of the 2Q16. Management ex- robust FY16 to FY19 forecast net exclusivity and higher crude oil Core EPS growth (%) 41.4 29.1 -1.8
pects lower production volume profit compound annual growth prices are potential rerating cat- NDPS (sen)* 1.5 4.0 4.0
from Ping due to a fall in crude rate (CAGR) of 17%, driven by re- alysts for the stock. Key downside NTA/Share (RM) 1.8 4.4 2.7
oil lifting from five times in 2016 silient earnings growth in both its risks to our call are a decline in Core PER 16.3 12.6 12.8
to four times in 2017. However, IT services and energy segments. NSW transaction volumes post
Price/NTA (x) 1.9 0.8 1.3
the group still expects a strong- Based on our channel checks, exclusivity expiry in September
er 2HFY17 contribution (versus the alternative system which was next year and delays in the VEP Gearing (x) 1.4 2.0 0.9
1HFY17) from Ping due to higher supposed to have replaced DNeXs and RC contract awards. CIMB Dividend yield (%)* 0.4 1.1 1.1
average crude oil selling prices National Single Window (NSW) Research, Sept 27 Source: Kenanga Research

Consumer sentiments rebounding but still below threshold level

Consumer sector sumption recovery in the 2Q17, com- Consumer sector exports (which account for about 65%
Maintain neutral: The Malaysian panies have been cautious in raising of total FMCG sales) is OldTowns
Institute of Economic Researchs con- price points given the fragility of con- REC PRICE (RM) TP (RM) UPSIDE (%) main growth driver going forward
sumer sentiment rebounded from sumer sentiments amid the erosion Nestle Hold 84.60 85.73 1 with Greater China (about 44% of
76.6 points (pts) in the first quar- of purchasing power. QL Sell 3.90 3.09 -21 total FMCG sales) expected to grow
ter of 2017 (1Q17) to 80.7 pts in the Nestle (M) Bhd shared that a price by 10% to 15%. Stronger ringgit will re-
Oldtown Hold 2.60 2.75 6
2Q17, lending support to a stronger increase is a last resort and will at- sult in slower growth in ringgit terms.
private consumption growth in the tempt to improve profitability with BFood Hold 1.51 1.55 3 The catalyst would be further
2Q (+7.1%; 1Q: +6.6%). cost-saving initiatives. Berjaya Food Aeon Hold 2.05 2.07 1 pre-election handouts in the 2018
We reckon this is mainly due to Bhds (BFood) Kenny Rogers Roast- Brahims Hold 0.58 0.51 -12 budget. We maintain our neutral
the governments initiatives (which ers and OldTown Bhds domestic Source: HLIB Research stance on the sector. Despite con-
include 1Malaysia Peoples Aid pro- food and beverage (F&B) business sumer sentiment recovering in the
gramme handouts and cash hand- have had to implement low-price 2Q17, it is still below the threshold
outs to about 95,000 eligible Felda menu options. Padini Holdings Bhd Positive effect: Approximately 40% material costs. Note that BFood had level of 100 and remains fragile amid
settler families) to assist the low- resorted to keep prices of apparel of BFoods Starbucks cost of goods raised prices in January 2017 to offset erosion of purchase power.
er-income group (which has higher steady and stomached weaker mar- sold (COGS), such as coffee beans, the higher COGS with only a marginal Currently, consumer stocks are
propensity to consume) and help gins amid a weak ringgit in order to frappuccino mix, packaging material decline in sales volume. We do not already trading at historical highs,
economic recovery by stimulating increase sales volumes. and so on purchased from Starbucks expect the group to pass on the low- with the Consumer Price Index cur-
consumer spending. Despite this, A firmer ringgit of RM4.22/USD Corp (USA) is denominated in the er costs and see a margin expansion rently trading around two standard
consumer sentiments remained be- from the weakest level of RM4.48/ US dollars as part of their agreement as a result. deviations above its five-year average
low the threshold of 100. USD has a mixed effect on the com- with Starbucks. A stronger ringgit Negative effect : OldTowns price-earnings ratio. Hong Leong
Despite a stronger pace of con- panies under our coverage. will therefore lower the groups raw fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) Investment Bank Research, Sept 28

VS Industry shows Glomac plans RM810m

worth of launches in FY18

robust growth Glomac Bhd

(Sept 28, 64 sen)
Downgrade to sell with a target
price of 60 sen: Glomac Bhd start-
ed financial year 2018 (FY18) on a
soft note. Registering a net profit of
RM2.1 million (-67.2% year-on-year
VS Industry Bhd VS Industry Bhd [y-o-y], +64.8% quarter-on-quar-
(Sept 28, RM2.65) ter [q-o-q]), Glomacs results were
Reaffirm outperform with an FYE JUL (RM MIL) 2016A 2017A 2018F 2019F 2020F CAGR (%) significantly below our and con-
unchanged target price (TP) of Revenue 2,175.6 3,281.4 4,247.5 4,823.3 5,521.4 26.2 sensus expectations. Net profit for
RM2.83: VS Industry Bhds net prof- Gross profit 336.5 458.4 650.8 748.7 857.1 26.3
the first quarter of FY18 (1QFY18)
it for financial year 2017 (FY17) of only accounted for 4.6% and 3.6%
Pre-tax profit 141.9 223.7 302.1 356.8 420.8 31.2
RM156.3 million (up 32.6% year- of our and consensus full-year earn-
on-year [y-o-y]) is its best ever on Net profit 117.9 156.3 231.6 274.5 324.7 28.8 ings estimates respectively. The
record, and was in line with our and FD EPS (sen) 7.4 9.8 14.6 17.3 20.4 28.8 variance was largely due to slow-
consensus expectations at 99.2% FD PER (x) 34.1 25.7 17.3 14.6 12.4 er-than-expected progress billings
and 98.1% of full-year estimates FD DPS (sen) 4.0 4.9 5.8 6.9 8.2 and a weaker-than-expected prop-
respectively. Growth was robust, Dividend yield (%) 1.6 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.2 erty margin.
underpinned by a constant rise in Sources: Company, PublicInvest Research estimates
Glomac reported a lower reve-
new sales orders, particularly in nue of RM97.5 million in 1QFY18
its Malaysian operations. We re- compared with RM251.4 million
main excited about VS Industrys also potentially be in the running in 1QFY17. However, we note the
prospects and reaffirm our out- Management expects to secure new contracts from one quarters revenue would not have
perform call with an unchanged a continuing trend of US-based and one Swiss-based cus- fallen as severely if we adjust-
TP of RM2.83 based on an 18 times rising sales orders to tomer for its Malaysian operations, ed for gains from a land disposal
multiple to its 2018 earnings per potentially bumping up revenue amounting to RM145.6 million
share. Three-year compound an- sustain growth going by a further 5% to 10%. Incidental- recognised in 1QFY17. Overall,
nual growth rate (FY17 to FY20) is into FY18 and beyond. ly, the group is already laying the the poor results were attributa-
anticipated at 28%, deeming the groundwork for a new manufactur- ble to lower progress billings as
higher multiple justifiable in our ing facility cum warehouse, which key contributing projects were
view. A fourth interim single-tier could suggest something potential- nearing completion or completed Glomac reported a lower revenue of
dividend of one sen was declared, line with the growth in revenue, was ly on hand, though management during the quarter under review RM97.5 million in 1QFY18 compared
bringing total dividends for the fi- marred by a RM4 million impairment stresses this move as a pre-emptive while new sales secured had yet with RM251.4 million in 1QFY17.
nancial year to 5.9 sen, exceeding charge on its Seeing Machines Ltd one in anticipation of increased to reach significant billing stag-
our forecast of 5.3 sen. investment and a RM12 million im- orders from both existing and new es. In addition, the groups profit
Revenue for FY17 jumped 50.8% pairment charge on its Indonesian customers. We conservatively ac- before tax margin declined 4.6 lion previously as the launch of
y-o-y to RM3.28 billion, with equal- properties owing to the strengthen- count for this expansion, but only percentage points y-o-y to 7.1% Plaza Kelana Jaya 4 will be de-
ly strong contributions, percent- ing of the US dollar against the ru- from FY20 onwards. Contributions as the bulk of the groups current layed. Meanwhile, management
age-wise, coming from its three piah since the last valuation done in could kick in as early as FY19, we developments comprised afforda- will continue to focus on landed
operating geographies Malaysia 2013. Excluding these items, net prof- reckon, if anything. This aside, we ble housing with lower margins. developments.
(+54.0% y-o-y), Indonesia (+53.2% it would have been RM169.5 million. are also excited about the prospect Glomac secured new sales of We slash our FY18 to FY20 earn-
y-o-y), and China (+42.1% y-o-y). Operating margins weakened some- of another key customer, Keurig RM20 million in 1QFY18 (-35.5% ings estimates by 12% to 16% after
Management expects a continuing what owing to fluctuations in its US Inc, which, as we understand, will y-o-y, -90.7% q-o-q). This only revising FY18 to FY20 new sales
trend of rising sales orders to sustain dollar-denominated costs, which we be making its first shipment to an accounted for 4% of our sales as- assumptions to RM435 million to
growth going into FY18 and beyond, expect to stabilise and improve going Asian country early next year. While sumptions of RM500 million. The RM670 million from RM500 mil-
optimism we share considering the forward as the group has agreed on a hugely popular in the North Ameri- absence of new launches during lion to RM750 million, and FY18
growth aspirations of some of its ex- pricing mechanism with its key cus- can and European continents, such the quarter was the cause of the to FY20 blended margin assump-
isting key customers. China remains tomers to mitigate this issue. a pervasive coffee-consuming cul- decline. As a result of lower sales, tions to 15.6% to 16% from 16.3%
a wild card, with the group also re- Box-build assemblies for a ma- ture is not yet as prevalent in Asia the groups unbilled sales as at July to 17.1%. Our projected FY18 earn-
portedly on the verge of securing jor customer remain on track to as a whole, though it is a matter of 2017 softened to RM488 million ings growth of more than 100% is
orders from new customers. jump substantially in the coming time before it (and Keurig) catch- from RM556 million a quarter ago. largely due to a low base effect as
Net profit of RM156.3 million financial years. We have recently es on significantly. PublicInvest This provided the group with less FY17 results were hit by liquidated
(+32.6% y-o-y), though higher in highlighted that VS Industry could Research, Sept 28 than one year of earnings visibility. ascertained damages payment of
Although there is no official RM25 million for late delivery of
sales target for FY18, manage- its high-rise projects and levy pay-

Westports volume expected

ment expects better y-o-y perfor- ment of RM18 million to release
mance in view of sizeable pipeline its unsold bumiputera units. Note
launches worth RM810 million that Glomac delivered a net prof-

to pick up again in 4Q
in FY18 (versus RM290 million it ranging from RM67 million to
launched in FY17). Recall, the RM108 million during the sector
group recorded RM420 million upcycle in FY12 to FY16, hence
sales in FY17. The group has re- we opine that the estimated FY18
vised its new launches lower to to FY20 net profits remain unin-
Westports Holdings Bhd trans-shipment volume could be government. However, there could RM810 million from RM1.02 bil- spiring. TA Securities, Sept 28
(Sept 28, RM3.73) weaker as United Arab Shipping be amendments to the plan, such as
Maintain hold with a target price Company (UASC) fully moved out the number of container terminals, as
of RM3.80: Westports Holdings its trans-shipment volume in June CT17 to CT19 may have an adverse Glomac Bhd
Bhds volume for the third quar- 2017 while the new Eastbound ser- impact on the environment. If the
ter of financial year 2017 (3QFY17) vices from Ocean Alliance only fully entire CT10 to CT19 expansion is ap- FYE APRIL (RM MIL) 2016 2017 2018F 2019F 2020F
could be weaker quarter-on-quarter came through in August 2017, and proved, Westports annual capacity Reported revenue 616.6 581.8 502.4 601.4 690.2
(q-o-q) but the low tax rate might domestic volume (about 30% of to- could increase to 30 million TEUs Normalised revenue 616.6 436.2 502.4 601.4 690.2
offset the volume weakness and tal volume) could be stronger q-o-q (from 16 million TEUs post-CT9) in Ebitda 142.5 191.8 80.1 97.4 112.5
result in flattish 3QFY17 earnings. given the robust import-export trade the next 15 to 20 years, we estimate. Ebitda margin (%) 23.1 33.0 15.9 16.2 16.3
Detailed studies of Container Ter- but may still not be enough to off- We raise our FY17 EPS estimate by
minal 10 (CT10) to CT19 may be set the weakness in trans-shipment 5% as we lower our volume growth Reported pre-tax profit 122.4 168.0 55.3 71.3 86.3
completed in the first half of FY19 volume. Overall, we believe volume assumption in FY17 to a decline of Normalised pre-tax profit 112.4 36.2 55.3 71.3 86.3
(1HFY19) and could provide some would pick up again in 4QFY17 as 9% (from -7%; 1HFY17: -5% year- Reported net profit 81.0 110.4 40.4 52.1 64.7
upside to our discounted cash flow all of Westports customers (ex-CMA on-year), and cut our tax rate as- Normalised net profit 73.5 11.6 40.4 52.1 64.7
if the expansion is approved by the CGM and UASC) are seeing growth, sumption to 7% in FY17 (from 14%; Normalised EPS (sen) 9.2 1.4 5.0 6.5 8.1
government. Our FY17 earnings per particularly in the intra-Asia lane. 1HFY17: 18%) given the Investment Normalised EPS growth (%) 9.5 (84.2) 248.5 28.9 24.4
share (EPS) estimate is raised by 5% The detailed studies for CT10 to Tax Allowance for CT8 and CT9. De- PER (x) 5.8 40.8 11.7 9.1 7.3
as we lower our tax rate assumption. CT19 will commence in October 2017 spite our volume growth assumption
We think Westports container and may take 12 to 18 to complete. of 4% for FY18, we project Westports Gross div (sen) 3.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0
volume in 3QFY17 could be softer We see a high possibility of the ex- EPS to contract 8% in FY18 as we Dividend yield (%) 6.2 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.1
q-o-q (2QFY17: 2.23 million 20-foot pansion going through as it requires assume its tax rate to rebound to ROE (%) 7.6 1.1 3.7 4.6 5.6
equivalent units [TEUs]) because zero-to-minimal funding from the 20%. MaybankIB Research, Sept 27 Source: TA Securities
H O M E 15

Swak to see more progress IN BRIEF

Dr M takes misfeasance
suit against Najib to
Federal Court
PUTRAJAYA: Former prime
minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mo-
PM tells community chiefs from the state that BN has not just made promises hamad and two others have
filed an application to ask the
Federal Court to rule wheth-
PUTRAJAYA: The federal govern- Pan-Borneo Highway, connecting Rajang parliamentary constituen- er Prime Minister Datuk Seri
ment is committed to further de- Sarawak with Sabah, was a catalyst Kapit will soon be cies, led by Sarawak Deputy Chief Najib Razak is exempted from
veloping Sarawak, says Prime Min- for comprehensive development accessible by road Minister Tan Sri James Jemut Mas- being sued over alleged misfea-
ister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to in Sarawak. ing, met Najib at his official resi- sance in public office. Mahathir,
maintain the track record of the BN has not just made promises when the Kapit-Song- dence at Seri Perdana. chairman of opposition Parti
Barisan Nasional (BN) in bringing but has implemented development Kanowit-Sibu Road At the event, the community Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia, and
development to the state, especial- and brought changes in Sarawak, is ready. chiefs expressed their support for former Umno members Datuk
ly in its interior. including in the interior, he said and confidence in the BN govern- Khairuddin Abu Hassan and
He said Kapit, for example, was at a reception with Sarawak com- ment, saying it had brought much Anina Saadudin, are seeking
an island on Borneo island ac- munity chiefs at Seri Perdana here. development to the Land of the leave from the apex court to
cessible only by water transport I have approved about RM2 bil- lar Malaysia. I am not promising Hornbills. appeal against the decision of
through the Rajang River but it lion worth of projects for Sarawak something but the facts speak for Masing expressed his apprecia- the Court of Appeal on Aug 30
would soon be accessible by road since I became the prime minister. themselves, he said to applause tion of the prime minister for having to dismiss their action, news
when the Kapit-Song-Kanowit- I am committed to continue from the chiefs at the meeting. brought development to Sarawak, sites reported. Their lawyer, Mo-
Sibu Road is ready. developing Sarawak so that it pro- About 160 community chiefs especially in the Hulu Rajang, Ka- hamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla,
Najib also said that the 2,239km gresses to be on par with Peninsu- from the Kanowit, Kapit and Hulu pit and Kanowit areas. Bernama filed the leave application at the
Federal Court registry yesterday.
PM: Take laundrette
JITN cant sway operators apology in the
right spirit
MACC probes, PUTRAJAYA: The action of a
laundrette operator in Muar in
says Paul Low apologising and withdrawing
a decision to offer the laun-
PUTRAJAYA: The Department dry service only to Muslims
of National Integrity and Good should be well-received, said
Governance (JITN), to be es- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Na-
tablished soon, would not jib Razak. He said there was
have any power to influence a basis of the concern of the
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Sultan of Johor that the entre-
Commissions (MACC) inves- preneurs action would lead to
tigations, said Minister in the a narrow image of Islam, con-
Prime Ministers Department trary to the countrys desire to
Datuk Paul Low Seng Kuang. nurture a united, harmonious,
Not only the MACC, they moderate and tolerant society.
also include the Malaysian The government will remain
Institute of Integrity, Human committed to upholding true
Rights Commission of Malaysia Islamic teachings while pro-
and the Enforcement Agency tecting the interests of other
Integrity Commission (SIAP) communities as demanded of
because these are all independ- Islam, he said in a statement
ent institutions, he said. yesterday. Bernama
Met by reporters after
launching SIAPs Open Day and Two teenagers charged
the SIAP Strategic Plan 2017- with murder of 23 at
2022 here yesterday, Low said religious school
the proposed JITN was to lead KUALA LUMPUR: Two teenage
the transformational change in boys were charged yesterday in
building the institutional ca- FUN WITH FINANCIAL SKILLS ... (From left) Universiti Malaysia Sarawak students Ong Chen Shin, Nur Amanina Che the Magistrates Court here with
pacity, especially among civil Uhibbi and Kasniedar Dahrud having a go at the #IDAREYOUChallenge2017 during a nancial literacy programme organised by the Life the murder of 21 students and
servants, to initiate and drive Insurance Association of Malaysia at the campus in Kota Samarahan, Sarawak yesterday. Photo by Bernama two teachers of a religious res-
policy changes and to strength- idential school here two weeks
en government processes. ago. No plea was recorded from
On Monday, Low said JITN the boys, both aged 16, because
was being upgraded from murder cases come under the
the Integrity and Good Gov-
ernance Division under the
Prime Ministers Department
Malaysias checkpoints to get Chinas jurisdiction of the High Court.
They were charged under Sec-
tion 302 of the Penal Code,
into a full department.
In a statement on Wednes-
day, Low said the establish-
superfast advanced scanners read together with Section 34,
which provides for the man-
datory death sentence upon
ment of JITN was being fi- conviction. Bernama
nalised by the Public Service BEIJING: Chinas superfast ad- capability to combat international minister, had expressed that the po-
Department in consultation vanced scanner, that can identify transborder crime more effectively. licing function of Interpol should be RM7m grants for farmers,
with all the relevant agen- illicit items inside a moving vessel Other than scanners, China has enhanced through information shar- breeders, shermen
cies to ensure there was no in an instant, will make its debut at also agreed to provide equipment ing among its 158 member states, SERDANG: Prime Minister Da-
duplication in function and Malaysias entry checkpoints soon. to Malaysias counter-messaging providing continuous training for 12 tuk Seri Najib Razak announced
to improve the effective use The intelligent machine was centre, which is mainly focused on million policemen worldwide and one-off grants of RM30,000 for
of resources and manpower. developed by the public security tracking online terrorism messages. keeping abreast of technology in or- every Area Farmers Organisa-
Low said the establishment ministry of China and it is used at Security cooperation in combat- der to make the world a safer place. tion and Area Fishermens Or-
of JITN was approved by the the countrys airports and ports. ing terrorism and transborder crime Among the leaders Ahmad Zahid ganisation. The grants, totalling
cabinet on July 28, in line with China has agreed in principle has been Ahmad Zahids main con- met with were the secretary of the RM7 million, would benefit one
the governments transforma- on the matter, said Deputy Prime cern, and is not limited to China Central Political and Legal Affairs million farmers, breeders and
tion programme. Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Za- but also extends to the international Commission, Communist Party of fishermen who were members
Earlier, SIAP chairman Da- hid Hamidi, who was on a three- community, particularly Interpol. China, Meng Jianzhu and China Pub- of these organisations, he said
tuk Yaacob Md Sam said in his day working visit to China, which During his visit to China, the lic Security Minister Guo Shengkun. when launching the National
speech that the SIAP Strategic ended on Wednesday. deputy prime minister also attend- He also expressed Malaysias Farmers, Breeders and Fisher-
Plan 2017-2022 was SIAPs ef- He said the acquisition of the ed the opening ceremony of the concern about the need for inter- mens Day 2017 and Malaysia
fort towards strengthening the highly sophisticated scanners was 86th Interpol General Assembly national humanitarian assistance Food Festival at the Malaysia
integrity of enforcement agen- part of the home ministrys initiatives and met several of Chinas leaders. for the Rohingya who fled to Bang- Agro Exposition Park Serdang
cies and officers. Bernama to upgrade the nations scanning Ahmad Zahid, who is also home ladesh from Myanmar. Bernama yesterday. Bernama

High-yield dividend-paying ETF

The criteria each ETF uses to select its constituents are unique to its objectives
BY SH ARA N YA PI L L A I Dividend Opportunities Index, includes only

stocks that have less than 5% revenue expo-
ividend-focused exchange-trad- sure to tobacco, alcohol, gaming and pork.
ed funds have long been popu- The 40 stocks in the Pan Asian region with
lar among investors in the US. the highest dividend yields that meet this
These ETFs tend to have higher requirement are then included in the index
dividend yields as well as regu- and replicated in the fund.
lar distributions, making them Meanwhile, the Phillip REIT ETF was cre-
popular among retirees and those seeking an ated for investors seeking stable payouts from
income addition to their portfolios. REITs, says Tan Teck Leng, a senior fund man-
Such ETFs have not gained as much trac- ager with Phillip Capital Management. The
tion among Singapore investors, says Grand- ETF has a high representation of Asia-Pacific
tag Financial Consultancy CEO Ben Fok. But ex-Japan REITs, which Tan says offer compar-
this could change as more of such products atively higher dividend yields than those in
are rolled out. This past year, there were two the US and UK. Its constituents are weighted
new offerings for investors. Last October, by the dividend payout of the REITs.
Phillip Capital Management launched the The current low interest rate environment
Phillip SGX Asia-Pacific Dividend Leaders warrants that investors seek yield from instru-
REIT ETF. This was the first real estate in- ments other than bonds. We think REITs are a
vestment trust ETF to list on the bourse. In good alternative to high-yield bonds, with an
May, Thailand-based One Asset Management easy-to-understand business model, coupled
Fok notes that ETFs that screen for companies with Tan: REITs are a good alternative to high-yield
made its maiden foray into Singapore with a with regular dividend payments, Tan says.
a certain valuation or trade volume can better bonds, with an easy-to-understand business model,
smart-beta ETF: the One STOXX Asean Select The criteria each ETF uses to select its con-
ensure liquidity and reduce volatility. coupled with regular dividend payments
Dividend Index Fund. stituents are ultimately unique to the funds
Both ETFs join two others that have been objectives and cannot be directly compared
listed on the Singapore Exchange for some against one another, Wong says. Investors will
time: Deutsche Asset Managements db well worth paying attention to. ensure the growth potential of the companies need to reflect on what their priorities are and
x-trackers STOXX Global Select Dividend The db x-trackers ETF, for instance, is they invest in. The index that the db x-track- how much risk they are willing to take on.
100 UCITS ETF, which was listed in 2010; and based on the STOXX Global Select Div- ers ETF tracks further limits its constituent
the CIMB S&P Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend idend 100 index. The index screens for stocks to those that have a dividend-to-earn- Physical or synthetic: Understanding the
ETF, which was listed in 2012. stocks that have a non-negative historical ings per share ratio not exceeding 60% or risks
The db x-trackers ETF is synthetic and five-year dividend-per-share growth rate. 80%, depending on the region. Similarly, the A potential pitfall of dividend ETFs is that
classified as a Specified Investment Product, This criterion first aims to select stocks that One ETF does not include stocks that have a in seeking higher yields, investors may in-
which means it can be bought and traded only are able to increase their dividend payout dividend payout ratio above 80%. advertently take on more risk. Wong says it
by those who pass a customer knowledge as- over the longer run, says Marco Montanari, This is a sound strategy that can ensure therefore pays to closely examine the struc-
sessment. The others are physical ETFs clas- Asia-Pacific head of passive asset manage- that the company is not paying out more ture and replication methods of each ETF.
sified as Excluded Investment Products, and ment at Deutsche Asset Management. After than it can earn in the short term, Wong says. Of the four dividend ETFs, the db x-track-
are accessible to all retail investors. meeting this criterion, companies are then It should also make for more sustainable ers ETF is perhaps the most complex product.
According to Bloomberg data, the CIMB ranked and selected for the highest yields dividend payouts in the future. This could The ETF aims to reflect the performance of
ETF has the highest one-year annualised based on STOXXs methodology. be especially important for a fund such as its reference index through synthetic rep-
return of 24.9%. But the db x-trackers ETF Investors buying the ETF aim to gain ex- the One ETF, which is banking on the Asean lication, says Deutsche AMs Montanari.
has produced higher three- and five-year re- posure to dividend-yielding companies, and growth story. The fund tracks and fully rep- According to the funds prospectus, it may
turns of 3.6% and 6.9%, respectively, outper- this index criterion helps direct the selection licates the STOXX Asean Select Dividend 30 enter into unfunded swaps with approved
forming both the CIMB ETF and the Straits towards such company exposure, he adds. Index, composed of stocks listed in Malaysia, swap counterparties. Its depository is State
Times Index. Screening for historical growth in dividend Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philip- Street Bank Luxembourg.
Past performance is not, of course, a pre- payouts can serve investors well, Wong says. pines and Vietnam. All the constituents are While the structure may be sound,
dictor of future returns. Meanwhile, the Phillip Yield on its own is not enough; the growth equally weighted. synthetic ETFs expose investors to greater
and One ETFs do not have sufficient historical in yield should be stable, he explains. Most Beyond yields, Grandtags Fok notes that counterparty risks. This could be especially
data for comparisons of returns to be made. people would also want the dividend payouts ETFs that screen for companies with a certain risky in the event of unexpected financial
So, how should investors decide which divi- to be in line with inflation. valuation or trade volume can better ensure calamities such as the 2008 subprime crisis,
dend ETF to put their money into? Financial Screening for dividend growth has tend- liquidity and reduce volatility. The STOXX Wong says. If theres a choice between phys-
advisers who spoke to The Edge Singapore ed to limit the downside for investors in the Asean Select Dividend 30 Index is limited ical and synthetic, I would say maybe go for
recommend looking at how the ETF selects US-listed ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristo- to stocks with a three-month average daily physical, because its less complex and can
its constituents, as well as the method it uses crats ETF too. This ETF tracks an equal-weight- trading volume above US$2 million (RM8.46 give you more peace of mind. For markets
to replicate the index it tracks. ed index of 50 Standard & Poors 500 con- million). The Phillip REIT ETF, which tracks that are hard to access, such as emerging and
stituents that have increased their dividend the SGX APAC ex Japan Dividend Leaders frontier markets, a synthetic ETF may be your
Screening for yields and more payments annually for at least 25 years. In a REIT Index, allows only for constituents with only choice. But if you want global exposure,
Not all dividend ETFs define high-yielding Sept 7 report, Phillip Securities analyst Ho a minimum free-float market capitalisation its simpler to choose a physical ETF, he says.
securities in the same way. Some ETFs place Kang Wei notes that over the last two major of US$300 million. Currency risk is another factor that inves-
a general emphasis on stocks with the po- market crises, the ETF fell significantly less Then, there are other screening tests that tors should look out for when putting their
tential for both dividend yield and capital than the S&P 500 index, recovered faster may be significant to certain groups of inves- money in overseas ETFs. Says Wong: Every
growth. But Victor Wong, director of wealth and continued paying out ever-increasing tors. The CIMB ETF, for one, was specially time you put money outside Singapore, you
management at Financial Alliance, says oth- dividends. designed for the ethical investor. The fund, must think whether foreign exchange rates
ers come with more specific criteria and are Some ETFs also have additional criteria to which tracks the S&P Ethical Pan Asia Select will wipe out the gain. To hedge against cur-

Top 10 constituents of the SGX APAC ex Japan Top 10 constituents of the STOXX
Dividend Leaders REIT Index SOURCE: BLOOMBERG
Global Select Dividend 100 Index
Link REIT Hong Kong HK$63.65 HK$140.11 bil 3.59 10.58 Royal Dutch Shell Class B London 2,165.00p 181.83 bil 6.73 1.92
Scentre Group Australia A$3.93 A$20.92 bil 5.79 8.04 EasyJet London 1,214.00p 4.85 bil 4.45 1.91
Stockland Australia A$4.25 A$10.35 bil 6.00 7.32 Li & Fung Hong Kong HK$3.72 HK$3.51 bil 6.18 1.89
Westfield Corp Australia A$7.45 A$15.48 bil 4.37 7.13 CapitaLand Mall Trust Singapore S$2.05 S$7.27 bil 5.37 1.72
Goodman Group Australia A$8.01 A$14.42 bil 3.23 5.55 Fortum Finland 16.10 14.44 bil 6.77 1.62
Vicinity Centres Australia A$2.65 A$10.42 bil 6.53 5.43 Ascendas REIT Singapore S$2.66 S$7.68 bil 6.25 1.60
Mirvac Group Australia A$2.25 A$8.35 bil 4.62 5.23 Suntec REIT Singapore S$1.86 S$4.93 bil 5.36 1.58
Ascendas REIT Singapore S$2.66 S$7.68 bil 6.25 4.72 National Australia Bank Australia A$31.00 A$83.25 bil 9.12 1.57
The GPT Group Australia A$4.88 A$8.79 bil 4.96 4.52 Bendigo Bank Australia A$11.50 A$5.51 bil 8.45 1.56
CapitaLand Mall Trust Singapore S$2.05 S$7.27 bil 5.37 3.73 Snam Rete Gas Italy 4.16 14.56 bil 5.06 1.52
FO CU S 17

To hedge against currency risks, it helps Top 10 constituents of the STOXX Asean
Select Dividend 30 Index
to look at an ETFs hedging policy NAME WHERE IT IS
Venture Corp Singapore S$17.10 S$4.84 mil 2.92
rency risks, it helps to look at an ETFs hedging that different investors will have different Hoa Phat Group JSC Vietnam VND37,500 VND56,885.3 bil NA
policy. The One fund, for instance, may use priorities, with some optimistic about the AMMB Holdings Malaysia RM4.50 RM13.56 bil 3.91
derivatives to hedge against currency risk. rise of Asean and others opting for global Malayan Banking Malaysia RM9.85 RM104.06 bil 5.58
It also helps to be aware of whether the exposure instead. Semen Indonesia Persero Tbk Indonesia IDR10,100.00 IDR59.9 tril 3.02
ETF does securities lending. The Phillip REIT Dividend-paying securities are generally Gudang Garam Tbk Indonesia IDR68,950.00 IDR132.67 tril 3.77
ETF, for instance, may lend securities or en- popular with Singaporeans, which suggests Hoa Sen Group Vietnam VND29,350 VND10,272.4 bil 1.95
gage in repurchase transactions as part of that dividend ETFs may eventually catch Westports Holdings Malaysia RM3.77 RM12.89 bil 3.47
its portfolio management strategy, although on. Wong predicts that this asset class may Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Indonesia IDR2,570 IDR24,919.5 bil 3.46
such moves will be limited to 50% of the net also come to be seen as a safe haven during DMCI Holdings Philippines PHP15.88 PHP210.85 bil 1.51
asset value of the fund. downturns. When the market is going up, its
While securities lending comes with extra easier to make money through country- or
risks, Fok says it can also enhance investors sector-based ETFs. But when the market is Top 10 constituents of the CIMB S&P
returns while reducing management fees. coming down or a bit more volatile, perhaps Ethical Asia Pacific Dividend ETF
That is why some low-fee ETFs can beat their dividend-focused ETFs would be the theme NAME WHERE IT IS PRICE MARKET CAP INDICATED WEIGHT (%)
benchmarks, he says. On the flip side, if the of the day, he says. LISTED AS AT DIVIDEND
ETF holds stocks that are hard to borrow, that Dividend ETFs may also become pop-
may attract higher lending fees while erod- ular with an ageing population, as people S-Oil Corp South Korea KRW122,000.00 KRW13.7 tril 5.66 5.20
ing your return. add high-yielding funds to build a retire- Vicinity Centres Australia A$2.65 A$10.42 bil 6.53 3.77
Overall, Wong says investors should be ment portfolio. For this trend to eventually CapitaLand Mall Trust Singapore S$2.05 S$7.27 bil 5.37 3.46
keenly aware of their risk appetite and in- take shape, however, Wong reckons that we Lenovo Group Hong Kong HK$4.19 HK$46.55 bil 6.32 3.25
vest accordingly. He believes REIT ETFs may have to wait for more dividend ETFs to China Petroleum & Chemical Hong Kong HK$5.90 HK$811.61 bil 5.34 3.19
are well positioned to pay out regular divi- be listed on the SGX, giving investors more Ascendas REIT Singapore S$2.66 S$7.68 bil 6.25 3.14
dends. REITs have to pay out 90% of their options to choose from. Telstra Corp Australia A$3.55 A$42.22 bil 12.47 3.14
profits as dividends, so the certainty of the Ultimately, its a chicken-and-egg sce- PCCW Hong Kong HK$4.25 HK$32.81 bil 6.76 3.12
yield will be greater. Those who really want nario, he says. We need more choices for ComfortDelGro Corp Singapore S$1.97 S$4.25 bil 5.29 3.11
to go for dividend [payouts] will naturally there to be more interest in dividend ETFs. Singapore Airlines Singapore S$10.13 S$11.98 bil 1.97 3.04
go for a REIT ETF. But he acknowledges The Edge Singapore

CashShield automates fight against fraud

BY BENJAMIN CHER er a person may be trying to execute repeti- antee that guarantee, to make it foolproof. the industry or CashShields model. A lot
tive actions to attack a website, for instance. Since then, CashShield has grown grad- of the time when we spoke to [VCs], it was
WHEN Justin Lie started a business selling ually. It is only in the past two years that the always, Why dont you expand to Indone-
gaming-related accessories and consoles on Challenges of a B2B Singapore start-up company has seen more traction, Lie adds. sia? But in the first place, Indonesia doesnt
eBay 20 years ago, the online auction portal Back in 2008, the Singapore e-commerce Imagine six to seven years ago, approaching have a high credit card penetration rate, so it
was relatively new and only just beginning market was still small, so Lie had to set his large enterprises and saying, Heres a solu- doesnt make sense [to go there]. This kind
to go global. I was around 15 to 16 years sights abroad. If we had focused on the tion to help you detect fraud powered fully of mentality of looking at us as regional is
old, Lie says. It was a perfect world no Singapore market, we would not be here by machines. They will give you that look a huge problem, as our business is global.
issues with fraud or chargebacks. The lat- today, he says. Because of that, it helped they dont trust you. The reason why we CashShield currently has clients in the
ter happen when credit card issuers return us survive for eight years until we found our got more traction in the last two years was US, Europe and Asia, and wanted to avoid
disputed funds to a consumer and ask re- traction. Everything you build, if you want the hype around artificial intelligence and being restricted by accepting the wrong
tailers to pay for it. to go global, you have to go out there to the machine learning, he says. money. Lie says this round of fundraising
But after one or two years in the business, biggest markets in the world. was more about getting strategic investors.
Lie began experiencing difficulties. There Lie started out marketing his technology Expansion plans and raising funds GGV Capital, for instance, was among the
was a surge of keyloggers, interception of in Europe, where he says telcos were strug- CashShield is now looking to enter the US early investors in Alibaba Group Holding.
PayPal user credentials and stolen credit gling with the use of stolen credit cards to and has opened a new office in Menlo Park, Razer CEO Tan Min-Liang and Fadell are
cards, he says. Keyloggers are software that top up prepaid mobile accounts. They had California. This office joins the start-ups four well respected in their industries, Lie adds.
surreptitiously record passwords. Banks be- been hard hit by fraud, losing 7% to 8% of other offices, in Singapore, Berlin, Jakarta Besides expanding into the US, Lie sees
gan asking Lie for money to return to their revenue to such fraud. They even have issues and Shanghai. the potential for CashShield to play a bigger
defrauded customers, which got him thinking with terrorist-funded activities with prepaid We have done enough research that our part in the national security of Singapore.
about ways to catch such fraud in real time. top-up [transactions], he says. solution is able to compete globally, even The start-up has been accredited by the
Starting with variables he keyed into a Early on, Lie managed to arrange meet- from Singapore, says Lie. We want to speak Infocomm Media Development Authoritys
spreadsheet, Lie eventually devised a set of ings with two European telcos. He eventually to Uber, Amazon.com, Airbnb all the big Accreditation@IMDA programme, which
algorithms to detect fraud. While at first he secured a contract, but not before jumping players in the world. helps local companies get government work.
used these algorithms for his e-commerce through some hoops. At the time, Singapore To fund its expansion, CashShield recent- Lie says CashShield is particularly relevant
business, he has since decided it would was not a great place for a high-tech cyber- ly raised US$5.5 million (RM23.16 million) to SingPass, an online ID for access to gov-
be more worthwhile to sell the software to security start-up. Lie had to incorporate a at an undisclosed valuation. This Series A ernment websites. Our technology serves
businesses instead. His solution is already Swiss company and park CashShields tech- round saw participation from investors such as an invisible security at work 24/7. If you
in use at several large enterprises, and he nology there in order to convince European as Tony Fadell, the designer who led the iPod look at SingPass, the recent focus has shifted
is planning on expanding his companys telcos to sign a contract with him. CashShield team at Apple; gaming device brand Razer; to authentication such as 2FA (two-factor
presence in the US. also pitched a 100% chargeback guarantee and venture capital (VC) firms Heliconia authentication), which has created a lot of
Founded in 2008, Lies company in exchange for 1.5% to 2% of customers Capital Management, Stream Global and problems with user experience. Most 2FA
CashShield offers a cloud-based programme gross
oss merchandise value. GGV Capital. This is the first time C CashShield systems require a user to key in a password
that combines algorithms, biometrics and People often [thought] we were is raising capital since its inc inception in and a number sent via text message to a
real-time pattern recognition to detect or from
om China, Lie recalls. It was 2008. Lie had bootstrapped
bootstra his phone, which can create difficulties. For
prevent online fraud. CashShield gathers tough,
ugh, and in order to bridge the start-up, funding it wit with his own example, if you are residing overseas as a
a variety of data points, from screen reso- branding
anding gap, I had to incorpo- money and subsequently
subseque with Singaporean, you cant authenticate your-
lution to the number of tabs in a browser rate
te a Swiss company to brand cash generated from o operations. self. Recently, one of our colleagues lost his
that are open. thee tech to sell to the Europe- Of course we were wer offered phone and went to the police to report it.
We even know if you have addition- ans.
ns. Then we got to the second money before, but we didnt d take But the police said he could only report it
al browsers open or if you are logged into issue:
sue: They wanted to see our it, he says. He found tthat many after receiving the SMS, says Lie.
Facebook, Pinterest, etc. This is interesting financial statements, saying: As VCs did not really understand
un Over time, Lie also wants to add risk man-
as these [provide] clues about you. For ex- a start-up,
tart-up, how can you guarantee agement to CashShields portfolio and is
ample, if you are a hacker committing crimes myy downside? So, to bridge that, I looking to emulate software giants such as
with 10,000 stolen credit cards, you wouldnt had d to knock on the doors of Lie: We have done enough SAP and Oracle. We want to expand our
be logged into Facebook or your other so- a few banks in Germa- research that our product line to cater for everything to do
cial media accounts. We use these clues to ny,
y, like Commerzbank solution is able to with risk management in general, he says.
differentiate the patterns of good behaviour and
nd Deutsche Bank. compete globally, Not just fraud protection for credit cards
and bad behaviour, says Lie. And
nd eventually, one even from or account takeovers, but also risk man-
On smartphones, CashShield can detect of them was willing Singapore. Photo agement products like database protection,
swipes across the screen, typing speeds and to enter a partnership by Albert credit ratings and such. We want to build
pressure points when clicking into specific with
th us, so we got a Chua/The Edge an ecosystem within that as well. The
actions. These can provide clues as to wheth- guarantee
arantee to guar- Singapore Edge Singapore

Sign of tech battles to come

Ubers London fight is due to the aggressive lobbying of politicians
BY PET E R A PPS governments and the tech firms they Getting too close to tech firms now atively autocratic countries such ness model on working around, if
believe have become too power- brings its own political dangers. US as Russia, China and those in the not entirely flouting, pre-existing
ful and contemptuous of rules and think tanks that happily embraced Middle East, where those in author- local regulations.
democratic authority. Uber and its funding from Google now find them- ity have long felt threatened by the The London Uber decision is not

biggest rival Lyft were ejected from selves criticised for it, accused of quick and easy access they offer to that the firm will necessarily be ul-
f there has been one com- the Texas capital of Austin last year for reining in any debate critical of the information. Sometimes, the tech timately banned from the streets, as
mon thread running through refusing to fingerprint their drivers. company and its counterparts. companies have found themselves it will continue to operate pending
almost every industry in the Other cities are clearly watching blocked outright. an appeal. The most likely scenario
last decade, it has been how carefully. New Yorks city regulators Increasing blame Increasingly, the perception has is that the firm and regulators reach
a handful of tech firms have said on Monday they were looking Instead of spreading opportunity, become that many of these firms a deal although that could be a
revolutionised how the world at their own probe into Uber, look- such firms are increasingly blamed are simply willing to push their luck difficult process.
does business. There is Google for ing specifically at its impact on the for killing jobs. Amazons success is to see what they can get away with. Early signs are that the firm is
accessing information; Twitter for citys own yellow cab sector. at the heart of what trade analysts indeed willing to compromise. On
sharing opinion and news; Face- Political perceptions of these refer to as the retail apocalypse, Protecting user data Monday, its chief executive officer
book for interacting with friends; tech firms are changing too. After the shutting of growing numbers of Technology firms do have a difficult sent London authorities a contrite
Amazon for shopping, Airbnb for the so-called Arab Spring, many stores across the US and beyond. balance to strike. Google, Apple and letter saying that the firm realised
places to stay and Uber for getting Western governments and the Uber has proved toxic to more tight- others have long made a virtue of it had to change. Mayor Khan wel-
around. Obama administration in particular ly controlled taxi industries. The protecting user data against what comed the statement, saying he
Until relatively recently, most openly praised the tech firms as drivers of Londons famous black they see as overly intrusive requests favoured talks to resolve the issue.
consumers and governments took being a positive global influence, cabs have been particularly hard for access by authorities. In some What Khan a fast-rising star
this as a positive trend. While there helping democratise the world. hit, and their aggressive lobbying areas, the rights and wrongs are ar- within the opposition Labour Par-
were disputes over individual and That assumption unravelled as of politicians is seen as one of the guable. In others, however such ty has demonstrated is that the
limited issues not least the com- the same platforms later fuelled the key factors behind London mayor as the payment of tax govern- firm can only operate if authorities
panies unwillingness to pay tax rise of far right parties in Europe Sadiq Khans decision to suspend ments and campaigners believe allow it to do so. It is fundamentally
or comply with requests from lo- and the Trump presidential cam- Ubers operating licence. the issues are much more clear-cut. replaceable indeed, there have
cal regulators they usually were paign. Under Congressional pres- The decision proved immediate- In many respects, Uber and already been suggestions that a
seen as good for the economy and sure, Facebook voluntarily turned ly contentious. For all the criticisms Airbnb are seen among the most quickly-formed rival with better
job opportunities. With their slick over details of 3,000 election-relat- of Uber, it has slashed transport egregious examples of companies employment and safety practices
lobbying and PR operations, the ed ads that appeared to have been costs for its users. It has also pro- that have seriously and deliber- might take its place.
tech entrepreneurs of Silicon Val- paid for by Russia-linked buyers. vided opportunities for hundreds ately pushed the limits of what is Giant tech firms are unlikely to
ley were courted by politicians and Such scrutiny may only be the of thousands around the world. An strictly legal. While Londons al- go away. But neither are national or
civil society alike. beginning. Increasingly, firms such Uber-launched petition to reverse ready more stringent taxi regula- local governments, democratically
as Facebook and Twitter are be- the London ban quickly notched tion means Uber needs a licence, elected or otherwise. With a host
Wider backlash ing blamed for seismic changes up 600,000 signatures. in many other cities both it and its of new technologies coming down
That is changing. The decision by in Western political systems, ac- For the firms themselves, this is a drivers operate outside the con- the line self-driving cars, auto-
London authorities to strip Uber of cused of allowing themselves to familiar dynamic. Facebook, Google ventional taxi licensing system. matic shops, artificial intelligence
its licence to operate in the British be hijacked by automatic bots and and Twitter in particular have been Airbnb lets out rooms in cities that many controlled by the same
capital is part of a wider backlash hardliners to radicalise politics and tangling with national governments explicitly ban short-term rentals. companies, these fights are only
in a rapidly escalating war between often spread extremism. since they began operating in rel- Both have based their entire busi- going to get bloodier. Reuters

Germanys economic road ahead

BY C L EMENS FU EST ing a large swath of the population and disability insurance, not with vestment and innovation. French approach would be to include road
dependent on transfers earned by pension insurance. And besides, President Emmanuel Macrons gov- traffic in the emissions-metering
others, Germanys leaders should early retirement can still be made ernment has announced plans to system under the Paris climate
ensure that all workers receive the an option, as long as it is marked abolish Frances wealth tax and sig- agreement, because this would
training needed to pursue oppor- down accordingly. nificantly reduce its corporate-tax allow emissions cuts to be made
THE next German government will tunities in the labour market of Globalisation whether it takes rate. The governments of Sweden, at the lowest possible cost.
face economic-policy challenges the future. the form of migration or flows of the UK, and the US have also an- The last major challenge for Ger-
in five key areas: digitalisation and As it happens, Germanys ageing trade, capital, and data poses nounced plans to cut taxes. manys next government is its poli-
automation, demographic change, population and declining workforce an equally large challenge, even The German government, cy toward Europe. Germany needs
globalisation, climate change and will create labour shortages in the though it has been a boon to Ger- whether it likes it or not, cannot the EU to surmount its current cri-
European integration. years ahead. But instead of seizing many in recent decades. escape the effects of global tax sis, deepen the internal market,
With respect to digitalisation, the opportunity in front of them, Growing cross-border mobili- competition. But as it looks for and develop a common defence
Germany tends to fluctuate be- German policymakers have been ty has put Germany under severe ways to improve its tax regime, it and security policy, so that it can
tween excessive enthusiasm for busy worrying about the elimina- competitive pressure. Germany must not allow certain sectors reap the benefits of European in-
expanding fibre-optic networks and tion of skilled labour altogether. wants to attract companies and not least those with heavily digital- tegration. Joint arms procurement
fear of the impact of new, largely These fears make no sense. In 1900, investment, but it also wants to ised business models to evade and closer operational cooperation
unregulated business models, such 38% of the labour force in Germa- create as many high-paying jobs taxation entirely. would yield significant efficiency
as those underpinning avatars of ny worked in agriculture; in 2000, as possible. Germany thus benefits Climate change is another facet gains, and reduce the burden on
the sharing economy like Uber only 2% did. And yet the full-scale from immigrants with above-aver- of globalisation, because here, too, EU member states budgets.
and Airbnb. automation of agriculture did not age qualifications, because they will there is nothing that Germany can Moreover, the European Mon-
But German policymakers must lead to mass unemployment. earn enough to pay more in taxes do by itself to halt global warming. etary Union is in desperate need
not respond to such sentiments with In the recent federal election than they receive in state benefits. Rather, the government must work of reform. Instead of waiting for
knee-jerk reactions. Rolling out a na- campaign, both of Germanys main To bring in capital and high-skill with its European partners to forge the next crisis to erupt, Germany
tionwide fibre-optic network, rather political parties ruled out proposals immigrants, Germany needs to global climate agreements, while should see to it that European banks
than simply servicing the locales that to raise the retirement age to 70, keep taxes low. But this limits its enacting measures to mitigate the hold fewer domestic government
are most in need, would be both ex- even though there are good reasons ability to use taxation as a mech- effects of climate change at home. bonds. In cases where individual
pensive and inefficient. And politi- for doing precisely that. anism for redistribution. But as Germany pursues its emis- member states have incurred too
cians should focus their regulatory Raising the retirement age For now, Germany can still fi- sions reductions, it should keep an much debt, private creditors
efforts on ensuring that sensible to shore up a statutory pension nance its welfare state. But with eye on cost-effectiveness, because not taxpayers of other countries
digital business models and private scheme is often denounced as un- such a globalised economy, it can- no climate agenda can succeed should bear the burden of debt
investment are not obstructed. fair, because people with physically not count on subsidies funded by without social acceptance. restructuring. Project Syndicate
With digitalisation also comes demanding jobs, such as nurses general tax revenues to offset fu- Viewed from this perspective,
automation and robotisation, which and manual labourers, cannot be ture shortfalls in its social-secu- selective interventions, such as a
many fear will lead to job losses. expected to work until they are 70. rity system. proposed ban on internal combus- Clemens Fuest is president of the Ifo
But such a response would be But that is a problem that should To remain competitive, Germa- tion engines after 2030, would thus Institute and professor of economics
a terrible mistake. Instead of mak- be addressed through higher wages ny needs to change how it taxes in- be counterproductive. A far better at the University of Munich.
W O R L D B U S I N E S S 19

Electric vehicles
draw growing Bombardier nears IN BRIEF

Google to create shopping

unit to avoid EU nes

deal with Air Baltic

list of converts BRUSSELS: Google formally of-
but lack killer fered its solution to avoid more
European Union (EU) mega
spark for now fines on Wednesday, proposing
to run its controversial shop-
ping service as a stand-alone
BY A N TO NY C U RRI E business. The European Com-
mission (EC) in June slapped
NEW YORK: Add BHP Billiton
and vacuum-cleaner maker Dy-
It is set to sell at least 14 C Series jets valued at US$1.25b Google with a record 2.4 billion
(RM11.95 billion) fine for illegal-
son to the list of converts to the ly favouring its shopping service
electric-vehicle revolution. Ar- MONTREAL: Bombardier Inc, the Gauss said in an interview from neighbours are among the worlds in search results. The fine came
noud Balhuizen, chief commer- Canadian plane-maker facing US Riga, Latvia. Its not clear when we closest allies and trading partners, after seven years of investigation
cial officer at the worlds largest import duties on its C Series jet, will place the order, but we will re- with more than half a trillion US launched by complaints from
miner, told Reuters on Tuesday is nearing a deal to sell at least 14 place our turboprops with C Series. dollars worth of goods exchanged other price-comparison servic-
that battery-powered cars will of the planes to Air Baltic Corp in Air Baltics endorsement provides annually. So the US imposition es that lost 90% of traffic against
reach a tipping point this year. an order with a list value of about a boost to Bombardier after the US of a 220% countervailing duty on Google Shopping, according
On the same day, James Dyson US$1.25 billion (RM5.29 billion). Commerce Department slapped du- a major Canadian manufacturer to the EC. Were implement-
said his firm has had some 400 The carrier is set to buy CS300 ties on the C Series, citing unfair Ca- drew strong criticism. ing a remedy to comply with
engineers building one for more models definitely before the end nadian subsidies after a complaint Bombardier, unions representing the European Commissions
than two years and expects to of next year, Air Baltic chief exec- by Boeing Co. A major C Series order Canadian aerospace workers, and recent decision, Al Verney, a
have a model in production by utive officer Martin Gauss said on from a non-US carrier would alleviate both the Canadian and Quebec gov- spokesman for Google said in
2020. With Tesla, Volvo, Gen- Wednesday, fewer than 24 hours af- fears that a ramp-up in production ernments assailed the duties as ab- a statement. Google, which was
eral Motors (GM), Volkswagen ter the US imposed the preliminary would be interrupted next year or surd, ridiculous, madness and given until yesterday to provide
and others all launching or an- restrictions. The airline will switch to in 2019, said Nicholas Heymann, an an attempt to stifle competition. its remedy or face further fines,
nouncing new electric vehicles, an all-C Series fleet, having settled analyst at William Blair & Co. This The US move would also have a is also appealing the decision at
it may sound like the internal on an additional purchase of the is a hot-button issue for investors. negative impact on the current re- EU court. AFP
combustion engine is heading Bombardier jets after also consider- According to an AFP report, Can- negotiation of the North American
for the scrapyard. ing Embraer SAs E2 aircraft family. ada-US trade relations took a no- Free Trade Agreement, they warned, Etihad Airways appoints
Theres willingness to switch We have made the strategic sedive on Wednesday after the an- and called for retaliatory measures. Tony Douglas as CEO
to electric vehicles. Deutsche decision to go to an all-jet fleet, nouncement of the duties. The two Bloomberg/AFP BERLIN: Etihad Aviation Group
Post, Unilever and IKEA were moved forward with its renew-
among 10 large enterprises that al by appointing British mili-
committed last week to ditch gas tary and aviation veteran Tony
guzzlers for battery-powered Douglas to take charge of the
ones but only by 2030. Even Abu Dhabi-based carrier, suc-
Balhuizen reckons itll take until ceeding James Hogan, architect
2035 to have 140 million electric of its failed bets on insolvent
autos on the roads compared Alitalia SpA and Air Berlin plc.
with at most two million today. Douglas will join Etihad as chief
Cost is a major problem. Cars executive officer (CEO) in Janu-
powered by batteries are up to ary 2018 from the UKs defence
US$20,000 (RM84,600) more ministry, where he was respon-
expensive than gas-propelled sible for procuring and sup-
ones, according to Evercore ISI. porting all the equipment and
A driver of the GM Bolt, for ex- services for the British Armed
ample, could save US$300 a year Forces, the state-owned carrier
on fuel. That means itd take at said yesterday in a statement.
least 30 years to cover the extra The executive has aviation ex-
outlay, estimate the banks ana- perience, previously managing
lysts almost three times longer Heathrows Terminal 5 project
than the average American car and serving as CEO of Abu Dha-
stays in service. Over time, those bi Airports. Bloomberg
costs will come down, though
increased demand is already Millionaires wealth
pushing up the price of key raw reaches record US$63.5tril
materials like lithium and copper. HONG KONG: The number of
The rise of autonomous driving millionaires in the world rose
may change the economics. If a by nearly 8% last year to an
carmaker, for example, were to all-time high of around 16.5
run a fleet of self-driving taxis, Saudi Arabia raises US$12.5b from US dollar bond oering million people, with record to-
it could rake in multiples of the tal wealth of US$63.5 trillion,
average US$35,000 or so in rev- BY ARCHANA NARAYAN AN billion of the 10-year tranche and Treasuries, 10-year tranche at according to a report by global
enue it currently gets from just US$4.5 billion of the 30-year offer- 145bps, and 30-year bonds at 180bps. consultancy firm Capgemini.
selling the car. DUBAI: Saudi Arabia raised US$12.5 ing, people familiar with the mat- Yields on the nations existing The wealth of high net worth in-
Trouble is, that remains years billion (RM52.88 billion) from its ter said, declining to be identified bonds rose on Wednesday, with dividuals which Capgemini
off. And there are other chal- second US dollar bond sale this year because the information is private. the rate on its dollar securities defines as those with investable
lenges. Access to some metals is as the kingdom bolsters its finances Investors submitted about US$40 due 2026 climbing 6bps, the most assets of US$1 million (RM4.23
far from secure: Around half of amid an economic overhaul. billion in bids, they said. since July on a closing basis, to million) or more, excluding the
the current supply and estimat- The government sold US$3 bil- Long five-year notes were priced 3.47% as of 6.33pm in London. primary residence, collectibles
ed reserves of cobalt are in the lion of long five-year notes, US$5 at 110 basis points (bps) over US Bloomberg and consumables rose 8.2%
Democratic Republic of Congo, on the year in 2016 and is on
a country plagued by conflict, track to surpass US$100 trillion
drought and child labour. That by 2025. Reuters
explains why Volkswagen is try-
ing to secure a reliable supply of
cobalt for the next 10 years or so,
Novartis eyes drug maker AAA deal BNP to advise on US$7b
Saudi power plant sale
Reuters reported last week. DUBAI: Saudi Arabia hired BNP
Add up the various prog- BY M ANUEL BAIGORR I, Novartis has approached AAA used to diagnose and treat diseases Paribas SA to advise on the sale
nostications and electric-on- DINESH NAIR & AARON K I RC HFE LD about a deal and held talks, the such as cancer. of a US$7.2 billion (RM30.46
ly-powered cars, with most of people said, asking not to be iden- Novartis is hunting for assets to billion) power plant, according
them driving themselves, will LONDON: Novartis AG is consider- tified because the deliberations are bolster its businesses in areas from to people familiar with the mat-
almost certainly become the ing a deal for radiopharmaceutical private. AAA could also attract in- cancer to cardiovascular disease. ter. Saline Water Conversion
norm by mid-century. Thats company Advanced Accelerator terest from other drug makers, they The company also faces decisions Co (SWCC) is working with the
still plenty of time for the inter- Applications SA (AAA) as the giant said. No deal has been reached and on the future of its ailing Alcon French lender to find a buyer
nal combustion engine to ride Swiss drug maker seeks acquisi- talks may fall apart, the people said. eye-care business and its stake in for the plant, the biggest of its
off into the sunset. Reuters tions to boost growth, according France-based AAA makes radiop- crosstown rival Roche Holding AG. kind when it was built in 2014,
to people familiar with the matter. harmaceuticals, or radioactive drugs, Bloomberg the people said. Bloomberg

China sets 2019 deadline IN BRIEF

S Korea to oer tax help,

loans to rms hit by

for green-car sales targets

China trade measures
SEOUL: The South Korean gov-
ernment will offer tax conces-
sions and loans to companies
affected by trade measures
China imposed on South Ko-
rea businesses in retaliation
against Seouls deployment of
Global automakers should be relieved with this relaxing of an earlier launch plan a powerful defence system, the
finance ministry said yesterday.
The government plans to allow
BY N O R I H I KO SHI ROUZU dustry ministry said in a statement However, global automotive man- Co said in a statement responding duty- free operators and other
& A DA M JOU RDA N yesterday. That level would rise to ufacturers wrote to Chinese author- to the announcement. retailers operating in China to
12% for 2020. ities in June, urging a softening of General Motors Co said it would defer all or part of their corpo-
BEIJING/SHANGHAI: China has The targets, announced by the the proposals for all-electric battery strive to comply with the NEV rate income and value-added
set a deadline of 2019 to impose industry and information technol- vehicles and electric plug-in hybrids. mandatory requirements, though taxes for up to nine months.
tough new sales targets for electric ogy ministry, remove an explicit Under the rules, carmakers will it added continued joint efforts by The ministry added it will offer
plug-in and hybrid vehicles, slightly 8% quota for 2018, but otherwise receive credits for NEVs that can be the government and companies cheap loans to auto-component
relaxing an earlier plan to launch match previously announced plans. transferred or traded. These cred- are essential to build broad-based makers hit by declining sales
the rules from next year that had left The quotas are a key part of a its will be used to calculate if firms consumer acceptance for NEVs. in China of vehicles made by
global automakers worried about drive by China, the worlds largest have met the quotas. Japans Honda Motor Co Ltd South Korean companies such
being able to comply. auto market, to develop its own We welcome the Chinese auto said it planned to launch an electric as Hyundai Motor Co. Reuters
Carmakers will need so-called NEV market, with a long-term aim industrys shift towards greater battery car in China next year and
new-energy vehicles (NEVs) to hit to ban the production and sale of adoption of NEVs and will com- would try to expand our line-up Comac says C919
a threshold equivalent to 10% of cars that use traditional fuels an- ply with relevant regulations pre- of new energy vehicles to meet passenger jet completed
annual sales by 2019, Chinas in- nounced earlier this month. sented by authorities, Ford Motor the quotas. Reuters second test ight
SHANGHA: Chinas domesti-
cally developed C919 passenger
jet completed its second test
Toshiba inks flight yesterday, the jets maker
Commercial Aircraft Corp of

deal to sell China Ltd (Comac) said, but the

duration and near five-month
gap since its first flight have
chip arm to raised questions over wheth-
er its latest delivery target can

Bain group be met. The programme faced

lengthy delays and missed its
original target of delivery to
customers by 2016 a date re-
BY PAVEL A L PEY EV portedly pushed back to 2020.
Sales to date have been restrict-
TOKYO: Toshiba Corp signed ed largely to its home market
a final agreement to sell its because it has yet to be certi-
flash memory chip business fied by regulators in the US and
to a group led by Bain Capital Europe. Reuters
for about 2 trillion (RM75
billion), moving a step closer Eni to expand Singapore
to completing the deal after LNG desk to market
months of contentious ne- Mozambique supplies
gotiations. SINGAPORE: Eni plans to
The Bain consortium in- expand its Singapore trading
cludes major technology ZhongAns stellar day one does not a bright future make desk to market liquefied nat-
players Apple Inc, Dell Inc, SK ural gas (LNG) supplies from
Hynix Inc and Japans Hoya BY NISHA GOPALAN & S HU LI RE N then maintained, between its chair- any time. Rival ZTO Express Cayman new projects such as Mozam-
Corp, while Toshiba itself will man Ou Yaping and the three Mas. Inc was tagged as Alibabas delivery bique to buyers in Asia, senior
maintain a stake, the compa- HONG KONG: ZhongAn Online ZhongAn is 13.8% owned by Jack service of choice before its New York executives from the Italian oil
ny said in a statement yes- P&C Insurance Co is flying high, Mas Ant Financial, an affiliate of Al- listing in October last year. and gas companys trading arm
terday. The total value of the but what is the risk should its big- ibaba Group Holding Ltd, 10.4% by The last well-received mega IPO said. The expansion comes
transaction may change de- name backers, well, back off? Tencent Holdings Ltd, whose chief in Hong Kong Huatai Securities after Eni decided earlier this
pending on capital expendi- The online insurers stock surged executive officer is Pony Ma, and Cos US$4.5 billion 2015 listing year to integrate its LNG busi-
tures. as much as 18.1% in Hong Kong yes- 10% by Ping An Insurance Group poses a cautionary tale. The Chinese ness with its upstream unit so
The deal is aimed at keep- terday after an initial public offering Co, whose chairman is Ma Mingzhe. brokerages float was also more than that it can act as the marketing
ing control of an important (IPO) that was more than 100 times SoftBank Group Corp, a cornerstone 100 times oversubscribed as inves- arm for new projects that are
business in Japan, while se- oversubscribed. Initial share sales investor, holds almost 5%. tors rushed to buy shares in the be- coming on-stream in the next
curing the funding needed to in the city that have raised at least The question for investors is will lief that the more individual players years, Franco Magnani, chief
help Toshiba repair its dam- US$500 million (RM2.1 billion) Alibaba, the insurers biggest share- in Chinas stock market, the more executive officer of Eni Trad-
aged balance sheet. have risen an average 4.2% on their holder and source of almost half its commissions for brokers. Chinese ing and Shipping told Reuters.
Toshiba is selling off its first day of trade, data compiled by premiums last year via shipping stocks cratered later that year, and Reuters
chips business to pay for bil- Bloomberg show. return insurance, still be willing to Huatais shares, which declined 18%
lions of dollars in losses in its But valuing an insurance compa- back ZhongAn when it gets its own in 2016, have languished. Japans economic
US nuclear business. ny more like a technology firm, es- online insurance licence? At the moment, ZhongAn, as expansion broadening,
The company needs to pecially when it is projected to make As Alibabas taking control of un- Chinas only publicly listed online says BoJs Kuroda
raise the money by March a significant loss this year, is always profitable delivery business Cainiao insurance company, has sentiment TOKYO: Bank of Japan gov-
to avoid seeing its shares del- dicey. ZhongAns growth ultimately Smart Logistics Network Ltd this on its side. That could be fleeting. ernor (BoJ) Haruhiko Kuroda
isted from the Tokyo Stock hinges on the close ties forged, and week showed, backers can vanish at Bloomberg said yesterday the countrys
Exchange. It expects the deal economic expansion is broad-
to close by March 31 and aims ening and likely to be highly
to regain positive net worth sustainable. But he reiterat-
by the end of the fiscal year.
The final agreements sign-
Amazon girds for rivals Apple, Google in home devices push ed the BoJs commitment to
maintain its massive stimulus
ing is a major step toward programme with inflation dis-
completing a deal that has BY M AR K GUR M AN es, unveiled a slew of consumer not key to Amazons bottom line, tant from its 2% target. De-
undergone numerous twists gadgets including an Alexa-powered they serve as important conduits spite an expanding economy,
and turns since January. SAN FRANCISCO: Amazon.com digital-home hub, a smaller and for popularising and expanding the prices continue to hover on a
Apple played a central role Inc, girding for competition from cheaper Echo speaker, and a new Alexa voice-based digital assistant, weak note, Kuroda said in a
in resolving the tumultuous Apple Inc and Google in the race mini Echo with a screen, called Spot. which is integrated into the latest speech at an annual meeting
auction. Bloomberg to equip homes with smart devic- Though hardware products are devices. Bloomberg of securities firms. Reuters
W O R L D 21

defends Abe dissolves IN BRIEF

Thai junta chief says

fugutive ex-PM

Yingluck in Dubai
company BANGKOK: Thailands junta
leader yesterday said fugitive
BY A H M E D FA RH AT HA ex-premier Yingluck Shinawatra
is in Dubai, a day after she was
BENGALURU (India): Facebook handed a five-year jail term in
Incs chief executive officer Mark absentia for negligence. Prayut
Zuckerberg on Wednesday de- Chan-O-Chas first clear com-
fended his companys role in US
elections and rejected assertions
Tokyo governor has upended Japanese politics in recent days ments on Yinglucks wherea-
bouts came a month after she
in a tweet from US President ghosted out off Thailand, duck-
Donald Trump that the social BY HIROSHI HIYAM A mandate for his hardline stance veiled on Wednesday, has attracted ing a court ruling over charges
network was against him. & RICHAR D CARTER on North Korea and a new tax plan. an influx of lawmakers from a wide she failed to stop graft and loss-
Zuckerberg has been on the Abe asked for public support for range of ideological backgrounds es in a costly rice subsidy policy
defensive for weeks over revela- TOKYO: Japanese Prime Minister his strong diplomacy on North and could unify opposition to Abe, by her government. I learned
tions that Russian agents bought Shinzo Abe officially dissolved par- Korea. presenting Japanese voters with a from the foreign ministry that
ads on Facebook and created liament yesterday, effectively kick- Abe stunned Japan on Monday credible alternative to the premier. now she is in Dubai, said Prayut.
fake accounts to inflame politi- ing off a national election campaign with a surprise call for a snap elec- The head of the main opposition Once a fresh arrest warrant is is-
cal tensions in the US ahead of where he faces an unexpected and tion, seeking to capitalise on a weak Democratic Party (DP) proposed to sued, Thai authorities may pro-
the 2016 presidential vote. In a formidable challenge from the pop- opposition and a boost in the polls, members that the DP should not run ceed with extradition efforts, he
Facebook post on Wednesday ular governor of Tokyo. as voters welcome his hawkish North candidates in the Oct 22 poll and told reporters. Defence Minis-
Zuckerberg said both Trump Members of the lower house Korea policy. that they were free to join Koikes ter Prawit Wongsuwan, a key
and liberals were upset about raised their arms and shouted But Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike new group. architect of the coup that took
ideas and content on Facebook Banzai three times the Japa- has upended Japanese politics in For the moment, although Koike down Yinglucks government,
during the campaign. nese equivalent of three cheers recent days, stealing Abes limelight is leading the party, she is not run- said its good she is in Dubai.
Thats what running a plat- after the speaker read out a let- with her newly launched Party of ning for a seat in parliament, pre- Although dont have extradition
form for all ideas looks like, ter from Abe officially dissolving Hope that seeks to shake up the ferring to concentrate on govern- treaty... Dubai officials informed
Zuckerberg said on Wednesday. the chamber. countrys lethargic political land- ing the worlds most populous city our foreign ministry that they will
Zuckerburg noted that the Voters will go to the polls on Oct scape. in the run-up to the 2020 Olympic not allow Yingluck to make any
2016 campaign was the first in 22, as Abe seeks a fresh popular Koikes new party, formally un- Games. AFP political move. AFP
the US where the Internet was
a primary way candidates com- Taiwan to allow
visa-free entry for

Tributes flow as pioneer of

municated and said the ability of
candidates and voters to interact visitors from Philippines
was a good thing. TAIPEI: Taiwan will allow vi-

Singapore law retires

He also pointed to get out sa-free entry for visitors from
the vote efforts that had spurred the Philippines in hopes that
almost two million people to the Southeast Asian nation
register to vote. He also said he will reciprocate the gesture, a
regretted saying after the election spokesman for the self-ruled
that it was crazy to think that BY VALERIE KOH About 500 lawmakers, lawyers Chao had been reluctant for yes- islands cabinet said yesterday.
misinformation on Facebook and public servants packed the Su- terdays fanfare over his retirement, Taiwan does not have formal
changed the outcome of the elec- SINGAPORE: In a rare formal cere- preme Court Auditorium for Justice Chief Justice Menon added. diplomatic relations with the
tion, adding that the comment mony, the legal fraternity paid trib- Chao yesterday, with eight speeches Justice Chaos accomplishments Philippines, which recognises
was dismissive. ute on Wednesday to long-serving delivered by, among others, Chief in the domestic and international the one China policy under
Earlier on Wednesday, Judge of Appeal Chao Hick Tin, who Justice Sundaresh Menon, Law Min- arenas included Singapores Pe- which Manila acknowledges
Trumps tweet criticised Face- retired yesterday on his 75th birth- ister K Shanmugam and Law Soci- dra Branca dispute with Malaysia the Chinese position that there
book as anti-Trump and sug- day after five decades in the public ety president Gregory Vijayendran. and the water treaties between both is only one China and Taiwan is
gested the company could have service. The Singapore Academy of Law countries. part of it. Whether the visa-free
colluded with other media out- It was only the second time the also launched a book titled A Judge Former law minister S Jayakumar policy takes effect in October or
lets that opposed him. ceremony, called a valedictory refer- for the Ages. said he admired the judge for his November is to be decided by
Facebook is part of investiga- ence, was accorded to a judge leav- The speakers highlighted Jus- robust manner in advancing and the foreign ministry, said Hsu
tions both houses of Congress ing the Bench. First held in 1990 for tice Chaos even temperament and protecting the nations interests. Kong-yung, the spokesman of
and special counsel Robert Mu- retiring chief justice Wee Chong Jin, humility. A judges task is to deal with the Taiwans executive yuan, or cab-
eller are conducting into Russian a valedictory reference is a formal After being appointed the repub- parties before him and their counsel inet. Reuters
influence in the 2016 election. sitting of the full Supreme Court lics top judge, Chief Justice Menon fairly and impartially ... to ensure
Facebook on Wednesday was Bench to mark significant events, said he asked Justice Chao to contin- that justice in according with the Google, Facebook,
asked to testify before two sepa- usually the appointment of a new ue serving to tap the latters wisdom. law is ultimately done in every case, Twitter asked to testify
rate Congressional committees. chief justice. True to his character, Justice Justice Chao said. TODAYonline in Russia probe
WASHINGTON: The Senate In-
telligence Committee has asked
top tech companies Google,
Playboy founder dies at 91 Facebook and Twitter to testify
about Russian interference in
1960 US politics, a Senate aide con-
FRANKFURT: The founder of Play- pictorials of semi-naked women Hugh Hefner First Playboy Club opens in Chicago firmed on Wednesday. The three
boy magazine, Hugh Hefner, who and articles on gender relations. Founder of Playboy magazine Internet and online social media
turned his swinging lifestyle into Playboys celebration of the fe- Died on September 27, aged 91 1962 giants are expected to appear on
a professional calling and taught male body and redefinition of male Jazz great Miles Davis features in Nov 1 in an open hearing on the
the first "Playboy Interview"
Americans to be more open about pastimes transformed sex from a rising evidence that they were
sex, has died. He was 91. forbidden topic into dinner-table 1972 covertly manipulated in a cam-
Hefner died from natural causes conversation. First foreign edition of Playboy paign to help Donald Trump win
surrounded by friends and family at His monthly publication re- magazine in Germany the presidency. AFP
his home, the Playboy Mansion, in mained the USs most popular
Los Angeles, according to a post on mens magazine for four decades, 1988 Vanuatu orders mass
Playboys official Twitter feed and driving sales for a single issue to Hefner's daughter Christie takes evacuation of
a news release published on the PR seven million by the early 1970s. over as chairman of Playboy volcano island
Newswire. Hefners wish was to be He claimed Playboy had a profound Enterprises, stays in the post WELLINGTON: Vanuatu yes-
buried in a crypt he bought next to effect on American society by ad- 1953 to 2009 terday ordered the compulsory
the grave of Marilyn Monroe in Los vancing the cause of press freedom, First issue of Playboy magazine, evacuation of an entire island
Angeles. Pictures of a nude Monroe racial equality and womens rights. featuring nude pictures of 2014 where a huge volcano rum-
catapulted Playboy to success with He was perhaps the greatest Marilyn Monroe Playboy magazine celebrates bled to life over the weekend,
its first edition in 1953. counter to the Puritan ethic weve 60th anniversary threatening a major eruption.
The direct descendant of a Pu- ever seen, Garth Jowett, a profes- Hefner hosts TV show Playboy's Source: playboyenterprises.com All 11,000 people on the island of
ritan who arrived in America on sor of communications at the Uni- Penthouse Ambae in the Pacific archipel-
the Mayflower, Hefner shattered versity of Houston, said in a 2003 agos north will be evacuated
traditional attitudes to sex in the interview in the Houston Chroni- by Oct 6, Prime Minister Charlot
1950s and 60s with centerfold cle. Bloomberg Salwais office said. AFP
live it!


by numbers
29.09.17 to 01.10.17
Your quick guide to rest and relaxation. By Hannah Merican

3 theatre performances to catch

Letters End Youre a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Watch Australia-based theatre clown Wolfe Bowart per- Watch Youre A Good Man, Charlie Brown this weekend.
form as part of DiverseCity 2017 KL International Arts Join Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang as they con-
Festival. Bowart uses puppetry, interactive film, illusion template on the meaning of being happy and how to be
and physical comedy to lure viewers into a world littered a good man in their own special way. This heartfelt tale
with lost letters and packages. The magic starts when explores the themes of hope, friendship and happiness
a teddy bear falls out of a torn parcel as a man working as they learn to make the most of things they want in life.
at a furnace prepares to toss it into the fire. The scruffy The local cast features a stellar line-up of performers such
toy stirs a poignant memory. As the man rips open let- as Benjamin Lin, Peter Ong, Joel Wong and Safia Hanifah.
ters he is tasked with burning, he faces more long-lost The performance will be on until Oct 8 at the Damansara
memories. The performance is on tomorrow and Sun- Performing Arts Centre (DPAC). Tickets are priced be-
day at 11am and 3pm. Tickets are priced at RM30 and tween RM 88 to RM258. The DPAC is located at Empire
RM70. It will be held at Auditorium Bandaraya, DBKL Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/8, Damansara Perdana, Petal-
Tower 1, Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. For more in- ing Jaya. For more information visit www.dpac.com.my.
formation call (03) 2617 9000.

The circus comes to town with Cre this weekend keeping
the audience in awe with aerial stunts, fire-spinning, flying
pole acrobatics, dazzling visuals and graphics. The perfor-
mance will not use bars, rings and animals, instead, aim
to showcase nature and the elements of air, water, earth
and fire. The company will collaborate with physical art
studio Viva Circus and contemporary circus performing
group Psycusix. The performance will be on tonight till
Sunday from 8.30pm to 3pm. Tickets are priced between
RM68 and RM168. Cre will be on at Pentas 1, KLPAC, Jalan
Strachan, off Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Kuala Lumpur.

2 films to watch this weekend

Stronger The Foreigner
Inspired by the true story of Jackie Chan stars as Quan, a humble
Jeff Bauman, the film follows London businessman whose hid-
an ordinary man who cap- den past erupts in a revenge-fuelled
tured the hearts of Boston vendetta when his teenage daugh-
and the world after the infa- ter dies in a senseless act of po-
mous 2013 Boston Marathon litically-motivated terrorism. His
incident. Jeff is a 27-year-old search to find the terrorists leads
working-class Boston man to a cat-and-mouse conflict with a
who was at the marathon to British government official whose
try and win back his ex-girlfriend, Erin. While waiting for her at the finish line, the past may possibly hold clues to the
blast occurs and he loses both his legs. After regaining consciousness, he helps identities of the killers. The film also
law enforcement by identifying one of the bombers. This film follows Baumans stars Pierce Brosnan and Charlie
heroic journey in overcoming adversity and awakening his inner courage. The Murphy. Log on to www.cinema.
film stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Tatiana Maslany and Miranda Richardson. Log on to com.my to find out more about
www.cinema.com.my to find out more about screening times and schedules. screening times and schedules.
live it! 23


4 music performances to groove to

Percussion Paradise
Hands Percussions 20th anniversary cele-
bration will culminate with the Malaysian
drumers sharing the stage with Sisu Per-
cussion from Norway, marimba player Tan
Su Yin and musician Mat Din, all wearing
costumes by local designer Moto Guo. The
collaboration is a natural fit for the group
that started out with Chinese drums and
has expanded its repertoire to include the
gamelan, gendang and kompang performed
in stylised movements, with Western per- Beethovens Emperor
cussion instruments beating in tandem. The Under the baton of Naohisa Furusawa, Malaysian pianist
performance is on tomorrow at 3pm and Tengku Ahmad Irfan and the Malaysian Philharmonic Or-
8.30pm. Tickets are priced between RM78 chestra (MPO) will perform Beethovens Piano Concerto
to RM428. The performance will take place No 5 which is also known as the Emperor Concerto. Bee-
at Plenary Hall, KL Convention Centre, Jalan thovens Symphony 7 is also on the programme as well as
Pinang, Kuala Lumpur. For more informa- Toru Takemitsus Requiem for String Orchestra and Vivi-
tion call 012 502 6883. an Chuas Mercu Kegemilangan,which is commissioned
by the MPO. The performance will be on tomorrow and
Sunday at 8.30pm and 3pm. Tickets are priced at RM60,
RM90, RM120 and RM150. The Dewan Filharmonic Pet-
ronas is located at the Petronas Twin Towers, KLCC. For
more information visit www.mpo.com.my.

Michael Pigneguy Quartet featuring

Samantha de Lune
As a regular visitor to Malaysia, Michael Gadis Kebaya
Pigneguy returns to No Black Tie tomorrow Z Yan and Ezza will perform
to showcase new material with the release reimagined and rearranged
of his single My Valentine which features renditions of songs that hark
Samantha de Lune. Pigneguy is influenced back to Old Malaya. Expect
by a variety of musical genres, including songs from the likes of P Ram-
jazz, Afro-Cuban and electronic music. De lee, Saloma, Teresa Teng, and
Lune will be joining Pigneguy on stage. The Lee Yee. Tickets are priced at
performance will be on tonight at 10pm. RM70. The performance will
Tickets are priced at RM53. No Black Tie is be on tonight at 9pm. Thea-
located at 17 Jalan Mesui, off Jalan Nagasa- tre Lounge Caf is located at
ri, Kuala Lumpur. To make a reservation call B1-3A, Plaza Damas 3, Jalan
(03) 2142 3737. Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur.
Call (03) 6730 7982.

1 excuse to work out

Weekly Community Yoga Class at APW Bangsar
Learn about the basics of yoga with this weekly community class. A great
class for beginners, it will be led by a certified yoga teacher. If you already
practice yoga on your own, you are also welcome to take part in this class.
The community classes at APW are a great opportunity to meet people
from different walks of life who share the same interest of learning more
about yoga. Participants are advised to come in exercise clothing and to
bring their own yoga mats. The teacher this week is Robyn Lau. Admission
is free. The class will be on tomorrow from 9am to 10am. APW Bangsar is
located at 29, Jalan Riong, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. Find out more at www.

Give women more credit IN BRIEF

Kim and Trump, what

could go wrong? says

for top matches, says Konta

US snowboarder
PARK CITY (US): Seven-time
X-Games snowboard cross
champion Nate Holland, an
American still seeking his first
Olympic medal at age 39, laughs
off fears about US-North Korea
tensions as the Pyeongchang
Despite equal prize money, they still lag behind the men on year-round tennis circuit Games approach. The Winter
Olympics run from Feb 9 to Feb
25 in South Korea but will be
BY DA N I EL L E ROSSI N GH There is so much talk that the wom- million for the womens WTA Tour. cule 0.4% of all sports sponsorship staged only 80km from where US
ens draw is so open. But its open While Novak Djokovic trails and just 7% of all sports media cov- troops are stationed on a heavily
WUHAN (China): Female ten- in the sense of there are so many 23-times grand slam singles win- erage, according to London-based guarded border with the North.
nis players still do not receive the amazing players. We have the depth. ner Serena Williams by 11 slam ti- charity Women in Sport. US President Donald Trump and
credit they deserve for putting on Although women have been tles, the Serb is the sports all-time Konta, the world No 7, was in- North Korean leader Kim Jong-
top-quality matches, according to paid equal prize money at all four prize money leader with US$109.8 volved in one of the best matches un have exchanged insults amid
British No 1 Johanna Konta. grand slams since 2007, they still million in earnings. Williams has of the year at Wimbledon, fighting raised tensions in recent days,
A lot of womens matches this lag behind the men on their own amassed US$84.5 million in her back from a set down to beat the but Holland still plans to have
season really kicked arse, they were year-round tennis circuit. long career. second-seeded Simona Halep of his wife and daughter there with
outstanding, Wimbledon semi-fi- In 2017, the mens ATP World Although tennis is one of the few Romania to become the first Brit- him despite some early worries.
nalist Konta told Reuters at the Wu- Tour had a total prize money pot professional sports where female ish woman to reach the last four at Youve got Kim and Trump, two
han Open in central China this week. of US$197.7 million (RM836.27 athletes can earn a good living, the All England Club in 39 years. level-headed guys, solving the
More credit needs to be given. million), compared with US$139 womens sports generate a minus- Reuters worlds problems what could
go wrong? Holland said. I guess
if were going down, were going
down as a family. AFP

Top English football clubs meet for revenue deal Womens Laver Cup
would be awesome,
says Muguruza
BY DAVI D H EL L I ER to a person with knowledge of the which include Manchester United, er proposals for the next domestic WUHAN (China): A Laver Cup-
& SCOT T SOSH N I CK matter who asked not to be iden- Manchester City and Chelsea, want rights contract, which is currently style tournament would be
tified because the discussions are a larger share of the money in ac- shared by BT Group plc, Sky plc awesome for womens ten-
LONDON/NEW YORK: Englands private. Up to now, teams split the cordance with their greater viewing and the British Broadcasting Corp, nis, world No 1 Garbine Mugu-
smaller Premier League teams met funds equally. figures and popularity, which they which shows highlights. ruza said, but warned it would
to come up with a plan to satisfy the The meeting was requested by say drives revenue. For the first time the leagues live be difficult to schedule in an
six biggest football clubs, including smaller clubs and takes place ahead Revenue sharing is on the sched- and non-live rights are expected already packed calendar. Mu-
Manchester United and Chelsea, of a possible vote on the issue at next ule at next weeks meeting of all 20 to attract the attention of compa- guruza said she had seen clips
which are demanding a bigger share weeks meeting of all teams. Changes Premier League clubs. Overseas nies such as Amazon.com Inc and of Team Europes Roger Federer
of the US$1.34 billion (RM5.67 bil- to the leagues rules require at least revenue currently amounts to about Facebook Inc, raising the prospect and Rafael Nadal battling Team
lion) a year in overseas broadcast 14 votes. Premier League executive 3 billion (RM17.01 billion) to 3.5 of a richer deal. Against this there World for the maiden title last
rights. chairman Richard Scudamore was billion over three years, with the is evidence that viewing for live weekend in a packed stadium
One proposal involved splitting among those attending. leagues domestic deal being worth matches screened on television are in Prague. I just love that peo-
the revenue based on where teams Overseas rights are growing 5.1 billion. declining, with some migration to ple go and watch tennis and
finish in the standings, according in importance, and bigger clubs, Next weeks agenda will also cov- tablets and phones. Bloomberg the stadium was full, she said.
It would be awesome to also
have it on the womens side.
But the 23-year-old Spaniard,
Hamilton, Perez Malaysian Grand Prix Driver standings speaking at the Wuhan Open
in China, warned it would be
back US anthem tough to find a date. AFP
Sepang International Circuit - Kuala Lumpur Oct 1
protests Russia court issues
100 arrest warrant for doping
3 Race 15 out of 20 whistle-blower
SEPANG: World championship 8
5 205 Lewis Hamilton - Mercedes
leader Lewis Hamilton yester- 310 263 MOSCOW: A Moscow court
day backed American sports 245 6 said yesterday it had issued an
Sebastian Vettel - Ferrari
stars who protest at racial in- 235 arrest warrant for Russian whis-
justice during their national 6 235 tle-blower Grigory Rodchen-
Valtteri Bottas - Mercedes
anthem, a stance supported by 330 Start/Finish 210 212 kov, who helped orchestrate
Mexican driver Sergio Perez. 90 2 8 5 Daniel Ricciardo - Red Bull the countrys state-sponsored
4 160
The three-time F1 world
8 162 Olympic doping programme
champion Hamilton has been 4 170 and has since fled to the US.
vociferous on social media in 98 2 85 2 Teams The investigators put Rod-
supporting players in the Na- Mercedes chenkov on an international
6 475
tional Football League (NFL) wanted list. Our court on Sept
and other sports who have 260 Ferrari 21 issued a ruling to arrest him
4 140 kph x Gear 373
taken the knee during the in absentia since he is want-
national anthem. Red Bull ed internationally, the courts
I really think I can identify spokesman Yunona Tsareva
56 laps Lap record: 1 Min. 34.223 Force India
with those individuals, hence 56 = 310.408 km told AFP. AFP
of 5.543 km 124

Juan Pablo Montoya (2004)

the posts I put up, Hamilton
told reporters at the Sepang Vardy determined to
International Circuit ahead of boost England hopes
Sundays Malaysian Grand Prix ahead of World Cup
Force Indias driver Perez BENGALURU: Harry Kane is
also gave his support yesterday Perez: F1 can give Mexico moment of happiness Englands top striker on merit
to the protesting sports stars. but Leicester Citys Jamie Vardy
Being a sportsman gives BY ABHISHEK TAKLE Mexican driver Perez said the race The race at the Hermanos Rod- remains determined to chal-
you a lot of voice, Perez told would help lift the gloom a little. It rigues circuit in the southeast of the lenge the Tottenham marks-
reporters. It is important, not SEPANG: Next months Mexican will give a lot of energy, having the capital, which marketing head Rodri- man for a starting spot at next
only in the States, all around Grand Prix can give the country grand prix in Mexico, the 27-year- go Sanchez last week said sustained years World Cup in Russia. Ga-
the world, to try to care about a moment of happiness as it old Force India driver told reporters no damage. reth Southgates side are one
what is going on in the world, struggles to recover from its dead- ahead of this weekends Malaysian Perez, who scored his first F1 podi- win away from sealing a finals
not only being focused on your liest earthquake in three decades, Grand Prix. I think its good for the um in Malaysia with a second-placed spot going into next months
job. You have some obligations Formula One driver Sergio Perez people to have a distraction, to have finish in 2012, now wants to deliver qualifiers, with Kane set to lead
you have to look after. AFP said yesterday. a moment of happiness. a strong result on Sunday. Reuters the attack. Reuters
Markets 2 5

Bursa Malaysia YEAR

0.913 0.561 0.750 0.740 7609 AJIYA 0.750 0.010 30 0.744 10.84 2.67 228.4
Sectorial Movement 0.300 0.065 0.155 0.155 9954 AKNIGHT 0.155 UNCH 1.5 0.155 9.0
1.694 0.650 1.320 1.230 2674 ALCOM 1.230 -0.030 929.8 1.277 14.01 16.67 165.2
INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG 1.070 0.315 0.690 0.675 4758 ANCOM 0.680 -0.010 577.3 0.679 8.38 148.9
3.860 1.766 3.640 3.510 6556 ANNJOO 3.510 -0.070 957.3 3.590 10.26 2.99 1,874.5
KLSE COMPOSITE 1,758.06 -6.18 -0.35 TECHNOLOGY 36.43 -0.06 -0.16 0.551 0.095 0.105 0.100 9342 ANZO 0.105 0.005 1934.6 0.103 89.4
KLSE INDUSTRIAL 3,200.55 -13.57 -0.42 FTSE BURSA 100 12,173.57 -43.90 -0.36 1.100 0.825 1.030 1.030 5568 APB 1.030 -0.020 60 1.030 12.09 6.31 116.3
CONSUMER PRODUCT 622.79 -1.21 -0.19 FTSE BURSA MID 70 14,914.24 -57.95 -0.39 4.090 3.176 3.700 3.650 5015 APM 3.690 0.040 26.9 3.665 15.72 3.93 743.9
1.240 0.827 1.100 1.050 7214 ARANK 1.100 -0.030 1264.8 1.076 7.44 2.73 132.0
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT 159.63 -0.09 -0.06 FTSE BURSA SMALL CAP 16,992.26 -38.59 -0.23 1.290 0.671 1.170 1.150 7162 ASTINO 1.160 -0.030 369 1.159 8.39 0.86 318.0
CONSTRUCTION 324.54 -0.34 -0.10 FTSE BURSA FLEDGLING 19,098.72 -41.30 -0.22 1.331 0.534 0.840 0.805 7099 ATTA 0.820 0.005 418.1 0.824 3.17 9.52 125.3
TRADE & SERVICES 229.26 -1.43 -0.62 FTSE BURSA EMAS 12,518.29 -44.02 -0.35 0.970 0.230 7181 ATURMJU 0.255 15.6
2.550 1.580 2.170 2.050 8133 BHIC 2.160 0.010 2.2 2.146 5.70 1.39 536.7
KLSE FINANCIAL 16,562.80 -76.62 -0.46 FTSE BUR MSIA ACE 6,496.91 -44.80 -0.68 0.570 0.380 0.400 0.395 7005 BIG 0.400 0.010 22.5 0.398 19.2
KLSE PROPERTY 1,235.86 -1.24 -0.10 FTSE BUR EMAS SHARIAH 12,748.21 -32.99 -0.26 0.580 0.100 0.510 0.495 7187 BKOON 0.500 -0.005 674 0.501 139.0
KLSE PLANTATION 7,888.70 25.72 0.33 FTSE BUR HIJRAH SHARIAH 13,952.47 -55.26 -0.39 1.091 0.742 0.910 0.890 168 BOILERM 0.910 0.020 119.1 0.901 22.09 1.65 469.6
2.425 1.440 1.460 1.460 6297 BOXPAK 1.460 0.010 2 1.460 175.3
KLSE MINING 607.93 Unch Unch FTSE/ASEAN 40 10,485.68 -84.44 -0.80 1.563 1.160 1.180 1.160 5100 BPPLAS 1.160 -0.030 153 1.174 17.93 6.90 217.7
0.316 0.237 0.275 0.265 9938 BRIGHT 0.275 0.010 230.1 0.268 56.5
0.675 0.230 0.560 0.530 7221 BSLCORP 0.530 UNCH 254.9 0.545 6.48 51.9
0.365 0.210 0.240 0.240 7188 BTM 0.240 UNCH 50 0.240 45.28 30.5
3.785 2.870 2.900 2.870 5105 CANONE 2.900 UNCH 220.9 2.881 7.10 1.38 557.2
0.035 0.005 5229 CAP 0.010 13.6

Bursa Malaysia Main Market 2.168 1.883 1.930

1.810 0.833 1.430
1.750 1.450






1.210 1.020 1.150 1.140 8044 CFM 1.140 -0.020 6.5 1.140 46.7
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/ VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP 1.940 1.466 1.760 1.750 5007 CHINWEL 1.760 -0.010 69.7 1.760 10.36 3.86 527.2
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) 2.550 1.546 2.350 2.310 5797 CHOOBEE 2.310 -0.030 124.3 2.327 8.46 2.60 253.9
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 1.150 0.920 8052 CICB 1.000 28.90 50.0
0.730 0.400 0.430 0.415 7120 ACOSTEC 0.430 UNCH 10 0.417 76.5 0.075 0.050 7018 CME 0.050 24.3
5.010 3.881 5.010 4.930 7090 AHEALTH 5.010 0.110 108.6 4.985 16.36 2.30 586.9 4.628 3.476 3.920 3.850 2852 CMSB 3.880 -0.010 519.8 3.903 16.83 1.62 4,168.6
24.759 12.174 20.480 19.980 2658 AJI 20.000 -0.180 58.3 20.058 6.67 2.10 1,216.0 0.600 0.200 7986 CNASIA 0.505 0.97 22.9
0.380 0.220 7051 AMTEK 0.305 15.2 1.547 1.141 1.360 1.300 5071 COASTAL 1.310 -0.030 437.3 1.332 14.10 1.53 696.4
6.007 4.970 5.050 4.980 6432 APOLLO 4.980 UNCH 35.5 4.989 25.05 5.02 398.4 1.150 0.665 0.735 0.730 7195 COMCORP 0.735 -0.015 73 0.734 7.05 102.9
1.110 0.800 7722 ASIABRN 0.980 77.5 1.010 0.645 0.940 0.925 2127 COMFORT 0.940 UNCH 805.4 0.932 15.16 525.3
3.667 3.053 3.180 3.140 7129 ASIAFLE 3.140 -0.030 52.8 3.159 10.80 5.10 611.5 2.156 1.630 1.740 1.700 5094 CSCSTEL 1.710 -0.020 573.2 1.719 10.28 5.85 649.8
49.279 39.201 44.600 44.300 4162 BAT 44.500 0.200 287.3 44.496 16.63 4.83 12,706.1 0.829 0.655 7157 CYL 0.710 56.35 5.63 71.0
0.120 0.040 0.070 0.065 7243 BIOOSMO 0.070 UNCH 105 0.065 55.7 0.405 0.280 0.325 0.325 5082 CYMAO 0.325 -0.015 20 0.325 24.4
0.740 0.540 0.615 0.605 9288 BONIA 0.605 -0.015 454 0.613 15.39 2.07 487.8 2.369 1.742 2.190 2.180 8125 DAIBOCI 2.190 -0.010 16.1 2.186 31.47 1.96 718.1
1.100 0.483 0.960 0.940 7174 CAB 0.940 -0.010 987.2 0.955 6.71 0.34 580.7 1.510 0.330 1.240 1.240 8176 DENKO 1.240 UNCH 42.5 1.240 129.5
0.540 0.420 0.425 0.425 7154 CAELY 0.425 UNCH 28.7 0.425 8.19 2.35 34.0 0.350 0.220 0.350 0.330 7114 DNONCE 0.350 0.020 3586.8 0.346 64.1
0.340 0.260 0.295 0.290 7128 CAMRES 0.290 0.005 37.4 0.291 24.17 3.45 57.1 0.435 0.230 0.270 0.265 5835 DOLMITE 0.270 UNCH 50 0.268 76.9
15.098 13.019 14.740 14.700 2836 CARLSBG 14.700 -0.080 33.4 14.708 20.52 5.24 4,494.5 0.435 0.155 0.200 0.195 5265 DOLPHIN 0.200 0.005 528.5 0.200 44.4
1.140 0.524 0.970 0.950 7035 CCK 0.955 UNCH 493.7 0.961 11.83 2.09 301.2 1.320 1.069 1.300 1.290 7169 DOMINAN 1.300 -0.010 10.9 1.291 8.98 4.62 214.6
2.388 1.867 2.210 2.210 7148 CCMDBIO 2.210 -0.010 27.6 2.210 21.58 2.94 616.5 1.848 0.914 1.630 1.590 1619 DRBHCOM 1.600 -0.010 2819.6 1.602 0.63 3,093.2
2.700 2.230 2828 CIHLDG 2.230 13.34 2.24 361.3 1.582 0.532 1.420 1.360 7233 DUFU 1.370 -0.050 776.9 1.384 6.95 4.01 240.4
0.060 0.020 0.045 0.045 5188 CNOUHUA 0.045 UNCH 735.5 0.045 30.1 0.866 0.640 0.705 0.695 8907 EG 0.700 UNCH 1464.7 0.701 6.43 148.1
3.200 1.812 2.790 2.610 7205 COCOLND 2.750 -0.020 258.2 2.757 15.18 5.64 629.2 1.070 0.825 0.870 0.850 9016 EKSONS 0.870 0.010 286 0.859 142.9
1.960 1.608 1.820 1.810 7202 CSCENIC 1.820 UNCH 14 1.819 17.50 5.49 219.3 0.870 0.510 0.775 0.745 7217 EMETALL 0.755 -0.015 545.1 0.757 13.96 3.31 129.2
0.095 0.030 0.045 0.045 5214 CSL 0.045 UNCH 530 0.045 5.70 55.9 0.885 0.385 7773 EPMB 0.540 89.6
0.794 0.510 0.520 0.510 9423 CWG 0.515 0.005 78.5 0.511 2.89 2.91 65.0 0.443 0.330 0.395 0.380 190 ESAFE 0.385 0.005 163.2 0.386 11.81 92.6
0.050 0.025 0.035 0.030 7179 DBE 0.035 0.005 1695 0.031 350.00 49.1 1.115 0.740 0.800 0.790 5101 EVERGRN 0.795 -0.010 815.5 0.795 12.97 2.52 672.9
1.000 0.740 7119 DEGEM 0.960 9.18 2.60 128.6 0.863 0.460 0.500 0.480 7249 EWEIN 0.485 0.005 1691.1 0.491 12.50 1.03 146.3
59.883 52.364 59.300 59.100 3026 DLADY 59.300 UNCH 2.4 59.250 26.61 1.69 3,795.2 1.430 1.021 1.400 1.370 2984 FACBIND 1.400 -0.030 133 1.397 13.78 1.79 119.2
0.115 0.070 0.090 0.085 7198 DPS 0.090 UNCH 167 0.085 52.9 2.862 2.160 2.610 2.610 7229 FAVCO 2.610 UNCH 32.5 2.610 7.64 5.75 577.9
0.105 0.020 0.075 0.075 7182 EKA 0.075 UNCH 58.8 0.075 23.4 0.800 0.495 0.615 0.610 149 FIBON 0.610 -0.005 38.7 0.612 13.90 1.80 59.8
0.360 0.140 0.240 0.235 9091 EMICO 0.240 0.005 299.5 0.238 14.29 23.0 2.274 1.906 2.170 2.150 3107 FIMACOR 2.150 -0.010 58.3 2.163 15.96 5.81 527.3
1.938 1.372 1.430 1.390 7149 ENGKAH 1.400 -0.020 50.9 1.406 62.78 4.29 99.1 1.870 1.436 1.510 1.500 5197 FLBHD 1.500 -0.010 267.1 1.505 7.56 10.00 154.8
0.270 0.180 0.185 0.180 7208 EURO 0.185 UNCH 362.9 0.185 49.5 1.500 1.330 1.500 1.420 3611 GBH 1.460 0.030 80.6 1.485 97.33 272.5
0.800 0.630 7094 EUROSP 0.680 31.48 30.2 2.590 1.450 2.350 2.330 7197 GESHEN 2.350 -0.010 127.3 2.349 10.02 188.0
26.000 21.887 24.600 24.300 3689 F&N 24.480 -0.020 806.8 24.496 25.38 2.35 8,978.7 0.085 0.040 0.060 0.050 5220 GLOTEC 0.050 UNCH 27661 0.057 269.1
1.205 0.815 2755 FCW 0.860 260.61 1.74 215.0 0.735 0.185 0.200 0.200 7192 GOODWAY 0.200 UNCH 3.2 0.200 22.1
0.850 0.520 0.680 0.640 8605 FFHB 0.670 0.040 1033.4 0.664 11.26 1.79 73.0 0.135 0.085 0.100 0.100 7096 GPA 0.100 UNCH 410.6 0.100 17.54 98.0
1.350 0.730 1.250 1.240 9172 FPI 1.240 UNCH 122.9 1.242 11.31 4.84 306.7 0.425 0.255 0.320 0.305 5649 GPHAROS 0.305 -0.015 130.1 0.311 41.0
0.980 0.255 7184 G3 0.750 309.4 0.245 0.185 0.190 0.185 136 GREENYB 0.185 UNCH 3 0.188 264.29 3.24 61.7
1.648 0.873 1.640 1.610 5102 GCB 1.640 0.050 1259.2 1.626 16.73 1.37 787.5 0.145 0.085 0.120 0.115 7077 GSB 0.120 0.005 2820.9 0.118 63.4
2.999 2.334 5606 GOLDIS 2.690 7.06 0.74 1,644.7 1.005 0.755 0.810 0.755 3247 GUH 0.800 0.045 39.7 0.767 18.56 4.21 222.3
0.135 0.030 0.115 0.100 5187 HBGLOB 0.110 0.005 1089.4 0.102 20.37 51.5 1.180 0.235 0.880 0.835 5151 HALEX 0.855 -0.030 823 0.849 90.6
19.178 14.730 18.740 18.380 3255 HEIM 18.400 -0.340 49.9 18.493 20.43 6.25 5,558.6 7.367 4.468 6.930 6.710 5168 HARTA 6.910 0.110 1748.7 6.860 35.13 1.23 11,402.9
10.600 8.589 9.450 9.080 3301 HLIND 9.190 -0.180 147.6 9.202 27.43 3.81 3,013.4 1.390 0.829 7105 HCK 1.330 738.89 560.2
1.008 0.822 0.940 0.935 5160 HOMERIZ 0.940 0.005 30.9 0.938 9.89 2.13 282.0 8.680 1.990 7.980 7.860 4324 HENGYUAN 7.900 0.010 893.1 7.907 4.83 2,370.0
0.385 0.240 0.315 0.305 7213 HOVID 0.310 UNCH 669 0.310 254.5 1.757 1.128 1.600 1.550 5095 HEVEA 1.560 -0.020 871 1.570 8.92 4.74 869.8
1.258 1.094 1.170 1.160 5024 HUPSENG 1.170 UNCH 18 1.168 20.35 3.42 936.0 1.200 0.868 0.925 0.920 3298 HEXZA 0.925 UNCH 50.2 0.920 8.33 4.86 185.4
0.630 0.410 0.415 0.415 8478 HWATAI 0.415 -0.005 1 0.415 172.92 31.1 0.450 0.270 0.435 0.415 5072 HIAPTEK 0.425 -0.010 13457.5 0.425 14.31 0.71 559.2
4.880 2.020 3.250 3.100 5107 IQGROUP 3.120 -0.130 283.9 3.153 11.14 3.53 274.6 0.700 0.190 0.665 0.630 5199 HIBISCS 0.645 -0.005 61378.4 0.647 8.35 971.3
1.570 1.153 1.500 1.480 7152 JAYCORP 1.500 UNCH 119 1.486 9.15 3.33 205.9 1.276 0.844 7033 HIGHTEC 1.170 7.93 2.99 47.5
0.740 0.505 0.550 0.505 8931 JERASIA 0.550 0.010 79.6 0.511 12.17 45.1 1.226 0.785 1.060 1.030 8443 HIL 1.060 -0.020 16.3 1.051 19.74 1.42 295.4
2.598 1.370 1.520 1.480 5247 KAREX 1.520 0.030 781.1 1.503 54.48 1.32 1,523.6 0.405 0.270 5165 HOKHENG 0.320 22.70 25.6
3.800 3.350 3.370 3.350 7216 KAWAN 3.350 UNCH 23 3.354 34.11 0.56 1,204.4 0.270 0.020 0.215 0.205 2739 HUAAN 0.210 -0.005 23375.8 0.208 235.7
0.260 0.040 0.185 0.185 8303 KFM 0.185 -0.005 58 0.185 12.6 3.206 2.130 2.630 2.600 5000 HUMEIND 2.620 -0.020 77.5 2.626 67.18 0.76 1,255.2
0.920 0.715 0.755 0.715 6203 KHEESAN 0.740 -0.010 11 0.721 19.32 1.35 77.0 0.075 0.045 0.055 0.055 9601 HWGB 0.055 UNCH 1855 0.055 54.9
2.700 2.020 2.180 2.150 7062 KHIND 2.180 0.030 21 2.159 23.22 4.59 87.3 0.890 0.595 0.755 0.755 9687 IDEAL 0.755 -0.030 1 0.755 4.92 83.4
2.210 1.015 1.850 1.750 2 KOTRA 1.840 UNCH 6.3 1.782 19.66 1.09 245.6 2.070 1.690 7222 IMASPRO 1.830 25.56 1.91 146.4
0.140 0.050 0.065 0.065 5172 KSTAR 0.065 UNCH 240 0.065 19.0 0.300 0.160 0.190 0.185 7183 IRETEX 0.190 UNCH 20.1 0.185 26.2
6.000 4.500 4.600 4.600 7006 LATITUD 4.600 -0.090 50.6 4.600 6.47 2.61 447.2 0.085 0.050 0.060 0.060 7223 JADI 0.060 UNCH 670 0.060 56.5
1.050 0.785 0.990 0.985 9385 LAYHONG 0.985 -0.005 2372.3 0.985 26.84 0.51 599.6 0.175 0.135 0.145 0.145 8648 JASKITA 0.145 UNCH 143 0.145 6.90 65.2
0.377 0.261 0.315 0.315 8079 LEESK 0.315 UNCH 59.5 0.315 11.29 3.17 52.9 0.110 0.030 2747 JAVA 0.035 6.1
3.840 2.723 3.770 3.700 7089 LIIHEN 3.710 -0.020 474.3 3.734 9.04 4.31 667.8 1.120 0.892 7043 JMR 1.100 333.33 2.73 139.5
0.820 0.710 0.740 0.735 7126 LONBISC 0.740 0.005 191.6 0.740 9.55 138.0 1.729 0.825 1.340 1.310 7167 JOHOTIN 1.330 0.010 396.2 1.319 7.04 2.44 377.0
1.866 1.196 7085 LTKM 1.420 22.15 2.11 184.7 1.460 1.000 1.120 1.090 4383 JTIASA 1.090 UNCH 1062 1.103 90.83 1.19 1,061.4
7.920 3.948 6.520 6.190 7087 MAGNI 6.500 0.250 503.8 6.387 9.10 1.92 1,057.8 0.310 0.160 0.260 0.255 54 KARYON 0.255 UNCH 1067 0.255 27.42 121.3
0.045 0.010 0.020 0.020 5189 MAXWELL 0.020 UNCH 5004.5 0.020 8.0 0.870 0.680 0.800 0.800 7199 KEINHIN 0.800 UNCH 2.1 0.800 11.24 1.88 79.2
1.266 0.974 1.070 1.070 5886 MBG 1.070 UNCH 4.8 1.070 24.94 2.80 65.1 0.500 0.305 6211 KIALIM 0.310 19.2
2.464 1.266 2.050 2.010 3662 MFLOUR 2.010 -0.030 309.2 2.024 15.03 3.23 1,106.1 3.080 2.733 3.070 3.060 3522 KIANJOO 3.060 -0.010 14 3.064 12.26 1.31 1,359.2
0.960 0.770 7935 MILUX 0.830 45.2 2.363 1.511 5371 KIMHIN 1.740 8.48 3.45 270.8
5.005 3.770 5202 MSM 4.010 3.49 2,818.9 0.075 0.025 0.040 0.035 5060 KINSTEL 0.035 -0.005 235 0.039 36.7
0.035 0.030 5150 MSPORTS 0.035 21.2 1.460 0.865 0.890 0.880 9466 KKB 0.880 0.010 122.9 0.886 4.55 226.9
1.826 1.184 1.400 1.400 3921 MWE 1.400 UNCH 4 1.400 2.39 1.43 324.2 0.425 0.220 0.285 0.260 7164 KNM 0.265 -0.015 61125.4 0.269 571.4
85.980 72.360 85.480 84.600 4707 NESTLE 84.680 0.080 221.5 84.683 32.02 3.19 19,857.5 1.129 0.830 0.840 0.840 6971 KOBAY 0.840 UNCH 10 0.840 16.00 85.8
4.880 3.002 3.410 3.390 7060 NHFATT 3.400 0.010 3.5 3.398 9.90 3.24 255.5 0.367 0.240 0.250 0.245 7017 KOMARK 0.250 UNCH 170.5 0.247 31.2
0.130 0.060 0.065 0.060 7139 NICE 0.060 -0.005 140 0.062 20.0 7.360 5.565 6.790 6.730 7153 KOSSAN 6.750 UNCH 565.4 6.741 25.86 1.63 4,316.4
0.315 0.230 0.260 0.250 7215 NIHSIN 0.260 UNCH 375.8 0.253 108.33 62.0 1.110 0.345 7130 KPOWER 0.785 54.3
0.893 0.740 0.780 0.770 5066 NTPM 0.775 0.005 206 0.774 16.49 3.10 870.5 5.140 4.624 4.900 4.900 3476 KSENG 4.900 -0.020 41.5 4.900 16.40 2.04 1,771.2
0.690 0.360 0.575 0.555 7071 OCR 0.570 UNCH 152.7 0.567 151.4 0.580 0.365 0.490 0.490 5192 KSSC 0.490 UNCH 35 0.490 10.77 3.06 47.0
0.250 0.050 0.130 0.125 7071PA OCR-PA 0.125 -0.005 1471.1 0.125 80.6 0.775 0.295 0.605 0.575 8362 KYM 0.590 -0.005 18.1 0.578 22.61 88.4
1.778 1.345 1.590 1.580 7107 OFI 1.590 UNCH 300 1.590 21.93 2.52 381.6 8.400 5.060 6.660 6.620 3794 LAFMSIA 6.650 -0.050 671.4 6.650 3.01 5,650.5
6.854 6.315 6.630 6.560 4006 ORIENT 6.560 -0.040 63.9 6.579 10.09 3.05 4,069.8 0.940 0.570 0.830 0.815 9326 LBALUM 0.820 -0.005 965.2 0.820 11.34 3.05 203.8
4.619 2.208 4.400 4.320 7052 PADINI 4.400 UNCH 269.7 4.390 18.39 2.27 2,894.8 0.608 0.444 0.470 0.455 5092 LCTH 0.470 0.005 225.5 0.463 13.91 5.32 169.2
40.300 29.318 38.840 37.980 3719 PANAMY 38.020 -0.380 214.8 38.106 18.01 3.08 2,309.6 6.530 4.140 5.270 5.230 5284 LCTITAN 5.260 UNCH 2639.9 5.255 8.16 12,139.0
0.774 0.495 5022 PAOS 0.505 49.03 3.23 91.5 0.910 0.422 0.850 0.825 5232 LEONFB 0.825 -0.025 1736.1 0.837 4.71 1.82 255.8
0.650 0.330 0.405 0.405 9407 PARAGON 0.405 -0.055 19 0.405 28.4 0.440 0.100 0.280 0.275 8745 LEWEKO 0.275 -0.005 210 0.276 88.5
0.660 0.310 0.535 0.535 6068 PCCS 0.535 0.010 8.6 0.535 32.1 0.080 0.025 2887 LIONDIV 0.055 76.6
1.060 0.740 0.850 0.830 5231 PELIKAN 0.850 0.010 17 0.847 25.84 470.3 1.480 0.355 1.390 1.310 4235 LIONIND 1.310 -0.060 5540.9 1.345 8.51 940.5
0.235 0.145 0.170 0.170 4081 PMCORP 0.170 -0.005 13 0.170 131.5 0.740 0.350 0.690 0.645 9881 LSTEEL 0.645 -0.025 3273.3 0.676 8.98 82.6
0.795 0.441 0.725 0.710 5080 POHKONG 0.720 UNCH 1141.7 0.721 10.00 1.39 295.5 0.160 0.050 0.130 0.125 5068 LUSTER 0.125 -0.005 9068.6 0.129 247.0
2.060 1.451 1.950 1.920 7088 POHUAT 1.920 -0.010 202.4 1.925 7.19 4.17 436.3 3.890 3.336 3.600 3.600 9199 LYSAGHT 3.600 0.030 2 3.600 9.12 1.94 149.7
17.217 15.086 16.880 16.760 4065 PPB 16.840 -0.120 323.2 16.825 15.07 1.48 19,963.8 1.403 0.535 1.400 1.300 5098 MASTEEL 1.320 -0.030 5337.2 1.364 12.61 410.3
0.720 0.499 7190 PPG 0.580 19.14 2.38 58.0 0.841 0.467 0.720 0.670 7029 MASTER 0.690 -0.015 898.2 0.705 10.42 1.45 37.7
1.659 1.120 1.150 1.130 8966 PRLEXUS 1.140 UNCH 89.1 1.137 8.01 2.63 205.3 1.200 0.948 1.180 1.130 5152 MBL 1.130 -0.050 394.8 1.167 8.19 3.54 104.0
1.199 0.679 1.090 1.050 7134 PWF 1.080 -0.010 372.1 1.066 10.44 3.70 183.3 0.870 0.618 7004 MCEHLDG 0.800 21.00 1.88 35.5
2.655 1.889 2.060 2.050 7237 PWROOT 2.050 -0.010 85.7 2.057 17.08 5.61 676.7 0.660 0.250 0.285 0.280 3778 MELEWAR 0.285 0.010 35.5 0.284 64.3
4.030 3.850 3.920 3.890 7084 QL 3.910 0.010 317.5 3.902 36.17 0.84 6,343.7 0.789 0.478 0.660 0.645 5223 MENTIGA 0.645 0.005 20.8 0.645 496.15 1.55 45.2
2.510 1.467 2.290 2.260 9946 REX 2.290 0.020 15.5 2.286 39.55 0.87 141.2 1.540 1.110 1.520 1.490 8192 MERCURY 1.490 -0.020 109.4 1.505 4.91 8.05 59.9
1.890 1.210 1.380 1.350 183 SALUTE 1.370 UNCH 56 1.362 27.51 1.75 531.6 1.837 1.596 1.740 1.730 6149 METROD 1.740 0.010 20 1.735 12.65 3.45 208.8
1.069 0.800 0.890 0.865 5252 SASBADI 0.865 UNCH 366.5 0.882 22.07 1.73 362.5 1.220 0.337 1.200 1.110 5001 MIECO 1.190 0.080 5029.5 1.163 8.97 3.36 624.8
0.590 0.275 0.570 0.545 5157 SAUDEE 0.560 0.010 339.8 0.552 622.22 67.2 0.170 0.075 0.150 0.145 7219 MINETEC 0.145 -0.005 6302.8 0.146 106.1
1.430 1.000 1.290 1.260 7180 SERNKOU 1.290 0.030 48.4 1.260 110.26 154.8 0.695 0.505 5576 MINHO 0.510 8.54 112.0
0.845 0.580 0.640 0.640 7165 SGB 0.640 -0.020 2 0.640 109.5 4.403 3.207 3.620 3.620 5916 MSC 3.620 UNCH 4.2 3.620 8.76 2.21 362.0
0.270 0.060 7165PA SGB-PA 0.230 102.9 1.766 1.370 1.380 1.380 3883 MUDA 1.380 UNCH 3 1.380 17.25 2.17 421.0
1.867 1.350 1.350 1.350 7412 SHH 1.350 -0.030 5.4 1.350 12.84 7.41 67.5 1.200 0.720 0.805 0.785 5087 MYCRON 0.785 -0.005 312.7 0.793 6.56 222.6
1.070 0.800 7246 SIGN 0.875 10.06 210.3 0.240 0.035 7002 NAKA 0.180 10.0
0.915 0.215 0.635 0.620 8532 SINOTOP 0.635 0.015 46.5 0.624 44.72 250.8 0.295 0.145 0.180 0.155 5025 NWP 0.170 0.020 10709 0.165 61.4
0.865 0.540 0.590 0.560 9776 SMCAP 0.590 0.010 43.5 0.580 36.0 1.190 0.535 0.965 0.945 4944 NYLEX 0.945 -0.015 266.8 0.954 8.91 2.12 183.6
0.385 0.200 7943 SNC 0.315 20.8 1.970 1.125 1.660 1.620 7140 OKA 1.630 -0.010 464.3 1.633 9.14 3.37 266.4
2.548 2.130 2.190 2.160 7103 SPRITZER 2.170 -0.030 20 2.173 18.39 2.67 396.3 1.510 0.865 1.390 1.380 5065 ORNA 1.380 UNCH 155.7 1.381 8.74 2.17 103.8
1.440 1.020 1.220 1.180 7186 SWSCAP 1.220 0.010 68 1.208 187.69 0.82 178.0 0.085 0.050 0.060 0.055 7225 PA 0.060 UNCH 1239.1 0.060 56.8
0.669 0.455 0.480 0.470 7082 SYF 0.480 0.005 157.8 0.475 7.69 2.08 297.2 0.015 0.005 22 PARLO 0.005 0.5
0.505 0.280 7211 TAFI 0.420 33.6 7.670 6.318 7.360 7.240 5183 PCHEM 7.300 0.010 7724.8 7.302 14.22 3.29 58,400.0
1.968 1.641 1.710 1.690 4405 TCHONG 1.710 0.020 128 1.706 1.17 1,149.1 1.952 1.450 1.500 1.460 5271 PECCA 1.500 0.020 31 1.462 19.21 2.67 282.0
1.154 0.490 0.505 0.490 7200 TEKSENG 0.495 -0.005 1016.9 0.495 35.87 4.04 172.3 0.801 0.585 0.635 0.605 9997 PENSONI 0.630 0.025 646.4 0.618 12.86 4.76 81.7
1.250 0.850 0.950 0.945 7252 TEOSENG 0.945 -0.005 167.9 0.945 1.59 283.5 7.901 5.630 5.780 5.780 5436 PERSTIM 5.780 0.070 1.5 5.780 10.41 6.92 574.0
1.510 1.300 9369 TGL 1.380 12.45 5.43 56.2 21.740 17.797 18.120 18.000 6033 PETGAS 18.000 -0.120 214.7 18.058 20.05 3.61 35,617.2
1.020 0.400 0.900 0.880 7230 TOMEI 0.890 0.015 327.3 0.891 11.45 123.4 10.400 3.883 10.320 10.140 3042 PETRONM 10.300 0.080 301.1 10.270 7.75 2.14 2,781.0
0.560 0.385 0.430 0.430 7176 TPC 0.430 UNCH 10 0.430 100.5 2.466 1.595 2.230 2.220 7095 PIE 2.230 UNCH 213.5 2.230 17.08 1.08 856.4
6.080 4.089 5.550 5.480 4588 UMW 5.550 -0.030 151.2 5.537 3.60 6,484.0 2.960 1.320 2.950 2.920 7172 PMBTECH 2.920 -0.010 23.9 2.934 20.17 1.37 233.6
2.549 1.861 2.500 2.450 7757 UPA 2.500 0.070 2 2.490 3.33 3.20 199.0 3.820 2.516 3.720 3.680 8869 PMETAL 3.700 UNCH 7293.5 3.699 25.31 1.49 13,833.3
1.668 0.677 1.470 1.430 7203 WANGZNG 1.470 UNCH 226.4 1.446 17.27 2.72 235.2 0.575 0.450 6637 PNEPCB 0.535 17.31 70.4
0.325 0.080 0.285 0.280 5156 XDL 0.285 UNCH 673.8 0.285 25.22 192.1 0.995 0.270 0.385 0.370 8117 POLY 0.385 0.015 76.4 0.376 1.94 61.6
0.615 0.360 0.570 0.570 7121 XIANLNG 0.570 -0.010 5 0.570 45.6 0.973 0.536 0.750 0.720 8273 PPHB 0.735 0.005 78.7 0.730 8.05 138.5
0.125 0.020 5155 XINQUAN 0.055 26.7 0.365 0.250 9458 PREMIER 0.275 343.75 92.7
2.822 2.130 2.180 2.160 5584 YEELEE 2.160 -0.020 43.9 2.175 11.20 2.08 413.9 1.480 0.569 1.350 1.320 9873 PRESTAR 1.340 -0.010 349.5 1.337 5.71 2.24 272.2
1.560 1.034 1.330 1.320 5159 YOCB 1.320 -0.010 58 1.321 9.28 3.03 211.2 1.110 0.635 1.050 1.020 7168 PRG 1.020 -0.010 508.6 1.034 90.27 0.49 306.9
3.190 1.744 2.920 2.740 7178 YSPSAH 2.920 0.150 539.9 2.867 14.13 2.40 399.2 0.330 0.085 0.260 0.250 7123 PWORTH 0.255 UNCH 11020.4 0.255 39.84 237.3
1.934 1.146 1.650 1.610 5131 ZHULIAN 1.640 UNCH 204.8 1.631 14.15 3.66 754.4 1.350 1.070 7544 QUALITY 1.090 63.2
INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 0.750 0.510 7498 RALCO 0.660 27.7
1.420 0.922 1.150 1.130 12 3A 1.140 0.020 353.6 1.138 12.79 1.26 560.9 5.840 5.310 5.580 5.400 7765 RAPID 5.580 UNCH 22.2 5.483 764.38 596.5
0.210 0.085 0.130 0.125 7086 ABLEGRP 0.130 UNCH 3052.4 0.130 34.3 0.745 0.285 0.405 0.385 5256 REACH 0.390 -0.015 6065.5 0.395 9.15 427.6
0.400 0.200 7131 ACME 0.390 85.2 0.655 0.390 0.420 0.410 7232 RESINTC 0.415 -0.010 161.1 0.411 6.88 2.89 56.9
0.795 0.625 7191 ADVENTA 0.630 185.29 96.3 1.410 0.595 1.340 1.310 9741 ROHAS 1.340 UNCH 236 1.324 535.8
2.376 2.045 9148 ADVPKG 2.120 22.80 5.66 43.5 0.834 0.705 0.730 0.715 7803 RUBEREX 0.730 0.015 49.7 0.722 8.80 1.71 184.1
0.220 0.135 0.170 0.165 7146 AEM 0.170 0.005 148.4 0.168 566.67 50.9 5.194 3.759 4.600 4.600 5134 SAB 4.600 -0.150 0.3 4.600 13.31 1.09 629.9
0.500 0.365 5198 AFUJIYA 0.400 18.96 72.0 8.490 4.773 6.900 6.600 9822 SAM 6.890 0.240 16.1 6.844 19.97 1.49 867.6
0.600 0.405 0.460 0.455 2682 AISB 0.460 0.035 22.5 0.455 32.62 66.4 0.979 0.826 0.890 0.865 7811 SAPIND 0.880 0.020 41.5 0.882 15.04 6.82 64.0
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 6 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 29, 2 0 17 TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.266 0.984 1.010 1.010 5170 SCABLE 1.010 UNCH 125.9 1.010 19.09 2.97 320.2 1.508 1.102 1.170 1.160 5056 ENGTEX 1.170 UNCH 1421.8 1.160 6.72 0.85 446.5
3.426 2.811 2.930 2.890 7247 SCGM 2.930 0.040 130 2.914 21.56 2.05 567.2 0.624 0.370 0.530 0.530 6939 FIAMMA 0.530 UNCH 5 0.530 10.71 2.83 280.9
0.740 0.510 0.620 0.610 9237 SCIB 0.620 0.060 9 0.617 17.46 50.1 0.440 0.355 0.385 0.380 9318 FITTERS 0.385 0.005 20 0.381 185.0
9.850 6.193 8.800 8.680 4731 SCIENTX 8.680 -0.070 145 8.718 15.85 1.84 4,197.3 1.468 1.084 1.270 1.270 7210 FREIGHT 1.270 -0.020 20 1.270 10.88 3.94 236.4
0.345 0.250 7239 SCNWOLF 0.310 27.1 0.425 0.133 0.410 0.390 128 FRONTKN 0.390 -0.015 16673.9 0.397 15.00 1.28 410.8
0.525 0.140 0.320 0.310 7366 SCOMIEN 0.315 -0.010 222 0.314 107.8 0.295 0.150 9377 FSBM 0.240 33.9
1.660 0.660 0.935 0.920 7073 SEACERA 0.920 -0.010 782.9 0.922 50.00 318.4 3.054 2.352 2.860 2.840 5209 GASMSIA 2.850 UNCH 455.3 2.850 21.79 4.51 3,659.4
0.230 0.130 0.155 0.145 5145 SEALINK 0.155 -0.005 115.1 0.150 77.5 0.820 0.610 0.630 0.620 78 GDEX 0.625 0.005 1103.5 0.624 93.28 0.40 3,485.1
0.765 0.250 5163 SEB 0.565 9.25 45.2 6.259 4.311 5.450 5.320 4715 GENM 5.320 -0.100 6341 5.371 10.91 1.92 31,590.4
1.410 0.388 0.985 0.930 5181 SIGGAS 0.935 -0.030 3189.4 0.965 44.31 1.28 175.3 9.960 7.382 9.630 9.480 3182 GENTING 9.480 -0.030 2950.3 9.566 12.75 1.21 36,475.8
1.040 0.650 7115 SKBSHUT 0.760 13.40 30.4 0.330 0.185 0.235 0.210 5079 GETS 0.210 -0.015 1679.9 0.224 26.5
1.550 1.240 1.510 1.480 7155 SKPRES 1.500 0.020 1907.8 1.493 14.96 2.77 1,875.3 3.120 2.730 3.070 3.000 3204 GKENT 3.050 0.050 2378.7 3.041 16.41 2.19 1,718.0
2.225 1.760 7248 SLP 1.900 23.49 1.94 602.2 0.555 0.300 0.420 0.400 7676 GUNUNG 0.405 -0.015 418.2 0.406 95.7
0.700 0.530 7132 SMISCOR 0.570 25.5 5.300 2.173 5.300 5.220 7668 HAIO 5.270 0.020 321.2 5.278 22.58 2.72 1,576.0
2.580 1.021 2.350 2.230 5665 SSTEEL 2.230 -0.070 896 2.313 10.09 1.35 961.8 0.335 0.200 0.260 0.240 7253 HANDAL 0.250 -0.005 342.7 0.246 40.0
0.300 0.065 7143 STONE 0.245 22.0 9.350 7.192 9.130 9.040 3034 HAPSENG 9.050 -0.030 313.2 9.085 21.29 3.87 22,531.6
1.550 1.230 1.320 1.320 6904 SUBUR 1.320 0.020 2 1.320 275.9 0.955 0.660 0.700 0.690 2062 HARBOUR 0.695 0.005 17.8 0.695 10.37 2.88 278.3
4.320 1.682 3.310 3.300 7207 SUCCESS 3.310 0.030 5.5 3.301 8.19 1.51 406.1 4.077 2.966 3.960 3.950 5008 HARISON 3.960 0.010 3.3 3.954 12.28 6.31 271.2
2.960 1.764 2.380 2.240 7235 SUPERLN 2.250 -0.070 2696.6 2.298 16.84 1.22 360.0 1.210 0.386 1.150 1.130 185 HSSEB 1.140 0.010 1074.4 1.141 23.95 0.55 363.8
2.324 1.690 1.700 1.690 7106 SUPERMX 1.700 UNCH 329.1 1.695 16.28 1.47 1,156.3 0.150 0.050 0.120 0.105 7013 HUBLINE 0.115 0.005 99392.6 0.113 47.92 144.0
4.153 3.292 3.670 3.620 5012 TAANN 3.660 -0.020 53.7 3.655 10.38 4.10 1,628.1 0.480 0.210 0.310 0.280 5255 ICON 0.285 -0.020 15731.1 0.293 335.5
0.510 0.350 0.360 0.360 4022 TADMAX 0.360 UNCH 277 0.360 193.9 6.567 5.512 5.820 5.770 5225 IHH 5.790 -0.040 1129.9 5.791 51.97 0.52 47,704.4
0.415 0.235 0.325 0.305 5149 TAS 0.310 -0.020 333 0.312 55.8 0.920 0.675 0.690 0.675 5614 ILB 0.690 0.010 46 0.686 134.6
14.282 11.949 12.920 12.880 4448 TASEK 12.920 0.260 10 12.89 106.69 9.29 1,597.2 0.910 0.670 5673 IPMUDA 0.725 4.14 52.5
0.290 0.100 0.180 0.165 5178 TATGIAP 0.175 0.010 839.9 0.170 27.1 2.166 1.325 1.700 1.700 58 JCBNEXT 1.700 UNCH 1 1.700 29.98 1.18 238.0
1.400 0.300 1.400 1.290 7097 TAWIN 1.310 -0.010 2484.7 1.331 11.53 84.2 0.310 0.235 0.270 0.265 8923 JIANKUN 0.270 -0.005 45.1 0.265 45.0
2.920 1.370 1.470 1.410 7439 TECGUAN 1.420 -0.040 97.7 1.440 8.13 56.9 0.395 0.295 8672 KAMDAR 0.360 71.3
4.803 3.817 4.040 4.020 7034 TGUAN 4.020 UNCH 175.9 4.030 8.40 2.99 532.6 1.862 1.606 1.700 1.660 6491 KFIMA 1.690 0.020 110.3 1.688 18.41 5.33 477.0
2.140 1.581 1.680 1.680 7374 TIENWAH 1.680 UNCH 10 1.680 6.90 5.95 243.2 0.739 0.236 0.620 0.610 151 KGB 0.610 -0.005 152 0.613 12.25 1.64 140.2
0.800 0.560 7854 TIMWELL 0.630 143.18 56.1 1.680 1.000 5035 KNUSFOR 1.150 114.6
1.069 0.589 0.930 0.925 7285 TOMYPAK 0.925 -0.005 125.3 0.929 15.29 3.46 388.0 1.140 0.944 1.070 1.030 5878 KPJ 1.050 0.010 3061.5 1.051 30.00 1.67 4,494.7
3.780 1.749 3.510 3.490 5010 TONGHER 3.510 -0.030 42 3.507 10.15 8.55 552.6 1.678 1.022 1.450 1.440 5843 KPS 1.440 UNCH 216.5 1.448 1200.0 4.34 718.6
5.878 4.512 5.550 5.430 7113 TOPGLOV 5.540 0.040 889.9 5.525 23.19 2.62 6,960.4 0.590 0.485 0.520 0.520 9121 KPSCB 0.520 -0.005 39 0.520 11.23 76.9
0.850 0.495 0.700 0.700 7173 TOYOINK 0.700 UNCH 50.8 0.700 74.9 0.225 0.115 0.140 0.140 4847 KTB 0.140 UNCH 230 0.140 56.4
0.230 0.145 0.190 0.185 4359 TURIYA 0.185 -0.010 10.1 0.190 42.3 0.628 0.299 0.495 0.480 6874 KUB 0.485 -0.005 1245.8 0.487 9.57 2.06 269.9
2.760 1.537 2.620 2.540 7100 UCHITEC 2.560 -0.060 1345 2.585 18.02 5.08 1,139.5 0.380 0.240 0.280 0.270 7170 LFECORP 0.270 -0.010 120.8 0.275 28.72 49.0
4.930 3.310 7133 ULICORP 4.340 21.96 2.76 630.2 0.805 0.420 0.780 0.755 8486 LIONFIB 0.755 -0.010 339.5 0.766 11.67 174.8
1.367 1.150 7227 UMSNGB 1.180 8.93 2.54 94.4 0.890 0.449 0.840 0.825 5143 LUXCHEM 0.825 -0.005 1204 0.832 14.86 2.82 697.0
1.680 0.700 0.755 0.730 4995 VERSATL 0.735 -0.015 200.1 0.737 93.04 86.2 2.270 1.643 1.810 1.790 3859 MAGNUM 1.800 0.010 530.5 1.796 13.51 6.67 2,587.9
2.680 1.277 2.660 2.580 6963 VS 2.650 0.120 13061.1 2.624 23.92 1.85 3,229.9 1.573 0.968 1.050 1.030 5264 MALAKOF 1.030 -0.010 5481.6 1.037 2.10 5.83 5,150.0
1.030 0.750 0.980 0.970 5142 WASEONG 0.970 -0.010 364.3 0.972 0.52 751.6 0.179 0.135 0.145 0.140 3514 MARCO 0.140 -0.005 515 0.143 8.43 3.57 147.6
0.485 0.345 0.390 0.390 7226 WATTA 0.390 0.005 27 0.390 32.9 6.493 5.368 5.800 5.770 6012 MAXIS 5.790 -0.010 2834.3 5.789 20.89 3.45 45,222.9
2.170 1.471 2.020 2.000 7111 WEIDA 2.010 0.010 130 2.011 19.42 1.49 268.0 0.955 0.670 0.835 0.810 5077 MAYBULK 0.820 -0.015 1379.2 0.821 820.0
1.537 1.139 1.370 1.330 7231 WELLCAL 1.330 -0.040 972.3 1.342 19.28 4.62 662.3 2.612 2.035 2.090 2.040 5983 MBMR 2.050 -0.030 708.8 2.058 12.43 2.20 801.3
0.525 0.229 0.345 0.340 6378 WMG 0.345 -0.005 29.1 0.345 147.0 1.313 0.655 0.815 0.790 4502 MEDIA 0.805 0.015 4665.5 0.805 9.94 892.9
0.895 0.600 0.895 0.815 7050 WONG 0.850 0.075 7382.4 0.857 154.55 77.9 0.668 0.455 0.465 0.460 5090 MEDIAC 0.460 UNCH 394 0.460 2.02 6.67 776.1
0.700 0.475 7025 WOODLAN 0.610 16.94 24.4 1.120 0.550 1.050 0.990 7234 MESB 1.000 0.020 397.6 1.012 42.0
2.084 1.836 1.970 1.960 5009 WTHORSE 1.970 UNCH 190 1.970 20.82 5.08 472.8 3.978 1.914 3.660 3.600 3069 MFCB 3.660 0.050 339.1 3.607 9.15 1.37 1,503.4
1.096 0.760 0.780 0.760 4243 WTK 0.770 0.005 710.1 0.768 2.60 370.6 1.160 0.625 0.820 0.795 5186 MHB 0.810 -0.005 889.6 0.809 1,296.0
1.380 0.953 1.100 1.080 7245 WZSATU 1.100 UNCH 100.6 1.081 12.59 1.82 383.8 7.752 6.720 7.400 7.260 3816 MISC 7.300 -0.090 1054 7.295 17.19 1.92 32,585.7
0.865 0.720 0.790 0.770 5048 YILAI 0.790 0.030 31.6 0.772 3950 126.4 2.606 2.050 2.130 2.050 2194 MMCCORP 2.070 -0.060 434.1 2.077 12.81 1.93 6,303.3
0.400 0.185 0.200 0.200 7020 YKGI 0.200 0.005 200 0.200 69.7 0.395 0.205 0.290 0.285 59 MMODE 0.285 -0.005 82 0.287 2.11 46.4
0.700 0.380 0.450 0.440 7014 YLI 0.450 -0.010 30.4 0.443 11.36 1.11 46.3 0.100 0.045 0.055 0.055 43 MTRONIC 0.055 UNCH 127 0.055 52.2
CONSTRUCTION 0.280 0.115 0.185 0.175 3891 MUIIND 0.180 UNCH 2800.6 0.180 527.9
1.189 0.728 1.060 1.040 5281 ADVCON 1.050 -0.010 422.2 1.048 14.73 422.2 3.050 1.950 2.500 2.420 3905 MULPHA 2.500 0.060 220.8 2.473 5.09 799.0
0.750 0.280 0.410 0.410 7007 ARK 0.410 UNCH 1.5 0.410 20.0 2.370 2.000 2.050 2.000 138 MYEG 2.030 0.010 15450.4 2.033 36.45 0.67 7,320.8
1.200 0.600 1.130 1.120 7078 AZRB 1.130 UNCH 112.9 1.123 14.54 1.33 600.6 0.910 0.700 0.710 0.705 9806 NATWIDE 0.705 -0.005 32 0.707 84.8
0.793 0.581 0.620 0.620 6173 BDB 0.620 UNCH 65 0.620 6.33 7.26 188.4 0.140 0.055 0.065 0.055 4464 NICORP 0.060 -0.005 38766.2 0.062 5.04 52.6
0.625 0.351 0.420 0.415 5190 BENALEC 0.420 0.005 321.5 0.416 30.00 1.67 341.0 0.828 0.631 0.715 0.715 5533 OCB 0.715 UNCH 49.5 0.715 14.19 1.40 73.5
0.510 0.325 0.365 0.355 5932 BPURI 0.355 UNCH 133.7 0.361 101.43 94.8 0.985 0.750 0.910 0.905 172 OCK 0.905 -0.005 140.5 0.906 27.76 0.66 788.7
1.110 0.777 1.110 1.090 8761 BREM 1.100 UNCH 1241.1 1.097 53.40 1.36 380.0 3.407 1.763 2.590 2.580 5201 OLDTOWN 2.590 -0.010 381.5 2.589 18.49 2.70 1,199.8
1.220 0.849 1.060 1.040 8591 CRESBLD 1.060 0.020 466.6 1.050 8.80 3.77 187.5 0.210 0.070 0.135 0.130 3018 OLYMPIA 0.130 -0.005 6519.8 0.135 4.85 133.0
2.086 1.437 7528 DKLS 1.800 3.45 1.67 166.9 2.540 1.120 1.250 1.160 5260 OWG 1.180 0.020 2668.5 1.206 47.58 303.9
3.210 1.641 3.080 2.980 5253 ECONBHD 3.060 0.070 1976.7 3.047 20.28 1.47 1,637.1 0.498 0.380 0.390 0.385 8419 PANSAR 0.385 UNCH 8 0.385 22.78 2.60 107.8
1.520 0.985 1.100 1.080 8877 EKOVEST 1.090 UNCH 2525.8 1.094 21.04 1.10 2,331.7 0.700 0.425 0.700 0.670 5125 PANTECH 0.695 0.025 21171.3 0.690 14.45 2.47 516.5
1.010 0.487 0.855 0.845 7047 FAJAR 0.850 UNCH 403.5 0.848 7.94 2.94 313.0 0.810 0.510 0.635 0.615 5657 PARKSON 0.615 -0.010 3549 0.625 672.7
1.370 0.885 1.230 1.210 9261 GADANG 1.220 UNCH 1351.3 1.220 9.15 2.30 802.6 1.310 1.085 1.260 1.250 5041 PBA 1.260 0.010 104.3 1.260 6.60 3.17 417.4
5.459 4.541 5.320 5.280 5398 GAMUDA 5.290 UNCH 10471 5.294 19.67 2.27 12,984.0 0.085 0.040 0.055 0.050 6254 PDZ 0.050 UNCH 511.9 0.051 26.32 43.5
1.740 0.815 1.700 1.680 5226 GBGAQRS 1.700 0.010 1286.4 1.694 18.46 731.0 1.250 0.876 1.110 1.060 5133 PENERGY 1.060 -0.030 194.6 1.091 1.89 341.1
0.920 0.660 0.680 0.660 5169 HOHUP 0.675 0.015 243.4 0.669 4.92 253.0 1.550 1.540 7108 PERDANA 1.540 1,198.8
1.766 1.430 1.470 1.450 6238 HSL 1.470 0.010 43.8 1.454 16.54 1.63 856.5 0.155 0.040 0.055 0.050 47 PERISAI 0.050 UNCH 1309 0.051 63.0
3.557 2.998 3.370 3.260 3336 IJM 3.260 -0.040 3637.8 3.314 17.70 2.30 11,827.4 0.420 0.115 0.355 0.330 7080 PERMAJU 0.330 -0.030 12153.8 0.337 64.7
0.740 0.561 0.610 0.605 5268 IKHMAS 0.605 -0.025 61.9 0.609 116.35 0.83 320.9 1.770 1.510 1.600 1.570 5219 PESTECH 1.570 -0.020 169.8 1.575 12.30 1,198.5
0.360 0.280 0.290 0.285 192 INTA 0.290 UNCH 298.5 0.285 0.36 155.2 25.100 22.389 24.640 24.300 5681 PETDAG 24.340 -0.160 87.8 24.36 24.08 2.96 24,180.7
0.710 0.510 0.590 0.585 8834 IREKA 0.590 0.010 11 0.586 100.8 0.250 0.030 7027 PETONE 0.055 1.61 2.8
1.790 0.975 1.290 1.270 4723 JAKS 1.270 -0.030 1259.6 1.276 612.5 5.524 4.140 4.160 4.140 7081 PHARMA 4.140 UNCH 11.9 4.160 26.39 3.62 1,075.7
0.500 0.210 0.320 0.285 9083 JETSON 0.310 0.030 3392.5 0.306 64.1 0.189 0.118 0.140 0.135 7201 PICORP 0.140 0.005 134.4 0.135 4.36 92.1
3.910 1.996 3.660 3.630 7161 KERJAYA 3.630 -0.020 408.5 3.640 16.39 1.52 2,043.8 0.420 0.225 7163 PJBUMI 0.310 25.4
2.380 1.890 2.190 2.150 5171 KIMLUN 2.180 UNCH 13.6 2.179 9.58 2.98 696.8 5.665 3.587 5.230 5.180 4634 POS 5.220 -0.020 961.3 5.206 44.24 2.05 4,086.1
1.540 1.010 9628 LEBTECH 1.500 58.59 204.7 2.516 1.601 1.750 1.750 5204 PRESBHD 1.750 -0.050 38.5 1.750 76.09 1.86 847.0
1.240 0.684 0.810 0.800 5129 MELATI 0.800 -0.025 8.8 0.807 6.51 2.19 96.0 2.180 1.410 1.600 1.480 8346 PRKCORP 1.500 0.020 81 1.509 150.0
0.575 0.240 0.350 0.350 5006 MERGE 0.350 -0.005 104.8 0.350 250.00 23.5 0.350 0.123 0.310 0.285 186 PTRANS 0.290 -0.015 27571.3 0.298 11.74 2.52 364.6
1.407 1.020 1.070 1.050 9571 MITRA 1.070 -0.010 1025.9 1.058 6.38 4.67 737.7 0.914 0.790 0.805 0.800 5272 RANHILL 0.800 -0.005 58.4 0.805 11.24 9.75 710.7
1.350 0.750 1.290 1.260 7595 MLGLOBAL 1.260 -0.030 683.7 1.273 22.66 497.2 0.360 0.170 0.280 0.275 37 RGB 0.280 UNCH 696.7 0.275 13.79 2.14 374.8
0.440 0.285 0.300 0.300 5924 MTDACPI 0.300 UNCH 1.2 0.300 69.5 0.687 0.390 0.415 0.400 8567 SALCON 0.405 0.005 1578.7 0.407 274.5
1.670 0.725 1.070 1.060 5085 MUDAJYA 1.070 0.010 356.7 1.069 591.1 1.134 0.762 0.970 0.935 5147 SAMCHEM 0.960 0.025 1343.7 0.959 16.35 3.65 261.1
2.980 2.046 2.820 2.730 5703 MUHIBAH 2.740 -0.020 25.5 2.750 10.78 2.01 1,321.0 0.315 0.110 0.265 0.255 9113 SANBUMI 0.255 UNCH 1642.2 0.259 57.7
0.724 0.394 0.535 0.530 8311 PESONA 0.530 -0.005 133 0.532 17.21 3.77 353.6 2.364 1.850 1.900 1.870 99 SCICOM 1.900 0.010 19.1 1.883 14.64 4.74 675.4
2.490 1.132 2.090 2.020 7055 PLB 2.090 0.030 20 2.059 61.29 0.48 190.8 0.215 0.090 0.190 0.180 7158 SCOMI 0.185 -0.005 6939.7 0.188 354.7
1.273 0.924 1.060 1.060 5070 PRTASCO 1.060 UNCH 214.5 1.060 17.35 5.66 450.2 0.270 0.090 0.175 0.160 7045 SCOMIES 0.165 -0.010 3867.5 0.167 386.4
0.215 0.095 0.140 0.135 7145 PSIPTEK 0.140 0.005 750 0.138 14.29 48.8 1.160 0.950 7053 SEEHUP 1.010 7.13 52.8
4.270 3.201 4.000 3.880 9598 PTARAS 3.880 -0.120 16.9 3.964 17.48 5.15 640.1 0.769 0.665 9792 SEG 0.675 26.47 5.19 853.4
1.390 0.455 0.825 0.800 5205 SENDAI 0.820 -0.005 2368.7 0.812 0.61 638.5 1.911 1.120 1.560 1.500 5250 SEM 1.550 0.050 717.4 1.539 44.54 1.48 1,911.7
2.379 1.513 2.300 2.230 5263 SUNCON 2.300 0.070 673.4 2.279 22.09 2.39 2,973.7 2.100 1.324 1.600 1.480 5218 SENERGY 1.490 -0.120 27326.2 1.528 206.94 0.67 8,928.3
0.415 0.255 0.275 0.270 9717 SYCAL 0.270 -0.010 188.8 0.274 16.17 86.5 2.260 1.475 2.250 2.220 5279 SERBADK 2.240 0.010 2478.2 2.241 8.73 2,990.4
0.860 0.364 0.790 0.770 5054 TRC 0.775 -0.015 2876.8 0.780 9.63 2.45 372.4 9.700 7.348 9.170 8.990 4197 SIME 9.010 UNCH 5935.7 9.021 30.74 3.00 61,275.6
2.320 1.500 1.850 1.820 5622 TRIPLC 1.850 -0.010 34.7 1.828 11.78 127.0 0.749 0.600 9431 SJC 0.600 32.09 1.67 24.3
0.825 0.430 0.610 0.570 5042 TSRCAP 0.610 UNCH 8 0.574 10.05 106.4 1.380 1.000 1.030 1.000 5242 SOLID 1.020 -0.010 10.7 1.013 33.12 0.78 170.8
0.165 0.110 0.155 0.145 7070 VIZIONE 0.145 UNCH 29851.8 0.150 131.82 126.9 2.151 1.630 1.770 1.630 6084 STAR 1.660 -0.120 3740.3 1.670 29.59 9.04 1,226.0
1.680 0.890 1.250 1.240 3565 WCEHB 1.240 0.010 196.6 1.244 32.46 1,243.4 3.090 2.262 2.880 2.810 9865 SUIWAH 2.810 -0.070 1.5 2.857 16.84 1.25 171.4
2.467 1.575 1.770 1.730 9679 WCT 1.770 0.010 1663 1.757 27.83 1.68 2,505.2 0.100 0.045 0.060 0.055 1201 SUMATEC 0.060 0.005 3500 0.056 232.0
0.670 0.535 0.570 0.555 7028 ZECON 0.570 UNCH 33 0.559 4.84 74.7 1.951 1.217 1.850 1.790 5211 SUNWAY 1.790 -0.040 4378 1.811 13.55 2.63 8,811.6
0.185 0.100 0.130 0.125 2283 ZELAN 0.130 0.010 941.2 0.129 109.8 2.257 1.865 2.080 2.060 6521 SURIA 2.070 -0.010 126.5 2.074 9.74 3.38 596.5
TRADING SERVICES 0.345 0.235 0.245 0.245 5173 SYSCORP 0.245 UNCH 138 0.245 51.04 294.0
0.550 0.350 0.380 0.375 5238 AAX 0.375 -0.005 10631.5 0.376 18.29 1,555.6 0.490 0.285 0.400 0.390 7228 T7GLOBAL 0.395 -0.005 1160.8 0.392 21.01 150.7
0.240 0.135 0.165 0.165 5166 AEGB 0.165 -0.005 813.7 0.165 67.6 1.722 1.370 1.400 1.370 8524 TALIWRK 1.370 -0.020 249 1.382 25.85 5.84 1,657.0
2.871 1.980 2.060 2.030 6599 AEON 2.040 -0.010 131.6 2.045 35.85 1.47 2,864.2 2.667 1.419 2.350 2.340 5140 TASCO 2.340 -0.010 3.1 2.341 14.76 1.92 468.0
0.435 0.160 0.325 0.310 7315 AHB 0.320 UNCH 456 0.315 10.96 51.2 14.800 12.832 14.380 14.300 5347 TENAGA 14.320 -0.040 6597.2 14.32 11.65 2.72 81,037.1
3.530 2.014 3.470 3.420 5099 AIRASIA 3.440 0.010 4957 3.445 6.53 5.23 11,496.4 1.573 0.995 1.010 0.995 8702 TEXCHEM 1.000 -0.010 104.5 1.004 54.05 20.00 124.1
9.336 5.838 8.660 8.520 5014 AIRPORT 8.520 -0.030 1123.8 8.568 122.94 1.29 14,136.3 0.195 0.045 0.075 0.070 7206 THHEAVY 0.070 -0.010 892.4 0.074 78.5
0.370 0.110 0.230 0.210 5115 ALAM 0.215 -0.010 17614.6 0.215 198.8 6.594 5.601 6.440 6.340 4863 TM 6.340 -0.070 1298.9 6.351 31.68 3.41 23,825.3
0.270 0.070 0.090 0.090 159 AMEDIA 0.090 -0.005 20 0.090 21.6 0.990 0.730 0.850 0.820 101 TMCLIFE 0.830 0.015 1969.1 0.836 69.17 0.14 1,441.1
8.266 7.002 7.320 7.280 6351 AMWAY 7.320 UNCH 2.1 7.284 22.02 2.73 1,203.3 1.806 1.459 1.550 1.540 8397 TNLOGIS 1.550 0.010 30.9 1.546 9.56 1.29 709.9
2.359 2.133 7083 ANALABS 2.190 11.39 1.48 131.5 1.060 0.405 7218 TOCEAN 0.670 52.76 27.5
0.085 0.015 0.025 0.020 5194 APFT 0.020 -0.005 4209.5 0.021 24.8 1.000 0.735 0.790 0.755 5167 TURBO 0.790 UNCH 40.8 0.774 28.01 6.33 85.3
0.825 0.500 0.745 0.715 5210 ARMADA 0.725 -0.010 12125.3 0.728 1.13 4,253.0 2.892 2.400 7137 UMS 2.550 16.16 2.35 103.8
0.220 0.100 0.150 0.140 1481 ASB 0.140 -0.005 1261.3 0.143 33.33 1.79 94.8 0.915 0.271 0.310 0.295 5243 UMWOG 0.300 -0.005 37886.5 0.301 2,464.7
2.863 2.466 2.850 2.740 6399 ASTRO 2.740 -0.100 4926.9 2.805 19.31 4.20 14,274.1 1.294 1.020 1.070 1.060 7091 UNIMECH 1.060 0.010 226 1.060 16.46 2.83 139.1
4.836 4.000 4.200 4.150 7048 ATLAN 4.200 UNCH 2.5 4.170 21.19 3.81 1,065.3 0.730 0.365 0.395 0.395 5754 UTUSAN 0.395 0.005 12 0.395 43.7
0.355 0.305 8885 AVI 0.340 291.9 1.980 1.280 1.430 1.410 7250 UZMA 1.430 -0.010 381.1 1.425 14.20 457.6
1.180 0.739 1.050 1.030 7579 AWC 1.050 0.010 264.9 1.036 12.70 1.43 280.7 1.080 0.600 1.000 0.995 7240 VOIR 0.995 -0.005 133.3 0.997 144.5
5.386 4.085 5.230 5.140 6888 AXIATA 5.210 0.030 12151.4 5.205 78.46 1.54 46,881.1 2.140 1.655 5016 WARISAN 1.980 1.52 133.1
0.653 0.272 0.515 0.490 5021 AYS 0.495 -0.020 1018 0.502 8.13 5.05 188.3 0.580 0.420 7692 WIDETEC 0.500 30.30 22.4
0.740 0.430 0.520 0.495 7251 BARAKAH 0.495 -0.025 1039.3 0.501 408.7 4.291 3.542 3.830 3.730 5246 WPRTS 3.730 -0.120 1267.2 3.764 21.35 3.50 12,719.3
2.209 1.840 2.070 2.040 5248 BAUTO 2.070 0.010 162.5 2.061 24.58 4.90 2,390.0 1.448 1.020 1.070 1.030 5267 XINHWA 1.050 0.020 231.9 1.049 22.11 0.95 226.8
0.495 0.365 0.405 0.395 7241 BHS 0.400 UNCH 434.3 0.400 183.3 0.075 0.020 0.030 0.030 7122 YFG 0.030 UNCH 10 0.030 18.3
0.280 0.170 0.175 0.170 6998 BINTAI 0.170 UNCH 132.6 0.170 49.2 3.680 2.794 3.620 3.510 7293 YINSON 3.550 0.070 5190 3.551 16.53 0.56 3,879.4
6.523 5.750 5.800 5.800 5032 BIPORT 5.800 UNCH 1.2 5.800 17.31 3.79 2,668.0 1.715 1.350 1.370 1.350 4677 YTL 1.350 -0.020 7831 1.359 17.67 3.70 14,729.3
2.760 1.577 2.440 2.420 5275 BISON 2.440 0.020 506.2 2.420 38.30 0.82 756.6 FINANCE
0.410 0.306 0.360 0.350 3395 BJCORP 0.355 0.010 13659.5 0.355 12.50 1,747.9 4.400 3.446 3.940 3.790 2488 ABMB 3.800 -0.140 1405.5 3.824 11.28 4.21 5,882.8
1.956 1.380 1.500 1.490 5196 BJFOOD 1.500 -0.010 26.1 1.496 47.77 572.0 13.674 11.980 12.880 12.800 5139 AEONCR 12.820 -0.020 597.6 12.821 10.47 3.28 2,769.1
0.700 0.390 0.400 0.395 4219 BJLAND 0.400 0.005 203 0.400 5.98 2,000.1 2.949 2.057 2.590 2.570 5185 AFFIN 2.580 0.010 109.1 2.579 8.65 2.91 5,012.8
0.470 0.205 6025 BJMEDIA 0.275 64.6 15.600 9.492 14.500 13.680 1163 ALLIANZ 14.020 -0.480 30.3 14.36 8.16 0.64 2,446.5
3.239 2.250 2.450 2.420 1562 BJTOTO 2.440 0.010 682.1 2.438 13.01 5.74 3,296.5 15.100 9.511 1163PA ALLIANZ-PA 14.500 0.74 1,259.3
0.135 0.092 0.100 0.095 7036 BORNOIL 0.100 0.005 4684.7 0.097 10.87 455.7 5.551 3.754 4.420 4.300 1015 AMBANK 4.310 -0.080 3461.2 4.352 9.74 4.08 12,991.1
0.875 0.505 0.620 0.565 9474 BRAHIMS 0.605 0.025 1122 0.600 143.0 1.950 1.263 1.800 1.800 5088 APEX 1.800 0.020 5 1.800 24.56 2.78 384.4
2.900 2.482 2.900 2.840 2771 BSTEAD 2.900 0.020 867.4 2.876 24.15 4.83 5,878.3 4.610 3.889 5258 BIMB 4.350 12.35 2.99 7,124.2
0.620 0.280 0.565 0.530 5257 CARIMIN 0.535 -0.015 3675 0.545 125.1 10.760 7.782 9.990 9.900 1818 BURSA 9.940 -0.010 1050.5 9.943 25.32 3.72 5,342.8
1.990 1.300 1.740 1.740 5245 CARING 1.740 -0.010 1 1.740 28.86 0.86 378.8 7.080 4.394 6.350 6.270 1023 CIMB 6.270 -0.030 21700.7 6.289 13.35 3.19 56,756.7
3.397 2.130 2.240 2.210 2925 CCB 2.210 -0.010 47.1 2.221 11.60 2.26 222.6 0.705 0.320 0.535 0.530 2143 ECM 0.535 0.005 58.9 0.535 57.53 153.3
1.440 0.835 1.140 1.140 7117 CENTURY 1.140 UNCH 206.6 1.140 24.26 2.63 447.7 1.218 1.065 1.170 1.160 5228 ELKDESA 1.170 0.010 108 1.169 11.88 5.74 341.5
0.535 0.385 0.475 0.475 7209 CHEETAH 0.475 -0.025 37 0.475 31.25 1.58 60.6 16.300 12.501 15.960 15.620 5819 HLBANK 15.780 -0.020 638.2 15.77 15.06 2.60 34,206.6
1.490 0.832 1.330 1.320 5273 CHINHIN 1.330 0.010 238.7 1.320 16.20 3.01 740.0 10.100 7.327 5274 HLCAP 9.980 30.43 1.20 2,464.0
0.675 0.417 0.540 0.540 7016 CHUAN 0.540 0.010 5 0.540 12.13 3.33 91.1 17.735 13.892 16.940 16.760 1082 HLFG 16.800 -0.020 135.6 16.82 12.76 2.26 19,278.3
0.100 0.065 0.070 0.065 5104 CNI 0.070 UNCH 927.7 0.065 50.4 2.610 2.590 6688 HWANG 2.610 18.60 1.15 666.0
1.240 0.650 0.760 0.735 5136 COMPLET 0.760 -0.005 88.1 0.745 12.67 94.1 1.140 0.666 0.980 0.965 3379 INSAS 0.975 0.005 1314.7 0.975 3.57 1.03 676.0
0.040 0.020 0.025 0.020 5037 COMPUGT 0.025 UNCH 325 0.023 53.4 0.970 0.896 0.955 0.955 3379PA INSAS-PA 0.955 UNCH 7.4 0.955 6.28 126.6
2.820 1.966 2.500 2.450 5184 CYPARK 2.500 0.030 199 2.464 12.81 2.08 652.5 0.395 0.150 0.265 0.245 3441 JOHAN 0.250 -0.010 5597.6 0.254 155.7
0.865 0.482 0.585 0.575 5276 DANCO 0.585 0.010 835.2 0.577 14.55 2.56 174.3 0.690 0.415 0.540 0.525 6483 KENANGA 0.540 0.015 390.9 0.531 33.13 4.17 390.2
0.105 0.050 0.080 0.075 91 DAYA 0.075 UNCH 7077.5 0.075 143.2 19.302 15.252 17.640 17.520 8621 LPI 17.540 -0.060 13.4 17.56 19.55 4.68 5,823.0
1.290 0.730 1.020 0.995 5141 DAYANG 0.995 -0.015 1008.9 1.004 960.0 0.880 0.771 0.810 0.790 1198 MAA 0.805 UNCH 382.5 0.803 8.59 11.18 220.2
1.112 0.746 0.950 0.920 5132 DELEUM 0.930 -0.015 1107.1 0.944 17.51 3.49 372.2 3.260 2.769 3.220 3.220 1058 MANULFE 3.220 UNCH 3 3.220 11.92 3.26 651.6
0.890 0.555 0.565 0.555 7212 DESTINI 0.555 -0.005 1128.6 0.557 19.07 641.2 9.860 7.250 9.850 9.790 1155 MAYBANK 9.800 -0.020 18244.1 9.818 13.25 5.61 103,766.9
2.110 1.426 2.020 1.990 7277 DIALOG 2.000 UNCH 19571 1.998 29.11 1.20 11,283.3 1.380 0.850 1.190 1.120 1171 MBSB 1.120 -0.050 6756.5 1.152 21.17 2.68 6,635.4
6.537 4.312 5908 DKSH 4.650 16.23 2.04 733.1 2.840 2.440 2.470 2.470 6459 MNRB 2.470 -0.030 1.5 2.470 8.46 789.4
0.683 0.219 0.490 0.475 4456 DNEX 0.475 UNCH 14162.6 0.481 12.06 1.05 833.2 1.830 1.160 1.420 1.380 5237 MPHBCAP 1.380 -0.020 78.9 1.398 16.45 986.7
1.568 1.031 1.220 1.210 5216 DSONIC 1.210 UNCH 536 1.219 28.67 3.31 1,633.5 1.309 1.250 1.280 1.280 6009 P&O 1.280 0.020 6 1.280 27.65 7.58 314.8
0.295 0.155 0.170 0.165 2097 EASTLND 0.165 -0.005 114 0.170 40.5 20.900 18.835 20.640 20.540 1295 PBBANK 20.580 UNCH 7139 20.5 14.99 2.87 79,894.4
0.790 0.350 0.515 0.500 5259 EATECH 0.500 -0.015 727.4 0.505 4.50 252.0 1.887 1.179 1.600 1.570 9296 RCECAP 1.580 -0.010 209.7 1.580 6.40 1.90 561.4
0.370 0.200 5036 EDARAN 0.220 13.2 5.550 4.473 5.160 5.030 1066 RHBBANK 5.030 -0.090 1744.5 5.069 11.40 2.39 20,170.5
0.290 0.165 0.200 0.190 7471 EDEN 0.195 0.005 643.9 0.193 60.7 0.708 0.422 0.665 0.630 4898 TA 0.645 -0.020 1396.4 0.652 3.03 2.64 1,104.2
3.313 2.213 2.740 2.630 1368 EDGENTA 2.660 -0.020 173.4 2.664 18.10 3.01 2,212.1 4.250 3.580 3.800 3.760 6139 TAKAFUL 3.780 0.030 209.6 3.776 16.70 4.15 3,111.5
0.590 0.220 0.375 0.360 64 EFFICEN 0.360 -0.005 2888.2 0.367 255.3 1.620 0.980 1.150 1.130 5230 TUNEPRO 1.150 0.020 1761.6 1.137 15.48 4.52 864.5
0.976 0.758 0.830 0.830 5081 EIG 0.830 UNCH 5 0.830 17.44 3.61 196.9 PROPERTIES
2.087 1.090 1.780 1.750 5208 EITA 1.760 UNCH 55 1.759 11.70 2.27 228.8 0.852 0.713 0.795 0.795 1007 AMPROP 0.795 0.005 24.9 0.795 46.76 3.77 483.8
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
Markets 2 7

HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.850 0.990 5959 A&M 1.280 25.30 467.3 4.800 1.727 4.580 4.470 97 VITROX 4.500 -0.070 130 4.510 28.23 0.72 2,115.4
0.409 0.328 0.390 0.390 1007PA AMPROP-PA 0.390 -0.005 0.5 0.390 5.13 113.1 1.750 0.680 1.220 1.180 8 WILLOW 1.200 0.010 158.8 1.197 14.63 1.67 297.6
0.230 0.145 0.165 0.150 4057 ASIAPAC 0.160 0.010 3713.2 0.159 14.29 160.8 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT COMPANIES
0.550 0.420 0.455 0.440 6602 BCB 0.455 UNCH 15 0.448 18.50 187.7 5.087 4.583 4.910 4.840 6947 DIGI 4.900 -0.010 1314.5 4.893 24.65 4.02 38,097.5
0.665 0.425 9814 BERTAM 0.465 1.87 96.1 5.994 5.293 5.750 5.750 6645 LITRAK 5.750 -0.010 10.2 5.750 14.06 5.22 3,033.9
1.400 0.730 1.180 1.160 3239 BJASSET 1.180 0.010 319.7 1.174 1,403.2 0.372 0.215 0.245 0.240 5078 M&G 0.240 UNCH 512.5 0.240 20.83 173.7
1.500 1.040 1.300 1.300 5738 CHHB 1.300 UNCH 40 1.300 358.4 1.180 0.700 0.725 0.710 6807 PUNCAK 0.725 0.005 713.1 0.722 325.7
1.706 1.390 1.480 1.480 6718 CRESNDO 1.480 UNCH 31 1.480 6.06 3.38 415.1 9.900 7.490 8.930 8.850 5031 TIMECOM 8.850 -0.040 720.1 8.907 19.77 2.25 5,145.9
1.720 1.244 1.620 1.620 5049 CVIEW 1.620 UNCH 10.9 1.620 5.42 9.26 162.0 1.539 1.360 1.370 1.360 6742 YTLPOWR 1.360 UNCH 1273.9 1.363 15.65 3.68 11,074.9
2.390 2.100 2.270 2.270 5355 DAIMAN 2.270 0.010 9 2.270 20.16 2.42 481.7 CLOSED-END FUNDS
1.040 0.500 0.580 0.555 3484 DBHD 0.560 -0.035 253.7 0.568 173.2 2.690 2.350 2.660 2.630 5108 ICAP 2.660 0.010 6.5 2.645 231.30 372.4
2.089 1.373 1.570 1.540 3417 E&O 1.560 UNCH 171.8 1.556 18.82 1.92 2,069.7 EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS
0.325 0.250 0.300 0.290 3557 ECOFIRS 0.290 -0.010 1365.7 0.292 14.87 232.9 1.137 1.070 0800EA ABFMY1 1.137 5.00 1,501.3
1.720 1.280 1.590 1.570 8206 ECOWLD 1.570 -0.010 2439 1.575 21.13 4,622.7 2.210 1.680 2.190 2.150 0822EA CIMBA40 2.190 -0.020 40 2.170 3.37 3.0
0.920 0.570 0.780 0.750 6076 ENCORP 0.780 0.010 18.1 0.766 6.33 229.3 1.670 1.290 1.630 1.630 0823EA CIMBC50 1.630 -0.020 0.2 1.630 15.9
3.180 1.930 8613 ENRA 2.800 33.94 1.07 381.4 1.865 1.700 1.855 1.855 0820EA FBMKLCI-EA 1.855 UNCH 0.6 1.855 1.78 3.1
1.240 0.740 1.060 1.060 6815 EUPE 1.060 0.010 11.5 1.060 135.7 1.090 0.977 0826EA METFAPA 1.020 19.4
1.360 1.000 1.090 1.070 5283 EWINT 1.070 -0.030 765.7 1.078 2,568.0 0.952 0.895 0825EA METFSID 0.895 2.61 47.4
0.617 0.468 0.510 0.505 6041 FARLIM 0.510 0.010 33 0.508 10.28 3.92 71.6 1.115 1.045 0821EA MYETFDJ 1.095 2.04 304.3
0.763 0.610 0.650 0.640 5020 GLOMAC 0.640 -0.010 149.2 0.643 4.26 4.69 465.8 1.110 1.015 0824EA MYETFID 1.070 1.42 54.4
0.523 0.367 0.410 0.410 9962 GMUTUAL 0.410 0.025 0.1 0.410 9.30 4.88 154.0 REITS
0.470 0.290 0.405 0.395 1147 GOB 0.395 -0.010 1519.9 0.398 8.08 1.27 179.6 1.000 0.880 0.885 0.880 4952 AHP 0.880 -0.010 33 0.884 66.17 4.77 193.6
1.450 1.110 1.150 1.140 1503 GUOCO 1.150 UNCH 32.4 1.142 6.33 1.74 805.5 1.615 1.378 1.450 1.450 5116 ALAQAR 1.450 -0.020 0.3 1.450 17.58 5.21 1,055.9
0.570 0.370 0.450 0.450 7010 HOOVER 0.450 -0.005 12 0.450 44.12 18.0 1.030 0.966 1.000 0.990 5269 ALSREIT 0.990 -0.005 2731 1.000 11.54 6.31 574.2
1.374 0.781 0.835 0.835 5062 HUAYANG 0.835 UNCH 1 0.835 7.58 4.79 293.9 0.828 0.705 0.715 0.710 5120 AMFIRST 0.715 0.005 569.1 0.714 21.80 5.68 490.8
0.648 0.537 0.570 0.565 4251 IBHD 0.565 UNCH 227.1 0.565 8.03 3.33 569.5 0.965 0.863 0.950 0.940 5127 ARREIT 0.940 UNCH 85.6 0.945 13.66 5.97 538.8
1.050 0.755 0.915 0.860 5084 IBRACO 0.915 0.055 8 0.868 32.45 3.83 454.2 1.210 0.978 5130 ATRIUM 1.140 22.71 5.96 138.9
2.938 2.318 2.840 2.830 1597 IGB 2.830 UNCH 91.6 2.830 9.84 3.53 3,863.8 1.689 1.497 1.600 1.560 5106 AXREIT 1.570 0.020 237.4 1.594 16.32 5.39 1,735.1
2.312 1.798 2.040 2.010 5249 IOIPG 2.020 -0.010 3069 2.019 11.06 2.97 11,122.4 1.664 1.420 1.430 1.420 5180 CMMT 1.420 -0.010 76.4 1.429 18.93 5.89 2,893.6
0.620 0.370 0.385 0.385 5175 IVORY 0.385 UNCH 15 0.385 16.11 188.7 1.532 1.192 1.290 1.270 5121 HEKTAR 1.280 UNCH 236.5 1.278 12.44 8.93 591.3
3.290 0.785 1.310 1.260 1589 IWCITY 1.260 UNCH 6791.4 1.288 1,055.1 1.750 1.406 1.710 1.700 5227 IGBREIT 1.710 0.010 589.5 1.703 21.16 5.08 5,999.1
0.154 0.095 0.105 0.105 6769 JKGLAND 0.105 0.005 24.5 0.105 15.44 2.19 238.9 1.008 0.881 0.940 0.935 5280 KIPREIT 0.940 -0.010 152 0.936 22.27 3.11 475.0
0.085 0.040 0.065 0.065 3115 KBUNAI 0.065 UNCH 302 0.065 14.13 375.5 8.007 7.187 7.810 7.790 5235SS KLCC 7.800 UNCH 1298.1 7.800 16.00 4.57 14,081.6
1.100 0.798 0.930 0.915 7323 KEN 0.930 -0.010 16 0.923 4.28 2.69 178.3 1.320 1.129 1.290 1.280 5123 MQREIT 1.280 -0.010 20.1 1.285 15.76 9.91 1,367.0
1.330 0.995 1.250 1.250 5038 KSL 1.250 UNCH 136.5 1.250 4.07 1,296.9 1.866 1.551 1.740 1.720 5212 PAVREIT 1.720 -0.020 1915.1 1.725 17.17 4.67 5,211.8
0.305 0.210 0.225 0.220 3174 L&G 0.220 -0.005 8430.7 0.225 7.38 644.4 1.749 1.547 1.740 1.710 5176 SUNREIT 1.720 -0.020 911.5 1.720 11.94 5.34 5,065.5
1.287 1.040 1.040 1.040 8494 LBICAP 1.040 -0.050 2.5 1.040 10.10 83.9 1.220 1.095 1.220 1.210 5111 TWRREIT 1.210 0.010 225.4 1.212 17.36 5.73 339.4
2.057 1.546 1.820 1.800 5789 LBS 1.800 -0.030 498.5 1.800 11.20 2.22 1,221.4 1.796 1.620 1.630 1.630 5110 UOAREIT 1.630 UNCH 110.2 1.630 15.36 5.79 689.3
0.460 0.235 0.355 0.350 3573 LIENHOE 0.355 0.005 29.7 0.352 128.4 1.210 1.025 1.200 1.180 5109 YTLREIT 1.190 UNCH 1033 1.189 5.87 2,028.2
1.690 0.941 1.400 1.400 7617 MAGNA 1.400 -0.010 3.5 1.400 70.00 4.29 468.9 SPAC
1.615 1.281 1.500 1.470 8583 MAHSING 1.490 UNCH 393.8 1.490 11.17 4.36 3,602.5 0.720 0.700 5234 CLIQ 0.720 454.3
1.940 0.594 1.220 1.170 6181 MALTON 1.200 0.020 4994.3 1.201 9.58 2.08 633.4 0.480 0.475 5241 SONA 0.475 670.1
2.290 1.798 2.220 2.200 5236 MATRIX 2.220 -0.010 346.9 2.214 8.88 4.95 1,640.3
1.880 1.000 1.600 1.590 7189 MBWORLD 1.600 UNCH 69 1.599 6.65 251.8
1.200 0.750 0.890 0.860 5182 MCT 0.890 0.010 25.4 0.876 18.74 1,188.0
0.525 0.405 0.425 0.420 5040 MEDAINC 0.425 0.010 146 0.423 37.61 209.3
1.020 0.680 0.915 0.910 1694 MENANG 0.915 0.005 269.8 0.915 21.58 244.4
0.605 0.250
2.614 2.060




0.391 92.86
1,227.1 Ace Market
0.360 0.260 0.265 0.260 8893 MKLAND 0.260 UNCH 158.4 0.260 17.33 313.9 YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/ VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP
0.215 0.085 6548 MPCORP 0.150 43.1 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
1.761 1.000 1.040 1.010 1651 MRCB 1.040 0.030 15005.5 1.028 8.72 2.64 2,280.3
1.080 0.540 0.570 0.540 9539 MUH 0.540 -0.070 2 0.567 30.5 CONSUMER PRODUCTS
0.365 0.230 0.310 0.285 3913 MUIPROP 0.300 0.010 104.9 0.296 333.33 229.2 0.285 0.195 0.265 0.260 179 BIOHLDG 0.260 -0.005 1484.1 0.260 20.31 210.1
1.900 1.140 1.250 1.240 5073 NAIM 1.250 0.030 150 1.246 312.5 0.310 0.200 0.210 0.205 170 KANGER 0.210 0.005 87 0.208 22.11 167.7
2.949 2.192 5827 OIB 2.520 9.48 2.78 365.1 0.450 0.200 0.345 0.340 148 SUNZEN 0.345 -0.005 150.3 0.344 50.00 166.4
1.679 1.322 1.600 1.590 5053 OSK 1.600 0.020 135.2 1.591 9.08 4.69 2,244.6 0.065 0.025 0.055 0.050 95 XINGHE 0.055 Unch 272.5 0.054 4.44 129.2
1.849 1.285 1.720 1.690 1724 PARAMON 1.690 -0.050 70.8 1.710 11.07 5.03 717.1 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS
0.695 0.445 0.635 0.630 6912 PASDEC 0.630 0.005 315.6 0.631 180.2 0.245 0.137 0.170 0.165 105 ASIAPLY 0.170 0.005 107.5 0.169 18.68 2.94 56.7
1.820 1.540 1.630 1.630 5075 PLENITU 1.630 0.010 7.6 1.630 12.35 2.76 621.9 0.285 0.090 0.125 0.120 72 AT 0.125 0.005 4470.6 0.121 51.6
0.425 0.225 0.405 0.370 2208 PTGTIN 0.375 -0.020 989.8 0.385 129.8 0.445 0.245 0.320 0.315 163 CAREPLS 0.320 Unch 1173.4 0.317 162.0
1.270 0.900 0.960 0.950 4596 SAPRES 0.960 0.010 72.9 0.959 1.28 3.13 134.0 0.330 0.110 0.195 0.190 102 CONNECT 0.190 -0.005 186.5 0.193 20.43 61.1
0.820 0.660 0.680 0.665 5207 SBCCORP 0.680 0.010 256.6 0.675 159.7 0.520 0.335 0.350 0.350 100 ESCERAM 0.350 -0.010 40 0.350 11.29 1.71 71.9
1.170 0.785 1.130 1.120 2224 SDRED 1.120 -0.020 39.5 1.130 8.57 2.23 477.3 0.350 0.215 0.310 0.305 175 HHGROUP 0.305 Unch 630 0.309 217.86 94.2
0.580 0.370 0.440 0.430 4286 SEAL 0.430 -0.005 48.5 0.435 104.5 0.145 0.065 0.115 0.110 160 HHHCORP 0.110 Unch 3053.6 0.112 17.46 36.7
2.860 2.704 2.820 2.820 6017 SHL 2.820 UNCH 2.9 2.820 8.45 7.09 682.8 0.555 0.175 0.405 0.390 162 IJACOBS 0.390 -0.005 2535.8 0.401 22.41 52.9
0.305 0.140 0.230 0.220 4375 SMI 0.225 -0.005 564.8 0.225 1.57 47.2 0.165 0.095 0.135 0.130 24 JAG 0.130 Unch 1741.5 0.130 17.57 0.77 164.6
1.000 0.690 0.800 0.800 5213 SNTORIA 0.800 UNCH 20 0.800 11.16 399.3 0.250 0.125 0.185 0.185 25 LNGRES 0.185 Unch 318 0.185 19.27 44.8
5.190 4.211 4.800 4.740 1783 SPB 4.770 UNCH 15.3 4.775 12.65 2.52 1,639.1 0.150 0.040 0.070 0.060 70 MQTECH 0.060 -0.005 19305.3 0.065 24.9
4.264 2.937 3.420 3.340 8664 SPSETIA 3.400 UNCH 2296.4 3.393 4.96 5.88 10,153.6 0.860 0.365 0.700 0.685 49 OCNCASH 0.685 -0.015 261.6 0.688 14.07 1.02 152.8
1.590 0.895 1.450 1.440 3743 SUNSURIA 1.450 UNCH 112.6 1.446 14.20 1,158.3 0.610 0.130 0.285 0.270 38 PTB 0.280 -0.005 221.3 0.281 42.1
1.035 0.604 0.890 0.880 1538 SYMLIFE 0.890 0.010 86 0.885 6.18 3.37 275.9 0.175 0.150 0.165 0.160 133 SANICHI 0.160 -0.005 223.2 0.160 47.4
0.410 0.215 0.385 0.365 5158 TAGB 0.365 -0.010 2163.7 0.374 7.43 1.10 1,942.4 0.060 0.025 0.030 0.030 109 SCBUILD 0.030 Unch 1117.2 0.030 26.5
7.600 6.135 2305 TAHPS 7.000 31.63 0.71 524.0 0.220 0.110 0.170 0.170 1 SCOMNET 0.170 0.005 261.9 0.170 16.50 41.3
0.055 0.035 0.050 0.045 2259 TALAMT 0.045 -0.005 20.7 0.045 189.9 0.289 0.142 0.230 0.215 28 SCOPE 0.230 0.015 714.1 0.224 28.05 2.17 128.9
1.465 1.130 1.150 1.130 5191 TAMBUN 1.140 -0.010 172.3 1.144 4.68 8.77 494.0 0.290 0.120 0.185 0.180 55 SERSOL 0.180 Unch 255 0.182 38.8
0.140 0.055 0.125 0.115 2429 TANCO 0.115 -0.005 2205.3 0.120 76.1 1.030 0.177 0.995 0.970 84 TECFAST 0.975 -0.010 929.9 0.977 41.85 0.51 166.8
0.315 0.170 7889 THRIVEN 0.240 90.4 TECHNOLOGY
0.085 0.040 0.065 0.055 7079 TIGER 0.060 UNCH 139171 0.060 93.4 0.995 0.160 0.670 0.635 18 ACCSOFT 0.660 Unch 277.1 0.649 28.45 549.6
1.930 1.380 1.400 1.400 5239 TITIJYA 1.400 -0.010 10.1 1.400 7.16 0.36 574.0 0.750 0.160 0.630 0.610 181 AEMULUS 0.610 Unch 6554.9 0.620 73.49 267.7
1.044 0.925 0.935 0.925 5401 TROP 0.925 -0.005 238.6 0.926 9.00 2.67 1,355.8 0.455 0.195 0.355 0.350 119 APPASIA 0.350 -0.005 164.5 0.351 109.8
1.360 0.995 1.140 1.120 5148 UEMS 1.130 0.010 718.6 1.128 20.93 1.42 5,127.3 0.450 0.145 0.150 0.150 68 ASDION 0.150 Unch 10 0.150 17.4
2.680 2.096 2.550 2.530 5200 UOADEV 2.530 0.010 166.4 2.534 6.12 5.93 4,387.6 1.090 0.615 0.665 0.645 98 BAHVEST 0.645 -0.025 553.9 0.652 387.0
0.525 0.229 0.345 0.340 6378 WMG 0.345 -0.005 29.1 0.345 147.0 0.764 0.590 0.605 0.600 191 CABNET 0.605 Unch 39.5 0.602 9.92 78.7
1.279 0.866 0.955 0.955 7003 Y&G 0.955 UNCH 0.7 0.955 14.71 190.4 0.065 0.030 0.055 0.050 152 DGB 0.050 Unch 1655.1 0.051 26.9
1.630 1.330 1.410 1.390 3158 YNHPROP 1.400 UNCH 234.8 1.403 21.94 740.6 0.075 0.025 0.035 0.035 131 DGSB 0.035 Unch 264.1 0.035 58.33 47.5
1.620 1.100 1.620 1.600 7066 YONGTAI 1.610 -0.010 808.9 1.609 45.61 701.5 0.068 0.028 0.055 0.045 154 EAH 0.050 0.005 35926.5 0.050 25.00 173.9
0.670 0.550 0.570 0.560 2577 YTLLAND 0.565 -0.005 56 0.564 55.94 477.1 0.260 0.120 0.135 0.125 107 EDUSPEC 0.125 Unch 1714.1 0.130 116.6
MINING 0.295 0.065 0.270 0.255 116 FOCUS 0.270 0.015 2397.5 0.266 209.8
1.630 1.150 1.500 1.450 2186 KUCHAI 1.500 UNCH 5.1 1.451 4.14 0.57 185.6 1.470 0.815 1.350 1.290 104 GENETEC 1.290 -0.020 129.5 1.303 45.8
PLANTATIONS 0.759 0.431 0.620 0.605 39 GFM 0.610 0.005 385.1 0.607 24.90 2.38 261.1
0.285 0.195 0.220 0.220 7054 AASIA 0.220 -0.010 11 0.220 145.2 0.090 0.035 0.065 0.065 45 GNB 0.065 Unch 200.1 0.065 18.8
19.575 17.198 19.120 19.060 1899 BKAWAN 19.080 0.020 33 19.098 12.14 2.88 8,317.9 0.185 0.070 0.155 0.155 74 GOCEAN 0.155 Unch 175.1 0.155 258.33 40.8
8.639 8.380 8.400 8.400 5069 BLDPLNT 8.400 UNCH 0.1 8.400 50.48 0.48 785.4 0.100 0.040 0.075 0.070 174 IDMENSN 0.075 0.010 1937.4 0.070 37.1
1.666 1.349 1.610 1.600 5254 BPLANT 1.600 UNCH 544.8 1.601 16.61 8.75 2,560.0 0.533 0.227 0.410 0.390 23 IFCAMSC 0.410 Unch 8161.5 0.403 24.12 1.22 249.4
1.000 0.658 0.915 0.905 8982 CEPAT 0.915 UNCH 252.3 0.910 8.73 1.64 291.4 0.100 0.060 0.080 0.075 94 INIX 0.080 0.005 456.2 0.075 29.63 20.3
8.244 7.360 7.820 7.820 1929 CHINTEK 7.820 0.020 2 7.820 40.25 2.43 714.5 0.220 0.100 0.175 0.170 10 IRIS 0.170 -0.005 2205 0.173 420.2
0.660 0.385 0.595 0.570 3948 DUTALND 0.575 -0.020 3729 0.579 36.86 486.5 2.290 0.450 2.150 2.100 146 JFTECH 2.150 Unch 167.3 2.129 42.49 0.93 270.9
9.800 7.205 5029 FAREAST 9.200 8.44 3.26 1,300.8 3.420 0.594 3.160 3.070 127 JHM 3.090 0.040 872 3.115 27.27 812.1
2.457 1.412 1.710 1.670 5222 FGV 1.680 -0.020 4766.5 1.687 94.38 0.60 6,128.9 0.270 0.130 0.185 0.185 111 K1 0.185 Unch 470 0.185 96.0
11.614 10.066 10.480 10.260 2291 GENP 10.400 0.020 196.4 10.402 18.58 1.30 8,355.1 0.460 0.102 0.120 0.110 36 KGROUP 0.115 Unch 1396.6 0.115 49.2
0.663 0.506 0.595 0.595 7382 GLBHD 0.595 UNCH 33.8 0.595 48.77 1.68 132.6 1.130 0.230 0.985 0.930 176 KRONO 0.930 -0.040 8647.2 0.959 23.31 276.6
1.410 1.105 2135 GOPENG 1.400 47.14 2.86 251.1 0.130 0.045 0.090 0.085 17 M3TECH 0.090 Unch 3236.9 0.088 52.8
0.890 0.670 0.710 0.710 7501 HARNLEN 0.710 0.010 10 0.710 37.17 131.7 0.450 0.220 0.420 0.410 75 MEXTER 0.410 0.005 411.6 0.413 91.6
2.670 2.276 2.660 2.660 5138 HSPLANT 2.660 UNCH 9 2.660 14.12 5.45 2,128.0 0.590 0.420 0.435 0.435 155 MGRC 0.435 -0.005 3.5 0.435 67.97 45.0
3.616 2.860 2.920 2.860 2216 IJMPLNT 2.860 -0.070 181.1 2.886 23.60 2.45 2,518.5 1.340 0.855 1.070 1.020 126 MICROLN 1.030 -0.040 699.3 1.044 29.01 172.4
0.734 0.650 0.685 0.685 2607 INCKEN 0.685 UNCH 13.3 0.685 201.47 1.64 288.2 0.595 0.319 0.465 0.460 112 MIKROMB 0.460 -0.005 960.5 0.462 18.11 1.72 198.2
1.475 0.649 1.270 1.250 6262 INNO 1.270 0.010 1.1 1.268 15.53 1.57 608.1 0.465 0.065 0.100 0.095 85 MLAB 0.095 Unch 15274.8 0.095 47.50 54.2
4.757 4.208 4.590 4.510 1961 IOICORP 4.580 0.070 6125.6 4.561 39.28 2.07 28,780.1 0.265 0.160 0.250 0.225 34 MMAG 0.225 -0.020 7728.1 0.236 61.8
25.137 22.521 24.880 24.480 2445 KLK 24.540 0.060 1146.3 24.523 22.95 2.04 26,196.6 2.028 0.498 1.840 1.780 113 MMSV 1.800 Unch 807.2 1.807 16.92 1.11 293.4
3.690 2.990 2453 KLUANG 3.580 122.60 0.28 226.2 0.160 0.055 0.070 0.070 103 MNC 0.070 Unch 100 0.070 38.89 33.5
3.980 3.074 3.960 3.900 5027 KMLOONG 3.960 0.060 58.4 3.948 14.85 3.79 1,234.7 0.310 0.150 0.245 0.240 156 MPAY 0.245 -0.005 2928.7 0.245 174.1
0.695 0.491 0.560 0.555 1996 KRETAM 0.560 UNCH 125 0.559 29.63 1.79 1,303.5 0.735 0.130 0.215 0.205 92 MTOUCHE 0.215 0.005 8116.6 0.208 50.00 27.4
1.750 1.290 6572 KWANTAS 1.520 11.23 473.7 1.050 0.616 0.980 0.955 108 N2N 0.955 -0.015 2949.9 0.967 23.07 2.09 455.7
1.550 1.240 4936 MALPAC 1.290 96.8 0.110 0.015 0.060 0.055 20 NETX 0.060 0.005 5073.8 0.055 66.67 75.8
0.963 0.790 0.875 0.870 5026 MHC 0.870 -0.005 16.8 0.871 10.33 1.72 171.0 0.065 0.035 0.040 0.035 96 NEXGRAM 0.035 -0.005 590.1 0.038 65.9
2.388 1.700 5047 NPC 1.900 6.25 0.53 228.0 0.115 0.070 0.080 0.080 26 NOVAMSC 0.080 Unch 10 0.080 54.7
4.239 3.900 2038 NSOP 3.920 31.74 1.53 275.2 0.662 0.536 0.555 0.550 35 OPCOM 0.550 Unch 42.3 0.552 16.13 7.27 88.7
0.315 0.190 0.220 0.215 1902 PINEPAC 0.215 -0.010 90 0.219 32.2 0.408 0.310 0.325 0.320 40 OPENSYS 0.325 -0.005 106.8 0.325 19.94 3.08 96.8
1.380 0.920 9695 PLS 1.000 326.7 0.380 0.125 0.135 0.130 79 ORION 0.130 Unch 521 0.131 77.9
0.550 0.400 0.440 0.415 5113 RSAWIT 0.415 -0.020 197 0.419 588.7 0.260 0.055 0.220 0.200 5 PALETTE 0.210 -0.005 6106.9 0.208 67.1
4.100 3.444 2542 RVIEW 3.660 15.05 1.64 237.4 0.230 0.135 0.165 0.160 123 PRIVA 0.165 Unch 758.1 0.165 92.1
3.280 2.900 3.120 3.080 2569 SBAGAN 3.120 0.040 11.4 3.084 0.64 207.0 0.175 0.055 0.145 0.135 7 PUC 0.140 Unch 25169.5 0.140 58.33 174.8
0.720 0.505 4316 SHCHAN 0.600 72.0 0.980 0.548 0.840 0.830 106 REXIT 0.830 Unch 307.1 0.835 19.67 4.82 157.1
4.030 3.480 4.000 3.980 5126 SOP 4.000 UNCH 2934.7 3.999 10.19 1.25 2,283.2 0.375 0.218 0.340 0.330 178 SEDANIA 0.330 Unch 1319.4 0.333 3.03 74.5
1.850 1.520 1.600 1.590 5135 SWKPLNT 1.590 0.030 12 1.598 11.00 445.2 0.190 0.055 0.120 0.115 60 SKH 0.115 -0.005 831.5 0.116 47.92 63.8
0.730 0.500 0.510 0.505 2054 TDM 0.510 UNCH 96.2 0.508 49.04 0.98 845.5 0.300 0.155 0.165 0.165 117 SMRT 0.165 Unch 298 0.165 59.6
1.207 0.998 5112 THPLANT 1.110 5.95 5.41 981.1 0.185 0.100 0.160 0.145 169 SMTRACK 0.150 -0.005 11070.2 0.152 16.9
1.928 1.560 1.660 1.640 9059 TSH 1.650 UNCH 269.1 1.650 43.88 1.21 2,280.0 0.355 0.232 0.285 0.285 93 SOLUTN 0.285 Unch 247.7 0.285 8.26 3.51 87.3
6.830 5.330 6.420 6.400 2593 UMCCA 6.400 -0.100 576.9 6.401 15.31 3.13 1,340.5 0.360 0.080 0.155 0.140 129 SRIDGE 0.150 Unch 785.5 0.147 18.2
28.700 25.323 27.400 27.280 2089 UTDPLT 27.400 UNCH 8.2 27.372 14.80 1.46 5,702.9 0.470 0.155 0.405 0.395 50 SYSTECH 0.395 -0.010 2222.5 0.400 52.67 0.76 137.3
HOTELS 0.190 0.140 0.150 0.145 132 TDEX 0.150 0.005 591.2 0.145 136.36 62.0
0.628 0.483 0.535 0.525 5592 GCE 0.530 0.005 102.2 0.530 3.77 104.4 1.480 0.214 1.150 1.100 120 VIS 1.110 -0.040 1313.7 1.116 19.30 0.45 122.9
1.000 0.680 0.760 0.740 1643 LANDMRK 0.750 -0.010 180.1 0.750 396.7 0.210 0.115 0.135 0.130 69 VIVOCOM 0.130 -0.005 5839 0.133 20.97 428.7
0.230 0.115 0.150 0.145 1287 PMHLDG 0.150 UNCH 229.2 0.147 139.3 0.145 0.065 0.105 0.100 66 VSOLAR 0.105 0.005 1184.8 0.102 39.2
5.620 4.860 5.250 5.130 5517 SHANG 5.150 -0.100 30 5.203 29.46 2.72 2,266.0 0.070 0.020 141 WINTONI 0.035 18.0
TECHNOLOGY 0.275 0.080 0.190 0.185 86 YGL 0.190 -0.005 274 0.188 44.1
0.715 0.585 7031 AMTEL 0.630 57.27 31.0 TRADING SERVICES
0.420 0.180 0.285 0.280 5195 CENSOF 0.280 UNCH 639.8 0.285 140.5 0.400 0.150 122 AIM 0.300 79.8
0.400 0.105 0.290 0.280 51 CUSCAPI 0.285 UNCH 2146.9 0.284 137.6 0.165 0.060 0.125 0.115 48 ANCOMLB 0.120 -0.005 445.2 0.121 56.8
0.729 0.283 0.545 0.540 7204 D&O 0.545 0.005 387.4 0.541 35.86 545.0 0.240 0.125 0.145 0.140 150 ASIABIO 0.140 -0.005 2559.1 0.141 1.14 63.0
0.710 0.110 0.405 0.385 8338 DATAPRP 0.385 -0.005 4564.2 0.393 162.2 0.275 0.155 0.175 0.170 187 BCMALL 0.175 0.005 2464.9 0.173 38.04 73.7
0.235 0.140 0.150 0.145 29 DIGISTA 0.145 UNCH 1566 0.145 86.9 0.392 0.291 11 BTECH 0.325 20.06 4.92 81.9
1.578 1.304 1.370 1.370 5162 ECS 1.370 -0.010 7 1.370 8.62 4.38 246.6 0.320 0.170 157 FOCUSP 0.180 29.7
1.510 0.539 1.450 1.380 65 EFORCE 1.400 -0.050 1316.7 1.409 90.91 0.89 579.2 1.210 0.386 1.150 1.130 185 HSSEB 1.140 0.010 1074.4 1.141 23.95 0.55 363.8
2.917 1.159 2.610 2.580 90 ELSOFT 2.610 0.010 89.3 2.608 22.03 1.92 718.1 0.900 0.540 0.720 0.715 147 INNITY 0.715 -0.005 31 0.717 68.10 99.0
1.870 0.790 1.650 1.590 21 GHLSYS 1.620 -0.020 648.8 1.621 53.82 0.31 1,068.3 0.310 0.210 0.220 0.210 180 KTC 0.210 -0.005 397.3 0.211 95.45 107.2
0.455 0.210 0.350 0.340 82 GPACKET 0.340 -0.005 986.8 0.342 3.10 258.0 0.350 0.130 0.210 0.210 167 MCLEAN 0.210 Unch 20 0.210 100.00 37.5
0.280 0.175 0.255 0.235 56 GRANFLO 0.255 0.015 802.3 0.244 123.2 0.440 0.250 0.280 0.280 81 MEGASUN 0.280 -0.005 20 0.280 12.61 61.4
6.650 3.190 6.150 6.000 7022 GTRONIC 6.110 0.100 354 6.073 63.25 0.65 1,741.3 0.280 0.165 0.205 0.195 153 OVERSEA 0.205 Unch 129 0.195 341.67 50.5
0.923 0.490 0.760 0.735 5028 HTPADU 0.760 0.025 211.1 0.752 6.73 6.58 76.9 0.200 0.115 0.160 0.150 177 PASUKGB 0.160 Unch 1301.3 0.153 129.9
2.618 1.956 2.420 2.370 166 INARI 2.380 -0.010 6332.1 2.396 20.32 3.13 4,807.7 0.450 0.230 6 PINEAPP 0.410 215.7 19.9
0.435 0.075 9393 ITRONIC 0.190 19.5 0.375 0.201 0.325 0.320 171 PLABS 0.325 Unch 294.4 0.323 17.96 2.15 69.8
0.675 0.445 0.515 0.510 5161 JCY 0.510 -0.005 470.2 0.511 32.08 8.82 1,059.2 0.005 0.005 110 RA 0.005 2.63 4.8
16.720 7.687 15.980 15.500 9334 KESM 15.600 -0.200 43.8 15.585 15.23 0.42 671.0 0.615 0.280 0.420 0.415 32 REDTONE 0.415 -0.005 50 0.415 314.6
0.180 0.060 0.150 0.145 143 KEYASIC 0.145 -0.005 569 0.146 129.1 0.525 0.140 0.520 0.485 173 REV 0.510 0.025 4503.8 0.507 4.32 68.7
14.300 7.086 13.280 13.000 3867 MPI 13.280 0.340 214 13.122 14.18 2.03 2,787.3 0.726 0.477 0.605 0.605 158 SCC 0.605 Unch 5 0.605 16.76 5.01 85.4
1.467 0.960 1.210 1.210 5011 MSNIAGA 1.210 -0.070 8.8 1.210 16.18 4.13 73.1 0.275 0.160 0.200 0.200 161 SCH 0.200 0.005 164.5 0.200 117.65 4.25 82.4
1.327 0.343 1.010 0.995 83 NOTION 1.010 UNCH 209.1 0.997 15.03 2.72 333.9 0.230 0.100 0.210 0.195 140 STERPRO 0.200 Unch 24399.4 0.203 55.9
0.605 0.430 0.460 0.460 9008 OMESTI 0.460 UNCH 4.4 0.460 198.1 0.265 0.103 0.265 0.245 80 STRAITS 0.255 0.005 16268.8 0.257 48.11 93.8
0.375 0.250 0.255 0.250 41 PANPAGE 0.255 UNCH 314.9 0.251 67.7 1.360 0.955 1.300 1.270 89 TEXCYCL 1.270 -0.010 63.5 1.272 13.12 0.39 216.9
5.080 1.190 4.920 4.780 7160 PENTA 4.860 0.080 627 4.861 20.34 712.3 0.230 0.100 145 TFP 0.170 34.9
0.610 0.250 0.405 0.405 9075 THETA 0.405 0.040 25 0.405 43.4 0.155 0.095 0.110 0.100 165 XOX 0.105 0.005 4842.7 0.105 89.4
0.197 0.073 0.170 0.160 118 TRIVE 0.165 UNCH 38077.6 0.165 75.00 220.5 FINANCE
4.207 2.184 3.820 3.740 5005 UNISEM 3.750 -0.070 801 3.769 15.55 2.93 2,751.9 0.965 0.386 0.715 0.710 53 OSKVI 0.710 0.005 108.7 0.712 2.54 2.82 140.3
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 8 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 29, 2 0 17 TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


Bursa Malaysia Equity Derivatives YEAR


Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.180 0.065 0.070 0.065 318242 GENTINGC42 0.065 Unch 45 9.480 9.500 4.32 29/12/2017
1.950 1.240 1.720 1.690 3182WA GENTING-WA 1.700 Unch 424.8 9.480 7.960 1.90 18/12/2018
0.135 0.090 0.125 0.125 3204CA GKENT-CA 0.125 0.010 115 3.050 2.880 14.92 31/05/2018
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.230 0.070 0.145 0.135 1147WA GOB-WA 0.145 -0.005 169.5 0.395 0.800 139.24 24/12/2019
0.085 0.025 0.045 0.045 0074WA GOCEAN-WA 0.045 Unch 27.5 0.155 0.340 148.39 07/08/2019
0.095 0.065 0.070 0.070 523812 AAX-C12 0.070 Unch 594.7 0.375 0.360 18.40 30/03/2018 0.055 0.025 0.035 0.035 7096WA GPA-WA 0.035 -0.005 100 0.100 0.100 35.00 03/06/2025
0.165 0.015 0.015 0.015 5238C7 AAX-C7 0.015 Unch 150 0.375 0.430 18.67 31/10/2017 0.160 0.110 0.110 0.110 7022CL GTRONIC-CL 0.110 -0.015 30 6.110 6.600 22.42 30/04/2018
0.310 0.160 0.205 0.200 5238WA AAX-WA 0.205 0.005 272.2 0.375 0.460 77.33 08/06/2020 0.130 0.090 0.090 0.090 3034CV HAPSENG-CV 0.090 -0.005 47 9.050 9.000 4.42 30/04/2018
0.120 0.035 0.060 0.060 7146WA AEM-WA 0.060 Unch 188.5 0.170 0.250 82.35 17/12/2019 0.380 0.190 0.210 0.210 2062WC HARBOUR-WC 0.210 Unch 0.6 0.695 1.560 154.68 03/04/2021
0.330 0.050 0.210 0.200 7315WB AHB-WB 0.205 -0.010 304.3 0.320 0.200 26.56 28/08/2019 0.165 0.070 0.100 0.100 5168CZ HARTA-CZ 0.100 Unch 10 6.910 7.500 16.50 12/02/2018
0.330 0.070 0.275 0.265 509947 AIRASIAC47 0.265 Unch 300 3.440 2.600 -1.31 31/10/2017 0.745 0.310 0.410 0.400 4324CA HENGYUAN-CA 0.405 Unch 710.8 7.900 6.000 16.96 22/02/2018
0.200 0.090 0.150 0.140 509953 AIRASIAC53 0.140 -0.005 573.1 3.440 3.200 5.23 02/02/2018 0.470 0.270 0.330 0.320 4324CB HENGYUAN-CB 0.320 -0.005 219 7.900 8.800 35.70 28/02/2018
0.180 0.050 0.055 0.050 509954 AIRASIAC54 0.050 -0.005 805 3.440 3.600 8.58 31/10/2017 0.520 0.315 0.375 0.375 4324CC HENGYUAN-CC 0.375 -0.005 30 7.900 8.000 29.75 28/02/2018
0.150 0.080 0.090 0.090 509955 AIRASIAC55 0.090 -0.010 5 3.440 4.000 23.34 29/12/2017 0.430 0.255 0.315 0.310 4324CD HENGYUAN-CD 0.310 Unch 40 7.900 7.000 20.00 19/03/2018
0.510 0.130 0.310 0.305 5014CS AIRPORT-CS 0.305 0.005 40 8.520 7.350 2.38 02/02/2018 0.410 0.170 0.195 0.195 4324CE HENGYUAN-CE 0.195 Unch 5.9 7.900 8.800 33.61 19/03/2018
0.420 0.160 0.280 0.275 7609WA AJIYA-WA 0.280 Unch 50.1 0.750 0.920 60.00 28/08/2021 0.310 0.175 0.195 0.190 4324CF HENGYUAN-CF 0.190 -0.005 326 7.900 8.880 36.46 22/03/2018
0.135 0.055 0.060 0.055 1015C1 AMBANK-C1 0.055 -0.005 1530.9 4.310 5.000 19.84 30/04/2018 0.140 0.125 0.135 0.125 4324CH HENGYUAN-CH 0.125 -0.005 2235.6 7.900 8.000 20.25 29/06/2018
0.145 0.120 0.135 0.120 1015C3 AMBANK-C3 0.120 -0.010 313.8 4.310 4.700 18.24 30/03/2018 1.540 0.960 1.340 1.290 5095WB HEVEA-WB 1.290 -0.010 22.5 1.560 0.250 -1.28 28/02/2020
0.315 0.140 0.225 0.225 6556CC ANNJOO-CC 0.225 -0.015 30 3.510 2.800 2.21 31/10/2017 0.225 0.075 0.215 0.200 5072WB HIAPTEK-WB 0.210 Unch 4693 0.425 0.500 67.06 23/06/2021
0.280 0.115 0.215 0.195 6556CD ANNJOO-CD 0.195 -0.015 704 3.510 3.000 4.91 08/12/2017 0.530 0.175 0.190 0.180 5169WA HOHUP-WA 0.185 Unch 129 0.675 0.600 16.30 21/12/2018
0.240 0.110 0.200 0.195 6556CE ANNJOO-CE 0.195 Unch 65 3.510 3.100 13.32 02/02/2018 0.390 0.270 0.280 0.275 5160WA HOMERIZ-WA 0.275 -0.010 74.4 0.940 0.920 27.13 09/07/2020
0.140 0.130 0.140 0.130 6556CF ANNJOO-CF 0.130 Unch 380.9 3.510 4.000 29.89 30/04/2018 0.225 0.115 0.145 0.140 7213WB HOVID-WB 0.140 Unch 315.5 0.310 0.180 3.23 05/06/2018
0.035 0.010 0.015 0.015 5194WA APFT-WA 0.015 0.005 10 0.020 0.400 1,975 13/07/2018 0.050 0.010 0.035 0.030 7013WA HUBLINE-WA 0.030 -0.005 1951 0.115 3.200 2,708 04/11/2019
0.335 0.110 0.235 0.220 0119WA APPASIA-WA 0.220 -0.025 278.7 0.350 0.130 0.00 23/12/2024 0.075 0.020 0.055 0.045 7013WB HUBLINE-WB 0.050 Unch 9995.5 0.115 0.200 117.39 20/12/2020
0.255 0.100 0.145 0.125 521024 ARMADA-C24 0.125 -0.035 1360 0.725 0.600 0.00 30/11/2017 0.045 0.015 0.030 0.025 9601WD HWGB-WD 0.030 Unch 300 0.055 0.080 100.00 15/03/2021
0.100 0.025 0.050 0.045 521027 ARMADA-C27 0.050 0.010 6.2 0.725 0.835 22.07 02/02/2018 0.120 0.020 0.025 0.020 3336C4 IJM-C4 0.020 -0.010 550 3.260 3.500 9.82 31/10/2017
0.100 0.060 0.075 0.065 521028 ARMADA-C28 0.070 -0.005 7036 0.725 0.750 14.07 30/01/2018 0.195 0.025 0.040 0.025 3336C5 IJM-C5 0.025 -0.005 650 3.260 3.500 8.51 29/12/2017
0.350 0.050 0.055 0.055 0068WB ASDION-WB 0.055 Unch 19.2 0.150 0.500 270.00 24/03/2019 0.275 0.075 0.160 0.145 0166C2 INARI-C2 0.160 0.015 920 2.380 2.150 3.78 08/12/2017
0.110 0.045 0.055 0.055 0150WA ASIABIO-WA 0.055 0.005 50 0.140 0.300 153.57 19/04/2024 0.205 0.095 0.110 0.110 0166C6 INARI-C6 0.110 Unch 10 2.380 2.400 10.08 30/04/2018
0.100 0.070 0.100 0.075 4057WB ASIAPAC-WB 0.100 0.020 92 0.160 0.250 118.75 25/05/2022 0.570 0.165 0.415 0.395 0166CZ INARI-CZ 0.415 0.010 70 2.380 1.800 1.79 29/12/2017
0.210 0.055 0.120 0.100 6399C1 ASTRO-C1 0.100 -0.025 155 2.740 2.600 2.19 30/11/2017 1.830 1.300 1.620 1.590 0166WB INARI-WB 1.600 0.020 94.5 2.380 0.800 0.84 17/02/2020
0.765 0.110 0.255 0.240 7099WB ATTA-WB 0.250 0.010 438.3 0.820 1.000 52.44 09/05/2022 0.050 0.015 0.040 0.030 0094WA INIX-WA 0.040 0.005 117.7 0.080 0.100 75.00 16/11/2020
0.105 0.030 0.040 0.040 0072WA AT-WA 0.040 Unch 92.6 0.125 0.270 148.00 28/01/2019 0.545 0.160 0.390 0.375 3379WB INSAS-WB 0.375 -0.005 450.8 0.975 1.000 41.03 25/02/2020
0.120 0.060 0.065 0.065 0072WB AT-WB 0.065 Unch 100 0.125 0.090 24.00 17/10/2019 0.180 0.055 0.075 0.065 196113 IOICORP-C13 0.075 0.010 200 4.580 4.400 0.98 31/10/2017
0.260 0.070 0.170 0.170 688815 AXIATA-C15 0.170 0.030 150 5.210 4.650 -0.96 31/10/2017 0.085 0.045 0.050 0.050 196114 IOICORP-C14 0.050 0.005 20 4.580 4.800 8.08 22/12/2017
0.730 0.210 0.570 0.570 7078WA AZRB-WA 0.570 Unch 75.1 1.130 0.700 12.39 13/05/2024 0.070 0.020 0.055 0.045 7183WA IRETEX-WA 0.050 0.005 280.1 0.190 0.800 347.37 10/06/2019
0.330 0.180 0.275 0.265 0098WA BAHVEST-WA 0.265 -0.005 583.9 0.645 0.870 75.97 20/08/2024 0.070 0.025 0.050 0.050 0024WA JAG-WA 0.050 Unch 559.3 0.130 0.100 15.38 14/08/2019
0.120 0.010 0.055 0.050 5248CR BAUTO-CR 0.050 Unch 660 2.070 2.100 6.28 29/12/2017 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 5161C4 JCY-C4 0.045 Unch 158.3 0.510 0.600 26.47 30/04/2018
0.085 0.035 0.060 0.060 5248CS BAUTO-CS 0.060 Unch 100 2.070 2.100 7.25 08/01/2018 0.170 0.045 0.085 0.070 9083WB JETSON-WB 0.085 0.015 1241.6 0.310 0.750 169.35 06/02/2019
0.120 0.075 0.080 0.075 524801 BAUTO-MC01 0.075 Unch 700 2.070 2.150 11.11 14/12/2017 0.830 0.205 0.425 0.415 7167WA JOHOTIN-WA 0.420 Unch 321 1.330 0.850 -4.51 21/11/2017
0.170 0.095 0.105 0.105 7241WA BHS-WA 0.105 -0.005 200 0.400 0.600 76.25 18/10/2020 0.150 0.030 0.045 0.040 4383CO JTIASA-CO 0.040 Unch 140 1.090 1.200 17.43 08/01/2018
0.450 0.260 0.305 0.300 5258WA BIMB-WA 0.305 Unch 229.7 4.350 4.720 15.52 04/12/2023 0.225 0.110 0.130 0.115 0170WA KANGER-WA 0.130 Unch 14.3 0.210 0.100 9.52 13/04/2020
0.155 0.070 0.075 0.075 6998WA BINTAI-WA 0.075 Unch 146 0.170 0.200 61.76 15/06/2020 0.200 0.005 0.010 0.010 5247CZ KAREX-CZ 0.010 Unch 70 1.520 2.200 46.05 02/02/2018
0.230 0.095 0.165 0.160 0179WA BIOHLDG-WA 0.165 0.005 655 0.260 0.220 48.08 05/01/2022 0.165 0.070 0.135 0.130 7161CB KERJAYA-CB 0.130 Unch 341.8 3.630 3.350 8.40 30/11/2017
0.400 0.080 0.225 0.225 3239WA BJASSET-WA 0.225 Unch 30 1.180 1.000 3.81 16/03/2018 0.330 0.135 0.240 0.240 7161CC KERJAYA-CC 0.240 -0.005 120 3.630 3.100 1.93 08/12/2017
0.160 0.060 0.100 0.095 3395WB BJCORP-WB 0.100 0.005 1278.3 0.355 1.000 209.86 22/04/2022 0.220 0.120 0.155 0.155 7161CD KERJAYA-CD 0.155 -0.015 87 3.630 3.400 8.61 25/01/2018
0.175 0.050 0.110 0.110 3395WC BJCORP-WC 0.110 0.005 2907.3 0.355 1.000 212.68 29/05/2026 0.240 0.155 0.190 0.185 7161CE KERJAYA-CE 0.185 -0.005 1110.1 3.630 3.600 14.46 22/02/2018
0.370 0.035 0.295 0.290 7187WA BKOON-WA 0.290 -0.005 424.6 0.500 0.200 -2.00 07/07/2023 0.490 0.070 0.330 0.320 0151WA KGB-WA 0.325 0.005 263.2 0.610 0.500 35.25 12/06/2019
0.065 0.040 0.050 0.045 7036WD BORNOIL-WD 0.050 Unch 782.5 0.100 0.070 20.00 29/05/2027 0.140 0.010 0.015 0.015 0036WA KGROUP-WA 0.015 -0.005 8.2 0.115 0.400 260.87 02/07/2018
0.087 0.029 0.050 0.050 9938WB BRIGHT-WB 0.050 Unch 48.6 0.275 0.650 154.55 12/01/2019 0.120 0.040 0.040 0.040 0036WB KGROUP-WB 0.040 Unch 3120 0.115 0.200 108.70 01/05/2020
0.135 0.045 0.060 0.060 7188WA BTM-WA 0.060 -0.005 83 0.240 0.940 316.67 20/12/2019 0.880 0.600 0.630 0.620 5171WA KIMLUN-WA 0.620 -0.010 91 2.180 1.680 5.50 12/03/2024
0.435 0.060 0.235 0.235 181811 BURSA-C11 0.235 0.025 9 9.940 8.900 1.36 30/11/2017 0.140 0.065 0.080 0.075 7164WB KNM-WB 0.080 Unch 580.6 0.265 1.000 307.55 21/04/2020
0.150 0.050 0.075 0.075 181813 BURSA-C13 0.075 0.005 41.9 9.940 10.500 9.41 30/03/2018 0.160 0.070 0.080 0.080 7017WB KOMARK-WB 0.080 Unch 93.1 0.250 0.300 52.00 21/01/2020
0.900 0.303 0.775 0.755 7174WA CAB-WA 0.765 -0.005 257.2 0.940 0.170 -0.53 08/02/2020 0.430 0.103 0.360 0.355 5878WB KPJ-WB 0.360 -0.010 322.4 1.050 1.010 30.48 23/01/2019
0.470 0.290 0.340 0.325 7076WA CBIP-WA 0.340 -0.020 121.7 1.920 2.400 42.71 06/11/2019 0.085 0.010 0.050 0.050 3794CC LAFMSIA-CC 0.050 -0.005 1200 6.650 7.000 9.02 02/02/2018
0.220 0.045 0.120 0.115 5195WB CENSOF-WB 0.120 Unch 190 0.280 0.460 107.14 07/10/2019 0.660 0.450 0.615 0.615 9385WA LAYHONG-WA 0.615 Unch 20 0.985 0.400 3.05 13/10/2021
0.310 0.085 0.095 0.085 102321 CIMB-C21 0.090 -0.010 2419 6.270 6.200 3.91 31/10/2017 0.320 0.070 0.090 0.070 8494WA LBICAP-WA 0.075 -0.010 100.4 1.040 1.000 3.37 17/04/2018
0.335 0.150 0.185 0.170 102322 CIMB-C22 0.180 0.005 2641.6 6.270 5.700 2.39 24/11/2017 0.835 0.390 0.565 0.540 5789WB LBS-WB 0.565 0.020 373.7 1.800 1.250 0.83 04/10/2020
0.175 0.105 0.105 0.105 102323 CIMB-C23 0.105 -0.005 100 6.270 6.500 12.88 02/02/2018 0.110 0.015 0.050 0.045 5284CA LCTITAN-CA 0.045 -0.005 470 5.260 6.800 32.70 12/02/2018
0.155 0.055 0.060 0.055 102324 CIMB-C24 0.055 -0.005 3959 6.270 7.000 15.15 28/12/2017 0.080 0.015 0.020 0.015 5284CB LCTITAN-CB 0.015 -0.005 1800 5.260 7.800 49.43 12/02/2018
0.210 0.105 0.110 0.105 102325 CIMB-C25 0.105 -0.020 288.8 6.270 7.000 17.50 12/02/2018 0.260 0.050 0.080 0.080 5284CC LCTITAN-CC 0.080 Unch 430 5.260 7.500 47.15 30/01/2018
0.165 0.105 0.105 0.105 102326 CIMB-C26 0.105 -0.005 100 6.270 6.880 18.10 26/04/2018 0.265 0.035 0.095 0.085 5284CD LCTITAN-CD 0.090 -0.010 613.3 5.260 6.500 28.71 30/01/2018
0.110 0.050 0.050 0.050 102327 CIMB-C27 0.050 Unch 1220 6.270 7.700 26.00 19/03/2018 0.465 0.100 0.195 0.180 5284CE LCTITAN-CE 0.185 -0.010 1354.7 5.260 5.500 15.11 30/01/2018
0.205 0.045 0.100 0.100 0102WA CONNECT-WA 0.100 -0.015 85 0.190 0.100 5.26 17/09/2021 0.120 0.015 0.060 0.055 5284CF LCTITAN-CF 0.055 -0.005 1066.1 5.260 6.280 26.71 30/01/2018
0.205 0.045 0.135 0.115 0102WB CONNECT-WB 0.120 0.010 273.1 0.190 0.100 15.79 07/06/2021 0.095 0.020 0.050 0.050 5284CG LCTITAN-CG 0.050 -0.005 100 5.260 6.500 29.28 30/04/2018
0.250 0.025 0.120 0.105 0051WA CUSCAPI-WA 0.105 -0.010 639.5 0.285 0.270 31.58 24/04/2018 0.095 0.020 0.065 0.065 5068WA LUSTER-WA 0.065 Unch 408.4 0.125 0.100 32.00 03/06/2022
0.470 0.295 0.350 0.335 5276WA DANCO-WA 0.350 Unch 5 0.585 0.300 11.11 22/05/2022 0.095 0.020 0.065 0.065 5068WB LUSTER-WB 0.065 -0.005 100 0.125 0.100 32.00 26/05/2023
0.035 0.005 0.015 0.015 7179WB DBE-WB 0.015 Unch 679.8 0.035 0.050 85.71 22/01/2022 0.065 0.015 0.045 0.045 0017WA M3TECH-WA 0.045 Unch 100.1 0.090 0.100 61.11 21/08/2019
0.030 0.005 0.015 0.010 0152WA DGB-WA 0.015 0.005 1003.1 0.050 0.110 150.00 22/04/2018 0.750 0.285 0.510 0.475 7617WB MAGNA-WB 0.510 0.010 4 1.400 0.900 0.71 04/09/2020
0.240 0.105 0.170 0.170 727717 DIALOG-C17 0.170 Unch 100 2.000 1.900 3.50 02/02/2018 0.120 0.075 0.085 0.080 3859C2 MAGNUM-C2 0.085 Unch 300 1.800 1.800 9.44 22/01/2018
0.060 0.055 0.060 0.060 727718 DIALOG-C18 0.060 0.005 1321 2.000 2.300 21.90 30/03/2018 0.115 0.070 0.070 0.070 5264C1 MALAKOF-C1 0.070 -0.005 1530 1.030 1.000 10.68 30/01/2018
0.370 0.045 0.225 0.215 4456WD DNEX-WD 0.220 0.005 15044.3 0.475 0.500 51.58 30/07/2021 0.990 0.090 0.455 0.425 6181WB MALTON-WB 0.435 0.005 11613.5 1.200 1.000 19.58 29/06/2018
0.140 0.060 0.140 0.130 7114WA DNONCE-WA 0.140 0.010 8496.5 0.350 0.250 11.43 25/11/2020 0.500 0.278 0.355 0.345 5236WA MATRIX-WA 0.355 -0.005 2.3 2.220 2.400 24.10 20/07/2020
0.340 0.180 0.300 0.260 7169WA DOMINAN-WA 0.300 0.020 5.5 1.300 1.300 23.08 10/09/2020 0.230 0.105 0.105 0.105 115528 MAYBANKC28 0.105 -0.005 380 9.800 9.500 0.37 31/10/2017
0.070 0.035 0.040 0.040 7198WB DPS-WB 0.040 Unch 286.1 0.090 0.100 55.56 15/01/2025 0.190 0.095 0.145 0.140 115531 MAYBANKC31 0.140 -0.005 1579.3 9.800 9.500 1.22 28/02/2018
0.380 0.115 0.260 0.245 161930 DRBHCOMC30 0.255 -0.010 302 1.600 1.100 0.63 30/11/2017 0.135 0.120 0.125 0.120 115532 MAYBANKC32 0.125 0.005 307.6 9.800 10.00 7.14 28/02/2018
0.195 0.040 0.050 0.040 161933 DRBHCOMC33 0.045 Unch 1495.9 1.600 1.650 8.75 31/10/2017 0.585 0.365 0.580 0.530 5152WA MBL-WA 0.530 -0.040 207.5 1.130 0.800 17.70 28/11/2022
0.125 0.040 0.045 0.040 161937 DRBHCOMC37 0.040 -0.015 1922.2 1.600 1.850 20.63 30/03/2018 0.125 0.025 0.025 0.025 1171C1 MBSB-C1 0.025 -0.020 20 1.120 1.300 20.54 24/11/2017
0.095 0.090 0.090 0.090 161943 DRBHCOMC43 0.090 Unch 600.1 1.600 1.600 16.88 30/03/2018 0.230 0.045 0.050 0.045 1171C2 MBSB-C2 0.045 -0.005 216 1.120 1.300 20.09 02/02/2018
0.120 0.075 0.115 0.115 5216C1 DSONIC-C1 0.115 -0.005 150 1.210 1.150 14.05 19/04/2018 0.105 0.045 0.050 0.045 1171C3 MBSB-C3 0.045 -0.005 4387.6 1.120 1.350 28.57 28/02/2018
0.080 0.005 0.010 0.010 5216CW DSONIC-CW 0.010 Unch 100 1.210 1.400 17.77 31/10/2017 0.115 0.090 0.105 0.090 1171C4 MBSB-C4 0.090 -0.015 285 1.120 1.250 19.64 29/06/2018
0.320 0.120 0.170 0.165 3417WB E&O-WB 0.170 Unch 17 1.560 2.600 77.56 21/07/2019 0.170 0.060 0.060 0.060 1171CW MBSB-CW 0.060 Unch 10 1.120 1.150 13.39 28/11/2017
0.033 0.010 0.030 0.025 0154WB EAH-WB 0.025 -0.005 1444.6 0.050 0.120 190.00 24/02/2019 0.080 0.010 0.015 0.010 1171CZ MBSB-CZ 0.010 -0.005 120 1.120 1.450 31.70 30/11/2017
0.033 0.013 0.030 0.025 0154WC EAH-WC 0.025 -0.005 3077.2 0.050 0.100 150.00 18/06/2019 0.260 0.040 0.110 0.110 0167WB MCLEAN-WB 0.110 Unch 0.4 0.210 0.250 71.43 07/10/2020
0.195 0.090 0.140 0.130 3557WC ECOFIRS-WC 0.140 -0.005 123.1 0.290 0.300 51.72 10/09/2019 0.115 0.060 0.065 0.060 5040WA MEDAINC-WA 0.060 -0.005 190 0.425 0.500 31.76 13/08/2021
0.250 0.080 0.205 0.180 5253CA ECONBHD-CA 0.205 0.035 2270 3.060 2.500 1.80 30/11/2017 0.050 0.020 0.040 0.035 4502CJ MEDIA-CJ 0.035 Unch 354.3 0.805 1.000 32.92 25/01/2018
0.155 0.105 0.135 0.135 5253CE ECONBHD-CE 0.135 Unch 53.7 3.060 2.900 12.42 30/04/2018 0.100 0.015 0.040 0.040 4502CK MEDIA-CK 0.040 Unch 120 0.805 1.000 34.16 28/02/2018
0.185 0.125 0.145 0.140 5253CF ECONBHD-CF 0.145 0.015 356.3 3.060 2.950 10.62 22/03/2018 0.365 0.140 0.230 0.220 1694WB MENANG-WB 0.230 0.010 186.7 0.915 1.000 34.43 09/07/2019
0.170 0.120 0.130 0.130 5253CG ECONBHD-CG 0.130 0.010 10 3.060 3.100 14.05 30/03/2018 0.310 0.095 0.295 0.285 0075WA MEXTER-WA 0.295 0.010 986 0.410 0.130 3.66 17/09/2018
0.105 0.100 0.105 0.100 5253CH ECONBHD-CH 0.105 Unch 130 3.060 3.400 21.41 09/04/2018 0.145 0.070 0.085 0.085 3069CA MFCB-CA 0.085 -0.015 200 3.660 3.950 18.37 02/02/2018
0.170 0.075 0.080 0.080 8206CG ECOWLD-CG 0.080 Unch 80 1.570 1.500 5.73 30/11/2017 2.330 0.525 1.770 1.750 3069WA MFCB-WA 1.750 -0.030 51.9 3.660 2.220 8.47 08/04/2020
0.175 0.065 0.070 0.070 8206CH ECOWLD-CH 0.070 0.005 152 1.570 1.600 8.60 08/12/2017 0.090 0.015 0.065 0.050 5186C3 MHB-C3 0.055 -0.005 4421 0.810 0.900 24.69 25/01/2018
0.075 0.055 0.075 0.060 8206CJ ECOWLD-CJ 0.075 0.005 70 1.570 1.750 23.41 30/03/2018 0.070 0.020 0.055 0.050 7219WA MINETEC-WA 0.055 0.005 2670 0.145 0.150 41.38 27/11/2019
0.710 0.365 0.460 0.450 8206WA ECOWLD-WA 0.460 0.005 140.2 1.570 2.080 61.78 26/03/2022 0.115 0.075 0.085 0.075 381612 MISC-C12 0.075 -0.005 204.8 7.300 7.500 5.82 30/03/2018
0.120 0.045 0.055 0.055 0107WA EDUSPEC-WA 0.055 Unch 50 0.125 0.180 88.00 24/12/2018 0.600 0.345 0.370 0.360 9571WD MITRA-WD 0.360 -0.010 27.8 1.070 1.090 35.51 23/08/2020
1.190 0.360 1.120 1.070 0065WA EFORCE-WA 1.100 -0.030 1103.6 1.400 0.340 2.86 17/07/2019 1.077 0.505 0.590 0.580 6114WB MKH-WB 0.585 0.005 59.1 2.180 1.550 -2.06 29/12/2017
0.557 0.283 0.415 0.405 8907WC EG-WC 0.410 Unch 686.1 0.700 0.500 30.00 03/11/2020 0.105 0.016 0.050 0.045 0085WA MLAB-WA 0.050 Unch 559.8 0.095 0.090 47.37 24/04/2020
0.030 0.005 0.015 0.015 7182WA EKA-WA 0.015 Unch 35 0.075 0.200 186.67 22/01/2019 0.050 0.035 0.050 0.040 0085WB MLAB-WB 0.050 0.005 10984.4 0.095 0.150 110.53 10/09/2020
0.140 0.005 0.010 0.010 8877CA EKOVEST-CA 0.010 Unch 1948 1.090 1.600 48.17 08/12/2017 0.115 0.025 0.025 0.025 2194C6 MMCCORP-C6 0.025 -0.015 540 2.070 2.450 20.77 30/04/2018
0.090 0.035 0.035 0.035 8877CC EKOVEST-CC 0.035 Unch 100 1.090 1.300 27.29 28/12/2017 0.055 0.020 0.035 0.030 0103WA MNC-WA 0.035 0.005 368.8 0.070 0.100 92.86 05/11/2021
1.350 0.660 0.685 0.670 8877WB EKOVEST-WB 0.680 0.010 715.3 1.090 0.480 6.42 25/06/2019 0.070 0.020 0.035 0.030 0070WA MQTECH-WA 0.030 -0.005 2932.1 0.060 0.100 116.67 21/11/2021
0.630 0.295 0.305 0.295 5056WA ENGTEX-WA 0.295 -0.010 2050.2 1.170 0.830 -3.85 25/10/2017 0.065 0.020 0.020 0.020 165121 MRCB-C21 0.020 Unch 357 1.040 1.400 37.50 30/04/2018
0.450 0.245 0.255 0.250 5283WA EWINT-WA 0.255 -0.005 340.3 1.070 1.450 59.35 02/04/2022 0.085 0.060 0.060 0.060 165124 MRCB-C24 0.060 Unch 583 1.040 1.200 29.23 30/03/2018
0.570 0.120 0.410 0.405 7047WB FAJAR-WB 0.405 -0.005 243.3 0.850 0.700 30.00 24/09/2019 0.175 0.060 0.070 0.065 1651WA MRCB-WA 0.065 Unch 1467.3 1.040 2.300 127.40 14/09/2018
0.120 0.060 0.075 0.060 06501U FBMKLCI-C1U 0.060 Unch 50 1,758 1,715 -0.06 31/10/2017 0.220 0.030 0.090 0.075 0092WB MTOUCHE-WB 0.080 -0.005 677 0.215 0.540 188.37 16/03/2020
0.040 0.005 0.020 0.020 06503B FBMKLCI-C3B 0.020 Unch 200 1,757 1,800 3.19 31/01/2018 0.255 0.070 0.095 0.090 13816 MYEG-C16 0.095 0.005 760 2.030 2.000 7.88 02/02/2018
0.050 0.045 0.050 0.045 06503F FBMKLCI-C3F 0.045 -0.005 150 1,758 1,780 2.53 30/03/2018 0.170 0.035 0.035 0.035 13817 MYEG-C17 0.035 -0.005 1404 2.030 2.300 17.61 30/11/2017
0.120 0.050 0.075 0.075 06504C FBMKLCI-H4C 0.075 -0.010 200 1,758 1,785 4.52 29/12/2017 0.095 0.030 0.030 0.030 13819 MYEG-C19 0.030 Unch 50 2.030 2.650 34.53 29/12/2017
0.135 0.075 0.105 0.100 06504D FBMKLCI-H4D 0.105 Unch 220 1,758 1,800 6.57 31/01/2018 0.070 0.045 0.045 0.045 13821 MYEG-C21 0.045 -0.005 16 2.030 2.280 21.18 30/03/2018
0.345 0.310 0.320 0.320 06504E FBMKLCI-H4E 0.320 0.010 30 1,758 1,720 1.48 28/02/2018 0.120 0.080 0.085 0.080 13824 MYEG-C24 0.085 Unch 1488.6 2.030 2.100 14.33 28/02/2018
0.155 0.035 0.040 0.040 522228 FGV-C28 0.040 -0.005 808 1.680 2.050 27.98 02/02/2018 0.115 0.110 0.115 0.110 13825 MYEG-C25 0.110 Unch 200 2.030 2.000 10.71 29/06/2018
0.195 0.095 0.110 0.105 522230 FGV-C30 0.105 Unch 828.6 1.680 1.600 12.74 28/12/2017 0.480 0.115 0.295 0.275 0138C8 MYEG-C8 0.295 0.005 1498 2.030 1.567 1.40 31/10/2017
0.145 0.085 0.110 0.105 522231 FGV-C31 0.105 Unch 860 1.680 1.630 12.65 30/03/2018 0.745 0.220 0.660 0.620 0108WA N2N-WA 0.650 Unch 141.9 0.955 0.320 1.57 06/04/2018
0.150 0.095 0.110 0.110 522232 FGV-C32 0.110 0.005 50 1.680 1.650 14.58 30/01/2018 0.065 0.005 0.030 0.025 0020WB NETX-WB 0.030 Unch 2707.5 0.060 0.050 33.33 08/06/2019
0.095 0.065 0.075 0.075 522237 FGV-C37 0.075 Unch 70 1.680 1.900 23.36 30/01/2018 0.100 0.035 0.040 0.040 7215WA NIHSIN-WA 0.040 -0.005 313.1 0.260 0.200 -7.69 11/02/2018
0.130 0.065 0.075 0.075 9318WB FITTERS-WB 0.075 -0.010 30 0.385 1.000 179.22 12/10/2019 0.415 0.190 0.295 0.290 0172WA OCK-WA 0.290 Unch 821.1 0.905 0.710 10.50 15/12/2020
0.260 0.030 0.255 0.240 0116WC FOCUS-WC 0.255 0.010 1827.6 0.270 0.050 12.96 06/11/2019 0.255 0.060 0.125 0.125 7071WC OCR-WC 0.125 -0.005 946.1 0.570 0.500 9.65 24/07/2021
0.740 0.230 0.500 0.490 9261WB GADANG-WB 0.500 -0.005 959 0.500 1.060 212.00 29/11/2021 0.280 0.045 0.050 0.050 9008WB OMESTI-WB 0.050 Unch 170 0.460 0.500 19.57 30/05/2018
0.110 0.090 0.090 0.090 539839 GAMUDA-C39 0.090 Unch 15 5.290 5.350 6.24 31/05/2018 0.370 0.195 0.280 0.280 5053WC OSK-WC 0.280 Unch 41.7 1.600 1.800 30.00 22/07/2020
1.480 1.140 1.330 1.310 5398WE GAMUDA-WE 1.320 Unch 140.5 5.290 4.050 1.51 06/03/2021 0.500 0.180 0.425 0.425 7052CK PADINI-CK 0.425 -0.010 2.5 4.400 3.200 1.70 28/02/2018
0.455 0.120 0.385 0.370 5226WA GBGAQRS-WA 0.385 0.015 2555.6 1.700 1.300 -0.88 20/07/2018 0.210 0.025 0.165 0.150 0005WA PALETTE-WA 0.160 -0.005 4687.8 0.210 0.040 -4.76 20/03/2018
0.500 0.300 0.490 0.440 3611WA GBH-WA 0.455 0.025 320 1.460 1.000 -0.34 07/04/2020 0.300 0.080 0.255 0.240 5125WA PANTECH-WA 0.245 0.005 4057.9 0.695 0.500 7.19 21/12/2020
0.330 0.075 0.080 0.075 0078CD GDEX-CD 0.080 0.005 67 0.625 0.600 5.60 31/10/2017 0.300 0.105 0.265 0.255 5125WB PANTECH-WB 0.260 0.005 1798.2 0.695 0.500 9.35 21/12/2021
0.075 0.040 0.040 0.040 0078CH GDEX-CH 0.040 Unch 37.3 0.625 0.780 34.40 28/02/2018 0.165 0.100 0.130 0.130 129515 PBBANK-C15 0.130 Unch 53 20.580 20.300 1.80 30/04/2018
0.572 0.410 0.415 0.410 0078WB GDEX-WB 0.415 0.005 249 0.625 0.383 27.60 05/02/2020 0.160 0.105 0.120 0.120 518312 PCHEM-C12 0.120 -0.005 340 7.300 7.500 8.49 26/02/2018
0.300 0.080 0.085 0.080 471524 GENM-C24 0.080 -0.005 1064.8 5.320 5.500 8.65 29/12/2017 0.210 0.150 0.170 0.170 518313 PCHEM-C13 0.170 Unch 50 7.300 7.000 4.04 31/05/2018
0.190 0.045 0.045 0.045 471525 GENM-C25 0.045 -0.025 100 5.320 6.000 16.17 07/12/2017 0.400 0.200 0.230 0.215 9997WB PENSONI-WB 0.230 0.010 7.6 0.630 0.600 31.75 20/01/2024
0.180 0.065 0.070 0.065 471526 GENM-C26 0.065 -0.015 61.5 5.320 5.900 16.40 02/02/2018 0.485 0.180 0.290 0.280 8311WC PESONA-WC 0.285 -0.005 91.3 0.530 0.250 0.94 27/01/2020
0.165 0.070 0.075 0.070 471528 GENM-C28 0.075 -0.015 417.7 5.320 6.300 23.50 28/02/2018 0.130 0.085 0.105 0.100 5681CS PETDAG-CS 0.105 Unch 140 24.339 24.100 3.33 30/03/2018
3.850 2.620 2.620 2.620 2291WA GENP-WA 2.620 Unch 1.2 10.400 7.750 -0.29 17/06/2019 0.460 0.180 0.290 0.270 3042CD PETRONM-CD 0.285 0.005 583.5 10.300 8.500 15.73 22/02/2018
Markets 2 9

Japan Nikkei rebounds on Wall Its a straightforward market on US Wall Street gains on nancials a possibility of tax reform going through
Street, weak yen; nancials soar Wednesday. Investors appreciate the boost, tax hopes that would actually be meaningful, said
weakening yen which raises expectations Martin.
TOKYO: Japanese stocks rebounded for better corporate profits in the second NEW YORK: US stocks rose on Wednesday The Russell 2000 Index of small-cap
yesterday after Wall Street gained and the half, said Fujio Ando, a senior analyst at as gains in financial shares were powered stocks rose 1.92% and notched its best
US dollar rose against the yen on hopes US Chibagin Securities. by growing expectations for a December day since early March. Small-cap names
President Donald Trumps administration Exporters were in demand, with Tokyo interest rate hike and on hopes US are likely to be the biggest beneficiaries
may be making progress on a tax plan. Electron rising 1.8% and Isuzu Motors President Donald Trumps administration of a tax cut.
The Nikkei Share Avearage gained adding 2%. may be making progress on a tax plan. Traders now see about a 78% chance
0.47% or 96.06 points to 20,363.11. Analysts said that given the Japanese New orders for US-made capital goods of a December rate hike, compared with
Trump offered to lower corporate income market is hovering near its highest in more increased more than expected in August roughly 73% a week ago, according to
tax rates, cut taxes for small businesses and than two years, investors are optimistic but and shipments maintained their upward CME Groups FedWatch tool.
reduce the top income tax rate for individuals. cautious in the face of multiple risks ahead trend, pointing to underlying strength in Bank of America rose 2.42% and
Financial shares such as insurers such as tensions between the US and the economy. Goldman Sachs gained 2.1% as the biggest
and banks, which invest in high-yielding North Korea and Japans snap election. The data, coupled with comments from boost to the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
products like foreign bonds, outperformed Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe US Federal Reserve (Fed) chair Janet The Dow rose 56.39 points or 0.25% to
after US Treasury yields rose to their highest appears to be calculating that a snap lower Yellen on Tuesday boosted anticipation 22,340.71; the S&P 500 gained 10.2 points
in years overnight. house poll will win his Liberal Democratic the Fed would raise US interest rates in or 0.41% to 2,507.04; and the Nasdaq
Investors took heart from a better-than- Party-led coalition another term even if it December, lifting yields on US Treasuries, Composite added 73.1 points or 1.15% to
expected reading on US durable goods reduces its lower house dominance to a which in turn pushed financials up 1.3%. 6,453.26.
orders that suggested inflation may be simple majority. With rates going up, that is why banks Interest-rate-sensitive and dividend-
picking up, boosting expectations for a Yesterday, media polls showed a move. If rates go up and are sustainable paying sectors declined. The consumer
US Federal Reserve interest rate hike in fledgling conservative party led by popular they can start to make some money, said staples index fell 0.73%, while utilities
December. Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike is gaining Thomas Martin, senior portfolio manager dropped 1.34% and real estate lost 0.84%.
Dai-ichi Life Holdings rose 2.7%, T&D traction in its challenge to Abes ruling bloc. at Globalt Investments in Atlanta, Georgia. Also serving to cap gains on the Dow
Holdings added 2.2%, Mitsubishi UFJ Its too early to say whether its having Trump proposed the biggest tax overhaul and S&P were Nike shares, which declined
Financial Group gained 1.2%. an impact on the market, but we can say in three decades but offered scant details 1.92% after the company posted its slowest
A weaker yen underpinned sentiment, that uncertainty over the election is growing, about how to pay for the cuts without quarterly sales growth in nearly seven
with the US dollar trading at 112.82, having said Takuya Takahashi, a strategist at Daiwa dramatically driving up federal deficits. years and said it expected a further drop
risen to as high as 113.26 on Wednesday, Securities. If passed, the plan would be Trumps in revenue from North America.
its strongest level in more than two months. Yamato Holdings gained as much as first significant legislative win since taking Advancing issues outnumbered
This rise followed news that new orders 4.9% after a Nikkei report that the delivery office in January. declining ones on the New York Stock
for US-made capital goods increased more services company likely convinced Amazon For the first time since we have had Exchange by a 1.29-to-one ratio; on
than expected in August and shipments to pay at least 40% more for shipping Trump and the administration in office, it Nasdaq, a 2.71-to-one ratio favoured
maintained their upward trend. services in Japan. looks like there is incrementally more of advancers. Reuters

Nikkei 225 Shanghai Composite Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index

Index points Index points Index points Index points
20800 5800 22500 3900
4825 (-0.17%) 19275
17625 3415
14450 20,363.11 3850 16050 2930
10,172.06 10,403.79
+96.06 3,087.842 22,340.71
2875 12825
+56.39 3,555.17
(+0.25%) 2445 +18.79
8100 1900 9600 1960
Mar 1, 2010 Sept 28, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 28, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 27, 2017 Mar 1, 2010 Sept 27, 2017

Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.505 0.150 0.390 0.385 3743WA SUNSURIA-WA 0.385 -0.005 25 1.450 1.500 30.00 22/07/2020
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PRM EXPIRY 0.235 0.060 0.155 0.150 0148WB SUNZEN-WB 0.150 -0.005 55 0.345 0.250 15.94 25/02/2021
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.155 0.010 0.015 0.015 710627 SUPERMX-C27 0.015 Unch 366 1.700 2.000 19.41 02/02/2018
0.085 0.035 0.035 0.035 710629 SUPERMX-C29 0.035 Unch 24 1.700 1.900 18.15 30/01/2018
0.275 0.265 0.275 0.265 3042CE PETRONM-CE 0.275 Unch 200.4 10.300 10.880 32.33 30/04/2018
0.220 0.125 0.140 0.135 7082WB SYF-WB 0.140 Unch 202 0.480 0.700 75.00 11/11/2019
0.230 0.230 0.230 0.230 3042CF PETRONM-CF 0.230 Unch 16.1 10.300 11.000 33.59 09/04/2018
0.365 0.125 0.220 0.220 1538WB SYMLIFE-WB 0.220 -0.005 0.5 0.890 1.100 48.31 11/11/2020
0.110 0.095 0.100 0.095 8869C1 PMETAL-C1 0.095 -0.005 1020 3.700 3.800 12.97 29/06/2018
0.330 0.145 0.150 0.150 8524WB TALIWRK-WB 0.150 -0.015 100 1.370 1.700 35.04 11/11/2018
0.215 0.160 0.195 0.190 8869CV PMETAL-CV 0.190 -0.005 1010 3.700 3.300 9.73 22/03/2018
0.130 0.050 0.065 0.060 0132WA TDEX-WA 0.060 Unch 704.5 0.150 0.110 13.33 21/09/2018
0.160 0.135 0.135 0.135 8869CY PMETAL-CY 0.135 -0.005 256.8 3.700 3.900 20.00 30/03/2018
0.930 0.300 0.340 0.310 7200WA TEKSENG-WA 0.340 0.020 6.1 0.495 0.250 19.19 29/01/2020
3.400 2.200 3.240 3.200 8869WC PMETAL-WC 3.200 -0.090 20 3.700 0.390 -2.97 22/08/2019
0.195 0.085 0.100 0.100 534735 TENAGA-C35 0.100 Unch 40 14.320 13.800 0.56 30/11/2017
1.050 0.640 0.880 0.860 7088WB POHUAT-WB 0.870 -0.005 241.5 1.920 1.000 -2.60 21/10/2020
0.150 0.070 0.070 0.070 534739 TENAGA-C39 0.070 Unch 100 14.320 14.600 4.40 29/06/2018
0.185 0.100 0.110 0.105 463411 POS-C11 0.105 -0.005 734.4 5.220 5.300 10.58 30/04/2018
0.160 0.040 0.085 0.085 0145WA TFP-WA 0.085 Unch 240 0.170 0.100 8.82 15/02/2019
0.095 0.090 0.095 0.090 463413 POS-C13 0.095 Unch 110.6 5.220 6.000 28.59 29/06/2018
3.350 2.490 2.510 2.490 7034WA TGUAN-WA 2.500 Unch 65.5 4.020 1.500 -0.50 09/10/2019
0.370 0.140 0.140 0.140 4634C9 POS-C9 0.140 -0.010 80 5.220 4.900 5.94 16/10/2017
0.040 0.010 0.030 0.025 7079WC TIGER-WC 0.025 -0.005 1541.1 0.060 0.080 75.00 11/02/2021
0.710 0.250 0.645 0.635 7168WA PRG-WA 0.635 -0.005 80 1.020 0.375 -0.98 06/07/2019
0.125 0.105 0.115 0.115 486320 TM-C20 0.115 0.005 1 6.340 6.400 4.57 31/05/2018
0.145 0.040 0.090 0.085 7145WA PSIPTEK-WA 0.090 0.005 559.9 0.140 0.100 35.71 16/11/2019
0.080 0.010 0.010 0.010 0101CC TMCLIFE-CC 0.010 Unch 150 0.830 1.000 22.89 31/10/2017
0.140 0.100 0.140 0.100 0186WA PTRANS-WA 0.105 Unch 125062.7 0.290 0.235 17.24 19/09/2020
0.305 0.125 0.185 0.175 0101WB TMCLIFE-WB 0.185 0.015 2361 0.830 0.750 12.65 21/06/2019
0.140 0.020 0.075 0.070 0007WA PUC-WA 0.070 Unch 1021.1 0.140 0.100 21.43 25/12/2024
0.810 0.560 0.585 0.585 8397WC TNLOGIS-WC 0.585 Unch 30 1.550 1.000 2.26 26/12/2018
0.145 0.015 0.070 0.065 0007WB PUC-WB 0.065 Unch 340 0.140 0.100 17.86 15/02/2019
0.485 0.109 0.400 0.400 7285WA TOMYPAK-WA 0.400 Unch 15 0.925 0.930 43.78 21/06/2021
0.750 0.235 0.615 0.615 7134WA PWF-WA 0.615 -0.005 84 1.080 0.620 14.35 20/07/2021
0.200 0.035 0.115 0.100 711317 TOPGLOV-C17 0.110 0.010 218.4 5.540 5.200 2.80 29/12/2017
0.170 0.030 0.095 0.090 5256WA REACH-WA 0.090 -0.005 3623.2 0.390 0.750 115.38 12/08/2022
0.200 0.025 0.025 0.025 7173WA TOYOINK-WA 0.025 Unch 15 0.700 1.500 117.86 20/04/2018
0.110 0.020 0.035 0.025 1066C2 RHBBANK-C2 0.025 -0.010 1362.9 5.030 5.600 12.82 28/02/2018
0.360 0.210 0.235 0.225 5401WA TROP-WA 0.230 0.005 10.6 0.925 1.000 32.97 06/12/2019
0.155 0.140 0.145 0.140 1066C3 RHBBANK-C3 0.140 -0.015 71.2 5.030 5.000 7.75 29/06/2018
0.425 0.110 0.175 0.170 5042WB TSRCAP-WB 0.175 -0.015 45.7 0.610 0.700 43.44 28/12/2020
0.090 0.045 0.050 0.045 5270WA RSENA-WA 0.045 -0.005 4127.5 0.455 0.500 19.78 01/12/2023
0.105 0.015 0.015 0.015 514844 UEMS-C44 0.015 -0.005 70 1.130 1.350 22.12 24/11/2017
0.315 0.065 0.295 0.280 5157WA SAUDEE-WA 0.290 Unch 513.9 0.560 0.500 41.07 31/03/2021
0.100 0.010 0.010 0.010 514845 UEMS-C45 0.010 Unch 1097.2 1.130 1.200 8.58 31/10/2017
0.185 0.055 0.110 0.105 0161WA SCH-WA 0.105 Unch 37.5 0.200 0.100 2.50 04/12/2021
0.150 0.095 0.100 0.095 514847 UEMS-C47 0.100 Unch 50.1 1.130 1.000 6.19 30/01/2018
0.190 0.055 0.125 0.110 0028WA SCOPE-WA 0.110 -0.020 0.7 0.230 0.150 13.04 17/07/2020
0.075 0.045 0.045 0.045 514851 UEMS-C51 0.045 Unch 69.4 1.130 1.200 14.16 22/02/2018
0.785 0.160 0.415 0.410 7073WB SEACERA-WB 0.410 -0.005 92.3 0.920 1.000 53.26 29/05/2019
0.395 0.195 0.235 0.230 5005CV UNISEM-CV 0.230 -0.020 144.5 3.750 3.100 1.07 30/11/2017
0.170 0.010 0.060 0.050 5250CF SEM-CF 0.060 0.020 810 1.550 1.550 7.74 28/11/2017
0.200 0.110 0.120 0.120 5005CX UNISEM-CX 0.120 Unch 175 3.750 3.450 6.40 30/11/2017
0.270 0.015 0.040 0.030 521838 SENERGYC38 0.035 -0.005 3521.1 1.490 1.650 15.44 30/11/2017
0.105 0.025 0.045 0.045 0069WB VIVOCOM-WB 0.045 Unch 11505.9 0.130 0.200 88.46 07/09/2018
0.100 0.015 0.020 0.015 521845 SENERGYC45 0.015 -0.010 3312.1 1.490 2.000 36.24 28/02/2018
0.140 0.050 0.075 0.075 0069WC VIVOCOM-WC 0.075 Unch 1064.7 0.130 0.100 34.62 22/01/2020
0.120 0.050 0.080 0.055 521846 SENERGYC46 0.055 -0.025 17011.9 1.490 1.700 22.58 30/01/2018
0.135 0.055 0.080 0.080 0069WD VIVOCOM-WD 0.080 Unch 2000 0.130 0.100 38.46 08/07/2020
0.130 0.055 0.090 0.060 521847 SENERGYC47 0.060 -0.030 3101 1.490 1.700 22.15 30/01/2018
0.055 0.020 0.040 0.040 7070WB VIZIONE-WB 0.040 0.005 1048 0.145 0.160 37.93 20/06/2018
0.145 0.085 0.110 0.085 521850 SENERGYC50 0.085 -0.030 1103 1.490 1.600 18.79 29/06/2018
0.115 0.030 0.100 0.090 7070WC VIZIONE-WC 0.095 0.005 16601.7 0.145 0.100 34.48 05/02/2022
0.080 0.060 0.080 0.060 521851 SENERGYC51 0.065 Unch 6791.4 1.490 1.900 36.24 09/04/2018
0.650 0.200 0.575 0.575 7240WA VOIR-WA 0.575 Unch 37 0.995 0.500 8.04 31/03/2024
0.200 0.115 0.185 0.180 5279CA SERBADK-CA 0.185 0.005 600 2.240 2.000 9.93 02/02/2018
0.435 0.155 0.410 0.395 6963CM VS-CM 0.410 0.030 857 2.650 1.800 -1.13 30/11/2017
0.120 0.090 0.110 0.110 5279CD SERBADK-CD 0.110 Unch 1316.6 2.240 2.600 30.80 30/03/2018
0.350 0.115 0.340 0.300 6963CN VS-CN 0.305 0.015 673 2.650 2.000 -1.51 08/12/2017
0.215 0.080 0.115 0.110 0055WA SERSOL-WA 0.115 -0.005 30 0.180 0.180 63.89 18/04/2023
0.230 0.090 0.210 0.210 6963CO VS-CO 0.210 -0.020 30.1 2.650 2.200 2.83 30/11/2017
0.205 0.055 0.160 0.160 7165WA SGB-WA 0.160 Unch 9.9 0.640 0.600 18.75 07/04/2021
0.190 0.105 0.190 0.175 6963CQ VS-CQ 0.190 0.015 312.6 2.650 2.280 7.55 30/03/2018
0.190 0.040 0.045 0.040 419714 SIME-C14 0.045 Unch 80 9.010 9.000 2.39 29/12/2017
1.000 0.240 0.975 0.930 6963WA VS-WA 0.965 0.050 29842.5 2.650 1.650 -1.32 06/01/2019
0.825 0.500 0.510 0.500 5242WA SOLID-WA 0.500 -0.030 6 1.020 0.500 -1.96 16/12/2020
0.665 0.050 0.070 0.065 9679WD WCT-WD 0.065 -0.005 2038 1.770 1.710 0.28 11/12/2017
0.285 0.135 0.160 0.160 0093WA SOLUTN-WA 0.160 Unch 192.4 0.285 0.200 26.32 04/07/2021
0.570 0.175 0.290 0.280 9679WE WCT-WE 0.290 0.005 145.2 1.770 2.080 33.90 27/08/2020
0.160 0.095 0.095 0.095 8664C2 SPSETIA-C2 0.095 -0.015 8.2 3.400 3.600 12.87 30/03/2018
0.070 0.055 0.055 0.055 524601 WPRTS-MC01 0.055 -0.010 90 3.730 4.100 14.34 14/12/2017
0.210 0.035 0.040 0.035 8664CV SPSETIA-CV 0.040 Unch 628.4 3.400 3.400 4.71 31/10/2017
0.930 0.490 0.660 0.650 7245WA WZSATU-WA 0.660 Unch 128 1.100 0.500 5.45 28/10/2024
0.400 0.080 0.120 0.120 8664CW SPSETIA-CW 0.120 -0.015 35 3.400 3.400 5.29 29/12/2017
0.220 0.020 0.165 0.150 5156WC XDL-WC 0.165 0.005 3.4 0.285 0.160 14.04 02/07/2018
0.200 0.015 0.015 0.015 8664CY SPSETIA-CY 0.015 -0.005 150 3.400 3.900 15.59 08/12/2017
0.020 0.005 0.010 0.010 0095WA XINGHE-WA 0.010 Unch 1311.3 0.055 0.100 100.00 22/03/2019
0.150 0.015 0.020 0.015 6084CE STAR-CE 0.020 -0.045 2003.8 1.660 2.261 38.82 26/02/2018
0.140 0.100 0.115 0.105 7293CN YINSON-CN 0.115 0.015 388 3.550 3.600 14.37 22/03/2018
0.125 0.020 0.065 0.060 0140WA STERPRO-WA 0.065 0.005 404.2 0.200 0.480 172.50 17/02/2021
0.185 0.050 0.060 0.055 7020WB YKGI-WB 0.055 -0.005 224.3 0.200 0.500 177.50 28/05/2020
0.175 0.095 0.170 0.160 0080WA STRAITS-WA 0.165 0.005 10439.4 0.255 0.115 9.80 10/08/2022
1.100 0.645 1.080 1.050 7066WA YONGTAI-WA 1.070 Unch 164 1.610 0.500 -2.48 24/06/2020
0.065 0.015 0.030 0.030 1201WA SUMATEC-WA 0.030 Unch 20 0.060 0.320 483.33 03/03/2021
0.100 0.010 0.020 0.010 4677C8 YTL-C8 0.015 -0.005 556.2 1.350 1.500 12.22 29/12/2017
0.060 0.015 0.025 0.020 1201WB SUMATEC-WB 0.020 Unch 1459.5 0.060 0.175 225.00 13/11/2018
0.450 0.240 0.250 0.240 6742WB YTLPOWR-WB 0.245 Unch 328.3 1.360 1.140 1.84 11/06/2018
0.225 0.110 0.195 0.190 5263CJ SUNCON-CJ 0.195 0.020 120 2.300 1.840 1.20 31/10/2017
0.110 0.040 0.050 0.045 2283WA ZELAN-WA 0.045 Unch 17.2 0.130 0.250 126.92 25/01/2019
0.165 0.100 0.125 0.125 5263CK SUNCON-CK 0.125 Unch 140 2.300 2.200 6.52 08/01/2018
Please refer to the Bursa Malaysia website for the prices of loan stocks, bonds and overseas structure warrants
3 0 Markets FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 29, 2 0 17 TH EEDGE F I N AN C I AL DAI LY


Insider moves (Filings on Sept 27, 2017) Trading themes

Insider Moves show what substantial shareholders are doing with their stakes, which could be a signal of their views on the companys outlook. Exploding crop yields eat into prots
(DISPOSED) SHAREHOLDER AFTER CHANGE DATE With the help of major agricultural technology firms, nowadays farmers can squeeze
AMMB 324,500 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 291,742,737 21/9 more corn from an acre than ever thought possible. But that doesnt mean more
BIMB (1,894,200) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 91,322,039 25/9
profits: The high yields have helped create persistent oversupply of corn, wheat
BOUSTEAD 3,679,000 LEMBAGA TABUNG ANGKATAN TENTERA 1,236,997,818 21/9 and soybeans around the world since 2013, spurring a crash in crop prices and
CAN-ONE (524,700) KOON YEW YIN 10,961,700 25 - 27/9 incomes at farms and agriculture companies.
CIMB GROUP 25,370,545 KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 543,003,470 20 & 21/9
CIMB GROUP 13,552,200 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,204,994,113 13 - 15/9
FRASER & NEAVE (300,000) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 30,094,000 25/9
G NEPTUNE 3,000,000 CHAI THAM POH 27,688,000 26/9
GOH BAN HUAT 95,183,080 PARAGON ADVENTURE 95,183,080 27/9
HIAP TECK VENTURE (1,100,000) LEMBAGA TABUAG HAJI 66,400,000 25/9
HUBLINE 54,000,000 BNDM INCORPORATED 147,332,100 25 & 26/9
MALAYAN BANKING 3,000,000 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 3,714,330,685 25/9
S P SETIA (1,765,700) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 783,526,231 25/9
S P SETIA 307,100 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 179,355,683 19 & 21/9
SIME DARBY (8,000,000) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 2,771,588,000 25/9
T7 GLOBAL (466,600) LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 25,352,200 25/9
TA GLOBAL 3,597,700 DATUK TIAH THEE KIAN 510,944,038 21 & 25/9
TENAGA NASIONAL (3,275,800) AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEES 354,334,000 27/9
While every eort is made to ensure accuracy, the information presented is not an exhaustive list and is not an ocial record of shareholder
Stocks closest to year high Stocks closest to year low
lings. Direct and indirect share are combined due to space constraints. Readers who are interested should check the ocial lings led with STOCK HIGH LOW CLOSE VOLUME STOCK HIGH LOW CLOSE VOLUME
Bursa Malaysia. Note: * denotes Ace Market (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000) (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000)

GBH 1.500 1.420 1.460 80.6 LBICAP 1.040 1.040 1.040 2.5
WONG 0.895 0.815 0.850 7382.4 YTL 1.370 1.350 1.350 7831

Local events to watch out for today HAIO

DNONCE 0.350 0.330 0.350 3586.8 STAR 1.770 1.630 1.660 3740.3
Launch of the GetCover App at TPC Kua- rel I, Level 1, George Town, Penang from ECON-CH 0.105 0.100 0.105 130 UEMS-C44 0.015 0.015 0.015 70
TAWIN 1.400 1.290 1.310 2484.7 LBICAP-WA 0.090 0.070 0.075 100.4
la Lumpur, Jalan 1/70 D, off Jalan Bukit 9am to 2pm.
PETRONM-CF 0.230 0.230 0.230 16.1 FBMKLCI-C3F 0.050 0.045 0.045 150
Kiara, Jalan Bukit Kiara, Kuala Lumpur SKP Resources Bhds AGM and extraor- AHEALTH 5.010 4.930 5.010 108.6 PMETAL-C1 0.100 0.095 0.095 1020
at 8.30am. dinary general meeting at Hotel Ban- STRAITS 0.265 0.245 0.255 16268.8 SENERGYC50 0.110 0.085 0.085 1103
Selangor Dredging Bhds annual gener- gi-Putrajaya, Matahari 1, Level 3, off ASIAPAC-WB 0.100 0.075 0.100 92 MYEG 2.050 2.000 2.030 15450.4
al meeting (AGM) at Hotel Maya Kuala Persiaran Bandar, Bandar Baru Bangi BSTEAD 2.900 2.840 2.900 867.4 TEKSENG 0.505 0.490 0.495 1016.9
Lumpur, Ballroom, Jalan Ampang, Kam- at 11am. ECOWLD-CJ 0.075 0.060 0.075 70 GENM-C25 0.045 0.045 0.045 100
MMCCORP 2.130 2.050 2.070 434.1
pung Baru at 9am. SDC Group 40th anniversary dinner and
TGUAN-WA 2.510 2.490 2.500 65.5
Launch of Meet Taiwan organised the official launch of SDC Driving Coach ECON-CH 0.105 0.100 0.105 130
by the bureau of foreign trade, econom- app at Sentul Curry House, Jalan Sul- MMCCORP-C6 0.025 0.025 0.025 540
ic affairs ministry and implemented by tan Azlan Shah, Sentul, Kuala Lumpur. STAR-CE 0.020 0.015 0.020 2003.8
Taiwan External Trade Development Cocktail session starts from 6.30pm. This table shows stocks that are trading near their year high. This This table shows stocks that are trading near their year low. This
could suggest a build-up in buying momentum, or the possibility that could suggest a build-up in selling momentum, or the possibility that
Council at Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Lau- prot-taking activities could set in later. bargain hunting could set in later.

Foreign exchange rates


NZ $ 0.611 0.720 0.701 0.536 0.897 0.976 0.979 0.920 3.0473 4.791 58.916 4.549 2.644 9,726 47.127 81.060 5.718 36.650 2.620 2.700 5.856 24.051 5.621
EURO 1.636 1.178 1.147 0.877 1.468 1.597 1.601 1.504 4.9852 7.838 96.383 7.441 4.326 15,911 77.097 132.610 9.355 59.956 4.287 4.416 9.580 39.347 9.196
US $ 1.389 0.849 0.974 0.745 1.246 1.356 1.359 1.277 4.2330 6.656 81.840 6.318 3.673 13,510 65.464 112.601 7.943 50.910 3.640 3.750 8.134 33.410 7.809
SWISS FR 1.427 0.872 1.027 0.765 1.280 1.393 1.396 1.312 4.3478 6.836 84.059 6.490 3.773 13,877 67.240 115.655 8.159 52.291 3.739 3.852 8.355 34.316 8.021
STERLING 1.866 1.140 1.343 1.308 1.674 1.822 1.826 1.716 5.6849 8.939 109.911 8.486 4.933 18,144 87.919 151.222 10.668 68.372 4.889 5.036 10.924 44.869 10.487
CANADA $ 1.115 0.681 0.803 0.781 0.598 1.089 1.091 1.025 3.3970 5.341 65.677 5.071 2.948 10,842 52.536 90.363 6.375 40.855 2.921 3.009 6.528 26.812 6.267
BRUNEI $ 1.024 0.626 0.737 0.718 0.549 0.919 1.002 0.942 3.1208 4.907 60.337 4.658 2.708 9,960 48.264 83.015 5.856 37.534 2.684 2.765 5.997 24.632 5.757
SINGAPORE $ 1.022 0.625 0.736 0.716 0.548 0.917 0.998 0.940 3.1141 4.896 60.207 4.648 2.702 9,939 48.160 82.837 5.844 37.453 2.678 2.759 5.984 24.579 5.745
AUSTRALIA $ 1.087 0.665 0.783 0.762 0.583 0.975 1.062 1.064 3.3136 5.210 64.064 4.946 2.875 10,576 51.246 88.144 6.218 39.852 2.849 2.936 6.367 26.153 6.113
MALAYSIA RM 0.328 0.201 0.236 0.230 0.176 0.294 0.320 0.321 0.302 1.0000 1.572 19.334 1.493 0.868 3,192 15.465 26.601 1.877 12.027 0.860 0.886 1.922 7.893 1.845
100 CHINESE RMB 20.871 12.758 15.025 14.628 11.188 18.722 20.379 20.423 19.194 63.6000 1,230 94.932 55.186 202,987 983.591 1,692 119.347 764.910 54.690 56.345 122.214 501.977 117.326
100 BANGLADH TAKA 1.697 1.038 1.222 1.190 0.910 1.523 1.657 1.661 1.561 5.1723 8.133 7.720 4.488 16,508 79.991 137.586 9.706 62.207 4.448 4.582 9.939 40.823 9.542
100 DANISH KRONER 21.985 13.439 15.827 15.409 11.785 19.722 21.467 21.513 20.218 66.9950 105.34 1,295 58.132 213,823 1,036.10 1,782 125.72 805.74 57.61 59.35 128.74 528.77 123.59
100 UAE DIRHAM 37.819 23.118 27.226 26.507 20.272 33.926 36.928 37.008 34.780 115.2464 181.21 2,228 172.02 367,823 1,782 3,066 216.26 1,386 99.10 102.10 221.46 909.61 212.60
1000 INA RUPIAH 0.010 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.0313 0.049 0.606 0.047 0.027 0.485 0.833 0.059 0.377 0.027 0.028 0.060 0.247 0.058
100 INDIA RUPEE 2.122 1.297 1.528 1.487 1.137 1.903 2.072 2.076 1.951 6.4661 10.167 125.014 9.652 5.611 20,637 172.003 12.134 77.767 5.560 5.728 12.425 51.035 11.928
100 JAPAN YEN 1.234 0.754 0.888 0.865 0.661 1.107 1.205 1.207 1.135 3.7593 5.911 72.682 5.611 3.262 11,998 58.139 7.054 45.213 3.233 3.330 7.224 29.671 6.935
100 NORWEGIAN KRONER 17.488 10.690 12.589 12.257 9.374 15.687 17.076 17.112 16.082 53.2900 83.789 1,030 79.543 46.240 170,082 824.144 1,418 640.913 45.825 47.211 102.402 420.603 98.306
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.729 1.668 1.964 1.912 1.463 2.448 2.664 2.670 2.509 8.3147 13.073 160.755 12.411 7.215 26,537 128.589 221.177 15.603 7.150 7.366 15.978 65.626 15.338
100 QATAR RIYAL 38.162 23.327 27.473 26.747 20.456 34.234 37.263 37.343 35.095 116.2912 182.848 2,248 173.582 100.907 371,158 1,798 3,093 218.223 1,399 103.025 223.465 917.854 214.527
100 SAUDI RIYAL 37.042 22.642 26.666 25.962 19.856 33.228 36.169 36.247 34.065 112.8770 177.480 2,182 168.486 97.944 360,261 1,746 3,003 211.816 1,358 97.064 216.904 890.907 208.229
100 SWEDISH KRONOR 17.077 10.439 12.294 11.969 9.154 15.319 16.675 16.711 15.705 52.0400 81.824 1,006.131 77.677 45.155 166,092 804.813 1,384 97.654 625.879 44.750 46.103 410.737 96.000
100 THAI BAHT 4.158 2.542 2.993 2.914 2.229 3.730 4.060 4.069 3.824 12.6699 19.921 244.957 18.912 10.994 40,438 195.943 337.028 23.775 152.380 10.895 11.225 24.346 23.373
100 HK$ 17.789 10.874 12.806 12.468 9.535 15.958 17.370 17.407 16.359 54.2081 85.233 1,048.049 80.914 47.037 173,012 838.343 1,442 101.723 651.955 46.614 48.024 104.166 427.849
Note: Run your nger down the left-hand side until you reach the country of origin you plan to exchange. Then move your nger until that line intersects with the vertical column of the currency you wish to buy. The gure is how much you will get. The above rates are subject to change and provided by Thompson Reuters.
Markets 3 1

Index futures Money market

Long Rolls - KLCI futures US Dollar Klibor
Index points Open Interest Index points USD Index Implied interest rate (%)
1980 90000 18.00 3.50 93.209 4.5
1,753.00 (+3.50) (-0.152) 3.50
(-2.00) 96.5 (Unch)
1785 68000 4.75

-8.50 88.0
1590 46000

1395 -21.75 79.5

1200 2000 -35.00 1.5
Jan 4, 2010 Sept 28, 2017 Jan 4, 2010 Sept 28, 2017 Oct 2, 2006 Sept 28, 2017 Oct 1, 2000 Sept 28, 2017

FBM KLCI futures close mixed FBM KLCI futures US dollar pauses after Klibor
amid weaker cash market INDEX AND FUTURES

The FBM KLCI futures contracts on Bursa FBMKLCI 1,758.06 -6.18 119.05M The US dollar consolidated gains after hitting OCT7 96.53
NOV7 96.52
Malaysia Derivatives closed mixed yesterday SEP 17 1,753.00 -2.00 6,236 25,448 -5,621 a one-month high yesterday against a basket DEC7 96.50
amid the weaker underlying cash market. OCT 17 1,757.00 2.00 7,156 32,040 12,675
of currencies as US Treasury yields rose, MAR8 96.50
DEC 17 1,759.00 1.50 70 406 4
September 2017 declined two points to MAR 18 1,759.50 3.00 36 236 4
prompting investors to unwind some of JUN8 96.50
1,753; October 2017 gained two points to 1,757; TOTAL their US dollar shorts. SEP8 96.50
13,498 58,130 7,062
DEC8 96.50
December 2017 rose 1.5 points to 1,759; and Hawkish rhetoric by the US Federal MAR9 96.50
March 2018 increased three points to 1,759.5. FUTURES
Reserve has bond yields threatening to break JUN9 96.50
Turnover shed to 13,498 lots from 22,114 lots out of their multi-month trading ranges, SEP9 96.50
on Wednesday, while open interest narrowed FUTURES FAIR VALUE leaving market watchers dubious about a DEC9 96.50
to 58,130 contracrs from 74,795 contracts. SEP 17 1 0.15 4.78 -4.63
fundamental change in the outlook for the JUN0 96.50
The underlying benchmark FBM KLCI OCT 17 33 5.07 6.99 -1.92 US economy. SEP0 96.50
finished 6.18 points lower at 1,758.06. ROLLS FAIR 2.71 In our view, this is a corrective move DEC0 96.50
Southeast Asian stock markets, except higher and the long-term outlook for the MAR1 96.50
JUN1 96.50
Vietnam, slipped yesterday, in line with US dollar still remained lower, said Stephen
SEP1 96.50
regional currencies and equities that lost Gallo, European head of FX Strategy for BMO DEC1 96.50
their appeal after US President Donald Financial Group in London. MAR2 96.50
Trumps proposal for a tax overhaul lifted Yesterday, the US dollar was flat at 93.34. JUN2 96.50
the US dollar and bond yields. profit booking, while Singapore benchmark It has gained 2.5% since hitting a 2-year SEP2 96.50
Philippine shares closed 0.8% lower on index dropped 0.3%. Agencies low of 91.35 in mid-September. Reuters

Commodities CPO prices react to various factors including soyoil prices, weather conditions and stockpiles. Open interest shows either increasing or decreasing market participation.

CPO & Open Interest CPO vs Soyoil Crude Oil Gold

CPO RM/tonne
US$/troy oz
CPO RM/tonne Open Interest Soyoil US$/Ibs US$/bbl
4200 200000 6400 0.700 155.00

3450 5075 0.3318 0.525 121.25

152500 1,286.10
2700 87.50 1340
105000 3750 0.350
1950 53.75 1020
2,708 57500 2425 0.175
(-39) 2,708
1200 10000 (-39) 700
1100 0.000
Jan 6, 2008 Sept 28, 2017 Apr 10, 2007 Sept 28, 2017 Aug 31, 2008 Sept 28, 2017
Jan 6, 2008 Sept 28, 2017

Palm oil price drops for CPO futures Oil climbs as tension over Commodities

second day CONTRACT

3,778 -140
Iraqi Kurdistan rises AGRICULTURE
2,708 -39
RUBBER SEN/KG MRB 600.00 -38.00
NOV-17 2,706 -38 4,101 17,268 -1,986
Malaysian palm oil futures were lower Oil prices rose yesterday, spurred by rising CORN USC/BSH CBOT 352.50 -1.50
DEC-17 2,708 -39 27,268 69,868 1,409
yesterday evening, tracking the weakness in JAN-18 2,712 -40 12,692 46,617 1,131 tension around northern Iraq following
WHEAT USC/BSH CBOT 459.50 -2.00
rival edible oilseeds and recording a second FEB-18 2,718 -39 5,493 15,998 727 the Kurdistan regions vote in favour of LIVE CATTLE USC/IBS CME 114.90 1.43
straight day of losses. CPO FUTURES CPO/SOYOIL independence in a referendum. COCOA US$/TON NYBOT 2,018 7
The benchmark palm oil contract for INDICATIVE ROLL-OVER CURRENT FUTURES BASIS (USD) Brent oil was up 43 US cents at US$58.33 COFFEE USC/IBS NYBOT 132.35 -0.60
OCT/NOV 21 -74.29
December delivery on Bursa Malaysia OCT/DEC 19 3 MONTHS AVERAGE -96.51
a barrel. It hit a more than two-year high SUGAR USC/IBS NYBOT 13.81 -0.02
Derivatives fell 1.5% or RM39 to RM2,708 OCT/JAN of US$59.49 on Tuesday after Mondays COTTON USC/IBS NYC 67.56 -0.23
15 6 MONTHS AVERAGE -90.50
a tonne at the close of trade. NOV/DEC -2 referendum vote prompted Turkey to threaten METAL & PRECIOUS METALS
The heavy drop in China palm olein and SGS & ITS EXPORT ESTIMATES (TONNES) to close the regions oil pipeline.US crude was COPPER USC/IBS CMX 2.9405 0.0110
weakness in rival oilseed soy dampened SHIPMENT DAYS JUN17 JUL17 AUG17 29 US cents higher at US$52.43 after reaching GOLD US$/TROY OZ CMX 1,286.10 0.30
market sentiment, said a Kuala Lumpur 1 - 10TH DAYS 367/367 381/360 363/355 a five-month intraday high of US$52.86. PLATINUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 919.40 -3.60
based futures trader, referring to palm olein 1 - 15TH DAYS 524/509 616/599 537/512
Kurdistan and Northern Iraq now export PALLADIUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 925.50 4.65
on Chinas Dalian Commodity Exchange 11 -- 20TH DAYS
500,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 550,000 bpd. SILVER USC/TROY OZ CMX 16.81 0.01
(DCE) and soyoil on the US Chicago Board FULL MONTH That would be a big loss to the market, said ALUMINIUM RMB/TON SHF 16,335 -45
1,210/1,190 1,260/1,239 1,259/1,243
ZINC RMB/TON SHF 26,010 400
of Trade. MALAYSIAN PALM OIL BOARD Tamas Varga, analyst at brokerage PVM Oil
China soybean oil futures fell over 2% MAY17 JUN17 JUL17 AUG17 Associates. ENERGY
yesterday, reaching their lowest level in three PRODUCTION 1,655 1,514 1,827 1,810 US crude inventories fell 1.8 million HEATING OIL USC/GAL NYMEX 1.8375 -0.0015
months, following a drop in global prices and EXPORT
barrels last week, the US Energy Department NATURAL GAS US$/MMBTU NYMEX 3.208 -0.010
amid ongoing pressure from large stocks. said, versus forecasts for a 3.4 million-barrel BRENT CRUDE US$/BBL ICE 58.33 0.43
MPOB Palm oil physical
A palm oil trader said DCEs palm olein build. Reuters GAS OIL US$/TON ICE 554.50 5.75
decline could be due to profit-taking ahead (IN RM/TON) SEP17 OCT17 NOV17
CPO DELD 2,706.00 2,703.00 2,720.00 Centrifuged Latex
of a week-long holiday. PK EX-MILL 2,594.00 NO TRADE NO TRADE Rubber - Msia SMR 20
Chinas announcement on Monday that CPKO DELD NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE Sen/Kg
it would start auctioning soybeans its from RBD P.OIL FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 1100 1900
state reserves could also weigh on trading RBD P.OLEIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE
sentiment, said traders. RBD P. STEARIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 900 (-17.50) 1475 600.00
Palm oil prices are affected by the MPOB FFB REF PRICE (MILL GATE PRICE) (-38.00)

performance of related edible oils such as REGION GRADE A GRADE B GRADE C 700 1050
soy, as they compete for a share of the global NORTH 20.00% 611 19.00% 585 18.00% 558
vegetable oils market. SOUTH 20.00% 618 19.00% 591 18.00% 564
500 625
Buyers would usually switch to soyoil CENTRAL 20.00% 613 19.00% 586 18.00% 559
if its spread with palm oil narrows, as it is EAST COAST 20.00% 612 19.00% 586 18.00% 560 300 200

perceived to be of better quality. Reuters SABAH

22.00% 594
22.00% 601
21.00% 570
21.00% 576
20.00% 546
20.00% 551
Jan 7, 2007 Sept 28, 2017 Jan 7, 2007 Sept 28, 2017

F U T U R E S . M O N E Y M A R K E T . C O M M O D I T I E S PA G E 3 1
RESEARCH: TAI TS [tai@bizedge.com; SUGUMARAN [sagu@bizedge.com] M A I N M A R K E T . A C E M A R K E T L I ST I N G PA G E 2 5

KLCI 1,758.06 6.18 FBM ACE 6,496.91 44.80 FTSTI 3,227.14 9.01 NIKKEI 20,363.11 96.06 HANG SENG 27,421.60 220.83 DOW JONES 22,340.71 56.39

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of Market movers

being wrong. Joseph Chilton Pearce
Daily top 20 active stocks
FBM KLCI & KLCI futures intraday (000) (RM) (%) (RM) RATIO YIELD (%)
('000) (%) (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) PTRANS-WA 125,062.7 0.035 50.00 0.105 0.00
Index point
1767.0 TIGER 139,172 0.00 0.000 0.060 0.065 0.055 HUBLINE 99,392.6 0.005 4.55 0.115 45.83 0.00
1765.4 NICORP 38,766 -7.69 -0.005 0.060 0.065 0.055 HIBISCS 61,378.4 -0.005 -0.77 0.645 8.42 0.00
1763.8 KL Composite Index GLOTEC 27,661 0.00 0.000 0.050 0.060 0.050 KNM 61,125.4 -0.015 -5.36 0.265 0.00
1762.2 PTRANS 27,571 -4.92 -0.015 0.290 0.310 0.285 UMWOG-OR 54,104.9 UNCH UNCH 0.005 0.00
1760.6 1,758.06 PANTECH 21,171 3.73 0.025 0.695 0.700 0.670 NICORP 38,766.2 -0.005 -7.69 0.060 5.46 0.00
(-6.18) VIZIONE-WC 16,602 5.56 0.005 0.095 0.100 0.090 TRIVE 38,077.6 UNCH UNCH 0.165 75.00 0.00
KLCI futures STRAITS 16,269 2.00 0.005 0.255 0.265 0.245 UMWOG 37,886.5 -0.005 -1.64 0.300 0.00
NWP 10,709 13.33 0.020 0.170 0.180 0.155 EAH 35,926.5 0.005 11.11 0.050 40.00 0.00
1755.8 1,753.00 STRAITS-WA 10,439 3.13 0.005 0.165 0.170 0.160 VIZIONE 29,851.8 UNCH UNCH 0.145 131.82 0.00
1754.2 (-2.00) DNONCE-WA 8,497 7.69 0.010 0.140 0.140 0.130 VS-WA 29,842.5 0.050 5.46 0.965 0.00
1752.6 WONG 7,382 9.68 0.075 0.850 0.895 0.815 GLOTEC 27,661.0 UNCH UNCH 0.050 0.00
1751.0 IOICORP 6,126 1.55 0.070 4.580 4.590 4.510 PTRANS 27,571.3 -0.015 -4.92 0.290 12.35 2.39
8:45 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:15
YINSON 5,190 2.01 0.070 3.550 3.620 3.510 SENERGY 27,326.2 -0.120 -7.45 1.490 223.61 0.62
MIECO 5,030 7.21 0.080 1.190 1.200 1.110 TRIVE-WB 26,948.7 UNCH UNCH 0.040 0.00
Daily FBM KLCI PANTECH-WA 4,058 2.08 0.005 0.245 0.255 0.240 PUC 25,169.5 UNCH UNCH 0.140 58.33 0.00
ASIAPAC 3,713 6.67 0.010 0.160 0.165 0.150 STERPRO 24,399.4 UNCH UNCH 0.200 0.00
KL Composite Index Moving average - 20-day HUAAN 23,375.8 -0.005 -2.33 0.210 0.00
Table above is from Reuters Volume break 3x 5-day average volume, meaning the total number of shares
2030.0 1,758.06 CIMB 21,700.7 -0.030 -0.48 6.270 13.41 3.17
traded for a particular counter on the previous trading day is more than triple the average volume for the
(-6.18) last 5 trading days. The table captures the build-up of interest in these companies and is thus a gauge of
market expectations for these counters. Top gainers and losers (ranked by RM)
1,774.86 FBM KLCI falls 0.4% as foreign CLOSE

selling continues MPI

1122.5 MAGNI 6.500 0.250 HEIM 18.400 -0.340
SAM 6.890 0.240 POS-C13 0.095 -0.285
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI dropped 6.18 points or BAT 44.500 0.200 ANNJOO-CF 0.130 -0.240
820.0 0.4% to 1,758.06 yesterday mainly on late selling of index- YSPSAH 2.920 0.150 KESM 15.600 -0.200
Jan 2, 2008 Sept 28, 2017 constituent Genting Bhd shares. Malaysian equities have VS 2.650 0.120 JCY-C4 0.045 -0.195
seen foreign selling on US interest rate hike and tax cut cues. HARTA 6.910 0.110 PETRONM-CE 0.275 -0.185
Genting shares fell three sen to RM9.48. In currency AHEALTH 5.010 0.110 AJI 20.000 -0.180
GTRONIC 6.110 0.100 HLIND 9.190 -0.180
markets, the ringgit weakened to 4.2310 versus the US dollar
600 PETRONM 10.300 0.080 HSI-C1K 0.960 -0.160
at 5.22pm. PETRONM-CF 0.230 0.080 PETDAG 24.340 -0.160
300 It (Malaysian shares) was down since last week on
foreign selling factor. Investors sentiment will definitely get Top gainers and losers (ranked by percentage)
affected from this.

Volume (mil)
At the moment, the US dollar is strengthening against UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
the ringgit, Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn Bhd research head
FBM KLCI futures Pong Teng Siew told theedgemarkets.com. EAH-WB 0.025 66.67 JCY-C4 0.045 -81.25


Reuters reported that the US dollar and US bond yields EAH-WC 0.025 66.67 POS-C13 0.095 -75.00
PETRONM-CF 0.230 53.33 STAR-CE 0.020 -69.23
SEP 17 1,753.00 -2.00 1,758.00 1,752.00 rose yesterday after US President Donald Trump proposed DGB-WA 0.015 50.00 ANNJOO-CF 0.130 -64.86
OCT 17 1,757.00 2.00 1,760.00 1,754.50 the biggest US tax overhaul in three decades and as strong US PTRANS-WA 0.105 50.00 SENERGYC51 0.065 -56.67
DEC 17 1,759.00 1.50 1,761.00 1,756.00
economic data supported the case for a US Federal Reserve APFT-WA 0.015 50.00 MBSB-C1 0.025 -44.44
rate hike later this year. SEM-CF 0.060 50.00 PETRONM-CE 0.275 -40.22
FBM KLCI sensitivity* Trump offered to lower corporate income tax rates, cut ASIAPAC-WB 0.100 25.00 SENERGYC45 0.015 -40.00

KLCI CHANGE CLOSE VOLUME taxes for small businesses and reduce the top income tax ARMADA-C27 0.050 25.00 MMCCORP-C6 0.025 -37.50
POINTS (RM) (RM) ('000) AXIATA-C15 0.170 21.43 GENM-C25 0.045 -35.71
IOI CORPORATION 0.72 0.070 4.580 6125.6
rate for individuals. The US dollars strength pressured many JETSON-WB 0.085 21.43 MBSB-CZ 0.010 -33.33
AXIATA GROUP 0.44 0.030 5.210 12151.4 emerging market currencies and bonds, helping drag down ECONBHD-CA 0.205 20.59 IJM-C4 0.020 -33.33
IJM CORPORATION -0.24 -0.040 3.260 3637.8 MSCIs Broadest Index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan
PETRONAS DAGANG -0.26 -0.160 24.340 87.8 0.4% to one-month low. Top gainers and losers - warrants (ranked by percentage)
MAYBANK -0.35 -0.020 9.800 18244.1 Across Bursa Malaysia, there were 473 decliners versus
TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD -0.37 -0.040 14.320 6597.2
316 advancers. A total of 2.31 billion shares worth RM2.19 CLOSE (%) CLOSE (%)
PETRONAS GAS -0.39 -0.120 18.000 214.7 billion were traded. by Neily Syafiqah Eusoff EAH-WB 0.025 66.67 JCY-C4 0.045 -81.25
AMMB HOLDINGS -0.40 -0.080 4.310 3461.2
World equity indices EAH-WC 0.025 66.67 POS-C13 0.095 -75.00
TELEKOM MALAYSIA -0.43 -0.070 6.340 1298.9 PETRONM-CF 0.230 53.33 STAR-CE 0.020 -69.23
CIMB GROUP -0.45 -0.030 6.270 21700.7 CLOSE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE DGB-WA 0.015 50.00 ANNJOO-CF 0.130 -64.86
IHH HEALTHCARE -0.54 -0.040 5.790 1129.9
DOW JONES 22,340.71 56.39 INDONESIA 5,841.05 -21.98 PTRANS-WA 0.105 50.00 SENERGYC51 0.065 -56.67
RHB BANK -0.59 -0.090 5.030 1744.5
S&P 500 2,507.04 10.20 JAPAN 20,363.11 96.06 APFT-WA 0.015 50.00 MBSB-C1 0.025 -44.44
MISC -0.66 -0.090 7.300 1054.0
NASDAQ 100 5,937.79 56.46 KOREA 2,373.14 0.57 SEM-CF 0.060 50.00 PETRONM-CE 0.275 -40.22
WESTPORTS HOLDINGS -0.67 -0.120 3.730 1267.2
FTSE 100 7,313.51 27.77 PHILIPPINES 8,156.04 -65.88 ASIAPAC-WB 0.100 25.00 SENERGYC45 0.015 -40.00
GENTING MALAYSIA -0.97 -0.100 5.320 6341.0
AUSTRALIA 5,670.39 6.10 SINGAPORE 3,227.14 -9.01 ARMADA-C27 0.050 25.00 MMCCORP-C6 0.025 -37.50
CHINA 3,339.64 -5.63 TAIWAN 10,296.45 -30.23 AXIATA-C15 0.170 21.43 GENM-C25 0.045 -35.71
OTHERS -0.67
HONG KONG 27,421.60 -220.83 THAILAND 1,666.36 -3.91 JETSON-WB 0.085 21.43 MBSB-CZ 0.010 -33.33
INDIA 31,282.48 122.67 VIETNAM 804.82 1.05 ECONBHD-CA 0.205 20.59 IJM-C4 0.020 -33.33
* How stock price changes affected the index on the previous trading day

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Design your dream home to win --TAHPS

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BY RACH EL C HEW Au: Creative Khoo: The
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Senior Writer Tan Ai Leng
Clever interior design can do Participants are required to away with RM10,000 cash prize.
Writers Rachel Chew, Natalie Khoo, wonders to a home, she said. submit their design based on There are also three consolation
Shawn Ng, Lum Ka Kay E XC LU S I V E PA R T N E R
Creative interior design ideas are TAHPS Epic Residence duplex prizes of RM800 each.
Art Director Sharon Khoh
Design Team
able to, for instance, transform a unit (Type C1) floor plan. Meanwhile, the grand prize in
Nik Edra, Rajita Sivan modest room into a seemingly Epic Residence is a 21-storey the individual category is a paid
bigger yet cosier space. serviced apartment built on a 2.3- trip to the Maison&Objet Fair 2018
For New Launches/Events/ Indeed, with property prices acre prime freehold land in the in Paris worth up to RM15,000,
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Tel: 03-7721 8211 Fax: 03-7721 8280 of doing business as well as land chong, Selangor. tion prizes of RM1,000 cash each.
cost, more people are moving into The exclusive and low-densi- All entries must be: submitted
Associate Account Director,
high-rises these days, Au added. ty project offers 300 units in two online at http://go.edgeprop.my/ All submissions must be made
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Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880 Eugene Khoo views the collabora- We chose Epic Residence du- The Edge Property Sdn Bhd at fice by 4.30pm by Oct 13, 2017.
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Contact: (03) 8724 2255 The Henley Homes 27-storey tower that houses
Daily every Friday. The pullout
is also distributed at more than Visit Setia EcoHill this weekend Collection rst 268 apartments located at
200 ofces, shopping complexes, to celebrate the Mid-Autumn international launch in KL South Yarra, Melbourne,
condos, medical centres, F&B outlets Festival with sumptuous food Date: Sept 30 and Oct 1 Australia. The event will also
and LRT stations in the Klang Valley.
You can also download it for free at
from a variety of food stalls (Sat and Sun) feature a talk by SMATS Group
www.EdgeProp.my Gamuda Gardens ofcial and trucks while enjoying Time: 10.30am to 6pm director Ravin Chatlani and
opening a jazz band, kung fu dance Venue: Straits Boardroom, The a cooking demonstration by
Date: Sept 30 (Sat) and Chinese orchestra. Westin Kuala Lumpur, 199, Diana Chan, the winner of
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Venue: Gamuda Gardens Sales VERVE Suites KL Souths Bintang, Kuala Lumpur
Publisher and Group CEO
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EDITORIAL Serai, Rawang, Selangor Date: Sept 30 and Oct 1 Amax Real Estate is bringing Rimbayu
Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris
Contact: (03) 6037 2888 (Sat and Sun) London-based developer Henley Date: Oct 7 (Sat)
Chief Operating Ofcer Gamuda Land is unveiling Time: 11am to 3pm Homes rst international Time: 6pm to 9pm
Lim Shiew Yuin new show units for phase 2 of Venue: BKP Gallery, VERVE property launch in KL this Venue: The ARC, Bandar Rimbayu
ADVERTISING & MARKETING its latest township, Gamuda Suites KL South, 355, Jalan weekend. A seminar titled The Show Gallery, 1, Jalan Flora 3,
Chief Commercial Ofcer
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056
Gardens. The rst phase of this Klang Lama, Kuala Lumpur London & Manchester Property Telok Panglima Garang, Selangor
General Manager 810-acre township had comprised Contact: (03) 7980 8999 Market Today What Should Contact: (1800) 22 8686
Kingston Low (012) 278 5540 2-storey terraced houses with Celebrate this Mid-Autumn You Buy will be held at 11am IJM Lands Bandar Rimbayu
Senior Sales Managers
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831
built-up sizes of 20 ft by 70 ft. Festival at VERVE Suites KL and 3pm on both days. is celebrating the festival with
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 South and take part in fun-lled homeowners and the public.
Kamalesan Parama (012) 394 4855 Magical Reunion at activities and enjoy performances Yarra One showcase Guests will have the chance to
Michael Tan (012) 213 0252 Setia EcoHill including mooncake making, Date: Sept 30 (Sat) discover how the Mid-Autumn
Creative Marketing
Chris Wong (016) 687 6577 Date: Sept 30 and Oct 1 colouring contest for kids, Time: 2pm to 5pm Festival is celebrated in Japan,
Head of Marketing Support (Sat and Sun) games for all ages, traditional Venue: EcoWorld International, 2, Korea, China and Vietnam,
& Ad Trafc Time: 6pm to 10pm dance, Chinese orchestra Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur and enjoy it Malaysian style.
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001


What should you do when THE GRENFELL IN


your home catches re?




PETALING JAYA: Can you escape if SYMPOSIUM 2017

a fire breaks out in your apartment
block? Was the building built or
renovated with fire safety in mind? IS YOUR HOME A
Are you sure the staircase is clear
and offers you a path to escape?
When there is a fire, what should
be your first response try to
douse it or run? Get the answers
to these questions and more at the 14 October 2017
upcoming EdgeProp.my Sympo- (Saturday)
sium 2017 Is Your Home a Fire 9AM SHARP 1PM
Hazard? Ballroom A,
Organised by EdgeProp.my, Level 6,
the half-day free symposium will Hilton
be held on Saturday, Oct 14 from Lee: Not many know where the re Chong: Some people dont even Hamdan: Generally, new buildings Kuala Lumpur
9am to 1pm at the Hilton Kuala staircase of their own condominium know whether the building is up to in Malaysia meet re safety
Lumpur. Participants can register is [located at]. standard or not. standards.
online based on a first-come, first-
served basis.
The symposium is presented by Lees talk will be entitled Burning
Gamuda Land and supported by facts that you cannot ignore, where FREE!
Nippon Paint Malaysia. he will share facts and figures based FIRST-COME,
Five experts will be sharing fire
safety and prevention measures in
on real-life fire incidents in Malay-
sia, as well as electrical safety issues.
buildings and homes. They are Ar- Bombas Hamdan will be ex- REGISTER NOW AT
chitect Centre accredited building pounding on the topic Fire safety www.EdgeProp.my
inspector and trainer Anthony Lee and building regulations Is Ma- FOR DETAILS
Tee, Lee Siong Architect principal laysia outdated? CALL 03. 7721 8289
architect Chong Lee Siong, Fire I will be focusing on the four Es or EMAIL
and Rescue Department Malay- Engineering, Education, Enforce-
sias (Bomba) Fire Safety Division ment and Emergency Response
assistant commissioner Hamdan Plan. The four Es pretty much cover ORGANISED BY
Ali, Henry Butcher Malaysia (Mont the role of the developer, authorities
Kiara) Sdn Bhd executive director and users in building fire safety,
Low Hon Keong and the Energy Hamdan said.
Commissions Electrical Equip- Low: Fire staircases and other re Faidarina: I think this symposium There is a certain regulation
ment Unit Electrical Safety Reg- prevention features are crucial when is a good opportunity to stress the that all buildings have to follow PRESENTING SPONSOR
ulations Department officer Nur re breaks out. importance of responsible behaviour with regards to fire safety. I would
Faidarina Alias. towards the use of electricity. say generally, new buildings in
EdgeProp.my managing direc- Malaysia meet fire safety stand-
tor and editor-in-chief Au Foong LOW YEN YEING | EdgeProp.my ards but older buildings that were SUPPORTING SPONSOR

Yee said the symposium is aimed built before the regulation have
at raising awareness on the need yet to comply and the [fire servic-
for everyone to stay vigilant and es] department is ready to provide
updated on fire safety procedures guidance and assistance in upgrad- SUPPORTED BY
and responses. ing fire safety standards for older
She noted that, unfortunately, buildings. But most importantly,
there are people who think they know the residents have to understand
what to do if there is a fire, and others the basic structure of the building
who, worse still, choose to brush off they are residing in, he added.
the subject simply because they think Henry Butchers Low concurred Meanwhile, Lee Siong Archi-
it will not happen to them. with Hamdan that understanding tects Chong will be speaking on
Fire safety awareness goes be- a buildings structure is crucial in the topic So, your home was built
yond the correct selection and use saving lives and property in a fire. with fire safety in mind?
of fire extinguishers, for instance. We have noticed that when Some people dont even know
If you are staying in a high-rise shopping for a property, people whether the building is up to
building, do you know if it has been are often concerned about the standard or not. This is very im-
designed, built and managed with condition of the house and how portant, especially if you are going
fire safety in mind? Au: Fire safety awareness goes Ngan: This symposium sets the many car park bays are allocat- to stay there. Imagine if you acci-
In communal living especially, beyond the correct selection and stage for open communication ed, but what is the fire prevention dentally removed some important
what role does one play to keep fires use of re extinguishers. among key parties. feature? Have you ever considered structure or misused something.
from happening? What can and that your expensive property may Bad things may not happen im-
should you do to help yourself in disappear into thin air if you do not mediately but it is a time bomb,
case of a blaze? Suffice to say, there This symposium sets the stage Architect Centre, believes fire have fire prevention equipment? said Chong.
is no room for apathy, added Au. for open communication among safety awareness is low among Low warned. Last but not least, Energy Com-
Gamuda Land CEO Ngan Chee key parties, including residents, Malaysians. In his talk, Low will highlight missions Faidarina will be sharing
Meng believes the tragic fire at to delve into areas that could be We have seen many fires, elec- the importance of fire prevention about guidelines and offer tips on
Grenfell Tower in London serves strengthened to improve safety at trical accidents and fatalities in features, such as fire staircases how to safeguard your home against
as a grave reminder to all of us to home as well as creating awareness Malaysia and other parts of the and firefighting water pumps in electrical incidents.
constantly be aware of the risks we on the roles we all play in reducing world. Many people may know a property. I think this symposium is a good
are exposed to, including in our the risk of fire hazards within our how to put out a fire, but not many More than half of the new resi- opportunity to stress the impor-
homes where we should all be able own development and community. know where the fire staircase of dential projects in the city are high- tance of responsible behaviour to-
to feel safe and at ease at any time. As the saying goes: Preven- their own condominium is [locat- rise, so fire staircases and other wards the use of electricity. I will be
The incident reminds us that it tion is always better than cure, ed at]. So, the first and foremost fire prevention features are cru- highlighting the practices, behav-
is imperative for the community to said Ngan. thing is to create awareness; next cial when fire breaks out. However, iour and attitude that are required
be vigilant and report any potential One of the speakers at the up- is taking the correct proactive ac- sadly, most people ignore the fact, for people to be energy-smart and
fire hazard. coming symposium, Lee from tion, said Lee. he shared. safe, said Faidarina.


Consider new ways to sustain

the property market
BY SHAW N N G well as the shopping mall and of- Iskandar Malaysia will be at-
fice segments. tracting a work population that will
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian More on where the property comprise all levels of the workforce.
property market has been rather market is heading will be discussed As such, more supply is required as
lacklustre in recent years. Some by speakers at the 20th National we go down the housing spectrum.
say it is due to the cooling meas- Housing & Property Summit 2017 By 2025, it is estimated that Iskan-
ures taken by the authorities as organised by ASLI on Oct 5 and 6 dar Malaysia will have a popula-
well as an oversupply in certain at Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa in tion of three million with 817,500
property sub-sectors. Bandar Sunway. EdgeProp.my is the jobs created, hence an additional
What will it take to get us out official media partner for the event 500,000 units of housing will be
of the doldrums? We probably themed The State of the Housing required, she said.
need to start thinking out of the & Property Industry Where do Among other industry players
box and adopt new approaches we go from here? who will be at the summit to offer
to ensure market sustainability, PNB Development Sdn Bhd CEO insights into the property market
offered Asian Strategy & Leader- Mohd Salem Kailany said an im- Yeoh: The main challenge is the Mohd Salem: Providing affordable and strategies to overcome the cur-
ship Institute (ASLI) CEO Tan Sri portant issue that the residential difculty in obtaining end-nancing. homes is becoming a vital issue. rent issues challenging the market
Datuk Michael Yeoh. property market is facing is the will be International Real Estate
I think the main challenge for issue of affordability. He added that the property Development Authority vice-pres- Federation of Malaysia president
the property sector today is the dif- Mohd Salem, who will be speak- market is expected to recover in ident of planning and compliance Tengku Datuk Abdul Aziz Teng-
ficulty in obtaining end-financing, ing at the summit in a session enti- 2018 and the TOD sector will see Sakurah Jamaluddin will be giving ku Mahmud, the Real Estate and
which is impacting developers sales. tled Rethinking and Restrategising tremendous progress as develop- a talk entitled Special Update on Housing Developers Association
Hence, there is a need for new fi- the Housing & Property Sector: ers are placing more focus on this the Iskandar Region Future Pros- Malaysia president Datuk Seri FD
nancing mechanisms for home and The Way Forward, said he will be segment. pects, Future Opportunities. Iskandar Mohamed Mansor, Ma-
property financing that can make the talking about transit-oriented de- This will negatively impact the Sakurah noted that although laysia Retail Chain Association
property market more sustainable, velopments (TODs) and the use industry in suburban areas as con- there may be an oversupply in Iskan- president Datuk Garry Chua, and
Yeoh told EdgeProp.my. of the industrialised building sys- sumers would focus more on urban dars high-end property segment, Selangor State Development Corp
He believes the market is still tem by developers towards more areas, he opined. Hence, devel- which mainly comprises serviced CEO Norida Mohd Yusof.
buoyant although caution has to be affordable housing. opers will have to come up with apartments while demand for high-
taken in certain sectors and areas, Providing affordable homes is innovative marketing strategies end landed residential property has Log on to www.EdgeProp.my
such as the high-rise condominium becoming a vital issue to meet the and more collaboration with the slowed down, the demand for hous- on Oct 5 and 6 for the latest
segment in Iskandar Malaysia and rising demand for houses in line government and investors. ing in the Iskandar region is expect- coverage of the summit.
some parts of the Klang Valley, as with population growth, he said. Meanwhile, Iskandar Regional ed to be strong going forward.


LOW YEN YEING | EdgeProp.my

ousing estates in Selangor

faced some price corrections two
last year, with transacted byp
prices of landed homes in Gro
as many as 30 housing areas aw
seeing more than 5% dip aw
y-o-y, according to data from the Nation- (M
al Property Information Centres (Napic)
Property Market Report 2016. Af
The five areas that recorded the steepest ma
decrease in the transacted prices of landed Alt
homes were SS 3 in Petaling Jaya (-10.7%), lish
Taman Bukit Teratai in Ampang (-9.5%), com
Section 22 in Petaling Jaya (-9.5%), Taman tat
Kajang Perdana in Kajang (-8.6%) and Sec- the
tion 20 in Petaling Jaya (-7.4%). ove
Interestingly, all these five areas are ma- ble
tured, self-contained housing estates with
easy accessibility and established amenities. hou
A reection of the times Proximity to public transportation system could be one of the price SS 3 landed houses have experienced steep price correction old
Although the information collated by Napic growth catalysts for Section 20. last year. ficu
is based on the number of transacted prop- wit

erties selected randomly from the total sales ho
available in a location within the review pe- cou
riod, consultants and real estate negotiators tow
view the results as a reflection of the overall hou
price corrections that the property market as

these ve Selangor
is experiencing.
Jordan Lee & Jaafar Sdn Bhd (JLJ) execu- rity
tive director Chin Shiow Wei says it basically old
mirrors the current weak property market

housing estates
sentiments. The trend is in line with the the
overall Malaysian property market perfor- ties
mance, which has shown a downward trend ove
in terms of volume and value of transactions com
since 2012, she tells EdgeProp.my. hig
Acrehill Properties real estate negotiator
Michelle Lee concurs that as the market Bh
continues softening and new launches get ser
more appealing with attractive marketing ho
packages, house owners in these areas are SOURCE: NAPIC AND *EdgeProp.my tra
getting more realistic and flexible on pricing.
Despite this, Kim Realty Sdn Bhd CEO
Vincent Ng says this doesnt mean owners
are throwing prices to below market value. PROPERTY TYPE PROPERTY TYPE PROPERTY TYPE
These are old and established housing KAKK AK:KAK K:KAK
estates. Some owners have likely either paid PROPERTY TYPE PROPERTY TYPE
off their housing loans or have only minimal K K
outstanding loans. Most of them are selling   
because they see cash-out opportunities
due to capital appreciation over the years, 2.38 MIL *ASKING PRICE


he opines.
Beside this, Ng notes that as much as the 499,000 480,000
sellers would like to sell at higher prices, the
banks valuations of the properties may not 2.38 mil
correspond due to stricter lending rules. This 2.15 mil 500,000 3.01 mil
could have also capped the asking prices of 450,000 2.725 mil
the properties. 475,000
SS 3, Section 22 and Section 20
The largest price dip of 10.7% y-o-y was seen 950,000
in SS 3 where a 2-storey semidee was sold
at RM2.1 million last year compared with
RM2.38 million in 2015.
As of July this year, EdgeProp.my listings 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction Transaction
showed that the average asking price for price (RM) price (RM) price (RM) price (RM) price (RM)
a 2-storey semidee in this area is RM2.38
million. Y-o-y decrease (%) Y-o-y decrease (%) Y-o-y decrease (%) Y-o-y decrease (%) Y-o-y decrease (%)
SS 3, also known as Taman Universiti, is
a matured housing estate located opposite 10.7 9.5 9.5 8.6 7.4
Sungai Way Free Trade Zone, next to SS 5,
SS 6, SS 1 and SS 9.
About 2km away from SS 3 is Section 22,
which is located close to Taman Paramount, One of the transactions recorded in the ily access other major townships and areas Taman Bukit Teratais average landed res-
Section 51A, Sea Park, Kampung Tunku and Napic report showed that a 2-storey ter- in Petaling Jaya, such as Bandar Sunway, idential transaction price dipped 9.5% y-o-y
SS 9A. Section 22 has also seen a significant raced house in Taman Paramount was sold Bandar Utama and Mutiara Damansara, in 2016. One of the transactions showed that a
decrease of 9.5% y-o-y in 2016 for its 2-storey at RM880,000 in 2016. A similar transaction as well as places in Kuala Lumpur such as 2-storey terraced house was sold at RM450,000,
detached houses. in 2015 was recorded at RM950,000. Edge- Old Klang Road, Sri Petaling and Bangsar. from RM500,000 in 2015. Similar properties
A 2-storey detached house changed hands Prop.my listings show that a 2-storey ter- in Taman Bukit Teratai listed on EdgeProp.
at RM2.73 million in 2016 compared to a raced house in the area is currently asking Taman Bukit Teratai and Taman my are asking for an average of RM499,000.
similar property in this area that was sold for RM850,000. Kajang Perdana Meanwhile, Taman Kajang Perdana has
at RM3.01 million a year ago. Similar prop- All these three areas in Petaling Jaya are at Taman Bukit Teratai in Ampang and Taman seen its average landed home transacted
erties in Section 22 listed on EdgeProp.my least 30 years old, offering a wide range of res- Kajang Perdana in Kajang also saw signifi- prices decrease 8.6% y-o-y in 2016. A 2-storey
are asking for an average of RM2.35 million. idential choices from 1- and 2-storey terraced cant price drops last year. terraced house in this area was transacted
Section 20 or Taman Paramount, which houses, semidees and bungalows as well as Taman Bukit Teratai neighbours Taman at RM400,000, compared with RM475,000
is just a stones throw away from Section 22, newer high-rise residential developments. Bukit Permai, Taman Seraya, Taman Saga for a similar property in 2015.
is also among the top in the list with average With good connectivity to the Daman- and Taman Putera. It is about 2km away EdgeProp.my listings showed that the
transactions of terraced homes there record- sara-Puchong Expressway (LDP) and Federal from Hospital Ampang and 14km away from average asking price for a 2-storey terraced
ing a 7.4% y-o-y decrease in 2016. Highway, residents in these areas could eas- KL city centre. house in the same area is RM480,000.



Taman Kajang Perdana is divided into Desa, Cheras and Kuala Lumpurs Golden
two parts by the Pintasan Kajang-Semenyih Triangle areas.
bypass road. Located next to Taman TTDI This is an old housing estate of over 20
Grove and Taman Villa Heights, it is 7km years. Many new buyers are buying for the
away from Kajang town centre and 13km location. The condition of the house is usu-
away from the University of Nottingham ally not a concern as many buyers rebuild
(Malaysia campus). the entire house into a new one, he explains.
Despite last years price drop, over the
Affordability and safety the years, Taman Bukit Teratai owners have seen
main concerns house prices increase significantly. For in-
Although these five areas are well-estab- stance, a low-cost 2-storey terraced house
lished housing estates and located close to sold 16 years ago at RM88,000 has seen trans-
commercial centres and amenities, real es- action price surge to RM450,000 this year.
tate negotiators note that housing prices in
these areas have appreciated considerably Ng: Bank valuations Lee: With the right pricing, Wong: Location and Still worth the buy?
over the years and have become unafforda- will have an impact on these mature areas will accessibility are still the Acrehills Lee says with the right pricing that
ble to the majority of homebuyers. transaction prices of the remain in demand. biggest advantages. meets buyers expectation and affordabili-
Lee from Acrehill notes that as more new properties. ty, these matured areas will still remain in
housing launches come up with modern de- demand.
signs and in new well-planned townships, most buyers buying for own-stay rather than Similarly, for places like Taman Bukit Ng from Kim Realty says these matured
old houses in matured areas will find it dif- for investment. Teratai and Taman Kajang Perdana, con- neighbourhoods are conveniently located
ficult to attract new owners. For instance, Potential homebuyers in Section 20 and sultants and real estate negotiators still see with existing amenities nearby and there are
with a price of over RM1 million for an old Section 22 are often deterred from signing opportunities in these areas. still a lot of interest in such areas instead of
house that needs to be refurbished, one on the dotted line by the condition of the For the Kajang area, GS Realty Sdn Bhd new township developments that have just
could get a spacious new house in a new aged houses and the refurbishment cost senior negotiator Aaron Wong says housing begun to thrive.
township with a lot of offerings like club- that they have to put in, she says. and commercial development has expand- Any or all of these areas are worth buying
house facilities and nice landscaping as well ed from the crowded Kajang town to other as landed properties are getting fewer due to
as security features. Location still sells places such as Taman Kajang Perdana and scarcity of land. In terms of redevelopment,
Besides this, the lack of safety and secu- Considering their age and lack of features TTDI Grove. the possibility is minimal as the returns
rity is another challenge for owners in these seen in new houses, it would be challenging Taman Kajang Perdana is over 10 years might not be encouraging for developers
older areas to attract homebuyers. for these older housing estates to continue old. It is a good place for owner occupiers to pursue due to escalating land prices in
Older housing estates undeniably have their price growth momentum that they because of its good accessibility using the these areas, he concludes.
the best locations, accessibility and ameni- had experienced in the past. Nevertheless, main road Pintasan Kajang-Semenyih Chin from JLJ sees other catalysts that
ties, but as people become more concerned property consultants still hold a positive bypass road, he notes. could support the price growths in these
over safety issues, a gated-and-guarded view of these areas due to land scarcity and However, the non-gated-and-guard- areas.
community will be more appealing to them, their excellent locations. ed community and the lack of amenities She notes that the improved public trans-
highlights Lee. JLJs Chin notes the older areas in Petal- might be its biggest drawbacks for invest- portation system such as the mass rapid
Hartamas Real Estate (Malaysia) Sdn ing Jaya are still sought after by homebuyers. ment seekers. transit and light rail transit lines, enhance-
Bhd real estate negotiator Esther Ng ob- Despite the recent price corrections, they As for Taman Bukit Teratai, Wong opines ment in living environment and availability
serves that although there is still interest in remain attractive in terms of location and that there is always demand for property of existing amenities such as shopping malls,
houses in SS 3, Section 22 and Section 20, connectivity as well as proximity to major in this area due to its location as residents schools and hospitals are still the funda-
p.my transactions have significantly slowed with business hubs in the Klang Valley. could easily access Dato Keramat, Taman mentals that most property buyers seek.

at a




Integrating sustainability
into business
LOW YEN YEING | EdgeProp.my


to create a better everyday life
for the people.
any compa- It all begins on the drawing
nies today cite board where we take a democratic
sustainability approach in our product design,
as one of their Lee told the audience during her
business goals talk entitled The IKEA way of in-
some take it tegrating sustainability in everyday YOUTH
even further and make sustaina- business at the forum organised
bility their business. by Rehda Youth, the Youth divi-
Needless to say, integrating sus- sion of the Real Estate and Housing
tainability in a business takes ho- Developers Association Malaysia,
listic planning in all aspects of the in partnership with Nippon Paint
business from beginning to end Malaysia. EdgeProp.my was the
from site selection, material se- official media partner.
lection and design of the product This means that every product Lee: Create
to end-user delivery. has to fulfil the companys five cri- a better
One company that has taken teria including form (beautifully everyday
this approach to sustainability is designed with Scandinavian feel), life for the investments to maximise their
Swedish home furnishing retailer function (convenient and inspi- people is long-term potential in cost and
IKEA as seen in the evergreen de- rational), quality (long-lasting for the main sustainability.
sign of its products and the way it at least 20 years), sustainability principle The company also aspires to be
attracts customers to continuously (resource-efficient and environ- that led to a good neighbour in the local com-
revisit its stores. mentally friendly) and low price the success munity that it operates, by offering
The existing two stores in the (cost-consciousness). of IKEA convenience and a wide range of
Klang Valley IKEA Damansara We want to create well-de- functional products to households
and IKEA Cheras have attracted signed, long-lasting products that waste, change agent, sustainable carbon emission, with proximity and making the store itself a meet-
close to 10 million visitors in 2016. are affordable to most people. In building material and sustainable to existing or future public trans- ing place for everyone.
Online, there are over one million terms of shopping experience, we operations. portation system.
Facebook fans following IKEAs aim to create a healthy environment All the principles are interre- In the construction process, sus- Creating a positive
movements and new promotions that could give consumers a very lated and complement each oth- tainable building materials are used impact on society
in the country. Its third and fourth different customer experience, er towards achieving the goal of while emphasis is given to the min- While IKEAs model may not suit
stores in the country are slated to she noted. business popularity as well as imal use of energy and water. For other companies, its three arching
open at the end of this year in Johor The same concept also applies being sustainable and environ- instance, the company has set a principles could serve as a guide:
and early 2019 in Penang. to its store management and con- ment-friendly. For instance, in target that its buildings strive to protecting the environment, pro-
At the Future Forward Forum struction of new stores where 12 site selection, the company will achieve the LEED platinum and a moting a better society and mak-
2017 on Sept 7, IKEA Southeast principles are followed. These focus on locations that could of- minimum LEED gold or the local ing better business.
Asia (Singapore) head of sustain- principles include site selection, fer renewable energy and ample equivalent green-building certifi- IKEA as a brand stands for
ability Dr Lee Hui Mien said the use of renewable energy, strong human resource. It should also cation standard. a lot of things; it is a strong and
IKEA brands popularity is mainly commercial offer, lowest carbon be a place that enables customers IKEA also adopts life-cycle powerful brand that is easily re-
driven by just one basic principle emission, good neighbour, zero to travel to the store at the lowest costing for all its new project latable to the things that help
improve peoples lives, Lee told

12 sustainability principles Having been with IKEA Singa-

pore for over five years, Lee is hap-
py to see the company forming a
positive impact on society with its
unique philosophy.
However, she admitted that the
company faces different challeng-
es in realising its sustainability
goal in different countries. For in-
stance, in Malaysia, the challenges
include the lack of infrastructure
in waste management and renew-
able energy.
Turning waste into energy is
not common in Malaysia. We are
looking at introducing innovative
projects or ideas and work closely
with the Swedish embassy to look
at how we can be a pioneer in this
area, she offered.
The upcoming IKEA Tebrau
in Johor Bahru is slated to start
operation by year end while IKEA
Batu Kawan in Penang will open
in 1Q19.
By and large, IKEA is a popu-
lar brand in Malaysia. Johor Bahru
residents know about this brand
through IKEA Singapore while the
northern region shoppers know
about IKEA through existing stores
in the Klang Valley. Both southern
and northern region shoppers are
enthusiastic about IKEAs arrival,
remarked Lee.

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