Sigurante Passat
Sigurante Passat
Sigurante Passat
Number Wiring Function/Component Terminal
-Fuse panel B
F1 Not used
-Fuse 2 on
F2 fuse panel B - 15 -Engine control module -J623- 87a
-Reducing agent reservoir sensor -G697- 2
Reducing agent reservoir processing unit G698- 2
-Fuse 3 on
Coolant fan control module -J293- Wastegate
F3 fuse panel B - 30 87a
bypass regulator valve -N75- Positive crankcase
ventilation heating element N79-Reducing agent
reversing valve -N473- 2
15 -NOx sensor -G295-2 Oxygen sensor 1 before
-Fuse 4 on catalytic converter -GX10-Oxygen sensor 2 before
F4 fuse panel B - catalytic converter -GX11- 1 Oxygen sensor heater 87a
SB4- 20 -Z19-Oxygen sensor 2 heater -Z28-1 NOx sensor
control module 2 -J881- 2
5 -Mass air flow sensor -G70-2 Oxygen sensor 1
-Fuse 5 on 10 after catalytic converter -GX7-Oxygen sensor 2
F5 fuse panel B - after catalytic converter -GX8-1 Heater for oxygen 87a
SB5- 15 sensor 1 after catalytic converter -Z29-Heater for
20 oxygen sensor 2 after catalytic converter -Z30- 1
10 -EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80- 1
Secondary air injection solenoid valve N112- 3
-Fuse 6 on
Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-1 Fuel
F6 fuse panel B - 87a
20 pressure regulator valve -N276- 1 Exhaust
camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N318-1 Fuel pump
relay -J17-3 Secondary air pump
20 -Ignition coil 1 with power output stage -N70-
Ignition coil 2 with power output stage N127-
F7 -Fuse 7 on
Ignition coil 3 with power output stage -N291-
F7 fuse panel B - 87a
30 Ignition coil 4 with power output stage -N292-
Ignition coil 5 with power output stage -N323- 1
Ignition coil 6 with p
F8 -Fuse 8 on 10 -EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80- 1
F8 fuse panel B - Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-1 Exhaust 87a
SB8- 30 camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N318-1 Reducing
agent heater control module
F9 -Fuse 9 on
-Brake lamp switch -F-Rear air distribution motor
F9 fuse panel B - 5 87a
position sensor -G478-
F10 -Fuse 10 -Mass air flow sensor -G70-1 Fuel pump relay -
F10 on fuse panel 5 J17-2 Automatic glow time control module -J179- 87a
B -SB10- 2
F11 -Fuse 11
F11 on fuse panel 30 DSG transmission Mechatronic -J743- 1 30a
B -SB11-
F12 -Fuse 12
F12 on fuse panel 15 Coolant pump -VX20- 1 87a
B -SB12-
F13 -Fuse 13 -Radio -R-Radio/navigation display unit control
F13 on fuse panel 30 module -J503-External multimedia device interface 30a
B -SB13- -R215-
F14 -Fuse 14 -Motronic engine control module power supply
F14 on fuse panel 5 relay -J271- 1, 3 Terminal 30 power supply relay - 30a
B -SB14- J317- 2 Engine control module -J623-
F15 -Fuse 15
-High tone horn -H2-Low tone horn -H7-Dual tone
F15 on fuse panel 20 30a
horn relay -J4-
B -SB15-
F16 -Fuse 16
F16 on fuse panel 40 -Amplifier -R12- 30a
B -SB16-
F17 -Fuse 17
F17 on fuse panel 30 DSG transmission Mechatronic -J743- 2 30a
B -SB17-
F18 -Fuse 18
F18 on fuse panel 5 Telephone transceiver -R36- 30a
B -SB18-
F19 -Fuse 19
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F19 on fuse panel 5 30 Ref
B -SB19-
F20 -Fuse 20
Wiper motor change-over relay -J368-Wiper motor
F20 on fuse panel 40 30
change-over relay 2 -J369-
B -SB20-
F21 F21 -Fuse 21 40 Secondary air injection pump motor -V101- 3 30a
on fuse panel Auxiliary heater heating element -Z35- (T3hr/1) 2
B -SB21-
F22 -Fuse 22
F22 on fuse panel 40 Auxiliary heater heating element -Z35- (T3hr/3) 2 30a
B -SB22-
F23 -Fuse 23
Fuse 32 on fuse panel C -SC32-Fuse 33 on fuse
F23 on fuse panel 50 30a
panel C -SC33-Fuse 34 on fuse panel C SC34-
B -SB23-
F24 -Fuse 24 Terminal 75 power supply relay 1 -J680-Fuse 40 on
F24 on fuse panel 50 fuse panel C -SC40-Fuse 42 on fuse panel C - 30a
B -SB24- SC42-
F25 -Fuse 25
F25 on fuse panel 40 Terminal 15 power supply relay 2 -J681- 30a
B -SB25-
F26 -Fuse 26
Automatic glow time control module -J179-
F26 on fuse panel 50 30a
B -SB26-
F27 -Fuse 27
F27 on fuse panel 50 Coolant fan control module -J293- 30a
B -SB27-
F28 -Fuse 28
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F28 on fuse panel 40 30a
B -SB28-
F29 -Fuse 29
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F29 on fuse panel 40 30a
B -SB29-
F30 -Fuse 30
F30 on fuse panel 40 ABS control module -J104- (T47/1) 30a
B -SB30-
F31 -Fuse 31
F31 on fuse panel 30 ABS control module -J104- (T47/32) 30a
B -SB31-
F32 -Fuse 32
F32 on fuse panel 40 Auxiliary heater heating element -Z35- (T3hr/2) 2 30a
B -SB32-
1) Only for vehicles with a 3.6L gasoline engine and engine code CDVB
2) Only for vehicles with a 2.0L diesel engine and engine code CKRA
3) Only for vehicles with a 2.5L gasoline enigne and engine code CBUA
Designation Ampere
Number in Wiring rating Function/component Terminal
Diagram [A]
Fuse 1 on
Headlight DRLs, HID Adjuster motors, Whistler
F1 fuse panel C - 7,5 15a
Radar Detector
Fuse 2 on
Airbag control module -J234-, Front passenger
F2 fuse panel C - 15 15a
airbag -disabled- indicator lamp -K145-
Light switch -E1- (T10h/4), Oil level thermal
Fuse 3 on sensor -G266- (T6z/4), ABS control module -
F3 fuse panel C - 7,5 J104- (47/8), Instrument cluster control module - 15a
SC3- J285- (T32/31), Power steering control module -
J500- (T6z/1) Data, Engine control module -J623-
(T94/87), DSG transmission Mechatronic -J743-
(T20e/13), Starter relay 1 -J906- (T7/1), Starter
relay 2 -J907- (T9c/1)
Back-up lamp switch -F4-, High pressure sensor -
G65-, Air quality sensor -G238-, Garage door
Fuse 4 on opener control module -J530-, Parallel parking
F4 fuse panel C - 7,5 assistance control module -J791-, 16-pin connector 15a
SC4 -T16- (diagnostic connector), Automatic dimming
interior rearview mirror -Y7 -, Left washer nozzle
heater -Z20-, Right washer nozzle heater -Z21-
Fuse 5 on
F5 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 6 on
F6 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 7 on
F7 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 8 on
F8 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 9 on
F9 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 10 on
F10 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 11 on
F11 fuse panel C - Not used
Light switch -E1- (T10h/8), Tiptronic switch -
F189, Vehicle electrical system control module -
Fuse 12 on
J519- (T52c/1), Selector lever sensor system
F12 fuse panel C - 10 30a
control module -J587, Electronic steering column
lock control module -J764, 16-pin connector -T16-
diagnostic connector (T16/16)
Fuse 13 on
F13 10 Instrument cluster control module -J285- (T32/32) 30a
fuse panel C -
Fuse 4 on
F14 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 15 on
Electronic steering column lock control module -
F15 fuse panel C - 5 30a
Fuse 16 on
Data bus on board diagnostic interface -J533-
F16 fuse panel C - 5 30a
Fuse 17 on
Steering column electronics control module -J527-
F17 fuse panel C - 10 30a
Fuse 18 on
F18 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 19 on
F19 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 20 on
F20 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 21 on
F21 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 22 on
28-pin connector -T28a/22- (right A-pillar), 28-pin
F22 fuse panel C - 30 30a
connector -T28a/22- (right B-pillar)
Fuse 23 on
Rear window defogger relay -J9-, Rear window
F23 fuse panel C - 30 30a
defogger -Z1-
Fuse 24 on 20 30a
Fuel pump relay -J17-, Fuel pump control module
F24 fuse panel C -
30 -J538- (T10n/1), Transfer fuel pump -G6-
Fuse 25 on Climatronic control unit -J255- A/C control
F25 fuse panel C - 20 module -J301- Automatic transmission control
SC25- module -J217-
F26 Fuse 26 on 15 Rear lid remote lock key switch -E232-, Compass 30
fuse panel C - magnetic field sensor -G197-, Rain/light
SC26- recognition sensor -G397-, Remote start system
relay -J471-, Analog clock -Y
Fuse 27 on
F27 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 28 on
F28 fuse panel C - 30 Automatic transmission control module -J217- 15a
Fuse 29 on
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F29 fuse panel C - 20 30a
Fuse 30 on
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F30 fuse panel C - 20 30a
Fuse 31 on
28-pin connector -T28/22- (left A-pillar), 28-pin
F31 fuse panel C - 30 30a
connector -T28b/22- (left B-pillar)
Fuse 32 on
Trunk 12 V Plug [OEM-Fresh air blower control
F32 fuse panel C - 40 30a
module -J126-], Fresh air blower -V2-
Fuse 33 on
Front seat heating control module -J774- (T8z/3,
F33 fuse panel C - 30 30a
Fuse 34 on
Power sunroof control module -J245-, (T16s/1)
F34 fuse panel C - 20 30a
Sunroof motor -V1-
Driver seat lumbar support adjustment switch -
E176-, Front passenger seat lumbar support
Fuse 35 on
adjustment switch -E177-, Driver seat lumbar
F35 fuse panel C - 30 30a
support curvature adjustment motor -V125-, Front
passenger seat lumbar support curvature
adjustment motor -V126-
Fuse 36 on
F36 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 37 on
F37 Not used
fuse panel C -
Fuse 38 on
F38 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 39 on
F39 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 40 on
400W Inverter in Trunk [OEM- A/C control
F40 fuse panel C - 40 75a
module -J301-], Fresh air blower -V2-
Fuse 41 on
F41 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 42 on
F42 fuse panel C - 30 Cigarette lighter -U1-12 V socket 2 -U18 75a
Fuse 43 on
F43 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 44 on Fuse 44 on
F44 fuse panel C - Not used fuse panel
SC44- C -SC44-
Fuse 45 on
F45 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 46 on
F46 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 47 on
F47 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 48 on
F48 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse 49 on
F49 fuse panel C - Not used
Fuse panel E (VR6 only)
Panel E is the one in the trunk with your battery on the VR6.
Designation in Ampere
Number Wiring rating Function/Component Terminal
Diagram [A]
-Fuse panel B
F1 Not used
-Fuse 2 on 15
F2 fuse panel B - -Engine control module -J623- 87a
SB2- 30
-Reducing agent reservoir sensor -G697- 2,
Reducing agent reservoir processing unit, G698- 2
-Fuse 3 on
Coolant fan control module -J293-, Wastegate
F3 fuse panel B - 30 87a
bypass regulator valve -N75-, Positive crankcase
ventilation heating element -, N79-Reducing agent
reversing valve -N473- 2
15 -NOx sensor -G295-2 Oxygen sensor 1 before
-Fuse 4 on catalytic converter -GX10-Oxygen sensor 2 before
F4 fuse panel B - catalytic converter -GX11- 1 Oxygen sensor heater 87a
SB4- 20 -Z19-Oxygen sensor 2 heater -Z28-1 NOx sensor
control module 2 -J881- 2
5 -Mass air flow sensor -G70-2 Oxygen sensor 1 after
-Fuse 5 on 10 catalytic converter -GX7-Oxygen sensor 2 after
F5 fuse panel B - catalytic converter -GX8-1 Heater for oxygen 87a
SB5- 15 sensor 1 after catalytic converter -Z29-Heater for
20 oxygen sensor 2 after catalytic converter -Z30- 1
10 -EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80- 1
Secondary air injection solenoid valve N112- 3
-Fuse 6 on
Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-1 Fuel
F6 fuse panel B - 87a
20 pressure regulator valve -N276- 1 Exhaust camshaft
adjustment valve 1 -N318-1 Fuel pump relay -J17-3
Secondary air pump
20 -Ignition coil 1 with power output stage -N70-
F7 -Fuse 7 on Ignition coil 2 with power output stage N127-
F7 fuse panel B - Ignition coil 3 with power output stage -N291- 87a
SB7- 30 Ignition coil 4 with power output stage -N292-
Ignition coil 5 with power output stage -N323- 1
Ignition coil 6 with p
10 -EVAP canister purge regulator valve 1 -N80- 1
F8 -Fuse 8 on Camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N205-1 Exhaust
F8 fuse panel B - camshaft adjustment valve 1 -N318-1 Reducing 87a
SB8- 30 agent heater control module J891- 2 Leak
detection pump -V144- 1
F9 -Fuse 9 on
-Brake lamp switch -F-Rear air distribution motor
F9 fuse panel B - 5 87a
position sensor -G478-
F10 -Fuse 10
-Mass air flow sensor -G70-1 Fuel pump relay -
F10 on fuse panel 5 87a
J17-2 Automatic glow time control module -J179- 2
B -SB10-
F11 -Fuse 11
F11 on fuse panel 30 DSG transmission Mechatronic -J743- 1 30a
B -SB11-
F12 -Fuse 12
F12 on fuse panel 15 Coolant pump -VX20- 1 87a
B -SB12-
F13 -Fuse 13 -Radio -R-Radio/navigation display unit control
F13 on fuse panel 30 module -J503-External multimedia device interface 30a
B -SB13- -R215-
F14 -Fuse 14 -Motronic engine control module power supply
F14 on fuse panel 5 relay -J271- 1, 3 Terminal 30 power supply relay - 30a
B -SB14- J317- 2 Engine control module -J623-
F15 -Fuse 15
-High tone horn -H2-Low tone horn -H7-Dual tone
F15 on fuse panel 20 30a
horn relay -J4-
B -SB15-
F16 -Fuse 16
F16 on fuse panel 40 -Amplifier -R12- 30a
B -SB16-
F17 -Fuse 17
F17 on fuse panel 30 DSG transmission Mechatronic -J743- 2 30a
B -SB17-
F18 -Fuse 18
F18 on fuse panel 5 -Telephone transceiver -R36- 30a
B -SB18-
F19 -Fuse 19 Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F19 5 30 Ref.
on fuse panel (T52a/24)
B -SB19-
F20 -Fuse 20
Wiper motor change-over relay -J368-Wiper motor
F20 on fuse panel 40 30a
change-over relay 2 -J369-
B -SB20-
F21 -Fuse 21
Secondary air injection pump motor -V101- 3
F21 on fuse panel 40 30a
Auxiliary heater heating element -Z35- (T3hr/1) 2
B -SB21-
F22 -Fuse 22
F22 on fuse panel 40 Auxiliary heater heating element -Z35- (T3hr/3) 2 30a
B -SB22-
F23 -Fuse 23
Fuse 32 on fuse panel C -SC32-Fuse 33 on fuse
F23 on fuse panel 50 30a
panel C -SC33-Fuse 34 on fuse panel C SC34-
B -SB23-
F24 -Fuse 24 Terminal 75 power supply relay 1 -J680-Fuse 40 on
F24 on fuse panel 50 fuse panel C -SC40-Fuse 42 on fuse panel C - 30
B -SB24- SC42-
F25 -Fuse 25
F25 on fuse panel 40 Terminal 15 power supply relay 2 -J681- 30a
B -SB25-
F26 -Fuse 26
Automatic glow time control module -J179-
F26 on fuse panel 50 30a
B -SB26-
F27 -Fuse 27
F27 on fuse panel 50 Coolant fan control module -J293- 30a
B -SB27-
F28 -Fuse 28
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F28 on fuse panel 40 30a
B -SB28-
F29 -Fuse 29
Vehicle electrical system control module -J519-
F29 on fuse panel 40 30a
B -SB29-
F30 -Fuse 30
F30 on fuse panel 40 ABS control module -J104- (T47/1) 30a
B -SB30-
F31 -Fuse 31
F31 on fuse panel 30 ABS control module -J104- (T47/32) 30a
B -SB31-
F32 F32 -Fuse 32 40 Auxiliary heater heating element -Z35- (T3hr/2) 2 30a
on fuse panel
B -SB32-
1) Only for vehicles with a 3.6L gasoline engine and engine code CDVB
2) Only for vehicles with a 2.0L diesel engine and engine code CKRA
3) Only for vehicles with a 2.5L gasoline enigne and engine code CBUA
WARNING: Terminal and harness assignments for individual connectors will vary depending on
vehicle equipment level, model, and market.