Lesson C
Lesson C
Lesson C
C2 Catholics celebrate the two main parts of C2.2 Illustrates furnishings, responses and actions used
the Eucharist during the Liturgy of the Word.
During the Last Supper, Jesus and the Apostles listened to and recited passages from the Bible. They
remembered Gods great kindness to the People of Israel.
This is represented through the first part of the Mass when everyone listens and responds to readings
from the Bible. Everyone who is present:
- sits during the first reading
- recites the response between the verses of the Responsorial Psalm
- stands for the Gospel and sits again when the priest explains the readings in the Homily.
Prior Knowledge
In year two, students have visited a Parish Church to learn what furnishings, vessels ect the church
contains. If many students have no understanding or experience may need to re visit church. Students
focus for this area would have been looking at the special actions in and outside of Mass.
Students would have completed lessons that helped them understand as Catholics we celebrate the
Eucharist to say Thank you to God. Understanding that saying thank you is helping our relationship with
God grow closer through the Eucharist.
In their last lesson students would have completed a recall of what is found in the church, through drawing
and labelling the furnishings found within the Church.
Catering for Learner Diversity
Extension students who complete the worksheet ahead of time are able to use the class iPads to film
the reader and responses that will be used during the mass. Students would create a short iMovie film
explaining what is said during the Liturgy of the word.
Engagement through role-play students will be able to actively participate in the activity that
demonstrates the Liturgy of the Word responses. Assistance needed for writing aspect students are able
to have an altered version with less writing and more drawings to help understanding.
Special Considerations during role play for students who struggle in group situations or cannot read
the script have work in a group with the EA or teacher, in a more structured environment where they role
play can be performed a lot slower.
Students worksheets for the Liturgy of the Word will be marked as students are working to ensure that all
students have completed the correct response
Anecdotal notes will be taken of students in their groups while they are completing their role-play
responses to assess their understanding of the Liturgy of the Word process during Mass.
Religious Capabilities Spiritual Capabilities
To follow & Justice
To wonder
To worship become a Charity Fortitude Temperance
and To relate and
God & become missionary
become become loving
reverant disciple of
General Capabilities
Critical and
Literacy Creative
Ethical Competency Intercultural
Written Numeracy ICT thinking
Behaviour Working in Understating
responses Completing role
play activity
LESSON PROCEDURE - STEP C Christian Response
Lesson Objectives state how the students will demonstrate their understanding of the learning point and the
skills they will use in doing this
1. Students will demonstrate understanding of Liturgy of the Word responses through role-play
2. Students will represent knowledge of the Liturgy of the Word responses through images and words
The Arts students participate in role-play activities Students will role play the activity in the group desks
when using scripts to perform roles that represent the they sit in.
responses and actions during the Liturgy of the Word
Roles will be assigned based on student number at
English writing responses for the Liturgy of the Word desks (pre assigned).
Behaviour management:
- Warning, 1, 2, 3
- Positive reinforcement of good behaviours
- If students are misbehaving during role-play
they will sit out and complete the written work
5 minutes Begin the lesson with students sitting on the mat. Explain
that today we will be focusing on the two parts of Mass. In
Mass there is the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the
Eucharist. Both important as the represent the Last Supper.
While running through the Liturgy of the Word with students A3 Card
as they fill in their sheet, the responses will be stuck onto Pre- printed Liturgy of
colourful A3 card. Creating a poster which will be displayed the Word responses.
in the classroom as a reference point for the students.
Bring students to the mat to conclude the lesson and
5 minutes reiterate the focus for learning. Explain its important to be
able to participate in the Liturgy of the Word during mass, it
allows us to be fully involved and understand Mass.