Wrana 2015 4 PDF
Wrana 2015 4 PDF
Wrana 2015 4 PDF
4, 2015
DOI: 10.1515/sgem-2015-0048
Abstract: The article is a review of the current problems of the foundation pile capacity calculations. The article considers the main
principles of pile capacity calculations presented in Eurocode 7 and other methods with adequate explanations. Two main methods
are presented: method used to calculate the short-term load capacity of piles in cohesive soils and method used to calculate
the long- term load capacity of piles in both cohesive and cohesionless soils. Moreover, methods based on cone CPTu result are pre-
sented as well as the pile capacity problem based on static tests.
Key words: pile load capacity calculation, Eurocode 7, method and method, direct methods based on CPTu data
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Rc;d design resistance as the capacity parameters (1) The results of static load tests, which have been
determined from designing standards, considered demonstrated by means of calculations or other-
in the present article, wise, to be consistent with other relevant experi-
Rtest in-situ static test result on top pile, ence,
Qlim limit resistance defined as rapid settlement (2) Empirical or analytical calculation methods whose
occurs under sustained or slight increase of the ap- validity has been demonstrated by static load tests
plied load the pile plunges. in comparable situations,
Ration of Qlim/Rc;d = t presents the total safety (3) The results of dynamic load tests whose validity
factor. has been demonstrated by static load tests in com-
parable situations,
(4) The observed performance of a comparable piles
foundation, provided that this approach is sup-
ported by the results of site investigation and
ground testing.
Equilibrium equation
The equilibrium equation to be satisfied in the ul-
timate limit state design of axially loaded piles in
compression is
Fc; d Rc; d , (1)
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Pile load capacity calculation methods 85
Case (c) is referred to as the alternative procedure in or by separating it into base and shaft components Rb;d
the Note to EN 1997-1, even though it is and Rs;k, using the relevant partial factors, b and s
the most common method in some countries.
Rb; k Rs ; k
Rc; d = + . (6)
Characteristic pile resistance from profiles b s
of ground test results The combinations of sets of partial factor values
Part 2 of EN 1997 includes the following Annexes that should be used for Design Approach 2 are as fol-
with methods to calculate the compressive resistance, lows
Rc,cal of a single pile from profiles of ground test re- DA2.C1: A1 + M1 + R2
(a) D.6 Example to determine Rc;cal based on cone where R2 for base, shaft and total: t = b = s = 1.1 in
penetration resistance: relating the piles unit base case of compression, and t = 1.15 in case of shaft in
resistances qb at different normalised pile settle- tension.
ments, s/D, and the shaft resistance qs to average
cone penetration resistance qc values. The values
in Tables D.3 and D.4 are used to calculate the pile 3. DRAINED AND UNDRAINED
base and shaft resistances in the pile. LOADING CONDITIONS
(b) D.7 Example to determine Rc;cal base on maximum
base resistance and shaft resistance from the qc val-
ues obtained from an electrical CPT. Drained loading occurs when soils are loaded
(c) E.3 Example to determine Rc;cal based on results of slowly, resulting in slightexcess pore pressures that
an MPM test. dissipate due to permeability.On the other hand,
Characteristic total pile compressive resistance Rc;k undrained loading occurs when fine-grained soils are
or the base and shaft resistances Rb;k and Rs;k may be loaded at a high rate, they generate excess pore pres-
determined directly by applying correlation factors 3 sures because these soils have very low permeabil-
and 4 to the set of pile resistances calculated from the ities.
test profiles. This procedure is referred to as the Model The drained (or long-term) strength parameters of
Pile procedure by Frank et al. (2004) to determine Rc;cal. a soil, c and must be used in drained (long-term)
analysis of piles.
The undrained (or short-term) strength parameter
Characteristic pile resistance
of a soil, cu, must be used in undrained (short-term)
from the ground parameters
analysis of piles.
The characteristic base and shaft resistances may
also be determined directly from the ground parame-
ters using the following equations given in EN 1997-1 4. ESTIMATING LOAD CAPACITY OF PILES
Rb; k = Ab qb; k (3)
Pile load carrying capacity depends on various
Rs ; k = A s;i qs ; i ; k (4) factors, including: (1) pile characteristics such as pile
length, cross section, and shape; (2) soil configuration
where and short and long-term soil properties; and (3) pile
qb;k characteristics of unit base resistance, installation method. Two widely used methods for pile
qs;i;k characteristics of unit shaft resistance in the design will be described:
i-th layer. method used to calculate the short-term load
capacity (total stress) of piles in cohesive soils,
Design compressive pile resistance method used to calculate the long-term load
The design compressive resistance of a pile Rc;d capacity (effective stress) of piles in both cohesive
may be obtained either by treating the pile resistance and cohesionless soils.
as a total resistance Piles resist applied loads through side friction
(shaft or skin friction) and end bearing as indicated
Rc; k in Fig. 3. Friction piles resist a significant portion of
Rc; d = (5)
t their loads by the interface friction developed be-
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tween their surface and the surrounding soils. On the stress and undrained shear strength but decreases for
other hand, end-bearing piles rely on the bearing long piles.
capacity of the soil underlying their bases. Usually, Niazi and Mayne [24] presented 25 methods of
end-bearing piles are used to transfer most of their estimating pile unit shaft resistance within -method
loads to a stronger stratum that exists at a reasonable and compared them. They showed main differences
depth. with respect to parameters: length effect, stress his-
Design bearing capacity (resistance) can be de- tory, Ip, su, v , progressive failure, plugging effect.
fined as Belowthe main methods estimating skin friction in
claysare shown:
Rc , d = Qb + Qs = Ab qb + A s ,i qs ; i ; d . (7) (a) American Petroleum Institute (API, 1984, 1987)
The equation by API (1984, 1987) suggests values
for as a function of cu as follows
cu 25
1 90 for 25 kPa < cu < 70 kPa,
= 1.0 for cu 25 kPa, (9)
0.5 for cu 70 kPa.
(b) NAVFAC DM 7.2 (1984). Proposition for coef-
ficient depends on type of pile (Table 1)
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Pile load capacity calculation methods 87
su/ v 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
0.95 0.77 0.70 0.65 0.62 0.60 0.56 0.55 0.53 0.52 0.50 0.49 0.48
su/ v 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.0 4.0
0.47 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.39 0.39
(e) Mechanism controlling friction fatigue, Randolph Figure 4 presents mobilized values of versus
[26] sud/ v 0 for all piles discussed in this paper. Studies
Randolph [26] suggested that progressive failure, have shown that the plasticity index has a largeimpact
which occurs in strain softening soil, was a possible on the mobilized ultimate shaft friction and corre-
mechanism controlling friction fatigue. The progres- sponding -values.
sive failure from the peak (peak) to the residual (res)
shaft resistance is shown in Fig. 4. Randolph [26]
proposed a reduction factor (Rf) which depends on the 5.2. UNIT BASE RESISTANCE qB
degree of softening and the pile compressibility K
1 For cohesive soils it can be shown, using Ter-
R f = 1 (1 )1 (11) zaghis bearing capacity equation, that the unit base
2 K
resistance of the pile is
qb = ( su )b N c (13)
DL2 where (su)b is the undrained shear strength of the co-
( EA) pile
hesive soil under the base of the pile, and Nc is the
= res , K = , (12)
peak wres bearing capacity coefficient that can be assumed equal
to 9.0 (Skempton [29]).
EA axial stiffnes of pile,
wres post-peak displacement required to mobi-
lize the residual shaft resistance.
(f) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NGI-05 LOAD CAPACITY FOR COHESIVE
Karlsrud et al. [15], proposed modification of the
NGI method by introducing correlation of sud/ v 0 and
Ip with coefficient presented by the trend lines
shown in Fig. 4. New data are included herein, all
previous data have been re-interpreted.
qs ( z ) = h = ( z ) K ( z ) v ( z ) = ( z ) v ( z ) (14)
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(b) proposition value of = (z)K(z) can be estimated ( v ) b vertical effective stress at the base of the
according to the following propositions:
Author Proposition of value cb cohesion of the soil under the base of the pile,
McClelland [21] = 0.15 to 0.35 for compression, Nc = (Nq 1)cot .
for driven piles = 0.10 to 0.25 for tension (for uplift piles)
= 0.15, 0.75, 1.2 for = 28, 35, 37, Values of bearing capacity factor Nq
for driven piles
Meyerhof [22] (a) Janbu [13] presented equations to estimate capacity
= 0.1, 0.2, 0.35 for = 33, 35, 37,
for bored piles coefficients Nq and Nc for various soils
= Ctan( 5)
Kraft and Lyons
[19] C = 0.7 for compression, C = 0.5 for tension
(uplift piles)
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Pile load capacity calculation methods 89
N q (tan + 1 + tan 2 ) 2 exp(2 tan ) friction angle decreases with depth. Hence Nq, which
is a function of the friction angle, also would reduce
where is an angle defining the shape of the shear with depth. Variation of other parameters with depth
has not been researched thoroughly. The end bearing
surface around the tip of a pile as shown in Fig. 6. The
capacity does not increase at the same rate as the in-
angle ranges from /3for soft clays to 0.58 for
creasing depth. Figure 7 attempts to formulate the end
dense sands.
bearing capacity of a pile with regard to relative den-
(b) Values of bearing capacity factor Nq according to sity (ID) and vertical effective stress v (Randolph et
NAVFAC DM 7.2(1984), see Table 5. al. [17]).
[] 26 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Nq for driven piles 10 15 21 24 29 35 42 50 62 77 86 120 145
Nq for bored piles 5 8 10 12 14 17 21 25 30 38 43 60 72
If water jetting is used, should be limited 6.4. CRITICAL DEPTH FOR SKIN FRICTION
to 28. This is because water jets tend to loosen the (SANDY SOILS)
soil. Hence, higher friction angle values are not war-
ranted. Skin friction should increase with depth and it be-
comes a constant at a certain depth. This depth was
named a critical depth. The typical experimental
variation of skin friction with depth in a pile as evi-
dence for critical depth is shown in Fig. 8.
As one can see, experimental data do not support
the old theory with a constant skin friction below
the critical depth.
Skin friction tends to increase with depth and just
Fig. 7. End bearing capacity of a pile above the tip of the pile to attain its maximum
with regard to relative density (ID) and effective stress value. Skin friction would drop rapidly after that.
(Randolph et al. [27]) Skin friction does not increase linearly with depth
as was once believed.
Most of these parameters have been bundled into No satisfactory theory exists at present to explain
the bearing capacity factor Nq. It is known that the the field data.
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Due to lack of a better theory, engineers are still 6.5. CRITICAL DEPTH FOR END BEARING
using critical depth theory of the past. CAPACITY (SANDY SOILS)
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Pile load capacity calculation methods 91
technical investigations, research efforts have ad- Semi-empirical methods with the purely CPT pa-
vanced the very elementary idea of considering it as rameters, the additional estimated parameters are
mini-pile foundation. This has resulted in plethora of taken into account (r, , , K, v 0 , L, d, su, ID).
correlative relationships being developed between the Indirect CPT methods employ soil parameters,
CPT readings cone resistance (qc) or more proper such as friction angle and undrained shear strength
corrected cone resistance (qt), sleeve friction ( fs), and obtained from cone data to estimate bearing ca-
shoulder pore water pressure (u2) and the pile capacity pacity. The indirect methods apply strip-footing
components of qb and qs. bearing capacity theories, and neglect soil com-
As commonly reported (e.g., Ardalan et al. [2]; pressibility and strain softening. These methods
Cai et al. [5], [6]), there are two main approaches to are rarely used in engineering practice.
accomplish axial pile capacity analysis from CPT
data: (a) rational (or indirect) methods and (b) direct
methods. 7.2. DIRECT CPT METHODS
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Unit skin resistance qs(z) and unit base resistance qb mon practice is by means of a static loading test. The
capacity is the total ultimate soil resistance of the
Based on the load test database up to 1000 load
pile determined from the measured load-settlement
tests on precast concrete, cast-in-place concrete, steel
behavior. It can be defined as the load for which
pipe, screw cast-in-place, and micro piles etc.,
rapid settlement occurs under sustained or slight
Kempfert and Becker [17] developed correlations for
increase of the applied load the pile plunges. This
pile qs(z) and qb from CPT qc and su. Their results,
definition is inadequate, however, because large set-
presented in the form of empirically derived charts
tlement is required for a pile to plunge and is not
with upper and lower bound estimates of qs(z) and qb
obtained in the test. Therefore, the pile capacity or
(Fig. 13), have been integrated into the national Ger-
ultimate load must be determined by some definition
man recommendations for piles.
based on the load-settlement data recorded in the
Partial embedment reduction factor test.
Load-displacement curves obtained from axial
White and Bolton [31] studied, the causes of low load tests on pile foundations exhibit differing shapes
values of qb/qc in sand in contrast with qb = qc for and resulting conclusions. There is only a single value
steady deep penetration (e.g., cavity expansion solu- of load termed capacity that is selected from the
tions and strain path method). They examined a data- entire curve for design purposes. Yet, there are at least
base of 29 load tests on a variety of CE piles (steel 45 different criteria available for defining the axial
pipe piles, Franki piles with enlarged base, and precast capacity (Hirany and Kulhawy [8]). An example of
square, cylindrical and octagonal concrete piles) and a load test conducted on a 0.76 m diameter, 16.9 m
CPT qc data. The low value of qb/qc, which forms long drilled shaft installed at Georgia Institute of
basis of the apparent scale effect on the diameter, can Technology is shown in Fig. 15.
be attributed topartial embedment in the underlying
hard layer (Fig. 14), whereas, partial mobilization was
explained by defining failure according to a plunging
criterion. They concluded that any reduction of qc
when estimating qb of CE piles in sand should be
linked to the above factors rather than pile diameter.
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Pile load capacity calculation methods 93
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